
  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ม.ค. 2025
  • Kawaii Sushi Steamed Buns |超萌寿司造型包子
    #mantoulicious #xueren_mantou #SteamedBun #包罗馒有 #包羅饅有 #寿司 #Nigiri
    “Baozi” and “Mantou” are steamed buns, a popular brunch bite-size food in Chinese society, they are made of 5 simple ingredients and cooked in a bamboo steamer.
    Xue Ren here to show you how to transform traditional round white steamed buns into surprisingly cute characters.
    For further details or registration, please contact us at👇🏻below link
    1️⃣6+6 Chinese Zodiac Steamed Bun |6+6生肖造型馒头线上课程
    2️⃣ 可爱造型馒头线上课程
    3️⃣ 立体招财猫贺年造型馒头线上课程
    Or visit Mantoulicious FB Page
    ➡️ / xuerenmantou
    75-90g Full Cream Milk(全脂鲜奶)
    1/4tsp Instant Yeast(即溶酵母)
    1TBSP Sugar(细砂糖)
    150g Medium Protein Flour(中筋面粉)
    1tsp Corn Oil(玉米油)
    🔘 Place the cold milk followed by the yeast, sugar, flour and butter in the bowl of a mixer fitted with a dough hook. (将牛奶, 然后将酵母, 糖, 面粉和玉米油放入装有揉面钩搅拌缸中。)
    🔘 Continue to mix at medium speed for 10-12 minutes, until the dough is smooth and has a fine texture. (以中速搅拌大概12 -15分钟,直到面团光滑且质地细腻。)
    🔘 Weigh and divide the dough into the required portions. Knead each portion
    of dough 2-3 times by rolling it on your worktop, then pressing it together. (称重并将面团分成所需的分量。 在工作台上确实的把面团的每一部分揉均匀,同样的手法按压 2-3 次,然后将其收压在一起。)
    🔘 Knead the dough further by flattening it on your worktop.
    Tuck the edge into the middle, then press with your palm. Continue this tuck and press motion until a ball is formed. (确实的搓揉面团, 直到面团组织细致光滑。 将边缘往中间折,形成球状。)
    🔘 Take the portion of dough to be coloured and flatten it slightly.
    Add the desired food colouring and knead until the colour is even. (取所需要的面团,加入所需要色粉,搓揉直到颜色均匀。)
    🔘 Modelling steps as instructed in the video. (参考视频的整型手法。)
    🔘 After completed the modelling steps, set it aside for proofing. (面团完成造型后,放置一旁发酵)
    🔘 When the dough is approaching its optimum proofing time,
    prepare the steamer and bring the water to a boil. (当面团接近发酵完全,把蒸锅的水烧开。)
    🔘 Steam over medium heat for 9-12 minutes, or until fully cooked. (中火蒸9-12分钟火至熟。)
    🔘 Remove the buns and serve immediately or place on a wire rack to cool before storing. (把造型馒头/包子拿出来放凉架,收藏或趁热食用。)
    ❤️My Book~ Mantoulicious: Creative & Yummy Chinese Steamed Buns
    This steamed buns cookbook is available in major book store near you~
    XUE REN雪人造型馒头食谱书,可以在各大书局购买哦!
    🖥Info Link:
    📕 Amazon.com
    📙 Kinokuniya Bookstore
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    📗 Book Depository
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    📙 eBay
    My other videos | 其他的视频:
    ❤️ Basic Character Steamed Buns
    • Basic Character Steame...
    ❤️ Steamed Buns Troubleshoot
    • Steamed Buns Troubleshoot
    ❤️ Chinese New Year Series Steamed Buns
    • Chinese New Year Serie...
    ❤️ Sandwich Steamed Buns
    • Sandwich Steamed Buns
    ❤️ Festival Steamed Buns
    • Festival Steamed Buns
    ❤️ Tang Yuan
    • Tang Yuan
    Check out my other channels
    Facebook: / xuerenmantou
    Instagram: @xueren_mantou
    ❣️Music by www.bensound.com / TH-cam Audio Library
    ❣️Graphic by mixkit.co
    Any person or organization not affiliated with xue ren is prohibited to use, copy, alter or modify xue ren photographs, graphics, videography or other, similar reproductions or recordings.

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