BLUF: If you want a long range gun that can also shoot at close range: LPVO If you want a short range gun that can also shoot at long ranges: Red dot + magnifier
I'm trying to decide what to get for my 300blk. The problem with my dot alone is that it doesn't help me out with the two different supersonic and subsonic holds.
@@musicman1eanda Something like a Primary Arms 2.5x ACSS Reticle would probably be super helpful, or their 1x Prisim Scope with ACSS or a Holosun Red Dot with ACSS, etc
@@roosterball69 I have the holosun acss and while I agree that yes you are not going to be running the BDC at 1x, with a magnifier it is fantastic. Plus for OP it's got the reticle you're looking for for both subs and supers.
I know this is supposed to be funny but you know damn well someone in these comments who sits behind their keyboard and shoots once a year is thinking they could do better or match it.
Agreed. I do wish he'd run some pieces of kit that are from more "budget friendly" putting out legitimately better and better gear, but I get it. He uses what's considered the best gear in the industry because he can. No faulting him for that, money is temporary. He's putting tactics out there, not shilling for various companies' who use "social media influencers" to do their bidding. The information Lucas puts out is knowledge that needs to be known by people who consider themselves to be actual shooters, bottom line.
@@captainblondebeard9490 I think he mainly looks at mid- to top-end stuff because low-end budget stuff will usually compromise on something in terms of quality/reliability, so it's really just a stopgap until you are able to invest in something more robust.
@@darthbrooks4933 Not really. Sometimes you are getting fucked through the nose and the manufacturer is laughing all the way to the bank. In real life he could get destroyed by a romeo juliet setup.
Seriously. I was getting a little inpatient with some of their content lately like a spoiled bitch, and then they drop this dime. Legit has to be the best form of review there is for this type of info. And it’s not even close
I appreciate your conservative use of magnification on LPVO. Just because you have 8x, doesn't mean you necessarily need to run it. Good idea to keep to 4-5x to keep full target area in sight picture. Thank you T.Rex Arms!! Bless you and your people, Lucas.
@@hogue_musicyou don't need an accurately zeroed BDC on an LPVO to shoot at 100yards or less. BDC is for 200y and more, 100Y and less you are shooting off the center dot and that zero never changes on an SFP lpvo no matter the magnification.
Good demos - one of the things that we've consistently seen on the Aimpoint magnifiers is that the eye relief is exceptionally tough - really need to be sucked right up onto the magnifier to be able to see clearly without shadow. Looks like the new Eotech model may be more forgiving. - Josh
1) Great video. 2) I prefer LPVOs on rifles and this test confirmed that. 3) Fitness is even more important than gear/gadgets. 4) I 100% agree on SFP optics being easier to use and more practical. 5) It's possible to consume too many energy drinks. 6) I love how you pointed out the disadvantages of 4 exterior glass scope surfaces vs 2. 7) A rifle that shoots well at long range and mediocre at close range is better than a rifle that shoots well at close range and mediocre at long range.
Only a tiny tiny percentage of gun owners train at all let alone hold themselves to any decent standards.... most are uneducated, misinformed, and unskilled fudds. Hit the static range once every few months, shoot 100 rounds and think that makes them John Wick. And a lot shoot even less often than that.
@@josephsantana3094 you forget all the hunters who are killing flying birds the whole fall and running rabbits all winter. What you are describing are city fudds. You would be amazed how big this country is and it includes rural communities full of remarkably skilled people. They might be skilled with a shot gun and a bolt action, but their fundamental muscle memories transfer well to handguns and ar15’s as ar15’s are the perfect marriage between god and Eugene stoner.
@@greatlakespowerstrokefx4 oh yeah, I know some guys here in north texas that the only practice they get is hunting. But they do it so damn often they are damn good. One guy I know can kill anything. I mean it anything. He hunts year around at least once or twice a week. Bow hunts. Deer. Hogs. Dove. Quail. Coyotes. Pretty much anything else he can shoot. He is one guy that if he ever had to could do some serious damage to a would be invading army. And as I said before. Never "trains" his training is constant hunting.
@@josephsantana3094 And you sound just like em. Ive always gotten a kick out of you all knowing mind reader types. Then I ignore, cause you dont and you cant. And dont know it.
@@wardaddy6595 just busts down the down 2 seconds after you dial takes out the hostage taker walks up to you and says these final words “that was a little slow” walks away
I needed 45 minutes of this! FYI to everybody Lucas is cross eye dominant. But he still shoots right handed. I'm exactly the same ,this is very important to me
Left eye dominant, astigmatism in the right. I shoot rifles lefty and pistols with my right. According to Lucas's dad, I am a freak of nature lol... but it works and works well for me.
I like both LPVOs and Red Dot + Magnifiers for different applications... but what this video really shows is that you need to put in the time, work, and training to be proficient with whatever you choose. Great video y’all!
T.Rex is well known for their short range preference. If you tend to favor longer range, I'd go to 9 hole reviews. At the same time, I actually agree more with T.Rex that most engagements that you have to worry about acquisition time will be in much shorter range. The one thing I'd like to see this video different is a comparison with a 6x LPVO and a 3x flip magnifier. I feel the 8x magnifiers is really where the tech starts to struggle against red dots and the purpose becomes different, even though the numbers in this test seem to favor the LPVO. What I'm saying is that you're using the optics for different purposes between the 6x and 8x+ LPVOs because the engineering performance is different. Eye boxes are not as forgiving on higher magnifications. 6x LPVOs are more comparable to consider buying OVER a red dot optic + flip magnifier than 8x+ LPVO. At 8x+, you're really looking to set up for a DIFFERENT scenario. I don't think it's about using a LPVO INSTEAD of a red dot, rather WHEN to use a red dot, when to use a LPVO, when to use a high magnification optic, so not what I'd call a VS rather than a WHEN. Hell, if you're thinking of using an LPVO instead of a red dot, you may want to look at the 1-4x range, rather than 1-6x to get easier eye boxes. Also, if you keep up with Forgotten Weapons, Ian goes over the more practical application of when to use a flip magnifier, and it's usually not going to be an infantry rifle. And even then, I feel that's a better situation with for a piggy back red dot than a flip. I still really like the video. Having the greater difference between the optics does help to illustrate the differences between the optics. It would be nice to have a chart for direct comparison of the numbers between shot for shot of alpha to delta shots and hits. But what I've gathered from EVERY channel is training is what matters most. "If you suck, you suck."
I agree with your entire assessment with one caveat, I think most of these comparison videos taking dissimilar types of optics like a red dot/magnifier and an LPVO, fixed magnification prismatic optics, etc. and trying to pigeon hole them into apples to apples comparisons is with the general thesis being "if you were to use one rifle to be a jack-of-all-trades and do everything, this is the type of optic you should use" being the primary insinuation. It would be easy to say "for a rifle primarily built for recce usage but with the ability for close up an LPVO would be better; for a rifle built for CQB but with the ability to reach out further a red dot/magnifier would be better." and wouldn't necessarily make for an interesting video telling us what we already know.
I mean, you could just get a fixed 10x and flip-up BUIS. It'll be way more durable, lighter, have better zoom and better CQB performance. Kind of why we used that set up for about 40+ years. I like magnifier and RDS because I'm definitely less interested in trying to snipe in an era where a hellfire can tap my dome from 5 miles away. If I have to defend the country, I'm probably not going to want to be playing in the fields against armored columns. Bad terrain choice. So, that puts me in cluttered terrain, where engagements will be close-range. You can see them in Ukraine getting obliterated by shells from 10 miles away. One second there's a squad, next there's a plum of earth and smoke. Fwoosh, gone.
This video really just reinforced my viewpoint on the usage between the two and how I use my Red dots and LPVO; For a short range-first gun, run a red dot and magnifier. For a rifle that is long range-first, run the LPVO. The LPVO definitely works on a pinch up close, but having an offset dot sight while keeping the scope on 6-8x definitely seems to be the way to go so that you're not constantly flipping the magnification dial around.
being able to swipe and zoom up to 5, 6, 8, 10, whatever it is, is great for a mid to long range 16+ inch barreled 556 rifle. the red dot with 3x zoom optic are going to be much more usable for short to mid range 16- inch barreled 300blk rifle. they can both be used for the same things, but when you get down to it, they are different tools with different uses.
Love these vids. His enthusiasm and a constant outpouring of “no-bs-knowledge” is amazing. If you look away for 5 seconds you will need to rewind because you definitely missed something.
Agreed. Normally, I drift the comments while watching/listening to the video. With this channel, I have to watch the whole thing, and then replay it while looking through comments, because the info is coming fast and furious and it has to be 100% focused on.
I really think this dude is one of the most knowledgeable of all the TH-cam guys and I don't feel like he's just trying to sell shit like most of the other ones
What's even more bad ass about him IMO is he's just a civilian patriot who no lie has trained himself after extensive research and trial and errors throughout the years. No law enforcement, no military training. Insane and super bad ass.
So glad I bought the ac 1 hecho en Mexico, there no defects or bad sticking anywhere and it’s a great minimal carrier. I need to trim my figure but it’s my first step in getting serious about my rifle and firearms I was listening to the video while trying it on and doing reloads, it’s much smoother than I thought it would be and I’m able to use the side band to put ar mags which are great cause it keeps your profile down. Def a winning move buying from Lucas
In my experience LPVOs really come into their own when you need to find your targets. The nicer glass and extra magnification helps when your target is camouflaged.
I find the main advantage with a magnifier with a qd mount is I can transfer it to any other rifle I have with a red dot. They’re all setup for a magnifier so it’s simple to remove it from one and add it into another.
I love both honestly. As an LEO I adopted the LPVO to best suit my needs/applications. Especially the information gathering you can get under high stress in progress calls where your adrenaline is through the roof. Being able to see around waistbands and imprints of firearms from farther distances is great!
I agree. Professional users can really benefit from the extra capabilities offered by LPVOs. I personally love them for getting positive IDs or trying to shoot low percentage shots more confidently.
Great video! The Kahles 1-6 is the one scope that pretty much has me forgetting about red dots for most things. Others come close but still leaves a definite purpose for the red dot setup. Keep up the good work.
Um....this was amazing. I've been reading and watching dozens of sources trying to identify a 1x solution for still-hunting with my bolt gun. This is the first bit of content that helped me understand the tradeoffs.
Magnification aside, what do you think are the tradeoffs between ?prism-style? red dots like the one you used in this video and conventional red-dots with a single pane of glass?
You always run up range/course with your muzzle in a safe direction...your muzzle is pointed down range or at targets when your body's is orientation is facing down range. This is a course running as well as infantry learned skill to protect those behind you should you retreat or reposition.
When LVPOs have the battery life, similar eye-relief, and the day-light brightness of red dots then I'll take a look. Until then I'll stick with my T2 for 95% of the applications I need. I have an LPVO for my longer distance applications.
"day light bright" is vert subjective and not and an accurate statement. Vortex Gen 3 uses an expensive refractive technology to get a red dot bright reticle.
@@SkintSNIPER262 Yeah but the battery life still isn't there and it still isn't as nice as an actual dot. I like the advantages of both, so I run a T2 offset. 1x on LPVO is essentially for backup or certain unorthodox shooting. And being able to find a target with the dot and roll over to my scope at 5x or 8x or whatever it may be is super slick
@@valiant545 That's the nice thing about scopes. They're not dependent on a battery like a red dot. They're still very usable without one. I agree with the offset red dot.
I was shocked how badly he was missing shots at 100 yards. Hes a far better shooter than I could ever hope to be, but at that point even I was feeling like I might be able to hang.
This was a GREAT video to watch. I've been wondering what build to do. I have to grab ONE rifle and get out. I cant go grabbing three and several hand guns. I live in the city, make it out of my house, down the street, down an alley, around some buildings, through a college campus and then through some open fields to a rally point with friends. There we will make our way through some small towns, wooded areas and then to our final hide out till things calm down. So I went 16" with a 1-6x24 LPVO and offset iron sights. Based on this video, I think I made the right choice.
Found LPVO to be difficult with a gas mask on, especially full face masks with the large viewing windows, like a full face window. Individual eye masks were a little easier, but they do effect my cheek weld. RDS with magnifiers are superior in my experiences. When I was in the Army the ACOG was a huge pain when wearing the issued gas masks. On my own rifles I only run RDSs with magnifiers.
Jesus what do u do that requires shooting with a gas mask on? Unless you’re fighting in a war and gas is thrown why would you ever wear one? Ridiculous
Out of curiosity: have you tried shooting the offset on weak shoulder with body armor? I haven't tried it myself but I imagine it could cause some issues.
@@StormBringare I have done it. It feels clumsy but it works. Tilting the rifle the non intuitive direction just takes practice. I was using an offset DPP with an ACOG as the primary.
I ran that for awhile and liked it but all of that plus a light, laser & suppressor, just adds a ton of bulk & weight for me and others. A simple red dot covers what I do and is much lighter & smaller
I just wana say the cinematography on this is amazing, for example when he moved from the barrier to the roof triangle thing the distance and steadiness was perfect
The one takes are really enjoyable! It is more immersive in a way, where edited is fine but less personal the one take is like running next to Lucas... Without being breathless like him!
Currently testing a D-EVO as an alternate option. It offers some benefits of an LPVO like the etched reticle and fixed 6x magnification, along with the benefit of complimenting a primary red dot. Paired with an SRO + Scalarworks mount, the total weight is roughly 17oz. It has similar eye-relief and parallax as an Acog but with training it is becoming easier to use. The only disadvantages it has over an LPVO is a smaller FOV and some of its mass hanging off the right side of the rifle.
I feel like the pandemic did so much good for Luke. I already thought he was a cool guy with a lot to offer, but now with all the pandemic nonsense, you see folks out of practice and at a lower point, and you see how they reacte to their situation. Luke being humble about missing shots etc., is really telling. Also on his Q&As and other vids he's been doing, you can tell he's not letting this all get him down and he wants to help people. He put this video out knowing we wouldn't see him as the lightening he typically is, because this review is useful for us. I don't know if I'm making a lot of sense to folks, but I know what I mean, and I feel like I can see Luke handling this all like a champ. *PS: The opposite goes for that damn chicken shit, handsome expert soldier, son of a Haley, Ron J. Collaborator, Le Garaúnd Pouce.*
How is Lucas humble? is the opposite of humble. He fakes operator skills to appease a crowd of air softers.. No one who does this shit for real watching these videos
For a combat rifle, I'm always gonna lean towards a dot w/magnifier. The action to increase or decrease the zoom is fixed and fast, less to have to worry about, less to go wrong.
I like the point he made at 19:41 that there's more glass surfaces now, [4], that are affected by weather effects and or grime in the field versus a LPVO [2].
@@shoegum7362 I did not think that was particularly relevant. Anything obscuring the objective is a problem regardless of how many pieces of glass there are. Though his point should drive home the importance of back up irons and a quick detach mount for any installed optic.
Excellent video, you made some good points concerning the forgiving eye box of a red dot/magnifier combo. For an urban environment an SBR with that combo is definitely the way to go. For a rural setting where longer shots are more likely, a longer rifle with an LPVO is better suited. I agree, 2nd focal plane is better for LPVOs.
shoots fast, talks fast, fast music in the background... I get tired just watching these vids.... BUT I keep coming back because I always learn something. Thx. #oldguyproblems
I appreciate what you do. I’m running magnifier and dot and I find my accuracy is better in what I would consider a battle scenario. Of course if I have all day to make a shot the scope is superior.
Awesome video Lucas! Really draws out the pros amd cons of both systems. You should consider doing another one in the future, but add in the third option of the carbine optic trifecta, fixed power prismatic w/offset red dot. And demo their advantages/disadvantages on your new 500yd range as well. Keep it up brother, doing good work🤙
@@opossumlord That's the thing, it's a company. He's out to make money and not be legit, which is why he speeds up his videos. He is not a soldier or operator and people should only watch it for entertainment not for learning
An interesting option that seems to be less talked about is Prism sights. Would love to see a comparison of all three (or four if also comparing an ACOG). I have a Burris AR-536 5X prism with Ballistic CQ reticle for over a decade and it's still like new. Solid performer for both CQ and distance work.
it sounded like he missed one with the red dot while simultaneously saying it was easier to get hits when shooting in an absurd position like that with red dots lol
I'm all ready running a Sig Sauer Romeo 5 red dot Soooooooo I'm going to order a Sig Sauer Juliet 4 magnifier and see how that works for Me...I'm really enjoying your videos...You're A Great Help to me
We need a replica of this video with a 1-6 lpvo and an EOtech EXPS3 with the G45 magnifier. More of an apples vs apples comparison. Thanks Lucas and Co. I find myself revisiting older videos often.
Great vid Lucas! Been waiting for this!! For most AR setups a red dot makes the most sense. Speed= red dot awkward positions= red dot unlimited eye relief=red dots long distance= LPVO. durability= high quality red dots price= red dots it’s pretty one sided if you ask me. Also most engagements will be under 100 yards.
Well it really depends on your application. If you’re in a more urban environment then red dot probably makes more sense with more obstacles, but if you’re out in the country or somewhere else beyond 100-200 m, an LPVO would probably be the better option. I personally prefer a red dot since I’m in an urban environment
For this demonstration, the red dot by itself is superior. Bugs me when I can't get a clear sight picture with my scope. However, my magnifier changes the game when using it with my MRO. It becomes more like the scope where I have to move my head around to see the red dot. Good point about stuff getting between the magnifier and red dot. You guys figure things out and discuss it. This is why your channel is the best and why I subbed. Thanks.
Solid methodology, fair assessment, and I don't disagree with the outcome but I would point out that you're comparing the absolute best RDS to a middle-of-the-pack LPVO. I understand you're going for roughly the same budget, and that's fair, but I think if you want the advantages an LPVO offers you should be ready to pay more for a product comparable to an Aimpoint. So, if you were running an ATACR or even something like a Kahles I think you'd have significantly less eye relief issues. Keep making awesome videos, guys, you're easily in the top 3 content creators alongside Garand Thumb and Sage Dynamics!
I used to use a red dot + magnifier combo but switched to a 1-6 LPVO + offset reflex that cants close to the scope for fast RMR transitions. I like that combo a lot.
I'm a red dot and magnifier kind of guy. Red dots are the lightest weight, easiest to use, best to pair with night vision, best at close ranges and typically the most affordable. The magnifier makes it better (not great) at longer ranges, but can be bought separate or removed depending on the situation to use as a monocular or to cut weight There is also a really sweet red dot by Iray that projects a thermal image onto the lense making a great night vision option which I am saving for. Still cheaper than an expensive LPVO.
They decided that red dot and magnifier is the most versatile setup for match environments. Russel Phagan has a good video on why he runs it. They still said that an lpvo is an excellent option as well so it’s really about personal preference and what environment you are shooting in.
I have both set ups, and I tend to favor the lpvo as it's very versatile, but your exactly right. I been trying to decide on one for a 11.3 300 bo and 11" 7.62x39 I need optics for. I prefer ar pistols for pretty much everything but throwing a scope on them really adds that bulk and weight I don't like on the shorter barrels. I guess it comes down to what your willing to sacrifice on your set up.
@@johndel1971able I have both setups too and love my Razor. I also prefer short guns without a doubt. As much as I love my Razor tho, I realized I don’t really love it unless I’m on a bench shooting 200-300 yards. Actually moving & shooting with it, I find myself reaching for my aimpoint & EOTech setups. But yeah, shorty’s are the best
@@lgdurocher The razor was one of the one's I was looking at, but it definitely looked big. I appreciate the advice and you helped me make up my mind. I'll just stick to my my halo and magnifier as it's makes a good set up. Thanks again bud, stay safe 👍
@@MrT13 true. I don’t even have a magnifier at this time. But I’ve had them before. I mostly only used it when zeroing. It is nice being able to take it off
Awesome video. I like the idea of a one take but I don’t think this topic was the best one to do it on. Thanks for the great video and demos. Super informative.
It would have been cool to see an eotech + magnifier too. The crispness of the optic combined with the consistent 1moa dot even magnified would probably help with precision, with that aimpoint magnified the dot becomes a 6moa dot, much less precise. But eotech also faster in cqb, best of both worlds. I am quickly becoming an eotech man. Tried a few lpvos and they're not bad but the pay to play is just not worth it on a high end model for me. I like the dots but the eotech just seems better in most ways. If there was a micro holo sight I would be all over that
I really wanted the Aimpoint to come out on top but it seems that they're matched pretty well. Somethings are equal then some tests show advantages to one and disadvantages to the other. But alot of excellent info!
being able to swipe and zoom up to 5, 6, 8, 10, whatever it is, is great for a mid to long range 16+ inch barreled 556 rifle. the red dot with 3x zoom optic are going to be much more usable for short to mid range 16- inch barreled 300blk rifle. they can both be used for the same things, but when you get down to it, they are different tools with different uses.
If you want a long range gun that can also shoot at close range: LPVO
If you want a short range gun that can also shoot at long ranges: Red dot + magnifier
canted sight...boom
I'm trying to decide what to get for my 300blk. The problem with my dot alone is that it doesn't help me out with the two different supersonic and subsonic holds.
@@musicman1eanda Something like a Primary Arms 2.5x ACSS Reticle would probably be super helpful, or their 1x Prisim Scope with ACSS or a Holosun Red Dot with ACSS, etc
@@roosterball69 I have the holosun acss and while I agree that yes you are not going to be running the BDC at 1x, with a magnifier it is fantastic. Plus for OP it's got the reticle you're looking for for both subs and supers.
Ive also got the Holosun ACSS BDC with a 3x magnifier on my 8.2" 300blk. Supers(125gr) and subs(200gr) seem to have the same POI.
This was a good video to watch while working out. If anyone sees this, make sure your physical fitness is up to snuff.
On the incline treadmill watching this lol
@Reno May , get off my back, man!
Don’t get me wrong, this is solid pooping content, but you’re killing your gains if you’re listening to this in a workout lol.
@@mikeoxmaul5062 I dry fire in between sets
When Lucas one taps hostage taker in under a second
“It’s not hard to improve on garbage”-Captain Price
I know this is supposed to be funny but you know damn well someone in these comments who sits behind their keyboard and shoots once a year is thinking they could do better or match it.
@@BullsMahunny i shoot once a week but i shoot at an indoor range so im not even 1% of the skill he has
I was playing that game yesterday (that part especifically) and Price said that very same line. Now I see this video and your comment!
@@BullsMahunny I would 100% do better in a active shooting situation... shooting skills is 5% of what it takes to be successful on operations.
The real hero is the camera man for keeping up with this guy while he’s hyped up on an energy drink
If you are that young and need a energy drank to function something is wrong
"Energy drink"
Imagine this dude on cocain.
Guy scares me lol
Hate him or love him, he’s not a shill and he has enough money to spend on gear to review when most others can’t.
Agreed. I do wish he'd run some pieces of kit that are from more "budget friendly" putting out legitimately better and better gear, but I get it. He uses what's considered the best gear in the industry because he can. No faulting him for that, money is temporary. He's putting tactics out there, not shilling for various companies' who use "social media influencers" to do their bidding. The information Lucas puts out is knowledge that needs to be known by people who consider themselves to be actual shooters, bottom line.
@@captainblondebeard9490 fact is, you get what you pay for. Save your money and buy once, cry once.
@@captainblondebeard9490 I think he mainly looks at mid- to top-end stuff because low-end budget stuff will usually compromise on something in terms of quality/reliability, so it's really just a stopgap until you are able to invest in something more robust.
They get 130 million views a day according to social blade. Combine that with subtle hints to their online store in every video.
@@darthbrooks4933 Not really. Sometimes you are getting fucked through the nose and the manufacturer is laughing all the way to the bank. In real life he could get destroyed by a romeo juliet setup.
Shooting 10/10
Remembering what stuffs called 9/10
Commentary 10/10
Comments and criticism of your own shooting 100/10 😂
Cant forget 10/10 for sound effects after missing etc
1 demerit for editing out all the chapstick applications
When he said "I chucked that one" I knew it was live Lucas
It’s not called “Eye Shadow”, you know what I’m talking about.
Can we have a moment to appreciate these guys for this great video? The fact that we can see these amazing videos for free is just amazing!
Seriously. I was getting a little inpatient with some of their content lately like a spoiled bitch, and then they drop this dime.
Legit has to be the best form of review there is for this type of info. And it’s not even close
Silence peasant. Dont give them ideas.
When the product is free, you are the commodity.
Lucas explores his adventure of transforming from a grey man to a yellow man...
On this episode, Rob Spaghetti explores the spicy meatball through various lenses.
Greyman on airsoft range, yellow man on gunrangw
I want that Traffic Light Yellow jacket
@@jakedistlehorst6190 the neon highlighter look is kinda epic
I appreciate your conservative use of magnification on LPVO. Just because you have 8x, doesn't mean you necessarily need to run it. Good idea to keep to 4-5x to keep full target area in sight picture. Thank you T.Rex Arms!! Bless you and your people, Lucas.
Yet when you see that one really out there trying to get away, slam her to max and marry the trigger. Tango down!!
It's only applicable to FFP though since the BDC wouldn't line up right on SFP being zeroed at max magnification
@@hogue_musicyou don't need an accurately zeroed BDC on an LPVO to shoot at 100yards or less. BDC is for 200y and more, 100Y and less you are shooting off the center dot and that zero never changes on an SFP lpvo no matter the magnification.
this course looks amazing. i wish we had places like this to go shooting in hawaii
Aren’t they extremely heavy on gun control?
Poor you! Suffer in paradise !
@@kellen4671 yep 👍
Coconut looking through 6 cars on the headshot spawn peak.
@@amramhakohen7474 Hawaii is no paradise since they have essentially no 2nd amendment there.
Lucas as a weather man: "Today will be overcast, with a 100% chance of Reign."
This comment deserves a Trex like. This is gold.
Too good, Sir
It tastes so fucking good
"Black Rain" Ordnance anyone with me
@@MulliganWallen good guns
I love these one takes because its just Lucas being Lucas. Good teaching, good info, good tests.
And messing up. Haha
@@TREXARMS the best always mess up
A master has failed more than a novice has tried
Good demos - one of the things that we've consistently seen on the Aimpoint magnifiers is that the eye relief is exceptionally tough - really need to be sucked right up onto the magnifier to be able to see clearly without shadow. Looks like the new Eotech model may be more forgiving. - Josh
I have the 3x Aimpoint, first gen I guess. Yeah, nose to the charging handle is what I have to do.
Hey you're that youtube channel
The new g45 is a pretty great upgrade in terms of forgiving eye relief.
Magnifiers eye relief generally sucks. Sadly the cheaper holosun mags have better eye relief than the aim point ones
Agreed, Josh. I've found that the G33 is a tad bit better at eye relief. Maybe the G45 is a bit better but I haven't been able to get my hands on one.
1) Great video.
2) I prefer LPVOs on rifles and this test confirmed that.
3) Fitness is even more important than gear/gadgets.
4) I 100% agree on SFP optics being easier to use and more practical.
5) It's possible to consume too many energy drinks.
6) I love how you pointed out the disadvantages of 4 exterior glass scope surfaces vs 2.
7) A rifle that shoots well at long range and mediocre at close range is better than a rifle that shoots well at close range and mediocre at long range.
Russia: once we defeat America’s military all we have to worry about are the citizens
The citizens:
Best comment award.
Only a tiny tiny percentage of gun owners train at all let alone hold themselves to any decent standards.... most are uneducated, misinformed, and unskilled fudds. Hit the static range once every few months, shoot 100 rounds and think that makes them John Wick. And a lot shoot even less often than that.
@@josephsantana3094 you forget all the hunters who are killing flying birds the whole fall and running rabbits all winter.
What you are describing are city fudds. You would be amazed how big this country is and it includes rural communities full of remarkably skilled people. They might be skilled with a shot gun and a bolt action, but their fundamental muscle memories transfer well to handguns and ar15’s as ar15’s are the perfect marriage between god and Eugene stoner.
@@greatlakespowerstrokefx4 oh yeah, I know some guys here in north texas that the only practice they get is hunting. But they do it so damn often they are damn good. One guy I know can kill anything. I mean it anything. He hunts year around at least once or twice a week. Bow hunts. Deer. Hogs. Dove. Quail. Coyotes. Pretty much anything else he can shoot. He is one guy that if he ever had to could do some serious damage to a would be invading army. And as I said before. Never "trains" his training is constant hunting.
@@josephsantana3094 And you sound just like em. Ive always gotten a kick out of you all knowing mind reader types. Then I ignore, cause you dont and you cant. And dont know it.
Lucas: one taps a hostage taker target in the head within a second
Also Lucas: that was a little slow
For me it would take 10 seconds to shoot the target
@@jacksontull2558 Yeah it will take a bit for me to do that too
needed another shot of that "medicine"
Note to self if I'm ever taken hostage, fuck 911 I want Lucas on speed dial!
@@wardaddy6595 just busts down the down 2 seconds after you dial takes out the hostage taker walks up to you and says these final words “that was a little slow” walks away
I needed 45 minutes of this! FYI to everybody Lucas is cross eye dominant. But he still shoots right handed. I'm exactly the same ,this is very important to me
I'm forcing myself to on irons and blurry vision. Probably help if I zeroed this thing correctly 😅
Me too, also similar builds so I pay attention to the kit he prefers
@@BigThreezy astigmatism gang. That's not a red dot, it's a comma with sprinkles
@@QuestionThings123 Best comment.
Left eye dominant, astigmatism in the right. I shoot rifles lefty and pistols with my right. According to Lucas's dad, I am a freak of nature lol... but it works and works well for me.
I like both LPVOs and Red Dot + Magnifiers for different applications... but what this video really shows is that you need to put in the time, work, and training to be proficient with whatever you choose. Great video y’all!
T.Rex is well known for their short range preference. If you tend to favor longer range, I'd go to 9 hole reviews. At the same time, I actually agree more with T.Rex that most engagements that you have to worry about acquisition time will be in much shorter range.
The one thing I'd like to see this video different is a comparison with a 6x LPVO and a 3x flip magnifier. I feel the 8x magnifiers is really where the tech starts to struggle against red dots and the purpose becomes different, even though the numbers in this test seem to favor the LPVO.
What I'm saying is that you're using the optics for different purposes between the 6x and 8x+ LPVOs because the engineering performance is different. Eye boxes are not as forgiving on higher magnifications. 6x LPVOs are more comparable to consider buying OVER a red dot optic + flip magnifier than 8x+ LPVO. At 8x+, you're really looking to set up for a DIFFERENT scenario. I don't think it's about using a LPVO INSTEAD of a red dot, rather WHEN to use a red dot, when to use a LPVO, when to use a high magnification optic, so not what I'd call a VS rather than a WHEN. Hell, if you're thinking of using an LPVO instead of a red dot, you may want to look at the 1-4x range, rather than 1-6x to get easier eye boxes.
Also, if you keep up with Forgotten Weapons, Ian goes over the more practical application of when to use a flip magnifier, and it's usually not going to be an infantry rifle. And even then, I feel that's a better situation with for a piggy back red dot than a flip.
I still really like the video. Having the greater difference between the optics does help to illustrate the differences between the optics. It would be nice to have a chart for direct comparison of the numbers between shot for shot of alpha to delta shots and hits. But what I've gathered from EVERY channel is training is what matters most. "If you suck, you suck."
I agree with your entire assessment with one caveat, I think most of these comparison videos taking dissimilar types of optics like a red dot/magnifier and an LPVO, fixed magnification prismatic optics, etc. and trying to pigeon hole them into apples to apples comparisons is with the general thesis being "if you were to use one rifle to be a jack-of-all-trades and do everything, this is the type of optic you should use" being the primary insinuation. It would be easy to say "for a rifle primarily built for recce usage but with the ability for close up an LPVO would be better; for a rifle built for CQB but with the ability to reach out further a red dot/magnifier would be better." and wouldn't necessarily make for an interesting video telling us what we already know.
I mean, you could just get a fixed 10x and flip-up BUIS. It'll be way more durable, lighter, have better zoom and better CQB performance. Kind of why we used that set up for about 40+ years.
I like magnifier and RDS because I'm definitely less interested in trying to snipe in an era where a hellfire can tap my dome from 5 miles away. If I have to defend the country, I'm probably not going to want to be playing in the fields against armored columns. Bad terrain choice. So, that puts me in cluttered terrain, where engagements will be close-range.
You can see them in Ukraine getting obliterated by shells from 10 miles away. One second there's a squad, next there's a plum of earth and smoke. Fwoosh, gone.
Everyone’s typing essays 😂
This video really just reinforced my viewpoint on the usage between the two and how I use my Red dots and LPVO;
For a short range-first gun, run a red dot and magnifier.
For a rifle that is long range-first, run the LPVO.
The LPVO definitely works on a pinch up close, but having an offset dot sight while keeping the scope on 6-8x definitely seems to be the way to go so that you're not constantly flipping the magnification dial around.
God bless you Lucas and Isaac may God keep blessing your channel and all you do for the 2nd amendment. 🙏🏽🇺🇸
All u showed me was it doesn’t matter what optic u use if ur training is on point u goin hit ur target regardless. Training over equipment
"if you suck, YOU SUCK!" -some guy on the internet
More like, skills beat gear, but the right gear improves the effectiveness of your skills.
@@burtrandolph1745 It's the same in photography, golf, motorcycles, etc.
being able to swipe and zoom up to 5, 6, 8, 10, whatever it is, is great for a mid to long range 16+ inch barreled 556 rifle. the red dot with 3x zoom optic are going to be much more usable for short to mid range 16- inch barreled 300blk rifle. they can both be used for the same things, but when you get down to it, they are different tools with different uses.
Love these vids. His enthusiasm and a constant outpouring of “no-bs-knowledge” is amazing. If you look away for 5 seconds you will need to rewind because you definitely missed something.
Agreed. Normally, I drift the comments while watching/listening to the video. With this channel, I have to watch the whole thing, and then replay it while looking through comments, because the info is coming fast and furious and it has to be 100% focused on.
I really think this dude is one of the most knowledgeable of all the TH-cam guys and I don't feel like he's just trying to sell shit like most of the other ones
Say no to shilling
What's even more bad ass about him IMO is he's just a civilian patriot who no lie has trained himself after extensive research and trial and errors throughout the years. No law enforcement, no military training. Insane and super bad ass.
@Kek Me Wtf are you talking about you clown?
@Kek Me ok clown go troll somewhere else 🤡
@Kek Me Who gives a fuck if it's larping? Larping is training
So glad I bought the ac 1 hecho en Mexico, there no defects or bad sticking anywhere and it’s a great minimal carrier. I need to trim my figure but it’s my first step in getting serious about my rifle and firearms I was listening to the video while trying it on and doing reloads, it’s much smoother than I thought it would be and I’m able to use the side band to put ar mags which are great cause it keeps your profile down. Def a winning move buying from Lucas
Imagine getting doinked by a guy dressed like bumblebee with an outdoor research mj glove😬
Who will look like he's 12 years old until he's well into a his 70s, nonetheless.:)
Just get outside of 100 meters and you've got time.
@@TheRyanAkers2 I don’t think the humor in this comment is appreciated enough 😂
@@dakotaclement7751 Faxs
And skinny jeans
I love how every time Lucas refers to his LPVO it's a different scope.
This guy uses more LPVOs before breakfast than I've ever owned in my life.
In my experience LPVOs really come into their own when you need to find your targets. The nicer glass and extra magnification helps when your target is camouflaged.
I'm over here like "yea, that makes sense.... wait... is he talking about experience finding targets on 2 or 4 legs?"
@@seanb9436 chameleons
I find the main advantage with a magnifier with a qd mount is I can transfer it to any other rifle I have with a red dot. They’re all setup for a magnifier so it’s simple to remove it from one and add it into another.
Thanks Lucas/trex arms, for everything you all do. Love these videos.
I love both honestly. As an LEO I adopted the LPVO to best suit my needs/applications. Especially the information gathering you can get under high stress in progress calls where your adrenaline is through the roof. Being able to see around waistbands and imprints of firearms from farther distances is great!
I agree. Professional users can really benefit from the extra capabilities offered by LPVOs. I personally love them for getting positive IDs or trying to shoot low percentage shots more confidently.
Love watching these in 4K! Production value has always been on top with you guys!
LOL i currently have to watch in 144 to save data but i just listen mostly.
It honestly comes down to what best fits the philosophy of use for your weapon. In my case as a Sheriff Deputy I decided on a red w/magnifier.
Nutnfancy squad
Facts. And lolz. Def nutnfancy squad reppin here.
@@johnnybagofdoughnuts4193 yes lol
Thanks for your service sir! Very difficult job these days and the fact you still do it says a lot!
Wide area observation not sucked into your scope big diff when being shot at less 200 yards on 36 yd zero.
Great video! The Kahles 1-6 is the one scope that pretty much has me forgetting about red dots for most things. Others come close but still leaves a definite purpose for the red dot setup.
Keep up the good work.
Um....this was amazing. I've been reading and watching dozens of sources trying to identify a 1x solution for still-hunting with my bolt gun. This is the first bit of content that helped me understand the tradeoffs.
Magnification aside, what do you think are the tradeoffs between ?prism-style? red dots like the one you used in this video and conventional red-dots with a single pane of glass?
Pretty sure half of America can’t even run the pattern he did without a rifle. Also Lucas seems in great shape compared to fuds lol.
Well fuds are gonna fud. This is a universal rule that will never not be.
Well, as Lucas said, if they suck then they suck. That simple.
No doubt - tyranny won’t kill 90% of people before diabetes does!!!
@@SmileyShoots cardiac disease is the number one killer
Us fuds used to move like that, just keep believing you won't age!😜😳😂😫
Great run! I've seen many video's talking about the subject, but this is the first to really run them properly. Much appreciated.
Honestly, favorite moment at 33:27. The muzzle awareness and manipulation to not sweep the cameraman just absolutely blew me away.
Muzzle awareness blows you away? Buddy, you need better friends in this business lol
Yeah, public range and gun store muzzle awareness blows me away!
Like at 35:30?
@@HaloDude557 Agreed granted cameraman could have also not walked right in front of the muzzle themselves.
You always run up range/course with your muzzle in a safe direction...your muzzle is pointed down range or at targets when your body's is orientation is facing down range. This is a course running as well as infantry learned skill to protect those behind you should you retreat or reposition.
Agreed 💯 on the NODS points
Great information. Very objective way to test equipment. One of my favorite T-Rex Arms videos yet!
When LVPOs have the battery life, similar eye-relief, and the day-light brightness of red dots then I'll take a look. Until then I'll stick with my T2 for 95% of the applications I need. I have an LPVO for my longer distance applications.
Run the T2 offset
"day light bright" is vert subjective and not and an accurate statement. Vortex Gen 3 uses an expensive refractive technology to get a red dot bright reticle.
I'm with you. T2, EoT, MRO on serious defense gun. LPVO on huntin rifle.
@@SkintSNIPER262 Yeah but the battery life still isn't there and it still isn't as nice as an actual dot. I like the advantages of both, so I run a T2 offset. 1x on LPVO is essentially for backup or certain unorthodox shooting. And being able to find a target with the dot and roll over to my scope at 5x or 8x or whatever it may be is super slick
@@valiant545 That's the nice thing about scopes. They're not dependent on a battery like a red dot. They're still very usable without one. I agree with the offset red dot.
I love seeing Lucas miss, not only to know that everyone misses but because his reactions are relatable
Like when had to see Anderson Sylva break his own leg to confirm mortality haha.
I was shocked how badly he was missing shots at 100 yards. Hes a far better shooter than I could ever hope to be, but at that point even I was feeling like I might be able to hang.
always forgetting "eye box" lol. great video as always. I know yall put in the work with production values and producing a great videos. thanks
This was a GREAT video to watch. I've been wondering what build to do. I have to grab ONE rifle and get out. I cant go grabbing three and several hand guns. I live in the city, make it out of my house, down the street, down an alley, around some buildings, through a college campus and then through some open fields to a rally point with friends. There we will make our way through some small towns, wooded areas and then to our final hide out till things calm down. So I went 16" with a 1-6x24 LPVO and offset iron sights. Based on this video, I think I made the right choice.
Found LPVO to be difficult with a gas mask on, especially full face masks with the large viewing windows, like a full face window. Individual eye masks were a little easier, but they do effect my cheek weld. RDS with magnifiers are superior in my experiences. When I was in the Army the ACOG was a huge pain when wearing the issued gas masks. On my own rifles I only run RDSs with magnifiers.
Jesus what do u do that requires shooting with a gas mask on? Unless you’re fighting in a war and gas is thrown why would you ever wear one? Ridiculous
@@brucef5088cause if we go to war we are gonna get gassed. Hence why we train for it. CS gas isn’t illegal
Why not both?
*Brought to you by 45 offset gang*
Out of curiosity: have you tried shooting the offset on weak shoulder with body armor? I haven't tried it myself but I imagine it could cause some issues.
@@StormBringare I have done it. It feels clumsy but it works. Tilting the rifle the non intuitive direction just takes practice. I was using an offset DPP with an ACOG as the primary.
I ran that for awhile and liked it but all of that plus a light, laser & suppressor, just adds a ton of bulk & weight for me and others. A simple red dot covers what I do and is much lighter & smaller
I guess if you really need/want it you'll just make it work. And putting in the training brings the skill either way.
Can I join your gang? ACOG w/ 33° RMR offset
Yesssss!!!!!! About damn time. Good to see you guys back in action
Sign up for the newsletter, there's been some shooting here and there.
I just wana say the cinematography on this is amazing, for example when he moved from the barrier to the roof triangle thing the distance and steadiness was perfect
I keep rewatching this video! It is excellent. Super informative. Excellent shooting and physical conditioning!
The one takes are really enjoyable! It is more immersive in a way, where edited is fine but less personal the one take is like running next to Lucas... Without being breathless like him!
Currently testing a D-EVO as an alternate option. It offers some benefits of an LPVO like the etched reticle and fixed 6x magnification, along with the benefit of complimenting a primary red dot. Paired with an SRO + Scalarworks mount, the total weight is roughly 17oz. It has similar eye-relief and parallax as an Acog but with training it is becoming easier to use. The only disadvantages it has over an LPVO is a smaller FOV and some of its mass hanging off the right side of the rifle.
Eotech with magnifier is always a favorite.
Except in the rain when the water collects on 4x lenses and it's almost impossible to see through the magnifier.
I think his point is a red dot + magnifier has twice the lenses of just a scope for water to collect on.
@@davisw13 just don't get into a shooting situation in the rain, duhhh
While I'm not anti lpvo and I enjoy using them. I agree that a eotech with a magnifier is still my go to
@@Irradiated316 he’s attempting to sound like a seasoned gunfighter that’s in the know, give him a break
I feel like the pandemic did so much good for Luke. I already thought he was a cool guy with a lot to offer, but now with all the pandemic nonsense, you see folks out of practice and at a lower point, and you see how they reacte to their situation. Luke being humble about missing shots etc., is really telling. Also on his Q&As and other vids he's been doing, you can tell he's not letting this all get him down and he wants to help people. He put this video out knowing we wouldn't see him as the lightening he typically is, because this review is useful for us. I don't know if I'm making a lot of sense to folks, but I know what I mean, and I feel like I can see Luke handling this all like a champ.
*PS: The opposite goes for that damn chicken shit, handsome expert soldier, son of a Haley, Ron J. Collaborator, Le Garaúnd Pouce.*
I'm not sure what you're saying here, but it occurs to me that Garand Thumb is just better than Lucas. It must be the flannel.
How is Lucas humble? is the opposite of humble. He fakes operator skills to appease a crowd of air softers.. No one who does this shit for real watching these videos
Am I missing something here? Is there Aimbot/Flannel Daddy beef now?
For a combat rifle, I'm always gonna lean towards a dot w/magnifier. The action to increase or decrease the zoom is fixed and fast, less to have to worry about, less to go wrong.
I like the point he made at 19:41 that there's more glass surfaces now, [4], that are affected by weather effects and or grime in the field versus a LPVO [2].
@@shoegum7362 I did not think that was particularly relevant. Anything obscuring the objective is a problem regardless of how many pieces of glass there are. Though his point should drive home the importance of back up irons and a quick detach mount for any installed optic.
Excellent video, you made some good points concerning the forgiving eye box of a red dot/magnifier combo. For an urban environment an SBR with that combo is definitely the way to go. For a rural setting where longer shots are more likely, a longer rifle with an LPVO is better suited. I agree, 2nd focal plane is better for LPVOs.
22:18 “I’ve been looking forward to this.” “My magnification has doubled since the last time we met Lucas.” “Good, twice the view, double the misses.”
Fantastic video but what he said in that last minute or so really is the make or break of either set up. Stay safe and train hard everyone!!
I'm a simple man. I see trex arms video... I click. It's simple
shoots fast, talks fast, fast music in the background... I get tired just watching these vids.... BUT I keep coming back because I always learn something. Thx. #oldguyproblems
I appreciate what you do. I’m running magnifier and dot and I find my accuracy is better in what I would consider a battle scenario. Of course if I have all day to make a shot the scope is superior.
I agree with you.
From live. Channel flipping btwn both.
You a real OG
Awesome video Lucas! Really draws out the pros amd cons of both systems. You should consider doing another one in the future, but add in the third option of the carbine optic trifecta, fixed power prismatic w/offset red dot. And demo their advantages/disadvantages on your new 500yd range as well. Keep it up brother, doing good work🤙
New to the lpvo vs red dot and it’s just awesome what you’ve put in this video. Wish I could shoot like this.... tons of practice I’m sure. Thank you!
I love these "one takes." Great video. Great always, sir.
First time rifle and optic purchase.
This video was really helpful understanding the differences. Thank you so much.
If an in-shape 150 lb guy is out of breath doing this, then im not going hard enough on my drills lol
I’m breathing heavy getting my sand bag out and on the bench to hold up my rifle as I sit down. 😂😂😂
He is not in shape lol he couldn't run a few miles with 70lbs of gear
@@opossumlord That's the thing, it's a company. He's out to make money and not be legit, which is why he speeds up his videos. He is not a soldier or operator and people should only watch it for entertainment not for learning
@@opossumlord He doesn't show times for his opening videos. They are 100% sped up
Prove it. If I do one takes that are fast... why would I speed anything up? Lol
An interesting option that seems to be less talked about is Prism sights. Would love to see a comparison of all three (or four if also comparing an ACOG). I have a Burris AR-536 5X prism with Ballistic CQ reticle for over a decade and it's still like new. Solid performer for both CQ and distance work.
any one else notice him hitting all his shots while holding his rifles like pistols at 12:02 ? mad respect!
He acts like its nothing. So much respect for this dude. He's an inspiration to us all!
@@PNW929 give it a try its actually super easy with an AR.
it sounded like he missed one with the red dot while simultaneously saying it was easier to get hits when shooting in an absurd position like that with red dots lol
I'm all ready running a Sig Sauer Romeo 5 red dot Soooooooo I'm going to order a Sig Sauer Juliet 4 magnifier and see how that works for Me...I'm really enjoying your videos...You're A Great Help to me
We need a replica of this video with a 1-6 lpvo and an EOtech EXPS3 with the G45 magnifier.
More of an apples vs apples comparison.
Thanks Lucas and Co. I find myself revisiting older videos often.
Great vid Lucas! Been waiting for this!! For most AR setups a red dot makes the most sense. Speed= red dot awkward positions= red dot unlimited eye relief=red dots long distance= LPVO. durability= high quality red dots price= red dots it’s pretty one sided if you ask me. Also most engagements will be under 100 yards.
Well it really depends on your application. If you’re in a more urban environment then red dot probably makes more sense with more obstacles, but if you’re out in the country or somewhere else beyond 100-200 m, an LPVO would probably be the better option. I personally prefer a red dot since I’m in an urban environment
For this demonstration, the red dot by itself is superior. Bugs me when I can't get a clear sight picture with my scope. However, my magnifier changes the game when using it with my MRO. It becomes more like the scope where I have to move my head around to see the red dot. Good point about stuff getting between the magnifier and red dot. You guys figure things out and discuss it. This is why your channel is the best and why I subbed. Thanks.
This was his best yt publication ever regarding all the skills required to make a shot like that with a sbr
The biggest skill is cardio.
You were the one that sold me on the LPVO and canted red dot, even bought the T-Rex canted red dot mount. I’m all setup and sticking my friend! 🤙😎
Making America a safer place, one video at a time! Thanks for the great vids guys!
Solid methodology, fair assessment, and I don't disagree with the outcome but I would point out that you're comparing the absolute best RDS to a middle-of-the-pack LPVO. I understand you're going for roughly the same budget, and that's fair, but I think if you want the advantages an LPVO offers you should be ready to pay more for a product comparable to an Aimpoint. So, if you were running an ATACR or even something like a Kahles I think you'd have significantly less eye relief issues. Keep making awesome videos, guys, you're easily in the top 3 content creators alongside Garand Thumb and Sage Dynamics!
Irony is the vudu actually WON in the scrambler.
I used to use a red dot + magnifier combo but switched to a 1-6 LPVO + offset reflex that cants close to the scope for fast RMR transitions. I like that combo a lot.
I’m Ben Franklin and I definitely did not make this comment.
We better be about to get a video with that suppressed .50!
We can only pray
Excellent, and probably most thorough review between the two uses. Red dot plus magnifier all day!
I'm a red dot and magnifier kind of guy. Red dots are the lightest weight, easiest to use, best to pair with night vision, best at close ranges and typically the most affordable. The magnifier makes it better (not great) at longer ranges, but can be bought separate or removed depending on the situation to use as a monocular or to cut weight
There is also a really sweet red dot by Iray that projects a thermal image onto the lense making a great night vision option which I am saving for. Still cheaper than an expensive LPVO.
*When the IG notification gang makes it here before the TH-cam one*
InRange did this. They decided that red dot plus magnifier was the way to go. Unless youre hunting or something
please, don't do this, unless you are in 3 gun. Or, you have extensive training. It will mess up your brain.
@@Austin-xu1ws what do you mean?
@ABC DEF this makes no sense at all.
@@Austin-xu1ws what?
They decided that red dot and magnifier is the most versatile setup for match environments. Russel Phagan has a good video on why he runs it. They still said that an lpvo is an excellent option as well so it’s really about personal preference and what environment you are shooting in.
LPVO's sure do add a lot of bulk & weight. Especially if you're not really using the added capability
I have both set ups, and I tend to favor the lpvo as it's very versatile, but your exactly right. I been trying to decide on one for a 11.3 300 bo and 11" 7.62x39 I need optics for. I prefer ar pistols for pretty much everything but throwing a scope on them really adds that bulk and weight I don't like on the shorter barrels. I guess it comes down to what your willing to sacrifice on your set up.
@@johndel1971able I have both setups too and love my Razor. I also prefer short guns without a doubt. As much as I love my Razor tho, I realized I don’t really love it unless I’m on a bench shooting 200-300 yards. Actually moving & shooting with it, I find myself reaching for my aimpoint & EOTech setups. But yeah, shorty’s are the best
@@lgdurocher The razor was one of the one's I was looking at, but it definitely looked big. I appreciate the advice and you helped me make up my mind. I'll just stick to my my halo and magnifier as it's makes a good set up. Thanks again bud, stay safe 👍
Depending on units it’s the same. Especially an eo setup
@@MrT13 true. I don’t even have a magnifier at this time. But I’ve had them before. I mostly only used it when zeroing. It is nice being able to take it off
Awesome video. I like the idea of a one take but I don’t think this topic was the best one to do it on. Thanks for the great video and demos. Super informative.
FInally, a TH-camr cosplaying as a bike messenger instead of a DEVGRU operator. A real man of the people.
It would have been cool to see an eotech + magnifier too. The crispness of the optic combined with the consistent 1moa dot even magnified would probably help with precision, with that aimpoint magnified the dot becomes a 6moa dot, much less precise. But eotech also faster in cqb, best of both worlds. I am quickly becoming an eotech man. Tried a few lpvos and they're not bad but the pay to play is just not worth it on a high end model for me. I like the dots but the eotech just seems better in most ways. If there was a micro holo sight I would be all over that
Excellent video! Would have loved to see a third rifle in the line up with iron sights for comparison.
I really wanted the Aimpoint to come out on top but it seems that they're matched pretty well. Somethings are equal then some tests show advantages to one and disadvantages to the other. But alot of excellent info!
The eye review and being able to still follow the dot anywhere on an eotech is supreme
The parallax from the red dot had me missing all over while the holo sight was dead nuts accurate every time. That was all I needed to see
I think an LPVO should always have a tail on the magnification. Makes it easier and faster to switch levels
I love how he just throws his equipment into the gravel. I’m the type of guy trying not to scratch his shit up.
Go ahead, hit that gun with a rattlecan. Then you'll *want* to throw your gun on the ground!
One thing to pick up from this , no matter what you have, get a scalarworks mount
being able to swipe and zoom up to 5, 6, 8, 10, whatever it is, is great for a mid to long range 16+ inch barreled 556 rifle. the red dot with 3x zoom optic are going to be much more usable for short to mid range 16- inch barreled 300blk rifle. they can both be used for the same things, but when you get down to it, they are different tools with different uses.
Love T.Rex arms videos, Lucas is a hell of a shot, one of my favorite channels on TH-cam
I'm currently running an lvpo with Iron sights offset at 45 far it seems to be an effective set up
So lpvo with eotech offset???
I run a LPVO on my 16" and a RD on my 10.5". Mission drives gear.
Thank you for this, Lucas, you helped me to decide... to get good and then try to pick favorties between optics :D
Absolutely fantastic video, thank you for your efforts and dedication