I'll definitely try this recipe. I've been trying other TH-cam baguette recipes, and I've not been 100% satisfied, it was too dense, not airy enough, not elastic enough, not moist enough or ending with a too thick crust and too hard. What you are showing on this video looks like a perfect baguette.
There are a lot of, showing how to make baguette. I try a lot of them, but it doesn’t work well for me. Since 4 month now 1-2 times each week I follow your receipt and instructions. The result is at anytime amazing. My special thanks to you. Have a wonderful life.
I wonder how you did spraying part... Was your oven on? Set on its baking temperature or the oven is off? If the oven is off, did you remove the dough baguette after spraying so that you can preheat the oven, then put back the dough to the oven?
Je suis française et je viens de faire les baguettes de pain. La recette est tellement bien détaillé que je les ai réussi. Merci beaucoup pour votre recette. Du vrai pain français
Mon Dieu si vous appeler ça du vrai pain français, je ne peux que déduire que le pain que vous avez manger dans votre vie est industriel, à aucun moment en utilisant de la farine tout usage et de la simple levure on arrive à la qualité d'un pain made in france... et du moins qu'en apparence mais pas au goût.
La meilleure baguette que j’ai mangée n’était pas faite en France mais à Saint-Denis, Ile de la Réunion. Et portant j’ai essayé la baguette qui avait remporté le prix de la meilleure baguette de Paris en 2014. Grande différence!
Bonjour moi aussi française et je n'arrive pas à avoir la même texture, je suis partie sur de la farine t65 mais je crois que ma farine boit pas assez car la pate est hyper molle avez-vous mis les 170 g d'eau je trouve que c'est beaucoup. Merci pour votre réponse
와… 저 인생 처음 바게트 구워보려고 영상보고 열심히 이틀동안 해봤는데 진짜…. 떡지고 손에 다 달라붙고 괜히 욕심부려서 양 두배로 해버려가지고 반죽 치댈때도 진짜 힘들고 아직 집 온도가 낮아소 표면도 매끈매끈안하고 발효도 잘 안된거 같고… 그래도 어찌저찌 망할꺼 예상하고 겨우 모양내서 구웠는데 … 맛있쟈냐요?????!!! 시간이 오래걸려 힘들어도 혹시 인내심을 기르고 싶으신분이나 아님 잡념이 많아 뭔가에 좀 몰두하고 싶으신 분들께 추천합니다…❤ 결론은 따끈따끈 구수하고 겉바속촉 바게트 먹어서 행벅
I’m French and I have to admit that these baguettes 🥖 look perfect ! I’m definitely going to try to make them. I live in Japan so good baguettes are hard to get by 😅(and if so, they’re very expensive ). Can’t wait to try them ! 감사합니다
I followed the video and made this. th-cam.com/users/shortstev2RmdQsNE?feature=share. I too live in Japan. I used to buy baguettes at Viron near Tokyo station. Not anymore. These are better!!!
@@kenmorinaka1562 my favorite baguettes are the ones from Jean-Francois in Hibiya Midtown. The baguettes in this recipe look fantastic. I tried to make them last week but I didn’t manage to make them as wonderful but I’ll try again 💪🏻🥖🥖
Salut, french here too. They put too much flour during the process and extended the time spent in the oven too much (it should have beend 15min max at 250/270 depending on how you like your baguette) the result is a dry inside crumb (you can tell at the end when they ripped a part). It does "look" good, but it is not. That is because of such details you didn't managed to do as good as it is in the video. (alongside with the temperature of base water and the raising time)
선상님 너무 맛있어요. 최고의 바게트 레시피입니다. 프랑스인도 놀래키는 빵이야요!!!!!! 처음 한번 해보고 무족권 두배합으로 만든다구요!!! 방금 구운 빵 한김 식햐서 버터 슥 해서 제 입으로 들어갔는데용, 잠깐 프랑스 다녀왔어요.ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ후아 감사합니다...
성공하셨군요~ 만들다가 궁금한 점이 있는데요. 폴딩할 때마다 냉장고에 넣는 이유가 뭔지요..? 그때는 발효를 늦춰야 하는 건가요? ㄱ 리고 2차 발효중 한 번을 냉장고에서 하던데, 실온에서 하면 식감에 차이가 있을까요?? 지금 집안 온도가 낮아 추운데, 냉장고에 반둑을 넣으니까 1차 발효도 1시간 30분으로는 되지 않더라구요… 답답한 마음에 남겨봅니다~^^
Really perfect!👍👍 I am French and I can tell you that in many bakeries here, the "baguette" is not that much perfect. Because here like everywhere people are cheating! They forget tradition. They use bad ingredients and don't take the time to do a good job. All the resting steps, here are respected, I am sure the taste is excellent. You let the time to the daugh to rest. That way, all the flavors can develop, all the chimistes exchanges can be done, and that way you don't need a lot of yeast which would give too strong yeast taste to the bread. Bravo! 👏👏👏😘👍
im from france and I give my approval for this baguette. long and thin, crispy on the outside and you can see a lot of bubbles formed on the inside. this is what you would expect of a bakery in france. authentic
1. 2분 정도 반죽 2. 냉장고 30분 3. 첫번째 폴딩 - 냉장고 30분 4. 두번째 폴딩 - 냉장고 30분 5. 세번째 폴딩 - 따뜻한 곳(27도) 1시간 30분 6. 냉장고 15시간 7. 1차 성형 - 15분 2:39 8. 2차 성형 - 30~40분 3:51 9. 냉장고 30분 day1 3시간 - 15시간 day2 1h30
This recipe produces extraordinarily good results. I have just finished my first batch and they look just like on the video, with a nice crispy crust and airy dough. This beats even the fabulous Patrick Ryan's baguette masterclass. Thank you so much!!
I tried them today and it was my first time making bread of any kind. I am so excited to continue making them. They weren't scary at all to a beginner. I love the smell of them in the oven. I am inspired
J’ai fait cette recette sans vraiment y croire, car j’ai tout essayer sans de très bons résultas. Mais pour la première fois j’ai réussi des baguettes identiques à celles des bons boulangers, et surtout, et pour la 1ère fois, avec de belles alvéoles. MERCI.
Hi everyone, as I type this comment my dough is resting for the 15 hrs in my refrigerator. But this recipe look so delicious that I wrote out the steps. Enjoy! Baguette recipe: see below 179g water slightly cold probably room temp 2 grams of yeast, mixed well 225g All purpose flour or T55 4 grams of salt Mix: 1. mix dough for 2 min with a spatula (sticky is ok) 2. Plastic wrap and refrigerate 30min Folding: wet hands before 1st fold - watch the video fold on 4 sides. Through dough 10 times repeat process, 3 times or 3 sets - refrigerator for 30 minutes 2nd fold - repeat process 3rd fold - repeat process, but keep in a warm place for 1.5hr, then place in refrigerator overnight Next day: flour the counter - divide dough in half - Fold each half at ends first then sharpen to oval, don’t press on the dough it will pop bubbles, big no no - 15 min dough rest, keep covered - Flip smooth side down, ugly side up - Fold 1/3 of dough 3x - Fold 1/2 of dough - Roll dough Cover and rest 30-40 min, - poke to see if dough rise again - See if risen 1/5 way up so the original size Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes (important) (Preheat oven ) Transfer to baking pan , sprinkle four, score bread Cover with Teflon sheet or baking paper , spray with water 20 times Preheat oven to 470F Bake for 10 minutes Remove paper cover Bake for 10 minutes @450 Rest bread and eat
Been searching for a recipe for a baguette. I lived in Spain long ago and their baguettes were similar to this. These make excellent sandwiches. Thanks for posting and sharing!
Thank you for the recipe and steps. Just made the baguettes and came out wonderful. I’m trying 3 other of your recipes. So awesome. I’m a loyal fan now.
I just had a piece of the baguette I made from following this recipe and it is absolutely the best bread I have ever made! Super crunchy even after cooling totally. I used a stone pizza oven to bake them. I doubled the recipe and followed carefully. Best recipe on TH-cam in my opinion. Thank you very much for such a fantastic tutorial!
It was superb wasn't it. I wanted what I had eaten in France but went through many videos before I saw this one and knew it was the one I wanted to make. Bookmarked it!
Spot on !! Perfect!! Very simple and straightforward instructions.. without noise. Came out of the oven exactly as yours! (few times now) i used bread flour and a teaspoon of bread improve.
OK so I made these tonight (of course started the dough yesterday and formed and baked today). The two baguettes came out well, I'd say good but not great, nowhere near the stuff in Europe, but then I'm sure it's my lack of baking skills. I've been using the poolish method and getting decent results, this is quite a bit simpler. I pretty much followed your instructions with a couple of minor changes, and 20 minutes baking time in total. Great video, many thanks.
European flour for baguette is almost twice as hard as any flour found in North America. The problem is not your technique, or lack of it, but simply the hardness of the flour. French T55 Flour in France, is as common as a bag of Doritos in an American grocery store, not so in the USA, or Canada. Impossible to find. The stunning holes in the crumb, comes from the consistency of the hardness of said flour. Also, you will never get crumb with holes like that if you add sugar, or if you do not prefer overnight in the fridge.
@@skyehorvath9063 Sorry I forgot to mention that I did use bread flour, US Gold Medal bread flour which is 10.5% protein, I also have King Arthur bread flour which is a bit higher at 11.7% protein. And yes I know the French uses T55 which like 12% I believe. Thanks for the notes in any case.
Просто восторг ! Пересмотрела много видео по изготовлению багета , но такое чудо вижу первый раз ! Огромное спасибо , что можно спокойно и внимательно посмотреть видео без музыки . Это прямо отдельное спасибо ! Рецепт , конечно , сохраняю , лайк и подписка .Шикарный рецепт , шикарный багет ! ❤
Congratulations. I'll try to start in a day, make 3 folds and let it rest in the fridge. The next day, wait for the dough to come to room temperature and continue your very appetizing recipe. I'm sure that will be right. Thanks
선지자 무함마드 의 말씀 신앙인들은 서로가 서로에게 마치 한 몸처럼 사랑과 자 비와 친절함을 보여 주어야 합니다. 신체의 한 부분이 아플 때 몸 전체가 열이 나고 쉴 수 없는 것과 마찬 가 지입니다." “신앙인 가운데 믿음이 가장 독실한 사람은 그의 아내 에게 가장 예절바르고 친절한 남자입니다." “자신을 사랑하는 것처럼 타인을 사랑하지 않는 사람이 있다면 그는 신앙인이라 할 수 없습니다. “자비로우신 하나님은 자비가 많은 사람에게 자비를 베푸십니다. 그러므로 지구촌 모든 피조물들에게 자비 를 베푸십시오. 그리하면 하늘로부터 자비를 받으실 것 입니다." “여러분의 형제에게 웃음을 지어 보이는 것이 자비입 니다." “고운말 한마디도 자비입니다." “하나님과 최후의 날을 믿는 신앙인은 이웃에 좋은 일 을 해야 합니다." 하나님은 사람의 육신을 보시지 않고 형상도 보시지 않 습니다. 그분이 보시는 것은 사람의 마음과 그가 남긴 업적입니다." “일꾼의 땀이 마르기 전에 임금을 주십시오." “길을 걷고 있던 한 남자가 무척이나 갈증이 났습니다. 그러던 차에 우물을 발견하고 그 안에 내려가 물을 마 시고 나왔습니다. 그 때 갈증이 난 개 한 마리가 혀를 내밀고 갈증을 식히기 위해 진흙을 핥고 있었습니다. 그 남자는 혼자말로 이렇게 말했습니다. ‘이 개도 조금 전 내가 그랬던 것처럼 갈증을 심하게 느꼈나 보다.’ 그 리고서 그는 다시 우물 아래로 내려가 그의 가죽 양말 에 물을 가득 채워 입으로 물고 올라와 그 개에게 주어 마시도록 했습니다. 하나님은 이 남자의 행동에 감사하 고 그의 죄를 용서하여 주셨습니다. 하나님의 사도 께 서 질문을 받으셨습니다. "하나님의 사도여, 동물에게 사랑을 베풀 때 저희도 그와 같은 보상을 받습니까?" 그 분께서 이렇게 대답하셨습니다. "살아있는 생명체에 사 랑을 베풀 때 그에 상응하는 보상이 있습니다."
@@dubois104 oui vu le nombre d'heures pour faire 2 baguettes après il faut en faire plusieurs et les congeler fraîches et ensuite à décongeler au réfrigérateur la passer 5 mn dans un four éteint et préchauffer avant 10mn vous retrouverez le craquant et le goût du pain
Concerning the scarification step: give a single sharp and rapid blow of the blade by tilting it 45° in relation to the horizontal plane allows to have one side of the scarification which will rise and become very crispy. This is characteristic of the French baguette. For the wetting phase, which allows the crust not to harden too quickly as soon as it is put in the oven, I do not recommend sprinkling with water because it is cold and will create a rather (too) thick crust. The best thing is to prepare 10cl of hot water, put a second plate at the lowest level in your oven which you will also preheat, put your baguettes in the oven without spraying water on them and above all not to put the silicone (because it going to crush your dough). Once the dough have been scarified, you quickly pour hot water on the bottom plate and quickly close the oven door. The goal is to produce steam that will settle on the dough. Bakers have this special feature in their oven. This allows your scarifications to "explode" and get something very puffy at the location of the scarifications. If you want to go further with the French baguette, take half T65 flour and half T80 flour, You will have much more taste than T45 or T55 flour and preferably organic to avoid pesticides, especially if you use sourdough and not industrial yeast.
@@LoiczzrYou are wrong. The more refined the flour, the more gluten it contains. Gluten (and proteins) are concentrated in the almond of the wheat and not in the bark. The only disadvantage is that what gives the taste of the bread is mostly the bark. This is why we use T65 instead, see T80, T110 and even T170 for wholemeal breads. We must not forget either that what gives the taste of bread is the duration of fermentation: the longer it is, the more it creates acidity and taste, this is why a good baker makes his first grows in a cold room (controlled growth). Do you know the Italian flour doppio 00? It is used to make Neapolitan pizza, very rich in gluten to have significant elasticity and as refined as T45. The French baguette contains only 4 ingredients: flour, water, salt and sourdough and/or yeast. Nothing more.
@Franck Nhieu BTW, if you push your levain to far in time, only acidity will be present it's easy to see by just looking at it.... Fermentation also give alcohol.... Levain would be started with raisin and apples (organic) Again t45 is pastry flour. Farine panifiable is t55. You can add some other to your bread if it's what you/ your customers like. With my old boss, back in 1990 we developed what is now know as the fermento levain.... we pushed hydration of the dough beyond its limits, even an artofex mixer couldn't take it. We explore fermentation in so many levels...
Хлеб просто шикарный!!!! 😍В холодильнике тесто простояло вместо 15 часов 2-е суток. Думала всё, ничего не получится. Но к моему удивлению получилось всё, хрустящий, красивый и такой-же пористый, как у автора. Очень рекомендую рецепт всем и сама конечно же теперь буду печь по нему. 🔥🔥🔥👍👍👍
🥖 This looks wonderful ! I'm going to try this recipe later today. 😊 There's one part where I am slightly confused~~ During baking, the first 10 minutes are with the paper covering the baguettes... then uncover, and bake for 30 more minutes ? It seems like the directions show 10 more minutes after removing the paper, but initially, the instructions were a total of 40 minutes. Please clarify. 🙂 Thank you.💜
Clair , simple à comprendre et à reproduire avec un très beau résultat ! . L'essentiel et juste l'essentiel sont sont dits . Je suis convaincu , je m'abonne à cette chaine , au risque de grossir !
Как многое Вы умеете.... И все по Высшему разряду... Вами удивлены в России и счастливы наблюдать за Вашим искусством.... Да сохранит Вас Господь на многая и благая лета !!!!
Made your recipe the other day. Great results. Dough yielded two 197g loaves. Normally, baguettes are a bit bigger but loved the results nonetheless. Will definitely try it again.
Guys I just made it and it's delicious. I didn't even follow all the steps cause I was too lazy yet it turned out great. Next time I'll double the quantity cause I can eat a whole baguette by myself 😅 This is definitely a must try.
Thanks for sharing your recipe. Looks delicious!🥖 Trying this as a half batch as I only had 1 cup of flour left but I really wanted to try it. my dough looks a litte more wet (used just under 1 cup of warm water to activate the yeast) still a bit wet so I did my first fold with the spatula. waiting on my second fold. will see how it looks after fold 2 and 3. and the 15hrs If I cant form into baguettes I may just spread out into a small pan and make foccaccia or pizza with it. Experimenting with what ingredients I have at home for now. cheers 🥖
They look really nice! Congrats! If you want them to be even more tastier, prepare a poolish the night before and incorporate it to your mix the next day. It will also help with the conservation of the baguette
이 레시피가 진짜 찐이에요. 미국에서 살면서 한국에서 먹던 바삭한 겉과 부드러운 속을 가진 바게트를 못 찾고 헤매다 유튜브의 여러 레시피에 도전했는데도 다 실패했었는데 처음으로 성공했습니다.ㅠ 진짜 감격의 맛!!! 정말 감사합니다.
@@Heythere-e3s 목 마른 자가 우물을 파듯이 기꺼이 직접 만들었습니다. 타지에서 오래 살다보면 고향에서 즐기던 음식이 못 견디게 그리울 때가 있거든요.🥲
처음 민들어본 바게트인데
빵집에서 파는것보다 훨 맛있어요
진짜 최고에요~👍
15시간의 힘인가봐요😊
이 튜토리얼에 감사드립니다. 무의미한 음악 대신 자연과 새의 소리로 매우 평화롭습니다. 자연은 빵과 같습니다.
얼마전어 오븐을 구매해서 빵 구우려고 호기롭게 영상을 보았읍니다.
이거 뭔...휴가내고 구워야 겠네요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
재택근무때 만들어야겠군..
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ저 치아바타 만들다 아침 됐네요 베이킹이 거즘 중노동이네요ㅋㅋ
저도 보다가 지지침 못할듯
독특한 방식이네요.. 보통은 기포가 균일하게 하거나 큰 기포를 없애기위해서 ..공기빼기를 많이 하는데..여기선 오히려 공기를 많이 넣어서 ..큰홀를 많이 만든게 특징이라 공기빼기에 신경안써도 될듯 하는 제품이네요 ..맛있어보여요.ㅎㅎ
빵이 저렇게 맛잇으려면... 이정도의 수고를 해야하는군요... 언젠가 꼭 해봐야겠어요
I'll definitely try this recipe. I've been trying other TH-cam baguette recipes, and I've not been 100% satisfied, it was too dense, not airy enough, not elastic enough, not moist enough or ending with a too thick crust and too hard. What you are showing on this video looks like a perfect baguette.
맛있는 바게트 홈베이킹 기술 잘 배웠어요 정말 유익합니다! 사다먹어야겠네요😂
There are a lot of, showing how to make baguette. I try a lot of them, but it doesn’t work well for me. Since 4 month now 1-2 times each week I follow your receipt and instructions. The result is at anytime amazing. My special thanks to you. Have a wonderful life.
Which flour you use ?
@@aliciavergara8051 use bread flour.
@@aliciavergara8051 Standard All Purpose Flour
Quelle patience! Heureusement que nos boulangers
I wonder how you did spraying part...
Was your oven on? Set on its baking temperature or the oven is off?
If the oven is off, did you remove the dough baguette after spraying so that you can preheat the oven, then put back the dough to the oven?
Je suis française et je viens de faire les baguettes de pain. La recette est tellement bien détaillé que je les ai réussi. Merci beaucoup pour votre recette. Du vrai pain français
Ça c’est de la vraie baguette! 😀
Mon Dieu si vous appeler ça du vrai pain français, je ne peux que déduire que le pain que vous avez manger dans votre vie est industriel, à aucun moment en utilisant de la farine tout usage et de la simple levure on arrive à la qualité d'un pain made in france... et du moins qu'en apparence mais pas au goût.
La meilleure baguette que j’ai mangée n’était pas faite en France mais à Saint-Denis, Ile de la Réunion. Et portant j’ai essayé la baguette qui avait remporté le prix de la meilleure baguette de Paris en 2014. Grande différence!
@@h.heritage9282 st Denis de la REUNION c est la FRANCE département 974
Bonjour moi aussi française et je n'arrive pas à avoir la même texture, je suis partie sur de la farine t65 mais je crois que ma farine boit pas assez car la pate est hyper molle avez-vous mis les 170 g d'eau je trouve que c'est beaucoup. Merci pour votre réponse
와… 저 인생 처음 바게트 구워보려고 영상보고 열심히 이틀동안 해봤는데 진짜…. 떡지고 손에 다 달라붙고 괜히 욕심부려서 양 두배로 해버려가지고 반죽 치댈때도 진짜 힘들고 아직 집 온도가 낮아소 표면도 매끈매끈안하고 발효도 잘 안된거 같고… 그래도 어찌저찌 망할꺼 예상하고 겨우 모양내서 구웠는데 …
맛있쟈냐요?????!!! 시간이 오래걸려 힘들어도 혹시 인내심을 기르고 싶으신분이나 아님 잡념이 많아 뭔가에 좀 몰두하고 싶으신 분들께 추천합니다…❤ 결론은 따끈따끈 구수하고 겉바속촉 바게트 먹어서 행벅
긴 시간을 들여 빵을 만들어 보면 빵을 먹는 잠깐의 시간이 너무 감사할 것 같아요.
청소년들에게 교육적인 효과가 있을 듯 하네요.
I’m French and I have to admit that these baguettes 🥖 look perfect ! I’m definitely going to try to make them. I live in Japan so good baguettes are hard to get by 😅(and if so, they’re very expensive ). Can’t wait to try them ! 감사합니다
I followed the video and made this. th-cam.com/users/shortstev2RmdQsNE?feature=share. I too live in Japan. I used to buy baguettes at Viron near Tokyo station. Not anymore. These are better!!!
@@kenmorinaka1562 my favorite baguettes are the ones from Jean-Francois in Hibiya Midtown. The baguettes in this recipe look fantastic. I tried to make them last week but I didn’t manage to make them as wonderful but I’ll try again 💪🏻🥖🥖
Salut, french here too. They put too much flour during the process and extended the time spent in the oven too much (it should have beend 15min max at 250/270 depending on how you like your baguette) the result is a dry inside crumb (you can tell at the end when they ripped a part). It does "look" good, but it is not. That is because of such details you didn't managed to do as good as it is in the video. (alongside with the temperature of base water and the raising time)
@@FatRogSlim merci !
Salut les frenchies on adore notre gastronomie et cette vidéo est mieux expliquée que sur les chaînes de boulangerie françaises 😂😂😂
선상님 너무 맛있어요. 최고의 바게트 레시피입니다. 프랑스인도 놀래키는 빵이야요!!!!!! 처음 한번 해보고 무족권 두배합으로 만든다구요!!! 방금 구운 빵 한김 식햐서 버터 슥 해서 제 입으로 들어갔는데용, 잠깐 프랑스 다녀왔어요.ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ후아 감사합니다...
성공하셨군요~ 만들다가 궁금한 점이 있는데요. 폴딩할 때마다 냉장고에 넣는 이유가 뭔지요..? 그때는 발효를 늦춰야 하는 건가요? ㄱ
리고 2차 발효중 한 번을 냉장고에서 하던데, 실온에서 하면 식감에 차이가 있을까요??
지금 집안 온도가 낮아 추운데, 냉장고에 반둑을 넣으니까 1차 발효도 1시간 30분으로는 되지 않더라구요… 답답한 마음에 남겨봅니다~^^
두배합은 어떤걸 두배합이라고하나요?
@@의왕내손원룸점걍 레시피 전체 두배해서 만드는 거요
너무 맛있어 보이지만 엄두가 나지 않을 만큼 정성스러운 레시피네요.
이게 그 레시피 알려줘도 게을러서 못한다는 그 비법이군요. 바게뜨가 이렇게 정성이 들어가는 줄은 몰랐습니다. ^^
저도 보다가 냉장고에 반죽이 여러번 들어가길래 포기ㅋㅋ
와씌 ㅜㅜ너무 먹고싶은데 보기만해도 스트레스네요 ㅋㅋㅋ냉장고랑 접기를 몇번이나 하는겨 ㅠㅠㅠ엄두도안나요
정통 레시피는 하루 가까이 발효합니다.
It’s not this hard to make them.
This video just overcomplicate the whole process for no reason at all .
정성이 가득 든 바게뜨네요. Un baguette lleno de cariño.
안녕하세요. 식탁일기님 영상으로 인생 처음으로 제빵에 도전 중입니다. 첫 번째로 냉장고에 넣고 30분 기다리고 있어요 ^^
맛있어요!!!! 이 레시피에 정착하려구요 여태 3번정도 만들었는데 촉촉쫀쫀하고 겉은 바삭!!!하고 맛있어요 대박 속이 촉촉한데 안떡져서 신기해요
칼집 밑선그려 놓는거 완전 꿀팁이네요! 오늘 학교 실기가 바게트인데 많이 꿀팁 얻어가요!!ㅠ
I've been baking breads at home for last 5vyears. This is a cumbersome and exhausting baguette recipe, but it's the best I've ever seen 🎉🎉🎉
바게트 진짜 손 많이 가는 빵이었네요😮
왜 잘 안파는지 이해가 되버렸어 ㅋㅋㅋ
흔한 바게트천 하나 없이 편한 도구들로 꼭 좋은 베이커리에서 산것같이 만드시는게 대박이에요, 저도 조만간 꼭 직접 해보고싶어요~!
Really perfect!👍👍 I am French and I can tell you that in many bakeries here, the "baguette" is not that much perfect. Because here like everywhere people are cheating! They forget tradition. They use bad ingredients and don't take the time to do a good job. All the resting steps, here are respected, I am sure the taste is excellent. You let the time to the daugh to rest. That way, all the flavors can develop, all the chimistes exchanges can be done, and that way you don't need a lot of yeast which would give too strong yeast taste to the bread. Bravo! 👏👏👏😘👍
I've watched several tutorials and this is the best
tu m'étonnes, comment la baguette a l'air over-bonne 🤪
차마 영상 끝까지 못보고 바게트 사러 빵집 갑니다...와...저렇게 오래 걸리고 손이 많이 가는줄 몰랐어요...
im from france and I give my approval for this baguette. long and thin, crispy on the outside and you can see a lot of bubbles formed on the inside. this is what you would expect of a bakery in france. authentic
Same thoughts… there must be someone from Korea to create a real good explanation video how to make good baguette at home 🥖 😂
Very very good job 👍
Traduire en français et noter la quantité d'ingrédients pour moi l'imprimé merci
@@renepeeters7916 au dessus symbole roue dentée = Paramètres ==>sous titre ==> Traduction auto==> Choisir Français tout simplement 😊
Best baguette video I've seen so far. Crunchy and chewy. I will definitely try! Appreciate for your sharing🌹🌹🌹
아무것도 모르는 신생아베린이가 프랑스밀가루통밀섞어 따라해봤는데요
수율이 힘들어 물조절해가면서 다뤘더니
기공은 식탁님만큼 안나왓지만 구수하고 담백한 바게트가 되었네요^^
바게트 만드는거 보러와서 엄청 감탄하다가 마지막에 햄잔뜩 올리신거보고 격하게 고개 끄덕거리며 웃었습니다^^
좋은 레시피 감사합니다^^
1. 2분 정도 반죽
2. 냉장고 30분
3. 첫번째 폴딩 - 냉장고 30분
4. 두번째 폴딩 - 냉장고 30분
5. 세번째 폴딩 - 따뜻한 곳(27도) 1시간 30분
6. 냉장고 15시간
7. 1차 성형 - 15분 2:39
8. 2차 성형 - 30~40분 3:51
9. 냉장고 30분
day1 3시간 - 15시간
day2 1h30
우와 인생 바게트 입니다~~!! 230도 에프에 바게트틀로 구웠는데 바삭 바삭 폭신 폭신~ 빵집 보다 훨씬 맛있습니다~ 지금껏 먹어본 바게트 중 최고 입니다. 시간 투자한 보람이 있네요 ^^ 이런 멋진 레시피 너무 감사합니다.
성공 축하합니다^^ 에프에도 잘 구워지군요
@@table_diary 선생님!! 3차 폴딩까지 마치고 실온 1시간30분에서 했는데 많이 안 부풀었어요ㅠㅠ 그럼 이스트가 모자랐던걸까요? 좀 더 발효시키게 놔둬도 되나요???
This recipe produces extraordinarily good results. I have just finished my first batch and they look just like on the video, with a nice crispy crust and airy dough. This beats even the fabulous Patrick Ryan's baguette masterclass. Thank you so much!!
I tried them today and it was my first time making bread of any kind. I am so excited to continue making them. They weren't scary at all to a beginner. I love the smell of them in the oven. I am inspired
와우 맛있는바게트 보기만해도 행복합니다
J’ai fait cette recette sans vraiment y croire, car j’ai tout essayer sans de très bons résultas. Mais pour la première fois j’ai réussi des baguettes identiques à celles des bons boulangers, et surtout, et pour la 1ère fois, avec de belles alvéoles. MERCI.
바게트빵 하나가 이리 손이 많이가는지 몰랐네요
휴,, 사먹어야겠다^^;; ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 담번에 날잡고 한번 해봐야겠어요 잘봤습니당
The little extra steps are absolutely worth it! Best baguette I’ve personally ever made.
All these steps are pretty traditional. Nothing extra
Did it come out just like it in the video?
@@v-22 as close as I could hope!
Absolutely. Making mine now. They are amazing. I’m trying the ciabatta now. Fermenting 48 hours and tomorrow will be baking
금요일 반죽 후 토요일 성형하고 구웠어요. 첫 바게뜨인데 정말 성공적인 경험이 되었습니다!! 영상 수십 번 본 것 같아요.
우와! 축하합니다^^ 금손!!😍👍
Such a pleasure to watch. Every step is well shown but not overly long. Impeccable techniques and cleanliness. Thanks for sharing!
I was going to say the same!
Hi everyone, as I type this comment my dough is resting for the 15 hrs in my refrigerator. But this recipe look so delicious that I wrote out the steps. Enjoy!
Baguette recipe: see below
179g water slightly cold probably room temp
2 grams of yeast, mixed well
225g All purpose flour or T55
4 grams of salt
1. mix dough for 2 min with a spatula (sticky is ok)
2. Plastic wrap and refrigerate 30min
Folding: wet hands before
1st fold - watch the video fold on 4 sides. Through dough 10 times repeat process, 3 times or 3 sets
- refrigerator for 30 minutes
2nd fold - repeat process
3rd fold - repeat process, but keep in a warm place for 1.5hr, then place in refrigerator overnight
Next day: flour the counter
- divide dough in half
- Fold each half at ends first then sharpen to oval, don’t press on the dough it will pop bubbles, big no no
- 15 min dough rest, keep covered
- Flip smooth side down, ugly side up
- Fold 1/3 of dough 3x
- Fold 1/2 of dough
- Roll dough
Cover and rest 30-40 min,
- poke to see if dough rise again
- See if risen 1/5 way up so the original size
Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes (important)
(Preheat oven )
Transfer to baking pan , sprinkle four, score bread
Cover with Teflon sheet or baking paper , spray with water 20 times
Preheat oven to 470F
Bake for 10 minutes
Remove paper cover
Bake for 10 minutes @450
Rest bread and eat
thank you for doing that. I think I may try this one. did I read that in between the first 'foldings' you need to refrigerate? not leave on counter?
I hope it turned out well. What kind of flour? What kind of yeast? How warm is “a warm place”? 27C?
Thank you for writing it out. You helped clarify the bake time for me as it is confusing in the video.
27C is WARM.@@michaelh7770
Thank you, this is the most beautiful baguette I have ever seen
Wow the crunch is unbelievable 👏
Been searching for a recipe for a baguette. I lived in Spain long ago and their baguettes were similar to this. These make excellent sandwiches. Thanks for posting and sharing!
Thank you for the recipe and steps. Just made the baguettes and came out wonderful. I’m trying 3 other of your recipes. So awesome. I’m a loyal fan now.
I just had a piece of the baguette I made from following this recipe and it is absolutely the best bread I have ever made!
Super crunchy even after cooling totally.
I used a stone pizza oven to bake them. I doubled the recipe and followed carefully.
Best recipe on TH-cam in my opinion.
Thank you very much for such a fantastic tutorial!
It was superb wasn't it. I wanted what I had eaten in France but went through many videos before I saw this one and knew it was the one I wanted to make. Bookmarked it!
Beautiful shaping, nice bake. The silicone baking mat on top looks like a great technique which I will surely try my next bake. Thanks.
so cruncy and delicious.. yummy ❤️
생각보다 어렵지 않습니다..! 해먹어봤는데 정말....말로 표현할 수 없을 정도로 구수하고 식감도 최고에요. 평생 이 레시피로 바게트 해먹을게요. 감사합니다❤
I'm going to try this but with a 20% sourdough starter. Your results are first class.
I was thinking the same thing. Did you do this? How much starter did you use? How did it turn out? Thank you.
집에서는 바게트 만드는게 아니라 믿었었는데 이럴수가...냉장발효와 마지막에 시트지를 올리고 굽는게 비법이군요 넘 감사합니다 ㅠ다시 바게트에 도전해볼 용기가 생기네요 ㅎㅎ
I must say this is the best video I have found on TH-cam on making baguettes.
와...진짜 대존맛이에오 저 초보 홈베이커라서 그뭐냐.. 폴딩한번 생략하고 마지막에 실온발효30분 생략
냉장고발효 한 뒤 칼집내서 바로구웠는데 미쳤어요 ㅠㅠㅠ존맛
Spot on !! Perfect!! Very simple and straightforward instructions.. without noise. Came out of the oven exactly as yours! (few times now) i used bread flour and a teaspoon of bread improve.
Those are THE most beautiful baguettes I’ve ever seen! Thank you!
OK so I made these tonight (of course started the dough yesterday and formed and baked today). The two baguettes came out well, I'd say good but not great, nowhere near the stuff in Europe, but then I'm sure it's my lack of baking skills. I've been using the poolish method and getting decent results, this is quite a bit simpler. I pretty much followed your instructions with a couple of minor changes, and 20 minutes baking time in total. Great video, many thanks.
Next time you'd better use strong flour instead of all purpose.
European flour for baguette is almost twice as hard as any flour found in North America. The problem is not your technique, or lack of it, but simply the hardness of the flour.
French T55 Flour in France, is as common as a bag of Doritos in an American grocery store, not so in the USA, or Canada. Impossible to find. The stunning holes in the crumb, comes from the consistency of the hardness of said flour. Also, you will never get crumb with holes like that if you add sugar, or if you do not prefer overnight in the fridge.
@@skyehorvath9063 Sorry I forgot to mention that I did use bread flour, US Gold Medal bread flour which is 10.5% protein, I also have King Arthur bread flour which is a bit higher at 11.7% protein. And yes I know the French uses T55 which like 12% I believe. Thanks for the notes in any case.
Просто восторг ! Пересмотрела много видео по изготовлению багета , но такое чудо вижу первый раз ! Огромное спасибо , что можно спокойно и внимательно посмотреть видео без музыки . Это прямо отдельное спасибо ! Рецепт , конечно , сохраняю , лайк и подписка .Шикарный рецепт , шикарный багет ! ❤
Made this today, the recipe does not disappoint. Super crunchy and delicious 😋 thanks for sharing
Congratulations. I'll try to start in a day, make 3 folds and let it rest in the fridge. The next day, wait for the dough to come to room temperature and continue your very appetizing recipe. I'm sure that will be right. Thanks
이게 바게트지 단면보고 박수치고 갑니다👏👏👏
선지자 무함마드 의 말씀
신앙인들은 서로가 서로에게 마치 한 몸처럼 사랑과 자
비와 친절함을 보여 주어야 합니다. 신체의 한 부분이
아플 때 몸 전체가 열이 나고 쉴 수 없는 것과 마찬 가
“신앙인 가운데 믿음이 가장 독실한 사람은 그의 아내
에게 가장 예절바르고 친절한 남자입니다."
“자신을 사랑하는 것처럼 타인을 사랑하지 않는 사람이
있다면 그는 신앙인이라 할 수 없습니다.
“자비로우신 하나님은 자비가 많은 사람에게 자비를
베푸십니다. 그러므로 지구촌 모든 피조물들에게 자비
를 베푸십시오. 그리하면 하늘로부터 자비를 받으실 것
“여러분의 형제에게 웃음을 지어 보이는 것이 자비입
“고운말 한마디도 자비입니다."
“하나님과 최후의 날을 믿는 신앙인은 이웃에 좋은 일
을 해야 합니다."
하나님은 사람의 육신을 보시지 않고 형상도 보시지 않
습니다. 그분이 보시는 것은 사람의 마음과 그가 남긴
“일꾼의 땀이 마르기 전에 임금을 주십시오."
“길을 걷고 있던 한 남자가 무척이나 갈증이 났습니다.
그러던 차에 우물을 발견하고 그 안에 내려가 물을 마
시고 나왔습니다. 그 때 갈증이 난 개 한 마리가 혀를
내밀고 갈증을 식히기 위해 진흙을 핥고 있었습니다. 그
남자는 혼자말로 이렇게 말했습니다. ‘이 개도 조금 전
내가 그랬던 것처럼 갈증을 심하게 느꼈나 보다.’ 그
리고서 그는 다시 우물 아래로 내려가 그의 가죽 양말
에 물을 가득 채워 입으로 물고 올라와 그 개에게 주어
마시도록 했습니다. 하나님은 이 남자의 행동에 감사하
고 그의 죄를 용서하여 주셨습니다. 하나님의 사도 께
서 질문을 받으셨습니다. "하나님의 사도여, 동물에게
사랑을 베풀 때 저희도 그와 같은 보상을 받습니까?"
분께서 이렇게 대답하셨습니다. "살아있는 생명체에 사
랑을 베풀 때 그에 상응하는 보상이 있습니다."
Magnifique, mais il faut prévoir avant de manger ke sandwich, beaucoup de manipulations.
Totalmente de acuerdo
@@dubois104 oui vu le nombre d'heures pour faire 2 baguettes après il faut en faire plusieurs et les congeler fraîches et ensuite à décongeler au réfrigérateur la passer 5 mn dans un four éteint et préchauffer avant 10mn vous retrouverez le craquant et le goût du pain
Super à faire pour de bon résultats
집에 재료들 다 있는데 아직 도전을 못해봤어요. 영상보고 한번 도전해볼렵니다.
생각보다 쉬운 듯 하면서도 정성이 많이 들어가네요.
네ㅋ꼭 해보세요^^ 맛보면 다른 바게트는 못드십니다ㅎㅎ
👏 bravo jolie baguette 🥖 depuis la France 🇫🇷
Das Rezept funktioniert sehr gut!! Herzlichen Dank für das tolle Video. Lieber Gruss
Concerning the scarification step: give a single sharp and rapid blow of the blade by tilting it 45° in relation to the horizontal plane allows to have one side of the scarification which will rise and become very crispy. This is characteristic of the French baguette.
For the wetting phase, which allows the crust not to harden too quickly as soon as it is put in the oven, I do not recommend sprinkling with water because it is cold and will create a rather (too) thick crust.
The best thing is to prepare 10cl of hot water, put a second plate at the lowest level in your oven which you will also preheat, put your baguettes in the oven without spraying water on them and above all not to put the silicone (because it going to crush your dough). Once the dough have been scarified, you quickly pour hot water on the bottom plate and quickly close the oven door. The goal is to produce steam that will settle on the dough. Bakers have this special feature in their oven. This allows your scarifications to "explode" and get something very puffy at the location of the scarifications.
If you want to go further with the French baguette, take half T65 flour and half T80 flour, You will have much more taste than T45 or T55 flour and preferably organic to avoid pesticides, especially if you use sourdough and not industrial yeast.
Sou muito grata pela atenção e pelos seus conselhos 😊
T45 is pastry flour, gluten content is to low.
Organic for sure, a little of dark rye flour or roasted corn flour will add a nice subtle flavor.
@@LoiczzrYou are wrong.
The more refined the flour, the more gluten it contains. Gluten (and proteins) are concentrated in the almond of the wheat and not in the bark.
The only disadvantage is that what gives the taste of the bread is mostly the bark.
This is why we use T65 instead, see T80, T110 and even T170 for wholemeal breads.
We must not forget either that what gives the taste of bread is the duration of fermentation: the longer it is, the more it creates acidity and taste, this is why a good baker makes his first grows in a cold room (controlled growth).
Do you know the Italian flour doppio 00?
It is used to make Neapolitan pizza, very rich in gluten to have significant elasticity and as refined as T45.
The French baguette contains only 4 ingredients: flour, water, salt and sourdough and/or yeast. Nothing more.
@Franck Nhieu hahahaha...I only been a French baker since 1984...I'm wrong...ahahaha
@Franck Nhieu BTW, if you push your levain to far in time, only acidity will be present it's easy to see by just looking at it.... Fermentation also give alcohol....
Levain would be started with raisin and apples (organic)
Again t45 is pastry flour. Farine panifiable is t55. You can add some other to your bread if it's what you/ your customers like.
With my old boss, back in 1990 we developed what is now know as the fermento levain.... we pushed hydration of the dough beyond its limits, even an artofex mixer couldn't take it. We explore fermentation in so many levels...
Хлеб просто шикарный!!!! 😍В холодильнике тесто простояло вместо 15 часов 2-е суток. Думала всё, ничего не получится. Но к моему удивлению получилось всё, хрустящий, красивый и такой-же пористый, как у автора. Очень рекомендую рецепт всем и сама конечно же теперь буду печь по нему. 🔥🔥🔥👍👍👍
Вы не уморились его делать?))
와... 대단합니다. 꼭 사 먹도록 하겠습니다.
This looks wonderful !
I'm going to try this recipe later today. 😊
There's one part where I am slightly confused~~
During baking, the first 10 minutes are with the paper covering the baguettes...
then uncover, and bake for 30 more minutes ?
It seems like the directions show 10 more minutes after removing the paper,
but initially, the instructions were a total of 40 minutes.
Please clarify. 🙂
Thank you.💜
바게트 처음 개발한 사람들은 어떻게 이지랄을 하고나면 빵이된다는걸 알았을까,, 인류는 대단해
저랑 똑같은 생각하심 ㄷㄷ 발효가 몇 번인지 대체ㅠ
Boy you can wear it as a sock
더 놀라운건 빵굽는 기술은 고대 이집트때부터 있었음 ㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋ 2대 미스테리
가츠오부시, 바게트
배고프면 뮈든하게됨
I m Hong Kong and first time to made bread, the following the step and able to made the Baguette similar with yours. Thanks so much
와 개고수다 다루기힘든 물많은 반죽껍질 많이 만져본사람 하는데 집에서 하다니
역시 레시피는 숙련도에따라 결과가 많이 갈리나봐요 조리빵류는 많이 만들어봤는데 바게트는 처음이라 저번엔 반죽이 너무 묽게나와서 망했는데 오늘 2번째로 도전했더니 너무 잘 나왔어요! 아직 영상만큼은 아니지만 다음번엔 더 잘나오겠죠?ㅎㅎ
Just so people know: T55 is Bread Flour and it is important to use this type of floor instead of AP
Good to know. Thank you!!
Great recipe, thank you! The result is much better than we can find in all local bakeries and groceries👍
냉장고에서 꼭 발효를 해줘야 하나요? 실온에 두는거랑 어떤 차이가 있나요
정말 잘 만든 샌드위치용 플레인빵 파는 곳이 정말 없는 이유가 있네요 ㅋㅋ
The recipe for processed bread is very easy, the bread is also crispy and very tasty. Thanks for the recipe for the bread 😍
Please, see my question above. Jayme (Sao Paulo/Brazil)
Yes and really needs a lot of patience coz it also requires many hours of proofing the dough too 😆
Finally someone that writes properly the number of flour! I guess 55 is 550 in other countries which I use often for baking bread. Great recipe
Perfect method. Homemade bread recipe that looks delicious and very soft. Thanks for sharing my friend 👍
❤yes you should go on a picnic but do not forget fresh cucumbers and lettuce and tomato slices! Yummy!❤
Clair , simple à comprendre et à reproduire avec un très beau résultat ! . L'essentiel et juste l'essentiel sont sont dits . Je suis convaincu , je m'abonne à cette chaine , au risque de grossir !
Mais où est le problème?
Avec mon accompagnement pour le gym, cela ira bien!
Just made this today… Best baguette recipe! Detailed instructions, foolproof and absolutely delicious. Salty and full of umami.
네 집에서 만들었다고 하면
안 믿을것 같아요~
진짜 구수해 보이네융
맛있겠다 ㅠㅈㅠ
영상 감사합니다!!
Как многое Вы умеете.... И все по Высшему разряду...
Вами удивлены в России и счастливы наблюдать за Вашим искусством....
Да сохранит Вас Господь на многая и благая лета !!!!
Made your recipe the other day. Great results. Dough yielded two 197g loaves. Normally, baguettes are a bit bigger but loved the results nonetheless. Will definitely try it again.
Today I did. The cake is very fragrant and delicious. thank you for sharing. I from Việt Nam.
Guys I just made it and it's delicious. I didn't even follow all the steps cause I was too lazy yet it turned out great. Next time I'll double the quantity cause I can eat a whole baguette by myself 😅 This is definitely a must try.
I followed your recipe and it was both fun to do and rewarding. Thanks.
Elles ont l'air parfaites ces baguettes. Bravo et merci.
The best recipe at all! I baked yesterday and want bake it today again
Thanks for sharing your recipe. Looks delicious!🥖
Trying this as a half batch as I only had 1 cup of flour left but I really wanted to try it.
my dough looks a litte more wet (used just under 1 cup of warm water to activate the yeast)
still a bit wet so I did my first fold with the spatula. waiting on my second fold.
will see how it looks after fold 2 and 3. and the 15hrs
If I cant form into baguettes I may just spread out into a small pan and make foccaccia or pizza with it.
Experimenting with what ingredients I have at home for now.
cheers 🥖
Прекрасная подача без музыки и только работа . Браво 🙌
바게트 시간이 엄청 쓰이는 제빵이네요,,ㅠ 맨날 치아바타 만들어 먹다가 바게트도 도전해볼까 했는데 포기합니다,, 바게트 완벽하게 만드시다니 최고세요
C’est le plus beau pain (baguette) que j’ai vu à faire soi même en tuto . Bravo 👏🏻
Trop long
우와 틀 없이도 바게트를 이렇게 예쁘게 만들다니..!!!다음에 꼭 해보겠어요!! 영상 넘 예뻐요ㅎㄹ
t55 밀가루 어떤 거 쓰셨는지 궁금해요^^ 오늘 이 레시피로 두 번째 구웠는데 너무 맛있어요..
근데 저는 반죽이 너무 질어서 폴딩할 때마다 손에 다 묻고 던져지지가 않아요 😂
성형도 제대로 못했는데 너무 맛있어서 다시 도전하고 싶어용
영상 공유 감사해요
넘 맛있어보이네요 감사합니다 이집트에서 인사드립니다 🇪🇬
اجدع ناس 😂
파리바게트나 뚜레주르에서 파는 가짜 바게트 말고 이런 찐 바게트 먹고싶었는데 만들어보려고 했더니 음...^^
Merci pour la recette ça fait longtemps que je cherchais cette sorte de pain😍
사먹고싶네..치아바타 느낌이네 성심당이 저렇든데 겉은 저렇게 바삭은아니지만 속이뻥뻥
They look really nice! Congrats!
If you want them to be even more tastier, prepare a poolish the night before and incorporate it to your mix the next day. It will also help with the conservation of the baguette
@@SPM1966SPM that's a type of yeast pre-ferment.
Just see the visual result, it very good! I am not baker but very tempting to try out!
Thanks for sharing!
Good and clear instructions.