I took pains to do everything right in establishing a prenup. My ex-wife challenged it and the judge threw it out because she (the judge) didn’t like the terms. There was no disagreement about the facts or questions of law. The judge simply tossed it and ordered a significant settlement and spousal support. The judge ignored the facts and made clear she felt the terms were unfair. Conclusion: Prenups with teeth are not respected in Oregon.
and they wonder why more and more men don't want to get married. I am sorry this happened to you. I have herd stories like this happening to men before.
So wait, judge ignored a legal document? I can't believe that's real, an actual representer of law ignores the law??? Can't you sue the judge for misconduction, its bloody legal document
I was divorced many years ago after 7 years of marriage. I learned that there in nothing fair about divorce court. Many Judges think they are gods but of course they lack any wisdom and they punish men. What a travesty what was done to you! It should be illegal for a judge to undo a legal contract properly entered into. Lawyers make the rules and they are not about justice. This is why so many men are avoiding marriage. If you insist on marriage do it in a place where the courts are not stacked against you. Phillipines, Ukraine...
That's why I don't advice marriage to youngers anymore. I never married and thank god. Also it would have been harder for the judge to throw out the prenup if done ironclad, like having your fiancé lawyer representation and you with a separate lawyer and witnesses present. This would be ironclad.
Going thru right now with 1 child. I have so much hatred against women since. I dont even look women anymore. I dont hold doors. I am disgusted by their bait switch.
I have no issues sharing 50% of my asset with a wife that has supported me, took care of the kids, house and my needs. Oh wait why would I divorce someone like that?
Well you never know what could happen with a marriage. You two could grow apart or one does something that you can't live it. Or what if she wants a divorce?
Not a lawyer, but I can generally say that prenuptial agreements only hold legal standing if you can show it was done in good faith. What does this mean? 1) She has her own lawyer who represents her interests alone. 2) No standing wedding plans announced yet. If the courts think you “sprung” this on her, it could be viewed as duress and thrown out. 3) It has to be fair to a reasonable person, lest it be thrown out as an unconscionable contract. Having her own representation will help buffer the presumption of fairness, but you will also need to throw her a bone so that consideration has been traded. For this reason, prenups should be seen as damage mitigation, not elimination. It also generally can’t govern things to do with the kids. For example, courts often view child support as the right of the child administered by the custodial parent. For this reason, you can’t negotiate away child support.
@Aaron Douglas I honestly don't have a problem with child support as a concept. My issues are three areas: 1. No true-up for changes in income. Sure, you can file for an adjustment, but what about the prior overpayment? This should be trued up. Also, legal costs of the adjustment should reduce payments owed. 2. Expecting the man to continue earning the same money, forcing him to stay at his job. It is one thing to cover the minimal costs of the child, but to force maintenance of a certain lifestyle is ridiculous. 3. Threat of jail time. This should only be done if a person is proved to have materially lied to the court about income sources. Not being able to pay due to lower income should never result in punishment.
The "easy out" is to say that you love them so much that even if things weren't to work out you want to do everything possible to not taint the love that was there...
Treat everyone as your friend and enemy at the same time and nothing will catch you by surprise. Everything that happens will be something you had seen already. So always get a PRENUP. Anything can happen tomorrow
@@joegibbskins Not viewing her as an enemy necessarily, but a potential courtroom adversary is something each and every man should do before tying the knot. Business partners do this when signing contracts, and if partners in a marriage will not sign one, then one should prepare for the worst outcome possible. Having a negative incentive isn't helpful at all.
@@andrewmarshall7569 he was the one that said enemy, I just repeated it. Like I’ve got a prenup with my wife but I didn’t have to fantasize about a courtroom battle before hand. Again, you sound like an insane person or like someone who falls for insane people, which is the same thing. Don’t get married
The fact that men are treated with such prejudice by the legal system in terms of assets,child custody,alimony which most women get easily(ps: when there is no domestic violence issue let's be clear about that) is enough of a reason to always get a prenup, more so if the guy is richer to prevent loss of assets which were not bought mutually(both parties paying).
If you don't want to share your assets and take care of your children then you aren't fit for marriage, just accept it. Marriage isn't for Narcissists and Sociopaths.
Your comment is false. I know many men that gained full custody, and the women they had kids with pay the child support... Rich women can also be required to pay alimony as well. Even if the woman does not have to pay alimony, the women can end up needing to pay child support for a very long time. You are siding with men because you are a male (biased). However, I know males that ended up great after divorce and got all the money and children. Educate yourself before you talk because that is biased and false information.. Thats why women should make their own money and marry someone who isnt sexist like you.
If you are selfish enough to think you're entitled to 50% of somebody's assets they earned, by themselves, before they met you, you are a gold digging parasite and not worthy of marriage @@vkrgfan
1st and foremost it's always a happy beginning for the most part, very rarely a happy ending. Why? mainly because of 2 reasons. 1) Divorce, which never has a happy ending, You may be happy once it's over, maybe. depending on how bad you get screwed over. 2) Till death do you part, leaving you lonely and sad. I've been married twice and divorced twice and I don't see marriage in my future, mainly because I'll never marry another American women. Having said that, If I had money a prenup would have been made and signed. If I'm ever ask to sign one, I will do so without hesitation, because if you're marrying for money, you're not worth marrying.
@Code_with_Me do court automatically give it to the women or the women are the ones always wanting the kid so they can get the baby daddy to pay for child support......... you're still too young to understand
It's not fair to my wife she makes 6 figures a year I get half her money and alamony if we divorce it's not fair to whoever makes the money regardless of gender
@@manimal4136 She's an independent woman. Leave her and fake your death. Be like a miserable person with a dead-end jobs. Then see your flaws and succeed.
Went grocery shopping yesterday and my boyfriend said he wants a prenup when married. We’ve been together almost 8 years so far. No engagement yet. This was a sudden subject to bring up then have him go back to being affectionate not a minute after. Somehow I knew what it was but never heard anything about it. I wish he’d actually had sat down with me to talk on it. I’m not in total disagreement about it, just confused as how it was brought up.
What you should do is sit down with him and talk to him about what he plans to put in that prenup and discuss what you can put in there too: a business, property, pets, student loans, money, etc. I would recommend that when the time comes for marriage that you both go see a lawyer to get some professional advice and that will be the start to the process. It's a good thing that he brought it up when you two are dating instead of close to the wedding. Since it gives you a heads up on what to expect during the engagement and plenty of time to decide if you still want to marry this guy. I plan to do a prenup when I get married and I told my boyfriend about it even though we don't plan to get married until years later. He told me he is open to it but still wants to learn more about it first and it's too early for him to tell what he is put in it. For me, it is a house that I share with my family. Getting a prenup prepares for you the worse if you two get a divorce. Since those are very common nowadays and anything can happen in your life, (believe me, I've learned the hard way). Expect the best but prepare for the worse.
@The Outlaw Torn Well i think its a better idea to get the laws changed so the provider does not get shafted. Doesn't have to be a man or woman i know a woman who is paying 50% of all of her future income for the rest of her life to some dude who refuses to get a job.
Prenup can actually benefit and protect woman tbh. They can include something like infidelity or abuse or domestic violence penalty, or who initiate the divorce first (without any reason) and their consequence (so you can't suddenly divorce your ill or disabled spouse), or to control how the assets are being distributed between the legal kids.
@@Endoptic maybe they mean happy in the sense that they don't have someone nagging them anymore but unhappy when they lose more than half. I see your point. It was a good one
People don't realize that some states where you may live with your life partner are still liable in court to split assets (like buying a house together) if they were to separate. Not getting married doesn't simply grant you immunity.
If prenups weren't thrown out of court ALL the time, then this would be good advice. The problem is courts throw them out far more often than accept them. If two people come into a situation with similar amounts of wealth than a prenup doesn't make alot of sense. Also there isn't really a reason for one because splitting half if basically your half. Whereas is one person has more, then a prenup makes sense, but the court systems don't like one person having more, so they throw the prenup out and split assets. So whats the point of a prenup?
Well here's the thing, prenups can get thrown out if they're not done right. Ways to avoid this include: signing it before the wedding, one lawyer says no more than 30 days before the wedding, another one recommends 6 months before the day. Make sure you and your partner both have your own lawyers present for the signing. Make sure you both put something in there because if one person gets everything but the other gets nothing, that won't work. Also never tell your partner, "sign this or the wedding is off." I am not a lawyer but I have done research on this topic since I plan to get a prenup myself when I get married. I recommend that if you plan to get one, you should tell your partner when you two are dating, if it's serious and you have talked about marriage.
@@amandathompson9347 Keep your assets separate always with a joint account to pay the bills. This should be the only comingling of funds for two working parents. I will never combine finances again.
Women don't want the prenup because the cash, house, land, savings, furniture, tax return, pets, retirement, pensions are no longer just given to her. If I was a wife, I would avoid it too.
I have a lot to lose now. In a country where if you take a 2-wk vacation & a homeless person breaks into your home for 36 hrs & then has "tenant rights"...... just living alone doesn't seem so horrible anymore..
That's all I get out of this💯💯💯 if ppl took the time to get to know one another and date the "right" way and for the right reasons, we wouldn't have this prob..
One important thing is prenuptial agreement is dynamic, not static. So, this is why it's important to update it when major changes occur in your life, such as one spouse getting sick and another having to take care of them, once children are born, once the financial situation changes. Once both of you decide to make a major investment like buying the house, all of it has to be discussed. The conditions have to be discussed and updated, especially if communication is not your strongest personal suit. We have to teach young adults, especially if they come from unstable upbringings. This should be mandatory and mediation for agreements has to be free.
You never see two fighters step into the ring without knowing the rules. They sit down, work out a contract, with the help of attorneys. They know how many rounds, how long the rounds be, what will the split of the receipts be. How much for the live event, for pay per view... They know they will be in a fight. In a marriage you should hope to never be in a fight, but you should have a prenup and set the rules up front.
What a content-less presentation. Yes, we all know that a prenup is handy, and we all have a default one - the existing law in a given state. What should the starting point be?
She is right about discussing finances before marriage. Here are the issues. If you are young in your 20s with no assets, a prenup isn't necessary. Also, if you have been married longer than 10 years a prenuptial becomes invalid. Also, all income and assets earned during marriage are not covered by the prenup. The reality is that a prenuptial can give you a false sense of security.
@@T2G-DJT who arent obesss over women? If men arent obsess over women then what are men supposed to be obsess over, cows? It's in human nature for men to be obsess over women and women obsess over men. Smh
Only problem is the prenuptial can be thrown out. Why is that? If you can’t throw the marriage out and say doesn’t count why can you do that with the other contract? If someone breaks their word during the marriage why should their word on the prenuptial be thrown out? BS
Because lawyers have this concept that if a case comes into court they can make any argument they want, regardless of how unfair or ridiculous it is and if they convince the judge they win. They do not believe in ironclad irrevocable contracts.
I never thought I would get married. But here I am a month or so away. We drew a prenup together and it was a great experience. She has a good career retirement and assets to protect. And so do I. It was a huge stress reliever for me and made me happy moving forward. For many men, we are afraid of being taken advantage of later in life. Knowing that we’ve prearranged and pre-agreed on how things may work out is huge peace of mind for the breadwinner and the stay at home spouse.
Deep Ondroid No. I don’t want there to be. That is irrelevant to the separation. To me that’s a childish thing to be overly concerned about. We’re human, If it happens, Oh well. We’ll split up if we need to. If it’s from lack of love, inability to cooperate, or a desire to leave the marriage, or need to be with another person, it’s all the same to me. We’ll split what we built together but Our personal assets/pensions and income are protected.
Do you wear a seatbelt each time you ride in a car? Yes... What are the chances that you will need your seatbelt in a life threatening accident each time you ride? 1 in a million chance.. What are the chances your marriage will end? 50% chance Still think you don't need a prenup?
What if you had to give up one of your kidneys to your former spouse after divorce? Would u sign that contract? NO you wouldn’t, why not??? Because it’s inherently unfair to build a penalty into no-fault agreement. Your time is your life energy, it may not be a kidney but it’s part of your life and nobody has the right to take another persons life or any percentage of it
True! Divorce court is not about fairness. It is a weapon of Satan. One more thing that diminishes marriage. High income men should not marry without a pre-nup.
just want to say, the "half of all marraiges end in divorce" is kind of a lie. The rate compares divorces per year to marriages per year. That doesn't account for : 1) people who divorce multiple times in their life. and 2) many marriages last until death. These successes are not accounted for in such a comparison. This statistical lie on marriage and divorce has no doubt impacted negatively the perception of marriage, nuclear family, and settling down.
"If you love the money more than the person you are going to marry, then just don't get married." Materialist advice coming from someone in the "divorce" industry.
I’m for prenups but it’s tough to take someone seriously when they were the one that got dumped and is bitter about the separation. Like saying I’m not a fan of marriage now and you should get a prenup.
Feministas hate pre-nups. Many of them have infidelity clauses. Some require the spouse to continue working. There's all sorts of things that can be plugged in when wealth is greatly unequal. But if you have people marrying who are economic equals, there's not as much need for a pre-nup.
What happens if one person has intellectual property before getting married to their partner and while still in the marriage that intellectual property grows into a business/company. Will the prenup protect the initial owner of the intellectual property from their spouse sharing the proceeds with them or what? I'll appreciate educative response. Thanks
Career changes and children? So won’t it mean it’s more than likely going to benefit the woman if she doesn’t sign? I think it’s fair. Women will take the biggest hit when those changes occur. Men do not. If you’re a career woman who is working alongside her husband then I understand why you would want to protect your assets (you most likely earn more than him as men with money are known to prefer women that make less) but i digress, the average woman cannot take that gamble. Most men do not go through the huge changes that a woman does once she has had kids or becomes a wife. It’s added responsibility.
himode that’s a pretty poor argument. pregnancy is what forces a woman to either pause or decline in her career growth. The only side you can say that actually has a choice on stopping a career is really the man, because there is no biological force pushing him toward ending his career. He can end it if he feels like or keep going. Fact is that child birth is the result of both parties creating that life.
I wanna marry my foreign girlfriend. Is it better to buy my house before or after the marriage. I want to protect all of my assets with a prenup, but I have heard that if you buy assets while married the prenup will not protect you. Please help
Your best strategy is not to take your foreign wife home. That way you stay in the driver's seat. 1. She will not be tempted by other men and will not get her citizenship. 2. She cannot use US courts against you.
It depends on the prenup and what you include in it. My advice is to see a lawyer. Als my advice would be to never marry in the first place, because if the prenup is not ironclad, including having lawyer representation to both parties (meaning separate lawyers present) and having witnesses, the prenup can be thrown out in court.
If the materials don’t matter why do you want to keep it alllll to yourself? Truth is money is an important resource with great emotion tied to it. This is why it hurts to get disinherited for example.
nahh prenups are pretty useless tbh your wealth is not protected with a prenup cause its an agreement and its debatable, so i would recommend getting a trust its pretty similar but you can do it without the other side knowing or agreeing and it protects your assets no matter what happens its a lot less human but you can rest easy and it wont have any effect if you dont divorce so why not
Definitely get a prenup. Make sure it is signed by the man and woman involved, witnessed by at least 2 independent individuals, and certified/validated by registered solicitors. The official copy and version should be logged on the appropriate government registry as well - to ensure it is fully executable and valid upon divorce. I am from the UK. No pre-nups = no marriage. If one party says no or use the 'trust' card, walk away.
I had a prenup and a 30 years marriage. I was blindsight. The x had an affair and wanted out. However, the x still took me through the court system for 5 years . We were married in one province with a prenup , moved to another province where we divorced. He challenged the validity of the prenup from another province. The court upheld the prenup at the end but it took 5 years and was not any easier than a divorce without a prenup. The only consolation is that I got the assets I worked hard for.
Prenups cast doubt over the permanence of marriage. How can it hence be a good thing? I explore this in my latest video on my channel and remain convinced by my stance after watching this.
True, but so does the reality of legalized no-fault divorce cast doubt. A 50% divorce rate in the USA shows that across all demographics getting divorced is as likely as staying married. An indissolvable marriage is a fiction in the USA today because we have legal no-fault divorce. A pre-nup is a test over whether the low-earning prospective spouse, usually the woman, is entering the agreement purely for love or with the intention of getting half of his assets without contributing in any way. A wealthy man will always be an enticing target to lawyers because he has "deep pockets".
Who ever wrote this script, for sure did have to sign one! It's the most humiliating and uncomfortable thing a couple in love can do before getting married. So life can be “better” if… This generation is always looking for easy solutions!
Or here's an idea. Instead of signing a prenup, make sure you find someone who you wouldn't need to have a prenup with in the first place, and theb talk to the right people who are experts on these relationships to make CERTAIN you won't need it. If you sign a prenup you're dooming your marriagr to fail either way.
Because people lie and change. Women will have guys to get free dinners and they an non the wiser. Same happens with relationships and marriage. 70% of divorce is filed by women. God bless you if you found someone in that 30%.
You don’t step in the ring unless you know the rules of the fight. A prenup sets the rules, you hope you never need to fight, but if you do. Each side is aware of the rules up front.
You have no guarantee, no certainty, that your judgement of another person is sound. Also, people change. There are innocent spouses that are injured by spouses that are just selfish and cannot be trusted in a marriage. You may not see that before the wedding.
This should be a mandatory video for anyone before getting married.
A lot more then this video lol
I took pains to do everything right in establishing a prenup. My ex-wife challenged it and the judge threw it out because she (the judge) didn’t like the terms. There was no disagreement about the facts or questions of law. The judge simply tossed it and ordered a significant settlement and spousal support. The judge ignored the facts and made clear she felt the terms were unfair. Conclusion: Prenups with teeth are not respected in Oregon.
and they wonder why more and more men don't want to get married. I am sorry this happened to you. I have herd stories like this happening to men before.
So wait, judge ignored a legal document? I can't believe that's real, an actual representer of law ignores the law??? Can't you sue the judge for misconduction, its bloody legal document
I was divorced many years ago after 7 years of marriage. I learned that there in nothing fair about divorce court. Many Judges think they are gods but of course they lack any wisdom and they punish men. What a travesty what was done to you! It should be illegal for a judge to undo a legal contract properly entered into. Lawyers make the rules and they are not about justice. This is why so many men are avoiding marriage. If you insist on marriage do it in a place where the courts are not stacked against you. Phillipines, Ukraine...
That's why I don't advice marriage to youngers anymore. I never married and thank god.
Also it would have been harder for the judge to throw out the prenup if done ironclad, like having your fiancé lawyer representation and you with a separate lawyer and witnesses present. This would be ironclad.
Get an offshore asset protection trust.
The family court system has made marriage obsolete.
WOMEN and BETAS have made it obsolete.
Going thru right now with 1 child. I have so much hatred against women since. I dont even look women anymore. I dont hold doors. I am disgusted by their bait switch.
@@sbin02387 it's a mixture of both our society is doomed to fall.
@@baconphillip praying for you bro 🙏🏾
@@baconphillip I know I'm late , but I hope everything is going well. I hate that this is happening to you
I have no issues sharing 50% of my asset with a wife that has supported me, took care of the kids, house and my needs. Oh wait why would I divorce someone like that?
Well you never know what could happen with a marriage. You two could grow apart or one does something that you can't live it. Or what if she wants a divorce?
You can still do all that without being forced to do so.
You're the perfect target for a bait and switch.
"Oh wait why would I divorce someone like that?"
80% of divorces are initiated by women; you're not the only one with say in the matter.
its simple, no prenup = no marriage
No independent lawyer on both sides, and a sunset clause. then its consider coercion, and is even considered abuse depending on jurisdiction.
Be smart and don't get married. Prenups get thrown out of court all the time in the US.
Use people
Love things
Wise words: love people and use things.
If a contract is so bad that you need a second contract to paper over the other first... don't sign either
@@fernvill27 That's because most people go about them the wrong way.
Not a lawyer, but I can generally say that prenuptial agreements only hold legal standing if you can show it was done in good faith. What does this mean? 1) She has her own lawyer who represents her interests alone. 2) No standing wedding plans announced yet. If the courts think you “sprung” this on her, it could be viewed as duress and thrown out. 3) It has to be fair to a reasonable person, lest it be thrown out as an unconscionable contract. Having her own representation will help buffer the presumption of fairness, but you will also need to throw her a bone so that consideration has been traded. For this reason, prenups should be seen as damage mitigation, not elimination.
It also generally can’t govern things to do with the kids. For example, courts often view child support as the right of the child administered by the custodial parent. For this reason, you can’t negotiate away child support.
@Aaron Douglas I honestly don't have a problem with child support as a concept. My issues are three areas:
1. No true-up for changes in income. Sure, you can file for an adjustment, but what about the prior overpayment? This should be trued up. Also, legal costs of the adjustment should reduce payments owed.
2. Expecting the man to continue earning the same money, forcing him to stay at his job. It is one thing to cover the minimal costs of the child, but to force maintenance of a certain lifestyle is ridiculous.
3. Threat of jail time. This should only be done if a person is proved to have materially lied to the court about income sources. Not being able to pay due to lower income should never result in punishment.
The "easy out" is to say that you love them so much that even if things weren't to work out you want to do everything possible to not taint the love that was there...
Treat everyone as your friend and enemy at the same time and nothing will catch you by surprise. Everything that happens will be something you had seen already. So always get a PRENUP. Anything can happen tomorrow
Chaos is a ladder
Love to go into a marriage treating my spouse as an enemy. Just don’t get married, man
They(judges) are throwing out prenups
@@joegibbskins Not viewing her as an enemy necessarily, but a potential courtroom adversary is something each and every man should do before tying the knot. Business partners do this when signing contracts, and if partners in a marriage will not sign one, then one should prepare for the worst outcome possible. Having a negative incentive isn't helpful at all.
@@andrewmarshall7569 he was the one that said enemy, I just repeated it. Like I’ve got a prenup with my wife but I didn’t have to fantasize about a courtroom battle before hand. Again, you sound like an insane person or like someone who falls for insane people, which is the same thing. Don’t get married
How about don't get married.🤷♂️
The fact that men are treated with such prejudice by the legal system in terms of assets,child custody,alimony which most women get easily(ps: when there is no domestic violence issue let's be clear about that) is enough of a reason to always get a prenup, more so if the guy is richer to prevent loss of assets which were not bought mutually(both parties paying).
If you don't want to share your assets and take care of your children then you aren't fit for marriage, just accept it. Marriage isn't for Narcissists and Sociopaths.
Your comment is false. I know many men that gained full custody, and the women they had kids with pay the child support... Rich women can also be required to pay alimony as well. Even if the woman does not have to pay alimony, the women can end up needing to pay child support for a very long time. You are siding with men because you are a male (biased). However, I know males that ended up great after divorce and got all the money and children. Educate yourself before you talk because that is biased and false information.. Thats why women should make their own money and marry someone who isnt sexist like you.
If you are selfish enough to think you're entitled to 50% of somebody's assets they earned, by themselves, before they met you, you are a gold digging parasite and not worthy of marriage @@vkrgfan
@@vkrgfanyou can use them but can't own them. If you plan to leave them, how can you use them.
1st and foremost it's always a happy beginning for the most part, very rarely a happy ending. Why? mainly because of 2 reasons.
1) Divorce, which never has a happy ending, You may be happy once it's over, maybe. depending on how bad you get screwed over.
2) Till death do you part, leaving you lonely and sad.
I've been married twice and divorced twice and I don't see marriage in my future, mainly because I'll never marry another American women. Having said that, If I had money a prenup would have been made and signed. If I'm ever ask to sign one, I will do so without hesitation, because if you're marrying for money, you're not worth marrying.
The law is NOT fair towards men... just don’t do it!!!
@Code_with_Me do court automatically give it to the women or the women are the ones always wanting the kid so they can get the baby daddy to pay for child support......... you're still too young to understand
It's not fair to my wife she makes 6 figures a year I get half her money and alamony if we divorce it's not fair to whoever makes the money regardless of gender
@@manimal4136 Then get a postnup and make it fair
@@manimal4136 She's an independent woman. Leave her and fake your death. Be like a miserable person with a dead-end jobs. Then see your flaws and succeed.
So her body must be used??
Went grocery shopping yesterday and my boyfriend said he wants a prenup when married. We’ve been together almost 8 years so far. No engagement yet. This was a sudden subject to bring up then have him go back to being affectionate not a minute after. Somehow I knew what it was but never heard anything about it. I wish he’d actually had sat down with me to talk on it. I’m not in total disagreement about it, just confused as how it was brought up.
He probably thinks about it a lot, but doesn't have the balls to talk to you about it straight. Nonetheless a prenup is definitely mandatory.
I think you should definitely get that prenup
What you should do is sit down with him and talk to him about what he plans to put in that prenup and discuss what you can put in there too: a business, property, pets, student loans, money, etc. I would recommend that when the time comes for marriage that you both go see a lawyer to get some professional advice and that will be the start to the process. It's a good thing that he brought it up when you two are dating instead of close to the wedding. Since it gives you a heads up on what to expect during the engagement and plenty of time to decide if you still want to marry this guy. I plan to do a prenup when I get married and I told my boyfriend about it even though we don't plan to get married until years later. He told me he is open to it but still wants to learn more about it first and it's too early for him to tell what he is put in it. For me, it is a house that I share with my family. Getting a prenup prepares for you the worse if you two get a divorce. Since those are very common nowadays and anything can happen in your life, (believe me, I've learned the hard way). Expect the best but prepare for the worse.
Why don't u initiate it?
In fact, you are disappointed because you will have to work for money in the future and you will not be able to sit on the back of the sucker.
Why did it sound like only the men were cheering🤔
Because prenups are not in women's best interest.
Divorce hurts men more than woman. Hence MGTOW.
@@depressedpotato4915 what is mgtow?
@@VLeeGG Men Go Their Own Way
Because the vast majority of breadwinners are men so it’s their initiative to get the prenup up and ready.
What she isn't telling you is that in most western countries the prenup barely matters.
@The Outlaw Torn Well i think its a better idea to get the laws changed so the provider does not get shafted. Doesn't have to be a man or woman i know a woman who is paying 50% of all of her future income for the rest of her life to some dude who refuses to get a job.
@The Outlaw Torn Why the judge does that?
in some places the judges can change it or throw it out
I'd say in 3rd world countries it's not an issue coz most people don't have wealth
Prenup can actually benefit and protect woman tbh. They can include something like infidelity or abuse or domestic violence penalty, or who initiate the divorce first (without any reason) and their consequence (so you can't suddenly divorce your ill or disabled spouse), or to control how the assets are being distributed between the legal kids.
yeah if its a no fault no you cant put any of that in.
Would encourage false allegations of abuse.. take it from someone who knows..
I'll never marry a woman here in America.
Not until men get a fair trial in case of a divorce .
It's worse in Canada
Justinian Jimenez never knew that 😯
Recent studies have shown that men are happier before and after marriage/relationships. Don't get married!
@@fernvill27 TBF, those AFTER marriage are significantly more likely to kill themselves. Kinda warps the stats when those fall out.
@@Endoptic maybe they mean happy in the sense that they don't have someone nagging them anymore but unhappy when they lose more than half. I see your point. It was a good one
People don't realize that some states where you may live with your life partner are still liable in court to split assets (like buying a house together) if they were to separate. Not getting married doesn't simply grant you immunity.
Buy your own stuff
Pre-Marital counseling is a good idea, as is a 2 year waiting period ~in an exclusive relationship~ before marrying.
If prenups weren't thrown out of court ALL the time, then this would be good advice. The problem is courts throw them out far more often than accept them. If two people come into a situation with similar amounts of wealth than a prenup doesn't make alot of sense. Also there isn't really a reason for one because splitting half if basically your half. Whereas is one person has more, then a prenup makes sense, but the court systems don't like one person having more, so they throw the prenup out and split assets. So whats the point of a prenup?
Well here's the thing, prenups can get thrown out if they're not done right. Ways to avoid this include: signing it before the wedding, one lawyer says no more than 30 days before the wedding, another one recommends 6 months before the day. Make sure you and your partner both have your own lawyers present for the signing. Make sure you both put something in there because if one person gets everything but the other gets nothing, that won't work. Also never tell your partner, "sign this or the wedding is off." I am not a lawyer but I have done research on this topic since I plan to get a prenup myself when I get married. I recommend that if you plan to get one, you should tell your partner when you two are dating, if it's serious and you have talked about marriage.
The problem is that pre ups don't cover assets and income earned during the marriage. Usually the prenup becomes worthless.
@@amandathompson9347 Keep your assets separate always with a joint account to pay the bills. This should be the only comingling of funds for two working parents. I will never combine finances again.
Women don't want the prenup because the cash, house, land, savings, furniture, tax return, pets, retirement, pensions are no longer just given to her.
If I was a wife, I would avoid it too.
Because you are a coward.
Plz don't take car, life and house insurance too.
How bout you keep the government out of this
Just avoid marriage. There is no longer value in it.
I have a lot to lose now. In a country where if you take a 2-wk vacation & a homeless person breaks into your home for 36 hrs & then has "tenant rights"...... just living alone doesn't seem so horrible anymore..
That's all I get out of this💯💯💯 if ppl took the time to get to know one another and date the "right" way and for the right reasons, we wouldn't have this prob..
One important thing is prenuptial agreement is dynamic, not static. So, this is why it's important to update it when major changes occur in your life, such as one spouse getting sick and another having to take care of them, once children are born, once the financial situation changes. Once both of you decide to make a major investment like buying the house, all of it has to be discussed. The conditions have to be discussed and updated, especially if communication is not your strongest personal suit. We have to teach young adults, especially if they come from unstable upbringings. This should be mandatory and mediation for agreements has to be free.
You never see two fighters step into the ring without knowing the rules. They sit down, work out a contract, with the help of attorneys. They know how many rounds, how long the rounds be, what will the split of the receipts be. How much for the live event, for pay per view... They know they will be in a fight. In a marriage you should hope to never be in a fight, but you should have a prenup and set the rules up front.
I like this
Sad that a prize fight is the current model for marriage...
No. If the rule was never divorce, there would be no such thing as a prenup
Wise Woman. Great commentary.
What a content-less presentation. Yes, we all know that a prenup is handy, and we all have a default one - the existing law in a given state. What should the starting point be?
This talk is just brilliant.
Thanks a lot respected lady.
If society embraces prenuptial agreements the world will be much better place...
I have had the same thought process for years. I just got my first girlfriend and I'm going to ask the question with the first year.
She is right about discussing finances before marriage. Here are the issues. If you are young in your 20s with no assets, a prenup isn't necessary. Also, if you have been married longer than 10 years a prenuptial becomes invalid. Also, all income and assets earned during marriage are not covered by the prenup. The reality is that a prenuptial can give you a false sense of security.
is this the same for postnup.......too, just as good
The only way!✌
I bet you constantly obsess over women, but yeah, you’re totally GTOW
@@T2G-DJT who arent obesss over women? If men arent obsess over women then what are men supposed to be obsess over, cows? It's in human nature for men to be obsess over women and women obsess over men. Smh
Only problem is the prenuptial can be thrown out. Why is that? If you can’t throw the marriage out and say doesn’t count why can you do that with the other contract? If someone breaks their word during the marriage why should their word on the prenuptial be thrown out? BS
Because lawyers have this concept that if a case comes into court they can make any argument they want, regardless of how unfair or ridiculous it is and if they convince the judge they win. They do not believe in ironclad irrevocable contracts.
God bless her
I never thought I would get married.
But here I am a month or so away. We drew a prenup together and it was a great experience.
She has a good career retirement and assets to protect. And so do I. It was a huge stress reliever for me and made me happy moving forward.
For many men, we are afraid of being taken advantage of later in life. Knowing that we’ve prearranged and pre-agreed on how things may work out is huge peace of mind for the breadwinner and the stay at home spouse.
Is there a cheating clause too. I mean, if either of get caught cheating, then who gets what ? Kinda like that clause.
Deep Ondroid
No. I don’t want there to be. That is irrelevant to the separation. To me that’s a childish thing to be overly concerned about. We’re human, If it happens, Oh well. We’ll split up if we need to.
If it’s from lack of love, inability to cooperate, or a desire to leave the marriage, or need to be with another person, it’s all the same to me.
We’ll split what we built together but Our personal assets/pensions and income are protected.
Marco lara Best of Luck. No more Santeria :)
@@marcoglara2012 this is the most sensible thing I've read in a while.
I thought I recognize the man with a plan
Do you wear a seatbelt each time you ride in a car? Yes...
What are the chances that you will need your seatbelt in a life threatening accident each time you ride? 1 in a million chance..
What are the chances your marriage will end? 50% chance
Still think you don't need a prenup?
She’s an attorney? Courts do not honor or follow all prenuptial agreements. DON’T GET MARRIED!
Wrong. When a man signs a prenup when marrying a rich woman, although rare, its always upheld. Surprise.
@@normangoldstuck8107 not in the Cuckafornia.
@@c.1211 Wow. California helps men who signed prenups get money from the rich wives. Good for them.
What if you had to give up one of your kidneys to your former spouse after divorce? Would u sign that contract?
NO you wouldn’t, why not??? Because it’s inherently unfair to build a penalty into no-fault agreement.
Your time is your life energy, it may not be a kidney but it’s part of your life and nobody has the right to take another persons life or any percentage of it
What about his life and energy? It cancels out.
True! Divorce court is not about fairness. It is a weapon of Satan. One more thing that diminishes marriage. High income men should not marry without a pre-nup.
just want to say, the "half of all marraiges end in divorce" is kind of a lie. The rate compares divorces per year to marriages per year. That doesn't account for : 1) people who divorce multiple times in their life. and 2) many marriages last until death. These successes are not accounted for in such a comparison. This statistical lie on marriage and divorce has no doubt impacted negatively the perception of marriage, nuclear family, and settling down.
Good one!
"If you love the money more than the person you are going to marry, then just don't get married."
Materialist advice coming from someone in the "divorce" industry.
@Yomas Riprud cry
@Yomas Riprud Cry me a river lol 😂🤣
The laws make it impossible nowadays to live together with someone let alone marry them. Even a cohabitation agreement or prenup doesn't protect you.
I’m for prenups but it’s tough to take someone seriously when they were the one that got dumped and is bitter about the separation. Like saying I’m not a fan of marriage now and you should get a prenup.
This is the only Tedx that I heard that is actually worthy of listening. And definitely the only one where people freaking cheered.
Feministas hate pre-nups. Many of them have infidelity clauses. Some require the spouse to continue working. There's all sorts of things that can be plugged in when wealth is greatly unequal.
But if you have people marrying who are economic equals, there's not as much need for a pre-nup.
to bad most prenups get tossed out
How? Even when they were signed in good faith? Can you elaborate?
I love to see the comments, only men comment, what's up women, afraid of prenups?
Because women tend to violently obsess over other things. Thats like asking why theres no David Bowie fans on a Lil Pump music video
What happens if one person has intellectual property before getting married to their partner and while still in the marriage that intellectual property grows into a business/company.
Will the prenup protect the initial owner of the intellectual property from their spouse sharing the proceeds with them or what? I'll appreciate educative response. Thanks
My fiancé wants a prenup pretty bad. How do I fit it in to the wedding vows? (Like, the words. How should I word it)
I don’t even have boyfriend but I would love to have that prenup talk 😍 that is romantic to me
If you are the one to gain from a divorce then I would agree it’s not very romantic 😉😉😉
It is an age where it's not
If it doesn't work
When it doesn't work.
No fault divorce is the worst thing that has ever been passed for marriage. They can cheat, divorce, and still take half of your life savings.
Career changes and children? So won’t it mean it’s more than likely going to benefit the woman if she doesn’t sign? I think it’s fair. Women will take the biggest hit when those changes occur. Men do not. If you’re a career woman who is working alongside her husband then I understand why you would want to protect your assets (you most likely earn more than him as men with money are known to prefer women that make less) but i digress, the average woman cannot take that gamble. Most men do not go through the huge changes that a woman does once she has had kids or becomes a wife. It’s added responsibility.
Potato potahto, tomato, tomahto let's call the whole thing off.
himode that’s a pretty poor argument. pregnancy is what forces a woman to either pause or decline in her career growth. The only side you can say that actually has a choice on stopping a career is really the man, because there is no biological force pushing him toward ending his career. He can end it if he feels like or keep going. Fact is that child birth is the result of both parties creating that life.
Does she know how many prenups get dismissed? Averages look good, but a judge can make it not matter.
I will be getting a prenup where if my husband does not impregnate me within 3 years both of us can leave w/o penalty
I wanna marry my foreign girlfriend. Is it better to buy my house before or after the marriage. I want to protect all of my assets with a prenup, but I have heard that if you buy assets while married the prenup will not protect you. Please help
Your best strategy is not to take your foreign wife home. That way you stay in the driver's seat. 1. She will not be tempted by other men and will not get her citizenship. 2. She cannot use US courts against you.
It depends on the prenup and what you include in it. My advice is to see a lawyer. Als my advice would be to never marry in the first place, because if the prenup is not ironclad, including having lawyer representation to both parties (meaning separate lawyers present) and having witnesses, the prenup can be thrown out in court.
Prenups do not cover assets or income earned during the marriage.
Yes they do...that's what a pre nup is for@amandathompson9347
Marriage is about love right? Then why should materials matter?
Prenup all the way.
If the materials don’t matter why do you want to keep it alllll to yourself? Truth is money is an important resource with great emotion tied to it. This is why it hurts to get disinherited for example.
MGTOW guys been right all this time... damn.
nahh prenups are pretty useless tbh your wealth is not protected with a prenup cause its an agreement and its debatable, so i would recommend getting a trust its pretty similar but you can do it without the other side knowing or agreeing and it protects your assets no matter what happens its a lot less human but you can rest easy and it wont have any effect if you dont divorce so why not
Was the husband there to tell his side. No no not at at all
She has to make herself look good in her class, jist saying
I'm 22 and my 17 gf just said she'd be down to get married when she's 18. I had to break it to h
South Dakota Trust Gentleman.
I think its ok..
Are pre-nups even admissible in court?
Of prenup is a problem for sum then not signing a marriage contract should be just fine
Prenuptials can get thrown out.
She doesn't get the responses she wants, so she asserts what she Knows.
Not in the west, don t even think about it
Yep, thats right!
Imagine talking to women about prenup in this day and age with entitlement and feminism
🤣isn't it better you'll know her true nature beforehand.
Imagine talking to entitled men, in this day and age, about having a prenup, who are sexist and chauvinistic
Definitely get a prenup. Make sure it is signed by the man and woman involved, witnessed by at least 2 independent individuals, and certified/validated by registered solicitors. The official copy and version should be logged on the appropriate government registry as well - to ensure it is fully executable and valid upon divorce. I am from the UK. No pre-nups = no marriage. If one party says no or use the 'trust' card, walk away.
Indians helping Canadians and Americans with their divorce. XD
She's definitely not going to be single/divorced for long..Her ex-hubby Loss
You talking about this woman? She’s not terrible looking but she’s pushing 50. Her dating days are pretty much over.
@@marcelluswallace4598 she can still find some luck, if she isnt too strict on what she wants, she can get remarried
I had a prenup and a 30 years marriage. I was blindsight. The x had an affair and wanted out. However, the x still took me through the court system for 5 years . We were married in one province with a prenup , moved to another province where we divorced. He challenged the validity of the prenup from another province. The court upheld the prenup at the end but it took 5 years and was not any easier than a divorce without a prenup. The only consolation is that I got the assets I worked hard for.
Eh when someone’s speaking about an issue where they get clear special treatment, I find their views are mainly through rose tinted glasses.
Prenups get thrown out all the time.
Listening to a divorced women is like entering a Wolf into the sheepfold .
It boils down to what is more important to you: money or relationships. If money is more important, get a prenup.
Prenups get thrown out. Only way to stay safe is to avoid marriage.
Prenups cast doubt over the permanence of marriage. How can it hence be a good thing? I explore this in my latest video on my channel and remain convinced by my stance after watching this.
This thing called divorce proves the impermanence of marriage...
True, but so does the reality of legalized no-fault divorce cast doubt. A 50% divorce rate in the USA shows that across all demographics getting divorced is as likely as staying married. An indissolvable marriage is a fiction in the USA today because we have legal no-fault divorce.
A pre-nup is a test over whether the low-earning prospective spouse, usually the woman, is entering the agreement purely for love or with the intention of getting half of his assets without contributing in any way. A wealthy man will always be an enticing target to lawyers because he has "deep pockets".
Prenup cast Understanding and Questioning prenup cast doubts
Who ever wrote this script, for sure did have to sign one! It's the most humiliating and uncomfortable thing a couple in love can do before getting married. So life can be “better” if… This generation is always looking for easy solutions!
You seem like a nice person but this was 12 minutes of -- eh.... I guess I already decided to get a prenup so this was not aimed at me.
1st view
aesi orat ke naam par kalank hai🥲
Women hate prenups lol
Or here's an idea. Instead of signing a prenup, make sure you find someone who you wouldn't need to have a prenup with in the first place, and theb talk to the right people who are experts on these relationships to make CERTAIN you won't need it. If you sign a prenup you're dooming your marriagr to fail either way.
Because people lie and change. Women will have guys to get free dinners and they an non the wiser. Same happens with relationships and marriage. 70% of divorce is filed by women.
God bless you if you found someone in that 30%.
A prenup is the same as insurance. You hope you don't have to need it but just in case.
You don’t step in the ring unless you know the rules of the fight. A prenup sets the rules, you hope you never need to fight, but if you do. Each side is aware of the rules up front.
You have no guarantee, no certainty, that your judgement of another person is sound. Also, people change. There are innocent spouses that are injured by spouses that are just selfish and cannot be trusted in a marriage. You may not see that before the wedding.
Prenup just negates the essence of marriage itself. Why are we marrying at all. Better to find someone withoit the prenup bs
adadan gelenler ahahaha
These women will support prenup when it comes to wealthy women getting married like Britney Spears or Kelly Clarkson. 🤣
This woman talks like a AI robot
Waste of time