Im a retired CG mechanic and currently work on firetrucks, SeaFoam in my humble opinion is the only engine cleaner , pour in fuel system cleaner that does what it says. Personal vehicle is a 2000 4runner v6 4wd pushing close to 300,000 miles and it runs like new.
@@daverunner3397 That's sweet, gonna pour some of this into my 2001 4runner with 207k miles once its out of the shop. Getting OEM LBJ's, uppers, and wheel bearings done right now. Super strong vehicles
I used it on my f-150 (5.4 ) with 220,000. It was missing under power. Tried several other cleaners with very little improvement. Used the Seafoam and it has been running like a new engine ever since.
been using seafoam for over 50 years,great stuff.Keeps ur engine and fuel system clean also works in automatic and standard transmissions. Good to use in ur vehicles once a year if u put alot of miles on them.
dude its usually for gas engine. not electric. its work if due to carbon build up, new car, and electric car normally doesnt built up anything in the engine. thats why u did not see any smoake cuz nothing to clean. its already clean.
I had a 1988 Toyota Camry with 632,248 miles. All cylinders had almost no compretion, the serpentine belt was freyed with almost no tension left, D/S headlight was out, water pump was on its last leg, heater core was holding on for dear life, trunk latch had the strength of a chip clip, and the carburetor didn't know if it should send fuel, air or just send up a prayer...............and you know it boys. ONE CAN OF SEAFOAM, and every ailment that little Camry had instantly fixed and was better than new. Life long seafoam user and a witness to its miraculousness.
It's not really to improve a car that's already somewhat clean... My sister's first car was a junkyard Mercedes that wouldn't idle and shook like crazy, made no power. We dumped a whole bottle in the gas and filled the tank up then drove it around for the whole tank. The results were crazy, it idled so smooth that we thought the car died at a red light afterwards.
My timing belt broke on my interference engine and ruined my valvetrain and everyone said my engine was destroyed. Well, I didn't let that stop me. I poured three bottles of Seafoam into my gas tank and drank the 4th bottle to clean the carbon out of my own body and now my car runs better than when it was new, and so do I. I never get colds anymore and I used to get sick all the time. Seafoam took three seconds off my 50-yard dash time, and I also don't sweat out of my skin anymore like I used to.
@@MikeSmith-fq5dv instructions say to use 1 ounce for every quart of oil so around 5 ounces on average but I usually eyeball about quarter to a third of the bottle in the crank case and the rest in the gas tank. Run for about 100 miles or more if you want but it will wear down seals so be careful running it past 1000 miles. Then change oil. If you want to put it in your intake like the vid get the spray bottle with the nozzle and put it behind your throttle body and use the whole thing 👍
Seafoam intake spray worked pretty good on my 92 nissan. No smoke..better response, idles smoother, I had a fuel smell when I started..gone, runs quieter.. definitely worth the 14$.
Anyone watching this, just an update on what he said. Putting the seafoam in the oil won't make the engine smoke white, putting it in the vacuum will (the video shows this) as it's cleaning deposits in the intake and such. Also, don't just dunk the tube into the can like he did, you can potentially hydrolock the engine (worst case, but why risk it). Slowly pour the seafoam into the vacuum line and keep the engine from stopping with the throttle.
Appreciate the heads up. However maybe about 2 floz were left sitting in the engine, I just stopped keeping it alive with the throttle so it would die out. So need to worry however yeah putting a lot in a once is not a good idea!
@Bob Watters Well, this question is technically pretty big. 1. Engine size matters obviously. A lawn mower getting fed straight "liquid" might lock. A V-8 would need half a liter of only "liquid" and zero air to lock. 3rd and probably most important, the compressibility of the liquid matters. Benzene for example is almost twice as compressible as water. I'm not sure what's in Seafoam but I know it's a hydrocarbon. You would need to seriously dump an absolutely boat load of that stuff in to hydro lock and the average engine. IMO...of course.
well atleast you did not suck your sleeve into the fan blade .watched mostly to see how close you came ..let me tell you this gentleman .you do NOT want to wear long sleeves while working on a running engine .lots of dummies missing body parts or the rest of their lifes .
For plaque buildup, I use expensive mouthwash, swishing at 3000RPM for several minutes, then swallow. I can tell it's working as more brown buildup comes out of my tailpipe. I can't tell the difference but my mouth feels cleaner and it beats having to clean my teeth with a brush and get dental cleanings!
I don't think Seafoam claims to give any more horse power. It just cleans up carbon deposits (that we do know) and cleans fuel injector and carburetors very well. It is also a very good fuel stabilizer for long term storage so the gas does not go bad and gunk up your fuel system.
Bubba, I put this stuff in a lawnmower that had not been run in years. The lawnmower would smoke from a cold start because the valves were dirty. I ran some seafoam through the gas tank. Not only did it make the engine very strong like new again, it completely stopped the smoking from cold starting.
I have an 07 F150 with the 5.4 Triton. I ran sea foam in preparation for the dreaded spark plug change. Plugs were almost carbon free and made for easy removal. I use it and will continue to use it.
I did this on a used LS430 we bought.It had 75K miles on it. I did the Seafoam through the vacuum hose, let it soak for about an hour. I did this at night so the neighbors wouldn't become concerned about any smoke it made. And am I glad I did! The smoke cloud was huge and was pouring out at a good rate for almost 1/2 mile. More importantly, I noticed an improvement in pick up, however I didn't take any measurements- just butt dyno.
I have a KA in my frontier, with the vertical throttle body, I just took the air filter off and dumpped a bit into the engine at a time, and it did great! I had the engine at about 25% throttle.
Seafoam works good, but I like putting two cans of Berryman's B-12 Chemtool in a fresh tank of fuel. It cleans the crap out of injectors. I always notice the biggest difference the morning after I treat the tank. Two cans cost as much as 1 can of Seafoam. Thanks for the videos Kevin!
Casey Campagnari Seafoam is getting pricey in PA. 2 cans though?? dang I always just did one can or bottle of whatever I buy. I like to mix it up. Sometimes Seafoam, sometimes mystery oil, I've tried B12 before and basically everything else lol. So 2 cans is better than 1 in a tank?
Michael Eby Two cans of B12 in the tank made a world of difference in my car. B12 is half the price of Seafoam (usually). Sale prices make a difference, but on a normal day, B12 is $4.95 per bottle and Seafoam is $9.99 to $12.99
1221Ralph in my opinion, B12 is the best for injectors. Treat the tank, drive home, and see how it runs in the morning. The next morning is where I noticed the big difference in performance
But, why do times have anything to do with the goal? The goal is lifetime of the engine, not performance. Typical young thinking. My grandmother taught me years ago, Slow down, you will get there quicker. And she was not talking about traffic. She was talking about life. Goals and achievements. I find it ironic that is does apply to traffic.
i wouldnt use seafoam in the oil myself but what i have done is pour a little ATF IN THE OIL,a strong detergent and then change oil really does clean up filthy internal eng parts
i put their winter storage stuff in my hot rod.had to drop the tank and replace all the filters change the oil 3x's,then rebuild my carb before it would run properly again.the winter storage stuff is garbage!!glad to see you had good luck with the other products.
Cool video dude! I prefer to use the Seafoam spray when adding to the intake side of the engine! you can add it right where your intake filter is and it will clean throttle body also :)
I did the TRIO! gas tank, crankcase, and intake. Stuff is dope on clearance! Very cheap for what improvements you gain. Haters are just mad they aren't mechanical enough to pop the hood lol
Pls will it work for my lexus 2jz IS300.its smoking blu3 and its killing plugs 3 and 4.when plugs come out,a lot of dirt,gunk on the electrodes. Will seafoam work or should i soak pistons with t4 brake fluid..
You did not follow Seafoams instructions . Pore directly into crankcase . Put 1 ounce per gallon into gas tank . Spray Seaform spray into carb /throttle area .
the faster acceerlation is because there is oil in seafoam for upper cylinder lubrication. so after blasting your engine with sea foam for a period of time it'll feel peppier then when the seafoam is all burned out of the engine it'll accelerate the same as it did before.
am really confused now, some people say do not put seafoam to fuel tank or oil cap fill , just a vacuum hose do. and some people say its a bad idea to put on a old car it will damage the ring pistons or whatever , some1 advice please.
I love how he kept the garage door open and let that shit blow into the house to breath later! MMM Nothing like the smell of burnt carbon in the morning! Just like Momma used to make!
You are support to put it in behind the air intake after the mas do not use one vacuum tube it will only do on part of the engine does anybody read instructions any more
hey whats up man i have a 2003 nissan 350z its been sitting for 5 years and started it here and there i did a oil change and new oil filter and put the sea foam in with a new full tank of gas now b4 i put my car up it never smoked and now i did this oil change and the sea foam its smoking do you think its the sea foam doing it work or could i have other issues > ?????? thank for your time
1. You should never let the car die, with this product inside the engine. 2. if you put it in your engine oil it will act as a thinner, there for the oil is no longer effective IE you should has changed the oil after letting it idle for a minute of two. 3. why would you put this engine cleaner through the vacuum system and not the intake manifold where most carbon deposits lay.
Its L3roy if you don't change it at least 50 to 100 miles after putting it in your oil then what's the point of using it all the stuff its meant to clean is still in your oil resting in your pan
You ever heard of something called hydrolocking your engine? With seafoam its petroleum based so it lubricates and cleans. It's also why they have you keep your engine on 2000 rpm and you don't kill your engine with the spray so you avoid that.
Seafoam has been around for over 30 years. It was developed by a guy that was a boat motor mechanic. He originally saw a need for the problem of boats and other recreational equipment that sat up for months at a time. Gas setting up in carbs and tanks tends to go bad. Seafoam was the answer for this problem. It is more of a general cleaner of fuel lines and carbs. but is not a miracle worker.
Yes you are. You're only supposed to run it in the oil for around 100-300 miles. Running it in the oil, it does not burn off and it collects large deposits from the engine, which is why you change the oil. Second you are supposed to dump it in as fast as you can WITHOUT it dying when going into a vacuum line. If you dump it fast enough for it to die, there is a chance of hydro locking your motor. You don't let it "sit on top of the pistons and rings", the cleaning of it from the vacuum method is the expantion when it burns. Before you argue about changing the oil, go ahead and read the directions. IF you want to argue after that, go ahead and ruin your car lol
I saw a video where someone did this method with water, slowly introducing it into the vacuum line, and it completely saturated his oil, milky white, so ya I’d bet a lot of gunk and cleaned out carbon gets into your oil using this method, and probably most importantly will end up clogging your oil filter which leads to oil not flowing right and your entire engine not getting lubricated. Besides oil changing is the cheapest and easiest way to prolong the life of the engine, and chances are your crankcase is full of sludge and needs some frequent oil changes anyways.
my nissan mechanic told me to never put any additives in my 1997 maxima gle, it hauls ass and has 156,000 on it and does not use a drop of oil,i have had it up to 125 mph with no problem, the car has been fed premium fuel it's whole life though
Yamborghini because TH-cam lol we just learned one of the best things you can do to your car if pos....hydrolocking is the best to way to clear up your car problems...he didn't show the tow truck step though
Only let it sit 10 minutes.. You may havr hydrolocked. Hold it steady. Drive hard for 15 Mile's after the air intake test, don't just sit there revving sporadically!. As far as gas tank, just go 1oz per gallon, half tank. Drive normal about 50 miles.
Looks like that stuff could wreak havoc on the catalytic converter. I did learn never put 100 Oct LL aircraft gas into a car with a catalytic converter. Very Bad Things Happen.
Actually seafoam does the cat good. The smoke coming out from the seafoam is smaller molecules than the carbon emissions. It will help clean your cat a little in the process.
I heard the rpf1 are bad for daily use what are your thoughts I've seen some pretty bent and where I live roads are shit so some insight would be cherry
your supposed to run 1ounce per quarter of oil one ounce per gallon of gas then put a full spray can through your air intake at slightly higher than idle then let it soak for a few hours the longer the better ideally 24 hours then drain and replace the oil adding 1quart of Lucas in place of a quart of oil
a whipped 240sx with a fart can and a a autozone performance cone its faaaaaast after seafoam. dont you need 3 cans? ones for the intake, oil, and gas?
I've seen in the past Seafoam causing engine issues that being said. I instead use Marvel Mystery Oil. I take 6 ounces and put it in my gas tank..... this keeps my fuel injectors clean.... Every oil change I add a quart to the crankcase with my preferred oil to protect my engine. 177k miles and still going strong zero issues so far.
Kalvin Malli why you messing with all that crap next time just get some Subaru upper engine cleaner, works a treat!! Pop one in at every service and forget about all those expensive bs products!! Happy New Year can't wait till you start that rb25det build!!
Kalvin Malli do the timing chain video would be a good video, also you put it in the oil and let it run but not leave it in there for a long period of time, its better to change the oil from what ive heard and read online
if you get a smoke show with sea foam in the oil you have shot rings or valve stem seals, should be minimal. also, for the vac line, much better to get a small funnel or just roll up a sheet of paper and make one...keep it at high idle and poor steadily, keeping it just running. then yes, give it a good pour or dunk the hose in to kill the engine.
50 miles? it's useless after you add it! yes you can add it to oil. but do it when you change your oil. your putting kerosene in your engine. it does a fantastic job cleaning it out. now drain the pan and let the gunk out. this stuff thins your oil. think about it
Im a retired CG mechanic and currently work on firetrucks, SeaFoam in my humble opinion is the only engine cleaner , pour in fuel system cleaner that does what it says. Personal vehicle is a 2000 4runner v6 4wd pushing close to 300,000 miles and it runs like new.
Hey just curious, how’s your 4runner doing now?
@@yoimron 300,000 + miles, still running strong.
@Freedom Will Prevail Try it and see what happens!
@@daverunner3397 That's sweet, gonna pour some of this into my 2001 4runner with 207k miles once its out of the shop. Getting OEM LBJ's, uppers, and wheel bearings done right now. Super strong vehicles
@Freedom Will Prevail Spray carb cleaner in the egr valve.
click bait. car is fine..
his eyebrow isn't 😂😂😂
He said did seafoam ruin my car not seafoam ruined my car
Thanks actually. I’m shutting the video off and now. 30 seconds In. Lol
I used it on my f-150 (5.4 ) with 220,000. It was missing under power. Tried several other cleaners with very little improvement. Used the Seafoam and it has been running like a new engine ever since.
How did you use it in fuel or intake or oil?
been using seafoam for over 50 years,great stuff.Keeps ur engine and fuel system clean also works in automatic and standard transmissions. Good to use in ur vehicles once a year if u put alot of miles on them.
Tried it on my Tesla and I didn't see any smoke.
You didn't do it right. You need to pour it in the cupholder...
dude its usually for gas engine. not electric. its work if due to carbon build up, new car, and electric car normally doesnt built up anything in the engine. thats why u did not see any smoake cuz nothing to clean. its already clean.
was it electric Tesla you idiot????????????????
Always funny when people do not understand the humor...
dood, wrong. Need to put it in with the blinker fluid.
I had a 1988 Toyota Camry with 632,248 miles. All cylinders had almost no compretion, the serpentine belt was freyed with almost no tension left, D/S headlight was out, water pump was on its last leg, heater core was holding on for dear life, trunk latch had the strength of a chip clip, and the carburetor didn't know if it should send fuel, air or just send up a prayer...............and you know it boys. ONE CAN OF SEAFOAM, and every ailment that little Camry had instantly fixed and was better than new. Life long seafoam user and a witness to its miraculousness.
It's not really to improve a car that's already somewhat clean... My sister's first car was a junkyard Mercedes that wouldn't idle and shook like crazy, made no power. We dumped a whole bottle in the gas and filled the tank up then drove it around for the whole tank. The results were crazy, it idled so smooth that we thought the car died at a red light afterwards.
@Deondaray agreed new gas would help but the seafoam cleaned all the bs from the old gas. 21st century gas does not age well
My timing belt broke on my interference engine and ruined my valvetrain and everyone said my engine was destroyed. Well, I didn't let that stop me. I poured three bottles of Seafoam into my gas tank and drank the 4th bottle to clean the carbon out of my own body and now my car runs better than when it was new, and so do I. I never get colds anymore and I used to get sick all the time. Seafoam took three seconds off my 50-yard dash time, and I also don't sweat out of my skin anymore like I used to.
That's some good shiddd! Have to try it for myself!!
Someone get this man to the hospital
Creativity peaking
You can also add Lucas in the oil to help with oil consumption . These two products together are great for old engins .
im not a mechanic by any means, but everyone I talked to advised me to changed the oil basically right after doing this.
Thats what he did..if you paid attention
Sea foam says to drive the car 100 miles before changing oil.
I was told to use it 300-500 miles bfor my next oil change
That would be correct, Sir !!
I use it every time before oil change, I notice the difference almost immediately. I give thumbs up to seafoam.
How exactly? Like do you use the whole bottle and how miles do you run it before getting the oil changed? Please lemme know. Thanks take care!
@@MikeSmith-fq5dv instructions say to use 1 ounce for every quart of oil so around 5 ounces on average but I usually eyeball about quarter to a third of the bottle in the crank case and the rest in the gas tank. Run for about 100 miles or more if you want but it will wear down seals so be careful running it past 1000 miles. Then change oil. If you want to put it in your intake like the vid get the spray bottle with the nozzle and put it behind your throttle body and use the whole thing 👍
@@Pernoctate definitely. Also, if the suburban is factory, it’s fuel injected.
Seafoam intake spray worked pretty good on my 92 nissan. No smoke..better response, idles smoother, I had a fuel smell when I started..gone, runs quieter.. definitely worth the 14$.
Anyone watching this, just an update on what he said. Putting the seafoam in the oil won't make the engine smoke white, putting it in the vacuum will (the video shows this) as it's cleaning deposits in the intake and such. Also, don't just dunk the tube into the can like he did, you can potentially hydrolock the engine (worst case, but why risk it). Slowly pour the seafoam into the vacuum line and keep the engine from stopping with the throttle.
Appreciate the heads up. However maybe about 2 floz were left sitting in the engine, I just stopped keeping it alive with the throttle so it would die out. So need to worry however yeah putting a lot in a once is not a good idea!
Stupid way to add the seafoam. Never completely submerge the hose in the liquid until it kills the engine
Hydrolocking an engine with 16oz of fluid? Come on now....
The engine should rev @ 2000rpm during the spraying, get a friend or,,,,jam the pedal with a piece of wood to the seat, did work for me 😂
@Bob Watters Well, this question is technically pretty big. 1. Engine size matters obviously. A lawn mower getting fed straight "liquid" might lock. A V-8 would need half a liter of only "liquid" and zero air to lock. 3rd and probably most important, the compressibility of the liquid matters. Benzene for example is almost twice as compressible as water. I'm not sure what's in Seafoam but I know it's a hydrocarbon. You would need to seriously dump an absolutely boat load of that stuff in to hydro lock and the average engine. IMO...of course.
well atleast you did not suck your sleeve into the fan blade .watched mostly to see how close you came ..let me tell you this gentleman .you do NOT want to wear long sleeves while working on a running engine .lots of dummies missing body parts or the rest of their lifes .
hey dude, should probably change the spark plugs after this. the seafoam tends to "clog" them with all the crap.
Don't bother watching - the video proves it didn't harm (RUIN?) his car. It's just Seafoam bashing!🚫
The problem with the timing belts on Nissan 240s is that it's a timing chain. Seafoam will correct that issue.
For plaque buildup, I use expensive mouthwash, swishing at 3000RPM for several minutes, then swallow. I can tell it's working as more brown buildup comes out of my tailpipe. I can't tell the difference but my mouth feels cleaner and it beats having to clean my teeth with a brush and get dental cleanings!
record u fixing the timing chain noise
I've used it in the crankcase for sticking lifters, including my old 240SX and it worked every time.
Me too.
I quit smoking dope, now I drink Seafoam for breakfast, and I fart smoke.
I don't think Seafoam claims to give any more horse power. It just cleans up carbon deposits (that we do know) and cleans fuel injector and carburetors very well. It is also a very good fuel stabilizer for long term storage so the gas does not go bad and gunk up your fuel system.
This video makes me grateful I live in San Diego
Mmm taxes
@@KineticTaco Mmm palm trees, beaches and mountains
Bubba, I put this stuff in a lawnmower that had not been run in years. The lawnmower would smoke from a cold start because the valves were dirty. I ran some seafoam through the gas tank. Not only did it make the engine very strong like new again, it completely stopped the smoking from cold starting.
if my car's head is hot, I drop an asprin in the gas tank
I have an 07 F150 with the 5.4 Triton. I ran sea foam in preparation for the dreaded spark plug change. Plugs were almost carbon free and made for easy removal. I use it and will continue to use it.
How did you use it? I used it for the gas thank and before the oil change but I don't know how to use it for the intake
I dumped a can in at the gas station. I did that twice leading up to the plug change.
"Now we just dunk it in and let it die" omfg hydrolock😂
Yup. I thought the exact same thing.
I did this on a used LS430 we bought.It had 75K miles on it. I did the Seafoam through the vacuum hose, let it soak for about an hour. I did this at night so the neighbors wouldn't become concerned about any smoke it made. And am I glad I did! The smoke cloud was huge and was pouring out at a good rate for almost 1/2 mile. More importantly, I noticed an improvement in pick up, however I didn't take any measurements- just butt dyno.
Show us how to fix that chain noise thing
Eduardo Martinez it's a guide under the valve/timing cover
brandoGTR48 he got rid of it and it still does it
Simple, take off valve cover, unbolt both 10mm's throw guide away and put valve cover back on.
Timing chain guide delete
I have a KA in my frontier, with the vertical throttle body, I just took the air filter off and dumpped a bit into the engine at a time, and it did great! I had the engine at about 25% throttle.
make sure to change the plugs as well if u havent already done so
Are you supposed to get new spark plugs if you add some of this to the crank case oil?
You are NOT suppose to use your vacuum line to put seafoam into your engine. You want it to go through your throttle body.
Seafoam works good, but I like putting two cans of Berryman's B-12 Chemtool in a fresh tank of fuel. It cleans the crap out of injectors. I always notice the biggest difference the morning after I treat the tank. Two cans cost as much as 1 can of Seafoam. Thanks for the videos Kevin!
Casey Campagnari my seafoam can cost me about $5
Casey Campagnari Seafoam is getting pricey in PA. 2 cans though?? dang I always just did one can or bottle of whatever I buy. I like to mix it up. Sometimes Seafoam, sometimes mystery oil, I've tried B12 before and basically everything else lol. So 2 cans is better than 1 in a tank?
Michael Eby Two cans of B12 in the tank made a world of difference in my car. B12 is half the price of Seafoam (usually). Sale prices make a difference, but on a normal day, B12 is $4.95 per bottle and Seafoam is $9.99 to $12.99
Casey Campagnari Jesus Christ seafoam is expensive there. Its $5 at Walmart here in Los Angeles. Would B12 help with cleaning injectors?
1221Ralph in my opinion, B12 is the best for injectors. Treat the tank, drive home, and see how it runs in the morning. The next morning is where I noticed the big difference in performance
But, why do times have anything to do with the goal? The goal is lifetime of the engine, not performance. Typical young thinking. My grandmother taught me years ago, Slow down, you will get there quicker. And she was not talking about traffic. She was talking about life. Goals and achievements. I find it ironic that is does apply to traffic.
I’m investing on Seafoam Stocks now.
i wouldnt use seafoam in the oil myself but what i have done is pour a little ATF IN THE OIL,a strong detergent and then change oil really does clean up filthy internal eng parts
How does something "soak in" to a piston ring?!
+Craigsta: I know what you mean. That created a weird image in my head.
It doesn’t soak in to the metal, but it does soak into the carbon ON the metal!
i put their winter storage stuff in my hot rod.had to drop the tank and replace all the filters change the oil 3x's,then rebuild my carb before it would run properly again.the winter storage stuff is garbage!!glad to see you had good luck with the other products.
Cool video dude! I prefer to use the Seafoam spray when adding to the intake side of the engine! you can add it right where your intake filter is and it will clean throttle body also :)
Never let it touch your MAS sensor.
I did the TRIO! gas tank, crankcase, and intake. Stuff is dope on clearance! Very cheap for what improvements you gain. Haters are just mad they aren't mechanical enough to pop the hood lol
Right after I pour the SeaFoam in the gas tank, I always throw in a burning match afterwards. It thoroughly cleans everything up inside and out.
Idiot! I have a grandson who tried this to see how much gas was in tank, he lived through the ordeal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
XD 🤙
Peter Klym ????
THanks or the advice. It worked!
Did you change the oil after this?
I'm wondering how much damage that is doing to the o2 sensors and cats
Joe schmo: That's a good point.
it says on the can "oxygen sensor safe", never had a problem with it hurting sensors
Cat will get clogged up remove before using it
Hmmmm.... Check engine light both before and after service performed.... Just wondering if he addressed that issue?
Why is the title “did seafoam ruin my car”? That made no sense.
So you would click on it.
What seafoam are you using? thats not in the directions for any of the products I have ever read, next to maybe the oil one.
All cars should be required to be RWD! The old 240 was a great car!
Upstate NY is a beautiful place!
Pls will it work for my lexus 2jz IS300.its smoking blu3 and its killing plugs 3 and 4.when plugs come out,a lot of dirt,gunk on the electrodes. Will seafoam work or should i soak pistons with t4 brake fluid..
You did not follow Seafoams instructions . Pore directly into crankcase . Put 1 ounce per gallon into gas tank . Spray Seaform spray into carb /throttle area .
In the gas tank, you can put as much as you want. That's what the official Seafoam videos say.
the faster acceerlation is because there is oil in seafoam for upper cylinder lubrication. so after blasting your engine with sea foam for a period of time it'll feel peppier then when the seafoam is all burned out of the engine it'll accelerate the same as it did before.
The butt dyno never lies! Gonna get some seafoam for my bike.
You are supposed to rev the engine at 2000rpm when injecting it then hot soak for 10mins then drove aggressively until the smoke is gone
I really don't think that's how you're supposed to do it
so just wondering when you sucked to seafoam up in the tube was that basicly the same as using the spray on the intake?
There's you problem at the back of your car! You're a new yorker!
am really confused now, some people say do not put seafoam to fuel tank or oil cap fill , just a vacuum hose do.
and some people say its a bad idea to put on a old car it will damage the ring pistons or whatever , some1 advice please.
Arent you supposed to let the car warm up before adding it? I'm not a seafoam expert my any means, so I may be wrong
+007K Yes. I did. Just didn't show it.
Oh gotcha, cool man :)
Spectre398 nobody cares
sticking the vacuum line in the bottle is a good way to hydrolock the engine.
Flats so is gasoline, put three ounces of gasoline in each cylinder, tell us what it does.
hi how much should i pour into a vr6 2.8 AAA motor also i have a 55 litre gas tank
I love how he kept the garage door open and let that shit blow into the house to breath later!
MMM Nothing like the smell of burnt carbon in the morning! Just like Momma used to make!
that's funny
Seafoam smells a little like race fuel when it's burned, so that's fine by me! haha
It was also spilled on the car door.
You are support to put it in behind the air intake after the mas do not use one vacuum tube it will only do on part of the engine does anybody read instructions any more
WOW! Seafoam really werk werk werk, werk werk werk!
hey whats up man i have a 2003 nissan 350z its been sitting for 5 years and started it here and there i did a oil change and new oil filter and put the sea foam in with a new full tank of gas now b4 i put my car up it never smoked and now i did this oil change and the sea foam its smoking do you think its the sea foam doing it work or could i have other issues > ?????? thank for your time
1. You should never let the car die, with this product inside the engine.
2. if you put it in your engine oil it will act as a thinner, there for the oil is no longer effective IE you should has changed the oil after letting it idle for a minute of two.
3. why would you put this engine cleaner through the vacuum system and not the intake manifold where most carbon deposits lay.
Reapers Merc right on number 1 wrong on number two did it on mine oil stayed the same just real dirty
Its L3roy if you don't change it at least 50 to 100 miles after putting it in your oil then what's the point of using it all the stuff its meant to clean is still in your oil resting in your pan
What is all that white stuff on the ground, Bobby in Arizona would like to know
I've seen tap water squirted into intake while revving clean a good bit of carbon off
You ever heard of something called hydrolocking your engine? With seafoam its petroleum based so it lubricates and cleans. It's also why they have you keep your engine on 2000 rpm and you don't kill your engine with the spray so you avoid that.
@@linkscott9874 it does work. But you don't spray it in. It "steam cleans" it. Ask any old mechanic. Just FYI 😉 it has to be a very fine mist.
Seafoam has been around for over 30 years. It was developed by a guy that was a boat motor mechanic. He originally saw a need for the problem of boats and other recreational equipment that sat up for months at a time. Gas setting up in carbs and tanks tends to go bad. Seafoam was the answer for this problem. It is more of a general cleaner of fuel lines and carbs. but is not a miracle worker.
You have to change your oil the next day ...
doesnt it burn off?
+jakk chitpasong no you don't lol
Yes you are. You're only supposed to run it in the oil for around 100-300 miles. Running it in the oil, it does not burn off and it collects large deposits from the engine, which is why you change the oil. Second you are supposed to dump it in as fast as you can WITHOUT it dying when going into a vacuum line. If you dump it fast enough for it to die, there is a chance of hydro locking your motor. You don't let it "sit on top of the pistons and rings", the cleaning of it from the vacuum method is the expantion when it burns. Before you argue about changing the oil, go ahead and read the directions. IF you want to argue after that, go ahead and ruin your car lol
Yes, you actually do.
I saw a video where someone did this method with water, slowly introducing it into the vacuum line, and it completely saturated his oil, milky white, so ya I’d bet a lot of gunk and cleaned out carbon gets into your oil using this method, and probably most importantly will end up clogging your oil filter which leads to oil not flowing right and your entire engine not getting lubricated. Besides oil changing is the cheapest and easiest way to prolong the life of the engine, and chances are your crankcase is full of sludge and needs some frequent oil changes anyways.
my nissan mechanic told me to never put any additives in my 1997 maxima gle, it hauls ass and has 156,000 on it and does not use a drop of oil,i have had it up to 125 mph with no problem, the car has been fed premium fuel it's whole life though
+dexter coates Nice dude👍🏼👍🏼
Everyone in the comments is a engine mechanic all of a sudden
Yamborghini ikr
+Yamborghini they always are 👌🏼
Yamborghini because TH-cam lol we just learned one of the best things you can do to your car if pos....hydrolocking is the best to way to clear up your car problems...he didn't show the tow truck step though
Yamborghini a good car model?
Josh Hodgeman LMAO
Only let it sit 10 minutes.. You may havr hydrolocked. Hold it steady. Drive hard for 15 Mile's after the air intake test, don't just sit there revving sporadically!. As far as gas tank, just go 1oz per gallon, half tank. Drive normal about 50 miles.
Looks like that stuff could wreak havoc on the catalytic converter. I did learn never put 100 Oct LL aircraft gas into a car with a catalytic converter. Very Bad Things Happen.
Rick Shelton that's why you just take it off :)
Actually seafoam does the cat good. The smoke coming out from the seafoam is smaller molecules than the carbon emissions. It will help clean your cat a little in the process.
Yep, I did this years ago on my Ford Ranger and the Cat went three days later. Guy said it was destroyed.
I heard the rpf1 are bad for daily use what are your thoughts I've seen some pretty bent and where I live roads are shit so some insight would be cherry
I like the old one better They aren't bad. I dailyed them on the horrible roads of PA
We get it, you vape
NissoMoto facts
your supposed to run 1ounce per quarter of oil one ounce per gallon of gas then put a full spray can through your air intake at slightly higher than idle then let it soak for a few hours the longer the better ideally 24 hours then drain and replace the oil adding 1quart of Lucas in place of a quart of oil
These comments are so gold 👌🏼😂🔥
+Jessiah Smith Yeah man. It works!
seafoam can't ruin a car that's already ruined
@@hey_buddy_waz_up hahaha, did it run like new before or after the BOOM! ?
Can you make a video about the check engine light.....oh...nevermind.....its a nissan.....thats the problem
Oh man that's a knee slapper right there!!!!!
a whipped 240sx with a fart can and a a autozone performance cone its faaaaaast after seafoam. dont you need 3 cans? ones for the intake, oil, and gas?
repaint the top black bro
At 7:17 check engine light is on did it shut off ?
one word...INSTRUCTIONS lol
For real 😂
Yeah, he used the gas treatment where he was supposed to use the spray in injector cleaner. He also neglected to do the hot soak! 🤔
I used it once , only once . I went back to misting distilled water, water is cheap and works really really well.
there is 2 types of sea foams though
I've seen in the past Seafoam causing engine issues that being said. I instead use Marvel Mystery Oil. I take 6 ounces and put it in my gas tank..... this keeps my fuel injectors clean.... Every oil change I add a quart to the crankcase with my preferred oil to protect my engine. 177k miles and still going strong zero issues so far.
I put 2 cans in my tesla and it works great!!!
Did you put it in the gas tank AND the oil?
How about changing all filters as well...once you add new oil and do normal maintenance.
Thanks for watching guys!
Happy New Year!
Kalvin Malli happy new years
Kalvin Malli why you messing with all that crap next time just get some Subaru upper engine cleaner, works a treat!! Pop one in at every service and forget about all those expensive bs products!! Happy New Year can't wait till you start that rb25det build!!
Kalvin Malli when will you do a timing chain video on ka24de im starting to have the same problem on mine
Kalvin Malli do the timing chain video would be a good video, also you put it in the oil and let it run but not leave it in there for a long period of time, its better to change the oil from what ive heard and read online
Kalvin Malli What are you wheels specs :( I'm looking to get those for my s14
if you get a smoke show with sea foam in the oil you have shot rings or valve stem seals, should be minimal. also, for the vac line, much better to get a small funnel or just roll up a sheet of paper and make one...keep it at high idle and poor steadily, keeping it just running. then yes, give it a good pour or dunk the hose in to kill the engine.
I really appreciate theses videos, lets me know what products really work! Thanks guy , high 5!
I prefer to use the seafoam pour in gas tank method.
is this a prank?
I've seen the air and fuel part, but never the oil. Im still a little confused
Cody Fuette yeah so am I I don't think your supposed to put that in your oil
Brandom lack the newer sea foams say on the bottle that it's safe to add to the oil
if you add it to your oil you need to change it within 50 miles. more than that and it makes your oil usless
50 miles? it's useless after you add it! yes you can add it to oil. but do it when you change your oil. your putting kerosene in your engine. it does a fantastic job cleaning it out. now drain the pan and let the gunk out. this stuff thins your oil. think about it
I always take it out on the highway and do a high throttle pull or 2 after sea foam.
+Tony Lester I as well did wot pulls 👌🏼
How are you gonna try to tell a man that has been working with 240's for a long time what to do in a comment section 😂😂😂
+Gucci Mane kids these days 😎
Has something to do with his balls havent dropped yet.
armedhippie bro he was like 20 when he recorded this yet lmao
Sir good morning what is the name brand of your Jump Starter pls advise thsnks joey from the philipines
I personally thought the liquid was supposed to be for the gas tank not the intake and the spray was for the intake
It's literally the same stuff, the spray can makes it less risky. It says on the bottle that you can do that
if you put it in the gas tank it obviously goes thru the intake. Both ways work.
There is a motor warning light still on ... maybe oil-pump problem ?
I'm an internet expert on everything.