EDIT - I LEFT OUT RAPID FIRE PULSES. THEY'RE GREAT. I'M SO SORRY. So - how do we like this not-tier list format? Do you like the more traditional tier list format or was a more nebulous approach good here?
Would love to see the same video, but targeted for controller users. I'm tired of having to dump every perk into the stability stat just to maintain somewhat mediocre accuracy by m&k standards. It's not the recoil that bothers me, it's the accuracy penalties. And a lot of weapons that feel amazing on m&k are awful on controller, and vice versa. So yeah, I know most things would remain where they are, but I would like to see what shifts around between input methods
I said "ugh" way too many times during the bow rhyming. Well done. Honestly though, unbelievable amount of effort and consideration here my dude. You killed this.
Wave gls are momentum control only for pvp (RIP Marty, the cheese to the Mountaintop.) And Coriolis Force is a unique archetype that will likely never see the light of day again, similarly to the 2-burst 120 rpm handcannon from the Prison of Elders nightfall
Wave GLs arent really...forgotten. We just dont need a billion of them every season. Coriolis force has a bug that hasnt been fixed and might not be fixed because its an unpopular weapon to begin with, but Wave GL's dont have any problems with them, we just dont get them often because I cant imagine wanting more of them, since they'll have the same perk pool to suit what they're good for, and thats mob clear.
Im convinced that everyone who doesnt fear precision frame bows has never used Quick Access Sling. Solid video! I was gonna do this video too u bastard haha
Aye TDT/Mesome777. I've managed to get an almost complete version of your Bow Sidearm. I use Le Monarque and Peacebond since I don't have Lonesome. And honestly it's really good. I feel like I should just main that because it got me a 10x Kill Streak. Keep up the good work. And I'll be looking out for an Auto Rifle build
@@MYNAMEISINCAPS Hey im sorry that I didint message sooner but thanks it means alot to me. especially after my reload speed got beat with a stick intell it couldent walk-_-
As the bow rhyming went on I was like "hah, surely that wasn't on purpose" and then it kept going and I was like "Alright thats pretty impressive he can't possibly-" and then it kEPT GOING GG, Crucible Doctor
I love the new format for this analysis. The classic 'letter grade' tier approach has felt stale and borderline memey for some time now, so this more analytical, 30,000 ft perspective is a breath of fresh air to me (I'm a math nerd who works as an engineer so maybe I'm bit biased). You actually succeeded in making an in-depth tier list of the state of the meta that didn't just feel like someone's opinionated circle jerk (kudos) as they so often do. Nomad, you're carving out a unique niche in Destiny pvp videos right now because of your measured, principled approach that is data-driven. Keep it up and nerds like me will keep coming back time and time again. Cheers.
I love this kind of rating over regular tiers. Rather than discouraging use, it's more like if you enjoy putting in hard work to make something awful something excellent use this, so on and so forth. A sorting rather than traditional tier list
I prefer the more nebulous format. It feels like it leaves more room for the comfort and familiarity stats that govern a lot of player choices, without skimping on the actual math. Another great video!
Multimach Iron Reach with Peacekeepers is such a fun loadout to rock into crucible with. You won't always win duels but deleting people within range before they can even pop off their second HC shot just feels so good.
arrows should be able to be drawn on bows from hip fire while sprinting. it would help out massively without making them infinite ammo constant one tap machines.
If they did that for bows, you can bet there'd be people complaining that bows are broken and they want that on other weapons too. And then Felwinters would have yet another reign of terror
Not sure if it's the current balance of the meta that made this style of tier list work so well or if it's the presenter. Tbh, probably a little bit of both. Regardless, I throughly enjoyed the video. Keep up the excellent work!
Ive made it to the end! So… I preffer good n bad and honestly you came up with similar thoughts as I have about weap types as me (and that made me happy cos Im pvp n00b). Great video with good explanation.
I feel like he should have mentioned the few guns that are actually good in the groups that are not good. Like the Chrysura Melo in the high-impact 360 group, it absolutely slaps compared to others of the same type and other types.
The king of garbage is still garbage you can have the highest stats in a bad group and still be bad and have the lowest stats in a good group and still be good
I really liked the "best in niche" approach you seemed to take to the weapon rankings. Analyzing weapons within their best use case and comparing them to others in the same niche says a lot more about how good a weapon is than just stamping on a one-dimensional grade. Fantastic video, many thanks, doc!
I like the format being different from s, a, etc tiers, and agree with the ranking given. I'm hoping some weapons make it to the other slot, mainly suros rapid fire sidearms and fusions (rapid or precision), it would allow new weapons loadouts.
For the past year or so my go to has been No Time with either a slug(First in) or now, a fusion(Xur's godly Main ingredient), because please stay at range. Love the vid m8, keep it up.
High-Impact snipers also get a damage buff from High-Impact reserves. For example, Frozen Orbit with High-Impact reserves and Appended Mag ups the mag size to 4 and gives you 2 shots of high-impact reserves at the beginning of a round. Haven't played with them for a while, but that damage buff used to stack with empowering rift....
I saw your post on twitter with all those video files taking up space in your ssd. The amount of footage here is mindboggling. thank you, this video should be up in everyone's recommended
I was lucky enough to get a cartesian coordinate with accelerated coils, hipfire grip and backup plan, as well as a charge time masterwork. 420 charge time, that becomes 336 with backup plan. And that's not even counting accelerated coils, because I can't calculate it (doesn't show on stats anymore). Like, what the actual f***. It's quite literally a shotgun on demand, with more range. I'm in utter love with that thing.
I like the format. It allows for brief, concise points with enough flexibility to speak of outliers. Like 140 rpm hand cannons are pretty good, but Ace is the best while Finite Impactor is okay. There's no need to worry about "Is this archetype an A or S because most are pretty good but one is so much better than the rest. So yes, very lovely format.
Adaptive side arms in “ the okay” category… Laughs with my 4000+ trials kills Drang, but cries in my sunset QD + Swash Drang Baroque that had the majority of those kills. In all seriousness though, the points you made are very true as the archetype is quite unforgiving and Drang only stands out because of its zoom factor which gives it a range advantage over almost every other sidearm outside of a Iron Reach + Range Finder + Max Range barrel/mag/MW Peacebond. That said, with SMG’s getting more attention in the meta Drang def struggles more this season unless you are good with your movement to make it work, which based on the criteria you set for “the okay” category, does indeed place Drang into this categorization. So, again, well said! Always enjoy your videos and analysis!
@@Salu_TV I agree it would help it significantly! I actually ran the pairing in a few games earlier today and was slaying out with it! Random rolls on drang again would make it unstoppable and my unequivocal choice to pair with my adept eye of sol!
I love the way you presented the tiers. I'd love an ending list or visual tho to recap because it's a lot of information to diject in the moment, a spot at the end to look over it all would be neat
Before I watch the video, I just wanted to come here and say that I appreciate all the work you put into your videos. You’ve helped me in more ways than you know! 🤟🏽 Now, I MUST WATCH! 😎
"Precision HCs are just OK" As much as I want to argue this (specially with Malf but exotics are exempt here) I really can't. I love them for relearning aim but they very much reward ambushing and dodging combat
this video was great, well executed and straight to the point. that last tier cought me off guard, and got me interested during the rest of the video. good job!
Absolutely LOVED the format, way more detailed and nuanced than just "D-Tier. C-Tier. C-Tier. A-Tier. S-Tier. Ace of Spades Tier", very easy to digest *why* things are in their tier, and elaborated on enough to convince me to give some archetypes a second chance after a scuffed first impression. Probably one of your best videos to date.
The video is very well made, but I'm still waiting on the Ascendant Nomad OST release. These backdrop tracks are so entrancing and yet i never grow tired of hearing them. I need a playlist with them to listen to while I play.
When that goon at 29:24 runs around the corner, into the messenger with kill klip procked. I laughed out so loud. He just evaporates! This is so funny. xD
The grading was fresh and allowed to focus on what makes it breaks each archetype without nitpicking. Very impressed with how you explained each type and made it understandable to everyone. One thing I would say is adaptive pulses are S tier for more than just beginners or “bad” players. They’re still the kings of pulses for anyone that can’t hit all crits consistently, so that’s 90% of players.
Honsetly, one of the best videos on the topic ever. A lot more considerate tier list, and I really enjoyed it. Easy to follow, well explanatory but still fast paced video. Great work!
So I don't have enough time to play anymore, but I've been a Destiny lore nerd since day 1, so I've stayed subscribed to multiple Destiny content creators & my recommended feed stays populated with Destiny content. At this point I have become emotionally invested in the success of this game. When the game is stale and player population dips, it makes me sad 😥 . When player population is up, there's new seasonal content & the meta has just been sufficiently shaken up as to encourage people to start diving into their vaults looking for dusty old archetypes to try out to see if they're any good...well, that makes me very happy. This video was a pleasure to watch, my friend. Thorough, precise, & just enough humor to keep my attention-deficit brain entertained 😆 Keep up the good work
No time to explain is absolutely terrifying in the right hands. Youre dead before you know what happened, and you get a free teammate every tenth headshot. I normally pair with a precision fusion (main ingredient), but I've been thinking about swapping to a rapid fire - I have a decent zealots reward to use.
I really enjoyed this video, very visually appealing with great music choices. I also like how you show gameplay for each archetype, seems like a small thing but seeing them in action is a big help.
Your takes are legendary! I 100% agree with everything you said. And yeah, it amazes me that more people aren't talking about rapid fire fusions, I have a under pressure high impact reserves Zealots and it might just be the best fusion I have ever used
Chroma rush has been my companion in crucible lately. I haven't really settled on a partner, but a usual feature is main ingredient or a sojourners tale.
Brilliant also trying to figure out how this is the first time I've heard of you... Glad TH-cam finally figured out to suggest you when about half of my TH-cam subs are destiny related...
Good video. I wish there was text on the screen for each archetype. Just makes it easier to follow and put into context as I'm listening in the background and toggling back to the video when commentary gets my interest.
I largely agree with like 99% of the placements here and would only really shuffle things around within a tier but other than that I'm smoking what you're offering. I understand that it'll probably crank up the video duration up to 40 minutes or so but maybe including some of those outliers you mentioned for the bottom tiers will appease some people in the comment section. Looking forward to that Exotic video!
Enjoyed way more than a traditional ABC tier list. This video's flow felt better and i did not feel like i was studying for an exam haha. Thanks for the Vid!
Loved this format. I think the only thing I'd want is possible weapons that match "The Great" and "Elite 7" categories. Just like something I can pause to look at. "These are a few weapons that fall into this category..." etc. Nothing exhaustive, just something I can go off of.
Very well done video. You really can easily spot the time and dedication you took to make such a simply titled video of "ranking guns" into a beautiful display of informative and entertaining content. Homerun from you as usual. Keep up the good work guardian.
As this is a first video of Ascendant Nomad that I have watched, I got some serious vibes of the Sommelier from John Wick 2. I enjoyed the experience so much I have subscribed and fully intend to watch the "I ranked EVERY EXOTIC weapon in Destiny 2." Now if only I left room for dessert, I'll certainly make room for it and enjoy another video after the exotic list.
Great video, I liked the approach, a tier list works well for all the weapons in a single archetype or exotics etc but a meta shift archetype video, it was perfect :)
Great video. Like this bad, good, great, elite breakdown more than initially thought. Was thinking it was going to be boring all throughout but you kept it interesting with facts and bits important to each archetype. You earned my sub 🔥🔥🔥
Very well presentation! Watched till the end. I like a lot of destiny you tuber, but if I have to give one an award, it’s you! Great job! I vote this years destiny TH-camr: the crucible doctor!
This was a much better format than the traditional Grade Tiers of S+ - D. Most people, when they make those tier lists, end up having to explain what those tiers mean in the meta anyway. This approach cuts right to the context of the meta and IMO is much more satisfying and less arbitrary
I quite enjoy this format of tier list at the very least for variety sake, good work. That being said, im thrown for a loop with 450 sidearms not being tossed in the bad category. You mention "only" 5 out of 6 Crits for a kill as if its somehow much different than needing 4C with an adaptive. (despite the next best adaptive ttk of .80 only requiring ONE crit for them. While rapid TTKs quickly climb into the .80-.93 without anywhere near the same jump in forgiveness for being non optimal) Massive inconsistency on ranking criteria in all honesty, optimal and body TTKs are just the extremes after all, and its important to plot out how quickly those TTKs fall apart vs forgiveness. In fairness, this is ALL archetypes after all so the workload is probably intense already so I cant blame you. I hope I dont come off too strong in mentioning it, you've done great work here bravo 👏
Suros Rapid Fire like Fool's Remedy are definitely in the Great Tier. I got mine back when it returned in Season Of Arrivals and haven't vaulted it at all it is amazing. Control SAS Sight, Armor-Piercing Rounds, Feeding Frenzy, Kill Clip. This is the weapon I got my first ever Flawless with. This is the weapon I have won 1 v 3 Engagements with. This is the weapon I have dropped a couple 10 Streaks with on it's own. I would have been very surprised if this had been labelled Bad or Okay. Either way, amazing Video Nomad, very informative, and I loved the Tier Setup. Keep up the great work
I quite like this format over a traditional tier list. While it's basically a rewording of D, C, B, A, and S it conveys way more about every archetype and shows that options outside of high A and S tier are still very much worth looking at. Also finally someone says something about rapid fire fusions they're absolute monsters.
This is a far superior format of "tier" list, imo. Its a lot easier to digest for "n00bs", such as myself, to the PvP scene. Understanding where TYPES fit rather than each individual weapon (however, I still have mad respect for PattyCakes for all the work he puts into those vids) is better for those of us who don't have time to clear and/or farm each and every piece of content available to play.
I pretty much main Chattering Bone. It can roll with full-auto & it just feels good. I'm an average player at best, so take that as you will. I should probably give Messenger more of a shot.
I like this approach to rating things. Tier lists are maybe more fun, but I found this format more informative as a guardian who is maybe only in pvp 25% of the time. Plus, other people do tier lists. This feels more your style.
I thoroughly enjoyed this format as it lined up with what i've played with and works well for me. This is exactly the video i'd needed so thank you for uploading!
Loved the format! Loved the depth of detail you added and information you gathered. Very impressed, you’re like the JGod of destiny! (If you know who that is) Thank you for the video, gotta go farm for those top tier guns!
I can clean out a room with a keening with body shots, sidearms are my favorite close range option. Headshots don’t matter if you can mag dump fast enough.
Nomad out here roasting my main loadout with Scholar (150 scout) + Glaciocasm (High impact fusion). Guess I'll have to switch to their better siblings. Got some nasty Night watch rolls, as well as a great Cartesian.
@@gravity-arbor I'm just memeing here. Though that has been my main loadout for a good while, and I can usually play to their strengths, recently switched the glacio for a Cartesian for close engagements, and I've been slapping people around with it. I do use 340 pulses and 900 SMGs, and can use most other weapon types . I'm just not a fan of HC + Shotty. Can't hit the broad side of a barn with HCs and I usually get a bit lost in cqc fights (low sens on old gen also doesn't help), so shotties are out of the question for me.
Given how much potential variance there can be not just between the frames, but between weapons within those frames, and again between individual rolls for each of those weapons, I liked the more general approach to the tiers here. It has a less rigid feel to it than the letter tiers tend to have.
So - how do we like this not-tier list format? Do you like the more traditional tier list format or was a more nebulous approach good here?
I like it. Its more explanatory and its easier to keep up with. IMO
Would love to see the same video, but targeted for controller users. I'm tired of having to dump every perk into the stability stat just to maintain somewhat mediocre accuracy by m&k standards. It's not the recoil that bothers me, it's the accuracy penalties. And a lot of weapons that feel amazing on m&k are awful on controller, and vice versa.
So yeah, I know most things would remain where they are, but I would like to see what shifts around between input methods
Did I miss it, or did you neglect the 540 rapid fire pulse rifles? Darkest Before and TTWS (with iron Grip) are pretty oppressive in PvP right now.
I dig the not tier list
For example, 900RPM smg's would be lower on the list, and precision and adaptive sidearms would be higher
I said "ugh" way too many times during the bow rhyming. Well done. Honestly though, unbelievable amount of effort and consideration here my dude. You killed this.
Timestamp it
The actual fuck 🔥 🔥 🔥
Ha! I didn’t even notice
You technically forgot wave gls and aggressive fusions, but that's okay, because so did Bungie.
Wave gls are momentum control only for pvp (RIP Marty, the cheese to the Mountaintop.) And Coriolis Force is a unique archetype that will likely never see the light of day again, similarly to the 2-burst 120 rpm handcannon from the Prison of Elders nightfall
@@erebos42 Coriolis truly is unfortunate, but don't underestimate wave gls. They're far from useless outside of momentum.
Wave GLs arent really...forgotten. We just dont need a billion of them every season. Coriolis force has a bug that hasnt been fixed and might not be fixed because its an unpopular weapon to begin with, but Wave GL's dont have any problems with them, we just dont get them often because I cant imagine wanting more of them, since they'll have the same perk pool to suit what they're good for, and thats mob clear.
Also isn’t there 1 green lightweight auto?
@@notimetoexplain6427 There is, but if memory serves it has the same drawbacks of 450s while also being, you know, a green gun.
Im convinced that everyone who doesnt fear precision frame bows has never used Quick Access Sling. Solid video! I was gonna do this video too u bastard haha
Hey I just wanted to say that your my fav destiny 2 youtube. Keep up the great content TDT!!.
@@fightinglion5546 mine too, but you're my favorite destiny 2 weapon and I hope he starts using you in more builds coming December 7th
Aye TDT/Mesome777. I've managed to get an almost complete version of your Bow Sidearm. I use Le Monarque and Peacebond since I don't have Lonesome. And honestly it's really good. I feel like I should just main that because it got me a 10x Kill Streak. Keep up the good work. And I'll be looking out for an Auto Rifle build
@@MYNAMEISINCAPS Hey im sorry that I didint message sooner but thanks it means alot to me. especially after my reload speed got beat with a stick intell it couldent walk-_-
@@fightinglion5546 but you have infinite ammo now which is pretty epic
Amazing video, I really love seeing these each season/meta shift!
Just sad he didnt cover aggresive pulses
lightweight frame pulse rifles
The man the myth. The legend. Love pattycakes
Me too!
The three 450 pulses are:
Chattering Bone
Sacred Provenance
Outbreak Perfected
They're also all Kinetic
Bad Juju as well?
And Sacred Provenance is the last of its kind (Aggressive Burst / 4-burst pulse)
All 4 are kinetic and both legendary 450s are raid weapons.
Sacred is a 450 but it’s a 4 burst.
they are called Lightweight frames, if i recall
@@Nobawde there is 2 different kind of 450s. 450 lightweight and 450 aggressive burst.
As the bow rhyming went on I was like "hah, surely that wasn't on purpose" and then it kept going and I was like "Alright thats pretty impressive he can't possibly-" and then it kEPT GOING
GG, Crucible Doctor
I love the new format for this analysis. The classic 'letter grade' tier approach has felt stale and borderline memey for some time now, so this more analytical, 30,000 ft perspective is a breath of fresh air to me (I'm a math nerd who works as an engineer so maybe I'm bit biased). You actually succeeded in making an in-depth tier list of the state of the meta that didn't just feel like someone's opinionated circle jerk (kudos) as they so often do.
Nomad, you're carving out a unique niche in Destiny pvp videos right now because of your measured, principled approach that is data-driven. Keep it up and nerds like me will keep coming back time and time again. Cheers.
Super cool video! Refreshing to have a ranking video that isn't "top 10" or "tier list".
new sniper tier list ?
@@mwsilva9193 eventually, yes.
I love this kind of rating over regular tiers.
Rather than discouraging use, it's more like if you enjoy putting in hard work to make something awful something excellent use this, so on and so forth.
A sorting rather than traditional tier list
I prefer the more nebulous format. It feels like it leaves more room for the comfort and familiarity stats that govern a lot of player choices, without skimping on the actual math. Another great video!
I could listen to you talk all damn day. Thank you for enlightening us constantly. We learn so much from you. Thank you.
I'm absolutely mind blown as to why you have so little subs compared to other D2 content creators.. this is just some superb quality video from A-Z..
Loved the tiers! Really more informative than F-S.
Love your channel man. Your ability to tell a story with seemingly mundane topics is extraordinary.
Multimach Iron Reach with Peacekeepers is such a fun loadout to rock into crucible with. You won't always win duels but deleting people within range before they can even pop off their second HC shot just feels so good.
arrows should be able to be drawn on bows from hip fire while sprinting. it would help out massively without making them infinite ammo constant one tap machines.
This is needed^^^^
Bungie isn't going to see this comment just because you @d them
They should let you keep sprinting until you complete the draw imo
If they did that for bows, you can bet there'd be people complaining that bows are broken and they want that on other weapons too. And then Felwinters would have yet another reign of terror
Not sure if it's the current balance of the meta that made this style of tier list work so well or if it's the presenter. Tbh, probably a little bit of both. Regardless, I throughly enjoyed the video. Keep up the excellent work!
Ive made it to the end!
So… I preffer good n bad and honestly you came up with similar thoughts as I have about weap types as me (and that made me happy cos Im pvp n00b). Great video with good explanation.
Let’s go. I agree with the opening statement that’s why I been having a hard time finding a consistent load out. Lol.
I feel like he should have mentioned the few guns that are actually good in the groups that are not good. Like the Chrysura Melo in the high-impact 360 group, it absolutely slaps compared to others of the same type and other types.
The king of garbage is still garbage you can have the highest stats in a bad group and still be bad and have the lowest stats in a good group and still be good
I really liked the "best in niche" approach you seemed to take to the weapon rankings. Analyzing weapons within their best use case and comparing them to others in the same niche says a lot more about how good a weapon is than just stamping on a one-dimensional grade. Fantastic video, many thanks, doc!
I like the format being different from s, a, etc tiers, and agree with the ranking given.
I'm hoping some weapons make it to the other slot, mainly suros rapid fire sidearms and fusions (rapid or precision), it would allow new weapons loadouts.
For the past year or so my go to has been No Time with either a slug(First in) or now, a fusion(Xur's godly Main ingredient), because please stay at range. Love the vid m8, keep it up.
this shit was fucking great, amazing job nomad and this format is waaay better than the abc standard tier list thing
High-Impact snipers also get a damage buff from High-Impact reserves. For example, Frozen Orbit with High-Impact reserves and Appended Mag ups the mag size to 4 and gives you 2 shots of high-impact reserves at the beginning of a round. Haven't played with them for a while, but that damage buff used to stack with empowering rift....
The three non-sunset 450 pulses are Chattering Bone, Bad Juju, and Outbreak Perfected. There's also Argona PR2, but it's blue.
jaffa cake winner
Is sacred province a 450?
@@ORBS4 it's a 4 round shot though. The others are lightweight 3 rounds.
Looking back on this time period fondly. Best sandbox
That was hilarious and I learned a lot, been a bit out the loop but I totally have an idea of the meta now
I saw your post on twitter with all those video files taking up space in your ssd. The amount of footage here is mindboggling. thank you, this video should be up in everyone's recommended
Im paying attention to every millisecond of this video. I know im going to get something out of it. Thanks in advance, Mr. Nomad.
I was lucky enough to get a cartesian coordinate with accelerated coils, hipfire grip and backup plan, as well as a charge time masterwork.
420 charge time, that becomes 336 with backup plan. And that's not even counting accelerated coils, because I can't calculate it (doesn't show on stats anymore). Like, what the actual f***.
It's quite literally a shotgun on demand, with more range. I'm in utter love with that thing.
Interesting, I feel precision bows could be a tier higher, their peak shot potential is so good, and hip fire accuracy is crazy
I like the format. It allows for brief, concise points with enough flexibility to speak of outliers. Like 140 rpm hand cannons are pretty good, but Ace is the best while Finite Impactor is okay. There's no need to worry about "Is this archetype an A or S because most are pretty good but one is so much better than the rest. So yes, very lovely format.
I main twilight oath with a consistent 90+ HS ratio... I love my oath. Its an ss tier for me but I can see why it isn't used widely.
whats the roll?
damn this vid made me surprised I wasn't already subbed, had to change that real quick.
Adaptive side arms in “ the okay” category… Laughs with my 4000+ trials kills Drang, but cries in my sunset QD + Swash Drang Baroque that had the majority of those kills.
In all seriousness though, the points you made are very true as the archetype is quite unforgiving and Drang only stands out because of its zoom factor which gives it a range advantage over almost every other sidearm outside of a Iron Reach + Range Finder + Max Range barrel/mag/MW Peacebond. That said, with SMG’s getting more attention in the meta Drang def struggles more this season unless you are good with your movement to make it work, which based on the criteria you set for “the okay” category, does indeed place Drang into this categorization. So, again, well said! Always enjoy your videos and analysis!
Drang not having random rolls again is the only thing holding sturm from being meta, sturm can 1 head shot one body shot with the perk active
*Laughs In Traveler's Chosen*
@@Salu_TV I agree it would help it significantly! I actually ran the pairing in a few games earlier today and was slaying out with it! Random rolls on drang again would make it unstoppable and my unequivocal choice to pair with my adept eye of sol!
I love the way you presented the tiers. I'd love an ending list or visual tho to recap because it's a lot of information to diject in the moment, a spot at the end to look over it all would be neat
Before I watch the video, I just wanted to come here and say that I appreciate all the work you put into your videos. You’ve helped me in more ways than you know! 🤟🏽
This was a great video and I liked how you listed everything and showed it all on screen so we could take a pic, and save the info..
"Precision HCs are just OK"
As much as I want to argue this (specially with Malf but exotics are exempt here) I really can't.
I love them for relearning aim but they very much reward ambushing and dodging combat
this video was great, well executed and straight to the point.
that last tier cought me off guard, and got me interested during the rest of the video.
good job!
Really enjoyed you switching weapons in game as you brought up the next archetype ex 17:45 Made the video feel smooth
Absolutely LOVED the format, way more detailed and nuanced than just "D-Tier. C-Tier. C-Tier. A-Tier. S-Tier. Ace of Spades Tier", very easy to digest *why* things are in their tier, and elaborated on enough to convince me to give some archetypes a second chance after a scuffed first impression. Probably one of your best videos to date.
I like the way you broke it down, the good, the bad and the OMG... Good video, appreciate the work you put in.
The video is very well made, but I'm still waiting on the Ascendant Nomad OST release. These backdrop tracks are so entrancing and yet i never grow tired of hearing them. I need a playlist with them to listen to while I play.
ditto, love this soundtrack
When that goon at 29:24 runs around the corner, into the messenger with kill klip procked. I laughed out so loud. He just evaporates! This is so funny. xD
Great video!!!! Interesting that with very (and I mean very) few tweaks in the sandbox, Rapid Fire snipers can become meta in the future!
The grading was fresh and allowed to focus on what makes it breaks each archetype without nitpicking. Very impressed with how you explained each type and made it understandable to everyone.
One thing I would say is adaptive pulses are S tier for more than just beginners or “bad” players. They’re still the kings of pulses for anyone that can’t hit all crits consistently, so that’s 90% of players.
Honsetly, one of the best videos on the topic ever. A lot more considerate tier list, and I really enjoyed it. Easy to follow, well explanatory but still fast paced video. Great work!
So I don't have enough time to play anymore, but I've been a Destiny lore nerd since day 1, so I've stayed subscribed to multiple Destiny content creators & my recommended feed stays populated with Destiny content. At this point I have become emotionally invested in the success of this game. When the game is stale and player population dips, it makes me sad 😥 . When player population is up, there's new seasonal content & the meta has just been sufficiently shaken up as to encourage people to start diving into their vaults looking for dusty old archetypes to try out to see if they're any good...well, that makes me very happy.
This video was a pleasure to watch, my friend. Thorough, precise, & just enough humor to keep my attention-deficit brain entertained 😆
Keep up the good work
Superb video, I'd been sleeping on Fusions for PVP. As well as S+ tier info, I really appreciate the humour in your content.
Well done, Nomad. I miss longform content like this. Hearing you nerd out like this heats up my kettle and steeps my tea.
No time to explain is absolutely terrifying in the right hands. Youre dead before you know what happened, and you get a free teammate every tenth headshot. I normally pair with a precision fusion (main ingredient), but I've been thinking about swapping to a rapid fire - I have a decent zealots reward to use.
I really enjoyed this video, very visually appealing with great music choices. I also like how you show gameplay for each archetype, seems like a small thing but seeing them in action is a big help.
Your takes are legendary! I 100% agree with everything you said.
And yeah, it amazes me that more people aren't talking about rapid fire fusions, I have a under pressure high impact reserves Zealots and it might just be the best fusion I have ever used
Chroma rush has been my companion in crucible lately. I haven't really settled on a partner, but a usual feature is main ingredient or a sojourners tale.
Your also very good at speaking at the rate speed so it’s easy to listen to and recall, unlike other channels who speed throw info as if it’s a race..
Really liked this format. Thanks nomad
I liked this format, shows you individuall tiers nicely. Very well done sir.
Brilliant also trying to figure out how this is the first time I've heard of you... Glad TH-cam finally figured out to suggest you when about half of my TH-cam subs are destiny related...
Good video. I wish there was text on the screen for each archetype. Just makes it easier to follow and put into context as I'm listening in the background and toggling back to the video when commentary gets my interest.
I largely agree with like 99% of the placements here and would only really shuffle things around within a tier but other than that I'm smoking what you're offering. I understand that it'll probably crank up the video duration up to 40 minutes or so but maybe including some of those outliers you mentioned for the bottom tiers will appease some people in the comment section.
Looking forward to that Exotic video!
Watched until the end, awesome video. Very very helpful. I have been waiting for a content creator to break down the current meta!
Enjoyed way more than a traditional ABC tier list. This video's flow felt better and i did not feel like i was studying for an exam haha. Thanks for the Vid!
The bad, good, elite tier system works really well, thank you very much 😊
Great content that need recognition. Me personally, I prefer the good and ugly approach over tiers. Also, sick thumbnail.
Loved this format. I think the only thing I'd want is possible weapons that match "The Great" and "Elite 7" categories. Just like something I can pause to look at. "These are a few weapons that fall into this category..." etc. Nothing exhaustive, just something I can go off of.
Very well done video. You really can easily spot the time and dedication you took to make such a simply titled video of "ranking guns" into a beautiful display of informative and entertaining content. Homerun from you as usual. Keep up the good work guardian.
As this is a first video of Ascendant Nomad that I have watched, I got some serious vibes of the Sommelier from John Wick 2. I enjoyed the experience so much I have subscribed and fully intend to watch the "I ranked EVERY EXOTIC weapon in Destiny 2." Now if only I left room for dessert, I'll certainly make room for it and enjoy another video after the exotic list.
Great video, I liked the approach, a tier list works well for all the weapons in a single archetype or exotics etc but a meta shift archetype video, it was perfect :)
You have NO IDEA how much this helped me in clearing out my 496 item containing vault. Thank you!
Great video. Like this bad, good, great, elite breakdown more than initially thought. Was thinking it was going to be boring all throughout but you kept it interesting with facts and bits important to each archetype. You earned my sub 🔥🔥🔥
Very well presentation! Watched till the end. I like a lot of destiny you tuber, but if I have to give one an award, it’s you! Great job! I vote this years destiny TH-camr: the crucible doctor!
This was a much better format than the traditional Grade Tiers of S+ - D. Most people, when they make those tier lists, end up having to explain what those tiers mean in the meta anyway. This approach cuts right to the context of the meta and IMO is much more satisfying and less arbitrary
I quite enjoy this format of tier list at the very least for variety sake, good work.
That being said, im thrown for a loop with 450 sidearms not being tossed in the bad category. You mention "only" 5 out of 6 Crits for a kill as if its somehow much different than needing 4C with an adaptive. (despite the next best adaptive ttk of .80 only requiring ONE crit for them. While rapid TTKs quickly climb into the .80-.93 without anywhere near the same jump in forgiveness for being non optimal)
Massive inconsistency on ranking criteria in all honesty, optimal and body TTKs are just the extremes after all, and its important to plot out how quickly those TTKs fall apart vs forgiveness.
In fairness, this is ALL archetypes after all so the workload is probably intense already so I cant blame you. I hope I dont come off too strong in mentioning it, you've done great work here bravo 👏
I'm pretty new to the meta and this has been a godsend. Thank you. I loved the format too.
Amazing video and work man, am gonna speak for the community here and say we truly appreciate your work here
Absolutely loved this vid, this structure of the good bad and ugly eske was great.
Suros Rapid Fire like Fool's Remedy are definitely in the Great Tier. I got mine back when it returned in Season Of Arrivals and haven't vaulted it at all it is amazing. Control SAS Sight, Armor-Piercing Rounds, Feeding Frenzy, Kill Clip. This is the weapon I got my first ever Flawless with. This is the weapon I have won 1 v 3 Engagements with. This is the weapon I have dropped a couple 10 Streaks with on it's own. I would have been very surprised if this had been labelled Bad or Okay. Either way, amazing Video Nomad, very informative, and I loved the Tier Setup. Keep up the great work
One of the most useful videos I’ve seen from any content creator in a while. Thank you. 🙏
I quite like this format over a traditional tier list. While it's basically a rewording of D, C, B, A, and S it conveys way more about every archetype and shows that options outside of high A and S tier are still very much worth looking at. Also finally someone says something about rapid fire fusions they're absolute monsters.
I’m just here to say I love your videos. The way you display information is beautiful.
This is a far superior format of "tier" list, imo. Its a lot easier to digest for "n00bs", such as myself, to the PvP scene. Understanding where TYPES fit rather than each individual weapon (however, I still have mad respect for PattyCakes for all the work he puts into those vids) is better for those of us who don't have time to clear and/or farm each and every piece of content available to play.
This is a really good format. I hope to see something like this again! Again well articulated, and super fun!
I pretty much main Chattering Bone. It can roll with full-auto & it just feels good. I'm an average player at best, so take that as you will. I should probably give Messenger more of a shot.
Very good work, loved the details of each archetype, congratulations.
This was a really good video. Would love to see a similar one with all of the exotics.
I like this approach to rating things. Tier lists are maybe more fun, but I found this format more informative as a guardian who is maybe only in pvp 25% of the time. Plus, other people do tier lists. This feels more your style.
Great list and vid Ascendant. Thanks much for the good info. Time to figure out rapid fire fusions!
Great breakdown - and I strongly prefer this format over the traditional tier list. This feels much more thought out and informative.
I thoroughly enjoyed this format as it lined up with what i've played with and works well for me. This is exactly the video i'd needed so thank you for uploading!
Loved the format! Loved the depth of detail you added and information you gathered.
Very impressed, you’re like the JGod of destiny! (If you know who that is)
Thank you for the video, gotta go farm for those top tier guns!
I LOVE my stars in shadow with steady rounds, outlaw and kill clip. It feels even better than messenger for me
I personally miss my Outlaw Headseeker Eystein-D with the amazing SD-Thermal sight. I still break it out in Momentum with my backup-plan Proelium FR3.
I can clean out a room with a keening with body shots, sidearms are my favorite close range option. Headshots don’t matter if you can mag dump fast enough.
This. This is why I can't agree with some toggle for full-auto on high fire rate archetypes. It's not balanced.
Holy shit, didn’t even realise this was 30 minutes until it finished. Great vid man
This was an awesome video on destiny's various and different weapon architypes. Well thought out and much appreciated
love this vod it was mad really well and edited really well
Nomad out here roasting my main loadout with Scholar (150 scout) + Glaciocasm (High impact fusion).
Guess I'll have to switch to their better siblings. Got some nasty Night watch rolls, as well as a great Cartesian.
It would be interesting for you to try better meta, to see how it feels eh. Maybe he’s right?
@@gravity-arbor I'm just memeing here. Though that has been my main loadout for a good while, and I can usually play to their strengths, recently switched the glacio for a Cartesian for close engagements, and I've been slapping people around with it.
I do use 340 pulses and 900 SMGs, and can use most other weapon types . I'm just not a fan of HC + Shotty. Can't hit the broad side of a barn with HCs and I usually get a bit lost in cqc fights (low sens on old gen also doesn't help), so shotties are out of the question for me.
Given how much potential variance there can be not just between the frames, but between weapons within those frames, and again between individual rolls for each of those weapons, I liked the more general approach to the tiers here. It has a less rigid feel to it than the letter tiers tend to have.