Advanced Brain Imaging Shows Lyme Disease Brain Fog is Real | Johns Hopkins Rheumatology

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 28

  • @gardenjoy5223
    @gardenjoy5223 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    Was a highly functioning person with an IQ of 135. How my brain, with chronic Lyme Disease for over a decade, works? I don't know... I have been telling doctors, that I think a lot of my disease is happening in my brains. I stopped doing that, for they seem to like to interpret that as psychosomatic and that's not at all what I mean! I mean physically in the organ named brain. I used to have extreme headaches, but long-term multiple antibiotics got rid of most of those. I'm always exhausted. From working 50 hours a week to not able to manage my own small household. Or cook for myself. I'm severely oversensitive for sound, smell, movement and bright light. The more I am exposed to those, the louder the tinnitus gets. Just for starters...

    • @094340
      @094340 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      My heart goes out to you, we are in the same miserable boat. It's hard to encapsulate what living with this feels like, especially when trying to describe it to people who are not suffering with it, but I applaud your effort.
      Always keep hope alive my friend.

    • @gardenjoy5223
      @gardenjoy5223 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@094340 Thanks for your kind reply. Wishing your well! (If only wishing would help...)

    • @ARBackfire
      @ARBackfire 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      ⁠and mine goes out to you both. I started showing symptoms at 16, but wasn’t diagnosed till I was 19, and things have never been the same since, even ten years later, at the age of 26… im holding out hope something is found to help us. Because the depression and mental storm it’s caused since the infection is wearing me down faster, the older I get. You guys aren’t alone. Please, keep fighting❤️

    • @gardenjoy5223
      @gardenjoy5223 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ARBackfire Who knows one day something is found, that will reverse our symptoms.
      But to me it looks like the damage is done. I'm slowly deteriorating year by year, month by month.
      I used to feel SO incarcerated, when I couldn't go out, because the light was unbearable. I missed summer after summer.
      Now, over a decade later, I find I just want to sit in the house and be left to do nothing.
      The slightest task is overwhelming. I'm so extremely, unearthly, beyond-all-understanding exhausted!
      Sometimes I just want to curl up and die. But yeah, this doesn't kill you. It just takes your life! How I envy those, who die soon of their diseases!
      From active, slim, socially engaged and smart to sedative, obese, socially isolated and dumbed down by brain fog severely.
      People have absolutely no idea whatsoever how terrible this wasting away is.
      And who gets it? Usually the more active people, who Need to be outdoors. The people in the mountains, on the bikes, in the woods. Those, to whom it meant the most, are getting it stolen from them.
      And I truly belief that like Covid-19 came from a lab 4 in Wuhan, so this mutated Lyme bacteria comes from a lab 4 near to that town Lyme in the USA.
      Why else negate our illnesses to the extreme, but to try to back out of the countless liability claims, that would follow?
      The doctors that do have eyes to see and a conscience to try to help us are ostracized! That speaks volumes, now doesn't it?

    • @jonathangraham6412
      @jonathangraham6412 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      What treatment have you had for lymes? How are you doing now?

  • @gardenjoy5223
    @gardenjoy5223 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Oh dear, so true. I was very good at multitasking! The other day I said to a client of my husband's business: "Please, wait a moment, I have to finish this first." I saw the look of disapproval on her face (we have some real nasty customers, like all do). Later I had a chance to explain it to her: "I wasn't rude or unwilling to help. It's just, that I could switch without effort to 6 different things before, but nowadays I Have to finish the task at hand, before I go to the next, or I'll botch them up, due to a chronic form of Lyme Disease."
    Six years ago, after a move, by which I relapsed and got much sicker before the actual move already and never got out of that later on, I had trouble finding the right words. Not constantly, but frequently. My general practitioner, who chooses not to believe in chronic Lyme either, thought I might be having early onset dementia (his pet disease) and sent me to a neurologist. He acted normal, until I said 'chronic Lyme Disease'. He changed to immediately being offended that I'd take up his time! I remember how crushed I felt on the inside. I never simulate anything! May God revenge me on the multitude of 'doctors', who have hurt, falsely accused, abused and abandoned me! This is truly a profession good for adding insult to injury.
    Glad that there are finally some doctors, like this one, making progress. May God bless her and all those like her.

    • @thelotrfreak1
      @thelotrfreak1 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Wow I literally have the exact same experience, everything got worse after I helped my brother move, same experience with doctors here in the Netherlands. Everything strated when I was 18, 10 years ago now. I used to be mentally very sharp but now I have so much truble finding words to string into sentences and that's the least of my symptoms. It's been another year, have you found anything that helped you? Thank you very much and I wish you all the health and happiness.

  • @094340
    @094340 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Yes, all that is true, but what is missed the most is that lyme induced brain fog has BIOLOGICAL symptoms.
    Heavy head, hot head, a sense that your life is surreal, almost as if you are chronically concussed. It's an awful feeling that is accompanied by extreme fatigue, headaches, dizziness and vertigo. This has been my existence for over 15 years.

  • @Arthuriantimes
    @Arthuriantimes 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    YOU CAN DEFEAT LYME! - --- I contracted Lyme in 2015 and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I couldn't walk, couldn't lift my arm, couldn't sleep and I was in severe pain 24 hours a day. Lyme is horrendous. After a few weeks in hospital the doctor's told me that they couldn't do anything. What saved me was Buhner's protocol. I read his book and then followed his protocol to the letter. I also devoured books on body chemistry and how the immune system works. When I told the doctors I was going to try and heal myself using herbs and a special diet they just laughed. Yeah well what else was I supposed to do?
    It was a very slow process because first you have to reboot your immune system and second you have to fight the bacteria of which actually hides from your immune system - known as 'pathogenic bacteria'. What is different about the Lyme bacteria to other bacteria is that they eat the magnesium in your body whereas most bacteria eat iron. Without magnesium your muscles just can't work. Most antibiotics are made to protect the iron in your body but not the magnesium - that is why normal antibiotics fail against Lyme (if you wait too long).
    Using Buhner's protocol I gradually began to improve. I won't lie, it was the fight of my life and took about one year to fully recover. Only when all the bacteria was gone could I then begin to build up my muscles again. Today I play golf and am an 8 handicap. Anyone who has Lyme - don't give up - your body can kill it. It takes a special diet, special herbs and sheer will power. If I ever contracted it again however, I don't think I could go through it a second time and would probably just end my life. That's how vicious it is.
    If any one wants to actually hear my full Lyme story I made a video about it and posted it on my youtube space. I tell of what actually happened, how I defeated it and the consequences afterwards. Take care out there.

    • @johnkenny4898
      @johnkenny4898 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      What you are saying makes a whole lot of sense to me.
      What is your youtube video called?

  • @Lfs1891
    @Lfs1891 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Got it as a teen. Through the years, can see medical results show its progression, got the celiac test back positive, then I noticed a down hill side after the age of 25. I was 245 best shape of my life healthy, going to school, tons of hobbies, over the years of stress, and surgeries, I've been on a steep slide down hill, then got the fybromyalgia diagnosis, then I got the positive lyme, more stress and surgeries, then a cte diagnosis, now I've applied for aish disability twice, denied, I can see a Dr where I live that is a lyme specialist, but I have to personally pay for it. I'm on welfare , 1000$ a month but homeless. I'm again going in for surgery soon. The lyme bugs luv the lil bit of antibiotics I'm now feeding them. It is in my Brian and neurological system.
    Lyme disease is the new aids.
    It can be transmitted through blood and sex.
    Until we can get this out there, we need to speak up. There's a pandemic out there but it's not what u think k it really is. Its too late now to stop it.

  • @Gina-dn6xm
    @Gina-dn6xm 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Late diagnosed lyme disease does something to your whole body. Doctors don't believe you, people don't believe you. I have never been the same even after 5 years of treatment. Fatigue is the worst; I also have brain fog. I had two years of unusual fatigue before they tested me for lyme. The test came back positive .

    • @climax1233
      @climax1233 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi there are many different test which test exactly was it?

  • @pamelatharpe5303
    @pamelatharpe5303 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Been suffering for years with chronic Lyme disease and toxoplasmosis on top of many health problems and still unable to find help , please help me get the help I so desperately need before it’s to late already affecting my mind so bad

    • @gardenjoy5223
      @gardenjoy5223 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@J-bk2mb Like we can... I for one get very ill from fasting. Can sometimes hold a fast for 24 hours tops.

  • @KMBblessings
    @KMBblessings ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I can’t spell anymore

  • @qzorn4440
    @qzorn4440 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Can Lyme Disease cause tight headedness and uneasiness driving at higher road speeds?

    • @newfie_mom7300
      @newfie_mom7300 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yes. And I find that my neck becomes more inflamed when I am driving. It’s stressful!

  • @fzrms7954
    @fzrms7954 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Went to a neurologist today. Told her about my lyme disease. She told me my brain issues were due to anxiety amd tried to give me an antidepressant. Also referred me for a pet scan when I said something about that. Will a pet scan show what's going on??

    • @Awenda18
      @Awenda18 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I believe it will show inflammation, which is a good marker to include for a clinical assessment! I would like to have one. Blistering headaches/migraines, cognitive disfunction and neck pain are my biggest chronic barrier to having any life whatsoever 🍃

    • @fzrms7954
      @fzrms7954 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Awenda18 I used Ivermectin get rid of my migraines. I don't know why it works but it definitely did. I had horrible brain burning migraines which I actually think was due to babesiosis... which is probably why the ivermectin worked. Try it a couple times a week for a few months and see if yours dont go away too.

  • @quantumeseboy
    @quantumeseboy ปีที่แล้ว +2

    But, do you know that it's Borrelia doing it and not a common coinfection such as Bartonella?

    • @gardenjoy5223
      @gardenjoy5223 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Speaking from only my own personal experience: I only had the Borrelia bacteria. I got brain fog.

    • @sheriherlihy8405
      @sheriherlihy8405 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Good question. My son has both and Bartonella also has neurological symptoms.