I have a speculation of what's to come. We know that Angrboda and Loki in the mythos have 3 children, Fenrir, Jormungandr and Hel who has not appeared. I believe that the bird in Helheim will be replaced by their daughter Hel since the raven of Helheim wants to retire
@@ededdandeddytv5164 I feel like Forseti is important and there’s a reason he didn’t appear in Ragnorok. Since he’s the God of Justice and Reconciliation I feel like he’s gonna pursue Kratos or Freya at least in an attempt to get revenge for the Aesir or something similar. He could possibly be Baldur’s son and since in Norse mythology Baldur is resurrected after Asgard’s destruction, that could be a good way to wrap up the Norse storyline
direction is the one that guides the other parts to light so that part is absolutely went away with other parts it can be can't be body as fenrir didn't change the body like he jormangander giant did with the snakes body remaining is mind and luck its more likely that it was mind as fenrir remembered everything of his life in his previous body like brok remembered everything except his death and brok was missing the direction part of the soul
I think there were two Fenrirs, the first one was the father of skoll and hati while the second one (the one we see in the game) was just named after the first one by Atreus. The first one was probably the one in the book.
The idea of the Demiurge trying to use the mask to manipulate others like Garm, Odin, and Atreus into getting more power for itself is an interesting theory. It would explain why the mask reacted to Garm. Plus, an overarching villain of the god of war universe sounds interesting and it would be a nice final opponent for Kratos overall.
I can say for sure that these are your best theories in the channel by far(well at least when the next game comes out) and I must say you really should consider yourself of becoming a writer because these ideas or theories of yours need a long time to be developed which is impressive
It could be that the "creator" or "primordial" beings are all in a way related to the higher plane of existence The Primordials created the universe Ymir thought the universe to existence, Sinmara gave it water and Surtr gave it the stars Two pieces are found in the realms of Sinmara and Surtr It would make sense that another primordial, Ymir had the other piece, which is what Odin obtained in the first place So maybe, Garm/Hroditnir has a connection because he's a primordial wolf, father of Skoll and Hati and a unique being in its own way The mask guides itself back through sensing of energy, maybe whatever was still left inside Garm guided the mask there Or it was a direct intervention by the "good" beings in the higher plane, as Garm/Fenrir was the reason Atreus and Kratos survived the end of Asgard
Y'know, as farfetched as this theory is, it's a REALLY good theory and it makes a ton of sense. I'm impressed and I'm even putting some faith into this one, time will see.
Okay but what if eating a half of the mask is what corrupted or destroyed the soul of Garm. Since it destroyed Odin's eye, and it's a higher plane of existence, the damage is beyond physical
I would say the Demiurge used Odin and Garn at the same time. The rift opened when Odin killed Imir and created the norse realm. If it only opened after Garn got chained down, which itself happened after his soul was taken, that would mean Kratos got dragged to Skandinavia before it was created.
If that happened then Faye wouldn’t have even started the first rebellion so it isn’t possible for kratos to be transported there at that time and the world had already been in turmoil for a very long time also the Norse had been practicing their beliefs at the same time as the Greek so the time period does not work
its more likely the rift is connected to time travel, if you think about it they already had time travel as a thing in the game with Jormangundr. so maybe the rift let Odin see a tiny glimps of the future and thus learned of Ragnarök and spent all his time seeking answers, the Norns gave him only lies and so he figured that a mask from that came out of the rift would let him see into the rift and thus he sought answers. the reason why Athena wanted hope from Kratos in GOW3 was because even in the higher plains the evils unleashed by Kratos from Pandora's box still influenced her to this very day. i am unsure if it was greed or pride or maybe all of the evils from the box, and this is something Kratos is very much aware of which is why he disregards Athena in GOW2018, he knows she is corrupted by the evil of pandora's box and while she would give some insights she would also lie.
I think I know what happened, maybe Skoll and Hati's father was in the body of garm, or his body, Odin took his soul with some magic or something (he is the all father) and an uncontrollable beast was unleashed, named Garm, and then Fenrir took his body. making these 3 important names 1 wolf
This was a super interesting theory! I wonder how Ymir fits into all of this though because Odin mentions that upon killing them, the rift appears. I think Ymir, being the first giant, could've been another manifestation of the Demiurge put in place by said powers long before to give Odin a motive.
Thinking more: it fits her agenda of wanting the Higher Realm to herself, and manipulating Kratos and Odin into killing off all gods through the unworthy events of Ragnarok.
the whole mask thing was just a reference to the movie The Mask (1994) with Jim Carrey. It didn't have any deeper meaning and led to nowhere because Loki destroyed it
@@emir6110 With how much narrative focus is put on the mask and the potential consequences of using it, that'd be an awful lot of effort to make a simple pop culture reference. Especially since Atreus destroying the mask is also framed as a pretty important event, emphasising the story's theme of Choice vs Fate.
@@chansesturm7103 Damn this game definitely needs a dlc with atreus as the focus so many plot points towards him are left hanging, sindri's anger, missing giants, Mask mystery. even kratos has some plot line unresolved, like how he met faye, who blew the horn,
@@chansesturm7103 the whole focus of the last game was on tyr and building him up then he was just used as a gotcha plot twist in ragnarok. And that's just one example. Many plot points led to nowhere
I lost my dog a few weeks after this game came out, so the opening with Fenrir hurt. When he came back with the soul magic, I felt so sad and yet so happy
But it's interesting how Atreus could feel what Garm felt while he had no soul. If you remember he couldn't feel the animals that Gryla took their soul
I love this theory! Could also explain why garm in the qst place was uncontrollably destroying the lands and eating mountain while in search of something
I like the higher plane of existence theory, but if it was simpler than that. If Faye was the person who commanded Garm in the beginning. Then maybe she was the one who took his soul. She could have foreseen that Atreus would put Fenrir's soul in the knife, and planned for Fenrir and Garm to be one in the end.
Or… there is definitive time travel in GoW, like we saw with Jormungandr going back in time from Ragnarok, I feel like Fenrir has always been Garm. The Garm in the game is a past Fenrir that fathered Skoll & Hatti but at the same time is the future Fenrir because Loki turns him into Fenrir.
When it's mentioned that skol hati and hrotvitnir were the wolves who brought kratos to midgard, can it also mean that hrotvitnir is garm who opens a realm tear through which kratos is brought to midgard by Faye? Could this mean that Garm is a giant given the size?
Makes sense as midgard is like it's own separate world from the greek and egyptian one and Faye would need a being who can teleport between worlds at will.
I feel that when Garm’s soul was whispered away it somehow reincarnated into Fenrir as a regular wolf so essentially yes Garm and Fenrir were always the same
I thought Garm had the same power source as the mask and that's why the mask is guided to him. Surtur says the blades of chaos have primal fire, maybe the green power is something similar and linked to the Demiurge
First time we see him and the Mask glows, I thought that Garm Ate the mask piece and it was glowing because it was in his stomach. I even thought maybe Odin would end up getting his Hand bitten off trying to get the peice. Sadly I was wrong But we did get Fenrir back and he's a Good Boy, kratos telling him to head home and Fenrir just opens a portal was perfect
when atreus meets the chained up garm he says that he feels that garm wants to be free, but with the soulless animals he can´t feel anything. So atreus shouldn´t feel anything from garm when he meets him for the first time (if garm is soulless), or am i wrong ? Also wasn´t there something about the mask lighting up in helheim because it was the right place, but the wrong realm ?
I have two things to say, First your theory is pretty good. The second is a theory, what if in the last few games of the whole series Atreus or Kratos dies and they go to the higher plain of existence because both of them are worthy to go.
great video as always and i wish they had and scene after the credits about this higher existance or something like in god of war 3 .....the way ragnarok finishes was more like a normal story gotta hold up with your theories until the next game
One theory I have is that Odin actually had Tyr imprison Garm in Helheim. I think it would be a good inclusion because of how Mimir and Freya reacted on how Atreus messed up, in a way of this: there is a lot of things that Odin did that are terrible and that we disagree with, but imprisoning Garm is one of the few or only things that we agree of him doing. It shows that just because Odin is the antagonist, doesn’t mean that everything he does is bad. Just like how Kratos is the protagonist, and doesn’t mean everything he did was good (mainly in the first god of war games and god of war 3 in Greece) It shows that good and evil don’t really exist, that people have different goals and they often conflict with each other and how the only good and evil is in the hearts actions and behaviors of the individuals.
Soul magic is giant magic, so it was most likely a giant like Faye, but the most likely candidate strikes me as Skadi who worked for the Aesir after marrying Njord the sea god and becoming the goddess of winter and hunting...
Personal idea from a story I’m working on: Garm was spawned after Audhumbla died (the giant cow skeleton we find in niflheim) While Buri, the first of the Aesir, was born by Audhumbla licking him from ice, Garm was born by the melting of ice from Audhumbla’s blood. This is why Garm has that blood soaked appearance and possesses such powerful abilities that only a primordial entity could possess. It's even stated in one of the poems that discusses Garm that he was found in Niflheim at some point.
I enjoyed your stream the yesterday or the day before it was entertaining! I really enjoy your theory videos they really help out. I am still scarred from the plot hole video with the blades of exile.
I do believe that Garm Is Fenrir before he gets the soul as you said. Chained up kept imprisoned and chew of Tyrs arm etc. The only problem with Garm being one of the 3 wolves Kratos saw in his dream is for me. Wouldn't Kratos somehow recognise Garm if it was the same wolf he dreamt about?
The only problem I can kinda see with this theory is that the only reason they were in Hel in the first place was due to a mistranslation on Atreus’s part.
A loophole in the theory here. Kaptain suggests that Demiurge first took Garm's soul and when Garm got chained he went to trick Odin. But we know that the rift appeared to Odin when he killed Ymir, also Odin created Midgard from Ymir's flesh. Now the loophole is that Demiurge could not have possibly taken Garm's soul before appearing as rift to Odin, because we know that Garm had his soul during the events of the God of War book where Garm, Skoll and Hati faced off Kratos. Because for that to happen Midgard would have to be created first. So I believe that Demiurge presented himself as the rift to Odin. But when Odin failed to find the pieces of the Mask of Knowledge Demiurge took away Garm's soul. Just a tiny correction in the otherwise great theory. Huge Fan Kaptain! Also everyone, do let me know if this makes sense to everyone? Maybe I am missing something here.
They mask wasnt taking them to garm but to the area hehind him. Once garm snapped the chains and left i stay with they mask out to see if it glowed still
actually the mask gives you more steps that you need to follow to acquire the remaining mask pieces, and in this case one of the steps is to free Garm, and then you might be able to search for the next piece of mask
I think that Hrothvir, Garm and Fenrir are all different entities that have embodied the same host. It started with hrothvir still being himself helping skoll and hati kidnap Kratos for whatever reason and then hrothvir somehow got his soul stolen to this green energy stuff and hrothvirs empty shell was known as garm bc his whole personality was gone. Then arteus makes him Fenri.
I believe Garm only lost one or two pieces of his soul as we know other creatures who are missing their whole soul can't do anything at all and don't even seem to move without being moved and we see Garm running, moving and tearing the realm apart and not only that, but Atreus seems to be able to sense and feel Garm as he says he can tell he wants to be free. This leads me to believe he still has some soul bits in him though not enough for him be himself. It also explains how Fenrir seems to still be whole even though it seems 3 of his soul bits went off, presumably to the light is Alfheim.
If we look at Odins personal raven we see it has no soul but follows Odin with unbreakable loyalty so what if he had done the same to garm or at least tried to
One overlooked detail thats bothering me is how they say Garm was inprisoned for eating part of midgard and the lost season after winter and the concept of what comes after hunger. If he was a pup then and then imprisoned for all eternity sine well how could he have Skoll and Hati as children and been his own agent bringing Kratos to Scandanavia? Plus some other details in the book feels like they are hurt by the new game cause Kratos seemed to reach the new land by boat and not by wolf. I like that Hroofntir could have been an intellugent wolf giant but Garm's imprisonment feels like it happened a much longer time ago.
@@Schlonberg_Sachs His mural in the end of the game showed it I think, he was in a boat at the start of it, and from Mimir and Kratos interactions its said both of them left their homelands and past by sailing away on a boat. Though the comic showed him in Egypt so maybe Kratos wandered around a lot to the south by land too
I think you could be right bcz Atreus does say that he gave Fenrir his name bcz it sounded cool which means it was a name he heard before. Which means there has to be a Fenrir that existed before
I would like to add one twist/idea... Fenrir is the Sun and Moon wolf's father in the mythology, it says nothing about their mother, and who she might be. While that is just making stuff up, it does give the developers room to play with.
Please make a video on the ragnarok combat similar to your "my real thoughts on about god of war 2018" video, there are so many combat mechanics im yet to know of
We've already established time travel exists. Jormie and Papa-K have both had it happen. And Garm/Fenrir can open rifts through realms, so why not time?
The Journey begins with new god of war Ragnarok theory's ,2023 is going to be a good one 'Thank you Kaptain Kuba" "god of Norse" wish's you good luck and respect
What about a Theory about if you Welled every armor Kratos ever had, like every Norse armor he Got from Brok and Sindri, and the ones from Greese, (including the armor he Got from killing the gods, like Hermes boots, Hadez helmet and Zeus gaunlet. And every set had Its entaintmens, power ups, perks and stats still intact, and gets fused like plused together. And every godly armor he gets their Ability’s. Its like an armor fit for a single ruler of Olympus. A true OLYMPIC ARMOR!!! I Bet Kratos with that on could beat Thor in 5 sec, NO DOUBT!
Just like the opposite of brok 3 soul parts floated to beyond,and one landed in atreus’s blade.I believe garm was the after worldly representation of fenrirs true spirit, but since not all of fenrir was their, garm or fenrirs body was trapped in helheim but Loki reunited his soul stone to his afterworldy body which allowed him to eat between realms or tear between because he was spread between multiple realms not just the afterlife.
Hey Kuba. I'm a but late with this comment, because I didn't want to see this video. To be honest, I was kinda burned out by your videos. They were in the beginning amazing! I couldn't get enough, but after a while, they felt kinda mid quality. Not bad, but not really for me, but this video, is without a doubt the best piece of content you have ever made. It isn't written like a school essay, just like your normal content, but actullay kinda like a game theory video. Your content is still pretty different with the editing and media (GoW). So, just wanted to say that you earned a fan back with this amazing video!
I still think there was a splinter of the mask in Garm, but clearly only a splinter given how it SEEMS completely intact later. And that the Mask stopped giving guidance.
If what he’s saying is true then this means the next “chapter” may be the final one to tie all the games together: Chapter 1: Greek saga Chapter 2: Norse saga Chapter 3: ????? saga.
Unrelated question, but do you think Odin lied to Atreus about the crack? In god of war 2018 I'm fairly certain we hear Mimir telling us how he tricked Odin into losing his eye, but in Ragnarok he implies that he lost it whilst looking in the crack. Could he have done that to dissuade Atreus from looking? Perhaps in fear of Atreus somehow gaining knowledge.
Also I think that garm was the black wolf that brought Kratos to Norse mythology Bc when Atreus gives garm a soul his fur changed color besides half of his face
so i was thinking… y’all know how they were talking about time travel in future games. what if next game we see atrues do these things that affected the entirety of the timeline. like what if it was atrues with angraboda who took that wolfs soul away so that fenrir becomes that wolf. what if the women kratos saw with the wolves was angraboda who was following lokis plan??? idk
Pure and simple Fenrir came in the past and then created skoll and hati and did all that with kratos Maybe by atreus, someone in the future games maybe trying to change the past and this forces loki to send fenrir back in time to bring kratos forcefully to midgard
I have a speculation of what's to come. We know that Angrboda and Loki in the mythos have 3 children, Fenrir, Jormungandr and Hel who has not appeared. I believe that the bird in Helheim will be replaced by their daughter Hel since the raven of Helheim wants to retire
No need to speculate! Norse saga is over, so 🤷🏽♂️
@@ededdandeddytv5164 It might still be referenced in future games tho
@@ededdandeddytv5164 I feel like Forseti is important and there’s a reason he didn’t appear in Ragnorok. Since he’s the God of Justice and Reconciliation I feel like he’s gonna pursue Kratos or Freya at least in an attempt to get revenge for the Aesir or something similar. He could possibly be Baldur’s son and since in Norse mythology Baldur is resurrected after Asgard’s destruction, that could be a good way to wrap up the Norse storyline
@@dws0828that I can agree. I think forseti would hire vidar to help out since we haven’t seen him yet.
@@Fr3shyFresh Or Hodr, Baldur's brother
One thing that’s a bit concerning for Fenrir is that he only has 1/4 of his soul. Which part I wonder
Probably luck
In the light of alfien when atreus casted his soul parts there,or his soul parts went there after he died
direction is the one that guides the other parts to light so that part is absolutely went away with other parts
it can be can't be body as fenrir didn't change the body like he jormangander giant did with the snakes body
remaining is mind and luck its more likely that it was mind as fenrir remembered everything of his life in his previous body like brok remembered everything except his death and brok was missing the direction part of the soul
@@zeeshanismail7768 I thought the 4 parts were Luck, Direction, Form, and Nature.
@@powderedwater67 form and nature same as body and mind interchangeable
I think there were two Fenrirs, the first one was the father of skoll and hati while the second one (the one we see in the game) was just named after the first one by Atreus. The first one was probably the one in the book.
Makes sense actually
Actually there were three, the third one blew the horn in Midgard
@@pablogomesoliveira2677 And how do you know this?
@@dawipeach8948 source: trust me bro
Or fenrir in 2 different timelines
The idea of the Demiurge trying to use the mask to manipulate others like Garm, Odin, and Atreus into getting more power for itself is an interesting theory. It would explain why the mask reacted to Garm. Plus, an overarching villain of the god of war universe sounds interesting and it would be a nice final opponent for Kratos overall.
I can say for sure that these are your best theories in the channel by far(well at least when the next game comes out) and I must say you really should consider yourself of becoming a writer because these ideas or theories of yours need a long time to be developed which is impressive
your comment means a lot. I will definitely think about pursuing that
@@KaptainKuba id love to see a game directed by you
@@KaptainKuba Santa Monica studios hire this man.
It could be that the "creator" or "primordial" beings are all in a way related to the higher plane of existence
The Primordials created the universe
Ymir thought the universe to existence, Sinmara gave it water and Surtr gave it the stars
Two pieces are found in the realms of Sinmara and Surtr
It would make sense that another primordial, Ymir had the other piece, which is what Odin obtained in the first place
So maybe, Garm/Hroditnir has a connection because he's a primordial wolf, father of Skoll and Hati and a unique being in its own way
The mask guides itself back through sensing of energy, maybe whatever was still left inside Garm guided the mask there
Or it was a direct intervention by the "good" beings in the higher plane, as Garm/Fenrir was the reason Atreus and Kratos survived the end of Asgard
Mabey farms souls is in the mask 😮😅😂
Y'know, as farfetched as this theory is, it's a REALLY good theory and it makes a ton of sense. I'm impressed and I'm even putting some faith into this one, time will see.
He’s a good boy now. ❤
He is indeed ❤️
Kuba is back with the best theory videos let's goo
Okay but what if eating a half of the mask is what corrupted or destroyed the soul of Garm. Since it destroyed Odin's eye, and it's a higher plane of existence, the damage is beyond physical
damn talk about a bad time at the diner
Didn't Odin rip out his own eye after he tripped out in a well Mimir laced with magic mushrooms? A well Mimir pretended had mystical knowledge.
I would say the Demiurge used Odin and Garn at the same time. The rift opened when Odin killed Imir and created the norse realm. If it only opened after Garn got chained down, which itself happened after his soul was taken, that would mean Kratos got dragged to Skandinavia before it was created.
If that happened then Faye wouldn’t have even started the first rebellion so it isn’t possible for kratos to be transported there at that time and the world had already been in turmoil for a very long time also the Norse had been practicing their beliefs at the same time as the Greek so the time period does not work
OK sweet
its more likely the rift is connected to time travel, if you think about it they already had time travel as a thing in the game with Jormangundr. so maybe the rift let Odin see a tiny glimps of the future and thus learned of Ragnarök and spent all his time seeking answers, the Norns gave him only lies and so he figured that a mask from that came out of the rift would let him see into the rift and thus he sought answers. the reason why Athena wanted hope from Kratos in GOW3 was because even in the higher plains the evils unleashed by Kratos from Pandora's box still influenced her to this very day. i am unsure if it was greed or pride or maybe all of the evils from the box, and this is something Kratos is very much aware of which is why he disregards Athena in GOW2018, he knows she is corrupted by the evil of pandora's box and while she would give some insights she would also lie.
Great theory again! Who Garm was before he lost his soul is a very intriguing mystery
I think I know what happened, maybe Skoll and Hati's father was in the body of garm, or his body, Odin took his soul with some magic or something (he is the all father) and an uncontrollable beast was unleashed, named Garm, and then Fenrir took his body. making these 3 important names 1 wolf
This was a super interesting theory! I wonder how Ymir fits into all of this though because Odin mentions that upon killing them, the rift appears. I think Ymir, being the first giant, could've been another manifestation of the Demiurge put in place by said powers long before to give Odin a motive.
The rift presents Athena's energy. I think it was her mask, so maybe she was the one manipulating Garm, and eventually Odin?
Thinking more: it fits her agenda of wanting the Higher Realm to herself, and manipulating Kratos and Odin into killing off all gods through the unworthy events of Ragnarok.
the whole mask thing was just a reference to the movie The Mask (1994) with Jim Carrey. It didn't have any deeper meaning and led to nowhere because Loki destroyed it
@@emir6110 With how much narrative focus is put on the mask and the potential consequences of using it, that'd be an awful lot of effort to make a simple pop culture reference. Especially since Atreus destroying the mask is also framed as a pretty important event, emphasising the story's theme of Choice vs Fate.
@@chansesturm7103 Damn this game definitely needs a dlc with atreus as the focus so many plot points towards him are left hanging, sindri's anger, missing giants, Mask mystery.
even kratos has some plot line unresolved, like how he met faye, who blew the horn,
@@chansesturm7103 the whole focus of the last game was on tyr and building him up then he was just used as a gotcha plot twist in ragnarok. And that's just one example. Many plot points led to nowhere
I lost my dog a few weeks after this game came out, so the opening with Fenrir hurt. When he came back with the soul magic, I felt so sad and yet so happy
But it's interesting how Atreus could feel what Garm felt while he had no soul. If you remember he couldn't feel the animals that Gryla took their soul
Loving the Demiurge theory. Never heard of any of those beings until I watched your video on it. Really cool stuff man. Can't wait for more videos.
This is such a well thought of and hard worked on theorie and it's amazing
I'm really enjoying your content Cap. Thanks a ton!
This was a great theory kuba keep up the amazing work
I'm on it, thanks for the compliment coach
I love this theory! Could also explain why garm in the qst place was uncontrollably destroying the lands and eating mountain while in search of something
I like the higher plane of existence theory, but if it was simpler than that. If Faye was the person who commanded Garm in the beginning. Then maybe she was the one who took his soul. She could have foreseen that Atreus would put Fenrir's soul in the knife, and planned for Fenrir and Garm to be one in the end.
Or… there is definitive time travel in GoW, like we saw with Jormungandr going back in time from Ragnarok, I feel like Fenrir has always been Garm. The Garm in the game is a past Fenrir that fathered Skoll & Hatti but at the same time is the future Fenrir because Loki turns him into Fenrir.
Kudos to you Kuba, you're a genius! Always finding the minor details that ultimately get overlooked
Hi, i just wanted to say that you are on of the best GOW youtuber out here, thank you for keeping this community alive !
I forgot how good these were, honestly I like it 👍
Absolutely genius just genius the way how he put all peaces together is crazy perfect video Dude
ox looking thing
Wildebeest: am i a joke to you
When it's mentioned that skol hati and hrotvitnir were the wolves who brought kratos to midgard, can it also mean that hrotvitnir is garm who opens a realm tear through which kratos is brought to midgard by Faye? Could this mean that Garm is a giant given the size?
Makes sense as midgard is like it's own separate world from the greek and egyptian one and Faye would need a being who can teleport between worlds at will.
Where is this mentioned? I can't remember for the life of me
I feel that when Garm’s soul was whispered away it somehow reincarnated into Fenrir as a regular wolf so essentially yes Garm and Fenrir were always the same
Ooo new theory of ragnarok about who ? garm ! I’m excited about other theories of God of War
I think Garm is Hroovitnir the the father of Scold and Hati, because of what Mimir says in the boat he told them how they captured Garm.
Oh I did not watch the video before I made the comment.🤣🤦♂️
Geniuses think alike
Love it man!! I actually really like this theory. I was mad I had to wait till after work to watch it.
I thought Garm had the same power source as the mask and that's why the mask is guided to him. Surtur says the blades of chaos have primal fire, maybe the green power is something similar and linked to the Demiurge
y🎉😮😢yum i 🎉yuyff fs
This theory actually makes sense on why the mask stopped responding in helhiem, very nice!
Kuba, I don’t even need to watch this to know it’s gonna be a banger
pls watch it lol
So many questions left unanswered brother
Your theory’s are so good and make so much sense I almost want to replay the game with all this knowledge
I thought the thing Mimir said about garm eating Midgard and the fifth season was him messing with Atreus
First time we see him and the Mask glows, I thought that Garm Ate the mask piece and it was glowing because it was in his stomach.
I even thought maybe Odin would end up getting his Hand bitten off trying to get the peice. Sadly I was wrong
But we did get Fenrir back and he's a Good Boy, kratos telling him to head home and Fenrir just opens a portal was perfect
New Background music i see 👀
Love it btw😊
Finally, someone asking a new question.
when atreus meets the chained up garm he says that he feels that garm wants to be free, but with the soulless animals he can´t feel anything.
So atreus shouldn´t feel anything from garm when he meets him for the first time (if garm is soulless), or am i wrong ?
Also wasn´t there something about the mask lighting up in helheim because it was the right place, but the wrong realm ?
Absolutely quality theory, makes me feel like the writers are upset right now because you cracked it lol, fantastic stuff
Yo cap delete this robot
I have two things to say,
First your theory is pretty good.
The second is a theory, what if in the last few games of the whole series Atreus or Kratos dies and they go to the higher plain of existence because both of them are worthy to go.
great video as always and i wish they had and scene after the credits about this higher existance or something like in god of war 3 .....the way ragnarok finishes was more like a normal story gotta hold up with your theories until the next game
One theory I have is that Odin actually had Tyr imprison Garm in Helheim.
I think it would be a good inclusion because of how Mimir and Freya reacted on how Atreus messed up, in a way of this: there is a lot of things that Odin did that are terrible and that we disagree with, but imprisoning Garm is one of the few or only things that we agree of him doing.
It shows that just because Odin is the antagonist, doesn’t mean that everything he does is bad. Just like how Kratos is the protagonist, and doesn’t mean everything he did was good (mainly in the first god of war games and god of war 3 in Greece)
It shows that good and evil don’t really exist, that people have different goals and they often conflict with each other and how the only good and evil is in the hearts actions and behaviors of the individuals.
Excellent video as always captain kuba! I believe it's a fitting theory that falls into the gow lore pretty well based on what knowledge is available
Honestly man, I love your theories more than the actual cannon lore
Soul magic is giant magic, so it was most likely a giant like Faye, but the most likely candidate strikes me as Skadi who worked for the Aesir after marrying Njord the sea god and becoming the goddess of winter and hunting...
Personal idea from a story I’m working on:
Garm was spawned after Audhumbla died (the giant cow skeleton we find in niflheim)
While Buri, the first of the Aesir, was born by Audhumbla licking him from ice, Garm was born by the melting of ice from Audhumbla’s blood.
This is why Garm has that blood soaked appearance and possesses such powerful abilities that only a primordial entity could possess.
It's even stated in one of the poems that discusses Garm that he was found in Niflheim at some point.
Keep the videos coming Kuba 👌🏾💪🏾
I enjoyed your stream the yesterday or the day before it was entertaining! I really enjoy your theory videos they really help out. I am still scarred from the plot hole video with the blades of exile.
Wow sounds so real I'm totally going to talk to you on telegram
Well at least we don't have to spend another 5 years of boredom because of your videos. They will keep us entertained.
Excellent theory. 👏👏👏
we are in tune😊
Been jonesing for one of your theories for a fat minute
I do believe that Garm Is Fenrir before he gets the soul as you said. Chained up kept imprisoned and chew of Tyrs arm etc. The only problem with Garm being one of the 3 wolves Kratos saw in his dream is for me. Wouldn't Kratos somehow recognise Garm if it was the same wolf he dreamt about?
The only problem I can kinda see with this theory is that the only reason they were in Hel in the first place was due to a mistranslation on Atreus’s part.
He’s the goodest boy now 😂 gread video Kap, hope your doing well man
A loophole in the theory here. Kaptain suggests that Demiurge first took Garm's soul and when Garm got chained he went to trick Odin. But we know that the rift appeared to Odin when he killed Ymir, also Odin created Midgard from Ymir's flesh. Now the loophole is that Demiurge could not have possibly taken Garm's soul before appearing as rift to Odin, because we know that Garm had his soul during the events of the God of War book where Garm, Skoll and Hati faced off Kratos. Because for that to happen Midgard would have to be created first. So I believe that Demiurge presented himself as the rift to Odin. But when Odin failed to find the pieces of the Mask of Knowledge Demiurge took away Garm's soul. Just a tiny correction in the otherwise great theory.
Huge Fan Kaptain!
Also everyone, do let me know if this makes sense to everyone? Maybe I am missing something here.
You know this becomes more scary and scary, well I like in a way.
They mask wasnt taking them to garm but to the area hehind him. Once garm snapped the chains and left i stay with they mask out to see if it glowed still
actually the mask gives you more steps that you need to follow to acquire the remaining mask pieces, and in this case one of the steps is to free Garm, and then you might be able to search for the next piece of mask
I think that Hrothvir, Garm and Fenrir are all different entities that have embodied the same host. It started with hrothvir still being himself helping skoll and hati kidnap Kratos for whatever reason and then hrothvir somehow got his soul stolen to this green energy stuff and hrothvirs empty shell was known as garm bc his whole personality was gone. Then arteus makes him Fenri.
Always great to see a new theory video 👍🏻 Don’t burn yourself out though!
We need a "will brok come back to life" video
perhaps the mask leads to garm because as you said maybe he bit the mask and removed his soul so maybe theres just splinters of it in him
I believe Garm only lost one or two pieces of his soul as we know other creatures who are missing their whole soul can't do anything at all and don't even seem to move without being moved and we see Garm running, moving and tearing the realm apart and not only that, but Atreus seems to be able to sense and feel Garm as he says he can tell he wants to be free. This leads me to believe he still has some soul bits in him though not enough for him be himself. It also explains how Fenrir seems to still be whole even though it seems 3 of his soul bits went off, presumably to the light is Alfheim.
It's really darker and nice video
Bro hats off to your effects
thank you! I like to think I've gotten much better at editing. So your compliment made my day
If we look at Odins personal raven we see it has no soul but follows Odin with unbreakable loyalty so what if he had done the same to garm or at least tried to
One overlooked detail thats bothering me is how they say Garm was inprisoned for eating part of midgard and the lost season after winter and the concept of what comes after hunger.
If he was a pup then and then imprisoned for all eternity sine well how could he have Skoll and Hati as children and been his own agent bringing Kratos to Scandanavia?
Plus some other details in the book feels like they are hurt by the new game cause Kratos seemed to reach the new land by boat and not by wolf.
I like that Hroofntir could have been an intellugent wolf giant but Garm's imprisonment feels like it happened a much longer time ago.
Wait when did kratos mentioned he got there by a Boat ?
@@Schlonberg_Sachs His mural in the end of the game showed it I think, he was in a boat at the start of it, and from Mimir and Kratos interactions its said both of them left their homelands and past by sailing away on a boat.
Though the comic showed him in Egypt so maybe Kratos wandered around a lot to the south by land too
I''ve missed theories like this for anything in general.
I think you could be right bcz Atreus does say that he gave Fenrir his name bcz it sounded cool which means it was a name he heard before. Which means there has to be a Fenrir that existed before
Fenrir garm is so cute Just staring down at kratos like a little insect 😂😅🥺
The new music is pretty good selection
I would like to add one twist/idea...
Fenrir is the Sun and Moon wolf's father in the mythology, it says nothing about their mother, and who she might be.
While that is just making stuff up, it does give the developers room to play with.
Please make a video on the ragnarok combat similar to your "my real thoughts on about god of war 2018" video, there are so many combat mechanics im yet to know of
Honestly it makes sense, if next game offers a different relic offering “knowage” so your theory is valid
We've already established time travel exists. Jormie and Papa-K have both had it happen. And Garm/Fenrir can open rifts through realms, so why not time?
I think that demi-whatchamahoosit has gotten a part of your sanity but it's an entertaining thought experiment to watch.
I don't know if anyone's noticed, but when the Blades of Chaos are maxed out, they look like the Blades of Exile a bit.
The Journey begins with new god of war Ragnarok theory's ,2023 is going to be a good one 'Thank you Kaptain Kuba" "god of Norse" wish's you good luck and respect
What about a Theory about if you Welled every armor Kratos ever had, like every Norse armor he Got from Brok and Sindri, and the ones from Greese, (including the armor he Got from killing the gods, like Hermes boots, Hadez helmet and Zeus gaunlet. And every set had Its entaintmens, power ups, perks and stats still intact, and gets fused like plused together. And every godly armor he gets their Ability’s. Its like an armor fit for a single ruler of Olympus. A true OLYMPIC ARMOR!!! I Bet Kratos with that on could beat Thor in 5 sec, NO DOUBT!
I've never done the Keanu Reeves 'Woah' so many times before. This video... woah.
Just like the opposite of brok 3 soul parts floated to beyond,and one landed in atreus’s blade.I believe garm was the after worldly representation of fenrirs true spirit, but since not all of fenrir was their, garm or fenrirs body was trapped in helheim but Loki reunited his soul stone to his afterworldy body which allowed him to eat between realms or tear between because he was spread between multiple realms not just the afterlife.
The intro. GOD DAIUM
It was me. I always take the soul
Hey Kuba. I'm a but late with this comment, because I didn't want to see this video. To be honest, I was kinda burned out by your videos. They were in the beginning amazing! I couldn't get enough, but after a while, they felt kinda mid quality. Not bad, but not really for me, but this video, is without a doubt the best piece of content you have ever made. It isn't written like a school essay, just like your normal content, but actullay kinda like a game theory video. Your content is still pretty different with the editing and media (GoW). So, just wanted to say that you earned a fan back with this amazing video!
I still think there was a splinter of the mask in Garm, but clearly only a splinter given how it SEEMS completely intact later. And that the Mask stopped giving guidance.
If what he’s saying is true then this means the next “chapter” may be the final one to tie all the games together:
Chapter 1: Greek saga
Chapter 2: Norse saga
Chapter 3: ????? saga.
This is one of your greatest videos.
First the woman is hel daughter of Loki (atreus) second Fenrir did draged kratos just the reason is time travel
i love the way you say 'Santa Monica' and atreaus
Unrelated question, but do you think Odin lied to Atreus about the crack? In god of war 2018 I'm fairly certain we hear Mimir telling us how he tricked Odin into losing his eye, but in Ragnarok he implies that he lost it whilst looking in the crack. Could he have done that to dissuade Atreus from looking? Perhaps in fear of Atreus somehow gaining knowledge.
There is a Mimir conversation where Mimir states Odin's lying about that just because he can
@@greenhat8978 I see
He also hid his work on the rift and mask from Freya
Also I think that garm was the black wolf that brought Kratos to Norse mythology Bc when Atreus gives garm a soul his fur changed color besides half of his face
so i was thinking… y’all know how they were talking about time travel in future games. what if next game we see atrues do these things that affected the entirety of the timeline. like what if it was atrues with angraboda who took that wolfs soul away so that fenrir becomes that wolf. what if the women kratos saw with the wolves was angraboda who was following lokis plan??? idk
Pure and simple
Fenrir came in the past and then created skoll and hati and did all that with kratos
Maybe by atreus, someone in the future games maybe trying to change the past and this forces loki to send fenrir back in time to bring kratos forcefully to midgard
i just noticed that they say Grýla’s name wrong in god of war.