This outstanding performance reminded me once again that Harnoncourt was one of few conductors (actually, I don't know of any others) who took all of Mozart's "structural" repeat signs seriously (Bernstein, somewhat surprisingly, comes close). Harnoncourt takes all the repeats in the repetition of the minuet after the trio, for example. (The convention of not taking minuet/scherzo post-trio repeats is, I bet, a post-Beethoven/Schubert development.) He also takes the development-recapitulation repeat in the Finale at 29:16. This has a shock effect here as it also does in Mozart 40 and 41. Taking all these repeats makes these symphonies, especially the finales, considerably longer, but after hearing performances such as Harnoncourt's one feels shortchanged by the too-common abbreviated versions. BTW Haydn's first three "Paris" symphonies Nos. 82-84 also have finale-development repeats, and it is surely also no coincidence that they are in the same three keys: Mozart 39, 40 and 41, in E-flat major, g-minor, and C-major, respectively, corresponding to Haydn 84, 83, and 82.
Thank you for the very informative and interesting comment. I just want to add that Haydn's 87th also has a finale with development-recapitulation repeats and is recorded that way by Harnoncourt: (4:30 is where the repeat starts). To the best of my understanding 85th's and 86th's finales do not have this feature. All the best!
"is, I bet, a post-Beethoven/Schubert development" Very much so. It become very apparent since Beethoven wrote a few Sonata Scherzi where he explictly tells the performer to NOT play the repeats in the da Capo. If that were the norm back then, he wouldn't have had to ask for it.
Când lumea slăbește în jurul nostru, când structurile unei civilizații se clătesc, este bine să ne întoarcem la ceea ce, în istorie, nu slăbește, ci dimpotrivă redă curaj, adună pe cei despărțiți, liniștește fără vânătăi. Este bine de reținut că geniul creației este și el la lucru într-o poveste sortită distrugerii
Love the divisive and heated comments here, surely a sign that love for classical music is alive and thriving. I'll let others duke it out over the tempo, phrasing, and intonation...I just have one question: If the conductor rather than Mozart is the star of the show, is it really a success?
It's nice to see and hear a Harnoncourt version of this symphony, however the interpretation is not one of my favorites, too many rubati and tempo changes, and in the introduction of the first movement there are many mismatches and they do not sound together. Trumpets and horns also hit a lot of wrong notes. I understand that it's a live concert, but there are HIP orchestras that are more precise.
I like this performance of Concentus Musieus under the conductor Nikolaus Harnoncourt for Mozart 39 Symphony, but if this orchestra plan to play early music, only Brass and Woodwind instrument use period instruments maybe no enough, for Cello for example they can use viola da gamba.
During Mozart's time there weren't any cars with ICE, hence brake-induced drifting could not be part of the social-cultural values and practices at that historical period. Why, then, this orchestra (especially the strings) sounds at times as if they are making brake-induced drifting?!
彼の指揮演奏は常に実に音楽的ではなかった。価値を感じ得ない。似非権威だけが上滑りしていただけ。 His conducting has always been very unmusical. It's not worth it. It's just a superficial pseudo-authority.
Mr Harnoncourt belongs to the Pantheon of conductors and at the very top of it
He has left us with a reach legacy and we’re very grateful for the gift
😭 I cannot believe, this is 30 minutes long.
Quite felt short, thank you DW Classical Music for allowing us to watch this concert way back from 2014 ❤
You're welcome, we're glad you liked it 😊
Я услышал концерт Моцарта! Спасибо, маэстро Арнонкур!
This outstanding performance reminded me once again that Harnoncourt was one of few conductors (actually, I don't know of any others) who took all of Mozart's "structural" repeat signs seriously (Bernstein, somewhat surprisingly, comes close). Harnoncourt takes all the repeats in the repetition of the minuet after the trio, for example. (The convention of not taking minuet/scherzo post-trio repeats is, I bet, a post-Beethoven/Schubert development.) He also takes the development-recapitulation repeat in the Finale at 29:16. This has a shock effect here as it also does in Mozart 40 and 41. Taking all these repeats makes these symphonies, especially the finales, considerably longer, but after hearing performances such as Harnoncourt's one feels shortchanged by the too-common abbreviated versions. BTW Haydn's first three "Paris" symphonies Nos. 82-84 also have finale-development repeats, and it is surely also no coincidence that they are in the same three keys: Mozart 39, 40 and 41, in E-flat major, g-minor, and C-major, respectively, corresponding to Haydn 84, 83, and 82.
Thank you for the very informative and interesting comment. I just want to add that Haydn's 87th also has a finale with development-recapitulation repeats and is recorded that way by Harnoncourt:
(4:30 is where the repeat starts).
To the best of my understanding 85th's and 86th's finales do not have this feature.
All the best!
"is, I bet, a post-Beethoven/Schubert development"
Very much so. It become very apparent since Beethoven wrote a few Sonata Scherzi where he explictly tells the performer to NOT play the repeats in the da Capo. If that were the norm back then, he wouldn't have had to ask for it.
RIP Maestro Harnoncourt 💐
Puro amore!
Când lumea slăbește în jurul nostru, când structurile unei civilizații se clătesc, este bine să ne întoarcem la ceea ce, în istorie, nu slăbește, ci dimpotrivă redă curaj, adună pe cei despărțiți, liniștește fără vânătăi. Este bine de reținut că geniul creației este și el la lucru într-o poveste sortită distrugerii
Mozart is a GOD!!!
Моцарт ,- один из Величайших композиторов !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Harnoncourt one of the greatest conductors
Vielen lieben Dank für die herrliche Musik
Sehr, sehr gerne! 🥰
This is from that MOZART!!! concert. Epic.
Bravo à vous tous c’est magnifique j’adore ❤❤❤
Excellent. I wish the camera would capture the clarinets in the trio section of the minuet.
Love the divisive and heated comments here, surely a sign that love for classical music is alive and thriving. I'll let others duke it out over the tempo, phrasing, and intonation...I just have one question: If the conductor rather than Mozart is the star of the show, is it really a success?
참 좋습니다(very good)!
Una meraviglia ❤
ritengo che questa sia la più bella sinfonia scritta da Mozart
This is an example of what can be done with a brilliant piece if you conduct it with that expression on your face.
Èpic és Harnoncourt. EPD
This is the first of Mozart's last three symphonies, which he wrote in just six weeks.
Thank you for this Mozarts Symphony 39, Enjoyed 🌻An interesting Article on BBC news about Mozart,🌏🎶🌟🎼🎻🥰🌟🎼
They still are as wonderful as the music that they just performed here.
Muchas gracias
Con gusto 🥰
…just look at Hanrnoncourt’s facial expressions. He’s fighting. This symphony is not a battle!
It's nice to see and hear a Harnoncourt version of this symphony, however the interpretation is not one of my favorites, too many rubati and tempo changes, and in the introduction of the first movement there are many mismatches and they do not sound together. Trumpets and horns also hit a lot of wrong notes.
I understand that it's a live concert, but there are HIP orchestras that are more precise.
Ah Bravo 👏🏻 Bravo 👏🏻 ❤
Awesome :)
Unusual piece to me, but, still brilliant, and outstanding performance! thanks :)
Que bien ... !
Same applies to 3rd movement. Technically close to perfect but, in my understanding doesn’t meet the idea of Mozart having composed this symphony.
원더풀 😊
I like this performance of Concentus Musieus under the conductor Nikolaus Harnoncourt for Mozart 39 Symphony, but if this orchestra plan to play early music, only Brass and Woodwind instrument use period instruments maybe no enough, for Cello for example they can use viola da gamba.
Not for Mozart - definitely cellos by his time
2nd movement too fast as per my understanding.
During Mozart's time there weren't any cars with ICE, hence brake-induced drifting could not be part of the social-cultural values and practices at that historical period. Why, then, this orchestra (especially the strings) sounds at times as if they are making brake-induced drifting?!
Besides, the recording is quite treble heavy, not quite balanced.
A parody of this wonderful symphony😢
You don’t understand music at all
But a work of art, nonetheless.
Симфония впечатления не произвела
Love late Harnoncourt and the CMW in this symphony
Quite convincing but doesn’t come anywhere close to the stone old Bruno Walter rendition.
Senza oboe.
That is not what is in the score at all. Ugly, and very poorly phrased.
…and WAY to aggressive.
Get that conductor off the stage. Horrible interpertation of Mozart's great symphony.
Harnoncourt is very missed.
His conducting has always been very unmusical. It's not worth it. It's just a superficial pseudo-authority.