I found a Vocal Version w/ lyrics & Choirs could sing them like this Welcome to this jumpin' join they got aliens having happy hour hive of scum and villainy when the cultures can all feels empowered that's mos eisley for you, though : it's inclusive, full of joy all are welcome if you're ain't a droid lizard man baby bat check out all these patrons yeti sloth cosmonaut literaly satan if you got nuts and bolts ain't your situation targeted casual racism to nobody but the droids each cantina customer has a criminal record or weapons solo freeakin' shout a dude and some jedi performed amputation no one seems to give a damn they just shrug and keep on drinkin yet they deny entrance for the droids clanker and goldenrod those are racial slurs sold as slaves, torture caves no one has it worse yet it's all understood in the universe that it is super ok to be, racist only to the droids They'll plow fields,they'll pilots ships they're fluent in most languages they're sentient,compassionate,intelligent,high tech plus every single character in every single movie would be dead without ol' R2 so what you can take away from this swingin and jaunty little lecture is that you should not be cruel to a being that has pain receptor droids have feelings through and through at least that's true here in star wars where this music style is called is called jazz
I found a Vocal Version w/ lyrics & Choirs could sing them like this
Welcome to this jumpin' join
they got aliens having happy hour
hive of scum and villainy
when the cultures can
all feels empowered
that's mos eisley for you, though :
it's inclusive, full of joy
all are welcome
if you're ain't a droid
lizard man
baby bat
check out all these patrons
yeti sloth
literaly satan
if you got nuts and bolts
ain't your situation
targeted casual racism
to nobody but the droids
each cantina customer
has a criminal record or weapons
solo freeakin' shout a dude
and some jedi performed amputation
no one seems to give a damn
they just shrug and keep on drinkin
yet they deny entrance for the droids
clanker and goldenrod
those are racial slurs
sold as slaves, torture caves
no one has it worse
yet it's all understood
in the universe
that it is super ok to be,
racist only to the droids
They'll plow fields,they'll pilots ships
they're fluent in most languages
plus every single character
in every single movie
would be dead without ol' R2
so what you can take away
from this swingin and
jaunty little lecture
is that you should not be cruel
to a being that has pain receptor
droids have feelings through and through
at least that's true here in star wars
where this music style
is called is called jazz