I'd manually drive car out of the parking garage and engage it when it has a good clear view to the sky for good GPS. There are many videos where people try to challenge the FSD to its limits at risk of a collision.
Thanks for your feedback. I always enter a destination so I can let FSD drive me out of a parking garage. I have many more videos to upload driving from my work parking garage in darkness just to challenge FSD to its limit. Overall, I've witnessed huge improvement from April 2024.
@@HanhSolo88 Surprisingly, a lot of people don't know that you don't even have to enter the destination if you have an event on your phone's calendar and the location is filled in.
I'd manually drive car out of the parking garage and engage it when it has a good clear view to the sky for good GPS. There are many videos where people try to challenge the FSD to its limits at risk of a collision.
It doesn't need GPS for any of this. GPS can't tell the car what's parked next to it in a garage.
Thanks for your feedback. I always enter a destination so I can let FSD drive me out of a parking garage. I have many more videos to upload driving from my work parking garage in darkness just to challenge FSD to its limit. Overall, I've witnessed huge improvement from April 2024.
@@HanhSolo88 Surprisingly, a lot of people don't know that you don't even have to enter the destination if you have an event on your phone's calendar and the location is filled in.