Thanks for the comments making me watch it to the end. What a shame it might be to miss the mess of the special guest, I mean the master pieces of brett and eddy.
Who else thinks that Brett’s lofi is how all twosetters feel today Edit: THEIR BACH!!!!!! Also thank you for all the likes! Edit 2: I guess they’re not really coming bach
okay but the fact that Brett's piece is still used to convey horror or sadness in these videos to this day really shows how iconic it is and that's... well that's something
Eddy's Lofi Music: Relaxing rain sounds, gymnopedie, inspiring intro Brett's Lofi Music: There is a knock on the window beside your study desk.. you look outside and only see pitch black. A voice is softly calling your name from the window.. You live on the 11th floor.
I love how when everyone listened to Brett's LoFi, everyone was horrified by how dark and painful it was, while Brett listened to it thinking "perfection."
Eddy's Lo-fi: studying a couple days before the test Brett's Lo-fi: His blood that once drenched me now flowed down and dirty gutters, washed away by the heavy rain. It reminded me of the days of my childhood, how I used to splash around in the puddles wearing my muddy, red rain boots. But I could never go back now, not after what I had done.
i am sooo glad they kept this one!!! never fails to make me laugh. i remember how much i laughed the first time i watched it. i hope their other old videos are just made private and not deleted. much love to twoset and best of luck for anything they'll be up to in the future.
I swear, Eddy's LoFi is my soundtrack for Latin and Ancient Greek homeworks, history, Italian and English. Brett's LoFi is my soundtrack for Physics, Chemistry, Microbiology, Biology and Maths.
@@Khyathi_Gnan Trust me, it's not always fun 😂 We have ancient greek as a subject because our own language descends from it and there is a lot of literature and authors to study, but to learn the grammar and how to translate properly you have to memorize many things, and that can be very difficult. I don't know if there are some countries in the world (other than Italy and maybe Greece) where schools teach it, but it's really interesting. What do schools teach you in India?
@@Khyathi_Gnan well, a lot of time it's really hard and complicated, but for me, i can say that it becomes kinda fun when you start getting used to it. We actually study latin and ancient greek only in a particular kind of school, called "Gymnasium" (in italian "liceo classico. Gymnasium is actually derived from the fact that in ancient times, greek people studied in places called "ginnasio", "gymnasium" in english. Wy we study it? Because our language, italian, was actually a slow variation of latin itself, since it slowly changed through times because of the many dialects. Actually, latin too was built from ancient greek. When you get over the difficulties of studying it, it's actually so interesting!
Brett's LoFi Track sounds like the soundtrack for a horror movie where the protagonist is trying to practice his violin in peace for 40 hours, but it is raining heavily outside. So he puts down his violin and the sound of viola starts creeping in, it shrills as it hunts for the protagonist.
You might not believe this but I actually studied using Brett's lofi for a very important exam and I aced it somehow. I wonder if it's because I was panicking deep inside and Brett's lofi somehow link the frequency and calmed me down a bit and it sounds so good after a few rounds. I could even sleep listening to it 🤣
@@Linus644 if you mean Brett's lofi you can probably just search it in TH-cam. Someone made it into a 40 mins loop. Can't be clicking it every few minutes when I'm studying after all.
I'm just laughing at how much hints Brett was actually throwing at us/them while they were in the middle of the process ("why is it so loud? My rainforest... It's like PWOOOSHHH" "I feel like the rainforest saved my beat") and yet his final lofi still caught us by surprise. 😂
@@annarajala578 I like seeing creative process of it, but the parts with Eddy's and Shaun's reactions are priceless. Especially Eddy's second "WTF" when he heard viola part xD
Brett literally just created the theme song to his dead inside face 🤣 now every time he looks dead inside his lofi song should be played 😂 *cough* *cough* editorsan *cough*
my fave thing about brett's lofi is how editor-san is using it in other twoset vids now and it always catches me by surprise and cracks me up every. single. time.
@@rushingly332 Off the top of my head, the "can we read minds" episode, one of the episodes with "Sibelius 3 mil" in the title, and the "worst violin apps" episode.
The funny thing is that eddy’s song actually got added to a lot of lofi streams and playlists. I’ve heard it plenty of times already and didn’t even realize it was him who made it.
Sorin Chan I’m pretty sure it’s on chilled cow’s live stream and it’s in a lot of other playlists too, but I forgot which ones exactly. You’ll probably hear it somewhere again if you listen to lofi a lot.
I would guess that what you were hearing is one of the many other covers of Erik Satie - Gymnopedie No. 1. It's used quite a lot in lofi/ambient mixes.
Ok. Seriously. I have NEVER, and I mean NEVER, laughed as hard as I did when I heard Brett's LoFi. Thanks TwoSet for making me laugh the hardest I've ever laughed in my life.
Showed this to my husband and he asked me to play Brett's lofi over and over. Says it's horrible, but can't stop listening to it for some reason XD Brett gets this round
Funny things I feel the same. At first I thought it was pretty bad rain is too loud and the viola is dying but I can't stop listen to it. I love doom black metal and horror ost I think that is the reason why. It's do have charm in it. I think it can be an interesting new kind of lofi
I was listening to Brett's lofi when I smelt burning plastic. It turns out that my brother's laptop charger began smoking. Nothing bad happened, but I legit thought Brett's lofi would play in the background of my apartment burning down.
So glad this video wasn't privated. Such a W video, the memories are immaculate Imma be cranking on Brett's lofi to lock in for the final round of college apps and finals, thanks Twoset
i just found twoset not long ago, and i literally thought the editor used an actual horror royalty free music track, but it turns out to actually be custom produced by Brett himself 😅 this was the birth of an incredible piece of music, i love it so much 😂
I was watching their videos before this one got made but I somehow missed this whole phenomenon. 😆 I kept seeing all these “Brett lofi” comments but did not connect the dots…
We love you guys, hope that great things come for both of you in the future, your channel have been cemented into TH-cam history. Classical music forever 😊
Can't believe twoset is no more, my WHOLE childhood was them and the videos they deleted were close to my heart. Guys, I miss you and remembering you everyday. I love you guys, you were the one who encouraged me to practice everyday. 💗😭
Dude there's totally a niche for lo-fi tracks that are super simple and come in an intentionally varied but basic set of chord progressions for people to use as background to jam improv. Improv foundation lofi for all different instruments could be its own entire subgenre. Oh man I'm excited about this
Eddy: "after a long, busy day, I can finally relax while listening to this beat" Brett: "after a long day of hiding their bodies in a cave, I can finally sit and think abt my next victims" edit: I totally forgot this comment even existed, thank u so much for the likes
Every time there’s some nice conversation and Brett just plays his without warning I lost it 😂. Just: *Eddy and Shawn having a conversation* Brett: SKREEEEEEEEECH
This video nonironically got me through the lonliest parts of the pandemic. I woke at 3am before work for the 3 mil concet, bought myself a ticket for your time travel sketch, watched the 4 mil concwrt while ironing my work clothes... Overall lots of great memories and experiences thtough the years. Im so sorry the comunity has sort of fallen appart and you decided to quit. I wish you both all the best, as a duo or solo. Lots of love ❤
why does it fit their personality so much tho Brett with his relaxed pokerface and just internal AnXiETY while Eddy is dorky all the time but gets sincere when it‘s about music.
binge watching all 29 of their remaining videos in an attempt to cope with the fact that TwoSet, the duo that helped me survive the pandemic and helped me learn so much, is gone forever. I'm just trying to ignore the burning question that I am sure is on every TwoSetter's mind... why?
Even if they don't like their old content anymore, their millions of subscribers do. We get attached to videos and watch them again and again and surely they know this?? Like they had the reddit and they've met fans before. Why not just make a new channel for their new stuff? Why hurt millions of people, who love their work, by not even leaving anything to go back to?
Eddy: Lo-Fi for studying
Brett: Lo-Fi for last minute studying
Omg yea, wait that name tho???
explains why I actually enjoyed it =D
So guess what I'm using to finish my assessment tomorrow lol, hope this works
@@kitrose8906 🤞
No, Brett's lofi is like when my Mum ask me about the mark of Yesterday's exam😂
Eddy's lo-fi: sprinkles of raindrops tapping your window
Brett's sci-fi: drenched in the enemy's blood while standing in the middle of the amazon
Jenny Belle
both equally relaxing
basically my only 2 moods
two of my moods during quarantine, there's no in between
The raindrops are my tears because my red gatorade fell on me after taking a walk in the woods.
My 2 moods and no in between :)
Eddie's lofi gif : lofi girl
Brett's lofi gif : slender man in the rain
Or Siren Head....
lofi Eddy pls
You mean this?
@@tydon19 I dunno if I hate you or love you for this.
@@EvaMayse I dunno either
who else revisits this every once in a while to appreciate brett's masterpiece in context
Just when I was about to study 😂😂😂
Eddy's lofi: beats for study
Brett's lofi: beats for murder
@Mr. Clasher - Clash of Clans & Brawl Stars I 👍
Beats to study/murder to
Eddy's version: *lo-fi*
Brett's version: *terri-fi*
hi fellow runes pfp lol
@@y11-g2c hey there fellow Shadowhunters fan.
im also here , btw waiting for the wicked powers is hard !!
@@pollux_the_insufferable. omg hiii!!! i think im more excited for twp than chain of iron. i love them all though
@@y11-g2c im too anxious for chain of iron , i have a feeling that mathew is gonna be hurt or dead , and im not prepared for that bitch to die
The comments did NOT prepare me for the reality of Brett's song
@Death Omen YES HAHAHA Silent Hill music lmao, couldn't stop laughing.
Thanks for the comments making me watch it to the end. What a shame it might be to miss the mess of the special guest, I mean the master pieces of brett and eddy.
Hahaha yeaah same i did read the comments. .but when it played. .the spoilers werent even enough ahahahaha
Words fail to describe Brett’s Horri-Fi
Who else thinks that Brett’s lofi is how all twosetters feel today
Edit: THEIR BACH!!!!!! Also thank you for all the likes!
Edit 2: I guess they’re not really coming bach
That's kinda how I felt when I first saw the post, just the instant terror
Oh hell yeah
Eddie's loFi: Studying intensly
Brett's loFi: Sweating intensly
Thangliana # raining*
Thangliana # intensely
@@shenzhong2942 shit yeah thanks
Eminem 2020: *uploads the murdered by words album*
Brett: hold my violin
It’s very fitting for their personalities
Eddie's music: chilling after a long busy day
Brett's music: chilling after murdering someone
Ohh heck yes😂😂
Bruh the likes Though 😱
1.4k likes, 3 replies lol
Eddy's lofi: doing your homework
Brett's lofi: forgetting your homework at home
Lol 😂
Not an issue in the US. We do classes at home.
Brett's lofi: doing your homework while the teacher is collecting it
Rip lol
Homework at home: Brett's lofi
okay but the fact that Brett's piece is still used to convey horror or sadness in these videos to this day really shows how iconic it is
and that's... well that's something
Editor san never misses an opportunity to use it😂
@@dotdotdot...176 never 😂
Aw what, I never knew that 😂
@@rasberryiceify yeah listen closely to videos and you'll start to notice 😂
Yeah I noticed that as well 😂
Brett's lofi is what a composer hears when they write their 9th symphony.
Underrated comment buddy🔥🔥🔥
death 😭
this is the best comment lmao
Eddie: peaceful Gymnopédie.
Brett: my sleep paralysis demon.
Need download links now!! 🤣
as soon as he showed the first two notes i knew it Gymnolédie
@@Carlos-cb1xx Me too! Gymnopédie is one of my favorites. 😁
I laughed too hard at this lol
when you sleep listening to Satie and accidentally meet a demon
Eddy’s: studying hard because it’s so relaxing
Brett’s: study or die
Practicing after the basement light bulb burns out.
As yes, the Asian way
Definitely it sounds like studying the night before an exam )
Eddy's lofi: Studying in junior high
Brett's lofi: *Studying in college*
Eddy’s LoFi: You hear someone gently singing in the other room.
Brett’s LoFi: Wait - you live alone.
it was clearly just a fart
this is hilarious omygod-
I’m cryinggggggg
Eddy's music: helps you chill
Brett's music: gives you chill
*chills but ye xd
Send shivers down my spine.
@Cornello Cornello Momma!
@@magnusscheck4425 life had just begun~
@Cornello Cornello Goodbye everybody, I've got to go
And here we can see TwoSet's personalities in a nutshell:
Eddy: trying to make the final product good
Brett: *having the most fun of his life*
As evidenced in their improvising/composing videos
Honestly, whatever they produce, it's gonna be my new lofi playlist *of all time*
They have different talents on different fields, which makes them the best duo xdd
basically this happens in every video
Shaun sitting next to Eddie instead of Brett is a decision that changed the fate of the world forever
Eddy's Lofi Music: Relaxing rain sounds, gymnopedie, inspiring intro
Brett's Lofi Music: There is a knock on the window beside your study desk.. you look outside and only see pitch black. A voice is softly calling your name from the window.. You live on the 11th floor.
the viola is coming from inside the house
Hahahha the horror
Brett's track sounds like it would go nicely to some Edgar Allan Poe.
hahaha I love this!
Brett's lo-fi: anxiety you have when you should be studying but you're not
Oh yeah that's perfect.
This is too accurate, please stop
Also when you should be practising but you are not.
this is so true
*me right now*
Shaun is the oldest sibling, helping Eddie, the youngest, and Brett is the middle child who got no attention
Oh my god
Too relatable. *cries in middle child*
As a middle child, I felt that
I felt that so hard it’s sad 😞
JustCasually I middle-child-felt your comment. 🥺🤣🤣🤣
I DO STUDY TO BRETT'S LOFI. Eddy's melody catches my attention. Brett's is just perfect on the edge with that anti-procrastination vibe.
Def using brett lofi
"Study or die" kinda vibe
Eddy's lofi : before the exam.
Brett's lofi : after the exam.
opposite way round dude
Brett's lofi : during exam
Brett’s is during the the exam
Brett: just before exam, during exam and after exam
Eddy: week before exam
@@hyunjinsamericanhoe1078 it makes sense if you think about the school give your report card to your parents after exam XD
Eddy's LoFi: Studying can be relaxing sometimes
Can I get a different set of options please?
@@terraprime lmao
Billy hung That’s the best thing
Alternative title: a glimpse inside Brett's mind during any moment of stress.
I really hope the editor uses his track in future videos 😂😂😂 like if he’s stressed they should overlay it😂
@@michellec3871 omg please that would be so funny. imagine just zooming in on his face and hearing this track
@@michellec3871 editor-san totally shoulddddd, it would be so funny xDDD
@@michellec3871 and editor san always does
Editor-san, you probably dont read comments on a two year old video but your editing of all these parts is just so AWESOME ...
i know right. the edits are made on perfect timing. they are simple elements but perfectly executed
I agree completely
Brett's lo-fi music is not the studying phase. It's the background music when you're taking the exam.
Or the getting the results background music.
I lost my breath LMOA
The thing is, Brett's song actually gets better the more you listen to it. I think he must actually be a genius.
I have an exam tomorrow and i listen to this.
Brett's lofi is *cramming-the-entire-semester-overnight-anxiety* level of satisfying
Lol true
Martha Papadopoulou bet me to it
Eddie: “I feel like studying music history.” 😂
That's what I did when I listened to it
@@mi_kamera lmao bless your soul
Brett: finds excuse to play viola
Eddy: finds excuse to eat snacks
both: find excuse to not practice
linglingwannabe: found excuse to not practice
piccolo pagalingling lingling: “quarantine is the perfect excuse to practice”
I love how when everyone listened to Brett's LoFi, everyone was horrified by how dark and painful it was, while Brett listened to it thinking "perfection."
Eddy’s lofi: You can do it!
Bretts lofi: Do it or you won’t wake up tonight.
Lol that's too funny 🤣
That was so funny!
Anyone know what the piece is playing at 9:13 and 9:36? I really need it!!
@@joekbaron1205 Dvorak Symphony No. 8 3rd movement
Brett's Lo-fi is equivalent to George Crumb's Black Angels.
Eddy's Lo-fi: studying a couple days before the test
Brett's Lo-fi: His blood that once drenched me now flowed down and dirty gutters, washed away by the heavy rain. It reminded me of the days of my childhood, how I used to splash around in the puddles wearing my muddy, red rain boots. But I could never go back now, not after what I had done.
This comment is so underrated.
...and the victim trusted him.
So after turning in the test then
_We don't speak of Brett's concoction_
Hi, did you know the music used in 3:19?
Eddy's lofi: minecraft calm music
brett's lofi: minecraft cave sounds
tbh the minecraft cave sounds scare the cr*p out of me, I'm a scaredy cat ;w;
@@AzaleyaReid me too UwU
@@Trisin-m3i i instantly pause my game when I hear it *TwT*
Sweden vs. Cave Ambient
When I first heard that sound I fucking logged out of my world because I was so scared
i am sooo glad they kept this one!!! never fails to make me laugh. i remember how much i laughed the first time i watched it.
i hope their other old videos are just made private and not deleted. much love to twoset and best of luck for anything they'll be up to in the future.
Eddy: makes a decent lofi song
Brett: your sleep paralysis demon music
Brett’s music: A psycho murderer breaking in, killing Lofi girl, and sitting in her seat.
That would be very creepy 😂😂
was looking for psycho reference.... wan not disappointed.... me runs away anxiously :D Brett why you dis hahahah
I want that. Like as a music vid.
when the anime girl is chilling listening to eddies's music the murderer breaks in and the music changes to Brett's.
The murderer is the Viola
Also if you guys didnt know Eddie made a lofi version of Erik Satie’s Gymopédie No. 1
**meanwhile Rook1e done with What Love Is, I Think**
I swear, Eddy's LoFi is my soundtrack for Latin and Ancient Greek homeworks, history, Italian and English.
Brett's LoFi is my soundtrack for Physics, Chemistry, Microbiology, Biology and Maths.
@Akane Bakugou Per caso fai il liceo classico?
Holy Hera, you have Ancient Greek as a subject ?!?! I’m from India and we don’t have any of the fun stuff !
@@Khyathi_Gnan Trust me, it's not always fun 😂
We have ancient greek as a subject because our own language descends from it and there is a lot of literature and authors to study, but to learn the grammar and how to translate properly you have to memorize many things, and that can be very difficult. I don't know if there are some countries in the world (other than Italy and maybe Greece) where schools teach it, but it's really interesting. What do schools teach you in India?
@@elisasanguinetti5639 esattamente. Divertente a volte, masochismo altre, e ho scelto pure l'indirizzo biomedico-
Il masochismo regna, no?
@@Khyathi_Gnan well, a lot of time it's really hard and complicated, but for me, i can say that it becomes kinda fun when you start getting used to it. We actually study latin and ancient greek only in a particular kind of school, called "Gymnasium" (in italian "liceo classico. Gymnasium is actually derived from the fact that in ancient times, greek people studied in places called "ginnasio", "gymnasium" in english. Wy we study it? Because our language, italian, was actually a slow variation of latin itself, since it slowly changed through times because of the many dialects. Actually, latin too was built from ancient greek. When you get over the difficulties of studying it, it's actually so interesting!
Brett's LoFi Track sounds like the soundtrack for a horror movie where the protagonist is trying to practice his violin in peace for 40 hours, but it is raining heavily outside. So he puts down his violin and the sound of viola starts creeping in, it shrills as it hunts for the protagonist.
*squeaky e intensifies*
It literally sounds like something from Silent Hill 3 game )
the name of the movie: TwoSetViola
The more I listen to Brett's lo-fi the more I like it.....
Is this what Stockholm syndrome is?
Here's the extension of brett's lo-fi
It is.
Brett's lo-fi like Olaf's siren call 😂😂
You have 666 likes
Eddy on channel: *laughing seal clapping his hands*
Brett on channel: *depression having fun*
Twoset violin: circus
Laughing seal hahahahhaha
You might not believe this but I actually studied using Brett's lofi for a very important exam and I aced it somehow. I wonder if it's because I was panicking deep inside and Brett's lofi somehow link the frequency and calmed me down a bit and it sounds so good after a few rounds. I could even sleep listening to it 🤣
Agree~ just encounter Brett's lofi on spotify today, and my work productivity literally doubled! I think it really gave a healthy dose of adrenaline.
Where can I find it??
@@Linus644 if you mean Brett's lofi you can probably just search it in TH-cam. Someone made it into a 40 mins loop. Can't be clicking it every few minutes when I'm studying after all.
@@chanyann5818couldn’t you loop it
That moment Brett made that LoFi , He didn't realize he created a genius, iconic piece of art
Exactly. The exact emotion that lofi evokes is like so raw and scary. It could easily have been the Psycho theme in modern times
Why did I read it as "genius iconic piece of shit"🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@newbie4789 tf
Editor san used it in the video where they were playing among us
It'll be remembered for generations to come
Brett is really out here making a new genre of music:
or just
Someone might do this for real AHAHAH
Horror Finland?
@@wildoranges I prefer Lo-Fi when they don't add all the extra effects like rain or static. Makes me feel uneasy tbh.
What does lofi stand for anyways?
Can we pls get a 40 hours loop version of Brett’s Horri-Fi pls ?
Yeah i want it too 🤣
YES!!! I would BUY that song! LOL😂 😂😂
I'm just laughing at how much hints Brett was actually throwing at us/them while they were in the middle of the process ("why is it so loud? My rainforest... It's like PWOOOSHHH" "I feel like the rainforest saved my beat") and yet his final lofi still caught us by surprise. 😂
TwoSetViolin: "We gonna make not classical music"
Eddie: Gymnopedie No. 1
That's minimalism
This is my trigger for sleep and it really was relaxing for me lol
and it's in 4/4
@@barevanilla nah it's the No. 1
Tbf lots of lofi uses classical music. I’ve heard people use Chopin, usually pretty calming.
ok, this video never gets boring. I think it's actually getting even funnier every time I watch it lol
this is my fifth time watching it... I still had to take like a five minute break because I was laughing so hard
Lol same. This is one of their only videos that I can watch over and over. I sometimes come back and skip straight to Brett’s track hahah
@@annarajala578 I like seeing creative process of it, but the parts with Eddy's and Shaun's reactions are priceless. Especially Eddy's second "WTF" when he heard viola part xD
Same thing with the fastest violin player on BBC news video. I watched it like over 20 times and I still didn’t get bored of it
I'm re watching too LOLOL
Brett literally just created the theme song to his dead inside face 🤣 now every time he looks dead inside his lofi song should be played 😂 *cough* *cough* editorsan *cough*
Please. Yes. Definitely.
Shaun: a good lofi beat is something that’s not too out there
Brett’s lofi: allow me to introduce myself
Is nobody gonna talk about editor san's editing? All his editing made me laugh so hard lol
editor san’s edits never fail to make me laugh
Who is editor-san ??
editor san is the person that edits twoset's videos!
@@thebestofest I don't know his name,You know??
they haven't revealed his / her name, but maybe they will in the future!
Eddy: Killing it.
Brett: Also KILLING it.
Edit. Thanks for the likes guys lol
Brett: Murdered it and buried it in the back woods
Taking it out on a lady on the run in the shower with a kitchen knife.
and then bury it so it can deCOMPOSE
Don't thank people for the likes, it's the big cringe
seeing how they all lost it when Brett played his "lofi" is the actual funniest part.
I burst out laughing at the "rain forest" part ! 😂😂😂
When Brett’s first chord played, I burst out laughing because I thought it couldn’t be that dissonant.
Bruh, ahahahhha, samee.
my stomach and cheeks hurt so much from laughing!
I died 😆, I felt that
Just rewatching what's left of my faves before everything gets (possibly) taken down/privated. 😞
Eddy's song: peacefully planting trees
Brett's song: *burning down the whole forest*
Eddie: 100% chill
Brett: 0% chill
Shaun: has to deal with it
1:11 "because we're a classical music channel" MAN YOU GUYS WERE SJHSJSH I MISS YOU GUYS COME BACK 😭😭
I'm gonna be honest here: I actually like Brett's LoFi beat.
Me too!
Same, I friggin love it!!!!!
@@NathanaelSmithEdi That's just an excuse, true OGs don't feel stressed nor on edge when listening to anything like this…
Eddy: *Lofi*
Brett: *Sci-fi*
More like Brett's is horri-fi
i laughed so hard i choked
@@c3cee 😆😆😆
my fave thing about brett's lofi is how editor-san is using it in other twoset vids now and it always catches me by surprise and cracks me up every. single. time.
Which TwoSet vids is it in?
It was usually like some sound effect that is very short, like less than 1s.
@@rushingly332 Also features in their violin/bass diss-track
@@rushingly332 Off the top of my head, the "can we read minds" episode, one of the episodes with "Sibelius 3 mil" in the title, and the "worst violin apps" episode.
Thank you!!
I like how Brett subverts the whole genre while Eddy embraces the cheese to its fullest.
The funny thing is that eddy’s song actually got added to a lot of lofi streams and playlists. I’ve heard it plenty of times already and didn’t even realize it was him who made it.
Where did it get added? I wanna know, please tell me
What about Brett's one?
Where? Can you send a link?
Sorin Chan I’m pretty sure it’s on chilled cow’s live stream and it’s in a lot of other playlists too, but I forgot which ones exactly. You’ll probably hear it somewhere again if you listen to lofi a lot.
I would guess that what you were hearing is one of the many other covers of Erik Satie - Gymnopedie No. 1. It's used quite a lot in lofi/ambient mixes.
Ok. Seriously. I have NEVER, and I mean NEVER, laughed as hard as I did when I heard Brett's LoFi. Thanks TwoSet for making me laugh the hardest I've ever laughed in my life.
"You're shit" jokes are funny too.
When I heard it I felt scared! Hahaha
I had to repeat it bc it's just so funny 🤣🤣🤣 8:55
Exactly.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Same, this is one of my favourite twoset vids ever
Lofi? Don’t you mean hi-pop, Brett?
Edit: Listening to Brett’s track, I’m worried - The inside of Brett’s mind is a scary place...
O my gosh. I'm shivering rn :v
What's dead inside feels like
Eddy could do it legit and Brett could make horror game soundtracks
His idea of happy is the sound of metal scraping on concrete but we need to accept him for it.
Expectations: Eddy's lofi
Reality: Brett's lofi
This video just gets better every time I come back to watch it
Showed this to my husband and he asked me to play Brett's lofi over and over. Says it's horrible, but can't stop listening to it for some reason XD Brett gets this round
icemarle be careful, i guess that is a quick way how make someone into a serial killer 😂
Funny things I feel the same. At first I thought it was pretty bad rain is too loud and the viola is dying but I can't stop listen to it. I love doom black metal and horror ost I think that is the reason why. It's do have charm in it. I think it can be an interesting new kind of lofi
Right? I can't stop either, not really relaxing lofi, but I need a 10hr loop of this beauty!
Samee it just pulls you in
I feel totally the same lol
I was listening to Brett's lofi when I smelt burning plastic. It turns out that my brother's laptop charger began smoking.
Nothing bad happened, but I legit thought Brett's lofi would play in the background of my apartment burning down.
Underrated comment hahhahha
...........That would've been funny, ngl-
@@王-j1l tru-
Eddie: Studying
Brett: Starting to study at 5am , 2 hours before the exam
So glad this video wasn't privated.
Such a W video, the memories are immaculate
Imma be cranking on Brett's lofi to lock in for the final round of college apps and finals, thanks Twoset
This is the funniest episode I’ve ever watched in this channel.
They laughed a lot which made me laugh even harder tbh :D
I chocked on cheesecake watching this. CHEESECAKE
By far
@@galacticmess7050 well you have a point
Brett's "LoFi" should definitely be the next intro to LingLing40hrs. Just add some incoherent screaming about violas and voilà
That's actually not a bad idea. The new(er) movie-style intro is cool, but I miss the chaotic energy of the old one.
@@CaptainNemo1869 Exactly lmao that one was at the same time so horrendous and yet so great, idk how
or take his genuine screams from the 2m livestream ...
Or you'd rather say "Violà"?
Yeah !!
Eddie: Relaxing LoFi for studying
i just found twoset not long ago, and i literally thought the editor used an actual horror royalty free music track, but it turns out to actually be custom produced by Brett himself 😅 this was the birth of an incredible piece of music, i love it so much 😂
I was watching their videos before this one got made but I somehow missed this whole phenomenon. 😆 I kept seeing all these “Brett lofi” comments but did not connect the dots…
me listening to their tracks:
eddy’s: language study and math
brett’s: -witchcraft-
Brett: "I think the viola made it worse"
Eddy: "Of course, It's a viola."
The only thing missing was a telephone voice filter over Eddy's voiceover
True true. Just needs that extra touch!
We love you guys, hope that great things come for both of you in the future, your channel have been cemented into TH-cam history.
Classical music forever 😊
Editor-san was probably having the time of their life with this lmaooo
I like your name
Your name😂😂😂😂👏
Your name is iconic😂
The name tho🤣
I was the thousandth like XDDDD
Why does Shaun look so depressed and lost while Eddy’s playing?
he said uwu
Well Eddy's phrasing is superb even when he's just goofin for a video
me looking at someone more talented than me:
Magisterial Voyager
Thats because Eddie play gymnopedie 1, i Guess :
Eddy & Brett: **playing chaotic beats**
Shaun: so you wanna make a chill beat
Eddy & Brett: oh
You should put Eddy's beat on spotify!
they should post both of them somewhere! If I'm ever down i'll definitively need brett's song to laugh really hard.
8:57 is literally the entire twoset community rn
FR!!! 🥲🥲🥲
In case you came back just to hear Brett's lofi one
Here are the timestamps:
I laughed so hard I almost threw up
I'm laughing and almost spit on my bed at 1 AM, thank you for this
Thank you!
Eddy: i’m gonna choose major crush because i have a major crush on you *points at the camera*
Me: sir, that’s illegal
Why thank you, Eddy.
Lauren Leach-Steffens yessir
thicc mood
Magisterial Voyager thiqq
basically what Shaun said.
The day when Brett composed editor San’s favourite piece
Exactly 😭
I actually thought it was an official OST somewhere... then I watched this video and realised it was composed by Brett LOL
@@Crabolinist ik same!
Can't believe twoset is no more, my WHOLE childhood was them and the videos they deleted were close to my heart. Guys, I miss you and remembering you everyday. I love you guys, you were the one who encouraged me to practice everyday. 💗😭
Now all we need is a Spotify playlist: "lo-fi beats to practice to" by TwoSet.
Dude there's totally a niche for lo-fi tracks that are super simple and come in an intentionally varied but basic set of chord progressions for people to use as background to jam improv. Improv foundation lofi for all different instruments could be its own entire subgenre. Oh man I'm excited about this
Yay, 314th like
@@ItsAsparageese I am I supposed to be a good time to get the latest Flash player is required for
Eddy's LoFi: when the conductor give you a good compliment
Brett's LoFi: when the conductor ask you to play the part when you messed up
Eddy: "after a long, busy day, I can finally relax while listening to this beat"
Brett: "after a long day of hiding their bodies in a cave, I can finally sit and think abt my next victims"
edit: I totally forgot this comment even existed, thank u so much for the likes
im crying how do i stop laughing
9:25 here is a reply button of Brett's "terri-fi" 😂
Not gonna lie Bretts is something I’d listen to while studying
Lmao you're studying witchcraft or something?
Raniadhr lmao
Heilung is good to
I actually listen to Dark Ambient music usually from Cryo Chamber when I'm studying
We need a full version
this is twoset being a dad who rarely touch technology for 12 minutes straight
My deepest condolences to their future kids. If this is pre-dad era, imagine how they'll peak when they're actually dads 😂
227 likes in 27 minutes - nice
They are Twosetboomers
I've never laughed so hard at a twoset video
omg brett
This was so funny to the point i had to hit the table. It also caused a poridge spitting momments when Brett's theme was reprised.
Every time there’s some nice conversation and Brett just plays his without warning I lost it 😂.
Just: *Eddy and Shawn having a conversation*
SAME I haven’t died like that in a while
I don’t know if it’s my chest or vocal chords, but something hurts from laughing too hard
I cried. It was so funny that I actually cried while watching this video.
This video nonironically got me through the lonliest parts of the pandemic. I woke at 3am before work for the 3 mil concet, bought myself a ticket for your time travel sketch, watched the 4 mil concwrt while ironing my work clothes... Overall lots of great memories and experiences thtough the years. Im so sorry the comunity has sort of fallen appart and you decided to quit. I wish you both all the best, as a duo or solo. Lots of love ❤
why does it fit their personality so much tho Brett with his relaxed pokerface and just internal AnXiETY while Eddy is dorky all the time but gets sincere when it‘s about music.
"Brett being bullied for 12 minutes no stop" would be a more accurate title
Brett horror movie track is a more accurate tittle?
Eddy: relax because life is beautiful
Brett: relax because everything is meaningless anyways
this comment should be pinned lmfao
Ye lol i feel like that a lot
binge watching all 29 of their remaining videos in an attempt to cope with the fact that TwoSet, the duo that helped me survive the pandemic and helped me learn so much, is gone forever. I'm just trying to ignore the burning question that I am sure is on every TwoSetter's mind... why?
Even if they don't like their old content anymore, their millions of subscribers do. We get attached to videos and watch them again and again and surely they know this?? Like they had the reddit and they've met fans before. Why not just make a new channel for their new stuff? Why hurt millions of people, who love their work, by not even leaving anything to go back to?
@erinstevens4886Jesus tell me your a trust fund kid without telling me your a trust fund kid
Brett be like: mission failed successfully
Hi, did you know the music used in 3:19?
And btw 1k and no comments?
@@elmtutch1992 yeah ikr