I would pay anything to be able to work with him for a week, imagine what you would learn ! i learn something new from Eric every video, and i can honestly say he has had a big impact in my career as a Heavy equipment Tech !
The scanner computer used in the video: amzn.to/2H3l6dt Autel MK908 Ultimate Wireless Automotive Scan Tool with ADAS, ECU Coding, Full Bi-Directional Control, ABS Brake Bleed, OE-Level All Systems Diagnosis
Your expensive tools did guide you to the right location. I guess time = money but when I saw you pull my favorite tool the "test light" to me confirmation that a circuit is not complete that is a priceless satisfaction. Great work on showing people how troubleshooting is.
Good job. You are a asset to the automotive industry. I had a customer yesterday that had a no AC complaint. AC worked last summer, never worked this summer. Only had car worked on at stealership. I found AC compressor relay was gone. A Chevy dealership had yanked it out during their winter maintenance oil change for a fast easy summer come back. People like that give us a bad name. You on the other hand are a gem to us all. Thank you for everything.
I had something similar happen after the very last free maintenance visit I received from BMW Sahara in Las Vegas. All the sudden it was going into limp mode and throwing codes, had them look at it, $600-700 in purely diagnostic fees later I was told I needed a $5k turbo job done. Took it to a local guy who specialized in BMW's and he had it fixed within minutes. "Somehow" a hose or two had been disconnected and simply needed to be reconnected. I guess they figured they'd take advantage of the last time they were going to see the car and guarantee an easy return customer and a fat bill. Ended up being a blessing in disguise as it gave me the motivation to start learning about and working on my own cars so that could never happen again.
Eric thanks to you I become a better technician watching your videos. All the little tricks and diagnostic tips are a fantastic teaching tool for me. I just turned 25 and already I'm helping some of the older guys in my place of employment with diagnostics. Keep up the good work dude! You may not know it but you inspire a lot of us younger guys that are just starting or working our ways up.
I have a tip. On Chevy Silverados after you have been driving on snow covered roads on your way to work during the winter. After you get off work the starter won't crank. What happens is the drain hole in the starter housing gets snow and water packed up there into the starter gears. It then freezes and won't let the starter turn over. You need to go under the pickup with a little benzomatic propane torch and warm up the starter to melt the ice. After that I put a dab of door and window caulking over that hole and have had no issues with my pickup starting for the last 4 years now.
Comment: Lost my darn bet....no blood. Concern: We haven't had lunch with Mrs. O lately. You have to admit, she's easier on the eyes than a certain crusty mechanic. Seriously, appreciate your work, never miss a video.
Wow, after looking at many videos I determined you are the best technician ever. You diagnosed the problem using a test light that found a fuse that looks good, but your light proved it was no good Problem solved, thank you so much, I will definitely recommend your page to everyone
Lots of youtubers have leeches that think they are making their mark on the world by TDing videos made by people whose boots the leech is not fit to lick.
For those who don't believe cars/trucks have souls . This video is a prime example that they do . This truck chose not to start and be taken elsewhere. It said I'm here and this is where i choose to be fixed . It seems even in the world of cars and trucks that Mr. Eric O is Legend 😁.
dennis aldeman I think that guy put a normal fuse in, started it, switched it back to the old fuse, and thought "I'm a fan, I wanna see a vid with my vehicle in it!" It was a success story.
Once again, I'm glad I'm a Texas boy and don't have to deal with the terror of salt on my vehicles!! Very impressed with the fixes you northern boys come up to prolong a vehicles life!
I WISH I could do it nearly as well as you do it. Your knowledge of electrical circuitry is really impressive, and far better than any mechanic I know. I’ve restored classic cars, motorcycles, engines and transmissions for years, and it was really pretty easy until computerized modules came along. I gave been intimidated and wary of going any further into those newer electronics, but you have just a brilliant sense of comfort in that realm. You would have made an incredible physician (which I am) as your diagnostic instincts are superb! You are really one of a kind (and so is your very cool wife). Thank you for these outstanding videos. Ken Hardy, M.D., Ph. D.
Just wanted to express my gratitude for your videos connecting me with Diesel Geek. Their simple parts that rectified my P2015 error code on my 2009 Audi Q7 3.0L V6 TDI was inspired. I had a check engine light on for 18 months even after I refurbished and cleaned the intake manifolds, it was frustrating because I didn't want to spend the $2,500 Audi wanted for new Manifolds and motor actuators. With Diesel Geek's fix it was $128, less than 10 minutes for a disabled guy in a wheelchair to fix and the parts arrived at my home in Australia from the US in less than a week 👍👍👍 Ps: I mentioned your Channel when I gave them feedback
JLUMINADO would be smart to switch to that name napper and not have to worry about trademarks, while we all would get it. I really hope he sees your comment and can make a shirt!
My 07 Silverado would die just going down the freeway and had to tow it once but most times it would start right up. Independent mechanic could find nothing wrong with it so went to Chevy dealer and they said it was the fuel pump that had been replaced 4 months ago. But after spending $650 at the dealer for a new fuel pump it still would shut off and sometimes not start. At least the pump was under warranty so no cost on the part just labor. So back it went and this time they found the fuse panel to be bad and another $450 spent. My fuse panel looked like new since I live in the Pacific NW but I guess when it got hot it would loose contact with the power supply. I enjoyed this video, too bad my problem started before I watched this video.
Remember when there were only three wires that needed be "working" to start an engine? You had my head spinning following your explanation of the wiring diagram showing all the interactions that need to be "working" between the ignition switch and the good ol computater in order to start the engine. Another great diag! Someone should invent a de-crusterifier!
and, if the lid was on and not removed, dried, cleaned, etc the lid keeps the water locked in for a looooong time and let's nature do it's thing and rot everything rottable.
Yep, this is why salvage titles shouldn't be allowed to be registered and driven again. If the vehicle is damaged to the point the insurance won't repair it the vehicle should be destroyed. It shouldn't be parted out because that just puts water damaged parts into the system. The entire vehicle should be shredded and recycled into beer cans. If you own a classic car and don't want it destroyed take the insurance max payout before they total it and cover the rest yourself. There is no justification for selling and titling salvaged vehicles to be driven on the road any longer. It just allows things like flooded vehicles to show back up on the market and screws Joe Carbuyer. Places like copart and the morons who buy totaled junk and repair it and sell it should be shut down. In the end everyone has a good time and makes money except the guy who ends up buying a vehicle that should have never been repaired and put back on the road. Sinking tons of time and money into a vehicle that should have been recycled. It is never worth buying a vehicle with a salvage title. Almost all of them are rebuilt by someone with little experience or knowledge and have been cobbled together as cheaply as possible. Worst of all the sellers will still want damn near market value for a vehicle with a clean title and give you some bull about it being rebuilt "better than it came from the factory." I went to school for auto body work over 20 years ago and did that for a few years and then went over to the mechanical side and ended up an ASE master mechanic. You can fix a wrecked vehicle just as strong or stronger than new if you have a full shop and the knowledge and tools to do it. Most of the folks buying and repairing salvage vehicles lack all of those things. A flood car is never worth bringing back, never. By the time you replace everything that should be replaced you have spent more than it will ever be worth. Every bit of electronics and wiring front to back needs to be replaced if it was submerged FULL STOP. No exceptions it should all be replaced bumper to bumper and you will never sell it for what it costs in time and parts to do that. Flood vehicles should be crushed and shredded immediately and not allowed to be hauled off "for disposal" because they just end up getting shipped to some rebuilder who patches it up and sells the problem to someone else. I'm in the habit of looking in all the electrical boxes I can and popping a door panel or two part of the way off and having a gander down in the doors. If you add in looking in any voids in the trunk under the carpet those are normally the places they don't or can't get clean. I also avoid cars that have lived their lives on dirt roads because they end up with dirt and dust everywhere and it will cause problems and you can find the evidence in those same places when looking for flood damage. It will look like someone dusted those surfaces with a nice brownish grey flour. If the guy bought it knowing it was a salvage vehicle then he made his bed. He's dumb as dirt imo but made the decision because he couldn't afford or didn't want to pay for a decent vehicle. If the seller somehow got a flood vehicle without a salvage title and sold it they should be charged with fraud. We need strong consumer protection laws to protect against that kind of stuff. A lot of states won't register salvage title vehicles and a lot of insurance companies won't write policies for them. So when a major flood happens in those states the vehicles are shipped all over the country to states without common sense consumer protections like not allowing salvage title vehicles to be put back on the road. I've got enough experience on both the body and tech side to say without a doubt that once a vehicle has a salvage title it should never be allowed back on the road as a registered and insured vehicle. We have enough cars, we don't need to save the ones that have been damaged so badly that the insurance says it's not worth fixing. It's 50% the fault of people selling salvage vehicles, 35% the fault of states and insurers for allowing salvaged vehicles to be put back on the road, and the last 15% is the fault of the people so dumb or cheap that they buy the things. It doesn't matter in the end who is at fault they should be illegal to register and insure in every state.
@@velvetjones Great through answer and I agree with every word of it. I have seen what hurricanes have done to cars and that box fits the description of a flood car - plain and simple.
Wesley Jones I personally disagree with you. Flood/water salvage vehicles yes others no bc at times the damage can be so small on some vehicles but yet the insurance is only in the business to make money not to fix stuff for you but to make money.
Thank you much. 2 weeks I was watching and learning but to no avail until this video ledentoy problem. The 2 amp fuse. Last place I looked because my situation began with key not turning and then I forced it tripping anti theft ex etc. I was led down a long dark and lonely road with no videos or articles on my specific year and problem. I just wanted someone to walk me through the ignition process from a to z so I could do all testing needed...figures it was just a fuse I swear I smfy friend checked numerous times..but not specifically searching for that fuse to actually be the culprit..you take to look harder when you aKnow Something is directly in the line of fire..you showed me that. No other source in the whole world did that simple rundown like YOU DID!! AWESOME MAN. I APPRECIATE YOU
I want to see the box get changed you tell that customer that you are lord of the electrical circuit and that you demand that he change that box immediately.
Ive chased all electrical issues for my silver-rot-o to the fuse block under the hood. It's always had the cover on it, and its covered in NY salt/sand crust. Took an air gun blew out all the dust and chased down all gauge cluster faults and ECM faults to that spot.
The scanner computer used in the video: amzn.to/2H3l6dt Autel MK908 Ultimate Wireless Automotive Scan Tool with ADAS, ECU Coding, Full Bi-Directional Control, ABS Brake Bleed, OE-Level All Systems Diagnosis
Don't touch that fella... But I really want to!! LMAO!! I have had three issues with blown fuses on the '99 Chevy i recently bought, all fixed (so far) due to watching your channel and how to troubleshoot!! THANKS!
Man I wish I can bring my truck down so you can diagnose my overheating problem, but I live all the way in California! Amazing and informative video as always, Mr. O!
Awesome digging. I love the vid's you make to help us, help ourselves thru our own diagnostics of cars. What you post may not be the exact car were working on, but it may certainly apply to what we are running into. Thanks for all you do, taking time out from your busy schedule and all to help us out.
I believe the best fuse box I've ever had to deal with was on that late 90s Chevy Express van that every electrician and Carpenter in town drives. You guys know the one with the gray hood and only two spots of white paint left on it. Fuze box with lid wedged in the corner covered in power steering fluid from the brake booster and you got a diagonal start. Super-fantastic Funtime thanks boss.
My 2016 looked worse then that with the cover on. Had 14k miles and wouldn’t start. Opened lid to start checking fuses and there was ice in my fuse box... heat gun the box it stated and dropped it off at dealership. One week later they replaced the box and it’s been fine ever since
My son's 2009 Chevy suburban truck did the same thing, and we didn't know what was wrong with it, so we are going to check the fuses. Great information, thank you.
Thanks just fixed my no start thanks to this video! Weird part is everyonce in a while it would start just for a few seconds then die then other times not crank at all. I pull that same fuse and it was blew.
I like all of your videos. You're my go-to car repair video guy. This fusebox corrosion is a scary thing... I went and checked mine right after seeing that mess. It was good hearing Mrs. O in the background again. Keep cranking out the videos.
That's how I check fuses too. They can look just fine and be bad. I diagnosed my Father in Law's 2013 Ford F150 over the phone. He said the fuse looked fine and I told him replace it anyway because I wasn't there to put my light on it. He replaced it and it cranked right up.
I've seen a few fuse boxes like that before, usually on a vehicle that's been flooded. I bet this was bought used and was a southern or midwest flood car.
Yep we had flood damaged vehicles from one part of Australia (written off) being sold in other states, customers were left out of pocket due to insane repair bills.
@@digitalrailroader absolutely! You can even run VIN numbers for limited background info for free! It will tell you if it's a flood vehicle (but then again that's usually only reported if insurance companies deem it a loss or similar)
So hard to find a mechanic, a physician, veterinarian, a scientist - who will logically assess & diagnose a system. Joy to watch. I'd be happy to pay a mechanic - they just don't do what you do. It's simple, but you nail it, and that's rare.
Hi Eric, I used your idea of choosing a simple circuit to diagnose an electrical fault on a scissor lift with an engine, and the auto-choke, auto-throttle and ignition were out, traced back the choke control to find that the common ground from those components to the engine block had snapped off.. a small wire, that, if faulty, would disable everything. I re-attached it, and lo and behold, the engine fired right up. Thanks alot for the ideas for circuit tracing. Love the videos Darryl Montreal Canada
I’m not a mechanic but I’m trying to learn more to work on my 2014 gmc Serra. Having the same issue intermittently. Thanks for this video. Learn something new everytime I watch your video.
Be interesting to see what the underneath of the fuse box looks like, sure it’s not very pretty, not sure if the cover was off the box for a while, probably was in a flood, that would be my guess, should look at the other fuse boxes to see if they look the same.
@@reecenewton3097 In the flood vehicle they replace whatever isn't working before it goes to auction, with used parts from a wrecker, so because the fuse box WAS working, they probably left it.
@@toysareforboys1 And if the water got high enough to cover the fuse box, it would have been inside the cab, too, soaking the seats and possibly up under the dash. No matter how you washed out the interior and let the seats etc. dry in the sun, the stink from a flood would never be out of there. It's known that after floods or a hurricane, people in the market for a used car are warned to look for "bargains" on late models as flood cars can be transported to states far away from the flooded locale.
It was nice drinking coffee with you this morning, Eric. I've never seen a fuse taken apart, not even on Ivan's channel. :) I would think that the 2 amp fuse would break from the corrosion first since it has the smallest wire, but the others can't have much runway left.
Nah the blades are the same size and the actual fuse part is sealed by the plastic, so corrosion on the blades affects all fuse denominations more or less the same.
This is just another example of showing us your amazing diagnostic skills ! Only YOU , could make me laugh over a crusty fuse box ! The audio and video quality was excellent by the way , keep it up !
I love these troubleshooting vids, brother. Nice work. And definitely - best to replace that whole fuse/relay box. Once that corrosion takes hold, you'll keep having issues.
Got chevy 2012 no crank no start. Been watching your videos. I popped the cats cause of rattleling.. now no crank no start. Jump starter,key on . cranks but no start. I did change the battery.. on cranks.just saw video of the two amp fuse, bout to swap
Thanks for the help! In Vermont here, same vehicle, same symptom. The 2amp fuse was not blown, but corroded just like yours. Replaced it and truck starts fine now but of course customer doesn't want to go for the whole fuse box. They like getting towed I guess... Thank You again!
Another great video Mr O !!! You never fail to amaze me with your diagnostic skills. I went through automotive back in 1970. Back then all you needed was a points file and you could make almost anything run. Always watch my notifications for the latest video, Love your work and your channel !!!!
I went through mine in the mid 80's learning 70's tech. Fuel injection was starting to come out and the instructor was leading us away due to the computer control. Now that I'm learning more about the electrical and computer control, it's not as bad as I was led to believe. Wish Eric would have been the instructor!
I just checked a 2013 Tahoe that was doing the same. Dead battery and wouldn't start after jumping. I removed that fuse and all the fuses relating to the ecm and ign. It started but shut off after a couple of minutes. I asked customer to get a new battery first and I will check amperage on those fuses. Subscribed for sure. 😎
Owner must have driven around with the top off the fuse box for some time. As Mr. O, says, this is a disaster! It is a wonder that it runs at all. He will be lucky if the connections to the fuse box are not as corroded as the fuses and relays. What a mess. Where is Miss Marie? I am in shock. No brake cleaner! LOL Great to hear Mrs. O's voice.
I found 3 corroded open fuses on my 07 silverado and the cover was always on . I also found multiple corroded terminals on fuses and relays so i cleaned and applied corrosion preventative compound to all terminals and sockets .
Everything else under the hood looks relatively clean. Perhaps the engine bay was pressure washed by the dealer detailers and the water from that helped the corrosion in the fuse box along? Or could be a wrecking yard fuse box that’s already in it. At least it’s not a Chrysler Jeep $1000 TIPM box.
#1 rule when fixing anything is always, back to basics just as you have proved here, great work now go give that guy the huge bill to replace that fuse box. Lol 👍🇺🇸
It's a flood vehicle. Never thought I'd see one all the way up in New York. We see them here a lot in North Carolina coming from Florida, Louisiana and the other states nearest to us that get flooded out a lot. Before you buy a vehicle check under the carpet you'll see a lot of dirt or silt if it's a flood vehicle most times. Car Taylor's usually clean everything you can see really easy but they never pull the carpet cuz it's too much trouble. That's what's in that fuse box. It's where the truck sat in water for days in the water. Dirt and everything else collected there until it was pulled out of the water.
@South Main Auto Repair Just adding, Yes! It would be rather interesting to see a follow up video! On this 2010 Chevrolet 1500 Silverado: Showing the power distribution box (fuse panel) and with all of its green crusties trying to make a connection. Lol! 🛠✌🏼❤️
Great diagnosis and utilization of wiring diagrams. Getting the diagram up on the video made all the difference in understanding what you were thinking.
I have an 07 in the shop that blows the dlic fuse as soon as i put it in. i will be tracing that out in the morning. awesome vid you have done. thanks and keep up the good work
hvac guy here,not a car guy by any means however, save money been tracking down this B1370-06 code on my 2012 chevy traverse 2 whl drv. i have alot of interior taken apart. i was praying that your 2 amp fuse for pwr mde would blow as soon as you cranked it. that s where an abundace of my very own hair is at* my short drains the battery & specify s circuit 1 ignition. dtc code says lin bus open/short to groundspeed control switch assemblysteering column control module(sccm)pcm. changed ignition switch& new battery & a huge bag of 2 amp fuses. can u or anyone in this forum please guide me? on another note, i enjoyed your video, very detailed in what your doing, highly recommend anyone to your forum. best experience thus far educating myself . reside in northern california . keep doing what your doing bro, u got my vote!💯
Engine oil performance code for the oil pressure switch. I had that code a few months back on a 2012 Tahoe. Put a manual gauge on it and the pressure was under 10psi hot idle. Minimum spec is 22psi. A high pressure oil pump was put into it for a bandaid repair. More than likely the cam bearings were worn causing a drop in oil pressure. Those engines with Active Fuel Management are pretty terrible.
Awesome video. Had the same problem. Searched everywhere for an answer and finally found yours. Keep up the good work. Thanks for the info. You saved me a lot of money
Flood car.. no way that all just from sitting out with the lid off. Plus the hood would need to be open too. That was silt from a flood. Also.. the reason you see so many with the lid off... It's a pain sometimes to get the lids off. I don't know why. Maybe it's a special trick or something but I've fought numerous times trying to get the lids off of these.. that support frame above it does not help.. you get the angle wrong and they can wedge in there a bit.. Then all of a sudden it pops right off like super easy and you don't have any idea why or how you made it do it.
2010, I'd think water intrusion, maybe a dash of salt water, was it used for plowing/towing/beach driving/flood location or contractor that uses the truck running to power larger inverter with hood open in storms? so many things other than it also being chinesium junk metallurgy in them there fuse-blocks....
@@throttlebottle5906 not sure on the chinesium metallurgy, basic galvanic or bimetallic corrosion, but many connectors are plated steel to reduce cost. It looked like silt in there suggesting submerged as you commented on.
Wow. That fuse box was dirty! Glad you noticed camera on accessories belt before starting! Great dissection of that fuse... no blood! Also nice singing Mr O, but I might be bias!
I have the same truck. I bought it used. The owner before me lived on a long dirt road. My fuse box was packed worse than that. I cleaned it out with compressed air and that electrical cleaner spray. Can`t tell it was ever full of dirt.
Mine was owned by people on a red clay road in Alabama. Im still spraying chunks of clay from the underside of my suburban. Amazingly the fuse box is clean!
Nice diagnostic video. If I were in a salt environment like you. I would consider spraying the new fuse box all connections, with carosion gaurd. A little thing we do on boats. It leaves a tacky film on what ever you spray it on. Locks out water and air.
Eric! You are brilliant diagnostician! ... Outstanding respect to Your EXPERT LEVEL! Just one question: why You do not make advanced visual inspection of major electrical components and signal distribution points like: fuse boxes, joint connections, ECM and PCM inputs connectors? In most cases oxidation is major problem for any field electrical application -including automotive. Greg_S, Senior Field Eng. Siemens Power Solutions.
Great thing to have proper documentation. I work with cnc machinery and some of the old ones have no support anymore. Only way to get something from the engineers and technicians is with the weegee board.
I guess I take following wiring diagrams and others for granted, I can look at older circuits boards and back trace fast (single or double sided) the newest stuff is multi-layer impossible and very often total junk
Thanks so much my friend, my 2007 Tahoe did the same thing to me today and thank god for your video, I watched it and went outside and found the same 2 amp fuse was bad !! replaced and my truck started right up !!! Thank you so very much for the super video !! You Rock
I was always fine if the cover was missing but I'm in the south. I always hated when half the fuses were replaced with some that were rated 10, 15, or 20 amps higher than what the circuit called for. My 20 year old GMC 4x4 just has a light flashing of surface rust on the frame. Farther up north I'm sure it causes a lot more problems. I've seen 30 year old junk down here that was falling apart from being driven into the ground but the exposed fuse box under the hood didn't show any remarkable corrosion. So damn glad I don't live up in the salty part of the world.
You are one hell of a good car doctor. Outstanding diagnose and simple fix as well. Thumbs Up
I would pay anything to be able to work with him for a week, imagine what you would learn ! i learn something new from Eric every video, and i can honestly say he has had a big impact in my career as a Heavy equipment Tech !
The scanner computer used in the video: amzn.to/2H3l6dt Autel MK908 Ultimate Wireless Automotive Scan Tool with ADAS, ECU Coding, Full Bi-Directional Control, ABS Brake Bleed, OE-Level All Systems Diagnosis
Your expensive tools did guide you to the right location. I guess time = money but when I saw you pull my favorite tool the "test light" to me confirmation that a circuit is not complete that is a priceless satisfaction. Great work on showing people how troubleshooting is.
This is why I value Eric as a person and a mechanic cause he is of the last honest mechanics left out there.
I forgot how much fun it is to watch you talk, think, work & solve car problems. Thanks for putting this up.
Good job. You are a asset to the automotive industry. I had a customer yesterday that had a no AC complaint. AC worked last summer, never worked this summer. Only had car worked on at stealership. I found AC compressor relay was gone. A Chevy dealership had yanked it out during their winter maintenance oil change for a fast easy summer come back. People like that give us a bad name. You on the other hand are a gem to us all. Thank you for everything.
I had something similar happen after the very last free maintenance visit I received from BMW Sahara in Las Vegas. All the sudden it was going into limp mode and throwing codes, had them look at it, $600-700 in purely diagnostic fees later I was told I needed a $5k turbo job done. Took it to a local guy who specialized in BMW's and he had it fixed within minutes. "Somehow" a hose or two had been disconnected and simply needed to be reconnected. I guess they figured they'd take advantage of the last time they were going to see the car and guarantee an easy return customer and a fat bill.
Ended up being a blessing in disguise as it gave me the motivation to start learning about and working on my own cars so that could never happen again.
Eric thanks to you I become a better technician watching your videos. All the little tricks and diagnostic tips are a fantastic teaching tool for me. I just turned 25 and already I'm helping some of the older guys in my place of employment with diagnostics. Keep up the good work dude! You may not know it but you inspire a lot of us younger guys that are just starting or working our ways up.
I have a tip. On Chevy Silverados after you have been driving on snow covered roads on your way to work during the winter. After you get off work the starter won't crank. What happens is the drain hole in the starter housing gets snow and water packed up there into the starter gears. It then freezes and won't let the starter turn over. You need to go under the pickup with a little benzomatic propane torch and warm up the starter to melt the ice. After that I put a dab of door and window caulking over that hole and have had no issues with my pickup starting for the last 4 years now.
Comment: Lost my darn bet....no blood. Concern: We haven't had lunch with Mrs. O lately. You have to admit, she's easier on the eyes than a certain crusty mechanic. Seriously, appreciate your work, never miss a video.
Steven Corley I read your username as "Steven Crowder" and got excited for the half second it took to check your name again. Haha!
@@layyouin6860 LOL, I can safely say that has NEVER happened before. Wish I could be as popular (at least in my crowd) as Mr. Crowder.
@@layyouin6860 who the fork is Steven Crowder......
I am addicted to your channel. I’m a mechanic and love, love, love your videos.
Wow, after looking at many videos I determined you are the best technician ever. You diagnosed the problem using a test light that found a fuse that looks good, but your light proved it was no good
Problem solved, thank you so much, I will definitely recommend your page to everyone
The person who gave this video a thumbs down is likely the dealer ;) Great video as usual, Dr. O!
Stealerships getting mad.
Lots of youtubers have leeches that think they are making their mark on the world by TDing videos made by people whose boots the leech is not fit to lick.
yup the old BootLickers.
For those who don't believe cars/trucks have souls . This video is a prime example that they do . This truck chose not to start and be taken elsewhere. It said I'm here and this is where i choose to be fixed . It seems even in the world of cars and trucks that Mr. Eric O is Legend 😁.
dennis aldeman I think that guy put a normal fuse in, started it, switched it back to the old fuse, and thought "I'm a fan, I wanna see a vid with my vehicle in it!" It was a success story.
Back to basics, ground, fuse, continuity. You are a car fixing mad man sir!
Once again, I'm glad I'm a Texas boy and don't have to deal with the terror of salt on my vehicles!! Very impressed with the fixes you northern boys come up to prolong a vehicles life!
I WISH I could do it nearly as well as you do it. Your knowledge of electrical circuitry is really impressive, and far better than any mechanic I know. I’ve restored classic cars, motorcycles, engines and transmissions for years, and it was really pretty easy until computerized modules came along. I gave been intimidated and wary of going any further into those newer electronics, but you have just a brilliant sense of comfort in that realm. You would have made an incredible physician (which I am) as your diagnostic instincts are superb! You are really one of a kind (and so is your very cool wife). Thank you for these outstanding videos. Ken Hardy, M.D., Ph. D.
Just wanted to express my gratitude for your videos connecting me with Diesel Geek. Their simple parts that rectified my P2015 error code on my 2009 Audi Q7 3.0L V6 TDI was inspired. I had a check engine light on for 18 months even after I refurbished and cleaned the intake manifolds, it was frustrating because I didn't want to spend the $2,500 Audi wanted for new Manifolds and motor actuators. With Diesel Geek's fix it was $128, less than 10 minutes for a disabled guy in a wheelchair to fix and the parts arrived at my home in Australia from the US in less than a week 👍👍👍
Ps: I mentioned your Channel when I gave them feedback
It's 2am and I'm watching Eric O. Great way to finish off a night. Also still waiting on my "naper not a sponsor merch"
JLUMINADO would be smart to switch to that name napper and not have to worry about trademarks, while we all would get it. I really hope he sees your comment and can make a shirt!
@@layyouin6860 I hope so. I've been mentioning it on almost every video. I almost feel like I need to make one and just send it to him lol.
You really know what you are doing You're the mechanics mechanic. 2 Thumbs Up.
My 07 Silverado would die just going down the freeway and had to tow it once but most times it would start right up. Independent mechanic could find nothing wrong with it so went to Chevy dealer and they said it was the fuel pump that had been replaced 4 months ago. But after spending $650 at the dealer for a new fuel pump it still would shut off and sometimes not start. At least the pump was under warranty so no cost on the part just labor. So back it went and this time they found the fuse panel to be bad and another $450 spent. My fuse panel looked like new since I live in the Pacific NW but I guess when it got hot it would loose contact with the power supply. I enjoyed this video, too bad my problem started before I watched this video.
Remember when there were only three wires that needed be "working" to start an engine? You had my head spinning following your explanation of the wiring diagram showing all the interactions that need to be "working" between the ignition switch and the good ol computater in order to start the engine. Another great diag! Someone should invent a de-crusterifier!
Once again the master of diagnostics solves the problem! Nice job!
I have seen that from flood cars, nobody ever looks under that lid when they clean them up for resale.
I was a little surprised he did not search for water damage elsewhere - it looks like a flood car to me as well (I posted separately on that).
and, if the lid was on and not removed, dried, cleaned, etc the lid keeps the water locked in for a looooong time and let's nature do it's thing and rot everything rottable.
Yep, this is why salvage titles shouldn't be allowed to be registered and driven again. If the vehicle is damaged to the point the insurance won't repair it the vehicle should be destroyed. It shouldn't be parted out because that just puts water damaged parts into the system. The entire vehicle should be shredded and recycled into beer cans. If you own a classic car and don't want it destroyed take the insurance max payout before they total it and cover the rest yourself. There is no justification for selling and titling salvaged vehicles to be driven on the road any longer. It just allows things like flooded vehicles to show back up on the market and screws Joe Carbuyer. Places like copart and the morons who buy totaled junk and repair it and sell it should be shut down. In the end everyone has a good time and makes money except the guy who ends up buying a vehicle that should have never been repaired and put back on the road. Sinking tons of time and money into a vehicle that should have been recycled. It is never worth buying a vehicle with a salvage title. Almost all of them are rebuilt by someone with little experience or knowledge and have been cobbled together as cheaply as possible. Worst of all the sellers will still want damn near market value for a vehicle with a clean title and give you some bull about it being rebuilt "better than it came from the factory."
I went to school for auto body work over 20 years ago and did that for a few years and then went over to the mechanical side and ended up an ASE master mechanic. You can fix a wrecked vehicle just as strong or stronger than new if you have a full shop and the knowledge and tools to do it. Most of the folks buying and repairing salvage vehicles lack all of those things. A flood car is never worth bringing back, never. By the time you replace everything that should be replaced you have spent more than it will ever be worth. Every bit of electronics and wiring front to back needs to be replaced if it was submerged FULL STOP. No exceptions it should all be replaced bumper to bumper and you will never sell it for what it costs in time and parts to do that. Flood vehicles should be crushed and shredded immediately and not allowed to be hauled off "for disposal" because they just end up getting shipped to some rebuilder who patches it up and sells the problem to someone else.
I'm in the habit of looking in all the electrical boxes I can and popping a door panel or two part of the way off and having a gander down in the doors. If you add in looking in any voids in the trunk under the carpet those are normally the places they don't or can't get clean. I also avoid cars that have lived their lives on dirt roads because they end up with dirt and dust everywhere and it will cause problems and you can find the evidence in those same places when looking for flood damage. It will look like someone dusted those surfaces with a nice brownish grey flour.
If the guy bought it knowing it was a salvage vehicle then he made his bed. He's dumb as dirt imo but made the decision because he couldn't afford or didn't want to pay for a decent vehicle. If the seller somehow got a flood vehicle without a salvage title and sold it they should be charged with fraud. We need strong consumer protection laws to protect against that kind of stuff. A lot of states won't register salvage title vehicles and a lot of insurance companies won't write policies for them. So when a major flood happens in those states the vehicles are shipped all over the country to states without common sense consumer protections like not allowing salvage title vehicles to be put back on the road.
I've got enough experience on both the body and tech side to say without a doubt that once a vehicle has a salvage title it should never be allowed back on the road as a registered and insured vehicle. We have enough cars, we don't need to save the ones that have been damaged so badly that the insurance says it's not worth fixing.
It's 50% the fault of people selling salvage vehicles, 35% the fault of states and insurers for allowing salvaged vehicles to be put back on the road, and the last 15% is the fault of the people so dumb or cheap that they buy the things. It doesn't matter in the end who is at fault they should be illegal to register and insure in every state.
@@velvetjones Great through answer and I agree with every word of it. I have seen what hurricanes have done to cars and that box fits the description of a flood car - plain and simple.
Wesley Jones I personally disagree with you. Flood/water salvage vehicles yes others no bc at times the damage can be so small on some vehicles but yet the insurance is only in the business to make money not to fix stuff for you but to make money.
Thank you much. 2 weeks I was watching and learning but to no avail until this video ledentoy problem. The 2 amp fuse. Last place I looked because my situation began with key not turning and then I forced it tripping anti theft ex etc. I was led down a long dark and lonely road with no videos or articles on my specific year and problem. I just wanted someone to walk me through the ignition process from a to z so I could do all testing needed...figures it was just a fuse I swear I smfy friend checked numerous times..but not specifically searching for that fuse to actually be the culprit..you take to look harder when you aKnow Something is directly in the line of fire..you showed me that. No other source in the whole world did that simple rundown like YOU DID!! AWESOME MAN. I APPRECIATE YOU
The mother of multiple malfunction... messy fuse boxes 😅
Good one Erik 👍
I want to see the box get changed you tell that customer that you are lord of the electrical circuit and that you demand that he change that box immediately.
I too want to see the ensuing carnage of swapping out the fuse box. Make it so Eric!
Cue up multiple big-boy swear words!
Agreed, would love to see this swapped out.
Same !
Izzynutz Restorations me too hope Eric films the box’s change out
Ive chased all electrical issues for my silver-rot-o to the fuse block under the hood. It's always had the cover on it, and its covered in NY salt/sand crust. Took an air gun blew out all the dust and chased down all gauge cluster faults and ECM faults to that spot.
Another great video. I really appreciate an auto tech who actually understands electrical circuits. It seems they are few and far between.
Slick editing (with the diagram), Eric! Nicely done.
The scanner computer used in the video: amzn.to/2H3l6dt Autel MK908 Ultimate Wireless Automotive Scan Tool with ADAS, ECU Coding, Full Bi-Directional Control, ABS Brake Bleed, OE-Level All Systems Diagnosis
I think Mrs. O does the editing......
Hides before being caned :))
Don't touch that fella... But I really want to!! LMAO!! I have had three issues with blown fuses on the '99 Chevy i recently bought, all fixed (so far) due to watching your channel and how to troubleshoot!! THANKS!
I'm in the "flood vehicle" camp. Nightmare electrical gremlins FOREVER!
Man I wish I can bring my truck down so you can diagnose my overheating problem, but I live all the way in California! Amazing and informative video as always, Mr. O!
Awesome digging. I love the vid's you make to help us, help ourselves thru our own diagnostics of cars. What you post may not be the exact car were working on, but it may certainly apply to what we are running into. Thanks for all you do, taking time out from your busy schedule and all to help us out.
I believe the best fuse box I've ever had to deal with was on that late 90s Chevy Express van that every electrician and Carpenter in town drives. You guys know the one with the gray hood and only two spots of white paint left on it. Fuze box with lid wedged in the corner covered in power steering fluid from the brake booster and you got a diagonal start. Super-fantastic Funtime thanks boss.
My 2016 looked worse then that with the cover on. Had 14k miles and wouldn’t start. Opened lid to start checking fuses and there was ice in my fuse box... heat gun the box it stated and dropped it off at dealership. One week later they replaced the box and it’s been fine ever since
My son's 2009 Chevy suburban truck did the same thing, and we didn't know what was wrong with it, so we are going to check the fuses. Great information, thank you.
Ahh SMA, come for the automotive expertise, stay for the commentary! Another great video Eric.
Great video you are a great teacher , I'm a 56 year old mechanic I learn something every video. Your funny as hell too.
Being it corroded the 2A first, probably won't be long before some of the higher amperage fuses go bad from corrosion.
Thanks just fixed my no start thanks to this video! Weird part is everyonce in a while it would start just for a few seconds then die then other times not crank at all. I pull that same fuse and it was blew.
I like all of your videos. You're my go-to car repair video guy.
This fusebox corrosion is a scary thing... I went and checked mine right after seeing that mess.
It was good hearing Mrs. O in the background again. Keep cranking out the videos.
Unicrom63 😂did the same with my 2013 GMC, cover on tight, no corrosion, but lots of fine dust.
Love your channel! I have owned my 2011 Silverado 1500 since it was a-year-old. Fuse box cover has been on the entire time. Still looks like this....
Amazing diagnosis, as usual. I watch your videos just for the "joy" of troubleshooting a problem. 😁
That's how I check fuses too. They can look just fine and be bad. I diagnosed my Father in Law's 2013 Ford F150 over the phone. He said the fuse looked fine and I told him replace it anyway because I wasn't there to put my light on it. He replaced it and it cranked right up.
I've seen a few fuse boxes like that before, usually on a vehicle that's been flooded. I bet this was bought used and was a southern or midwest flood car.
Yep we had flood damaged vehicles from one part of Australia (written off) being sold in other states, customers were left out of pocket due to insane repair bills.
Yeah, I would definitely want to run a vehicle history report with this truck; because it’s screaming “I’m a flood truck” likely a victim of Harvey.
@@digitalrailroader absolutely! You can even run VIN numbers for limited background info for free! It will tell you if it's a flood vehicle (but then again that's usually only reported if insurance companies deem it a loss or similar)
So hard to find a mechanic, a physician, veterinarian, a scientist - who will logically assess & diagnose a system. Joy to watch. I'd be happy to pay a mechanic - they just don't do what you do. It's simple, but you nail it, and that's rare.
Hi Eric,
I used your idea of choosing a simple circuit to diagnose an electrical fault on a scissor lift with an engine, and the auto-choke, auto-throttle and ignition were out, traced back the choke control to find that the common ground from those components to the engine block had snapped off.. a small wire, that, if faulty, would disable everything. I re-attached it, and lo and behold, the engine fired right up. Thanks alot for the ideas for circuit tracing. Love the videos
Montreal Canada
I’m not a mechanic but I’m trying to learn more to work on my 2014 gmc Serra. Having the same issue intermittently. Thanks for this video. Learn something new everytime I watch your video.
Be interesting to see what the underneath of the fuse box looks like, sure it’s not very pretty, not sure if the cover was off the box for a while, probably was in a flood, that would be my guess, should look at the other fuse boxes to see if they look the same.
Salt water flood maybe. That's beyond bad.
Not a flood, you'd have bigger visible issues he would have noticed long before the fuse box.
@@Folsomdsf2 Yes. With a flood, you'd have starter and alternator failure, just as a beginning.
@@reecenewton3097 In the flood vehicle they replace whatever isn't working before it goes to auction, with used parts from a wrecker, so because the fuse box WAS working, they probably left it.
@@toysareforboys1 And if the water got high enough to cover the fuse box, it would have been inside the cab, too, soaking the seats and possibly up under the dash. No matter how you washed out the interior and let the seats etc. dry in the sun, the stink from a flood would never be out of there. It's known that after floods or a hurricane, people in the market for a used car are warned to look for "bargains" on late models as flood cars can be transported to states far away from the flooded locale.
What a place to break down,right outside your shop. One lucky customer.👍
It was nice drinking coffee with you this morning, Eric. I've never seen a fuse taken apart, not even on Ivan's channel. :) I would think that the 2 amp fuse would break from the corrosion first since it has the smallest wire, but the others can't have much runway left.
Nah the blades are the same size and the actual fuse part is sealed by the plastic, so corrosion on the blades affects all fuse denominations more or less the same.
Ivan Would fix the fuse no parts needed LOL I like watching him work to
This is just another example of showing us your amazing diagnostic skills ! Only YOU , could make me laugh over a crusty fuse box ! The audio and video quality was excellent by the way , keep it up !
I love these troubleshooting vids, brother. Nice work. And definitely - best to replace that whole fuse/relay box. Once that corrosion takes hold, you'll keep having issues.
Got chevy 2012 no crank no start. Been watching your videos. I popped the cats cause of rattleling.. now no crank no start. Jump starter,key on . cranks but no start. I did change the battery.. on cranks.just saw video of the two amp fuse, bout to swap
Thanks for the help! In Vermont here, same vehicle, same symptom. The 2amp fuse was not blown, but corroded just like yours. Replaced it and truck starts fine now but of course customer doesn't want to go for the whole fuse box. They like getting towed I guess... Thank You again!
Another great video Mr O !!! You never fail to amaze me with your diagnostic skills. I went through automotive back in 1970. Back then all you needed was a points file and you could make almost anything
run. Always watch my notifications for the latest video, Love your work and your channel !!!!
I went through mine in the mid 80's learning 70's tech. Fuel injection was starting to come out and the instructor was leading us away due to the computer control. Now that I'm learning more about the electrical and computer control, it's not as bad as I was led to believe.
Wish Eric would have been the instructor!
what was the end problem ? currently mine is pwrmde 2 amp blows upon ignition crankk chevy traverse
Thanks for all of your info Eric! You do a wonderful job!... not only as a solid mechanic, but a good video editor as well.
I just checked a 2013 Tahoe that was doing the same. Dead battery and wouldn't start after jumping. I removed that fuse and all the fuses relating to the ecm and ign. It started but shut off after a couple of minutes. I asked customer to get a new battery first and I will check amperage on those fuses. Subscribed for sure. 😎
Owner must have driven around with the top off the fuse box for some time. As Mr. O, says, this is a disaster! It is a wonder that it runs at all. He will be lucky if the connections to the fuse box are not as corroded as the fuses and relays. What a mess. Where is Miss Marie? I am in shock. No brake cleaner! LOL Great to hear Mrs. O's voice.
Have the same problem with my truck, I watched this video and ordered a new box! Will change it out myself once it arrives.
They looks like some of the fuse boxes I've seen in flood damaged cars
I found 3 corroded open fuses on my 07 silverado and the cover was always on . I also found multiple corroded terminals on fuses and relays so i cleaned and applied corrosion preventative compound to all terminals and sockets .
Everything else under the hood looks relatively clean. Perhaps the engine bay was pressure washed by the dealer detailers and the water from that helped the corrosion in the fuse box along? Or could be a wrecking yard fuse box that’s already in it. At least it’s not a Chrysler Jeep $1000 TIPM box.
coming soon, all integrated into single magic smoke emitter vehicle brain =p
Great video. In my years as a mechanic, I have never seen that. Well done.
The dealership would have wanted to pull the motor 😜
Pull motor, drop transmission, fire parts cannon at it, etc.. heck they'd probably even want to change the ignition and pcm!
"While you're here, just wanted to tell ya that your pads are getting low"...
Then you'd be back 5 or 6 times under warranty, and it still wouldn't run right! 🤣
Dealer fires entire parts cannon at truck and never opens the fuse box lid
#1 rule when fixing anything is always, back to basics just as you have proved here, great work now go give that guy the huge bill to replace that fuse box. Lol 👍🇺🇸
When you find out the reason for the box being open and corroded let us know please... I'm curious! lol.....
It's a flood vehicle. Never thought I'd see one all the way up in New York. We see them here a lot in North Carolina coming from Florida, Louisiana and the other states nearest to us that get flooded out a lot. Before you buy a vehicle check under the carpet you'll see a lot of dirt or silt if it's a flood vehicle most times. Car Taylor's usually clean everything you can see really easy but they never pull the carpet cuz it's too much trouble. That's what's in that fuse box. It's where the truck sat in water for days in the water. Dirt and everything else collected there until it was pulled out of the water.
@@tgriffin6938 Same thing that crossed my mind just hope it wasn't ocean water or bye,bye floor boards and fenders and,and,and.......
@South Main Auto Repair Just adding, Yes! It would be rather interesting to see a follow up video! On this 2010 Chevrolet 1500 Silverado: Showing the power distribution box (fuse panel) and with all of its green crusties trying to make a connection. Lol! 🛠✌🏼❤️
looks like some type of hurry-reup-cane truck with a dusting of salt water.
@@Dirtyharry70585 jah, or whatever flooded area (no salt needed!), they'e out there and pumping through auctions nationwide ++++
Great diagnosis and utilization of wiring diagrams. Getting the diagram up on the video made all the difference in understanding what you were thinking.
My 2010 was the same way, the boxes sit way to close to the fender, I had about 10 fuses the sockets where corroded away
I have an 07 in the shop that blows the dlic fuse as soon as i put it in. i will be tracing that out in the morning. awesome vid you have done. thanks and keep up the good work
Comments. Criticisms. Concerns. Liked. There, you happy now?
hvac guy here,not a car guy by any means however, save money been tracking down this B1370-06 code on my 2012 chevy traverse 2 whl drv. i have alot of interior taken apart. i was praying that your 2 amp fuse for pwr mde would blow as soon as you cranked it. that s where an abundace of my very own hair is at* my short drains the battery & specify s circuit 1 ignition. dtc code says lin bus open/short to groundspeed control switch assemblysteering column control module(sccm)pcm. changed ignition switch& new battery & a huge bag of 2 amp fuses. can u or anyone in this forum please guide me? on another note, i enjoyed your video, very detailed in what your doing, highly recommend anyone to your forum. best experience thus far educating myself . reside in northern california . keep doing what your doing bro, u got my vote!💯
Engine oil performance code for the oil pressure switch. I had that code a few months back on a 2012 Tahoe. Put a manual gauge on it and the pressure was under 10psi hot idle. Minimum spec is 22psi. A high pressure oil pump was put into it for a bandaid repair. More than likely the cam bearings were worn causing a drop in oil pressure. Those engines with Active Fuel Management are pretty terrible.
My 07 Sierra with 5.3 afm burned a quart every thousand miles at 55k
Awesome video. Had the same problem. Searched everywhere for an answer and finally found yours. Keep up the good work. Thanks for the info. You saved me a lot of money
Thank you for all your great videos!
Just getting back from my trip from MI, got an evap code on my 300k Toyota. Mr. O vids always keep me happy!
Flood car.. no way that all just from sitting out with the lid off. Plus the hood would need to be open too. That was silt from a flood.
Also.. the reason you see so many with the lid off... It's a pain sometimes to get the lids off. I don't know why. Maybe it's a special trick or something but I've fought numerous times trying to get the lids off of these.. that support frame above it does not help.. you get the angle wrong and they can wedge in there a bit..
Then all of a sudden it pops right off like super easy and you don't have any idea why or how you made it do it.
I was thinking flood too..
Definitely flood
👆🏻 real life mech
Thanks, just lots of experience with a variety of vehicles.
Hope you have a wonderful day.
kens97sto171 U2 bud.
As per usual, great diagnostic skill on display.
Fuse repair business opportunity 😁.
Great diagnosis, love to know the history of the fuse box, salt water???
Thanks for sharing.
2010, I'd think water intrusion, maybe a dash of salt water, was it used for plowing/towing/beach driving/flood location or contractor that uses the truck running to power larger inverter with hood open in storms?
so many things other than it also being chinesium junk metallurgy in them there fuse-blocks....
@@throttlebottle5906 not sure on the chinesium metallurgy, basic galvanic or bimetallic corrosion, but many connectors are plated steel to reduce cost. It looked like silt in there suggesting submerged as you commented on.
Wow. That fuse box was dirty! Glad you noticed camera on accessories belt before starting! Great dissection of that fuse... no blood! Also nice singing Mr O, but I might be bias!
“I’m not going to touch anything” says Eric
Yea right, you knew you were gonna lol
I have the same truck. I bought it used. The owner before me lived on a long dirt road. My fuse box was packed worse than that. I cleaned it out with compressed air and that electrical cleaner spray. Can`t tell it was ever full of dirt.
Mine was owned by people on a red clay road in Alabama. Im still spraying chunks of clay from the underside of my suburban. Amazingly the fuse box is clean!
I enjoy the corrosion/critter damage videos. You prob dont, but I do.
BoscoMoney I’m sure he loves the labor charges it brings into the shop
@@Newberntrains If insurance pays, I would triple the labor lol
I'm quite sure many "viewers" like it too, they learn and it helps them...
Very well done Sir. I watched the whole vid as I am dealing with an intermittent no crank no start situation. I will check all my fuses. Thx.
Flood Vehicle, truck has been sitting under water. That's the reason it's corroded and has the dirt in the fuse box.
I can’t thank you enough for this video. This has haunted my dreams. You are an amazing mechanic keep up the good work.
Great video Eric. Never saw a whole fuse box corroded. Thanks for sharing. Will you video tape the replacement. Hope so thanks. ❤️
Nice diagnostic video.
If I were in a salt environment like you.
I would consider spraying the new fuse box all connections, with carosion gaurd.
A little thing we do on boats. It leaves a tacky film on what ever you spray it on. Locks out water and air.
Eric! You are brilliant diagnostician! ... Outstanding respect to Your EXPERT LEVEL! Just one question: why You do not make advanced visual inspection of major electrical components and signal distribution points like: fuse boxes, joint connections, ECM and PCM inputs connectors? In most cases oxidation is major problem for any field electrical application -including automotive. Greg_S, Senior Field Eng. Siemens Power Solutions.
5 year old daughter loves watching ur videos
Ivan would repair the fuse! Pretty amazing case of crusties.
and the box!
Great thing to have proper documentation. I work with cnc machinery and some of the old ones have no support anymore. Only way to get something from the engineers and technicians is with the weegee board.
All the scan tools seem complicated to learn but you have a knack for making them look simple
Your understanding of wire diagram floor me. Thank you for your videos
I guess I take following wiring diagrams and others for granted, I can look at older circuits boards and back trace fast (single or double sided) the newest stuff is multi-layer impossible and very often total junk
Loving the new thumbnails man! Nice! Videos are always great as usual Eric
Thanks so much my friend, my 2007 Tahoe did the same thing to me today and thank god for your video, I watched it and went outside and found the same 2 amp fuse was bad !! replaced and my truck started right up !!! Thank you so very much for the super video !! You Rock
I can't stand when I work on a car that has no fuse box cover.........nice job..... 👍👍👍👍👍👍
I was always fine if the cover was missing but I'm in the south. I always hated when half the fuses were replaced with some that were rated 10, 15, or 20 amps higher than what the circuit called for. My 20 year old GMC 4x4 just has a light flashing of surface rust on the frame. Farther up north I'm sure it causes a lot more problems. I've seen 30 year old junk down here that was falling apart from being driven into the ground but the exposed fuse box under the hood didn't show any remarkable corrosion.
So damn glad I don't live up in the salty part of the world.
@@velvetjones .......lol.......i live in mass.......it becomes a problem up here with green crusties...........
I now say "enhance..... enhance...." whenever I'm zooming in while taking a video of my fiancee and she doesn't know why. Love your channel
Damn, I was with you, thought we’d see blood. I never win a bet!!☮️
This helped me turn on my Silverado I was stranded due to dead fuse thanks a million!!