I made a deck quite similar to this and what we saw at the protour and i like playing it with thopter engineer, renowned weaponsmith, and a couple of scuttling doom engines. Deadly with haste on all my artifact creatures and then use shrapnel blast with scuttle to go up stairs for 11. Also renowned weaponsmith is great ramp for chief of the foundry, hangarback walker, and casting and equiping ghost fire blades.
I've been trying to make this a deck since I first opened my first Ensoul Artifact in the M15 Prerelease. When I saw the spoilers of Origins I dusted off my deck box with my thopters deck, printed out proxies and after a few iterations arrived at something quite similar to your list. I was so happy to see the deck show up and succeed at the ProTour! It's gonna be my deck on Game Day... besides, I am a Mechanical Engineer :D
Huzzah! Finally! =D I never thought about boarding network; I just mainboarded it. But I did get the feeling that it was running slow, so I'm glad you showed me it could be boarded against Grindy games. I do run ætherspouts, which are invaluable against both aggro/token decks and fatty decks. I may sideboard it tho, along with circle of flame, which makes ground Aggro weep (I'm talking to you, goblins!)
U/W Ensoul Control This is a Budget deck focused around Ensoul Artifact. It's pretty cheap and has seemed to run well in the games I've played with it. 4x Ornithopter 4x Ensoul Artifact 4x Heliod's Pilgrim 4x Ordeal of Thassa 3x Anticipate 2x Auramancer 2x Sigil of the Empty Throne 2x Suspension Field 3x Banishing Light 4x Void Snare 4x Stubborn Denial 4x Darksteel Citadel 4x Tranquil Cove 8x Island 8x Plains Any hand with an Ensoul, a target for it, and land is a keep. Heliod's Pilgrim is used to Tutor for Ensoul. If you don't need an Ensoul, tutor for a Ordeal of Thassa. If you get 2 Ordeals, they pop at the same time and you draw 4 cards. Auramancer can Recycle Ordeals. Stubborn Denial is a Counterspell for one blue mana when Ensoul turns on Ferocious. Banishing Light, Suspension Field, and Void Snare take care of creatures that stick. Late game, Sigil of the Empty Throne can Singlehandedly win a game by making tokens. Ordeal of Thassa + Auramancer becomes dangerous with a Sigil out. Anticipate is there for card selection. Darksteel Citadel with an Ensoul is a play that many decks cannot get rid of. Sometimes an Ornithopter with an Ordeal is enough to get going. The deck is really fun, I hope you will try it. Thumb up if you want Wedge to do a deck tech on it.
I love how Ghostfire Blade is good in this Deck.. It is funny looking back at how people thought it was such a horrible Card when it was first spoiled.. :P Heck, people didn't think UR Artifacts in Origins Standard would even be Tier 1, and they were wrong!
Love it! Before the pro tour, I was having a lot of success on MTGO with my own brew of this deck, but the Pro Tour version and this deck here are just plain better than my brew. BTW, Dramoka's command is also a huge hate card against this deck, the Denial will be needed for sure!
I am in the process of making a thopter style deck that mills using sphinx's tutelage and thopter spy network I cannot wait until I finish it! it will be so fun to play!
What do you think about Temur Battle Rage in this deck? I play a few in my version, and it's REALLY good for pushing through damage. Most opposing decks just chump on turns 2-4, and this basically just kills whatever they chump with, and tramples over.
One MAJOR interaction was completely missed in this deck tech. Chief of the Foundry enables you to play Hangarbacks for free since it gives them +1/+1. This is a serious play not to be underestimated.
Obvious statement is obvious. You don't just blindy run them out against a deck running Bile Blight or cheap burn spells if you think they have it. You use this play to gain massive tempo. If you untap after doing this, you've made a huge leap over your opponent and they have to have a good answer or they're just going to drown in your tempo.
Magic Man Next turn you could activate the ability putting a counter on it and sack it to shrapnel blast, getting a thopter who is a 2/2 fron champions ability. Seems like a legit play.
Magic Man I agree it doesn't seem like an optimal play but you might have played Ensoul turn 2 already and playing Cheif seems like a good turn 3 there, maybe you have two Walkers and can drop two 1/1s. Then turn three you have a 6/6 a 2/3 and 2 1/1s and that wide board could be important. Admittedly playing a a Walker for XX=4 could be better a lot of the time.
Lol was also thinking of how naturalize is that rock. In terms of removal, exiling and bouncing should help. But yeah that citadel scissors is tough turn 2 and why I like limited prereleases most
Sweet deck tech! I wanted to run this ever since origins was spoiled! What are your thoughts on Thopter Engineer and Reclusive Artificer though? Also what about card draw? I was considering running some Artificer's Epiphany's.
Instead of Mana Confluence, I opted to use a Tomb of the Spirit Dragon. I ran with both and the Tomb seems to work better. It helps against Red burn and W/B control.
Finally people see the insane Power of Ensoul Artifact. It was one of the few cards in M15 that got my jaw dropped as soon as I saw it. At FNM I caught attention with it as I used it in combo with Spectra Ward and had a 7/7 flying thopter with rainbow protection by turn 4. I run Ensoul Artifact in my old Fifth Dawn Sunburst Deck along with corpsejack menace... it's insane. I drop 11/11 creatures by turn 4-5 at times and then make them unfightable with a Chromanticore bestow. It hurts.
FNM a month or two ago: Turn one --> Ornithopter, Darksteel Citadel. Turn two --> Island, Ensoul Artifact Ornithopter... Swing five. Down to 15. Turn three --> Mountain, Swing 5. Down to 10. Turn four --> Swing 5, down to 5. Shrapnel Blast. Dead. And this was before Hangarback.
So say you play Chandra's parents. The next turn you swing with your tokens. They block the 1/1s. Is it possible for you to then pay the 2R and sac the token before damage is dealt?
Is there any chance you could cover one of the Jeskai decks running around in standard? I'm thinking about hopping into standard and I'm not sure what deck to build. I'm thinking about Jeskai tempo or aggro. What are your thoughts?
I made the artifact deck jeskai rather than just izzet. I have two thunderclap wyvern and i play temple of enlightenment rather than epiphany. I also have soulblade djinn to beef up the thopters when you counter or burn stuff.
There is a neat modern deck that I want you to take a look at. It is a trash for treasure deck. It's actually pretty quick. You use cycle spells to get your fatties in the yard, then switch them with Memnite, ornithopter, or darksteel citadel. Reply if you want the full list. I hope you do a deck tech on this
I started playing an initial draft for this deck at the early days of KTK. At that time, people said "UR Artifacts won't happen, its a fluke" but I went on to build it. Now, it really feels good to see dirt cheap cards hitting 5$ or more now. You just don't know what will the new sets have for us.
James Meadows That room was used for Stubborn Denial. I love the Engineer. I really do. But we HAVE to be ready for hate. Denial is an answer to a changing meta.
Wouldn't main boarding just 1 of the network be ok? The thought is that if the 1st game goes long, then you don't have to wait for game 2 to have it. Don't know what I'd take out for it though. It'd be a tough call. Maybe 1 of the Rogues?
Hay Wedge!. I made this deck a little bit ago and it's ridiculously fun and cheep to get your hands on. I already gave the list to Bad Wolf and I think it would be good for Budget Players/Players that want to get into Modern. The deck is Mono Green Counters,I'll just Copy Paste it from the list I sent Bad Wolf. I'll start with the 1 drops. 4 Experiment One, 4 Servant of the Scale and a playset of Hardened Scales. Can you see where I'm going with this monster?... K, on to the 2 drops!. 4 Strangleroot Geist followed by 4 Avatar of the Resolute, 3 Gyre Sage and 3 Scavenging Ooze. Then in the 3 drop slot I'm using two playsets. Predator Ooze and Inspiring Call. Yes I did just type Inspiring Call, it's so great!. It protects all your dudes in combat and boardwipes and DRAYS CARDS IN GREEN AT INSTANT SPEED!!!. It can go anywhere from an instant speed Divination to a 3 mana Opportunity IN GREEN!. Ahg, k done with that little rant... Back to the deck itself!. 2 Increasing Savagery is really good. If you can target a Gyre Sage with it on turn 4 and have a Hardened Scales in play, you can flash it back in the same turn and swing with something huge you just made out of the blue. And the last Spell in the deck is Kalonian Hydra as a 4 of. Its a bit expensive monetary wise for a Budget Deck, but you can just play Cytoplast Root-Kin in it's place, but if you really like the deck or already have Kalonian Hydra start swapping Cytoplast Root-Kins out for them. Well that's it for Spells, now onto the manabase. 4 Llanowar Reborn and 2 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx with 12 Forests and 2 Oran-Rief, the Vastwood, rounding it out to a smooth 20 land manabase. It's fun, it's fast and it's playable. Hope you think it's worth making a video over.
I know this isn't the right format, but I made a casual thopter deck because everyone in my playgroup was making tribal decks and it seemed like fun. Casual opens up a lot of opportunities, like Thopter Assembly, and the colored artifact lands. Before I watched, they hadn't even occurred to me, so thanks wedge! Here's the link: tappedout.net/mtg-decks/28-07-15-thopter-tribal/ If you have any thoughts, let me know.
Im thinking of using mindswipe in my version i run some more thopter generation; in the engineer and 2/1 for 2R, and main the spy network and the artifact divination
hey wedge what about 3 chief engineer and 2 scuttling doom engine? i run that and with 2 collateral damage, its very fast ive turn 3 doom engine before with thopter engineer it gets haste, its pretty good
TheManaSource I dont know if this is the right topic but PLEEASE make a Glissa the Traitor artifact based or Graveyard recursion EDH/Commander deck. I would like to see a good solid deck featuring her and you guys could do the best job in that regard.
The hipster in me is happy to tell you that I played this stuff in 3x M15 draft with Ornithopters, Drkstl Citadels etc. I even loved Illusory Angel + Ornithopter. Blue aggro ftw!
I made a version of this deck but it's more focused on blowing up my thopters and stuff do damage. It's actually quite close to this decklist but with cards like shrapnel blast, galvanic blast and Pia and Kiran Nalaar and a bunch of zero to one drop artifact creatures. I also threw in a couple ugin's nexuses, a playset of ensoul artifact, and a playset of goblin boom keg thrown in for extra hilariousness.
Can someone tell me how long this will be in standard for? I haven't played in years but I want to use this deck for my LGS battle for zendikar game day in a couple months. I don't want to spend the money and have it rotate out before I get to use it though -.-; thanks in advance!
for all atifact cards in a deck does that mean that it's actually easier to cast spells since it's colorless? if that's so then how come i don't really see anyone win the mtg tournment? do they require that it has to have a color on it?
A few questions: 1) Ensoul Artifact and Darksteel Citadel were in M15. Did people not realize this combo all this time or is it that the artifacts from Origins have finally made this a viable deck? 2) If you play a Darksteel Citadel and Ensoul it on that same turn, it can attack that turn since it wasn't a summoned creature and doesn't have summoning sickness, right? 3) What removal could be used against an Ensouled Darksteel Citadel? I suppose just stuff that exiles. Some cards force the opponent to sacrifice a creature, but they will probably have thopters in play they can sacrifice instead.
1. The deck was played, but not as heavily + it wasn't considered a tier deck. 2. It will have summoning sickness. When it becomes a creature, it gains all the rules of a creature, also the rule that says it can't attack the turn it enters the battlefield. I won't explain it further or I might make your head blow(can't explain it in simple words). 3. Yeah, exiles, you can also use aura removal for the Ensoul. Naturalize, for instance.
TheManaSource can you please do a deck tech centered around the synergy between Sidisi, Brood Tryant, Graveblade Marauder, and Rouge's Passage? It's a gross combination. I have a deck that abuses this combination, but it's not tournament legal.
Tezzeret the seeker is such an Amazing card for this deck, and I won one in a tournament!!! You could also use adaptive automaton since you could technically say artifacts as its creature type.
So, wait, what about trying to fit in Renowned Weaponsmith and/or Chief Engineer from M15? They both help get your artifacts out faster (the Weaponsmith more than the Chief).
Jordan Bowles says the person that didnt pair a play-set up with goblin rabblemaster and sarkhan the dragon speaker along with alesha who smiles at death. and herald of anafenza. and typhoid rats. along with archangel of tithes. i pretty much go with anything in my colors that seem good and i get suprisingly good spots on the ranking board
The funny thing was I played this deck when it was first hinted at and I kept on playing even though it was not the best deck throughout standard and i am in to modern right before this deck got better and I'm a little upset so I might go back to standern. Lol
One of the players at my store was running a mono blue version of this running daring thief of all things it was bonkers. The worst part was when he started taking my elves and bashing my face with them when the board started to stall. Spring leaf drum with daring thief op, please nerf.
Chuck in an Ugin's Nexus. Eventually you will get to play it, blow it up with shrapnel blast then take another turn. No one ever sees it coming and it's hilarious...
It will be a lot slower without shrapnel blast and ensoul artifact. But you can go mono blue with prism ring or still U/R with thopter engineer und some burn spells. But it won't be the same anymore.
***** not at all. No scissors or shrapnel blast means that you are taking out 40 points of damage with these two playsets. Also no darksteel citadel or ornithopter makes it difficult to function at all.
Thop! Thop!
Are thopters pokemon now?
TemporeDominus OMG why isn't there a thopter pokemon!?
giraton1 no. Don't give them anymore iedas
Tolarian Community College profeesor i hope u didnt have anything to do with this deck.it will take over. ah but izzet... izzet back? (ba dum pish)
"My toaster oven downstairs" too funny Wedge!
Love this! was about to go ask for this on twitter, then saw your tweet. Thanks so much.
I made a deck quite similar to this and what we saw at the protour and i like playing it with thopter engineer, renowned weaponsmith, and a couple of scuttling doom engines. Deadly with haste on all my artifact creatures and then use shrapnel blast with scuttle to go up stairs for 11. Also renowned weaponsmith is great ramp for chief of the foundry, hangarback walker, and casting and equiping ghost fire blades.
I've been trying to make this a deck since I first opened my first Ensoul Artifact in the M15 Prerelease. When I saw the spoilers of Origins I dusted off my deck box with my thopters deck, printed out proxies and after a few iterations arrived at something quite similar to your list.
I was so happy to see the deck show up and succeed at the ProTour!
It's gonna be my deck on Game Day... besides, I am a Mechanical Engineer :D
this is the deck izzet players deserve.
PapaThor No it isn't!! Bring Back Storm!!!
Good thing I bought 2 playsets of hangarback walkers back when they were 4$. Time to make profit
I cracked a foil hangarback walker so I'm torn between selling it or making great use of it
Simon Noble well i was going to use a playset of mine to use in modern affinity but traded all of them into a soul sister modern deck
Simon Noble I'd sell it, it might be great in modern. But not 25$ good.
"Throw robots around and blow them up." Best deck description I've ever heard.
Huzzah! Finally! =D I never thought about boarding network; I just mainboarded it. But I did get the feeling that it was running slow, so I'm glad you showed me it could be boarded against Grindy games. I do run ætherspouts, which are invaluable against both aggro/token decks and fatty decks. I may sideboard it tho, along with circle of flame, which makes ground Aggro weep (I'm talking to you, goblins!)
U/W Ensoul Control
This is a Budget deck focused around Ensoul Artifact. It's pretty cheap and has seemed to run well in the games I've played with it.
4x Ornithopter
4x Ensoul Artifact
4x Heliod's Pilgrim
4x Ordeal of Thassa
3x Anticipate
2x Auramancer
2x Sigil of the Empty Throne
2x Suspension Field
3x Banishing Light
4x Void Snare
4x Stubborn Denial
4x Darksteel Citadel
4x Tranquil Cove
8x Island
8x Plains
Any hand with an Ensoul, a target for it, and land is a keep. Heliod's Pilgrim is used to Tutor for Ensoul. If you don't need an Ensoul, tutor for a Ordeal of Thassa. If you get 2 Ordeals, they pop at the same time and you draw 4 cards. Auramancer can Recycle Ordeals. Stubborn Denial is a Counterspell for one blue mana when Ensoul turns on Ferocious. Banishing Light, Suspension Field, and Void Snare take care of creatures that stick. Late game, Sigil of the Empty Throne can Singlehandedly win a game by making tokens. Ordeal of Thassa + Auramancer becomes dangerous with a Sigil out. Anticipate is there for card selection. Darksteel Citadel with an Ensoul is a play that many decks cannot get rid of. Sometimes an Ornithopter with an Ordeal is enough to get going. The deck is really fun, I hope you will try it. Thumb up if you want Wedge to do a deck tech on it.
I love how Ghostfire Blade is good in this Deck.. It is funny looking back at how people thought it was such a horrible Card when it was first spoiled.. :P
Heck, people didn't think UR Artifacts in Origins Standard would even be Tier 1, and they were wrong!
I love how some weird Rogue Decks popped up in the PT, like the G/W Hardened Scales Deck. That one is spicy.
I need to build this now, looks like a ton of fun!!
Love it! Before the pro tour, I was having a lot of success on MTGO with my own brew of this deck, but the Pro Tour version and this deck here are just plain better than my brew.
BTW, Dramoka's command is also a huge hate card against this deck, the Denial will be needed for sure!
I am in the process of making a thopter style deck that mills using sphinx's tutelage and thopter spy network I cannot wait until I finish it! it will be so fun to play!
loving the aggro strategy for this deck.
What do you think about Temur Battle Rage in this deck? I play a few in my version, and it's REALLY good for pushing through damage. Most opposing decks just chump on turns 2-4, and this basically just kills whatever they chump with, and tramples over.
Monestary siege in sideboard? Can help filter draws in grindy games or make it harder for them to blow up your stuff or target you with discard.
One MAJOR interaction was completely missed in this deck tech.
Chief of the Foundry enables you to play Hangarbacks for free since it gives them +1/+1. This is a serious play not to be underestimated.
Obvious statement is obvious. You don't just blindy run them out against a deck running Bile Blight or cheap burn spells if you think they have it. You use this play to gain massive tempo. If you untap after doing this, you've made a huge leap over your opponent and they have to have a good answer or they're just going to drown in your tempo.
Reverend Vile Why play the walker without any counters on it the turn it comes in?
Magic Man Next turn you could activate the ability putting a counter on it and sack it to shrapnel blast, getting a thopter who is a 2/2 fron champions ability.
Seems like a legit play.
yea i see your point, just requires a tad bit too much work, since you relly want your walker out turn two and then you want it to die turn three.
Magic Man I agree it doesn't seem like an optimal play but you might have played Ensoul turn 2 already and playing Cheif seems like a good turn 3 there, maybe you have two Walkers and can drop two 1/1s.
Then turn three you have a 6/6 a 2/3 and 2 1/1s and that wide board could be important.
Admittedly playing a a Walker for XX=4 could be better a lot of the time.
I was really thinking about Scuttling Doom Engine for all of the video - a great card both for punching face AND super synergy with Sharpnel Blast
Indeed, it has been incredibly overlooked since M15.
harel Hazan-Fuchs It's a great budget alternative to the Walker.
NucleusGaming Great idea, the synergy was just too good to overlook
+TheManaSource Can you do a Monowhite devotion or white weenie deck tech? would love to see what you could come up with.
That's amazing. I hadn't put that together yet.
This deck seems easy to counter. All you need is a big rock.
TemporeDominus LOL XD
Lol was also thinking of how naturalize is that rock. In terms of removal, exiling and bouncing should help. But yeah that citadel scissors is tough turn 2 and why I like limited prereleases most
TemporeDominus so black/green is a bad match up then
TemporeDominus obviously not since it almost won the pro tour.
Sweet deck tech! I wanted to run this ever since origins was spoiled! What are your thoughts on Thopter Engineer and Reclusive Artificer though? Also what about card draw? I was considering running some Artificer's Epiphany's.
Instead of Mana Confluence, I opted to use a Tomb of the Spirit Dragon. I ran with both and the Tomb seems to work better. It helps against Red burn and W/B control.
Thropters making a comeback... Fucking. Great.
Finally people see the insane Power of Ensoul Artifact.
It was one of the few cards in M15 that got my jaw dropped as soon as I saw it.
At FNM I caught attention with it as I used it in combo with Spectra Ward and had a 7/7 flying thopter with rainbow protection by turn 4.
I run Ensoul Artifact in my old Fifth Dawn Sunburst Deck along with corpsejack menace... it's insane. I drop 11/11 creatures by turn 4-5 at times and then make them unfightable with a Chromanticore bestow. It hurts.
FNM a month or two ago:
Turn one --> Ornithopter, Darksteel Citadel.
Turn two --> Island, Ensoul Artifact Ornithopter... Swing five. Down to 15.
Turn three --> Mountain, Swing 5. Down to 10.
Turn four --> Swing 5, down to 5. Shrapnel Blast. Dead.
And this was before Hangarback.
So say you play Chandra's parents. The next turn you swing with your tokens. They block the 1/1s. Is it possible for you to then pay the 2R and sac the token before damage is dealt?
Thopters + Purphuros was my deck at FNM last week. Pretty hilarious
Is there any chance you could cover one of the Jeskai decks running around in standard? I'm thinking about hopping into standard and I'm not sure what deck to build. I'm thinking about Jeskai tempo or aggro. What are your thoughts?
Drown in sorrow and bile blight will be ready for gamedayy
I was wondering if you guys think that whirled rogue could go into a infect of proliferate deck or does it have too high a mana cost?
love ur deck techs they are so good dont stop
I made the artifact deck jeskai rather than just izzet. I have two thunderclap wyvern and i play temple of enlightenment rather than epiphany. I also have soulblade djinn to beef up the thopters when you counter or burn stuff.
I would replace the drum for 2 Renowned Weaponsmith and one obelisk of Urd or hero's blade, what do you think?
There is a neat modern deck that I want you to take a look at. It is a trash for treasure deck. It's actually pretty quick. You use cycle spells to get your fatties in the yard, then switch them with Memnite, ornithopter, or darksteel citadel. Reply if you want the full list. I hope you do a deck tech on this
I started playing an initial draft for this deck at the early days of KTK. At that time, people said "UR Artifacts won't happen, its a fluke" but I went on to build it. Now, it really feels good to see dirt cheap cards hitting 5$ or more now. You just don't know what will the new sets have for us.
TheManaSource awesome!! No thopter engineers though?
I thought the same thing
James Meadows That room was used for Stubborn Denial. I love the Engineer. I really do. But we HAVE to be ready for hate. Denial is an answer to a changing meta.
TheManaSource that makes sense although couldn't we drop a Whirler Rougue and a Springleaf for a two of Engineer?
What about thopter spy network?
+Stephen Whitt never mind. I hadn't seen the sideboard yet.
Wouldn't main boarding just 1 of the network be ok? The thought is that if the 1st game goes long, then you don't have to wait for game 2 to have it. Don't know what I'd take out for it though. It'd be a tough call. Maybe 1 of the Rogues?
Hay Wedge!.
I made this deck a little bit ago and it's ridiculously fun and cheep to get your hands on.
I already gave the list to Bad Wolf and I think it would be good for Budget Players/Players that want to get into Modern.
The deck is Mono Green Counters,I'll just Copy Paste it from the list I sent Bad Wolf.
I'll start with the 1 drops.
4 Experiment One, 4 Servant of the Scale and a playset of Hardened Scales.
Can you see where I'm going with this monster?...
K, on to the 2 drops!.
4 Strangleroot Geist followed by 4 Avatar of the Resolute, 3 Gyre Sage and 3 Scavenging Ooze.
Then in the 3 drop slot I'm using two playsets.
Predator Ooze and Inspiring Call.
Yes I did just type Inspiring Call, it's so great!.
It protects all your dudes in combat and boardwipes and DRAYS CARDS IN GREEN AT INSTANT SPEED!!!.
It can go anywhere from an instant speed Divination to a 3 mana Opportunity IN GREEN!.
Ahg, k done with that little rant...
Back to the deck itself!.
2 Increasing Savagery is really good.
If you can target a Gyre Sage with it on turn 4 and have a Hardened Scales in play, you can flash it back in the same turn and swing with something huge you just made out of the blue.
And the last Spell in the deck is Kalonian Hydra as a 4 of.
Its a bit expensive monetary wise for a Budget Deck, but you can just play Cytoplast Root-Kin in it's place, but if you really like the deck or already have Kalonian Hydra start swapping Cytoplast Root-Kins out for them.
Well that's it for Spells, now onto the manabase.
4 Llanowar Reborn and 2 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx with 12 Forests and 2 Oran-Rief, the Vastwood, rounding it out to a smooth 20 land manabase.
It's fun, it's fast and it's playable.
Hope you think it's worth making a video over.
I remember making UR robots back when M15 came out... I think I'll be doing that again....
I know this isn't the right format, but I made a casual thopter deck because everyone in my playgroup was making tribal decks and it seemed like fun. Casual opens up a lot of opportunities, like Thopter Assembly, and the colored artifact lands. Before I watched, they hadn't even occurred to me, so thanks wedge!
Here's the link: tappedout.net/mtg-decks/28-07-15-thopter-tribal/
If you have any thoughts, let me know.
Can you do a standard blue devotion? It's actually good, and I'd like to see what variation you might come up with.
Im thinking of using mindswipe in my version i run some more thopter generation; in the engineer and 2/1 for 2R, and main the spy network and the artifact divination
hey wedge what about 3 chief engineer and 2 scuttling doom engine? i run that and with 2 collateral damage, its very fast ive turn 3 doom engine before with thopter engineer it gets haste, its pretty good
TheManaSource I dont know if this is the right topic but PLEEASE make a Glissa the Traitor artifact based or Graveyard recursion EDH/Commander deck. I would like to see a good solid deck featuring her and you guys could do the best job in that regard.
The hipster in me is happy to tell you that I played this stuff in 3x M15 draft with Ornithopters, Drkstl Citadels etc. I even loved Illusory Angel + Ornithopter. Blue aggro ftw!
I do miss metalcraft though. But not that damn stoneforge mystic. Thanks for posting these deck profiles and showing synergy
Love this, now to figure out how to turn this into a Commander deck. :D
Ray Tomlin Here's what I put together. It's not Izzet, but I think the idea is the same: deck.tk/00UP3rby
Oh my gosh yes thank you! This was exactly what I wanted ;w;
I made a version of this deck but it's more focused on blowing up my thopters and stuff do damage. It's actually quite close to this decklist but with cards like shrapnel blast, galvanic blast and Pia and Kiran Nalaar and a bunch of zero to one drop artifact creatures. I also threw in a couple ugin's nexuses, a playset of ensoul artifact, and a playset of goblin boom keg thrown in for extra hilariousness.
Ensoul artifact is already in the deck, as a play set
Sawyer Vanden Brink Yeah I know. I was just trying to establish that I still had it in my version in case anyone was wondering
Hey it would be really cool if you listed current prices of cards when you highlight them.
I toped 8. Got my foil languish with hks deck. Thanks wedge
Any alternatives to temple of epiphany? I seem to be landscrewed most of the time..
Can someone tell me how long this will be in standard for? I haven't played in years but I want to use this deck for my LGS battle for zendikar game day in a couple months. I don't want to spend the money and have it rotate out before I get to use it though -.-; thanks in advance!
for all atifact cards in a deck does that mean that it's actually easier to cast spells since it's colorless? if that's so then how come i don't really see anyone win the mtg tournment? do they require that it has to have a color on it?
I was rly lucky I opened a hangarback walker just the other week when it's price was low. I might make this deck now that I have them!
Anyway this could go modern? If so, best suggestions?
Great deck. Playing it on gameday
A few questions:
1) Ensoul Artifact and Darksteel Citadel were in M15. Did people not realize this combo all this time or is it that the artifacts from Origins have finally made this a viable deck?
2) If you play a Darksteel Citadel and Ensoul it on that same turn, it can attack that turn since it wasn't a summoned creature and doesn't have summoning sickness, right?
3) What removal could be used against an Ensouled Darksteel Citadel? I suppose just stuff that exiles. Some cards force the opponent to sacrifice a creature, but they will probably have thopters in play they can sacrifice instead.
1. The deck was played, but not as heavily + it wasn't considered a tier deck.
2. It will have summoning sickness. When it becomes a creature, it gains all the rules of a creature, also the rule that says it can't attack the turn it enters the battlefield. I won't explain it further or I might make your head blow(can't explain it in simple words).
3. Yeah, exiles, you can also use aura removal for the Ensoul. Naturalize, for instance.
How much would you need to minus Lilian to put HANGARBACK walker on the battlefield?
So much izzet flavor! But I'm still going to run mono-red this weekend.
I would like to see modern version of this
TheManaSource can you please do a deck tech centered around the synergy between Sidisi, Brood Tryant, Graveblade Marauder, and Rouge's Passage? It's a gross combination. I have a deck that abuses this combination, but it's not tournament legal.
Tezzeret the seeker is such an Amazing card for this deck, and I won one in a tournament!!! You could also use adaptive automaton since you could technically say artifacts as its creature type.
Whats great bout this deck is if you want to play it casually, add in some vault skirges. Turn 2 5/5 flying lifelink.
My favorite strat :D
So, wait, what about trying to fit in Renowned Weaponsmith and/or Chief Engineer from M15? They both help get your artifacts out faster (the Weaponsmith more than the Chief).
Are you going to do any modern deck techs
in anyone's opion would this make a decent modern deck if your meta is pretty relaxed about artifacts at the moment?
How to make this deck modern playable ?
Are you going to do any modern decks
I run a version that's a lot more burn than thopters and I absolutely love howl of the hord
can you do mardu midrange please but at the same time include ankle shanker?
Ankle Shanker isn't good in this format.
Jordan Bowles says the person that didnt pair a play-set up with goblin rabblemaster and sarkhan the dragon speaker along with alesha who smiles at death. and herald of anafenza. and typhoid rats. along with archangel of tithes. i pretty much go with anything in my colors that seem good and i get suprisingly good spots on the ranking board
Camden Paolucci u can endlessly bring him back with alesha
About how much would this deck come out to be? (Including sideboard)
this deck is hilarious. thopters at their finest. but whatevers in that toaster 4:41 is making me hungey
I don't play Standard, but gosh, that is a sexy, fun deck. I'd totally play that if I could.
So cool gona make it for fnm thanks for the deck tech
Looks good!
Hey guys any idea on a deck that goes all in on will breaker?
can anyone find sam black's mono red deck that he played? CANT find it anywhere. please help
The funny thing was I played this deck when it was first hinted at and I kept on playing even though it was not the best deck throughout standard and i am in to modern right before this deck got better and I'm a little upset so I might go back to standern. Lol
Yey! I love Scissors! I'm glad someone made a deck with them, and it's good! :D
Also boo on TH-cam. I can't "like" a video while watching anymore. :c
One of the players at my store was running a mono blue version of this running daring thief of all things it was bonkers. The worst part was when he started taking my elves and bashing my face with them when the board started to stall. Spring leaf drum with daring thief op, please nerf.
how much longer will 2015 be in standard?
Played this in m15, but that core set synergy is too real now. Im nw rebuilding this for my fnms till october, its nuts
I seen one guy do the thopter thing way before this set released.
WotC were definitely hinting at this with M15's U/R Intro deck...
Is it possible for mono blue mill in standard right now
I ran something close to this at the prerelease. My deck was like Jesus.
Except it existed.
how about a white green enchantment deck tech?
Chuck in an Ugin's Nexus. Eventually you will get to play it, blow it up with shrapnel blast then take another turn. No one ever sees it coming and it's hilarious...
Yo Wedge, how much does a deck like this cost on average??
Can you start telling the price of the deck or make a tapped out list for these?
Would this deck be viable post rotation with alterations to the cards that rotate out?
It will be a lot slower without shrapnel blast and ensoul artifact. But you can go mono blue with prism ring or still U/R with thopter engineer und some burn spells. But it won't be the same anymore.
***** not at all. No scissors or shrapnel blast means that you are taking out 40 points of damage with these two playsets. Also no darksteel citadel or ornithopter makes it difficult to function at all.
Abzan has the answer to everything.
Abzan is love
Abzan is life
The deck looks insanely fun, and it's kind of what I wanted to build into standard. Although, Smash to Smithereens is a thing... x_x
Before Origins came out I played a variant with Scuttling Doom Engine.... Attack with doom engine, then sacrifice it to Shrapnel Blast = 17dmg
Oh god, it happened...
Love it to death! I'm playing this on Modern it's so fun 😂😊