Same bike same bags even the same color. I love the video. I'm trying to decide if mine would look better a little lower on the bike, idk it may just be that these bags are a bit shallow (or short height wise ) They may look worse lower, we'll see thanks a lot Austin, I was lost as what to do with all that hardware and no instructions 😅
Very detailed. You gave me great ideas for mounting my universal bags on my Intruder 1500. Thank you!
No problem! Thanks for watching Steve!
Good job man. Just bought some hard saddlebags with no instructions. This video definently helps me out.
Best universal handbag video by far
Great job Austin.
Same bike same bags even the same color. I love the video. I'm trying to decide if mine would look better a little lower on the bike, idk it may just be that these bags are a bit shallow (or short height wise )
They may look worse lower, we'll see thanks a lot Austin, I was lost as what to do with all that hardware and no instructions 😅
2005 VTX 1300S is what I'm riding.🤟😎✌🏻
Your old bags would be perfect 4 mine
Thanks for the tips!
Nice ride Austin. Be safe brother
Definitely like the new hard bags 👍🏼
Right on”””