I find this video quite interesting. Seems like something out of an adventure book about the quest for the fabled treasure of Queen Sheba. Delving into the stories and history around the treasure enhances the storytelling, adding depth to the storyline. Throughout, I sat on the edge of my seat, itching to unravel this age-old enigma. Great work on making such an engaging and immersive video!
Talk about getting the short end of the stick. The guy who worked himself to the bone and roamed the African wilds for years got tossed aside with hardly a mention. And the others who used his findings got wealth and recognition.
This guy was incredible, taught himself so much, and his accomplishments just got overlooked and claimed by others. Same story for most successful women discoverers and inventors.
the old stand by of colonial Classism. Predjudice repeated ad nausim by academia. trying to appear enlightened. but yes money talks to power. Especially in European circle's. I would hope his name CARL MAUCH would well known but after watching this I'm not even sure of the spelling of his NAME had to look it up. thought they were sayin MALF the whole time
@@johntomlinson-j6xSadly, mostly the same prejudice that prevented him from getting the position he was after (‘’booo, just some self-taught guy’’) also prevented him from understanding what he had discovered, one of the greatest medieval African civilizations (‘’booo, the locals are just some African guys’’). Though if he had understood, he would likely have been mocked back in the day…
Unfortunately, that's just how academia is. They don’t like it when people without credentials or higher education come in and make discoveries using sources and theories that they have either overlooked or ignored.
Man, you know they love White Washing history. Everyone knows Sheba was Black except whites. These are the same people who make Jesus and King David White😅😅.
Great Zimbabwe was beautifully built, obviously the builders must have been proud of it. Why the people abandoned the concept of stone building makes me shake my head. I'm guessing that the ability to have MOVABLE towns were much more convenient for herding.
The Queen of Sheba was a nick name for the very beautiful, very loved Queen Auset aka Queen Isis. Queen Auset's father gave her a pair of lion/ lioness cubs for each birthday. Every where Queen Auset went, her lions went with her.
Fascinating take on the Queen of Sheba's story! I love how you explored her meeting with Solomon and the cultural significance behind it. The parallels between the biblical and Quranic accounts are truly intriguing. Great work bringing this legendary figure to life!
What gets me about this guy is that he dismisses this city as something the native Africans could do because of Victorian racism, but thinks the people in the Bible were white. Oh you precious bby.
I found that statement quite fitting for then and even now. We are supposed to believe that Africans were all to ignorant to build these structures and all the people in the Bible are white. Who is to say that the history is written without bias?
He never even got that! He never found any of her gold mines, just some gold. not any ancient mines. Next, he didn't find her city, either, as what he found was something else entirely, built by someone else and WAY after her time. He made ZERO discoveries, just conclusions (and WRONG ones at that) -- all he got was an "experience." That's it. And years of his life wasted living harshly chasing something he was wasn't even close to finding. Sheba's gold/precious stone mines AND her city/palace have never been discovered...no one even knows the country she lived in, as those are just guesses as well. Look at all the guesses here in this comment section: The Philippines? How silly... And did the video say Solomon never existed? Then why are they looking for anything related to him? What a crap video of "entertainment" value only...for the clueless & gullible. -- BR
I love it when European explorers came to Africa and declare they were the first white men to see something😂The Portuguese and the Boer hunters saw these things long before, they just did not write about it or have a Society sponsoring them. Example is Vic Falls named by Livingstone, he was not the first European to see it but first to give it a name. My family trekked to Zimbabwe in 1894 and our family moved there because the men had surveyed the land ahead for years before we moved. The Moodie trek was in 1893 right past the Zimbabwe Ruins. Selous, Hartley, Bell were all there long before this German explorer.
@@ianhansen6840 Correct, but the Portuguese traveled through the interior from Sofala in 1700/1800s and colonised Mozambique, they left Mozambique in 1976.
@@JonasHaile-bl5br bruh Yemen ruled Ethiopia and established a kingdom D'mt, And the Kingdom of Axum, if you ruled Yemen as you say, this indicates that they would be influenced by you and not the opposite, because you were influenced by them. The closest evidence is the presence of their Sabaean writings in your country. Do not forget that the oldest text of their writings is in the south of the Arabian Peninsula ( Yemen). so pls STOP MAKING UP HISTORY
They're theory is she's Yemani, not Ethiopian. Not my belief, but it's their contention, still. One is as proveable as the other. In other words: neither are that proveable.
Great documentary ... now proper representation would be appropriate for the thumbnail ... The Queen of Sheba "Makeda" was black and from Ethiopia... my only critique
Well we still aren't exactly sure where was her kingdom burt she was african 100% Could be in Ethiopia and some sources say it could be in present day Yemen. Even some sources say that she was A Yoruban ruler in present day Nigeria so the place to cover is huuge util some exact finds arise she and her kingdom could be anywhere from Yemen to Ethiopia.
Man, you know they love White Washing history. Everyone knows Sheba was Black except whites. These are the same people who make Jesus and King David White😅😅.
'Great Zimbabwe' is not a city, it was a stronghold for storing and distributing trade goods with a walled compound for the strong-man's family. This was a trading post built in modern time after trading routes had been established by Muslims and Europeans. Slaves, Ivory, Gold and other goods were collected and sent out of Africa.
@EuroWarsOrg Nope. And I don't think King Solomon was in South Africa in the 15th century. He would have been one OLD white dude...and a little bit off the map from Israel.
There is a region of Ethiopia called “Afar”. I can’t help but think that if Ophir were in Africa and associated with Saba (Sheba) then it would be in a part of Africa not far from there, although the name “Afar” may simply sound close to “Ophir” by coincidence rather than actual historical connection. But that is an interesting line of thought that someone more learned than I must have pursued by this point.
The first Century Roman-Jewish Historian, Flavian Josephas had given correctly in my estimation the origin of the Queen of Sheba as INDIA. No other country on earth has more gold, or a love for gold, per head per capita as India still holds. There are elephants, tigers, leopards etc there too, as well as all the spices known to man. India was Egypt's ancient trading partner and suits the bill as an ancient civilisation to more than rival anything on the Mediterranean in King Solomon's time.
Kinda fucked up to paint him a some sort of Victorian Era racist that, “just couldn’t believe the Africans were capable of building such a structure…” when: 1) the local Africans at the time of the discovery FUCKING SAID SO THEMSELVES, THAT THEY DIDNT BUILD IT 2) did the Africans that were there 1,000 years prior and still there to that day just somehow FORGET how to build structures like that, or did they just choose to live in mud huts ? 3) neither of the two “professional” archaeologists after him, proved that he was absolutely wrong…there’s a difference in timeline of a thousand plus years…
1. The builders of the structures are the acestors of the Shonas and other related tribes in the region who have always claimed and recognised it. There have been many expedictions to that region this guy literally learnt about it from a Portuguese source. The dscendents of the people who built it have always claimed it. 2. The people living there at the time were a different tribe/clan who recently moved into the area, there are many tribes in that region who are constantly migrating. That's like asking a white Mexican of Spanish descent living there if they built the Aztec pyramids, and they say no, that doesnt mean that there are no indegenous people in Mexico who are direct descendants of the Aztecs! The Shona are the largest tribe in Zimbabwe, but there was major discplacement in the region for centuries most notably 19th century due to Shaka Zulus wars, when the Ndebele tribe and others who arrived in that region and caused major diplacement of the native people. Its basic history and common sense. 3. There has been loads continued of professional archeological work in that site and throughout region including anthropological studies of remains and genetic studies. It is now an insdisputable fact that it is an African settlement and there are many other kingdoms and cities of precolonial Africa too. But of course you have never bothered to do any research, you'd rather invent a narrative based on your imagination that has zero grounding in the reality of the situation. African heritage by Africans get over yourself!
If I recall correctly there is no Sheba. Instead it is called Saba. The Queen's name is Bilqis in tradition but not really mentioned by name anywhere. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Must of been a large amount of trade 3 to 4 thousamd years ago that went from africa ,to india and perhaps china .isreal was a trade stop along the route.
Solomon's ships.What ships?? He lived--if he lived at all--in the desert. What ships did he actually use to retrieve his treasures form Yemen? Did he use the Red Sea to do this? And why would this legendary queen leave her amazing kingdom to visit some two-bit monarch north of Saba? This is all bible lore. Most of it is made up, fiction, as most of the bible is. The Hebrews were good at writing fables but not much else.
But the Qur’an mentions that the Prophet Solomon came to her when he sent the hoopoe, and the hoopoe returned to tell him that he had found a great kingdom and that they had a beautiful queen who worshipped the sun and the story goes on and on
I'm starting to get tired of this type of documentary where they never find what's in the title, even with all the grandiose promise and bombastic orchestral music score. This one's a perfect example. The actual information is quite interesting, so why not make it all about how the incredible ancient city of Zimbabwe was discovered, disproving the pervasive, lingering attitude that black Africans are useless, instead of some bullshit about a bible-obsessed white guy who refused to believe the evidence right in front of his eyes? Unlike people like Heinrich Schliemann, Arthur Evans, Augustus Pitt Rivers etc., this bloke, whose name I refuse to write, deserves to languish in obscurity. Putting a ton of effort into something clearly doesn't always mean you get something worth remembering out of it. You also need a competent brain in your head.
The ruins at Great Zimbabwe have long been debated not least by Africans. This collection of buildings is the only extensive stone structure found in Central and Southern Africa .Hence Europeans thinking that Africans didn't build it. It was the British contended otherwise. The program mentions towards the end that artefacts from the outside were found there.. Unlike the beginning where it states this wasn't the case. As this building is so singular and lonely without written inscriptions it is capable of supporting many racial and nationalist positions. A strong one was that it was built by African labour and even by an African king but the major source of wealth for these rulers was the ivory & slaves. In the late medieval period onwards the Arabs were the major slavers especially in the African interior and in this area .in particular and remained so until well into the 19Cth until the British suppressed the trade. Major slave collecting point for an African ruler. This offends the politically correct, but knowledge like nature doesn't support sensibilities. Interesting that there are no references to the House of David found pre 1990. A lot of this reminds one of the various attempts to 'authenticate. " Homer ( about the same time as the Bible is being written ) . A lot of good stuff was found and knowledge was greatly expanded, but in the cases of these seekers .It often turned out to be much older than that it was taken to be at the time . Rather than in case of this poor German and Great Zimbabwe which turned out to be much too young. Good program
The ruins of Zimbabwe were not such an outlier, there were countless 'mysterious' stone ruins and cultures all over that region of Africa. And if you read the records left behind by the European explorers of the ages, its very common for them to remark about how they cannot believe they are witnessing the level of advancement in the African interior. Laughable actually. And that is the result of 17th-19th century ideology that promoted the innately superior white man and the uncivilised barbaric savages of the world, expecially the black man who was even claimed to be closer to ape than to other men. Africa was labelled as the 'dark continent.' There was also a popular myth around the 'curse of Ham.' Here is an example of the city of Simbamwenni a Wanyamwezi settlment in the Tanzanian interior 19th century: "Within two hours on the following morning we passed close under the wall of the capital of Useguhha-Simbamwenni. The first view of the WALLED TOWN at the western foot of the Uruguru mountains... was one that we did not anticipate to meet in Eastern Africa. In Mazanderan, Persia, such a scene would have answered our expectations, but here it was totally UNEXPECTED. The town may contain a population of 3,000, having about 1,000 houses; being so densely crowded, perhaps 5,000 would more closely approximate. The houses in the town are eminently African, but of the best type of construction. The fortifications are on an Arabic Persic model-combining Arab neatness with Persian plan. 👉 Through a ride of 950 miles in Persia I never met a town outside of the great cities better fortified than Simbamwenni. IN PERSIA THE FORTIFICATIONS WERE OF MUD, even those of Kasvin, Teheran, Ispahan, and Shiraz; THOSE OF SIMBAMWENNI ARE OF STONE 👈, pierced with two rows of loopholes for musketry. The area of the town is about half a square mile, its plan being quadrangular. Well-built towers of stone guard each corner; four gates, one facing each cardinal point, and set half way between the several towers, permit ingress and egress for its inhabitants. The gates are closed with solid square doors made of African teak, and carved with the infinitesimally fine and complicated devices of the Arabs, from which I suspect that the doors were made either at Zanzibar or on the coast, and conveyed to Simbamwenni plank by plank; yet as there is much communication between Bagamoyo and Simbamwenni, it is just possible that native artisans are the authors of this ornate workmanship, as several doors chiselled and carved in the same manner, though not quite so elaborately, were visible in the largest houses. The palace of the Sultan is after the style of those on the coast, with long sloping roof, wide eaves, and veranda in front." - Chapter V, How I found Livingstone by Henry Morton Stanely Its all over the literature. The reason for ignorance was unjustifiable, the Europeans would always credit Africa achievement to outside invasion, or a race of lost white men especially during and after the englighenment era. Even today many people in the West still think Africa is a jungle, and dont know there are many large modern cities. There's nothing new...
33:23 that is the trouble with the world. Booo an shame on the National Geographic people. For shame on you. Shame. Malk deserved much better for his bravery, his commitment, his integrity, his knowledge, his will an his efforts. Anyone not born into the elite circles even today is treated as human garbage.
Mapungubwe as it's now called is actually built by Indians who travelled during the Gupta empire period in search of gold - the area known as Mashonaland is 2 Indian language words of North India - Maha ( great) + Sona ( gold) ,a professor from Univ of Cape town did a paper on it where he did indepth research to prove the Indian origins of it + many temples to Indian Hindu gods have been discovered in these areas. The locals use the term Surya for the sun ( Sanskrit) , they farm according to Asian systems not as other African tribes do , & the gold plated rhino with a short horn is indicative of the Asian rhino not the African species that has a much longer horn. These Indians settled in this area & probably bred with locals as was the case along the African coast ( Ethiopia, Egypt, red sea area ) . Some of Israel's lost tribes trace their present places as central Asia & parts of the Indian subcontinent.
Sian Tiley, author of Mapungubwe - South Africa's Crown Jewels, says: “The beads found at Mapungubwe are thought to originate from India, Egypt, Southeast Asia and the Middle East.” Proving that this was indeed a commercial network that would truly make today's globalised traders envious. That tells of commerce with asians and not asians building Mapungubwe. The tribe is called shona not "mah sona"!!! Stop stealing the african thunder plz the pink dudes already tried that numerous times!!!
She was Queen of Shebu. Now called Cebu, Philippines. PHP is land of gold. Also as Jesus spoke the queen came from "the ends of the earth". Cannot be in Africa or Eurooe. They came with apes and peacocks, native to Philippines
@zyxw2000 well, they say there's no proof of Jesus, but here we are with Google. You can just pull up what the Romans said about Him. Wasn't much but you little turds would never be satisfied anyway
This interesting story becomes tedius tied down by academic speculation with a less than realistic interpretation AS IN why would it not be MINING for ALL subtance's gems, gold, tin, iron ETC . repeats to tedium blah blah blah storie telling and un natural narrative banter. nice graphics though.
Gif culture needs to go back to the books because this is all false. India is Ophir. It was the only lain ancient times that produced gold and gemstone
The queen of Sheba , wasn't she given supposedly given the arc of the covenant? Ethiopian priests claim they have it, even today. So perhaps we need more investigation into that. But I also read that King Solomon made 10 identical arcs. So who knows how many exist today and if the real one is one of them???
Hades, Hell, and Tartarus (Tarshish) are all Central American regions of what-became the Underworld of mines, mining, torture, heat, sweat, turmoil, torment, physical-psychological-mental-emotional distress. Hades is a Greek word of the area. Hell (Roman) (Hebrew and Greek Gehenna) were all American anathema banishment life-penalties from the Israelite empire. These were American prison mines and camps. Tartar-us of the Greeks was where the civil war of the Olympians (Old Guards) and the Titans (young new upcomer New Guards) war, where the Titans were banished to (the Americas). As such, all these precious metals mines were from the 1000s BCE and later (if not earlier) in the greater Central America. It is only when Prince/Rabbi Jesus stopped all of the Americas' gulag and prison systems and releasing all the captives (prisoners) that all of these biblical tales of tormenting hell and hades orignated.
@@yayatheobroma929 This -IS- 40+ years of serious research, negating all of the false topics of the catholic church, and historians. There were trans-Atlantic (and -Pacific) sailings. The Jewish (closed) community having banishment (anathema) practices would send people to their own gulag mines etc. Other expat Jewish communities like the Lyons (Gaul-France) and the Septimanea Midi Jewish kingdom on the Rennes Le Chateau area (700s-900s CE, recognized by the catholic church) were other jewish communities, besides North Africa and the Spanish peninsula. Tarshish was the western European seaport for sailing over to the Americas (i.e. Jonah). The Underworld is just saying the other hemisphere of the planet, not some supra-dimensional sphere. The ancient legends tell of the (dying) leaving god(s) and their (resurrection) arrival, having switched between the northern hemisphere growing season and the southern growing season. Those Elohim, fallen angels, ETs, call them whatever name, they (and the lesser humans) did circum-navigate this planet. And they did mine all of the Central and South American (Mexican and Peruvian) precious (gold silver copper tin, zinc) and industrial (iron) of the area. It was these mines and colonies that were the gulags and torment of physical life, implied into an afterlife of sinful torment and torture by the catholics. See through all of the lies, and you see Jesus coming to the Americas (vastly mentioned in native legends) and he "freed the captives" and stopped all of the gulags, as the "Lord of Mercy." There is so much more to this whole research, clearing up so much of the evils of false theology and false histories - keeping the truths away from the world population's knowledge.
@@yayatheobroma929 They are backed up by serious research ! The young upstart New Guard Grecians (Titans) who tried to usurp the old Old Guard Grecians (Olympians) were overthrown - and banished to Tartarus, Hades, and Hell. If you were in Greece, and banished from Europe, Mideast, and Africa, ... you would be shipped over to the (Central) Americas and either colonized there - or put into all of the many ancient mines of that area. These are the real truths that modern religion has negated from "their truths" - and it opens up a massive portion of history and religion - that modern historians and theologians do not want to have known. It changes up all issues of catholic theology - which is massively conflated - and wrong.
I find this video quite interesting. Seems like something out of an adventure book about the quest for the fabled treasure of Queen Sheba. Delving into the stories and history around the treasure enhances the storytelling, adding depth to the storyline. Throughout, I sat on the edge of my seat, itching to unravel this age-old enigma. Great work on making such an engaging and immersive video!
Talk about getting the short end of the stick. The guy who worked himself to the bone and roamed the African wilds for years got tossed aside with hardly a mention. And the others who used his findings got wealth and recognition.
This guy was incredible, taught himself so much, and his accomplishments just got overlooked and claimed by others. Same story for most successful women discoverers and inventors.
the old stand by of colonial Classism. Predjudice repeated ad nausim by academia. trying to appear enlightened. but yes money talks to power. Especially in European circle's. I would hope his name CARL MAUCH would well known but after watching this I'm not even sure of the spelling of his NAME had to look it up. thought they were sayin MALF the whole time
@@johntomlinson-j6xSadly, mostly the same prejudice that prevented him from getting the position he was after (‘’booo, just some self-taught guy’’) also prevented him from understanding what he had discovered, one of the greatest medieval African civilizations (‘’booo, the locals are just some African guys’’). Though if he had understood, he would likely have been mocked back in the day…
Unfortunately, that's just how academia is. They don’t like it when people without credentials or higher education come in and make discoveries using sources and theories that they have either overlooked or ignored.
This seems to repeat itself through history
We believe Queen Sheba was buried in a Nigerian village in Ijebu Ode. We have her monument there as a very significant site in our history.
Man, you know they love White Washing history. Everyone knows Sheba was Black except whites. These are the same people who make Jesus and King David White😅😅.
Prepare to be condescended to by armchair western know-it-all atheists...
Pretty unlikely, she was from Yemen, possibly Ethiopia.
من اليمن
Great Zimbabwe was beautifully built, obviously the builders must have been proud of it. Why the people abandoned the concept of stone building makes me shake my head. I'm guessing that the ability to have MOVABLE towns were much more convenient for herding.
The inhabitants migrated North when drought forced them in about 1400
@@irenedebruyn2796 Yup, that would do it.
Zimbabwe has numerous similar but much smaller stone structures, all over the country.
The Queen of Sheba was a nick name for the very beautiful, very loved Queen Auset aka Queen Isis. Queen Auset's father gave her a pair of lion/ lioness cubs for each birthday. Every where Queen Auset went, her lions went with her.
Two for each birthday adds up to a huge number. She had dozens of lions following her, and they never got hungry?
Thats dumb
What if she's from the Queen City of the South. Cebu, Ophir, present-day Philippines. Tarsheesh is Mindanao, Ophir is Luzon
@@builtnotboughtmadeinphilip3955 There's still no concrete proof that either of them ever existed.
@@Jennz777 No, it's just a myth. Every culture has its myths.
Excellent documentary, thank you.
Fascinating take on the Queen of Sheba's story! I love how you explored her meeting with Solomon and the cultural significance behind it. The parallels between the biblical and Quranic accounts are truly intriguing. Great work bringing this legendary figure to life!
I like how he was supported by an early version of crowd-sourcing.
Ancient people really loved to narrate stories ❤❤😂😂
that's all they have. stories
What gets me about this guy is that he dismisses this city as something the native Africans could do because of Victorian racism, but thinks the people in the Bible were white. Oh you precious bby.
Youve clearly not conducted any research
I found that statement quite fitting for then and even now. We are supposed to believe that Africans were all to ignorant to build these structures and all the people in the Bible are white. Who is to say that the history is written without bias?
@@l.b.d clearly neither have you
And that’s where you’re wrong because I have
Clearly not built by native sub-Saharan Africans.
👍Really Interesting! Thank You!. A Guy Made Of Tough Stuff!. Tony
He got allot out of it was knowledge, truth, and experiences.
He never even got that! He never found any of her gold mines, just some gold. not any ancient mines. Next, he didn't find her city, either, as what he found was something else entirely, built by someone else and WAY after her time. He made ZERO discoveries, just conclusions (and WRONG ones at that) -- all he got was an "experience." That's it. And years of his life wasted living harshly chasing something he was wasn't even close to finding.
Sheba's gold/precious stone mines AND her city/palace have never been discovered...no one even knows the country she lived in, as those are just guesses as well. Look at all the guesses here in this comment section: The Philippines? How silly...
And did the video say Solomon never existed? Then why are they looking for anything related to him? What a crap video of "entertainment" value only...for the clueless & gullible.
-- BR
gold and copper were frequently found together
I love it when European explorers came to Africa and declare they were the first white men to see something😂The Portuguese and the Boer hunters saw these things long before, they just did not write about it or have a Society sponsoring them. Example is Vic Falls named by Livingstone, he was not the first European to see it but first to give it a name. My family trekked to Zimbabwe in 1894 and our family moved there because the men had surveyed the land ahead for years before we moved. The Moodie trek was in 1893 right past the Zimbabwe Ruins. Selous, Hartley, Bell were all there long before this German explorer.
Portugal is in Europe!
Correct, but the Portuguese traveled through the interior from Sofala in 1700/1800s and colonised Mozambique, they left Mozambique in 1976.
What was the first thing they did? Enslave the black population.
Actually Livingstone just gave it an english name. the name of the falls has always been "Mosi o tunya" even before Livingstone came and saw it.
A treasure story on my favourite channel . . . Many thanks
This titled incorrectly, should have been called Solomon’s mines
Queen of Sheba ruled is Yemeni and her name was Bilqis? In fact, her temple still stands in Yemen (Marib) which is in Yemen.
Yemen is Sheba!!
Bruh Ethiopia ruled Yemen queen sheba is Ethiopian thats a fact
@@JonasHaile-bl5br bruh Yemen ruled Ethiopia and established a kingdom D'mt, And the Kingdom of Axum, if you ruled Yemen as you say, this indicates that they would be influenced by you and not the opposite, because you were influenced by them. The closest evidence is the presence of their Sabaean writings in your country. Do not forget that the oldest text of their writings is in the south of the Arabian Peninsula ( Yemen). so pls STOP MAKING UP HISTORY
She is Yemeni
Why is the thumbnail not representing Queen of Sheba as an Ethiopian 👸🏿👸🏾🤦🏾♀️
They're theory is she's Yemani, not Ethiopian.
Not my belief, but it's their contention, still.
One is as proveable as the other. In other words: neither are that proveable.
Because she is not Ethiopian but she is Arab
Sheba was in Yemen. 🤦♂️ wrong continent......
Great documentary ... now proper representation would be appropriate for the thumbnail ... The Queen of Sheba "Makeda" was black and from Ethiopia... my only critique
Well we still aren't exactly sure where was her kingdom burt she was african 100% Could be in Ethiopia and some sources say it could be in present day Yemen. Even some sources say that she was A Yoruban ruler in present day Nigeria so the place to cover is huuge util some exact finds arise she and her kingdom could be anywhere from Yemen to Ethiopia.
@@maszkalman3676- but we are: Sheba is Yemen.
@@masada2828 Please show us the sources that can exactly tell us it's yemen... because i can't find that.
Sheba was a Black Woman. Again, White washing History 😅😅. Even the Song of Solomon confirms this.
Man, you know they love White Washing history. Everyone knows Sheba was Black except whites. These are the same people who make Jesus and King David White😅😅.
Very enjoyable ❤❤❤❤❤😮
Thank you
That’s dude was like I wanted to be what I’m looking for so it must be what I’m looking for!
Love me a treasure story
😅😅 ...almost saved at the last minutes... oooh boy!...
Very interesting story
Interesting Story ……🌞
A good rule for documentarians: when you introduce a new word or name, put it on the screen so the viewer knows what (or who) you said.
Queen of Sheba was from Ethiopia!
Already proven on “the god culture “
I agree
Where, do you think Sheba is? Be assured it’s not in Ethiopia. Sheba a will be an Ally to Israel at Armageddon.
You're correct
She is from Yemen, watch Sabaa remaining sun Mareb, yemen سبا والملكه بلقيس، in Arabic she calls Balqees and Shiba is Saba, سبا
'Great Zimbabwe' is not a city, it was a stronghold for storing and distributing trade goods with a walled compound for the strong-man's family. This was a trading post built in modern time after trading routes had been established by Muslims and Europeans. Slaves, Ivory, Gold and other goods were collected and sent out of Africa.
@EuroWarsOrg Nope. And I don't think King Solomon was in South Africa in the 15th century. He would have been one OLD white dude...and a little bit off the map from Israel.
Worthy of a Ripping Yarn episode.
Is that teach me how to dougie background music
Kindom of Saba was in Yemen
Yeah Ethiopia ruled Yemen and saba is an Ethiopian name
Deferent tomes, and just a speculation.
Was the queen of Sheba European? I see that is how she is depicted, but I always thought that she was Ethiopian.
What if she's from the Queen City of the South. Cebu, Ophir, present-day Philippines.
It's all just a myth, anyway. Make her whatever you want.
@@zyxw2000 Seems the further away you get from reality the more it looks like a myth.
She was Ethiopian there always white washing our stuff
Sheba was in Yemen, South Arabia.
The Queen of the South will Rise🤗The Land of Ophir🤗Where King Solomon got its Gold🤗Columbus, Magellan, Dr. Jose Rizal, and Bush knew🤗
What if she's from the Queen City of the South. Cebu, Ophir, present-day Philippines. Tarsheesh is Mindanao, Ophir is Luzon
I'm not convinced that Ophir is in Africa... Just like the cedar tree but no tree can be found around him...
There is a region of Ethiopia called “Afar”. I can’t help but think that if Ophir were in Africa and associated with Saba (Sheba) then it would be in a part of Africa not far from there, although the name “Afar” may simply sound close to “Ophir” by coincidence rather than actual historical connection. But that is an interesting line of thought that someone more learned than I must have pursued by this point.
Ophir is clearly in South east Asia
Oh yeah 🎉thank you guys
The first Century Roman-Jewish Historian, Flavian Josephas had given correctly in my estimation the origin of the Queen of Sheba as INDIA. No other country on earth has more gold, or a love for gold, per head per capita as India still holds. There are elephants, tigers, leopards etc there too, as well as all the spices known to man. India was Egypt's ancient trading partner and suits the bill as an ancient civilisation to more than rival anything on the Mediterranean in King Solomon's time.
She is yamani arab
Queen Balqees 😍
Kinda fucked up to paint him a some sort of Victorian Era racist that, “just couldn’t believe the Africans were capable of building such a structure…” when:
1) the local Africans at the time of the discovery FUCKING SAID SO THEMSELVES, THAT THEY DIDNT BUILD IT
2) did the Africans that were there 1,000 years prior and still there to that day just somehow FORGET how to build structures like that, or did they just choose to live in mud huts ?
3) neither of the two “professional” archaeologists after him, proved that he was absolutely wrong…there’s a difference in timeline of a thousand plus years…
1. The builders of the structures are the acestors of the Shonas and other related tribes in the region who have always claimed and recognised it. There have been many expedictions to that region this guy literally learnt about it from a Portuguese source. The dscendents of the people who built it have always claimed it.
2. The people living there at the time were a different tribe/clan who recently moved into the area, there are many tribes in that region who are constantly migrating. That's like asking a white Mexican of Spanish descent living there if they built the Aztec pyramids, and they say no, that doesnt mean that there are no indegenous people in Mexico who are direct descendants of the Aztecs! The Shona are the largest tribe in Zimbabwe, but there was major discplacement in the region for centuries most notably 19th century due to Shaka Zulus wars, when the Ndebele tribe and others who arrived in that region and caused major diplacement of the native people. Its basic history and common sense.
3. There has been loads continued of professional archeological work in that site and throughout region including anthropological studies of remains and genetic studies. It is now an insdisputable fact that it is an African settlement and there are many other kingdoms and cities of precolonial Africa too. But of course you have never bothered to do any research, you'd rather invent a narrative based on your imagination that has zero grounding in the reality of the situation. African heritage by Africans get over yourself!
Sheba was in Ethiopia.
Thank You Very Much 🎉
Arab yamani
Sheba was in Yemen.
I love this episode. Europeans trying to discredit African ingenuity is a very long tradition unfortunately.
Also you forgot that also europeans were the ones who proved that it was african .
⁷😅I @@maszkalman3676
I guess there was a trade in spices ,diamonds gold and other metals ,Solomon was one of the stops of this trade and Africa and went to china.
@@moonuni If you watch the video you'll know there's no evidence Solomon had anything to do with the location.
@@maszkalman3676 all I'm saying is trade made society's rich thousands of years ago ether African or Israel Crimea or India ,much the same as today.
It should have a plaque in the entrance?
The archeological world always try to discredit a lot of the true findings of other early explorers for their own personal gain and glory....😊😊😊😊😊
Relying on the Bible for accurate historical information is like chasing the Grail based on French novels.
Sheba is Yemen .. according to many
If I recall correctly there is no Sheba. Instead it is called Saba. The Queen's name is Bilqis in tradition but not really mentioned by name anywhere. Correct me if I'm wrong.
you said if and bible says what ? spelled how ? God would not allow his writers to mispell
@@joestitz539 You must be joking. There's way too many mistakes in the Bible. You know this.
@@joestitz539sheba was in Yemen possibly.
Eve is very beautiful,,,, I love her voice
What if she's from the Queen City of the South. Cebu, Ophir, present-day Philippines. Tarsheesh is Mindanao, Ophir is Luzon
Queen sheba empire was in Yemen. It's mention in Qur'an .
Did they find any ancient Black Panther artefacts
If this treasure is real our creator will lead his choice in finding it 😊.
Come on man a commercial 60 seconds in I can already tell how this is going to go one every 3 minutes
You think this comment pay the page right, they need that to continue to get paid by TH-cam. U are very bitter
37 years old 😮and gone
Thinking buried riches from eons ago are still there without being pilfered throughout the ages?
Bless 😂
Sad …….🌞
It was in Yaman
Queen Sheba's land was Ethiopia/Yemen
What if she's from the Queen City of the South. Cebu, Ophir, present-day Philippines. Tarsheesh is Mindanao, Ophir is Luzon
Must of been a large amount of trade 3 to 4 thousamd years ago that went from africa ,to india and perhaps china .isreal was a trade stop along the route.
the Queen of Shiva ......... makes a lot more sense
Solomon's ships.What ships?? He lived--if he lived at all--in the desert. What ships did he actually use to retrieve his treasures form Yemen? Did he use the Red Sea to do this? And why would this legendary queen leave her amazing kingdom to visit some two-bit monarch north of Saba? This is all bible lore. Most of it is made up, fiction, as most of the bible is. The Hebrews were good at writing fables but not much else.
But the Qur’an mentions that the Prophet Solomon came to her when he sent the hoopoe, and the hoopoe returned to tell him that he had found a great kingdom and that they had a beautiful queen who worshipped the sun and the story goes on and on
The Gods Culture might give some new story for this Ophir and Queen of shiva
The queen of sheba and king Solomon did live, these people who want to deny the bible history are a slap in the face to reality and history.
The bible is false
The Bible is not historical accurate. Please stop being superstitious. Religion is poison
Bible is not a historical document. it even contradicts itself numerous times
I'm starting to get tired of this type of documentary where they never find what's in the title, even with all the grandiose promise and bombastic orchestral music score. This one's a perfect example.
The actual information is quite interesting, so why not make it all about how the incredible ancient city of Zimbabwe was discovered, disproving the pervasive, lingering attitude that black Africans are useless, instead of some bullshit about a bible-obsessed white guy who refused to believe the evidence right in front of his eyes?
Unlike people like Heinrich Schliemann, Arthur Evans, Augustus Pitt Rivers etc., this bloke, whose name I refuse to write, deserves to languish in obscurity. Putting a ton of effort into something clearly doesn't always mean you get something worth remembering out of it. You also need a competent brain in your head.
Lost me when he said the Bible because I know the Bible is full of stories and not historical facts 🤦🏼♀️🌝😏
I wonder how this information affects biblical history.
The ruins at Great Zimbabwe have long been debated not least by Africans. This collection of buildings is the only extensive stone structure found in Central and Southern Africa .Hence Europeans thinking that Africans didn't build it. It was the British contended otherwise. The program mentions towards the end that artefacts from the outside were found there.. Unlike the beginning where it states this wasn't the case. As this building is so singular and lonely without written inscriptions it is capable of supporting many racial and nationalist positions.
A strong one was that it was built by African labour and even by an African king but the major source of wealth for these rulers was the ivory & slaves. In the late medieval period onwards the Arabs were the major slavers especially in the African interior and in this area .in particular and remained so until well into the 19Cth until the British suppressed the trade. Major slave collecting point for an African ruler. This offends the politically correct, but knowledge like nature doesn't support sensibilities.
Interesting that there are no references to the House of David found pre 1990. A lot of this reminds one of the various attempts to 'authenticate. " Homer ( about the same time as the Bible is being written ) . A lot of good stuff was found and knowledge was greatly expanded, but in the cases of these seekers .It often turned out to be much older than that it was taken to be at the time . Rather than in case of this poor German and Great Zimbabwe which turned out to be much too young. Good program
The ruins of Zimbabwe were not such an outlier, there were countless 'mysterious' stone ruins and cultures all over that region of Africa. And if you read the records left behind by the European explorers of the ages, its very common for them to remark about how they cannot believe they are witnessing the level of advancement in the African interior. Laughable actually. And that is the result of 17th-19th century ideology that promoted the innately superior white man and the uncivilised barbaric savages of the world, expecially the black man who was even claimed to be closer to ape than to other men. Africa was labelled as the 'dark continent.' There was also a popular myth around the 'curse of Ham.'
Here is an example of the city of Simbamwenni a Wanyamwezi settlment in the Tanzanian interior 19th century:
"Within two hours on the following morning we passed close under the wall of the capital of Useguhha-Simbamwenni. The first view of the WALLED TOWN at the western foot of the Uruguru mountains... was one that we did not anticipate to meet in Eastern Africa. In Mazanderan, Persia, such a scene would have answered our expectations, but here it was totally UNEXPECTED. The town may contain a population of 3,000, having about 1,000 houses; being so densely crowded, perhaps 5,000 would more closely approximate. The houses in the town are eminently African, but of the best type of construction. The fortifications are on an Arabic Persic model-combining Arab neatness with Persian plan. 👉 Through a ride of 950 miles in Persia I never met a town outside of the great cities better fortified than Simbamwenni. IN PERSIA THE FORTIFICATIONS WERE OF MUD, even those of Kasvin, Teheran, Ispahan, and Shiraz; THOSE OF SIMBAMWENNI ARE OF STONE 👈, pierced with two rows of loopholes for musketry. The area of the town is about half a square mile, its plan being quadrangular. Well-built towers of stone guard each corner; four gates, one facing each cardinal point, and set half way between the several towers, permit ingress and egress for its inhabitants. The gates are closed with solid square doors made of African teak, and carved with the infinitesimally fine and complicated devices of the Arabs, from which I suspect that the doors were made either at Zanzibar or on the coast, and conveyed to Simbamwenni plank by plank; yet as there is much communication between Bagamoyo and Simbamwenni, it is just possible that native artisans are the authors of this ornate workmanship, as several doors chiselled and carved in the same manner, though not quite so elaborately, were visible in the largest houses. The palace of the Sultan is after the style of those on the coast, with long sloping roof, wide eaves, and veranda in front." - Chapter V, How I found Livingstone by Henry Morton Stanely
Its all over the literature. The reason for ignorance was unjustifiable, the Europeans would always credit Africa achievement to outside invasion, or a race of lost white men especially during and after the englighenment era. Even today many people in the West still think Africa is a jungle, and dont know there are many large modern cities. There's nothing new...
Are they sure it wasn't aliens 🤔
33:23 that is the trouble with the world. Booo an shame on the National Geographic people. For shame on you. Shame. Malk deserved much better for his bravery, his commitment, his integrity, his knowledge, his will an his efforts.
Anyone not born into the elite circles even today is treated as human garbage.
Ophir is in south east asia.
What if she's from the Queen City of the South. Cebu, Ophir, present-day Philippines. Tarsheesh is Mindanao, Ophir is Luzon
South African
Mapungubwe as it's now called is actually built by Indians who travelled during the Gupta empire period in search of gold - the area known as Mashonaland is 2 Indian language words of North India - Maha ( great) + Sona ( gold) ,a professor from Univ of Cape town did a paper on it where he did indepth research to prove the Indian origins of it + many temples to Indian Hindu gods have been discovered in these areas. The locals use the term Surya for the sun ( Sanskrit) , they farm according to Asian systems not as other African tribes do , & the gold plated rhino with a short horn is indicative of the Asian rhino not the African species that has a much longer horn. These Indians settled in this area & probably bred with locals as was the case along the African coast ( Ethiopia, Egypt, red sea area ) . Some of Israel's lost tribes trace their present places as central Asia & parts of the Indian subcontinent.
Sian Tiley, author of Mapungubwe - South Africa's Crown Jewels, says: “The beads found at Mapungubwe are thought to originate from India, Egypt, Southeast Asia and the Middle East.” Proving that this was indeed a commercial network that would truly make today's globalised traders envious. That tells of commerce with asians and not asians building Mapungubwe. The tribe is called shona not "mah sona"!!! Stop stealing the african thunder plz the pink dudes already tried that numerous times!!!
What about the scream of pain with having your testicles caught in a rabbit trap.
The queen of SHEBA was absolutely ETHIOPIAN but you dont depict her that way !!!!!
In the story, she probably was, but it's just a story, with no proof they ever existed.
She was Queen of Shebu. Now called Cebu, Philippines. PHP is land of gold. Also as Jesus spoke the queen came from "the ends of the earth". Cannot be in Africa or Eurooe. They came with apes and peacocks, native to Philippines
Know her well then
Are you paying attention? They don't even believe she's real
@zyxw2000 well, they say there's no proof of Jesus, but here we are with Google. You can just pull up what the Romans said about Him. Wasn't much but you little turds would never be satisfied anyway
I think one of the empires Britain Russia, maybe the Turkish Empire have already found the treasure
Sorry this guy ended up as a unrecognized pauper..😊
so what is the bottom line ??? It's queen shiba palace or not ???
This interesting story becomes tedius tied down by academic speculation with a less than realistic interpretation AS IN why would it not be MINING for ALL subtance's gems, gold, tin, iron ETC . repeats to tedium blah blah blah storie telling and un natural narrative banter. nice graphics though.
i belive he was right
Racist. Why wouldn't you believe 😅
u.s. military got it long ago
need more proper research, coz i think the 1st man who seen this is more acurate with his teory
Non sense! The kingdom of sheba is in southern Arabia, Yemen! Its remains exist till today.
Ophir is is in the Philippines
Already proven on “the god culture “
Original inhabitants of Phillipines? Wakanda negroes!!
Gif culture needs to go back to the books because this is all false. India is Ophir. It was the only lain ancient times that produced gold and gemstone
Remember Sheba was black !!
She was from Yemen, so probably Arab.
Like Cleopatra I suppose.......History from Netflix...
No "blacks" could ever build?!?
Right and even the black people said it HAD to be the white guys
what a real product of the age
@@DracoShark91there's no poof any black people said white people built it , the German explorer was clearly not telling the truth
There were great kingdoms and empires in Africa.
@@DracoShark91 it was built by black Africans not u dusty Europeans
The queen of Sheba , wasn't she given supposedly given the arc of the covenant? Ethiopian priests claim they have it, even today. So perhaps we need more investigation into that. But I also read that King Solomon made 10 identical arcs. So who knows how many exist today and if the real one is one of them???
They claim that but rather conveniently they won't let anyone see it.....😂
The Queen of Sheba was Melinated. Stop the Iconic misrepresention.
1/5 .2
Lakas tama😂😂😂
The Gold came from MALI!!
41:45 is that guy drunk...
No one in this documentary points out the obvious blatantly racist misconceptions this man had?
Hades, Hell, and Tartarus (Tarshish) are all Central American regions of what-became the Underworld of mines, mining, torture, heat, sweat, turmoil, torment, physical-psychological-mental-emotional distress. Hades is a Greek word of the area. Hell (Roman) (Hebrew and Greek Gehenna) were all American anathema banishment life-penalties from the Israelite empire. These were American prison mines and camps. Tartar-us of the Greeks was where the civil war of the Olympians (Old Guards) and the Titans (young new upcomer New Guards) war, where the Titans were banished to (the Americas). As such, all these precious metals mines were from the 1000s BCE and later (if not earlier) in the greater Central America. It is only when Prince/Rabbi Jesus stopped all of the Americas' gulag and prison systems and releasing all the captives (prisoners) that all of these biblical tales of tormenting hell and hades orignated.
These claims would need to be backed-up back serious research😂
@@yayatheobroma929 This -IS- 40+ years of serious research, negating all of the false topics of the catholic church, and historians. There were trans-Atlantic (and -Pacific) sailings. The Jewish (closed) community having banishment (anathema) practices would send people to their own gulag mines etc. Other expat Jewish communities like the Lyons (Gaul-France) and the Septimanea Midi Jewish kingdom on the Rennes Le Chateau area (700s-900s CE, recognized by the catholic church) were other jewish communities, besides North Africa and the Spanish peninsula. Tarshish was the western European seaport for sailing over to the Americas (i.e. Jonah). The Underworld is just saying the other hemisphere of the planet, not some supra-dimensional sphere. The ancient legends tell of the (dying) leaving god(s) and their (resurrection) arrival, having switched between the northern hemisphere growing season and the southern growing season. Those Elohim, fallen angels, ETs, call them whatever name, they (and the lesser humans) did circum-navigate this planet. And they did mine all of the Central and South American (Mexican and Peruvian) precious (gold silver copper tin, zinc) and industrial (iron) of the area. It was these mines and colonies that were the gulags and torment of physical life, implied into an afterlife of sinful torment and torture by the catholics. See through all of the lies, and you see Jesus coming to the Americas (vastly mentioned in native legends) and he "freed the captives" and stopped all of the gulags, as the "Lord of Mercy." There is so much more to this whole research, clearing up so much of the evils of false theology and false histories - keeping the truths away from the world population's knowledge.
@@yayatheobroma929 They are backed up by serious research ! The young upstart New Guard Grecians (Titans) who tried to usurp the old Old Guard Grecians (Olympians) were overthrown - and banished to Tartarus, Hades, and Hell. If you were in Greece, and banished from Europe, Mideast, and Africa, ... you would be shipped over to the (Central) Americas and either colonized there - or put into all of the many ancient mines of that area. These are the real truths that modern religion has negated from "their truths" - and it opens up a massive portion of history and religion - that modern historians and theologians do not want to have known. It changes up all issues of catholic theology - which is massively conflated - and wrong.
A Ford
Queen of sheba was African
Yemen, so probably Arabic.
As an African I am offended by the remarks in this video