I'm from Malaysia, just coming back from holiday with family and friends last week in Banda Aceh and 2 nights in Pulau Sabang....love Pulau Sabang and Banda Aceh, people are friendly and helpful, the road also good and not jammed like other city in Indonesia....will come back to repeat and explore Aceh.....Love Aceh
Banda aceh adalah tempat aman nyaman dan menarik , saya pernah sebulan di aceh blang kejeren , yang ngomong bahaya biasanya orang yg tdk suka dg muslim dan orang tersebut meminirkan daerah istimewa tersebut. LoveAceh
banyak orang yang berkata Aceh begini begitu sedangkan dia sendiri belum pernah ke Aceh tapi nick telah memberikan fakta sebenarnya dengan langsung datang kesini ke Aceh. thank you Nick
They aren't wahabism like kawarij Saudi...spread hatred elsewhere with their oil money...may Allah grant jahanam to Saudi people who bring ISIS & Al Qaeda and provoking Muslim to kill each other and destabilizing their own country
Well done, Nick. I am a retired American, married to Indonesian, living in Jakarta. I admit I was one of those who thought it was not a good idea to travel to Aceh. Now, better perspective. Thank you.
jangan dengarkan dari orang lain tentang aceh, datang sendiri ke aceh, aceh sangat aman dan sangat toleransi. banyak orang luar sana yang menganggap aceh tidak ramah untuk turis, ini sangat salah.
@@suhate7679 Saya justru senang kalau aceh sepi pendatang, jangan seperti bali banyak turis buat masalah. Biarkan aceh menjadi negeri yang damai seperti brunei.
I’m an acehnese and was born and raised in Sweden. It’s nice to see people visiting Aceh. I’ve only been there once and hope going again in the future👍🏽🦦
Nick I advise you to come to Central Aceh District, there is a mountainous area with an altitude of 1,200 meters above sea level, the scenery is very good and there is a very beautiful Lut Tawar lake and can be surrounded by motorbikes and here is one of the best coffee producing areas in Indonesia
Welcome back in Indonesia Nick And as you see..Aceh is completely safe for traveling. I've never been to Aceh before..so I'll stick around and definitely be waiting for your next video.
I’ve been there 3 times to visit a friend. BA is very tolerant to foreigners indeed. People in general are very friendly and in peace. Aceh people are very nice but they have a long history of being great fighters. They survived and prospered. Aceh province is so rich in natural resources and so important in geographical position that as a matter of fact it contributes a lot to Indonesia’s economy.
Menurut pandangan saya tentang pandangan orang indonesia diluar aceh tentang ACEH adalah sama seperti orang barat menilai islam didunia.koreksi jika saya salah, padahal aceh sama seperti daerah lainnya diindonesia yang membedakan adalah tentang hukum syariat islam yang diberlakukan diaceh. kalau soal aman mungkin aceh lebih aman dari sebagian daerah lain diindonesia. soal keindahan alam juga tidak kalah dengan daerah lain. jika aceh dikatakan berbahaya dan tidak aman coba tanyakan pada suku thionghoa yang tinggal disini apa pandangan mereka tentang ACEH. salam damai selalu.
I am a native Banda Acehnese. I was born in Banda Aceh in nineteen years, November eleventh before the Aceh tsunami. I moved to Langsa city because I studied at school. Thank you for visiting Banda Aceh where I was born
Hi Nick, I've been there like a year ago. It's very safe and people are very friendly. Definitely will go back again there one day. Aceh is very rich in history. You can read about its history in Wikipedia. It's also one of three provinces in Indonesia that has special status. Regarding to your question why are some Indonesians suggested you not to visit Banda Aceh: it's becaused of political polarization in Indonesia. Some groups are just against anything related to implementation of Islamic law in Indonesia. They are not very big in number but very active on social media. Even though Aceh Province in fact is safe, they will insist people not to visit Aceh Province. So, their suggestion is not based on fact but based on political sentiment.
Terimakasih telah berkunjung ke aceh, di aceh terdapat banyak tempat bersejarah diantaranya makam para 'ulama, makam para sultan dan sultanah, makam para pejuang, makam tentara marsose belanda, makam korban konflik internal, kuburan masal korban tsunami serta makam Admiral Keumala hayati. Alasan saya hanya menyebutkan pemakaman karena memang sejarah aceh terukir dengan tinta darah perjuangan, tapi jangan khawatir Aceh cinta damai insyaa Allah, selama tidak di aniaya.
@@seifel1502 definisi premanisme itu bagaimana ya? kalau memang di aceh ada premanisme walaupun dikatakan tdk sebanyak dibandingkan di tempat lain, tolong dibuktikan jgn hanya bicara, atau dari hal terkecil saja, ada tidaak preman yg melakukan pungutan liar ke setiap toko atau pendatang
Thank you for coming to Aceh. Aceh is a safe place. If someone still says it's not safe. Please educate outsiders whoever it is that Aceh is safe. If you look at the history of Aceh, it is very meritorious for Indonesia. Please don't forget viewer history. Once again, thank you to this channel for letting us know that Aceh is safe.
Hi, I am coming to Banda Aceh with my gf from the UK - we are not married - will it be OK for us to eat together, share taxis, and things like that? We will dress modestly of course, but we are not certain what we can/cannot do while we stay. Only here for 1 night while we wait to catch a flight to Penang. Thanks!
THANK YOU NICK Yap memang isu-isu tentang wilayah aceh cukup ekstrim di luar sana, asumsi saya, ini di sebabkan oleh masa-masa kelam yang pernah di alamai rakyat aceh sebelumnya, mulai dari konflik dengan pusat jakarta, lalu di hantam oleh bencana tsunami (salah satu bencana terbesar abad ini dalam sejarah manusia) kami juga terbiasa hidup dengan pengaruh nilai-nilai Islam, seperti yang anda tau, setiap wilayah yang di dominasi oleh Muslim, pasti penilaian ekstrim semacam ini sangat kuat di luar sana, dan untungnya anda telah merasakan berada di aceh, dan saya yakin perasaan anda tentang penilaian itu terbantahkan, atau sekurang-kurangnya *tidak seperti yang di bayangkan* saya sebaga orang aceh juga menyadari, masih banyak kekurangan kami soal orang-orang asing, tapi yakinlah, kami di didik sebagai Muslim yang sangat mengahargai toleransi, tempat kami sangat aman untuk para pengunjung, kami bisa menjamin itu, pasti akan ada yang sedikit ekstrim, tapi itu hanya sedikit dari sekian populasi kami... Orang Aceh akan menyambut siapa saja yang datang dengan niat baik, kami tidak ada masalah dengan itu, Ayo ke Aceh🤜🤛
Seandainya toleransi mu beneran ada, saya berharap semua orang aceh seperti mu brother, toleransi yg kamu katakan tidak saya dapatkan di sana, dan dari situ benci ku sama islam tapi sekarang saya paham bukan islam nya yg salah tapi orangnya, ahhh jadi nostalgia saya sama masa2 kelam itu
@@bagindoali2942 yuppp...sama seperti anda mulai mengerti bahwa bukan agamanya yg salah, maka aceh juga tidak salah, jawabanya sama, yang bermasalah adalah orangnya, saya setuju, saya tidak memaksa anda harus menyukai tanah kelahiran ku, tapi aku lagi nyoba memberika pengertian kepada semua orang tentang kami, oke pasti ada secuil orang yang bermasalah disini, tapi saya bisa pastikan itu hanya seper 1 sekian persen dari jumlah total populasi kami,,,mungkin saya ga tau bagaimana masa kelam anda, tentu yang lebih tau itu anda dan pasti menurut kacamata anda... tapi bro, aku bisa jamin, tanah kami sangat aman bagi para pendatang
@@BeastsAndBeyondTV iya orang Aceh sangat sombong.apa lagi nenek moyang nya orang Aceh sangat lah sombong,sangking sombong nya mau saja nyumbang pesawat terbang untuk RI dan tugu monas.sombong nya lagi sampai rela jadi propinsi termiskin di Indonesia dari negara kerajaan yg merdeka.
@@BeastsAndBeyondTV segitu bencinya bro? emang lu pernah di apain sama orang aceh? justru lu yg rasis, lu disini lagi menunjukkan kedangkalan otak lu, di lain sisi lu ngejelekkin suatu suku/kelompok secara rata, padahal lu tau, kesalahan apapun itu pasti karna ulah individu, bukan etnis, ras atau kelompok
Hanya orang yang tidak waras yang bilang datang ke Banda Aceh berbahaya.... 😄😄😄👍 Aceh adalah the best destinasi wisata yang menarik untuk di kunjungi dan banyak orang jatuh cinta pada Aceh
aku kuliah di banda aceh 5 tahun kurang lebih, aku tau sebab Allah meluluskan aku kuliah di Aceh ya karena memang bagus kota dan pemandangannya bersyukur tinggal di banda aceh....
I didn't expect there are so few American series, I feel like I haven't seen enough and it's over! 😥 The local children in Indonesia are very cute, I hope you can come to my country to teach children English! When traveling in Indonesia, it is best to do sun protection to protect yourself! You did a really great job, thanks a lot for sharing! Have a great and happy travel, take care! 👍😄👏
from history because there was a conflict in aceh, but since 2005 they already made a peace agreement and the conflict was over long time ago. I really never heard aceh is not safe, people who said that are bias.
Ini yang gw suka dari orang Aceh mereka tidak inferior terhadap bangsa asing Sebuah perbedaan jika dibandingkan dengan daerah Nusantara selain Aceh dan Bali jika ada turis kulit putih warga asli norak banget minta foto padahal sama orang gak kenal dan sok asik bisa dikatakan friendly bagi bule tapi mereka jadi menyepelekan marwah bangsa kita karena mereka dianggap spesial diperlakukan layaknya raja Orang Aceh juga friendly ke bule tapi dalam batas wajar tidak berlebihan sampai buat risih.
terima kasih sudah mengunjungi aceh.. Saya sudah 30 tahunan tinggal dibanda aceh, menurut saya banda aceh adalah kota yang aman dan ramah, tidak banyak kriminal spt begal, preman dan rampok.. kalau ada pun biasanya oknum dari luar aceh.. di sini sangat menjunjung tinggi org yang berakhlak mulia, toleransi pun tinggi.. we love aceh, we love banda aceh..
Mereka menilai aceh berbahaya untuk warga asing : hello bung , kmanapun anda pergi jika anda menghormati budaya dan hukum mereka , anda akan baik2 saja , jadi tutup mulut2 sampah jika aceh tidak ramah , jika tujuan ada baik
Anehnya justru orang orang Indonesia yang tidak paham perbedaan culture yang bilang Aceh berbahaya, orang orang yg tidak pernah berkunjung ke Aceh atau Sumatera umumnya , atau mungkin org yg meragukan bagaimana syariat Islam akan baik untuk umat Islam, padahal dia sendiri Muslim !
Im from Singapore and i went to Aceh few weeks ago. Acehnese is very cheerful and respectful. They love seeing tourists and they feel grateful and proud that their city is recognised by tourists. They are so welcoming every im at restaurant or shopping, they will laugh and smile and a little but curious what made me wanna come to Aceh hehe. I love the locals so much. When I arrived at Aceh Sultan Iskandar airport, i saw a lot of westerners too. I really hope to go there again next year and this time hope I can speak more indonesian language hehehe. I love you Aceh!❤️
Hello Nick 😊 Your channel is truly amazing! Not the usual boring tourist stuff 👌🏻 Can't wait for more videos! Especially the historical ones.Take good care, Joanne from Singapore 🇸🇬😊🙏
Thanks for your content, its one of the safest cities in indonesia, i live there so i can confirm, some people saying its a bad place had no idea what theyre talking about 😂, and the sharia law is not as strict as countries like Afghanistan or the middle east, sharia law only applies to muslims and its not really enforced as much as people think.
6:56 "Ziarah" is religious pilgrimage. 15:28 Been wanting to talk about this for a while. Many young Indonesians are at least trilingual, being fluent in both Indonesian and English, and their local language. And if their parents have different cultural backgrounds, they might even need to learn both local languages that their parents use. Sometimes I'm baffled by Americans who can only speak English because here almost everyone could speak at least 2 languages, even if they don't know English, with only truly old people (like from before independence) can't even speak Indonesian. Let's go to the museum in the next episode. Welcome back to Indonesia, hope you'll enjoy your stay.
To be exact Haji is the term for religious pilgrimage. Ziarah is visiting, ie if you are visiting relatives in hospital, we say pergi Ziarah orang sakit di hospital.... For the term Umrah and Ziarah, its Umrah (also religious pilgrimage in a small scale) with touring(visiting) Islamic monuments etc in Saudi Arabia or around the Middle East.
Berbahaya bagi orang yg mau maksiat dan mabuk2an .tapi bagi yg mau menghormati kultur terutama keyakinan pasti aman sentosa .1 lagi sahabat Aceh ialah Padang dan Mandailing
Aku adalah orang yang dulu sangat skeptis dan berfikiran negative tentang aceh / banda aceh tanpa alasan mendasar. Tapi setelah traveling dan stay di Banda Aceh bener bener merubah cara pikirku tentang Banda Aceh. Banda Aceh bagiku salah satu kota paling bersih dan paling nyaman yang pernah aku datangi seumur hidupku. Saya dan suami adalah orang non Islam dan suami lahir dan besar di Aceh sebagai non Islam (dia juga survivor Tsunami Aceh 2004). but according to his experience, Banda Aceh adalah kampung halaman yg indah dan selalu dirindukan. Aku pasti akan selalu kembali ke Banda Aceh ❤
Yay, you’re finally back in Indonesia and in Aceh, of all places! Can’t wait for the next video in the Tsunami Museum. There’s another youtuber, Kristian Hansen, who’s been traveling around Indonesia by a big motorbike. He went to Aceh a few months ago and also went to the museum. He only had nice things to say about Aceh. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of prejudice and misunderstanding (even amongst muslims) surrounding sharia law. I say, experience it yourself before judging.
ketika Kristian .H sampai di Sabang dan tiba di km 0 aku kok jd goosebumps...benar2 totaly dia niat banget , dan aku jd tau negeri ku tercinta dimulai dr ttik 0 di Sabang yg sangat jauh...beribu2 km dr tempat ku...moga Nick jg berkunjung ke Sabang...
Salam nusantara dari Malaysia. Menurut sejarah, kerajaan Acheh dahulunya amat kuat dan banyak berjasa dalam melindungi dan menaungi negeri2 Melayu di Tanah Melayu (Malaysia) seperti Perak, Kedah, Perlis, Pulau Pinang, Melaka, Pahang dan lain2 daripada ancaman Portugis, Belanda dan Siam. Senibina rumah2 Melayu di negeri2 pantai barat utara seperti Perak, Pulau Pinang, Kedah, & Perlis mempunyai pengaruh daripada senibina Acheh. Golongan ilmuan agama juga telah banyak berjasa mengajarkan ilmu2 agama di Tanah Melayu. Jika ada kelapangan nanti, saya ingin melawat Acheh dan mengenali sejarah dan kehidupan orang2 Acheh. 🙂
Itu bule ngawur dia nulis caption Banda Aceh-Nort Sumatera sejak kapan Banda Aceh masuk Sumatera Utara Emangnya Banda Aceh udah jadi kabupaten di sumatra utara 😂😂
Terimakasih NIck sudah datang ke Aceh,,Saleum Teuka, nyan kan ibuk2 yang di halaman mesjid jeut chit geu jaweb pertanyaan dari bule, karena ada belajar bahasa inggris,,mantap deh,,
Alhamdulillah.. nemuin channel luar negeri yang mau mempromosikan Banda Aceh,ibu kota negeri Aceh yang toleransi dan ramah sesama insan..baik muslim maupun non muslim... terima kasih bang @Nick K...
Welcome back to Indonesia Nick... So glad to hear you comeback to Indonesia and continue your journey & go more exploring.. Don't listen to those who say don't go to Banda Aceh because of the implementation of the sharia law there, because Banda Aceh is still part of Indonesia which has a long history in this country's struggle for independence. In addition, Banda Aceh remains under the same philosophy and ideology as Pancasila. This country is so unique that various ethnic groups and cultures can unite together hand in hand, although of course there are parties who want this country to be divided, but history has proven that this will never be happend..
Seharusnya kamu bisa masuk ke dalam mesjid. Tapi kamu harus izin dengan pengurus mesjid atau imam mesjid. Karena jika kamu minta izin kepada wisatawan mereka tidak semua mengerti aturan, walupun mereka muslim. Lain waktu kamu harus izin dan bertanya dengan orang yang tepat. Orang muslim sangat menghormati dan memuliakan tamu. Salam dari Aceh.
Rarely I make comment, but I want to compliment you. You have a good and appealing thumbnail in this video Nick. Please make this be your standard. 😃 And it is good to you to visit Aceh. I think Aceh is the most missunderstood province in Indonesia. I have never been to Aceh yet, all I have is just strereotype and assumptions. Please make many videos and interactions in cities at this province Nick. Not only Aceh ethnicity people in this province. You also can go to Gayo Highland to meet Gayo people and Laut Tawar Lake that's wonderful place. Ganbatte kudasai! Semangat!
Bahkan sy tidak pernah mendengar bahwa Aceh kota berbahaya 😁 disana adalah kota Islam yg damai satu2nya tempat di Indonesia yg melakukan hukum Islam, sangat istimewa dan tentunya lbh aman dr daerah lain krn pakai hukum Islam.
Yeah.. i love aceh.. they are beautiful people. i m from south Sumatra. I love u know the fact Aceh is very safe for touris. Just ignore narrow minded people says. 👍💛 enjoy ur travelling.
in my experience to aceh 2 years ago, it been interesting with the multicultural who lived in same village. they are so welcoming and nice, but if youre going for a business or politics intention. you should be careful there 😁
Itu bule ngawur dia nulis caption Banda Aceh-Nort Sumatera sejak kapan Banda Aceh masuk Sumatera Utara Emangnya Banda Aceh udah jadi kabupaten di sumatra utara 😂😂
North Sumatra & Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (Aceh) is different province of Indonesia.. The capital city of North Sumatra is Medan, Banda Aceh city is for Nanggroe Aceh Darusalam.
Tapi sayangnya tidak boleh masuk masjid ya..jd tidak bisa menikmati kesejukan suasana tempat ibadah muslim. Di Istiqlal bagi non muslim bisa masuk pd waktu tertentu.
The escalator led to the underground parking lot, Nick Sensei. Unfortunately, you can't see the beauty and grandeur of the room in the main building of Masjid Raya Baiturrahman in Banda Aceh. Btw,welcome back Mister🫡
03:08 Said by Indonesians who had never stepped foot in Aceh. Mostly. Only eat what media portrayed for them and living by that stereotype in that little box for the rest of their life, I actually pity them for that. 🙁
Indonesia wellcome for everyone. Indonesia is friendly to all people, all religions, all races. Don't be afraid! If you are friendly, we are friendly too. Because we're unique. We are composed of various cultures, religions, languages, tribes, dances, food. Indonesia. Indonesia is rich in culture, religion, language, ethnicity, natural beauty, and more. Don't be provoked by people who badmouth Indonesia. That is wrong. Indonesia is beautiful. WONDERFUL OF INDONESIA !!!
My Father is Batak (NOrth Sumatra's ethnicity, near ACEH), he was born in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra. My mother is Javanese (East Java). Now I live in Malang, East Java.
For those indonesian who says and assumes bad things about banda aceh or Aceh in general, you guys are the dangerous ones. I AM Acehnese, I’m proud to be acehnese, and I’m proud to be indonesian. How could you all think that bad about us and our place. Istighfar kak Big thanks to Nick for this amazing videos. Seriously. I wish you all of the great, beautiful and amazing things in life, man. Love you
I really don't know how those "don't go to Aceh, it's dangerous" comments could come about. It was mentioned that the majority of those comments were written by Indonesians themselves - I don't understand that. Indonesia is, per population, the biggest Muslim country in the world, why are they so prejudiced towards their own ethnical and faith wise brothers? There seems to be a lot propaganda going on between Aceh and the rest of Indonesia. I understand that it could be said that it's more strict, but "dangerous"? Come on! Sharia implies the total opposite - you don't run danger to be robbed or killed. Sharia (I don't know if that what is practiced in Aceh is actually compatible with the guidelines of the Ahlul Sunnah wa'l Jamaat i.e classical Islam, or if it is a modified version) is "dangerous" for those who want to commit crimes, not those who want to live their everyday life. My country was ruled by sharia law for 300+600 years, and non Muslim people historically even migrated to the Ottoman Empire in order to safe their lives, for instance Spanish jews fleeing from the reconquista or polish Protestans and a lot more. Anyway, much love from Turkey to Aceh - I really hope that our relationship will be as close and brotherly as in the past one day. And if the people of Aceh still want it, I hope that we can finalize our unfinished project we had in the 16th century and in 1839.
@@smavi4133 >it's called Islamophobia man, yes Indonesia is considered the largest Muslim country in the world, but remember there are still many non-Muslims here in Indonesia, 270 million people and around 15% are non-Muslims,and many of them that says bad things about shariah law is non muslim,and if there are Indonesian Muslims who say bad things about sharia law, lets we consider they are ignorant Muslims,remember not all muslim know about their own religion.
Org Indo yg kek gitu biasanya literasi rendah, cuma ikut2an benci dan suka meng-generalisir. Sering bgt malah gw liat pengikut buzzerp di medsos kemakan isu-isu murahan mereka.
welcome to my city friends you are welcome here.. you also don't have to worry about thugs and gangs you also don't have to worry about going out and walking late at night ... on the west side you can visit sabang island there are sea tours with fish and coral reefs and if you are a coffee connoisseur and want to do a coffee business you can visit the Gayo highlands where there is export quality coffee to the east .... have fun friends
What do you think? Would you visit Banda Aceh knowing they practice sharia law here?
First comment
I've been there once Nick, and Banda Aceh is the place that I wanna live the most 😁
Yes, Aceh it's great place to visit...
What's wrong about practicing sharia law? Why is it dangerous? The question itself seems islamophobic and judgemental
@@hydehayden jangan kasi info yang nyeleneh bro. Pake bahasa ekstrim segala.
I'm from Malaysia, just coming back from holiday with family and friends last week in Banda Aceh and 2 nights in Pulau Sabang....love Pulau Sabang and Banda Aceh, people are friendly and helpful, the road also good and not jammed like other city in Indonesia....will come back to repeat and explore Aceh.....Love Aceh
saya dinas di aceh sudah lebih 5 tahun , saya bersaksi masyarakat aceh sangat baik dan ramah
My family, 11 years living in this city, safe without any disturbance, and the residents are friendly, helpful, and tolerant of other tribes
Sekarang di malay ya kak
Tq dear nice ❤
Banda aceh adalah tempat aman nyaman dan menarik , saya pernah sebulan di aceh blang kejeren , yang ngomong bahaya biasanya orang yg tdk suka dg muslim dan orang tersebut meminirkan daerah istimewa tersebut. LoveAceh
Blangkejeren hadir bg hehe
Jangan lupa ngopiiii ❤
@@mjojonborojon3676 puasa bang
Terimakasih banyak atas pujiannya bg salam kami dari Aceh 🙏
banyak orang yang berkata Aceh begini begitu sedangkan dia sendiri belum pernah ke Aceh tapi nick telah memberikan fakta sebenarnya dengan langsung datang kesini ke Aceh. thank you Nick
بلد جميل وشعب جميل ولطيف الهم احفضهم يالله تحياتي لجميع اخواننا هناك من السعوديه ❤️
They aren't wahabism like kawarij Saudi...spread hatred elsewhere with their oil money...may Allah grant jahanam to Saudi people who bring ISIS & Al Qaeda and provoking Muslim to kill each other and destabilizing their own country
Terimakasih saudara,salam kembali dari aceh indonesia
Wa'alaikumsalam... Salam kembali dari saya warga kota Meulaboh Aceh.
Well done, Nick. I am a retired American, married to Indonesian, living in Jakarta. I admit I was one of those who thought it was not a good idea to travel to Aceh. Now, better perspective. Thank you.
jangan dengarkan dari orang lain tentang aceh, datang sendiri ke aceh, aceh sangat aman dan sangat toleransi. banyak orang luar sana yang menganggap aceh tidak ramah untuk turis, ini sangat salah.
@@suhate7679 Saya justru senang kalau aceh sepi pendatang, jangan seperti bali banyak turis buat masalah. Biarkan aceh menjadi negeri yang damai seperti brunei.
Atjeh is better place then JKT,
Aceh sangat menakutkan jaman dulu ribuan tentara Belanda tewas disana
@@swono8216 Bukannya tentaranya dari Jawa (legiun Mangkunegaran)? Opsir Belandanya kan cuma dikit.
Kebanyakan tentara Jawa yg membunuhi warga Aceh.
I’m an acehnese and was born and raised in Sweden. It’s nice to see people visiting Aceh. I’ve only been there once and hope going again in the future👍🏽🦦
Nick I advise you to come to Central Aceh District, there is a mountainous area with an altitude of 1,200 meters above sea level, the scenery is very good and there is a very beautiful Lut Tawar lake and can be surrounded by motorbikes and here is one of the best coffee producing areas in Indonesia
Welcome back in Indonesia Nick
And as you see..Aceh is completely safe for traveling.
I've never been to Aceh before..so I'll stick around and definitely be waiting for your next video.
Sy tinggal di jatim,, sy sdh 2 x traveling ke Aceh nyetir mobil dr Medan,,,,,
dan sy ingin ke Aceh lg,,,
enjoy Nick 🙏
I’ve been there 3 times to visit a friend. BA is very tolerant to foreigners indeed. People in general are very friendly and in peace. Aceh people are very nice but they have a long history of being great fighters. They survived and prospered. Aceh province is so rich in natural resources and so important in geographical position that as a matter of fact it contributes a lot to Indonesia’s economy.
Menurut pandangan saya tentang pandangan orang indonesia diluar aceh tentang ACEH adalah sama seperti orang barat menilai islam didunia.koreksi jika saya salah, padahal aceh sama seperti daerah lainnya diindonesia yang membedakan adalah tentang hukum syariat islam yang diberlakukan diaceh. kalau soal aman mungkin aceh lebih aman dari sebagian daerah lain diindonesia. soal keindahan alam juga tidak kalah dengan daerah lain. jika aceh dikatakan berbahaya dan tidak aman coba tanyakan pada suku thionghoa yang tinggal disini apa pandangan mereka tentang ACEH. salam damai selalu.
yeah,, sebenarnya mereka tidak membenci Aceh tapi membenci syari'ah islam yang hidup di Aceh..
I am a native Banda Acehnese. I was born in Banda Aceh in nineteen years, November eleventh before the Aceh tsunami. I moved to Langsa city because I studied at school. Thank you for visiting Banda Aceh where I was born
Hi Nick, I've been there like a year ago. It's very safe and people are very friendly. Definitely will go back again there one day.
Aceh is very rich in history. You can read about its history in Wikipedia. It's also one of three provinces in Indonesia that has special status.
Regarding to your question why are some Indonesians suggested you not to visit Banda Aceh: it's becaused of political polarization in Indonesia. Some groups are just against anything related to implementation of Islamic law in Indonesia. They are not very big in number but very active on social media.
Even though Aceh Province in fact is safe, they will insist people not to visit Aceh Province. So, their suggestion is not based on fact but based on political sentiment.
Terimakasih telah berkunjung ke aceh, di aceh terdapat banyak tempat bersejarah diantaranya makam para 'ulama, makam para sultan dan sultanah, makam para pejuang, makam tentara marsose belanda, makam korban konflik internal, kuburan masal korban tsunami serta makam Admiral Keumala hayati.
Alasan saya hanya menyebutkan pemakaman karena memang sejarah aceh terukir dengan tinta darah perjuangan, tapi jangan khawatir Aceh cinta damai insyaa Allah, selama tidak di aniaya.
Ada juga lah kak... Tapi nga sebanyak daerah lain.
@@seifel1502 definisi premanisme itu bagaimana ya?
kalau memang di aceh ada premanisme walaupun dikatakan tdk sebanyak dibandingkan di tempat lain, tolong dibuktikan jgn hanya bicara, atau dari hal terkecil saja, ada tidaak preman yg melakukan pungutan liar ke setiap toko atau pendatang
@@ayeshasyahrazad alaaahai cupoo... Preman nyan masabohnyan na lapak. Peu taneuk meudawa.
Thank you for coming to Aceh. Aceh is a safe place. If someone still says it's not safe. Please educate outsiders whoever it is that Aceh is safe.
If you look at the history of Aceh, it is very meritorious for Indonesia. Please don't forget viewer history.
Once again, thank you to this channel for letting us know that Aceh is safe.
Hi, I am coming to Banda Aceh with my gf from the UK - we are not married - will it be OK for us to eat together, share taxis, and things like that? We will dress modestly of course, but we are not certain what we can/cannot do while we stay. Only here for 1 night while we wait to catch a flight to Penang. Thanks!
Yap memang isu-isu tentang wilayah aceh cukup ekstrim di luar sana, asumsi saya, ini di sebabkan oleh masa-masa kelam yang pernah di alamai rakyat aceh sebelumnya, mulai dari konflik dengan pusat jakarta, lalu di hantam oleh bencana tsunami (salah satu bencana terbesar abad ini dalam sejarah manusia)
kami juga terbiasa hidup dengan pengaruh nilai-nilai Islam, seperti yang anda tau, setiap wilayah yang di dominasi oleh Muslim, pasti penilaian ekstrim semacam ini sangat kuat di luar sana, dan untungnya anda telah merasakan berada di aceh, dan saya yakin perasaan anda tentang penilaian itu terbantahkan, atau sekurang-kurangnya *tidak seperti yang di bayangkan*
saya sebaga orang aceh juga menyadari, masih banyak kekurangan kami soal orang-orang asing, tapi yakinlah, kami di didik sebagai Muslim yang sangat mengahargai toleransi, tempat kami sangat aman untuk para pengunjung, kami bisa menjamin itu, pasti akan ada yang sedikit ekstrim, tapi itu hanya sedikit dari sekian populasi kami...
Orang Aceh akan menyambut siapa saja yang datang dengan niat baik, kami tidak ada masalah dengan itu, Ayo ke Aceh🤜🤛
Seandainya toleransi mu beneran ada, saya berharap semua orang aceh seperti mu brother, toleransi yg kamu katakan tidak saya dapatkan di sana, dan dari situ benci ku sama islam tapi sekarang saya paham bukan islam nya yg salah tapi orangnya, ahhh jadi nostalgia saya sama masa2 kelam itu
@@bagindoali2942 maksudnya toleransi bagaimana yg anda maksud kan.
@@bagindoali2942 yuppp...sama seperti anda mulai mengerti bahwa bukan agamanya yg salah, maka aceh juga tidak salah, jawabanya sama, yang bermasalah adalah orangnya, saya setuju, saya tidak memaksa anda harus menyukai tanah kelahiran ku, tapi aku lagi nyoba memberika pengertian kepada semua orang tentang kami, oke pasti ada secuil orang yang bermasalah disini, tapi saya bisa pastikan itu hanya seper 1 sekian persen dari jumlah total populasi kami,,,mungkin saya ga tau bagaimana masa kelam anda, tentu yang lebih tau itu anda dan pasti menurut kacamata anda...
tapi bro, aku bisa jamin, tanah kami sangat aman bagi para pendatang
@@BeastsAndBeyondTV iya orang Aceh sangat sombong.apa lagi nenek moyang nya orang Aceh sangat lah sombong,sangking sombong nya mau saja nyumbang pesawat terbang untuk RI dan tugu monas.sombong nya lagi sampai rela jadi propinsi termiskin di Indonesia dari negara kerajaan yg merdeka.
@@BeastsAndBeyondTV segitu bencinya bro?
emang lu pernah di apain sama orang aceh?
justru lu yg rasis, lu disini lagi menunjukkan kedangkalan otak lu, di lain sisi lu ngejelekkin suatu suku/kelompok secara rata, padahal lu tau, kesalahan apapun itu pasti karna ulah individu, bukan etnis, ras atau kelompok
Hanya orang yang tidak waras yang bilang datang ke Banda Aceh berbahaya.... 😄😄😄👍
Aceh adalah the best destinasi wisata yang menarik untuk di kunjungi dan banyak orang jatuh cinta pada Aceh
Asli,gw gk paham dengan mereka² yg bilang demikian
aku kuliah di banda aceh 5 tahun kurang lebih, aku tau sebab Allah meluluskan aku kuliah di Aceh ya karena memang bagus kota dan pemandangannya
bersyukur tinggal di banda aceh....
I didn't expect there are so few American series, I feel like I haven't seen enough and it's over! 😥
The local children in Indonesia are very cute, I hope you can come to my country to teach children English!
When traveling in Indonesia, it is best to do sun protection to protect yourself!
You did a really great job, thanks a lot for sharing! Have a great and happy travel, take care! 👍😄👏
Aceh peoples are very friendly. This stereotype that Aceh is dangerous must be stoped.
from history because there was a conflict in aceh, but since 2005 they already made a peace agreement and the conflict was over long time ago.
I really never heard aceh is not safe, people who said that are bias.
Gua pernah ke aceh dan aman aja serta nyaman, jd kalo msh ada yg blg tidak aman itu salah besar!
Sebenarnya provinsi Aceh teraman di Indonesia. Stigma orang luar saja yg bilang aceh tdk aman.
Welcome back to Indonesia
glad to be back!
Ini yang gw suka dari orang Aceh mereka tidak inferior terhadap bangsa asing
Sebuah perbedaan jika dibandingkan dengan daerah Nusantara selain Aceh dan Bali jika ada turis kulit putih warga asli norak banget minta foto padahal sama orang gak kenal dan sok asik bisa dikatakan friendly bagi bule tapi mereka jadi menyepelekan marwah bangsa kita karena mereka dianggap spesial diperlakukan layaknya raja
Orang Aceh juga friendly ke bule tapi dalam batas wajar tidak berlebihan sampai buat risih.
Org aceh artis aj datang gk lebay2 minta photo...klo daerah lain gw lihat dh histeris bgt,,,gw jg kdg lihatnya kayak risih
Well said 😊
benar sekali,,
Ayo Foto misteri..😂
Lebih suka Aceh dari pada Bali. Love Aceh salam dari Bandung
Suamiku orang bandung kota, geger kalong, dia TDK suka dgn Aceh
terima kasih sudah mengunjungi aceh.. Saya sudah 30 tahunan tinggal dibanda aceh, menurut saya banda aceh adalah kota yang aman dan ramah, tidak banyak kriminal spt begal, preman dan rampok.. kalau ada pun biasanya oknum dari luar aceh.. di sini sangat menjunjung tinggi org yang berakhlak mulia, toleransi pun tinggi.. we love aceh, we love banda aceh..
Mereka menilai aceh berbahaya untuk warga asing : hello bung , kmanapun anda pergi jika anda menghormati budaya dan hukum mereka , anda akan baik2 saja , jadi tutup mulut2 sampah jika aceh tidak ramah , jika tujuan ada baik
Hello Nick, thank you for visiting one of the tip provinces of Indonesia, namely Aceh. Don't worry, Aceh is the safest area to visit... by anyone.👍
Banda Aceh kota paling aman dan nyaman bagi orang -orang yg punya niat Baik, tapi paling berbahaya bagi orang -orang yg punya niat jahat
Aceh, tempat lahirnya pejuang-pejuang tangguh Indonesia...bangga punya aceh 👍🏻🤲🏻🇲🇨
Anehnya justru orang orang Indonesia yang tidak paham perbedaan culture yang bilang Aceh berbahaya, orang orang yg tidak pernah berkunjung ke Aceh atau Sumatera umumnya , atau mungkin org yg meragukan bagaimana syariat Islam akan baik untuk umat Islam, padahal dia sendiri Muslim !
Itu mungkin hanya sebagian kak, saya sendiri tidak🙂🙏
@@denzimunzi tidak sebagian kok,segelintir orang yg tertutup mata dan fikiranya saja
Im from Singapore and i went to Aceh few weeks ago. Acehnese is very cheerful and respectful. They love seeing tourists and they feel grateful and proud that their city is recognised by tourists. They are so welcoming every im at restaurant or shopping, they will laugh and smile and a little but curious what made me wanna come to Aceh hehe. I love the locals so much. When I arrived at Aceh Sultan Iskandar airport, i saw a lot of westerners too. I really hope to go there again next year and this time hope I can speak more indonesian language hehehe. I love you Aceh!❤️
Hello Nick 😊
Your channel is truly amazing! Not the usual boring tourist stuff 👌🏻 Can't wait for more videos! Especially the historical ones.Take good care,
Joanne from Singapore 🇸🇬😊🙏
I appreciate that, hopefully more good videos for you to come!
@@NickKTravel I certainly look forward to it 😊🌹
Great video you have inspired me to go here thanks
Great to watch your Indonesian vids again. Your Indonesian language is fine!!
Thanks Mandy! Always room for improvement
Thanks for your content, its one of the safest cities in indonesia, i live there so i can confirm, some people saying its a bad place had no idea what theyre talking about 😂, and the sharia law is not as strict as countries like Afghanistan or the middle east, sharia law only applies to muslims and its not really enforced as much as people think.
6:56 "Ziarah" is religious pilgrimage.
15:28 Been wanting to talk about this for a while. Many young Indonesians are at least trilingual, being fluent in both Indonesian and English, and their local language. And if their parents have different cultural backgrounds, they might even need to learn both local languages that their parents use. Sometimes I'm baffled by Americans who can only speak English because here almost everyone could speak at least 2 languages, even if they don't know English, with only truly old people (like from before independence) can't even speak Indonesian.
Let's go to the museum in the next episode. Welcome back to Indonesia, hope you'll enjoy your stay.
To be exact Haji is the term for religious pilgrimage. Ziarah is visiting, ie if you are visiting relatives in hospital, we say pergi Ziarah orang sakit di hospital.... For the term Umrah and Ziarah, its Umrah (also religious pilgrimage in a small scale) with touring(visiting) Islamic monuments etc in Saudi Arabia or around the Middle East.
Aceh adalah kota paling aman dan paling toleran
Ngakak cilll
Nggak kok@@RONDERIX
@@RONDERIX kata" itu bener cil, lu aja bego
Omgoodness that babygirl is tooo cute!😍 the way she greeted you! Great footage👏
😊 thank you
Aceh is very friendly to visit..
Berbahaya bagi orang yg mau maksiat dan mabuk2an .tapi bagi yg mau menghormati kultur terutama keyakinan pasti aman sentosa .1 lagi sahabat Aceh ialah Padang dan Mandailing
As tourist, Aceh is wonderful. Of course that applies to many provinces, but there are some provinces that actually kinda dangerous.
Aku adalah orang yang dulu sangat skeptis dan berfikiran negative tentang aceh / banda aceh tanpa alasan mendasar. Tapi setelah traveling dan stay di Banda Aceh bener bener merubah cara pikirku tentang Banda Aceh. Banda Aceh bagiku salah satu kota paling bersih dan paling nyaman yang pernah aku datangi seumur hidupku. Saya dan suami adalah orang non Islam dan suami lahir dan besar di Aceh sebagai non Islam (dia juga survivor Tsunami Aceh 2004). but according to his experience, Banda Aceh adalah kampung halaman yg indah dan selalu dirindukan.
Aku pasti akan selalu kembali ke Banda Aceh ❤
Hello nick ,how are you? Are you in indonesia already? Nice to watch your first video in 2023 in indonesia again.. good luck bro nick.
Yay, you’re finally back in Indonesia and in Aceh, of all places! Can’t wait for the next video in the Tsunami Museum. There’s another youtuber, Kristian Hansen, who’s been traveling around Indonesia by a big motorbike. He went to Aceh a few months ago and also went to the museum. He only had nice things to say about Aceh.
Unfortunately, there’s a lot of prejudice and misunderstanding (even amongst muslims) surrounding sharia law. I say, experience it yourself before judging.
ketika Kristian .H sampai di Sabang dan tiba di km 0 aku kok jd goosebumps...benar2 totaly dia niat banget , dan aku jd tau negeri ku tercinta dimulai dr ttik 0 di Sabang yg sangat jauh...beribu2 km dr tempat ku...moga Nick jg berkunjung ke Sabang...
Finally nickk, im waiting your vlog. And welcome to Indonesia
Salam nusantara dari Malaysia. Menurut sejarah, kerajaan Acheh dahulunya amat kuat dan banyak berjasa dalam melindungi dan menaungi negeri2 Melayu di Tanah Melayu (Malaysia) seperti Perak, Kedah, Perlis, Pulau Pinang, Melaka, Pahang dan lain2 daripada ancaman Portugis, Belanda dan Siam. Senibina rumah2 Melayu di negeri2 pantai barat utara seperti Perak, Pulau Pinang, Kedah, & Perlis mempunyai pengaruh daripada senibina Acheh. Golongan ilmuan agama juga telah banyak berjasa mengajarkan ilmu2 agama di Tanah Melayu. Jika ada kelapangan nanti, saya ingin melawat Acheh dan mengenali sejarah dan kehidupan orang2 Acheh. 🙂
Welcome, di Aceh sangat nyaman tidak ada preman pemalakan seperti daerah lain.
Mereka yang mengatakan Banda Aceh tidak aman adalah mereka yang belum pernah sama sekali ke Banda Aceh, nyatanya ini tempat paling aman di indonesia
Itu bule ngawur dia nulis caption Banda Aceh-Nort Sumatera sejak kapan Banda Aceh masuk Sumatera Utara Emangnya Banda Aceh udah jadi kabupaten di sumatra utara 😂😂
@@bi449 tenang. soal koreksi coba cek di kolom komen. karena sudah ada yg mewakili untuk penjelasan
Selamat datang di kota Serambi Mekkah, yg merupakan julukan dari Kota Aceh, dan satu satunya propinsi dengan Syaria Law
@@BeastsAndBeyondTVunexperienced people tend to be talking much but crap
Glad to see you back here nick..that green fruit is beetle nut..its chewed and spit
Terimakasih NIck sudah datang ke Aceh,,Saleum Teuka,
nyan kan ibuk2 yang di halaman mesjid jeut chit geu jaweb pertanyaan dari bule, karena ada belajar bahasa inggris,,mantap deh,,
aceh itu bumi yang di berkahi, pantas di juluki serambi mekkah dngan menerapkan syariat islam
Percaya atau tidak provinsi aceh merupakan provinsi teraman di Indonesia.
Alhamdulillah.. nemuin channel luar negeri yang mau mempromosikan Banda Aceh,ibu kota negeri Aceh yang toleransi dan ramah sesama insan..baik muslim maupun non muslim... terima kasih bang @Nick K...
Hi Nick.. i think you never come back to Indonesia again.. surprise me.. nice to see yr vlog again.. 😊
Welcome back to Indonesia Nick... So glad to hear you comeback to Indonesia and continue your journey & go more exploring..
Don't listen to those who say don't go to Banda Aceh because of the implementation of the sharia law there, because Banda Aceh is still part of Indonesia which has a long history in this country's struggle for independence. In addition, Banda Aceh remains under the same philosophy and ideology as Pancasila. This country is so unique that various ethnic groups and cultures can unite together hand in hand, although of course there are parties who want this country to be divided, but history has proven that this will never be happend..
Seharusnya kamu bisa masuk ke dalam mesjid. Tapi kamu harus izin dengan pengurus mesjid atau imam mesjid. Karena jika kamu minta izin kepada wisatawan mereka tidak semua mengerti aturan, walupun mereka muslim. Lain waktu kamu harus izin dan bertanya dengan orang yang tepat. Orang muslim sangat menghormati dan memuliakan tamu. Salam dari Aceh.
Aceh lebih aman dari kota asal aku tinggal , dan aku tinggal di aceh sekarang
The safest city in Indonesia is Aceh.
Rarely I make comment, but I want to compliment you.
You have a good and appealing thumbnail in this video Nick. Please make this be your standard. 😃
And it is good to you to visit Aceh.
I think Aceh is the most missunderstood province in Indonesia.
I have never been to Aceh yet, all I have is just strereotype and assumptions.
Please make many videos and interactions in cities at this province Nick.
Not only Aceh ethnicity people in this province. You also can go to Gayo Highland to meet Gayo people and Laut Tawar Lake that's wonderful place.
Ganbatte kudasai! Semangat!
Terimakasih telah mengunjungi kota kami, piyoh Mr.
Bahkan sy tidak pernah mendengar bahwa Aceh kota berbahaya 😁 disana adalah kota Islam yg damai satu2nya tempat di Indonesia yg melakukan hukum Islam, sangat istimewa dan tentunya lbh aman dr daerah lain krn pakai hukum Islam.
Itu pun selepas tsunami.... Klu gak udah seperti bali
Yess Nick is back..nice.. finally we can enjoyed your video again..
Yeah.. i love aceh.. they are beautiful people. i m from south Sumatra. I love u know the fact Aceh is very safe for touris. Just ignore narrow minded people says. 👍💛 enjoy ur travelling.
Kemarin saya ke banda aceh Alhamdulillah sangat nyaman dengan orang2 di Banda Aceh,dan suka menolong sama lainnya
NIIICCKKK glad you're back and coming back strong with one of the more unique province in Indonesia
weicome back to indonesia Nick.i hope this trip willbe more enjoyable .
Awesome Nick, you’re great ambassador for us in America, You are truly a citizen of the world, not bad for a Texan.
From the left coast! Cheers
welcome back to indonesia Nick.. keep up the good work and be careful
in my experience to aceh 2 years ago, it been interesting with the multicultural who lived in same village. they are so welcoming and nice, but if youre going for a business or politics intention. you should be careful there 😁
welcome back Nick, and start to rock n roll...😀
Yes..the jalan-jalan adventure has started.
We're with you Nick..stay save stay healthy..😊
Sangat Istimewa Perjalanan Anda Di Aceh.
Bangga dengan Rakyat Aceh sangat menjaga budaya Islam ,
Itu bule ngawur dia nulis caption Banda Aceh-Nort Sumatera sejak kapan Banda Aceh masuk Sumatera Utara Emangnya Banda Aceh udah jadi kabupaten di sumatra utara 😂😂
@@bi449 tapi kalo bicara posisi emang berada di Utara pulau Sumatra..
North Sumatra & Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (Aceh) is different province of Indonesia.. The capital city of North Sumatra is Medan, Banda Aceh city is for Nanggroe Aceh Darusalam.
Terimakasih udh singgah ke kampung kami
Ajak masuk masuk kk
Tapi sayangnya tidak boleh masuk masjid ya..jd tidak bisa menikmati kesejukan suasana tempat ibadah muslim. Di Istiqlal bagi non muslim bisa masuk pd waktu tertentu.
@@warihwahyunics2591 ya kalau tidak boleh masuk masjid apa itu jadi masalah?
Selamat datang di Indonesia Nick
Senang menonton Videomu explore Indonesia
The escalator led to the underground parking lot, Nick Sensei.
Unfortunately, you can't see the beauty and grandeur of the room in the main building of Masjid Raya Baiturrahman in Banda Aceh.
Btw,welcome back Mister🫡
I just saw your clip in Marathon, TX now you are back in Indonesia. 😄 And more adventures begin. Hope you are having a good time. God be with you.
😂😂😂makasih mister..udh mampir ke Aceh..🙏🙏😁😁❤❤❤
Nick, the stairs and escalators that go downstairs bring you to the basement parking.
Dulu semasa konflik ia Aceh GK aman tapi skrng inilah Aceh yg paling nyaman dn aman...
Said by Indonesians who had never stepped foot in Aceh. Mostly.
Only eat what media portrayed for them and living by that stereotype in that little box for the rest of their life, I actually pity them for that.
Indonesia wellcome for everyone. Indonesia is friendly to all people, all religions, all races. Don't be afraid! If you are friendly, we are friendly too. Because we're unique. We are composed of various cultures, religions, languages, tribes, dances, food. Indonesia. Indonesia is rich in culture, religion, language, ethnicity, natural beauty, and more. Don't be provoked by people who badmouth Indonesia. That is wrong. Indonesia is beautiful. WONDERFUL OF INDONESIA !!!
My Father is Batak (NOrth Sumatra's ethnicity, near ACEH), he was born in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra. My mother is Javanese (East Java). Now I live in Malang, East Java.
For those indonesian who says and assumes bad things about banda aceh or Aceh in general, you guys are the dangerous ones. I AM Acehnese, I’m proud to be acehnese, and I’m proud to be indonesian. How could you all think that bad about us and our place. Istighfar kak
Big thanks to Nick for this amazing videos. Seriously. I wish you all of the great, beautiful and amazing things in life, man. Love you
Also, the 8:15 one is lead to the place for wudhu or ablution (before prayer for us muslims). But it also can lead to the basement parking lot 😊
I really don't know how those "don't go to Aceh, it's dangerous" comments could come about. It was mentioned that the majority of those comments were written by Indonesians themselves - I don't understand that. Indonesia is, per population, the biggest Muslim country in the world, why are they so prejudiced towards their own ethnical and faith wise brothers? There seems to be a lot propaganda going on between Aceh and the rest of Indonesia. I understand that it could be said that it's more strict, but "dangerous"? Come on! Sharia implies the total opposite - you don't run danger to be robbed or killed. Sharia (I don't know if that what is practiced in Aceh is actually compatible with the guidelines of the Ahlul Sunnah wa'l Jamaat i.e classical Islam, or if it is a modified version) is "dangerous" for those who want to commit crimes, not those who want to live their everyday life. My country was ruled by sharia law for 300+600 years, and non Muslim people historically even migrated to the Ottoman Empire in order to safe their lives, for instance Spanish jews fleeing from the reconquista or polish Protestans and a lot more. Anyway, much love from Turkey to Aceh - I really hope that our relationship will be as close and brotherly as in the past one day. And if the people of Aceh still want it, I hope that we can finalize our unfinished project we had in the 16th century and in 1839.
@@smavi4133 >it's called Islamophobia man, yes Indonesia is considered the largest Muslim country in the world, but remember there are still many non-Muslims here in Indonesia, 270 million people and around 15% are non-Muslims,and many of them that says bad things about shariah law is non muslim,and if there are Indonesian Muslims who say bad things about sharia law, lets we consider they are ignorant Muslims,remember not all muslim know about their own religion.
Org Indo yg kek gitu biasanya literasi rendah, cuma ikut2an benci dan suka meng-generalisir. Sering bgt malah gw liat pengikut buzzerp di medsos kemakan isu-isu murahan mereka.
@@Mitrandhir exactly!! Dan mereka juga dengan pedenya menyebar luaskan “pendapat” sotoy mereka itu bahkan ke orang luar. Malu maluin
New subcribe,, i like your vlog, welcome to banda aceh
Daerah yg berbahaya papua ..aceh daerah aman
Nick gak mampir ke rumah mas Ibnu dulu kah? Anyway welcome back to Indonesia.. enjoy your trip
LUAR biasa traveling ke Aceh bos kita ini 👍👍
17.58 pasti kena palak sama preman di Aceh
@@wansenz5923 di aceh mna bs hidup preman,,bs2 benyok ditangan org kampung
welcome to my city friends you are welcome here.. you also don't have to worry about thugs and gangs you also don't have to worry about going out and walking late at night ... on the west side you can visit sabang island there are sea tours with fish and coral reefs and if you are a coffee connoisseur and want to do a coffee business you can visit the Gayo highlands where there is export quality coffee to the east .... have fun friends
ahhh welcome back to indonesia, nick. hope you enjoy your adventure in sumatra island especially in aceh
welcome back dude... hope u enjoy u explore and enjoy u holiday..
Good job
Hey, Nick, you're back again. I am very glad to hear it. Have a nice trip.
12:15 The price of fruit juice is around Rp. 10.000 or $1. They don't lie to you