@@brendamelton4704 Whole Foods Plant Based (restricting ones diet to unprocessed plant foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds)
This is one of the best episodes I’ve listened to, and that’s saying something given the quality of this podcast. I appreciate how thorough yet approachable Dr. Kim is.
'Triglycerides are the Dangerfield of lipids' and 'I haven't checked in 73 days'... Ok Dr. Kim Williams is officially funny. Incredibly wise and funny.... good combo.
Dr. Williams knowledge is so deep and wide we sorely need him on programs like The Joe Rogan Experience. His demeanor (along with Dr Bernard and Dr Gregor) would calmly and effectively lay out the truth and save more lives.
@ Cindy Davis I know everyone is different, but I feel so much better staying clear of fruits and vegetables. Most fruits are high in Fructose, and all plants contain toxins, called anti-nutrients. They like to demonize meat, but I reversed so many health problems on an all meat diet, which also means I avoid sugar, processed foods, and toxic seed oils. Those are the problem, not meat and eggs. I stay away from dairy because it can be inflammatory to about 70% of the population. We know that obesity and insulin resistance is what is causing most illness in our population, meat does not cause this, I've lost 75 pounds, and all my metabolic issues have been corrected, including prediabetes and fatty liver disease.
@@vivianechukwuka5510 Are you trying to solve health issues, or just want a healthier alternative to a Standard American Diet ? It also depends on what you are used to eating. Let me know, and I will be glad to help. I'm not a doctor, but I have been on the Carnivore Diet for over two years now, and have probably 2500 hours of study and research in the last 2 years,
I heard about this veggie study prior to this interview and thought there just HAD to be a mistake in the write up when I heard tablespoons. Geez. Who in the world would financially back a study measuring eating tablespoons of vegetables? I don’t eat tablespoons of veg - I eat cups - lots of cups. What a dumb study. Sounds like something that belongs on Saturday Night Live.
I totally agree with your comments about this item/interview. It would be really interesting to find out who paid for this study, whether it was someone associated with the meat marketing board et cetera. I would also like to see a counter discussion from a leading doctor/cardio vascular surgeons, perhaps Dr Michael Greger or Dr Caldwell Esselstyn, who both, from experience, advocate a plant based diet for not only preventing cardiovascular issues, but also reversing them! It seems that an awful lot of research has gone into eating vegetables, for the health benefits, which to me seems logical, as we all need fibre, minerals, vitamins et cetera and of course plant protein. I believe many studies should be looked at before people make up their minds, as this could potentially harm them! Best wishes, Steve U.K. 👍🏻🐝🙏
Vegetables aren't healthy? Dr. Williams looks healthy to me, plus the numbers he gave for his cholesterol in some of his talks are very good, he gives the numbers for before he switched to plant based eating and after. The change is amazing. The tablespoons of veggies study is just wrong.
We need to teach people to eat for nutrition and not just for taste healthy whole foods already have a taste on their own, and teach people to eat for nutritional needs not for boredom or entertainment,, and healthy coping skills to deal with stress not turn to food I think that's one of the reasons why there's so many obesity as people we have forgotten how to eat
Great point. Except the Food companies are fighting that at every turn. I do think if we could win over a lot more doctors then patients can hear truth instead of pills.
@@returntoyehovahthelord6185 the food companies like all the companies that make junk food candies processed foods even fast food restaurants they're all contributing to the problem, yes personal choice people have to choose to eat healthy but at the same time people need help to know the truth. I personally can't understand why these food companies are against us and want to make a sick there's no benefit in having a country full of sick suffering people, my city is full of overweight and obese people fast food places everywhere and it seems like every other minute they're opening up another fast food place it's ridiculous!
@@daysoftheboo - Yep. Lots of money to be made. On one hand they might feel good by selling things to people that make them happy. A lot of us love foods that are horrible for us. The people selling the food don’t have to deal with us when we are sick or dying. That’s someone else’s job. It’s crazy but until someone wakes up to this problem, they can’t accept it.
@@returntoyehovahthelord6185 you know what those junk food companies sound like? They sound like drug dealers and the junk food is the drugs, I don't consider junk food food I consider it trash the same trash that belongs in a can, if the people who sell junk food think the consequences doesn't affect them they are wrong, maybe they have family members or friends who eat that garbage they have to depend on customer service one day there's not going to be any customer service or anything if everyone is sick and dying and suffering, I believe very strongly if one day if all the junk food fast food disappeared people would start dropping weight there might be still some obesity but it wouldn't be as severe as it is now, right now the obesity problem is very high to the point of it's very rare to see thin people nowadays that's so sad the human body wasn't not designed to carry that much weight on it and the body positive movement is really toxic too
I'd have a few others there too like Essenstyn, McDougall ect. One of the reason I follow all these guys are because they have walked the walk. Most have been on their diet for decades are still healthy. I hear keto guys making all sorts of claims but I've never seen or heard of a keto person on their diet for 20-30 years.
Hi Chuck, can you do a video on oxalates on a plant based diet? There is a woman on TH-cam that says the oxalates in fruits and vegetables are hurting your health. I would like to hear what Dr Barnard has to say about that. Thanks!
I increased my veggie intake thinking I was doing something good for my body. I went through 6 months of gas, bloating, stomach cramps and diarrhea. Had to start taking medication for my stomach until I realized that this can't br good for me. Why should I have to take a medication to eat a food. I'll stick with foods that keep me medication free.
@@jasbirkaurvillaschi8019 I fixed it. I ate meat only for 3 months. With no GI issues. Recently I reintroduced veggies with no symptoms or medication. During those 3 months I ate almost 4000 calories per day maintaing my weight between 214-216 lbs after losing 135 lbs. I guess the meat corrected my gut biome.
@@truth3404 That's good, I am a drinker and it messes with ones diet. I think in general terms all digestive issues relate back to an imbalance of nutrients, that's why even just eating unprocessed meat will bring your nutrients back to normal or at least better than whatever was happening before. Best of luck with your journey.
Regarding the studies on olive oil and avocados: did ldl come down because the subjects formerly ate saturated fat? We’re the subjects overweight at all? What was their cholesterol to begin with? What happens to someone who is WFPB and isn’t eating exogenous fats and they add it in? I need to see the actual design. Just being randomized trials isn’t enough. We also need to see who sponsors the research.
We share more health than what divide us. Yes. We can say that by any diet that removes seed oils, processed nasty foods, but eat whole foods. This is huge. I would say this is true for our paleo, vegan, vegetarian, and clean keto. I love nits, seeds, avocados…
There is absolutely no problem with Vegetables or being Vegan or being a meat eater, the problem lies with the Resume, CV, publications & accomplishments of the one who is presenting the study / observations as introductory note, to the public,, thereby overwhelming & changing the focus of the study / research
We are at a crossroads of coherence and yearning. We are in the midst of an intergalactic awakening of joy that will become our stepping-stone to the cosmos itself. Our conversations with other entities have led to an unveiling of supra-high-frequency consciousness.
In the section on "olive oil" in which the question is of benefit vs harm, the discussion ignored the effects of oils, especially saturated fats, on endothelial function. All the spoke about was effect on cholesterol levels. Olive oil has 14 percent saturated fat, the same as a Big Mac. Both the BM and the OO (3 tbsp) will cause arteries to become unable to dilate for about 5-6 hours after ingestion. This is why Dr. Esselstyn says "no oil" for his heart patients under his dietary care. For Dr. Willams to not know this, is disturbing, because endothelial function improvement is key to resolving the causes of heart disease.
So am I understanding this correctly. If my diet and exercise regime isn't up to par and I carry extra weight I should not eat avocados seeds,nuts,olive oil. Or did Dr. Williams complete part of his communication on the topic. I hope I'm not confusing his words. My diet used to be in line but I'm just getting back to PBWF with some cheats. I believe I'll be successful as I did the Ornish diet for 7 years which meant no seed,nuts,added process oils of any kind that is not a component of whole food,meat ,dairy.
You guys should look at molecular hydrogen for heart health. I specifically used a 2021 lourdes hydrofix premium that completely healed my major heart condition. I needed open heart surgery and after the hydrogen, never needed it (thank god). It has changed my life and many others. I know others who also used it for their heart and fixed their issue and it is used by doctors in Japan for the heart. It's already approved. But why don't doctors in the USA know about it?
31:00 absolute shit, I'm on the carnivore diet which is like extreme keto and I was only slightly sick for 2 days with covid, 2 weeks of an itchy throat but thats all.
"exclusively plant based" for us here, for sure...They can go to hell with their fish and poultry. Fish are better in the water, and chickens left alone.
The study on vegetable intake and no difference in heart disease risk is flawed. Of course, a couple of tablespoons of vegetables per day would not be enough of a percentage of total intake of food to make a difference. It’s like eating fatty meat and fish in ‘moderation’, a couple tablespoons at a time. It won’t make a big difference in your health.
I used to be about 80% plant -based diet, and it wrecked my health. I switched to a Low Carb/ High Fat diet, excluding all veggies and fruits, and all my problems disappeared. After two years of continuing to become healthier, I proved to myself, you don't need fruits and vegetables to be healthy. There is no proof you need anything in plants, including fiber. For years, health professionals, including my doctor, have demonized animal protein and fat, when the real reason people are getting sick is too many sugars, toxic seed oils, including many olive oils that are mixed with seed oils, and processed foods. We know that plants have many toxins, because they do not want to be eaten, and they can cause autoimmune issues in many people. I never realized how many problems vegetables and fruits were causing me, until I completely eliminated them from my diet.
I delighted that you are feeling better. But two years is hardly a demonstration or an indication of what will/could happen to a person long term on a diet. I was on a diet of total junk food for 40 years and I could have said after 2 years that I never felt better in my life. Actually, I could have said even after 10 or 20 years of junk food eating. Little did I know it was killing me silently inside. After 40 years of junk food eating, I ended up with a triple heart bypass and I was lucky to get a second chance at life. That's why I look to people who have been on their diets for decades and who have walked the walk. Unfortunately I haven't seen anyone on utube on a low carb high fat/protein diet who have been on their diets for over 30 years. That lack of physical evidence concerned me when I was looking for a healthy diet and why I wouldn't go on it. I had too much at stake....excuse the pun! Best of luck and I sincerly hope your diet works out for you.
@@patrickokeeffe4787 I understand your point, and I'm not on here trying to sell any products or books, but if two years of a junk food diet would have reversed my metabolic syndrome and allowed me to lose 75 pounds, I would probably be doing it. I have no more prediabetes, high blood pressure, joint inflammation, thyroid issues, fatty liver disease, sinus problems, low HDL, high triglycerides, no more digestion problems, and I have maintained my weight at what I was at 19 years old, How many diets do you know of where the person does not gain back all the weight plus add more ? If this was a bad way of eating, I wouldn't have reversed all those health issues, they would have got worse. I know people who have been on it long term, Dr. Eric Westman, who is on the medical board at Duke University has been Carnivore/ Keto for 20 years.
Glad you found what works. I'm on a lot of fruit and veg since my operation 6 years ago. I lost 80lbs and have still kept it off. I wouldn't have all the issues that you have....just heart disease....so we are probably coming from different places. I found from when I started to exercise that our bodies are all different and can react differently to exercise.....so I guess the same could be said for food. I guess there's many paths to the top of the mountain and we have to find what path gets us there for ourselves. At the time, I was in a very precarious position and had to get off the junk food and make a quick decision to go onto something better. While I knew a lot of people got results from a keto style diet, I didn't see many proven long term cases and that concerned me. Also. I didn't think I could have done it anyway as it was a struggle to get off junk foods and it wasn't a 100% clean break. The Mediterranean style diet and the wholefood plant based diet that I ended up on last year allows certain leeway as Im not trying to achieve a certain "state" with my body. Like if I want to have a junk food plant based cake I can do so without much of a penalty. On a keto it could throw me out of ketosis. It just sound more rigid and fair play to anyone who can follow it through....I admire the discipline it takes.
@@patrickokeeffe4787 Patrick, if you look at all the processed foods that most people eat, it contains 3 common ingredients, processed flour, vegetable oils/ trans fats, and sugar/ high fructose corn syrup. In all my hours of research, I submit to you that it has never been meat, animal fat, and eggs that are making so many people sick, it is the 3 common ingredients. Then you add up all the chemicals that food companies put into their foods, and you have a disaster. .When you go to a restaurant, it is not the steak causing the problem, it is all the breads, vegetable oils, and carbohydrates, causing the problem.
@@patrickokeeffe4787 Well, good luck to you, I just don't know how you get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs eating that way without supplementing. Plus, there are many fatty acids, and amino acids, you can only get from animal foods. Our body composition is much more like a cow or pig, than any fruits and vegetables. I think our ancestors would have eaten fruits and veggies out of necessity, enjoyment, or medicinal, not to sustain their health.
Excellent interview and debunking of that study which sounds like it's funded by the animal agricultural industry or someone who is biased towards the Standard American Diet or the Standard Western Diet.
Unfortunately, this is the case for many Standard American Dieters. For example: Breakfast: buttered bagel and coffee. Lunch: hamburger with a slice of tomato and fries, Dinner: Chicken and rice.
@@sectionalsofa indeed, parents are good example! If a parent eats hamburger and french fries how would you expect the kid to eat carots? I was also a picky child but at 40 years old I discovered the good way of living healthy style! :-)
Dr. Williams mentions WFPB diets when talking about benefits of olive oil. So ... ARE there in fact studies showing lowered cholesterol levels when olive oil (or avocado, etc.) is added to a WFPB diet? I've not seen such, but maybe it's something I've missed. Olive oil showing benefits IN PLACE OF animal derived fats, sure.
@@billsharer1876 Yes, I think so. If it's replacing something even fattier, then yeah, olive oil would likely be seen to be healthier. If it's replacing, say, kale, then I doubt that would show an improvement.
A)You did not give the title or link to the study. B) You have never mentioned the fact that largely vegetarian India is the world's most stricken country by heart disease.
I think the biggest issue with the vegetable studies is that it really groups all vegetables together, including starches. Also, so many of the studies are from food frequency studies, not head on controlled studies. I don’t think we could use a placebo, but we could create studies when we really look at types of vegetables and use that as your variable. That said, fruits should also not be grouped with vegetables either. We should focus on the glycemic and insulin indices. Alcohol, of course, it processes just like fructose (or the overload of glucose) and absolutely does raise triglycerides, hardens arteries and creates a host of metabolic disease. I see no where that we need to be all plant based… but definitely plant rich. I was vegetarian for a few years…. And physically can’t do it. If we can eat as close to nature as possible, the better it is. I enjoy my vegetables. My blood pressure is supper low. I have been keto (plant rich, natural foods) for years… and went off for about a year to recover from long Covid. Going back on starting tomorrow because I feel good and can manage my weight better.
Dr.Williams pointed out that the study was bogus because they were literally testing based on TABLESPOONS of veggies - so, WAY too small an amount to be impactful. That trumps any issues about types of veggies, they just didn't have sufficient quantities of any. There it is.
Well I'm white as a sheet and boy would I love to have Dr. Kim Williams as my doc. My white doc doesn't even know what I know from listening to Dr. WIlliams.
Why doesn't anyone ever talk about quantity of oil? Dousing everything or taking a daily shot is different from a tablespoon or two spread out over the day isn't it? And nuts...a jug of costco mixed roasted nuts in oil is different from almonds from the cooking section. It seems all the info is geared to weight loss or isn't really explained. Like chocolate...people hear chocolate and reach for a snickers as health food. Everyone isn't as deep into details as people who are involved and assume what is said is clear.
LMFAO 🤣 they tried giving people vegetables in tablespoons like it’s some easy to take medication. Oh humans. Y’all crack me up. Trace the funding on this study btw. Bizarre study setup.
That study is set up to fail. Who eats just 2 to 3 tablespoons of veggies daily? People who eat fast food. This would be a slice of tomato and a lettuce leaf on a burger. Of course that amount does nothing for health. 😠
I usually watch the entire episode before I agree or disagree with the contents. Unfortunately, when I heard the up-front premise that vegetables do NOT protect against cardio-vascular disease - I did the only thing I could do - I switched off the program. There was absolutely NO way I was going to listen to any explanation of such a preposterous claim. Come on, Chuck - why do you give these claims any air time at all ????
The research methodology re the vegs is suspicious as hell. I'd go as far as saying it was done in bad faith, with the intention of generating "findings" that could be skewed in order to downplay the health benefits of vegs. If one starts digging into the funding source for this so-called research, it's a safe bet that it will turn out to be people or groups who want to protect the profits of the meat / milk / egg industries by discrediting the opposing voices, ie advocates of vegan diets. History has shown that there are enough researchers willing to sell their soul and skew research just for a cut of the obscene profits made by the big food corporations. It always pays to follow the money and find out who benefits from such outrageously tainted "research".
All whole food balanced is best for the human body. Get good organic vegetables and good organic meat. A varieties best and in certain cases certain foods or diets can heal.
“…my opinions about medicine are all colored by randomized trials…” Hilarious! It’s hard not to like somebody after they say a thing like that. I wish more expert’s opinions were colored by a randomized trials instead of the other way around.
Dr Williams was excellent until talking about keto. The Physicians committee is so biased against low carb. This discussion did not have to end with keto. Olive oil is healthy. Good fats are healthy and high carbs and sugar are not healthy. I enjoy vegetables on a low carb diet. Have realized many benefits from it. There are studies suggesting a keto diet is helpful for people with Covid. If anything the data is still inconclusive but Physicians loves to jump on the keto is bad bandwagon. I believe there are a number of ongoing studies that should help decide the matter. If Physicians is unable to take a neutral stance then how can anything be believed?
Vegetables that aren’t heart healthy are the ones that are GMO, laced with chemicals , pesticides and have lots of carbs. Most high carbs veggies grow below the ground and a few grow above the ground. Squash and pumpkin are sweet , taste great when cooked with butter and should be eaten in moderation.
African American, and Latinos want yo see African American, and Latino doctors? I'm glad to get a doctor if any culture group, yet, I'm the racist. Good grief!!!
Because the chance of being misdiagnosed or dismissed as a person of colour increases if the doctor is white. There are also certain symptoms that show up on a darker complexion patient differently than a whiter complexion patient that many doctors, especially white doctors, don't pay attention to. Have you read any studies or research on the benefits of having a doctor of the same race? Or read about why blacks or hispanics would prefer a doctor of the same race? Did it ever occur to you that they have faced racism at the doctors office? Did you know that a study showed that many white medical students believed that black people feel less pain? No wonder then why someone might think a white doctor won't give them equal care if they are black. You say you are glad to get a doctor of any race but have white people ever been systematically misdiagnosed or under treated by non-white doctors? Do many non-white doctors believe that white people feel less pain? If your answer is no then it's not the same thing.
@@bellak2140 I couldn't read all of your reply. I can't get the page to scroll down. I have some things to say, but will have to put them in several replies.
@Everett Gaming Thankyou for clarifying. Any doctor, however can misdiagnose a patient. Still, if I were to go to a medical practice, and ask for a white doctor, I'd be called a white supremacist
Dr. Kim Williams gives statistics plus practical solutions. We win when we act on the data by doing better as we learn better 🏅
Covid was my main motivation for going WFPB in 2020. Lost 75 pounds very quickly!
Great news! Congratulations!
WFPB ???????🤔
@@brendamelton4704 Whole Foods Plant Based (restricting ones diet to unprocessed plant foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds)
@Everett Gaming what is wrong with you? What makes you say that?
Yay. So happy for you!
Dr. Williams is scientific and honest. Any authority figure outright admitting he could be wrong is among the most accurate as well as ethical ones.
He is so knowledgeable, I always enjoy listening to what he has to say.
He also has good perspectives that make listeners want to keep listening!
Dr. Williams is AMAZING!!!! He's such a wealth of information!
This is one of the best episodes I’ve listened to, and that’s saying something given the quality of this podcast. I appreciate how thorough yet approachable Dr. Kim is.
Thank you both for providing such great content. So motivating!
The key question that I always ask is, "Who funded the research?" I really appreciate Dr. Williams
'Triglycerides are the Dangerfield of lipids' and 'I haven't checked in 73 days'... Ok Dr. Kim Williams is officially funny. Incredibly wise and funny.... good combo.
Fascinating! Thank you for making the world a healthier place.
What a great interview! I wish every single human would watch this closely and heed the simple rationale given here for free.
Dr. Williams knowledge is so deep and wide we sorely need him on programs like The Joe Rogan Experience. His demeanor (along with Dr Bernard and Dr Gregor) would calmly and effectively lay out the truth and save more lives.
Dr Williams is a wealth of information!
Thank you both.
I guess they are trying to stop everyone from giving up meat & Dairy. I wonder who is behind this study 🧐🤔
@ Cindy Davis I know everyone is different, but I feel so much better staying clear of fruits and vegetables. Most fruits are high in Fructose, and all plants contain toxins, called anti-nutrients. They like to demonize meat, but I reversed so many health problems on an all meat diet, which also means I avoid sugar, processed foods, and toxic seed oils. Those are the problem, not meat and eggs. I stay away from dairy because it can be inflammatory to about 70% of the population. We know that obesity and insulin resistance is what is causing most illness in our population, meat does not cause this, I've lost 75 pounds, and all my metabolic issues have been corrected, including prediabetes and fatty liver disease.
@@sidsnyder8043 What types of meat do you eat? Please reply, I need help.
@@vivianechukwuka5510 Are you trying to solve health issues, or just want a healthier alternative to a Standard American Diet ? It also depends on what you are used to eating. Let me know, and I will be glad to help. I'm not a doctor, but I have been on the Carnivore Diet for over two years now, and have probably 2500 hours of study and research in the last 2 years,
@@sidsnyder8043 Thank you so much for you prompt reply.
Yes I have some heart health issues plus inflammation. Tired of swallowing hospital drugs.
Great interview again, Chuck! You are such a great podcast host. Dr. Kim Williams gives very valuable information.
Right!?! Chuck always shines but this episode was extra spot-on!
So good to watch. Chuck you have as great sense of humor.
Chuck! I so enjoy your style, humor and genuine interest in your guests
So good to hear someone finally talk down about fasted blood tests.
@Everett Gaming Oh Come Now Mr Trump, could u just pipe down please?
“Americans love to hear good things about their bad habits.” ~ T. Colin Campbell
I heard about this veggie study prior to this interview and thought there just HAD to be a mistake in the write up when I heard tablespoons. Geez. Who in the world would financially back a study measuring eating tablespoons of vegetables? I don’t eat tablespoons of veg - I eat cups - lots of cups. What a dumb study. Sounds like something that belongs on Saturday Night Live.
Ha ha ha I agree.
Where I live, nutrition data for veggies is always presented in grams, so volume measures do not mean much.
@@realrosesforever3847 I agree too! Nonsense study!
Lol I do wonder how this would be done on Saturday Night Live.
I totally agree with your comments about this item/interview.
It would be really interesting to find out who paid for this study, whether it was someone associated with the meat marketing board et cetera.
I would also like to see a counter discussion from a leading doctor/cardio vascular surgeons, perhaps Dr Michael Greger or Dr Caldwell Esselstyn, who both, from experience, advocate a plant based diet for not only preventing cardiovascular issues, but also reversing them!
It seems that an awful lot of research has gone into eating vegetables, for the health benefits, which to me seems logical, as we all need fibre, minerals, vitamins et cetera and of course plant protein.
I believe many studies should be looked at before people make up their minds, as this could potentially harm them!
Best wishes,
Steve U.K. 👍🏻🐝🙏
Now, 3/7/22, sharing, liked, listening nd shared subscribed.
Thx much i went nutritritarian now, 2/3 plant based since dec 2021.
My lab draws changed positively.
Preventing future diseases, eliminating statins hurting muscles, learning eating seeds, greens, beans, onions, berries/fruits nd mushrooms.
Goals: reversals of hi bp, cholesterol, blood sugar,
Preventing additional sickness
Feeling good
Preventions if aches
Thank you for clarifying the olive oil situation! 21:22
Vegetables aren't healthy? Dr. Williams looks healthy to me, plus the numbers he gave for his cholesterol in some of his talks are very good, he gives the numbers for before he switched to plant based eating and after. The change is amazing. The tablespoons of veggies study is just wrong.
As a dentist we get constant complaints that we take blood pressures but as you stated many times we can alert them to visit a physician
My blood pressure automatically goes up when I sit in the dentist's chair! Lol
Wonderful information here that is given in a very understandable and usable way. Thanks so much!
We need to teach people to eat for nutrition and not just for taste healthy whole foods already have a taste on their own, and teach people to eat for nutritional needs not for boredom or entertainment,, and healthy coping skills to deal with stress not turn to food I think that's one of the reasons why there's so many obesity as people we have forgotten how to eat
Great point. Except the Food companies are fighting that at every turn. I do think if we could win over a lot more doctors then patients can hear truth instead of pills.
@@returntoyehovahthelord6185 the food companies like all the companies that make junk food candies processed foods even fast food restaurants they're all contributing to the problem, yes personal choice people have to choose to eat healthy but at the same time people need help to know the truth. I personally can't understand why these food companies are against us and want to make a sick there's no benefit in having a country full of sick suffering people, my city is full of overweight and obese people fast food places everywhere and it seems like every other minute they're opening up another fast food place it's ridiculous!
@@daysoftheboo - Yep. Lots of money to be made. On one hand they might feel good by selling things to people that make them happy. A lot of us love foods that are horrible for us.
The people selling the food don’t have to deal with us when we are sick or dying. That’s someone else’s job. It’s crazy but until someone wakes up to this problem, they can’t accept it.
@@returntoyehovahthelord6185 you know what those junk food companies sound like? They sound like drug dealers and the junk food is the drugs, I don't consider junk food food I consider it trash the same trash that belongs in a can, if the people who sell junk food think the consequences doesn't affect them they are wrong, maybe they have family members or friends who eat that garbage they have to depend on customer service one day there's not going to be any customer service or anything if everyone is sick and dying and suffering, I believe very strongly if one day if all the junk food fast food disappeared people would start dropping weight there might be still some obesity but it wouldn't be as severe as it is now, right now the obesity problem is very high to the point of it's very rare to see thin people nowadays that's so sad
the human body wasn't not designed to carry that much weight on it and the body positive movement is really toxic too
Your last line is true, I am in the process of learning how to eat.
My Favorite Dr. Kim Williams 🤩👍
Listen to the video... the Doc is saying 'Go plant based diet' !
He's a scrub
Amazing episode! So informative as usual! 🌱👏🏻❤️
Dr Kim is a legend, I appreciate him. Does he have any social media or email ?
Nobody asked but my go to list of wfpb practitioners are: Dr. Williams, Dr. Fuhrman, Dr Greger and Brenda Davis.
I'd have a few others there too like Essenstyn, McDougall ect. One of the reason I follow all these guys are because they have walked the walk. Most have been on their diet for decades are still healthy. I hear keto guys making all sorts of claims but I've never seen or heard of a keto person on their diet for 20-30 years.
Dr. Gregor was debunking potatoes.
DR. Mcdougall did a video on his rebuttal!
Amazing information. Thank you. Going straight to pubmed to check out the avocado study :-)
Chuck is wearing my favorite colors😇😇thank you for much for this interview 😊bless you both 🙏
Excellent interview
@Everett Gaming I don’t think you watched the video
@Everett Gaming I know veggies are healthy too. You have to watch the video for understanding. Dr. Williams is responding to the misleading research.
Hi Chuck, can you do a video on oxalates on a plant based diet? There is a woman on TH-cam that says the oxalates in fruits and vegetables are hurting your health. I would like to hear what Dr Barnard has to say about that. Thanks!
There's a lot more oxalates in grains. And you don't see them having diseases caused by oxalates.
@@GaryHighFruit , right , they been eating rice in China for thousand years! Nobody died there from oxalates or from protein deficiency!
Mic the Vegan on TH-cam great info goes by the science check him out
I got a boatload of valuable info AND laughed at the same time. Hard to achieve 😄
I increased my veggie intake thinking I was doing something good for my body. I went through 6 months of gas, bloating, stomach cramps and diarrhea. Had to start taking medication for my stomach until I realized that this can't br good for me. Why should I have to take a medication to eat a food. I'll stick with foods that keep me medication free.
you learned that your gut biome is not healthy and should have addressed that underlying health issue
@@jasbirkaurvillaschi8019 I fixed it. I ate meat only for 3 months. With no GI issues. Recently I reintroduced veggies with no symptoms or medication. During those 3 months I ate almost 4000 calories per day maintaing my weight between 214-216 lbs after losing 135 lbs. I guess the meat corrected my gut biome.
Do you drink wine or beer in any large amount?
@@annoyedaussie3942 I have not had one sip of any alcohol since June 2021, even before then I only drank occasionally.
@@truth3404 That's good, I am a drinker and it messes with ones diet. I think in general terms all digestive issues relate back to an imbalance of nutrients, that's why even just eating unprocessed meat will bring your nutrients back to normal or at least better than whatever was happening before. Best of luck with your journey.
Regarding the studies on olive oil and avocados: did ldl come down because the subjects formerly ate saturated fat? We’re the subjects overweight at all? What was their cholesterol to begin with? What happens to someone who is WFPB and isn’t eating exogenous fats and they add it in? I need to see the actual design. Just being randomized trials isn’t enough. We also need to see who sponsors the research.
We share more health than what divide us. Yes. We can say that by any diet that removes seed oils, processed nasty foods, but eat whole foods. This is huge. I would say this is true for our paleo, vegan, vegetarian, and clean keto.
I love nits, seeds, avocados…
There is absolutely no problem with Vegetables or being Vegan or being a meat eater, the problem lies with the Resume, CV, publications & accomplishments of the one who is presenting the study / observations as introductory note, to the public,, thereby overwhelming & changing the focus of the study / research
We are at a crossroads of coherence and yearning. We are in the midst of an intergalactic awakening of joy that will become our stepping-stone to the cosmos itself. Our conversations with other entities have led to an unveiling of supra-high-frequency consciousness.
In the section on "olive oil" in which the question is of benefit vs harm, the discussion ignored the effects of oils, especially saturated fats, on endothelial function. All the spoke about was effect on cholesterol levels. Olive oil has 14 percent saturated fat, the same as a Big Mac. Both the BM and the OO (3 tbsp) will cause arteries to become unable to dilate for about 5-6 hours after ingestion. This is why Dr. Esselstyn says "no oil" for his heart patients under his dietary care. For Dr. Willams to not know this, is disturbing, because endothelial function improvement is key to resolving the causes of heart disease.
Very enlightening! Thank you, gentlemen.
So am I understanding this correctly. If my diet and exercise regime isn't up to par and I carry extra weight I should not eat avocados seeds,nuts,olive oil. Or did Dr. Williams complete part of his communication on the topic. I hope I'm not confusing his words. My diet used to be in line but I'm just getting back to PBWF with some cheats. I believe I'll be successful as I did the Ornish diet for 7 years which meant no seed,nuts,added process oils of any kind that is not a component of whole food,meat ,dairy.
You guys should look at molecular hydrogen for heart health. I specifically used a 2021 lourdes hydrofix premium that completely healed my major heart condition. I needed open heart surgery and after the hydrogen, never needed it (thank god). It has changed my life and many others. I know others who also used it for their heart and fixed their issue and it is used by doctors in Japan for the heart. It's already approved. But why don't doctors in the USA know about it?
Triglycerides are the Rodney Dangerfield of the lipid panel. 😂
Dr Kim for president
31:00 absolute shit, I'm on the carnivore diet which is like extreme keto and I was only slightly sick for 2 days with covid, 2 weeks of an itchy throat but thats all.
Thx share posting
Inc level of awareness, make smart decisions
mashed avocado and chopped garlic is good on toast
I’m a heavy meat eater and wondered the same thing about the tablespoon measurements. That was really odd.
"exclusively plant based" for us here, for sure...They can go to hell with their fish and poultry. Fish are better in the water, and chickens left alone.
Isn't alcohol lippolytic - and therefore beneficial at helping to remove fat from your body?
Wait which way is the wind blowing.
The study on vegetable intake and no difference in heart disease risk is flawed. Of course, a couple of tablespoons of vegetables per day would not be enough of a percentage of total intake of food to make a difference. It’s like eating fatty meat and fish in ‘moderation’, a couple tablespoons at a time. It won’t make a big difference in your health.
We went plant base and we look 40 years younger than friends and family
I used to be about 80% plant -based diet, and it wrecked my health. I switched to a Low Carb/ High Fat diet, excluding all veggies and fruits, and all my problems disappeared. After two years of continuing to become healthier, I proved to myself, you don't need fruits and vegetables to be healthy. There is no proof you need anything in plants, including fiber. For years, health professionals, including my doctor, have demonized animal protein and fat, when the real reason people are getting sick is too many sugars, toxic seed oils, including many olive oils that are mixed with seed oils, and processed foods. We know that plants have many toxins, because they do not want to be eaten, and they can cause autoimmune issues in many people. I never realized how many problems vegetables and fruits were causing me, until I completely eliminated them from my diet.
I delighted that you are feeling better. But two years is hardly a demonstration or an indication of what will/could happen to a person long term on a diet. I was on a diet of total junk food for 40 years and I could have said after 2 years that I never felt better in my life. Actually, I could have said even after 10 or 20 years of junk food eating. Little did I know it was killing me silently inside. After 40 years of junk food eating, I ended up with a triple heart bypass and I was lucky to get a second chance at life. That's why I look to people who have been on their diets for decades and who have walked the walk. Unfortunately I haven't seen anyone on utube on a low carb high fat/protein diet who have been on their diets for over 30 years. That lack of physical evidence concerned me when I was looking for a healthy diet and why I wouldn't go on it. I had too much at stake....excuse the pun! Best of luck and I sincerly hope your diet works out for you.
@@patrickokeeffe4787 I understand your point, and I'm not on here trying to sell any products or books, but if two years of a junk food diet would have reversed my metabolic syndrome and allowed me to lose 75 pounds, I would probably be doing it. I have no more prediabetes, high blood pressure, joint inflammation, thyroid issues, fatty liver disease, sinus problems, low HDL, high triglycerides, no more digestion problems, and I have maintained my weight at what I was at 19 years old, How many diets do you know of where the person does not gain back all the weight plus add more ? If this was a bad way of eating, I wouldn't have reversed all those health issues, they would have got worse. I know people who have been on it long term, Dr. Eric Westman, who is on the medical board at Duke University has been Carnivore/ Keto for 20 years.
Glad you found what works. I'm on a lot of fruit and veg since my operation 6 years ago. I lost 80lbs and have still kept it off. I wouldn't have all the issues that you have....just heart disease....so we are probably coming from different places. I found from when I started to exercise that our bodies are all different and can react differently to exercise.....so I guess the same could be said for food. I guess there's many paths to the top of the mountain and we have to find what path gets us there for ourselves. At the time, I was in a very precarious position and had to get off the junk food and make a quick decision to go onto something better. While I knew a lot of people got results from a keto style diet, I didn't see many proven long term cases and that concerned me. Also. I didn't think I could have done it anyway as it was a struggle to get off junk foods and it wasn't a 100% clean break. The Mediterranean style diet and the wholefood plant based diet that I ended up on last year allows certain leeway as Im not trying to achieve a certain "state" with my body. Like if I want to have a junk food plant based cake I can do so without much of a penalty. On a keto it could throw me out of ketosis. It just sound more rigid and fair play to anyone who can follow it through....I admire the discipline it takes.
@@patrickokeeffe4787 Patrick, if you look at all the processed foods that most people eat, it contains 3 common ingredients, processed flour, vegetable oils/ trans fats, and sugar/ high fructose corn syrup. In all my hours of research, I submit to you that it has never been meat, animal fat, and eggs that are making so many people sick, it is the 3 common ingredients. Then you add up all the chemicals that food companies put into their foods, and you have a disaster. .When you go to a restaurant, it is not the steak causing the problem, it is all the breads, vegetable oils, and carbohydrates, causing the problem.
@@patrickokeeffe4787 Well, good luck to you, I just don't know how you get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs eating that way without supplementing. Plus, there are many fatty acids, and amino acids, you can only get from animal foods. Our body composition is much more like a cow or pig, than any fruits and vegetables. I think our ancestors would have eaten fruits and veggies out of necessity, enjoyment, or medicinal, not to sustain their health.
we can assume that fiber + mono unsaturated fatty acids would lower LDL.
Excellent interview and debunking of that study which sounds like it's funded by the animal agricultural industry or someone who is biased towards the Standard American Diet or the Standard Western Diet.
Of course vegetables can't make a difference if you only eat 2 to 3 tablespoons a day. So silly
Who made such a bad study and why? A student or a researcher? All research is not actually research... 🤦🏻♀️
Hey! Little doc ,how did u get cholesterol which our brain needs.from your lettuce 😅?
My cholesterol has always been good even as a Carnist. Idt oils are healthy. There’s more harm from what I’ve seen than good.
A tablespoon of vegetables? Who, even meat eaters, eats a tablespoon of vegetables?
Unfortunately, this is the case for many Standard American Dieters. For example: Breakfast: buttered bagel and coffee. Lunch: hamburger with a slice of tomato and fries, Dinner: Chicken and rice.
My kid unfortunately.... 🙈
@@kathleenmallory154 Most kids. But your good example may pay off in time. I was an awful eater as a kid.
@@sectionalsofa I sure hope so. So far no improvement (and he's 13). But I thank you for your kind words.
@@sectionalsofa indeed, parents are good example! If a parent eats hamburger and french fries how would you expect the kid to eat carots? I was also a picky child but at 40 years old I discovered the good way of living healthy style! :-)
What a great guy! Thanks, Chuck. But I believe in a color-blind society, not extra color discrimination in popular directions
Dr. Williams mentions WFPB diets when talking about benefits of olive oil. So ... ARE there in fact studies showing lowered cholesterol levels when olive oil (or avocado, etc.) is added to a WFPB diet? I've not seen such, but maybe it's something I've missed. Olive oil showing benefits IN PLACE OF animal derived fats, sure.
I think it has to do with what food the olive oil is taking the place of.
@@billsharer1876 Yes, I think so. If it's replacing something even fattier, then yeah, olive oil would likely be seen to be healthier. If it's replacing, say, kale, then I doubt that would show an improvement.
Ya, makes u gain weight, gives u greasy skin & hair & u wear oil on your hips, Thighs & butt!
A)You did not give the title or link to the study.
B) You have never mentioned the fact that largely vegetarian India is the world's most stricken country by heart disease.
i wonder who are the sponsors of that research??? 🤔 tablespoons of veggies and you expect effects??? 😂
I think the biggest issue with the vegetable studies is that it really groups all vegetables together, including starches. Also, so many of the studies are from food frequency studies, not head on controlled studies. I don’t think we could use a placebo, but we could create studies when we really look at types of vegetables and use that as your variable.
That said, fruits should also not be grouped with vegetables either.
We should focus on the glycemic and insulin indices.
Alcohol, of course, it processes just like fructose (or the overload of glucose) and absolutely does raise triglycerides, hardens arteries and creates a host of metabolic disease.
I see no where that we need to be all plant based… but definitely plant rich. I was vegetarian for a few years…. And physically can’t do it. If we can eat as close to nature as possible, the better it is. I enjoy my vegetables.
My blood pressure is supper low. I have been keto (plant rich, natural foods) for years… and went off for about a year to recover from long Covid. Going back on starting tomorrow because I feel good and can manage my weight better.
Dr.Williams pointed out that the study was bogus because they were literally testing based on TABLESPOONS of veggies - so, WAY too small an amount to be impactful. That trumps any issues about types of veggies, they just didn't have sufficient quantities of any. There it is.
Well I'm white as a sheet and boy would I love to have Dr. Kim Williams as my doc. My white doc doesn't even know what I know from listening to Dr. WIlliams.
It disheartened me to see that lying bit of research💔😞. Thank you for clarifying Dr Williams 🙏
Why doesn't anyone ever talk about quantity of oil? Dousing everything or taking a daily shot is different from a tablespoon or two spread out over the day isn't it? And nuts...a jug of costco mixed roasted nuts in oil is different from almonds from the cooking section. It seems all the info is geared to weight loss or isn't really explained. Like chocolate...people hear chocolate and reach for a snickers as health food. Everyone isn't as deep into details as people who are involved and assume what is said is clear.
LMFAO 🤣 they tried giving people vegetables in tablespoons like it’s some easy to take medication. Oh humans. Y’all crack me up. Trace the funding on this study btw. Bizarre study setup.
That study is set up to fail. Who eats just 2 to 3 tablespoons of veggies daily? People who eat fast food. This would be a slice of tomato and a lettuce leaf on a burger. Of course that amount does nothing for health. 😠
I wish he would have showed proof of study
I usually watch the entire episode before I agree or disagree with the contents.
Unfortunately, when I heard the up-front premise that vegetables do NOT protect against cardio-vascular disease - I did the only thing I could do - I switched off the program.
There was absolutely NO way I was going to listen to any explanation of such a preposterous claim.
Come on, Chuck - why do you give these claims any air time at all ????
this video was a debunking so maybe you proved the point that people only make snap judgements without delving deep enough
The research methodology re the vegs is suspicious as hell. I'd go as far as saying it was done in bad faith, with the intention of generating "findings" that could be skewed in order to downplay the health benefits of vegs. If one starts digging into the funding source for this so-called research, it's a safe bet that it will turn out to be people or groups who want to protect the profits of the meat / milk / egg industries by discrediting the opposing voices, ie advocates of vegan diets.
History has shown that there are enough researchers willing to sell their soul and skew research just for a cut of the obscene profits made by the big food corporations. It always pays to follow the money and find out who benefits from such outrageously tainted "research".
Medical knowledge doubles every 73 days? Really? Any source for that?
The left-wing bias is so strong among vegans they take it for granted. Is there even one prominent right-wing vegan?
All whole food balanced is best for the human body. Get good organic vegetables and good organic meat. A varieties best and in certain cases certain foods or diets can heal.
“…my opinions about medicine are all colored by randomized trials…”
Hilarious! It’s hard not to like somebody after they say a thing like that. I wish more expert’s opinions were colored by a randomized trials instead of the other way around.
Dr Williams was excellent until talking about keto. The Physicians committee is so biased against low carb. This discussion did not have to end with keto. Olive oil is healthy. Good fats are healthy and high carbs and sugar are not healthy. I enjoy vegetables on a low carb diet. Have realized many benefits from it.
There are studies suggesting a keto diet is helpful for people with Covid. If anything the data is still inconclusive but Physicians loves to jump on the keto is bad bandwagon. I believe there are a number of ongoing studies that should help decide the matter. If Physicians is unable to take a neutral stance then how can anything be believed?
Vegetables that aren’t heart healthy are the ones that are GMO, laced with chemicals , pesticides and have lots of carbs. Most high carbs veggies grow below the ground and a few grow above the ground. Squash and pumpkin are sweet , taste great when cooked with butter and should be eaten in moderation.
Vegan poop pills!
Utuber Goatis eats only raw meat
Oh yes, I do eat plant based only.
you lost me at 'third world countries'
One should get more than 150 minutes of exercise a day?? (his recommendation at 14.23) Two and a half hours - that¨s a lot!!??
He means a minimum of 150 a week.
Yes, a week...just found it on the American College of Cardiology website.
Blah blah blah!!
African American, and Latinos want yo see African American, and Latino doctors? I'm glad to get a doctor if any culture group, yet, I'm the racist.
Good grief!!!
Because the chance of being misdiagnosed or dismissed as a person of colour increases if the doctor is white. There are also certain symptoms that show up on a darker complexion patient differently than a whiter complexion patient that many doctors, especially white doctors, don't pay attention to. Have you read any studies or research on the benefits of having a doctor of the same race? Or read about why blacks or hispanics would prefer a doctor of the same race? Did it ever occur to you that they have faced racism at the doctors office? Did you know that a study showed that many white medical students believed that black people feel less pain? No wonder then why someone might think a white doctor won't give them equal care if they are black. You say you are glad to get a doctor of any race but have white people ever been systematically misdiagnosed or under treated by non-white doctors? Do many non-white doctors believe that white people feel less pain? If your answer is no then it's not the same thing.
@Everett Gaming What's that?
@@bellak2140 I couldn't read all of your reply. I can't get the page to scroll down. I have some things to say, but will have to put them in several replies.
@Everett Gaming Thankyou for clarifying. Any doctor, however can misdiagnose a patient.
Still, if I were to go to a medical practice, and ask for a white doctor, I'd be called a white supremacist
@@bellak2140 Don't know if you got my last reply about my page not scrolling.
See my reply to Edbert Gaming