I am temporarily sidelined right now just had a new mechanical heart valve installed. This video makes me wanna get back out on the road! Thanks for the video and sharing.
Having been in the trucking industry for 35 years I have seen guys like this often. Lower you seat and install a tall shifter so you look all "gangster." Well...if you did not install that oversized sun vision you would not have to do that to see out the windshield. Secondly, over the hood sight becomes extremely obstructed and driving like this is dangerous. Also, that overly tall shifter will accelerate the wear on your transmission sliding clutches and cause the trans to pop out of gear; I have repaired many. However, most "gangster truckers" like this will scream warranty and cannot comprehend why their rig is failing prematurely. Lastly, with your seat on the floor...your back is absorbing the road vibration and will cause you severe back problems...but at least you look cool.
Awesome sound, you can see this chap just loves his truck and job, good on him, I've never seen a gear shift as long as that before, I bet it makes shifting a lot easier if your gear box is tight........ Thanks for the video
I tricking love it man....... my dad fought me how to drive in a 58 kw convent with a 335 and a 4x4....... every time I missed a gear he'd rap my knuckles...... didn't take me long to do it rite..... but a three stick 6x5...... oh I wanna drive !!!
Its a truck not a car and the gear shifter is so long it looks like a grandads walking stick, can he even see over the dashboard? Looks like a little kid driving and can't see over the steering wheel. If you wanna be king of the road then sit up high and be like one!
He is the one driving! Not any of you posting are in the truck and im certain 95% posting dont even drive a rig! Bottom line its his life his drive his shift his own damn feet! Let the man live his own life. Why is it Americans are so wrapped up in negativity and criticizing others? Nice video bud. I enjoyed it!
Im on the back road in the rusted out 1979 Ford tow truck with the floor gone and a busted windshield, wiping the ice off by hand because the wipers are broke. Got a pack of Pall Mall Lights, a lighter, and a cup of coffee on the dash. On the seat next to me is a footlong doughnut shaped like a foot from Bigfoot gas station. Gotta love work. :)
Awesome video! Same shifting pattern I learned on 14 years ago. I miss it. Now I'm with a company that has all automatics. Don't get me wrong, it nice during traffic jams. But I miss the shifting.
Please forgive him, but this is a standard length gear-stick, and he is only 4 1/2 feet tall. Notice the phone books he is sitting on and he has 2 x 4s strapped to his legs to reach the peddles.
Rookie here. First time I saw a shifter like that, guy had it all pimped out with a crystal ball on top.....and the first thing I thought...."Now thats pimp'n!" Awesome truck man.
I hate to tell you but in fast & furious they recorded shifting before making the movie notice next time when you watch it the shifting is somewhat the same just at a different camera angle.
to the driver...that's an awesome w9 you got there man I love the old skool rigs all the gauges and switches set it off to the max yours is perfect but I would've did the 18in extention only because I go big or go home lol...b safe keep the rubber side down and keep the shiny size up brother!
Love that sound my dad had a 1997 kenworth 900l 525 cummins was his pride and joy washed it every week had over a million miles on it and he rebuilt it I really miss the truck me works for a company now they have small 2015 600s with 425 cummins big diff in the trucks
God damn this is nice. I've wanted to be a truck diver ever since I was a kid. I've got my license test next Friday. 20-something years later dream is coming true.
Lawson Green I've seen plenty of guys run little to no air in the seat, and plenty of guys running trucks barefoot, flip flops, and mandles. Whoopdee doo, it comes down to driver preference and them being comfortable. My uncle has drove a truck for 25+ years, a short stubby man, who, even with air in the seat can barely see over the dash, and he has driven many different trucks, and now hauls everything from feed to hazmat. He prefers hazmat, but point is, he has air in his seat and still barely sees over the dash, and manages to be a safe driver, and he's driven that way for 25+ years.
Hey, my brother is only 5' 6", he used to drive a KenWorth T800. He had his seat so low, that in order for him to see his right hood mirror, he had to stand up. lmao. Im only 15 so I can't legally drive a semi.
Gary ClarkII my brothers a compamy driver, he used to drive a T800, before he asked his company for a new truck because his heater kept going out, and now he has a Freightliner. In his T800, me and my brother are the same height, when I sat in his seat, I couldnt see he right hood mirror. I had to stand up. But i guesd that's the way he likes it. I cant wait to get my Class A CDL, i just got my Class D. So I'll be waiting 2 years lol
is only a cummins with 400 hp may be little more , in europe we use them as starter motors. changing gears with that stick is as ridiculus as american bike rider position , is monkish
Truely an angel song with the jakeshift on i know that personally cause i might only be 15 but I'm already a partime truckdriver of a freightliner argosy 90 with a Cummins N14 460hp engine in it coupled to a manual 18speed box and i swear to God i hear angels sing when i have the jakeshift on a heavenly sound indeed i just never grow tired of VVVrrroommm BRap VVVVVrrrooommm BRap VVVrrroommm BRap VVVrrroommm
What is the purpose of pulling the stick out of gear and then back into gear when going from direct to overdrive? Other than excessive wear on the shift forks,is that the cool thing to do now?
Why are you pulling it out of gear to split it? I have driven probably 95% of big truck transmissions and I never had one I had to pull it out of gear to split that gear.
he has a range selector and a gear splitter switch on the shifter, shift gears 1-5 flip the range selector to high, drop in 6th gear now you start using the gear splitter to split the last 4 gears, i only split gears when i was heavy pulling a grade, he was doing alot extra to show off, only heard one gear grind, pretty damn good.
Holy shit shame i feel so damn sorry for you man a KW W900L is propbably the best truck ever but hey why cant you just migrate to the US its not that hard ;)
Thanks for sweet feels, it's very hard to move I like very much alaska's snow fill roads and trucking over thier in the whole usa alaska has unique nature, natural beauty, hilly jungles, grizzly bears, timber works, pines and lakes all very beautiful and kenworth drive in such environment just fabulous.
I know Alaska is a beautiful place many describe it as trucking heaven when the summer season is full swing but come winter its damn freezin' cold and snow all over the place but yeah you're right the US is a nice place to truck along with your beautiful KW W900L its a TRUCKING PARADISE :D
The point is "Who Cares?"!!! Why hate on this man? If he likes the feel and look of his truck then that's his right. Don't hate! He drives his machine well! Much Respect.....
his shifting was soo cool . I loved it when he ran the rpms up and made the farting noise of the jake when he was shifting... remind me of when I was driving drucks... I did the same thing ...lol!!!
andrew bentley It's gonna happen, no matter how long you drive, no ones perfect. My dad's driven trucks for over 30 years, got about 3 million miles accident free, and he grinds em every now and then. Some people shouldn't talk about things they know nothing about..
Love the video but still wondering why you get the gear in and out when you hit the splitter...all you gotta do is letting the fuel go and retake it. anyways, you must do it for the style but in my opinion it looks stupid lol.
^ clearly a cager. No, this here is a 18speed boys & girls, comes with a range selector & splitter....so you have a high & low per range/gear. so he shifts from low 7, to hi 7 down to low 8 then high 8 etc etc...
+dirtyann commentateur It's so it doesn't jump out of gear or sometimes when you either switch gears or down shift will make a knocking sound (That's what happens with one of our peterbilts but other than that I have no clue)
Put some air in that seat, how is it cool you can barely see over the dash. Your seat bottomed out, the air bag under it empty, its meant to make the ride more comfortable. It could happen your gonna run something over someday your gonna regret. Nice truck though.
CHRIS BROESKY Im a driver aswell been driving for awhile. Its cool to sit low and you have no fucking idea how easy it is to see. You would not know bc maybe u sit in the roof. Well I on the other hand sit so low you only see my ball cap lol. Ive got the low base seat and it is by far the best ive had. Ive never hit a thing nor will i ever just saying. Heres a guy who makes a video about shifting with an extended shifter and everyone goes off the rails about something else. People you know what your problem is...... your jealous. Should post a video up from the Pet Shop Boys music video Jealousy, suites all you people well. Im sorry but it bothers me when people complain about something that is not important
drummer15kader And the funny thing is that the majority of the people complaining have never driven a truck or know nothing about them. I can tell by the stupid/ignorant comments. If they knew how stupid they sound when they comment..
CHRIS BROESKY bro that's the best way to ride in a truck! keep it low! you sound just like my co worker Dennis! he said the same thing you said about seeing over the dash, lmao! I drive a 2013 international, and had the seat low for so long, my air bag don't even hold air anyone! I done fucked it up😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
bullshit... what do they need trucks in Europe for anyway? to deliver food aid to merkles refugees? any given Kenworth hauls 100 times more in its lifetime than a day or merc.
love wot you did with the baby since this vid, with the 3 stick, assuming its the same rig, it sure sounds like it is. love to show everyone this rig, your vids and driving skill. good on ya mate. come over to Australia some time.
why is that gear lever so long? that's unconfortable. + the dashboard is so high up compared to the driver's head that i think he barely sees what's in front of him
after reading comments, i ride that low in my seat as well and its very easy to see over the dash plus all of traffic. i personally dont like riding in the seat with air because it hurts after awhile and i dont feel as in control of everything when i sit up high. second thing. i dont understand why taking it out of gear from high to low on each gear is needed. simply lift off the pedal and it does the job. maybe im missing something on this.
and going back to neutral saves the forks from a missed engagement on the splitter, not necessary by any means but makes for easier down shifts AND up shifts.. one habit for both ways.. is actually more efficient in the long run of operation...
Sitting position is horrible, the noise inside is unbearable, dash looks like it was made out of some old furnitures but look at this beast from outside! This wasn't designed to look good in any way but it does. And it's cool!
The windows were probably down, I had a W900L like this one once, you couldn't ride anywhere with the windows down. The turbo was so loud, not to mention, it does have straight pipes. Windows down or not those fuckers are loud anyways lol
well you think he cant see over the dash but that's your perception...every driver has his preferences and some of us actually prefer to sit low and feel like we have more control.....I completely air out the air seat and see more out of the mirrors than the old man before me (if in a commercial application where many people drive any given truck). You wouldnt understand until you actually sat in the hot seat for many, many miles my lil friend!!
Basically 10 years later i have to disagree company im at uses brand new petes and kens all manual transmission 13 and 10 speed. They have there place/niche in the market
Whoever hates this video has no idea about trucking!, you just hating him because you can't do what he is doing, people who saying its easy to shift like him take this truck and go to NY, NJ, PA and downtowns and let us see how you do it! This is America, we the king of trucking industry thats why our trucks cool as a hell vs tall shifts and loudly engine brakes and we proud of it, there is no country on Earth can be same like us in trucking😎 God bless America and all the truckers who are out there on the road bringing your food and needs to your local stores!🇺🇸
High range reverse haha. I freaked some people out once when I parallel parked out of the shippers driveway on to a side street when they said load wasn't ready. Didn't know big trucks could go that fast backwords lol.
This guy doesn't seem to be a very smart driver, his seats touching the floor And what's up with that sawed off arm? And dump that girly music off, be a real man!Lol
I like how everyone is having a horse about how he has the air out of the seat and being in socks. If half of the people ripping on him for not being in socks have never drove a truck for a long period of time its uncomfortable driving in boots for a long time i did it a hand full of times then i just took them off and its worlds of difference with out them. As far as the seat goes i ride with mine low to cuz i cant stand the feeling of driving with my head sticking out of the roof. love the video and the sound of them straight pipes to nothing better then a good straight piped rig :)
I Saw that video many many years ago , and i watch now again , and still amazing watch shifting of classic (18 speed manual ) and sound of classic truck and watch trucking viedos
The red splitter switch gives you half a gear, it doesnt give you high/low range. The toggle switch on the front does that. And there is such thing as 15 speed. The western star i drove had high/low reverse, then down to bo low, up and over to first, down second, up over 3rd, down 5, flip toggle switch up back over at 1 into 5, down 6, up over 7 etc. and it was a 10 speed. It sucked for getting into the high gears for long hauls but then again you dont need 18 gears for hauling logs
the lower you sit, the better your view, some drivers sit up as high as they can, and that limits their view. i miss the sound of the turbo, i been out of the truck for 2 years now. i had so much fun driving.
I could listen to those sweet sounds all day.
That engine brake was awesome man and that turbo whistle. Thats is the true definition of a truck
i drove a KW W900L daycab with the C15 cat and a 13 speed...........the turbo sound of one of these trucks is mesmerizing.
I am temporarily sidelined right now just had a new mechanical heart valve installed. This video makes me wanna get back out on the road! Thanks for the video and sharing.
Having been in the trucking industry for 35 years I have seen guys like this often. Lower you seat and install a tall shifter so you look all "gangster." Well...if you did not install that oversized sun vision you would not have to do that to see out the windshield. Secondly, over the hood sight becomes extremely obstructed and driving like this is dangerous. Also, that overly tall shifter will accelerate the wear on your transmission sliding clutches and cause the trans to pop out of gear; I have repaired many. However, most "gangster truckers" like this will scream warranty and cannot comprehend why their rig is failing prematurely. Lastly, with your seat on the floor...your back is absorbing the road vibration and will cause you severe back problems...but at least you look cool.
Jeffro Bodene fuck you
Form over function!....
Go fuck yourself , and leave people lone and mind your own business
"look cool" even though no one can actually see you lol
Motherfucker drove a skillet all his career lmao 😂
@Ryan Costa he is splitting the gear. You don't actually need to take it out of gear to do it but it's just the way some people drive
Sometimes I do have to take it out of gear for it to shift mainly because my transmission is wore slap out 🤣🤣
Awesome sound, you can see this chap just loves his truck and job, good on him, I've never seen a gear shift as long as that before, I bet it makes shifting a lot easier if your gear box is tight........ Thanks for the video
but that turbo whistle
bust a nut when you here that
C-15 power!
but that jake brake
Its beautiful🤤🤤🤤
That turbo whistle sooths my soul...,..I haven't drove for a couple of years now...man I miss it
I tricking love it man....... my dad fought me how to drive in a 58 kw convent with a 335 and a 4x4....... every time I missed a gear he'd rap my knuckles...... didn't take me long to do it rite..... but a three stick 6x5...... oh I wanna drive !!!
Love the tall shifter and sitting low ... class act my friend ... F the haters
Its a truck not a car and the gear shifter is so long it looks like a grandads walking stick, can he even see over the dashboard?
Looks like a little kid driving and can't see over the steering wheel.
If you wanna be king of the road then sit up high and be like one!
@@petehurford5807 there ain't a single person that calls themselves a King of the road, that's sits high in the seat. Just saying.
@@petehurford5807 I suspect you drive a Tesla truck
I could listen to that big ol' cat turbo spool all day baby!! Oh what a sweet sweet sound!!
And that Jake tho! 🙀😱
He is the one driving! Not any of you posting are in the truck and im certain 95% posting dont even drive a rig! Bottom line its his life his drive his shift his own damn feet! Let the man live his own life. Why is it Americans are so wrapped up in negativity and criticizing others? Nice video bud. I enjoyed it!
Screw the long gearshifter... Listen to that Turbo!!! OMG!!!
Im on the back road in the rusted out 1979 Ford tow truck with the floor gone and a busted windshield, wiping the ice off by hand because the wipers are broke. Got a pack of Pall Mall Lights, a lighter, and a cup of coffee on the dash. On the seat next to me is a footlong doughnut shaped like a foot from Bigfoot gas station. Gotta love work. :)
You can never get sick of Jake brakes, just an awesome vid
Awesome video! Same shifting pattern I learned on 14 years ago. I miss it. Now I'm with a company that has all automatics. Don't get me wrong, it nice during traffic jams. But I miss the shifting.
Please forgive him, but this is a standard length gear-stick, and he is only 4 1/2 feet tall. Notice the phone books he is sitting on and he has 2 x 4s strapped to his legs to reach the peddles.
Rookie here. First time I saw a shifter like that, guy had it all pimped out with a crystal ball on top.....and the first thing I thought...."Now thats pimp'n!" Awesome truck man.
I've been listening to it every day
I thought Fast & Furious shifting was fake. Now I know they used truck gear boxes!
I hate to tell you but in fast & furious they recorded shifting before making the movie notice next time when you watch it the shifting is somewhat the same just at a different camera angle.
Camsguns, its a joke man
yeah, 150 speed transmission :D
dam you are an idiot. that went over your head
I only drive 10 speed freightliner for com, I see this shifting and driving I feel like I don't know SHIT!!!! good work
Neal Perez enough was said when you said you drive a freightliner with a 10 speed you already had made it perfectly clear that you don’t know shit.
to the driver...that's an awesome w9 you got there man I love the old skool rigs all the gauges and switches set it off to the max yours is perfect but I would've did the 18in extention only because I go big or go home lol...b safe keep the rubber side down and keep the shiny size up brother!
Love that sound my dad had a 1997 kenworth 900l 525 cummins was his pride and joy washed it every week had over a million miles on it and he rebuilt it I really miss the truck me works for a company now they have small 2015 600s with 425 cummins big diff in the trucks
God damn this is nice.
I've wanted to be a truck diver ever since I was a kid.
I've got my license test next Friday. 20-something years later dream is coming true.
the turbo 's whistling!!
Great shifting pattern and could listen to that glorious Jake all day 😊
How do you see where you're going man?! haha...awesome truck though, awesome sound! I never get tired of hearing the turbo whistling!
Really nice shifting......that's a proud Canadian trucker right here!
Lawson Green I've seen plenty of guys run little to no air in the seat, and plenty of guys running trucks barefoot, flip flops, and mandles. Whoopdee doo, it comes down to driver preference and them being comfortable. My uncle has drove a truck for 25+ years, a short stubby man, who, even with air in the seat can barely see over the dash, and he has driven many different trucks, and now hauls everything from feed to hazmat. He prefers hazmat, but point is, he has air in his seat and still barely sees over the dash, and manages to be a safe driver, and he's driven that way for 25+ years.
how well do you see? Looks like you can't see over the dash lol
Hey, my brother is only 5' 6", he used to drive a KenWorth T800. He had his seat so low, that in order for him to see his right hood mirror, he had to stand up. lmao. Im only 15 so I can't legally drive a semi.
+Justin Hood Probably just the positioning of the camera bro
The riding position in the Peterbilt 359/379/389, and in the Kenworth T800 and W900, if the seat is to the floor, it can be hard to see.
Tell me about it, that tall gear shifter would seriously get on my nerves also!!! Glad it not my truck but to each their own I reckon.!!!
Gary ClarkII my brothers a compamy driver, he used to drive a T800, before he asked his company for a new truck because his heater kept going out, and now he has a Freightliner. In his T800, me and my brother are the same height, when I sat in his seat, I couldnt see he right hood mirror. I had to stand up. But i guesd that's the way he likes it. I cant wait to get my Class A CDL, i just got my Class D. So I'll be waiting 2 years lol
F***ckin awesome man! Listen to that turbo whistling... music to my ears!
is only a cummins with 400 hp may be little more , in europe we use them as starter motors. changing gears with that stick is as ridiculus as american bike rider position , is monkish
scoopyex... you're absolutely right... Maybe Fabio has problems with America... :)
4:20, Why is he driving with just socks on? Also sitting so low and the shifter is really high up.
he cant see the road :D
shoes or boots screw up leg circulation- other wise if u not a hand u wouldn't know about sittin lo
kimo schrader and you keep the inside of your truck clean and lean :)
Have you ever tried to drive only with socks on? It's great! It's like riding a motorcycle without a helmet...
It's a character thing. Not everybody has one.
I can watch this all day long turbo whistle and Jake’s
Not to many like you left out there. Good job! Like the look of the Large Car, too
You can mistake the sharp turbo whistle from a cat.I also love the sound of the shifting with the jakes on.VVVrrroommm BRap VVVVVrrrooommm BRap
Truly that was a well orchestrated, melodic, symphonic, mechanical concert.
Ricki Washington awesome comment.
Truely an angel song with the jakeshift on i know that personally cause i might only be 15 but I'm already a partime truckdriver of a freightliner argosy 90 with a Cummins N14 460hp engine in it coupled to a manual 18speed box and i swear to God i hear angels sing when i have the jakeshift on a heavenly sound indeed i just never grow tired of VVVrrroommm BRap VVVVVrrrooommm BRap VVVrrroommm BRap VVVrrroommm
Turbo sounds awesome
That turbo whistle was hear pearcing
the 2nd turbo sound...from 2.07 to 2.17....daaaaamn
What is the purpose of pulling the stick out of gear and then back into gear when going from direct to overdrive? Other than excessive wear on the shift forks,is that the cool thing to do now?
The Tim Hortons' cup ;-)
Never did understand the need for a long stick. I'm fine with a regular or a short throw stick.
the ladies love it....if you know what I mean (:
josh33025 yeah cause you're going to use a short throw on a truck. Idiot
Why are you pulling it out of gear to split it? I have driven probably 95% of big truck transmissions and I never had one I had to pull it out of gear to split that gear.
1977rw yeah true that ole buddy. Hes just trying to make splitting gears look like its an art that only a master can do.
Maybe he just like doing it like that
1977rw each driver does it differently. I never understand why
Sanford Yoder you might not feel it, but some say it does put more load on the input shaft. Who knows is that’s fact though!
Man that KW sounds so sweet. I can't listen to this thing enough.
he has a range selector and a gear splitter switch on the shifter, shift gears 1-5 flip the range selector to high, drop in 6th gear now you start using the gear splitter to split the last 4 gears, i only split gears when i was heavy pulling a grade, he was doing alot extra to show off, only heard one gear grind, pretty damn good.
I have always a huge desire to drive a KW once in my life but it's not just miles away not just countries away but it's continent away from me.
Where do you live then?
Wynand Rautenbach I am in UAE basically from pakistan
Holy shit shame i feel so damn sorry for you man a KW W900L is propbably the best truck ever but hey why cant you just migrate to the US its not that hard ;)
Thanks for sweet feels, it's very hard to move I like very much alaska's snow fill roads and trucking over thier in the whole usa alaska has unique nature, natural beauty, hilly jungles, grizzly bears, timber works, pines and lakes all very beautiful and kenworth drive in such environment just fabulous.
I know Alaska is a beautiful place many describe it as trucking heaven when the summer season is full swing but come winter its damn freezin' cold and snow all over the place but yeah you're right the US is a nice place to truck along with your beautiful KW W900L its a TRUCKING PARADISE :D
you can tell its not stupid british truck the steering is properly sitting on the left
ha ha lol but damn that turbo is awsome
The word "right" simultaneously means "correct" and "opposite to left" for a good reason.
Nanorisk reply deserves recognition.
Nanorisk certainly you don't believe that....
***** Sounds even worse if you crash while sitting on the wrong side of the car, double fail.
Truckers make shifting an artform.
Your truck sounds really good my dad drives a peterbilt 589 sounds just like yours nice video
Sounds good bro. Saw your 3 stick shifting vid too. Nice drivin son. We need more boys like you down under. Keep up the good work.
What's the song at 3:55? Can someone please help me with that? I love that song and this amazing video!
+Eaze54 Bruno Mars-Just The Way You Are
+James Otieno Doesn't sound like it, though.
+Eaze54 Jason Derulo - It Girl
+Eaze54 engine brake
Stupid height for a gear stick. What's the point ?
The point is "Who Cares?"!!! Why hate on this man? If he likes the feel and look of his truck then that's his right. Don't hate! He drives his machine well! Much Respect.....
That turbo reminds me of the wife's nose whistle.
Steve Foster what the fuck hahaha
his shifting was soo cool . I loved it when he ran the rpms up and made the farting noise of the jake when he was shifting... remind me of when I was driving drucks... I did the same thing ...lol!!!
First phrase of the video says it all!
Not to mention he did grind gears a couple of times.
andrew bentley grind um till u find um
andrew bentley It's gonna happen, no matter how long you drive, no ones perfect. My dad's driven trucks for over 30 years, got about 3 million miles accident free, and he grinds em every now and then. Some people shouldn't talk about things they know nothing about..
andrew bentley Trucks dont have synchros so to never grind a gear take IMMENSE skill
+beyondthelol yes they do, atleast here i europe they do
why you have to scratch the roof while shifting ;-)
Love the video but still wondering why you get the gear in and out when you hit the splitter...all you gotta do is letting the fuel go and retake it. anyways, you must do it for the style but in my opinion it looks stupid lol.
Yeah I was wondering the same thing... Lol
to show off
^ clearly a cager. No, this here is a 18speed boys & girls, comes with a range selector & splitter....so you have a high & low per range/gear. so he shifts from low 7, to hi 7 down to low 8 then high 8 etc etc...
This i know. What i said is that to use the splitter you dont need yo take the shifter out and in. Just let gaz go and retake it.
+dirtyann commentateur It's so it doesn't jump out of gear or sometimes when you either switch gears or down shift will make a knocking sound (That's what happens with one of our peterbilts but other than that I have no clue)
Sounds soo good!!!! Straight stacks, and a screaming turbo!!!!
A real trucker. Keep on trucking good Sir.
Waylan... thats how I drive my xl classic. Whats the problem?
Put some air in that seat, how is it cool you can barely see over the dash. Your seat bottomed out, the air bag under it empty, its meant to make the ride more comfortable. It could happen your gonna run something over someday your gonna regret. Nice truck though.
CHRIS BROESKY Im a driver aswell been driving for awhile. Its cool to sit low and you have no fucking idea how easy it is to see. You would not know bc maybe u sit in the roof. Well I on the other hand sit so low you only see my ball cap lol. Ive got the low base seat and it is by far the best ive had. Ive never hit a thing nor will i ever just saying. Heres a guy who makes a video about shifting with an extended shifter and everyone goes off the rails about something else. People you know what your problem is...... your jealous. Should post a video up from the Pet Shop Boys music video Jealousy, suites all you people well. Im sorry but it bothers me when people complain about something that is not important
drummer15kader And the funny thing is that the majority of the people complaining have never driven a truck or know nothing about them. I can tell by the stupid/ignorant comments. If they knew how stupid they sound when they comment..
sit on the floor and ride out only way!!
CHRIS BROESKY bro that's the best way to ride in a truck! keep it low! you sound just like my co worker Dennis! he said the same thing you said about seeing over the dash, lmao! I drive a 2013 international, and had the seat low for so long, my air bag don't even hold air anyone! I done fucked it up😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
This truck would be modern in Europe... 1967.
framfull lot cooler than any new truck though
bullshit... what do they need trucks in Europe for anyway? to deliver food aid to merkles refugees? any given Kenworth hauls 100 times more in its lifetime than a day or merc.
framfull 4 year old comment but you spelled Europistan wrong. And it’s far better looking than any euro garbage
love wot you did with the baby since this vid, with the 3 stick, assuming its the same rig, it sure sounds like it is. love to show everyone this rig, your vids and driving skill. good on ya mate. come over to Australia some time.
This is crazy guys! Greetings from Brazil!
oh,,that's that peterbuilt mentality,,the low rider,,with the seat way back,,,that's billy big rigger for sure ROGGI--4
It's a KenWorth W900. Made by the same company Peterbilt is
why is that gear lever so long? that's unconfortable. + the dashboard is so high up compared to the driver's head that i think he barely sees what's in front of him
Oh shut up! Are you the one driving it?
They started making them that tall because they realized nobody could see them shifting gears
that turbo would do my head in on a long journey
after reading comments, i ride that low in my seat as well and its very easy to see over the dash plus all of traffic. i personally dont like riding in the seat with air because it hurts after awhile and i dont feel as in control of everything when i sit up high. second thing. i dont understand why taking it out of gear from high to low on each gear is needed. simply lift off the pedal and it does the job. maybe im missing something on this.
and going back to neutral saves the forks from a missed engagement on the splitter, not necessary by any means but makes for easier down shifts AND up shifts.. one habit for both ways.. is actually more efficient in the long run of operation...
Sitting position is horrible, the noise inside is unbearable, dash looks like it was made out of some old furnitures but look at this beast from outside! This wasn't designed to look good in any way but it does. And it's cool!
The windows were probably down, I had a W900L like this one once, you couldn't ride anywhere with the windows down. The turbo was so loud, not to mention, it does have straight pipes. Windows down or not those fuckers are loud anyways lol
Yea but you gotta love the deep sounds that come outta those things!
Oh yeah, it's beautiful!
Why is he sitting so low?? ...can't even see over the dash
Someone needs to sit up and forward, to keep track, because it has no a feel.
He does not need to see. He feels it.
***** then he may as well drive blind folded true?
is he going to 'feel' those pedestrians hes going to run over too?
well you think he cant see over the dash but that's your perception...every driver has his preferences and some of us actually prefer to sit low and feel like we have more control.....I completely air out the air seat and see more out of the mirrors than the old man before me (if in a commercial application where many people drive any given truck). You wouldnt understand until you actually sat in the hot seat for many, many miles my lil friend!!
Nicole McGillivray besides that, it depends on the camera's position...
Riding low is the only way to go. Only swift drivers bash their heads on the roof
So many people dont understand that way on here. Wow...
That cracks me up every time I get in a truck and the damn seat is so high you can't get your legs between seat and steering wheel. Pussys.
Jeremy H Ha I fuckin hate that!
ive watch'd this video before and had to watch it again...love that engine sound
The turbo whistle is one Beautiful sound ....
he looks like he can just barely see over the steering wheel
You should have longer shifter... thats too low :)
Another 10 years and shifters are gonna be a thing of the past...Sadly
You weren't wrong
Basically 10 years later i have to disagree company im at uses brand new petes and kens all manual transmission 13 and 10 speed. They have there place/niche in the market
Whoever hates this video has no idea about trucking!, you just hating him because you can't do what he is doing, people who saying its easy to shift like him take this truck and go to NY, NJ, PA and downtowns and let us see how you do it!
This is America, we the king of trucking industry thats why our trucks cool as a hell vs tall shifts and loudly engine brakes and we proud of it, there is no country on Earth can be same like us in trucking😎
God bless America and all the truckers who are out there on the road bringing your food and needs to your local stores!🇺🇸
High range reverse haha. I freaked some people out once when I parallel parked out of the shippers driveway on to a side street when they said load wasn't ready. Didn't know big trucks could go that fast backwords lol.
looks like you can barely see over dash lol
Reaper that’s my 70 year old Dad but lower
That gearstick is just way too long
Helps shift easier
+Rick Thompson does it really? I guess your arm is going to hurt after some time when it has to get up that high on so many gear changes
+Alexander Rom No u shift and put your arm back down
+Rick Thompson Stil if u have to reach that high so many times i guess its gonna hurt or atleast be annoying as fuck
+Alexander Rom lol you should see his other video with three stick shifting
For those who comment about the seat and shifter, just go away, you don't get it.
Very busy in there, great vid, great skills. got a whole new respect for truckers
The turbo and Jake sound beautiful!
Like you high sifter and black truck
This guy doesn't seem to be a very smart driver, his seats touching the floor And what's up with that sawed off arm? And dump that girly music off, be a real man!Lol
Ron Peterson he has his opinions your not his boss it his life his choices
Say what you want, he’s good and you suck. Look at The views 3.4 million. Wow
Ron Peterson says the dude that have a F250 lol m8
Noice! Noice truck with matching tri, noice sound, noice tall shifter etc etc etc
That's some mighty fine driving you're doing there bubba!
Damn that right there makes me miss trucking so bad!! Sweet vid man!!!!
now children...that's what we call a DRIVER that knows WTF he doin!!!! Thank you GOODNIGHT!!
As soon as he enjoying his truck, stop hating, Im a trucker and i loved his truck👍
I like how everyone is having a horse about how he has the air out of the seat and being in socks. If half of the people ripping on him for not being in socks have never drove a truck for a long period of time its uncomfortable driving in boots for a long time i did it a hand full of times then i just took them off and its worlds of difference with out them. As far as the seat goes i ride with mine low to cuz i cant stand the feeling of driving with my head sticking out of the roof. love the video and the sound of them straight pipes to nothing better then a good straight piped rig :)
W900/379 with the pipes getting up to speed is the most beautiful sound known to MAN....
Could watch this video over and over, that turbo just sounds so nice.
I Saw that video many many years ago , and i watch now again , and still amazing watch shifting of classic (18 speed manual ) and sound of classic truck and watch trucking viedos
The red splitter switch gives you half a gear, it doesnt give you high/low range. The toggle switch on the front does that. And there is such thing as 15 speed. The western star i drove had high/low reverse, then down to bo low, up and over to first, down second, up over 3rd, down 5, flip toggle switch up back over at 1 into 5, down 6, up over 7 etc. and it was a 10 speed. It sucked for getting into the high gears for long hauls but then again you dont need 18 gears for hauling logs
the lower you sit, the better your view, some drivers sit up as high as they can, and that limits their view. i miss the sound of the turbo, i been out of the truck for 2 years now. i had so much fun driving.
It's this magical thing called air ride. For highway most people put the seat to the floor because it's more comfortable.
A true long haul brother... love the tractor!