Hi Dr. Wong, I had them both. For me, "exercise ", had an effect. I totally "Control " the situation. But you helping your three children with prevention, most certainly does work. I look for the day, when we are all offered prevention, to protect our distance vision - for life! Thanks, Otie
Thank you. My eye doctor told me that eye exercises don't work and gave me glasses which I promptly lost (subconsciously on purpose). I really believe I can heal my eyesight. Thank you?!
Dr. Wong, I had strabismus surgery 1.5 mos. ago for esotrpia. For 2 weeks my eyes looked aligned and then my left eye which was the least pulled became drifting out as exotropia. It has been like that for 2.5 weeks. What happened? I've been hearing about vision therapy. Is that eye muscle stretches? Can that work for me? How about this video of pencil push-ups? Please help me know. Thank you!
Long ago I had a freak retinal hemorrhage that pretty much covered the fovea of my non-dominant eye resulting in a spider vein cloud. Many years later I started having double vision. The glasses prescribed do not work well, so I am beginning to try exercises. Thanks for the clear explanation!
Dr. Rupa Wong, Thank you very much for such clear and simple exercises! ☀ We do eye fitness using a browser. This provides eye relief for those who forget to take breaks at work. We're inspired by your approach and are thinking about what exercises we could offer our users too!
Hi ya, I have diplopia in 1 eye (left) and when i look to the right my left eye don't move to the right fully but stays central therefor giving me double vision. Is there an exercise for this please? 🙏
Thank you i have exotropia and i need to get eye muscle surgery because my eye muscle keeps detacting going misaligned in the left eye muscle and i will try the eye exercises with the pencil push ups thank you😊
@@DrRupaWong Hi Dr, I would like to say one thing here, I can squint my eye which is similar to what you suggested in the same exercise. I mean, making squint eye will also release the muscles & same result will come. I am right, please reply.
@sadylap36 I still go to my eye therapy. I went from 14 prism to, now , 4-2 prism. Covering your bad eye, vision therapy and, getting the right prescription really help. My doctor had my pupils dilated and gave me the new prescription. She said the characteristic of the disease is we tend to strain the eye when measuring the prescription so he got my pupils dilated to get better accuracy.
@sadylap36 I went from 14 prism last year to now, like 2-4 prism, and on a good day, I don't see double vision at all. Vision therapy, accurate glasses prescription really help. My eye doctor told me the characteristic of the disease is that we tend to strain our eyes so hard it makes the measurement of the prescription inaccurate so she got my pupils dilated and did the measurement again I was wearing the wrong prescription. Also, I started to meditate for healing if you never heard of Dr. Joe dispenza, I suggest you give it a listen and do some of his works.
@sadylap36 I went from 14 prism from last year to 2-4 prism. I've been going to vision therapy and got a new prescription for glasses. My eye doctor said people with the disease tend to strain our eyes, which makes measurement of the prescription inaccurate so she got my pupils dilated and did the new measurement and found out I was wearing way too strong prescription. Going out and doing some outdoor activities helps, too, as well as meditation. I've been doing, Dr. Joe dispenza meditation these couple months, and I noticed positive change.
How the vision therapy/exercises helps In I(XT) ,specifically in adults? Is this correcting the fusion/control only by making the deviation less frequent and more controllable,or it can lower the exodrift amount (PD) over time too?
@@DrRupaWong Nice video.When I was 10 I suddenly went cross-eyed. right eye turned out. I had another surgery when I was 21. And now after 21 years my right eye is pulling out again. If I let it go. 30th may i go to the ortopthist. I can keep my eye straight, but it's so tiring! do you think it would be better if they corrected my eye again with eye muscle surgery?
Its beyond expensive id recommend getting medical insurance that covers it youll waste thousands of dollars i paid 180 a session.. then when you cant afford it anymore you wasted your money for nothing gotta love American healthcare
Dr. Rupa, thanks so much for the video. My son is 4 years old and was diagnosed with exotropia about 1 year ago and unfortunately we live in a small town with the only vision therapy is superbooked, still waiting for an opening. My son has the opposite of your description: his left eye wanders out when looking from the distance. In this case is this pen exercise still good?
@@DrRupaWong Dr Rupa, happy Sunday. I have been doing your exercise every day (although not always consistently) - will it help with presbyopia? I know you mentioned it's for convergence insufficiency but it does sound so much like presbyopia too, where up close is blur but everything is fine at a distance. I am constantly feeling eye strain too. So far I have been doing it for 3 months. Hope to hear your kind reply. Thank you.
Hello doctor, thank you, but I would like to clarify, can we do this exercise if we have strabismus in one eye? And what other exercises would you recommend for someone with strabismus?
Hi Dr Wong I am facing double vision on my left eye of certain area from distance but i can see single when things are closer to mw any help medicine and extra excersises please help me
@@DrRupaWong Exercises used to give temporary relief. I would do them before watching a film with subtitles and it would give me 5-10 minutes of relief. That was a couple years ago. Now my eyes are so misaligned that I cannot get fusion even with exercises before watching a film. I see two rows of text, one that is level and the other slanting uphill about 25-30 degrees now.
Hi Dr. Rupa Wong, Thank you for this video. I was wondering if you have any exercises for people who struggle with the same issue, only when looking into the distance? I got a concussion a year ago, and now I have trouble focusing on things far away. I have been diagnosed with exophobia, but unfortunately I cannot afford proper training, and therefore I am looking for exercises to do at home. Thank you in advance!
@@DrRupaWong I had the op wen I was 6 it was very painful and did absolutely nothing to correct it. I’m going to try this as I remember the doctor doing this at my appointments ❤️
Dr. Wong, I recently got my SMILE Surgery and I'm having issue with the sharpness of the things around. Ny doctor advised me to do this exercise. What do you suggest??
Hi DR rupa wong I am in the UK i was hit in the orbital area. I had a concussion and one od my symptoms was eye pain and extreme headache on the opposite side i was hit. The extreme headache has gone down but mh eyes still slightly feel strained, heavines in the neck and if i get a episode of headache it affects my eye for like a min i start to feel dizzy within that min too. I have gone to the eye doctor countless of times and they say my eyes are fine but i dont feel they are aligned. There is a sense of heaviness and my eyelid is also more down on the side i get the headache. The eye just does not feel comfortable anymore when watching things
formula One car drivers have IT/vision coaches that instruct the drivers on you either exercises for improving their vision. I remember seeing that about 25 years ago in an article, --20/20, not good enough.- One of the exercises was to get a 6 foot long piece of thick cord, or string, and tie knots in it every foot and tie it to something like a door knob and pull it straight, holding it up to your nose in a straight line to the door knob. And focus on each knot Moving from the closest, to the next one, to the next one, all the way to the door, knob, and back, forcing your eyes to focus together on objects. That’s the only exercise I remember.
I recently went to Spain because a friend of a friend suggested they had tremendous doctors in the eye industry so I decided to get a passport and a plane ticket. When I got to Spain it was difficult since I don’t speak Spanish but found a eye surgeon that spoke English very well. He suggested I get plastic ring cornea laser surgery and that it would improve my eye. Anyways, I was told the surgery would be 12 minutes, the doctor put in the wrong rings inside my eyes so I was told he was going to take them out and had to wait for someone to deliver these new plastic rings for my eyes. The surgery ended up being almost a hour long and he double worked on my eye since he put the wrong rings inside my eyes and had to take them out and put new ones inside my eye. I was in the worst pain of my life after the surgery not sure why. I was told it wouldn’t be mad but my guess was because of the mistake that they made. When I went to see the doctor he said it was a perfect surgery but I had doubts because I lost almost all my vision. I went from having 15-40 sometimes 20-40 to having 20-800 and it was right after the surgery. When I told the doctor that I lost my vision and that my eyes are not working together he began to question me and got agitated it seemed like. He told me I didn’t need glasses so I thought maybe it’s because I just got surgery it’s only been three days after a week I went back he went from saying I didn’t need glasses to saying I’m going to give you glasses and that it would take a year and a half to be better. Im very upset because my gut instinct always told me why would I go to Spain when im an American citizen and america has the best doctors. I should of listened to my gut instinct because I had a feeling something awful would happen to me. This doctor made a mistake when he double worked on my eye but after the surgery said it was a succes, I immediately lost all my vision which made me think back to the surgery and how he made a mistake and began to question this doctor and if he’s mistake is the reason I lost my vision. Because I am not a citizen from Spain I can’t do anything about it so I basically got robbed from the most special thing a human being can have is to have your eye sight to being almost blind it feels like in one eye. My life isn’t the same since the surgery and to be quite honest I want to kill myself because I can’t do anything that I used to do before. My life has become so much harder. I wish there was something I could do. For patients that got surgery for plastic rings to shake your cornea with laser are we able to get LASIK or prk? It would mean so much if someone could suggest something and point me in the right direction. Thank you everyone and hope everyone has a blessed day. God bless everyone
I have esotropia and I'm 16. The doctor told me to do this till may. And I forgot to ask whether I should wear glasses or not while doing this exercise, should I?
@@bankio1883 glad to hear someone the same age has my problem too! And same. It gets to the point where I don't look at people in the eyes at school because they'll make fun of me and ask questions :(
@@issacblob no cuz fr, school sucks My mom doesn’t understand and force me to go even tho I don’t want to. Just wanna stay in my room forever. Im glad we can understand each other, no one understands yk
@@bankio1883 righttt my mom would complain why I don't go out much. I have trouble making new friends and I absolutely HATE picture day . I just want to look normal bro 🙁
@@issacblob I relate to you so much. It’s really hard to go through something like this, i hope the eye exercises work and everything gets better for you
I'm suffering alot due to my cross eyes. People make fun as well as i lost confidence talking to anyone. Please suggest me doctor if i should go for surgery?
I'm so sorry people make fun of you! That is awful. Keep your head up. I would recommend seeing your local doctor and asking them what your options are.
I have oscillopsia on left eye (image shakes up and down) and on the right eye Nystagmus (Torsional, rotary) I have high myopia and wearing glasses with -26 power, doctors tried Gabapentin till 500mg but no improvement, even tried special glasses. so which eye exercise i have to do? any suggestions for me please!
Hello doctor, could I also ask what to do for the other way around please? I'm 65 and up close my vision is fine, as the distance increases my vision starts to double, any help would be very appreciated
Dr Wong just to comment that I have been avoiding optometrist for more than 2 years because of the tension created by them. I live in UK and optician shops are owned by Optromesist who make a sale when selling spectacles at a higher prescription than required. If prescription doesn't go up the customer doesn't buy new glasses. For the last 6 years visiting optician shop for eye test they put the prescription up. It was with very great difficulty that I found a very good optometrist who agreed with me and said that at this rate you will be reading a book 8 inches away. She kept my original prescription without any change. Should optometrist be warned that what they are doing is unethical and wrong.
Hi Dr. Rupa, I always post here, because you are the first Ophthalmologist to help her three children with life-time prevention - of myopia! This is achieved by greatly limiting "accommodation", for all close work. I just wish I had been able to do this when I was growing up.
@@lime3620 Thanks for your question. Assume an, " Emmetropia", eye. Refraction exactly 0.0 Diopters. A kid can easily read a 6 inches ( -6 Diopters, by his accommodation). Atropine limits range of accommodation, to say 2 Diopters. This means the kids AVERAGE accommodation will drastically change, because of Atropine use. This will also prevent the kid from. Reading at 6 inches. A mass of primate data, says it exactly that way. Your LAMP and ATOM studies show this to be true. That is why I support your use of Atropine, before your 3 kids are actually nearsighted. Prevention is our only hope - in the future.
@@lime3620 1) using Atropine as Rupa is doing it. 2) Limit of nose on page reading, as Rupa is doing it. 3) Using a plus lens for close work - as I am doing it.
I struggle with Diplopia and my eyes not working together. I'm doing eye therapy. I find it hard to walk as struggling to see with my pheriffal vision as well. To cope I have to stay indoors in low light. Do you have suggestions of what to do to improve? They said surgery won't fix it.
Dr Wong, I am such a fan of your youtube channel! Would you be able to please do a video on Korean double eyelid tape? It’s so challenging to find evidenced based research on the safety and efficacy of it! Thank you so much for all your helpful videos thus far(:
@DrRupaWong Hi Dr. Wong -- your video is a great explanation and demonstration of the pencil pushup technique, so thanks so much for it! I have one question: I wear glasses for reading, and a separate pair for distance. Which one do you recommend for wearing while doing the pencil pushups? Thanks again. 😍
Hello doctor, I survived brain stroke seven years back. Post stroke I had double vision which gradually came down however I still have 5-10% to normalise. Currently I can’t focus immediately and it will take sometime. My eyeballs move slight up and down all the time exactly to say it vibrates. I am not driving since then. Do you have any exercises treat this? Currently I’m 44 and I suffered stroke when I was 37.
Hi doctor i have all the syptoms But my eye goes inward not outward? Is that normal? It only happenes when I sometimes look in the mirror or have a video call with somebody. Anyway I am doing your excercise and i hope it will help!
What exercise do you recommend for the opposite - when eyes drift in / misalign when looking at a distance and double vision at certain angles ?
Do you find the solution because i have the same problem
@@Collectorgamer-gamesme too have this same problem
Same issue here😢
You need to cover one eye at a time and do the exercise. Look up the lazy eye exercises.
@@BeachCrew100 which the good one cover?
I don't have exotropia when I'm looking something up close, but it does happen when I'm trying to look at something at a further distance.
Bro you have alternative divergent squint
Hi Dr. Wong,
I had them both.
For me, "exercise ", had an effect.
I totally "Control " the situation.
But you helping your three children with prevention, most certainly does work.
I look for the day, when we are all offered prevention, to protect our distance vision - for life!
I'm so glad this helped, Otie! Thank you! 😊
Thank you. My eye doctor told me that eye exercises don't work and gave me glasses which I promptly lost (subconsciously on purpose). I really believe I can heal my eyesight. Thank you?!
You are ok right now
Glad I figured out what I have. I got this after I got Lasik done. And it's really frustrating to live with
I'm so sorry! I am glad you at least know what it is now. If there is anything else you would like me to post about, let me know!
I did my work with a, " Steroptican", fusing two photographs, into a 3 dimension image.
Yes, worked for me!
I'm glad that worked!
Very practical and useful, thank you.
Dr. Wong, I had strabismus surgery 1.5 mos. ago for esotrpia. For 2 weeks my eyes looked aligned and then my left eye which was the least pulled became drifting out as exotropia. It has been like that for 2.5 weeks. What happened? I've been hearing about vision therapy. Is that eye muscle stretches? Can that work for me? How about this video of pencil push-ups?
Please help me know. Thank you!
Is there an exercise for divergence insufficiency? I see double in my distance vision and have to use base-out prisms in my lenses.
Thank you. When we do eye exercises at home, should we have glasses on?
I’m a low vision occupational therapist and we are in Florida!
Does this help with vertical heterophoria (Bincular vision dysfunction)? thanks
Long ago I had a freak retinal hemorrhage that pretty much covered the fovea of my non-dominant eye resulting in a spider vein cloud. Many years later I started having double vision. The glasses prescribed do not work well, so I am beginning to try exercises. Thanks for the clear explanation!
Dr. Rupa Wong, Thank you very much for such clear and simple exercises!
☀ We do eye fitness using a browser. This provides eye relief for those who forget to take breaks at work. We're inspired by your approach and are thinking about what exercises we could offer our users too!
Thanks @"Docto", please let me know will this exercise for an "Vergence" type of Convergence Insufficiency
Dr. Rupa . . .still the 'best' tresses on any doc on YT, that is for sure, haha.
I shared this video with a friend whom needs the exercises so thanks.
I appreciate that so much! Thank you! 🥺
Hi ya, I have diplopia in 1 eye (left) and when i look to the right my left eye don't move to the right fully but stays central therefor giving me double vision. Is there an exercise for this please? 🙏
Thank you i have exotropia and i need to get eye muscle surgery because my eye muscle keeps detacting going misaligned in the left eye muscle and i will try the eye exercises with the pencil push ups thank you😊
Of course! Glad to have helped 😊
very useful Doctor. Thank you
You are welcome!
@@DrRupaWong Hi Dr, I would like to say one thing here, I can squint my eye which is similar to what you suggested in the same exercise. I mean, making squint eye will also release the muscles & same result will come. I am right, please reply.
I got lazy eye and I've been going to the hospital to train my eye muscles for 5 months now. I'll implement this exercise to my routine.
Glad this video helped!
hows it nowwww
@sadylap36 I still go to my eye therapy. I went from 14 prism to, now , 4-2 prism. Covering your bad eye, vision therapy and, getting the right prescription really help. My doctor had my pupils dilated and gave me the new prescription. She said the characteristic of the disease is we tend to strain the eye when measuring the prescription so he got my pupils dilated to get better accuracy.
@sadylap36 I went from 14 prism last year to now, like 2-4 prism, and on a good day, I don't see double vision at all.
Vision therapy, accurate glasses prescription really help. My eye doctor told me the characteristic of the disease is that we tend to strain our eyes so hard it makes the measurement of the prescription inaccurate so she got my pupils dilated and did the measurement again I was wearing the wrong prescription. Also, I started to meditate for healing if you never heard of Dr. Joe dispenza, I suggest you give it a listen and do some of his works.
@sadylap36 I went from 14 prism from last year to 2-4 prism. I've been going to vision therapy and got a new prescription for glasses. My eye doctor said people with the disease tend to strain our eyes, which makes measurement of the prescription inaccurate so she got my pupils dilated and did the new measurement and found out I was wearing way too strong prescription. Going out and doing some outdoor activities helps, too, as well as meditation. I've been doing, Dr. Joe dispenza meditation these couple months, and I noticed positive change.
What exercise do you suggest for distance,I see two images at distance,are spectacles to be worn , please help me ll❤l
Recently git surgery and am doing these to help them see together
Just found out I had strabismus and amblyopia in right eye, doing patching gonna try this also
Thank you Dr. God bless you
How the vision therapy/exercises helps In I(XT) ,specifically in adults? Is this correcting the fusion/control only by making the deviation less frequent and more controllable,or it can lower the exodrift amount (PD) over time too?
Thank you! This was so helpful. Two of my boys have this issue and as you said vision therapy can be quite expensive. We will give this a try
I'm so glad this was helpful! 😊
@@DrRupaWong Nice video.When I was 10 I suddenly went cross-eyed. right eye turned out. I had another surgery when I was 21. And now after 21 years my right eye is pulling out again. If I let it go. 30th may i go to the ortopthist. I can keep my eye straight, but it's so tiring! do you think it would be better if they corrected my eye again with eye muscle surgery?
Its beyond expensive id recommend getting medical insurance that covers it youll waste thousands of dollars i paid 180 a session.. then when you cant afford it anymore you wasted your money for nothing gotta love American healthcare
Very good video. Subscribed.
Hi Dr Rupa. Thanks for the helpful video. I dont see the handouts that you talked about in the video. Where can I find them?
Dr. Rupa, thanks so much for the video. My son is 4 years old and was diagnosed with exotropia about 1 year ago and unfortunately we live in a small town with the only vision therapy is superbooked, still waiting for an opening. My son has the opposite of your description: his left eye wanders out when looking from the distance. In this case is this pen exercise still good?
Thank you for this helpful video! Will try it.
Let me know if it helps!
@@DrRupaWong Dr Rupa, happy Sunday. I have been doing your exercise every day (although not always consistently) - will it help with presbyopia? I know you mentioned it's for convergence insufficiency but it does sound so much like presbyopia too, where up close is blur but everything is fine at a distance. I am constantly feeling eye strain too. So far I have been doing it for 3 months. Hope to hear your kind reply. Thank you.
@@lebooshdiarieshey pro 😢
Hello doctor, thank you, but I would like to clarify, can we do this exercise if we have strabismus in one eye? And what other exercises would you recommend for someone with strabismus?
Great explanation thank you
Is it beneficial for far distance
Hi Dr Wong I am facing double vision on my left eye of certain area from distance but i can see single when things are closer to mw any help medicine and extra excersises please help me
I don't have convergence at any distance. It gets worse as the day wears on. My left eye is rotated about 20 to 30° versus my right eye.
Thank you for sharing! Have you tried any exercises? If so, have they helped at all?
@@DrRupaWong Exercises used to give temporary relief. I would do them before watching a film with subtitles and it would give me 5-10 minutes of relief. That was a couple years ago. Now my eyes are so misaligned that I cannot get fusion even with exercises before watching a film. I see two rows of text, one that is level and the other slanting uphill about 25-30 degrees now.
@@basspig I'm so sorry you struggle with that. Just know you are not alone!
@@DrRupaWong it's getting so that I can't really accomplish much work that involves close precision.
@@basspig go opticians get glasses for it
I had 3 months ago the eye stroke in one eye with blurry vision in the middle of the eye.
Is it possible to have my vision back with these exercises?
Great explanation. I don’t see the handouts. Can you please share
Dr when we do a pencil excercise then what we need a 🌑 dark ness suround us can you please tell me 🙏
Hi Dr. Rupa Wong,
Thank you for this video. I was wondering if you have any exercises for people who struggle with the same issue, only when looking into the distance? I got a concussion a year ago, and now I have trouble focusing on things far away. I have been diagnosed with exophobia, but unfortunately I cannot afford proper training, and therefore I am looking for exercises to do at home.
Thank you in advance!
Thank you so much!
Thanks I’m going to give this a try , great advice ❤
You’re welcome 😊Let me know how what you think!
@@DrRupaWong I had the op wen I was 6 it was very painful and did absolutely nothing to correct it. I’m going to try this as I remember the doctor doing this at my appointments ❤️
@@corina6627 I'm so sorry it didn't help. I hope the exercises do!
@@DrRupaWong thank you 🌸🌼💕
@@corina6627did you felt a change now??
Dr. Wong, I recently got my SMILE Surgery and I'm having issue with the sharpness of the things around. Ny doctor advised me to do this exercise. What do you suggest??
Hi, can this be done by wearing or not wearing eyeglasses?
Thank you Dr Rupa. Prayfully insurance will see the importance of covering vision therapy. I've also subscribed to support your channel 💜
Thank you so much for subscribing! Were you able to verify if your insurance covers it?
@@DrRupaWong No it's not covered but I'm able to start saving with a HSA account.
@@MzCynt08 That is something! I hope you are able to get the treatment you need. My thoughts are with you!
@@DrRupaWong Thanks Dr Wong. God bless you, your family and business☀️
@@MzCynt08 Same to you! 💝
Hi DR rupa wong
I am in the UK i was hit in the orbital area. I had a concussion and one od my symptoms was eye pain and extreme headache on the opposite side i was hit. The extreme headache has gone down but mh eyes still slightly feel strained, heavines in the neck and if i get a episode of headache it affects my eye for like a min i start to feel dizzy within that min too. I have gone to the eye doctor countless of times and they say my eyes are fine but i dont feel they are aligned. There is a sense of heaviness and my eyelid is also more down on the side i get the headache. The eye just does not feel comfortable anymore when watching things
I have been diagnosed with C.I. I am almost 65 I did have many concussions.
So sorry, Mirella! Thank you for sharing your experience. I appreciate you being here!
hi sis, Very Very Happy Holi ( Festival of Colors ) to u, Dr Wong, and the three little ones in advance.
What exercises do you recommend for estigmatism and lazy eye
Awesome video! Thank you for sharing ❤ Do you have any recommendations for saccades deficiency? I think that's what they called it.
Hello, I have exotropia, which is much worse when looking in the distance. Is there anything I could do about this?
Is this pencil excersice work for esotropia?
How long do you suggest to do this? to strengthen eye muscles, like 20 reps daily? thanks for any info
Ty I will try
formula One car drivers have IT/vision coaches that instruct the drivers on you either exercises for improving their vision. I remember seeing that about 25 years ago in an article, --20/20, not good enough.-
One of the exercises was to get a 6 foot long piece of thick cord, or string, and tie knots in it every foot and tie it to something like a door knob and pull it straight, holding it up to your nose in a straight line to the door knob. And focus on each knot Moving from the closest, to the next one, to the next one, all the way to the door, knob, and back, forcing your eyes to focus together on objects. That’s the only exercise I remember.
Thanks for the pushups Doc. 👍
Glad this helped! Thank you!
Thank you ❤
No problem :)
I recently went to Spain because a friend of a friend suggested they had tremendous doctors in the eye industry so I decided to get a passport and a plane ticket. When I got to Spain it was difficult since I don’t speak Spanish but found a eye surgeon that spoke English very well. He suggested I get plastic ring cornea laser surgery and that it would improve my eye. Anyways, I was told the surgery would be 12 minutes, the doctor put in the wrong rings inside my eyes so I was told he was going to take them out and had to wait for someone to deliver these new plastic rings for my eyes. The surgery ended up being almost a hour long and he double worked on my eye since he put the wrong rings inside my eyes and had to take them out and put new ones inside my eye. I was in the worst pain of my life after the surgery not sure why. I was told it wouldn’t be mad but my guess was because of the mistake that they made. When I went to see the doctor he said it was a perfect surgery but I had doubts because I lost almost all my vision. I went from having 15-40 sometimes 20-40 to having 20-800 and it was right after the surgery. When I told the doctor that I lost my vision and that my eyes are not working together he began to question me and got agitated it seemed like. He told me I didn’t need glasses so I thought maybe it’s because I just got surgery it’s only been three days after a week I went back he went from saying I didn’t need glasses to saying I’m going to give you glasses and that it would take a year and a half to be better. Im very upset because my gut instinct always told me why would I go to Spain when im an American citizen and america has the best doctors. I should of listened to my gut instinct because I had a feeling something awful would happen to me. This doctor made a mistake when he double worked on my eye but after the surgery said it was a succes, I immediately lost all my vision which made me think back to the surgery and how he made a mistake and began to question this doctor and if he’s mistake is the reason I lost my vision. Because I am not a citizen from Spain I can’t do anything about it so I basically got robbed from the most special thing a human being can have is to have your eye sight to being almost blind it feels like in one eye. My life isn’t the same since the surgery and to be quite honest I want to kill myself because I can’t do anything that I used to do before. My life has become so much harder. I wish there was something I could do. For patients that got surgery for plastic rings to shake your cornea with laser are we able to get LASIK or prk? It would mean so much if someone could suggest something and point me in the right direction. Thank you everyone and hope everyone has a blessed day. God bless everyone
Just saw your post for the first time. Are you any better than when you wrote this?
Is this exercise good for esotropia also please advise mam
Will it help in hypertropia ma'am?
i have a slight hypertropic eye
Please response
Thank u Dr
@@ST-vm6nn Of course!
Thank you
Thank you, Mohamed! Glad this helped!
thank you so much
Please mak on catract n supplement
My doctor recommend this❤
That's great to hear!
But mam in my case pen goining to not double, is it ok?
I have esotropia and I'm 16. The doctor told me to do this till may. And I forgot to ask whether I should wear glasses or not while doing this exercise, should I?
Same thing here, im 16 and got the exact same issue as you. I’m really insecure about it.
@@bankio1883 glad to hear someone the same age has my problem too! And same. It gets to the point where I don't look at people in the eyes at school because they'll make fun of me and ask questions :(
@@issacblob no cuz fr, school sucks My mom doesn’t understand and force me to go even tho I don’t want to. Just wanna stay in my room forever. Im glad we can understand each other, no one understands yk
@@bankio1883 righttt my mom would complain why I don't go out much. I have trouble making new friends and I absolutely HATE picture day . I just want to look normal bro 🙁
@@issacblob I relate to you so much. It’s really hard to go through something like this, i hope the eye exercises work and everything gets better for you
I'm suffering alot due to my cross eyes. People make fun as well as i lost confidence talking to anyone. Please suggest me doctor if i should go for surgery?
I'm so sorry people make fun of you! That is awful. Keep your head up. I would recommend seeing your local doctor and asking them what your options are.
What are some of the best excersises for esotropia?
Hi,do they work for people with reading glasses? Can I improve by doing this
how many time shall i do this exercise
per day
Please watch at 03:36 to watch me explain how often to do this. I hope this helps. Thank you for watching, Mohammed!
dr does it help for left eye outer devation exotropia
15 times. 3 times a day. A tip of pencil should be one. Work on to be one ( not double).
Can this also help with Scintillating Scotoma?
Does it work for esotropia ?
Are there any exercises for divergence if you have esotropia?
Hi Dr.Wong.. what is vision therapy? How well is that effective?
Hey Sugu! Visions therapy is exercises that are done to improve vision. It can be very effective for some people, it just depends on the condition.
I have hypertropia in the right eye can it be corrected with this excersise
I am suffering from nearsightedness. should I do these exercises with glasses or without glasses?
@@fatimatariq606 without! Hope this helps you!
Hi mam.. hope u wil reply.. can squint eyes be corrected?
It can correct myopia?
Can we do these eyes exercises if having the condition of Thyroid Eyes Disease?
Is this test for exotropia or esotropia
I have oscillopsia on left eye (image shakes up and down) and on the right eye Nystagmus (Torsional, rotary) I have high myopia and wearing glasses with -26 power, doctors tried Gabapentin till 500mg but no improvement, even tried special glasses. so which eye exercise i have to do? any suggestions for me please!
this works so well for me but my small issue is, how can i improve my eyes to see small words, any tips?
Hello doctor, could I also ask what to do for the other way around please? I'm 65 and up close my vision is fine, as the distance increases my vision starts to double, any help would be very appreciated
First, thanks for thi video. should I take off glasses when I'm making pencil exercise?
also I have astigmatism
Dr Wong just to comment that I have been avoiding optometrist for more than 2 years because of the tension created by them. I live in UK and optician shops are owned by Optromesist who make a sale when selling spectacles at a higher prescription than required. If prescription doesn't go up the customer doesn't buy new glasses. For the last 6 years visiting optician shop for eye test they put the prescription up. It was with very great difficulty that I found a very good optometrist who agreed with me and said that at this rate you will be reading a book 8 inches away. She kept my original prescription without any change. Should optometrist be warned that what they are doing is unethical and wrong.
Hi Dr. Rupa,
I always post here, because you are the first Ophthalmologist to help her three children with life-time prevention - of myopia!
This is achieved by greatly limiting "accommodation", for all close work.
I just wish I had been able to do this when I was growing up.
What do you mean by greatly limiting "accommodation"?
@@lime3620 Thanks for your question.
Assume an, " Emmetropia", eye. Refraction exactly 0.0 Diopters.
A kid can easily read a 6 inches ( -6 Diopters, by his accommodation).
Atropine limits range of accommodation, to say 2 Diopters.
This means the kids AVERAGE accommodation will drastically change, because of Atropine use.
This will also prevent the kid from. Reading at 6 inches.
A mass of primate data, says it exactly that way.
Your LAMP and ATOM studies show this to be true.
That is why I support your use of Atropine, before your 3 kids are actually nearsighted.
Prevention is our only hope - in the future.
@@lime3620 1) using Atropine as Rupa is doing it.
2) Limit of nose on page reading, as Rupa is doing it.
3) Using a plus lens for close work - as I am doing it.
Thank you!
Can I do come to nose ..and can I do or not reverse medam ?
I struggle with Diplopia and my eyes not working together. I'm doing eye therapy. I find it hard to walk as struggling to see with my pheriffal vision as well. To cope I have to stay indoors in low light. Do you have suggestions of what to do to improve? They said surgery won't fix it.
Dr Wong, I am such a fan of your youtube channel! Would you be able to please do a video on Korean double eyelid tape? It’s so challenging to find evidenced based research on the safety and efficacy of it! Thank you so much for all your helpful videos thus far(:
Sorry for the delayed response! Sure, I will add this to my list. Thank you for the suggestion and I appreciate you being here! ❣
Does this work for people with Duane syndrome type 3 ?
@DrRupaWong Hi Dr. Wong -- your video is a great explanation and demonstration of the pencil pushup technique, so thanks so much for it! I have one question: I wear glasses for reading, and a separate pair for distance. Which one do you recommend for wearing while doing the pencil pushups? Thanks again. 😍
Hello doctor, I survived brain stroke seven years back. Post stroke I had double vision which gradually came down however I still have 5-10% to normalise. Currently I can’t focus immediately and it will take sometime. My eyeballs move slight up and down all the time exactly to say it vibrates. I am not driving since then. Do you have any exercises treat this? Currently I’m 44 and I suffered stroke when I was 37.
lately my left eye is moving to the left side...can i do this treatment only for one eye as well ???
Yes, you can try these exercises. I hope this helps!
My right eye is -4 what can i do to improve it
Hi doctor i have all the syptoms But my eye goes inward not outward? Is that normal? It only happenes when I sometimes look in the mirror or have a video call with somebody. Anyway I am doing your excercise and i hope it will help!
I'm acrosseye if I do your exercise I see double if I put an object in the center of the two eyes
I have esotropia is there any eye exercises that I can do
Am.suffering with amblyopia ....will it work for me??
i heard from many who had surgery on it, but later redeveloping it. what underlying issue causes that