Erica Hornthal: The Therapist Who Moves You

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • The Therapist Who Moves You
    Erica Hornthal is a board-certified dance/movement therapist and licensed clinical professional counselor. She is the founder and CEO of Chicago Dance Therapy and author of the award-winning book, Body Aware.
    As a licensed talk therapist, Erica knows that words only get us so far. Whereas, if we’re willing to tap into its power, the body can take us the rest of the way as we process emotions and strengthen our mental health.
    The Radical Recovery Summit is a free virtual summit held annually, featuring innovators in the field of trauma and addiction recovery through a social justice lens. We heal trauma by resourcing: we build resilience and strength in our nervous system through direct experience of safe enough connection with others AND by bringing in joy.
    In 2024, we are exploring what lights us up! What brings you joy and connection?

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