I've been playing RoR2 for a while now. Even when everyone was talking about how great it is, I never used it. I have always thought it was super bad compared to the alternate ability.
with that said its not #1 for certain, blight is SO MUCH worse because at least flamethrower actually does SOMETHING tho id argue plasma bolts belong with flamethrower as they are garbo
Jesus, that wiki article looks like it was written by a Hopoo intern that only worked on flamethrower and nothing else before being fired for making it.
Flamethrower has one big advantage. Feels really cool if you have a Ukulele and get like 15 bounces in two seconds. They don't do anything but the funny lights make my dopamin receptors tingle
Coming from a Arti main, flamethrower is turbo garbage and will legitimately ruin your run, beat you up, and steal your lunch money, I wouldn’t risk it if I were you
Yea if you like playing melee-range dps survivor with cc, just play power mode double nailgun MUL-T and sometimes use the stun canisters (indirect buffed to spam-layer cc on top of itself rapidly). You have 4x Artificer's effective durability in power mode, making the mobility loss not an absolute ass-kicker. You can also double jump with the nailgun shots, flamethrower can't do that.
The reason things like flamethrower and blight are popular are because a lot of people looking up guides are there to have fun and play on drizzle. On drizzle, you rapidly outscale the enemies, so stages 1-2 is the hardest part of the run. So these people are really big fans of things are good early, but don't scale
Oh, hear me out, most people enjoy just playing this game in a way that’s fun and don’t care about how “good” an ability is. This game’s community is so weird about what the “best” options are in a single player game where that LITERALLY doesn’t matter.
@@WhiteKnuckleRide512 it does matter, especially when you're playing on the highest difficulty offered. there's not much of a point talking about anything when you do play on drizzle because everything is op and there's little need to worry about the effectiveness of your loadout or item build. the overwhelming majority of the people who fuel the community play at high difficulties because artifact of command isn't fun because it isn't challenging. of course high level players talk about stuff like this, it's for other high level players, and high level players don't play anything lower than monsoon
it's fine, you can sacrifice one of the best mobility abilities and also instantly make arti's passive 3 times less effective for..."""""colossal""""" damage, you *can* do that, I don't mind
- The only skill in her loadout with a hard cap on range - Ends early when you use another skill, or even when you just want to sprint - By equipping it you lose any potential mobility, which makes her dramatically harder to play in the earlygame - Its damage scales on different items compared to her other skills Even if Flamethrower dealt 10000% damage in the same timeframe, Artificer will still be annoying to play just to get around this skill's limitations
Encrusted Keys gives 1 void item per stage (if you have more than 1 stack). Stages already usually have void items. Polylute just gives 45% more damage (total; self-additive) per stack and hits for 3 x 0.2 proc rate per stack on 1/4th of all other hits (25% proc chance). I'd much rather just be immediately more broken and target finding ukuleles than slowly have every void variant. Plasma Shrimp is a lot worse than the _same_ number of atgs (ignoring purity play styles), and Safer Spaces is the only other void item that's (typically) strictly better than the base item. But stacking teddies is usually better than stacking safer spaces. (Actually there is weeping fungus, that is a solid B tier good-stacking item).
man, that whole blight thing was so hush-hushed that even though I saw The videos back when it was happening it still felt confusing and inexplicable. Almost feels alien to hear a person acknowledge it outside of pensive implications let alone summarize what happened.
I know right? I still think woolie was inexplicably weird about that whole thing, regardless of how bad the data collection method might have been , not watched his channel since
Bad Arti main here. Flamethrower is borderline unplayable. You have to be in the enemy's face, you can't sprint while using it, and it's damage over time while channeling. You can argue Nano-Bomb vs Nano-Spear, if you tend to struggle with groups the bomb might be able to help you out, an extra freeze can help you clear out big units quicker etc., but losing your ability to hover over the stage and bombard your enemies with all sorts of random shit just cripples so much. Not to mention, Ion Surge is basically a get-out-of-jail-card if you do get swamped. Flamethrower defenders have absolutely nothing, and using Flamethrower over Ion Surge means deliberately crippling your mobility in favour of a small amount of unreliable, and frankly dangerous, damage.
I remember hearing Race say something like “Flamethrower does damage? Well y’know, ion surge does too.” Not only are you gaining immense mobility, it’s not like you don’t do damage with that mobility skill lmao. I will die on this hill with you
Honestly as an Artificer main i just think Ion Surge is just boring in the sense that it’s so good. Like of course it’s not going to matter if i do less damage if most enemies can’t hit me due to my unlimited height. But idk, using flamethrower effectively is just more fun to me
God bless, a kindred spirit. I hate Ion Surge because it makes the run boring as HELL. Granted, it doesn't make Flamethrower any less turbo-buns, rather I simply resign myself to having no special when I play Arti. I can either tickle them while asking to be shanked or I can become God and smite everything without thought. I do not enjoy either end of this spectrum.
@@DrPonk to be perfectly honest flame thrower just isn’t completely terrible as is? Not to say its an astounding ability or anything, but it always does like decent damage, it’s kind of comperable to using like Mul-T’s nailgun, and definitely more powerful than like using Commando’s M1 at close range. Should an ability be comparable to a primary fire? Not necessarily, but Arti’s Primary is more like an ability than a primary fire, if you just see flame thrower as a filler action to wait between your cool downs it’s not the worst thing in the world and doesn’t have a long one either. And even at like high level eclipse against mithrix where it’s seen as a death sentence i’ve had my moments of using it via positioning around/behind his overhead slam charges & freezing him with ice wall.
one more thing about Longstanding Solitude I've been told it bases the exp/gold gain on the cost of a chest. I've inferred the following: because stacks increase the cost of chests, it increases how much exp you need to level up, but also increases how many purchases you can get out of each level up. If this is true, stacking it once you're in the "there are tons of enemies and i get many times the cost of a chest instantly" phase of the game can result in equivalent loot opportunities as a run without it.
That makes a lot of sense, explains why you dont actually get to max level by stage 5, despite every level being the same amount of xp. So it doubling the cost of chests actually affects you and not just your friends
I'm always hesitant with products like FUM. Like it's so different and new, it's probably more risky than like.. a glass of water. Probably. Well, maybe.
I played a run with Flamethrower just today and often while using it "wow i could just be using my primary or secondary here and be doing more damage". I don't know what people are on when they say it's a "significant" portion of her damage.
COMPLETELY agree with your flamethrower opinion. Ion Surge is a get-away ticket in any situation that will likely be the difference between life and death. Damage? You can get it through other means. Maybe if you're speedrunning, flamethrower's damage might be viable (i don't speedrun). But in any other case, being unable to be hit by most enemies is amazing.
5:54 I actually like this change because it differentiates chests and items from printers and makes it easier to see them. It's the same icon as items that you haven't picked up and scrappers, which are both always worth to check out, which is often not true for printers
The only time I ever take Radar Scanner with me is if I get Spare Drone Parts early on and really want the free afk-win. Finding all drones is significantly harder than finding all chests without spending too much time, so unless I get an S tier equipment like Recycler or Card I'll probably go with Radar Scanner if I can - doesn't happen too much tho.
When I played (which wasn't that much, admittedly, and was without any dlc,) Ion Surge was an indirect DPS boost because I got items and found the teleporter faster, which mattered more than the base damage of attacks.
If you stack longstanding solitude you get more "coupons" for chests per level up. I did a command run and got like 30 "coupons" and just always had more than I needed. First time I ever reached level cap. I'm a console enjoyer 😊
Man seriously a füm advertisement. I’ve heard a lot of very sketchy things about their product and I personally wouldn’t use it knowing the health risks of sucking in a high amount of essential oils
I did notice one benefit to prayer beads. It's counted as a buff, so if you're strapped for methods to proc growth nectar, it's a free "perma-buff" keep nectar up
25:40 Wait it removes level exp requirement exponentially scaling?! That's HUGE! If you loop even once you can easily get hundreds of thousands of gold. Some chests even cost 2 million on the third loop round. If all that gold is converted to exp and levels no longer scale that means this item is basically free chests after looping.
Imma say a really hot take now: Egocentrism is one if not the best item in the entire game but only if you intend to loop. This item is the key to the coveted pearl shuffle. And let me tell ya- it is worth it sooooo much! you sre like a catterpiller that upon taking this item will just abosrb more mass instead of making a cocoon and becoming a butterfly. but after you hit the pearl shuffle (from cleansing pools) you become the same caterpiller but with god like stats. pearls and iradecent pearls by the dozens.
Actually funny thing I think you could check now since you were playing older builds but flamethrower USED to be really good because fire stacking was really good. I think it was something like fire stacks compounded off of eachother. It wasn't that 3 stacks did 3 stacks, it was that 3 stacks did the damage of 1, 2 stacks and 3 stacks of damage all independently of one another. This essentially made it instantly kill anything non boss almost always because even if you only hit like half the attack on an enemy, that was still a ludicrous amount of burn.
5:17 the only reason i use radar is if i get it while im looting and my equipment is already up, then i pick up said equipment and leave the radar behind. That being said i think some sort of pillar that works the same way would be cool
Out of the few runs I've played on False Son, I've usually picked up a Stoneflux on about half of them, and it feels.. Pretty fine, I guess. On Mithrix runs, it seems to scale very well. I've seen it jump my max stock of spikes jump up from around 8 to up to 26. It does seem like expending all the spikes makes up for the loss in movement speed too. This is definitely an outlier though because the item sucks on everyone else. I'd be curious to see your thoughts on Growth in general, and how it changes the value of Bison Steak, Stoneflux, Knurl, and the other health items.
imo bison steak is still outclassed as backup magazines can do the same thing, and the growth mechanic scales in requirement per each spike gained making bison even worse than backup mag
I'd actually still agree with that key ranking tbh, hearing your opinion made me more conscious of my use of them and it def has a lot of potential. I think it comes down to the trade off of "voiding" too. Safer Spaces is strong, but so is tougher times, and I find it better sometimes to spend early parts of a run using the latter since Id take more hits and thus there'd be more rolls for it as opposed to the shield. Regular key can be good, but it's ultimately just another chest and could give you some really useless green. Void key will almost always give you something that's powerful, especially if you stock up a few. Not to mention that sometimes you'll have those runs where otherwise you just don't see many void items, so it might be the ONLY way to get things like safer spaces or flame. I guess to me I see it as with key, id consider it the best because picking it is the difference between one good void item now and many good items slowly but surely, and a slightly easier time tailoring it to your current build (still at the whim of RNG tho)
Oh man, I almost forgot about the Blight Drama™. [Big RoR youtuber]'s response really gave me the ick and led to me unsubscribing way back then. Given recent events, I'm sad to say my intuition was on to something...
wasn't that guy also a flamethrower user? I remember unsubbing when he would go on about how flamethrower did 'more damage' and so you had to pick it over ion surge which did 'no damage'
Ok here's an excellent question, what *good* does being 300 feet in the air do when all the enemies congregate at your feet under you which just so happens to be your ONE blind spot?! Like seriously?! I've lost count of how many times I've died getting flung off the side of the map by a golem because I failed to hit the hoard of enemies at my feet. Sure flamethrower has a short range but you know what else has a short range? My attention span and ability to aim accurately because I'm trash at games. I'd much rather have a skill that doesn't make me move much and just let the enemies swarm me like they always do than a skill that propels me outside the teleporter zone just to deal a burst of damage when I could be in their faces burning them. And that's not mentioning the 7 different items able to help you spam flamethrower one of them being Bandoluer an item that makes her skill cool-down basically nonexistent as enemies will just constantly drop the ammo pickups that you can't collect if you're 300 feet in the air. Yes, Artificer has no mobility skills unless you take a heresy item to replace her utility skill. But you're playing a glass cannon! Forget dodging, kill shit faster. What are you playing commando on Eclipse? No, you're playing artificer! Burn, freeze, mame, and kill things and stop running away from things and actually pick up everything off the ground and you'll do just fine when you're trash at gaming like me.
>30 minute long video mostly repackaging old clips in their entirety with a Füm sponsership love ya gramps but this is some serious slop content. get your bag tho, i dont hold it against ya. just calling it like i see it
my (only somewhat ironically held) argument for flamethrower, is that ion surge is fucking boring, yeah, it's a mobility skill, but 8/10 times it feels like a "get out of jail free card" in a way that makes arti's cooldown management even more of a snoozefest but this LITERALLY boils down to "Ion surge is too good (and linear) of a skill, use flamethrower to be less bored"
The reason I like flamethrower is the same reason I like blight; it's active. I hate floating around with Ion Surge, it's super boring because it's so easy to avoid danger. Poison is also super passive, while Blight makes me feel good for being hyper aggressive. Poison & Ion Surge should be nerfed imo, but if people don't want that, at least buff Flamethrower & Blight, they are so much more fun.
People who prefer flamethrower over ion probably mostly aren't as good at the game tbh. They think that damage big do big kill enemy make me win. Her movement hinges on ion surge. Otherwise you have no opportunity to float down and lose out on their only nat burst of speed. Understandable if someone who doesn't play eclipse thinks that flamethrower is better, but objectively it does less and locks you into tenser situation. It's worse.
maybe the wiki mixed it up and thought they were talking about RORR Artificer where Flamethrower legitimately is a huge portion of her damage. ROR2 though? hell nah, that ability gets you killed AND you're giving up actual flight for it.
acrid main here, after 100%ing the game almost a year ago i pretty much only play multiplayer now, and in multiplayer poison is outright fucking busted. sometimes in multiplayer youre poised to just lose because either your group cant to enough damage or all your teammates died and youre alone to kill a 5 or 6 player scaled boss. in those situations poison is fucking insane since it guarantees that as long as you play evasive enough you will always be able to kill the boss. unfortunately usually if you are struggling that much with a boss the run is gonna end soon anyways, its good for second chances. (shoutout to the time i killed a 5 player 2 shrine of the mountain scaled teleporter boss by myself because all my friends died)
can someone please explain why disputed is so obsessed with old people like ever since the first time i saw him do this bit i never found it funny it was just kinda weird
honestly, even without completely reworking flamethrower, i think all it would need to be usable without completely shooting yourself it the foot would be swapping it from a special skill to a utility skill. then it would compete with the ice wall and i think thats more fair. imo ice wall is still quite a bit better, but at least then you dont lose the best mobility option in the game to play with fire. sure, it could also use a ton of other tweaks, but unless they buff it to the point of being the most op ability in the game, it just cant compete with ion surge.
I keep hearing that the devotion change “nerfed” radar scanner and although I think it’s stupid isn’t it a buff? You’re separating chests from printers and multishops and the computer and void cradles/potentials, it still shares a spot with scrappers and obv loot but loot only matters for equipment you’ve already checked and scrappers are less common than multishops and printers so isn’t it slightly more informational?
While on paper you are right, the loot bag scanner icon can also be equipments and items you haven't picked up yet, meaning that it is much harder to use after opening equipment barrels and looting the stage a bit.
@ generally you aren’t leaving items laying on the ground (other than equipments) and even if you are you and you’re keeping good track you already know that that item is on the ground, the initial radar scanner is more informative and further ones aren’t much less informative. At the very least I don’t think it should be called a nerf even if you don’t believe it’s a buff. More of a side grade type thing
@@schmeedorcocloa1986I feel that this only really applies to certain stages and maps because on vertical stages like new stage 5 it gets really confusing if it’s an item you missed or a item/equipment you’ve saved for a recycler
They should make the Radar Scanner into a passive equipment - give it limited range and have it always show the icons that are within that range. This way it would actually provide actual utility with little to no change. Also it'd solve the (admittedly minor) issue of it being very annoying if you have the Gesture of the Drowned and no alternative equipment.
Using the scanner equipment is useless if you know the maps and have halfway decent movement speed. In most cases, the only things I’m interested in specifically searching for are teleporters and recyclers
It's fine if you accept that ground enemies are going to occasionally go inside the shield and mess up your turrets, you use your mines to deal with that. If you want to use Bubble Shield effectively think of it as a preventative against projectile spam from flying enemies not as a cure, whilst Harpoons will take out airborne targets much easier you do have to wait for the cool-down once you use your charges, meanwhile the shield won't take them out but it lasts longer and buys your turrets time to deal with the threat themselves. Obviously don't use it with mobile turrets, they move around too much to get decent value and they lack the range to deal with flying enemies effectively, that is what Harpoons pairs the best with, almost like they were made with each other in mind. Other then that you're fine to think Bubble Shield is shit, most of the player-base in this game aren't into tower defence game-play go figure, most people are run and gun which is why Hopoo added the alternative skills that they did to Engineer rather than just giving him more tower defence stuff because they probably saw more potential in that as opposed to more of the same thing that only a few people enjoy, you know following the fun and such.
@linear1224 it was more of a joke. I appreciate the long response, though. I can't remember what video it's in, maybe the worst skills one? Gramps reads off the skill description that states the bubble shield is impenetrable and responds by saying impenetrable my ass and then shows a clip of enemies entering the shield while yelling they are penetrating. I still think harpoons are far more useful as you can reliably deal with airborne enemies, but bubble shield is alright
How about radar get´s new icons for every different thing? BUT it could also be a passive active item, like elite aspects and the credit card. With a decent radius showing you interactables arround you. With that the icons could also be quite see through so they don´t block half your screen and are just noticable. Maybe with an activation it would get the full effect on a cooldown? I kinda find it a bit hard to remember half the things it showed me, I rather not take it at all at the end because I get the feeling I need to check some spots out now before forgetting just to see that half of the things were printers and whatnot
Flamethrower is one of my favourite abilities in Risk of Rain 2 for some reason. But, despite how much I love the ability, actually using it feels like trying to break concrete with a paper towel. It just sucks ass 😭
singularity band should work like how it does with the singularityband mod which makes it only corrupt ice band and it has a 10 second cooldown. they should just change it to be like that in vanilla
Look, flamethrower is just really fun to think about what you can do in a run where you wanna proc like 100 effects on an enemy when your running the artifact that lets you pick everything from chests; other than that, eh- I decline to comment…
18:43 but you also have to realize when talking about this that it’s incredible on mithrix it’s able to keep it in place for so long, which is incredible for a melee focused, speedy boss like himself
Why does nobody talk about the False Son + Pauldron combination? It’s probably the best synergy for him, you can't lose a run with it, especially if you have some steak or infusion. I still don't understand how people can consider False Son a bad character. And WHY are the developers planning to give him a buff in the next update??
I don’t know how someone can enjoy the game without Ion surge. Thats what makes artificer fun to me. Without you are just walking around casting spells. With it you are doing what feels like breaking the game.
It still wouldn't make any difference. If that was the case, you still take ice wall 1000% of the time. A freeze and execute that works on Mythrix vs. a short range attack that deals "colossal damage" but won't freeze or execute Mythrix
Go to TryFum.com/DISPUTEDORIGIN or scan the QR code and use code DISPUTEDORIGIN to get your free FÜM Topper when you order your Journey Pack today!
Fum is kinda terrible unless you already smoke/vape
Brother no
ngl sponsor sucks for 95% of people. Unless you are trying to stop smoking why would you get it...
they paid him stop complaining, my man gotta his bills!
You forgot to consider that blight is better if you want to deal less damage
I cannot argue with this logic…
And this angers me
God that whole debacle was a mess lmao, really made me realize just how weird and awful this game’s community and youtubers can be some times
blight is better if you want a stage 1 vagrant
Lmfao truue
Getting a death threat over flamethrower is redundant when that ability can't kill anything.
I've been playing RoR2 for a while now. Even when everyone was talking about how great it is, I never used it. I have always thought it was super bad compared to the alternate ability.
@@MrBuns-yi2hkand it's even less useful now that artificer's m1 scales with attack speed
@@ineophobeultrakill person spotted
bro i swear everytime i dont read the patch notes i miss the craziest shit
the only thing it kills is my will to live 😔
The fucking aura of saying you got a death threat for dissing flame thrower then saying your only regret is not ranking it worse right after is crazy
Trying to brag about receiving a “death threat” is just -aura plain and simple lmao.
I mean, it's not that bad to get a death threat from a flamethrower defender, they don't like using moves that kill so you're pretty safe.
@@WhiteKnuckleRide512 bro was not only unphased but said "i should piss more people off" absolute king
with that said its not #1 for certain, blight is SO MUCH worse because at least flamethrower actually does SOMETHING tho id argue plasma bolts belong with flamethrower as they are garbo
Are you 12
Jesus, that wiki article looks like it was written by a Hopoo intern that only worked on flamethrower and nothing else before being fired for making it.
Flamethrower has one big advantage. Feels really cool if you have a Ukulele and get like 15 bounces in two seconds. They don't do anything but the funny lights make my dopamin receptors tingle
it's about time we finally got the tier list tier list
Coming from a Arti main, flamethrower is turbo garbage and will legitimately ruin your run, beat you up, and steal your lunch money, I wouldn’t risk it if I were you
Flamethrower stole my wife and parents away from me. Don’t use flamethrower
@@ThatLazyyGuy what was he dio
risk it for the rain
Yea if you like playing melee-range dps survivor with cc, just play power mode double nailgun MUL-T and sometimes use the stun canisters (indirect buffed to spam-layer cc on top of itself rapidly). You have 4x Artificer's effective durability in power mode, making the mobility loss not an absolute ass-kicker. You can also double jump with the nailgun shots, flamethrower can't do that.
@ double nailgun my absolute goat
The reason things like flamethrower and blight are popular are because a lot of people looking up guides are there to have fun and play on drizzle. On drizzle, you rapidly outscale the enemies, so stages 1-2 is the hardest part of the run. So these people are really big fans of things are good early, but don't scale
Interesting, this makes a lot of sense.
Oh, hear me out, most people enjoy just playing this game in a way that’s fun and don’t care about how “good” an ability is. This game’s community is so weird about what the “best” options are in a single player game where that LITERALLY doesn’t matter.
@@WhiteKnuckleRide512 it does matter, especially when you're playing on the highest difficulty offered. there's not much of a point talking about anything when you do play on drizzle because everything is op and there's little need to worry about the effectiveness of your loadout or item build. the overwhelming majority of the people who fuel the community play at high difficulties because artifact of command isn't fun because it isn't challenging. of course high level players talk about stuff like this, it's for other high level players, and high level players don't play anything lower than monsoon
@@WhiteKnuckleRide512 If they’re only here to have fun and not get better then why would they bother watching skill tier list videos??
Flamethrower deals colossal damage
Losing flamethrower will forfeit a huge portion of Artificer's damage and almost all of her procs
it's fine, you can sacrifice one of the best mobility abilities and also instantly make arti's passive 3 times less effective for..."""""colossal""""" damage, you *can* do that, I don't mind
@@Rubyllim...buddies they were meme-ing the wiki entry for flamethrower, come on...
@@Rubyllim brain ain't braining
That’s some MASSIVE damage
- The only skill in her loadout with a hard cap on range
- Ends early when you use another skill, or even when you just want to sprint
- By equipping it you lose any potential mobility, which makes her dramatically harder to play in the earlygame
- Its damage scales on different items compared to her other skills
Even if Flamethrower dealt 10000% damage in the same timeframe, Artificer will still be annoying to play just to get around this skill's limitations
But Encrusted Key could be anything, it could even be Safer Spaces!
It could even be... encrusted key!! (My favorite item)
@@dahdumbguy yay
it COULD be but thats the issue, it couild also be 4 bands and lens makers and all of the sudden its so good now is it?
Encrusted Keys gives 1 void item per stage (if you have more than 1 stack). Stages already usually have void items. Polylute just gives 45% more damage (total; self-additive) per stack and hits for 3 x 0.2 proc rate per stack on 1/4th of all other hits (25% proc chance). I'd much rather just be immediately more broken and target finding ukuleles than slowly have every void variant. Plasma Shrimp is a lot worse than the _same_ number of atgs (ignoring purity play styles), and Safer Spaces is the only other void item that's (typically) strictly better than the base item. But stacking teddies is usually better than stacking safer spaces. (Actually there is weeping fungus, that is a solid B tier good-stacking item).
Gimme a lunar that halves HP and doubles speed and I'll start opening the pods
Or halves your armour stat and doubles your speed stat with it scaling with other movement items
dosnt that already exist? but for damage?
@@ibilesfighter3.16 yes, shaped glass, it's actually pretty okay considering the damage up is working on powers of 2
man, that whole blight thing was so hush-hushed that even though I saw The videos back when it was happening it still felt confusing and inexplicable. Almost feels alien to hear a person acknowledge it outside of pensive implications let alone summarize what happened.
I know right? I still think woolie was inexplicably weird about that whole thing, regardless of how bad the data collection method might have been , not watched his channel since
Bad Arti main here. Flamethrower is borderline unplayable. You have to be in the enemy's face, you can't sprint while using it, and it's damage over time while channeling. You can argue Nano-Bomb vs Nano-Spear, if you tend to struggle with groups the bomb might be able to help you out, an extra freeze can help you clear out big units quicker etc., but losing your ability to hover over the stage and bombard your enemies with all sorts of random shit just cripples so much. Not to mention, Ion Surge is basically a get-out-of-jail-card if you do get swamped. Flamethrower defenders have absolutely nothing, and using Flamethrower over Ion Surge means deliberately crippling your mobility in favour of a small amount of unreliable, and frankly dangerous, damage.
I remember hearing Race say something like “Flamethrower does damage? Well y’know, ion surge does too.”
Not only are you gaining immense mobility, it’s not like you don’t do damage with that mobility skill lmao.
I will die on this hill with you
These clips in succession are a little confusing, maybe put a big 'old disputed' on screen when playing the old clips or smt
Dear lord the youtube content has been dry, glad to see an upload finally
i wonder why, maybe because the entire point of ror2 is to do the same thing over and over again which makes content creation very difficult for it.
i have explained the flamethrower bit to people so many times, i can directly quote your original video from memory
Honestly as an Artificer main i just think Ion Surge is just boring in the sense that it’s so good. Like of course it’s not going to matter if i do less damage if most enemies can’t hit me due to my unlimited height. But idk, using flamethrower effectively is just more fun to me
God bless, a kindred spirit. I hate Ion Surge because it makes the run boring as HELL. Granted, it doesn't make Flamethrower any less turbo-buns, rather I simply resign myself to having no special when I play Arti. I can either tickle them while asking to be shanked or I can become God and smite everything without thought. I do not enjoy either end of this spectrum.
i guess thats why i liked flamethrower more
The near-invincibility you get with Surge is what got me to both start and pretty much permanently stop using that ability.
@@DrPonk to be perfectly honest flame thrower just isn’t completely terrible as is? Not to say its an astounding ability or anything, but it always does like decent damage, it’s kind of comperable to using like Mul-T’s nailgun, and definitely more powerful than like using Commando’s M1 at close range. Should an ability be comparable to a primary fire? Not necessarily, but Arti’s Primary is more like an ability than a primary fire, if you just see flame thrower as a filler action to wait between your cool downs it’s not the worst thing in the world and doesn’t have a long one either. And even at like high level eclipse against mithrix where it’s seen as a death sentence i’ve had my moments of using it via positioning around/behind his overhead slam charges & freezing him with ice wall.
one more thing about Longstanding Solitude
I've been told it bases the exp/gold gain on the cost of a chest.
I've inferred the following: because stacks increase the cost of chests, it increases how much exp you need to level up, but also increases how many purchases you can get out of each level up.
If this is true, stacking it once you're in the "there are tons of enemies and i get many times the cost of a chest instantly" phase of the game can result in equivalent loot opportunities as a run without it.
That makes a lot of sense, explains why you dont actually get to max level by stage 5, despite every level being the same amount of xp. So it doubling the cost of chests actually affects you and not just your friends
@@NoremacNCheese exactly!
I got a little lost with all my words, but this is much of yhe main takeaway I wanted to get across
I'm always hesitant with products like FUM.
Like it's so different and new, it's probably more risky than like.. a glass of water. Probably. Well, maybe.
Chest aren't even iconed as chest, they're loot bag for some reason, including scrapper
Glad you're feeling better Grandpa! Loving the frequent uploads lately
Damn i had forgotten about that blight video drama, throwback.
waitttt remind me who it was between?
@@dankluck8077 Woolie and someone else I forgot
@@dankluck8077 Woolie and Spafnar. Unfortunately Spafnar doesn't really make videos anymore, likely in no small part due to that drama.
I played a run with Flamethrower just today and often while using it "wow i could just be using my primary or secondary here and be doing more damage". I don't know what people are on when they say it's a "significant" portion of her damage.
The cut looks clean gramps
"How dead is this game, Captain?"
"We're making tier lists of tier list placements, sir"
"Dear god"
COMPLETELY agree with your flamethrower opinion. Ion Surge is a get-away ticket in any situation that will likely be the difference between life and death. Damage? You can get it through other means. Maybe if you're speedrunning, flamethrower's damage might be viable (i don't speedrun). But in any other case, being unable to be hit by most enemies is amazing.
5:54 I actually like this change because it differentiates chests and items from printers and makes it easier to see them. It's the same icon as items that you haven't picked up and scrappers, which are both always worth to check out, which is often not true for printers
Good job uploading gramps you deserve a nap for this
That bridge 4 poster is sick as heck 0:32
As the only one who cares about the lore for this game void map would make no sense as a stage 5
Prayer beads would be so much better if they took printer priority like regen scrap.
The only time I ever take Radar Scanner with me is if I get Spare Drone Parts early on and really want the free afk-win. Finding all drones is significantly harder than finding all chests without spending too much time, so unless I get an S tier equipment like Recycler or Card I'll probably go with Radar Scanner if I can - doesn't happen too much tho.
When I played (which wasn't that much, admittedly, and was without any dlc,) Ion Surge was an indirect DPS boost because I got items and found the teleporter faster, which mattered more than the base damage of attacks.
Coming from someone that sucks at Arti, Ion Surge literally makes the character playable for me.
This video needs a "PAST DISPUTED" and "FUTURE DISPUTED" (or present, i guess?) text in the corner so that my monkey brain can keep up
If you stack longstanding solitude you get more "coupons" for chests per level up. I did a command run and got like 30 "coupons" and just always had more than I needed. First time I ever reached level cap. I'm a console enjoyer 😊
Man seriously a füm advertisement. I’ve heard a lot of very sketchy things about their product and I personally wouldn’t use it knowing the health risks of sucking in a high amount of essential oils
I did notice one benefit to prayer beads. It's counted as a buff, so if you're strapped for methods to proc growth nectar, it's a free "perma-buff" keep nectar up
25:40 Wait it removes level exp requirement exponentially scaling?! That's HUGE! If you loop even once you can easily get hundreds of thousands of gold. Some chests even cost 2 million on the third loop round. If all that gold is converted to exp and levels no longer scale that means this item is basically free chests after looping.
Only way to make blight useable is a refresh on the debuff timer
Disputed Origin, my baby boy, thank you for this video, it was perfect to watch while eating a case-o-dilla
Can't wait for the tier list about the tier list about his tier list
Imma say a really hot take now: Egocentrism is one if not the best item in the entire game but only if you intend to loop. This item is the key to the coveted pearl shuffle. And let me tell ya- it is worth it sooooo much! you sre like a catterpiller that upon taking this item will just abosrb more mass instead of making a cocoon and becoming a butterfly. but after you hit the pearl shuffle (from cleansing pools) you become the same caterpiller but with god like stats. pearls and iradecent pearls by the dozens.
Actually funny thing I think you could check now since you were playing older builds but flamethrower USED to be really good because fire stacking was really good. I think it was something like fire stacks compounded off of eachother. It wasn't that 3 stacks did 3 stacks, it was that 3 stacks did the damage of 1, 2 stacks and 3 stacks of damage all independently of one another. This essentially made it instantly kill anything non boss almost always because even if you only hit like half the attack on an enemy, that was still a ludicrous amount of burn.
5:17 the only reason i use radar is if i get it while im looting and my equipment is already up, then i pick up said equipment and leave the radar behind. That being said i think some sort of pillar that works the same way would be cool
I kinda want to see him remake these tierlists entirely since it’s been a while and it’s clear a lot of his opinions have changed
Out of the few runs I've played on False Son, I've usually picked up a Stoneflux on about half of them, and it feels..
Pretty fine, I guess. On Mithrix runs, it seems to scale very well. I've seen it jump my max stock of spikes jump up from around 8 to up to 26. It does seem like expending all the spikes makes up for the loss in movement speed too. This is definitely an outlier though because the item sucks on everyone else. I'd be curious to see your thoughts on Growth in general, and how it changes the value of Bison Steak, Stoneflux, Knurl, and the other health items.
imo bison steak is still outclassed as backup magazines can do the same thing, and the growth mechanic scales in requirement per each spike gained making bison even worse than backup mag
I'd actually still agree with that key ranking tbh, hearing your opinion made me more conscious of my use of them and it def has a lot of potential. I think it comes down to the trade off of "voiding" too. Safer Spaces is strong, but so is tougher times, and I find it better sometimes to spend early parts of a run using the latter since Id take more hits and thus there'd be more rolls for it as opposed to the shield. Regular key can be good, but it's ultimately just another chest and could give you some really useless green. Void key will almost always give you something that's powerful, especially if you stock up a few. Not to mention that sometimes you'll have those runs where otherwise you just don't see many void items, so it might be the ONLY way to get things like safer spaces or flame. I guess to me I see it as with key, id consider it the best because picking it is the difference between one good void item now and many good items slowly but surely, and a slightly easier time tailoring it to your current build (still at the whim of RNG tho)
Grandpa uploaded
this just feels like a 30 minute diss track for the flamethrower
Oh man, I almost forgot about the Blight Drama™. [Big RoR youtuber]'s response really gave me the ick and led to me unsubscribing way back then. Given recent events, I'm sad to say my intuition was on to something...
wasn't that guy also a flamethrower user? I remember unsubbing when he would go on about how flamethrower did 'more damage' and so you had to pick it over ion surge which did 'no damage'
you should do a tier list on every word used in this video
Ok here's an excellent question, what *good* does being 300 feet in the air do when all the enemies congregate at your feet under you which just so happens to be your ONE blind spot?! Like seriously?! I've lost count of how many times I've died getting flung off the side of the map by a golem because I failed to hit the hoard of enemies at my feet. Sure flamethrower has a short range but you know what else has a short range? My attention span and ability to aim accurately because I'm trash at games. I'd much rather have a skill that doesn't make me move much and just let the enemies swarm me like they always do than a skill that propels me outside the teleporter zone just to deal a burst of damage when I could be in their faces burning them. And that's not mentioning the 7 different items able to help you spam flamethrower one of them being Bandoluer an item that makes her skill cool-down basically nonexistent as enemies will just constantly drop the ammo pickups that you can't collect if you're 300 feet in the air. Yes, Artificer has no mobility skills unless you take a heresy item to replace her utility skill. But you're playing a glass cannon! Forget dodging, kill shit faster. What are you playing commando on Eclipse? No, you're playing artificer! Burn, freeze, mame, and kill things and stop running away from things and actually pick up everything off the ground and you'll do just fine when you're trash at gaming like me.
>30 minute long video mostly repackaging old clips in their entirety with a Füm sponsership
love ya gramps but this is some serious slop content. get your bag tho, i dont hold it against ya. just calling it like i see it
This is the most confusingly edited video ever
Agreed. Grandpa forgot his meds
my (only somewhat ironically held) argument for flamethrower, is that ion surge is
fucking boring, yeah, it's a mobility skill, but 8/10 times it feels like a "get out of jail free card" in a way that makes arti's cooldown management even more of a snoozefest
but this LITERALLY boils down to "Ion surge is too good (and linear) of a skill, use flamethrower to be less bored"
The reason I like flamethrower is the same reason I like blight; it's active. I hate floating around with Ion Surge, it's super boring because it's so easy to avoid danger. Poison is also super passive, while Blight makes me feel good for being hyper aggressive. Poison & Ion Surge should be nerfed imo, but if people don't want that, at least buff Flamethrower & Blight, they are so much more fun.
People who prefer flamethrower over ion probably mostly aren't as good at the game tbh. They think that damage big do big kill enemy make me win. Her movement hinges on ion surge. Otherwise you have no opportunity to float down and lose out on their only nat burst of speed. Understandable if someone who doesn't play eclipse thinks that flamethrower is better, but objectively it does less and locks you into tenser situation. It's worse.
If you combine prayer bead with standing solitude and roll of pennies you can get so much stats and you can get to level 94 instantly
the kung fury clip made me smile like crazy
maybe the wiki mixed it up and thought they were talking about RORR Artificer where Flamethrower legitimately is a huge portion of her damage. ROR2 though? hell nah, that ability gets you killed AND you're giving up actual flight for it.
The two coldest takes in the thumbnail, masterful gambit gramps
acrid main here, after 100%ing the game almost a year ago i pretty much only play multiplayer now, and in multiplayer poison is outright fucking busted. sometimes in multiplayer youre poised to just lose because either your group cant to enough damage or all your teammates died and youre alone to kill a 5 or 6 player scaled boss. in those situations poison is fucking insane since it guarantees that as long as you play evasive enough you will always be able to kill the boss. unfortunately usually if you are struggling that much with a boss the run is gonna end soon anyways, its good for second chances. (shoutout to the time i killed a 5 player 2 shrine of the mountain scaled teleporter boss by myself because all my friends died)
can someone please explain why disputed is so obsessed with old people like ever since the first time i saw him do this bit i never found it funny it was just kinda weird
One question about the flux pauldron is, is it good for false Son because he benefits from more health?
Yes. False son's passive negates the speed penalty
honestly, even without completely reworking flamethrower, i think all it would need to be usable without completely shooting yourself it the foot would be swapping it from a special skill to a utility skill. then it would compete with the ice wall and i think thats more fair. imo ice wall is still quite a bit better, but at least then you dont lose the best mobility option in the game to play with fire. sure, it could also use a ton of other tweaks, but unless they buff it to the point of being the most op ability in the game, it just cant compete with ion surge.
My favourite way to use radar scanner is to not use it and just have gesture of the drowned and tht red item potion
the format of stuff repeating visually legit almost induced a panic attack. genuinely had to see if i'm like hallucinating or smthn.
Flamethrower is shi, disputed still got it
we need a video where you gather ror2 hot takes from the community and then respond to them with what you think.
I keep hearing that the devotion change “nerfed” radar scanner and although I think it’s stupid isn’t it a buff? You’re separating chests from printers and multishops and the computer and void cradles/potentials, it still shares a spot with scrappers and obv loot but loot only matters for equipment you’ve already checked and scrappers are less common than multishops and printers so isn’t it slightly more informational?
While on paper you are right, the loot bag scanner icon can also be equipments and items you haven't picked up yet, meaning that it is much harder to use after opening equipment barrels and looting the stage a bit.
@ generally you aren’t leaving items laying on the ground (other than equipments) and even if you are you and you’re keeping good track you already know that that item is on the ground, the initial radar scanner is more informative and further ones aren’t much less informative. At the very least I don’t think it should be called a nerf even if you don’t believe it’s a buff. More of a side grade type thing
Yes and no. I wish it just had its own icon.
@@schmeedorcocloa1986I feel that this only really applies to certain stages and maps because on vertical stages like new stage 5 it gets really confusing if it’s an item you missed or a item/equipment you’ve saved for a recycler
They should make the Radar Scanner into a passive equipment - give it limited range and have it always show the icons that are within that range. This way it would actually provide actual utility with little to no change. Also it'd solve the (admittedly minor) issue of it being very annoying if you have the Gesture of the Drowned and no alternative equipment.
Using the scanner equipment is useless if you know the maps and have halfway decent movement speed. In most cases, the only things I’m interested in specifically searching for are teleporters and recyclers
Ahhhhh man, no mention about your take on the "impenetrable" bubble shield?
It's fine if you accept that ground enemies are going to occasionally go inside the shield and mess up your turrets, you use your mines to deal with that. If you want to use Bubble Shield effectively think of it as a preventative against projectile spam from flying enemies not as a cure, whilst Harpoons will take out airborne targets much easier you do have to wait for the cool-down once you use your charges, meanwhile the shield won't take them out but it lasts longer and buys your turrets time to deal with the threat themselves.
Obviously don't use it with mobile turrets, they move around too much to get decent value and they lack the range to deal with flying enemies effectively, that is what Harpoons pairs the best with, almost like they were made with each other in mind. Other then that you're fine to think Bubble Shield is shit, most of the player-base in this game aren't into tower defence game-play go figure, most people are run and gun which is why Hopoo added the alternative skills that they did to Engineer rather than just giving him more tower defence stuff because they probably saw more potential in that as opposed to more of the same thing that only a few people enjoy, you know following the fun and such.
@linear1224 it was more of a joke. I appreciate the long response, though. I can't remember what video it's in, maybe the worst skills one? Gramps reads off the skill description that states the bubble shield is impenetrable and responds by saying impenetrable my ass and then shows a clip of enemies entering the shield while yelling they are penetrating.
I still think harpoons are far more useful as you can reliably deal with airborne enemies, but bubble shield is alright
But lysate cell doesn't reduce your special cool down, it just gives you another charge?
Saying flamethrower is that bad is bold when you used it for your world record speedrun
My brother in christ füm is obviously to stop people from smoking and you didnt even mention that.
he didn't mention it because it is obvious. hope this helps! 😁
Stone Flux when you are playing as a Saiyan instantly becomes the best item in the game.
How about radar get´s new icons for every different thing?
BUT it could also be a passive active item, like elite aspects and the credit card. With a decent radius showing you interactables arround you. With that the icons could also be quite see through so they don´t block half your screen and are just noticable. Maybe with an activation it would get the full effect on a cooldown?
I kinda find it a bit hard to remember half the things it showed me, I rather not take it at all at the end because I get the feeling I need to check some spots out now before forgetting just to see that half of the things were printers and whatnot
cookie clicker background music is actually insane
Flamethrower is one of my favourite abilities in Risk of Rain 2 for some reason. But, despite how much I love the ability, actually using it feels like trying to break concrete with a paper towel. It just sucks ass 😭
I forgot void locus even existed
singularity band should work like how it does with the singularityband mod which makes it only corrupt ice band and it has a 10 second cooldown. they should just change it to be like that in vanilla
The Blight situation is crazy
Look, flamethrower is just really fun to think about what you can do in a run where you wanna proc like 100 effects on an enemy when your running the artifact that lets you pick everything from chests; other than that, eh- I decline to comment…
making risk of rain 2 videos after THAT day... 💀
18:43 but you also have to realize when talking about this that it’s incredible on mithrix it’s able to keep it in place for so long, which is incredible for a melee focused, speedy boss like himself
Why does nobody talk about the False Son + Pauldron combination? It’s probably the best synergy for him, you can't lose a run with it, especially if you have some steak or infusion. I still don't understand how people can consider False Son a bad character. And WHY are the developers planning to give him a buff in the next update??
Is flamethrower bad really a hot take?
Stone flux is just there to make brokenly powerful runs even more brokenly powerful
Kindda is that way for almost every lunar item
Don’t forget stone flux is actually a goated on false son
I don’t know how someone can enjoy the game without Ion surge.
Thats what makes artificer fun to me.
Without you are just walking around casting spells. With it you are doing what feels like breaking the game.
I'm sorry Grandpa I can't get behind fum So I can't like the video
I think for Arti Ion Surge should've instead been a utility and had their Special be a pick between Ice Wall or Flamethrower
It still wouldn't make any difference. If that was the case, you still take ice wall 1000% of the time. A freeze and execute that works on Mythrix vs. a short range attack that deals "colossal damage" but won't freeze or execute Mythrix
You know why Flamethrower is good ? Because it's Commando default hit 20 times with ignite effect.
Radar scanner is only good for new players that haven't memorized all the spawns for newt altars, aqueduct buttons, etc.
26:13 song name, pretty please?