Optimistic (Growth) Mindset vs Limited mindset.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ต.ค. 2024
  • By Keith Klein CN CCN
    Creator of Lean Body Coaching
    Hey everybody, nutritionist Keith Kline here. Listen. today I want to talk to you about two different mindsets and in psychology they outline that most humans carry two separate mindsets. One is called the limited mindset, the others called growth mindset. The objective that you wanna have here is that you want to have as much of a growth mindset in as many areas of your life as you can. Um, but let's be clear, some of us have a growth mindset in a couple areas of our life, and many of us have a limited mindset at the same time and other areas of our life. So for example, I might consider myself to be really good at finance while the same time I don't feel like I have the skills or the capability of having solid good relationships. And what you get outta life will be strongly determined by the mindset that you choose to carry.
    And that's the next point is that we do have a choice. However, people in a limited mindset don't feel like they have a choice and that's why they stay in it, because they feel as born this way. This is just the way I am, accept me for who I am, right? And they don't feel like it's changeable, and I would contend that's not true. So, uh, I'm gonna change the words, uh, limited mindset and growth mindset to two other more recognizable words, which is the pessimistic mindset versus the optimistic mindset. So you see, that probably explains to you right there, the difference between how we view our world determines how we feel about our world. So at the end of the day, having a mindset of growth means that you see the ability to create new things to grow and move forward. The limited mindset has a tendency to keep people caught up in their issues and problems.
    For example, my weight is what it is. My family's overweight, therefore I can't do anything about my own weight. It just is what it is. And the growth mindset people, you know, move into the process that I can do this, I can change my behaviors and I can lose the weight. And as you know, millions and millions of Americans over the years have lost and kept their weight off. And that's usually because they move from their limited mindset over to more of a growth mindset, which by the way, is what we're trying to do in lean body coaching. What we're trying to do is make sure that every step of the way we're showing you the growth mindset way of viewing food and labels and how you change versus the limited mindset. And one thing I've always hated about the dietetic community is how much time it spends telling everybody all the foods you cannot eat.
    And I've always felt like let's spend more time telling people all the things they can eat. Because again, the difference is in my approach, we're expressing the growth mindset. Look at all the things you can do versus the limited mindset. These are all the things you can't do. And I think there's a big difference now, not just for weight loss, but in every single air of your life you have the opportunity to change the way you think, the way you respond and the way you react to circumstances. I wanna ask, the question that I want you to think about is, in what area of your life
    Do, do you carry the limited mindset? It's important to write that down and identify it because there's also areas of your life I'd like you to write down in where's your growth mindset? What areas of your life do you express that in? What that's showing you right there is you have the ability to have a growth mindset because you're choosing to do it in these areas. However, if you've been locked up in the limited mindset in these other areas, such as for weight loss or relationships realize it can be changed because you've shown to yourself you have a growth mindset in these areas. Why wouldn't you want to transfer that skill over to these limited mindsets and change those? Remember, everyone has a choice. How we develop a limited mindset is as varied as how we develop a personality. You know, our parents play a big role in either encouraging us or discouraging us.
    I think what you'll see in people who've had bad parenting and in a limited mindset emerges is that they constantly feel like they have to prove themselves. they constantly seek approval and if they don't get it once again, they feel less than or they feel they don't measure up, uh, or they're not doing things right. Another way a limited mindset can emerge is let's say you're young, you're in a classroom, you're just getting started and you raise your hand to answer a question you think you know the answer to, and it turns out you're wrong. And all of a sudden that person feels less than they feel like, um, they don't measure up. And right there in that moment, a limited mindset can develop. And what happens from there going forward is they may not raise their hand anymore because again, they don't wanna be called out as being inadequate or different.

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  • @leanbodycoaching
    @leanbodycoaching  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    To watch the whole Beyond Weight Loss Documentary not just clips like this or to schedule a free 1 hour call with a nutritionist vist leanbodycoaching.com

  • @johnwest5458
    @johnwest5458 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good information

  • @heatherjiang2524
    @heatherjiang2524 ปีที่แล้ว

    I particularly like the part you said we have limited mindset in one area of our lives, and growth mindset in different area. Finding a way to transport that positive energy into the area we need the most. Very wise insight.