One person offered two Van's which makes 12 people. Another person had 1 van for 6 people. 6+12 = 18. Now you would only need two other people to drive together, simple af.
I love how someone starts scolding the "NEXT" lady, but then it takes a sudden turn into projecting some society rage he seem to had in him for decades.
Its like that one family member we agree is on average a pretty good dude, but has political opinions that we'd rather just smile and nod at rather than argue with. Old man yells at cloud sort of feel.
I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about. I don't think that part was included in the video. Edit: it's been 4 years, I found this comment by accident, and I figured out how I missed 11:32 back then. I thought the first comment was talking about the carpool post. That one stuck with me over the years a lot more than the 23yo job post.
Imagine waking up in the middle of the night, you see a dark figure in the corner of your room, then glowing eyes She smiles and howls suddenly, _“NNNNNEEEEEXXXXXTTTTTT!!!!!!!”_
True. I guess you are right. Most people are more civilized and formal over text than they are in person. So if she interacted with people like this over text, you are probably right. She is worse irl.
CityFanTv -everything man city it comes off as homophobic because he was like “NO GAYS I REPEAT NO GAYS IM NOT GAY DON’T COMMENT IF YOU’RE GAY” and blah blah. He could’ve just said “I’m not interested in coming if you’re gay because I would like a woman” but the fact that he was so adamant about not wanting a gay roommate (and how he wasn’t gay himself) made it look like he was homophobic. Just my take 🤷🏾♀️
@@cityfantv-everythingmancit2946 You're the ignorant one. Don't comment on something until you've seen it all and understand it. "I haven't seen the whole post but I'm gunna talk about it as if I have anyway." What are you? 12?
I feel I'm gonna play devil's advocate here: for sure this man's message was extremely poorly worded BUT I am a man and in my life there were two nights where I could not do anything else than sleep rough in the streets. Those two times, what appeared like nice gentlemen kindly offered shelter at their places when they saw me trying to get to sleep on park benches. And then after a couple of drinks together at their place, where I clearly indicated I wasn't interested inthe least in gay sex, they both waited me to get to sleep before sexually assaulting me. So, I was probably very unlucky and in no way shape or form do I believe that their behavior is representative of how gay men act (I have enough close gay friends to be sure of that) but in a way I can relate to the rough-sleeper in the video and though I would not defend his choice of words, my assumption is that is attitude is not motivated by ideological bigotry but rather a number of traumatising experiences. (english is not my first language so I apologize for my mistakes)
*dying of thirst in the desert* "Here you go, have some water!" "Sorry, I only drink mineral water with no added preservatives and high fluorine content." Next minute: *dies*
That next lady really should've taken them up on their offers. If she had done the sober cabs, the guy who offered his car and used her own car she could've done the transport for twenty
Tensai Akiyama “I know it’s a generational thing, but were we that entitled?” Yes, you were, it’s just that without the internet you don’t get to see the worst of the generation everyday and have your thoughts validated.
@Tensai Akiyama She's an old lady (i think) Some old folk revert back to acting like children, as we say here. XD Sfit: wait. That was just his voice for her, what am I even saying??
Not paying artists?! Thats like telling a repairman that you wont pay him, but he can use the toilet after he repairs it.... rule number one- if you don't have the money, do it yourself.
Or, at the very least, make friends with someone who can draw who honestly doesn't mind doing it as a favour for a friend... Cause doing it yourself isn't always an option...
"My words and stories are art" tbh his art is probably some mary sue with a special power, then he'll despise anyone who criticises it. He seems like that kind of writer
Definitely. I couldn't think of a more accurate description myself. Definitely a Mary Sue chosen one who is clumsy and hella overpowered, likely a self-insert character where they wow all of the other characters (if they even exist)
Yeah, a real writer hates almost all of their work! I should know! Though I also have extremely low self esteem and hate everything I do. I hate the fact I'm typing this. I hate the fact I'm typing about how I hate the fact I hate typing this, which I hate. I am a horrible person and my writing isn't art, is a pile of burning trash. Please kill me.
"Why no retail?" "SHE IS A COLLEGE GRADUATE" Holy shit, let me roll out the red carpet for the GRADUATE of COLLEGE. GET READY FOR THE D I S A P P O I N T M E N T
Travis B that’s like a clothings existential crisis like “Am I clothes or am I NEXT” oh you’re next to be reworn for three days or longer by a child or teenager P.S I am a child
you don't get PTSD from the thing that triggers it, you get it from the original experience. if what you're saying is legit than you already have PTSD after watching this video and you have an episode when you hear "next".
I can't imagine a less threatening response than "Copy that, motherfucker". It's basically writing, "I understand, motherfucker." but with such a bizarre choice of words as to cause even further confusion.
What kills me about the NEXT lady is that she got an offer from someone with a minivan that seats 6 and a drunk taxi that seats 12. So maybe if just one more person offered to drive, she would have had everyone driven FOR FREE. But no...... and the picky woman was rude as hell to the nice people offering up their time, gas and services for free! But since her personality is so cartoonish, I can't fully hate her. She is friggin hillarious
I once tried to type “I just dropped a fucking bag of frozen chicken nuggets on my foot” but it autocorrected to “I just dropped a fucking bag of frozen children nuggets on my foot”
13:06 dude that guy was so cool. He totally understood that she (well, her friend but Im not so sure if that's true) wouldn't want to work in retail and gave her some actual advice. And what does she do? *_"N E X T ! ! !"_*
he just googled fishbowl and it was like the first image in the search. Probably ran it through some curves in photoshop to achieve the black and white thing.
Looked a bit rough and if it is from a google image search then it won't scale well because it will be a bitmap image. Probably just made with a image and 0% Saturation and very high contrast. EDIT: Made a similar picture in 2 minutes with the same picture and playing with the above settings, brightness and exposure fun fact the fish is pointing towards the camera
As a native Spanish speaker, I thoroughly enjoyed the double language segment. Yes, you have some silly slip-ups like "anterior" (accent is on rior and not te) but I think that adds to the charm of the humor. Great stuff.
23 is an age to where you shouldn't be asking this particular question. And what's with the pushy GO GO NEXT NEXT NEXT with you!! If u are over 18 u can be hired anywhere. Go put in some applications and try. Don't take the lazy way asking facebook! Clearly some lazy liberal millennial pretty typical! And this is another indication our country is going to s***! Here we have a 23 year old with as much common sense as a 6 year old. All from parental coddling and too many participation trophies! Ugggg get off social media and be productive by going out and finding a job! The problem isn't even getting hired, its getting people off their phones, getting them to work on time, or getting them to show up. Then the hard part, trying to get them to do their work. Employees are supposed to be the ones who own the business, hell! Employees are supposed to be the ones who work for them. When do I get my break, and how many weeks of vacation do i get? My friends and I are going to a concert Friday, so I need Thursday and Friday off, and also, can I get an advance on next weeks pay? Oh, and I want a christmas bonus and health insurance... Did you guys see this youtube video? I know it is generational, but were we THAT entitled?
@@Ayuraos Why would you do that? It's in the video.. Why would you do this with your free time? Honestly I bet even the "NEXT!" chick has better things to do.
Love the one with the story writer. I honestly get why this person wants their characters drawn so badly, but I have one question for them: If you think what you are doing is considered art and you want it to be respected and accepted as such, why can't you pay the same respect to other artforms which are undoubtably connected to your form of art?
Uggh because OBVIOUSLY, their excellent writing should be all that is needed to convince someone that they NEED their characters drown. I mean Drewing is just grabbing a pencil and rubbing it against paper. THERE artwork requires cuntless hours of deadication and craftsmenship. Non-WRITORS wouldn't understand. You simplton.
Agree! I’m writing a book right now and can’t stop thinking about my characters. Of course, I love them so much I would willingly spend thousands of dollars to see them in a concept form.
Just in case anybody thinks that the translated "update my art" one has any merit allow me to explain. That would either destroy the art industry entirely, or make it so that even the clumsiest most amateurish drawing would be worth a fortune each. You're paying for their skills at that moment and that piece alone, not for it to be constantly updated like it was a fking mmo that you pay for monthly.
The "If you're a woman who needs a man in your house" read to me in like a turn of the century hobo way - like - "I'll come and live on your farm and do chores around the place or whatever" Then the no gays came and it was suddenly just a bum trying to smash.
I hate when men make gender a specification on move-ins. It's like, fuck you they're a roommate, they're not there to serve as a trapped flirting target. I've been trying to move for the last year and day after day I scroll past people trying to combine rooming and dating like it's an arranged marriage. "Rent is free if you dress in high heels and full makeup at home every day, cook me dinner, act subordinate, and suck my toes when I come home from work" like fuck off, some people are trying to just be alive. Lol sorry for ranting. I guess it looks like people can be like that on the other side of the housing thing too. I don't get these hetero dudes who think that living with someone means guaranteed smash.
Imagine the NEXT!!!! Lady being flirted with: Guy: Hey there, I thought you looked really nice. Perhaps we could hang o- Screaming Lady: NOT HOT ENOUGH! NEXT!
The NEXT Lady really does have the common sense of a small child. Yeah, a collage degree will make high-end, cushy, high-paying fancy-shmancy jobs magically appear in the area. Somehow I feel like she herself in unemployed and wants her sister to get a good job so she can mooch off of her and not feel guilty about it because she got her the job in the first place.
Even if they had meant rough sketches, thinking up 40 *different* designs is freaking insane. It's difficult enough when they tell you exactly what they want.
Jack Hazardous I mean, if it did, the offer would be... still not great, but at least we'd be looking at 10$+ an hour. I guess that's appropriate for just rough drafts.
And all *BY HAND.* So I think that means they are Amish, and expect you to only use hand tools to go through and pick up maybe 400 paver bricks, and grade, and compact the site for their new deck. In a day. And you pay them.
I am SO angry because I am a native Spanish speaker, and Sorrow did a pretty decent job reading the Spanish texts, from what I could tell over the English. GREAT JOB! >:[
@Elektr0 Gaming id be pretty fucking pissed if i asked for a woman and instead got 100 81-year old gay sweaty grandpas. the only gay person i allow in my area is dio.
Yeah, it's totally, "Come pay me to do the work of removing all these bricks and then level out the ground so we can build a deck." Yeah, sure, I'll get right on that.
I'm surprised by his pronunciation in Spanish! Even tho he obviously wasn't speaking fluently cus he has never studied Spanish, he managed to pronounce most words correctly!
Everyone on here goes about mocking my dear lady just because she no time for the dillydaddling on Facebooks. Pease, I beg you to stop. She's mah wahfe.
Omg that "NEXT" woman is so rude! people are trying to help her, and all she's saying is "blah blah blah, too expensive, my expectations are higher than the Lincoln building, (insert rude thing to say) NEXT!!!" Edit: thank u guys so much for 203 likes:))
Choosing beggars drive me absolutely MENTAL!! I have always tried to help people that have been in need, but this one time just almost ended it for me. I worked at a higher end bar and restaurant, and at the end of the night the manager would let us take home leftovers. I absolutely love the stuffed mushrooms and crab cakes we had as appetizers, so I would often bring some home at the end of the night. This was NOT a high paying job and I had no other source of income for my household, and I often found myself relying on those leftovers for dinner that night. Anyway, I was walking home, when a homeless woman asked if I had any money. I told her I didn't, but she could have my food if she was hungry. She took the container, opened it up, and with her dirty fingers, poked the crab cakes and picked up a mushroom, sniffed it, tossed it back in the container. She then said, "That's nasty, I don't want that." and promptly shoved the food back into my hands as she walked away. Great. Now my dinner for the evening had been completey ruined, there was no way I was eating that after she had her grubby paws all in it. OMG, I cannot tell you how appalled I was at her behavior and it really changed my outlook on helping people after that. Which is hard bc I live near an area where you can't even go to the gas station without someone asking if they can have money or cigarettes. Just disgusting.
I know some things are expensive to some people, I get that. But, atleast, people shouldnt be rude and should have some common sense. To nice person come nice things. If they ask for a favor they should be polite and thank anyways.
@Mariusz Pudzianowski lol fuck off. People's time is *valuable* . When highly skilled artists ask for pay, they don't just max out at minimum wage, they add together all the cost of their labor, materials, and supplies, and add profit on top just like everyone else does, otherwise you can't afford to eat. Low level artists' time is worth just as much. The only difference is they will scale the profit margin down to suit demand for their work. Nobody should *ever* be expected to work for less than a living wage. it just doesn't make sense. It doesn't matter the skill level. Also "get a better job" fuck off, fuck right off. Everybody *always* wants good art, they complain so much when art is bad, but nobody ever fucking wants to pay for it. That's because our shitty capitalist society highly devalues creative skills, because you can't easily control creatives. Well, your life would be trash without creatives. No music, no books, no video games. The grocery stores would be filled floor to ceiling with black text on white labels. There would be no tv shows, no nothing. You wouldn't even be able to pick what color shirt you wear. Everything would be fucking dismal without artists. Learn some gratitude you entitled piece of shit.
TRIGGERED Also nice delusions, how are "artists" helping me to pick what colors I wear? Also I don't know if you noticed but trying to convice someone that because you draw some sketches every now and then, you made all those things for society is kinda cringy. Belonging to some group of people doesn't mean you are equal to them and that you achieved anything. It's like nationalists being proud of winning war in time when they weren't even born yet. Or some guy saying writing stories for kids that if it wasn't for him we would never have Shakespeare works. Another thing you might want to notice is that people actually pay fuckton of money for good pieces of art (especially paintings), if you aren't able to apply your skill to make money of it or you can't because you lack those skills in first place, don't blame "capitalist society". Oh and finally, time isn't valuable. Just because you spend 10 hours doing something with shitty final product, doesn't mean you should be paid a lot of money for it. Whoever is buying something doesn't care about work put in it, they about the effect of it and what they receive in the end.
The "NEXT" lady obviously can't realize that 20 people in different vehicles does the same job as 20 people in the same vehicle.
One person offered two Van's which makes 12 people. Another person had 1 van for 6 people. 6+12 = 18. Now you would only need two other people to drive together, simple af.
@@kai8517 Too complicated, too many vehicles. NEXT!
@@kai8517 Its for a church honey, it's all or nothing. NEXT!
She also doesn’t know that nothing is free, I really hate that bitch, and I don’t need the attitude. NEXT!
I love how someone starts scolding the "NEXT" lady, but then it takes a sudden turn into projecting some society rage he seem to had in him for decades.
Its like that one family member we agree is on average a pretty good dude, but has political opinions that we'd rather just smile and nod at rather than argue with. Old man yells at cloud sort of feel.
He deserved to get nexted
Which didn't even make sense because it was the 23yr old asking, it was her crazy older sister. For all we know the 23yr old could be a decent person.
I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about. I don't think that part was included in the video.
Edit: it's been 4 years, I found this comment by accident, and I figured out how I missed 11:32 back then. I thought the first comment was talking about the carpool post. That one stuck with me over the years a lot more than the 23yo job post.
@@ArcanineEspeon 11:32
“Are you tired of men creeping on you through your windows? I’ll try to restrain myself.”
*under appreciated gem*
I just saw that part as I read this comment. Amazing.
I was looking for this. Also, if I ever see a tinting company who’s slogan is, “we can tint your wind and wind your tint,” they have my business
@@josearmendariz6072 On it!
"Fishbowl Window Tinting
Where we can tint your wind- and wind your tintabindin"
"My wife wants to try the acting thing."
Five minutes later:
"She's been acting professionally for 20 years!!"
It'd be funnier if she show got in a time machine or lied to her husband or something to make him think she really was acting for twenty years
It was so satisfying to see him telling him off
She did the stasis chamber thing from Dragonball Z during their convo, but with Shakespeare instead of martial arts
I bet it was their 20th anniversary.
@@dominickeijzer5844 underrated reply
Sometimes I forget that this is just a dude talking to himself in different voices
it's worrying if you think of it like that lolololololol
very immersive characters hahaha hes got a gift
and the scariest part is reminds me of myself
That's family guy in a nutshell
I love the voices he does lol
good job man. your voice made the "next" lady 1000x more annoying.
Come back when you can handle real women honey! NEXT!
Gives me the impression that the OP was a black woman.
Stupid Millenial NEEEeEeEEeEeEeEeEEeEeeeEEXT
Dear god, I would rather pour gravel down my ears than listen to that part again!
Edit: 10:54 FUCK!!!
Every "NEXT!" pushed me closer and closer to an aneurysm.
I think I have a tumor now.
I think I am a tumor now.
cool. NEXT!
How do I like a comment more than once
Every next pushed me closer and closer to *pulling the god damn trigger*
The "NEXT!" woman is my sleep paralysis demon.
korean jesus she’s a reoccurring villain
Imagine waking up in the middle of the night, you see a dark figure in the corner of your room, then glowing eyes
She smiles and howls suddenly, _“NNNNNEEEEEXXXXXTTTTTT!!!!!!!”_
“Next! I’m a huge bitch that can’t fucking shut her mouth! No wonder my husband left me!”
@@nipixel Holy fuck I forgot about this comment and your comment scared the shit out of me. I wasn't sure what I said or did to deserve that lmao
@@wisterwilson8774 ...NE--EEEEEEXTT!
“Here I got you this gift”
*Nope I want a car NEEEEXT!*
Here's a car
Yeah sorry hun it's blue so no can do *_NEEEeEeeEEeXT!_*
I wanted a Camaro not a Mustang *NEEEEEEEXXXXT*
Fear the wrath of Demanda!
But it's only a rolex
That NEXT lady annoyed the shit out of me.
Mr. Shneeblie I don't think I like your attitude. Next.
It wasn't the next lady that annoyed me, its the voice the guy portrayed her as. The lady probably isnt THAT annoying irl.
Oh, I'd bet money she's worse. Anybody who'd type like that definitely acts like that.
True. I guess you are right. Most people are more civilized and formal over text than they are in person. So if she interacted with people like this over text, you are probably right. She is worse irl.
every "NEXT" was another red hot knife in my side that cauterized the wound and wouldn't let me die
It hurts so much
The pain is real.
-Feels uncomfortable staying with a gay man
-Doesn't think twice about asking women to take a strange man into their house
Well, that's homophobes for ya.
Rubik The Geek wait how is that homophobic? I probably just saw it wrong but wasn’t it just a nut job lookin fo a husband?
Unknown User how ignorant are you? I said I might of not seen it all. WOW.
CityFanTv -everything man city it comes off as homophobic because he was like “NO GAYS I REPEAT NO GAYS IM NOT GAY DON’T COMMENT IF YOU’RE GAY” and blah blah. He could’ve just said “I’m not interested in coming if you’re gay because I would like a woman” but the fact that he was so adamant about not wanting a gay roommate (and how he wasn’t gay himself) made it look like he was homophobic. Just my take 🤷🏾♀️
@@cityfantv-everythingmancit2946 You're the ignorant one. Don't comment on something until you've seen it all and understand it.
"I haven't seen the whole post but I'm gunna talk about it as if I have anyway." What are you? 12?
The fight between the NEXT lady and the person complaining about “Lazy Entitled Millennials” is now on my top ten list for greatest anime fights.
razmin the raspberry fox I think it's the same.lady
I'm saving this
“Next lady” met her match in the crazy department
Number 15
Modern Otaku Evil vs Evil
It is coming...
Strayble All she demanded was pretty reasonable actually. NEXT!
cpt nordbart she was a hecking meanie. NEXT!!
Who is this women. I need see more of this
Suprebob Toast i disagroin. *N E X T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
"We don't require intoxication"
But its ok if I am right???
No you WRONG NEXT!!!
It's for a church, honey.
Let me know if you change your mind
"repeat no gays"
There go my marriage plans. :(
I feel I'm gonna play devil's advocate here:
for sure this man's message was extremely poorly worded BUT I am a man and in my life there were two nights where I could not do anything else than sleep rough in the streets. Those two times, what appeared like nice gentlemen kindly offered shelter at their places when they saw me trying to get to sleep on park benches. And then after a couple of drinks together at their place, where I clearly indicated I wasn't interested inthe least in gay sex, they both waited me to get to sleep before sexually assaulting me. So, I was probably very unlucky and in no way shape or form do I believe that their behavior is representative of how gay men act (I have enough close gay friends to be sure of that) but in a way I can relate to the rough-sleeper in the video and though I would not defend his choice of words, my assumption is that is attitude is not motivated by ideological bigotry but rather a number of traumatising experiences.
(english is not my first language so I apologize for my mistakes)
@@mathieuL2204 I think the dude post was just homophobic:)
@@mathieuL2204 Really sorry that happened to you. I hope you're in a better place now.
I need food for my starving family
But *ONLY* expensive, luxurious cake. Won’t accept anything else
Monado Boy I have a caterpillar cake is that good enough?
They're like the anti Marie anttuonet (I don't know how to spell)
*N* *E* *X* *T*
Ben G terrible reply NEXT!!!!
alixander rey it's Marie Antoinette :)
*dying of thirst in the desert*
"Here you go, have some water!"
"Sorry, I only drink mineral water with no added preservatives and high fluorine content."
Next minute: *dies*
@Singh Anmol preet What happens NEXT?
Goes to hell and gets thirsty again
I don't want this water... NEXT!!!
@@allenbercero3661 Why?
Singh Anmol preet NEXT
That next lady really should've taken them up on their offers. If she had done the sober cabs, the guy who offered his car and used her own car she could've done the transport for twenty
Yeah but it's gotta be 20 at once NEXT!!
Car doesn’t have a Bose sound system, NEXT!!!
yo you right
@Unknown User hi
NylaTheWolf NEXTTT!!!
I don't know what's worse, the "NEXT" lady or the "these millennials smh* guy
The next lady is at least almost kind of likable in an obnoxious way. That guy is just pure molten hate.
Tensai Akiyama “I know it’s a generational thing, but were we that entitled?” Yes, you were, it’s just that without the internet you don’t get to see the worst of the generation everyday and have your thoughts validated.
@Tensai Akiyama lol he really doesn't.
Yeah, the guy ALMOST had the perfect roast... but then went to far, its tragic.
@Tensai Akiyama
She's an old lady (i think)
Some old folk revert back to acting like children, as we say here. XD
Sfit: wait. That was just his voice for her, what am I even saying??
The N-Word: Next
The F-Word: Free
Ned Flanders.
@Artalin NoT oN mY cHrIsTiAn MiNeCrAfT sErVeR!
UnderFanNeo dubs next, definitely not on my freeing server
Great line, but the voice change from goofy woman to LORD OF DARKNESS was perfect.
best part
The "Next" lady is just the relatably embarrassing mom character from every sitcom ever made.
"But Jonah, she is my waaaaaafe" 😂😂
My Wife
Well excuuuuuuuuse me princess
Well excuuuuuuse me, Jonah, but she is my waafe
i can picture borat saying this
I'm slowly starting to wonder if sorrow likes to use his voice as a weapon.
It should be classified as noise pollution
if his voice pitch goes any higher my ear drums will just rupture and start bleeding...
Sorrow would make a great bard in D&D
*pew pew*
Not paying artists?! Thats like telling a repairman that you wont pay him, but he can use the toilet after he repairs it.... rule number one- if you don't have the money, do it yourself.
they need to be on r/iamverysmart
“I don’t need this attitude NEXT!”
Or, at the very least, make friends with someone who can draw who honestly doesn't mind doing it as a favour for a friend... Cause doing it yourself isn't always an option...
...The "your art's improved, therefore you OWE me a new drawing!" thing drives me nuts. Just....WHY.
Agreed I had some art commissioned and I noticed there work Improved. I aren't going to ask for new art what I will do is pay them for new art.
I feel like its only okay if you're willing to pay the price the artist is asking.
Like...where did you ever hear that?? How did he even come up with that mentality?
Courtney Santoro No clue I understand time is money so yeah.
"My words and stories are art"
tbh his art is probably some mary sue with a special power, then he'll despise anyone who criticises it. He seems like that kind of writer
He definitely gave those vibes. I mean, the man used the word “intellectual”
Nuh uh, she's not a Mary Sue! She's clumsy, and as we all know, that's the peak and most interesting of all character flaws!
Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that the “writer” is actually some ten-year-old girl who writes cliche Mary Sue stories on gacha life?
Definitely. I couldn't think of a more accurate description myself. Definitely a Mary Sue chosen one who is clumsy and hella overpowered, likely a self-insert character where they wow all of the other characters (if they even exist)
Yeah, a real writer hates almost all of their work!
I should know!
Though I also have extremely low self esteem and hate everything I do. I hate the fact I'm typing this. I hate the fact I'm typing about how I hate the fact I hate typing this, which I hate.
I am a horrible person and my writing isn't art, is a pile of burning trash.
Please kill me.
That annoying "NEXT!" lady makes me so mad for no reason.
jannik the fox same
Oh, there's a reason
I fucking hate her lol
but jonah she is *MAH WAHFE*
bad idea mia what did the " going irish" thing mean, I'm Irish, don't know how that hapens
"Our relationship is going to be Irish"
? Ummmm so we're going to be leprechauns? Drunk? What the faq...
Oisín Boland an Irish goodbye is when you leave without saying anything
In my experience of Ireland, an 'Irish goodbye' is when you say goodbye over and over at least five times before you actually go
good one NEXT!!
I wanna find the account of the lady who says “NEXT”
Imagine the NEXT! Lady in a chat war with a First! poster
the arrogance lmao
Bro come on give us the Next lady fb plz
Trust me, everyone wants to find that darn account
"Why no retail?" "SHE IS A COLLEGE GRADUATE"
Holy shit, let me roll out the red carpet for the GRADUATE of COLLEGE.
I mean, tbf if I paid +60k for a potential job in something more proper, I'd expect not to end up in retail in a skill-less job.
Bradley Venn yeah so did I and yet 😐
in THIS economy? :\
That red carpet will cost you $420, and even more for a graduate of college
* eyeroll * *NEEEEXT!*
Doctor: Ma’am we are sorry to say but your husband has passed away this morning
Lady: *NEXT!!*
THE GREAT MANIAC looking for free transport needs to seat 20 people, we going to a funeral.
I have a van though
Livia Liv Liv NO YOU! NEXT!
This video is 14:56 long, I specifically requested a 15 minute video. NEXT
It's 14:57
Well, I requested a 16 MINUTE VIDEO, NEXT!!!
TheColorfulPuppehKat actually it’s 14:57 get it right honey, NEXT!!!
No its 14 minutes and 56 seconds NEXT!!
*S T I L L L O O K I N G*
Now every time I hear "next", I get severe PTSD because of this.
Ok then, how about “the second thing after the first thing “?
Don't ever come to the UK, we have a clothing brand called NEXT
Travis B that’s like a clothings existential crisis like “Am I clothes or am I NEXT” oh you’re next to be reworn for three days or longer by a child or teenager
P.S I am a child
you don't get PTSD from the thing that triggers it, you get it from the original experience. if what you're saying is legit than you already have PTSD after watching this video and you have an episode when you hear "next".
Hearing Sorrow speaking Spanish really lighten up my mood
Each "Next!" hurt more than the last, like they were chipping away at my soul
You got the obnoxiousness of that NEXT! lady so perfectly
I can't imagine a less threatening response than "Copy that, motherfucker". It's basically writing, "I understand, motherfucker." but with such a bizarre choice of words as to cause even further confusion.
I agree with you completely, you piece of shit.
Rodger that
Jesus, I understand.
You sound like an otomatone singing the last "N-E-E-E-E-XT"
@@KuueenKumi how tf is boneappletea applicable here
What kills me about the NEXT lady is that she got an offer from someone with a minivan that seats 6 and a drunk taxi that seats 12. So maybe if just one more person offered to drive, she would have had everyone driven FOR FREE. But no...... and the picky woman was rude as hell to the nice people offering up their time, gas and services for free!
But since her personality is so cartoonish, I can't fully hate her. She is friggin hillarious
How I read that:
"Wait, what?"
Same here
Where u gonna say that kids taste like chili? Or chicken?
It took me a minute to realize the user you responded to is named "Am I okay? Absolutely not".
I once tried to type “I just dropped a fucking bag of frozen chicken nuggets on my foot” but it autocorrected to “I just dropped a fucking bag of frozen children nuggets on my foot”
That lady that is denying offers left and right just pisses me off so much
Ali Athif Damn me too
the “NEXT!!!” just makes her seem so entitled . ugh
alexandra d Right? I mean she acts like a picky child
I love when he is just screaming NEXT!! In the lady voice
I love how sing-songy it was
"We are enimies now"
to all the teachers that didn't bump my 49% to a 'A'
You spelled enemies "enimies". I think I know why you only get 49%.
@@Chacha-de4qz r/woooosh
@@Chacha-de4qz it's a joke , you deserve a r/woooosh
‘Sorry I don’t do free work’
‘You have made a massive mistake...’
I thought that dude was like
then the screen scrolled down
Me too
13:06 dude that guy was so cool. He totally understood that she (well, her friend but Im not so sure if that's true) wouldn't want to work in retail and gave her some actual advice. And what does she do?
*_"N E X T ! ! !"_*
*N E X T!*
Do an AMA, my nigga.
The amount of sheer Obnoxygen he had to inhale to make it sound that way made my ears bleed.
Toad voice
18 - NEXT Overture
"That's just the name of our cab company we don't.... require intoxication 😂😃"
You should deliver it
700th butch
Aggro Eel NEXT
Holy shit the NEXT voice slayed me lmao
medik ski same lol
OK. *N E X T!*
medik ski N E E H H H H X T!
@Insults Editing
for real, like some people been so kind, I got so surprised
i feel bad people like this girl actually exist :s
Your portrayal of NEXT lady is the best thing on Earth. I come back to this video often for a dose of belly laughs. Thank you Sir Sorrow.
The NEXT! Lady was pissing me off
i know right!
like things that others find funny just really annoy me for some reason
I just hope that she didn't get whatever she wanted
LuckyFlygon - i agree. She was totally rude and unreasonable
MLN the one person writing that essay about "millenials" pissed me off
That fishbowl logo isn't that bad actually, i wouldn't be surprised if the guy sees this video and uses the clipping tool to take the logo.
he just googled fishbowl and it was like the first image in the search. Probably ran it through some curves in photoshop to achieve the black and white thing.
We can tint your wind, and windjur dindabindint!
The guy probably doesn't even know what the clipping tool is
Looked a bit rough and if it is from a google image search then it won't scale well because it will be a bitmap image. Probably just made with a image and 0% Saturation and very high contrast.
EDIT: Made a similar picture in 2 minutes with the same picture and playing with the above settings, brightness and exposure
fun fact the fish is pointing towards the camera
Omg its the “NEXT!!!” Woman!!! : D
@@bowgartfan Heh I get it
I think.. not sure.. I hope I do!
Is it the same lady? With the vans? God I hope so! If you don't know the answer...
I have a minivan that holds 6 people in it.
@@breadmeiser needs to seat 20, NEEEEEXCXXXXXTTTT!!!!!!!!!! 1!-!16_44283
“No retail!”
“Entry level”
And "something local"
I died with the English and Spanish
Ur pronunciation is actually not bad
He was translating and he was doing well but he gave up
Does have the whole story of this post?
As a native Spanish speaker, I thoroughly enjoyed the double language segment. Yes, you have some silly slip-ups like "anterior" (accent is on rior and not te) but I think that adds to the charm of the humor. Great stuff.
Eriol Exactly. :)
“I’m a birthday shy of turning 26”
So... 25?
Trying to get to the word count on an Essay in a nutshell.
Canis 😂😂
I'm 17 birthdays shy of being 21.
Ummm yes 25 what else sweatie!! *NEXT!!!!!!!!!*
He really nailed those *"NEXT"* part lol 10/10
*”Oh god shes back. Shes back for with more demands!”*
edit : 10:55
23 is an age to where you shouldn't be asking this particular question. And what's with the pushy GO GO NEXT NEXT NEXT with you!! If u are over 18 u can be hired anywhere. Go put in some applications and try. Don't take the lazy way asking facebook! Clearly some lazy liberal millennial pretty typical! And this is another indication our country is going to s***! Here we have a 23 year old with as much common sense as a 6 year old. All from parental coddling and too many participation trophies! Ugggg get off social media and be productive by going out and finding a job! The problem isn't even getting hired, its getting people off their phones, getting them to work on time, or getting them to show up. Then the hard part, trying to get them to do their work. Employees are supposed to be the ones who own the business, hell! Employees are supposed to be the ones who work for them. When do I get my break, and how many weeks of vacation do i get? My friends and I are going to a concert Friday, so I need Thursday and Friday off, and also, can I get an advance on next weeks pay? Oh, and I want a christmas bonus and health insurance... Did you guys see this youtube video? I know it is generational, but were we THAT entitled?
You are welocme bruh.
I read that as "oh god she's black" at first and I like it more
@@Ayuraos Why would you do that? It's in the video.. Why would you do this with your free time? Honestly I bet even the "NEXT!" chick has better things to do.
Love the one with the story writer. I honestly get why this person wants their characters drawn so badly, but I have one question for them: If you think what you are doing is considered art and you want it to be respected and accepted as such, why can't you pay the same respect to other artforms which are undoubtably connected to your form of art?
Because he's an idiot and an asshole.
He thought himself to be superior.
Uggh because OBVIOUSLY, their excellent writing should be all that is needed to convince someone that they NEED their characters drown. I mean Drewing is just grabbing a pencil and rubbing it against paper. THERE artwork requires cuntless hours of deadication and craftsmenship. Non-WRITORS wouldn't understand. You simplton.
Agree! I’m writing a book right now and can’t stop thinking about my characters. Of course, I love them so much I would willingly spend thousands of dollars to see them in a concept form.
are you that stupid? wow. thought a nice question had a smart person behind it. i was wrong. grow up kid.
The Spanish part was just overwhelming. Since I could understand both languages I couldn't concentrate on a single one lol!
007MrYang Yo me too también
007MrYang ikr, like im hearing jorge but at the same time george
Wey no mames, la voz del español xD
Was the translation accurate?
Just in case anybody thinks that the translated "update my art" one has any merit allow me to explain.
That would either destroy the art industry entirely, or make it so that even the clumsiest most amateurish drawing would be worth a fortune each. You're paying for their skills at that moment and that piece alone, not for it to be constantly updated like it was a fking mmo that you pay for monthly.
Your comment deserves more likes
well said.
@Bad Guy *entitled woman
The "If you're a woman who needs a man in your house" read to me in like a turn of the century hobo way - like - "I'll come and live on your farm and do chores around the place or whatever" Then the no gays came and it was suddenly just a bum trying to smash.
I hate when men make gender a specification on move-ins. It's like, fuck you they're a roommate, they're not there to serve as a trapped flirting target. I've been trying to move for the last year and day after day I scroll past people trying to combine rooming and dating like it's an arranged marriage. "Rent is free if you dress in high heels and full makeup at home every day, cook me dinner, act subordinate, and suck my toes when I come home from work" like fuck off, some people are trying to just be alive. Lol sorry for ranting. I guess it looks like people can be like that on the other side of the housing thing too. I don't get these hetero dudes who think that living with someone means guaranteed smash.
Hobosexuals are everywhere... it's a long and storied tradition.
*W E A R E E N E M I E S N O W*
It was just a phone call!!!
He probably barely even knew the guy, so to him it probably made absolutly no differrence at all...
i just explained weebs. Holy fuck.
Imagine the NEXT!!!! Lady being flirted with:
Guy: Hey there, I thought you looked really nice. Perhaps we could hang o-
Screaming Lady: NOT HOT ENOUGH! NEXT!
The NEXT Lady really does have the common sense of a small child. Yeah, a collage degree will make high-end, cushy, high-paying fancy-shmancy jobs magically appear in the area. Somehow I feel like she herself in unemployed and wants her sister to get a good job so she can mooch off of her and not feel guilty about it because she got her the job in the first place.
I think you nailed it.
$10 for 40 drawings? As an artist, that genuinely hurt to read. I had to pause the video.
Even if they had meant rough sketches, thinking up 40 *different* designs is freaking insane. It's difficult enough when they tell you exactly what they want.
40 blank pages.
You're right, that's asking for too much. 50 drawings for $7.50
i think his thought process is that it takes five minutes to spitball a design.
Jack Hazardous I mean, if it did, the offer would be... still not great, but at least we'd be looking at 10$+ an hour. I guess that's appropriate for just rough drafts.
That singsong "NEXT" is what pushed me to sub. These are good vids and you are a funny, funny man!
Shes like: "NeEeEeEeEeExXxXt."
The "NEXT" lady got me. You made it one hundred times more funny with your voiceovers. NEEEEXXXXT
Jennifer Dixon he could read a cookbook and I'd be all about it.
Claudette Smith lol same here
Jennifer Dixon if I could get a CD of him singing...! His Jesse's Girl moves me!
xizbow thank you for commenting, brought me back here, and it's so funny it hurts. 😂😂😂😂 Needed this break 😥
The actress' husband: *_mAh WaHf_*
Mæh wæugh
“And all I wanted was a lousy letter or a call
I hope you know I ripped all of your pictures off the wall”
Uriah Siner wow i just got terror flashbacks from listening to that song as a kid
I laughed way to much at that comment
I loved you Sorrow we could've been together, think about it!
My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all.
Wait did that guy seriously expect someone to clean out all of that brick in a single day?
Moving Parts Gaming I did this once with my dad, brother, uncle and grandpa. It took us a few days lol
To be fair, those bricks are worth 750 dollars, touching them might give you an expanded life span or some superpowers.
Moving Parts Gaming not only take all the bricks out but also laying down the foundation for a new deck as well
Was he selling bricks?
And all *BY HAND.* So I think that means they are Amish, and expect you to only use hand tools to go through and pick up maybe 400 paver bricks, and grade, and compact the site for their new deck. In a day. And you pay them.
seat 20 NEXT! 😂😂😂
If she put the mini van and sober cab together she would of had enough seats 😂
The lady who (probably) writes crappy fanfiction on wattpad yet acts as if she's an icon of literature is my favorite one
More like preteen girl
I feel personally attacked
I am SO angry because I am a native Spanish speaker, and Sorrow did a pretty decent job reading the Spanish texts, from what I could tell over the English. GREAT JOB! >:[
Are you happy or mad.
so you happy or mad about this?
Um... do I really have to explain the joke? :/
Cesar The Salad oh. didnt notice.
Iba a comentar algo parecido, el tipo tradujo bastante bien.
Legend says she’s still trying to find a job for her sister
It's a shame nobody will just give her a job. She still needs one. NEXT!
This comment is not helping anyone you prick! NEXT!!!
@@cyclingcycles7953 Shut up, how about instead of attacking people, you actually offer some help? *NEEXT!!!*
she can't find a job because she's still looking
Legend says she is also is still looking for transportation for the church too.
(How do they break it to her there’s no car that sits 20 people )
The new Google car seats 69
There is. It's called *yells into megaphone* THE BUS!
I DontKnowAnymore then it wouldn't be a car. A bus
I DontKnowAnymore its called a bus
A bus isnt a car... its a bus
Good prices, great deals?
*_N E X T ! !_*
I like garfield
*N E X T!!*
"NO GAYS , I repeat NO GAYS do NOT message me i am not gay,repeat no gays" when you're in the closet
Maybe he had a buncha gay dudes contacting him to stay at their house since he was so desperate XD
imagine what he went through to repeat that so many times lmao
@Elektr0 Gaming id be pretty fucking pissed if i asked for a woman and instead got 100 81-year old gay sweaty grandpas. the only gay person i allow in my area is dio.
Gay dudes are just as annoying to straight dudes as straight dudes are to women. NEXT!
That dude with the bricks is a scam. That whole "one day only" thing? Looking at the demands he makes, I think that's not even his own house.
Excuse me? They're great bricks. NEXT!!!
Yeah, it's totally, "Come pay me to do the work of removing all these bricks and then level out the ground so we can build a deck." Yeah, sure, I'll get right on that.
Not enough beggars per video, NEXT!!
Haya Copter How has no one commented on this comment, and only 131 likes? NEEEEEEXXXXXXXTTTTTTT.
@@michaeldistortedrosen7245 this comment is irrelevant even though it makes perfect sense. NNNNNEEEEEXXXXTTTT!
This is all agreeable and I “don’t” like it
Need 20 more beggars
You have an anime profile pic so your opinion doesn’t matter.
I will always love that if the woman was nicer and had an ounce of problem solving skills, she’d already have 18 out of 20 people accounted for.
“Come clear my garbage from the end of the lane, $150.”
HauntedInsanity TH-cam ewww that looks so gross!
He just could of made a garage sale
I need a 15:00 minute video, not a 14:57 video.
*N E X T!!!!!!!*
This comment was way too short!
Harold Lamb This reply was to unoriginal!
*N E X T*
Mytrillee I wanted italicized, not bold!
That "NEXT" was too long!
*N E X T ! !*
What if NEXT! is her name and she is just putting her signatures on her every post?
Lol jk that was a good one!
Nope! NEXT!!!
2 minutes ago
Fuck U
I'll give u a chance and u call her
or else
If her name isn't NEXT! she should change it right now
We are enemies now
I'm surprised by his pronunciation in Spanish! Even tho he obviously wasn't speaking fluently cus he has never studied Spanish, he managed to pronounce most words correctly!
4:44 both /r/choosingbeggars and /r/forexposure, THEN an /r/niceguys turnabout.
I never thought I'd get to witness something like that. Beautiful.
Augie Spendley oh baby a triple!
Also /r/iamverysmart
Everyone on here goes about mocking my dear lady just because she no time for the dillydaddling on Facebooks. Pease, I beg you to stop.
She's mah wahfe.
With all the respect, I think it's time for you to look back on your choices.
LOL this comment is severely unappreciated
Omg that "NEXT" woman is so rude!
people are trying to help her, and all she's saying is "blah blah blah, too expensive, my expectations are higher than the Lincoln building, (insert rude thing to say) NEXT!!!"
Edit: thank u guys so much for 203 likes:))
TheKatDoesDat NEXT!!!!
Not surprised she is a Christian.
Estragon17 OH MY GOD YOU ATHEIST ROT IN HELL!! NEEEXT!!!!! (Im joking haha im atheist aswell)
Why does it have to be bc she’s a Christian? It’s really no different than any other stereotype.
she's hilarious
the guy who commented that mini lit essay of the NEXT! lady was so unnecessarily angry💀💀💀
@Pass Datass aka edgy weebs, and psuedo intellectuals.
@Pass Datass true
He was as hatable at the NEXT lady.
Basically an old guy going "Kids these days! Back in MY day-" i deal with this on a daily basis, my dad is this kinda person.
For the first paragraph or 2 I thought it was sarcasm I was sadly mistaken
Choosing beggars drive me absolutely MENTAL!! I have always tried to help people that have been in need, but this one time just almost ended it for me. I worked at a higher end bar and restaurant, and at the end of the night the manager would let us take home leftovers. I absolutely love the stuffed mushrooms and crab cakes we had as appetizers, so I would often bring some home at the end of the night. This was NOT a high paying job and I had no other source of income for my household, and I often found myself relying on those leftovers for dinner that night. Anyway, I was walking home, when a homeless woman asked if I had any money. I told her I didn't, but she could have my food if she was hungry. She took the container, opened it up, and with her dirty fingers, poked the crab cakes and picked up a mushroom, sniffed it, tossed it back in the container. She then said, "That's nasty, I don't want that." and promptly shoved the food back into my hands as she walked away. Great. Now my dinner for the evening had been completey ruined, there was no way I was eating that after she had her grubby paws all in it. OMG, I cannot tell you how appalled I was at her behavior and it really changed my outlook on helping people after that. Which is hard bc I live near an area where you can't even go to the gas station without someone asking if they can have money or cigarettes. Just disgusting.
I know some things are expensive to some people, I get that.
But, atleast, people shouldnt be rude and should have some
common sense. To nice person come nice things. If they
ask for a favor they should be polite and thank anyways.
*N E X T !*
I thought you were the girl from 5:13
next doesn’t sound or look like a real word at this point.
I want a fresh comment, not something from 2 hours ago. NEXT!!!
That actually made me laugh.
Only the author of the orignal comment says "Next", NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tainted Imagination *neEEEeEeXT*
Your spanish is awesome, dude, I'm proud af
Hey can you make a video of just NEXT lady? its priceless
I kind of wish I was the person who posted her ridiculousness. I would love to follow her just for the entertainment.
KorosuKivy no it’s annoying Jesus has to do something about her
If I have to watch a full video of that "NEXT" imma hunt her down and highfive her in the face with a chair
Sorrow TV's service fee is not that cheap, can you handle it? If not... *NEXT*
$10 for 40 drawings?? Let's say it takes 15mins to think of a logo and sketch it up, you're looking at like 10 hours work for 10 bucks
well if you don't like it, you can either improve your skills or get a better job
@Mariusz Pudzianowski
lol fuck off. People's time is *valuable* . When highly skilled artists ask for pay, they don't just max out at minimum wage, they add together all the cost of their labor, materials, and supplies, and add profit on top just like everyone else does, otherwise you can't afford to eat. Low level artists' time is worth just as much. The only difference is they will scale the profit margin down to suit demand for their work. Nobody should *ever* be expected to work for less than a living wage. it just doesn't make sense. It doesn't matter the skill level.
Also "get a better job" fuck off, fuck right off. Everybody *always* wants good art, they complain so much when art is bad, but nobody ever fucking wants to pay for it. That's because our shitty capitalist society highly devalues creative skills, because you can't easily control creatives.
Well, your life would be trash without creatives. No music, no books, no video games. The grocery stores would be filled floor to ceiling with black text on white labels. There would be no tv shows, no nothing. You wouldn't even be able to pick what color shirt you wear. Everything would be fucking dismal without artists. Learn some gratitude you entitled piece of shit.
Mariusz Pudzianowski
Hahahaha! No. You really don't understand of how being an artist can be very stressing.
Also nice delusions, how are "artists" helping me to pick what colors I wear? Also I don't know if you noticed but trying to convice someone that because you draw some sketches every now and then, you made all those things for society is kinda cringy. Belonging to some group of people doesn't mean you are equal to them and that you achieved anything. It's like nationalists being proud of winning war in time when they weren't even born yet. Or some guy saying writing stories for kids that if it wasn't for him we would never have Shakespeare works.
Another thing you might want to notice is that people actually pay fuckton of money for good pieces of art (especially paintings), if you aren't able to apply your skill to make money of it or you can't because you lack those skills in first place, don't blame "capitalist society".
Oh and finally, time isn't valuable. Just because you spend 10 hours doing something with shitty final product, doesn't mean you should be paid a lot of money for it. Whoever is buying something doesn't care about work put in it, they about the effect of it and what they receive in the end.
maybe they meant 10$ / sketch... so 400 $ in total.
at least that's what I want to believe.
Really. That *NEXT* person was... Ouch.
Quite. Like, I wanted to wipe away the pink-out and get my dox on. And I typically advocate AGAINST that shit.
Disaggreeing is not my taste.
*N E X T !*
this comment is trash *N E E EE. EE E E E E E E E E E E X X X X X X T T T T T T T*
hello guys how are you today. NEXT!
Tbh im the chick who was like “OMG ITS YOU AGAIN! I havent laughed this hard in years!!”
but jonah, she is meh waaaffff...
Don't care. NEXT
Getting borat vibes here