So much easier than trying to get the controller to charger without the back . Now reprint on for the tv remote so we can get ride of the tape on the back of the remote 😂
@VENTILASHUN the Bambu A1 has a built in time lapse feature that moves the extruder out of the way and takes a print. Going to do an upgrade where it uses a phone soon though , so I can get a more top down angle . I'll link a setup video when I do that !
Thanks for sharing Jon
You bet
So much easier than trying to get the controller to charger without the back . Now reprint on for the tv remote so we can get ride of the tape on the back of the remote 😂
how do you get the time laps to be so smoth,aka you cant see the thing move around
@VENTILASHUN the Bambu A1 has a built in time lapse feature that moves the extruder out of the way and takes a print. Going to do an upgrade where it uses a phone soon though , so I can get a more top down angle . I'll link a setup video when I do that !
@ that’s super cool,I need something like that
Hey man here is a short and link to the full video on how I upgraded my time lapse capabilities
@@JV3DPrints thanks,my 3d printing head broke so now I can’t use it,we are buying a new one,when I get it I will definitely use those