I think the bike looks great with the less bulky front end. The light swap and clip ons fit the bike nicely, in my opinion. If that was my bike I'd remove the pillion pegs and blank (if you single ride obviously), replace the foot guards from chrome to black or carbon, and swap from the stock exhaust to a sportier one to lighten the bike further and add a little more grunt. But it's looking great 👍
Thanks! Keeping the passenger accessories for now, but I do agree, it would look better with the rear pegs shaved off. I have a titanium & carbon slip on from Delkevic which looks great and weighs a lot less, but it’s so loud I can’t quite stand it. It draws more attention than I want.
@BDoh I had the same issue. I bought mine with the SC Project S1 exhaust fitted. I couldn't bear it. It was so obnoxious that I found myself riding in high gears to try to dampen it a bit. I've fitted the Scorpion Serket Taper exhaust instead, and that's perfect. It sits nicely between the stock exhaust and anything obnoxious.
Really like that!!...
I think the bike looks great with the less bulky front end. The light swap and clip ons fit the bike nicely, in my opinion.
If that was my bike I'd remove the pillion pegs and blank (if you single ride obviously), replace the foot guards from chrome to black or carbon, and swap from the stock exhaust to a sportier one to lighten the bike further and add a little more grunt.
But it's looking great 👍
Thanks! Keeping the passenger accessories for now, but I do agree, it would look better with the rear pegs shaved off. I have a titanium & carbon slip on from Delkevic which looks great and weighs a lot less, but it’s so loud I can’t quite stand it. It draws more attention than I want.
@BDoh I had the same issue. I bought mine with the SC Project S1 exhaust fitted. I couldn't bear it. It was so obnoxious that I found myself riding in high gears to try to dampen it a bit.
I've fitted the Scorpion Serket Taper exhaust instead, and that's perfect. It sits nicely between the stock exhaust and anything obnoxious.