Nobody back 2000 years ago knew that Jesus and his story would end up being what it is today so I doubt most of these missing artifacts from his time will ever be found, who even knows if they were taken care of?
Facts. N no doubt that was intentional, cuz as humans, we have a nasty habit of worshipping things n people... exactly why God Himself buried moses, n where no one would ever find him.
Isn't it likely that, as the Roman's didn't believe in Christ the spear just went back into an arms room like any other spear? History doesn't look for the weapons that kill a man until well after the weapon has been lost.
It's also possible that Rome made the whole story up in its entirety as the Church of Rome is responsible for the worldwide propagation of what we call Christianity today..
Great question. That spear doesn’t hold a true Roman spear head. Way too big. But holds a story of the spear of destiny which is based on a nail they claim comes from christ crucifixion. A nail made into a spear and now told as a spear that killed Christ. History that is simply told wrong. Constantine lived 400 years after Christ and he used the Vatican to tell such stories. A classroom can’t remember to read a story right and tell it to the next person and what really would be left of a story after 400 years? Just saying
if all even happened that there arent any real evidence it did..t opposite .. so this is not abput the object but about t nazi hunt for it... its not very good t tittle
On the cross, it could take hours for a person being crucified to die. Jesus died after saying, "Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit/It is finished." So. When the Roman soldier came to verify that Jesus and the two thieves were, indeed, dead, he found Jesus had truly expired. He pierced the side of the Christ with a lance, but did NOT break his legs. The Bible account is quite clear on this.
@barbaraarndt5293 There are four Gospels. Did you play truant during your catechism classes, or are you just another weekend snarker, emerging from the misery of your minimum wage job to attack people you don't know so you can feel important? Do run along, little troll.
Unfortunately it was also now for people to take days to die in some cases…a terribly long and cruel way to execute someone even by the standards of days gone by :(
The lance didn't kill Jesus. They stuck it in Him to see if He was dead. He was dead. Thwt's why they didn't break His legs to hasten death, fulfilling the prophesy, "Not a single bone of His will be broken." Prayers.
@wardchute851 I don't think so. I think He rejoiced in the ability to atone for our sins, conquer death and restore hope to mankind. He was selfless and spiritually mature in ways that we can scarcely comprehend. Prayers.
The spear isn’t important. The blood and water is. From John 19: 31 Since it was the day of Preparation, and so that the bodies would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day), the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away. 32 So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first, and of the other who had been crucified with him. 33 But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. 34 But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water. 35 He who saw it has borne witness-his testimony is true, and he knows that he is telling the truth-that you also may believe. 36 For these things took place that the Scripture might be fulfilled: “Not one of his bones will be broken.” 37 And again another Scripture says, “They will look on him whom they have pierced.” At the same time (because it was close to sundown) the priests at the Temple would have been pouring water all over the floor of the Temple because they had sacrificed hundreds of thousands of lambs on that day-the Day of Preparation. The water and the blood of those sacrifices would drain out of a culvert on the South side of the Temple (which faces East). As blood and water flowed out of the Temple’s side, blood and water (from the pericardium) was flowing from the side of Christ-who is the REAL TEMPLE, the co-dwelling of man and Creator as one. Jesus Christ is the True Lamb, the True Temple, both High Priest AND Sacrifice for the sins of mankind. If you believe it, you belong to Him and He belongs to you.
In his book Spear of Destiny, Trevor Ravenscroft claims that Hitler visited the spear in a museum where it was on display. Standing before the relic, Hitler had some sort of supernatural experience, a vision of his future, and that he would have a great influence on the world. He was made to understand that his influence could be for great good or one of blood, and Hitler chose blood.
34:28 as a soldier that mission makes me slightly angry those men are dead for the sake of holy relics no one possesses today.A mission that didn't have to happen
Jesus was already dead, decided to give up His life before the roman soldier checked with the lance, there is no record of somebody being crucified to die within 3 hrs since the punishment is designed to prolong suffering, another fact Jesus was in full control of his own life when He would die or being resurected by The Holy spirit of the Father inside Him.
😢😭 always hurts me to hear what they did to christ our saviour even more that he died for all our sins who can deny that he is our lord n saviour christ IS KING 🤴
@@davidcanatella4279 Ummm...the goose that laid the golden eggs was slaughtered to get all the eggs at once, only to find the innards the same as any other goose.
@davidcanatella4279 No. I grew up on my grandparents' poultry farm and , from the age of three, was expected to help with the slaughtering and gutting of the birds. My introduction to infinity was the egg development in the females. My job was to pull the pin feathers which my father's and grandfather's hands were too big to manage. Hence, when, in first grade, the story was read to our class, I had a good visual to hook onto the story's ending.
@lumenpraetorius4592 Then present one _evidentiary fact,_ stated in complete sentence that goes toward substantiating your claim. I will consider it. Please don't proselytize. I understand Christianity FAR BETTER than you. I want you to present ONE fact for me to consider.
@lumenpraetorius4592 When you fail to present even ONE evidentiary fact, and you will, I would like to ask you questions about your position on the historicity of Jesus.
If you want to learn more about the stolen art and treasure and the Americans who worked to find them I highly recommend the movie “The Monuments Men” it’s incredible!!
The spear of destiny was actually an 8 ft long pilum spear. So what you see when you look at the spear of destiny is the gold and silver that the actual point was wrapped in. At first it was kept with the nails and the crown of thorns. The soldier who struck Christ became a follower at that moment. The pilum spear, nails, and thorns were hidden for centuries before it was delivered to Charlemagne to protect.
This guy that's talking about the vault,looks like he's tired. 😂😂😂 Linus wrote a book 📚📚📚 about the experience of the holy blood splashing on him. A very good 📚📚 book by the way. Now General Patton was killed. By the upper echelons.
The only possibility is somebody might have taken it as a souvenir but I doubt it because it was a weapon and you don't throw weapons away or keep them as souvenirs until you retire per se the Lance is not a relic now if somebody collected the blood and water from Jesus that is something different
Hitler adopted the Nazi symbol ( swastika) which is a religious symbol,the hand salute is the Roman salute and also the eagle is from Roman soldiers 😂😂😂
Hitler was NOT "elected to be chancellor of Germany. He was appointed by Germany's President, Paul von Hundenburg, Although Hindenburg greatly disliked "that Bohemian corporal" (as he derogatorily called Hitler), he was politically pressured into giving in.
Our Lord gave his life of his own accord nothing killed him. When he said it is finished and breathed his last. Done we are saved through his sacrifice. The spear was only to make sure he was dead.
Bad title! The Bible says He was already dead when the soldier pierced Him with a spear. Blood and water flowed out. For us this signifies the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist by which we receive salvation from sin and death through Jesus' sacrificial death and resurrection.
as we all know, it was last seen at the US/Mexico border, carried by a Mexican dude and ended up in the hand of Keanu Reeves, but nobody know what happened after that...
Faith and belief in God. Why would He make any object with powers like a cup or spear that people would put their hope and faith in? And inevitably some would worship. Why would God who was pretty adamantly against idolatry or graven images or other gods make some spear or cup etc. that would elicit the same kind of thing from people? And even if if you get past that why would he make a military object and leave it to be used by anyone after his son was sent to die for our sins and preached brotherly love and turning the other cheek etc? Reply
You're speaking as though God is reap and loves us as his creation. If god is omnipotent, loving, and just then why do bad things happen? Why do kids get ass cancer? Either he doesn't love the innocent enough to stop it, or he's powerless to do anything about it.
@@SlickWillyTFCF This time on Earth is but a wisp of a moment. What happens to us however terrible is nothing if you keep your Faith and trust in God's will and plan. Why would he keep bad things from happening here? It would be Heaven already. We are all tested. A child with cancer who dies before they lose their innocence? How do you know they were not an Angel sent as a test to all around them while they were here? If they are actually a person and die before they lose their innocence as a child then aren't they lucky to go to Heaven without facing the tests of this world? IF bad things happen to YOU then what does it matter in the face of eternity? If you can get through it and forgive the person who did it to you and keep our Faith no matter what then eternity in Heaven awaits AND you might help the poor lost soul who did it to you get back on the path to redemption. It is not us against us. It is all of us against the machinations of Satan who seeks to make us all fall. Rise up above blaming God for everything and grow your will and faith to such an extent that nothing can break you and you will be a rock for others. Maybe you will help me some day if my faith is shaken. We are all fallible and we all need to help each other. Wealth or health or fame on this world is nothing we should seek or desire. It will all be over in a moment compared to eternity. Love your neighbor as thyself and keep God's word. And keep your faith no matter how many stumbling blocks are put in your path.
A Lance did not kill christ,,,,he had the power to lay his life down no one took it. He yielded up his life. Father into thy hands I command my spirit.❤❤❤
The real longinus spear is already kept in vatican. I I'm not mistaken it was accidentally dugged by someone in the seashore somewhere in a remote place in mexico. That relic is not something that can be touch by ordinary people since it contains an overwhelming aura that can corrupt someones sanity. A replica of is diplayed in vatican museum.
Another load of bollocks! Check any Roman historical program and you never see Roman soldiers carrying spears like that! They carried a pilum with a long iron shaft and small rectangular tip that was hard to remove - throw it once and it won't come back! That spear point is clearly Germanic - PFFFT!! And who puts these actor's uniforms together?? The captain's rank is sideways, he's wearing a Combat Infantryman Badge (he's a clerk FFS) and it's on the wrong side, and he's got enough medal ribbons to be Gen Patton!!
INRI. INNER EYE. IRNI IRONY “G’s = us” indicates early masons of hermetic geometry . Pagans realized the crossing of equator. The creator is an allegory of translation. Respectfully JCCS
Oh but he did live and that's a fact. People have kept record of everything that happens and when. Therefor the Bible is not a story book fairytale. It is the early human beings trying to get through to us about history and about the good lord. They weren't like modern people. They wrote in a different type of language and it can be hard to translate if you aren't familiar with Olde English. But I promise you it's real. Christ is real. What is a fairy tale is that a big bang happend and we appeared or that we came from monkeys. No that's just not how it works and not how it will. But even if you cant see the truth the lord still has a place for you as long as you live with love in your heart.
Christ was already dead before the spear pierced him, if I understand the scripture correctly. Therefore, the title of the video might not be accurate.
A lance didn’t kill Jesus. John 19:33 .. They came to break his legs but saw that He was already dead and then the soldier pierced his side with the sword.
The spear did not kill Christ, He had already died and it’s a morbid trophy to want to possess. I wonder what our Lord will do with it when He returns. Maybe nothing?
It's already been found it's in the Vatican and they have a spot for pretty much all those treasures so I don't know why you guys are hunting just asked to see it and maybe they might let you I doubt it but it's not lost it's totally at the Vatican in Rome 💯💯💯
Christ died before they pierced him. So there is a lie. That spear did not kill him. He died first then they stabbed him to be sure he was not pretending. Either way it was just a spear and the chances it's still usable is really small. Don't look to items for divinity. Look to God and only God.
why do people always depict the lance of Longinus as some gold detailed intricate piece? the romans wouldnt have used spears of that design in everyday use. and thats exactly what the spear would have been, something of simple design and they wouldnt think 'this guy is the son of god, lets stab him with an intricate artistic spear' chances are (if the story is even remotely true) the spear was lost to time and in no way diferentiated from a standard spear used in that time. or may have even been melted down to be re-used
I have the spear. My Roman soldier ancestor with a strong sense of business knew that Jesus would become famous one day so he kept the spear and asked it to be passed from father to son until it could fetch a good price at Christie’s.
Happy are the people that fellow JESUS true son of god, with golden to light brown hair next to GOD and their was no other i seen this with my own eyes 🧝
To all the myth hunters: provide some evidence that Jesus was not made up as all existing evidence shows precisely that. Then you can hunt for the Holy Grail, the Lance that Killed Jesus Christ, or any of the 15 Christs of which the story of Jesus "Christ" was blended - the one to bind them, the one to rule them, the one to unite them all.
There was no such lance that killed Jesus. When the Roman soldier thrust the sword in Jesus's side. Our Lord was already dead. Read the Bible for yourselves. Just put this sword that killed Jesus to rest. Jesus has risen!!!!
He did not want the spear of destiny.,he want the weapon that king David use to Goliath.,this weapon of king David also can conquer the world but not by brute force but by peaceful force.,but hitler cant find it., instead they find the speare of destiny.,
Humans have this tendency to look for these relics that are connected to Jesus. That is why the fight between an Angel and satan happened because of the dead body of Moses. scholars think that this is to prevent people from worshiping the body of Moses if somebody will find it. and that is proven true at the present day that Roman Catholics are so obsessed in finding these relics. For other Christians, these relics doesn't mean anything. and for Jesus, all these relics doesn't mean anything. the most important now is to build our personal relationship as Jesus follower and wait until His second coming ..
A lance did not kill God's Son, nor did the Levitical Priests or the Romans...... Yours and my SIN did. There is no salvation in a spear point or a nail, it's all about what Jesus did on your behalf, not His, to spare you from Hell, eternal suffering without God.. 1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” John 10:17 “Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. 18 No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father.” John 19:30 So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit. So therefore these relics that you seek after are of no value whatsoever other than trophies or dead idols made by mans hands. Jesus Christ himself is who you should be looking for. Luke 17:20 Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; 21 nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you. For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.
It’s unlikely romans would keep a spear maybe used on a prisoner they didn’t follow. Its more likely none of this happened in the first place. Glad the historian escaped Hitler & saved these artefacts tho proven as not real.
Nobody back 2000 years ago knew that Jesus and his story would end up being what it is today so I doubt most of these missing artifacts from his time will ever be found, who even knows if they were taken care of?
N no doubt that's intentional, as humans, we have a bad habit of worshipping THINGS.
Facts. N no doubt that was intentional, cuz as humans, we have a nasty habit of worshipping things n people... exactly why God Himself buried moses, n where no one would ever find him.
Considering Jesus never existed, not gonna fight any artefacts
There are 1000s off spears used by Romans, and all so are lots of people on crosses. The chances of anything being saved are very small
Antiques road show will find them in peoples attics.😊
Isn't it likely that, as the Roman's didn't believe in Christ the spear just went back into an arms room like any other spear?
History doesn't look for the weapons that kill a man until well after the weapon has been lost.
It's also possible that Rome made the whole story up in its entirety as the Church of Rome is responsible for the worldwide propagation of what we call Christianity today..
Great question. That spear doesn’t hold a true Roman spear head. Way too big. But holds a story of the spear of destiny which is based on a nail they claim comes from christ crucifixion. A nail made into a spear and now told as a spear that killed Christ. History that is simply told wrong. Constantine lived 400 years after Christ and he used the Vatican to tell such stories. A classroom can’t remember to read a story right and tell it to the next person and what really would be left of a story after 400 years? Just saying
exactly . nobody cared the guy probably went to
iberia or Germany or Turkey its so random , just equipment
if all even happened that there arent any real evidence it did..t opposite .. so this is not abput the object but about t nazi hunt for it... its not very good t tittle
Yes it’s unlikely romans would keep a spear maybe used on a prisoner they didn’t follow. Its more likely none of this happened in the first place.
On the cross, it could take hours for a person being crucified to die. Jesus died after saying, "Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit/It is finished." So. When the Roman soldier came to verify that Jesus and the two thieves were, indeed, dead, he found Jesus had truly expired. He pierced the side of the Christ with a lance, but did NOT break his legs. The Bible account is quite clear on this.
And WHO wrote it?????
@barbaraarndt5293 There are four Gospels. Did you play truant during your catechism classes, or are you just another weekend snarker, emerging from the misery of your minimum wage job to attack people you don't know so you can feel important? Do run along, little troll.
@@barbaraarndt5293a community of scribes who were tasked with writing the story of god…history has been quite clear on this…god didn’t write the thing
Unfortunately it was also now for people to take days to die in some cases…a terribly long and cruel way to execute someone even by the standards of days gone by :(
@marcuscrumpton8568 "All scripture is INSPIRED by God and beneficial..." 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
The lance didn't kill Jesus. They stuck it in Him to see if He was dead. He was dead. Thwt's why they didn't break His legs to hasten death, fulfilling the prophesy, "Not a single bone of His will be broken." Prayers.
HOW do you know this - are there any _firsthand eyewitness accounts_ that provide testimony as to this supposed lancing of this Jesus? Yes or no.
The weight of sin he died for paid the price. He died because he was sad.
@wardchute851 I don't think so. I think He rejoiced in the ability to atone for our sins, conquer death and restore hope to mankind. He was selfless and spiritually mature in ways that we can scarcely comprehend. Prayers.
@normanbonk8064 and I guess my many years doing my phd in theology is of no use.
This video is fake news and absolute BS.
He did an entire documentary about jesus turn into a documentary about hitler instead 😂😂😂
The spear isn’t important. The blood and water is. From John 19:
31 Since it was the day of Preparation, and so that the bodies would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day), the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away. 32 So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first, and of the other who had been crucified with him. 33 But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. 34 But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water. 35 He who saw it has borne witness-his testimony is true, and he knows that he is telling the truth-that you also may believe. 36 For these things took place that the Scripture might be fulfilled: “Not one of his bones will be broken.” 37 And again another Scripture says, “They will look on him whom they have pierced.”
At the same time (because it was close to sundown) the priests at the Temple would have been pouring water all over the floor of the Temple because they had sacrificed hundreds of thousands of lambs on that day-the Day of Preparation. The water and the blood of those sacrifices would drain out of a culvert on the South side of the Temple (which faces East).
As blood and water flowed out of the Temple’s side, blood and water (from the pericardium) was flowing from the side of Christ-who is the REAL TEMPLE, the co-dwelling of man and Creator as one. Jesus Christ is the True Lamb, the True Temple, both High Priest AND Sacrifice for the sins of mankind.
If you believe it, you belong to Him and He belongs to you.
In his book Spear of Destiny, Trevor Ravenscroft claims that Hitler visited the spear in a museum where it was on display. Standing before the relic, Hitler had some sort of supernatural experience, a vision of his future, and that he would have a great influence on the world. He was made to understand that his influence could be for great good or one of blood, and Hitler chose blood.
“The hunt for”. Sounds like you haven’t found it. Similar to the hunt for Bigfoot.
Valid point
34:28 as a soldier that mission makes me slightly angry those men are dead for the sake of holy relics no one possesses today.A mission that didn't have to happen
Jesus was already dead, decided to give up His life before the roman soldier checked with the lance, there is no record of somebody being crucified to die within 3 hrs since the punishment is designed to prolong suffering, another fact Jesus was in full control of his own life when He would die or being resurected by The Holy spirit of the Father inside Him.
LMAO ,, you believe all of that ?
The brainwashed will make up their own stories in order to justify the lies their life has been shaped around.
😢😭 always hurts me to hear what they did to christ our saviour even more that he died for all our sins who can deny that he is our lord n saviour christ IS KING 🤴
I can, he’s not, see how easy that is? 😂
Same.. i feel sad & angry both.
The lance did not kill Jesus. It confirmed that He was dead. No one took His life from Him. He laid it down and took it back again.
You are out of your mind Jesus didn't do it intentionally he did it because his father asked him to do it
I'm not even a Christian and I know that much😮
@@launiesoult3248 John 10:17-18
While you’re at it try to find the goose that lays the golden eggs and Paul Bunyan’s blue ox
@@davidcanatella4279 Ummm...the goose that laid the golden eggs was slaughtered to get all the eggs at once, only to find the innards the same as any other goose.
@@onemercilessming1342 Ahh the Wall Street method.
@davidcanatella4279 No. I grew up on my grandparents' poultry farm and , from the age of three, was expected to help with the slaughtering and gutting of the birds. My introduction to infinity was the egg development in the females. My job was to pull the pin feathers which my father's and grandfather's hands were too big to manage. Hence, when, in first grade, the story was read to our class, I had a good visual to hook onto the story's ending.
@@onemercilessming1342 yeah I can see how you would have a special perspective on the matter
"THEY HAVE THE SPEAR OF DESTINY" -Lucifer In Constantine
Jesus is not dead.
The spear was probably a pillum. Low ranking soldiers were more likely to be assigned to execution duty. No Longinus. No big lance
His name is St Longinus
Is Odyssey channel the new History channel, Such iffy content
How stupid to believe that a highly decorative spear could have been in the possession of a common soldier
It is an ordinary Roman spear tip, they have encased it in Gold and Gold wire after the fact. Wake up.
@5:26 Early Uncle Sam?!? 🤣🤣🤣
Genghis khan,alexander the great,and even hitler were all rumored to have had the spear and thats how they all almost conquered the world.
Alexander was here prior to Jesus?
Omg bro, where did you read that? Assassin's creed lore?
@@EM2024-g5l it was obviously after jesus.where do you think the spear went?
Jesus was not killed by a lance. He was already dead when the lance was thrust into his side.
How did you determine this Jesus was an actual historical person?
The evidence for the historical Jesus of Nazareth is equal to that of anyone from the ancient world and greater than most.
@lumenpraetorius4592 Then present one _evidentiary fact,_ stated in complete sentence that goes toward substantiating your claim. I will consider it.
Please don't proselytize. I understand Christianity FAR BETTER than you. I want you to present ONE fact for me to consider.
@lumenpraetorius4592 When you fail to present even ONE evidentiary fact, and you will, I would like to ask you questions about your position on the historicity of Jesus.
@@Theo_Skeptomai Bad enough you are not a believer, but you come out here and basically sealed your fate in going to hell.
The lance did not kill the christ it only pierced his side to prove his death
Pretty interesting... couldn't get the image of that one expert being J-Rock from trailer park boys though.
At 32.12 did anyone else see the millennium falcon?
I did now.
If you want to learn more about the stolen art and treasure and the Americans who worked to find them I highly recommend the movie “The Monuments Men” it’s incredible!!
I still think its cool that it was possibly held by charlemagne
Amazing peice of history
The spear of destiny was actually an 8 ft long pilum spear. So what you see when you look at the spear of destiny is the gold and silver that the actual point was wrapped in. At first it was kept with the nails and the crown of thorns. The soldier who struck Christ became a follower at that moment. The pilum spear, nails, and thorns were hidden for centuries before it was delivered to Charlemagne to protect.
Dude why do I see ads on your videos? I'm a premium member, I don't want ads! Remove it.
This guy that's talking about the vault,looks like he's tired. 😂😂😂
Linus wrote a book 📚📚📚 about the experience of the holy blood splashing on him. A very good 📚📚 book by the way.
Now General Patton was killed. By the upper echelons.
An excellent book actually. I leant mine,never to have it returned
The only possibility is somebody might have taken it as a souvenir but I doubt it because it was a weapon and you don't throw weapons away or keep them as souvenirs until you retire per se the Lance is not a relic now if somebody collected the blood and water from Jesus that is something different
Jesus did not die at the hand of a roman soldier with a lance in his hand Jesus decided when he was going He had no broken bones
Jesus never died because Jesus was never real in the first place.
@@TheRedStateBlue when your time is up and your burning in hell I guess you'll see then won't you.
Jesus had already died at the time that they pierced his side with the lance.
@@sandracroley8686 no, he was never alive in the first place.
Hitler adopted the Nazi symbol ( swastika) which is a religious symbol,the hand salute is the Roman salute and also the eagle is from Roman soldiers 😂😂😂
Haha even the pope wears that symbol. staff
Hitler was NOT "elected to be chancellor of Germany. He was appointed by Germany's President, Paul von Hundenburg, Although Hindenburg greatly disliked "that Bohemian corporal" (as he derogatorily called Hitler), he was politically pressured into giving in.
What's with the choppy audio? Is anyone else getting that?!?
No if you experience issues always leave the video and come back they should stop
@@gibbo822 Yeah I always try things like that. Was probably just my Bluetooth. Thanks for the suggestion though!
@@therealking6202 oh yeah blue tooth earphones can be an issue 😬 I gave up using them and won't buy top brands for £100's
I want to see the SOD for myself
I suspected that this spear today was in America after the fall of Hitler empire....
Our Lord gave his life of his own accord nothing killed him. When he said it is finished and breathed his last. Done we are saved through his sacrifice. The spear was only to make sure he was dead.
It you'll look closer there is a Roman pelam in the center.
Bad title! The Bible says He was already dead when the soldier pierced Him with a spear. Blood and water flowed out. For us this signifies the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist by which we receive salvation from sin and death through Jesus' sacrificial death and resurrection.
he volunteer to died for your sinn or he get kill??? if he get kill mean he not died for u..
How many ad’s in a 50 minute documentary 🤷🏻♂️
Please change the title
Erm, you forgot that the spear also killed Asuka
Accomplished, informed & entertaing. Well done.
as we all know, it was last seen at the US/Mexico border, carried by a Mexican dude and ended up in the hand of Keanu Reeves, but nobody know what happened after that...
I luv it,whoever holds the spear is invincible jesus wasn't very invincible lol
Faith and belief in God. Why would He make any object with powers like a cup or spear that people would put their hope and faith in? And inevitably some would worship. Why would God who was pretty adamantly against idolatry or graven images or other gods make some spear or cup etc. that would elicit the same kind of thing from people? And even if if you get past that why would he make a military object and leave it to be used by anyone after his son was sent to die for our sins and preached brotherly love and turning the other cheek etc?
You're speaking as though God is reap and loves us as his creation.
If god is omnipotent, loving, and just then why do bad things happen? Why do kids get ass cancer? Either he doesn't love the innocent enough to stop it, or he's powerless to do anything about it.
@@SlickWillyTFCF This time on Earth is but a wisp of a moment. What happens to us however terrible is nothing if you keep your Faith and trust in God's will and plan. Why would he keep bad things from happening here? It would be Heaven already. We are all tested. A child with cancer who dies before they lose their innocence? How do you know they were not an Angel sent as a test to all around them while they were here? If they are actually a person and die before they lose their innocence as a child then aren't they lucky to go to Heaven without facing the tests of this world? IF bad things happen to YOU then what does it matter in the face of eternity? If you can get through it and forgive the person who did it to you and keep our Faith no matter what then eternity in Heaven awaits AND you might help the poor lost soul who did it to you get back on the path to redemption. It is not us against us. It is all of us against the machinations of Satan who seeks to make us all fall. Rise up above blaming God for everything and grow your will and faith to such an extent that nothing can break you and you will be a rock for others. Maybe you will help me some day if my faith is shaken. We are all fallible and we all need to help each other. Wealth or health or fame on this world is nothing we should seek or desire. It will all be over in a moment compared to eternity. Love your neighbor as thyself and keep God's word. And keep your faith no matter how many stumbling blocks are put in your path.
If The Ark and The Spear are still in one piece, my bet is they are locked away in Rome where few but the Pope can see them
We reached 1k in likes, I was the 1k like.
Hopefully, it's already been said, but...Our Lord was already dead when His side was pierced.
I also need the spear that killed Jesus, and Santas hat, and Dorothy’s red slippers then I got the full set
Dont want much then mate 😂
A Lance did not kill christ,,,,he had the power to lay his life down no one took it. He yielded up his life. Father into thy hands I command my spirit.❤❤❤
I’m not a bible scholar, but I thought he was already dead before the lance punctured his right rib.
Be Blessed AMEN..❤
Spear was in Hellboy. The Bureau for Paranormal Research has had it all this time! 🤣🤣
Just another myth in the long line of myths.
Check the cross found by Constantin mother by chance in Gerusalem ....!!! 😂
The real longinus spear is already kept in vatican. I I'm not mistaken it was accidentally dugged by someone in the seashore somewhere in a remote place in mexico. That relic is not something that can be touch by ordinary people since it contains an overwhelming aura that can corrupt someones sanity. A replica of is diplayed in vatican museum.
Another load of bollocks! Check any Roman historical program and you never see Roman soldiers carrying spears like that! They carried a pilum with a long iron shaft and small rectangular tip that was hard to remove - throw it once and it won't come back! That spear point is clearly Germanic - PFFFT!! And who puts these actor's uniforms together?? The captain's rank is sideways, he's wearing a Combat Infantryman Badge (he's a clerk FFS) and it's on the wrong side, and he's got enough medal ribbons to be Gen Patton!!
Pfffft 😂😂😂😂
You eat farts 😂😂😂😂
INRI. INNER EYE. IRNI IRONY “G’s = us” indicates early masons of hermetic geometry . Pagans realized the crossing of equator. The creator is an allegory of translation. Respectfully JCCS
So what has this normal mans death achieved,nothing hasn't saved anyone the time after & to this day says it all
I'm sure i saw it on eBay
Oh but he did live and that's a fact. People have kept record of everything that happens and when. Therefor the Bible is not a story book fairytale. It is the early human beings trying to get through to us about history and about the good lord. They weren't like modern people. They wrote in a different type of language and it can be hard to translate if you aren't familiar with Olde English. But I promise you it's real. Christ is real. What is a fairy tale is that a big bang happend and we appeared or that we came from monkeys. No that's just not how it works and not how it will. But even if you cant see the truth the lord still has a place for you as long as you live with love in your heart.
Foolish nonsense. There is absolutely no historical evidence
Christ was already dead before the spear pierced him, if I understand the scripture correctly. Therefore, the title of the video might not be accurate.
A lance didn’t kill Jesus. John 19:33 .. They came to break his legs but saw that He was already dead and then the soldier pierced his side with the sword.
The spear did not kill Christ, He had already died and it’s a morbid trophy to want to possess. I wonder what our Lord will do with it when He returns. Maybe nothing?
It's already been found it's in the Vatican and they have a spot for pretty much all those treasures so I don't know why you guys are hunting just asked to see it and maybe they might let you I doubt it but it's not lost it's totally at the Vatican in Rome 💯💯💯
The lance didn’t kill Jesus . The lance was used to prove that Jesus was already dead .
Christ died before they pierced him. So there is a lie. That spear did not kill him. He died first then they stabbed him to be sure he was not pretending. Either way it was just a spear and the chances it's still usable is really small. Don't look to items for divinity. Look to God and only God.
They have the "spear of destiny"
why do people always depict the lance of Longinus as some gold detailed intricate piece? the romans wouldnt have used spears of that design in everyday use. and thats exactly what the spear would have been, something of simple design and they wouldnt think 'this guy is the son of god, lets stab him with an intricate artistic spear' chances are (if the story is even remotely true) the spear was lost to time and in no way diferentiated from a standard spear used in that time. or may have even been melted down to be re-used
No respawn
I have the spear. My Roman soldier ancestor with a strong sense of business knew that Jesus would become famous one day so he kept the spear and asked it to be passed from father to son until it could fetch a good price at Christie’s.
I think my nana's using it to grow green beans.
The Spear of Destiny.....even Hitler was looking for carbon dating proved it was from the 3rd century not the first century
That's gonna be a very long hunt as he never existed 😂😂😂😂
Happy are the people that fellow JESUS true son of god, with golden to light brown hair next to GOD and their was no other i seen this with my own eyes 🧝
To all the myth hunters: provide some evidence that Jesus was not made up as all existing evidence shows precisely that.
Then you can hunt for the Holy Grail, the Lance that Killed Jesus Christ, or any of the 15 Christs of which the story of Jesus "Christ" was blended - the one to bind them, the one to rule them, the one to unite them all.
The Lance did not kill Jesus. He had already passed when we was speared in the side.
Well, the holy Roman emperors never attempted to conquer Russia - just saying
The spear didn't kill Jesus. Read the Bible. He died from suffocation on the cross.
There was no such lance that killed Jesus. When the Roman soldier thrust the sword in Jesus's side. Our Lord was already dead. Read the Bible for yourselves. Just put this sword that killed Jesus to rest. Jesus has risen!!!!
He did not want the spear of destiny.,he want the weapon that king David use to Goliath.,this weapon of king David also can conquer the world but not by brute force but by peaceful force.,but hitler cant find it., instead they find the speare of destiny.,
Humans have this tendency to look for these relics that are connected to Jesus. That is why the fight between an Angel and satan happened because of the dead body of Moses. scholars think that this is to prevent people from worshiping the body of Moses if somebody will find it. and that is proven true at the present day that Roman Catholics are so obsessed in finding these relics. For other Christians, these relics doesn't mean anything. and for Jesus, all these relics doesn't mean anything. the most important now is to build our personal relationship as Jesus follower and wait until His second coming ..
Stupid stupid stupid article. The soldier that had the spear I am sure didn’t go home and put it away for money later on 😂😂😂
Charlemagne did not create the holy Roman empire.
Of course he didn't, because Charlemaigne was French NOT Roman.
He was the first Holy Roman Emperor.
Maybe you should ask the Easter bunny or Santa Claus
Hahahaha 😅 that’s a good one! The southern cross constellation and winter solstice synonymous .
I'm so sickened by don dump. All that glitters isn't gold. Go west and you shall find the Temple Of Las Vegas...
How can you call this a history documentary when there is zero historical evidence for the Jesus?
A lance did not kill God's Son, nor did the Levitical Priests or the Romans...... Yours and my SIN did.
There is no salvation in a spear point or a nail, it's all about what Jesus did on your behalf, not His, to spare you from Hell, eternal suffering without God..
1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
John 10:17 “Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. 18 No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father.”
John 19:30 So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.
So therefore these relics that you seek after are of no value whatsoever other than trophies or dead idols made by mans hands.
Jesus Christ himself is who you should be looking for.
Luke 17:20 Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; 21 nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.
For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.
c'mon man
Jackanory (story time). I am not even watching it to the end blah! I agree with most of your comments.
The Persians used it against spartan leader
Isa (jesus) peace be upon him wasn't killed..he is alive..and will come down from heaven soon
Well, since the story is a myth, so then is any spear mentioned in the story.
Lance? It was us mankind that condemned our Lord Jesus Christ to death.
It’s unlikely romans would keep a spear maybe used on a prisoner they didn’t follow. Its more likely none of this happened in the first place. Glad the historian escaped Hitler & saved these artefacts tho proven as not real.
The fire in Dresden was the result of a second napalm attack two days after the first attack that totally incinerated the city.
Even if blood was on it; you have no jesus blood to compare it to; dugh. Why are people not using common sence anymore.❤
..that killed Jesus.. There goes my dumb down.