Us Ethiopians owe you so much King Abegazu, the way you modernized Ethiopian music but kept it authentic through your art has been a blessing to us listeners. Thank you for your gift ❤️
I have been his apple computer technician for so many years .he is really quite skillful of all my clients ever . He used the full potential of the computer(remember it is Apple) . He is very hard worker too . Amanuel
Ketsu nice program new selam band keyboard Ermias negn respect Abegazuuuuuu our teacher and all Ethiopian musicians model Abegazuuuun akberilen des yilal yanchim program
I was hoping this time someone will ask him questions other than music. Like what do you do for fun? Do you have kids? etcetera. I'm sure music is not the only thing that define him.
Hilton hotel in Washington DC 1990. Artist Tilahun Gesesa, Mohammud Ahmed, Tsehay Yohannes, Tamange Beyena, Key board's player. Abegaz, drum beat's Tamerate Lottey. We had fun good great times in old good days.
Please make this program a podcast it would be more interesting. And i love the living room it is so African. Thank you Ms ቀፀላ❤ and dont forget JESUS LOVES YOU
For the past three decades Abegaz is the most sought-after producer/arranger/mixer/music engineer whatever he is doing both in diaspora and at home. Now I heard him say he is planning to do what Elias Melka was doing. Abegazoo please don't go that way. Elias was overworked and it is probably the overload that was the main reason that killed him at such a young age
ያልተዘመረለት ሀገራችን ብቻ ሳትሆን አለም ካፈራቻቸው ድንቅ ሙዚቀኛ አበጋዝ ስለሰጠኸን ድንቅ ስጦታህ ኢትዮጵያ ታመሰግንሃለች።
ወንድሜ አበጋዝ ለአገርህ ሙዚቃ ትልቅ አስተዋጽኦ አድርገሃል ተባረክልን እረጅም እድሜ ከሙሉ ጤንነት ጋር እመኝልሃለሁ 🙏🌻👏
እንኳን አደረሳችሁ ለሙዚቃ ባለሞያዉ አድናቂነኝ የሚወደድ ሰዉ ነዉ እንዲህ እድማረብህ ኑርልን
በሀገራችን የሙዚቃ እድገት ላይ ከፍተኛ አስተዋጽኦ ካላቸው ባለሙያዋች አንዱ ነው ብል ማጋነን አይሆንም።
ጤናና ረዥም እድሜ እመኝለታለሁ
Noble Musician. Abegaz gave us so much. Thank you, God bless you and your loved ones.
አበጋዝ ታላቅ የሙዚቃ ሊቅ ነው። ብዙ ውብ ዜማዎችን እንድንኮመኩም ረድቶናል። ያሰበው ነገር ይሳካና ይበልጥ ያስደስተን።
ደስ የሚል ቃለ መጠይቅ ነው።
Us Ethiopians owe you so much King Abegazu, the way you modernized Ethiopian music but kept it authentic through your art has been a blessing to us listeners. Thank you for your gift ❤️
The interviewer deserves great appreciation. She is full of coherent questions and flows of ideas. This is what many journalists lack!
Andenya composer not only in Ethiopia u are z best in Africa
Great respect king of composers
You are a hero in Ethiopian music industry king 👑 uuuuuuuuuu
The way he acknowledged Elias is so humble and sweet, for me Abegazu is the GOAT and the masterpiece😍
ምርጡ ወንድሜ አምለከ ከመላዉ ቤተሠብህ ጋር ሠለሙን ይሥጥህ
አበጋዝ በጣም የምወድህ እና የሚደንቅ ህ ሰዉ ነህ ከአንተ ዝምታ ውስጥ ስራዎችህ ብዙ ይናገራሉ :: በርታልን እንወድሃለን
Abegaziye!! He took me back to my young self! He is so talented and still is ❤❤❤
Brother we love you, thank you for the beautiful music.
አበጋዝ ትልቅ የሙዚቃ ሰው ለመጀመሪያ ግዜ interview ህን ስሰማ /አማርኛ ስታወራ ኢትዩጵያዊ መሆንህን አረጋገጥኩ
መልካም የስራ ዘመን ይሁንልህ 🌻
His father is an Ethiopian well educated Electrical Engineer. His mother is from Japan. His father went to Japan to study and he met Abegaz's mom.
You are special gift for our country.we are lucky
ብዙ መነገር እየነበረበት ያልተነገለት ጀግና "አበጋዝ"ስብእናው ስነ ስርአቱ ኢትዮጵያዊነቱ ብቻ ብዙ ነገር.... ረጅም እድሜ እና ጤናውን አብዝቶ ያድልህ።
የዚህ ሰውየ ትህትናው ይግርመኛል ። ረጅም እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ለአበጋዝ ።
እንኳን አደረሳችሁ መልካም ባሕል አበጋዝ ትልቅ ሰው እረጅም እድሜእና ጤና ይስጥልን ጋዜጠኘዋ የኔ እናት እርግት ያለች ደስስትል❤😘
I am so proud that you are Ethiopian
የኢትዮጲያ ብራንድ ኮ ነው ማርያምን! አቤን እንግዲ ለመግለፅ በጣም ይከብዳል ቃላቶች ያጥሩኛል ብቻ ባጭሩ የዋ" መልካም" ትሁት " ትንሽ ትልቁን አክባሪ " በቻ የቀረበዉ ያቀዋል እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ጨምሮ ጨማምሮ ይስጥ !!! ❤❤❤
አበጋዝ ድንቅ ብለሙያ ሁሌም አከብረዋለሁ እወደዋለሁ ለሙያው ያለው ክብር ይደንቀኛል💚💛❤💚💛❤👏💕🙏
አበጋዝ ድንቅ አርቲስት ነው!!!! 😍🙏
Thank you for bringing the beloved and talented music arranger!
the way Abegaz described Tilahun and Mahmoud, I think it was the most honest I've ever heard.
ድንቅ የሆነ የሙዚቃ ባለሞያና የሙዚቃ ባለውለታ ነው
ብርቅዬ ኢትዮጵያዊ እንኳንም አቀረብሽልን ሞገስ ያለው ልጅ ልጅ ሆኜ ቻይና ይመስለኝ
qetsu, thank you for getting abegaz as your guest, much respect to ato abegaz..
I have been his apple computer technician for so many years .he is really quite skillful of all my clients ever . He used the full potential of the computer(remember it is Apple) . He is very hard worker too . Amanuel
ከ20 ዓመት በፊት ፐርዝ ከፀሃየ ዮሀንሰ ጋር መጥቶ ያደረገው ዝግጅት በጣም እስከአሁን ድረስ የሚደነቅ ነው።
i love abegaz
Ketsu nice program new selam band keyboard Ermias negn respect Abegazuuuuuu our teacher and all Ethiopian musicians model Abegazuuuun akberilen des yilal yanchim program
ታላቅ የሙዚቃ ባለሙያ ፈጣሪ ዕድሜና ጤና ይስጥልን
I wish you all the best god bless you
አበጋዝ ክብረወርቅ ሁለመናው የሚደነቅ እግዚአብሔር ጤናና ሰላም ፍቅር ከመላው ቤተሰብህ ጋር ይስጥህ ወንድሜ
አበጋዝ በጣም ትሁት ስነስረአትን ከነ ሙሉ ሙያ የተላበሰ ድንቅ ሙዚቅኛ እንወድሀለን
ጥራት ያለው ሰው ነው አበጋዝ ❤️❤️
The interview is amazing + very professional. Thank you Boss!
ደስ የምትል ሰው፣ ድንቅ ነህ!
አበጋዝ ሺወታ የኢትዮጵያ ሙዚቃ የጀርባ አጥንት ለኢትዮጵያ ሙዚቃ ክስተት እሱ የነካቼው እነ አበበ መለሰ አበበ ብርሃኔ ይልማ ገብረአብ ፀጋየ ደቦጭ የሰሩዋቼው የሆነ ነገር እንደነካህ እሚነዝሩህ ዘመናችንን ያሳመሩ እናመሰግናቸዋለን
Respekt 👏 Abegazu GBU🙏
እጀግ በጣም ታለት ነው። ቀሪ ዘመንህ ይባርክ።
Great interview we have much respect for you keep up the good job.
የምትጠይቂውን ስለምታውቂ ቆይታችሁን አስደሳች ብቻ ሳይሆን እጅግ ጠቃሚ አደረግሽው::ሁለታችሁም ምሰጋና ይገባችሗል::
Abgaz Enamsgnalen tenant ye Artist Almayehu beal ebs tv lay yqerbachut betam first class mhonachun bedenb yayhutbet honita hono Agenchwalhung 🙏 👍🙏👍🙏👍
ምርጥ ሰዉ አበጋዝ
ለትውልዱ መፅሐፍ ብትፅፍለት በጣም መልካም ነበር አበጋዝ
ጋዜጠኛው ጎበዝ ናት
love him so much. i want o see him married, having children, having wealth, and being in good health.
I was hoping this time someone will ask him questions other than music.
Like what do you do for fun? Do you have kids? etcetera.
I'm sure music is not the only thing that define him.
Beautiful interview 👌🏽
Hilton hotel in Washington DC 1990. Artist Tilahun Gesesa, Mohammud Ahmed, Tsehay Yohannes, Tamange Beyena, Key board's player. Abegaz, drum beat's Tamerate Lottey. We had fun good great times in old good days.
ይገርማል ሰው የተጠየቀውን ብቻ ሲመልስ ዕውቀት ነው ብስለት ነው
ከእነስነስርአትህ ስንወድህ እናመሰግንሀለን
Please make this program a podcast it would be more interesting. And i love the living room it is so African. Thank you Ms ቀፀላ❤ and dont forget JESUS LOVES YOU
Old music number one no same
Sewdehe eko edmena tana abezto yisetehe ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
አበጋዝ ከኤልያስ መልካ በመቀጠል በጣም ጎበዝና ለኢትዮጵያ ሙዚቃ ትልቅ አስተዋፆ ያበረከተ የልጅነት ጊዜያችንን ያሳመረልን ሙዚቀኛ ነው
የነ ኤልያስ ኤግዛምፕል ነው። አበጋዝ ሞዴል ነው የነ ኤልያስ ሲኒየርም እንደመሆኑ። የተማረበትን ዩኒቩርስቲ እንኳ .. በግል ባህሪውም በጣም መልካም ቅን ሰው ነው። ጨዋ ኢትዮጵያውያንን ያብዛልን። ኤሊያስም ጂኒየስ መሆኗን አንክድም። ነፍስ ይማርልን።
Know him before you say something about him. He is a legend of his kind. Keep your Elias as his own self
Elias ye abegazu temari new abe kistet yehone musician
Omg’ you better prepared at least for an hour interview. Please can anyone interview him, again??
ከኤልያስ መልካ ቀጥሎ ያለን ብርቅየ ልጅ ! ኑሩልን 🙏
Ke Elias melka ketelo alalem sela Mota nw ende
@@musicman7290 🤔
@@eastafrica5078 ኤልያስ አስማተኛ ሙዚቀኛ ነው ምንም ጥርጥር የለውም። ግን ከአበጋዝ በላይ አይደለም ኤልያስ ራሱ አርአያዬ አበጋዝ ነው እያለ ነው እያደገ የመጣው that's a truth🤗
ይቅርታ ተሳሳትክ ልበል ?
ሙዚቀኛ አይደለህም እርግጠኛ ነኝ !!!!!
ኤልያስን ነፍሱን ይማረውና Abegaz is more musically complete.
For the past three decades Abegaz is the most sought-after producer/arranger/mixer/music engineer whatever he is doing both in diaspora and at home. Now I heard him say he is planning to do what Elias Melka was doing. Abegazoo please don't go that way. Elias was overworked and it is probably the overload that was the main reason that killed him at such a young age
Woyinea eheasewuyea betam yemiwodewu yemakebirewu sewu nw
Good job. My sister ethiopian we shall
መአዛ ብትጠይቅህ ተመኘሁ
ሰይፉ አቅርብልን ብዬ ነበር አርትስ እናመሰግናል
ሰይፉ ሾው ላይ ቅራንቅቦ ሰው እንጂ እንዲህ አይነት እንቁ የኢትዮጵያ ብርቅዬ ልጅ መች ይቀርብና።
sile "zimita" album yaworal biye neber yetebeku
ብርቅዬ ነው
ክብረርቅ የማን ልጂ ነው ? ሺዎታ ወይስ የልጂ አባተ?
Shewota is his mom's
ኢንጂነር ክብአወርቅ አባቱ ነው ሺዎታ በጃፓንኛ የጨው ክምር ማለት ነው
Liyu Sew ✨️✨️✨️
Enquan aderesachu melkam behal yehunelin
አበጋዝ የነካው ሁሉ ወርቅ ነው ያልተነገረለት
Kesela were you studying in Russia in the eighties?
ለምን በኢንግለዘኛ ፕሮግራሙ ይቀርባል ይህ ስህተት ነዉ
please stop interrupting let him finish .
Funny you did not ask him about his family life. Married children parents etc
ሙዘቀኛን ሙዚቃ የሚያቅ ሰው ቢጠይቅ ጥሩ እህታችን ስለ አበጋዝም ስለሙዚቃም ምንም ideas የላትም
አዘጋጅዋን ቀፀላ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ነው የሰማሁዋት ።ለየት ያለች ደስ የምትል ሰው ሆነችብኝ።የት ነበርሽ?
ብርሀኑ ድጋፌ ቢጠይቀው በጣም አሪፍ ነበር
መርቅኜ ነው ወይንስ እውነት አማርኛ ነው እያወራ ያለው ?
አበጋዝ ጃፖን ነህ እንዴ
ምን ትቦጠረቂያለሽ ያንችን የተውሶ ቋንቁአ የሚሰማ ስላጣሽ ነው
የተገለበጥሽው ሌላ ወሬሽን የሚሰማሽ የለም
I don’t like the host 😢