i heard this somewhere and it resonated with me.... "No one has hobbies anymore. People dont do things because they enjoy them; people are trying to turn everything they like into a "hustle", "grind" or business". There is something beautiful about doing something you love simply because you enjoy it. This seems to be disappearing.
Yep, I think this has a lot do to with it. Instead of doing things that we enjoy for the sake of enjoying them, we are told the only way to be happy is to start our own business/ side hustle and compete vigorously to achieve “passive income.”
People used to have more quiet time without internet and TV to do hobbies and reflect and meditate. People used to have a religion, a transcendental reality to rely on, a saving grace. Now they are glued to their smartphone, tablet, TV, sucking up all the "shocking" things happening around the world and getting upset about it. The constant threats lurking to ruin your life - global politics, health dangers, political parties, "racism", "sexism", "XYZ-phobia", etc., etc., etc. Unrealistic expectations not being met - perfect equity, perfect respect, perfect relationships, perfect sex, perfect goodies, etc.
Thank you for pointing that out, by the way. That's not to say we should necessarily hold back our words if we have the passion to speak our mind, but I cannot even BEGIN to express the number of useless conversations I run into with strange, individual people who incessantly hang onto the, "Hi! How are you? (which first of all, do you actually give a shit? Or are you just asking because you feel obligated to speak at this time?) In which I answer "good", and GOD FORBID if I don't ask them, "How are you?" back, all HELL will break loose. Do any of you experience this / feel this way? Be honest.
@@tylerpalazzo2939 maybe you just need to relief a helluva lot of stress or maybe you over think shit alot, I do the same but not over non-controversial things. But to answer your question--yes I experience it.
As a man who used to struggle with depression these are the most helpful things I can think of: -Take Risks, don't let the fear of failure stop you from trying something new or something great -Do things that genuinely scare you or that you're afraid of (Even little things like climbing onto a roof and helping to put up Christmas lights if you're afraid of heights or saying something to the cute cashier girl other than "hi" and "thanks") -Pursue an ambitious goal, one that a lot of people don't believe you can achieve (It doesn't even matter if you fail this because no matter what the pursuit of an ambitious goal will make you a better person and give you fulfillment) With that being said, do your best to succeed -Have a passion, basically this means to find a hobby that you enjoy so much that you will spend hours and hours getting better at it -Study history, pick a role model, and then analyze the traits of your role model and list the reasons why you admire them. Then start to emulate these traits in your everyday life and eventually you will become your own role model. -Don't ever quit something just because it's hard (You can quit a crappy job if it's not the right fit for you, but never quit solely based on the fact that something is difficult). Embrace challenges and look for opportunities to improve yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually. -Never put yourself down. Try not to think negative things about yourself and especially never say them out loud. You will think more highly of yourself when you say positive things about yourself, at the very least avoid putting yourself down on purpose. -Live purposefully. Have a direction for your life and if you don't already have one, make one. Decide what's most important to you and live accordingly. If you have a family or even a single loved one, your first priority (other than serving God if you're religious) should be to provide for them, to protect them, and to help them become the best version of themselves -Develop Integrity. I can't even explain how much this increases your self-respect. Be honest, be trustworthy, don't cheat (unless you're in a street fight) and live with honor. -Find a hobby that you're really passionate about and strive to become a master at it -Finally, probably the most important thing I can say is to think less about yourself. Think less about yourself but not less of yourself. In other words, think about other people before you think about yourself, especially your family and loved ones. If you're focused on helping them with their problems I can promise you that your problems will become less important and less troublesome. Look for opportunities to help others and make them feel better about themselves. Nothing lifts you out of depression better than helping someone out of theirs. I hope this helps. I realize that some people are genetically predisposed to having a harder time with depression, but I believe that there's nothing you can't overcome with a strong mindset. In addition, I strongly believe that going through depression and having such terrible lows actually gives you the capacity to feel even greater happiness and joy. The reason I say this is because when you feel genuine joy after being depressed for so long you can't help but feel grateful. The beauty of life is that we are meant to experience the full range of human emotions, from happiness to anger to jealousy to despair to joy. We couldn't feel genuine happiness if we never knew what it was like to be sad. If I could talk to whoever is reading this face-to-face, what I would say to you would be simple: don't quit. A quote from Winston Churchill kept me going in times when I thought I had nothing left, he said: "If you're going through Hell, keep going." Everything in life can be and is meant to be an opportunity to make yourself better, and depression is no exception. Keep fighting, all of you are descended from warriors no matter what culture or country you are from. You wouldn't be here today if it weren't for the conquering spirit of your ancestors. Live a life that would make them proud. While most of us will not fight in physical wars, no one is exempt from the battlefield of life. Depression can be a battle every single day, every single second in some cases. Keep fighting, it will only get better. And the more you fight, the more you will gain respect for yourself. I've conquered my depression. Every now and then it will start to try and creep back into my mind but I don't let it. I destroy those feelings with action. I go lift weights, I go running, I listen to metal music, whatever it takes for me to regain my confidence. You can conquer depression, no matter how severe it is. That doesn't mean you'll never have days where you feel down, but it does mean that you'll have the strength to push through and do what you need to do as a man regardless of how you're feeling. Stay strong, stay hard, and fight like dragons 🐉 You're going to be very glad you did.
People are tired of running on the hamster wheel of life. Not making enough money, working too much, the fear of not having enough. I also agree it has to do with diet.
But, they do have the power to change things for themselves! This afternoon, I walked 8 km, there and back, bought a loaf of bread, 10 eggs, milk, nuts, 5 bananas, 3 langerines, 6.13 €. Yes, this should make me more hungry , hence actually cost me money - yet, it doesn't! It takes pretty excatly an hour, and you're just strolling, it was grey, cloudy and windy, but you're actually warmer than sitting in your heated car, or at home in front of the TV. You just gotta know what you really want!! Nothing more, it's your choice.
It's such a vicious, soul crushing cycle. The worst of it is, most of us are so expendable. If a company or business needs to made cutbacks, we cut see out benefits, our hours, or our entire employment be tossed aside
If that was so easy. Depression is something that you can experience when you have everything, just look at Tyson Fury. He had everything he had money, wife, kids, had the best diet, trained every day, had something to look forward and was severely depressed. I will just quote Jim Carry “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer.”
@@forman208 True. I was a social worker in a big hospital for years. For some weird reason I never thought a hospital would lay off workers like other companies, especially one with a religious connotation to its name. WRONG. They unexpectedly and summarily laid off 40 of my co-workers who were like my "work family". My job was never a piece of cake; it was always stressful, but for some reason they kept me and re-assigned me to a nursing unit that was hellish and jacked up the stress level to twice what it had been before the layoff. When they want to lay people off they have no allegiance or sentimentality about it. It's all about $$, profits, etc. This experience confirmed my worst fears about 9-5 employment; you are dispensable, utterly dispensable...
Has nothing to do with diet...its the shitty modern life that drives people crazy. Justol look at how people used to live 200 years ago and compare it to today. Theres no way that evolution adapts that quickly to this kind of living
"What's the price you pay for a high standard of living? Well, that's easy. You virtually always sacrifice the present for the future," Jordan Peterson. Keen observation.
@@TheFury295 Even that is not true. There are many people who got dealt the right cards and have a much easier life because of that. Working hard does not guarantee succes but some people don't even need to work hard. Reality sucks.
@@thesavantart8480 And so making the life of these people harder on purpose will make it easier for others? It’s easy to say that others are privileged and egoistic. But look at yourself. Compared to someone living in the poorer regions of Africa, even an American who earns 500$ per month seems like a billionaire to them. No one of us lives the best or the worst lives. There always someone behind and above you at the same time. And certainly it isn’t morally wrong if people make sacrifices to make their children’s lives easier. Are you gonna blame the parents for caring for their child?
@Angelina The quote btw does not literally refer to God, but religion. Without religion there's no alternative to turn to, or for most people that is. Nietzsche predicted with the fall of religion comes bloodshed of people, millions.
@Ya Boi Tom We have absolutely no way to prove God doesn't exist. There are a lot of reason to belive he doesn't, but humanity can never truly be certain without clear evidence.
By the time you 've worked it out for yourself, it' s all ready too late to make whatever changes that would have mattered. As you say, half way through it in terms of numbers of years to live and that does not take into account the fact the stages of life : childhood, being a teenager, then a young adult and so forth are very different. you could do at 15 but it is not going to happen again at 40 or even at 30. Some years are worth a lot but when your past 55 or 65, what can you do, how much energy have you got etc etc. Kids should be taught about this seriously . Half you life with an life span of 85 is not 42 years. You have to deduct the retirement period which is 65. So it's more like 32.
Youth are unhappy cos they know the life they have to leave is waste their life away for some company on a career to get freedom for when they retire and already spent most their lives
"You sacrifice the present for the future". This really sunk in when my husband died at the age of 49 and I felt like we had spent the better part of 20 years together working. If you don't buy into consumerism (no pun intended), you can live on less. Work less, live more.
Probably the greatest non-violent form of civilian rebellion against oppression and government/corporate corruption is to buy less. Everyone needs the basics of course-----food, personal hygiene items, clothing-----but imagine if, say, the next time there is a mass shooting the response by the public (other than shaking one's head or getting angry or cursing the NRA) would be to enforce our true power by not purchasing any items off Amazon, for instance, for one week perhaps. Personal items, say. If you're running a business and need to buy stuff off Amazon to keep it alive, then sure that's different.
Amen. People constantly make fun of me because I don't have a cell phone and I have a big old TV, but I can work part time and spend more time with my family. THAT matters, but no one gets it.
Maybe im unusual, but the happiest times of my life I was regularly helping other people. Making other people happy is rewarding. Focusing on your own hapinesses all the time seems to drain it.
I was specifically looking for this comment. My best days are when I succeed at helping someone overcome a problem, even if it's for a stranger, even if it's something minor in the grand scheme of things.
Agree. God rewards that. Whether or not you believe in God, fine. I can also say when your helping people, how could you ever feel useless? How could you not feel like a descent person if your giving freely?
True. But dont listen to the carb nonsense. He follows a carnivorous diet (with 0 carbs) and has had depression in the recent past. So clearly this anecdotal observation he was having turned out to be false. Eat healthy foods, lots of fruit/veg and avoid processed crap and you will feel much better than by following some fad diet that he promotes for some reason.
@@Demondoink1 I don't think you should disregard what he's saying without actually listening to him. Even he has said that dietary recommendations can work differently with people. I'm assuming he was presenting an argument in favor of his diet. Which btw he's mentioned on various occasions, helped him with his depression. The depression his family has had a long history of. The most recent phase he's going through is because of a physical dependence he developed on his medication, which was upped in dosage after his wife got diagnosed with cancer. (Might be something other than cancer I can't recall correctly.) But anyway he's always been a proponent of diet being a unique experience to everyone and never advocated this carnivorous diet beyond his own personal experience. This diet you call a fad has helped two people I know of with auto immune afflictions. One of them is his own daughter who had her hip replaced when she was 17, as a consequence of that disorder. Don't discredit things you don't bother to even familiarise yourself with. Anyone with a middle school education, actually no, even a 5 year old can parrot "eat lots of greens and fruits and don't eat junk".
Totally, always obvious at the groceries. Look into their faces, they seem broken beyond repair, and I have to say, especially women (girls, even), and then check what they buy. One word, sugar. I'm in no position to preach zero, but, that's just insane, and I can only guess they got used to how plain boring it tastes really, and just settled for the addiction.
Nah. It's a complete lack of self respect, accountability, responsibility, substituting social media for face to face interactions, and many other things
i know when I feel depressed. It's when I don't do anything new. I could be working out everyday,doing same routines,that just helps my mind feel calmer but If i don't learn something new everyday,go somewhere new,meet new people,make something,anxiety is telling me that I'm wasting time,not being able to enjoy music nor movies until I feel that I deserve it.
its the society that has brainwashed millennials that life is all fun, and boring is bad, when in the same time boring have been done all the time and no one got depressed because of it, till now. people just knew how to make their life more intresting by being in the moment. now its like you need the next fix to move on.@@thekadju2450
Stay strong darling, I promised you happiness is far beyond these outer physical appearance, you're bigger than that, honey, you are a *star*. :) You can take that from me you worth more for you had the power to decide, decide what you are, and you are a spirit of spirit. Nothing but love and serenity. 💙
"We're the middle children of history, man - no purpose or place. We have no great war, no great depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives." Tyler Durden
@@harrylonsdale3142fabricated, not really. A distraction, most definitely. Most of what the news is telling you is going on is actually happening. Perhaps not like they say it is happening, but it's not like everything you see on the news is produced in Hollywood or something.
This is the thing. To build on this more: Happiness is in most situations down to your own internal philosophy. Unless you're living in abject poverty or some depressing event has happened to you, it's all down to your internal philosophy in my opinion. Basing this solely on my myself.
"There is an application called Bos Koltuk, you can register anonymously and tell the psychologists your problem for free (the first one) and answer immediately. I hope it will be useful for you." There 2 english psychologist (Helena and Freya)
I miss my childhood, there was something real about it, I feel like these days everyone wants to be perfect inside and outside thanks to the excessive amount of social media that you can reach immediately. I spent my childhood actually being engaged in something and paying attention to the real world rather than stressing about pictures like people do today.
Get off social media. I did it 5 years ago. It’s not hard. Be comfortable with being bored. You will eventually start thinking of constructive things you can do with your time. You will feel better. Your choice.
@@seconds-js7pf but you can't lie childhood is way better less stress you was more outside having fun rather than getting sunk into social media worrying about fairytail dumbshit messing with your mental health.
4:40 Even when he's the smartest man in the room he still respects everything Ethan says and responds in a way that isn't condensending but of understanding and intellect. Bravo
@@herculesbrofister265 Typically because, those who are very smart understand that their is a lot of information out their that they themselves don't know and are open minded to hear others in hopes of learning new things. The other side is like you said, people who think they know everything, who are not very receptive to other ideas.
@@herculesbrofister265 I consider myself smart (151 IQ) and I interact a lot with people like me. That's just simply not true ; being smart and realising it can make people incredibly egotistical, and seeing it in others motivates me to strive to differ from them
Should have done it. This guy peterson says nothing new or original just likes to throw in a bunch words to make himself sound smart. If this guy stopped you from commiting suicide idk chances are you’re likely to fall back into depression for something not even worth depressed about
@@AngelA-tq9rs Are you a troll or legitimately dumb as hell because I can't tell which it is. JP doesn't throw around big words to sound smart, he uses very specific language that allows him to get his point across in a way that most people will understand. He is dealing with difficult and complex topics and saying things he doesn't truly mean could cause big problems for him, as well as his audience. Just because you don't feel a certain way doesn't mean that nobody else does or should. You are clearly as lacking in empathy as you are in intelligence. Just because you don't understand the dark place people can go to in their mind, whether or not it is their fault or not, doesn't mean they are weak minded. Do you think that telling suicidal people they should have killed themselves is strong minded? Some people have terrible lives, and some people have serious mental illness, and while Jordan Peterson is trying to help those people, you just put them down further. Shame on you tough guy.
"Why People Are So Unhappy" - because they have been hypnotized into believing that happiness can be an achievable goal and a sustainable outcome. The pursuit of happiness is a contract with suffering.
Agree. It's completely natural to avoid suffering, but suffering really makes you appreciate the end of suffering and be able to empathize with those who suffer and want to help them. In the end, happiness is helping those who can't help themselves.
Man, this hit home in so many ways... I am 38 and I don't think I will ever be happy. The last time I was genuinely happy for a prolonged period was 2005.
Could be because before 2004 social media was not a part of our life, and with more use of it we compare our life's with other and feel Sad for ourselves
Perhaps we got oversimulated by constantly getting stuff we want that it got to the point that purchasing stuff and consumption no longer gives the sane level of buzz
He speaks 100% truth. I live in Sweden and have like 90% others good job and good living standards. When I visit my home country in the Balkans who have a lot less they are all happier it seems. Never could explain it.
We live in a time where there isn't a reason to live given to us. In past times there was embedded reasons to live. In early times just living itself was difficult and people's reason to live was to just live. Then we have the colonization time where people were living to colonize the new world. Then there was the war age where people were thrown at war. Now a days there is no reason given to us, and we are free to find one ourselves. The problem with that is that we are also free to find the answer that we have no reason. Combine that with how hard it is to be successful. A post secondary education isn't the end all be all it used to be, and there are many people that just dig themselves a hole by chasing further education. Then we can look at the job market which is more competitive, and dangerous than ever. Entry level jobs treat their employees terrible because they know they can replace them in an instant, and higher jobs want 10 years of experience from an 18 year old. Finally we live in a time where it is super easy to view and follow the lives of successful people. We are flooded with the lives of people that have reached potential that we can never hope to reach. Combine all of these and you get a nice depression cocktail that most people are forced to drink.
Your points kinda contradict eachother. You said we have no reason to live amd then said it's difficult to be successful. Well, there's your reason to live, being successful.
@@florinmcf7340 Sorry man, but this literally made me to laugh so hard that it makes me even sad. For real? It is unbelievable too eventhough I know the truth about nowadays "women"
For all Peterson fanboys, or feminists looking for good arguments to counter Peterson's bullshit, watch Peterson get destroyed in only 7 minutes here: th-cam.com/video/lWlVzTnnzks/w-d-xo.html
I'm just discovering Jordan Peterson through the H3 podcast, and I could probably listen to him talk all day. I'm definitely going to look into him more now. He seems ridiculously intelligent. It's also interesting how there's hardly an "uhm", or, "like", or anything like that in his speech patterns.
I find it relieving to realize what I have versus what I don’t. Be happy for “living”. my best friend died of cancer at 19 and I have been thankful just for the day.
JP just speaks so much sense, explains complex matters into summaries that can be easily understood. He is an absolute genius as well as a decent person.
"There is an application called Bos Koltuk, you can register anonymously and tell the psychologists your problem for free (the first one) and answer immediately. I hope it will be useful for you." There 2 english psychologist (Helena and Freya)
I remember in one of his lectures, Dr. Peterson was telling his students how he approaches the matter of unhappiness/depression when it comes to his patients. He very simply enumerates it through a short series of questions: do you have a job? is the job meaningful or at least tolerable? do you have family and friends, and if you do, is your relationship with them good? is your health okay? do you have something meaningful and enjoyable you can do outside of work? do you refrain from abusing drugs or alcohol? And then tells them that if his patient's answer to all of those is "no," then you're basically in chaos/hell!
I was no to pretty much all of them apart from health but I dont feel depressed because no matter what my life is like I will always be content with myself and that is all that truly matters.
@@seconds-js7pf Yes. I would agree. That is very much what matters most. Nothing is quite as relieving or life-affirming as escaping a depressed state of mind (which I've often found myself in) and feeling that your existence really can be very meaningful!
@Ya Boi Tom I'm sorry to hear that. I definitely agree with you. You can certainly have a job, friends, intimate partner, etc. and be depressed. I think Peterson's point was more that (from his perspective as a clinician) when he had clients who were very well situated in life (stable job, intimate partner, friends and family, etc.) but were depressed, he was able to gather that the issue was probably relegated to an unfortunate chemical imbalance. However, when he had clients who had no job, no friends, no intimate partners, poor family relationships, a drug/alcohol problem, etc., then it was more difficult for him to suss out whether his patient was merely suffering from a chemical imbalance or whether it was all those accumulated life problems (or both)
He’s so right about the microbiome effecting mood. Eat lots of fiber and fresh fruits and veggies because it feeds your “good” bacteria which will keep you thin and happy. It’s so much more than calories in calories out.
the high demand and the trend of eating fresh vegetables and fruits made it very expensive. in a way, vegan trends made it harder for other people aquiring healthy food.
If you have a varied diet with as much of it as possible being natural food, maintaining your health is the easiest thing in the world. Stop with that vegan bullshit, it' all about balance.
+VargVikernes4Pres You're right, but people are definitely eating far too much meat and far too little greens in the US at least. It needs to shift from meat being a staple to meat being a side.
@P77 A11H9 Hine9 I wouldn't call Jordan Peterson's thoughts "stupid shit". Also, a person can be interested in the thoughts of others, even if he's doing fine. Peterson has actually talked about people using their morality as an excuse for their weakness. You're a perfect example of that. Do you really think the society would work if all people were paid equally?
Diet is a valid point! I’ve switched to a Paleo diet five years ago. I’ve since gotten off of 14 prescription medications, including 2 meds for ADHD, an anti-anxiety drug, an anti-depressant and a sleep medication. My brain is finally healed by removing grains and sugar. I now know how to behave. Fermented foods and probiotics are key components of mood and behavior. He’s 100% correct!!!
@ ALL grains - rice, corn, wheat, quinoa, barley, oats etc.... They are so inflammatory. I haven’t eaten grains for over five years and my brain feels AMAZING! Mood and behavior are entirely different. Read: GRAIN BRAIN by Dr. David Perlmutter
@@micken9317 I eat loads of vegetables... and some low glycemic fruit. For instance, today I had berries for breakfast with some chicken sausage and eggs and for lunch I had homemade beef jerky with raw cauliflower, radishes, carrots and celery with guacamole. For dinner, I have a Tomahawk steak in the oven. Right after I type this, I plan to make a HUGE salad. I will have leafy greens, purple cabbage, red onion, cucumber, and possibly some broccoli. I used to have ulcerative colitis and couldn't eat any of the raw vegetables without having typical ulcerative colitis symptoms... but after years of eating lots of homemade broth/meat stock, along with cooked vegetables and animal protein and fat, my colon is finally healed. I will never be able to eat grains or pasteurized dairy though. Instead, if I want a cookie, I make it from almond flour and use honey or coconut sugar. Obviously, fermented foods and probiotics also help. I eat lots of Bubbies pickles that have live active cultures.
To anybody feeling sad I encourage you to write down the things you’re grateful for. Don’t lie to yourself. It might look ridiculous, but I think it’s helped me and hopefully it will help you too
@@user-yz7ux1qj1v well you may encourge the one finds it. there is nothing wrong with having things you want to protect and make you happy. i think it shows that you have things to protect and you are taking the responsibilty of them which shows that you are strong and you have a meaning in your life. i suggest you to give it a try
When I entered college, I had no clue at what career I was going to earn a living, but I did have a powerful idea then: that I wanted to encounter God and find peace of mind. I am on social security now and never did earn more than a modest living. But I am happy to report that along the way, I did find God and peace of mind. Hasn't always been easy, but regrets are few.
My opinion is that passivity creates unhappiness. Overall people that lack purpose also have a very high amount of passivity in their day to day life and live for little more than basic comfort which can cause depression.
What about people who are monk and do nothing and spent countless hours meditating ? They're happy because they're at peace, working 60hours a week makes you feel good because people told you its a good thing and it burn so much energy that you dont have to worry bout The rest.
He's right about the diet i was suicidal for 10 years or so started when i first entered high school and only got worse as time went on im 24 now and iv'e just barely recovered,sometimes i feel like crying because of how much time i wasted hating everything in life but anyway i changed my diet to low carb no sugar and within six months i was able to overcome my depression by myself no therapy or anything like that ,diet change isn't a cure all but it's definitely something that will give you the push towards better mental health...also quit any drugs and alcohol use so you can clear your mind and liver of poisons.
mutant stoner totally agree. Im homeless n dont eat that much. Im in a constant fast, always hydrating with water and when I do eat I stay away from sugar and dairy, carb intake is based on how much energy I have expelled. Usually eat rice and chicken. I try to snack on fruit when I can but honestly only eat 1 good sized meal every 3 days. Fasting really balances out your body and overtime you will understand what your body needs. Eating healthy actually creates an inventory of nutrients you take in, if you stick to it you will start to crave certain foods but not by taste but by your body needing the nutrients from the food. Its pretty cool but we live in a time where you can gorge yourself to death and choose to live off cokes and tweankies.
Certain foods are linked not only to increased happiness, but also to greater “eudaemonic” well-being-feelings of engagement, creativity, meaning, and purpose in life. nutritionfacts.org/video/foods-increase-happiness/ This organisation reads 1000's of research papers and make great videos/articles..
@@D1PatrickMahomesHater Homeless people have a lot of resources, including free phones. Even if they have the money for a $30/month smart phone, that doesn't mean enough money for a home.
Here’s the Ethan who can talk to anybody regardless who they are and what they stand for. Ethan today just picks and pokes at everyone consistently. It’s Childish.
Idk, my feelings are mixed, especially after him mocking JP-I’ve always liked Ethan and thought he was a reasonable person, but recently he’s become more judgmental and gradually started dismissing all conservatives as dumbasses.
I like how he closed his eyes and inhaled, focusing, casting all his knowledge to answer this question. Like a magic man summoning an entity before reading tarot
People have become spoiled. For most of human history, if you had food, clothing, shelter, lived relatively long without a war or epidemic you were remarkably fortunate. Probably in the top 1%. Today everyone wants stuff. They want to be relevant, rich, successful, important, loved, powerful. If they don't get all of their desires, they are just miserable. Our world is now very comlex. Social dynamics are constantly changing. We are almost always playing catch up. We are all competing with the Jones'. We all want to look like, be like, live like celebrities. We are exposed to so much choice, so many ideas, so many possibilities, so many problems, that it becomes overwhelmeming. Children are often rather happy in general. Why? For them, life is simpler. At least from their perspective. In the end, I think it's all about perspective.
The less you know, the more happy you are. Our huge collective knowledge is killing us. I mean I’ve seen ignorant and indifferent people who are really happy in their own small bubble.
I don't think that's it. If you know something, but not enough, you will be unhappy. If you know a lot you won't even bother with being unhappy because you will realize it's stupid and only a perception of your subjective mind. For me, the more I learn the happier I become. But you need to focus on wisdom, not just intellect.
After my dad died in 2016, almost all of my anxiety and depression just went away. That situation was really shitty for a really long time, but after a couple years something inside me changed. I stopped taking things at face value and became happy to be alive. That alone has led me to have more, better and meaningful friendships and relationships and success at my job. I think it came from not wanting .y dads death to be meaningless. It's very motivating. I used to be so miserable but I'm at peace now.
"There is an application called Bos Koltuk, you can register anonymously and tell the psychologists your problem for free (the first one) and answer immediately. I hope it will be useful for you." There 2 english psychologist (Helena and Freya)
I have NO candy cookies. crackers cake ice cream pies potato chips. bread flour in my house. PROBLEM SOLVED SO WHAT DO I HAVE eggs oatmeal rice apples bananas oranges avacadoes peanut butter veggies Yes l am always saying "There is NOTHING to eat" as l slip my size 4 pants over my hips and have a cup of coffee.
We're so caught up in what's trending, looks and social status. As a society, we've lost sentiment. Little by little, person by person we can get it back. Just my take on the many reasons depression, anxiety and stress runs rampid. Peterson is an intellectual genius by the way. Love his content!
Here's the problem. Some of us are not caught in it...it's forced on us. For instance, when covid was trending and people were telling me that I had to sacrifice my health to keep the old and obese safe. And now Ukraine is trending...and ppl expect me to be for Ukraine and for no-fly zone, etc...but I don't give a fuck. I don't want ww3. People are backwards...
"There is an application called Bos Koltuk, you can register anonymously and tell the psychologists your problem for free (the first one) and answer immediately. I hope it will be useful for you." There 2 english psychologist (Helena and Freya)
I think the major driving force of happiness is having a purpose and working towards it by smart goal-setting. Many things in our current society are done for you and taken care of so that the life has become too easy in many regards. There is also more open ground for comparison between how well off are you compared to your friends, neighbours etc. This constant exposure to comparison (via social networks) can lead to very unhealthy consequences. I also think that people have too many options available to them and this makes navigating life too complicated. It has been backed by many studies that people with fewer choices are happier with whatever they choose.
Very few people's lives revolve purely around money. If anything, people higher up in social class tend to be more intelligent, highly educated, hold prestigious jobs, and are also multi-talented with other hobbies. E.g. doctors, lawyers, professors/PhDs in top universities, etc.
@@rutvin8763 For the last 30 years people (especially in the U.S.) have been constantly bombarded and educated by the media to believe the only value they have as humans is through possessing and acquiring things. Yes, even doctors, lawyers, professors/PhDs in top universities are oriented towards having more and more.
@@deficator750 keep in mind people do suicides because the feel of insufficient-sy. Not because they are unhappy. So if you say rich=happy=lower suicide risk, its absolute bullshit
One of the things that makes me depressed is having to live with roommates which are oft times strangers. I have got a lot of abuse from room mates. All people deserve a home but a house that has to be shared with one or more strangers is not a home; especially these days where people are so egotistical.
This is exactly the problem. Everyone needs their own home, without roommates. You see, the problem with this is that no one can afford their own house or apartment these days. The rent is so high that most people need two or three roommates to be able to afford their rent. It's a sad state of affairs.
"There is an application called Bos Koltuk, you can register anonymously and tell the psychologists your problem for free (the first one) and answer immediately. I hope it will be useful for you." There 2 english psychologist (Helena and Freya)
Joe rogan interview with jordan peterson on his carnivore diet goes into his health benefits and those of his daughter Michaela, who also has her own TH-cam channel with lots of information about how changing her diet has improved her health and mental health
Except most everything he said is factually incorrect. An easy example is his "100 times" comment. There are about 30 trillion human cells in your body and between 30-50 trillion microbes living on and in your body. This guy doesn't know shit about shit and is just a smooth talker. If you want to really know something about human health, read some pop-bio books like "Sapiens" or "the gut" or a favorite of mine "the body: a guide for occupants". go to a lecture by someone who isn't a charlatan. Stop wasting your time with liars.
Ethan four years later: “working out is a waste of time, life is too short” “Jordan Peterson is problematic” *has been surrounded by people like Trisha paytas and cancelled for being a narcissist* This aged beautifully
"There is an application called Bos Koltuk, you can register anonymously and tell the psychologists your problem for free (the first one) and answer immediately. I hope it will be useful for you." There 2 english psychologist (Helena and Freya)
Jordan Peterson is right that countries that have a high standard living require a lot from its citizens in terms of work output. I was vacationing in Singapore about a month ago. I asked several of the local taxi drivers what they thought about living in Singapore. They each said that unless you're filthy rich, you work all the time. There is no such thing as relaxing 1-2 days out of the week. I live in the Philippines now and all I can say is that the people here seem a lot happier with a hell of a lot less and they do work hard, but they pace themselves and seem to enjoy each other's company a great, great deal. They're also a lot less anxious than my compatriots in the U.S. and seem to tolerate the inconveniences of life a lot better than Americans.
@@solaveritas2 I observed the same thing. Interesting. But then I remembered somewhere I read intelligent people wear same colour/ type of cloths or their selection is very limited. So even if they buy a new shirt they'd just buy the same type of shirt they had before.
@Christopher Har V Don't make absolutisms, a lot of people have higher or lower levels of intolerance to certain foods, like carbs, and they don't even notice. Carbs always low quantity.
@@karnazacss healthy carbs are needed for the body, since our brain run on glucose. My mom did keto for a month but she had to stop because she had brain fog and she couldn't think straight.
Question one answered: comfort. We are more comfortable than ever. You dont grow in comfort. Stagnation is depressing. Comfort Is stagnation. Grow, then reward with comfort.
@@seanmabrannon finally someone said it, this guy is so far up his ass. I thought his philosophy was relateable and sound until I watched him talking to college boys and gave horrible misogynistic advice. Idk man, seems like he picks and chooses when to be a dick and hides it behind being "well-spoken".
@@privateemail9755 LOl. Ok, karen. Have a good day and please dont call for my manager. In all seriousness tho, its highly unlikely he gave any misogynistic advice. Please give me a source
@@AngelA-tq9rs it's only you black people who still live with this tribalistic view of the world. I'm here to look out for me , not other cunts just coz they have the same colour skin. Your pathetic
@@AngelA-tq9rs what about you blacks who complain about the smallest shit , call everyone and thing racist and then go shoot eachother? Accidentally killing a few kids with your stray bullets and then go home and take some crack?. Quit your bullshit generalizations. People like you love saying about how whites are getting so offended when someone makes a joke about them or calls them school shooters and yet I rememeber only a few years ago when the shoe was on the other foot 🤔 funny how you displayed the same behavior humans always have. Your situation gets better so you start making other people's worse. Grow up
We're the middle children of history, man; no purpose or place. We have no Great War, no Great Depression. Our Great War is a spiritual war. Our Great Depression is our lives
When he talks about how we always sacrifice the present for the future that hit hard. It’s so, so true. Sure there are people that have great lives, but like he said, in order to sustain that, you have to maintain a high level of functioning.
Because we live in a spiritually ill modern society far removed probably from how human beings should be living in the first place and we try to fix it/ignore our problems with superficial things such as materialism, addictions, social status, greed, ect.
Exactly. Only you can motivate/give yourself a purpose. Sure, some nights your head will wander and you'll realize that we don't have an actual reason to be here, at least big picture. But that's also great: it means that once you get to know yourself, you can follow your heart and do what's best for you and those around you, without worrying too much about it. It's all about finding a balance.
What do you mean essentially may not be , we're here to reproduce. There's a meaning. Anyone you have to support , there's a meaning. If you provide a service for people there some more meaning. Enjoying oneself is another. If you use the bullshit argument of were gonna die anyways , why watch a film or play a video game your gonna finish it anyways so why bother?
Jodofly115 what meaning? Meaning means shit to a nihilist. Hence people becoming depressed because they feel like having no purpose. Instead, we should create a purpose, even though there's no big picture. Once you are fascinated about life, and the endless things you can do without having anything to lose, then we can only consider ourselves to be lucky, to enjoy the physical experience. But luck is relative. If you are born with a disability, perhaps a severe one, or your financial scenario holds you back of experiencing life in any way. Then experiencing life literally has no meaning. Nobody should be suffering all their life and then just die. Purpose? Meaning? Sure, try having a purpose as a chinese kid working all their life for 10 cents an hour in a communist regime in the worlds most polluted city.
Ok I agree with Jordan on everything just about except for people eating "Too many carbohydrates". What people mean when they say that is fatty processed foods like doughnuts, fries or cookies and bagged chips. Real healthy carbohydrates like Potato, Sweet Potato, Yam, Beans, Grains, etc is where it's at! That's what people ate before all this processed junk food hit with supermarkets. Real natural food. That's my 2 cents.
Agree.Potatoes arent unheathy. People ate it all the time, especially when they needed to feed a big family cheap and had a farm. The problem with supermarket fries and chips is all the extra stuff they add. Natural chips are an exception because i think they are made different. Everyone should eat self made fries out of potatoes. They taste better too. Basically cut the potatoe like wedgie pieces, a bit oil on a baking paper and give it with hot air in till they are ready. And salt, maybe paprica. They are healtier and delicious, and easy.
It's true. Intense fast released proceased sugars and trans fats are what rek people today. Your body needs slow release carbs in order to fuel activity. If you dont eat carbs then your body digests its own muscle mass to turn it into glucose which i aint a fan of.
Thank you👍🏻. Another thing about depression, I’ve come to the conclusion, that mobile phones have played a role. It’s not only adults who are now afflicted with depression it’s all ages. Anxiety depression and fear. Cheers mate.
Kevin, you are correct. I am not a depressed person. I had a relatively good upbringing. I have a good job. I am left almost utterly anxious day in and day out and deathly afraid of being alone with my own thoughts. I credit constant pretend contentedness.
As a working mom, this is so so hard to hear. I know it’s true but it’s easier to do the grind and not think about it. I think the diet reason is also a result of complexity of life. I know I’m not alone in eating away the dissatisfaction of life.
I think spending long periods on our phones and computers do not help at all either, esp re anxiety, we are in constant narrow focus as opposed to periphery vision, we need to be outside in nature more looking around not glued to a screen (she says on youtube : ) . Nature over technology is a must.
Is keto good for growing muscles ? I'm still 16 so is it hard to get the products needed ? I'm just not feeling that well no matter what so it's probably my diet.
Lukis o Yes keto is good for muscle growth. Your age wouldn’t stop you purchasing the food needed for Keto. Be careful though as many people think a ketogenic diet is all protein however you actually need vegetables to be your highest % and carbs to be lowest with protein somewhere in the middle 💪🏼
@@MC10155 Thanks, yeah i kind of articulated it stupidly, I'm not sure we can afford it, but that's actually probably just an execuse im making up, anyways, thank you, I'll definetily give it a try.
@@MC10155 that is wrong. On keto you go 75-80% fats, moderate protein, & 5% vegetables. Too many veggies = high carbs. Healthy fats are your fuel source. I am up to 12 tbspns of fats now. Follow Stephanie Person. She is the queen of Keto.
IMO there are three main reasons we are unhappy as adults - we have a problem accepting we're getting older, we have a problem ditching the ideals of youth and we have a problem accepting the truth about how human beings really are. Youth is great - everything is new, you're fit, fertile, strong, skin is tight, traveling the world is fun, your metabolism burns everything fast, you enjoy being with other people and you enjoy love, friendships and dreams. You feel good all the time pretty much and you're happy all the time, or at worst hopeful somewhere deep down. As we get older, this dreamy life grows gradually less and less glamourous - we're losing muscle mass, energy, potency, traveling and doing a lot of stuff becomes a chore, and we learn people are full of shit and love, friendships, etc. go through a lot of very serious ups and downs. You don't feel good or happy all the time and everyone is desperately and pointlessly trying to fight this as much as possible. We just can't cope with the fact the fun isn't going to last our whole lives and that yes, we are eventually going to completely disintegrate. We're trying to remain youthful, energetic and full of life despite it being natural that we're gradually less and less so. This is the biggest problem in the modern world which is increased by the media - the idea that life can be colorful, simple, energetic and well, youthful fun, even when you're 60 or 70 years old. It can't and it's actually a bit sad that after tens of thousands of years on this planet, we still can't come to terms with our own mortality, our natural biological processes and that we continue to create elaborate constructs and devices to distract us from this reality instead of learning to embrace it.
when theyre unhappy with their life they used to disturb people that is satisfying themselves with happiness /pleasures and unhappy people dont like it, thank you for explaining well to people who barely needs it when they dont know they really do wrong, im a fan of psychology and studied more in life, and i myself has a mental issues which is my uncontrollable outbursts but now i can manage my emotions with thinkings
i heard this somewhere and it resonated with me.... "No one has hobbies anymore. People dont do things because they enjoy them; people are trying to turn everything they like into a "hustle", "grind" or business". There is something beautiful about doing something you love simply because you enjoy it. This seems to be disappearing.
Yep, I think this has a lot do to with it.
Instead of doing things that we enjoy for the sake of enjoying them, we are told the only way to be happy is to start our own business/ side hustle and compete vigorously to achieve “passive income.”
There's a book called Bowling Alone that says something similar
@@JoshMcSwain hmm.. I’ll have to check it out. Thx
People used to have more quiet time without internet and TV to do hobbies and reflect and meditate. People used to have a religion, a transcendental reality to rely on, a saving grace. Now they are glued to their smartphone, tablet, TV, sucking up all the "shocking" things happening around the world and getting upset about it. The constant threats lurking to ruin your life - global politics, health dangers, political parties, "racism", "sexism", "XYZ-phobia", etc., etc., etc. Unrealistic expectations not being met - perfect equity, perfect respect, perfect relationships, perfect sex, perfect goodies, etc.
Go fishing, only supreme assholes can turn grind mode on while fishing.
Everyone: **speaks**
Jordan Peterson: **thinks before speaking**
Man, if only all of us could consciously do this.
@@lorraineclaasen7318 we can
Thank you for pointing that out, by the way.
That's not to say we should necessarily hold back our words if we have the passion to speak our mind, but I cannot even BEGIN to express the number of useless conversations I run into with strange, individual people who incessantly hang onto the, "Hi! How are you? (which first of all, do you actually give a shit? Or are you just asking because you feel obligated to speak at this time?)
In which I answer "good", and GOD FORBID if I don't ask them, "How are you?" back, all HELL will break loose.
Do any of you experience this / feel this way? Be honest.
@@tylerpalazzo2939 maybe you just need to relief a helluva lot of stress or maybe you over think shit alot, I do the same but not over non-controversial things. But to answer your question--yes I experience it.
Lorraine Claasen would*
Jordan peterson : *Beautifully answers Ethan's question*
Ethan: "Watch out for that bread y'all"
At least he knows what is schizophrenia and how horrible it is in the first place
Captain Alkaloid 🤣🤣🤣
Yeah totally different wavelengths.. both still awesome though !
I scrolled down just to find this comment.
As a man who used to struggle with depression these are the most helpful things I can think of:
-Take Risks, don't let the fear of failure stop you from trying something new or something great
-Do things that genuinely scare you or that you're afraid of (Even little things like climbing onto a roof and helping to put up Christmas lights if you're afraid of heights or saying something to the cute cashier girl other than "hi" and "thanks")
-Pursue an ambitious goal, one that a lot of people don't believe you can achieve (It doesn't even matter if you fail this because no matter what the pursuit of an ambitious goal will make you a better person and give you fulfillment) With that being said, do your best to succeed
-Have a passion, basically this means to find a hobby that you enjoy so much that you will spend hours and hours getting better at it
-Study history, pick a role model, and then analyze the traits of your role model and list the reasons why you admire them. Then start to emulate these traits in your everyday life and eventually you will become your own role model.
-Don't ever quit something just because it's hard (You can quit a crappy job if it's not the right fit for you, but never quit solely based on the fact that something is difficult). Embrace challenges and look for opportunities to improve yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually.
-Never put yourself down. Try not to think negative things about yourself and especially never say them out loud. You will think more highly of yourself when you say positive things about yourself, at the very least avoid putting yourself down on purpose.
-Live purposefully. Have a direction for your life and if you don't already have one, make one. Decide what's most important to you and live accordingly. If you have a family or even a single loved one, your first priority (other than serving God if you're religious) should be to provide for them, to protect them, and to help them become the best version of themselves
-Develop Integrity. I can't even explain how much this increases your self-respect. Be honest, be trustworthy, don't cheat (unless you're in a street fight) and live with honor.
-Find a hobby that you're really passionate about and strive to become a master at it
-Finally, probably the most important thing I can say is to think less about yourself. Think less about yourself but not less of yourself. In other words, think about other people before you think about yourself, especially your family and loved ones. If you're focused on helping them with their problems I can promise you that your problems will become less important and less troublesome. Look for opportunities to help others and make them feel better about themselves. Nothing lifts you out of depression better than helping someone out of theirs.
I hope this helps. I realize that some people are genetically predisposed to having a harder time with depression, but I believe that there's nothing you can't overcome with a strong mindset. In addition, I strongly believe that going through depression and having such terrible lows actually gives you the capacity to feel even greater happiness and joy. The reason I say this is because when you feel genuine joy after being depressed for so long you can't help but feel grateful.
The beauty of life is that we are meant to experience the full range of human emotions, from happiness to anger to jealousy to despair to joy. We couldn't feel genuine happiness if we never knew what it was like to be sad. If I could talk to whoever is reading this face-to-face, what I would say to you would be simple: don't quit. A quote from Winston Churchill kept me going in times when I thought I had nothing left, he said: "If you're going through Hell, keep going."
Everything in life can be and is meant to be an opportunity to make yourself better, and depression is no exception. Keep fighting, all of you are descended from warriors no matter what culture or country you are from. You wouldn't be here today if it weren't for the conquering spirit of your ancestors. Live a life that would make them proud. While most of us will not fight in physical wars, no one is exempt from the battlefield of life. Depression can be a battle every single day, every single second in some cases. Keep fighting, it will only get better. And the more you fight, the more you will gain respect for yourself. I've conquered my depression. Every now and then it will start to try and creep back into my mind but I don't let it. I destroy those feelings with action. I go lift weights, I go running, I listen to metal music, whatever it takes for me to regain my confidence.
You can conquer depression, no matter how severe it is. That doesn't mean you'll never have days where you feel down, but it does mean that you'll have the strength to push through and do what you need to do as a man regardless of how you're feeling. Stay strong, stay hard, and fight like dragons 🐉 You're going to be very glad you did.
This is a wonderful thought out wording, it’s best to never back down until we get it right than sitting back and do nothing.
Loved this! Thank you
Thank you so much for this valuable advice really needed it during this rough period!!! All the best for you!!
Underrated comment! Thanks for your advice.
People are tired of running on the hamster wheel of life. Not making enough money, working too much, the fear of not having enough. I also agree it has to do with diet.
But, they do have the power to change things for themselves! This afternoon, I walked 8 km, there and back, bought a loaf of bread, 10 eggs, milk, nuts, 5 bananas, 3 langerines, 6.13 €. Yes, this should make me more hungry , hence actually cost me money - yet, it doesn't! It takes pretty excatly an hour, and you're just strolling, it was grey, cloudy and windy, but you're actually warmer than sitting in your heated car, or at home in front of the TV. You just gotta know what you really want!! Nothing more, it's your choice.
It's such a vicious, soul crushing cycle. The worst of it is, most of us are so expendable. If a company or business needs to made cutbacks, we cut see out benefits, our hours, or our entire employment be tossed aside
If that was so easy. Depression is something that you can experience when you have everything, just look at Tyson Fury. He had everything he had money, wife, kids, had the best diet, trained every day, had something to look forward and was severely depressed. I will just quote Jim Carry “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer.”
@@forman208 True. I was a social worker in a big hospital for years. For some weird reason I never thought a hospital would lay off workers like other companies, especially one with a religious connotation to its name. WRONG. They unexpectedly and summarily laid off 40 of my co-workers who were like my "work family". My job was never a piece of cake; it was always stressful, but for some reason they kept me and re-assigned me to a nursing unit that was hellish and jacked up the stress level to twice what it had been before the layoff. When they want to lay people off they have no allegiance or sentimentality about it. It's all about $$, profits, etc. This experience confirmed my worst fears about 9-5 employment; you are dispensable, utterly dispensable...
Has nothing to do with diet...its the shitty modern life that drives people crazy. Justol look at how people used to live 200 years ago and compare it to today. Theres no way that evolution adapts that quickly to this kind of living
"What's the price you pay for a high standard of living? Well, that's easy. You virtually always sacrifice the present for the future," Jordan Peterson. Keen observation.
A future that you may not even get to. Crazy.
@@standupstraight9691 you're not getting anywhere if you do nothing for sure lol everything comes with a price
@@TheFury295 Even that is not true. There are many people who got dealt the right cards and have a much easier life because of that. Working hard does not guarantee succes but some people don't even need to work hard. Reality sucks.
@@thesavantart8480 That's straight up jealousy
@@thesavantart8480 And so making the life of these people harder on purpose will make it easier for others? It’s easy to say that others are privileged and egoistic. But look at yourself. Compared to someone living in the poorer regions of Africa, even an American who earns 500$ per month seems like a billionaire to them. No one of us lives the best or the worst lives. There always someone behind and above you at the same time. And certainly it isn’t morally wrong if people make sacrifices to make their children’s lives easier. Are you gonna blame the parents for caring for their child?
"our society is philosophically unstable"
you said it.
@Angelina We killed the illusion and now live by the only truths we know
@Angelina The quote btw does not literally refer to God, but religion. Without religion there's no alternative to turn to, or for most people that is. Nietzsche predicted with the fall of religion comes bloodshed of people, millions.
@Ya Boi Tom edgy
@Ya Boi Tom We have absolutely no way to prove God doesn't exist. There are a lot of reason to belive he doesn't, but humanity can never truly be certain without clear evidence.
Pre-meditated and doubtful
People are unhappy because by the time they realize how short life really is, they've lived at least half of it.
or 3/4 of it, youth is wasted on the young- Oscar wilde
"lived" or squandered?
By the time you 've worked it out for yourself, it' s all ready too late to make whatever changes that would have mattered. As you say, half way through it in terms of numbers of years to live and that does not take into account the fact the stages of life : childhood, being a teenager, then a young adult and so forth are very different. you could do at 15 but it is not going to happen again at 40 or even at 30. Some years are worth a lot but when your past 55 or 65, what can you do, how much energy have you got etc etc. Kids should be taught about this seriously . Half you life with an life span of 85 is not 42 years. You have to deduct the retirement period which is 65. So it's more like 32.
True 😭😭😭
Youth are unhappy cos they know the life they have to leave is waste their life away for some company on a career to get freedom for when they retire and already spent most their lives
"You sacrifice the present for the future". This really sunk in when my husband died at the age of 49 and I felt like we had spent the better part of 20 years together working. If you don't buy into consumerism (no pun intended), you can live on less. Work less, live more.
RLSCS as george Carlin says “less stuff!” 😀
RLSCS thank you for sharing. I was always raised under the principle of “use THINGS, not PEOPLE”.
Probably the greatest non-violent form of civilian rebellion against oppression and government/corporate corruption is to buy less. Everyone needs the basics of course-----food, personal hygiene items, clothing-----but imagine if, say, the next time there is a mass shooting the response by the public (other than shaking one's head or getting angry or cursing the NRA) would be to enforce our true power by not purchasing any items off Amazon, for instance, for one week perhaps. Personal items, say. If you're running a business and need to buy stuff off Amazon to keep it alive, then sure that's different.
Amen. People constantly make fun of me because I don't have a cell phone and I have a big old TV, but I can work part time and spend more time with my family. THAT matters, but no one gets it.
@@michaelchiorello147 how would not buying anything on Amazon help mass shootings? Plus, people would just buy the stuff, just as much, after.
Maybe im unusual, but the happiest times of my life I was regularly helping other people. Making other people happy is rewarding. Focusing on your own hapinesses all the time seems to drain it.
I always feel best after working hard. The relief from the work and the feeling of achievement
I was specifically looking for this comment. My best days are when I succeed at helping someone overcome a problem, even if it's for a stranger, even if it's something minor in the grand scheme of things.
Agree. God rewards that. Whether or not you believe in God, fine. I can also say when your helping people, how could you ever feel useless? How could you not feel like a descent person if your giving freely?
Thats a selfish deed
Rob Bingo.
I agree with the food intake assessment. Even on a smaller level, when I eat healthy foods, I feel better mentally.
True. But dont listen to the carb nonsense. He follows a carnivorous diet (with 0 carbs) and has had depression in the recent past. So clearly this anecdotal observation he was having turned out to be false.
Eat healthy foods, lots of fruit/veg and avoid processed crap and you will feel much better than by following some fad diet that he promotes for some reason.
@@Demondoink1 I don't think you should disregard what he's saying without actually listening to him.
Even he has said that dietary recommendations can work differently with people. I'm assuming he was presenting an argument in favor of his diet. Which btw he's mentioned on various occasions, helped him with his depression. The depression his family has had a long history of. The most recent phase he's going through is because of a physical dependence he developed on his medication, which was upped in dosage after his wife got diagnosed with cancer. (Might be something other than cancer I can't recall correctly.)
But anyway he's always been a proponent of diet being a unique experience to everyone and never advocated this carnivorous diet beyond his own personal experience.
This diet you call a fad has helped two people I know of with auto immune afflictions. One of them is his own daughter who had her hip replaced when she was 17, as a consequence of that disorder. Don't discredit things you don't bother to even familiarise yourself with.
Anyone with a middle school education, actually no, even a 5 year old can parrot "eat lots of greens and fruits and don't eat junk".
Totally, always obvious at the groceries. Look into their faces, they seem broken beyond repair, and I have to say, especially women (girls, even), and then check what they buy. One word, sugar. I'm in no position to preach zero, but, that's just insane, and I can only guess they got used to how plain boring it tastes really, and just settled for the addiction.
@@iamasmurf1122 good one
@@Demondoink1 there is nothing essential in fruits/vegetables, garbage advice.
It's because our society cares more about profitability over what is right.
Usually because people think that if it makes money, it's right.
Concern over material value is a symptom, not the underlying problem.
Society has always been like that
Joe Biden: Come on, money man. Cardi B in my cabinet.
Nah. It's a complete lack of self respect, accountability, responsibility, substituting social media for face to face interactions, and many other things
i know when I feel depressed. It's when I don't do anything new. I could be working out everyday,doing same routines,that just helps my mind feel calmer but If i don't learn something new everyday,go somewhere new,meet new people,make something,anxiety is telling me that I'm wasting time,not being able to enjoy music nor movies until I feel that I deserve it.
Yes. I know exactly what you are talking about. I am experiencing something very similar too.
Same here...
well its a typical millenial thing..
@@terehommikust1718 how come? Are you referring to everyone complaining but no one doing anything?
its the society that has brainwashed millennials that life is all fun, and boring is bad, when in the same time boring have been done all the time and no one got depressed because of it, till now. people just knew how to make their life more intresting by being in the moment. now its like you need the next fix to move on.@@thekadju2450
Social media made me feel so worthless and alone.
? What did you do before this format .
I mean no disrespect.
Stay strong darling, I promised you happiness is far beyond these outer physical appearance, you're bigger than that, honey, you are a *star*. :) You can take that from me you worth more for you had the power to decide, decide what you are, and you are a spirit of spirit. Nothing but love and serenity. 💙
Good thing you can...delete it. If you want to. Good riddance
@@neutroisking101 thank you ! 💙
@@nightlady2001 I deleted it made too depressed..
"We're the middle children of history, man - no purpose or place. We have no great war, no great depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives."
Tyler Durden
Lewis Jones really! How desensitised are you! Watch the news
Pinkerthanpink Tequiro the news is fabricated distraction, to believe you must be a sheep
@@harrylonsdale3142fabricated, not really. A distraction, most definitely. Most of what the news is telling you is going on is actually happening. Perhaps not like they say it is happening, but it's not like everything you see on the news is produced in Hollywood or something.
People are depressed because they have lost their relationship to God.
@@myjeevie god doesnt exist
Happiness is not getting what you want,but being content with what you have.
This is the thing. To build on this more: Happiness is in most situations down to your own internal philosophy.
Unless you're living in abject poverty or some depressing event has happened to you, it's all down to your internal philosophy in my opinion. Basing this solely on my myself.
"There is an application called Bos Koltuk, you can register anonymously and tell the psychologists your problem for free (the first one) and answer immediately. I hope it will be useful for you." There 2 english psychologist (Helena and Freya)
Didn't you get what you have now by wanting it at some point? Why not do both? Enjoy what's here while you're building something new too?
I miss my childhood, there was something real about it, I feel like these days everyone wants to be perfect inside and outside thanks to the excessive amount of social media that you can reach immediately. I spent my childhood actually being engaged in something and paying attention to the real world rather than stressing about pictures like people do today.
Yeah, I'm 17 but have been feeling you said since about a year and a half
Get off social media. I did it 5 years ago. It’s not hard. Be comfortable with being bored. You will eventually start thinking of constructive things you can do with your time. You will feel better. Your choice.
I used to play with GI Joes and transformers. I loved it!
Nostalgia is powerful. Stop living in the past with self pity and be alive in the present
@@seconds-js7pf but you can't lie childhood is way better less stress you was more outside having fun rather than getting sunk into social media worrying about fairytail dumbshit messing with your mental health.
4:40 Even when he's the smartest man in the room he still respects everything Ethan says and responds in a way that isn't condensending but of understanding and intellect. Bravo
Yes. I agree, he is so respectful of others
People who really are smart usually are respectful. It's the blowhard know-it-alls that condescend
@@herculesbrofister265 Typically because, those who are very smart understand that their is a lot of information out their that they themselves don't know and are open minded to hear others in hopes of learning new things. The other side is like you said, people who think they know everything, who are not very receptive to other ideas.
He is a therapist, he is used to speak with all sorts of people with different intellect levels.
@@herculesbrofister265 I consider myself smart (151 IQ) and I interact a lot with people like me. That's just simply not true ; being smart and realising it can make people incredibly egotistical, and seeing it in others motivates me to strive to differ from them
This man kept me from driving off a cliff.
Why? What is wrong with you or your life? Life is to short, don't waste it Enjoy it.
Think positive always, even you had a trauma learn and proceed..
@@nelsongeada4930 dude shut up lmao
Should have done it. This guy peterson says nothing new or original just likes to throw in a bunch words to make himself sound smart. If this guy stopped you from commiting suicide idk chances are you’re likely to fall back into depression for something not even worth depressed about
@@AngelA-tq9rs Are you a troll or legitimately dumb as hell because I can't tell which it is. JP doesn't throw around big words to sound smart, he uses very specific language that allows him to get his point across in a way that most people will understand. He is dealing with difficult and complex topics and saying things he doesn't truly mean could cause big problems for him, as well as his audience. Just because you don't feel a certain way doesn't mean that nobody else does or should. You are clearly as lacking in empathy as you are in intelligence. Just because you don't understand the dark place people can go to in their mind, whether or not it is their fault or not, doesn't mean they are weak minded. Do you think that telling suicidal people they should have killed themselves is strong minded? Some people have terrible lives, and some people have serious mental illness, and while Jordan Peterson is trying to help those people, you just put them down further. Shame on you tough guy.
I love how Jordan Peterson takes a few seconds to think before he speaks
Thats soo Rare in 2020.
@Repo man
Keanu Reeves is a very smart and mature man. He s also has High Self Esteem cause he practices Marterial Arts since like 18 years.
I was inspired by Jordan to do it too, think a little before speaking, a couple of seconds.
Pretty rare in 2021 also. I'm from the future :)
@Seth Belfort
Thats not being Negative thats Stateing FACTS. There NOTHING Negative about my comment.
Happiness is only achieved internally...too many people are focused on the external.
Chase the dream (for yourself), not the competition (for others).
I agree, the greatest achievement is self actualization
@@AaronMetallion Indeed. A wealthy man enriches his own life; a successful man enriches the lives of everyone who comes to know him.
Absolutely bro 💜
The dream is to keep you asleep
"Why People Are So Unhappy" - because they have been hypnotized into believing that happiness can be an achievable goal and a sustainable outcome. The pursuit of happiness is a contract with suffering.
Agree. It's completely natural to avoid suffering, but suffering really makes you appreciate the end of suffering and be able to empathize with those who suffer and want to help them. In the end, happiness is helping those who can't help themselves.
Smart comment!
@@slyfox8631 Thanks!
Yeah that's the truth
Read Mans Search for Meaning, it goes in-depth with this concept and Dr. Viktor Frankl explains it beautifully
- complexity/uncertainty of our world
- being too busy
- diet, too many carbs and sugar, gut health
Yes thanks
@@snoosri It's well worth listening to this man.
carbs are my fuel to lift m8
Carbs are not the problem sitting on your ass is. Carbs are good for you.
Carb/sugar burning spikes insulin, leaves behind waste products, and when refined, sugar is inflammatory.
Man, this hit home in so many ways... I am 38 and I don't think I will ever be happy. The last time I was genuinely happy for a prolonged period was 2005.
@@hotpotato3311 exactly 2002-2007 was the happiest time of my life.
What was 2005 like for you the
Could be because before 2004 social media was not a part of our life, and with more use of it we compare our life's with other and feel Sad for ourselves
try to do things like you did back then and watch the results :)
So true
People have lost the ability to be content.
Snook On the fly just like how devil fruit users have lost the ability to swim
Perhaps we got oversimulated by constantly getting stuff we want that it got to the point that purchasing stuff and consumption no longer gives the sane level of buzz
Yes in America...this is not the condition throughout the world
If you're a youtuber you can be all the content you want!
@@29Hazard I live in Philippines no contentment
He speaks 100% truth. I live in Sweden and have like 90% others good job and good living standards.
When I visit my home country in the Balkans who have a lot less they are all happier it seems. Never could explain it.
Bro . How to come to Sweden ?.
Samma härrrr och jag kommer från ett ännu fattigare land
@Chimpanzee e cod means?
@@davidj2420 call of duty
@@nightheist2191 Or fish lmao
We live in a time where there isn't a reason to live given to us. In past times there was embedded reasons to live. In early times just living itself was difficult and people's reason to live was to just live. Then we have the colonization time where people were living to colonize the new world. Then there was the war age where people were thrown at war. Now a days there is no reason given to us, and we are free to find one ourselves. The problem with that is that we are also free to find the answer that we have no reason.
Combine that with how hard it is to be successful. A post secondary education isn't the end all be all it used to be, and there are many people that just dig themselves a hole by chasing further education. Then we can look at the job market which is more competitive, and dangerous than ever. Entry level jobs treat their employees terrible because they know they can replace them in an instant, and higher jobs want 10 years of experience from an 18 year old.
Finally we live in a time where it is super easy to view and follow the lives of successful people. We are flooded with the lives of people that have reached potential that we can never hope to reach. Combine all of these and you get a nice depression cocktail that most people are forced to drink.
Women are brainwashed and think they are something more than man also. I would say it is also pretty important reason
You hit the nail on the head. Good comment
Your points kinda contradict eachother. You said we have no reason to live amd then said it's difficult to be successful. Well, there's your reason to live, being successful.
@@samuelsallai9562 I agree man i got sacked from my job just for making a compliment to a girl :))
@@florinmcf7340 Sorry man, but this literally made me to laugh so hard that it makes me even sad. For real? It is unbelievable too eventhough I know the truth about nowadays "women"
Amazing how this has aged. Ethan has totally become who Peterson is warning him about.
@@LemonArbor Yeah i heard that why, what happened that he would turn on him, seemed like a good interview.
@@ryans1623 Ethan is a wokester now
He dresses like an idiot.
@@mikeuuuytffvghjjoopoiytf Jesus Christ y’all are some fucking losers man😂
Jordan Peterson thank you for your insight.
Driftwood Gaming
Thank you Jordan, very cool.
For all Peterson fanboys, or feminists looking for good arguments to counter Peterson's bullshit, watch Peterson get destroyed in only 7 minutes here: th-cam.com/video/lWlVzTnnzks/w-d-xo.html
I'm just discovering Jordan Peterson through the H3 podcast, and I could probably listen to him talk all day. I'm definitely going to look into him more now. He seems ridiculously intelligent.
It's also interesting how there's hardly an "uhm", or, "like", or anything like that in his speech patterns.
Colin A why does it have to be intelligent? Why not thoughtful educated and/or relatable?
Sebastian G. Why not both? He's definitely all of those things.
Sebastian G. Being thoughtful, educated, and relatable IS intelligence.
Bollog Nyessy Fair enough, I guess. Haha.
There are no "uhm"s because he takes 5 seconds at the beginning to decompile all the relevant brain code into speech code, as you saw in this video. 😁
I find it relieving to realize what I have versus what I don’t. Be happy for “living”. my best friend died of cancer at 19 and I have been thankful just for the day.
Claude Bolton sorry for your loss 🙏
JP just speaks so much sense, explains complex matters into summaries that can be easily understood. He is an absolute genius as well as a decent person.
Is this sarcasm?
@@sista363 No it’s not, he’s genuinely a great speaker and psychologist.
@@RB-ow6wc he seems to absolutely hate women lmao. He literally justified sexual harrasment that women face
"There is an application called Bos Koltuk, you can register anonymously and tell the psychologists your problem for free (the first one) and answer immediately. I hope it will be useful for you." There 2 english psychologist (Helena and Freya)
I remember in one of his lectures, Dr. Peterson was telling his students how he approaches the matter of unhappiness/depression when it comes to his patients. He very simply enumerates it through a short series of questions: do you have a job? is the job meaningful or at least tolerable? do you have family and friends, and if you do, is your relationship with them good? is your health okay? do you have something meaningful and enjoyable you can do outside of work? do you refrain from abusing drugs or alcohol? And then tells them that if his patient's answer to all of those is "no," then you're basically in chaos/hell!
Peter Smeallie thank you sir for writing this 👍🏼
@@karamlevi You're very welcome!! :)
I was no to pretty much all of them apart from health but I dont feel depressed because no matter what my life is like I will always be content with myself and that is all that truly matters.
@@seconds-js7pf Yes. I would agree. That is very much what matters most. Nothing is quite as relieving or life-affirming as escaping a depressed state of mind (which I've often found myself in) and feeling that your existence really can be very meaningful!
@Ya Boi Tom I'm sorry to hear that. I definitely agree with you. You can certainly have a job, friends, intimate partner, etc. and be depressed. I think Peterson's point was more that (from his perspective as a clinician) when he had clients who were very well situated in life (stable job, intimate partner, friends and family, etc.) but were depressed, he was able to gather that the issue was probably relegated to an unfortunate chemical imbalance. However, when he had clients who had no job, no friends, no intimate partners, poor family relationships, a drug/alcohol problem, etc., then it was more difficult for him to suss out whether his patient was merely suffering from a chemical imbalance or whether it was all those accumulated life problems (or both)
He’s so right about the microbiome effecting mood. Eat lots of fiber and fresh fruits and veggies because it feeds your “good” bacteria which will keep you thin and happy. It’s so much more than calories in calories out.
The main problem is that it is more expensive for people to eat healthy foods.
Thank you.
the high demand and the trend of eating fresh vegetables and fruits made it very expensive.
in a way, vegan trends made it harder for other people aquiring healthy food.
If you have a varied diet with as much of it as possible being natural food, maintaining your health is the easiest thing in the world. Stop with that vegan bullshit, it' all about balance.
You're right, but people are definitely eating far too much meat and far too little greens in the US at least. It needs to shift from meat being a staple to meat being a side.
His answer is great, I mean he's so smart, really made me think
Kevin95866 He's really good at that.
Yeah, he's a deep cat! Never thought about bread and sugar in that way. He makes everything make sense!!
@P77 A11H9 Hine9 Or maybe you just suck in life? Think about the reasons you're poor. It could really help.
@P77 A11H9 Hine9 I wouldn't call Jordan Peterson's thoughts "stupid shit". Also, a person can be interested in the thoughts of others, even if he's doing fine. Peterson has actually talked about people using their morality as an excuse for their weakness. You're a perfect example of that. Do you really think the society would work if all people were paid equally?
@@miko5167 hi r u a fan of Ayn Rand
Diet is a valid point! I’ve switched to a Paleo diet five years ago. I’ve since gotten off of 14 prescription medications, including 2 meds for ADHD, an anti-anxiety drug, an anti-depressant and a sleep medication. My brain is finally healed by removing grains and sugar. I now know how to behave. Fermented foods and probiotics are key components of mood and behavior. He’s 100% correct!!!
@ ALL grains - rice, corn, wheat, quinoa, barley, oats etc.... They are so inflammatory. I haven’t eaten grains for over five years and my brain feels AMAZING! Mood and behavior are entirely different.
Read: GRAIN BRAIN by Dr. David Perlmutter
Mam .can u explain u diet pls
thats a lot of pills
What do you eat to get enough fiber?
@@micken9317 I eat loads of vegetables... and some low glycemic fruit. For instance, today I had berries for breakfast with some chicken sausage and eggs and for lunch I had homemade beef jerky with raw cauliflower, radishes, carrots and celery with guacamole. For dinner, I have a Tomahawk steak in the oven. Right after I type this, I plan to make a HUGE salad. I will have leafy greens, purple cabbage, red onion, cucumber, and possibly some broccoli. I used to have ulcerative colitis and couldn't eat any of the raw vegetables without having typical ulcerative colitis symptoms... but after years of eating lots of homemade broth/meat stock, along with cooked vegetables and animal protein and fat, my colon is finally healed. I will never be able to eat grains or pasteurized dairy though. Instead, if I want a cookie, I make it from almond flour and use honey or coconut sugar. Obviously, fermented foods and probiotics also help. I eat lots of Bubbies pickles that have live active cultures.
To anybody feeling sad I encourage you to write down the things you’re grateful for. Don’t lie to yourself. It might look ridiculous, but I think it’s helped me and hopefully it will help you too
Not the first time i have read this tip about writing down, I always keep forgetting to write down so that is ironic on its own merit...
im afraid to do this cos im scared someday someone will find out
@@user-yz7ux1qj1v well you may encourge the one finds it. there is nothing wrong with having things you want to protect and make you happy. i think it shows that you have things to protect and you are taking the responsibilty of them which shows that you are strong and you have a meaning in your life. i suggest you to give it a try
@@user-yz7ux1qj1v find out what?
That practices your brain into seeing more things your gratefull of. Nice :)
You know how bugs get attracted to light and messes them up? We are experiencing the same with modern technology.
Retro Snoop wow. That’s a great analogy
Exactly, we're dropping like flies
Nice one
Excellent analogy
Thanks I passed my philosophy class with A+ this comment is so great I'm a millionare now
When I entered college, I had no clue at what career I was going to earn a living, but I did have a powerful idea then: that I wanted to encounter God and find peace of mind. I am on social security now and never did earn more than a modest living. But I am happy to report that along the way, I did find God and peace of mind. Hasn't always been easy, but regrets are few.
If you're happy then that's all that matters
god doesn't exist, no different than believing in Santa
I am so happy for you
@@forman208 you can't factually prove one belief or the other so it's up to your own experience in life. We'll all find out in the end...
tbh smart move. Why hustle to no end and then have a mid-life crisis at age 40
Being happy isn't supposed to be constant. Otherwise we'd all be walking around with big smiles all day and getting nowhere.
Bro, I understand you but when those lows hit, it feels like all they do is hit. Makes you really feel like the hitting wont ever stop.
@@stevendalloesingh1214 It like rocky, you don't loose if you never stop. Keep fighting.
Happiness comes in waves bro
Are you serious? That's not the question of the video... 🙄
But I think we can, in a stoic sort of way, largely always content
My opinion is that passivity creates unhappiness. Overall people that lack purpose also have a very high amount of passivity in their day to day life and live for little more than basic comfort which can cause depression.
So true
@@ChristianProtossDragoon bad!
What about people who are monk and do nothing and spent countless hours meditating ? They're happy because they're at peace, working 60hours a week makes you feel good because people told you its a good thing and it burn so much energy that you dont have to worry bout The rest.
Could be the other way around
He's right about the diet i was suicidal for 10 years or so started when i first entered high school and only got worse as time went on im 24 now and iv'e just barely recovered,sometimes i feel like crying because of how much time i wasted hating everything in life but anyway i changed my diet to low carb no sugar and within six months i was able to overcome my depression by myself no therapy or anything like that ,diet change isn't a cure all but it's definitely something that will give you the push towards better mental health...also quit any drugs and alcohol use so you can clear your mind and liver of poisons.
mutant stoner totally agree. Im homeless n dont eat that much. Im in a constant fast, always hydrating with water and when I do eat I stay away from sugar and dairy, carb intake is based on how much energy I have expelled. Usually eat rice and chicken. I try to snack on fruit when I can but honestly only eat 1 good sized meal every 3 days. Fasting really balances out your body and overtime you will understand what your body needs. Eating healthy actually creates an inventory of nutrients you take in, if you stick to it you will start to crave certain foods but not by taste but by your body needing the nutrients from the food. Its pretty cool but we live in a time where you can gorge yourself to death and choose to live off cokes and tweankies.
Certain foods are linked not only to increased happiness, but also to greater “eudaemonic” well-being-feelings of engagement, creativity, meaning, and purpose in life. nutritionfacts.org/video/foods-increase-happiness/
This organisation reads 1000's of research papers and make great videos/articles..
Mutant That's awesome and good to hear. I'm in the process of changing my diet for the same reasons and you give me hope. Rock on my friend.
Master Kief dude wtf your clearly not homeless if you have a phone.... think before you speak.....
@@D1PatrickMahomesHater Homeless people have a lot of resources, including free phones. Even if they have the money for a $30/month smart phone, that doesn't mean enough money for a home.
Here’s the Ethan who can talk to anybody regardless who they are and what they stand for. Ethan today just picks and pokes at everyone consistently. It’s Childish.
Totally. Is so pathetic that’s why I unsubscribed
He’s one of the worst interviewers I’ve ever seen. But gets good guests for some reason.
completely agree
Idk, my feelings are mixed, especially after him mocking JP-I’ve always liked Ethan and thought he was a reasonable person, but recently he’s become more judgmental and gradually started dismissing all conservatives as dumbasses.
@@diegopocurull6137 Yes I dont know what happened he kind of turned into a prick, or someone from the young turks.
I like how he closed his eyes and inhaled, focusing, casting all his knowledge to answer this question.
Like a magic man summoning an entity before reading tarot
People have become spoiled. For most of human history, if you had food, clothing, shelter, lived relatively long without a war or epidemic you were remarkably fortunate. Probably in the top 1%.
Today everyone wants stuff. They want to be relevant, rich, successful, important, loved, powerful. If they don't get all of their desires, they are just miserable.
Our world is now very comlex. Social dynamics are constantly changing. We are almost always playing catch up.
We are all competing with the Jones'. We all want to look like, be like, live like celebrities.
We are exposed to so much choice, so many ideas, so many possibilities, so many problems, that it becomes overwhelmeming.
Children are often rather happy in general. Why? For them, life is simpler. At least from their perspective. In the end, I think it's all about perspective.
Simplicity, gratitude.
That's a really good explanation sir, made me think, thank you
"We are walking oceans."
I've often had this thought, but never expressed it as neatly as that.
The less you know, the more happy you are. Our huge collective knowledge is killing us. I mean I’ve seen ignorant and indifferent people who are really happy in their own small bubble.
Whoever coined the term, "ignorance is bliss" probably had a fairly miserable life.
"A wise person is hungry for knowledge, while the fool feeds on trash." (The Bible-Proverbs 15:14)
I don't think that's it. If you know something, but not enough, you will be unhappy. If you know a lot you won't even bother with being unhappy because you will realize it's stupid and only a perception of your subjective mind. For me, the more I learn the happier I become. But you need to focus on wisdom, not just intellect.
If you think knowledge makes people unhappy. You just not learn enough
I think that's a fair point. I mean look I think we were all pretty happy before age 18
After my dad died in 2016, almost all of my anxiety and depression just went away. That situation was really shitty for a really long time, but after a couple years something inside me changed. I stopped taking things at face value and became happy to be alive. That alone has led me to have more, better and meaningful friendships and relationships and success at my job. I think it came from not wanting .y dads death to be meaningless. It's very motivating. I used to be so miserable but I'm at peace now.
Glad to hear it❕✨
"There is an application called Bos Koltuk, you can register anonymously and tell the psychologists your problem for free (the first one) and answer immediately. I hope it will be useful for you." There 2 english psychologist (Helena and Freya)
He’s so right about all this shit!
Mr Robot Subscribe to his channel for more!
How do you know ?
"... I think there's something wrong with what we're eating." Exactly!
Jordan says how his mental health improved so much after cutting out the remaining greens in his otherwise carnivore diet
I have NO
candy cookies. crackers cake ice cream pies potato chips. bread flour in my house. PROBLEM SOLVED
eggs oatmeal rice apples bananas oranges avacadoes peanut butter veggies
Yes l am always saying "There is NOTHING to eat" as l slip my size 4 pants over my hips and have a cup of coffee.
Happiness - Find out what makes you happy and pursue it, find out what doesn't make you happy and avoid it
We're so caught up in what's trending, looks and social status. As a society, we've lost sentiment. Little by little, person by person we can get it back. Just my take on the many reasons depression, anxiety and stress runs rampid. Peterson is an intellectual genius by the way. Love his content!
Very true. I’m going to do a video inspired by this. A lot of what he’s saying resonates with me!
Here's the problem. Some of us are not caught in it...it's forced on us. For instance, when covid was trending and people were telling me that I had to sacrifice my health to keep the old and obese safe. And now Ukraine is trending...and ppl expect me to be for Ukraine and for no-fly zone, etc...but I don't give a fuck. I don't want ww3.
People are backwards...
I agree
"There is an application called Bos Koltuk, you can register anonymously and tell the psychologists your problem for free (the first one) and answer immediately. I hope it will be useful for you." There 2 english psychologist (Helena and Freya)
I think the major driving force of happiness is having a purpose and working towards it by smart goal-setting. Many things in our current society are done for you and taken care of so that the life has become too easy in many regards. There is also more open ground for comparison between how well off are you compared to your friends, neighbours etc. This constant exposure to comparison (via social networks) can lead to very unhealthy consequences. I also think that people have too many options available to them and this makes navigating life too complicated. It has been backed by many studies that people with fewer choices are happier with whatever they choose.
I think two of the most important things to have in terms of happiness would be purpose and meaningful relationships.
Exist Yes, R-ships are important too.
I reckon the fun stuff in life has gotten easier to achieve, but the boring stuff has gotten worse and more time consuming.
End Line Too true. Too many choices makes life more complex but, you gotta enjoy all moments.
Excellent comment - I largely agree.
Some people are so very poor that the only thing they have is money...
RUBICUNDUS ERATIUDAS the middle and upper class has the lowest rates on sucide
@@deficator750 Maybe, but that's correlation is not the causation. What statistics are you referring to?
Very few people's lives revolve purely around money. If anything, people higher up in social class tend to be more intelligent, highly educated, hold prestigious jobs, and are also multi-talented with other hobbies. E.g. doctors, lawyers, professors/PhDs in top universities, etc.
@@rutvin8763 For the last 30 years people (especially in the U.S.) have been constantly bombarded and educated by the media to believe the only value they have as humans is through possessing and acquiring things. Yes, even doctors, lawyers, professors/PhDs in top universities are oriented towards having more and more.
@@deficator750 keep in mind people do suicides because the feel of insufficient-sy. Not because they are unhappy. So if you say rich=happy=lower suicide risk, its absolute bullshit
One of the things that makes me depressed is having to live with roommates which are oft times strangers. I have got a lot of abuse from room mates. All people deserve a home but a house that has to be shared with one or more strangers is not a home; especially these days where people are so egotistical.
could u maybe get other room mates?
I mean, this sounds not good at all
maybe, u could talk to them also
@@yehor_ivanov Care is hard to instill. A lot of people have their own issues
This is exactly the problem. Everyone needs their own home, without roommates. You see, the problem with this is that no one can afford their own house or apartment these days. The rent is so high that most people need two or three roommates to be able to afford their rent. It's a sad state of affairs.
You said it
"There is an application called Bos Koltuk, you can register anonymously and tell the psychologists your problem for free (the first one) and answer immediately. I hope it will be useful for you." There 2 english psychologist (Helena and Freya)
Simplicity is one of the keys towards happiness.
I know this isn’t related to the video but we have basically the same name.
It is relatable..... to you lmao
U R Nazi too?
Jordan Peters hahaha!
Your son will be “Jordan Peters’ Son”
This man is brilliant - really understands basics of life and human challenge
We have the wrong expectations. We want to be happy all the time.
This is my fucking problem.
I like that JP stops and thinks before talking. I appreciate his taking the time to order his answer and thoughts.
Yes! I hope he talks about the dietary connections more! So needed.
Joe rogan interview with jordan peterson on his carnivore diet goes into his health benefits and those of his daughter Michaela, who also has her own TH-cam channel with lots of information about how changing her diet has improved her health and mental health
Salt Major // sad truth
He only eats meat and greens
Live more, complain less.
More smiles, less stress.
Less hate, more blessed.
Express to de-stress
Could listen to Jordan Peterson speak ALL day.
In fact….I will.
Me to
Our society breeds insecurity, insecurity breeds unhappiness.
Especially when ur body shamed as a kid after ur entire child hood was all types of abuse
"True enrichment does not come through possessing a lot of wealth, but true enrichment is the enrichment of the soul."
I delight in the articulation of truth.
This man Jordan Peterson articulates truth as beauty..and what a noble fight and so worthwhile
Except most everything he said is factually incorrect. An easy example is his "100 times" comment. There are about 30 trillion human cells in your body and between 30-50 trillion microbes living on and in your body. This guy doesn't know shit about shit and is just a smooth talker. If you want to really know something about human health, read some pop-bio books like "Sapiens" or "the gut" or a favorite of mine "the body: a guide for occupants". go to a lecture by someone who isn't a charlatan. Stop wasting your time with liars.
Ethan four years later: “working out is a waste of time, life is too short” “Jordan Peterson is problematic” *has been surrounded by people like Trisha paytas and cancelled for being a narcissist*
This aged beautifully
"There is an application called Bos Koltuk, you can register anonymously and tell the psychologists your problem for free (the first one) and answer immediately. I hope it will be useful for you." There 2 english psychologist (Helena and Freya)
I just happened to watch this clip while eating a glaze donut...
Cinnamon bun here...
Oops.. 😂😂 hahaha
I really want a glazed donut. I want half a dozen of them.
I eat a cereal and chocolate milk 😂
Jackie James me too
Jordan Peterson is right that countries that have a high standard living require a lot from its citizens in terms of work output. I was vacationing in Singapore about a month ago. I asked several of the local taxi drivers what they thought about living in Singapore. They each said that unless you're filthy rich, you work all the time. There is no such thing as relaxing 1-2 days out of the week. I live in the Philippines now and all I can say is that the people here seem a lot happier with a hell of a lot less and they do work hard, but they pace themselves and seem to enjoy each other's company a great, great deal. They're also a lot less anxious than my compatriots in the U.S. and seem to tolerate the inconveniences of life a lot better than Americans.
Thank you for this.
My nigga
He wore that exact shirt when he said his famous... (I'm not doing it! and that's that!)
Aramco is looking for your location
@@solaveritas2 I observed the same thing. Interesting. But then I remembered somewhere I read intelligent people wear same colour/ type of cloths or their selection is very limited. So even if they buy a new shirt they'd just buy the same type of shirt they had before.
Shutup bro u coppied his exact same phrase , same gesture same every fucking thing 😂,,,, without even giving credit
"watch out for your bread yall"
Clemens Lohrmann watch out for sugar and preservatives(unnatural ones) keep to a mainly fat biased diet and watch the changes
Beer also falls in there somewhere, I think.
Just wash your bread before eating it
@@BY-ux9pi Fat based diet? Some fat is great, but idk if that's the way to go.
Esteban B yeah, healthy fats from good oils, fish and nuts is good to incorporate in your diet
Man has destroyed every simple gift of the gods! Lucretius .
Crazy how Ethan actually got Jordan Peterson on the podcast. 🤯
Happiness is when you can appreciate the little things. Like just being able to breathe itself is something to be joyful of.
JP: Your diet affects how your feel.
Host: REALLY?!
Matteo Wyllyamz Watch out for that bread y’all
@Christopher Har V Don't make absolutisms, a lot of people have higher or lower levels of intolerance to certain foods, like carbs, and they don't even notice. Carbs always low quantity.
@@karnazacss healthy carbs are needed for the body, since our brain run on glucose. My mom did keto for a month but she had to stop because she had brain fog and she couldn't think straight.
Question one answered: comfort.
We are more comfortable than ever.
You dont grow in comfort.
Stagnation is depressing.
Comfort Is stagnation.
Grow, then reward with comfort.
When i see comfort I read "cancer" I suggest you dont chase it
Interrupting a guy like Jordan Peterson is just wrong Ethan.
Mohammad A interrupting jordan peterson is the only way to have a conversation with him
No, it's called 'feedback'
I think there is a difference between two sided conversation and interrupting someone.
@@seanmabrannon finally someone said it, this guy is so far up his ass. I thought his philosophy was relateable and sound until I watched him talking to college boys and gave horrible misogynistic advice. Idk man, seems like he picks and chooses when to be a dick and hides it behind being "well-spoken".
@@privateemail9755 LOl. Ok, karen. Have a good day and please dont call for my manager. In all seriousness tho, its highly unlikely he gave any misogynistic advice. Please give me a source
Dr. Peterson is so well rounded. His hypothesis on the role of the microbiome and mood is so intriguing 🤔.
when i need to work 60 h a week to get my family alive - why bother having a family? you don't have much to do with them anyway
Billie Bergmann wow this comment made me feel sad...
GodIsGreat same lol
So true.
@@AngelA-tq9rs it's only you black people who still live with this tribalistic view of the world. I'm here to look out for me , not other cunts just coz they have the same colour skin. Your pathetic
@@AngelA-tq9rs what about you blacks who complain about the smallest shit , call everyone and thing racist and then go shoot eachother? Accidentally killing a few kids with your stray bullets and then go home and take some crack?. Quit your bullshit generalizations. People like you love saying about how whites are getting so offended when someone makes a joke about them or calls them school shooters and yet I rememeber only a few years ago when the shoe was on the other foot 🤔 funny how you displayed the same behavior humans always have. Your situation gets better so you start making other people's worse. Grow up
We're the middle children of history...
What do you mean?
@@AlexOnARoll it's what Jordan said.
We're the middle children of history, man; no purpose or place. We have no Great War, no Great Depression. Our Great War is a spiritual war. Our Great Depression is our lives
It's a movie quote, from fight club.
@@donventura2116 uh the "younger siblings" are spoiled, self entlited and coddled.
That's bad in itself
But let's define them properly.
When he talks about how we always sacrifice the present for the future that hit hard. It’s so, so true. Sure there are people that have great lives, but like he said, in order to sustain that, you have to maintain a high level of functioning.
Right on point yet again, Dr. Peterson. You're the best!
Happiness is but a passing moment. The constant pursuit of happiness is a dead-end road. Contentment is more certain and steady.
What's the difference between happiness and contentment then ?
I'm never content. I'm always filled with self-contempt.
Because we live in a spiritually ill modern society far removed probably from how human beings should be living in the first place and we try to fix it/ignore our problems with superficial things such as materialism, addictions, social status, greed, ect.
BINGO! Best comment on the subject.
You can make your life FEEL meaningful even though it essentially may not be.
Exactly. Only you can motivate/give yourself a purpose. Sure, some nights your head will wander and you'll realize that we don't have an actual reason to be here, at least big picture. But that's also great: it means that once you get to know yourself, you can follow your heart and do what's best for you and those around you, without worrying too much about it. It's all about finding a balance.
So true.
What do you mean essentially may not be , we're here to reproduce. There's a meaning. Anyone you have to support , there's a meaning. If you provide a service for people there some more meaning. Enjoying oneself is another. If you use the bullshit argument of were gonna die anyways , why watch a film or play a video game your gonna finish it anyways so why bother?
Jodofly115 what meaning? Meaning means shit to a nihilist. Hence people becoming depressed because they feel like having no purpose. Instead, we should create a purpose, even though there's no big picture. Once you are fascinated about life, and the endless things you can do without having anything to lose, then we can only consider ourselves to be lucky, to enjoy the physical experience. But luck is relative. If you are born with a disability, perhaps a severe one, or your financial scenario holds you back of experiencing life in any way. Then experiencing life literally has no meaning. Nobody should be suffering all their life and then just die. Purpose? Meaning? Sure, try having a purpose as a chinese kid working all their life for 10 cents an hour in a communist regime in the worlds most polluted city.
"It could crash in a moment's notice." My man, the prophet, Jordan Peterson
Ok I agree with Jordan on everything just about except for people eating "Too many carbohydrates". What people mean when they say that is fatty processed foods like doughnuts, fries or cookies and bagged chips. Real healthy carbohydrates like Potato, Sweet Potato, Yam, Beans, Grains, etc is where it's at! That's what people ate before all this processed junk food hit with supermarkets. Real natural food. That's my 2 cents.
Agree.Potatoes arent unheathy. People ate it all the time, especially when they needed to feed a big family cheap and had a farm. The problem with supermarket fries and chips is all the extra stuff they add. Natural chips are an exception because i think they are made different.
Everyone should eat self made fries out of potatoes. They taste better too. Basically cut the potatoe like wedgie pieces, a bit oil on a baking paper and give it with hot air in till they are ready. And salt, maybe paprica. They are healtier and delicious, and easy.
It's all about FODMAPs
@@RyanPaulWarren Low FODMAPS
It's about slow carbs. carbs that don't spike insulin are healthy.
It's true. Intense fast released proceased sugars and trans fats are what rek people today. Your body needs slow release carbs in order to fuel activity. If you dont eat carbs then your body digests its own muscle mass to turn it into glucose which i aint a fan of.
Thank you👍🏻. Another thing about depression, I’ve come to the conclusion, that mobile phones have played a role. It’s not only adults who are now afflicted with depression it’s all ages. Anxiety depression and fear. Cheers mate.
Kevin, you are correct. I am not a depressed person. I had a relatively good upbringing. I have a good job. I am left almost utterly anxious day in and day out and deathly afraid of being alone with my own thoughts. I credit constant pretend contentedness.
I hear good things about the Freedom app for phone/internet addiction
As a working mom, this is so so hard to hear. I know it’s true but it’s easier to do the grind and not think about it. I think the diet reason is also a result of complexity of life. I know I’m not alone in eating away the dissatisfaction of life.
Being constantly overwhelmed by the complexity of our world appears to be the new normal.
Not really, I'd say it has more to do with how expensive it is. Even a spartan life requires working like a dog and having little freedom.
Love how he talks, so calm and intelligent.
725 people don’t want to let go of their sweet cookies
I think spending long periods on our phones and computers do not help at all either, esp re anxiety, we are in constant narrow focus as opposed to periphery vision, we need to be outside in nature more looking around not glued to a screen (she says on youtube : ) . Nature over technology is a must.
Why society is so unhappy:
Complexity of society
No meaning of life
I was NEVER happier than on keto. It’s just hard to stay on it.
Probably because the carb and sugar-craving bacteria is still strong :D
I think I''m going to give it a shot too.
Is keto good for growing muscles ? I'm still 16 so is it hard to get the products needed ? I'm just not feeling that well no matter what so it's probably my diet.
Lukis o Yes keto is good for muscle growth. Your age wouldn’t stop you purchasing the food needed for Keto. Be careful though as many people think a ketogenic diet is all protein however you actually need vegetables to be your highest % and carbs to be lowest with protein somewhere in the middle 💪🏼
@@MC10155 Thanks, yeah i kind of articulated it stupidly, I'm not sure we can afford it, but that's actually probably just an execuse im making up, anyways, thank you, I'll definetily give it a try.
@@MC10155 that is wrong. On keto you go 75-80% fats, moderate protein, & 5% vegetables. Too many veggies = high carbs. Healthy fats are your fuel source. I am up to 12 tbspns of fats now. Follow Stephanie Person. She is the queen of Keto.
like Henry Thoreau said, "Simplicity, Simplicity, simplicity."
IMO there are three main reasons we are unhappy as adults - we have a problem accepting we're getting older, we have a problem ditching the ideals of youth and we have a problem accepting the truth about how human beings really are.
Youth is great - everything is new, you're fit, fertile, strong, skin is tight, traveling the world is fun, your metabolism burns everything fast, you enjoy being with other people and you enjoy love, friendships and dreams. You feel good all the time pretty much and you're happy all the time, or at worst hopeful somewhere deep down. As we get older, this dreamy life grows gradually less and less glamourous - we're losing muscle mass, energy, potency, traveling and doing a lot of stuff becomes a chore, and we learn people are full of shit and love, friendships, etc. go through a lot of very serious ups and downs. You don't feel good or happy all the time and everyone is desperately and pointlessly trying to fight this as much as possible.
We just can't cope with the fact the fun isn't going to last our whole lives and that yes, we are eventually going to completely disintegrate. We're trying to remain youthful, energetic and full of life despite it being natural that we're gradually less and less so.
This is the biggest problem in the modern world which is increased by the media - the idea that life can be colorful, simple, energetic and well, youthful fun, even when you're 60 or 70 years old. It can't and it's actually a bit sad that after tens of thousands of years on this planet, we still can't come to terms with our own mortality, our natural biological processes and that we continue to create elaborate constructs and devices to distract us from this reality instead of learning to embrace it.
Genectic engineering might be coming for you! Watch Kurzgesagt videos!
to not mention over working means you have no clue what really makes people unhappy.
when theyre unhappy with their life they used to disturb people that is satisfying themselves with happiness /pleasures and unhappy people dont like it, thank you for explaining well to people who barely needs it when they dont know they really do wrong, im a fan of psychology and studied more in life, and i myself has a mental issues which is my uncontrollable outbursts but now i can manage my emotions with thinkings
OVER WORK- That's 80% of unhappiness.
That and overeating
Green Envy I work 45 hours a week and I’m an incredibly happy person.
And under work
@@ELLIOT1311 As someone who works at least that much. I feel trapped and frustrated.
Not true atall