Hey everyone! If you are reading this be sure to subscribe to my channel. 80% of viewers are not subscribed! Make sure to become one today! I make tons of great Halo videos that you can enjoy! Stay Notable, LTN
Zonies Coasters “dude it’s got uhh... two large toes we humans have five, not two. Is that” “Oh yea man forgot about that, it’s fine it’ll fit it’s ok man we still cool, right”
Did you ever hear the tragedy, of Helioskrill the Legendary? He who unlocked it fought long and hard to earn that armor. Earned the right to wear. Then one day, he ran into another spartan donning the armor. When he asked what the spartan thought of all the jackal snipers, he only replied that he’d never played Halo 2 and got the armor from a pack. It’s ironic, really. He could play the trilogy on legendary, but not the lottery.
Also your Katana armour point is basically the MCC version of Halo 3 multiplayer. First day playing multiplayer and choosing the armour variant and colours then thought about choosing Hayabusa armour then saw the Katana armour and chose that.
No wait nvm turns out you get it from the Legend achievement lol didn't realize that. My friend and I were beating all the games on Legendary in order so by the time we got to 5 I unlocked Helioskrill oop.
I just absolutely hate the whole 1 helmet, 1 visor, and 1 rest of your body customization. It is just so insanely restrictive, I want halo reach customization with all those little things to customize, it actually made everyone look unique and not just some bland copy of a basic armor set that looks just like all the rest.
Henrique Montalvão nope, you’ll find minimalists wearing mostly default, people flaunting their Waypoint armors, and even the rare Multi-threat chest armor.
I’m really upset that they made helioskrill available in packs, me and my brother completed the legend achievement just to get the armor and feel so proud of ourselves. All our hard work in halo 2 for nothing
The Katana in Halo 3 did require all achievements to unlock at first. However with the addition of more achievements it was revealed that the requirement to unlock the Katana was to simply unlock a combined 1000 gamerscore on Halo 3.
This still makes things harder than rnging it at the best of the game. So while yeah, most people won't have the armor, but if someone gets the helmet right off the bat, what's the point?
I think there should literally be WAY less armor. It drives me insane how many ugly helmets and armor there are. 95% of them, I'll look at and just think you myself "nobody is going to wear that". I understand they have to have a decent amount in order for their loot box system to work. But I honestly think people would be more willing to pay even more money for things, if they simply took the time to make armor that looks appealing. I don't want to pay money when I know, that there is a 98% chance I'm going to get something that I will literally never use. They also should add more weapon skins, but that's just a personal preference. Anyway, that's my two cents.
Maybe, but when you look through what players do actually equip. It's pretty diverse. A lot of the sets are just duplicates too with slightly different markings or decals. I'm waiting for the country skins to drop so I can equip the Canadian flag. haha.
I usually go with Venator but am i the only one who doesn't like the look of Helioskrill? Like I have it (got lucky early on) but I hate it and I also don't wear it so that I don't get mistaken for a pro.
Luke TheNotable They could just do the system in reach but allow you to buy credits like in grand theft auto. (If its differemt please explain because I dont actually play gta)
In my opinion, the accomplishment to unlock (X) armor, helmet, whatever, is the best way to go. Not only does it make ppl play the game which benefits the company, but there are few things in life in general, that make people feel good more so than a sense of accomplishment. In my opinion, (and I'm a pretty deep thinker about what makes ppl do what they do and become who they become), halo REACH thought ppl to save and be conservative, halo 3, and 4 made people accept challenges to get what they desired. These games literally applied to real life. The loot boxes, etc, only promote spoildness and little work for gain. It's a negative.
This is so stupid. I spent a week playing each Halo campaign on Legendary with a bunch of frustration to end up being proud being in the 0.80% of players with this armor, but now it’s pretty much worthless to wear. It was supposed to be something that you can only get if you actually work for it by playing each Halo campaign on Legendary, not a set of armor you can just easily get by spending money for it. I hate when games do this.
They've probably gotten their fair share of blame regarding Halo 5's missteps by now (here's hoping Halo 6 will be all the better for it!) And to be fair, I hear that Bungie has had THEIR fair share of sketchy micro-transactions in their new games.
WeggieNinja it takes away from the cool aspect of the armour knowing that anyone who plays the game or buys reqs can get it, rather than playing through the campaigns on legendary, imo it looks better than the Achilles armour, I have both but helloskill is my fav armor in the game, Achilles being my second
it’s not like halo 3 katana required 1000 gamers ore on launch when 1000 was max, but then bungie added in achievements making 2000 the max making the katana worthless or anything like that........ oh wait..... they did
The problem is that the developers won't get any of the money of the lootbox system. And in addition the next game won't get a larger budget either. Only Microsoft profits from it...
Yes, they should not do that, but only when they go too far like EA or orther p2w games, they should still have the micro-transaction system but make it so the players that dont have money or dont want to pay can still play the game like the people does it
The developers do make money, however It’s like a tax system from Microsoft. If they don’t make money why bother make a game? How old are you and do you think lol
If in halo infinite they have the credit system with a lot more armor and in depth armor plus armor only obtained by challenges or achievements that would be so prime in my opinion
I am one of that 0.80% and its sad, when I got it it was like, "wow look at that guy he must be a pro!" Now its like, "look at him, he brought a helmet pack" -.- I still will never change that helmet
HydroSimp at first when they allowed it in to packs at least you had to be quite lucky to get it or have all the other armors and helmets. But like a month ago they litteraly launched a pack in wich you could buy it. 0 efort. Not to mention there is a varian that is waaaay cooler, with like arbiter claws on it.... I dont understand why they did thaat :l all the efort to the trash. I finally changed helmet, cause it like a comon helmet to this point
In my ideal halo multiplayer there’d be a fair amount of armour that is locked into achievements/commendations, that would show a player is awesome at that particular style of play. You could then have a load of more generic armour that either gets unlocked loot box style or with varying credit value like Reach. Id only have one or two armour skins for each permutation, and they’d have to be very distinct. And you’d only be able to get skins for the chevo/commendation armour by doing a harder version. I.E. an armour for finishing campaign, one skin for heroic completion, and the other from the legendary completion. Or say, different stages of the commendation. I’d also like more detail back into the armour instead of just helmet, body, visor.
Ö _ what if you could get a medic/resupply armor if you had done alot of teamwork? It would heal and resupply teammates, also the game wouldnt have normal regen
Good points. But RnG is still annoying. So many armours are cool and I'd want to get them with credits, but I cant, because packs. I'd be fine with packs, but if you just make credits to buy packs cost money instead of the packs, you can let people directly buy the armours/weapon skins they want but for a higher price than packs. That way if there is really expensive armour, someone can still spend money to get it, in-game credits to get it, or just hope for it in a pack. That choice would make the microtransaction system much nicer and player friendly Imo.
The MCC originally gave you achievements even if you had skulls on that gave no score, so i originally did halo 2 with bandana and the scarab gun. It used to be so much easier.
To be fair (and sort of rebut one of your points) Bungie actually *did* hand out Recon armor to the entire Halo 3 player base when B.net stat tracking was shut down for the game. That ruffled the feathers of a LOT of people who went through hell and high water to earn Recon the hard way.
I remember putting so much effort into earning my recon the legit way. Had it for a while and felt so cool then I hear they're just handing it out smh I feel that they shouldve given those who EARNED it the flaming head or something. Not fair that we put in so much effort just to get slapped in the face with it a little while later
While yes, there are similarities to Reach and 3, the player actually had to play the game and earn the credits. Also the helmets were connected to real life military ranks and gave a sense of accomplishment. In my honest opinion, I can't see how Halo 5's REQ system can be defended when you used to have to either be a dedicated player or had a lot of parties to unlock armors. Now, you can throw money into a ambling system and hope for the best. I don't get it.
It's honestly disheartening that so many people are trying to defend these disgusting anti-consumer practices that like they can somehow churn out something good. For the entire time they've existed, that has never been the case.
Why not have reach's armour system where you can buy armour with credits, mixed with halo 3's achievement system (where armour could be unlocked by reaching certain levels) but also have weapon skins which can be sold or bidded on like in csgo which u can get from packs (like in Fifa) Plus the ability to buy credits. This earns 343 money and makes armour mean something. You can get different armour from other players a low level (5000 credits per armour piece (helmet, chest, right shoulder, left shoulder, knees, legs, visor colour) and upgrade that armour to be even more unique. Then once reaching a certain rank or level being rewarded certain armour set and the ability to purchase other armour sets. Sargent, lieutenant, captain, major, general all unlock like 3 armour sets for purchase each and you can choose one helmet from each of the three sets to be have as your reward for free. Earn credits through playing or buy them if u can't play for 50 hours on one game mode. Buy packs to make credits on the auction house by selling rare skins. Then have the hard achievement armour unlocked like the katana or hayabusa armour.
But they want money. So this gives them two avenues of making money Packs for skins and visor colours and credits to buy packs with or armour from the armour or skins from the store
Liara T'soni Aye, no credits still. Req packs are alright but not the credits. This also goes that if they implement this sort of system where you use real money in an rng like a req pack, lower price tag for the base game too
Cola Botels What?! The credit system in Reach was so much better than the REQ system in 5. Couple that with special armor that you can only get through certain difficult achievements, plus bring back the REQ system exclusively for armor skins (I read one guy on here suggest making it a tertiary color pattern that you can change the color of) and weapon skins (maybe the same thing, letting you have different colored skins on your weapons). Sounds like the perfect system to me.
can we please NOT turn Halo into a screaming Autism fest? "in CSGO stream *youtuber opens a crate and is chatting. streamer: oh? i dont know why hes doing tha....... *crate lands on a knife Streamer: OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *Autistic screeching Streamer: I GOT A I GOT A KNIFE I GOT A KNIFE I GOT A KNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *even more autistic Screeching Ya.....lets not turn halo into that ok?
hell if it's true, some of those added achievements were pure bullshit, if I remember correctly there were some other too multiplayer related wich needed to do stuff in dlc maps, i was damn poor at the time so i couldn't afford both that and the gold
Every time I see someone with Helioskrill, I view thier gamercard to make sure they have the "Legend" achievement unlocked before I say "woah, that dude is impressive!"
The confused Spartan to make them actually pop (considering you’ll be red or blue 90% of the time and no one will be able to tell your skin) they should add accents (like halo 3) or neon esque lights to the armor (like Locke). I.E. you get a fancy armor set from beating the campaign on legendary and through the req system you can potentially get a skin that adds 3rd color accents or glowing lights to the armor. Sorta like a toned down version of armor effects for the “legendary” items and simple markings that stay the color you want them through each game type, could totally see this working.
PrettyDamnDandy Honestly That neon idea is something I would love. It kinda sucks we don’t get that on Locke’s armor in multiplayer. That’s a great idea.
I'm glad I was able to complete the whole mcc on legendary with a friend and even though the armor was hard to obtain but I was still glad to earn the achievement.
As one of the 0.80% who got Helioskrill through the Legend achievement, and an Elite player since Halo 2, I can't say I'm all that bothered by this. In fact, as someone who has always played as an Elite (when it's been an option), finding out Helioskrill existed in Halo 5 and this achievement is how it was unlocked is what motivated me to finally finish the Legendary campaigns in the MCC. (I like to call it Legendary++, in fact, given how you also have to deal with the MCC's bugs and glitches on top of the difficulty of the campaign itself.) When I found out the base Helioskrill set was available through gold packs, I was a little disappointed, but shrugged it off. Sure, I'd have preferred it not have become available but in my experience it's still very uncommon to see someone in both base Helioskrill armor and helmet in the field. I see more Achilles than I do Helioskrill. But more importantly, I have the achievement and those who got it through REQ packs don't, and I know this, and I can't say I care all that much about whether or not random players I come across know I did it. Its value to me doesn't depend on that. I still did the achievement and I won't ever take the armor set off. Thanks for the video!
I know this video is super old but i have some suggestions for 343 that would change halo 5 a little 1. Helioskrill is awarded when you reach inheritor This makes sense because the arbiter is a character in the campaign, so u get something that looks like his armor. 2. Locke’s armor (I cant remember the name) is unlocked when you complete the campaign on all 4 difficulties, not just legendary If you’re going to introduce a completely new character with great armor and throw his armor in the trash, go f urself 343. Regardless of his total irrelevance to the story of halo, his armor is very cool and deserves more glory than it gets. 3. Athlon armor awarded when you complete all weapon commendations (get a certain number of kills with every type of weapon in the game) Since it was added in halo 5 give it some worth
Xiru Xydosee a "Colouss" failure? They're still working things out, finding out what works and what doesn't. Halo 4 had a decent story, but a horrible multiplayer and forge. Halo 5 had a horrible story, but a decent multiplayer and an excellent forge. I'm hopeful in Halo 6 they'll combine the successes of the two to make a game worthy of the title 'Halo'.
I disagree, I think halo 3 recon armor was cool and simple, the vidmasters were very challenging especially when you had people that weren’t good at the game.
Luke I had a dream about you, I was running from tigers for some reason, and Travis was riding one of them. You, Travis 2.0(Idk) and I were fighting them off, and your cat sneaked up on us and thats all I remember. Don't ask.
In order to get the scout helmet, you must get the Used Car Salesmen achievement. An I believe you must get the Too Close To The Sun achievement in order to get the chest piece.
Are you sure about the Katana unlock requirements in Halo 3? I had it, but I unlocked it at 1060G (which is where my total still sits 8 years later). I remember at the time, there seemed to be a lot of disagreement over how it was unlocked (This could have just been a perceived thing. I was only just learning the wonders of TH-cam). I mostly remember hearing that it would be unlocked after reaching various amounts of gamerscore between like 750G and 1250G. I also remember that after I got it, it would disappear sometimes and I would have to restart the game for it to show up again. Maybe I got it through a glitch or something? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ *Edit: Did some "research" (AKA google) and it looks like the requirements are still debated, but no one said you needed all of the achievements. From what I saw: It could be earned by getting 1000G and then it couldn't. Instead, you now needed 49 of 79 achievements. But if you got the Mythic map pack, you could sometimes get it without either of those requirements. Whenever you did manage to unlock it, it would appear and disappear randomly sometimes until you managed to get 1750G. You also might (maybe) need to find all of the skulls in campaign, or maybe just the 13 gold skulls. The only one of these requirements I didn't fulfill was 49 achievements. I only have 36.
Ok so let me explain. The requirement at first was to get all original 49 achievements which amounted to 1000 gamerscore. However with the addition of more DLC and achievements it was revealed that the only requirement was to unlock a combined gamerscore of 1000. For example you have 36 achievements for over 1000 gamerscore which unlocks the Katana. If you would have had less than 1000 then the Katana would still be locked. So Halo 3 at launch required all achievements unlocked (1000 gamerscore) but with new DLC achievements all you had to do was unlock 1000 gamerscore across the whole game, original/dlc achievements combined.
And this is why halo 4 armor unlock system is one of the best in my opinion, you need to complete a commendation to get most of the skinned armors and wear that armor makes your apearance really unique and special and i love this thing.
Garrett Jensen that's what I thought too. I had it from the start but I was under the impression that every armor was obtainable (except the three he mentioned) through req packs. And honestly I kinda liked it that way. It was really frustrating to have to buy the console to get fotus in halo 4. I bought the console for 5 but I still like that it's possible to get the armors.
ETHAN BAHR Anyone remember the achievement in reach of assassinating a elite to s yourself from a fatal fall... except hitting an enemy would often stop you from taking fall damage so to get the achievement you needed to get your trajectory so perfect that you would be withing melee range but not yet actually touched the elites hitbox. Nothing in this life ha ever brought me more pain or frustration.
fichin butler its been time since i played reach , but if my memory isnt wrong: At the start of the mission Pillar of autumn you started at the top of a hill , there was enemies down the hill , you could jump from the hill into an elite( assassinating him)
Yes but the RNG means they had to simplify armor to just helmet and body and not much customization. I think we should go back to halo 3 with only a few armor sets and all of them from achievements.
The req system still sucks due to how it all goes down like this: Hey hey hey kid! You grinded for 10 hours only to get enough credits to buy a pack? Well surprise surprise here is NOTHING BUT BULLSHIT WEAPONS AND ONLY THAT what? You dont like it? Go BUY ANOTHER ONE BECAUSE YOUR NEVER GONNA GET THAT ARMOR YA LIKE
Hey everyone! If you are reading this be sure to subscribe to my channel. 80% of viewers are not subscribed! Make sure to become one today! I make tons of great Halo videos that you can enjoy!
Stay Notable,
Dude I know the feeling I got almost a 1,000 minutes of watch time in only unsubscribed viewers lol
By the way
Luke TheNotable hey so like this last weekend me and a few friends destroyed your team on warzone
Luke TheNotable your awesome
Luke TheNotable I
"hey uuuhhh. sorry about genocideing you guys but uuuhhh....." "we made this cool armor for ya"
Zonies Coasters LMAOOOOO
“Aww thanks, sorry about uhhh killing y’all too”
Zonies Coasters “dude it’s got uhh... two large toes we humans have five, not two. Is that”
“Oh yea man forgot about that, it’s fine it’ll fit it’s ok man we still cool, right”
Lol they made that armor for the unsc after the great schism and also it was by the sanghelios elites so yeah
Ur not an elite
Did you ever hear the tragedy, of Helioskrill the Legendary? He who unlocked it fought long and hard to earn that armor. Earned the right to wear. Then one day, he ran into another spartan donning the armor. When he asked what the spartan thought of all the jackal snipers, he only replied that he’d never played Halo 2 and got the armor from a pack. It’s ironic, really. He could play the trilogy on legendary, but not the lottery.
Same it made me and when they did this
imahaloguy Lmao
I was so heartbroken!
imahaloguy That’s not. Legend the UNSC would tell
"Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Helioskrill the wise."
"I thought not, it's not a story the Req Packs would tell you."
Also your Katana armour point is basically the MCC version of Halo 3 multiplayer. First day playing multiplayer and choosing the armour variant and colours then thought about choosing Hayabusa armour then saw the Katana armour and chose that.
117th like
"Darth Helioskrill was a sod after armor of the sith."
I've played Halo 5 MP for five minutes back in 2015. I somehow have the Helioskrill now. No idea how I got it. I only opened like 1 or 2 Req packs.
No wait nvm turns out you get it from the Legend achievement lol didn't realize that. My friend and I were beating all the games on Legendary in order so by the time we got to 5 I unlocked Helioskrill oop.
I just absolutely hate the whole 1 helmet, 1 visor, and 1 rest of your body customization. It is just so insanely restrictive, I want halo reach customization with all those little things to customize, it actually made everyone look unique and not just some bland copy of a basic armor set that looks just like all the rest.
Yeah, but everyone in reach basically wears that skull eva helmet and some ugly bulky armor.
Henrique Montalvão nope, you’ll find minimalists wearing mostly default, people flaunting their Waypoint armors, and even the rare Multi-threat chest armor.
Slender Man 186 bulky armor was badass
Dude, wow Henrique, what an insane argument. Like you totally made such a great point....
I’m really upset that they made helioskrill available in packs, me and my brother completed the legend achievement just to get the armor and feel so proud of ourselves. All our hard work in halo 2 for nothing
@@citavalo from what I heard, you can
Hey you also have a xbox profile picture! Nice
It just means that you can brag about getting it the hard way.
Hey, at least you didnt do itt alone :,)
the sad thing is that u can just activate all the skulls like scarab bomb in halo 2 and still get the legend achievement
The Katana in Halo 3 did require all achievements to unlock at first. However with the addition of more achievements it was revealed that the requirement to unlock the Katana was to simply unlock a combined 1000 gamerscore on Halo 3.
This still makes things harder than rnging it at the best of the game. So while yeah, most people won't have the armor, but if someone gets the helmet right off the bat, what's the point?
The security helmet works the same too, but no one notices it :(
@@shadowsnake5133 to be honest I never knew I had it, I didn't even know what I did to achieve it.
I have 10820 gamer score on Xbox 360 I need to get halo three
And a life
have you ever heard the tragedy of the helioskill armor? thought not, its a sith legend, not something 343 would tell you
DLDouble G you are now my favourite person
You beat me to it...
DLDouble G Dammit that's what I was going to say lol
Instead of with u should f said bungie funny tho
getting top comment on halo videos is ezpz, ive done it like 10 times already
Proud to be in that 0.80% :)
l Xephinity same
l Xephinity I did that in all the OG games
Great job man, I salute to you
Damn straight
Same here
I got Helioskrill through the achievement, was pretty sad when I saw you could get it from REQ system
Keep crying about it
@@paninicupcake2108 thats the plan
Same men
@@paninicupcake2108 shut up you 7 year old kid who buys vbucks
To get the recruit armour set, you actually have to buy halo 5
GandyGrape mmbvnkjjjjj0k
GandyGrape woah
Not really.
not true. i rented the game from redbox and i got recruit =P
Welp, guess I'll never have Recruit armor.
I miss the days of Halo 3 where you had to earn your armor. Especially Hayabusa.
Oh hayabusa will make your dreams come true
Uh the good ol days of getting no kills and getting yelled at by my mom.
Hayabusa was easy. Recon? Not a chance boi
@@sparkyproductions5856 recon you have to blow bungie for
Kopi here here
50 hours in custom games
Red vs blue cast got that in like 3 days
I looked at that and thought
"That isn't that hard, just grab your game and a friend-"
Forgot this was the one that removed split screen.......
I unlocked it because I just like custom games. I literally didn’t even know how I got it till weeks later
*Y o u e v e r w o n d e r w h y w e ‘ r e h e r e ?*
I got the achievement
And yeah the
They arent a big problem if you glitch your way through the levels 😏
QuantumFrost i used mods 😏
QuantumFrost Those fuckers were the worst part of my run.
Rip, I’m sorry for you loss
Ninja wolf True. I just watched Nak3d Eli's legendady speedrun guides to complete harders levels like gravemind, only did up to sacred icon legit.
Proud to be one of the 0.8%. Sadly, I forgot to actually do it on the legendary playlists for each game, so now I gotta do it again lmao
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Helioskrill the Wise?
Ratio Tile Not.
Hello there!
JokingSteak *General kenobi*
Ratio Tile hello there, I have the high ground here, don't try it.
It's not a story 343 would tell you.
For me, if the armour looks cool, I'll wear it. Even if it's a common or uncommon armour.
Looking at the Seeker helmet trying to cosplay the Crimson Chin.
I agree. Luke's points about rarity, overabundance, and "overriding" legit achievements like Helioskrill are spot on though
Random ass Canadian same
S a a a a a a a a a a ame
Yeah, recruit looks better than most of the Rare and Uncommon Shit even some ultra rales
I'm happy that I actually EARNED my Helioskrill armor!
Ethan Schmid when did you get the achievement?
I think there should literally be WAY less armor. It drives me insane how many ugly helmets and armor there are. 95% of them, I'll look at and just think you myself "nobody is going to wear that". I understand they have to have a decent amount in order for their loot box system to work. But I honestly think people would be more willing to pay even more money for things, if they simply took the time to make armor that looks appealing. I don't want to pay money when I know, that there is a 98% chance I'm going to get something that I will literally never use. They also should add more weapon skins, but that's just a personal preference. Anyway, that's my two cents.
JJK311Y the armor decals should be purchasable with credits not as separate armors in the loot boxes
Donuts4TW I agree, but the developers won't get rid of loot boxes until they're illegal. They simply make too much money off them.
I agree. The armour designs look terrible. Reach was the pinnacle of Halo armour as it was customisable, yet gritty and functional.
Maybe, but when you look through what players do actually equip. It's pretty diverse. A lot of the sets are just duplicates too with slightly different markings or decals. I'm waiting for the country skins to drop so I can equip the Canadian flag. haha.
I usually go with Venator but am i the only one who doesn't like the look of Helioskrill? Like I have it (got lucky early on) but I hate it and I also don't wear it so that I don't get mistaken for a pro.
Hey guys! If you want to see me read the comments of this video live on stream check out this link!~ - th-cam.com/video/OJ8WyWR7KNA/w-d-xo.html
Luke TheNotable nice
Luke TheNotable They could just do the system in reach but allow you to buy credits like in grand theft auto. (If its differemt please explain because I dont actually play gta)
In my opinion, the accomplishment to unlock (X) armor, helmet, whatever, is the best way to go. Not only does it make ppl play the game which benefits the company, but there are few things in life in general, that make people feel good more so than a sense of accomplishment. In my opinion, (and I'm a pretty deep thinker about what makes ppl do what they do and become who they become), halo REACH thought ppl to save and be conservative, halo 3, and 4 made people accept challenges to get what they desired. These games literally applied to real life.
The loot boxes, etc, only promote spoildness and little work for gain. It's a negative.
Luke TheNotable Why did you love you're comment?
Luke TheNotable That idea of getting tge Helioskrill in Halo 6 with the Legend achievement is pretty good, would definitely help heal the wound.
No one will never know, that I brought it up to 0.81%
Congratulations, you've earned it
Congratulations,sucks that I don’t have an Xbox
Jackal sniper: I know...
This is so stupid. I spent a week playing each Halo campaign on Legendary with a bunch of frustration to end up being proud being in the 0.80% of players with this armor, but now it’s pretty much worthless to wear. It was supposed to be something that you can only get if you actually work for it by playing each Halo campaign on Legendary, not a set of armor you can just easily get by spending money for it. I hate when games do this.
Blame 343i bungie would never do this in a Halo game
They've probably gotten their fair share of blame regarding Halo 5's missteps by now (here's hoping Halo 6 will be all the better for it!) And to be fair, I hear that Bungie has had THEIR fair share of sketchy micro-transactions in their new games.
WeggieNinja it takes away from the cool aspect of the armour knowing that anyone who plays the game or buys reqs can get it, rather than playing through the campaigns on legendary, imo it looks better than the Achilles armour, I have both but helloskill is my fav armor in the game, Achilles being my second
it’s not like halo 3 katana required 1000 gamers ore on launch when 1000 was max, but then bungie added in achievements making 2000 the max making the katana worthless or anything like that........ oh wait..... they did
You can also still get the achievement WITH zero multiplier skulls activated, thats how I did it, and a lot of people dont know this.
The problem is that the developers won't get any of the money of the lootbox system. And in addition the next game won't get a larger budget either.
Only Microsoft profits from it...
Yup yup. I say no game should have micro transactions. Halo reach for instance didnt have any and more ppl play that than halo 4.
Yes, they should not do that, but only when they go too far like EA or orther p2w games, they should still have the micro-transaction system but make it so the players that dont have money or dont want to pay can still play the game like the people does it
@@gravity00x im not defending it, it is still a bad system but if games devs dont go too far with it then they are good to go in my opinion
The developers do make money, however It’s like a tax system from Microsoft. If they don’t make money why bother make a game? How old are you and do you think lol
Pretty sure halo infinite has a bigger budget than halo 5, what with them having to make a whole new engine
You know I have the Timmy helmet and when he mentioned it was hard to unlock I was like :D
But then he said well... the Timmy not so much D:
iirc you have to get a forge map into the official playlist, so that is still a really incredible achievement. Don’t undersell yourself
@@johndemery9627 isint timmy from playing 50 hours of custom
@@jokeaccount1683 it is
Halo reach has the perfect progression system.
If in halo infinite they have the credit system with a lot more armor and in depth armor plus armor only obtained by challenges or achievements that would be so prime in my opinion
it does get infuriatingly tedious tho
@@cooperthomas6634 true but it just adds a layer of depth to the game to have something to strive towards on the other hand
yeah i get that but the time between levels gets LUDICROUS. i feel like that can also make people lose interest
I feel like halo 4 had the best imo
the gaminggecko on a book on audible xd
“Have you ever heard the tragedy of Helioskrill?”
“Hm. It’s not a story the Spartans would tell you”
Luke The Audibl- I mean, Notable. Damnit!
I would love more achievement unlocks. I would also love less Locke
Aidan Binni his Armor is cool tho
Aidan Binni who would even bring that up? df?
Bluethe_cat how does that make them racist?
Insane Krieg everybody talking about the armor but who would even say dat up (i dun wanna see locke) man! Locke could switch places with chief
When you were one of the only people who earned this armour legitimately before they gave it to everyone.
if humans were conscripted into the covanent they'd wear this
That would be so cool
Unaugmented humans arent capable of wearing Mjolnir armors.
So they'll wear Helioskrill SPI armor then. With a wacky Veta Lopis hairstyle.
I remember feeling unique for getting helioskrill by getting legend, then I found out they put em in gold packs.. :(
You know 343 really fucked up Halo 5's armor when even Hitler is pissed.
Got the Legend achievement during covid/quarantine solo. So fun replaying the games.
I am one of that 0.80% and its sad, when I got it it was like, "wow look at that guy he must be a pro!"
Now its like, "look at him, he brought a helmet pack"
I still will never change that helmet
I am also one of the 0.80% who got my helios two days ago and am now furious to learn that people can just get it from packs
Felipe same I understand your sadness
HydroSimp at first when they allowed it in to packs at least you had to be quite lucky to get it or have all the other armors and helmets. But like a month ago they litteraly launched a pack in wich you could buy it. 0 efort.
Not to mention there is a varian that is waaaay cooler, with like arbiter claws on it.... I dont understand why they did thaat :l all the efort to the trash. I finally changed helmet, cause it like a comon helmet to this point
Same bro feels bad
I feel the same way we had too deal with halo 2's legendary and all they had too do was open a box
In my ideal halo multiplayer there’d be a fair amount of armour that is locked into achievements/commendations, that would show a player is awesome at that particular style of play. You could then have a load of more generic armour that either gets unlocked loot box style or with varying credit value like Reach. Id only have one or two armour skins for each permutation, and they’d have to be very distinct. And you’d only be able to get skins for the chevo/commendation armour by doing a harder version. I.E. an armour for finishing campaign, one skin for heroic completion, and the other from the legendary completion. Or say, different stages of the commendation. I’d also like more detail back into the armour instead of just helmet, body, visor.
I prefer halo reach style armor variation where u get additional pieces to the armor
Ö _ Why doesn’t this have 500 more likes??
Kyle Erman They not only have to look cool, but unique as well!
Hell every single achievement could have an armor set
Ö _ what if you could get a medic/resupply armor if you had done alot of teamwork? It would heal and resupply teammates, also the game wouldnt have normal regen
I like how despite Security having the same requirements as Katana, is considered easy to get lol.
For Katana you have to do the vidmaster challenges which are 0G. You could potentially get Security without doing those
Good points. But RnG is still annoying. So many armours are cool and I'd want to get them with credits, but I cant, because packs. I'd be fine with packs, but if you just make credits to buy packs cost money instead of the packs, you can let people directly buy the armours/weapon skins they want but for a higher price than packs. That way if there is really expensive armour, someone can still spend money to get it, in-game credits to get it, or just hope for it in a pack. That choice would make the microtransaction system much nicer and player friendly Imo.
The MCC originally gave you achievements even if you had skulls on that gave no score, so i originally did halo 2 with bandana and the scarab gun. It used to be so much easier.
Like you mentioned though, it's stupid you can just get it in game
I did the same thing.
Arc 48 if you knew you could do it then you would've guaranteed
I got the armor from grinding and when I herd that they added it I was severely pissed
To be fair (and sort of rebut one of your points) Bungie actually *did* hand out Recon armor to the entire Halo 3 player base when B.net stat tracking was shut down for the game. That ruffled the feathers of a LOT of people who went through hell and high water to earn Recon the hard way.
I remember putting so much effort into earning my recon the legit way. Had it for a while and felt so cool then I hear they're just handing it out smh I feel that they shouldve given those who EARNED it the flaming head or something. Not fair that we put in so much effort just to get slapped in the face with it a little while later
I had some dude just unlock all my achievements for me.
I won't report you to the organization of respecting women
Dr PopSHOT whay??
I will. I can’t believe he just assumed everyone’s genders
I’m going to have to report this comment to Mr. Beast for being disloyal to respecting women
While yes, there are similarities to Reach and 3, the player actually had to play the game and earn the credits. Also the helmets were connected to real life military ranks and gave a sense of accomplishment. In my honest opinion, I can't see how Halo 5's REQ system can be defended when you used to have to either be a dedicated player or had a lot of parties to unlock armors. Now, you can throw money into a ambling system and hope for the best. I don't get it.
It's honestly disheartening that so many people are trying to defend these disgusting anti-consumer practices that like they can somehow churn out something good. For the entire time they've existed, that has never been the case.
I've been wearing it since day 1 of the beta
I was really pissed when first saw this :((
me Gustav I’m pretty sure it wasn’t in the beta
Eric Hernandez it was
Eric Hernandez I grinded all those legendary campaigns before it came out because IGN announced the armors before the beta released
me Gustav I know your pain. I went through all the legendary campaigns just to learn that everyone has it now.
i had a seizure at JACKAL SNIPERS
Carlos Marte I had PTSD flashback because of those Jackal snipers
So when is someone going to tell him that the money gained from loot boxes doesn't go to 343?
Nathan Whalen So what?
@@zhaitae2470 So his argument that it increases their developmental budget is a fallacy.
Where does it go to?
@@credulousrbt894 I'd imagine Microsoft
Why not have reach's armour system where you can buy armour with credits, mixed with halo 3's achievement system (where armour could be unlocked by reaching certain levels) but also have weapon skins which can be sold or bidded on like in csgo which u can get from packs (like in Fifa)
Plus the ability to buy credits. This earns 343 money and makes armour mean something.
You can get different armour from other players a low level (5000 credits per armour piece (helmet, chest, right shoulder, left shoulder, knees, legs, visor colour) and upgrade that armour to be even more unique.
Then once reaching a certain rank or level being rewarded certain armour set and the ability to purchase other armour sets. Sargent, lieutenant, captain, major, general all unlock like 3 armour sets for purchase each and you can choose one helmet from each of the three sets to be have as your reward for free.
Earn credits through playing or buy them if u can't play for 50 hours on one game mode. Buy packs to make credits on the auction house by selling rare skins.
Then have the hard achievement armour unlocked like the katana or hayabusa armour.
Liara T'soni
Make it so that you can't buy credits, and I'll agree
But they want money. So this gives them two avenues of making money
Packs for skins and visor colours and credits to buy packs with or armour from the armour or skins from the store
Liara T'soni
Aye, no credits still. Req packs are alright but not the credits. This also goes that if they implement this sort of system where you use real money in an rng like a req pack, lower price tag for the base game too
Cola Botels What?! The credit system in Reach was so much better than the REQ system in 5. Couple that with special armor that you can only get through certain difficult achievements, plus bring back the REQ system exclusively for armor skins (I read one guy on here suggest making it a tertiary color pattern that you can change the color of) and weapon skins (maybe the same thing, letting you have different colored skins on your weapons). Sounds like the perfect system to me.
can we please NOT turn Halo into a screaming Autism fest?
"in CSGO stream
*youtuber opens a crate and is chatting.
streamer: oh? i dont know why hes doing tha.......
*crate lands on a knife
*Autistic screeching
*even more autistic Screeching
Ya.....lets not turn halo into that ok?
Katana was ruined after odst. They added more achievements. (needed 1k gamerscore in halo 3)
I remember how badass I felt then it was ruined.
hell if it's true, some of those added achievements were pure bullshit, if I remember correctly there were some other too multiplayer related wich needed to do stuff in dlc maps, i was damn poor at the time so i couldn't afford both that and the gold
I unlocked the katana by collecting all the skulls on campaign and multiplayer maps(since the maps are free now)
now yes
*Sees Guy With Incliment Weather And Spoopy Helmet* *Screams and Runs*
change that profile pic
"Ah yes. The "Helolioskrill armour tragedy". We've already dismissed such claims." - extract from Mass Effect 1 Turian Councilor interview
Every time I see someone with Helioskrill, I view thier gamercard to make sure they have the "Legend" achievement unlocked before I say "woah, that dude is impressive!"
"Jackal Snipers" needs to be a Halo inside joke.
343 should make so you earn armors but you randomly get skins for those armors in req packs
Great idea, I also think they should keep weapon skins in the packs to.
So you would also earn weapons for warzone to
The confused Spartan to make them actually pop (considering you’ll be red or blue 90% of the time and no one will be able to tell your skin) they should add accents (like halo 3) or neon esque lights to the armor (like Locke). I.E. you get a fancy armor set from beating the campaign on legendary and through the req system you can potentially get a skin that adds 3rd color accents or glowing lights to the armor. Sorta like a toned down version of armor effects for the “legendary” items and simple markings that stay the color you want them through each game type, could totally see this working.
PrettyDamnDandy Honestly That neon idea is something I would love. It kinda sucks we don’t get that on Locke’s armor in multiplayer. That’s a great idea.
I'm glad I was able to complete the whole mcc on legendary with a friend and even though the armor was hard to obtain but I was still glad to earn the achievement.
You forgot the Nightfall armor that you unlock for watching the entire Halo nightfall series’s. Although that might be a bit of a stretch
The Ice Princess Hey, I liked Nightfall.
Doggedly handsome you can also skip all the way to the end of each episode
I got Timmy and I was just like “huh, 50 hours already?”
No Chromie Homie can you still get the Timmy Helmet or was that only for a limited time?
WARTECH Spartan you can still get it today.
Cai thanks for the response
WARTECH Spartan No problem. Wanna play h5 some time?
Cai sure my gt Is TRIP TX I mostly play btb and WarZone these days
Because of MCC being on gamepass more people have it. So now the Ratio is .65 & I’m happy to say.... as of today... I’m apart of that percentage
As one of the 0.80% who got Helioskrill through the Legend achievement, and an Elite player since Halo 2, I can't say I'm all that bothered by this. In fact, as someone who has always played as an Elite (when it's been an option), finding out Helioskrill existed in Halo 5 and this achievement is how it was unlocked is what motivated me to finally finish the Legendary campaigns in the MCC. (I like to call it Legendary++, in fact, given how you also have to deal with the MCC's bugs and glitches on top of the difficulty of the campaign itself.)
When I found out the base Helioskrill set was available through gold packs, I was a little disappointed, but shrugged it off. Sure, I'd have preferred it not have become available but in my experience it's still very uncommon to see someone in both base Helioskrill armor and helmet in the field. I see more Achilles than I do Helioskrill. But more importantly, I have the achievement and those who got it through REQ packs don't, and I know this, and I can't say I care all that much about whether or not random players I come across know I did it. Its value to me doesn't depend on that. I still did the achievement and I won't ever take the armor set off.
Thanks for the video!
MCC Legendary for Helioskrill, only to have it as cheap duplicate skins within req packs. Nothing's sacred anymore.
Paddy O'Halloran not even halo itself
I can’t imagine anymore evil affecting Halo.
I know this video is super old but i have some suggestions for 343 that would change halo 5 a little
1. Helioskrill is awarded when you reach inheritor
This makes sense because the arbiter is a character in the campaign, so u get something that looks like his armor.
2. Locke’s armor (I cant remember the name) is unlocked when you complete the campaign on all 4 difficulties, not just legendary
If you’re going to introduce a completely new character with great armor and throw his armor in the trash, go f urself 343. Regardless of his total irrelevance to the story of halo, his armor is very cool and deserves more glory than it gets.
3. Athlon armor awarded when you complete all weapon commendations (get a certain number of kills with every type of weapon in the game)
Since it was added in halo 5 give it some worth
No way!!! I just fricken passed Halo 2 on legendary to get this. I was on the road to getting it, but now there's no value to it. Damnit 343!
I love it when there is something hard to get a 343 like to make everything easy to get
Masked 343 is a Colouss failure!
Xiru Xydosee a "Colouss" failure? They're still working things out, finding out what works and what doesn't. Halo 4 had a decent story, but a horrible multiplayer and forge. Halo 5 had a horrible story, but a decent multiplayer and an excellent forge. I'm hopeful in Halo 6 they'll combine the successes of the two to make a game worthy of the title 'Halo'.
My spartan company is literally 2 commendations away from Achillies, id cry if it was added to loot boxes
did you get the armor yet
@@ilikecapybaras6806 no, they kicked me because i didnt play for 3 days :(
I disagree, I think halo 3 recon armor was cool and simple, the vidmasters were very challenging especially when you had people that weren’t good at the game.
MrHaloman95 He actually agreed with you in the stream
It's free for everyone. Kek.
Well have you heard the tragedy of helioscrill, but first have you heard of audible...... lol
As someone who wore Scout before the vidmasters came out I instantly said "Used Car Salesman" when you asked about the scout achievement
What did I get for beating Halo 5 on legendary difficulty? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!
Im still mad about that.
redninja 64 no. U got a 10 second cutscene of Cortana humming while the camera pans to a Halo ring. 😂
Jason Stanton I got to see a giant space hoola hoop, yay me
It's better than Halo 2 at least, where the best you could hope for was Black Eye, and you had to pick it up every time you started the game up.
Me too
(Oh by the way how do you get your 200’000 + req packs)
Funeral Oak7 *Flasbacks to Sniper Alley on the second mission*
i don't like how most halo 5 armour looks but i like helioskrill
Luke I had a dream about you, I was running from tigers for some reason, and Travis was riding one of them. You, Travis 2.0(Idk) and I were fighting them off, and your cat sneaked up on us and thats all I remember. Don't ask.
What has travis, made you smoke?
lol I have no idea
Im saying one thing.
ODST armor all the way!
Its easy to get, and looks fucking awesome!
In order to get the scout helmet, you must get the Used Car Salesmen achievement. An I believe you must get the Too Close To The Sun achievement in order to get the chest piece.
Tbh I preferred halo 4s unlock system before they added a load of variants that you could just buy.
Bobsbestfriend cough reach is better
kanna of war reach with a few tweaks would be ideal for halo infinite
Are you sure about the Katana unlock requirements in Halo 3? I had it, but I unlocked it at 1060G (which is where my total still sits 8 years later).
I remember at the time, there seemed to be a lot of disagreement over how it was unlocked (This could have just been a perceived thing. I was only just learning the wonders of TH-cam). I mostly remember hearing that it would be unlocked after reaching various amounts of gamerscore between like 750G and 1250G.
I also remember that after I got it, it would disappear sometimes and I would have to restart the game for it to show up again. Maybe I got it through a glitch or something? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
*Edit: Did some "research" (AKA google) and it looks like the requirements are still debated, but no one said you needed all of the achievements. From what I saw:
It could be earned by getting 1000G and then it couldn't. Instead, you now needed 49 of 79 achievements. But if you got the Mythic map pack, you could sometimes get it without either of those requirements. Whenever you did manage to unlock it, it would appear and disappear randomly sometimes until you managed to get 1750G. You also might (maybe) need to find all of the skulls in campaign, or maybe just the 13 gold skulls.
The only one of these requirements I didn't fulfill was 49 achievements. I only have 36.
Ok so let me explain. The requirement at first was to get all original 49 achievements which amounted to 1000 gamerscore. However with the addition of more DLC and achievements it was revealed that the only requirement was to unlock a combined gamerscore of 1000. For example you have 36 achievements for over 1000 gamerscore which unlocks the Katana. If you would have had less than 1000 then the Katana would still be locked. So Halo 3 at launch required all achievements unlocked (1000 gamerscore) but with new DLC achievements all you had to do was unlock 1000 gamerscore across the whole game, original/dlc achievements combined.
And it was hyabusa that you needed all skills for
Complete legendary, and get all skulls while you play it
The Scout helmet needs the Headshot Honcho achievement, the TORSO takes used car salesman
I got mine legit
Fontabian Donalson same
Same :/
Fontabian Donalson Same did it all solo on MCC
SteveTheGamer same
*(X) Doubt*
I knew that it was in Gold packs, but I did it anyway, I can say I am part of the 0.86% of players
GOOD NEWS. Its 0.65% now, we the rare few
David Johnson How did it go down?
I'm working on that achievement now. Wish me luck!
I’ve come back to say I am now to this day apart of the 0.66 people who completed all the halo on legendary
Did anybody actually get the achievement and then not get the Helioskrill?
That’s the real tragedy for me.
Yes, took 4 days for it to appear for me.
It's a timed unlock I think
I have the Timmy helmet :D
Congrats your A fish head
The Last Space Wolf Thanks
kool shit man
But still congrats
I got it randomly... lol.
Didn't even know that's how you unlocked Helioskrill armor... makes sense now when I found it was in my customizations.
I completed halo 4 on legendary and got the armor
I actually thought the "tragedy" would be something about the lore...
LesbianHentaiofMovingAir This is more than a lore tragedy. I could care less about the lore for this armor
The lore is get good and get armor
@@zhaitae2470 You don't, but some of us do lol. The armor has some interesting lore behind it and makes it all the more cool.
@@writershard5065 With it being sold on the shitty REQ packs, I really don't care after all I went through to get it legitimately
And this is why halo 4 armor unlock system is one of the best in my opinion, you need to complete a commendation to get most of the skinned armors and wear that armor makes your apearance really unique and special and i love this thing.
Had to do all campaigns on legendary twice, once offline and the other online
its funny you use the halo 3 katana has an example as the MCC has made it possible for ANYONE to have while playing halo 3
Proud to be a part of it, even though I quit 5 a while back
Far too many armours that I literally can't get after opening like 15 gold packs
Maybe if u get Helio Skrill the legit way you get a special color variant that’s exclusive to the legend achievemen
Reply if you are in the 0.80%
What’s up?
Badass German Operator Had the legend achievement before I got Halo 5, all my friends were so jealous and I had no idea how I even got the armor lol
Here here
Here solo no skulls
How you doing?
I’m pretty sure the helioskrill armor was already available in halo 5's req packs from the start :/
Garrett Jensen that's what I thought too. I had it from the start but I was under the impression that every armor was obtainable (except the three he mentioned) through req packs. And honestly I kinda liked it that way. It was really frustrating to have to buy the console to get fotus in halo 4. I bought the console for 5 but I still like that it's possible to get the armors.
First video I saw of LTN, and stuck around, I’m sad to see that my fav halo TH-camr has fallen down the fortnite hole, may you always be remembered
I would have the legend achievement but it decided to glitch on me instead
Shame yourself.
ETHAN BAHR gotta replay it
ETHAN BAHR Anyone remember the achievement in reach of assassinating a elite to s yourself from a fatal fall... except hitting an enemy would often stop you from taking fall damage so to get the achievement you needed to get your trajectory so perfect that you would be withing melee range but not yet actually touched the elites hitbox. Nothing in this life ha ever brought me more pain or frustration.
fichin butler its been time since i played reach , but if my memory isnt wrong:
At the start of the mission Pillar of autumn you started at the top of a hill , there was enemies down the hill , you could jump from the hill into an elite( assassinating him)
Halo TH-cam (exists)
Audible: It's free real estate
Yes but the RNG means they had to simplify armor to just helmet and body and not much customization. I think we should go back to halo 3 with only a few armor sets and all of them from achievements.
Adam Scheu nah mate reach armor.
I agree
I got the Timmy helmet
Be for they did all dat shit
Lol it’s simple but I like it
It’s easy to get lmao
Yeah me too. Noone probably has the pig helm here tho
The req system still sucks due to how it all goes down like this:
Hey hey hey kid! You grinded for 10 hours only to get enough credits to buy a pack? Well surprise surprise here is NOTHING BUT BULLSHIT WEAPONS AND ONLY THAT what? You dont like it? Go BUY ANOTHER ONE BECAUSE YOUR NEVER GONNA GET THAT ARMOR YA LIKE
10 hours?! I get a gold pack in 1-2 hours
I was being ironic with the 10 hours thing
Asillium I would like it just because I have other things to do in life.
Droideka 1337 Just what we need, another bk with Achilles
Asillium what does bk even mean?
Achilles need to be put in the req pool so people who dont have a spartan company can get it