Been building this since before Origins came out and have been playing it ever since. It didn't get "great" until BFZ dropped, but it's been good! Thanks for finally making a deck tech with it. My list: 4 Endless One 4 Servant of the Scale 4 Hangarback Walker 4 Avatar of the Resolute 4 Managorger Hydra 2 Undergrowth Champion 3 Den Protector 4 Hardened Scales 4 Dromoka's Command 4 Feat of Resistance 1 Inspiring Call 10 Forest 4 Windswept Heath 4 Canopy Vista 1 Plains 3 Wooded Foothills SB 2 Display of Dominance 3 Surge of Righteousness 2 Lantern Scout 3 Silkwrap 3 Valorous Stance 1 Hidden Dragonslayer 1 Evolutionary Leap
+TheManaSource, I made a fun blue/white control deck that revolves around the awakened mechanic from BFZ. Key card are narset trancendent, noyan dar, and part the waterveil (because you can give it rebound from narset and take 3 turns in a row)
I was using Hardened Scales before rotation. So good in the proper decks, like this one! Mine was first created just after Tarkir came out, so it was a full Abzan deck to go with the hype. My creatures were split between outlast and heroic creatures, specifically ones that get counters when they are targeted. Other all-star in the deck: Solidarity of Heroes. Unfortunately it has rotated, but it doubled the number of counters on a creature. And it had strive for when you went wide (I usually settled around 3 or 4 creatures at any time on board). My deck was slower, held off early threats with Lagonna-Band Trailblazer and Archer's Parapet. Get a few creatures out, start using Reap what is Sown and similar cards to target my heroic, trigger Hardened Scales, resolve the spell for more counters, trigger Hardened Scales again. Abzan Falconer and other outlast creatures act much the same they do here: an enchantment for your creatures. Early on I experimented with a bunch of them, and the deck took on a pseudo-sliver feel. That trailblazer, a 0/4 for one, could swing in late game as an 8/12 with flying easily.
I used to use hardened scales on a GW heroic deck when I returned to magic... It was fairly inconsistent, but when it got to work I could hit with a 50-50 fabled hero easily... Good times.
I do like The Den Protectors in the sideboard just to recour things like the Scales or clocks like the Hydra. It also with 3 counters on it becomes a clock on its own. people always forget the line of text before the megamorph effect
Loving it, guys! I've been trying to make counters a thing in my local meta, and this deck gave me some great ideas. I personally like playing with a little more white and a little more aggressively, so I think I'll go with a variation using Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Ainok Bond-Kin, Honored Hierarch, and Collected Company. I may even splash the tiniest bit of black for Anafenza, the Foremost, but that may have to wait for the next set when they (hopefully) release the enemy slowlands. Anyways, great deck, guys, really! I love your channel!
awesome deck teck. I'm running a green red landfall deck using hardened scales and undergrowth champion as a combo, and some of the green cards in this video I'll be adding to my deck to make it even better. great video!
I recently built a U/G version of this deck using Skyrider Elf and Bounding Krasis for extra power and tempo swings, it also runs Kiora, Hooded Hydra and Woodland Wanderer. The deck obviously runs more slowly then this version but with many decks running into the late game in the current meta this midrange version can still develop huge threats early :)
Holy crap I couldn't help but laugh throughout this video because I had this deck back when origins was out and I added the exact same BFZ cards when the set came out. It's great to see this deck make an appearance here.
I enjoy adding black in there, stocking up on CoCo ~ Drana and Anafenza. Now your Drana first strike damage is adding 2 counters before their damage hits, also adds in a much needed flier, AND Anafenza does all that exiling instead of adding fodder to the graveyard for Digs/Cruises and Ojutai Commands/Jayce rebounds. Swap out the falconers for the Drana, find room for CoCos (I tried using undergrowths but didn't have much success since no trample and they just get chumped for days) and trade out 2 1 drops for 2 Anafenzas.It has at least worked well for me this way.
This is one of my favorite decks that I have. A bit different deck list but still works great and is hilarious. I run a few more outlast creatures like the one that gives everyone lifelink. That's always fun. And there's another that gives them all trample
this is similar to my abzan counters deck game plan, I do run the more of the counter lords in the deck im looking for replacements to reap what is sown in the new stuff at present
One of first and favorite decks is my abzan counters deck, it's slower than this, but that whole synergy with abzan falconer is what the deck is based around. Throw in Ainok Bond Kin, Mer Ek Nightblade, and Tuskguard Captain (with a couple others) and this deck gets scary once it gets going.
Dromoka's Command and Silkwrap really do a number on this deck. I faced it on gameday when I was running G/W megamorph, and I wrecked it. Fun deck though!
i have a a very similar budget g/w hardened scales deck. i prefer hooded hydra over the eldrazi 'hydra'. I cant really afford the lands, the Walker, and Undergrowth champion. but those would be an immediate improvement.
A friend of mine have this deck and he suggested adding valorous stance and tuskguard captain. reasoning behind it is that tuskguard gives almost all our creatures trample tha will deal with all the annoying thopter and goblin tokens that standard is riddled with now and valorous stance takes care of almost everything toughness 4 and above(and there is a lot of creature that suit that criteria)
I played against this deck a couple weeks ago at my first post-rotation FNM and was very happy to see it. My opponent had Den Protector instead of Undergrowth Champion for recursion, and it still gets some Hardened Scales synergy. I happily let him resolve every single Hardened Scales and countered/removed everything else. Plus I had a Fathom Feeder ingesting a LOT of early creature drops which helped. I was playing Esper Awaken w/Noyan Dar, and basically all of my removal is exile based (with the exception of Planar Outburst but I didn't use it). Control players need to really look at exiling over destroying these days. Ugin, Utter End, even Reality Shift has taken the place of Valorous Stance in my deck!
Yup thats certainly in my 75 at the moment. As a former YuGiOh player the recent requirement to exile over destroying has started to annoy me in ways I used to deal with in that game. Exile shouldn't be required as 'graveyard number 2' but with so much graveyard interaction/death triggers in standard atm it certainly feels it
I haven't lost a single match since I built this deck. Mine's a bit more of a brewed version, but runs BASICALLY the same cards. The main differences between my deck and Wedge's are 2x Evolutionary Leap in place of 2 of the Feats. Leap is an insanely good card against ANY deck running removal (which is to say, any deck at all), since it can enable silly combat tricks, like sac'ing your Servant mid-combat to pump another creature. It also allows you to keep gas in the tank against any sort of boardwipes or even spot removal. If you're attacking with more creatures than the defender has, you can swing team, deal damage, and sac any creatures that would be fatally blocked to draw another creature to hand. Outside of Hardened Scales, of course, Leap is the most versatile card in the deck, hands down. Another difference... I run 2x Hidden Dragonslayers maindeck, in place of 2 of the Undergrowth Champions. Champion has been quite underwhelming to me, as it doesn't have the same sort of explosive speed as most of the other cards in this deck, due to them not getting counters when entering play. They basically become 4-drops at that point, since you typically want to hold them until turn 4, so you can play it and then drop the land. Too slow, in my opinion. The Slayers can come down for 2 mana, if needed, and still give an advantage in races against mono-red and other super-aggro decks. In my manabase, I run 2x Cinder Glade in place of 2 of the basic Forests, since I'm running 3x Radiant Flames in the sideboard. The fetches can all grab the Glades, so it has almost zero effect on the manabase's natural flow, and the Flames are so much better than Arashin Clerics as sideboard cards vs. aggro. I haven't had a single issue casting the Flames for 3 damage on turn 3 (4 at the latest), and this can mean possibly leaving a huge Avatar of the Resolute on the board by himself after wiping your opponents board, based on your first few turn plays. I'm *possibly* considering running 2x Prairie Stream as well, in order to sideboard a few copies of Stubborn Denial, but that still requires some more playtesting, since the Foothills cannot fetch them. I've faced down pro-tour quality matchups in FNMs and at Game Day, and so far, the deck hasn't lost a match in tournament play. In playtesting, the only deck I've had any significant trouble with is Esper control (either Dragons or Ingest control), as they slow the deck down fairly significantly. But I've found that Evolutionary Leap is the key card against those decks, as you'll run them out of removal before you run out of creatures. I will probably add 2x Mastery of the Unseen to the sideboard, to allow me to cast and stick creatures without them being countered. Yes, you lose some of the synergy of the deck, but it's worth it to keep creatures onboard. In response to some of the posts I've seen here... Den Protector is too slow to get any advantage out of, and the evasion isn't nearly as good as most people seem to think it is. I do run 1 copy of Citadel Siege in the main deck, but it almost always gets sided out in game 2. Feel free to reach out to me, if anyone would like to look at my full decklist. I haven't put it up online just yet, but might do so later this week, if asked.
Me and my friend made this deck as soon as Dragons came out and I saw Servant of the Scale and Avatar if the Resolute, but it was a slower Bant combo deck abusing Citadel Seige, Sage of Hours, and Fabled Hero.
Heres a nasty mono green deck I ran and did really well with at my shop: 2 Hangarback Walker 4 Rot Shambler 4 Avatar of the Resolute 2 Endless One 4 Managorger Hydra 4 Servant of the Scale 14 Forest 4 Windswept Heath 3 Blighted Woodland 4 Hardened Scales 4 Inspiring Call 4 Earthen Arms 4 Retreat to Kazandu 3 Become Immense
I liked a lot the list. I've been trying it but in a Bant version; the deck becomes less aggressive but with a lot of late game. 4 servant of the scale 2 ainok bond-kin 3 hangarback walker 3 skyrider elf 3 avatar of the resolute 4 managorger hydra 2 Woodland Wanderer 4 Hardened Scales 3 Dromoka´s Command 3 Valorous Stance 2 Inspiring call 2 Feat of Resistence 2 Citadel Siege 1 Stasis Snare 4 forest 3 plains 2 island 4 windswept heath 3 flooded strand 3 yamivaya coast 1 prairie stream 1 canopy vista 1 lumbering falls Converge with hardened Scales is awesome. No Abzan Falconer due to all your creatures have some type of evassion. Citadel Siege with Hardened Scales and Lumbering Falls pfff killer. Skyrider elf can be a 3/3 flyer in turn 2 or a 4/4 turn 3. Valorous Stance in the main deck to protect your creatures or to destroy your own hangarback walker :p
Avatar of the Resolute boggles my mind. How is it only GG? It's ridiculous. That said, I really want to try this deck out! I had a similar GW thing going before rotation, but it focused on lifegain as well--Abzan Battle Priests in favor of Falconers, as well as that classic Ajani's Pridemate + Nyx Fleece Ram combo. It did okay at GameDay, but considering it was the first Deck I put together, it will forever hold a special place in my heart.
i went with inspiring call over feat of resistence. also a good buget option would have been having anafenza kin tree spirt in there. any way i love hardened scales, im going to forever brew around it.
I run an Anafenza Tiny Leaders deck using this same basic concept, and Hardened Scales is absolutely the MVP. I like the simplicity of the G/W build in standard, instead of trying to force it into Abzan -- but if you do, Drana is a superstar.
lol ive been running GW counters since early in dragons. mine had been a bit more midrangey with a couple of enduring scalelord, though im thinkjng of upping the number to 4 (I REALLY want to pull off the infinite comboin standard)
I am running a similar deck with three ofs instead of 4 of. I do not run the nameless one. I have one den protector as an additional command. Also two woodland bellower, often a 6/6 for 4 with vigilance and trample. I am bant so I main deck stubborn denial.
idk if this has been mentioned but have you considered Collected Company? I run them as a 3 of in my abzan company deck. Which is also a Hardened Scales deck that splashes black for Anafenza and a 2 of charm.
I like having red for crater's claws and shaman of the great hunt. undergrowth champion is also not ideal because it gets chump blocked to make it smaller without a choice, and at 22 lands we're not often getting past 4 lands. I also like going 2-of valorous stance and a one-of inspiring call against removal spells.
+Samuel Bicskei I also don't play servant of the scale right now. I might end up running them, but they don't do enough for me. I'd much rather have a valorous stance or crater's claws to finish out a game
I would cut the falconer to run a pair of Anafenza, Kin Tree Spirit, and would also include a 2 of Rogue's Passage in the lands. I feel like the passage is a hidden gem in the standard season currently, and these creatures can get massive!
Wedge! Wedge! I think you should do a Blue Black Aristocrats deck tech. It's a super sweet deck and it's super synergistic. I personally love it, and I'm sure other people would too.
what about adding 2 Enduring Scalelord? If they are both out and you trigger a counter on one or any other card you'd then get infinity counters on both Scalords
Wow! Thanks for the great help. I'm gonna build this deck, but I'm gonna use inspiring call in my main board. Yes, it cost more than your other instants, but it really will help against removel spells. Also, it will keep cards in your hand. My biggest problems in magic is that I never have enough cards in my hand. The creatures in the deck are perfect and will destroy your opponent if they don't have enough removal. My one question is how do you protect your Hardened Scales from removal?
Inspiring call seems worth main boarding imo. Its instant speed so the indestructible can be a neat combat trick after declaring blockers. Any compelling reason why its not?
+TheManaSource Probably a couple of Feat of Resistance. Sure, the Feat of resistance is ultra synergistic and allows protection for a creature, but pay only 1 mana more, and you can refill your hand (useful in quick decks) and protect all your creatures.
Prolly one of the 3 cost cards just for a 1 off so that the opponent always has to be wary of it and forced to play around it. Still undecided between the champion or the hydra. Prolly the champion since its a mythic and cost more :D
+Jiang Hailong IC is FAR too slow, as you pretty much constantly need to leave up 3 mana to make it remotely useful. That's why I run the Evolutionary Leaps, as you can set it up early, and then only really need to leave 1 green mana open to take advantage of it. Sure, you still lose the creature, but the removal fizzles (GREAT little surprise against Awaken spells), and the card you're drawing for that creature is guaranteed to be another creature, so you can basically skip yourself right over those deep mana pockets decks can sometimes see.
Some points about this deck since I've been trying to play it after the card (Scales) came out (due to influence of #SaitoWayfinder): 1. Better than Scales is a No-Scales deck 2. This low-curve aggro deck needs draw; or you'll go mainboard Inspiring Call (best instant-speed draw spell G can have) or you'll go Collected Company 3. If CoCo, it will be need to cut the X casting cost cards, and bring in W Anafenza Spirit 4. W/O CoCo, best curve-toppers are Woodland Wanderer and High Sentinels of Arashin 5. In a No-Scales build, Honored Hierarch is the go-to drop1 And why a No-Scales is better? Because topdecking a Scales is just the worst you can do with this deck! Hardened Scales is a "win more" card in this deck, what really makes the deck go is Avatar of the Resolute being a powerful creature. This backed up by the immense draw an Inspiring Call can make along several drop1's and 2's is something worth checking. Instead of building huge creatures that will be juicy targets for 'Dooms, building a growing board with some attack vectors is a way better plan. Also, Abzan Falconer is weak. High Sentinel is better, it will be your attacking vector and can provide more counters as a mana-sink. Falconer will enable anti-flyer hate like Plummet or WIndstorm on your beaters... trample is better or just High Sentinels being your air support. Undergrowth Champion is also a bit of a weak card here. You'll need to play it in turn#4 to provide the counter and with a low-count land is not that certain you'll top it, also profits from HScales, with no Scales in play is a pretty average creature. Comparing UC with Woodland Wanderer I would play Wanderer for days! In current meta there aren't any big burn spells like Stoke the Flames and Draconic Roar has seen better days, so the UNconditional counter removal to prevent damage from Champion ain't a great thing. Wanderer with Scales and GW mana survives Languish, without Scales with Hierarch also does it, so it's way better to put it instead of Champion. Champion only shines if CoCo and W Anafenza are also on board. Also Champion is a target for Silkwrap, a card that is present in the meta.
+TheManaSource what do you think about Abzan hardened scales adding siege rhinos and earthen arms? Also what about Anafenza if abzan hardened scales is a good thing.
so the question now is how to best incorporate Nissa, voice of zendikar. Probably want to add oath of gideon as well. helps protect the hardened scales+ gives a few more tokens that can get buffed. Oath of nissa might even work well just as a 1 mana dig for something/ protect the scales from opposing dromokas commands.
What do you think of an Abzan variant running Drana, Anafenza (Foremost, obviously) and Abzan Charm? The deck is very consistent as-is but I'd love to hear your insight on these options.
Would appreciate your ideas on pauper decks. Love that format. It brings me back to my childhood, when we could just afford a few booster packs every 1-2 months. Playin' for fun without caring about card rarity and/or value. Sadly, pauper isn't that popular in my region.
The other thing Wedge says that I kinda disagree with... "Don't hold back often" - other than stupid Servant tricks or trying to build up an big Avatar, I typically only run out 2 creatures, max, at any given time, and I especially do this against control decks likely running many boardwipes. I will hold creatures in my hand, given the circumstances, to keep my opponent focused on one creature at a time... I primarily do this in order to run them out of removal as quickly as possible, because my later-game drops are always just game-enders. And unless they top-deck the specific removal card they need (at which point, I usually have a Feat in hand), the game is just over in a turn or two. Also, being able to drop a Hydra mid-game with at least one follow-up spell is always good. This is the most unique deck I've ever played, and I love the deck's dynamic. I guess my version is a bit more mid-rangey, at least in the way I play it, but so far, it's served me well. And with the mana curve so low, the deck can explode once you realize your opponent is out of answers.
Been working on a similair deck myself, I think you missed a trick with Citadel Siege, with Scales it's 3 counters every turn. Retreat to Kazandu is also great, and I'm trying black splash to run Ivorytusk Fortress, as it gives a free untap on your opponent's turn, meaning blue tap cards are useless. Also Anafenza the Foremost. Abran Battle Priest is great aswell. Daghatar the Adamant is also super fun as Scales procs on his second ability, meaning you're actually gaining a counter every activation.
The hardened scales deck got way better after the cheap theros removal, I play honored hierarch's in place of the servant of the scale but then aain my mana curve ends at Citadel siege, it helps cause its a easy 3/3 w/ vigilance and tap for fabulous for casting instants to protect your shit or just pump creatures out into the board. This helped though ty for the deck tech
Since its on the aggressive side of things, id probably run 2 anafenza (white one) and a few dramoka captain (bolster x when attacking). Also probably a 1 of anafenza foremost (anti delve in my meta and counters)
Been playing with the idea of replacing white with black with this build. I only have two reasons: 1) Drana is INSANE with Hardened Scales in play! You swing all and Drana gives them all at least 1 counter each and that's only if you don't have any Scales out. With even a single Scales this becomes a lot more crazy cause you have more counters than you can handle. Or do you...? 2) With all the counters you get from everything, you end up having a perfect reason to use Retribution of the Ancients. Unless your opponent has enchantment removal, this ends up being the bane of anything and everything that isn't hexproof, including Gideon, Ulamog, and... *BOOM* DAMN IT!!! NOW I'M COVERED IN BLOOD AND BRAINS!!!
Took first at FNM with a similar list after Pro Tour Origins. Beat Joel Larson's mono-red, the U/R artifact deck, GW megamorph, and Esper Dragons. Let me know if you want a copy of what I ran.
+jin11779933 To clarify, Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit. The deck was super powerful. Against Joel Larson's mono-red, I was at 4 life on turn 4 and ended the game at 49. Shamanic Revelation may seem odd, but with this deck, it's easy to get multiple creatures up to 4+ power quickly. The Salt-Road Quartermaster is perfect for this deck. If you aren't familiar with it, it is a 1/1 for 2G that enters the battlefield with two +1/+1 counters. It also has the ability, "2G, remove a +1/+1 counter from Salt-Road Quartermaster: Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature." Keep in mind that it can target itself. It wasn't uncommon for me to respond to a kill spell targeting a servant of the scale with this ability. It is a great interaction many people miss.
I like den protector for the fetch lands and in case they get rid of my hardened scales early game. Plus the card is a generally annoying card anyway. It gets back something that your opponent probably went through some trouble wasting spells killing. Plus, with hardened scales, den protector becomes a 4/3 that's unblockable by creatures with less than 4 power, as I'm sure you know.
+TheManaSource What's your opinion of Retreat to Kazandu? Obviously not something to run a play set of since it's a 3 drop, but the life gain option and extra counters could be useful Also do you think Hooded Hydra could fit in here? I would liken him to a more Mana efficient Walker, but the lack of a way to boost himself, and the lack of flying tokens would be his few downsides... but other than that, great deck tech ^_^ I was actually building something similar from the spares I got from the clash pack xD
a lot of white in the board, not having a ton of plains or other white mana sources might be an issue. I'd think about a few of the green retreat, landfall to trigger hardened scales, or life gain against mono red.
I added honored Hierarch because a 1 mana 3/3 vigilance that tap for mana is stupid. after that i can play more then one creature a turn or add a 4 drop to the deck and play him turn 3 (elvish mystic is now a 3/3). I think he is a better then Servant of the Scale because he demands a removal spell.
Would be curious on your thoughts on Gleam of Authority here. I've been running a janky version of this deck (too poor for all multiples) since Dragons released and this enchantment is crazy cost effective in this strategy and has won me games flat out (NO ONE EXPECTS TEH VIGILANCE).
i already run a similar deck, and besides the obvious anafanza, aka miss bolster, which might be harder to cast in this heavy green build, i still use 2 abzan battle priest for the lifelink effect and 2 high sentinels of arashin... oh and my secret weapons, gleam of authority and (as always) some rogue's passage,... but yeah, read gleam of authority carefully and you'll understand how insane it is!! ;D
Changes I would make, retreat to kazandu for life gain and with a garden scales a fetch land can get 4 1/1 counter. Two retreat and two den protector to replace four endless one
I personally did not like the Undergrowth Champion, so I have been play testing the deck with Hooded Hydra. Against decks like Dark Jeskai or other decks that like its one of one removal it acts like Hangarback Walker 5 and 6.
+TheManaSource +David Guerrero i have this list, i won the game day with it, not exactly Grixis, but it is actually a nice budget deck in this season, great match vs abzan and jeskai black, maybe it will interest you
+David Guerrero +TheManaSource I also constructed a grixis eldrazi deck that is more aggressive, running stuff like Ghostfire Blade, Ruination Guide, Hangarback, and Forerunner of Slaughter. I am also running Brutal expulsion.
Wow, that Servant of Scale + Hagarback Walker reminds me Arcbound Ravager a lot. I guess it could be even more busted if you use it suddenly, while your opponent will stare at giant creature.
I'm not too keen on the Mono-White Anafenza. The double white source with a heavier emphasis on Green means it probably won't be coming out on turn 2 efficiently.
+Rowan Chettleborough Anafenza doesn't really give us anything we don't already have in a more consistent manner and Citadel Siege is too expensive for how fast we want to be moving.
this is really close to my deck but I would never cut a falconeer. also I don't run endless ones, they just aren't good enough instead cocos are a thing
This is probably the type of deck that would actually help me against Atarka Red and Dark Jeskai, but I've invested what feels like too much into my Dromoka Dragons plan...and gone too many directions. ^^;
Been building this since before Origins came out and have been playing it ever since. It didn't get "great" until BFZ dropped, but it's been good! Thanks for finally making a deck tech with it. My list:
4 Endless One
4 Servant of the Scale
4 Hangarback Walker
4 Avatar of the Resolute
4 Managorger Hydra
2 Undergrowth Champion
3 Den Protector
4 Hardened Scales
4 Dromoka's Command
4 Feat of Resistance
1 Inspiring Call
10 Forest
4 Windswept Heath
4 Canopy Vista
1 Plains
3 Wooded Foothills
2 Display of Dominance
3 Surge of Righteousness
2 Lantern Scout
3 Silkwrap
3 Valorous Stance
1 Hidden Dragonslayer
1 Evolutionary Leap
I've been trying to build a deck like this ever since I learned of hardened scales. This is amazing!
+TheManaSource, I made a fun blue/white control deck that revolves around the awakened mechanic from BFZ. Key card are narset trancendent, noyan dar, and part the waterveil (because you can give it rebound from narset and take 3 turns in a row)
I was using Hardened Scales before rotation. So good in the proper decks, like this one! Mine was first created just after Tarkir came out, so it was a full Abzan deck to go with the hype. My creatures were split between outlast and heroic creatures, specifically ones that get counters when they are targeted. Other all-star in the deck: Solidarity of Heroes. Unfortunately it has rotated, but it doubled the number of counters on a creature. And it had strive for when you went wide (I usually settled around 3 or 4 creatures at any time on board). My deck was slower, held off early threats with Lagonna-Band Trailblazer and Archer's Parapet. Get a few creatures out, start using Reap what is Sown and similar cards to target my heroic, trigger Hardened Scales, resolve the spell for more counters, trigger Hardened Scales again. Abzan Falconer and other outlast creatures act much the same they do here: an enchantment for your creatures. Early on I experimented with a bunch of them, and the deck took on a pseudo-sliver feel. That trailblazer, a 0/4 for one, could swing in late game as an 8/12 with flying easily.
I used to use hardened scales on a GW heroic deck when I returned to magic... It was fairly inconsistent, but when it got to work I could hit with a 50-50 fabled hero easily... Good times.
I do like The Den Protectors in the sideboard just to recour things like the Scales or clocks like the Hydra. It also with 3 counters on it becomes a clock on its own. people always forget the line of text before the megamorph effect
+TheWonderdoc Yeah Protectors off the board are pretty baller.
Loving it, guys! I've been trying to make counters a thing in my local meta, and this deck gave me some great ideas. I personally like playing with a little more white and a little more aggressively, so I think I'll go with a variation using Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Ainok Bond-Kin, Honored Hierarch, and Collected Company. I may even splash the tiniest bit of black for Anafenza, the Foremost, but that may have to wait for the next set when they (hopefully) release the enemy slowlands. Anyways, great deck, guys, really! I love your channel!
awesome deck teck. I'm running a green red landfall deck using hardened scales and undergrowth champion as a combo, and some of the green cards in this video I'll be adding to my deck to make it even better. great video!
I recently built a U/G version of this deck using Skyrider Elf and Bounding Krasis for extra power and tempo swings, it also runs Kiora, Hooded Hydra and Woodland Wanderer. The deck obviously runs more slowly then this version but with many decks running into the late game in the current meta this midrange version can still develop huge threats early :)
Holy crap I couldn't help but laugh throughout this video because I had this deck back when origins was out and I added the exact same BFZ cards when the set came out. It's great to see this deck make an appearance here.
I enjoy adding black in there, stocking up on CoCo ~ Drana and Anafenza. Now your Drana first strike damage is adding 2 counters before their damage hits, also adds in a much needed flier, AND Anafenza does all that exiling instead of adding fodder to the graveyard for Digs/Cruises and Ojutai Commands/Jayce rebounds. Swap out the falconers for the Drana, find room for CoCos (I tried using undergrowths but didn't have much success since no trample and they just get chumped for days) and trade out 2 1 drops for 2 Anafenzas.It has at least worked well for me this way.
This deck is hysterical! I want to build it so bad.
This is one of my favorite decks that I have. A bit different deck list but still works great and is hilarious. I run a few more outlast creatures like the one that gives everyone lifelink. That's always fun. And there's another that gives them all trample
this is similar to my abzan counters deck game plan, I do run the more of the counter lords in the deck im looking for replacements to reap what is sown in the new stuff at present
One of first and favorite decks is my abzan counters deck, it's slower than this, but that whole synergy with abzan falconer is what the deck is based around. Throw in Ainok Bond Kin, Mer Ek Nightblade, and Tuskguard Captain (with a couple others) and this deck gets scary once it gets going.
I'm so glad I got a hardened scales for my Marath Tiny leaders deck a long time ago.
Dromoka's Command and Silkwrap really do a number on this deck. I faced it on gameday when I was running G/W megamorph, and I wrecked it. Fun deck though!
i have a a very similar budget g/w hardened scales deck. i prefer hooded hydra over the eldrazi 'hydra'. I cant really afford the lands, the Walker, and Undergrowth champion. but those would be an immediate improvement.
Really nice deck!! Been thinking about making one like this for a while now
A friend of mine have this deck and he suggested adding valorous stance and tuskguard captain. reasoning behind it is that tuskguard gives almost all our creatures trample tha will deal with all the annoying thopter and goblin tokens that standard is riddled with now and valorous stance takes care of almost everything toughness 4 and above(and there is a lot of creature that suit that criteria)
I played against this deck a couple weeks ago at my first post-rotation FNM and was very happy to see it. My opponent had Den Protector instead of Undergrowth Champion for recursion, and it still gets some Hardened Scales synergy.
I happily let him resolve every single Hardened Scales and countered/removed everything else. Plus I had a Fathom Feeder ingesting a LOT of early creature drops which helped. I was playing Esper Awaken w/Noyan Dar, and basically all of my removal is exile based (with the exception of Planar Outburst but I didn't use it). Control players need to really look at exiling over destroying these days. Ugin, Utter End, even Reality Shift has taken the place of Valorous Stance in my deck!
Yup thats certainly in my 75 at the moment. As a former YuGiOh player the recent requirement to exile over destroying has started to annoy me in ways I used to deal with in that game.
Exile shouldn't be required as 'graveyard number 2' but with so much graveyard interaction/death triggers in standard atm it certainly feels it
so happy to see this is a thing i was playing around with this idea and i didnt follow through with it
I haven't lost a single match since I built this deck. Mine's a bit more of a brewed version, but runs BASICALLY the same cards. The main differences between my deck and Wedge's are 2x Evolutionary Leap in place of 2 of the Feats. Leap is an insanely good card against ANY deck running removal (which is to say, any deck at all), since it can enable silly combat tricks, like sac'ing your Servant mid-combat to pump another creature. It also allows you to keep gas in the tank against any sort of boardwipes or even spot removal. If you're attacking with more creatures than the defender has, you can swing team, deal damage, and sac any creatures that would be fatally blocked to draw another creature to hand. Outside of Hardened Scales, of course, Leap is the most versatile card in the deck, hands down.
Another difference... I run 2x Hidden Dragonslayers maindeck, in place of 2 of the Undergrowth Champions. Champion has been quite underwhelming to me, as it doesn't have the same sort of explosive speed as most of the other cards in this deck, due to them not getting counters when entering play. They basically become 4-drops at that point, since you typically want to hold them until turn 4, so you can play it and then drop the land. Too slow, in my opinion. The Slayers can come down for 2 mana, if needed, and still give an advantage in races against mono-red and other super-aggro decks.
In my manabase, I run 2x Cinder Glade in place of 2 of the basic Forests, since I'm running 3x Radiant Flames in the sideboard. The fetches can all grab the Glades, so it has almost zero effect on the manabase's natural flow, and the Flames are so much better than Arashin Clerics as sideboard cards vs. aggro. I haven't had a single issue casting the Flames for 3 damage on turn 3 (4 at the latest), and this can mean possibly leaving a huge Avatar of the Resolute on the board by himself after wiping your opponents board, based on your first few turn plays. I'm *possibly* considering running 2x Prairie Stream as well, in order to sideboard a few copies of Stubborn Denial, but that still requires some more playtesting, since the Foothills cannot fetch them.
I've faced down pro-tour quality matchups in FNMs and at Game Day, and so far, the deck hasn't lost a match in tournament play. In playtesting, the only deck I've had any significant trouble with is Esper control (either Dragons or Ingest control), as they slow the deck down fairly significantly. But I've found that Evolutionary Leap is the key card against those decks, as you'll run them out of removal before you run out of creatures. I will probably add 2x Mastery of the Unseen to the sideboard, to allow me to cast and stick creatures without them being countered. Yes, you lose some of the synergy of the deck, but it's worth it to keep creatures onboard.
In response to some of the posts I've seen here... Den Protector is too slow to get any advantage out of, and the evasion isn't nearly as good as most people seem to think it is. I do run 1 copy of Citadel Siege in the main deck, but it almost always gets sided out in game 2.
Feel free to reach out to me, if anyone would like to look at my full decklist. I haven't put it up online just yet, but might do so later this week, if asked.
Me and my friend made this deck as soon as Dragons came out and I saw Servant of the Scale and Avatar if the Resolute, but it was a slower Bant combo deck abusing Citadel Seige, Sage of Hours, and Fabled Hero.
Heres a nasty mono green deck I ran and did really well with at my shop:
2 Hangarback Walker
4 Rot Shambler
4 Avatar of the Resolute
2 Endless One
4 Managorger Hydra
4 Servant of the Scale
14 Forest
4 Windswept Heath
3 Blighted Woodland
4 Hardened Scales
4 Inspiring Call
4 Earthen Arms
4 Retreat to Kazandu
3 Become Immense
I liked a lot the list. I've been trying it but in a Bant version; the deck becomes less aggressive but with a lot of late game.
4 servant of the scale
2 ainok bond-kin
3 hangarback walker
3 skyrider elf
3 avatar of the resolute
4 managorger hydra
2 Woodland Wanderer
4 Hardened Scales
3 Dromoka´s Command
3 Valorous Stance
2 Inspiring call
2 Feat of Resistence
2 Citadel Siege
1 Stasis Snare
4 forest
3 plains
2 island
4 windswept heath
3 flooded strand
3 yamivaya coast
1 prairie stream
1 canopy vista
1 lumbering falls
Converge with hardened Scales is awesome. No Abzan Falconer due to all your creatures have some type of evassion. Citadel Siege with Hardened Scales and Lumbering Falls pfff killer. Skyrider elf can be a 3/3 flyer in turn 2 or a 4/4 turn 3. Valorous Stance in the main deck to protect your creatures or to destroy your own hangarback walker :p
Avatar of the Resolute boggles my mind. How is it only GG? It's ridiculous.
That said, I really want to try this deck out! I had a similar GW thing going before rotation, but it focused on lifegain as well--Abzan Battle Priests in favor of Falconers, as well as that classic Ajani's Pridemate + Nyx Fleece Ram combo. It did okay at GameDay, but considering it was the first Deck I put together, it will forever hold a special place in my heart.
i went with inspiring call over feat of resistence. also a good buget option would have been having anafenza kin tree spirt in there. any way i love hardened scales, im going to forever brew around it.
I run an Anafenza Tiny Leaders deck using this same basic concept, and Hardened Scales is absolutely the MVP. I like the simplicity of the G/W build in standard, instead of trying to force it into Abzan -- but if you do, Drana is a superstar.
now this is a deckteck I would actually build in standard. short sweet and to the point, plus so similar to red deck wins aggressiveness.
lol ive been running GW counters since early in dragons. mine had been a bit more midrangey with a couple of enduring scalelord, though im thinkjng of upping the number to 4 (I REALLY want to pull off the infinite comboin standard)
I've been using Hardened Scales with Managogrer Hydra for a while... it's as crazy good as you would think. :)
I am running a similar deck with three ofs instead of 4 of. I do not run the nameless one. I have one den protector as an additional command. Also two woodland bellower, often a 6/6 for 4 with vigilance and trample. I am bant so I main deck stubborn denial.
Managorger Hydra+ Hardened Scales+ Feat of Resistence= Oh my!
hey wedge is it possible to build a deathtouch control. i build one but having trouble finding a win con. help?
idk if this has been mentioned but have you considered Collected Company? I run them as a 3 of in my abzan company deck.
Which is also a Hardened Scales deck that splashes black for Anafenza and a 2 of charm.
I like having red for crater's claws and shaman of the great hunt. undergrowth champion is also not ideal because it gets chump blocked to make it smaller without a choice, and at 22 lands we're not often getting past 4 lands. I also like going 2-of valorous stance and a one-of inspiring call against removal spells.
+Samuel Bicskei I also don't play servant of the scale right now. I might end up running them, but they don't do enough for me. I'd much rather have a valorous stance or crater's claws to finish out a game
I would cut the falconer to run a pair of Anafenza, Kin Tree Spirit, and would also include a 2 of Rogue's Passage in the lands. I feel like the passage is a hidden gem in the standard season currently, and these creatures can get massive!
Wedge, what about Drana wouldn't her attacking ability help with the deck to?
Wedge! Wedge! I think you should do a Blue Black Aristocrats deck tech. It's a super sweet deck and it's super synergistic. I personally love it, and I'm sure other people would too.
what about adding 2 Enduring Scalelord? If they are both out and you trigger a counter on one or any other card you'd then get infinity counters on both Scalords
Wow! Thanks for the great help. I'm gonna build this deck, but I'm gonna use inspiring call in my main board. Yes, it cost more than your other instants, but it really will help against removel spells. Also, it will keep cards in your hand. My biggest problems in magic is that I never have enough cards in my hand. The creatures in the deck are perfect and will destroy your opponent if they don't have enough removal. My one question is how do you protect your Hardened Scales from removal?
Inspiring call seems worth main boarding imo. Its instant speed so the indestructible can be a neat combat trick after declaring blockers. Any compelling reason why its not?
+Jiang Hailong What would you take out?
+TheManaSource Probably a couple of Feat of Resistance. Sure, the Feat of resistance is ultra synergistic and allows protection for a creature, but pay only 1 mana more, and you can refill your hand (useful in quick decks) and protect all your creatures.
+Joshua Williams I'd instead remove 1 Undergrowth Champion and replace it with the 1 Inspiring Call.
Prolly one of the 3 cost cards just for a 1 off so that the opponent always has to be wary of it and forced to play around it. Still undecided between the champion or the hydra. Prolly the champion since its a mythic and cost more :D
+Jiang Hailong IC is FAR too slow, as you pretty much constantly need to leave up 3 mana to make it remotely useful. That's why I run the Evolutionary Leaps, as you can set it up early, and then only really need to leave 1 green mana open to take advantage of it. Sure, you still lose the creature, but the removal fizzles (GREAT little surprise against Awaken spells), and the card you're drawing for that creature is guaranteed to be another creature, so you can basically skip yourself right over those deep mana pockets decks can sometimes see.
Some points about this deck since I've been trying to play it after the card (Scales) came out (due to influence of #SaitoWayfinder):
1. Better than Scales is a No-Scales deck
2. This low-curve aggro deck needs draw; or you'll go mainboard Inspiring Call (best instant-speed draw spell G can have) or you'll go Collected Company
3. If CoCo, it will be need to cut the X casting cost cards, and bring in W Anafenza Spirit
4. W/O CoCo, best curve-toppers are Woodland Wanderer and High Sentinels of Arashin
5. In a No-Scales build, Honored Hierarch is the go-to drop1
And why a No-Scales is better? Because topdecking a Scales is just the worst you can do with this deck! Hardened Scales is a "win more" card in this deck, what really makes the deck go is Avatar of the Resolute being a powerful creature. This backed up by the immense draw an Inspiring Call can make along several drop1's and 2's is something worth checking. Instead of building huge creatures that will be juicy targets for 'Dooms, building a growing board with some attack vectors is a way better plan.
Also, Abzan Falconer is weak. High Sentinel is better, it will be your attacking vector and can provide more counters as a mana-sink. Falconer will enable anti-flyer hate like Plummet or WIndstorm on your beaters... trample is better or just High Sentinels being your air support.
Undergrowth Champion is also a bit of a weak card here. You'll need to play it in turn#4 to provide the counter and with a low-count land is not that certain you'll top it, also profits from HScales, with no Scales in play is a pretty average creature. Comparing UC with Woodland Wanderer I would play Wanderer for days! In current meta there aren't any big burn spells like Stoke the Flames and Draconic Roar has seen better days, so the UNconditional counter removal to prevent damage from Champion ain't a great thing. Wanderer with Scales and GW mana survives Languish, without Scales with Hierarch also does it, so it's way better to put it instead of Champion. Champion only shines if CoCo and W Anafenza are also on board. Also Champion is a target for Silkwrap, a card that is present in the meta.
+TheManaSource what do you think about Abzan hardened scales adding siege rhinos and earthen arms? Also what about Anafenza if abzan hardened scales is a good thing.
so the question now is how to best incorporate Nissa, voice of zendikar. Probably want to add oath of gideon as well. helps protect the hardened scales+ gives a few more tokens that can get buffed. Oath of nissa might even work well just as a 1 mana dig for something/ protect the scales from opposing dromokas commands.
Is it possible to splash black for siege rhino and maybe ruinous path if not main deck maybe side?
Would it be possible to do a blue/black mill zombie deck tech?
What do you think of an Abzan variant running Drana, Anafenza (Foremost, obviously) and Abzan Charm? The deck is very consistent as-is but I'd love to hear your insight on these options.
Would appreciate your ideas on pauper decks. Love that format. It brings me back to my childhood, when we could just afford a few booster packs every 1-2 months. Playin' for fun without caring about card rarity and/or value. Sadly, pauper isn't that popular in my region.
The other thing Wedge says that I kinda disagree with... "Don't hold back often" - other than stupid Servant tricks or trying to build up an big Avatar, I typically only run out 2 creatures, max, at any given time, and I especially do this against control decks likely running many boardwipes. I will hold creatures in my hand, given the circumstances, to keep my opponent focused on one creature at a time... I primarily do this in order to run them out of removal as quickly as possible, because my later-game drops are always just game-enders. And unless they top-deck the specific removal card they need (at which point, I usually have a Feat in hand), the game is just over in a turn or two.
Also, being able to drop a Hydra mid-game with at least one follow-up spell is always good.
This is the most unique deck I've ever played, and I love the deck's dynamic. I guess my version is a bit more mid-rangey, at least in the way I play it, but so far, it's served me well. And with the mana curve so low, the deck can explode once you realize your opponent is out of answers.
How about splashing black for Drana, liberator of Malakir?
Been working on a similair deck myself, I think you missed a trick with Citadel Siege, with Scales it's 3 counters every turn. Retreat to Kazandu is also great, and I'm trying black splash to run Ivorytusk Fortress, as it gives a free untap on your opponent's turn, meaning blue tap cards are useless. Also Anafenza the Foremost. Abran Battle Priest is great aswell. Daghatar the Adamant is also super fun as Scales procs on his second ability, meaning you're actually gaining a counter every activation.
The hardened scales deck got way better after the cheap theros removal, I play honored hierarch's in place of the servant of the scale but then aain my mana curve ends at Citadel siege, it helps cause its a easy 3/3 w/ vigilance and tap for fabulous for casting instants to protect your shit or just pump creatures out into the board. This helped though ty for the deck tech
Love it, gonna build, soooooo good.
I'm pretty impressed because I managed to make abzan scales with drana, anafenza and charms xD
This is awesome! Keep up the good work, would love to see a competitive eldrazi processor deck. x3
den protector + gleam of authority is a crazy combo I run in my hardened scales deck.
This is clearly a +1/+1 counter deck. Can you make a tech on a Modern counters deck?
+The Squirteler Yes please!
+The Squirteler
Two words: Doubling Season
+Donovan Simmons Or better yet, Hardened Scales plus Doubling Season :P
MarrzMann89 True. Think about those with Hangarback Walker!
+Donovan Simmons Gavony Township
Since its on the aggressive side of things, id probably run 2 anafenza (white one) and a few dramoka captain (bolster x when attacking). Also probably a 1 of anafenza foremost (anti delve in my meta and counters)
Why not splash black for abzan charm?
Been playing with the idea of replacing white with black with this build. I only have two reasons:
1) Drana is INSANE with Hardened Scales in play! You swing all and Drana gives them all at least 1 counter each and that's only if you don't have any Scales out. With even a single Scales this becomes a lot more crazy cause you have more counters than you can handle. Or do you...?
2) With all the counters you get from everything, you end up having a perfect reason to use Retribution of the Ancients. Unless your opponent has enchantment removal, this ends up being the bane of anything and everything that isn't hexproof, including Gideon, Ulamog, and... *BOOM* DAMN IT!!! NOW I'M COVERED IN BLOOD AND BRAINS!!!
Ummm suggestions on a sideboard for the deck?And thoughts on warden of the first tree?
+Gavin Russell Sorry for first part wasn't paying attention first time round
Took first at FNM with a similar list after Pro Tour Origins. Beat Joel Larson's mono-red, the U/R artifact deck, GW megamorph, and Esper Dragons. Let me know if you want a copy of what I ran.
can you post the list
+EM M. E. 4x Hardened Scales
4x Servant of the Scale
2x Anafenza
3x Silkwrap
4x Avatar of the Resolute
3x Den Protector
4x Dromoka's Command
2x Managourger Hydra
4x Salt-Road Quartermaster
4x Collected Company
3x Shamanic Revelation
2x Abzan Falconer
4x Windswept Heath
2x Blossoming Sands
2x Temple of Plenty
9x Forest
4x Plains
3x Arashin Cleric
3x Hallowed Moonlight
4x Valorous Stance
2x End Hostilies
3x Return to the Ranks
+jin11779933 To clarify, Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit. The deck was super powerful. Against Joel Larson's mono-red, I was at 4 life on turn 4 and ended the game at 49.
Shamanic Revelation may seem odd, but with this deck, it's easy to get multiple creatures up to 4+ power quickly.
The Salt-Road Quartermaster is perfect for this deck. If you aren't familiar with it, it is a 1/1 for 2G that enters the battlefield with two +1/+1 counters. It also has the ability, "2G, remove a +1/+1 counter from Salt-Road Quartermaster: Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature." Keep in mind that it can target itself. It wasn't uncommon for me to respond to a kill spell targeting a servant of the scale with this ability. It is a great interaction many people miss.
hey tanks that is relly good man
Me to
I like den protector for the fetch lands and in case they get rid of my hardened scales early game. Plus the card is a generally annoying card anyway. It gets back something that your opponent probably went through some trouble wasting spells killing. Plus, with hardened scales, den protector becomes a 4/3 that's unblockable by creatures with less than 4 power, as I'm sure you know.
cool! den protector is a great, fast aggressive choice in any deck!
love the synergy
How would you modify this deck for modern? Gavony township?
Maybe replace undergrowth champions with predator oozes?
+TheManaSource What's your opinion of Retreat to Kazandu?
Obviously not something to run a play set of since it's a 3 drop, but the life gain option and extra counters could be useful
Also do you think Hooded Hydra could fit in here? I would liken him to a more Mana efficient Walker, but the lack of a way to boost himself, and the lack of flying tokens would be his few downsides...
but other than that, great deck tech ^_^ I was actually building something similar from the spares I got from the clash pack xD
a lot of white in the board, not having a ton of plains or other white mana sources might be an issue. I'd think about a few of the green retreat, landfall to trigger hardened scales, or life gain against mono red.
I added honored Hierarch because a 1 mana 3/3 vigilance that tap for mana is stupid. after that i can play more then one creature a turn or add a 4 drop to the deck and play him turn 3 (elvish mystic is now a 3/3). I think he is a better then Servant of the Scale because he demands a removal spell.
Is it me or should I continue to run g/u midrange or stop and go something else?
Inspiring Call, so goood!!
I would love to see a Ghave commander deck tech.
+Toshiro851 I'll put it on the list!
Bravo sir. well done
I have played against a theros version of this, super powerful!
Would be curious on your thoughts on Gleam of Authority here. I've been running a janky version of this deck (too poor for all multiples) since Dragons released and this enchantment is crazy cost effective in this strategy and has won me games flat out (NO ONE EXPECTS TEH VIGILANCE).
I have been waiting way too long for this to make it in standard
id make room for a evolutionary leap with all the silk wraps complete disregards and stasis snares it would really help
i already run a similar deck, and besides the obvious anafanza, aka miss bolster, which might be harder to cast in this heavy green build, i still use 2 abzan battle priest for the lifelink effect and 2 high sentinels of arashin... oh and my secret weapons, gleam of authority and (as always) some rogue's passage,... but yeah, read gleam of authority carefully and you'll understand how insane it is!! ;D
Changes I would make, retreat to kazandu for life gain and with a garden scales a fetch land can get 4 1/1 counter. Two retreat and two den protector to replace four endless one
I guess Patron of the Valiant isn't included in this deck due to mana curve?
Could you do a fish kal blood arbiter deck tech for Edh c:
I personally did not like the Undergrowth Champion, so I have been play testing the deck with Hooded Hydra. Against decks like Dark Jeskai or other decks that like its one of one removal it acts like Hangarback Walker 5 and 6.
Love the deck tech. Please do Grixis eldrazi deck tech
+David Guerrero On the list!
+TheManaSource +David Guerrero i have this list, i won the game day with it, not exactly Grixis, but it is actually a nice budget deck in this season, great match vs abzan and jeskai black, maybe it will interest you
+David Guerrero +TheManaSource I also constructed a grixis eldrazi deck that is more aggressive, running stuff like Ghostfire Blade, Ruination Guide, Hangarback, and Forerunner of Slaughter. I am also running Brutal expulsion.
How does this deal with aggro? I love it in theory and want to build it, but early game is my sticking point
+Pete Zalizniak ive been paying this from the befinning of bfz this stacks up against aggro pretty well.
Splash blue to counter boardwipes? It looks really good but lacks resiliency
Wedge how pumped were you when you saw the shadows over innistrad trailer xD
Wow, that Servant of Scale + Hagarback Walker reminds me Arcbound Ravager a lot.
I guess it could be even more busted if you use it suddenly, while your opponent will stare at giant creature.
+Ferdi the Tank So much synergy in this list!
why not inspiring call on main?
Did you consider Gleam of Authority?
can you do the Legacy b/u Affinity
What about anafenza and citadel seige
I'm not too keen on the Mono-White Anafenza. The double white source with a heavier emphasis on Green means it probably won't be coming out on turn 2 efficiently.
No room this deck isnt one to run to much support outside of servant and they dont rly fit on the curve
+Rowan Chettleborough Anafenza doesn't really give us anything we don't already have in a more consistent manner and Citadel Siege is too expensive for how fast we want to be moving.
Sandstone bride and fertile thicket for budget options
this is really close to my deck but I would never cut a falconeer. also I don't run endless ones, they just aren't good enough instead cocos are a thing
This is probably the type of deck that would actually help me against Atarka Red and Dark Jeskai, but I've invested what feels like too much into my Dromoka Dragons plan...and gone too many directions. ^^;
Great vid. Keep up the good work :) Subbed!
Could you please do grixis eldrazi for standard
Gleaming authority is bonkers in this deck :D
did you put a thought into citadel siege
I get the mana part i guess i am just greddy and want to get three counters a turn is
No citadel siege but you are correct rhino is boss
My bad read that wrong
Hey at the end of the video could you tally up the price and tell us how much the deck would cost?