The bike is a peache 🍑 to ride. Smooth, torquy and solid construction. Gives the confidence to ride and take it for much more long rides that it was initially intended. The seat is firm but not uncomfortable, the riding position and ergonomic deign is so good that you forget the harshness of the seat. This was a bonus surprise!
“adjustable clutch levers”. Do you know how a bike is set up or just reading info and repeating? Only has one clutch lever. It is the clutch and front brake levers that are adjustable.
The bike is a peache 🍑 to ride. Smooth, torquy and solid construction. Gives the confidence to ride and take it for much more long rides that it was initially intended. The seat is firm but not uncomfortable, the riding position and ergonomic deign is so good that you forget the harshness of the seat. This was a bonus surprise!
“adjustable clutch levers”. Do you know how a bike is set up or just reading info and repeating? Only has one clutch lever. It is the clutch and front brake levers that are adjustable.
I own an r9t. Its really not like the video says. ( its a lot worse )