What I love about earthforce was, unlike most races, they made no concession to aesthetics. Their ships were built for war not impressing onlookers. It sends a message, we're not here to look pretty, were here to kick ass.
"If human military designers had their way every colour of the spectrum would be removed except for grey, green and black and we would all live in windowless boxes." (Ranger Dulann about the human design aesthetic)
I love the aesthetic too!! The gritty, military style realism of Earth ships really catches the eye. I saw the show before the In The Beginning movie so I saw the Omega class before the Novas. What love I had for the Omega class was stolen by those giant tank-like Nova dreadnoughts and they still retain my love to this day!!!!
The NARN ships were designed the opposite way, they used the colours and patterns to try and seem more advanced than they really were. Take a close look at any Narn ship and it is just as purpose built as any EA ship.
Enjoyed the Video! Babylon 5 is my favorite science fiction series, more realistic that most of them are in it's Ship's and science. I don't care if you use the robot voice or your real voice, do what you feel comfortable with, even in your Native Language with sub titles, all that matters is the videos and getting the information across clearly, that's what we're here for. You can't be everything to everyone, so just be yourself and keep the videos coming!
I honestly prefer the Nova to the Omega, the Omega just looks so wierd and unwieldy . Those huge gravity sections are just exposed, the Nova is still more practical at least when I see it.
I think I read somewhere that the Omega is an improvement - manoeuvring-wise despite the rotating section. The Novas were compared to steering a cast iron bathtub full of water. But I still love the Nova so much more. It looks like a ship you do NOT want to screw with. I'd take a Nova over an Omega any day!!!
@@deegee6863 One imagines that now that Earth Force has artificial gravity technology that they’ll probably retrofit older ships with it. One wonders how much more maneuverable the Nova might become with artificial gravity and gravimetric drives.
It's interesting. In modern naval terms, a destroyer is a small ship that plays a fleet support role. In the Babylon 5 universe, it is an extremely powerful capital ship. This always confused me, really until I saw this video.
They aren't small anymore and are the main large sized warship. What you're speaking up now are frigates. That's the thing, warships tend to grow in size and take over roles previous types took. A destroyer today is no different than a cruiser a century ago and the cruiser is a term on its way out now.
Still seems like the perfect ship for a planetary invasion or fire support for ground forces. The lack of artificial gravity for the crew is a setback for an extended siege but otherwise good.
@@corausr the Nova also carriers up to 8k Marines/ground forces. It's a brick meant to get in close, rip out your teeth, then cut your throat while shooting at your buddies
For those interested in reading about the Dilgar war, there is a pretty solid fanfic out there: www.fanfiction.net/s/2594689/1/The-Dilgar-War worth a read.
0:58 Seems like a good triad to me. Firepower to beat the hell out of the enemy. Armor to survive retaliation from said enemy. Starfuries to screen against enemy fighters.
I also think it would be very good. But what I really wanted to see is the war against the drakhs. See the Earth Alliance and ISA ships fight against the drakhs until they are unmasked and driven out of centauri prime. Would be awesome!!!
Isn't that what Crusade was meant to be about? I can't bring myself to like Crusade. All the episodes are so forgettable and the franchise went from having the best music in the business (Babylon 5) to the worst.
If you would like to, you can read about that war in the absolutely incredibly detailed fan fiction, The Dilgar War, by a guy who alternatively goes by "Lord of Misrule" or "Lightning Count." I can't do it justice here, but I'll simply say that it deserves to stand as canon, and in my mind it is.
I wished during the first year of the war, Earth managed to implement many of the techs they got from the Narn into a another variant of the Nova. I call this the Orion Class Destroyer, a predecessor for the Omegas. 1\3 of the Dreadnought were upgraded to this variant. I would have removed the side guns and replace them with the interceptors we see on the Omegas. I would keep the 4 cannons on the head, with two of the tubes will be able to shoot the red particle beams along with the 4 in the back. When the war were over, these ships would be the support ship for the Omegas instead of the Hyperion.
I think they kinda did that. In the movie In The Beginning, some ships with rotating sections were spotted in the Earth fleet. While I think it was more of an oversight of the special effects department, some people have explained it away as them being "nova-x" designs - the immediate precursor to the Omega class. Don't quote me though... it was a long time ago and I only *think* i read that somewhere
Pax Deorum maybe one day although I have to admit season 5 was kinda flat after the shadow war and earth civil war had been tied up.Would love to revisit the universe with modern special effects tho the space combat was head and shoulders above the other sci fi series of the time.
I would have loved a mini-series based around the time of the Dilgar war, and Earth Forces inclusion in it, Once again, Warner Brothers have missed the ball with their treatment of the Babylon 5 franchise! So many stories can be told, and they squander the licence.
Frankly, they didn't do a very good job with it. Every time they attempted to expand the universe without the direct input of Joe Straczynski , it bombed. Legend of the Rangers is infamous for just how much it sucked. It pretty much killed the franchise. Now, with a good portion of the original cast gone, no one sees much point in a revival - short of an HD remaster of the main series.
Thank you. I started making these videos precisely because there is not much content on B5 lore on youtube. I'm going to do the warlock, but I want to improve the quality of the videos first. My last video (on the OmegaX) was narrated, but the sound was kind of bad.
The Minbari have fought against the shadows a thousand years earlier. At this time, they still drove around on earth with sailing ships. Humans vs Minbari is about the same as a Modern Army of today versus one of Napoleon's time.
Yeah, well, if you get total access to your adversaries' entire data storage, including all of their technical data relating to their ships, weapons, tactical information and the entire damned history of the Earth-Mimbari War a full thousand years before it happened... you might be considered to have a slight advantage over them. Watch 'War Without End' - the two-parter where Babylon 4 was sent back to act as a forward base for the Army of Light during the First Shadow War, a thousand years ago (during the 13th Century on Earth). It explains it all.
There are a slew of great sf tv shows that netflix could put on such as B5, Farscape, Firefly but they dont. They have xfiles and all the trek series but thats it. Maddening!
its anoying that we vever ever see one of those fire in the show.. Also they made little sense.. as they were Omega class models with the rotating section removed and oversized guns and then we are told they transported 8000 troops without artificial gravity.. that would be a huge mess operation...and an Omega would had tons of more space (the rotation sections in Omegas are huge in volume.. a Nova would had all that less but seems to have similar weapon cache and reactors in the hull..leaving a tiny fraction of avalaible space compared to Omegas
In the movie (in the beginning) we can see NOVA dreadnoughts firing in battle with the Minbari fleet. About the size...You should consider that a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier with 300 meters in length has a crew of 5000 people. And it is capable of carrying up to 90 aircraft. A Nova with 1500 meters length with a crew of 250, capacity to carry 8000 troops and 36 spacecrafts. As for the gravity issue...all EA ships operate with crew shifts...to counter the effects of weightlessness.
i just checked and yes.. there appear to be plasma bolts firing from the Novas towards the Sharlins.. but we also see a Noba in the lower left fire particle beams (red) too from aparently the same canons in the front.. I renember that shot of the earth fleet being obliterated being infamous ..because the Hyperions fire gold bolts (like the ones fired by Omegas later) and there appears to be an Omega or two in the background. As for space.. Babylon 5 is a bit of mess there.. yes in terms of size and volume those ships are ginormous and should be more than enought for 8000 troops.. however in b5 ships for some reason tend to have quite low crew and space for their given sizes.. probably meant that most of internal volume is taken by machinery and stuff.. the Olympus is much bigger than aircraft carrier (arround 12 times the volume i estimate) , carries a crew of 87 and they are said to be cramped.. Omegas had huge rotating sections wich were entirelly dedicated to crew (as it was an add-on over the basic Nova hull) and still they only carried 350 to 1000 crew.. probably a much smaller rotating section (also diminishing mass and profile) would be enought (and better) for such crew complement. I still do wonder how they handled 8000 troops in zero-G..is true that space is maximized in zero G ..but under aceleration the rear bulkheads would became floors. Is a pity B5 didnt achieved the level of Expanse where ships use aceleration to get artificial gravity and are arranged as Vertical buildings.. an Hyperion, Nova or olympus could be thrusting at low G (0.15G for example) and would at least get moon level gravity without overcomplex rotating sections and would be less limited in maneovers. Still i love and will allows do B5 ship desisngs.. specially earths
Yes the Nova dreadnought has 6 particle beam, 2 in the bow and 4 in the stern, near the engines. About the Hyperions: There are many variations of these ships, with different armaments. this is something common in the real world. The US Navy has several examples of ships of the same class that are modified to perform different functions such as testing new weapons. About the Omegas: That was an editing error in the movie. The ships were added in battle and only realized when the movie was released. But they were able to fix the error. The ships are (according to the producers) prototypes (Nova X Battlecruisers) put into service shortly before the war began. About the carrying capacity: I believe that while these ships have the capacity to carry 8000 troops, they probably do so only when it is necessary. Most of the time the ships would be operating with the regular crew. I love the Expanse: is a good concept to simulate gravity through acceleration, although fuel consumption is a problem. It would be cool if more TV shows used real concepts to simulate gravity such as centrifugal force or constant acceleration.
Yes, i efni.org/ www.b5tech.org/ are my sources. These sites are very good. The authors put a lot of work into them. Too bad they were abandoned. The Babylon 5: The Earth Alliance Fact Book is also a source, although the books are not very reliable.
These were only an idea by the visual designer of the ship, to have the picture of an old sailing ship of the line opening up with a full broadside. They were never seen firing in the show, and never mentioned in any other material except for the quote of said visual designer, telling us what his intentions were for them. Officially, the Nova and Omega have 2 large missile launchers, the 2 round tubes below the front fighter hangar. The Heavy Plasma Mortars are the 2 large, vertically wide barrels below the missile launchers, and these *were* seen firing in "In the Beginning", producing a wide, greenish bolt . We also have visual evidence for this weapon from the station Babylon 5 itself, which was the only ship or installation to ever have this weapon installed in a non-fixed mount. Here is a picture of the Babylon 5 mount: images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090704013445/babylon5/images/d/dd/DefenseGrid2.png And here's a render of an Omega firing the same weapon from its fixed mount: pre00.deviantart.net/9b3b/th/pre/i/2013/063/9/4/babylon_5_omega_redesign_commission_by_adamkop-d5wz4vm.jpg
Nope. This was a war of attrition. The first tactical victory was againts the minbari flag ship, the Black Star (Drala Fi). but that does not mean that the minbari did not suffer casualties in battle. Though the minbari ships were far superior, minbari cruisers were destroyed too, usually at an insanelly high cost in ships for the earth alliance. As the war progressed and the alliance became more despered, kamikase attacks destroyed many minbari ships. In the beggining (movie) we see a nova dreadnought colliding with sharlin war cruiser destroying both ships. And before the collision, we can see that the minbari cruiser was already heavily damage. In the battle of the line we can see many minbari cruisers with damaged sections. "They made the Minbari fight for every inch of space"
There were kamikaze attacks and also "suicide bombings" aka. "Bonehead maneuver": Earth ship would first activate jumpgate sequence and while the ship is inside vortex..it would then engage it's own jump engines. This would create explosion that would destroy everything near by.
I know, I'm using free youtube audio, there are not many options there. Plus, I do not have much experience in editing videos, but I will try to improve. :)
Absolutely precise would be "36 cannons in 18 twin turrets", although it's arguably unnecessary to specify both the number of cannons *and* the number of turrets if it's already established that all of them are twin turrets... "18 twin mount plasma cannon turrets" is another option. One or the other is sufficient most of the time, unless of course a ship has both single and twin mounts, or even quad mounts, like the Babylon 5 interceptor array guns... which have doubles and quads. Sorry, my inner german is acting up. ^^
No problem - I feel the same sometimes with the grammar some people use on here, only to be told "but it's only TH-cam". I assume the plasma mortars are the chin mounted items - whereabouts are the particle beams?
Yes, the Plasma Mortars are the lowest chin mounted twin barrels... short range, high firepower weapons. They were also fitted on the Babylon 5 station, in the only example of a moveable mount of these weapons we ever saw on screen: homepages.ihug.co.nz/~ssingh/B5-stuff/guns2.jpg And here's a good shot of an Omega firing them: pre00.deviantart.net/9b3b/th/pre/i/2013/063/9/4/babylon_5_omega_redesign_commission_by_adamkop-d5wz4vm.jpg As to the Particle Beams which by the way are actually Particle Lasers derived from Narn designs who in turn retro-engineered them from Centauri Battle Lasers(actual pure Particle Beams were first used on the Warlock, in fixed forward mounts)... to my knowledge the Nova doesn't have any Beam armament at all... that was something first introduced on the Omega and later retrofited to the Hyperion's Midwinter subclass(2 of them replacing the 2 single plasma pulse cannon turrets on the sides of the bow). Here's a shot of a Midwinter firing one of them, with some incoming Centauri Ion Bolts: 3.bp.blogspot.com/-caJtaXKYNpE/WhBuviBOAzI/AAAAAAAAQ_g/4ZfU1SAcQS4l-YyeJ8UlaezZddJCu3bBQCLcBGAs/s1600/Hyperion%2BHeavy%2BCruiser.jpg I have no idea where these weapons would even be on the Nova... okay, 4 of them could be the fixed barrels on the engine section. The Omega has these as well, and just as all large and medium mounts on the Omega they are capable of firing both plasma pulses and particle laser beams. The fixed rear facing ones have a mechanism allowing for a 45 degree cone of fire and are quite accurate when their targeting is not being "jammed"... in one of the last Season 4 episodes we see them swat down Aurora Starfury fighters like nothing, but mostly missing the much larger Minbari/Vorlon based Whitestars. Anyway, back to the point... I have no idea where the missing 2 would be located, there are no barrels on the front of the ship or anywhere else. The B5 Tech Manual lists them however, and it's the most reliable source... www.b5tech.org/default.htm So, basically... I have no idea where 2 of them could be, and because of that I think that this info is incorrect. It would make more sense to have the 4 rear mounts also be Plasma Cannons, and the Nova not having any Particle Lasers.
I use the books for consultation only but they are not a good source. They were written for an RPG game and have information that conflicts too much with what was presented in the series and movies.
I never liked the Nova. To me, it seems like a useless hybrid between faults; the weightlessness of the Hyperion and less power than the Omega. I find it redundant and pointless.
They were made redundant by the advent of the new Omega class Destroyers, but these weren't around when the Nova was designed. Before the Omega class was in service, the Nova was "The Big Gun"... a real dreadnaught, complemented by the more versatile Hyperion class Cruisers and by the Olympus class Frigates in a pure escort/anti-fighter/anti-strikecraft role. The Omega class was a versatile battlegroup all on its own, and they were built in absolutely *huge* numbers, which is why there were no new Novas or Hyperions built anymore. And the Novas didn't even get a refit to more modern standards like the Hyperion and Olympus did. No, the surviving Novas were made obsolete and instead used in a specialized role for which they were still suited... supporting ground invasions with their firepower and large complement of strikecraft. You don't throw away perfectly fine spaceframes if there is still a use for them. The brand new Warlock class Destroyer was the true successor, designed to take over the dedicated "Dreadnought" or "Big Gun" role, and also have the capability to overwhelm fixed installations and support ground invasions... a role which the other classes, including the Omega, proved unsuitable for. It's ironic that the oldest class of warships in the EA that we know of, the Olympus, was not only modernized and still in service but actually continued to be built, to serve in a patrol/escort/anti-piracy role.
If that ship would have highly accurate jump capabilities like the Minbari as seen with the Blackstar, the Nova could jump to the side of ships and tear them appart. Would also be the perfect ship for a first wave, to make space and secure a spot for the others to come in.
It got covertly upgraded with the remains of Kosh II's ship which acted as a shield for the limited Shadow Tech when the Psi Corp began their rebellion. A Psi Corp squadron of cruisers got close thinking Ivanova was helpless and vulnerable. They died with minimal damage to her Warlock.
can i ask what bit of fiction that's from? susan was one of my favorite characters. she was so outwardly strong, but inwardly damaged. you had to respect her determination to not let her pain destroy her, but still feel for her at the same time.
Came from a combination of a short story written by JMS himself as well as side stories written in conjunction with the Psi Corps Trilogy. If you've never read the books, you should, they answer some of the questions in the series and wrap up story lines nicely. Even though it doesn't feature Ivanova, the best one to start with is "To Dream in the City of Sorrows" which covers both Sinclair's and Marcus's joining the Anla'Shok.
The numbers on babylon 5 make no sense 35 Million metric tons... that is absurd.. that is 500 times a 552 battleship while being only 5 times larger (that shoudl result in at most 125 times heavier)
It makes sense if you consider the thickness of the armor. 8-10 meters armored hull. That would be 314 - 393 inches thick. A US Iowa class battleship had "only" 17 inches (43cm) of armor.
As mentioned, there is the very thick armored hull, not to mention everything inside the ship - fuel storage for the engines, heavy power plants to run both the ship and its weapons, fuel containers and hanger bay equipment for starfuries, large enough life support equipment for the crew. It all adds up
@@Lightsoul1987 100% this, Armour that thick is just massively heavy. Thankfully in space weight and mass does not have the same limitations it does on earth.
Its the babylon project game... I tried to do the narration, but it's hard to understand. I will go back to "text to speech" videos which are far better in audio quality.
I tried to do the narration, but it's hard to understand. I will go back to "text to speech" videos which are far better in audio quality...plus...most people actually like the robot voice...sound like the babylon 5 game computer.
I tried to do the narration, but it's hard to understand. I will go back to "text to speech" videos which are far better in audio quality...plus...most people actually like the robot voice...sound like the babylon 5 game computer.
I tried to do the narration, but it's hard to understand. I will go back to "text to speech" videos which are far better in audio quality...plus...most people actually like the robot voice...sound like the babylon 5 game computer.
The Initial Engagement between Earth Alliance and Minbari wasn't a base. It was a Convoy. On its way to the Shadow Home world. EA ships fired the first shot. Taking the Minbari by surprise. Then they jumped out of there. Before the Minbari got a chance to counter attack. Get your facts right.
Bullshit! No Earth Alliance ship placed any opposition in the the path of the Minbari. The Minbari went thru all Earth ships like a hot knife thru warm butter.
No, they went through Earth’s Defenses like a hot knife through butter. HOWEVER, this does not mean Earth did not try to, and they did, inflict damage on the Minbari. In fact, there was one incident where an Earthforce Captain successfully destroyed a Minbari Warcruiser. The name of the Cruiser? The Blackstar. The Captain? John Sheridan.
@@xavi-kun The Minbari cruiser was not destroyed in a head to head battle. It was destroyed In a most cowardly act. And yes, it was like a hot knife through warm butter. Earth put up no resistance.
@@xavi-kun The Minbari took a year to grieve Ducat's murder while preparing their forces. Then a systematic destruction of all earth establishments spread throughout the galaxy on their way to the big shootout at home base 1 i.e. earth. The Minbari were also travelling from another galaxy
I don't know why EA didn't get their hands on a ship with gravity generators and backward engineer the tech so they could do away with the spinning midsection..so primitive
Technology related to artificial gravity was initially studied during the war against the Dilgar. Then acquired during the Earth / Minbari war, analyzing wreckage of ships. But as you can imagine, technological breakthrough does not happen overnight. The alliance has spent years developing this. But the great breakthroughs occurred during the civil war, thanks to: espionage of technology of the centauri and the analysis of technology of the shadows. After the war, with the help of Interstellar Alliance, the technology was completely adapted.
The only races that have artificial gravity technology are the Minbari and the Centauri. Also, neither of this races appear to have installed this technology in small ships.
every race that was on B5 series had artificial gravity ....only earth ships had the rotating section ...the Narn ships had AG as did the Drakh ...you better rewatch all the episodes
No, the only races showed in the series capable of generate artificial gravity were the Minbari and the Centauri. The Narn ships dont have this tech. In all scenes that feature there ships the crew is always show tieded on there seats. Also, both Tim Earls and J. Michael Straczynski stated that the only races capable to produce gravity by using energy fields in the tv show were: The first ones, the Thirdspace aliens, Minbari, Centauri, Drahk and the Dilgar.
What I love about earthforce was, unlike most races, they made no concession to aesthetics. Their ships were built for war not impressing onlookers. It sends a message, we're not here to look pretty, were here to kick ass.
"If human military designers had their way every colour of the spectrum would be removed except for grey, green and black and we would all live in windowless boxes." (Ranger Dulann about the human design aesthetic)
Which in it's way was a concessions to aesthetics. They were built to inspire fear.
after watching the Expanse I think Babylon EA ships have lots of aesthetics 🙂
I love the aesthetic too!! The gritty, military style realism of Earth ships really catches the eye. I saw the show before the In The Beginning movie so I saw the Omega class before the Novas. What love I had for the Omega class was stolen by those giant tank-like Nova dreadnoughts and they still retain my love to this day!!!!
The NARN ships were designed the opposite way, they used the colours and patterns to try and seem more advanced than they really were. Take a close look at any Narn ship and it is just as purpose built as any EA ship.
B5, gone but not forgotten. Best show on TV....EVER !! Best episode...SHATTERED DREAMS
B5 need some love...thats the reason why i create this channel...give a look on the new videos...the warlock is my favorite
Severed Dreams....?
Great Video. It’s great to see videos focusing on the Babylon 5 series. I’ll definitely will recommend this channel to friends.
Thanks...give a look on the new videos...the warlock is my favorite.
Enjoyed the Video! Babylon 5 is my favorite science fiction series, more realistic that most of them are in it's Ship's and science. I don't care if you use the robot voice or your real voice, do what you feel comfortable with, even in your Native Language with sub titles, all that matters is the videos and getting the information across clearly, that's what we're here for. You can't be everything to everyone, so just be yourself and keep the videos coming!
I honestly prefer the Nova to the Omega, the Omega just looks so wierd and unwieldy . Those huge gravity sections are just exposed, the Nova is still more practical at least when I see it.
I think I read somewhere that the Omega is an improvement - manoeuvring-wise despite the rotating section. The Novas were compared to steering a cast iron bathtub full of water. But I still love the Nova so much more. It looks like a ship you do NOT want to screw with. I'd take a Nova over an Omega any day!!!
@@deegee6863 One imagines that now that Earth Force has artificial gravity technology that they’ll probably retrofit older ships with it. One wonders how much more maneuverable the Nova might become with artificial gravity and gravimetric drives.
It's interesting. In modern naval terms, a destroyer is a small ship that plays a fleet support role. In the Babylon 5 universe, it is an extremely powerful capital ship. This always confused me, really until I saw this video.
They aren't small anymore and are the main large sized warship. What you're speaking up now are frigates.
That's the thing, warships tend to grow in size and take over roles previous types took. A destroyer today is no different than a cruiser a century ago and the cruiser is a term on its way out now.
@nektulosnewbie I see this happen with ships in star trek all the time.
Excellent video, thanks for making it.
Thanks...give a look on the new videos...
Love this series. They started with an ending in mind, and made it come about to its conclusion.
Still seems like the perfect ship for a planetary invasion or fire support for ground forces. The lack of artificial gravity for the crew is a setback for an extended siege but otherwise good.
Exactly what i thought while watching the episode Gropos. 5 troopcarriers and one nova for artillery purposes i assume.
@@corausr the Nova also carriers up to 8k Marines/ground forces. It's a brick meant to get in close, rip out your teeth, then cut your throat while shooting at your buddies
For those interested in reading about the Dilgar war, there is a pretty solid fanfic out there: www.fanfiction.net/s/2594689/1/The-Dilgar-War worth a read.
Thanks 👋
I so love the Earth Alliance's ships. They look so realistic and you see how they change in time.
Give a look on the new videos...the warlock is my favorite ship
Please do a video on the Invictus class super dreadnought of the Royal Manticoran Navy, from the Honor Harrington book series by David Weber.
I didn't know about before you mention it...i need read about this sci fi universe first...looks pretty cool from what i search it
Pax Deorum it is.
0:58 Seems like a good triad to me. Firepower to beat the hell out of the enemy. Armor to survive retaliation from said enemy. Starfuries to screen against enemy fighters.
They should make a series or at least a film about the Dilgar war and about the arrogant and ambitious Earth Alliance expanding.
I also think it would be very good. But what I really wanted to see is the war against the drakhs. See the Earth Alliance and ISA ships fight against the drakhs until they are unmasked and driven out of centauri prime. Would be awesome!!!
Isn't that what Crusade was meant to be about? I can't bring myself to like Crusade. All the episodes are so forgettable and the franchise went from having the best music in the business (Babylon 5) to the worst.
Crusade was a flop. They should do a web series about the drakh war.
If you would like to, you can read about that war in the absolutely incredibly detailed fan fiction, The Dilgar War, by a guy who alternatively goes by "Lord of Misrule" or "Lightning Count." I can't do it justice here, but I'll simply say that it deserves to stand as canon, and in my mind it is.
I wished during the first year of the war, Earth managed to implement many of the techs they got from the Narn into a another variant of the Nova. I call this the Orion Class Destroyer, a predecessor for the Omegas. 1\3 of the Dreadnought were upgraded to this variant. I would have removed the side guns and replace them with the interceptors we see on the Omegas. I would keep the 4 cannons on the head, with two of the tubes will be able to shoot the red particle beams along with the 4 in the back. When the war were over, these ships would be the support ship for the Omegas instead of the Hyperion.
Are you a Female?
@@Sidewinder528 why u ask?
I think they kinda did that. In the movie In The Beginning, some ships with rotating sections were spotted in the Earth fleet. While I think it was more of an oversight of the special effects department, some people have explained it away as them being "nova-x" designs - the immediate precursor to the Omega class. Don't quote me though... it was a long time ago and I only *think* i read that somewhere
Just been rewatching B5 for the 1st time since it came out.Had forgotten how good it was.
b5 need some love...where is netflix?
Pax Deorum maybe one day although I have to admit season 5 was kinda flat after the shadow war and earth civil war had been tied up.Would love to revisit the universe with modern special effects tho the space combat was head and shoulders above the other sci fi series of the time.
where can i find the backround music? so soothing
I would have loved a mini-series based around the time of the Dilgar war, and Earth Forces inclusion in it, Once again, Warner Brothers have missed the ball with their treatment of the Babylon 5 franchise! So many stories can be told, and they squander the licence.
I would love to see more of b5 out there...
Frankly, they didn't do a very good job with it. Every time they attempted to expand the universe without the direct input of Joe Straczynski , it bombed. Legend of the Rangers is infamous for just how much it sucked. It pretty much killed the franchise. Now, with a good portion of the original cast gone, no one sees much point in a revival - short of an HD remaster of the main series.
Finally a B5 lore channel.
Do the Warlock Destroyer next.
Thank you. I started making these videos precisely because there is not much content on B5 lore on youtube.
I'm going to do the warlock, but I want to improve the quality of the videos first.
My last video (on the OmegaX) was narrated, but the sound was kind of bad.
Pax Deorum And the Fury Aurora too please. Its my favorite Star fighter ever.
The warlock video is up...give a look
The humans were no match for the Mimbari. 20,000 humans enter a battle with only 200 survived.
The Minbari have fought against the shadows a thousand years earlier. At this time, they still drove around on earth with sailing ships. Humans vs Minbari is about the same as a Modern Army of today versus one of Napoleon's time.
Yeah, well, if you get total access to your adversaries' entire data storage, including all of their technical data relating to their ships, weapons, tactical information and the entire damned history of the Earth-Mimbari War a full thousand years before it happened... you might be considered to have a slight advantage over them.
Watch 'War Without End' - the two-parter where Babylon 4 was sent back to act as a forward base for the Army of Light during the First Shadow War, a thousand years ago (during the 13th Century on Earth). It explains it all.
It was supposed to be 20,000 ships, not people.
Okay, you got me. I'm subscribing.
Thank you
Where did the Nova fire those 6 particle beams from?
In the movie "In the Beginning" the Nova is seen firing particle beams from the ship's bow.
There are a slew of great sf tv shows that netflix could put on such as B5, Farscape, Firefly but they dont. They have xfiles and all the trek series but thats it. Maddening!
B5 need some love
Amazon and youtube have it
Nice I subscribed
its anoying that we vever ever see one of those fire in the show..
Also they made little sense.. as they were Omega class models with the rotating section removed and oversized guns and then we are told they transported 8000 troops without artificial gravity.. that would be a huge mess operation...and an Omega would had tons of more space (the rotation sections in Omegas are huge in volume.. a Nova would had all that less but seems to have similar weapon cache and reactors in the hull..leaving a tiny fraction of avalaible space compared to Omegas
In the movie (in the beginning) we can see NOVA dreadnoughts firing in battle with the Minbari fleet.
About the size...You should consider that a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier with 300 meters in length has a crew of 5000 people. And it is capable of carrying up to 90 aircraft.
A Nova with 1500 meters length with a crew of 250, capacity to carry 8000 troops and 36 spacecrafts.
As for the gravity issue...all EA ships operate with crew shifts...to counter the effects of weightlessness.
i just checked and yes.. there appear to be plasma bolts firing from the Novas towards the Sharlins..
but we also see a Noba in the lower left fire particle beams (red) too from aparently the same canons in the front..
I renember that shot of the earth fleet being obliterated being infamous ..because the Hyperions fire gold bolts (like the ones fired by Omegas later) and there appears to be an Omega or two in the background.
As for space.. Babylon 5 is a bit of mess there.. yes in terms of size and volume those ships are ginormous and should be more than enought for 8000 troops.. however in b5 ships for some reason tend to have quite low crew and space for their given sizes.. probably meant that most of internal volume is taken by machinery and stuff.. the Olympus is much bigger than aircraft carrier (arround 12 times the volume i estimate) , carries a crew of 87 and they are said to be cramped.. Omegas had huge rotating sections wich were entirelly dedicated to crew (as it was an add-on over the basic Nova hull) and still they only carried 350 to 1000 crew.. probably a much smaller rotating section (also diminishing mass and profile) would be enought (and better) for such crew complement.
I still do wonder how they handled 8000 troops in zero-G..is true that space is maximized in zero G ..but under aceleration the rear bulkheads would became floors.
Is a pity B5 didnt achieved the level of Expanse where ships use aceleration to get artificial gravity and are arranged as Vertical buildings.. an Hyperion, Nova or olympus could be thrusting at low G (0.15G for example) and would at least get moon level gravity without overcomplex rotating sections and would be less limited in maneovers.
Still i love and will allows do B5 ship desisngs.. specially earths
Yes the Nova dreadnought has 6 particle beam, 2 in the bow and 4 in the stern, near the engines.
About the Hyperions: There are many variations of these ships, with different armaments. this is something common in the real world. The US Navy has several examples of ships of the same class that are modified to perform different functions such as testing new weapons.
About the Omegas: That was an editing error in the movie. The ships were added in battle and only realized when the movie was released. But they were able to fix the error. The ships are (according to the producers) prototypes (Nova X Battlecruisers) put into service shortly before the war began.
About the carrying capacity: I believe that while these ships have the capacity to carry 8000 troops, they probably do so only when it is necessary. Most of the time the ships would be operating with the regular crew.
I love the Expanse: is a good concept to simulate gravity through acceleration, although fuel consumption is a problem. It would be cool if more TV shows used real concepts to simulate gravity such as centrifugal force or constant acceleration.
As I listen it seems as if the voice reads off what can be found over at EFNI.org
Yes, i efni.org/ www.b5tech.org/ are my sources. These sites are very good. The authors put a lot of work into them. Too bad they were abandoned. The Babylon 5: The Earth Alliance Fact Book is also a source, although the books are not very reliable.
left out the missile pods on the sides.
These were only an idea by the visual designer of the ship, to have the picture of an old sailing ship of the line opening up with a full broadside. They were never seen firing in the show, and never mentioned in any other material except for the quote of said visual designer, telling us what his intentions were for them.
Officially, the Nova and Omega have 2 large missile launchers, the 2 round tubes below the front fighter hangar. The Heavy Plasma Mortars are the 2 large, vertically wide barrels below the missile launchers, and these *were* seen firing in "In the Beginning", producing a wide, greenish bolt . We also have visual evidence for this weapon from the station Babylon 5 itself, which was the only ship or installation to ever have this weapon installed in a non-fixed mount.
Here is a picture of the Babylon 5 mount:
And here's a render of an Omega firing the same weapon from its fixed mount:
they didn't get use in the show because budget problems.
I would loved to watch that...
I am still waiting for the warlock class destroyer video :P
the video is up...give a look
? The only Minbari cruiser destroyed was the Black Star that Sheridan nuked
Nope. This was a war of attrition. The first tactical victory was againts the minbari flag ship, the Black Star (Drala Fi). but that does not mean that the minbari did not suffer casualties in battle. Though the minbari ships were far superior, minbari cruisers were destroyed too, usually at an insanelly high cost in ships for the earth alliance. As the war progressed and the alliance became more despered, kamikase attacks destroyed many minbari ships. In the beggining (movie) we see a nova dreadnought colliding with sharlin war cruiser destroying both ships. And before the collision, we can see that the minbari cruiser was already heavily damage. In the battle of the line we can see many minbari cruisers with damaged sections.
"They made the Minbari fight for every inch of space"
There were kamikaze attacks and also "suicide bombings" aka. "Bonehead maneuver": Earth ship would first activate jumpgate sequence and while the ship is inside vortex..it would then engage it's own jump engines. This would create explosion that would destroy everything near by.
Sheridan was the only earth captain to destroy a mimbari warship and survive.
This is why they call him 'Starkiller'
@@tarn1135 the important part is 'survived ' . Most others died while kicking the bone heads to Valhalla.
And shuttles or troop carriers?
According to sources since the show aired, the Nova could house 8,000 troops easy and up to 18,000 over short duration when crammed in.
argh robot voice
I know...I intend to start narrating the videos...i hope people will be able to understand me...even with my accent and my crappy microphone...lol
No probs. I prefer an accent to robotvoice! Just get a good mic and watch some vids on good radio-voice if your not comfortable to start with
well start quickly cause this sounds like crap
New video...without the robot voice...
Как дети были с таким вооружением.
Brilliant! however the music get rather annoying and of putting after a minute.
I know, I'm using free youtube audio, there are not many options there. Plus, I do not have much experience in editing videos, but I will try to improve. :)
Nice video
I miss b5.......
Thats the reason why i create this channel...b5 need some love...
nice nova ship ,i want to build one out of lego bricks oneday 😊😊
I wanted to build a warlock out of lego...
Was she a predesesor to the Warlock?
No... to the Omega
Erm, I count 36 twin cannons?
18 twin cannon turrets = 36 cannons
36 *twin* cannons would be 72 barrels...
Ah, I was counting cannons as opposed to mounts - thanks.
Absolutely precise would be "36 cannons in 18 twin turrets", although it's arguably unnecessary to specify both the number of cannons *and* the number of turrets if it's already established that all of them are twin turrets... "18 twin mount plasma cannon turrets" is another option. One or the other is sufficient most of the time, unless of course a ship has both single and twin mounts, or even quad mounts, like the Babylon 5 interceptor array guns... which have doubles and quads.
Sorry, my inner german is acting up. ^^
No problem - I feel the same sometimes with the grammar some people use on here, only to be told "but it's only TH-cam".
I assume the plasma mortars are the chin mounted items - whereabouts are the particle beams?
Yes, the Plasma Mortars are the lowest chin mounted twin barrels... short range, high firepower weapons. They were also fitted on the Babylon 5 station, in the only example of a moveable mount of these weapons we ever saw on screen:
And here's a good shot of an Omega firing them:
As to the Particle Beams which by the way are actually Particle Lasers derived from Narn designs who in turn retro-engineered them from Centauri Battle Lasers(actual pure Particle Beams were first used on the Warlock, in fixed forward mounts)... to my knowledge the Nova doesn't have any Beam armament at all... that was something first introduced on the Omega and later retrofited to the Hyperion's Midwinter subclass(2 of them replacing the 2 single plasma pulse cannon turrets on the sides of the bow). Here's a shot of a Midwinter firing one of them, with some incoming Centauri Ion Bolts:
I have no idea where these weapons would even be on the Nova... okay, 4 of them could be the fixed barrels on the engine section. The Omega has these as well, and just as all large and medium mounts on the Omega they are capable of firing both plasma pulses and particle laser beams. The fixed rear facing ones have a mechanism allowing for a 45 degree cone of fire and are quite accurate when their targeting is not being "jammed"... in one of the last Season 4 episodes we see them swat down Aurora Starfury fighters like nothing, but mostly missing the much larger Minbari/Vorlon based Whitestars. Anyway, back to the point... I have no idea where the missing 2 would be located, there are no barrels on the front of the ship or anywhere else. The B5 Tech Manual lists them however, and it's the most reliable source... www.b5tech.org/default.htm
So, basically... I have no idea where 2 of them could be, and because of that I think that this info is incorrect. It would make more sense to have the 4 rear mounts also be Plasma Cannons, and the Nova not having any Particle Lasers.
Dump the faux-robotic voice.
VERY KOOL. Love it! -Except for the synthetic/robot voice! Hate that shit.
I tried to do the narration, but it's hard to understand. I will go back to "text to speech" videos which are far better in audio quality.
The Minbari were not impressed... :)
well...at least they last time enough to rammed some ships...lol
I love sci fi.
Give a look on the new videos i've posted...the warlock its my favorite
nice video, but about 85% of your info is wrong. may want to read B5 wars source books. most of them say the same thing
I use the books for consultation only but they are not a good source. They were written for an RPG game and have information that conflicts too much with what was presented in the series and movies.
I never liked the Nova. To me, it seems like a useless hybrid between faults; the weightlessness of the Hyperion and less power than the Omega. I find it redundant and pointless.
They were made redundant by the advent of the new Omega class Destroyers, but these weren't around when the Nova was designed. Before the Omega class was in service, the Nova was "The Big Gun"... a real dreadnaught, complemented by the more versatile Hyperion class Cruisers and by the Olympus class Frigates in a pure escort/anti-fighter/anti-strikecraft role.
The Omega class was a versatile battlegroup all on its own, and they were built in absolutely *huge* numbers, which is why there were no new Novas or Hyperions built anymore. And the Novas didn't even get a refit to more modern standards like the Hyperion and Olympus did. No, the surviving Novas were made obsolete and instead used in a specialized role for which they were still suited... supporting ground invasions with their firepower and large complement of strikecraft. You don't throw away perfectly fine spaceframes if there is still a use for them.
The brand new Warlock class Destroyer was the true successor, designed to take over the dedicated "Dreadnought" or "Big Gun" role, and also have the capability to overwhelm fixed installations and support ground invasions... a role which the other classes, including the Omega, proved unsuitable for.
It's ironic that the oldest class of warships in the EA that we know of, the Olympus, was not only modernized and still in service but actually continued to be built, to serve in a patrol/escort/anti-piracy role.
The Omega was a upgrade built on the hull of the Nova. So your argument is illogical.
The Warlock video is up...give a look
Nova predates Omega. Nova still had more cqc firepower then Omega. Hyperion cruisers are no pushovers.
If that ship would have highly accurate jump capabilities like the Minbari as seen with the Blackstar, the Nova could jump to the side of ships and tear them appart. Would also be the perfect ship for a first wave, to make space and secure a spot for the others to come in.
Whatever happened with the Warlock class Susan of Annabelle was given command of cuz I had lambari in the white Starfleet technology
It got covertly upgraded with the remains of Kosh II's ship which acted as a shield for the limited Shadow Tech when the Psi Corp began their rebellion. A Psi Corp squadron of cruisers got close thinking Ivanova was helpless and vulnerable. They died with minimal damage to her Warlock.
can i ask what bit of fiction that's from? susan was one of my favorite characters. she was so outwardly strong, but inwardly damaged. you had to respect her determination to not let her pain destroy her, but still feel for her at the same time.
Came from a combination of a short story written by JMS himself as well as side stories written in conjunction with the Psi Corps Trilogy. If you've never read the books, you should, they answer some of the questions in the series and wrap up story lines nicely. Even though it doesn't feature Ivanova, the best one to start with is "To Dream in the City of Sorrows" which covers both Sinclair's and Marcus's joining the Anla'Shok.
the warlock video is up...give a look guys...
The numbers on babylon 5 make no sense 35 Million metric tons... that is absurd.. that is 500 times a 552 battleship while being only 5 times larger (that shoudl result in at most 125 times heavier)
It makes sense if you consider the thickness of the armor. 8-10 meters armored hull. That would be 314 - 393 inches thick. A US Iowa class battleship had "only" 17 inches (43cm) of armor.
Also we should assume that space-age armor involves some new, super-dense alloys. No shields and it's designed to take a beating
As mentioned, there is the very thick armored hull, not to mention everything inside the ship - fuel storage for the engines, heavy power plants to run both the ship and its weapons, fuel containers and hanger bay equipment for starfuries, large enough life support equipment for the crew. It all adds up
@@Lightsoul1987 100% this, Armour that thick is just massively heavy. Thankfully in space weight and mass does not have the same limitations it does on earth.
Sounds like I am listening to the Freespace 2 mod, The babylon project.
I posted a new video without the automated voice. Take a look.
But...I liked the voice, it reminded me of the FS2 mod, the Babylon Project. :D
Oh really?
Ive received many complaints about the robotic voice.
Well, I spent a lot of time playing Freespace 2, so the voice was nostalgic for me
Its the babylon project game... I tried to do the narration, but it's hard to understand. I will go back to "text to speech" videos which are far better in audio quality.
Robot voice? Watched for about 5 seconds. B5 was a pretty good sci fi series though.
I posted a new video without the automated voice. Take a look.
Awesome! TY
I tried to do the narration, but it's hard to understand. I will go back to "text to speech" videos which are far better in audio quality.
Lose the text to speech program.
I tried to do the narration, but it's hard to understand. I will go back to "text to speech" videos which are far better in audio quality...plus...most people actually like the robot voice...sound like the babylon 5 game computer.
If you can't do voiceover, get someone who can. this text to speech bullshit is absolutely intolerable.
I posted a new video without the automated voice. Take a look.
awesome man. keep up building your channel. your presentation other than the auto voice is spot on.
Automated voice, enough said.
I tried to do the narration, but it's hard to understand. I will go back to "text to speech" videos which are far better in audio quality...plus...most people actually like the robot voice...sound like the babylon 5 game computer.
Interesting but there's a lot of speculation and outright fabrication presented as fact here.
Base on the tv show, novels, games and some real world tech
Stopped watching when I heard that computer voice.
well...thanks for commenting the video you didnt watch...very helpfull
Gee I hate it when you guys use robotic voices on these vids use real voices please
I tried to do the narration, but it's hard to understand. I will go back to "text to speech" videos which are far better in audio quality...plus...most people actually like the robot voice...sound like the babylon 5 game computer.
I know, but my accent and the quality of my microphone do not cooperate when I try to narrate. If all goes well the next one will be narrated.
The Initial Engagement between Earth Alliance and Minbari wasn't a base. It was a Convoy. On its way to the Shadow Home world. EA ships fired the first shot. Taking the Minbari by surprise. Then they jumped out of there. Before the Minbari got a chance to counter attack. Get your facts right.
Nope. You are mistaking it for the incident that caused the war.
In the video 4:18 he refers to the first "major" battle of the war.
Get a Mic dude
Bullshit! No Earth Alliance ship placed any opposition in the the path of the Minbari. The Minbari went thru all Earth ships like a hot knife thru warm butter.
No, they went through Earth’s Defenses like a hot knife through butter. HOWEVER, this does not mean Earth did not try to, and they did, inflict damage on the Minbari. In fact, there was one incident where an Earthforce Captain successfully destroyed a Minbari Warcruiser. The name of the Cruiser? The Blackstar. The Captain? John Sheridan.
@@xavi-kun The Minbari cruiser was not destroyed in a head to head battle. It was destroyed In a most cowardly act. And yes, it was like a hot knife through warm butter. Earth put up no resistance.
Anthony Rock If Earth put up no resistance, how did the War last 2 Years?
@@xavi-kun The Minbari took a year to grieve Ducat's murder while preparing their forces. Then a systematic destruction of all earth establishments spread throughout the galaxy on their way to the big shootout at home base 1 i.e. earth. The Minbari were also travelling from another galaxy
I don't know why EA didn't get their hands on a ship with gravity generators and backward engineer the tech so they could do away with the spinning midsection..so primitive
Technology related to artificial gravity was initially studied during the war against the Dilgar. Then acquired during the Earth / Minbari war, analyzing wreckage of ships. But as you can imagine, technological breakthrough does not happen overnight. The alliance has spent years developing this. But the great breakthroughs occurred during the civil war, thanks to: espionage of technology of the centauri and the analysis of technology of the shadows. After the war, with the help of Interstellar Alliance, the technology was completely adapted.
why didn't some earth force agents buy a small alien ship and copy their drives and gravity technology ?
copyright issue
Abd Pragik not patent ?
The only races that have artificial gravity technology are the Minbari and the Centauri. Also, neither of this races appear to have installed this technology in small ships.
every race that was on B5 series had artificial gravity ....only earth ships had the rotating section ...the Narn ships had AG as did the Drakh ...you better rewatch all the episodes
No, the only races showed in the series capable of generate artificial gravity were the Minbari and the Centauri. The Narn ships dont have this tech. In all scenes that feature there ships the crew is always show tieded on there seats.
Also, both Tim Earls and J. Michael Straczynski stated that the only races capable to produce gravity by using energy fields in the tv show were: The first ones, the Thirdspace aliens, Minbari, Centauri, Drahk and the Dilgar.