@@denisgrant5316 I am always so happy to see the anti-Catholics watching Father Mike or listening to Patrick Madrid on Catholic radio. Keep seeking the truth, brother! ;)
@@denisgrant5316 - 1Corinthians4:15 For though you might have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers. Indeed, in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. John20:22 When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” Go read your bibles Denis.
@@denisgrant5316 I hear this argument all the time. Hope this helps explaining our Catholic use of "Father". It is soundly based on the Bible, in case you're wondering before reading :) www.catholic.com/tract/call-no-man-father
I love how you put it in a way so understanding. How you explained about knowing your parents as you grow in relation with the Lord. I LOVE IT. Praise the Lord
I talked to my mom four hours yesterday about how frustrated I was with “Old Testament God” and why I thought we should just get rid of it, as that part of the Bible ruins the image of God as merciful and loving. Instead, Father Mike comes through less than 24 hours later and teaches me without me even asking. Praise God.
Hi I haven't watched the vid yet. But your statement is what my life has been for the past 10 yrs. I don't do church because of The God of the Old Testament. So from what you said maybe the Father has a great answer. I will see thanks for sharing your comment. Peace & Love
Im glad it helped you, all this video did was try and establish more similarities between the father and Jesus. But it didnt at all answer the atrocities commanded by God in the old testament unfortunately. Instead, listen to greg boyds info on crucifixion of the warrior God, must more beneficial 👏
You have such a special way of explaining things so I can understand the Bible better. Thank you so much. I will continue to pray for you and everyone who are joining me on this BIAY journey.
ahh! i got so happy when you mentioned the book of Hosea, one of my favorite books because God truly reveals himself wonderfully through this book (and in every other book in the bible) God never changes. I use to struggle with this misconception that God was a tyrant, but oh no He wasn't. praying that anyone who struggles with this will be bold enough to ask God to give his graces for you to see him as a loving father, redeemer, bridegroom etc
Jew during Exodus - "Man... This desert travel sure is hard... I'm so thirsty... Could we please have some cold water?" God - "Did you say poisonous snakes?"
Wow I had a horrible day at work. And this really cheered me up. I’ve been wondering and found this and brought me joy and light I have not seen in awhile. Just someone looking for answers.
Father Mike you are fast becoming like a best friend as I have a habit now of watching your videos with great interest and growing faith. God bless you truely
There are so many examples of G-D showing forgiveness, being merciful and giving chances in the Old Testament. There is no two different perceptions of God. Thank you for this video
So good. Thank you. I was just wrestling with this concept yesterday morning. I understand now, especially being a mother myself. (And this is a topic I have not understood for decades, but avoided analyzing until recently).
Thank you Fr Mike lovely message , as you mentioned God does NOT change . Through our Fathers Mercy we are all covered by the blood of his Son Lord Jesus Romans 5:9 “Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.” Hebrews 10 v18 18 Now where remission (cancellation of dept sin )of these is, there is NO MORE OFFERING FOR SIN. The Fathers LOVE can now shine through us all bearing the fruits of Holy Spirit through the finished work of our Lord Jesus Once for all time , and his righteousness remains in us all 1 Corinthians 6v17 . Romans 5 verse 1 1 Therefore, since we have been made righteous through his faithfulness combined with our faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Hello Fr. Mike, I have read the bible almost non-stop since I became a christian, but I am having such a hard time accepting the old testament. The new testament, even the anger of Jesus, is easy for me to accept. The God of the old testament seems to be burning with anger and ready to destroy constantly. Impatient with his people and vengeful. Needing constant sacrifices and jealous. There's lists and lists of nsmes, numbers, sacrificial items, cities, animals and people destroyed. I can't seem to accept it. But the words of JESUS make sense to me and I can accept them. I don't understand how god is the same yesterday, today and forever.
They are different Gods, I and many others have come to that conclusion. The Old Testament is essentially an amalgam of older tribal stories taken from Sumer and other ancient civilizations. The Jews (imo) adopted it and claimed to be the "chosen" people, etc. The God in the OT is egotistical, violent, jealous, and even murderous...Yahweh. When Jesus came, he never mentioned this God, he specifically mentions the Father, over and over and over again. He even rebukes the Jews for how they worship. Think about it, when Jesus was asked about the commandments, he says to follow the last five, not the first five, which revolve around the OT God and a certain level of ego. Trust Jesus is what I've chosen to do for now.
The people of the old testament needed to be tought murder and adultery whrre wrong. Like the 10 commandments seem so basic yet it was needed for the people. The people needed hard punnishments to change for the good. If you read genesis and the first thing God says "Where are you?" to Adam after the fall. And after the first murder God promised not to let him be harmed even after he commited a murder.
@binary Jesus constantly quotes the Old Testament in a positive light, and he is clear that he came not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. Matthew 5: 17-19 “Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them. For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
The big question I get from most is that if god is perfect and his judgement is perfect then why did God change "the rules" so to speak from old to new testament?
Why is God so different in the Old Testament than He is in the New Testament? At the very heart of this question lies a fundamental misunderstanding of what both the Old and New Testaments reveal about the nature of God. Another way of expressing this same basic thought is when people say, "The God of the Old Testament is a God of wrath while the God of the New Testament is a God of love." The fact that the Bible is God's progressive revelation of Himself to us through historical events and through His relationship with people throughout history might contribute to misconceptions about what God is like in the Old Testament as compared to the New Testament. However, when one reads both the Old and the New Testaments, it becomes evident that God is not different from one testament to another and that God's wrath and His love are revealed in both testaments. For example, throughout the Old Testament, God is declared to be a "compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness," (Exodus 34:6; Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 4:31; Nehemiah 9:17;Psalm 86:5, 15; 108:4; 145:8; Joel 2:13). Yet in the New Testament, God's loving-kindness and mercy are manifested even more fully through the fact that "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). Throughout the Old Testament, we also see God dealing with Israel the same way a loving father deals with a child. When they willfully sinned against Him and began to worship idols, God would punish them. Yet, each time He would deliver them once they had repented of their idolatry. This is much the same way God deals with Christians in the New Testament. For example, Hebrews 12:6 tells us that "the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son." In a similar way, throughout the Old Testament we see God's judgment and wrath poured out on sin. Likewise, in the New Testament we see that the wrath of God is still "being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness" (Romans 1:18). So, clearly, God is no different in the Old Testament than He is in the New Testament. God by His very nature is immutable (unchanging). While we might see one aspect of His nature revealed in certain passages of Scripture more than other aspects, God Himself does not change. As we read and study the Bible, it becomes clear that God is the same in the Old and New Testaments. Even though the Bible is 66 individual books written on two (or possibly three) continents, in three different languages, over a period of approximately 1500 years by more than 40 authors, it remains one unified book from beginning to end without contradiction. In it we see how a loving, merciful, and just God deals with sinful men in all kinds of situations. Truly, the Bible is God's love letter to mankind. God's love for His creation, especially for mankind, is evident all through Scripture. Throughout the Bible we see God lovingly and mercifully calling people into a special relationship with Himself, not because they deserve it, but because He is a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness and truth. Yet we also see a holy and righteous God who is the Judge of all those who disobey His Word and refuse to worship Him, turning instead to worship gods of their own creation (Romans chapter 1). Because of God's righteous and holy character, all sin, past, present, and future, must be judged. Yet God in His infinite love has provided a payment for sin and a way of reconciliation so that sinful man can escape His wrath. We see this wonderful truth in verses like 1 John 4:10: "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." In the Old Testament, God provided a sacrificial system whereby atonement could be made for sin. However, this sacrificial system was only temporary and merely looked forward to the coming of Jesus Christ who would die on the cross to make a complete substitutionary atonement for sin. The Savior who was promised in the Old Testament is fully revealed in the New Testament. Only envisioned in the Old Testament, the ultimate expression of God's love, the sending of His Son Jesus Christ, is revealed in all its glory in the New Testament. Both the Old and the New Testaments were given "to make us wise unto salvation" (2 Timothy 3:15). When we study the Testaments closely, it is evident that God "does not change like shifting shadows" (James 1:17).
Why You Need My Name The God of the OT ordered Genocide of entire populations .Men Women Children ..even the Animals .Can you imagine Jesus doing that ? ..l cant ...
Hi Father Mike, I've been bingeing these videos and your formed.org talks super hard lately. I'm starting RCIA this coming August, and I wanted to thank you for your insight and inspiration!
Hi Avery, I'm so happy to hear that you will be going through RCIA! In addition to Fr. Mike's videos you might want to check out Bishop Robert Barron, Jeff Cavins, and Matt Fradd all on TH-cam. Peace!
Fr. Mike has 2 audio CD's available at lighthousecatholicmedia.com that are a must! 1.) "Jesus Is..." 2.) "The Four Last Things" They're so 🔥 I'd give them to you myself if I could.
@@zwijac I actually found those on formed.org! You're right, they're awesome. I've been listening to a lighthouse cd of Brant Pitre's lecture on the Jewish roots of the Eucharist lately, and reading his book.
@@averyjacobs4398 oh, that Brant pitre talk is fantastic! Three more, then I'll leave you alone... " Unlocking The Book of Revelation" - Michael Barber " The Fourth Cup" - Scott Hahn "The Mass Explained" - Fr.Larry Richards
I like your analogy Fr. Mike! :) It is very helpful in developing a better understanding of why people sometimes have a different perception of God in the Old and New Testaments.
One thing that is very different for me is that the God of the new testament is going around trying to save everyone, gentiles and Jews both. He teaches to love and forgive others . Love your enemies etc. and old testament seems to only love his people the chosen Jews.
Throughout the Old Testament GOD also showed favor to gentiles. Ruth was a gentile that married a Jewish man named Boaz. She was the great grandmother of King David. GOD had to separate HIS people from the world. Like today Christians are to live in the world but separate ourselves from worldly ways.
In at least one (I think several) place in the Bible, Jesus talks about the Final Judgment. "For I was hungry, and you gave me food..." Could you please do a video explaining why, in light of this, the avoidance of sin gets, or at least seems to get, so much attention than the works of mercy?
Both are linked together. God wants us to resist sinful behavior and for us to be merciful. If we neglect resisting sinful behavior we will not be a good example of being merciful.
I know that in my own life, my wounds and false images of God have played into how I viewed the God of the Old Testament verses the God of the New Testament. I know that they were the same God but that did not stop me from struggling to understand why they seemed so different to me.
Hi! I'd recommend you take a look at the Catechism on the section of mortal sin. Once you get a clear definition of what a mortal sin is, you'll have a much easier time discerning whether what you did was a mortal sin or not. Generally, basic things like the Ten Commandments are good handy ways of knowing if a certain action is mortally sinful. I know this isn't the best advice in the world when it comes to scrupulosity, but I hope it at least helps in some small way. God bless and may He give wisdom and strength to fight your scrupulosity. Take care.
@@siegfried.7649 I thank you much for your response. I am absolutely going to read that section. I have a good idea what mortal sin is, but my psyche just goes so in depth into little things and nit picks and then boom, I'm constantly bothered all day and feel the need to confess silly things.
I disagree. The God the old testament believed that the death penalty was an appropriate punishment for non-belief, homosexuality, and being a disobedient child. Using the analogy of the parents, if that kind of punishment was appropriate for the children of the parents, we would have to admit that using that punishment on children of today would also be appropriate. Do you still agree?
Fantastic, helpful video. What I will say is that there's another way in which the analogy breaks down and that is with dismissal of the fact that parents do make mistakes and that to be in denial of this goes against God's will as we run the risk of carrying unaddressed resentment(s).
This video is great! I love it. Fr. Mike, thank you so very much! We need more people, especially young folks like me, to get away from this false notion that there is a conflict between the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament. Seriously, I didn't expect this video to be so good. God bless!
Thank God that God doesnt change! Actually mayve the only thing that doesnt change. People, friends and family members they treat you according to their moods, likes and dislikes. God remains firm in his Love. Thank you Fr Mike...great analogy. Comic as always. Nice way to teach...very practical.
Hi Fr. Mike, can you do a video on mission trips? I'm going on one to Costa Rica this summer and I'm very excited and grateful to be able to go. I was just wondering how to go about being a high school missionary in the right way, with Jesus front and center and seeing Christ in the people we serve. I don't want it to be *just* an overseas trip, then once I get back everything goes back to the way it is -- hopefully, I would like to be able to evolve on the trip and grow in my faith. What would be the best ways to do that? Do you have other suggestions for mission trips? Thank you for all of your videos!
Great way of explaining, thanks. Also 2 Timothy 4:3 Sometimes it to do with how people preach the new testament. For example. Many would say John 3:16 but they don't complete the message and cut out vs 17 and 18. Fear that they will offend or lose the audience.
Hi father Mike, Can you do a video about Yoga. After practicing for 17 years -my priest told me to "Quit it"- it's stems from another religion and I've done extensive research but would like to hear your thoughts on it.
Interesting... I personally always thought the God of the Old Testament was actually more forgiving and full of 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc chances considering how stubborn the Israelites were 🤔
l r Yeah, I always found those passages questionable. Thou shalt not kill doesn’t seem to square up with that. Can’t help but think that there are parts of scripture that had a very human hand. Many who commit genocide convince themselves that it’s what God wants. 🤔
@@73cidalia Some of that may be allegorical. The promised land absolutely is allegorical for heaven, and the struggle to get there for a generation in the wilderness, after the baptism of crossing the sea and nourished by manna, is allegorical as well. The intent to have this people live separated from those who worship idols and sacrifice their infants may not be literal wars of conquest. By the way, who led the Israelites into the promised land? Joshua, right? And what would that name be in Greek?
@@paulmiller3469 I know you say this with good intentions, but I don't think you can assume so easily that these passages are purely allegorical. There may be some sort of allegorical dimension to what is being said in Scripture, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. The book of Joshua, specifically, was written as a history book, so clearly, the intention of the inspired author was not to describe an allegory but rather historical events. The same goes for the books of Judges, Kings and the Maccabees. All of those are books recounting the history of the people of Israel, and so I'd be very careful of assuming that they are solely speaking in the allegorical or symbolic sense.
@@siegfried.7649 I never said 'purely allegorical.' The Catholic Church teaches that Sacred Scripture should be read in four senses, and that any given verse can have multiple meanings, even beyond what the human author intended (even history books). Additionally, the literal and allegorical sense are objective, meaning that there is one right interpretation. (The other two, moral and anagogical, are subjective, meaning they can be applied to different situations in different ways.) But just because it is a history book does not mean everything in those verses literally happened. Look at Judges, for instance. And here's the kicker - if the human author intended the story as an allegory, then the allegory is literal sense and not allegorical sense.
@@siegfried.7649 Besides, as you may know, there are literal contradictions and literal mistakes in the history books. Things in Kings that don't correspond to things in Chronicles, for instance, not to mention when names and timelines don't mesh with known history. The Catholic Church doesn't pretend otherwise, and one of the English translations (NAB, which is the translation on the USCCB website) does a pretty good job of pointing out those instances in the notes that are printed alongside the verses.
When I was an atheist, I didn't belive in the Bible or anything Christian, . Because it was so hard to understand why God did a complete 180 and was all of a sudden so loving, and calm. Then I went to prison for heroin and could only get 1 book....the Bible. I got saved that night in a cell. Great video thanks for explaining!
This was the basis of the 2nd century heresy Marcionism that was prevalent in Rome at that time. This heresy was refuted by the early Christian author Tertullian. I wrote a paper on this in college. Now I work in a pharmacy. You never know where obscure knowledge will take you.
I was raised a Baptist. I have read the Bible through so many times in life. I have attended so many different denominations over the years. I converted to LCMC Lutheran several years ago...moved and then attended a Methodist Church. I gravitate toward Pope Francis and the way he seems to emulate Christ. I've been doing a 1 year Bible reading plan with my sister. I had not fully read through the books of law in a long time. Truth be told, I do see a huge contradiction in the way God is in these books as opposed to Jesus' mercy... I found myself understanding the Pharasises and Sadusises behavior when Christ arrived...really can you blame them...their religionius tradition was one of laws and rules...which followed made you obedient and not subject to the wrath of God. I can see where you get the Old Testament God being a just God who loved his people through the book of Job...he's harsh but loving... But, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers... Is pretty rough... It almost makes God look like a being I wouldn't like very much.... I understand correction....but a lot of these practices were torturous... Drinking bitter water of a woman who had an affair to cause her pain and become barren... Etc... The list goes on. Having multiple wives/ compubines and then casting them aside when the head wife is jealous. Killing full people groups and even tricking them in some cases to eventually kill them. I'm feeling an incongruence. This incongruence has also been felt significantly by me as I watched Christian leaders defend and back Trump the last five years. Then the emergence of QAnon, and it's weird mix with Christianity. It's very unsettling and has me wondering what is Truth.
God is the 1st beast Jesus is the 2ndbeast This is found in the entire chapter 13 of revelation Jesus is the anti-christ (Abomination of desolation) And Zechariah 11:16-17 Jesus and God (The Devil-Lived) Are the alpha and the omega; the accuser and the oppressor Never Once have humans ever SINNED It was God and jesus who sinned (Controlled our thoughts and actions) Free will is an illusion if you have the mark of the beast
Thank you Fr. Mike. I recently spoke to a very young priest here in Malta and we chatted about how great your video clips and explanations are. Thank you for your guidance. May God bless and strengthen you, all priests and religious and the Pope, for the good of the Church and for the good of all of mankind. Thanks.
0:55 I beg your pardon sir. I grew up a JW, now in my 40s and I can assure I have read my Bible many times. We had meeting 3 times a week for most of my life so I read, studied and got tiold all about it and the god of the old and the god of the new do not match up. I think punishing generations for the sins of their forefathers isn’t justice at all.Even imperfect humans don’t do that. And that’s just one example.
U gotta research history better then… Ancient Jews were surrounded by savage pagans… in the New Testament God has compensated basically for mans sake… Take divorce for example, it’s not Gods preferred will but because of mans hardened heart he allows it in certain circumstances
@@ironstrong3431 sounds like a cop out to excuse narcissistic behaviour on the part of the OT god. He allows divorce for man’s sake but where he should have put king David to death for adultery and murder, he also thinks that’s okay. Why? Because David was his favourite boy? And, what about the thousands who died because David conducta census after god told him not to? That was David’s wrongdoing but again, someone else pays his debt. That’s narcissism 101. The entire OT is man made.
The reality here is you are dealing with an entity that created, linear time, quantum mechanics, dark energy and dark matter to name a few things. These things are not easy to do and take a great amount of intelligence to do. We will skip over a "linear time" argument for now and focus on a more simple concept of free will. God knew by giving humans free will sooner or later we would do something he did not approve of (this doesn't have to have a label it is simply God disagreeing with our choice). If Adam and Eve never did anything wrong only they would ever be allowed to have sex because everyone else is blood related as brother or sister and the phrase "go multiply and be fruitful" is going to be limited in the extreme. But anyway by not doing something God approves of God decided he CHOSE to apply a punishment not to just 2 people as he should have done, no, he CHOSE to apply that to 90 billion humans and counting. That's a staggering overreaction from a creature that is this powerful, and then he doubles down and says "I've got to kill someone to put it all right"???? I'm sorry but this is a God that created and understands altruism but shows normal explains why the actions of 2 people has to have a physical manifestation of punishment automatically applied to the entirety of the human race. Sin, which is what doing something that God doesn't like, is an opinion so you need to explain why God chose to take his opinion and instead of focusing on the 2 people who did something wrong why he applied that to 90 billion and counting. The reality is he didn't, Gensis is an allegory tale, it is not a factual account of what happened (if you need to know more you need to understand linear time and it's effects and consequences).
Forgive me father if I sound ignorant But I’m trying to understand how a God goes from telling the prophet to wipe out every man ,woman , child and beast to a God that says love your enemy
@littlechildinbigworld If I may pressure you a little more , the children that grew up with the enemy of Israel, whose hearts were twisted and believing that they were right and fighting against Israel, how are they to be judged?
Great video as always! You’re absolutely right! I always read the Bible and the Old Testament has so many clear examples of our loving God and Father! The intense justice and mercy of our God is evident in both books. People need to read the Bible faithfully!
God never changes, He is just and merciful through out all this time and years. He is great and the greatest!!! You just have to Love 💕 ❤️😍 Him to the eternity and beyond 🙏🏻🇵🇷 thank you Father Mike for your wisdom 🙏🏻
Don't forget that real life people co-authored the Bible, meaning that it also contains their distorted view of God. Obviously God didn't kill the firstborn in Egypt; obviously God didn't command the genocide of Canaanites etc. Those are either natural disasters that were used to glorify God or human orders. So, God is the same throughout, but our understanding of Him is different exactly because of Jesus.
@@davethesid8960 I would hope so, but if he does, he should be sharing it in the way you described the difference rather than gaslighting me saying I haven't read the Bible.
The reason I’m asking IS BECAUSE IVE READ THE BIBLE!!! Every time the Jewish people get out of line in the Old Testament God punishes them SEVERELY. Right now we’re reading “read the Bible in a year” by McArther So don’t tell me we have read the Bible. There are stories where Gos asks the people to kill their children for sacrifice.
I had a difficult time making it through the old testament when I took a bible study. I was surprisingly disturbed by it. I was not expecting that - had not read it in the much detail prior to that.
Thank you Father for all your wonderful and enlightening videos! May God bless you with many treasures on earth and in heaven for all the service you do. You’re so wise, so gifted, so loved!
God never change. I kinda like the Old Testament era, not the violent and gore part, it's just.. would be nice to have a direct conversation sometimes (like when I say "hi God" He say 'hi' back). Even just once a year you know. That'd be a nice surprise for my dark and gloomy lonely day.... hmm.. that'd be scary too now that I think about it. :/ when you're alone and suddenly you hear "hi". Huh.. I really am weird. But yeah.. I believe in God 100%. He's been good to me and my father since I was a kid, and everything that He did and do, all of His decisions for me, in the end it's all for my future. So that I can have a great future. He's like my Dad, my Boss and my King and I'm His stubborn daughter. His love never change. ❤❤❤
Thank you for this video I've been trying to teach somebody that goes to an old church of mine and this is exactly what I've been looking for God bless you
Hello Fr. Mike! Thanks for tackling this topic. Could you PLEASE talk about the unforgivable sin, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? I truly have no idea what that means. God bless you!
God "interested in justice"???? Like murdering unborn children, women, animals for absolutely no reason, or punishing entire lineages for the sin of one of his ancestors 1000 years before them?...
I mean this Respectfully. I understand you are teaching what you have been taught. But Usually strict parents don't instruct their children to commit mass murder against their other children.
Literally call God the Father. Our relationship with our earthly parents changes as we get older. So why shouldn’t our understanding of and relationship with God change?
I'm not religious & never may be, but I've been considering getting a Bible for the experience, & maybe reach some sort of enlightenment; having been brought up around Christianity. I just want to be sure I make the right choice. Which testament do all of you recommend? One hand, I'd want the Bible as it was originally written, but on another, maybe those extras are important to learn about.
Jesus came to show us the way. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against a spiritual wickedness in high places.
This passage is not talking about casting people away from Israel : it's specifically referring to the Aaronic priesthood, who were held to a higher standard both physically and spiritually in order to serve in the Temple. Hope it helps =)
This is easy. Jesus is saying that not everyone will become a Christian and follow His word, so the believer will have to choose between separating from his family and staying with God than the other way around. Remember that the early Christians were usually pilgrims who walked from city to city spreading the Good News of God.
@@Nimbereth That makes sense my brother recently left Catholicism and is a messianic Jew. He won't speak to us anymore, because he disagrees with our faith. It's very sad.
@@SusanM-ez7ky Why is it sad ? It's awesome news, because the early believers were messianic jews =) Please, don't let this divide you : talk to him and ask him why he believes what he believes and test his words with the Bible itself.
People confuse God's righteous judgement being carried out through man and his command for man to love others. The 2 are not contradictory, one is how we should live and the other is the result of disobedience and rebellion.
You are absolutely right!!! Before I read the entire Old Testament I used to think this but after seeing Israel over and over again betraying God and God being kind, sending prophets, warnings for 100’s and 100’s of years with Israel and being merciful on them for so long, long suffering He really is!
You are right Fr Mike Our God is a loving Father from Genesis until now. You are also right we Catholic have not fully studied and meditate on his words. The formation is lacking. Without formation there is no effective evangelization.
The example I give is in the Old Testament God is far and speaking to people how things should be in THEORY and in the new testament he finally comes up close and personal and sees how it really is to live and walk in our skin. Like a new graduate who thinks he knows it all because he's read a lot of books but it really is different when that student experiences what he studied. Not good vs. bad...just Theory vs. Experience....experience will always win which is why God the son had to die.
Why do you call yourself father (in a religious sense) When the Bible clearly says not to do that ? Why are you ignoring what Jesus said ? Matthew 23:9 New Living Translation "And don’t address anyone here on earth as ‘Father,’ for only God in heaven is your Father"
They are absolutely the same God. God in Jesus came to Earth to bring back the sinners. Those who didn't need saving, were a blessing but Gods greatest glory was to show the people he was God and to win their hearts and minds so that they can return to the kingdom. There are lots of things that happen that we don't truly understand but you have to have faith through out. Faith in Jesus/Yahweh not in Foundations/Companies/Organisations whatever, that lead people astray.
I don't think they are the same God. Jesus never uses the term Yahweh, he specifically says "Father." Jesus never says to abide by the first five commandments, only the last five. It's not logical for them to be the same. Jesus brought us the true Father...my opinion. Look at some of the Gnostic texts.
Hey! I'd love to hear your take (either in a long video or article or somehting) on the major Church reforms of the 20th century and perhaps your justification of them (or critique). They seem to "reinterpret" much of what the Church understood as clear cut dogma for quite awhile prior and put a sort of positive spin on everything.
Zephaniah 1:15 That day is a day of wrath, A day of trouble and distress, A day of devastation and desolation, A day of darkness and gloominess, A day of clouds and thick darkness, Why are you leaving all of these verses out father? It is very disingenuous
Hi father Mike can you do a history of why you became a priest?
He talks about it in this video:
@@denisgrant5316 I am always so happy to see the anti-Catholics watching Father Mike or listening to Patrick Madrid on Catholic radio. Keep seeking the truth, brother! ;)
Catholics are in for destruction. Terrible religion. So many people fallen.
@@denisgrant5316 -
1Corinthians4:15 For though you might have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers. Indeed, in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel.
John20:22 When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”
Go read your bibles Denis.
@@denisgrant5316 I hear this argument all the time. Hope this helps explaining our Catholic use of "Father". It is soundly based on the Bible, in case you're wondering before reading :) www.catholic.com/tract/call-no-man-father
I love how you put it in a way so understanding. How you explained about knowing your parents as you grow in relation with the Lord. I LOVE IT. Praise the Lord
I talked to my mom four hours yesterday about how frustrated I was with “Old Testament God” and why I thought we should just get rid of it, as that part of the Bible ruins the image of God as merciful and loving. Instead, Father Mike comes through less than 24 hours later and teaches me without me even asking. Praise God.
Hi I haven't watched the vid yet. But your statement is what my life has been for the past 10 yrs. I don't do church because of The God of the Old Testament. So from what you said maybe the Father has a great answer. I will see thanks for sharing your comment. Peace & Love
Who's the God of the so called old testament?guess who Yeshua.
You just need to reject everything written by the den of vipers
Im glad it helped you, all this video did was try and establish more similarities between the father and Jesus.
But it didnt at all answer the atrocities commanded by God in the old testament unfortunately.
Instead, listen to greg boyds info on crucifixion of the warrior God, must more beneficial 👏
Y’all need to listen to bill donahue talk about the Old Testament god
You have such a special way of explaining things so I can understand the Bible better. Thank you so much. I will continue to pray for you and everyone who are joining me on this BIAY journey.
I love how you characterize your parents as "deeply interested in justice". Thanks Father Mike.
ahh! i got so happy when you mentioned the book of Hosea, one of my favorite books because God truly reveals himself wonderfully through this book (and in every other book in the bible) God never changes. I use to struggle with this misconception that God was a tyrant, but oh no He wasn't. praying that anyone who struggles with this will be bold enough to ask God to give his graces for you to see him as a loving father, redeemer, bridegroom etc
Is God not going to judge people?
Jew during Exodus - "Man... This desert travel sure is hard... I'm so thirsty... Could we please have some cold water?"
God - "Did you say poisonous snakes?"
Wow I had a horrible day at work. And this really cheered me up. I’ve been wondering and found this and brought me joy and light I have not seen in awhile. Just someone looking for answers.
Father Mike you are fast becoming like a best friend as I have a habit now of watching your videos with great interest and growing faith. God bless you truely
Fr. Mike, I watch your videos 2-3 times, because they are very deep and meaningful. Thank you.
There are so many examples of G-D showing forgiveness, being merciful and giving chances in the Old Testament. There is no two different perceptions of God. Thank you for this video
Yes! I especially enjoy the part where he murdered the entire population except 2 people.
@@Matt-dl2iy do you even know or understand what your saying ? The world was totally corrupt and evil.
@@Niles-Guy lol that's a convenient way to excuse genocide
@@Matt-dl2iy It's the truth and it hasn't changed since then : the world is still corrupt and evil.
So good. Thank you. I was just wrestling with this concept yesterday morning. I understand now, especially being a mother myself. (And this is a topic I have not understood for decades, but avoided analyzing until recently).
Thank you Fr Mike lovely message , as you mentioned God does NOT change . Through our Fathers Mercy we are all covered by the blood of his Son Lord Jesus Romans 5:9
“Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.”
Hebrews 10 v18 18 Now where remission (cancellation of dept sin )of these is, there is NO MORE OFFERING FOR SIN.
The Fathers LOVE can now shine through us all bearing the fruits of Holy Spirit through the finished work of our Lord Jesus Once for all time , and his righteousness remains in us all 1 Corinthians 6v17
. Romans 5 verse 1
1 Therefore, since we have been made righteous through his faithfulness combined with our faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
THANK YOU!! I'm so tired of hearing how Old Testament God is different than the new. No people!!!
Yep. He is just as sick today as he was yesterday. Let us praise the Most High for the loving genocide and slavery in the Bible.
No. God is full of truth. Jesus says yes to the God of the Old Testament.
@@FaithinJesusisimportantJesus corrects the Israelites' false views of God, like in Matthew 5.
Does it not seem weird that the father murders people and Jesus preaches to turn the other cheek?
Something aint mathin here
I've said it before and I'll say it again....Father Mike is the man. Don't ever stop being such a joyful human being!
Hello Fr. Mike, I have read the bible almost non-stop since I became a christian, but I am having such a hard time accepting the old testament. The new testament, even the anger of Jesus, is easy for me to accept. The God of the old testament seems to be burning with anger and ready to destroy constantly. Impatient with his people and vengeful. Needing constant sacrifices and jealous. There's lists and lists of nsmes, numbers, sacrificial items, cities, animals and people destroyed. I can't seem to accept it. But the words of JESUS make sense to me and I can accept them. I don't understand how god is the same yesterday, today and forever.
They are different Gods, I and many others have come to that conclusion. The Old Testament is essentially an amalgam of older tribal stories taken from Sumer and other ancient civilizations. The Jews (imo) adopted it and claimed to be the "chosen" people, etc. The God in the OT is egotistical, violent, jealous, and even murderous...Yahweh. When Jesus came, he never mentioned this God, he specifically mentions the Father, over and over and over again. He even rebukes the Jews for how they worship. Think about it, when Jesus was asked about the commandments, he says to follow the last five, not the first five, which revolve around the OT God and a certain level of ego. Trust Jesus is what I've chosen to do for now.
Because Jesus was a delusional preacher. You seem too thoughtful to be a Christian or religious.
The people of the old testament needed to be tought murder and adultery whrre wrong. Like the 10 commandments seem so basic yet it was needed for the people. The people needed hard punnishments to change for the good. If you read genesis and the first thing God says "Where are you?" to Adam after the fall. And after the first murder God promised not to let him be harmed even after he commited a murder.
@binary Jesus constantly quotes the Old Testament in a positive light, and he is clear that he came not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. Matthew 5: 17-19 “Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them. For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
The big question I get from most is that if god is perfect and his judgement is perfect then why did God change "the rules" so to speak from old to new testament?
Why is God so different in the Old Testament than He is in the New Testament?
At the very heart of this question lies a fundamental misunderstanding of what both the Old and New Testaments reveal about the nature of God. Another way of expressing this same basic thought is when people say, "The God of the Old Testament is a God of wrath while the God of the New Testament is a God of love." The fact that the Bible is God's progressive revelation of Himself to us through historical events and through His relationship with people throughout history might contribute to misconceptions about what God is like in the Old Testament as compared to the New Testament. However, when one reads both the Old and the New Testaments, it becomes evident that God is not different from one testament to another and that God's wrath and His love are revealed in both testaments.
For example, throughout the Old Testament, God is declared to be a "compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness," (Exodus 34:6; Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 4:31; Nehemiah 9:17;Psalm 86:5, 15; 108:4; 145:8; Joel 2:13). Yet in the New Testament, God's loving-kindness and mercy are manifested even more fully through the fact that "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). Throughout the Old Testament, we also see God dealing with Israel the same way a loving father deals with a child. When they willfully sinned against Him and began to worship idols, God would punish them. Yet, each time He would deliver them once they had repented of their idolatry. This is much the same way God deals with Christians in the New Testament. For example, Hebrews 12:6 tells us that "the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."
In a similar way, throughout the Old Testament we see God's judgment and wrath poured out on sin. Likewise, in the New Testament we see that the wrath of God is still "being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness" (Romans 1:18). So, clearly, God is no different in the Old Testament than He is in the New Testament. God by His very nature is immutable (unchanging). While we might see one aspect of His nature revealed in certain passages of Scripture more than other aspects, God Himself does not change.
As we read and study the Bible, it becomes clear that God is the same in the Old and New Testaments. Even though the Bible is 66 individual books written on two (or possibly three) continents, in three different languages, over a period of approximately 1500 years by more than 40 authors, it remains one unified book from beginning to end without contradiction. In it we see how a loving, merciful, and just God deals with sinful men in all kinds of situations. Truly, the Bible is God's love letter to mankind. God's love for His creation, especially for mankind, is evident all through Scripture. Throughout the Bible we see God lovingly and mercifully calling people into a special relationship with Himself, not because they deserve it, but because He is a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness and truth. Yet we also see a holy and righteous God who is the Judge of all those who disobey His Word and refuse to worship Him, turning instead to worship gods of their own creation (Romans chapter 1).
Because of God's righteous and holy character, all sin, past, present, and future, must be judged. Yet God in His infinite love has provided a payment for sin and a way of reconciliation so that sinful man can escape His wrath. We see this wonderful truth in verses like 1 John 4:10: "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." In the Old Testament, God provided a sacrificial system whereby atonement could be made for sin. However, this sacrificial system was only temporary and merely looked forward to the coming of Jesus Christ who would die on the cross to make a complete substitutionary atonement for sin. The Savior who was promised in the Old Testament is fully revealed in the New Testament. Only envisioned in the Old Testament, the ultimate expression of God's love, the sending of His Son Jesus Christ, is revealed in all its glory in the New Testament. Both the Old and the New Testaments were given "to make us wise unto salvation" (2 Timothy 3:15). When we study the Testaments closely, it is evident that God "does not change like shifting shadows" (James 1:17).
Why You Need My Name
The God of the OT ordered Genocide of entire populations .Men Women Children ..even the Animals .Can you imagine Jesus doing that ? ..l cant ...
CATHY B boom 💥
Jesus didnt go in for BOOM
CATHY B not so much, probably went in for a hug 🤗
Hi Father Mike, I've been bingeing these videos and your formed.org talks super hard lately. I'm starting RCIA this coming August, and I wanted to thank you for your insight and inspiration!
Hi Avery, I'm so happy to hear that you will be going through RCIA! In addition to Fr. Mike's videos you might want to check out Bishop Robert Barron, Jeff Cavins, and Matt Fradd all on TH-cam. Peace!
@@jolanemarie I'll do that, thank you!
Fr. Mike has 2 audio CD's available at lighthousecatholicmedia.com that are a must!
1.) "Jesus Is..."
2.) "The Four Last Things"
They're so 🔥 I'd give them to you myself if I could.
@@zwijac I actually found those on formed.org! You're right, they're awesome. I've been listening to a lighthouse cd of Brant Pitre's lecture on the Jewish roots of the Eucharist lately, and reading his book.
@@averyjacobs4398 oh, that Brant pitre talk is fantastic!
Three more, then I'll leave you alone...
" Unlocking The Book of Revelation" - Michael Barber
" The Fourth Cup" - Scott Hahn
"The Mass Explained" - Fr.Larry Richards
I needed to hear this. My father has strayed from the faith and became Gnostic, believing the old testament God is false.
Well he's right
@@ashley_brown6106Don’t encourage what the original posters dad is doing. It is false.
I worry for my father as well. I will pray for you and yours and I hope you pray for mine. I hope you and he and well.
Today after listening to your BIY day 103, this question came to mind. Your video is a blessing. Thank you Fr. Mike.
I like your analogy Fr. Mike! :) It is very helpful in developing a better understanding of why people sometimes have a different perception of God in the Old and New Testaments.
One thing that is very different for me is that the God of the new testament is going around trying to save everyone, gentiles and Jews both. He teaches to love and forgive others . Love your enemies etc. and old testament seems to only love his people the chosen Jews.
Throughout the Old Testament GOD also showed favor to gentiles. Ruth was a gentile that married a Jewish man named Boaz. She was the great grandmother of King David.
GOD had to separate HIS people from the world. Like today Christians are to live in the world but separate ourselves from worldly ways.
@JohnA-bear very true thank you
In at least one (I think several) place in the Bible, Jesus talks about the Final Judgment. "For I was hungry, and you gave me food..." Could you please do a video explaining why, in light of this, the avoidance of sin gets, or at least seems to get, so much attention than the works of mercy?
Both are linked together. God wants us to resist sinful behavior and for us to be merciful. If we neglect resisting sinful behavior we will not be a good example of being merciful.
Father Mike thank you, never heard it explained that way: “revealed” Himself progressively
Wow I was just thinking about how to share this minutes ago. Thank you. Blessings.
How do you explain the God of the Old Testament asking for human and animal sacrifices?
they dont, they never explain anything that contradicts their biased view
God bless you Fr. Mike! You speak so clearly to me. I greatly appreciate all that you do. Nothing but love for you my Brother.
I know that in my own life, my wounds and false images of God have played into how I viewed the God of the Old Testament verses the God of the New Testament. I know that they were the same God but that did not stop me from struggling to understand why they seemed so different to me.
Recently trying to understand why there are new testaments and old. Hope this video answers more questions than it raises.
Fr. Mike. Please do a video on scrupulosity. Please! I struggle with it daily and constantly feel in a state of mortal sin. It's terrible.
Hi! I'd recommend you take a look at the Catechism on the section of mortal sin. Once you get a clear definition of what a mortal sin is, you'll have a much easier time discerning whether what you did was a mortal sin or not. Generally, basic things like the Ten Commandments are good handy ways of knowing if a certain action is mortally sinful. I know this isn't the best advice in the world when it comes to scrupulosity, but I hope it at least helps in some small way. God bless and may He give wisdom and strength to fight your scrupulosity. Take care.
@@siegfried.7649 I thank you much for your response. I am absolutely going to read that section. I have a good idea what mortal sin is, but my psyche just goes so in depth into little things and nit picks and then boom, I'm constantly bothered all day and feel the need to confess silly things.
Using the parents analogy was perfect by the way, makes so much sense, thank you!!
Ps: I’m just by myself in the comments section lol
I agree, that was a great analogy.
I disagree. The God the old testament believed that the death penalty was an appropriate punishment for non-belief, homosexuality, and being a disobedient child. Using the analogy of the parents, if that kind of punishment was appropriate for the children of the parents, we would have to admit that using that punishment on children of today would also be appropriate. Do you still agree?
Tom Andrews what verse are you referring to?
@@tomandrews1429 I do. You have to understand all the possible meanings of death to even begin to understand.
@@paulmiller3469 Are you saying that these punishments from the OT meant something different from physical death?
Fantastic, helpful video. What I will say is that there's another way in which the analogy breaks down and that is with dismissal of the fact that parents do make mistakes and that to be in denial of this goes against God's will as we run the risk of carrying unaddressed resentment(s).
This video is great! I love it. Fr. Mike, thank you so very much! We need more people, especially young folks like me, to get away from this false notion that there is a conflict between the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament. Seriously, I didn't expect this video to be so good. God bless!
Thank God that God doesnt change! Actually mayve the only thing that doesnt change. People, friends and family members they treat you according to their moods, likes and dislikes. God remains firm in his Love.
Thank you Fr Mike...great analogy. Comic as always. Nice way to teach...very practical.
Welcome back Fr. Mike!!!
Hi Fr. Mike, can you do a video on mission trips? I'm going on one to Costa Rica this summer and I'm very excited and grateful to be able to go. I was just wondering how to go about being a high school missionary in the right way, with Jesus front and center and seeing Christ in the people we serve. I don't want it to be *just* an overseas trip, then once I get back everything goes back to the way it is -- hopefully, I would like to be able to evolve on the trip and grow in my faith. What would be the best ways to do that? Do you have other suggestions for mission trips?
Thank you for all of your videos!
Great way of explaining, thanks.
2 Timothy 4:3
Sometimes it to do with how people preach the new testament. For example. Many would say John 3:16 but they don't complete the message and cut out vs 17 and 18. Fear that they will offend or lose the audience.
Fr. Mike, thank you for all your wonderful videos! Could you do one on novenas and indulgences?
God is always the same, yesterday, today and forever.
Father Mike you’ve been a true blessing to me in so many ways. Thank you 🙏
Thank you so much for this❤️. This has been a question at the back of my mind for a long while.
Hi father Mike, Can you do a video about Yoga. After practicing for 17 years -my priest told me to "Quit it"- it's stems from another religion and I've done extensive research but would like to hear your thoughts on it.
Parents analogy is fantastic. Every child and parent can relate.
Interesting... I personally always thought the God of the Old Testament was actually more forgiving and full of 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc chances considering how stubborn the Israelites were 🤔
l r Yeah, I always found those passages questionable. Thou shalt not kill doesn’t seem to square up with that. Can’t help but think that there are parts of scripture that had a very human hand. Many who commit genocide convince themselves that it’s what God wants. 🤔
@@73cidalia Some of that may be allegorical. The promised land absolutely is allegorical for heaven, and the struggle to get there for a generation in the wilderness, after the baptism of crossing the sea and nourished by manna, is allegorical as well. The intent to have this people live separated from those who worship idols and sacrifice their infants may not be literal wars of conquest. By the way, who led the Israelites into the promised land? Joshua, right? And what would that name be in Greek?
@@paulmiller3469 I know you say this with good intentions, but I don't think you can assume so easily that these passages are purely allegorical. There may be some sort of allegorical dimension to what is being said in Scripture, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. The book of Joshua, specifically, was written as a history book, so clearly, the intention of the inspired author was not to describe an allegory but rather historical events. The same goes for the books of Judges, Kings and the Maccabees. All of those are books recounting the history of the people of Israel, and so I'd be very careful of assuming that they are solely speaking in the allegorical or symbolic sense.
@@siegfried.7649 I never said 'purely allegorical.' The Catholic Church teaches that Sacred Scripture should be read in four senses, and that any given verse can have multiple meanings, even beyond what the human author intended (even history books). Additionally, the literal and allegorical sense are objective, meaning that there is one right interpretation. (The other two, moral and anagogical, are subjective, meaning they can be applied to different situations in different ways.) But just because it is a history book does not mean everything in those verses literally happened. Look at Judges, for instance. And here's the kicker - if the human author intended the story as an allegory, then the allegory is literal sense and not allegorical sense.
@@siegfried.7649 Besides, as you may know, there are literal contradictions and literal mistakes in the history books. Things in Kings that don't correspond to things in Chronicles, for instance, not to mention when names and timelines don't mesh with known history. The Catholic Church doesn't pretend otherwise, and one of the English translations (NAB, which is the translation on the USCCB website) does a pretty good job of pointing out those instances in the notes that are printed alongside the verses.
When I was an atheist, I didn't belive in the Bible or anything Christian, . Because it was so hard to understand why God did a complete 180 and was all of a sudden so loving, and calm. Then I went to prison for heroin and could only get 1 book....the Bible. I got saved that night in a cell. Great video thanks for explaining!
This was the basis of the 2nd century heresy Marcionism that was prevalent in Rome at that time. This heresy was refuted by the early Christian author Tertullian. I wrote a paper on this in college. Now I work in a pharmacy. You never know where obscure knowledge will take you.
I like your humour!
"And the Word became flash, and dwelt among us".
Now im way understand more. Thank you Father. Thank you Jesus
This is so Awesome! 👏 ♥️👏 Thank you so much, Father Mike... For being such a great instrument of God’s Love! And sharing your gift with us!
I've been trying to explain this to my 13 year old. Thank you for the analogy!
I was raised a Baptist. I have read the Bible through so many times in life. I have attended so many different denominations over the years. I converted to LCMC Lutheran several years ago...moved and then attended a Methodist Church. I gravitate toward Pope Francis and the way he seems to emulate Christ. I've been doing a 1 year Bible reading plan with my sister. I had not fully read through the books of law in a long time. Truth be told, I do see a huge contradiction in the way God is in these books as opposed to Jesus' mercy... I found myself understanding the Pharasises and Sadusises behavior when Christ arrived...really can you blame them...their religionius tradition was one of laws and rules...which followed made you obedient and not subject to the wrath of God. I can see where you get the Old Testament God being a just God who loved his people through the book of Job...he's harsh but loving... But, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers... Is pretty rough... It almost makes God look like a being I wouldn't like very much.... I understand correction....but a lot of these practices were torturous... Drinking bitter water of a woman who had an affair to cause her pain and become barren... Etc... The list goes on. Having multiple wives/ compubines and then casting them aside when the head wife is jealous. Killing full people groups and even tricking them in some cases to eventually kill them. I'm feeling an incongruence. This incongruence has also been felt significantly by me as I watched Christian leaders defend and back Trump the last five years. Then the emergence of QAnon, and it's weird mix with Christianity. It's very unsettling and has me wondering what is Truth.
God is the 1st beast
Jesus is the 2ndbeast
This is found in the entire chapter 13 of revelation
Jesus is the anti-christ
(Abomination of desolation)
And Zechariah 11:16-17
Jesus and God (The Devil-Lived)
Are the alpha and the omega; the accuser and the oppressor
Never Once have humans ever SINNED
It was God and jesus who sinned
(Controlled our thoughts and actions)
Free will is an illusion if you have the mark of the beast
Do you still believe in God ? If so, ask Him to help you understand His written word.
You completely missed the gospels point God is not the villian and we do have free will
Thank you Fr. Mike. I recently spoke to a very young priest here in Malta and we chatted about how great your video clips and explanations are. Thank you for your guidance. May God bless and strengthen you, all priests and religious and the Pope, for the good of the Church and for the good of all of mankind. Thanks.
I hear Fr. Mike is in the comments section now so...
Hello :)
Jocelyn Shackelford uh oh, I better behave now... 😉
@@fathermikeschmitz4355 😃
I enjoy how your videos reach out to young and old alike! May God continue to bless and guide you in your walk for Christ.
Parent analogy extremely helpful, thankyou
0:55 I beg your pardon sir. I grew up a JW, now in my 40s and I can assure I have read my Bible many times. We had meeting 3 times a week for most of my life so I read, studied and got tiold all about it and the god of the old and the god of the new do not match up. I think punishing generations for the sins of their forefathers isn’t justice at all.Even imperfect humans don’t do that. And that’s just one example.
Agreed. Many Old Testament punishments are far from what any rational person would see as "just" or "fair".
U gotta research history better then… Ancient Jews were surrounded by savage pagans… in the New Testament God has compensated basically for mans sake… Take divorce for example, it’s not Gods preferred will but because of mans hardened heart he allows it in certain circumstances
@@ironstrong3431 sounds like a cop out to excuse narcissistic behaviour on the part of the OT god. He allows divorce for man’s sake but where he should have put king David to death for adultery and murder, he also thinks that’s okay. Why? Because David was his favourite boy?
And, what about the thousands who died because David conducta census after god told him not to? That was David’s wrongdoing but again, someone else pays his debt.
That’s narcissism 101. The entire OT is man made.
The reality here is you are dealing with an entity that created, linear time, quantum mechanics, dark energy and dark matter to name a few things. These things are not easy to do and take a great amount of intelligence to do. We will skip over a "linear time" argument for now and focus on a more simple concept of free will. God knew by giving humans free will sooner or later we would do something he did not approve of (this doesn't have to have a label it is simply God disagreeing with our choice). If Adam and Eve never did anything wrong only they would ever be allowed to have sex because everyone else is blood related as brother or sister and the phrase "go multiply and be fruitful" is going to be limited in the extreme. But anyway by not doing something God approves of God decided he CHOSE to apply a punishment not to just 2 people as he should have done, no, he CHOSE to apply that to 90 billion humans and counting. That's a staggering overreaction from a creature that is this powerful, and then he doubles down and says "I've got to kill someone to put it all right"???? I'm sorry but this is a God that created and understands altruism but shows normal explains why the actions of 2 people has to have a physical manifestation of punishment automatically applied to the entirety of the human race. Sin, which is what doing something that God doesn't like, is an opinion so you need to explain why God chose to take his opinion and instead of focusing on the 2 people who did something wrong why he applied that to 90 billion and counting.
The reality is he didn't, Gensis is an allegory tale, it is not a factual account of what happened (if you need to know more you need to understand linear time and it's effects and consequences).
I read my Bible, I just finished Numbers. It was absolutely unnecessarily brutal.
Forgive me father if I sound ignorant
But I’m trying to understand how a God goes from telling the prophet to wipe out every man ,woman , child and beast to a God that says love your enemy
If I may pressure you a little more , the children that grew up with the enemy of Israel, whose hearts were twisted and believing that they were right and fighting against Israel, how are they to be judged?
Great video as always! You’re absolutely right! I always read the Bible and the Old Testament has so many clear examples of our loving God and Father! The intense justice and mercy of our God is evident in both books. People need to read the Bible faithfully!
Thanks Father. I would love to see a video on the Holy Spirit.
Jose, I have been thinking the same thing! Use #askfathermike to get his attention.
Fr. Dave Pivonka has a really good series of videos on the Holy Spirit. They can be found at thewildgooseisloose website under series/segments.
God never changes, He is just and merciful through out all this time and years. He is great and the greatest!!! You just have to Love 💕 ❤️😍 Him to the eternity and beyond 🙏🏻🇵🇷 thank you Father Mike for your wisdom 🙏🏻
Thank you. I needed this.
Thank you this makes so much sense. This clicked what I was missing in my head
That was a really great explanation thank you 🙏🏼
Don't forget that real life people co-authored the Bible, meaning that it also contains their distorted view of God. Obviously God didn't kill the firstborn in Egypt; obviously God didn't command the genocide of Canaanites etc. Those are either natural disasters that were used to glorify God or human orders. So, God is the same throughout, but our understanding of Him is different exactly because of Jesus.
This is a better answer than Father Mike's answer.
@@stephengnb Thank you, but I'm sure Fr. Mike knows this, too!
@@davethesid8960 I would hope so, but if he does, he should be sharing it in the way you described the difference rather than gaslighting me saying I haven't read the Bible.
The reason I’m asking IS BECAUSE IVE READ THE BIBLE!!! Every time the Jewish people get out of line in the Old Testament God punishes them SEVERELY. Right now we’re reading “read the Bible in a year” by McArther So don’t tell me we have read the Bible. There are stories where Gos asks the people to kill their children for sacrifice.
I had a difficult time making it through the old testament when I took a bible study. I was surprisingly disturbed by it. I was not expecting that - had not read it in the much detail prior to that.
Thank you Father for all your wonderful and enlightening videos! May God bless you with many treasures on earth and in heaven for all the service you do. You’re so wise, so gifted, so loved!
God never change. I kinda like the Old Testament era, not the violent and gore part, it's just.. would be nice to have a direct conversation sometimes (like when I say "hi God" He say 'hi' back). Even just once a year you know. That'd be a nice surprise for my dark and gloomy lonely day.... hmm.. that'd be scary too now that I think about it. :/ when you're alone and suddenly you hear "hi". Huh.. I really am weird. But yeah.. I believe in God 100%. He's been good to me and my father since I was a kid, and everything that He did and do, all of His decisions for me, in the end it's all for my future. So that I can have a great future. He's like my Dad, my Boss and my King and I'm His stubborn daughter. His love never change. ❤❤❤
Thank you for this video I've been trying to teach somebody that goes to an old church of mine and this is exactly what I've been looking for God bless you
This is the subject of my favorite homily of Fr Brett Hoover a Paulist professor of Theology at Loyola Marymount, great choice!
This made me feel closer to God and understand Him in this regard Better, thanks Ascension Presents 🌷✝️🙏🏻❤️
Hello Fr. Mike! Thanks for tackling this topic. Could you PLEASE talk about the unforgivable sin, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? I truly have no idea what that means. God bless you!
Angus McFife: It basically means two things: Rejection of the Holy Spirit and of Jesus and the denial or rejection of God’s power and holiness.
Thank you Fr Mike! This all make sense now. Beautiful sharing using yr relationship with your parents.
God "interested in justice"???? Like murdering unborn children, women, animals for absolutely no reason, or punishing entire lineages for the sin of one of his ancestors 1000 years before them?...
This helped, thank you I have so many questions
I mean this Respectfully. I understand you are teaching what you have been taught. But Usually strict parents don't instruct their children to commit mass murder against their other children.
Literally call God the Father. Our relationship with our earthly parents changes as we get older. So why shouldn’t our understanding of and relationship with God change?
I'm not religious & never may be, but I've been considering getting a Bible for the experience, & maybe reach some sort of enlightenment; having been brought up around Christianity. I just want to be sure I make the right choice. Which testament do all of you recommend? One hand, I'd want the Bible as it was originally written, but on another, maybe those extras are important to learn about.
New Testament... NABRE or NRSVCE
I need some prayers said for me i have been struggling with depression and getting ready to join the Marine Corps
I was about to finish my Rosary, I will include you as well 😊
@@mi-ka-eltheguardian3837 thank you so much
Also get a prescription for anti-depressents in case you still feel depressed!
Jesus came to show us the way. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against a spiritual wickedness in high places.
Leviticus 21:17-21. Can anyone explain to me why this was okay? It does not sound the same way in which Jesus would treat people.
This passage is not talking about casting people away from Israel : it's specifically referring to the Aaronic priesthood, who were held to a higher standard both physically and spiritually in order to serve in the Temple. Hope it helps =)
I never understood the part in Matthew when Jesus is speaking about causing divide within the family. Would love to hear this explained.
This is easy. Jesus is saying that not everyone will become a Christian and follow His word, so the believer will have to choose between separating from his family and staying with God than the other way around. Remember that the early Christians were usually pilgrims who walked from city to city spreading the Good News of God.
@@Nimbereth That makes sense my brother recently left Catholicism and is a messianic Jew. He won't speak to us anymore, because he disagrees with our faith. It's very sad.
@@SusanM-ez7ky Why is it sad ? It's awesome news, because the early believers were messianic jews =) Please, don't let this divide you : talk to him and ask him why he believes what he believes and test his words with the Bible itself.
Where's the justice in killing the women, children and the animals of the Amalekites?
Thank you Mike, Very cooL!
People confuse God's righteous judgement being carried out through man and his command for man to love others. The 2 are not contradictory, one is how we should live and the other is the result of disobedience and rebellion.
You are absolutely right!!! Before I read the entire Old Testament I used to think this but after seeing Israel over and over again betraying God and God being kind, sending prophets, warnings for 100’s and 100’s of years with Israel and being merciful on them for so long, long suffering He really is!
You are right Fr Mike Our God is a loving Father from Genesis until now. You are also right we Catholic have not fully studied and meditate on his words. The formation is lacking. Without formation there is no effective evangelization.
The example I give is in the Old Testament God is far and speaking to people how things should be in THEORY and in the new testament he finally comes up close and personal and sees how it really is to live and walk in our skin. Like a new graduate who thinks he knows it all because he's read a lot of books but it really is different when that student experiences what he studied. Not good vs. bad...just Theory vs. Experience....experience will always win which is why God the son had to die.
Never heard this one before. That's very neat. I like this.
Why do you call yourself father (in a religious sense)
When the Bible clearly says not to do that ?
Why are you ignoring what Jesus said ?
Matthew 23:9
New Living Translation
"And don’t address anyone here on earth as ‘Father,’ for only God in heaven is your Father"
Yes but your parent don’t threaten to destroy a city because there kids aren’t behaving.
You would if the entire city was full of them and they all were doing the exact opposite of what you told them to do
@@elik.8113 No I won't
thanks Father Mike, always explained so well, its really helping me a lot. I love to watch your videos before I got to sleep. God bless you
Great explanation ! I loved this one!
Is it best to start learning/reading the Old Testament and then learn/read the New Testament?
Yes, after studying the OT in depth, you can understand the NT a lot better =)
Thank you so much for this!
Thank you! I'm reading the Bible from the beginning, and The Old Testament has been confusing me in certain ways. This helps a lot!
They are absolutely the same God. God in Jesus came to Earth to bring back the sinners. Those who didn't need saving, were a blessing but Gods greatest glory was to show the people he was God and to win their hearts and minds so that they can return to the kingdom. There are lots of things that happen that we don't truly understand but you have to have faith through out. Faith in Jesus/Yahweh not in Foundations/Companies/Organisations whatever, that lead people astray.
I don't think they are the same God. Jesus never uses the term Yahweh, he specifically says "Father." Jesus never says to abide by the first five commandments, only the last five. It's not logical for them to be the same. Jesus brought us the true Father...my opinion. Look at some of the Gnostic texts.
Excellent comparison using your parents (even though that analogy breaks down, like you said) but still, super relatable and helpful. Thanks Fr Mike!
Hey! I'd love to hear your take (either in a long video or article or somehting) on the major Church reforms of the 20th century and perhaps your justification of them (or critique). They seem to "reinterpret" much of what the Church understood as clear cut dogma for quite awhile prior and put a sort of positive spin on everything.
Zephaniah 1:15
That day is a day of wrath,
A day of trouble and distress,
A day of devastation and desolation,
A day of darkness and gloominess,
A day of clouds and thick darkness,
Why are you leaving all of these verses out father? It is very disingenuous
Thank you Fr. Mike!