11:05 Slight correction, the 3DS version technically is emulated and the emulator they built supports the 3DS's 3D function. I know as I've taken apart the emulator myself and swapped out the internal ROM to play Sonic 3 Complete on my 3DS a few years ago.
The lines are blurred between emulation and port with those M2 3D remasters. The emulator they built - the 'Gigadrive' - does indeed run Mega Drive ROMs but every game in the series was disassembled and completely rebuilt in order for 3D values to be assigned to graphic & sprite layers. They're both emulated and enhanced ports simultaneously.
Holy crap, video footage exists of the original Sonic 1 Mobile, iPod, and iOS releases!? That’s crazy, I thought they were lost to time! The best bit is the existence of iOS version footage, to me, as I remember that port fondly since it was my first experience with Sonic.
"Haha, Skyrim sure has a lot of ports! Imagine buying the same game that many times - you'd have to be crazy!" **Stares at my Wii with Sonic 1 VC, Sonic Mega Collection Plus for Xbox, Sonic Generations for Xbox 360, Individual Sale Copy of Sonic 1 for the Mega Drive, Pack-in Copy of Sonic 1 and my phone with Sonic 1 installed on it.** "heh..." (EDIT) I have since bought _yet another_ copy of Sonic 1 for the Mega Drive.
I own two copies of Sonic Mega Collection for Nintendo Gamecube, the Sonic Classic Collection for Nintendo DS, the 3DS version of Sonic 1, and Sonic Genesis on Game Boy Advance. That's 4 versions of Sonic 1 total...and I regret none of them.
I had the sonic classic collection for the DS. It was fun because it allowed you to save your data in sonic 1 and 2. I thought it was actually a great port.
12:46 I have both of those. Many fond memories with those things. Sadly the cords started degrading many years ago, so I'm not sure if they even still show up on a TV. I remember getting the blue one for Christmas like, 15 years ago I think, I don't remember nor do I even know how old these specific ones are. I got the red one at some point during my childhood, but I don't remember when. These were a fond part of my childhood, thanks for reminding me of them Pat. ^_^
This video is absolutely insane! I love it! I’m definitely subscribing to you now, simply because you were mad enough to track down every single rerelease.
Thanks for covering all the different versions of Somari! I was worried you weren't going to talk about them- they're really neat stuff. The one featuring Hummer Team's mascot in particular is interesting as it's only appeared on their Famiclone plug and play consoles, and there hasn't been any evidence of a physical cartridge, if I recall correctly.
You're right! I thought that was so interesting, I wonder where the members of Hummer Team are nowadays. Maybe I'll cover more of their stuff someday. I also appreciated how the cart of the Doraemon game says "Socat", as in the Somari of cats.
If you do talk about Hummer Team again, definitely look into their demake of Super Mario World. Sure, it's been talked about to death at this point, but there's no denying it's technically impressive for the Famicom- it did things that Miyamoto claimed could never be done on the system, like riding Yoshi.
That Dreamcast game, Sega Smash Pack, contained a text file hidden on the disc from the developers telling hackers how to reprogram the game and install as many roms as they want.
Great video. I just received sonic jam for the saturn today and WOW I could honestly tell the difference. It played smoothly, colors and characters really popped out over s-video which the genesis didn't support. With the power of the Saturn I was blown away and very happy I got this compilation.
Sega: we are going to re-released sonic 1, we can’t do it to sonic 3 & knuckles because Michael Jackson was involved Me: 😑 Man sega Is your game can you just give sonic 3 & knuckles different music
Hey, SEGA, remember when you tried to release a port of Sonic 1 on the gba? SEGA- (sneakily pushing a copy of Sonic Genesis out of view) umm.. nope....
I recently have been getting new copies of the classic sonic games because I don't have physical copies anymore, and I haven't played them in quite some time. Anyway it's nice to see all these ports of the first game!
That Somari boxart at 16:08 actually has it's background elements based directly on the JP art for Sonic 2. And the Japanese release of Sonic 1 definitely still has the spike glitch, as that wasn't removed until Sonic Mega Collection. Great video by the way, lots of cool info here. Now I know that the number of times Sonic 1 has been rereleased is even more absurd than I thought, haha. I love the effort and research you put into your videos, despite any goofs or oversights that might happen, and you never cease to entertain either. Keep up the good work! As far as the "definitive" version of the game goes, I actually don't consider the Taxman version to be in the running. As many technical improvements as there are, I think forcing the widescreen aspect ratio hurts the game. A good example is the Green Hill boss, where the wider aspect ratio means the platforms are moved further apart, making it more difficult to move between them in one jump. I also don't like that you no longer have the ability to cheap shot Eggman before he's ready, since it hinders the use of the invincibility monitor in the tree.
5 ปีที่แล้ว +123
I still have my sonic 1 Cartrige to this day I ain’t selling it That game was my *jam* EDIT:(18.10.10) Thenks to pepz like dis comment if u like this ur apart of this *Jamz punz*
To be honest I had the script done and ready to go and then realized I had completely forgotten Sonic Genesis, and decided I liked how the video flowed already, not to mention so many people have already discussed why it's such a shockingly bad port, so it only got a small mention at the end as a joke.
Sega Genesis Collection for PSP and PS2 was very stylized, had unlockable dev video interviews, and also some unlockable early Sega arcade games such as Zaxxon.
"And while many claim to know what gaming is all about, most have just recently jumped on the bandwagon of the world's most dynamic form of entertainment." Damn, Sega be throwing heavy shade to the PS2
actually, there WAS a Sega Smash Pack Vol. 2 ... ... it was for PC. Seriously, that was my first time playing Kid CHameleon and Comix Zone. and Shining Force.
@@ArthurTRead It runs bad and slows down a lot, has weird physics, is extremely zoomed in so you barely see anything in front of you and the music is weirdly compressed
“Have you ever heard of a company called AtGames?” Considering I’m a huge Pac-Man fan who’s active on Pac-news, I am VERY aware of AtGames, partially due to recent news with them and that franchise.
I think official will be Sonic, unofficial will be Doom. Sonic 1 is available on Game Cube, Dreamcast, PS2, PSP, DS, Wii, 3DS, Java mobile phones, and there aren’t official Doom ports on those. I think the SNES, 32X, Jaguar, 3DO and Playstation are the only systems Doom exists on that doesn’t have Official Sonic.
I agree man, kinda disappointed he talks about the hacks and the AtGames stuff but refuse to talk about the only single port that SonicTeam made that's bad. The game is not like CD-i Zelda and Mario games where those aren't made by the real game developer, those were truly trash but Sonic Genesis was not made by trash studio like Philips, Sonic Genesis was made and ported by the same team that made the original Sonic and they still failed. That's like if Nintendo ported SMB3 to GBA and failed which they didn't or if Capcom ported Super Street Fighter II Turbo to GBA and failed which they too didn't.
The spike bug is still in the Japanese version of sonic 1, it was always intended behavior which wasn't corrected until sonic mega collection. though the Japanese version of sonic 1 contains a hidden credits scene containing the actual names of the developers
The "Japanese" version of Sonic 1 (A.K.A Rev 1) is actually just worldwide, the US and Europe got the updated version in later production lines. It's only known as the Japanese version because that was what Japan always had since they got a late release. Still have yet to find an American copy of Rev 1 Sonic 1 though. Also, it didn't "patch" the spike "bug" because the way spikes worked in Sonic 1 was intentional, but they changed it in later games. Although in Sonic Mega Collection the Sonic 1 ROM did get modified to change the behavior of the spikes to how they do now.
Don't worry, that screenshot isn't legit. I was curious about it myself, and it turns out Knuckles in China Land is an infamous hoax image that apparently spawned a fanmade rpg.
All this before the release of the Sonic the Hedgehog movie so... definitely will be more releases to come and I never ever tire of seeing Sonic 1 it's an epic and timeless work of art
7:00 I remember trying to get the iPod Nano version of Sonic 1 to run on mine, and found out that to get iPod games running on an iPod today, you need a Windows application called iPod Wizard I have a MacBook
@@robertanderson9447 I'm aware, that was kind of the joke. I thought me knowing the trivia about it coming out the same day would make it a bit clearer that I knew that than it was, sorry!
That didn't stop me from playing Sonic Genesis. It was even the first version of Sonic 1 I managed to beat...and I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed of that.
Who else was waiting for him to ACTUALLY say how many ports they are until he just didn’t say an exact number of how many there were and was disappointed
I know that this video is old, but I know of another release of sonic 1, here in brazil, the game "sega top 10" was launched for the mega drive or, sega genesis, which contained 10 games in a cartridge, one of them being sonic 1.
For anyone wondering the genesis mini Sonic 1 is the original rom, no spindash, no enchancments, just raw sonic 1. The option for spindash and dropdash would have been nice tho
The Sonic 1 I had on the Mega Drive was the 6PAK cartridge, a collection with Streets of Rage 1, Golden Axe 1, Columns, Super Hang-On and Revenge of Shinobi.
The simplest answer is "A Lot" and Somecallmejohnny owns nearly all of them
"I can't count that high"
-Somecallmejohnny in a Batman Mask
Ah i see a fellow man of culture
the gag in the beginning of his sa2 review will never cease to make me laugh
we all agree with you.
6:55 that's my video!
I feel honored to have captured a part of Sonic history
Thats wholesome
A youtube video? Historic.
He has proof it’s an old video
"you wanna kno-"
I love all of the people who didn't stay for the end correcting him on Sonic Genesis on GBA.
Man I was gonna mention it but right when I was gonna type he says it lol
What happened with it?
It's weird for him to skip to sonic on the ds before mentioning the gba port.
Me: *Laughs In GBA*
11:05 Slight correction, the 3DS version technically is emulated and the emulator they built supports the 3DS's 3D function. I know as I've taken apart the emulator myself and swapped out the internal ROM to play Sonic 3 Complete on my 3DS a few years ago.
The lines are blurred between emulation and port with those M2 3D remasters. The emulator they built - the 'Gigadrive' - does indeed run Mega Drive ROMs but every game in the series was disassembled and completely rebuilt in order for 3D values to be assigned to graphic & sprite layers. They're both emulated and enhanced ports simultaneously.
That is absolutely genius. I wish stuff like that was not just some weird gimmick
@@ForrestFox626 not cool, to call someone nerd.
@@ForrestFox626 Because the way you said it has a negative connotation around it
@@thatsprettyfarfetchd9888 This is why trying to interpret someone's feeling through text is a pain
1:58 Ah yes, my favorite Sonic game, "Knuckles in China Land".
The quest for the chinese sandwich
"Sonic in brazil" is the best imo
Knuckles Goes To A Country With Steriotypical Chinese World And People, And Then Got Coronavirus.
@Sammy This Isn't Racist, This Is China-Land, Not China.
@KatzenProductions why?
Sega really does do what Nintendon't
They'll port the same game loads of times instead of multiple games at once
Still more nostalgic
Hey there!
this is *_NOT EPIC_*
RE4: *_Sweats_*
Yeah mario better tho
When will we get a port of Sonic 1 on Samsung Fridges?
Waiting for a Sonic 1 port to be released for Tesla as well.
@@1nut1der87 it may just happen. I heard they were really trying to put "cuphead" on the tesla.
The same day Skyrim launches on the Smart Toilets from Japan.
Waiting for sonic 1 for toaster
Holy crap, video footage exists of the original Sonic 1 Mobile, iPod, and iOS releases!? That’s crazy, I thought they were lost to time!
The best bit is the existence of iOS version footage, to me, as I remember that port fondly since it was my first experience with Sonic.
Hey if you can help me to record on my iPhone 4s I can get some more footage :)
the android app store still has it
@@GR33NPUG no I doesn’t it didn’t release sorry
@@Krystal.2010 for me it's there
@@GR33NPUG that the remake not the old one
6:19 Yes, Sonic sure wants to show off the Boss Baby on his phone.
i'm showing off the sonic showing the boss baby on his phone on my phone
Game Porters: Sega, how many ports you want for Sonic?
Sega: *Y* *E* *S*
Somebody please send this to Somecallmejohnny. Let’s see if he has missed any of them
Nitro Rad would probably know too since he used to cover every port a game got when he reviewed it :)
1000000 Sonic 1 Games Oh my God !!!!
"Nothing is more big boy than sonic jam for the Sega Saturn" Patmac-2019
Where's the lie? ;)
"Haha, Skyrim sure has a lot of ports! Imagine buying the same game that many times - you'd have to be crazy!"
**Stares at my Wii with Sonic 1 VC, Sonic Mega Collection Plus for Xbox, Sonic Generations for Xbox 360, Individual Sale Copy of Sonic 1 for the Mega Drive, Pack-in Copy of Sonic 1 and my phone with Sonic 1 installed on it.**
I have since bought _yet another_ copy of Sonic 1 for the Mega Drive.
Alfo io
I finally decided to buy the orginal games so I would stop doing that lmao...though that mega collection plus has a lot of other great ports 🤔
I own two copies of Sonic Mega Collection for Nintendo Gamecube, the Sonic Classic Collection for Nintendo DS, the 3DS version of Sonic 1, and Sonic Genesis on Game Boy Advance. That's 4 versions of Sonic 1 total...and I regret none of them.
Oh yeah bro I have all that including emulators for Sonic 1 bruh
@@smashmaster521 me too
I had the sonic classic collection for the DS. It was fun because it allowed you to save your data in sonic 1 and 2. I thought it was actually a great port.
I have had classic collection for a while now and looking back I'm mad sonic cd wasn't included but it was probably just genesis releases
I was watching this whole thing thinking “he forgot about Sonic Genesis on the GBA”, and then I saw the ending lol
"One of the most rereleased games" yeah, one of, because Doom exists.
And Smb1
Mr. Zimbabwe and Street Fighter 2
@@colingznetwork781 and tetris
And now RE4
And Pacman
“How many ports of Sonic 1 exist?”
Me: Too many
Soshi The Yoshi yes
So True
Never too many pal. Never. Too. Many.
see I don't get that whole "me:" stuff like we know ur saying it man u don't need to clarify it's you
Cave Story? Child’s play. Sonic 1 is one of the most popular ports.
Pac-Man: "Amateurs"
@@MishKoz Me: *Laughs in Tetris*
12:46 I have both of those. Many fond memories with those things. Sadly the cords started degrading many years ago, so I'm not sure if they even still show up on a TV. I remember getting the blue one for Christmas like, 15 years ago I think, I don't remember nor do I even know how old these specific ones are. I got the red one at some point during my childhood, but I don't remember when. These were a fond part of my childhood, thanks for reminding me of them Pat. ^_^
This video is absolutely insane! I love it! I’m definitely subscribing to you now, simply because you were mad enough to track down every single rerelease.
Thanks for covering all the different versions of Somari! I was worried you weren't going to talk about them- they're really neat stuff. The one featuring Hummer Team's mascot in particular is interesting as it's only appeared on their Famiclone plug and play consoles, and there hasn't been any evidence of a physical cartridge, if I recall correctly.
You're right! I thought that was so interesting, I wonder where the members of Hummer Team are nowadays. Maybe I'll cover more of their stuff someday. I also appreciated how the cart of the Doraemon game says "Socat", as in the Somari of cats.
If you do talk about Hummer Team again, definitely look into their demake of Super Mario World. Sure, it's been talked about to death at this point, but there's no denying it's technically impressive for the Famicom- it did things that Miyamoto claimed could never be done on the system, like riding Yoshi.
The relaxing end has a phisal copy of somari when he was messing with a famiclone.
Feels like a cybershell kind of topic to cover
Jon Uxie-Aster just wait 9 years
Man I miss the dude is he even alive
Supposedly he's just been living off patreon money since then
6 more years
Welp, this aged like milk
It's almost hilarious to think that the game was console exclusive
Like resident evil 4 lol
That Dreamcast game, Sega Smash Pack, contained a text file hidden on the disc from the developers telling hackers how to reprogram the game and install as many roms as they want.
It was from Gary Lake, the game's sole programmer
@@g-forcefgt323 Wow. Now **I** want to stuff random rom hacks onto it.
Got Sonic 3 and knuckles to work. My ears are bleeding,but at least I have another excuse to 100%. Complete it, lol
Sega really do what nintendont
Great video. I just received sonic jam for the saturn today and WOW I could honestly tell the difference. It played smoothly, colors and characters really popped out over s-video which the genesis didn't support. With the power of the Saturn I was blown away and very happy I got this compilation.
Oh my I can’t believe Nintendo stole Somari. But it’s pretty cool he got in smash
Sega: How many times are you gonna rerelease Sonic 1
Sonic Team: *Yes*
Sega: *every* *year!*
Almost all of these rereleases are from Sega. Sonic Team only had a hand in a couple of these.
Sega: we are going to re-released sonic 1, we can’t do it to sonic 3 & knuckles because Michael Jackson was involved
Me: 😑 Man sega Is your game can you just give sonic 3 & knuckles different music
Hey, SEGA, remember when you tried to release a port of Sonic 1 on the gba?
SEGA- (sneakily pushing a copy of Sonic Genesis out of view) umm.. nope....
Ospyro3em It also came out on the same day as 06! (I think anyway..)
I remember Sonic Genesis on GBA...mainly because I own it.
@@cm-ih1jb It did indeed come out on the same day as Sonic 06. You could say November 14, 2006 was a very dark day in Sonic history.
Matt Trey i don’t know what you’re talking about. *Nothing happened on November 14th 2006...*
Sonic The Hedgehog Por-
*Mom walks in*
Don't you f*cking dare!!
Please don’t
I recently have been getting new copies of the classic sonic games because I don't have physical copies anymore, and I haven't played them in quite some time.
Anyway it's nice to see all these ports of the first game!
That Somari boxart at 16:08 actually has it's background elements based directly on the JP art for Sonic 2. And the Japanese release of Sonic 1 definitely still has the spike glitch, as that wasn't removed until Sonic Mega Collection.
Great video by the way, lots of cool info here. Now I know that the number of times Sonic 1 has been rereleased is even more absurd than I thought, haha. I love the effort and research you put into your videos, despite any goofs or oversights that might happen, and you never cease to entertain either. Keep up the good work!
As far as the "definitive" version of the game goes, I actually don't consider the Taxman version to be in the running. As many technical improvements as there are, I think forcing the widescreen aspect ratio hurts the game. A good example is the Green Hill boss, where the wider aspect ratio means the platforms are moved further apart, making it more difficult to move between them in one jump. I also don't like that you no longer have the ability to cheap shot Eggman before he's ready, since it hinders the use of the invincibility monitor in the tree.
I still have my sonic 1 Cartrige to this day
I ain’t selling it
That game was my *jam*
EDIT:(18.10.10) Thenks to pepz like dis comment if u like this ur apart of this *Jamz punz*
so you're saying, it's Not For Resale?
is it your Sonic Jam?
*S O N I C J A M*
These reply are full of puns
It's strange that you left out the infamous Sonic 1 on GBA, but overall, it's a great video. I didn't even know about the cancelled PC release!
To be honest I had the script done and ready to go and then realized I had completely forgotten Sonic Genesis, and decided I liked how the video flowed already, not to mention so many people have already discussed why it's such a shockingly bad port, so it only got a small mention at the end as a joke.
Yes leave that disgusting port on the backrooms
@@PatMacYT hi patmac! i like the video, but im curious if you'll cover rayman 1 someday?
At this point, I guarantee that SEGA could remake all the stages in Sonic 1 with their eyes glued shut.
This is an awesome and comprehensive list, and congratulations on putting it together. It's something I've wondered about.
Sega Genesis Collection for PSP and PS2 was very stylized, had unlockable dev video interviews, and also some unlockable early Sega arcade games such as Zaxxon.
"And while many claim to know what gaming is all about, most have just recently jumped on the bandwagon of the world's most dynamic form of entertainment."
Damn, Sega be throwing heavy shade to the PS2
who baked the pie
It's actually a game where you learn Japanese
@@bootmii98 it's a game where you learn Chinese not Japanese
Keep up the great work PatMac!! Love your videos buddy!!
actually, there WAS a Sega Smash Pack Vol. 2 ...
... it was for PC.
Seriously, that was my first time playing Kid CHameleon and Comix Zone. and Shining Force.
PatMac: "How Many Sonic 1 ports exist?"
Sega: Yes
King Vegeta: Frickin' smartass.
@@smashmaster521 no u
@@williamwolfxrivera2418 I was making a DBZ Abridged reference.
@@smashmaster521 oh My bad then😬😳😋😅
I was waiting for Sonic Genesis the whole time, don't do this to me man
what's it like? I've never heard of it
@@ArthurTRead It runs bad and slows down a lot, has weird physics, is extremely zoomed in so you barely see anything in front of you and the music is weirdly compressed
@@Juliame oh gosh that's nasty
That was hell
Wait till the end. He mentions it.
“Have you ever heard of a company called AtGames?”
Considering I’m a huge Pac-Man fan who’s active on Pac-news, I am VERY aware of AtGames, partially due to recent news with them and that franchise.
Jackie-XKH ATGames suck.
oh no...
RIP ms pac man
_ D0ct0r _ I do. Other Pac-Man fans do. Hell, people who aren’t Pac-Man fans have been talking about how bullshit the whole situation is.
You monster, you kept me for 18 minutes waiting for Sonic 1 on the GBA and had a really great video in between
Theres gotta be a reason why they're holding back on the Taxman Port. Its literally superior in every way!
Datdum Sidkik And ? What an insightful comment
Datdum Sidkik spot on
Have you played Pac-Man?
Now for the REAL question: which has more official and unofficial ports, Sonic the Hedgehog, or DOOM?
AortaPlatinum What about pac-man and Tetris?
Obviously Doom. There is an entire community in putting doom in random things
I mean, there's countless versions of Doom 1 on PC, made by fans.
mrmimeisfunny Like that recent one where a McDonald’s employee figured out how to get Doom to play on the cash machine.
I think official will be Sonic, unofficial will be Doom. Sonic 1 is available on Game Cube, Dreamcast, PS2, PSP, DS, Wii, 3DS, Java mobile phones, and there aren’t official Doom ports on those. I think the SNES, 32X, Jaguar, 3DO and Playstation are the only systems Doom exists on that doesn’t have Official Sonic.
As a lover of Sonic related trash, you're wrong...we absolutely DO need to talk about Sonic Genesis!
Sonic Related Trash still doesn't include Sonic Genesis. That... Thing is akin to Nuclear Waste.
I agree man, kinda disappointed he talks about the hacks and the AtGames stuff but refuse to talk about the only single port that SonicTeam made that's bad. The game is not like CD-i Zelda and Mario games where those aren't made by the real game developer, those were truly trash but Sonic Genesis was not made by trash studio like Philips, Sonic Genesis was made and ported by the same team that made the original Sonic and they still failed. That's like if Nintendo ported SMB3 to GBA and failed which they didn't or if Capcom ported Super Street Fighter II Turbo to GBA and failed which they too didn't.
The spike bug is still in the Japanese version of sonic 1, it was always intended behavior which wasn't corrected until sonic mega collection.
though the Japanese version of sonic 1 contains a hidden credits scene containing the actual names of the developers
The "Japanese" version of Sonic 1 (A.K.A Rev 1) is actually just worldwide, the US and Europe got the updated version in later production lines. It's only known as the Japanese version because that was what Japan always had since they got a late release. Still have yet to find an American copy of Rev 1 Sonic 1 though.
Also, it didn't "patch" the spike "bug" because the way spikes worked in Sonic 1 was intentional, but they changed it in later games. Although in Sonic Mega Collection the Sonic 1 ROM did get modified to change the behavior of the spikes to how they do now.
Thanks for taking the time to produce this video.
15:15 hey, that crocodile looks familiar... OH WAIT! ITS THE COMPUTER ROOM
I am pretty sure there are more Sonic rereleases than 8-Bit Mario sprites in Mario’s newer games.
"Unless you want to break out your ouya"
*_Laughs In Amazon fire stck_*
And Nvidia Shield TV Pro!
I'm a little late to the party, but I'm glad I saw this.
This awesome video was posted on my BIRTHDAY! =D
You didn't talk about Sonic Genesis on GBA? What a bummer! *You put it in the thumbnail!* Do a video about it!
What about the one where he's bundled with garfllield
Lakota Corff OH YEAAAHHH
That was Sonic *3*
That was sonic and knuckles.
Cybershell's favorite port.
You forgot the tiger port....
A lot of poo and a problematic animal
Oh God, idfk but don't do that!
@@itbeibitterfly2186 n
A plastic single handheld, and a fucking horrible handheld console
Sonic X for the leapster.
1:58 ah yes my favorite sonic game Knuckles in China land.
It's actually for learning Japanese
(Goes incredibly in depth and mentions way more releases than anyone could reasonably expect)
"You forgot Oculus Arcade"
Probably already pointed out, but the Sonic 1&2 Whitehead remasters are playable on Apple TV with controller support. Great video!
Sega: "Widescreen Sonic?
Don't you guys have phones?"
Drinking game: Take a shot every time he says “Sonic 1”
Suddenly there's a spike in drunk driving cases
@@crimsongamer3137X D
10:19 A mouse is a very strange inclusion, especially considering the games aren't generally played with a mouse.
Sonic 1: Point&Click Edition: u sure about that.
Haha! I always play Sonic 1 with the Sonic mouse, alongside the Sonic toaster known for being a broken mess in the UK.
but sonic is kinda like a mouse, so sonic isn't popular?
They didnt mean for you to use the mouse to play the game, just a neat addition
Kid: Mom Can We Get A Wii
Mom: No We Have A Wii At Home!
Wii At Home: 12:33
There is also another Wii At Home:
*the receiver and your tv remote*
“The sonic 1 and 2 whitehead ports aren’t on any consoles or PCs yet, the reason is unknown” That aged well lmao
Thank _Team Forever_ for that!
No, really. S1 forever and S2 Absolute are amazing
@@clonefighter1996 I was talking about that and sonic origins
"Boy I hope somebody got fired for that blunder..."
Don't worry, that screenshot isn't legit. I was curious about it myself, and it turns out Knuckles in China Land is an infamous hoax image that apparently spawned a fanmade rpg.
6:16 Sonic calls the boss baby at 3AM! NOT CLICKBAIT
*Drink every time he says **_RELEASED_*
TomGreen 99 or sonic 1
M o o n l i g h t S K Y or sonic
Or just the letter S in any word
Take a picture every time they say port.Your ps4 won't hold the images.
Lest do it
All this before the release of the Sonic the Hedgehog movie so... definitely will be more releases to come and I never ever tire of seeing Sonic 1 it's an epic and timeless work of art
I've played a lot of these. Whenever I get a new System, Genesis Sonic games are a must own.
7:00 I remember trying to get the iPod Nano version of Sonic 1 to run on mine, and found out that to get iPod games running on an iPod today, you need a Windows application called iPod Wizard
I have a MacBook
...Why doesn't the iPod Wizard work on Mac, that doesn't make any sense!
@@TimGaukerToons Cause Apple is stupid.
1:58 That gameplay image looks as legit as ever.
you don't remember the classic game "knuckles in china land"?
"We don't need to talk about that one."
But it came out on the same day as Sonic 06! Surely it's amazing compared to that!
Trust me, it's not. Sonic 06 is at least a unique beast. There is zero reason to play Sonic Genesis, even out of morbid curiosity.
It's not. Sonic 06 may have tarnished Sonic's present-day career but Sonic Genesis is an awful version of a classic. It's absolutely horrendous.
Keiya sonic 06 is such a fun speedrun game
@@robertanderson9447 I'm aware, that was kind of the joke. I thought me knowing the trivia about it coming out the same day would make it a bit clearer that I knew that than it was, sorry!
That didn't stop me from playing Sonic Genesis. It was even the first version of Sonic 1 I managed to beat...and I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed of that.
I thought the Ouya was a fever dream I had. I hate you for proving me wrong.
It's so depressing that S3&K hasn't had a port in over 10 years, considering it's basically the best sonic game ever
@@GenesisGreen ? steam rerelease? Is it good?
@@GenesisGreen Oh. Personally the best version is the windows 95 versions, they have an awful soundtrack but it's more mechanically sound
The 2013 version of Sonic 1 is also available on Amazon FireTV. The closest we have to a home console version at this point.
I wasn’t first
But when I see pat mac notifications, I click on it fast
Patmac: the new mobile port is not available on console
Me, an intellectual: *plays on Amazon fire TV*
J.A. 101 that’s what I do.
Me also an intellectual: connected a controller.
Who else was waiting for him to ACTUALLY say how many ports they are until he just didn’t say an exact number of how many there were and was disappointed
Nice. I love the Sonic games on Genesis. Sonic 2 was the first Sonic game i ever played in 1992. Good job on tbis video.
4:28 Seeing Sonic’s elbow go over the logo is so weird
Meanwhile we are still waiting for a dreamcast collection sega...you know a "DREAMCAST " collection
Bold of you to assume I am not already familiar with Sonari.
PatMac: doesn't want to talk about Sonic Genesis
Also PatMac: talks about Somari
Man that music is still so good.
17:57 - Street Fighter 2 alone has more rereleases than probably every other game combined.
Resident Evil 4 : " hold my beer"
one word: DOOM
Nah guys, this Y.Y. is right, SFII is really the most milked game of all time
Tetris says hi
@@Keezaweadoom re releases aren't official though they are more just ports of open source code
Damm Sonic1 is definitely a gem of a game to behold.
Ok but how many genesis collections are there in total like jeez
The Sonic Genesis one made me laugh. Well played
I know that this video is old, but I know of another release of sonic 1, here in brazil, the game "sega top 10" was launched for the mega drive or, sega genesis, which contained 10 games in a cartridge, one of them being sonic 1.
MatPac: so now we've pretty much covered every official sonic 1 port out there.
Me: Where is sonic 1 on the gameboy advance?
*we don’t talk about that game here*
oh yes we do- not talking about sonic GBA is like the 8th deadly sin
@@DTheAustralian but the GBA version was so bad it made LJN look playable in comparison.
1. Doesn't mean we should ignore it. Take that port like a champ.
2. LGN? What's LGN?
@@DTheAustralian You are wrong. Sonic 06' is the 8th deadly sin. Sonic GBA is the 9th.
What console has Sonic been on?
9:50 i have this compilation and would’ve loved to have spinball and mean bean machine
For anyone wondering the genesis mini Sonic 1 is the original rom, no spindash, no enchancments, just raw sonic 1. The option for spindash and dropdash would have been nice tho
I have a sega genesis flashback console from Atgames and it’s actually really good. I was shocked to see it performing well.
12:10 I remember having that and playing sonic 1 on it
"The game itself is fondly remembered by millions of fans everywhere."
Fans: This game sucks.
tsk tsk wrong wrong
@@comicaze8238 *uno reverse*
You tried
What’s wrong with the game? It’s fun and it’s a classic! Maybe it’s been rereleased to death, but it’s not a bad game.
@@sloppynyuszi Yeah but there are plenty of reviewers our there who say that they hate this game.
I remember the first time playing Sonic 1 on the Sonic Classic Collection on the DS.
Same! I always hated it!
@@gaspardsavoureux8680 why?
Same, memories.
@@nan0phone I've never been a fan of Sonic 1, it has many flaws. I do enjoy Sonic 2 and 3 tho
@@gaspardsavoureux8680 oh i thought you meant you had some sort of grudge with Sonic Classic Collection
I literally remember playing throughout the entirety of sonic 1 in sonic generations as a kid.
The Sonic 1 I had on the Mega Drive was the 6PAK cartridge, a collection with Streets of Rage 1, Golden Axe 1, Columns, Super Hang-On and Revenge of Shinobi.