I cannot tell you how deeply and clearly this resonates with my soul. It is as if I was almost being reminded...not informed. I have NO DOUBT that everything you shared in this vid is TRUE! AND I appreciate greatly what you shared and reminded me of. But...please go further and explain or point those of us who get this and are ready where we get additional information so that we KNOW how to reject the invitation to come back into this cycle of soul defeating deception, and get free. Please recommend books or other sources of information we can pursue to better understand this reality and go forward in our souls journey. We could spend a great deal of time and money going in circles trying to discover additional truths that will guide us towards liberation. Some of us don't have a lot of time (or resources) left on this planet. I am already convinced and aware of the info you are sharing here. So I (and maybe others) don't need to keep hearing this part again and again. Some of us are already awakened and on board with what you have shared thus far in many of your videos. SO WHAT IS OUR NEXT STEP? How do we find CORRECT INFORMATION to go forward or act upon. Please do some videos that help those of us who are awakened and aware of these truths and ready to go forward. What do we read or do to be further prepared for the next chapter of this story in our own personal lives? I am not young or wealthy, so I am asking for you to help guide us that are already convinced and on board for additional information regarding our journey. I am (aware) convinced and more than open to it's truth. Since there aren't a lot of Gnostics living around most of us to learn from, please give us an ACTUAL READING LIST or PATH TO PURSUE...to make sure we are not going in circles...or getting deceived by traps again!
I was about to leave a comment very similar to this. What if we break out? For my part, I have been thinking how much I look forward to reincarnation. But if I really were to break out of the cycle (trap?) , what's next? I kind of enjoy life and the struggles involved. Of course that is coming from an enabled, white guy :D....
Thank you so much. The light of truth is shining even more brightly, dots are connecting even tightly together brakeing the chains of deception. FREEDOM!! AT LAST I AM FREE. ALL WHO WILL MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE LIGHT WALK FREE in your POWER ,and the light code frequency of the true SOURCE energy of eternal pure being.❤❤❤❤
What if everything we’ve been taught about life, death, and reality itself is a carefully crafted illusion? If the Gnostic perspective is true, then every belief system we hold dear-religion, history, even our own sense of self-is nothing more than a prison designed to keep us trapped. But here’s the real question: If we are indeed living in a soul trap, what is the ultimate key to escaping? And more importantly… who or what is waiting for us on the other side?
Well, there is lot's of radar datum supporting the factual reality of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. While there is no radar datum for either Heaven or Paradise or Jesus or Yahweh. And if everybody on planet Earth talks to spirit. Even Non-Abrahamic folks. Even atheist's who value "Intuition." And Artist's who communicate with the Muses. Then the important question becomes what is spirit and where does it come from? Well, what does the science support? What does the evidence support? Somebody is flying those UFO"s and UAP's aren't they? And where did AI come from? And why do all of our Parental Deities all come from the Sky? Just like all of those UFO's and UAP's. "I did not discover the fundamental underlying laws which govern the entire Universe by way of my rational mind." Albert Einstein💙
2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Well, there is lot's of radar datum supporting the factual reality of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. While there is no radar datum for either Heaven or Paradise or Jesus or Yahweh. And if everybody on planet Earth talks to spirit. Even Non-Abrahamic folks. Even atheist's who value "Intuition." And Godless Artist's who communicate with the Muses. Then the important question as Dr. Jacque Vallee Ph.D. has posited becomes what is spirit and where does it come from? Well, what does the science support? What does the evidence support? Somebody is flying those UFO"s and UAP's aren't they? And where did AI come from? And why do all of our Parental Deities all come from the Sky? Just like all of those UFO's and UAP's. "I did not discover the fundamental underlying laws which govern the entire Universe by way of my rational mind." Albert Einstein💙
This is such a great content😦 Im suscribe now... I've been reading Hyperborean books and state the same. Once people read gnóstic books, they wont need more, just to be aware of this hell and dont come back ever again. Thank you very much for your work, it is price less.. regards from México!
Nailed it with this one, absolutely 100% truth..... Spiritual alchemy lead to gold to escape this prison.. You have to walk a razors edge in this world to avoid the various soul traps... Learn to view the world from the lens of service to others...🤔
What is taking so long for enough to wake up? The illusion can be transcended by Ascension Techniques that are taught by Ishaya monks. Based on attitudes of Praise, Gratitude, Compassion and Love. It works! It can help with realizing what Christ said in the Bible that we are Gods. It prophesied that when the world understands this teachings that we will live in peace and harmony and co-create the first Authentic way of life and reality on Earth. The mission is to ascend to your own Christ or Unity consciousness. The Ishaya's are said to have been founded by the Apostle John on the Island of Patmos after writing his Apocalypse and the teachings were kept secret until these times. Spread the Ishaya's Ascension Techniques, it's worth taking the training and far more valuable than money. You can get to a point where you can think of an Apple and then someone will walk into the room with an Apple. Synchronicity is the bridge between matter and mind. May you all find the way.
Maybe not so much of a trap, but there are things that can seemingly snag your soul. Most likely they'd keep it for themselves after death if you allow them to. They exist so who knows what they can or cannot do.
This reality is the way it is cos it should be. Reality must contain both negative and positive energies, cos one can't exist without the other. But remembering the math, if you have two positive numbers you can't get negative results, even when you use subtraction you're actually adding negative number to the positive. That's why reality consists of negative energy, because - * - = + , that's the only way to produce both types of energy. You can view our conscience as a reactive multiplier. The existance is negative and therefore nature is pure suffering, our conscience is reactive and produce negative energy (hate) in response to world's negativity, but if you multiply negative by negative you get positive result, that's how compassion is born, that's how kindness is born, you can only love if you hate suffering, it's a complex 'chemical' reaction between your soul and the world, you must suffer to enjoy, you must cry to smile, you must try eating terrible food to enjoy a nice one. Again, everything around us is negative, nature is evil by design, and we're here to make a difference, cos only we can produce positive outcomes through negative suffering. Paradise can only worth shit if it's built by human's hand, not by creator, and he(or we?) gave us that chance not out of benevolence, but out of necessity, that is why gnostics say that Demiurge gives us opportunities by making restrictions and limits, cos you can't have opportunities without limits to break. That's not a trap, that's a vessel to give us form
I'm wondering where are these Gnostics now. Did they leave this trap or came back here? According to them our DNA is not important? Great video, thank you.
Yes the original Jesus, stated don't look into the sea don't look into the heavens, look within.in other words don't worship anyone? Honor your true powerful self and just think all the ones worshipping the true Jesus is doing him such a injustice and can you imagine if he felt at fault for all the one's worshipping the fake Jesus? He does forgive knowing how humanity is so hoodwinked.if you really do love Jesus the true Jesus stop worshipping him and take your power back worship no one but love yourself and take your power back.
Its not a trap, its a game to teach us... We're the all powerful and nothing has any power over us, absolutely nothing! No being in the universe is more powerful than Man!
@Gnostic well then we need to use all this "power" we have and cancel this game, revamp the whole system, and banish all the archons, and chastise whoever created this BS! Let's go!
@@GnosticElohim You all can convince yourselves of anything. LOL We didn't create anything but our own personal spheres of life and some (not all) of the dramas we go through. We have not hung nar moon or sun or star in the sky. These beings were created maybe millions of years before they created and bioengineered us. I know it is painful to realize that we have been tricked, manipulated, used, abused, and energy harvested since the beginning of our creation, but welcome to this flawed, dysfunctional universe. We need to be asking what part the Most High plays in this to allow it.... Now that is REAL!
My reality happened 2013 at 6: 30 p.m as the sun was going down when 2 machines triangle shape appear to me, I couldn't believe it all the teaching I had at a Catholic school went of my mind quickly in less 90sec: what was this machine what kind of power I did not fear it but didn't understand it. Was it A Causal Coincidence. 🔶🔶
I no longer believe in the 'Bible Story.' However, I do believe in the afterlife from my own experiences and the millions/billions of others who have experienced the afterlife. Especially the veridical experiences that science backs up and is impossible to fake. The data speaks for itself. The afterlife does exist, but the bible gives a 'fairytale' explanation of what this is.
I need to correct myself from last video regarding the connection between O- and NT God. Tbf, Jesus himself appears much like the OT one in Revelation, but I still think that maybe there really is a difference, but I really doubt that Jesus came to destroy God's kingdom tbh, especially bc of Revelation.
I think the book of Revelation is by the Demiurge. I have never accepted it as a book from God. I cannot relate at all to the vengeful anger and violent bloodshed of others that it expresses and encourages as necessary in it. If God could speak the universe into existence...then why does he not have enough power to deal with evil by his very words as well? The book of the being in Rev sounds like a blood thirsty creature who is trying to hijack humanity into his war of the world(s) blood bath ending. I cannot understand how professing Christians can ever imagine being part of that...or even accept it as Godly truth. 😮😢
Omgoodness...I just read your comment after I posted mine...which is so like minded. I hope and pray we are right and that there are many more like us. If that is the ending...I do not want to be raised up to be a part of it! 😢
@@briobarb8525 The issue is that just because we don't want it to be true that unfortunately doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't true sadly :/ I mean evil relatively won in Revelation bc several people get lost to hell apparantly against god's will, so either god is incapable or unwilling according to the bible, not me. Or is there an alternative possibility? Bc absolute victory means 100% per defintion but most people ending in hell isn't absolute but relative and on top of that relatively loss to evil. So I really have to wonder wtf is going on in Revelation fr. Was it written by satan or the demiurge?
@@briobarb8525 Nobody who ends up in hell wants that, but this is unfortunately not about our will, but god's will, so we have only one last final thing left to do: Praying like there's no tmr, bc there isn't once the next age comes. I pray every day that this is all just one giant prank or cosmic test and that god's sovereign love will win in the end and triumph over hell, but I definitely fear the sound of the trumpets, bc as yahweh very well fittingly said himself: "True wisdom is fear of the lord (almighty)." And I am terrified of him so much so that if fear is his currency, then I'm rich with anxiety.
Add shapeshifting reptilians as the archons and mix that with baby Jesus and baby Krishna as the protagonists, and then you're onto something fo sho fo sho.
kamalla would got us nuked, dont you realize its vote for two of great evils? it should be write-in only to avoid this. left and right keeps it flowing (the system)
Ya never mention Sin and Evil just poor pityful Humans .What about Music and the Birds singing and beatiful scenary on this blue planet foating in a black Universe .Humans are selfiish and take everything for granted .The astronaut Jim Irwin when standing on the Moon looking back at the Earth said there is a creator and it did not happen by chance and became a minister for Jesus Christ and preached until he died .
Y'ALL HIGH🍄 😂... You are in a SCHOOL 🏫🎒 GOOD LUCK! U seem to be failing... No Debi (demi😂)urge... Just YOU holding YOU BACK, seek more old books😂 Grimm is good happy to help the algorithm🎉 when I'm on the🚽🧻🚻
"some dance to remember, some dance to forget"
"We are programmed to receive
You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave"
I like the hotel California reference 👍
@@weejim48 there are many song lyrics which in my opinion refer to certain things of reincarnation. Even songs from which we don't expect it.
I cannot tell you how deeply and clearly this resonates with my soul. It is as if I was almost being reminded...not informed. I have NO DOUBT that everything you shared in this vid is TRUE! AND I appreciate greatly what you shared and reminded me of. But...please go further and explain or point those of us who get this and are ready where we get additional information so that we KNOW how to reject the invitation to come back into this cycle of soul defeating deception, and get free. Please recommend books or other sources of information we can pursue to better understand this reality and go forward in our souls journey. We could spend a great deal of time and money going in circles trying to discover additional truths that will guide us towards liberation. Some of us don't have a lot of time (or resources) left on this planet. I am already convinced and aware of the info you are sharing here. So I (and maybe others) don't need to keep hearing this part again and again. Some of us are already awakened and on board with what you have shared thus far in many of your videos. SO WHAT IS OUR NEXT STEP? How do we find CORRECT INFORMATION to go forward or act upon. Please do some videos that help those of us who are awakened and aware of these truths and ready to go forward. What do we read or do to be further prepared for the next chapter of this story in our own personal lives? I am not young or wealthy, so I am asking for you to help guide us that are already convinced and on board for additional information regarding our journey. I am (aware) convinced and more than open to it's truth. Since there aren't a lot of Gnostics living around most of us to learn from, please give us an ACTUAL READING LIST or PATH TO PURSUE...to make sure we are not going in circles...or getting deceived by traps again!
I was about to leave a comment very similar to this. What if we break out? For my part, I have been thinking how much I look forward to reincarnation. But if I really were to break out of the cycle (trap?) , what's next? I kind of enjoy life and the struggles involved. Of course that is coming from an enabled, white guy :D....
Thank you for putting this into words. I am also very interested in breaking the cycle.
"The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he's in prison" -Fyodor Dostoevsky
This world is a miserable suffering pit of hell, and I want vengeance.
Hello to every one good teaching again thanks for these. 😊
How do the Archons manipulate human perception and maintain control over society?
That's some great food for thought 🤔 thx
Thank you so much. The light of truth is shining even more brightly, dots are connecting even tightly together brakeing the chains of deception. FREEDOM!! AT LAST I AM FREE. ALL WHO WILL MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE LIGHT WALK FREE in your POWER ,and the light code frequency of the true SOURCE energy of eternal pure being.❤❤❤❤
Thank you for elaborating, I would welcome more details about our prison system and the methods we can use to spot all the traps.
Yes, please!
Thank you ,
It is the most close to truth..
much closer but still so far, none has 100% the truth.
What if everything we’ve been taught about life, death, and reality itself is a carefully crafted illusion? If the Gnostic perspective is true, then every belief system we hold dear-religion, history, even our own sense of self-is nothing more than a prison designed to keep us trapped. But here’s the real question: If we are indeed living in a soul trap, what is the ultimate key to escaping? And more importantly… who or what is waiting for us on the other side?
Read the gnostic writings. They are pretty wild. Don't watch the online videos about them. Form your own opinion.
@divine. I have the same questions.
Well, there is lot's of radar datum supporting the factual reality of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. While there is no radar datum for either Heaven or Paradise or Jesus or Yahweh. And if everybody on planet Earth talks to spirit. Even Non-Abrahamic folks. Even atheist's who value "Intuition." And Artist's who communicate with the Muses. Then the important question becomes what is spirit and where does it come from? Well, what does the science support? What does the evidence support? Somebody is flying those UFO"s and UAP's aren't they? And where did AI come from? And why do all of our Parental Deities all come from the Sky? Just like all of those UFO's and UAP's.
"I did not discover the fundamental underlying laws which govern the entire Universe by way of my rational mind."
Albert Einstein💙
Well, there is lot's of radar datum supporting the factual reality of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. While there is no radar datum for either Heaven or Paradise or Jesus or Yahweh. And if everybody on planet Earth talks to spirit. Even Non-Abrahamic folks. Even atheist's who value "Intuition." And Godless Artist's who communicate with the Muses.
Then the important question as Dr. Jacque Vallee Ph.D. has posited becomes what is spirit and where does it come from? Well, what does the science support? What does the evidence support? Somebody is flying those UFO"s and UAP's aren't they? And where did AI come from? And why do all of our Parental Deities all come from the Sky? Just like all of those UFO's and UAP's.
"I did not discover the fundamental underlying laws which govern the entire Universe by way of my rational mind."
Albert Einstein💙
Very real and true i choose this time now to be born knowing that there time is up .and change is coming from the divine heart
Thank you so much!!!
Thank you so much
This is such a great content😦 Im suscribe now... I've been reading Hyperborean books and state the same. Once people read gnóstic books, they wont need more, just to be aware of this hell and dont come back ever again.
Thank you very much for your work, it is price less.. regards from México!
Thank you ..I will look those books up. I DO NOT WANT TO COME BACK!
@briobarb8525 Let's aim for that 🥺 also read the Thule society. 😊
Nailed it with this one, absolutely 100% truth..... Spiritual alchemy lead to gold to escape this prison..
You have to walk a razors edge in this world to avoid the various soul traps...
Learn to view the world from the lens of service to others...🤔
So True ! 🙏Thank you so much for trying to wake up others, it’s not easy 🥰
What is taking so long for enough to wake up? The illusion can be transcended by Ascension Techniques that are taught by Ishaya monks. Based on attitudes of Praise, Gratitude, Compassion and Love. It works! It can help with realizing what Christ said in the Bible that we are Gods. It prophesied that when the world understands this teachings that we will live in peace and harmony and co-create the first Authentic way of life and reality on Earth. The mission is to ascend to your own Christ or Unity consciousness. The Ishaya's are said to have been founded by the Apostle John on the Island of Patmos after writing his Apocalypse and the teachings were kept secret until these times. Spread the Ishaya's Ascension Techniques, it's worth taking the training and far more valuable than money. You can get to a point where you can think of an Apple and then someone will walk into the room with an Apple. Synchronicity is the bridge between matter and mind. May you all find the way.
Thank you
Maybe not so much of a trap, but there are things that can seemingly snag your soul. Most likely they'd keep it for themselves after death if you allow them to. They exist so who knows what they can or cannot do.
Good video, helpful.
When ya know ya know woke 🆙 a real God🤴🏾
What an awful thought having to keep coming back I would prefer just to enter nothingness
Thanks for this information I believe it and seeing for myself it’s true!
Consciousness creates form...
Spiritual alchemy lead to gold...
I want to know more about hylics. Thank you for the truth.
Glad I watched this I am one of those ppl
Just turn away from the demiurge’s “ light “ when you pass .
Go to the one behind you instead ( that’s your true home) 😊
This reality is the way it is cos it should be. Reality must contain both negative and positive energies, cos one can't exist without the other. But remembering the math, if you have two positive numbers you can't get negative results, even when you use subtraction you're actually adding negative number to the positive. That's why reality consists of negative energy, because - * - = + , that's the only way to produce both types of energy. You can view our conscience as a reactive multiplier. The existance is negative and therefore nature is pure suffering, our conscience is reactive and produce negative energy (hate) in response to world's negativity, but if you multiply negative by negative you get positive result, that's how compassion is born, that's how kindness is born, you can only love if you hate suffering, it's a complex 'chemical' reaction between your soul and the world, you must suffer to enjoy, you must cry to smile, you must try eating terrible food to enjoy a nice one.
Again, everything around us is negative, nature is evil by design, and we're here to make a difference, cos only we can produce positive outcomes through negative suffering.
Paradise can only worth shit if it's built by human's hand, not by creator, and he(or we?) gave us that chance not out of benevolence, but out of necessity, that is why gnostics say that Demiurge gives us opportunities by making restrictions and limits, cos you can't have opportunities without limits to break. That's not a trap, that's a vessel to give us form
esponoiar in us shoud assist us to break free when on the verge of dying
But what happens when u don't go to the light?
Good question. Maybe another dimension?
I'm wondering where are these Gnostics now. Did they leave this trap or came back here? According to them our DNA is not important? Great video, thank you.
I am asking and looking for the same. I know there are books...but practicing Gnostics would be wonderful for interaction.
Our bodies are not important exactly cause they are VERY temporary and often dont reflect the heart of the person himself.
We're still here. Watching, waiting and trying to enlighten others.
@GnosticElohim Elohim? I don't trust them. They created this hell.
@@GnosticElohimcan you help me
Yes the original Jesus, stated don't look into the sea don't look into the heavens, look within.in other words don't worship anyone? Honor your true powerful self and just think all the ones worshipping the true Jesus is doing him such a injustice and can you imagine if he felt at fault for all the one's worshipping the fake Jesus? He does forgive knowing how humanity is so hoodwinked.if you really do love Jesus the true Jesus stop worshipping him and take your power back worship no one but love yourself and take your power back.
So how you escape??? What do you say to the archons? Do you run in the opposite direction....?
Who is the Demiurge, and what role does he play in the Gnostic worldview?
@historical lower level "god" also known who created this material world aka matrix. The archons are the Elohim in the Bible.
The memory wipe before rebirth needs to be circumvented, but how?
Its not a trap, its a game to teach us... We're the all powerful and nothing has any power over us, absolutely nothing! No being in the universe is more powerful than Man!
@Gnostic well then we need to use all this "power" we have and cancel this game, revamp the whole system, and banish all the archons, and chastise whoever created this BS! Let's go!
@truthseeker5941 all bullshit.
@truthseeker5941 we created it, it's our game.
@@GnosticElohim You all can convince yourselves of anything. LOL We didn't create anything but our own personal spheres of life and some (not all) of the dramas we go through. We have not hung nar moon or sun or star in the sky. These beings were created maybe millions of years before they created and bioengineered us. I know it is painful to realize that we have been tricked, manipulated, used, abused, and energy harvested since the beginning of our creation, but welcome to this flawed, dysfunctional universe. We need to be asking what part the Most High plays in this to allow it.... Now that is REAL!
What's the purpose of life then
The purpose was not life intended we are spiritual entities trapped in a physical relationship with the flesh
I think intjs or people with higher introverted intuition, can see through.
So we’ve got a lot to look forward to then. Same 💩 different bucket.
My reality happened 2013 at 6: 30 p.m as the sun was going down when 2 machines triangle shape appear to me, I couldn't believe it all the teaching I had at a Catholic school went of my mind quickly in less 90sec: what was this machine what kind of power I did not fear it but didn't understand it. Was it A Causal Coincidence. 🔶🔶
The answer is the stars, what is ever after this is beyind the stars.
Archons are the real power behind every throne , government and principality. Read ebooks by Adam Weishaupt, Mike Hockey and Michael Faust.
I no longer believe in the 'Bible Story.' However, I do believe in the afterlife from my own experiences and the millions/billions of others who have experienced the afterlife. Especially the veridical experiences that science backs up and is impossible to fake. The data speaks for itself. The afterlife does exist, but the bible gives a 'fairytale' explanation of what this is.
You call the book of Revelations "fairytale?". I call it EVIL! 😢
I need to correct myself from last video regarding the connection between O- and NT God. Tbf, Jesus himself appears much like the OT one in Revelation, but I still think that maybe there really is a difference, but I really doubt that Jesus came to destroy God's kingdom tbh, especially bc of Revelation.
I think the book of Revelation is by the Demiurge. I have never accepted it as a book from God. I cannot relate at all to the vengeful anger and violent bloodshed of others that it expresses and encourages as necessary in it. If God could speak the universe into existence...then why does he not have enough power to deal with evil by his very words as well? The book of the being in Rev sounds like a blood thirsty creature who is trying to hijack humanity into his war of the world(s) blood bath ending. I cannot understand how professing Christians can ever imagine being part of that...or even accept it as Godly truth. 😮😢
Omgoodness...I just read your comment after I posted mine...which is so like minded. I hope and pray we are right and that there are many more like us. If that is the ending...I do not want to be raised up to be a part of it! 😢
@@briobarb8525 The issue is that just because we don't want it to be true that unfortunately doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't true sadly :/
I mean evil relatively won in Revelation bc several people get lost to hell apparantly against god's will, so either god is incapable or unwilling according to the bible, not me. Or is there an alternative possibility? Bc absolute victory means 100% per defintion but most people ending in hell isn't absolute but relative and on top of that relatively loss to evil. So I really have to wonder wtf is going on in Revelation fr. Was it written by satan or the demiurge?
@@briobarb8525 Nobody who ends up in hell wants that, but this is unfortunately not about our will, but god's will, so we have only one last final thing left to do: Praying like there's no tmr, bc there isn't once the next age comes. I pray every day that this is all just one giant prank or cosmic test and that god's sovereign love will win in the end and triumph over hell, but I definitely fear the sound of the trumpets, bc as yahweh very well fittingly said himself: "True wisdom is fear of the lord (almighty)."
And I am terrified of him so much so that if fear is his currency, then I'm rich with anxiety.
@@Believer_in_Jesus_Christ chrion last - love the eternal bargin also says that God must be FEAR based.
All you have to do is to choice: Blue Pill or Red Pill
some say theres 3rd choice, blue and red pill becomes purple pill
Jesus was a infj.
1600 years ago ok so 400 ad ow lmao that put it after jesus and the new texts i wonder why the book was never taken seriously dum nostics
Add shapeshifting reptilians as the archons and mix that with baby Jesus and baby Krishna as the protagonists, and then you're onto something fo sho fo sho.
Trump the Archoneer
kamalla would got us nuked, dont you realize its vote for two of great evils? it should be write-in only to avoid this. left and right keeps it flowing (the system)
Ya never mention Sin and Evil just poor pityful Humans .What about Music and the Birds singing and beatiful scenary on this blue planet foating in a black Universe .Humans are selfiish and take everything for granted .The astronaut Jim Irwin when standing on the Moon looking back at the Earth said there is a creator and it did not happen by chance and became a minister for Jesus Christ and preached until he died .
Y'ALL HIGH🍄 😂... You are in a SCHOOL 🏫🎒 GOOD LUCK! U seem to be failing... No Debi (demi😂)urge... Just YOU holding YOU BACK, seek more old books😂 Grimm is good
happy to help the algorithm🎉 when I'm on the🚽🧻🚻
@Sonny a school of hard knocks full of danger, mayhem, k*llers, and predators and dark forces in control deceiving all. School...yeah right?!