Just to be one of THOSE TYPES!! I thought I'd inform you ,youve actually got it all wrong about the fabulous PIAT anti tank launcher. Everyone thinks it's just a spring that fired the bomb but it is actually a kind of rocket just like other bazookers etc. It's just that the charge in the bomb that launches it or fires it is set off by the spigot which was like a huge firing pin. It took that much kinetic energy to set the thing off but Instead of firing in a tube making a huge cloud of smoke and blasting anyone behind this mechanism meant you could fire from inside a building for instance, something the bazooka and panzerfausts etc couldnt do! . It was terrible to load, you got that right but it was actually a really effective anti tank weapon. They kept using it right through the Korean war so you know it must have been half decent. Also when it fired there wasn't the tell tale back blast on the firer's position, so it was easier to stay hidden! 😁 Ahhhh that feels better. Just don't tell that Hans about it!! Ah but he's dead , so no worries there.
agreed. Its fun when someone has an advantage over the dice to make exciting things happen. I prefer balance as well though, which also helps because usually that means a larger defence which looks like a more overwhelming challenge. Also cool to see the baddies win once in a while
I’d be interested to see them use some of the other non-magic konflict 47 stuff (a pulpy magitech expansion to regular bolt action where the zombies from the indiana jones came from). Having a boss fight against one of the mechs or some guys with power armour.
"A guy came down a year ago and spent 1 day telling us how to do it, then left. None of us paid attention because we thought it would never happen. " Yup, it sounds like an army thing alright.
I love the magic nonsense in these bolt-action games. It honestly adds a perfect level of chaos to an otherwise normal game! I cant wait to run similar games for my friends!
Funnily enough, the real Battle for Pegasus Bridge had its own 'Piat Pete'. Sgt Thorton of the 6th Airborne fired a Piat round at a Panzer IV reinforcement. "Thornton’s remarkable shot with the Piat had blocked the road junction and bought precious time for the defenders of the canal bridge. German officers convinced that the British were in possession of anti-tank guns, pulled back to regroup." The time afforded by this action potentially saved D-Day, if the British paratroopers had lost the bridge and allowed German divisions to flank the beachhead from the east, they would have likely been successful at wiping the Allied forces out.
This might be the most enjoyable battle report I've ever watched. The scenarios are so unique, and I love that sometimes even the players don't know what will happen- Ben this is such a kudos to you. But it's also the players inhabiting the little worlds you set up so well, telling such fun stories with such enjoyment. I think, in my opinion, this is the PEAK of what tabletop wargaming can be. So glad we get to watch it.
Rest in Power Hans, the brightest stars burn out the fastest. Games night still out here making the best batreps out there. Fast, well edited and always with some fun twist, keep up the amazing work!
My grandad never talked about his time in the war, but this might explain his 1000 yard stare every time we visited a restaurant that had calamari on the menu.
I like how this normal WWII battle was interrupted by a 5 minutes Cthulhu fight, then immediately just went back to a WWII fight like it never happened.
My god the Battle for Pegasus Bridge! I learnt about that battle when I visited it and I found it so interesting! However, since then I have struggled to find references to it, so great to see it played out again like this!
I really like the idea of Tom and Ben being like sportscasters for tabletop miniature war games, but instead of commenting on the match being played they kind of just ramble about different ideas involving the match's cannon.
Love the humor in all your videos - great fun! One very tiny nit-pick here: the "Tetrarch" shown exiting the glider in the photo is actually an M22 Locust, another light tank (US made) but only used by the Brits in airborne scenarios.
I think my favourite thing is genuinely Tom's ability to inject goofy characters and background narratives in a way that is just the right side of quirky and endearing. You take an already enjoyable tabletop battle recap and suddenly you have the Tragedy of Diligent Hans, the inexperienced bomb experts, D-Day fake news Nazis and the dark wizard Von Drachen.
As an american who grew up watching monty python and fawlty towers, this show scratches that dry british humor itch just right. I also love whoever your graphics person is, that spring grenade plinking away was very funny.
I've worked as an actor on a number world war 2 documentaries, and although I obviously wasn't firing live rounds, I did have to use a Piat in a few shots, and I can confirm: they are a MASSIVE pain in the ass to load. If you ever used a spring-loaded Nerf gun its basically the same principle, only on steroids, turned up to 11, and you need to use your whole body to pull it into place. All while standing on the damn thing as it psychically calls you names, points out your flaws, weaknesses and all previous poor life decisions. Once again, thanks for making this guys! It was an absolute blast! This and the Indiana Jones bolt action have been my favourites so far! I absolutely love me some world war 2 with a touch of the supernatural!
This series is so utterly amazing. The attention to detail, the way that the game is carefully crafted to accurate recreate historical events while maintaining a level of randomness and intrigue is just the best. But for real, this is hilarious and awesome. Keep up the good work, guys!
Loved the game and the style of these videos! Not to drop a glider on the video, but the image for the Tetrarch at 7:00 is an M22 Locust loading/unloading into a Hamilcar Glider.
You actually do commonly have attached chaplains. Padres have always been found on the front lines, they'll go on patrol and everything. Royal Army Chaplain's Department. They're in uniform though. I agree the nun is definitely not SOP
These Battle Reports are amazing and I realized what makes me like these more than others on YT. It's the same reason I love D&D plays like Critical Role and Dimension20: The players and GM are clearly REALLY enjoying the game and having a blast and I dig it.
I love that the lads doesn’t know what’s gonna happen with their own summons! Makes it more authentic from a commanders POV. Would have liked to see what Pyrion could have gotten with more cubes! 😁
Must have been over a month ago but during a members video on the main channel Pyrion told Ben the games night style to show/present the game is a winner formula. I know nothing about bolt action or this style but its presented so well. Congrats to Ben and all who helped make this format.
Everyone always has an absolute blast in these games (and it's great to watch). One of the reasons I don't like Bolt Action is because it really happened. Having dark magic, or SPOILER in the 0200 hours makes it fun and way less of a 'WW2 was a tragic loss of life' that I can get behind
I'm quite new to the game and am currently watching through all of your guys' vids, and I must say - I've never seen Bolt Action presented in such an exciting and engaging way. I'm really enjoying trawling your back-catalog, and it's giving me lots of ideas for future games. Ta very much!
Little comment about 17:00 thats a myth about the piat, the piat most definitely did use a charge, it's just thst that spring smashes into it to ignite the charge and at thst point it's sort of like a hand fired mortar. But the velocity of the spring fired spike counters the kick from the charge (which then should re cock the spring if you held on firm enough) And a thing the game completely ignores: you could even fire the piat in indirect fire mode like a light mortar!
The best part of this battle was even though you had terrifying dark magic summoning terrifying monsters, the more mundane mission to control the bridge hadn't lost any of its tension or urgency. Normally the appearance of sanity-rending horrors makes anything other than sending it back to the hell it came from a much lower priority, overriding all other worldly concerns, but as it was mentioned in the video, it was just a distraction here, albeit a very lethal one. These narrative games with weird twists like this are a lot of fun. Looking forward to the next one!
these are always such a genuine delight to watch; I had a big dumb smile the whole video through watching Hans, and Piat Pete, and [REDACTED] You’re all fantastic
I am LOVING these videoes! My Brothers and I are watching these every time a new one comes out, thank you for bringing these back! And I love having Ben as the game master!
The piat or Projector, Infantry, Anti Tank had a huge main spring that rammed a solid pistol into the exhaust tubing of the bomb. This detonated the main charge of the bomb which then caused it to fire at the target but the reason the spring was so big was the recoil was absorbed back into the firing mechanism. This recocked the weapon (so it's like a crossbow that resets itself after each shot) and it also allowed the user to absorb the huge recoil. It meant that unlike the bazooka it had no dangerous back-blast meaning you could shoot it inside small rooms of urban combat. The bomb also had a bigger charge than the bazooka and it could be used as a mortar for indirect fire. It had a short range and it's accuracy was inferior to the rocket based bazooka.
Hate to be a history nerd, but at 7:00 the tank in the picture is not a Tetrarch, but an M22 Locust, same thing but American, I believe the glider, called a Hamilcar, was British
Thank you very guys, finally a YT channel which recreates real battles with exactly armies order. I never understood why History books never explain the important role of Giant Demon Squids in the Wehrmacht. Or for example is never told enough that Sea Lion operation failed due Winston Churchill ate all Giant Squids in huge fish 'n' chips bowl.
Ok, so, I paused the video, left to go eat, and when I came back, Pyrion was saying "we'll pee at them." Took me longer than I'd care to admit to realise he meant PIAT.
If you're into rules, rolls, and lots of guff chat, the TWO HOUR version is here: th-cam.com/video/iRINq4Vv1tE/w-d-xo.html
Love you guys..I need my Battlebois back...I didn't build and paint this necromunda gang for nothin❤
Should do a full length campagin. Bring back indiana jones XD
Just to be one of THOSE TYPES!! I thought I'd inform you ,youve actually got it all wrong about the fabulous PIAT anti tank launcher. Everyone thinks it's just a spring that fired the bomb but it is actually a kind of rocket just like other bazookers etc. It's just that the charge in the bomb that launches it or fires it is set off by the spigot which was like a huge firing pin. It took that much kinetic energy to set the thing off but Instead of firing in a tube making a huge cloud of smoke and blasting anyone behind this mechanism meant you could fire from inside a building for instance, something the bazooka and panzerfausts etc couldnt do! . It was terrible to load, you got that right but it was actually a really effective anti tank weapon. They kept using it right through the Korean war so you know it must have been half decent. Also when it fired there wasn't the tell tale back blast on the firer's position, so it was easier to stay hidden! 😁
Ahhhh that feels better. Just don't tell that Hans about it!! Ah but he's dead , so no worries there.
Crazy hans in german is "Verrückter Hans"
The 2 hours of goodness is genuinely worth it, so good!
"First, shoot the wizard. Then run in and melee-attack the bomb." is pure tactical genius.
Sounds like a round of SS13
He should have said "i try to cut the wire"
@@XMysticHerox No, in that case you melee attack the wizard _with_ the bomb.
should have gone for the melee the wire connecting it.
Well. If shadorun taught me anything it's geek the mage
I really love these bolt action videos with more supernatural or hero based extras, like this one and the Indiana Jones one
agreed. Its fun when someone has an advantage over the dice to make exciting things happen. I prefer balance as well though, which also helps because usually that means a larger defence which looks like a more overwhelming challenge. Also cool to see the baddies win once in a while
I’d be interested to see them use some of the other non-magic konflict 47 stuff (a pulpy magitech expansion to regular bolt action where the zombies from the indiana jones came from). Having a boss fight against one of the mechs or some guys with power armour.
When you have a shiny new fantasy boss monster, but Warhammer night isn't until next month:
What's nice about it is it adds an unknown element for both us and the players
Star wars was my favourite
I can't tell you how much I enjoy watching these
Come and play with us!
Ooh, now that sounds like quite a fun video!
@@dogechannel9933 Would be quite a lot of honking.
Why not?
Thatd be brilliant
"A guy came down a year ago and spent 1 day telling us how to do it, then left. None of us paid attention because we thought it would never happen. "
Yup, it sounds like an army thing alright.
Wait what scene did they say that in?
@@sadeqid5569 13:30 into the video.
That's actually pretty cool that the reinforcements Pyrion got was a pegasus knight, since that's the insignia of the 1st airborne division.
I love the magic nonsense in these bolt-action games. It honestly adds a perfect level of chaos to an otherwise normal game! I cant wait to run similar games for my friends!
Funnily enough, the real Battle for Pegasus Bridge had its own 'Piat Pete'. Sgt Thorton of the 6th Airborne fired a Piat round at a Panzer IV reinforcement.
"Thornton’s remarkable shot with the Piat had blocked the road junction and bought precious time for the defenders of the canal bridge. German officers convinced that the British were in possession of anti-tank guns, pulled back to regroup."
The time afforded by this action potentially saved D-Day, if the British paratroopers had lost the bridge and allowed German divisions to flank the beachhead from the east, they would have likely been successful at wiping the Allied forces out.
No fucking way
This might be the most enjoyable battle report I've ever watched. The scenarios are so unique, and I love that sometimes even the players don't know what will happen- Ben this is such a kudos to you. But it's also the players inhabiting the little worlds you set up so well, telling such fun stories with such enjoyment. I think, in my opinion, this is the PEAK of what tabletop wargaming can be. So glad we get to watch it.
Rest in Power Hans, the brightest stars burn out the fastest. Games night still out here making the best batreps out there. Fast, well edited and always with some fun twist, keep up the amazing work!
"issuing correction on a previous post, regarding the *silly nazi named Hans. you do not, under any circumstances, 'gotta hand it to them.'"
The tiny "Rip Hans" at 15:22 is the level of comical detail I've come to expect on this channel. Well done.
Haha well spotted!
My grandad never talked about his time in the war, but this might explain his 1000 yard stare every time we visited a restaurant that had calamari on the menu.
I like how this normal WWII battle was interrupted by a 5 minutes Cthulhu fight, then immediately just went back to a WWII fight like it never happened.
I absolutely love these Weird War 2 style scenario's Ben keeps throwing our way.
There’s definitely something fun about having Ben, P.Flax, and Tom together playing Bolt Action. Love it!
With how many limbs regular soldiers were able to remove from the squid, it seems the Great Old Ones were sealed before the invention of gunpowder.
This rejected episode of deadliest warrior is truly wild
David vs Goliath, amazing! This one was great! I love Tom role-playing the characters, so fun! XD
Love how at 6:59, when talking about the Tetrarch, they show a picture of a M22 Locust unloading from a glider. Classic Yogscast
The yogscast guarantee
Or how they said units didn't normally have chaplains. Yes they did
@@tallleprechaun1318 The guy in BoB walking around giving lasts rites as bullets whizz past comes to mind. "Crazy Irish!"
@@tallleprechaun1318 not on a covet mission
I love the pulp adventure feel of these supernatural-enhanced bolt action games
Ended with Triple Dave vs Goliath. Couldn't write it better. Amazing stuff.
I'm a simple man. I see Tom and Ben in a battle report with Pyrion and I click. Fast.
History is written by the victors. The Allies won WW2, that's why it's Pegasus Bridge, not Squidboy Bridge
My god the Battle for Pegasus Bridge! I learnt about that battle when I visited it and I found it so interesting! However, since then I have struggled to find references to it, so great to see it played out again like this!
did you learn about the squid and the pegasus?
I think COD 1 has a mission about the battle :P
That's one of the only references I've seen to it
I love that Von Drakken has told the same stories enough times that even he's sick of hearing them
I really like the idea of Tom and Ben being like sportscasters for tabletop miniature war games, but instead of commenting on the match being played they kind of just ramble about different ideas involving the match's cannon.
Absolutely incredible game ! My favorite bit was the historically acurate Lovecraftian summoning !
"The longer he spends the better it'll be."
"Okay. Edging."
good god lmfao
I cried for piat pete.
and fucking pegasus coming in like gandalf at helm's deep!
fantastic work guys, love these videos.
IT's always nice to see more educational content. I'm quite excited to learn about the battle of Rat Ogre Crossing.
Lol being a massive fan of Tom is taking me to some dark places; I'm actually finding myself rooting for the black magic wielding Nazis
My favourite Yogs content these days, I think i'm just old now but I hope you guys keep these going.
“The Tetrarch” m22 locust picture 😂 love it
Literally gasped when I saw tom was battling pyrion. I am eager
These videos are getting better and better! The added practical effects simulating smoke and fire are a really nice touch as well.
Love the humor in all your videos - great fun! One very tiny nit-pick here: the "Tetrarch" shown exiting the glider in the photo is actually an M22 Locust, another light tank (US made) but only used by the Brits in airborne scenarios.
I think my favourite thing is genuinely Tom's ability to inject goofy characters and background narratives in a way that is just the right side of quirky and endearing. You take an already enjoyable tabletop battle recap and suddenly you have the Tragedy of Diligent Hans, the inexperienced bomb experts, D-Day fake news Nazis and the dark wizard Von Drachen.
As an american who grew up watching monty python and fawlty towers, this show scratches that dry british humor itch just right. I also love whoever your graphics person is, that spring grenade plinking away was very funny.
I never play these type of games but always look forward to the next video, they are so enjoyable
'Light tank Mk VII Tetrarch'
Shows an M22 Locust
It doesn't matter. It hasn't mattered for 80 years. It will never matter again.
I love, LOVE the squid’s paint job!!
I've worked as an actor on a number world war 2 documentaries, and although I obviously wasn't firing live rounds, I did have to use a Piat in a few shots, and I can confirm: they are a MASSIVE pain in the ass to load.
If you ever used a spring-loaded Nerf gun its basically the same principle, only on steroids, turned up to 11, and you need to use your whole body to pull it into place. All while standing on the damn thing as it psychically calls you names, points out your flaws, weaknesses and all previous poor life decisions.
Once again, thanks for making this guys! It was an absolute blast! This and the Indiana Jones bolt action have been my favourites so far! I absolutely love me some world war 2 with a touch of the supernatural!
This series is so utterly amazing. The attention to detail, the way that the game is carefully crafted to accurate recreate historical events while maintaining a level of randomness and intrigue is just the best.
But for real, this is hilarious and awesome. Keep up the good work, guys!
Loved the game and the style of these videos!
Not to drop a glider on the video, but the image for the Tetrarch at 7:00 is an M22 Locust loading/unloading into a Hamilcar Glider.
You actually do commonly have attached chaplains. Padres have always been found on the front lines, they'll go on patrol and everything. Royal Army Chaplain's Department. They're in uniform though. I agree the nun is definitely not SOP
These Battle Reports are amazing and I realized what makes me like these more than others on YT. It's the same reason I love D&D plays like Critical Role and Dimension20: The players and GM are clearly REALLY enjoying the game and having a blast and I dig it.
I love that the lads doesn’t know what’s gonna happen with their own summons! Makes it more authentic from a commanders POV. Would have liked to see what Pyrion could have gotten with more cubes! 😁
Me too! Maybe a dragon?
Oi, thats an M22 Locust!
I feel sincerely robbed that I was never taught about this battle in history class.
Absolutely sensational lads, hope you manage to viably keep making these as the passion is plain to see.
These Games Night videos are so incredibly well made. Every one so far has been added into my best favorites playlist. You guys are awesome.
these always rule, but the supernatural twist cracked me up. Excellent work guys
I for one can't wait for the battle for Minotaur bridge, in this ongoing bridge series.
I love these videos! They're so hilarious and entertaining! Great job! 👍
Must have been over a month ago but during a members video on the main channel Pyrion told Ben the games night style to show/present the game is a winner formula. I know nothing about bolt action or this style but its presented so well. Congrats to Ben and all who helped make this format.
I've never played the game but love these condensed bolt action videos
15:17 - _"Not the machinegun gun!"_ 😯
Everyone always has an absolute blast in these games (and it's great to watch).
One of the reasons I don't like Bolt Action is because it really happened. Having dark magic, or SPOILER in the 0200 hours makes it fun and way less of a 'WW2 was a tragic loss of life' that I can get behind
15:50 What did you expect? The tetrarch is a reserve vehicle while the puma has a BR of 3.3!
I'm quite new to the game and am currently watching through all of your guys' vids, and I must say - I've never seen Bolt Action presented in such an exciting and engaging way. I'm really enjoying trawling your back-catalog, and it's giving me lots of ideas for future games. Ta very much!
There are always the best! Love these story driven stories with the game driving it!
I love the little practical effects for explosions itd only be better with a paper and magic marker sign that said "kaboom" or something 😂
The Tank in the picture @7:02 isn't a Tetrarch but in fact a M22 Locust!
The model is a Tetrarch tho
Little comment about 17:00 thats a myth about the piat, the piat most definitely did use a charge, it's just thst that spring smashes into it to ignite the charge and at thst point it's sort of like a hand fired mortar. But the velocity of the spring fired spike counters the kick from the charge (which then should re cock the spring if you held on firm enough)
And a thing the game completely ignores: you could even fire the piat in indirect fire mode like a light mortar!
Love the video! The little chapter titles are also hilarious and on point!
The best part of this battle was even though you had terrifying dark magic summoning terrifying monsters, the more mundane mission to control the bridge hadn't lost any of its tension or urgency. Normally the appearance of sanity-rending horrors makes anything other than sending it back to the hell it came from a much lower priority, overriding all other worldly concerns, but as it was mentioned in the video, it was just a distraction here, albeit a very lethal one.
These narrative games with weird twists like this are a lot of fun. Looking forward to the next one!
these are always such a genuine delight to watch; I had a big dumb smile the whole video through watching Hans, and Piat Pete, and [REDACTED]
You’re all fantastic
Thank you for running this ben.
I liked the grail knight and giant squid additions.
pegasus bridge, being attacked by troops with pegasus as their icon, supported by a pegasus knight
I am LOVING these videoes! My Brothers and I are watching these every time a new one comes out, thank you for bringing these back! And I love having Ben as the game master!
Love the editing with SFX and historical photos. 10/10 will be singing about Hans staring down a tank forever.
God yeah, feels so great that these are made possible by members. So worth it
The summoning was incredible. Ben's narration, the music, the camerawork, freaking amazing.
Just a quick thing - The image shown of the tank leaving the glider is not a Tetrearch but a M22 Locust made by the USA...loving these vids though!
These really are the beat kinds of videos on here xD
omg that fire at 22:17 is the cutest thing ever!
Best episode yet, absolutely hilarious well done chaps !!!! Godspeed
" David Dave Davidson " , " Piat Pete " and the ever so sharp " Hans "
this is better than most of the films I've watched this year.
Amazingly funny Battrep thanks a lot. 😁👍
These are so good. The format is perfect. Thanks
This is my favorite Bolt Action batrep ever. Amazing fun and creativity!
Great video. Loved the game. I could honestly watch you guys play a campaign of any wargame.
You guys do gaming the way it's meant to be. FUN...
It always makes me giddy to see the Pegasus Bridge in a Bolt Action video considering I've lived my entire childhood next to it
I love these battle reports!
nice video, only when you show the picture of the 'tetrarch' it's actually a picture of an american M22 locust
The piat or Projector, Infantry, Anti Tank had a huge main spring that rammed a solid pistol into the exhaust tubing of the bomb. This detonated the main charge of the bomb which then caused it to fire at the target but the reason the spring was so big was the recoil was absorbed back into the firing mechanism. This recocked the weapon (so it's like a crossbow that resets itself after each shot) and it also allowed the user to absorb the huge recoil. It meant that unlike the bazooka it had no dangerous back-blast meaning you could shoot it inside small rooms of urban combat. The bomb also had a bigger charge than the bazooka and it could be used as a mortar for indirect fire.
It had a short range and it's accuracy was inferior to the rocket based bazooka.
These Bolt Action videos have quickly become a favorite series of mine! Keep em coming!
Genuinely the best part of every month, thank you so much
I loved this. One of the best you've made. I genuinely think these are the best wargame vids on youtube
Absolutely loved this video! Great banter between the two guys, please make more videos with them!
I love the historical accuracy
Hate to be a history nerd, but at 7:00 the tank in the picture is not a Tetrarch, but an M22 Locust, same thing but American, I believe the glider, called a Hamilcar, was British
I LOVE these bolt action battle reports, I just got into it and this is the best, please keep making great bolt action content its so great!
Thank you very guys, finally a YT channel which recreates real battles with exactly armies order. I never understood why History books never explain the important role of Giant Demon Squids in the Wehrmacht. Or for example is never told enough that Sea Lion operation failed due Winston Churchill ate all Giant Squids in huge fish 'n' chips bowl.
Fantastic showing. Some of the best content on TH-cam.
Ok, so, I paused the video, left to go eat, and when I came back, Pyrion was saying "we'll pee at them." Took me longer than I'd care to admit to realise he meant PIAT.
Man I remember my grandpa telling me about this battle… apparently they took home tentacles as trophies
These just keep getting better and better! I really enjoy these battle reports 🙌
Brilliant video love pyrion and Tom combo too love this channel so much thank you Ben and everyone involved!