I watched this when it first came out. I never said thank you. I was able to quit a very unhealthy habit that I never thought was possible. It changed my life and may add years to my life. I just heard your voice saying “discipline is delaying gratification for our future self.” Smoking gone forever. Thank you.
Congrats! I'm 33 days cigarette free, but just found this video. The funny thing is, after watching this video, I realize I used his techniques intuitively to finally break free. This is amazing stuff, and I downloaded his worksheet, bookmarked the video, and will use in the future for other things, too. Great stuff, very grateful he shared. Again, congrats on your great accomplishment!
@@ketojo I still get an occasional desire but I just think “it’s only a thought, change it” no big deal. I am so grateful to have quit & I believe it was listening to so many things Chase says. I don’t know why, but his tone & diction just really gets absorbed into my brain.
Very good. I like that. I also like. "You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine." - John C. Maxwell
This is the before. 20 year counseling, 6 months psychiatric hospital sexual trauma unit, 30 years sober, 8 years TMS (before Covid), 40 pounds over, active sugar addict, and Covid depressed with almost two years not functioning. iPad addict. I am ready. When the student is ready the teacher appears. Amazing. I will post the after when I feel sufficiently on my way. Thank you, so much.
Yeah, look, we still cheer for you 2 years after! Hopefully you're doing well and have regained a sense of self love and appreciation and pride in yourself :) but if you didn't manage to be where you'd hoped, have faith and patience and know that it's not only you at the root of it...Life IS hard and often we're dealt bad cards (family and its effect on us, past experiences etc), and that sends us astray because our compass is not showing true north... be hopeful and kind and compassionate to yourself :) best wishes to you! You can do it! 🙌🏻
Just read your comment. And I wanted to say that I hope you are at least ok no matter what, ok is good. And somehow we mostly all care at least a little that everyone else is alright and ok, even just a little. 😊
I would love to say I’m ready, but I know why I’m not. It has taken me nearly 30 years to figure out that having DID is causing this overwhelming stop. For everyone who as asked or encouraged I am ok. I have a safe home and very supportive husband. He just built me a privacy fence and widened my flower garden. We are surrounded by beautiful trees and with his 7 bird feeders, sitting outside is like being in a Disney movie. Birds and squirrels everywhere! I’m still impressed with Chase. Good work Chase!
In 2019 I decided to leave social media and sold our tv's in exchange for a 58x70 paludarium. After about a month, my daughters and I grew immensely happier and the overall quality of our lives skyrocketed. As a single parent, this is probably my best and proudest decision.
Threw my tv away over ten years ago. I found myself with the remote control in my hand and clicking to find something to watch. It dawned on me that I had went through all the channels several times without finding anything that caught my attention. I started questioning why I had a tv because I rarely sat down to watch it or watch a show all the way through. Then I noticed that whenever I was visiting my friends and family their tv’s were always on regardless of whether they were watching or not. That’s when I came to the conclusion that tv was a big waste of my time. I started thinking of how tv was influencing the children. I noticed a lot of people were parroting what they heard and watched on tv. I concluded tv had and was molding children and adults but especially children to think a certain way act a certain way depending on what the narrative was at the time. So I did the only thing that seemed right to me I unplugged it and took it to the trash bin and threw it in. I only watched and listened to the things I know will help me to grow intellectually and spiritually on the web. Things like I’m listening to now and commenting on. I limit myself to a couple of hours a week, a week! And this is what I do to learn about the stuff I don’t know. As you can see it’s always high quality content like Mr Hughs. Keep up the good work sir and I look forward to learning from you in the future.
What really amazes me about Chase, besides his knowledge and professionalism, is that there’s no filler words in his speech. Absolutely my role model. This video makes me want to be better which definitely will prolong my life
I noticed this too. Really amazing. I was leading a meeting the other day day and I was um, um all over the place. should have done toastmasters lol. Also I love The Behavior Panel
Hi Chase. Thanks so so much for referencing Dr. Andrew Huberman and “hacking your behavior”. What a gift to us all! I now watch his Monday neuroscience based videos faithfully. Someone interviewing him asked how he got involved in working w Special Forces or other elite military groups and he very cryptically described “a person” who was doing some research who had sought him out... Bingo. Wish you had a weekly video too! He’s not the only person I’ve brought into my world based on listening to your videos and reading your books. This video is one of my favorite videos you’ve done so far. Thanks again
@@chasehughesofficial The worksheet link doesn't work. Could you repost the link here? Maybe it has something to do with the "..." at the end of the link.
Guess who's walking around my apartment chanting 'my future self won't like that.' Thanks, Chase! Simplifies many things and I gather my future self also thanks both of us.
As a trauma nurse I absolutely love learning more about the brain. Chase, I LOVE listening to you. Your knowledge is amazing. You have excellent speaking ability as well. Keep educating us it’s great.
As a Survivor of trauma, it's hard hearing some of this. My life changed drastically 11 yrs ago. I'm lucky to be alive, but I do not function anywhere near as well. The emotional intelligence is there, always a priority to continue growing in. I love healthy minds and relationships. I would really like to try to implement some of this but it stressed me a little simply out of fear. ;)
@@michellemooresings Have you looked into inosine supplementation? It helps in healing from trauma - the science is there. Also, citicoline for the brain.
" You cannot manage what you cannot measure, my strongest recommendation, is to bring as much awareness as you can on to your daily behaviors." -Chase Hughes
Sorry, but what the uncredited Peter Drucker actually wrote was: “What gets measured gets managed.” But what numerous social scientists, best-of-class business managers, and TED talkers have pointed out is, that;s due largely to the fact that we incent management with improvements on specific measures. AND, they have all gone further to point out that the statement, "you cannot manage what you cannot measure", is a completely false corollary. In fact, in real life as opposed to Wall Street, humans MOSTLY manage what we cannot measure, as did our ancestors before us, for millennia before we evolved a capacity for maths. There is a lot of pseudo-measuring in the world, in the attempt to be what such an assumption demands. The pain scale would be such a blurry measure. Aristotle wrote quite a bit on managing things we cannot measure, such as good judgement, character, courage, love, and even what Chase calls a "gut feeling". There is another saying in businesses that cultivate loyalty, and care more about people than making everything about profit: "Some of the most important things in life cannot be measured." Like one person's effect on language change. Like the exact value of remembering a regular customer's birthday. Or the exact affect placing profit over people has, like the VW diesel scandal. Or the crippling effect faux news has on a democracy. Most of our behavior is controlled by the part of our brain that can't do math, and that part of the brain doesn't need measures to change. Awareness doesn't demand measurement; change doesn't demand awareness (which is why hypnosis & conditioning work). Chase is doing some awesome work, but every writer already knows to show & not tell, people of science don't take Gladwell to be a scientist because of his musings about science, and, social scientists and evolutionary scientists pretty much consider "evolutionary psychology" to be a pseudo-science at best, and otherwise impossible. (See Evolutionary News, May 21, 2020, "Biology Journal: Evo.Psy. is Impossible. Or "Criticism of Evo.Psy", Wikipedia.
Love this! Great advice. It also helps to TALK to my future self and THANK my past self - it solidifies the pattern in my brain. For example, I'll say "Thank you Last-night-Jennifer for setting up the coffee!" My mom always said in order to complete a task successfully, there are four phases: idea, plan, execution, and acknowledgement. And many people forget the acknowledgement, even if it's just thanking yourself for it.
Jennifer, that’s a wonderful idea! We’re so quick to acknowledge others on their accomplishments and successes, why do we continually put ourselves last, if ever at all! I’ve started thanking myself only a couple of weeks ago and I’ve noticed the negative self talk has started to decrease. Thank you for this gentle reminder. ✨
That reminds me of Snoop dogg thanking himself, when he received Hollywood Star! Also we often talk much nicer to Our friends than we talk to ourselves.... something i am trying to change
So, when I gave up smoking in 1971 cold turkey, at a bad time in my life, I now realize I was agitating myself out of some level of depression. It worked and I've never smoked since that day, and things improved. Thanks for the explanation of how that works!
@@chasehughesofficial Hi Chase! Hope you're well, have you heard of the 5x55 method before where you write you goal out 55 times for 5 days in a row. Do you think this would help me get to my goal too? Thanks 😊
Chase is not robotic in his life, he usually has this tinkle in his eye, his sense of fun is always ready and now I know why. He is making a connection with his animal brain, looking to make it real emotionally.
Thank you. One thing I do is when the idea strikes to do something productive...say an exercise ....is to just do it before that little voice can talk me out of it. Once that voice pops up , it's not happening, so I rush to it!
As a kid raised in an environment of neglect, impulsivity (get while the getting is good) and shortened time frames (I just need to get through the next ___ (day, 20 minutes, et al) were my animal survivial technique til I was able to frame my own resourcefulness to create discipline and habits that would get me to a self-reliant stability. The inverse is also true-a “new environment” can also tear down in moments a habit that took years to establish. I’m really old and I’m still wrangling with that-having had one career completely bottom out and having to build a completely new one at the age of 42. 12 years later, the old discipline on building new habits serves well but it is just as uncomfortable.
@@Mercuryrulz268 sending strength and positive prayer (how ever you want to frame that) your way as you forge ahead. Poco a poco siamo arrivati. Remain strong and fearless!
You know, often these struggles are a marker of ADHD... it would be a good idea to get some info on it and mentally compare those to your experience of yourself and how you reliably know that you would act or react in certain conditions, and if you find many overlaps, get assessed and medicated. Best wishes!
Hi Chase. Your book,, "The Ellipses Manual" is the best book I have ever read. Clear, concise and without fluff. You are a brilliant facilitator and very practical. Thanks a stack.
Your ideas about delaying gratification remind me of the saying "the lust for comfort murders the passions of the soul, then goes grinning at the funeral." Thank you for sharing your very thoughtful advise! 😊
Incidentally, I just “discovered” The Behavior Panel a month ago. Since then, I have your “Chase Hughes Collected Works” on Amazon Kindle, “Six-Minute X-Ray” on Amazon Audible,, and have ordered the paperback of “”The Ellipsis Manuel,” which will arrive Saturday. I’m an 81 year old retired school teacher. The old adage, “You’re never too old to learn and/or change.” is really true. I think that’s one of the reasons I’m still kicking. Love learning. Thanks again for what you are accomplishing for so many people. You really are an admirable individual.
What surprises me every time i watch these videos you do Chase.. It all so damn simple. My life is changing and i can literally see the change. You are AWESOME!
Chase is the truth! I'm changing careers and going back to school. There are so many ways that I have become complacent with bad habits, and now all of these habits have to go so that I can be successful in the next chapter of my life. I will probably watch this several times. Thanks Chase! much needed
I have learned so much from the behavior panel. Today I weighed myself and felt sadness, aggravation and self pity because I gained back my wait. At 63 I want more for myself but never thought about serving my future self! I am a nurse and have served many needy humans but not this one! Thank you for providing me with new tools. Since I was 55, I have learned to down hill ski, how to box and race cars. I am working part time for the first time in my life. But my weight has been my personal failure. Thank you again!
I love Chase's passion and how he shares such incredible insights. Just accountability to the future self. Wow. *edited to add (in 2023)- I was searching for this video of Chase's because I wanted to share it with someone, and I saw I left a comment!🤣 Hey past self, thanks for watching this!💞
Dr. Peterson talks about this with a similar behavioral architecture, great minds think alike. His basic point was you need to not only think about how great it would be to achieve this goal but you have to scare yourself by picturing your life if you slack off and don't do any of it because with hope pulling you forward and fear pushing you forward your alot more likely to not procrastinate.
Chase, your podcasts and The Behavior Panel help to make the internet more wholesome and worthwhile. Thank you, and may God bless you and the splendid work you are doing.
I’m so thankful I came across your channel . The information share is priceless ! It’s hard to find someone very honest and transparent like you these days. I am saving all your videos so my son can watch them when he grows older . Thank you so much ❤
Brian Tracy is a personal development author and i love how he talks about how words like lazy or greedy are not necessarily bad, ie, lazy is how people come up with great inventions and greed is how we get up and go work so we can eat and have things. brainwashing is the same. i like to listen to channels like entrance on here they have self-hypnosis/meditations that help reprogram our brains.
Interestingly I have had issues with my self-esteem through my teenage years and early adulthood. This was back in the 80s and 90s. So I began to tell myself to be gentle with me. As certain experiences began to surprise me and hit me like a mother trucker just when I had started to enter my forties I began to look at that me; and she has saved me from a topic covered before, hatred. Can't deny that I've battle with the feeling of hating all and everybody around me when I was pushed into a s@*! hole. But like with any addict's story the rode to recovery starts by admitting the problem. Notwithstanding, I need to clean my journal first and afterwards start writing my goals,, but God willing (I believe I'm not just flesh & bone), I'll get there. I'm paying close attention to all you're sharing Chase. I do think for this to happen now has never had better timing. Thanks!
Delayed gratification and setting goals to orient your life really reminds me of Jordan Peterson. Nice to see experts agree on these things across platforms.
I am at the beginning of your lecture. I am excited to find out what you have to say. There's one thing I noticed that I would like you to think. The brain stem. I rather describe that autonomic system as the part that is essential for your body to live that you "don't have to consciously control at all times." You can still control your breathing (which is too obvious), heart rate, blood pressure and such. Thus brain stem is not the lowest, primitive level of the brain but the past of the brain we put cruise control on and forget about it. That's my understanding of the fantastic body. Now I'm very excited to listen to the rest of your lecture. How fortunate I am to be able to encounter this wonderful lecture!! I hope to have a chance to listen to your live lecture someday.
This is what I’ve been needing for years. I kept thinking there’s no reason I can’t achieve better physical and mental health. I’ve had a lot of issues with anxiety, depression and dysfunctional or codependent behaviors. I have a strong desire to understand how to change and come to an understanding of myself and others. I think this will help me a lot because it shows how to begin the process.
Thank you for taking the woo woo out of the vision boards that the "gurus" keep telling us to make. I'd given up on them. Now I know how to make one. I'll try it again. Thanks.
I love the concept of "future-self care" It makes sense, but it's definitely a novel way of looking at changing in the present - definitely a game changer.
As a 66 yr old woman, I am convinced that if I looked at my “90 year old self” I would begin to act 90! I have started acting older since I let my hair go grey. I feel 10 years older.
I started going gray in my 20's and I get so many compliments, lol... but I know what you mean. I'm 65 now, my friends are all starting new careers, doing marathons, I have to do something so I don't feel so old!!!!! NOT marathons...they can have those.
That future self part really hit home. Never heard anyone present the benefits of exercising like that. A big thank you, will be following and recommending both your channels. 🙏
"When your brain realizes something is important to you it looks all over for it" is so incredibly true. When I quit smoking (cold turkey after 20 years), that was when I realized that among the other awful parts about it was that I never realized how much of my time and mind was occupied by being obsessed with figuring out the next time I would be able to smoke (even when I was having a smoke at that moment).
Hughes speaking is impeccable!!! My favorite speech club - Santa Monica Club 21 would be impressed. Now, to take up Mr. Hughes' advice, today I'm tricking my "animal brain" into doing physical exercise! I'm going to use my "mom's walker" to walk to my recumbent exercise bike! This technique will remind me to stay as healthy as possible - for as long as possible!
I've just come across this video after recently being diagnosed with ADHD at the ripe age of 41. It only just occurred to me i have it last year, even though i had watched Hubermans podcast about it. It seems the pure info about it wasn't enough, it was the info other ADHDers shared on social media and TH-cam about how they experience themselves, their struggles, habits, quirks and strong points that lead me to the understanding i have it, too. So as you can imagine, good habits are not at all my strong suit, because the lack of dopamine makes everything, even doing pleasant things, feel like a difficult, exhausting and at times painful chore. Life is a chain of chores which don't really bring joy, pride and confidence in yourself. You waste your energy on thinking, feeling unfocused and highly distractable and impulsive, overwhelmed, trying to push yourself to do the thing and everything... the most you can get is usually a sense of relief. And relief is not motivating at all, it feels like the opposite, doesn't it? But I digress. Thank you for this video, i am now getting the necessary pills and I'm feeling empowered to finally learn to enjoy my own energy, curiosities and calling. This will help build good habits and I'm very grateful for you, your knowledge and your sharing it with us 😊 all the best!
Thank you, Chase; you've been a blessing to me today! I have stopped working out because I thought of my health going downhill! Doesn't make sense to me after watching this! I was wallowing in self-pity! I will get back to you after my major surgery this year!
I so needed this, I tend to have a goal get half way too goal then, go off the rails and find so hard too get focus back, so thankyou I'll give this a shot 👍☺️🙏
I have been struggling with my depression and health/weight for years. And I have failed so many times, each failure added to my “load” as I call it. This video has given me insight on the function of the brain - something no diet or mental healthcare plan has ever included. I’m going to give it go. Thank you for sharing. Your information and the work behind that is much appreciated 😊
I’m new to this way of thinking. It’s really opening my eyes to new and better possibilities. I passed this along to my sister. You’re changing entire families for the better. Thank you Chase.
Thank you for this wonderful resource! I’ve always tried to set goals that are attainable but end up abandoning them mid stream and have pretty much been a ‘fly by the seat of my pants’ kind of gal. The simple tips you give for really setting goals and attaining them are totally do-able. I know I’ll be watching this and your other videos multiple times as well as purchasing your books!
Found you from the Behavioral Panel. I totally needed this - thanks, Chase! The reminders are so important. I am always so motivated … for about a day. Then I wake up the next day… and go back to my “normal.”. Tracking and journaling are important. It also serves as a tool for focus and repetition. I just need to do it!
Wow Chase, you‘re really great at explaining behavior in an understandable and very positive way. Since my daughter is 16 months old and I still haven’t found back to good nutrition, sports or my inspiration for painting, I’m at a point in my life where I need to take responsibility for my future self because I kind of lost myself in being a mother. I will try your worksheet tomorrow and start implementing your task for the month in thanking my past self. Thank you very much!
I’ve been brain washing myself for awhile now. I use a Fitbit and when I forget something and I have to walk back to another room, I say in a cheerful voice out loud “more steps for me”. I’m no longer annoyed at those extra steps because it’s a win in the end. Thanks Chase
Thanks Chase, great advice. Regarding neural pathways and new ways of thinking, I like the cornfield analogy I once heard. The first time you walk through a cornfield, it’s tough as you trample down the corn. The second time is still tough and hard to traverse. The 10th time the path is there, clear, walkable and with ease.
So Chase, I watched this a while back and thought “I got this”. My inconsistency with exercise I thought was struggling with Repetition. After I rewatched tonight, I realize I need to work on Emotional Involvement. I took notes and downloaded worksheet. FYI I did have the focus and I mixed things up. Lesson learned.
Chase, this was great. Thanks so much for explaining things so simply and for making complex topics feel within grasp. Can you do a video about treating your brain right? How do you help your brain be/ stay healthy? How do you provide the mental stability and clarity needed for creating new content?
"You cannot manage what you cannot measure..." is a philosophy from TQM (Total Quality Management) that I learned roughly 40 years ago, along with the Aristotle quote. Excellence in everything, especially day-to-day life, is actually attainable if you MAKE IT A HABIT!! Setting goals is another way to put excellence in your life...
Thank you so much for sharing your absolutely amazing knowledge! I love the tone of your voice as well:) By the way, I'm totally hooked on The Behavior panel!
my Qigong Master gave all of his students a technique of reminding themselves every hour what are they doing that moment, who they are, how are they on the path of reaching their goals at that specific moment. I was a teenager back then. Have been using it ever since. I also thought I instinctively knew which of my students are going to be succesfull based on their perseverance given that I do everything in my knowledge to help them achieve their goals ans showing them the best shortcuts for their personality and learning style. I'm glad it's backed by science. I'll use this video in my classes from now on. Thank you, Chase! ❤️
In reference to my own life. This video shows how we make major decisions. 25y ago i was feeling very lonely and was looking for a mate. Many 'potentials' came by but i never decided to go into their advances. At one point a girl walked into the place i was working at and something inside of me said: "She's the one." 25y later we are still together even tho we have no paper that says we are life partners. This life experience makes it easier to understand what Chase is talking about..
Thank you so much for this video. I have watched it several times, and probably will watch many more times. I'm making a commitment to myself for 2021; no more neglecting my future self. It makes so much sense when you hear it. Thank you
I decided to test this by going in the OPPOSITE direction. I used the FEAR technique to develop a cocaine habit. It worked so well that I was fully habituated to cocaine within just a few days. Truly amazing. In particular, the FEAR worksheet works great. I roll it up into a tube to snort the cocaine!
Clarity is key for me: Chase, your clarity is such a relief - I am on board and going for it. Years ago, when I was feeling defeated, I gave my mammalian brain an image of me being old and poor. I will have to change that. I will create a new film reel to allow the change from poverty to comfort to occur. I will keep you posted. i have always seen vision boards as silly: I will get one done. Love your work, Chase. Thanks for this gift...
I’ve recently discovered this channel and Chase’s work. This short video, the explanation, it’s purpose, the steps, the actions and the advice has lit a much needed spark in my life. Thank you! I’m now really looking to meeting my future self!
Chase changing lives... thanks for helping us reset our brains, yes ok, tricking them ... into healthier practices.. but for me, simply the knowledge why our brain operates as it does & makes us think the way we do.. especially around my own anxiety. I really appreciate the energy & drive you put into your TH-cam content, especially imparting all your detailed knowledge.. as you’ll be a super busy chap.. its a game changer for me. Thank you.. You rock man 🤟
Thank you so much for your wisdom and insight Chase. This stuff is right there in front of me but I didn't realize it. I've even tapped in and used it before unaware of exactly what I was doing. What you shared here is life-altering for those that want to change but seem to keep doing the same old thing. Thank you and be healthy and prosper.
I wasn’t diagnosed ADHD until I was an adult & it happened only due to a car accident. Learning about ADHD has helped me be less critical of myself. I have to seek ways to understand how I can be successful & have ADHD. The FEAR example is what I’ve been yelled at for all my life. As on board & excited I can get about what you are saying, I know I’ve been trying to be routine & habitual my whole life & I’m a failure at it. Rather than continue to beat myself up of give up let me ask how can a person with ADHD be brainwashed? It must be possible? It’s not my excuse, it’s just something that makes me a little different. Please let me know here where I’m not alone because some people listening to your video have ADHD & have never been diagnosed. They are not failures, lazy or stupid, they just learn a little different. Thank you!💜🙏🏻
Great job! I love what you´re doing. Watched all of your videos since i found them. Especially the behavior panel is the best channel ever. You guys work so well together, it makes my day. On this video i´m flabbergasted again how huge similarities there are between neuroscience and spiritual teachings. awesome. thanks from germany.
Watching this I feel so inspired! Thank you for the educational information. I have ADHD and trouble focusing, and something about the way you communicate makes it very easy (and pleasant) to follow along with. I guess that makes sense given what you do haha! Thank you again, I really think these tips are going to help me achieve some personal goals, which I struggle with on the regular. It really is great when people like you share this information for free online because it is invaluable.
I've been listening to this guy for a bit, and I find him extremely reassuring. These things he is teaching are what I've been up to, without even knowing it. I'm grateful that I can check myself on this information.
I watched this when it first came out. I never said thank you. I was able to quit a very unhealthy habit that I never thought was possible. It changed my life and may add years to my life. I just heard your voice saying “discipline is delaying gratification for our future self.” Smoking gone forever. Thank you.
I totally agree with you!!!!!!!
Congrats! I'm 33 days cigarette free, but just found this video. The funny thing is, after watching this video, I realize I used his techniques intuitively to finally break free. This is amazing stuff, and I downloaded his worksheet, bookmarked the video, and will use in the future for other things, too. Great stuff, very grateful he shared. Again, congrats on your great accomplishment!
@@ketojo I still get an occasional desire but I just think “it’s only a thought, change it” no big deal. I am so grateful to have quit & I believe it was listening to so many things Chase says. I don’t know why, but his tone & diction just really gets absorbed into my brain.
@@justmyopinion2205 thank you. I am grateful every day.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle. One of my favorite quotes..
Very good. I like that. I also like. "You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine." - John C. Maxwell
@@foekist7312 ah, so true! Thanks for sharing
Can you repeat that please ...
Very nice!
“Virtues are formed in a man by his doing the actions” (What was actually said by Aristotle but was interpreted as this)
This is the before. 20 year counseling, 6 months psychiatric hospital sexual trauma unit, 30 years sober, 8 years TMS (before Covid), 40 pounds over, active sugar addict, and Covid depressed with almost two years not functioning. iPad addict. I am ready. When the student is ready the teacher appears. Amazing. I will post the after when I feel sufficiently on my way. Thank you, so much.
Any after?
Looking forward to hearing about your progress!
Yeah, look, we still cheer for you 2 years after! Hopefully you're doing well and have regained a sense of self love and appreciation and pride in yourself :) but if you didn't manage to be where you'd hoped, have faith and patience and know that it's not only you at the root of it...Life IS hard and often we're dealt bad cards (family and its effect on us, past experiences etc), and that sends us astray because our compass is not showing true north... be hopeful and kind and compassionate to yourself :) best wishes to you! You can do it! 🙌🏻
Just read your comment. And I wanted to say that I hope you are at least ok no matter what, ok is good.
And somehow we mostly all care at least a little that everyone else is alright and ok, even just a little. 😊
I would love to say I’m ready, but I know why I’m not. It has taken me nearly 30 years to figure out that having DID is causing this overwhelming stop. For everyone who as asked or encouraged I am ok. I have a safe home and very supportive husband. He just built me a privacy fence and widened my flower garden. We are surrounded by beautiful trees and with his 7 bird feeders, sitting outside is like being in a Disney movie. Birds and squirrels everywhere! I’m still impressed with Chase. Good work Chase!
I sold my TV I've thanked myself almost every day.
I threw my TV away in 2008. Haven't missed it at all.
I threw mine away 1.5 years ago... best decision...
What's tv
In 2019 I decided to leave social media and sold our tv's in exchange for a 58x70 paludarium. After about a month, my daughters and I grew immensely happier and the overall quality of our lives skyrocketed. As a single parent, this is probably my best and proudest decision.
Threw my tv away over ten years ago. I found myself with the remote control in my hand and clicking to find something to watch. It dawned on me that I had went through all the channels several times without finding anything that caught my attention. I started questioning why I had a tv because I rarely sat down to watch it or watch a show all the way through. Then I noticed that whenever I was visiting my friends and family their tv’s were always on regardless of whether they were watching or not. That’s when I came to the conclusion that tv was a big waste of my time. I started thinking of how tv was influencing the children. I noticed a lot of people were parroting what they heard and watched on tv. I concluded tv had and was molding children and adults but especially children to think a certain way act a certain way depending on what the narrative was at the time. So I did the only thing that seemed right to me I unplugged it and took it to the trash bin and threw it in. I only watched and listened to the things I know will help me to grow intellectually and spiritually on the web. Things like I’m listening to now and commenting on. I limit myself to a couple of hours a week, a week! And this is what I do to learn about the stuff I don’t know. As you can see it’s always high quality content like Mr Hughs. Keep up the good work sir and I look forward to learning from you in the future.
What really amazes me about Chase, besides his knowledge and professionalism, is that there’s no filler words in his speech.
Absolutely my role model.
This video makes me want to be better which definitely will prolong my life
I noticed this too. Really amazing. I was leading a meeting the other day day and I was um, um all over the place. should have done toastmasters lol. Also I love The Behavior Panel
Thanks so much!
@@dottie1966 I love behavior panel too!
Hi Chase. Thanks so so much for referencing Dr. Andrew Huberman and “hacking your behavior”. What a gift to us all! I now watch his Monday neuroscience based videos faithfully. Someone interviewing him asked how he got involved in working w Special Forces or other elite military groups and he very cryptically described “a person” who was doing some research who had sought him out... Bingo. Wish you had a weekly video too! He’s not the only person I’ve brought into my world based on listening to your videos and reading your books. This video is one of my favorite videos you’ve done so far. Thanks again
@@chasehughesofficial The worksheet link doesn't work. Could you repost the link here? Maybe it has something to do with the "..." at the end of the link.
Guess who's walking around my apartment chanting 'my future self won't like that.' Thanks, Chase! Simplifies many things and I gather my future self also thanks both of us.
This actually sounds like it could cure mild to moderate depression.
Great information Chris👍I am going to set some goals. I am 72 yrs old. Never to old to learn. Thank you
Chase, not Chris :)
As a trauma nurse I absolutely love learning more about the brain. Chase, I LOVE listening to you. Your knowledge is amazing. You have excellent speaking ability as well. Keep educating us it’s great.
Thank you for your hard work!!💝
I love your last name. Have you emphasize it to make a point?
As a Survivor of trauma, it's hard hearing some of this. My life changed drastically 11 yrs ago. I'm lucky to be alive, but I do not function anywhere near as well. The emotional intelligence is there, always a priority to continue growing in. I love healthy minds and relationships. I would really like to try to implement some of this but it stressed me a little simply out of fear. ;)
@@michellemooresings Have you looked into inosine supplementation? It helps in healing from trauma - the science is there. Also, citicoline for the brain.
" You cannot manage what you cannot measure, my strongest recommendation, is to bring as much awareness as you can on to your daily behaviors." -Chase Hughes
🙌🏻 ✌🏻
Bullet journals
Sorry, but what the uncredited Peter Drucker actually wrote was: “What gets measured gets managed.” But what numerous social scientists, best-of-class business managers, and TED talkers have pointed out is, that;s due largely to the fact that we incent management with improvements on specific measures. AND, they have all gone further to point out that the statement, "you cannot manage what you cannot measure", is a completely false corollary. In fact, in real life as opposed to Wall Street, humans MOSTLY manage what we cannot measure, as did our ancestors before us, for millennia before we evolved a capacity for maths.
There is a lot of pseudo-measuring in the world, in the attempt to be what such an assumption demands. The pain scale would be such a blurry measure. Aristotle wrote quite a bit on managing things we cannot measure, such as good judgement, character, courage, love, and even what Chase calls a "gut feeling".
There is another saying in businesses that cultivate loyalty, and care more about people than making everything about profit: "Some of the most important things in life cannot be measured." Like one person's effect on language change. Like the exact value of remembering a regular customer's birthday. Or the exact affect placing profit over people has, like the VW diesel scandal. Or the crippling effect faux news has on a democracy.
Most of our behavior is controlled by the part of our brain that can't do math, and that part of the brain doesn't need measures to change. Awareness doesn't demand measurement; change doesn't demand awareness (which is why hypnosis & conditioning work). Chase is doing some awesome work, but every writer already knows to show & not tell, people of science don't take Gladwell to be a scientist because of his musings about science, and, social scientists and evolutionary scientists pretty much consider "evolutionary psychology" to be a pseudo-science at best, and otherwise impossible. (See Evolutionary News, May 21, 2020, "Biology Journal: Evo.Psy. is Impossible. Or "Criticism of Evo.Psy", Wikipedia.
Self awareness
Just want to tell you that I LOVED the idea of discipline as a form of investing in one's future self. Major paradigm shift.
Same. 100%
Love this! Great advice. It also helps to TALK to my future self and THANK my past self - it solidifies the pattern in my brain. For example, I'll say "Thank you Last-night-Jennifer for setting up the coffee!" My mom always said in order to complete a task successfully, there are four phases: idea, plan, execution, and acknowledgement. And many people forget the acknowledgement, even if it's just thanking yourself for it.
HELL YEAH! I do It too but left it out of the video for some reason.
Jennifer, that’s a wonderful idea! We’re so quick to acknowledge others on their accomplishments and successes, why do we continually put ourselves last, if ever at all!
I’ve started thanking myself only a couple of weeks ago and I’ve noticed the negative self talk has started to decrease.
Thank you for this gentle reminder. ✨
Brilliant! Thanks for the tip.
Highly underrated. Did you know it's impossible to maintain a negative pattern of thoughts while feeling grateful?
That reminds me of Snoop dogg thanking himself, when he received Hollywood Star!
Also we often talk much nicer to Our friends than we talk to ourselves.... something i am trying to change
So, when I gave up smoking in 1971 cold turkey, at a bad time in my life, I now realize I was agitating myself out of some level of depression.
It worked and I've never smoked since that day, and things improved.
Thanks for the explanation of how that works!
Wow! Fascinating. Thanks for sharing
I love this guy...thank you for what you do
Thanks, Beth!
@@chasehughesofficial Hi Chase! Hope you're well, have you heard of the 5x55 method before where you write you goal out 55 times for 5 days in a row. Do you think this would help me get to my goal too? Thanks 😊
me too girl i just found the behavior panel, he's my fave! im always on the edge of my seat to hear his take LOL
Really nice, intelligent, well spoken man, but I guarantee you, hes a BMF! 🦹♂️
@@gard7662 what's BMF?
I could listen to Chase all day. During Behavior Panel, I'm always anticipating that input most.
But- you need action next;-)😆
true! 😅.@@makaylahollywood3677
This video is an immediate answered prayer for me!!!
The worksheet link is no longer active. If this is still available, I'd love to get The Worksheet!
Chase is not robotic in his life, he usually has this tinkle in his eye, his sense of fun is always ready and now I know why. He is making a connection with his animal brain, looking to make it real emotionally.
@@timlewis7218 -- thank you for the chuckle
Thank you. One thing I do is when the idea strikes to do something productive...say an exercise ....is to just do it before that little voice can talk me out of it. Once that voice pops up , it's not happening, so I rush to it!
As a kid raised in an environment of neglect, impulsivity (get while the getting is good) and shortened time frames (I just need to get through the next ___ (day, 20 minutes, et al) were my animal survivial technique til I was able to frame my own resourcefulness to create discipline and habits that would get me to a self-reliant stability. The inverse is also true-a “new environment” can also tear down in moments a habit that took years to establish. I’m really old and I’m still wrangling with that-having had one career completely bottom out and having to build a completely new one at the age of 42. 12 years later, the old discipline on building new habits serves well but it is just as uncomfortable.
Wow. Thanks for this comment. Really helped. I’m restarting my business at 63
But i especially related to the impulsivity part which gets me in trouble again and again. Your get while the getting is good is eye opeming.
@@Mercuryrulz268 sending strength and positive prayer (how ever you want to frame that) your way as you forge ahead. Poco a poco siamo arrivati. Remain strong and fearless!
Don’t blame others it’s your life. You are the director of your movie.
You know, often these struggles are a marker of ADHD... it would be a good idea to get some info on it and mentally compare those to your experience of yourself and how you reliably know that you would act or react in certain conditions, and if you find many overlaps, get assessed and medicated. Best wishes!
Hi Chase. Your book,, "The Ellipses Manual" is the best book I have ever read. Clear, concise and without fluff. You are a brilliant facilitator and very practical. Thanks a stack.
Wow! Thanks so much!
"without fluff" = brilliantly put!
It is a fine publication; I use Chase's tenets outlined there almost daily in teaching my high school art students. Bravo, Mr. Hughes!
@@chasehughesofficial I'm trying to decide between the ellipses manual and the 5-minute x-ray, is there one you would recommend first?
Your ideas about delaying gratification remind me of the saying "the lust for comfort murders the passions of the soul, then goes grinning at the funeral." Thank you for sharing your very thoughtful advise! 😊
I love the way Chase uses his knowledge & words to help us.
Incidentally, I just “discovered” The Behavior Panel a month ago. Since then, I have your “Chase Hughes Collected Works” on Amazon Kindle, “Six-Minute X-Ray” on Amazon Audible,, and have ordered the paperback of “”The Ellipsis Manuel,” which will arrive Saturday. I’m an 81 year old retired school teacher. The old adage, “You’re never too old to learn and/or change.” is really true. I think that’s one of the reasons I’m still kicking. Love learning. Thanks again for what you are accomplishing for so many people. You really are an admirable individual.
I'm 85 YO and I feel the same way. How great is that!
What surprises me every time i watch these videos you do Chase.. It all so damn simple. My life is changing and i can literally see the change. You are AWESOME!
I adore this man.
Chase is the truth! I'm changing careers and going back to school. There are so many ways that I have become complacent with bad habits, and now all of these habits have to go so that I can be successful in the next chapter of my life. I will probably watch this several times. Thanks Chase! much needed
I have learned so much from the behavior panel. Today I weighed myself and felt sadness, aggravation and self pity because I gained back my wait. At 63 I want more for myself but never thought about serving my future self! I am a nurse and have served many needy humans but not this one! Thank you for providing me with new tools. Since I was 55, I have learned to down hill ski, how to box and race cars. I am working part time for the first time in my life. But my weight has been my personal failure. Thank you again!
I love Chase's passion and how he shares such incredible insights. Just accountability to the future self. Wow.
*edited to add (in 2023)- I was searching for this video of Chase's because I wanted to share it with someone, and I saw I left a comment!🤣 Hey past self, thanks for watching this!💞
Dr. Peterson talks about this with a similar behavioral architecture, great minds think alike. His basic point was you need to not only think about how great it would be to achieve this goal but you have to scare yourself by picturing your life if you slack off and don't do any of it because with hope pulling you forward and fear pushing you forward your alot more likely to not procrastinate.
Chase, your podcasts and The Behavior Panel help to make the internet more wholesome and worthwhile. Thank you, and may God bless you and the splendid work you are doing.
I’m so thankful I came across your channel . The information share is priceless ! It’s hard to find someone very honest and transparent like you these days. I am saving all your videos so my son can watch them when he grows older . Thank you so much ❤
People like you Chase Hughes, is the reason I love the internet! So helpful, thank you and Happy New Year!
Brian Tracy is a personal development author and i love how he talks about how words like lazy or greedy are not necessarily bad, ie, lazy is how people come up with great inventions and greed is how we get up and go work so we can eat and have things. brainwashing is the same. i like to listen to channels like entrance on here they have self-hypnosis/meditations that help reprogram our brains.
"And the reason I wanna do this....
Coz I'm Chase and I'm awesome" ❤❤❤ Thanks Chase
Interestingly I have had issues with my self-esteem through my teenage years and early adulthood. This was back in the 80s and 90s. So I began to tell myself to be gentle with me. As certain experiences began to surprise me and hit me like a mother trucker just when I had started to enter my forties I began to look at that me; and she has saved me from a topic covered before, hatred. Can't deny that I've battle with the feeling of hating all and everybody around me when I was pushed into a s@*! hole. But like with any addict's story the rode to recovery starts by admitting the problem. Notwithstanding, I need to clean my journal first and afterwards start writing my goals,, but God willing (I believe I'm not just flesh & bone), I'll get there. I'm paying close attention to all you're sharing Chase. I do think for this to happen now has never had better timing. Thanks!
You are the very best. You’re also a gift. Please keep us posted on how you were doing this world. This world needs your bright light.
I could listen to this guy every minute of the day 😊
Delayed gratification and setting goals to orient your life really reminds me of Jordan Peterson. Nice to see experts agree on these things across platforms.
I am at the beginning of your lecture. I am excited to find out what you have to say. There's one thing I noticed that I would like you to think. The brain stem. I rather describe that autonomic system as the part that is essential for your body to live that you "don't have to consciously control at all times."
You can still control your breathing (which is too obvious), heart rate, blood pressure and such. Thus brain stem is not the lowest, primitive level of the brain but the past of the brain we put cruise control on and forget about it.
That's my understanding of the fantastic body. Now I'm very excited to listen to the rest of your lecture. How fortunate I am to be able to encounter this wonderful lecture!! I hope to have a chance to listen to your live lecture someday.
This is what I’ve been needing for years. I kept thinking there’s no reason I can’t achieve better physical and mental health. I’ve had a lot of issues with anxiety, depression and dysfunctional or codependent behaviors. I have a strong desire to understand how to change and come to an understanding of myself and others. I think this will help me a lot because it shows how to begin the process.
So powerful and helpful.
Delay, don't deny. Prioritise your future self
I’m watching, listening and as an early childhood professional, we always say neurons that fire together, wire together.
Okay! I’m in. Perfect timing for me. Going to use this wisdom in continuing no smoking; on day four.
~be kind to your future self~
Congratulations! Wishing you success. You can do this.
Congrates! Keep up the good work!
Awesome. You’ll get it done! Your future self will take you on a date for it.
Thanks everyone.
Chase Hughes, you mentioned a link in the comments...I'm not seeing it. Can you repost. Thanks
Totally needed to hear this! "Future self-neglect!" Makes a lot of practical sense. I'm going to work on this starting today:) Thanks!
Thank you for taking the woo woo out of the vision boards that the "gurus" keep telling us to make. I'd given up on them. Now I know how to make one. I'll try it again. Thanks.
I believe success is the amount of joy one feels
I love the concept of "future-self care" It makes sense, but it's definitely a novel way of looking at changing in the present - definitely a game changer.
As a 66 yr old woman, I am convinced that if I looked at my “90 year old self” I would begin to act 90! I have started acting older since I let my hair go grey. I feel 10 years older.
I started going gray in my 20's and I get so many compliments, lol... but I know what you mean. I'm 65 now, my friends are all starting new careers, doing marathons, I have to do something so I don't feel so old!!!!! NOT marathons...they can have those.
Oh shoot, ya not necessarily!!! It’s suppose to help us look realistically forward, your good where you are and 66 is young my dear…
@@alliehartom5978I’m wanting to learn the shuffle (so many different renditions and oMG it’s difficult to get into (15) seconds at a time friends!!!!
I cant get enough of you and the panel -- absolutely amazing!
That future self part really hit home. Never heard anyone present the benefits of exercising like that. A big thank you, will be following and recommending both your channels. 🙏
"When your brain realizes something is important to you it looks all over for it" is so incredibly true. When I quit smoking (cold turkey after 20 years), that was when I realized that among the other awful parts about it was that I never realized how much of my time and mind was occupied by being obsessed with figuring out the next time I would be able to smoke (even when I was having a smoke at that moment).
Tremendous content for a 17-minute presentation. I plan to watch this video several more times to engrain it into my mind. Thank you, Chase!!!
Hughes speaking is impeccable!!! My favorite speech club - Santa Monica Club 21 would be impressed. Now, to take up Mr. Hughes' advice, today I'm tricking my "animal brain" into doing physical exercise! I'm going to use my "mom's walker" to walk to my recumbent exercise bike! This technique will remind me to stay as healthy as possible - for as long as possible!
I'm so excited for your content and channel. All the best Chase, you deserve every success. 😊
I've just come across this video after recently being diagnosed with ADHD at the ripe age of 41. It only just occurred to me i have it last year, even though i had watched Hubermans podcast about it. It seems the pure info about it wasn't enough, it was the info other ADHDers shared on social media and TH-cam about how they experience themselves, their struggles, habits, quirks and strong points that lead me to the understanding i have it, too.
So as you can imagine, good habits are not at all my strong suit, because the lack of dopamine makes everything, even doing pleasant things, feel like a difficult, exhausting and at times painful chore. Life is a chain of chores which don't really bring joy, pride and confidence in yourself. You waste your energy on thinking, feeling unfocused and highly distractable and impulsive, overwhelmed, trying to push yourself to do the thing and everything... the most you can get is usually a sense of relief. And relief is not motivating at all, it feels like the opposite, doesn't it? But I digress. Thank you for this video, i am now getting the necessary pills and I'm feeling empowered to finally learn to enjoy my own energy, curiosities and calling. This will help build good habits and I'm very grateful for you, your knowledge and your sharing it with us 😊 all the best!
This has been the most helpful video I’ve EVER watched! I really appreciate all of your help!!
I woke up this morning thinking about changing my future and saw this video thank you
Thank you, Chase; you've been a blessing to me today! I have stopped working out because I thought of my health going downhill! Doesn't make sense to me after watching this! I was wallowing in self-pity! I will get back to you after my major surgery this year!
How are you?
I read your post and hope you are still encouraged 😍
@@mandychadwick6823 I'm doing well, thanks! Yes, I still am! Happy Easter!
Bless you and Happy Easter 🐣
@@mandychadwick6823 Thank you so much!
I so needed this, I tend to have a goal get half way too goal then, go off the rails and find so hard too get focus back, so thankyou I'll give this a shot 👍☺️🙏
I'm all about self improvement
God did a great job in designing the brain. PRAISE GOD. Thanks Chase for the info.
I have been struggling with my depression and health/weight for years. And I have failed so many times, each failure added to my “load” as I call it. This video has given me insight on the function of the brain - something no diet or mental healthcare plan has ever included. I’m going to give it go. Thank you for sharing. Your information and the work behind that is much appreciated 😊
Self-love = self-control⚘
Just "a teaspoon of discipline" to develop a habit. Brilliant! I never heard that before.
Chase, you never cease to amaze me! Thank you! This is the most valuable thing I have watched in a long time.
Found your video via The Behavioral Panel. I can apply this knowledge to something in my life right now. Thanks!
I’m new to this way of thinking. It’s really opening my eyes to new and better possibilities.
I passed this along to my sister. You’re changing entire families for the better.
Thank you Chase.
We, who watch and listen, all thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
Thank you for this wonderful resource! I’ve always tried to set goals that are attainable but end up abandoning them mid stream and have pretty much been a ‘fly by the seat of my pants’ kind of gal. The simple tips you give for really setting goals and attaining them are totally do-able. I know I’ll be watching this and your other videos multiple times as well as purchasing your books!
I just fell in love with his voice 😍
Love listening to him.
Found you from the Behavioral Panel. I totally needed this - thanks, Chase! The reminders are so important. I am always so motivated … for about a day. Then I wake up the next day… and go back to my “normal.”.
Tracking and journaling are important. It also serves as a tool for focus and repetition. I just need to do it!
Wow Chase, you‘re really great at explaining behavior in an understandable and very positive way. Since my daughter is 16 months old and I still haven’t found back to good nutrition, sports or my inspiration for painting, I’m at a point in my life where I need to take responsibility for my future self because I kind of lost myself in being a mother. I will try your worksheet tomorrow and start implementing your task for the month in thanking my past self. Thank you very much!
Energy flows where attention goes⚘
I’ve been brain washing myself for awhile now. I use a Fitbit and when I forget something and I have to walk back to another room, I say in a cheerful voice out loud “more steps for me”. I’m no longer annoyed at those extra steps because it’s a win in the end. Thanks Chase
Thanks Chase, great advice.
Regarding neural pathways and new ways of thinking, I like the cornfield analogy I once heard.
The first time you walk through a cornfield, it’s tough as you trample down the corn. The second time is still tough and hard to traverse. The 10th time the path is there, clear, walkable and with ease.
Thanks! Great video as usual. I wanted to say thanks .
So Chase, I watched this a while back and thought “I got this”.
My inconsistency with exercise I thought was struggling with Repetition. After I rewatched tonight, I realize I need to work on Emotional Involvement. I took notes and downloaded worksheet. FYI I did have the focus and I mixed things up. Lesson learned.
Thank you! Sending good vibes to you and your family. ❤
Yes, "Be your future self butler"
Chase, are your worksheets still available? The links in the description say the content is unavailable.
Chase, this was great. Thanks so much for explaining things so simply and for making complex topics feel within grasp. Can you do a video about treating your brain right? How do you help your brain be/ stay healthy? How do you provide the mental stability and clarity needed for creating new content?
Thanks Mia! Will do that. Great idea.
"You cannot manage what you cannot measure..." is a philosophy from TQM (Total Quality Management) that I learned roughly 40 years ago, along with the Aristotle quote. Excellence in everything, especially day-to-day life, is actually attainable if you MAKE IT A HABIT!! Setting goals is another way to put excellence in your life...
Thank you so much for sharing your absolutely amazing knowledge! I love the tone of your voice as well:) By the way, I'm totally hooked on The Behavior panel!
my Qigong Master gave all of his students a technique of reminding themselves every hour what are they doing that moment, who they are, how are they on the path of reaching their goals at that specific moment. I was a teenager back then. Have been using it ever since. I also thought I instinctively knew which of my students are going to be succesfull based on their perseverance given that I do everything in my knowledge to help them achieve their goals ans showing them the best shortcuts for their personality and learning style. I'm glad it's backed by science. I'll use this video in my classes from now on. Thank you, Chase! ❤️
Absolutely powerful info here @chase hughes! Thank you.
Thanks so much!
In reference to my own life. This video shows how we make major decisions. 25y ago i was feeling very lonely and was looking for a mate. Many 'potentials' came by but i never decided to go into their advances. At one point a girl walked into the place i was working at and something inside of me said: "She's the one." 25y later we are still together even tho we have no paper that says we are life partners. This life experience makes it easier to understand what Chase is talking about..
Thank you so much for this video. I have watched it several times, and probably will watch many more times. I'm making a commitment to myself for 2021; no more neglecting my future self. It makes so much sense when you hear it. Thank you
Thank you, Claire!
It was hard to keep under 20 minutes
@@chasehughesofficial Im sorry but the link does not seem to take me to a worksheet, am I doing something wrong?
I decided to test this by going in the OPPOSITE direction. I used the FEAR technique to develop a cocaine habit. It worked so well that I was fully habituated to cocaine within just a few days. Truly amazing. In particular, the FEAR worksheet works great. I roll it up into a tube to snort the cocaine!
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle
Clarity is key for me: Chase, your clarity is such a relief - I am on board and going for it. Years ago, when I was feeling defeated, I gave my mammalian brain an image of me being old and poor. I will have to change that. I will create a new film reel to allow the change from poverty to comfort to occur. I will keep you posted. i have always seen vision boards as silly: I will get one done. Love your work, Chase. Thanks for this gift...
I’ve recently discovered this channel and Chase’s work. This short video, the explanation, it’s purpose, the steps, the actions and the advice has lit a much needed spark in my life. Thank you! I’m now really looking to meeting my future self!
What a perfect time for me to hear this. Thank you so much.
Chase changing lives... thanks for helping us reset our brains, yes ok, tricking them ... into healthier practices.. but for me, simply the knowledge why our brain operates as it does & makes us think the way we do.. especially around my own anxiety. I really appreciate the energy & drive you put into your TH-cam content, especially imparting all your detailed knowledge.. as you’ll be a super busy chap.. its a game changer for me. Thank you.. You rock man 🤟
I love listening to this man. He is smart, communicates his thoughts with professionalism and is so effective. I learn a lot from him Thanks!
Thank you so much for your wisdom and insight Chase. This stuff is right there in front of me but I didn't realize it. I've even tapped in and used it before unaware of exactly what I was doing. What you shared here is life-altering for those that want to change but seem to keep doing the same old thing. Thank you and be healthy and prosper.
I wasn’t diagnosed ADHD until I was an adult & it happened only due to a car accident. Learning about ADHD has helped me be less critical of myself. I have to seek ways to understand how I can be successful & have ADHD. The FEAR example is what I’ve been yelled at for all my life. As on board & excited I can get about what you are saying, I know I’ve been trying to be routine & habitual my whole life & I’m a failure at it. Rather than continue to beat myself up of give up let me ask how can a person with ADHD be brainwashed? It must be possible? It’s not my excuse, it’s just something that makes me a little different. Please let me know here where I’m not alone because some people listening to your video have ADHD & have never been diagnosed. They are not failures, lazy or stupid, they just learn a little different. Thank you!💜🙏🏻
Great job! I love what you´re doing. Watched all of your videos since i found them. Especially the behavior panel is the best channel ever. You guys work so well together, it makes my day. On this video i´m flabbergasted again how huge similarities there are between neuroscience and spiritual teachings. awesome. thanks from germany.
Thanks so much!
The fact you made this video is all I need to know! Thanks Chase!
Watching this I feel so inspired! Thank you for the educational information. I have ADHD and trouble focusing, and something about the way you communicate makes it very easy (and pleasant) to follow along with. I guess that makes sense given what you do haha! Thank you again, I really think these tips are going to help me achieve some personal goals, which I struggle with on the regular. It really is great when people like you share this information for free online because it is invaluable.
I've been listening to this guy for a bit, and I find him extremely reassuring. These things he is teaching are what I've been up to, without even knowing it. I'm grateful that I can check myself on this information.