Holidays are there just in order to have some routine disruption in your life, which can be beneficial for healthy people (they call this change in routine "rest"), but can be upsetting and even harmful for some sick or disabled people. But also not all the disabled people's (even wheelchair user's) experiences are the same. I see that paraplegics are very active, they use manual wheelchairs and play their sports using manual wheelchairs. Also for me the holidays are not this bad, even though that i use electric wheelchair as pushing manual wheelchair is too hard for me. When there are holidays, we have day off work, so, we don't go to work and we can have visits, etc instead of job. And for me, there is some tolerance if something unannounced happens and i can't do all the routine.
Holidays are there just in order to have some routine disruption in your life, which can be beneficial for healthy people (they call this change in routine "rest"), but can be upsetting and even harmful for some sick or disabled people. But also not all the disabled people's (even wheelchair user's) experiences are the same. I see that paraplegics are very active, they use manual wheelchairs and play their sports using manual wheelchairs. Also for me the holidays are not this bad, even though that i use electric wheelchair as pushing manual wheelchair is too hard for me. When there are holidays, we have day off work, so, we don't go to work and we can have visits, etc instead of job. And for me, there is some tolerance if something unannounced happens and i can't do all the routine.