Bret Hart is undeniably one of the best wrestlers of all time. Just because he said a few things, that does not make him a bitter man. He just went through a lot. He got screwed out of the WWF Championship, he lost his good friend Brian Pillman, he lost his brother Owen, he was forced to retire due to a concussion, he lost Davey Boy, he lost his parents, & he suffered a stroke. He's still here today. This guy is a fighter. Say whatever U want about him. But he is a fighter.
All people go through trying times. Parents die. Friends die, family members die They lose good jobs or businesses fail. File for bankruptcy. They have health issues too. Its all just part of life. For everyone.
It's a new business in a lot of ways now, but there's plenty of things that remind me of the old days, and current wrestlers who are phenomenal, considering the utter shit they have to deal with from terrible writers backstage. Kevin Owens is a prime example (Kevin Steen was his old name). His sarcasm, ability to be a huge prick, and his all-round mic work is very fun and believable. Guys like AJ Styles are as good in the ring, as HBK ever was (just my opinion). I watched WWF since the Hogan/Savage/Warrior/Piper days, and stopped in 2005/6 for a few years (It got unbearable and annoying), but CM Punk's mic work drew me back in around 2011. Been watching ever since. That doesn't mean I don't get annoyed by the shitty writing at times, the storylines that go nowhere, the talent that gets buried, while boring people get the push etc, but there's still epic moments, amazing in-ring action and a couple of interesting characters. Still, nothing will ever beat 90's wrestling, as far as the product, and the effort they used to put into the stories. Vince has no real competition so he does not give a fuck anymore, as long as the kids buy that John Cena merch. The only saving grace is HHH, who has a big hand in things nowadays, and will make things so much better after Vince McMahon dies, i believe. He's in charge of the "developmental" show NXT which is supposed to be the bush leagues, but 90% of the time, the matches are a thousand times better than what's on Raw or Smackdown lol. Very old school, ECW vibe with the smarky, intense crowd (minus the graphic violence)
Most of the current superstars really don't mean a damn. Maybe that's why Triple H buried them because he wants the Attitude Era materials and most of today's wrestlers can't level up.
A lot of people say that Bret is a mark for himself, but I see it as an artist who is proud of his work. Wrestling was life for him. It wasn't just a hobby, it was what he did and he was surrounded by it for so many years. So when he builds himself up I se it as any other artist proud of what they've done. A musician who is proud of a song. A painter proud of a painting and so forth. I miss watching this guy.
every other interview, Bret says how Eric was so good to him when Owen died then in another interview says how shifty Eric was about Owen's death. depending on which way the wind us blowing, Bret always changes his mind on people lol. Brets life is all about him always just saying how great he was in his interviews. it's like he values his life on what others thing of his wrestling skills. kinda sad. he was amazing but it also true that he's a mark for himself. 2 things can be true.
Mostly because people don't appreciate the selling most guys do, especially those without a flashy entrance. Whole point of current Ziggler gimmick. No imagination? Wrestlers, particularly shift to cruiserweights (bar Enzo), are flying around and innovating lots of new things. They don't do more mat wrestling, stuff that Bret is into. Granted there are loads who are stale (Wyatt, Balor, Ambrose) but at least they try to tell stories, fans just arent invested in them though. Feuds are repetitive in the way that most matches are seen on TV, as they talked about, see Roode vs Ziggler, see most IC/US champs facing their challengers on TV... There are a lot of problems. Many of them due to inability of building these guys and fans not believing in their work and focusing on theme songs and entrances. Look at Corbin for example. Dude is going to get cheered because of cool music now...
Certainly it's not true 100% across the board. But an innovative match is useless unless you care about the characters. Character is everything and so many current guys are completely interchangeable. And coming up with interesting storylines for people with minimal character must be a torment. It's also harder to keep storylines fresh when you have 12 PPVs a year on top of 2 large shows a week. Back in the day there were 4 big PPVs that meant something. Stories took time to build and they had room to breathe. It gave you time to get invested. Now it's one and done, rinse and repeat. And repeat. And repeat. Even the great characters and feuds they do have are done in a month. Scale back. It's the same argument WWE is using to keep Brock Lesnar part time i.e. the less he's seen, the more of an attraction he is. The same goes for big events. Keep the events big and special, and keep the weekly shows good enough to maintain interest. Oh, and cutting Raw back to 2 hours might not be the worst idea, considering they practically fill an hour with WWE Network plugs alone.
Back in the day there weren't just 4 PPVs though. True, most feuds were to build until those 4, but there are so many factors that make the performer popular nowadays: 1) Ability to work the crowd - nobody got invested in the Cruiserweights until Enzo got there, because they usually just talk at each other. They're not told to draw, just get out there and do a 365th tag match without context or new content. How many of them apart from Tozawa do anything to make the crowd pop or boo? 2) Entrance & presentation - is it just me or is there like 20x more emphasis on this recently? Most of the guys that are popular, those who don't get on the mic that often, are those with a unique entrance. But when you take that away, what do they really have? Balor is really bland apart from that, thought so since NXT, he's one of the quiet dudes who do the pose and don't incite energy. Same with Roode. Nakamura's segments are really awkward most of the time despite his clear passion and electric performance. And stupidly IMO, the crowd are looking for more of this. Look at how many comments are calling for McIntyre's old theme song just so he gets a cool theme. Nobody cares about the guy and what he does in the ring, it doesn't resonate with egotistical crowds. 3) Mic - why do people like Reigns as a Shield member and hate him when he has to carry himself on the promo? His ring work is super solid throughout. It's not just the fact that WWE is obviously continuously lining up the roster to take the pins for him. 4) Element of surprise - which performers actually surprise you with their promo or a decent move that adds to the story in the ring? There are very few of them. Strowman was so successful, because of how much he surprised the fans. Tipping the ambulance over, kip-ups, no-selling Lesnar's suplexes, doing anything the fans would expect from a monster like him AND MORE! Very few guys do that. Revival are such good heels, because they do things many heel tag teams do NOT do these days. People tune into Cena's promos despite his lame gimmick, because he keeps them fresh EVERY SINGLE TIME. See Bayley for comparison on how to NOT work that same gimmick, it might please the kids, but does nothing for the other 75% of the viewers. 5) Ring skill - I actually think this matters little. Obviously better wrestlers who can carry a match for longer than 7-10 minutes will be more popular, but this is not the reason you tune in. All you need to do to make it is be able to take a good, sometimes risky bump and be able to sell it. Bret's major point. Ambrose is good at it, it's what's kept him afloat for such a long time. There are many examples of guys who are popular when they do just that i.e. Big Show, Mark Henry, Sheamus feuds a few years back. Goldberg had a successful shocker run despite a fairly bad ending to it, because he had ways to compensate for that. It is all dependent on what the crowd expect from you. Put AJ or Rollins in a match and the crowd will automatically think "this will be average at worst!" Problem with guys like Jinder is not the nature of ring skill, rather the lack of compensating factors. Can't make people hate you these days just because you're a foreign jerk, need more depth to it than that. So in essence I think the guys can always keep it fresh, but sometimes they don't have the time in between PPVs to focus and keep thinking about new ways to do it. So I agree really! (after writing an entire essay... lol)
Btw, my "back in the day" is 1988-1992 and there were four big events: Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, Summerslam and Survivor Series. There were other random events like Hot Ticket now and then, but in the mid 90s they added "In Your House" which later got names and morphed into the monthly events during the attitude era. But I totally agree with what you're saying. The stars have to align, like they did in the early 90s and the late 90s. Promos are everything because it builds the character. I just think if the characters are bland, it ruins everything else. It doesn't help that EVERYTHING is scripted nowadays. That limits everything to a few writers, and doesn't let the wrestler themselves to develop the character. Wrestlers used to have to work their character to get over with the crowd, or take the ball if the crowd mysteriously loved them. Another lack: That the announcers need major work. You need a face/heel dynamic which is hinted at these days, but it's not very well done compared to Heenan/Monsoon, Ventura/Monsoon, or JR/Lawler. The announcers add so much more flavor and can inject interest into an otherwise unremarkable match just by rooting for either guy. JBL tries nowadays, but it just doesn't fly. I don't mind a post-kayfabe era but the announcers should still act like they care. Then again, it's hard to do a face/heel dynamic in the announcing when often the face/heel differences in the ring itself are negligible. It's hard to tell sometimes. All I know is that I haven't watched wrestling in a long time because I am bored to death by it, and I've loved wrestling since I was 6 years old. Something is up. Maybe I'm just out of sync with what people want nowadays since I was spoiled with the 90s.
Bret seems to be a guy in interviews who is really closed off and disinterested but when he gets going he starts to open up and you see some genuine warmth and love for wrestling. You can tell because it is at this point precisely that Sam Roberts decides to interrupt, without fail.
Right, Brets the GOAT but Sam Roberts is awful at interviewing, he does this to soo many people. It's like he tries to make himself the center of attention.
Bret has such a brilliant mind for wrestling and what made it special. I feel like modern wrestling just doesn't have that same special feeling as Bret's era.
It doesn't and Bobby Heenan perfectly stated why. He said "we should have been wising up the tv producers to the fact that this was all a work but instead we wised up the fans". That was the best summary of why wrestling sucks now that I've ever heard. I grew up in the 80's and that was a time when kids really believed it and kayfabe was seriously honored. Now these idiots are on twitter hanging out with each other and it just takes any sense of believability out of it.
@@SimpleManGuitars1973 yes but wrestling also lost "that big fight feel" that boxing had. Rivalries nowadays last what maybe two months??? Used to be in the '80s you had huge rivalries that would go on for years (Freebirds/Von Erichs, Hogan/Macho Man, etc.). People would go nuts watching the matches because the wins REALLY mattered and everyone had their favorites. Made it more believable too.
It's definitely true Bret loves putting himself over, but man, if you had his career and the quality of his in ring work, you'd put yourself over too. The man has the biggest love/hate relationship with the wrestling business and he's gone through a hell of a lot in his life. Full respect to him.
Yes and no At the same time he wasn’t selfish He said he was fine with losing the title to anyone and anywhere and anytime except losing it in his hometown against Shawn Michaels and despite everything he did and how he revolutionized wrestling Vince didn’t even have the respect to grant him that
Bret Hart, the last hero in wrestling, when hero's meant something to kids in wrestling. The best there is, was and ever will be! Thanks for the classics!
Yeah , there are no babyfaces anymore ... Even when Bret went heel again he did it like Bob Backlund staying a face and criticizing all of the antiheros and coolheels ( and the fans to a degree ) ...I agreed with him . Steve Austin was a good antihero but most others were just lazy and cashing in on a trend ... Jake Roberts was a cool heel ... but how many cool heels were as good as Jake ...Wrestling needs faces and heels just like it needs clean wins and losses .
@@georgeelmerdenbrough6906 Million Dollar Man was the best heel ever in my opinion but Jake was a close second, his eerie promos and creepy demeanour were unparalleled, way better than his face run
Bret's story never changes and he always shoots straight. He was never a bullshitter. I think that guys who say he's a mark for himself have gotten the wrong impression. He just has respect for himself and his craft. He always took it seriously. He'll always be my favourite wrestler.
Bret is my all time favorite. His one knock was always on his charisma but on his heel run, I think he was quite underrated. I thought he played a huge part bringing in the attitude era.
A week later Sam turns heel on Bret and only brings up the maggot bit to Eric. No wonder he's employed by WWE time to time he's a fucking snake in the grass.
39:41 for context, Bret claims he doesn't have a good thing to say about eric yeah his "nice enough guy" comment sounds sarcastic in full context
I like Bret but it's getting harder to see shoot after shoot of him still bitter and slagging everyone. We get it he wasn't used properly and got screwed over by everyone. It's done.
Kimiora Henry Sadly I think I don't have to watch his shoots anymore, they're all the same slagging of the Kliq, Vince, Bichoff, Hogan, they all screwed him or didn't use him properly despite getting him richer than hell.
every other interview, Bret says how Eric was so good to him when Owen died then in another interview says how shifty Eric was about Owen's death. depending on which way the wind us blowing, Bret always changes his mind on people lol. Brets life is all about him always just saying how great he was in his interviews. it's like he values his life on what others thing of his wrestling skills. kinda sad. he was amazing but it also true that he's a mark for himself. 2 things can be true.
@@nexpro6118 Bret has a strong personality and we all know people like that who have strong self confidence and strong opinions. Often you have some of that group who are just passionate when they speak on any subject and come off stronger than what their hearts feel. Culturally speaking Canadians go hard lol they get a bad vibe that day they will vent it out right then and there and the next day get a good vibe and love the hell out of a person. If that helps?
I love that Bret Hart actually believes he is the best there was, the best there is and the best there will ever be. Loved this wrestler, amazing worker and loyal talent.
what advice?he's just talking shit...he can say all he wants that's not his intent..but if talking shit is not your intent then just don't do it, if you really wanna help people in the business go and say that "advice" to people in the business, not on podcasts with no possible response from the guys you're talking shit about
Triple H's best matches have been with opponents that can carry him or make him look good. Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Mick Foley. Good shape and good promos, yes. Good wrestler? He's not a bad one. Just average.
So many idiots need a reality check. This guy was the real people's champ, we watched him rise up from tag team, to mid card to world champ. He wasn't made by WWF and the management like Shawn Michaels, HHH, Stone Cold etc were. He worked his bollocks off and we the people saw his talent and became fans. No we didn't become fans because he poured milk over himself, we didn't fall in love because he spent 90% of his time saying 'WHAT' and 10% actually in the ring. We marvelled at the fact that he was the FIRST small champion of the world and it was fully deserved. If we're honest MOST matches were boring as hell to watch, most people loved the drama and theatrics BUT, actually come fight time the matches were boring, except when Bret was performing. We watched him beat Roddy Piper in a brilliant match!... then we watched him beat Mr a brilliant match... British Bulldog...guess what? Another brilliant match and we watched him in one of the best matches ever against Stone Cold. Without Bret you wouldn't have Stone Cold, or Michaels, or The Rock, Jericho, HHH etc...Bret paved the way for the smaller guy to hold the belt. For people saying he cries and 'puts himself over' why shouldn't he?... there's no sex and steroid scandals with him like Hulk, Warrior, there was no one saying he's a scumbag and not to be trusted like Nash, Michaels, HHH, Hall, Scott Steiner, Flair etc etc etc... there was no history of drug problems like with the countless amount of wrestlers who have died due to drug abuse or committed atrocious crimes. But guess what?... his brother died, his brother in law died, many of his friends have died, his father died, suffered a stroke which ended his career, and he got screwed out of a company that he helped build from the very start. He's a credit to the wrestling industry and far more than most wrestlers and definitely The McMahons. Vince owes him a hell of a lot and so called 'fans' should show more respect. That is of course unless you like pantomime drama, douche bags and have no morals. I think Bret has every right to be pissed off or indeed be proud of his accomplishments. Ask yourself if you've experienced anything close to his life. Bret Hart... The Best There Is, There Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be!✌🏽
Bret was always my favorite wrestler, and I always liked the Hart Foundation. I was really pissed when they got rid of him... That was pretty much the end of me watching wrestling.
None of the wrestlers you mention were made by the WWF,They all went through the territories just like Bret except Bret mainly went with his dads promotion then any other promotion where as Michaels,HHH,Austin went through a bunch
Peoples Champion, Stood For Something Pure, Excellent Wrestler, Never hurt no one or himself, and did it without being 6'5'' or bigger and on steroids. Purest wrestler that can say WHATEVER he wants about ANY TOPIC. He's earned it for God Sake. The Excellence of Execution that was The BEST there IS, the BEST there was, and the BEST that ever will be!
Bret did steroids though. He admitted that himself. Obviously not near the same amount as some of the most roided up guys. Nor for even close to as long as they did. But he tried the roids.
Bret did steroids though. He admitted that himself. Obviously not near the same amount as some of the most roided up guys. Nor for even close to as long as they did. But he tried the roids.
I remember Bret saying that he wanted to promote wrestlers who weren't "jacked up" in size, but those who were skilled ring technicians. The early-mid and possibly some of the late 1990s were the best wrestling years because Bret successfully promoted technical wrestling abilities. In watching his matches both live and on TV, it was obvious that Bret wanted his matches to be remembered. Incidently, I was at a show where Bret had Blade escort him to his match. How Blade's grown up to tell what he remembered! Thanks for this video interview.
I don't know about you all, but I was thoroughly annoyed with the guy sitting next to Brett Hard playing with his cell phone. How many people can say they sat next to Brett Hart and heard his great stories? I was 12 years old when Brett Hart won his first title in 1992. I just find it insulting that the guy next to the Hitman was on his phone for most of the entire time of this interview. What I wouldn't give to sit down next to Brett and just listen to his stories.
Valid point, but the other guy might have no interest in wrestling, past or present or might be busy micromanaging things with later guests etc. I'll say this much, if I was there and a football player was being interviewed; i'd have no idea who he is or what he was saying. I'd probably leave and go do something else. You'll see this with kids at weddings. No idea what's happening or whos involved. So they pick their noses or twiddle thumbs.
I was offended for The Hitman. That dude probably wasn't a true Wrestling fan. Any TRUE fan wouldn't take this attention off of Bret if he was sitting next to them.
I loved Bret Hart so much as a young wrestling fan that when he called America a big toilet bowl in that promo at a RAW in Canada in 97 and the crowd cheered, that I watched at home and just went “YEAHHH” when he said it (I’m American). I got in trouble when my mom heard me, lol. I turned on my own country for Bret.
How old where you on Monday night July 21 1997 it was in .Halifax I watched that show. Online. Too bad I was 4 at the time. Pro wrestling in the 90s WWF WCW ECW was excellent. sucks.
@@TheAaronChand I was 15 in 1997. Wrestling back then was awesome. WWE vs WCW and there was nothing better. I mean WWE had JR and Lawler for Raw, and WCW had Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Tony Schiavone, and Zbyszko on Nitro. I don't know how much more I can tell you how awesome it was. Growing up with Bret Hart and his brother Owen. Steve Austin, HHH, HBK, The Rock, Undertaker, and I can keep going. WWE is more watered down due to probably be from Chris Benoit. AEW is pretty good, but not every match is perfect. AEW is trying to capture the WWE 90s magic. Will AEW do that? I don't know, but I hope they do. I do watch AEW currently and I watched WWE from the late 80s until 2004. Do I keep up with it? Yeah. Is it the same? Hell no!
yeah cause even something like KO-Shane at HIAC just to take the latest example was horrible storytelling...bitch please... he is just another old school guy that can't accept change in wrestling.
I would've killed when I was a kid having Bret Hart put his badass shades on my face on his way to the ring! God he was my favorite. Still is at 41 and I'd still love that. If some of you younger guys and gals could've seen how cool this man was in his era wow was he a powerhouse and he really was the "Excellence Of Execution" what a legend he was before he became a legend. His presence, music, taunts, mic skills, promos, style, and move set was complete perfection...and his matches were otherworldly. If you've never seen any of his matches you're missing out because they're epic and he truly was one of the absolute best!!!!
Wrestling was Bret’s passion. He loved it all the way to his very soul. He was an artist & the ring was his canvas. It was in his blood, born into maybe the most famous pro wrestling family in the world. He’s my favorite wrestler of all time, and to Canadians, he is a hero!
I know this is an older vid, but Bret always come across to me as one of the more intellectual wrestlers. I enjoy listening to his stories. His HOF acceptance speech was really great as well.
he is bitter...being justified doesn't change that. He has every right to be bitter...I'm on Vince's side considering the screwjob but everything that happened in WCW was just too bad for anyone to get over with. They practically ruined his life
The Attitude era started before Bret left. The momentum was already beginning. The thing is did Bret draw in the main? People need to remember in 1996 when things were in the crapper, they had HBK, Undertaker, Ringmaster Steve Austin, Goldust, Hawk Bradshaw, legends like Jake the Snake and Jannetty, JR & King involvement, Hunter, Al Snow under other gimmicks, Kane under other gimmicks... the 'Attitude era' stars and some classic legends were all in the company when business was low. And as Kevin Nash drew nothing in 1994, he was one of a trio who grew WCW to almost kill WWF. It's very rarely about the talent that you have and more about how they are used. In the main to make it to the big leagues, you've already got to be good - especially post 1995. Bret was involved in WWF during the majority of the rock and wrestling explosion. He was part of that success. He was also part of the formative Attitude era. Did he draw as champion? One may say not but the truth is that WWF was killing itself with crap. Look, if the main event are the best two wrestlers in the world but your opening match is Duke Droese vs. Damien DeMento and your next match is 1-2-3 Kid (great wrestler bland gimmick) vs. Face Doink, I'm not going to STAY for the main event no matter how good they are! WWF in the 80's and early 90's succeeded because the whole card were stars and hot. Everything went cold for some years then in 1996 the WCW WHOLE CARD went hot. Then in the Attitude era the WHOLE CARD was again hot. Austin and Rock took the heat and added petrol to it. Nowadays people are subjected to 50/50 booking and people who get over (like Rusev) are held down because Vince doesn't get it, and we wonder why things look ill? So don't tell me Bret didn't draw. He was often the only thing worth watching in ring on a card. If business suffered whilst he was No. 1, I don't think it was his problem - look at who else was being pushed. And if you're gonna say Bret didn't draw, neither did HBK, HHH, Jericho, Undertaker, or the fans' darling A.J. Styles, because viewship has always been low when they were main guys. And which of us is going to say Undertaker doesn't draw!
super coolguy 4th August 1997: “WWF Raw is War Broadcast and WWF Shotgun TV Taping”: Bethlehem, PA - 4,665 sellout Set new gate record for Bethlehem. ($69,009 live gate) ($40,444 merchandise sales) Dark match: WWF World Champion Bret Hart rolled over The Undertaker and Vader in a Triple Threat match. Raw: (08/04): Ken Shamrock beat Kama; Taka Michinoku downed Brian Christopher; Vader battled Hunter Hearst Helmsley to a double count-out; The Patriot dropped The Sultan; Ahmed Johnson defeated Chainz; The Godwinns overcame The Headbangers; Bob Holly bested Brian Pillman by count-out; Dude Love overturned Owen Hart. Shotgun: (08/09): Recon, Sniper and The Interrogator beat Zolta Bigg, George Fouts and Hammond Hagar; Tiger Ali Singh downed Bob Holly; The Patriot won a battle royal. 8th August 1997: Miami, FL - 5,095 ($90,680 live gate) ($28,000 merchandise sales) Highest gate in Miami since 1990 Rockabilly beat Flash Funk; D-Lo Brown and Kama battled Crush and Chainz to a double count-out; Rocky Maivia downed Faarooq; WWF European Champion Davey Boy Smith dropped Goldust; Mankind bested Triple H; Savio Vega and Miguel Perez Jr defeated Owen Hart and Brian Pillman; Ken Shamrock toppled Vader; The Undertaker rolled over WWF World Champion Bret Hart by DQ. 9th August 1997: West Palm Beach, FL - 6,028 sellout ($88,007 live gate) ($26,000 merchandise sales) Set a new gate record for West Palm Beach. The Rock beat Rockabilly; D-Lo Brown and Kama defeated Chainz and Crush, and Savio Vega and Miguel Perez Jr in a Triple Threat match; Vader downed Flash Funk; Dude Love and Goldust dropped Owen Hart and WWF European Champion Davey Boy Smith; Goldust bested Hunter Hearst Helmsley; The Undertaker toppled Faarooq; Ken Shamrock rolled over WWF World Champion Bret Hart by DQ. 10th August 1997: Montgomery, AL - 4,150 sellout ($65,567 live gate) ($18,000 merchandise sales) Set a new gate record for Montgomery. The Rock beat Rockabilly; D-Lo Brown and Kama defeated Chainz and Crush, and Savio Vega and Miguel Perez Jr in a Triple Threat match; Vader downed Flash Funk; Dude Love and Goldust dropped Owen Hart and WWF European Champion Davey Boy Smith; Goldust bested Hunter Hearst Helmsley; The Undertaker toppled Faarooq; Ken Shamrock rolled over WWF World Champion Bret Hart by DQ. 11th August 1997: “WWF Raw is War Broadcast and WWF Shotgun TV Taping”: Biloxi, MS - 6,814 sellout ($79,351 live gate) ($34,000 merchandise sales) Dark matches: Jerry Lawler won a battle royal; WWF World Champion Bret Hart won a three-way over Vader and The Undertaker. Shotgun: (08/16): Owen Hart downed Goldust; Brian Christopher dropped Tony Williams; D-Lo Brown and Kama overcame Skull and Eight-Ball by count-out; Vader bested Hunter Hearst Helmsley by DQ. Raw: (08/11): The Legion of Doom defeated The Godwinns in a “country whipping” match; Scott Putski pinned Tony Williams; Flash Funk bested Brian Pillman; The Patriot and Ken Shamrock toppled Owen Hart and WWF European Champion Davey Boy Smith; Faarooq pinned Chainz; Shawn Michaels rolled over M 1 month ago SHOW MORE REPLIES
Triple H and Taker did draw. Just because bret and shawn didn't draw it doesn't mean you can project your emotions on other wrestlers and make bullshit claims 😂
@@christophercunningham5434 Dude, have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror or listened to yourself talk? You are the personification of the word dork....
@@christopherwood2290 I am perfect fine accepting that description from you. I’d bet I have far more going for me than you can say for yourself. See, here’s the thing. You can say whatever you want, and make up whatever you want about yourself to try and offend me, but you cannot change the truth. Truth is, you’re a middle aged man who probably has less in his savings than I do in my checking, and would be another one of the many who ask, “how did he get a wife like that?” if you actually knew who I was. I promise you this, I sincerely hope that you can find some fulfillment in life before you’re 50lbs overweight, bitter and lonely. Until then, you will relegated to pathetic attempts to offend someone stating the truth by using middle school era name calling. Good luck boomer
@@badm0t0rf1ng3r Nobody has a problem with him being mentioned in a general wrestling conversation like you did. The problem people have is when people take it too far and actually complain that he's not in the HOF or people complaining that he isn't remembered by wwe the way Eddie is. That's when people react with vitriol and deserved vitriol at that. The guy murdered a woman and a child. The excuse of separating the art from the artist only holds true when it's not something that extreme. If the persons morals were in question or if they had let's say an assault charge in their history. Then the excuse is understandable. But not when the individual is a pedophile and not (in this case) when they're a double murderer especially a child murderer.
I was barely alive when Bret retired, and I still would put him on a Wrestling Mt Rushmore, don’t worry Hitman, your legacy will always be a gold standard for generations to come.
Alex Krick I definitely like the Michael’s style a little bit better.. I was just a casual fan in the 80’s.. I appreciated the top guys like Hogan & Savage for example.. When Undertaker came on the scene however things began to get very interesting.. I never did consider Brett the GOAT but he is a wrestling purist and def one of the best.. And, also my moms favorite!
You dont have to not like one to like the other. Both are great story tellers. Watch HBK vs Undertaker in hell in a cell. Shawn had a lot of flash because he had the athleticism that Bret didn't. Bret was a very good technical wrestler though. Anyway both are great.
The nostalgia brought about by these interviews is what I find most alluring and enjoyable. I do not watch wrestling as I am a grown adult man, and haven’t watched in two decades but I love watching the videos showing my childhood favorite wrestlers.
Not watched wrestling for many years, but was a massive fan of Bret and The Hart Foundation, Bret has gone through so much in his life, a lot of truth in this really good interview with Bret, to me Bret will always be The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be
If Shawn wasn’t such an asshole back then, definitely there could have been more matches between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. Bret and Shawn were at their best. Undertaker was at his best and Stone Cold, Triple H and the Rock were close to reaching main event status. I would have loved to see at least two more Main event matches between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. After the golden era of Wrestling in the 80’s and early 90’s, it was Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels who led the way for the new generation. The best thing about Bret and Shawn is that they made wrestling look real and they shifted the focus from larger than life characters, who couldn’t wrestle like hogan and warrior, to events based on wrestling and in ring ability. No one at that time was better than Bret technically, and no one was better than Shawn athletically. The attitude era became more about the soap opera, lengthy promos, swearing and entertainment, while wresting was always second to entertainment. This is why WCW was appealing to some. I have to give credit to Undertaker, Kane, the rock and Triple H for embracing the attitude era, but also focusing on delivering a high standard of in ring performances. WCW, bar a few exceptions, was all about the entertainment and poor matches. I don’t even know if WCW even cared about the wrestling side of things. At one stage WCW’s actual talent like Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit gave up on the WCW crap and jumped ship to WWE because it still had a focus on Wrestling, and that’s where they made a name for themselves. Vince was always going to win the Monday night wars in the end because WWE was run by Vince, a man who was eager to learn all about entertainment and knew everything about wrestling. Turner was involved with WCW at arm’s length at best. Turner also didn’t know anything about Wrestling. It took a while for Vince to get the formula right; entertainment wise, and once he got that right, well then there was never going to be any competition. I do wish and hope that AEW one day will be a legitimate challenge to the WWE because WWE with no competition has become complacent. Strong competition brings the best out of Vince.
Bret Hart was always one of my favorites! Ironically I was a HBK fan as well, I could watch my two favorite wrestlers go at it and be in heaven because it didn't matter who won. This is professional wrestling, they're supposed to be talking themselves up and knowing they were the best. It was part of the business.
Can you imagine how awesome it would have to have both HBK and Bret (and happy in WWE) past 1997? We could have had 15-20 years of storyline between these two...feuds, temporary reconciliation, even belt championships again. It would have been EPIC!
Interview started kinda awkward. But I think Bret learned as it went on that Sam Roberts knows his shit, so it loosened up a lot and Bret said some really interesting stuff.
i remember the hall of fame speech from bret and he gave Zero fucks about the stories he told about slaughter mcmahon or owen and others and it was actually fucking hilarious^^
"Everybody in that goddamn dressing room knows I'm the best there is the best there was an the best there ever will be!!"............wooo I loved that outburst from him on raw so genuine
If Bret comes off as full of himself to you, that’s fine, but he’s never wrong in anything he says about himself. It’s ego based on fact, not ego based on mostly delusion like Hogan.
Some people say Bret is Bitter, i just think he is highly critical of the way pro wrestling is now days. You have to remember, this guy was ringing wrestling bells aged 4 at stampede for his dads company, wrestling is in his blood, if anyone has the right to criticize it's Bret.
Spurfect81 Hes a pro wrassler born n bred, its prolly like a religion to him same as islam to a suicide bomber Brets a soldier trough n true n will die waving a pro wrasslin flag. Im not even a fan of his as such, its just hard not to respect him, his era & their excellence.... Crazy tho they all were!
His book at least comes off as believable. Unlike Michaels book. Anytime Shawn mentions a confrontational moment in that book it quickly is moved to “I don’t remember what happened next”
I've always admired Bret for his honesty and telling it like it is. I've met him many times and to this day, Bret demonstrates this warmth and sincere appreciation for his fans. I still remember meeting him after 'Mania 13 just before he turned heel. When I shook his hand, Bret squeezed my hand(he had a very strong grip)and had this pleading look in his eyes. I'd wondered if he was trying to tell me something. When I saw his heel turn the following night, I figured that was what he was trying to tell me.
Ken9284 If you mean “My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling,” yes, I would definitely have to agree. I’m not surprised about what you mentioned about Shawn’s book-that any time he mentioned a confrontation, it went to a quick “I don’t remember what happened next.” How convenient that his memory is THAT selective-especially when numerous wrestling talents’ stories about Shawn’s starting up those confrontations and then crying that HE was the victim of injustice are very similar if not the same. Even when he wrestled at Crown Jewel, Shawn claimed that he was “forced” to wrestle at the PPV-at the sweet chin music of millions of greenbacks. There’s a leopard that never changed his spots.
Bret was always my favorite when it came to in-ring performance. First ppv I ever convinced my mom to buy for me was Wrestlmania 12. The iron match is still my favorite match if all time.
His ego is in check in my opinion, and it's true, from Hogan to Austin, Brett's career really did keep the ship afloat in a profound way and preserved the continuity of the WWF universe.
@@ThatViralVideo Meh i don't think so. When i watched back then i was watching for Hogan and the Warrior. I found the Hart members to be boring. Ego is never attractive. Look at Michaels and how much Brett seems to hate the guys personality, and always has. Michales entire schtick was basically Diamond Dave levels of full of himself... they're all ego maniacs from what i can tell. Opened themselves up to some bad stuff chasing that fortune and fame too, look at how many met an early, and tragic end.
All-time Dream PPV - (80's & 90's) (All wrestlers in their prime) Mr Prefect(1991) vs HHH(1999) Rey Mysterio(1999) vs. Ricky Steamboat(1989) Ultimate Warrior(Late 80s) vs. Goldberg (1998) Hardy Boys w/Lita(1999) vs. The L.O.D.(Late 80s) w/Sunny(90s) Big Show(1999) vs Andre the Giant(1980) Sting(1998) vs The Undertaker (1998) w/Paul Bearer. (Sting drops from the raptors) The Steiner Brothers(Late 80's) vs Dudley Boys(Late 90s) Bret Hart (1994) vs. Kurt Angle (1999) Stone Cold (1998) vs Macho Man (mid-late 80's) The Rock (1999) vs Shawn Michaels (1996) 4 horseman(mid -late 80s) - Arn, Ole, Tully vs the Radicals(late 90s) - Benoit, Eddy, Dean (with Flair and Saturn at ringside) NWO (1996/1997) - Hall, Nash, 6 PAC vs DX (1999) - Road Dogg, Mr. Azz, Chyna (with Hogan, The Giant and Eric Bischoff in one corner and Shawn Michaels and Triple H in the other. 6 Pac switches sides mid match to X-Pac, tells the NWO to suck it, and DX wins 😉) Ric Flair (early-mid 80s) vs Hulk Hogan (mid-late 80s) Edit: Ring Announcers: Howard Finkle, Mean Gene, Justin Roberts, Lillian Garcia Commentators: Tony Shivani, Jr, Jerry Lawler, Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby Heenan, and Joey Styles. Managers: Jimmy Hart, Bobby the Brain, Paul Bearer, Jim Cornette, Paul Haymen, In a perfect world where all these stars line up, this event's held in 3 locations where Vince McMahon(1999), Eric Bishoff(1997), Paul Heyman(mid-late 90s), Verne Gange(1980), and Stu Hart(1980), along with the best bookers, writers, and creative staff from the 80s/90s eras(AWA, WCCW, NWA, ECW, WCW, and WWF) all take sides in a storyline on who can put on the better show with those dream matches and personnel.
Bret made a good point about watching matches that youve seen a thousand times. For me this happened during the dolph miz feud on sdlive last year. I got bored of watching miz & maryse screw w/ dz. Didnt help that their feud stretched for like 3 ppvs
The funny part about Bret saying this is that the WWF put him in a rivalry against Shawn for like 5 years...with matches we all saw a thousand times. Apparently it's okay for him to shit on others for having lengthy feuds, but his own lengthy feuds are fine. Or Bret going against Diesel for a few months.
It's part of that business. Some people just have multiple personalities. They can act nice, but are "stupidly" mean. They just do things without logic or without thinking that would kill the business, kill themselves, kill other's careers. It just does not make any sense but that's the type of people they are and the entertainment business is a magnate for them.
He was more than happy to take his money. Eric in wcw offered him 10 million and he took it, now he has the balls to say he killed the business. Give the money back then bret... Give the money back
18:46 So true, I've never understood why you would run the matches that you're going to show at the big pay-per-view in the weekly televised show? It's like the boxing match between Tyson Fury and Usyk, they built that up. That's how a wrestling match needs to be. Imagine they ran fury v Usyk every week until the actual boxing event.
Bret had to drop the belt on his way out. I doubt Bret would come to WCW to brag about how there was no challenge in WWF and how nobody could beat him for the title and all that. I doubt Bret would be the type of guy to do that. But Eric Bischoff absolutely would, we'd never hear the end of it. Vince knew that and he didn't want to give Bischoff the satisfaction and he didn't. Which was the right call. Because it would have made WWF and their World title look like a joke. Now Shawns comment messed up that entire thing. Had he not said what he said there would have been no issues the match would have seen Shawn as the new champ and Bret would have left which he never really wanted to do anyway. So Vince should have handled Shawn a lot better than he did. He should have told him straight up if you're gonna be the champ there will bo no more of this bullshit or you ain't getting no title put on you. But he didn't.
I don't think it's really bitterness on Bret's part. I think he says what happened and what he thinks. Also I don't know if people are aware that Bret and Shawn did make amendments in reality--this is seen in the first disc of the DVD set "Wrestling's Greatest Rivalries: Shawn vs. Bret" where Jim Ross interviewed both of them. At one point, Bret said that making the amendment "was like letting go of rocks." To me, it showed that Bret realized that bitterness wasn't worth having.
I didn't watch Bret when he was in the wwf so I cant comment on "Bret saved wrestling", but I do know that even in his 40's this guy always gave 5 star matches
The hart foundation with Bret, pillmen, neidheirt, Owen and Davy boy need to go in to HOF, that was some faction, I know there’ll be issues over Owen but they all deserve to be in there, Bret is the last of a very elite group and they should do it while we still have Bret, he’s a living legend
I always felt like the Hart-Michaels debate was like the Beatles vs. The Rolling Stones. Why does it have to be one or the other? I like both guys' work, but it's different.
I know, how imbecilic could someone be. I mean, Bret Hart introducing the figure 4 around the ring post was genius. It’s appears to be like knee shattering and garners so much heat. He’s so ring smart and knows how to tell a story. I know he was a submission specialist… but I wish he also had a finishing move for a quick pinfall. I’m sure he’d of had one if he chose to. But he could totally help the company for many more years. But realistically Triple H ain’t a Bret Hart fan and vice versa. So it’ll never happen. Too bad.
I remember my parents not letting me go with my sister and her friends to a wwf match in Bama back in 92'. I was a huge fan of Brett the hit man heart! I was so upset I didn't get to go cause they thought it was too violent for my age. They brought me back a pair of Brett the hit man heart shades they sold at the event! I wore those everyday for like a year I was so proud of those shades!
Hart v Hart at Mania 10 and Hart v Austin Mania 13 are my favorite Bret matches. I just love him and get so mad when people say hes bitter. First it was the screw job then he lost his brother because of that dumb stunt in WWF and then his career got cut short because Goldberg was never properly trained. Yet after all that he still isnt bitter. He just misses his career and passion. Hes dead on about wrestling today and i wish he would work in creative at either AEW or WWE. And i feel like Bryan Danielson makes other guys have their best matches today like how Bret used to for guys back in the day. Bret will always be the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be ❤
As far as Goldberg, you have to remember that he was trained by WCW and not by OVW (minor leagues of WWE) The only wrestler that came out of the power plant was DDP. Look how many people came out of OVW
Read bret's book awhile back. Gotta say it was amazing. Growing up watching wrestling with my brother during the mid 80s it was definitely an expose for me. Overall it was one of the best written books I've read, the passage where he describes Stu's death actually made me a little teary eyed. He seems a bit slow when he talks and he seems to have limited movement on his left arm, I know he had a stroke but I thought he made a full recovery. I'm almost saddened to see him age and remember how full of life he was....It is what it is. Either way, good interview. Long live 'The hitman'!
Used to love this guy when I was in my early teens. Almost forgot about him and that wrestling even existed until Jordan Peterson mentioned the documentary. I look forward to listening to this.
Haven't watched wrestling in 20 years but love watching videos about the legends from the WWF days. That feeling, as a kid, when you heard that first second of a legends music come on... I remember I had a CD of all the big time wrestlers music, figurines, and wwf mags where i cut out all the pics and hung up..I feel like that type of imagination kids had in those days, just isn't around anymore.
Bret Hart is undeniably one of the best wrestlers of all time. Just because he said a few things, that does not make him a bitter man. He just went through a lot. He got screwed out of the WWF Championship, he lost his good friend Brian Pillman, he lost his brother Owen, he was forced to retire due to a concussion, he lost Davey Boy, he lost his parents, & he suffered a stroke. He's still here today. This guy is a fighter. Say whatever U want about him. But he is a fighter.
He was the greatest at being the most boring. Terrible wrestler. A great wrestler wouldn't make spectators fall asleep.
All people go through trying times.
Parents die. Friends die, family members die They lose good jobs or businesses fail. File for bankruptcy.
They have health issues too.
Its all just part of life. For everyone.
@@justin8152 did you ever see him wrestle in person? I did many many times and he was amazing.
Brett as a mechanic in the ring he was the best
Bret sitting in front of a microphone and talking is more entertaining than most of the product today.
watch the indie promotions. Dont watch WWE.
It's not a WORK, IT'S A SHOOT.
I have not watched a wrestling match (other than old matches on TH-cam) in years. I dig the shoot interviews more than anything else.
Agreed 😂
I'm not really into wrestling anymore, but I love hearing interviews from the guys who I liked, when I did watch.
Cider Gnome It's nothing like, what it used to be.
It's a new business in a lot of ways now, but there's plenty of things that remind me of the old days, and current wrestlers who are phenomenal, considering the utter shit they have to deal with from terrible writers backstage. Kevin Owens is a prime example (Kevin Steen was his old name). His sarcasm, ability to be a huge prick, and his all-round mic work is very fun and believable. Guys like AJ Styles are as good in the ring, as HBK ever was (just my opinion). I watched WWF since the Hogan/Savage/Warrior/Piper days, and stopped in 2005/6 for a few years (It got unbearable and annoying), but CM Punk's mic work drew me back in around 2011. Been watching ever since.
That doesn't mean I don't get annoyed by the shitty writing at times, the storylines that go nowhere, the talent that gets buried, while boring people get the push etc, but there's still epic moments, amazing in-ring action and a couple of interesting characters. Still, nothing will ever beat 90's wrestling, as far as the product, and the effort they used to put into the stories. Vince has no real competition so he does not give a fuck anymore, as long as the kids buy that John Cena merch. The only saving grace is HHH, who has a big hand in things nowadays, and will make things so much better after Vince McMahon dies, i believe. He's in charge of the "developmental" show NXT which is supposed to be the bush leagues, but 90% of the time, the matches are a thousand times better than what's on Raw or Smackdown lol. Very old school, ECW vibe with the smarky, intense crowd (minus the graphic violence)
Lungsy1988 Ring Of Honor is where it's at
Gawd dangit Bobby
Well said! I agree.
Bret’s feud with Austin and his heel turn is the best thing I’ve ever seen in wrestling.
You have great taste
It's unbelievable that WCW dropped the ball with him. Bret was the hottest talent in the business when he joined them.
Bret was already doing heel promos before his match with Austin
@@xziggy_stardustx6786 I was about 10 then and he was my favorite
Tbh to me that was the best match of all time
I am more interested in these interviews with older wrestlers than the current product.
Fernicus Maximus for sure! I thought wrestling was dead until these podcasts came along. Now we get to hear the back stories from our heroes .
Ya most of us that got to enjoy the Golden age in real time end up here watching interviews with our old heroes.
Most of the current superstars really don't mean a damn. Maybe that's why Triple H buried them because he wants the Attitude Era materials and most of today's wrestlers can't level up.
Bret was a purist, Shawn was a personality
People still watch this shit?
A lot of people say that Bret is a mark for himself, but I see it as an artist who is proud of his work. Wrestling was life for him. It wasn't just a hobby, it was what he did and he was surrounded by it for so many years. So when he builds himself up I se it as any other artist proud of what they've done. A musician who is proud of a song. A painter proud of a painting and so forth. I miss watching this guy.
every other interview, Bret says how Eric was so good to him when Owen died then in another interview says how shifty Eric was about Owen's death. depending on which way the wind us blowing, Bret always changes his mind on people lol. Brets life is all about him always just saying how great he was in his interviews. it's like he values his life on what others thing of his wrestling skills. kinda sad. he was amazing but it also true that he's a mark for himself. 2 things can be true.
He's absolutely right about wrestling today. No selling, no imagination, no storytelling and repetitive feuds.
18 likes to 1. The people have spoken.
Mostly because people don't appreciate the selling most guys do, especially those without a flashy entrance. Whole point of current Ziggler gimmick. No imagination? Wrestlers, particularly shift to cruiserweights (bar Enzo), are flying around and innovating lots of new things. They don't do more mat wrestling, stuff that Bret is into. Granted there are loads who are stale (Wyatt, Balor, Ambrose) but at least they try to tell stories, fans just arent invested in them though. Feuds are repetitive in the way that most matches are seen on TV, as they talked about, see Roode vs Ziggler, see most IC/US champs facing their challengers on TV...
There are a lot of problems. Many of them due to inability of building these guys and fans not believing in their work and focusing on theme songs and entrances. Look at Corbin for example. Dude is going to get cheered because of cool music now...
Certainly it's not true 100% across the board. But an innovative match is useless unless you care about the characters. Character is everything and so many current guys are completely interchangeable. And coming up with interesting storylines for people with minimal character must be a torment. It's also harder to keep storylines fresh when you have 12 PPVs a year on top of 2 large shows a week. Back in the day there were 4 big PPVs that meant something. Stories took time to build and they had room to breathe. It gave you time to get invested. Now it's one and done, rinse and repeat. And repeat. And repeat. Even the great characters and feuds they do have are done in a month. Scale back. It's the same argument WWE is using to keep Brock Lesnar part time i.e. the less he's seen, the more of an attraction he is. The same goes for big events. Keep the events big and special, and keep the weekly shows good enough to maintain interest. Oh, and cutting Raw back to 2 hours might not be the worst idea, considering they practically fill an hour with WWE Network plugs alone.
Back in the day there weren't just 4 PPVs though. True, most feuds were to build until those 4, but there are so many factors that make the performer popular nowadays:
1) Ability to work the crowd - nobody got invested in the Cruiserweights until Enzo got there, because they usually just talk at each other. They're not told to draw, just get out there and do a 365th tag match without context or new content. How many of them apart from Tozawa do anything to make the crowd pop or boo?
2) Entrance & presentation - is it just me or is there like 20x more emphasis on this recently? Most of the guys that are popular, those who don't get on the mic that often, are those with a unique entrance. But when you take that away, what do they really have? Balor is really bland apart from that, thought so since NXT, he's one of the quiet dudes who do the pose and don't incite energy. Same with Roode. Nakamura's segments are really awkward most of the time despite his clear passion and electric performance. And stupidly IMO, the crowd are looking for more of this. Look at how many comments are calling for McIntyre's old theme song just so he gets a cool theme. Nobody cares about the guy and what he does in the ring, it doesn't resonate with egotistical crowds.
3) Mic - why do people like Reigns as a Shield member and hate him when he has to carry himself on the promo? His ring work is super solid throughout. It's not just the fact that WWE is obviously continuously lining up the roster to take the pins for him.
4) Element of surprise - which performers actually surprise you with their promo or a decent move that adds to the story in the ring? There are very few of them. Strowman was so successful, because of how much he surprised the fans. Tipping the ambulance over, kip-ups, no-selling Lesnar's suplexes, doing anything the fans would expect from a monster like him AND MORE! Very few guys do that. Revival are such good heels, because they do things many heel tag teams do NOT do these days. People tune into Cena's promos despite his lame gimmick, because he keeps them fresh EVERY SINGLE TIME. See Bayley for comparison on how to NOT work that same gimmick, it might please the kids, but does nothing for the other 75% of the viewers.
5) Ring skill - I actually think this matters little. Obviously better wrestlers who can carry a match for longer than 7-10 minutes will be more popular, but this is not the reason you tune in. All you need to do to make it is be able to take a good, sometimes risky bump and be able to sell it. Bret's major point. Ambrose is good at it, it's what's kept him afloat for such a long time. There are many examples of guys who are popular when they do just that i.e. Big Show, Mark Henry, Sheamus feuds a few years back. Goldberg had a successful shocker run despite a fairly bad ending to it, because he had ways to compensate for that. It is all dependent on what the crowd expect from you. Put AJ or Rollins in a match and the crowd will automatically think "this will be average at worst!" Problem with guys like Jinder is not the nature of ring skill, rather the lack of compensating factors. Can't make people hate you these days just because you're a foreign jerk, need more depth to it than that.
So in essence I think the guys can always keep it fresh, but sometimes they don't have the time in between PPVs to focus and keep thinking about new ways to do it. So I agree really! (after writing an entire essay... lol)
Btw, my "back in the day" is 1988-1992 and there were four big events: Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, Summerslam and Survivor Series. There were other random events like Hot Ticket now and then, but in the mid 90s they added "In Your House" which later got names and morphed into the monthly events during the attitude era. But I totally agree with what you're saying. The stars have to align, like they did in the early 90s and the late 90s.
Promos are everything because it builds the character. I just think if the characters are bland, it ruins everything else. It doesn't help that EVERYTHING is scripted nowadays. That limits everything to a few writers, and doesn't let the wrestler themselves to develop the character. Wrestlers used to have to work their character to get over with the crowd, or take the ball if the crowd mysteriously loved them.
Another lack: That the announcers need major work. You need a face/heel dynamic which is hinted at these days, but it's not very well done compared to Heenan/Monsoon, Ventura/Monsoon, or JR/Lawler. The announcers add so much more flavor and can inject interest into an otherwise unremarkable match just by rooting for either guy. JBL tries nowadays, but it just doesn't fly. I don't mind a post-kayfabe era but the announcers should still act like they care. Then again, it's hard to do a face/heel dynamic in the announcing when often the face/heel differences in the ring itself are negligible. It's hard to tell sometimes.
All I know is that I haven't watched wrestling in a long time because I am bored to death by it, and I've loved wrestling since I was 6 years old. Something is up. Maybe I'm just out of sync with what people want nowadays since I was spoiled with the 90s.
Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle would've been a classic
Lol kurt angle wouldn't even come close ...really man?... theres others that exceed kurt angle like doink the clown lol
Benoit vs Hart wouldve been epic
Yea I agree but I thought it happen already
Benoit vs Hart has happened. It was a tribute to Owen after he had passed. The Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart would had been awesome
Yes as a submission match
No one could tell a story in the ring like Bret. The selling, psychology, the wrestling, the passion.
There was this one guy who could
Bret seems to be a guy in interviews who is really closed off and disinterested but when he gets going he starts to open up and you see some genuine warmth and love for wrestling. You can tell because it is at this point precisely that Sam Roberts decides to interrupt, without fail.
Right, Brets the GOAT but Sam Roberts is awful at interviewing, he does this to soo many people. It's like he tries to make himself the center of attention.
Bret has such a brilliant mind for wrestling and what made it special. I feel like modern wrestling just doesn't have that same special feeling as Bret's era.
TBH I only care about aj and hes legit more than all of the main roster and nxt roster. even bret aj are way better than hbk and super underrated
It doesn't and Bobby Heenan perfectly stated why. He said "we should have been wising up the tv producers to the fact that this was all a work but instead we wised up the fans". That was the best summary of why wrestling sucks now that I've ever heard. I grew up in the 80's and that was a time when kids really believed it and kayfabe was seriously honored. Now these idiots are on twitter hanging out with each other and it just takes any sense of believability out of it.
@@SimpleManGuitars1973 yes but wrestling also lost "that big fight feel" that boxing had. Rivalries nowadays last what maybe two months??? Used to be in the '80s you had huge rivalries that would go on for years (Freebirds/Von Erichs, Hogan/Macho Man, etc.). People would go nuts watching the matches because the wins REALLY mattered and everyone had their favorites. Made it more believable too.
It's definitely true Bret loves putting himself over, but man, if you had his career and the quality of his in ring work, you'd put yourself over too. The man has the biggest love/hate relationship with the wrestling business and he's gone through a hell of a lot in his life. Full respect to him.
Yes and no
At the same time he wasn’t selfish
He said he was fine with losing the title to anyone and anywhere and anytime except losing it in his hometown against Shawn Michaels and despite everything he did and how he revolutionized wrestling Vince didn’t even have the respect to grant him that
He put people over too. 123 kid is an example
He put over a lot of people, he had a great sense of fairness. Vince relented to HBK and it's sad it ended that way.
Bret Hart, the last hero in wrestling, when hero's meant something to kids in wrestling. The best there is, was and ever will be! Thanks for the classics!
its "The Best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be" isnt it ?
Yeah , there are no babyfaces anymore ... Even when Bret went heel again he did it like Bob Backlund staying a face and criticizing all of the antiheros and coolheels ( and the fans to a degree ) ...I agreed with him . Steve Austin was a good antihero but most others were just lazy and cashing in on a trend ... Jake Roberts was a cool heel ... but how many cool heels were as good as Jake ...Wrestling needs faces and heels just like it needs clean wins and losses .
@@georgeelmerdenbrough6906 Million Dollar Man was the best heel ever in my opinion but Jake was a close second, his eerie promos and creepy demeanour were unparalleled, way better than his face run
@Peter de Zeeuw Mine too
Cena was a hero for kids. And he never turned heel like Bret. I'm a way bigger fan of Bret's, but thems the facts yo!
He puts himself over a lot but he actually did everything he said he did.
He's earned the right to while there's so many out there who put themselves over who are just straight up liars. Bret's the man.
Bret's story never changes and he always shoots straight. He was never a bullshitter. I think that guys who say he's a mark for himself have gotten the wrong impression. He just has respect for himself and his craft. He always took it seriously. He'll always be my favourite wrestler.
He deserves it
@@badm0t0rf1ng3r Mentioning Wayne Gretzky in a Bret Hart vid 🤣
I wish Sam wouldn't cut off Bret so often, especially when he is about to tell a story. After all, I want to hear what Bret has to say, not Sam.
Yes, especially his memory about being a 12 year old kid watching the whole game. Who cares? Not interesting.
yeah quite disrespectful
I thought he did a good job
Shut up sam
Kept interrupting throughout the interview
Bret is my all time favorite. His one knock was always on his charisma but on his heel run, I think he was quite underrated. I thought he played a huge part bringing in the attitude era.
For context, Bret only says Bischoff is a 'maggot' in the sense of a wrestling exec. He says he's a nice guy right after that line.
Karemaker I know everyone will only focus on the quote and not the context. Thats the world we live in sadly.
A week later Sam turns heel on Bret and only brings up the maggot bit to Eric.
No wonder he's employed by WWE time to time he's a fucking snake in the grass.
39:41 for context, Bret claims he doesn't have a good thing to say about eric yeah his "nice enough guy" comment sounds sarcastic in full context
bigmikeystyle The "nice enough guy" comment sounds genuine, I think it's the interviewers laugh that makes it sound sarcastic
Karemaker everyone says that about Eric. He wrecked a billion dollar company due to his ego
Anyone who denies that Bret is one of the top 5 greatest in ring workers in the history of pro wrestling is an uninformed fool.
The Dude My personal favorites are
Jeff Hardy
Tommy Dreamer
William Regal
Angle, hennig, Benoit, hbk and backlund, sammartino were better 3 of those guys were amateur wrestlers
I like Bret but it's getting harder to see shoot after shoot of him still bitter and slagging everyone. We get it he wasn't used properly and got screwed over by everyone. It's done.
mrwhopee Stop watching his shoots then. No ones forcing you to.
Kimiora Henry Sadly I think I don't have to watch his shoots anymore, they're all the same slagging of the Kliq, Vince, Bichoff, Hogan, they all screwed him or didn't use him properly despite getting him richer than hell.
WWE needs Bret on the creative team, he knows way too much and it all made sense!
You spelled AEW wrong
Damn right. Aew shd hire him actually. Wwe is shit nowdays.
@@Arandomguyat1 indeed lol
every other interview, Bret says how Eric was so good to him when Owen died then in another interview says how shifty Eric was about Owen's death. depending on which way the wind us blowing, Bret always changes his mind on people lol. Brets life is all about him always just saying how great he was in his interviews. it's like he values his life on what others thing of his wrestling skills. kinda sad. he was amazing but it also true that he's a mark for himself. 2 things can be true.
@@nexpro6118 Bret has a strong personality and we all know people like that who have strong self confidence and strong opinions. Often you have some of that group who are just passionate when they speak on any subject and come off stronger than what their hearts feel. Culturally speaking Canadians go hard lol they get a bad vibe that day they will vent it out right then and there and the next day get a good vibe and love the hell out of a person. If that helps?
I love that Bret Hart actually believes he is the best there was, the best there is and the best there will ever be. Loved this wrestler, amazing worker and loyal talent.
Yea loyal until Eric offered him that contract huh shut that shit up....
When did being full of yourself become an admirable trait? This is why i say wrestling fans are low brow and mostly low IQ.
@rich You heard of the Montréal screw job? It seems like you don't.
이전에도 최고였고 지금도 넘버원이고 미래에도 일등인 더 베스트 레슬러^^^♡
You mean egomaniac
He may put himself over, but everything he say's is the truth. One of the greats.
That's the thing, right? His advice is really good.
what advice?he's just talking shit...he can say all he wants that's not his intent..but if talking shit is not your intent then just don't do it, if you really wanna help people in the business go and say that "advice" to people in the business, not on podcasts with no possible response from the guys you're talking shit about
He said Triple H is "not in the top 1,000 wrestlers," which is fucking insane. There's no truth to that whatsoever. Just bitterness.
Triple H's best matches have been with opponents that can carry him or make him look good. Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Mick Foley. Good shape and good promos, yes. Good wrestler? He's not a bad one. Just average.
kult38 Triple h was a great heel as a heel hes atleast a top 25 so how isnt he a top 1000??
So many idiots need a reality check. This guy was the real people's champ, we watched him rise up from tag team, to mid card to world champ. He wasn't made by WWF and the management like Shawn Michaels, HHH, Stone Cold etc were. He worked his bollocks off and we the people saw his talent and became fans. No we didn't become fans because he poured milk over himself, we didn't fall in love because he spent 90% of his time saying 'WHAT' and 10% actually in the ring. We marvelled at the fact that he was the FIRST small champion of the world and it was fully deserved.
If we're honest MOST matches were boring as hell to watch, most people loved the drama and theatrics BUT, actually come fight time the matches were boring, except when Bret was performing. We watched him beat Roddy Piper in a brilliant match!... then we watched him beat Mr a brilliant match... British Bulldog...guess what? Another brilliant match and we watched him in one of the best matches ever against Stone Cold.
Without Bret you wouldn't have Stone Cold, or Michaels, or The Rock, Jericho, HHH etc...Bret paved the way for the smaller guy to hold the belt.
For people saying he cries and 'puts himself over' why shouldn't he?... there's no sex and steroid scandals with him like Hulk, Warrior, there was no one saying he's a scumbag and not to be trusted like Nash, Michaels, HHH, Hall, Scott Steiner, Flair etc etc etc... there was no history of drug problems like with the countless amount of wrestlers who have died due to drug abuse or committed atrocious crimes.
But guess what?... his brother died, his brother in law died, many of his friends have died, his father died, suffered a stroke which ended his career, and he got screwed out of a company that he helped build from the very start.
He's a credit to the wrestling industry and far more than most wrestlers and definitely The McMahons. Vince owes him a hell of a lot and so called 'fans' should show more respect. That is of course unless you like pantomime drama, douche bags and have no morals.
I think Bret has every right to be pissed off or indeed be proud of his accomplishments. Ask yourself if you've experienced anything close to his life.
Bret Hart... The Best There Is, There Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be!✌🏽
Bret was always my favorite wrestler, and I always liked the Hart Foundation. I was really pissed when they got rid of him... That was pretty much the end of me watching wrestling.
Well said my friend.
None of the wrestlers you mention were made by the WWF,They all went through the territories just like Bret except Bret mainly went with his dads promotion then any other promotion where as Michaels,HHH,Austin went through a bunch
actually, anyone who won the WWF championship technically were made by the WWE
Not really because Ric Flair won the WWF championship back in the early 90's,however he was already a household name
Peoples Champion, Stood For Something Pure, Excellent Wrestler, Never hurt no one or himself, and did it without being 6'5'' or bigger and on steroids. Purest wrestler that can say WHATEVER he wants about ANY TOPIC. He's earned it for God Sake. The Excellence of Execution that was The BEST there IS, the BEST there was, and the BEST that ever will be!
Bret did steroids though. He admitted that himself.
Obviously not near the same amount as some of the most roided up guys. Nor for even close to as long as they did.
But he tried the roids.
Bret did steroids though. He admitted that himself.
Obviously not near the same amount as some of the most roided up guys. Nor for even close to as long as they did.
But he tried the roids.
Brett juiced his entire wrestling career. He was just smart about it.
He totally deserves the legendary status he has earned for himself
He was on steroids,
I remember Bret saying that he wanted to promote wrestlers who weren't "jacked up" in size, but those who were skilled ring technicians. The early-mid and possibly some of the late 1990s were the best wrestling years because Bret successfully promoted technical wrestling abilities. In watching his matches both live and on TV, it was obvious that Bret wanted his matches to be remembered. Incidently, I was at a show where Bret had Blade escort him to his match. How Blade's grown up to tell what he remembered! Thanks for this video interview.
I don't know about you all, but I was thoroughly annoyed with the guy sitting next to Brett Hard playing with his cell phone. How many people can say they sat next to Brett Hart and heard his great stories? I was 12 years old when Brett Hart won his first title in 1992. I just find it insulting that the guy next to the Hitman was on his phone for most of the entire time of this interview. What I wouldn't give to sit down next to Brett and just listen to his stories.
Valid point, but the other guy might have no interest in wrestling, past or present or might be busy micromanaging things with later guests etc.
I'll say this much, if I was there and a football player was being interviewed; i'd have no idea who he is or what he was saying. I'd probably leave and go do something else.
You'll see this with kids at weddings. No idea what's happening or whos involved. So they pick their noses or twiddle thumbs.
Brett Harts wife is black... that's his step son.
Lol that's his step son. .. And no
chill out mat, the guy might not be into wrestling
I was offended for The Hitman. That dude probably wasn't a true Wrestling fan. Any TRUE fan wouldn't take this attention off of Bret if he was sitting next to them.
One word survivor comes to mind he's been through a lot in his life never gave up he battled through it
I loved Bret Hart so much as a young wrestling fan that when he called America a big toilet bowl in that promo at a RAW in Canada in 97 and the crowd cheered, that I watched at home and just went “YEAHHH” when he said it (I’m American).
I got in trouble when my mom heard me, lol. I turned on my own country for Bret.
How old where you on Monday night July 21 1997 it was in .Halifax
I watched that show. Online. Too bad I was 4 at the time. Pro wrestling in the 90s WWF WCW ECW was excellent. sucks.
@@TheAaronChand I was 15 in 1997. Wrestling back then was awesome. WWE vs WCW and there was nothing better. I mean WWE had JR and Lawler for Raw, and WCW had Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Tony Schiavone, and Zbyszko on Nitro. I don't know how much more I can tell you how awesome it was. Growing up with Bret Hart and his brother Owen. Steve Austin, HHH, HBK, The Rock, Undertaker, and I can keep going. WWE is more watered down due to probably be from Chris Benoit. AEW is pretty good, but not every match is perfect. AEW is trying to capture the WWE 90s magic. Will AEW do that? I don't know, but I hope they do. I do watch AEW currently and I watched WWE from the late 80s until 2004. Do I keep up with it? Yeah. Is it the same? Hell no!
Aaron Chand i turned 7 on that day.
@@TheAaronChand I was about 14and man was it a good time in wrestling.
Finally someone who remembers what story telling is because WWE doesn't anymore.
Criminal Minds Girl EXACTLY!
The problem is he thinks he's the only one that knows.
Watch ROH/Njpw
Guillermo Moreno what roh is a fucking spot fest
yeah cause even something like KO-Shane at HIAC just to take the latest example was horrible storytelling...bitch please... he is just another old school guy that can't accept change in wrestling.
I would've killed when I was a kid having Bret Hart put his badass shades on my face on his way to the ring! God he was my favorite. Still is at 41 and I'd still love that. If some of you younger guys and gals could've seen how cool this man was in his era wow was he a powerhouse and he really was the "Excellence Of Execution" what a legend he was before he became a legend. His presence, music, taunts, mic skills, promos, style, and move set was complete perfection...and his matches were otherworldly. If you've never seen any of his matches you're missing out because they're epic and he truly was one of the absolute best!!!!
Wrestling was Bret’s passion. He loved it all the way to his very soul. He was an artist & the ring was his canvas. It was in his blood, born into maybe the most famous pro wrestling family in the world. He’s my favorite wrestler of all time, and to Canadians, he is a hero!
Great to see the Hitman !
I know this is an older vid, but Bret always come across to me as one of the more intellectual wrestlers. I enjoy listening to his stories. His HOF acceptance speech was really great as well.
Bret isnt bitter hes just real
he is bitter...being justified doesn't change that. He has every right to be bitter...I'm on Vince's side considering the screwjob but everything that happened in WCW was just too bad for anyone to get over with. They practically ruined his life
Yeah he is real, real bitter.
At least Bret isn't Ole Anderson bitter.
if he's got something to say about someone he's going to say it, he's not going to sit and pretend oh yeah we are good i seen him on Christmas.
The Attitude era started before Bret left. The momentum was already beginning.
The thing is did Bret draw in the main? People need to remember in 1996 when things were in the crapper, they had HBK, Undertaker, Ringmaster Steve Austin, Goldust, Hawk Bradshaw, legends like Jake the Snake and Jannetty, JR & King involvement, Hunter, Al Snow under other gimmicks, Kane under other gimmicks... the 'Attitude era' stars and some classic legends were all in the company when business was low.
And as Kevin Nash drew nothing in 1994, he was one of a trio who grew WCW to almost kill WWF.
It's very rarely about the talent that you have and more about how they are used. In the main to make it to the big leagues, you've already got to be good - especially post 1995.
Bret was involved in WWF during the majority of the rock and wrestling explosion. He was part of that success. He was also part of the formative Attitude era. Did he draw as champion? One may say not but the truth is that WWF was killing itself with crap.
Look, if the main event are the best two wrestlers in the world but your opening match is Duke Droese vs. Damien DeMento and your next match is 1-2-3 Kid (great wrestler bland gimmick) vs. Face Doink, I'm not going to STAY for the main event no matter how good they are!
WWF in the 80's and early 90's succeeded because the whole card were stars and hot. Everything went cold for some years then in 1996 the WCW WHOLE CARD went hot. Then in the Attitude era the WHOLE CARD was again hot. Austin and Rock took the heat and added petrol to it.
Nowadays people are subjected to 50/50 booking and people who get over (like Rusev) are held down because Vince doesn't get it, and we wonder why things look ill?
So don't tell me Bret didn't draw. He was often the only thing worth watching in ring on a card. If business suffered whilst he was No. 1, I don't think it was his problem - look at who else was being pushed. And if you're gonna say Bret didn't draw, neither did HBK, HHH, Jericho, Undertaker, or the fans' darling A.J. Styles, because viewship has always been low when they were main guys. And which of us is going to say Undertaker doesn't draw!
Well fucking said, straight facts!
This is probably the longest comment i've ever seen but i agree
super coolguy
4th August 1997: “WWF Raw is War Broadcast and WWF Shotgun TV Taping”: Bethlehem, PA - 4,665 sellout Set new gate record for Bethlehem. ($69,009 live gate) ($40,444 merchandise sales) Dark match: WWF World Champion Bret Hart rolled over The Undertaker and Vader in a Triple Threat match. Raw: (08/04): Ken Shamrock beat Kama; Taka Michinoku downed Brian Christopher; Vader battled Hunter Hearst Helmsley to a double count-out; The Patriot dropped The Sultan; Ahmed Johnson defeated Chainz; The Godwinns overcame The Headbangers; Bob Holly bested Brian Pillman by count-out; Dude Love overturned Owen Hart. Shotgun: (08/09): Recon, Sniper and The Interrogator beat Zolta Bigg, George Fouts and Hammond Hagar; Tiger Ali Singh downed Bob Holly; The Patriot won a battle royal. 8th August 1997: Miami, FL - 5,095 ($90,680 live gate) ($28,000 merchandise sales) Highest gate in Miami since 1990 Rockabilly beat Flash Funk; D-Lo Brown and Kama battled Crush and Chainz to a double count-out; Rocky Maivia downed Faarooq; WWF European Champion Davey Boy Smith dropped Goldust; Mankind bested Triple H; Savio Vega and Miguel Perez Jr defeated Owen Hart and Brian Pillman; Ken Shamrock toppled Vader; The Undertaker rolled over WWF World Champion Bret Hart by DQ. 9th August 1997: West Palm Beach, FL - 6,028 sellout ($88,007 live gate) ($26,000 merchandise sales) Set a new gate record for West Palm Beach. The Rock beat Rockabilly; D-Lo Brown and Kama defeated Chainz and Crush, and Savio Vega and Miguel Perez Jr in a Triple Threat match; Vader downed Flash Funk; Dude Love and Goldust dropped Owen Hart and WWF European Champion Davey Boy Smith; Goldust bested Hunter Hearst Helmsley; The Undertaker toppled Faarooq; Ken Shamrock rolled over WWF World Champion Bret Hart by DQ. 10th August 1997: Montgomery, AL - 4,150 sellout ($65,567 live gate) ($18,000 merchandise sales) Set a new gate record for Montgomery. The Rock beat Rockabilly; D-Lo Brown and Kama defeated Chainz and Crush, and Savio Vega and Miguel Perez Jr in a Triple Threat match; Vader downed Flash Funk; Dude Love and Goldust dropped Owen Hart and WWF European Champion Davey Boy Smith; Goldust bested Hunter Hearst Helmsley; The Undertaker toppled Faarooq; Ken Shamrock rolled over WWF World Champion Bret Hart by DQ. 11th August 1997: “WWF Raw is War Broadcast and WWF Shotgun TV Taping”: Biloxi, MS - 6,814 sellout ($79,351 live gate) ($34,000 merchandise sales) Dark matches: Jerry Lawler won a battle royal; WWF World Champion Bret Hart won a three-way over Vader and The Undertaker. Shotgun: (08/16): Owen Hart downed Goldust; Brian Christopher dropped Tony Williams; D-Lo Brown and Kama overcame Skull and Eight-Ball by count-out; Vader bested Hunter Hearst Helmsley by DQ. Raw: (08/11): The Legion of Doom defeated The Godwinns in a “country whipping” match; Scott Putski pinned Tony Williams; Flash Funk bested Brian Pillman; The Patriot and Ken Shamrock toppled Owen Hart and WWF European Champion Davey Boy Smith; Faarooq pinned Chainz; Shawn Michaels rolled over M
1 month ago
Triple H and Taker did draw. Just because bret and shawn didn't draw it doesn't mean you can project your emotions on other wrestlers and make bullshit claims 😂
The guy sitting next to him is super disrespectful. Texting while the hitman is talking.
Probably not an actual wrestling fan. I'd be lost in the moment if The Hitman was sitting next to me.
@@frank-bmtz that is the gayest and most retarded comment I’ve read amongst all of the other comments.
@@christophercunningham5434 Not as bad as your sermon video.
@@christophercunningham5434 Dude, have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror or listened to yourself talk? You are the personification of the word dork....
@@christopherwood2290 I am perfect fine accepting that description from you. I’d bet I have far more going for me than you can say for yourself. See, here’s the thing. You can say whatever you want, and make up whatever you want about yourself to try and offend me, but you cannot change the truth. Truth is, you’re a middle aged man who probably has less in his savings than I do in my checking, and would be another one of the many who ask, “how did he get a wife like that?” if you actually knew who I was. I promise you this, I sincerely hope that you can find some fulfillment in life before you’re 50lbs overweight, bitter and lonely. Until then, you will relegated to pathetic attempts to offend someone stating the truth by using middle school era name calling. Good luck boomer
Bret Hart vs Eddie Guerrero would’ve been five stars
@@badm0t0rf1ng3r Benoit did fight Bret in WCW, it was a good match too
@@badm0t0rf1ng3r you don’t work for wwe, so you can mention whoever you want
@@badm0t0rf1ng3r Nobody has a problem with him being mentioned in a general wrestling conversation like you did. The problem people have is when people take it too far and actually complain that he's not in the HOF or people complaining that he isn't remembered by wwe the way Eddie is. That's when people react with vitriol and deserved vitriol at that. The guy murdered a woman and a child.
The excuse of separating the art from the artist only holds true when it's not something that extreme. If the persons morals were in question or if they had let's say an assault charge in their history. Then the excuse is understandable. But not when the individual is a pedophile and not (in this case) when they're a double murderer especially a child murderer.
@@Liverpool5095 well said... That being said, why isn't Benoit in the hof? Lol I'm sorry.. I couldn't help myself.
Excelllece in Excecution... I love this man so good to see him
Isn't it Excellence of Excuses these days?
Ahh he called himself the excellence of execution not in execution
@@philly-savage5381lol I knew one of the two replies on this comment would be this aha. Cuz I’m guilty of thinking the exact same thing
I was barely alive when Bret retired, and I still would put him on a Wrestling Mt Rushmore, don’t worry Hitman, your legacy will always be a gold standard for generations to come.
That's pretty cool, Hunter.
I saw Bret win the title at WM X at MSG in 1994. Best childhood memory w/ my pops.
No, im not letting you get away with that. Who are the other three on there????? 😜
Finally a kid who knows his stuff. Bret the Hitman Hart is the best pure wrestler of all time. Hands down!
As a kid I loved Michaels, looking back I should have been a Bret fan. He was way better now that I watch the older ppvs again
Michaels had a lot of flash. Bret was a master of storytelling and psychology had much more substance.
Michaels gimmick was sick tho
Alex Krick I definitely like the Michael’s style a little bit better.. I was just a casual fan in the 80’s.. I appreciated the top guys like Hogan & Savage for example.. When Undertaker came on the scene however things began to get very interesting..
I never did consider Brett the GOAT but he is a wrestling purist and def one of the best.. And, also my moms favorite!
Brett & Shawn we’re both great IMHO
You dont have to not like one to like the other. Both are great story tellers.
Watch HBK vs Undertaker in hell in a cell.
Shawn had a lot of flash because he had the athleticism that Bret didn't. Bret was a very good technical wrestler though.
Anyway both are great.
The nostalgia brought about by these interviews is what I find most alluring and enjoyable. I do not watch wrestling as I am a grown adult man, and haven’t watched in two decades but I love watching the videos showing my childhood favorite wrestlers.
Yep I'm the same mate , I'm 34 now but love the old shoots of the old legends
Not watched wrestling for many years, but was a massive fan of Bret and The Hart Foundation, Bret has gone through so much in his life, a lot of truth in this really good interview with Bret, to me Bret will always be The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be
If Shawn wasn’t such an asshole back then, definitely there could have been more matches between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. Bret and Shawn were at their best. Undertaker was at his best and Stone Cold, Triple H and the Rock were close to reaching main event status. I would have loved to see at least two more Main event matches between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels.
After the golden era of Wrestling in the 80’s and early 90’s, it was Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels who led the way for the new generation. The best thing about Bret and Shawn is that they made wrestling look real and they shifted the focus from larger than life characters, who couldn’t wrestle like hogan and warrior, to events based on wrestling and in ring ability. No one at that time was better than Bret technically, and no one was better than Shawn athletically.
The attitude era became more about the soap opera, lengthy promos, swearing and entertainment, while wresting was always second to entertainment. This is why WCW was appealing to some. I have to give credit to Undertaker, Kane, the rock and Triple H for embracing the attitude era, but also focusing on delivering a high standard of in ring performances. WCW, bar a few exceptions, was all about the entertainment and poor matches. I don’t even know if WCW even cared about the wrestling side of things. At one stage WCW’s actual talent like Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit gave up on the WCW crap and jumped ship to WWE because it still had a focus on Wrestling, and that’s where they made a name for themselves.
Vince was always going to win the Monday night wars in the end because WWE was run by Vince, a man who was eager to learn all about entertainment and knew everything about wrestling. Turner was involved with WCW at arm’s length at best. Turner also didn’t know anything about Wrestling. It took a while for Vince to get the formula right; entertainment wise, and once he got that right, well then there was never going to be any competition.
I do wish and hope that AEW one day will be a legitimate challenge to the WWE because WWE with no competition has become complacent. Strong competition brings the best out of Vince.
Your 100 Percent right
they had 3 ppv matches.
Was a huge Brett fan....Sharp Shooter baby!
U have Brett the hitman hart sat next to u and all that guy can do is just sit there looking at his phone 🤦🤦like wtf this generation will never no
Self obsessed a&&holes
Bret Hart was always one of my favorites! Ironically I was a HBK fan as well, I could watch my two favorite wrestlers go at it and be in heaven because it didn't matter who won. This is professional wrestling, they're supposed to be talking themselves up and knowing they were the best. It was part of the business.
Can you imagine how awesome it would have to have both HBK and Bret (and happy in WWE) past 1997? We could have had 15-20 years of storyline between these two...feuds, temporary reconciliation, even belt championships again. It would have been EPIC!
Interview started kinda awkward. But I think Bret learned as it went on that Sam Roberts knows his shit, so it loosened up a lot and Bret said some really interesting stuff.
i remember the hall of fame speech from bret and he gave Zero fucks about the stories he told about slaughter mcmahon or owen and others and it was actually fucking hilarious^^
@@manager0612 link?
@@freshjive8586 search Bret Hart Hof speech
The best there is, The best there was, The best there ever will be.
bmw_bri_328i uh no probably the best at bitching, whining and crying. Lol
Michael Mcintosh what has he complained about? All he does is state facts. He never said he was the best ever but he is the top 5 best.
bmw_bri_328i just said it on my mind 3x then came to this comment
and New York City, YOU KNOW IT!!
"Everybody in that goddamn dressing room knows I'm the best there is the best there was an the best there ever will be!!"............wooo I loved that outburst from him on raw so genuine
If Bret comes off as full of himself to you, that’s fine, but he’s never wrong in anything he says about himself. It’s ego based on fact, not ego based on mostly delusion like Hogan.
What you came for
Slow Lead in to WCW/Bischoff at 38:37
Or Directly talking about Eric Bischoff 39:42
Thank you, can't stand Sam's voice
The dude on the left loves his so many sad :(
lmao ikr when he puts it down its for like 10 seconds or less .... wtf
He's next to a mount rushmore wrestler
I'd rather ask that dude to be off camera.
Didn’t even notice him until this comment lol
Probably researching for the interview... or tinder. Probably tinder...
Lol Vince was still going to call the finishes from jail,
Bobby B I just took a shit
Some people say Bret is Bitter, i just think he is highly critical of the way pro wrestling is now days. You have to remember, this guy was ringing wrestling bells aged 4 at stampede for his dads company, wrestling is in his blood, if anyone has the right to criticize it's Bret.
Hes a pro wrassler born n bred, its prolly like a religion to him same as islam to a suicide bomber
Brets a soldier trough n true n will die waving a pro wrasslin flag.
Im not even a fan of his as such, its just hard not to respect him, his era & their excellence.... Crazy tho they all were!
Good to see all the goodwill in the comments. He was the absolute best wrestler. He could sell better than anybody
deadlegs187 except for that loss at survivor series 97',he could have sold that better!
I'd love AEW to hire Bret as a consultant for their big PPV matches, like he never got to do for WWE.
He started my obsession with pink and black. Love this man!
Love him. He always tells truth and keeps same story. He just won't lie for purpose of ppl what they wanna hear
His book at least comes off as believable. Unlike Michaels book. Anytime Shawn mentions a confrontational moment in that book it quickly is moved to “I don’t remember what happened next”
I've always admired Bret for his honesty and telling it like it is. I've met him many times and to this day, Bret demonstrates this warmth and sincere appreciation for his fans. I still remember meeting him after 'Mania 13 just before he turned heel. When I shook his hand, Bret squeezed my hand(he had a very strong grip)and had this pleading look in his eyes. I'd wondered if he was trying to tell me something. When I saw his heel turn the following night, I figured that was what he was trying to tell me.
@@glamgal7106 so bret hart was trying to tell you about his heel turn? The guy who respected the business and kayfabe as much as anyone? LOLOL
Ken9284 If you mean “My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling,” yes, I would definitely have to agree. I’m not surprised about what you mentioned about Shawn’s book-that any time he mentioned a confrontation, it went to a quick “I don’t remember what happened next.” How convenient that his memory is THAT selective-especially when numerous wrestling talents’ stories about Shawn’s starting up those confrontations and then crying that HE was the victim of injustice are very similar if not the same. Even when he wrestled at Crown Jewel, Shawn claimed that he was “forced” to wrestle at the PPV-at the sweet chin music of millions of greenbacks. There’s a leopard that never changed his spots.
People saying his putting himself over, he's a pro wrestler, of course he puts himself over!
Bret was always my favorite when it came to in-ring performance. First ppv I ever convinced my mom to buy for me was Wrestlmania 12. The iron match is still my favorite match if all time.
Who wants to listen to Brett Hart patting his back for about a hour? Me. Thats who. Me.
His ego is crazy. I was never a fan of his because he was boring to me. Just my opinion.
His ego is in check in my opinion, and it's true, from Hogan to Austin, Brett's career really did keep the ship afloat in a profound way and preserved the continuity of the WWF universe.
@@ThatViralVideo Meh i don't think so. When i watched back then i was watching for Hogan and the Warrior. I found the Hart members to be boring. Ego is never attractive. Look at Michaels and how much Brett seems to hate the guys personality, and always has. Michales entire schtick was basically Diamond Dave levels of full of himself... they're all ego maniacs from what i can tell. Opened themselves up to some bad stuff chasing that fortune and fame too, look at how many met an early, and tragic end.
ThatViralVideo 100%
We all love Bret! Unless you are a loser WCW fan.
All-time Dream PPV - (80's & 90's)
(All wrestlers in their prime)
Mr Prefect(1991) vs HHH(1999)
Rey Mysterio(1999) vs. Ricky Steamboat(1989)
Ultimate Warrior(Late 80s) vs. Goldberg (1998)
Hardy Boys w/Lita(1999) vs. The L.O.D.(Late 80s) w/Sunny(90s)
Big Show(1999) vs Andre the Giant(1980)
Sting(1998) vs The Undertaker (1998) w/Paul Bearer.
(Sting drops from the raptors)
The Steiner Brothers(Late 80's) vs Dudley Boys(Late 90s)
Bret Hart (1994) vs. Kurt Angle (1999)
Stone Cold (1998) vs Macho Man (mid-late 80's)
The Rock (1999) vs Shawn Michaels (1996)
4 horseman(mid -late 80s) - Arn, Ole, Tully vs the Radicals(late 90s) - Benoit, Eddy, Dean
(with Flair and Saturn at ringside)
NWO (1996/1997) - Hall, Nash, 6 PAC vs DX (1999) - Road Dogg, Mr. Azz, Chyna
(with Hogan, The Giant and Eric Bischoff in one corner and Shawn Michaels and Triple H in the other. 6 Pac switches sides mid match to X-Pac, tells the NWO to suck it, and DX wins 😉)
Ric Flair (early-mid 80s) vs Hulk Hogan (mid-late 80s)
Ring Announcers: Howard Finkle, Mean Gene, Justin Roberts, Lillian Garcia
Commentators: Tony Shivani, Jr, Jerry Lawler, Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby Heenan, and Joey Styles.
Managers: Jimmy Hart, Bobby the Brain, Paul Bearer, Jim Cornette, Paul Haymen,
In a perfect world where all these stars line up, this event's held in 3 locations where Vince McMahon(1999), Eric Bishoff(1997), Paul Heyman(mid-late 90s), Verne Gange(1980), and Stu Hart(1980), along with the best bookers, writers, and creative staff from the 80s/90s eras(AWA, WCCW, NWA, ECW, WCW, and WWF) all take sides in a storyline on who can put on the better show with those dream matches and personnel.
bobby mariani good god imagine 🙌🏻
Where is Austin?
Awesome bro 👌👌
You're missing Jessie The Body Ventura as a Commentator
Bret made a good point about watching matches that youve seen a thousand times. For me this happened during the dolph miz feud on sdlive last year. I got bored of watching miz & maryse screw w/ dz. Didnt help that their feud stretched for like 3 ppvs
Yeah after 3.4yr sd was great last year but vinnie was mad that his favorite show is shit then killed sd
The funny part about Bret saying this is that the WWF put him in a rivalry against Shawn for like 5 years...with matches we all saw a thousand times. Apparently it's okay for him to shit on others for having lengthy feuds, but his own lengthy feuds are fine. Or Bret going against Diesel for a few months.
Bret and I are both of the opinion that he is a wrestling genius and the greatest of all time
Bret: Eric killed the business. Worst guy ever. Such an idiot......but he was a nice guy though.
LOL you crack me up Hitman.
His issues with Bischoff aren't personal. Purely professional. He even says that in his book
You can be nice as a person and still fuck things up for other people. LOL
The Real Frisco LOL
It's part of that business. Some people just have multiple personalities. They can act nice, but are "stupidly" mean. They just do things without logic or without thinking that would kill the business, kill themselves, kill other's careers. It just does not make any sense but that's the type of people they are and the entertainment business is a magnate for them.
He was more than happy to take his money.
Eric in wcw offered him 10 million and he took it, now he has the balls to say he killed the business. Give the money back then bret... Give the money back
18:46 So true, I've never understood why you would run the matches that you're going to show at the big pay-per-view in the weekly televised show? It's like the boxing match between Tyson Fury and Usyk, they built that up. That's how a wrestling match needs to be. Imagine they ran fury v Usyk every week until the actual boxing event.
Brett couldve been the 1 to end undertaker streak... Thats how respected he was
He's the best
Adriana Sarabia Hey, how are you
One of the best. And you are soooooo fine! 😍
How are you?
Adriana Sarabia
He's a sour cream
Fuckin right he's the best!
When you grew up loving hbk but grow up understanding and identifying with the hitman
then why wouldnt you love Bret
That match against 123 kid on Raw is exceptional. He puts the kid over so huge, but looked great himself also.
One of the best matches ever.
123 Kid is still my favorite arc and perfect for a novice like me to step in. That fight felt like a big deal.
I'd love to see him on the Joe Rogan show.
why? joe rogan hates pro wrestling
@@jimipaddy He's had other pro wrestlers on there. And I just think Joe doesn't have a full understanding of Pro Wrestling.
Why - so we can hear him talk about how great he was and how he was screwed over for the thousandth time.
@@sc12100 If he did bring him on you could easily just skip the fuckin episode, genius.
Bret had to drop the belt on his way out. I doubt Bret would come to WCW to brag about how there was no challenge in WWF and how nobody could beat him for the title and all that. I doubt Bret would be the type of guy to do that. But Eric Bischoff absolutely would, we'd never hear the end of it. Vince knew that and he didn't want to give Bischoff the satisfaction and he didn't.
Which was the right call. Because it would have made WWF and their World title look like a joke. Now Shawns comment messed up that entire thing. Had he not said what he said there would have been no issues the match would have seen Shawn as the new champ and Bret would have left which he never really wanted to do anyway.
So Vince should have handled Shawn a lot better than he did. He should have told him straight up if you're gonna be the champ there will bo no more of this bullshit or you ain't getting no title put on you. But he didn't.
He’s right- call him bitter, but he’s right.
@ hard to fault him for his bitterness. But It is also partially fed by his ego and pride
I loved him as wrestler, but he needs to work through some of his pride issue. In the interview he reminds me of some bad coworkers
I don't think it's really bitterness on Bret's part. I think he says what happened and what he thinks. Also I don't know if people are aware that Bret and Shawn did make amendments in reality--this is seen in the first disc of the DVD set "Wrestling's Greatest Rivalries: Shawn vs. Bret" where Jim Ross interviewed both of them. At one point, Bret said that making the amendment "was like letting go of rocks." To me, it showed that Bret realized that bitterness wasn't worth having.
brets slowly turning into stu
43:40 "He (Michaels) didn't have trust and respect for me in the first place, back then. Which is how that whole storyline happened."
The mindset this dude has is amazing god bless you all struggling in life and can channel your inner dog or inner Bret
Everyone can tell you that forgiveness is important, but when BREAT HART tells you you need to forgive and forget, it actually means something.
great interview!
ice veins lllllllllllllllllllllll
I didn't watch Bret when he was in the wwf so I cant comment on "Bret saved wrestling", but I do know that even in his 40's this guy always gave 5 star matches
WWS is by far the most compelling documentary I've ever seen.
And I'm a legit fan of the genre.
He and Shawn were the reasons I started watching wrestling.
The hart foundation with Bret, pillmen, neidheirt, Owen and Davy boy need to go in to HOF, that was some faction, I know there’ll be issues over Owen but they all deserve to be in there, Bret is the last of a very elite group and they should do it while we still have Bret, he’s a living legend
I always felt like the Hart-Michaels debate was like the Beatles vs. The Rolling Stones. Why does it have to be one or the other? I like both guys' work, but it's different.
Michael T. Rodriguez it makes good media
Imagine having Bret offer to help out backstage, and turning him down. Tony Khan, ladies and gentlemen.
I know, how imbecilic could someone be. I mean, Bret Hart introducing the figure 4 around the ring post was genius. It’s appears to be like knee shattering and garners so much heat. He’s so ring smart and knows how to tell a story. I know he was a submission specialist… but I wish he also had a finishing move for a quick pinfall. I’m sure he’d of had one if he chose to. But he could totally help the company for many more years. But realistically Triple H ain’t a Bret Hart fan and vice versa. So it’ll never happen. Too bad.
I remember my parents not letting me go with my sister and her friends to a wwf match in Bama back in 92'. I was a huge fan of Brett the hit man heart! I was so upset I didn't get to go cause they thought it was too violent for my age. They brought me back a pair of Brett the hit man heart shades they sold at the event! I wore those everyday for like a year I was so proud of those shades!
Tied for #1 for me was always Sting and Bret Hart!!
Somebody Who Seriously Cares About Professional Wrestling Here Kids!
Hart v Hart at Mania 10 and Hart v Austin Mania 13 are my favorite Bret matches. I just love him and get so mad when people say hes bitter. First it was the screw job then he lost his brother because of that dumb stunt in WWF and then his career got cut short because Goldberg was never properly trained. Yet after all that he still isnt bitter. He just misses his career and passion. Hes dead on about wrestling today and i wish he would work in creative at either AEW or WWE. And i feel like Bryan Danielson makes other guys have their best matches today like how Bret used to for guys back in the day. Bret will always be the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be ❤
As far as Goldberg, you have to remember that he was trained by WCW and not by OVW (minor leagues of WWE) The only wrestler that came out of the power plant was DDP. Look how many people came out of OVW
@@johnjagodzinski9878 thats true. Imagine how much better Goldberg woulda been had he come from ovw.
Read bret's book awhile back.
Gotta say it was amazing. Growing up watching wrestling with my brother during the mid 80s it was definitely an expose for me.
Overall it was one of the best written books I've read, the passage where he describes Stu's death actually made me a little teary eyed.
He seems a bit slow when he talks and he seems to have limited movement on his left arm,
I know he had a stroke but I thought he made a full recovery.
I'm almost saddened to see him age and remember how full of life he was....It is what it is.
Either way, good interview.
Long live 'The hitman'!
I wish bret and shawn were around during the peak of the attitude era, so many great matches that could've happened.
LOVE hearing from the legends of pro wrestling. I saw Bret wrestle through both golden ages of the late 80s and late 90s. Truly outstanding stuff.
It's so nice to hear how humble he is. I don't think I heard him sing his own praises one time during this interview.
Is this cap? That's literally all he did lmao
You saved wrestling Bret, where would we be without you lol
@@cosmicquazar88Bret Has every Right to be Cocky
@gam1ngledgend156 not really. He's a cry baby.
@@cosmicquazar88 Cry baby? He had been screwed over 100s of times by the Wwf
Love Bret hart as a human being, always a stand up guy.
“It was gonna be our best match because I was going to win” lmao
Bret should have really been more involved with wwe even right now... Giving his creative ideas to the business, making it better...
Used to love this guy when I was in my early teens. Almost forgot about him and that wrestling even existed until Jordan Peterson mentioned the documentary. I look forward to listening to this.
Great interview. Bret put over a ton of guys and looked really happy with life. My personal favorite wrestler of all time.
Bret still my favourite wrestler of all time, he's the reason I got into wrestling back in 1992... He's a true legend!
Bret interviews are the best. He tells such great stories. Flair is also a good storyteller.
Flair might be a story teller but his podcasts suck he talks over a his guests and talks non stop about the same thing
Unlike "well uhm y'know"
Haven't watched wrestling in 20 years but love watching videos about the legends from the WWF days. That feeling, as a kid, when you heard that first second of a legends music come on... I remember I had a CD of all the big time wrestlers music, figurines, and wwf mags where i cut out all the pics and hung up..I feel like that type of imagination kids had in those days, just isn't around anymore.
sam roberts i hope u see this because i think u are an increadble interviewer. always have good questions for your guests thank u for all you do