I will teach you, its easy. Just don't give a shit, do whatever you want to do, because nobody knows what they are doing either. There is no guidebook to life, narrator man does not know any more than you do, he is just more confident than you are. If you act with confidence, it does not matter what kind of stupid and weird thing you do, everyone will think you have it figured out and they will start asking you for advice.
It's called "having a father" and feminism successfully destroyed that by telling women they can sleep around and have no reason to commit to one guy - "fun" fact: it destroys the women too, because it goes against their natural hardwiring (except maybe some borderline transsexual women who have semi-male brains due to high testosterone levels in their mother's womb, yes, that is a thing, it's pretty well researched).
hi everyone ,if anyone else wants to learn about how do i how to flirt in texts try Tarbetti Instant Text Tutor (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? Ive heard some great things about it and my work buddy got excellent results with it.
In high school, I hated it when a girl who was asked out by a dude went about and slandered the poor guy as if he was breaking some sort of code like "How dare a straight boy ask me out! He has quite the nerve!" She never talks to him again. That's what has since made it very hard for me to do it since I had the wrong idea about adults because high school is a strange time. So far, I've only had polite rejection. It is difficult, but I've come to learn that they never hated me for it and that has made me very glad. Even if we were barely acquaintances after that, we still got along fine.
I had a similar problem. I heard every kind of excuse not to date me and not one rejections was an honest answer. Not I'm terrified to ask anyone out and I can't even tell if someone likes me. I rarely get to even hang out with women. Most of them say they'll check their schedule and that's as far as it goes. It really sucks but I have gotten over my fear of being single forever and I really think that's probably what will happen. So I'll just continuer to learn on how to be the best man I can be and not worry about relationships. It doesn't make anyone a failure if they can't find love, it only makes them a failure if they let that failure define them.
The bad thing is I have only been out since march of last year. The women in college are so much nicer, but I'm lucky just to talk to them. I don't get to hang out because they're busy doing some amazing things.
actionLEGOs I feel the same way. It feels like everyone else is doing something great and finding who they will be in their lives and I'm just a background character in their amazing story they will tell their children. My social life is pretty slim, so it's hard to get into established circles unless you already had one somehow like from High School or through family and find a significant other. I thought it was as easy as getting out more, but nobody is going to come to you with their arms open. Walking up to people, especially woman, and being friendly can only be done by certain people and does not work most of the time, at least for me, anyway.
I know. People keep telling me I'll find my perfect person, but I'm skeptical. Once I graduate college I doubt I'll go out much. I don't want to find someone who only likes me when she's drunk at a bar. So I'm hoping I find someone, but I'm fully prepared in case that never happens.
There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity. Remember the the Brad Pitt rule. If she's interested, she'll let you know that it's safe to make a move.
Brenda B I know L.D.S . members, so yes they do have boy, girl church socials where some woman meet there husband. And "going for a few years" I meant missionary work/ temple stuff.
This is a fantastic instructional. One thing that truly distinguishes a man from a boy is his ability to ask women on dates. Coming up with creative and fun date ideas is one way to show a woman that to actually care about her. If she hates all of your ideas or rejects you, then you probably don't want that kind of woman long term anyway. Thanks Art of Manliness for posting. Fantastic vid!
Thanks for all of the great advice. There ARE nice people online! And I did get up my courage and went there to pick up an RX. Her coworker helped me so I asked her if the woman in question had a boyfriend ( because she never wore a ring). Turns out she is married. I would have been more embarrassed but the coworker thought it was cute and sweet. I could tell she was excited to go and tell her the second I was gone. So I left with a little dignity. Now when I go there they all look at me with extra big smiles and eyes that say ( oh that's the poor guy who....whatever) . But that's ok. I faced my fear, and it didn't kill me. I'm a little proud of that.
Gale Garcia Tell me, what´s wrong with my observation? I´m not stating my opinion here. Never understood why people like you prefer insulting over reasoning.
Ah, I'm not the only one. How many other people out there are not the target demographic but use it to understand that demographic? It need not be only this channel but other ones too. A lot of this site's and channel's content, like survival skills, understanding how cars work, social skills, and good books to read are of value to both sexes, and I enjoy it for that.
If you asked out, you pay. The end. I have learned the hard way that if I've asked someone out, set the date, and she asks if we should split it, she's just being nice. You decline and pay anyway, or you're probably never seeing her again.
Did you not hear that men take initiative? That means you're a free meal buddy. They won't ever pay because they won't ever ask you out because they are "women"
Eh, I'm on the fence with the paying portion. I've been on so many bland first dates where I just felt like I was a meal ticket for them and they weren't actually interested.
Hooray! Bill and Mr. Narrator Man are back! Can we get more videos starring these two? They're incredibly entertaining and the information provided is extremely useful.
I'm so glad they mentioned the movies thing. I always tell my friends that's a bad first date. Also I think who ever asks should be the one to plan and offer to pay for the date, and it is perfectly acceptable for a woman to be the one to ask (I have. I think playing games is dumb).
"You are no worse off getting rejected than you where before you asked." Not true because now your wishes and desires are out in the open and can be ridiculed, looked down upon and judged. That is probably the reason why many men are anxious to pursue dates. In order to get a chance to find happiness and companionship you have to give up your quite dignity and that is very scary indeed.
Agreed. But, the point is you have to let go of your ego if you want to be satisfied with yourself. Your regret later in life is much more painful than the temporary rejection or ridicule that you face. You can't change the past, but you can make the future.
3:30 "Think about it. You're no worse off getting rejected than before you asked." ...except you will have lost all of your self esteem and will to live.
andrew Infante Literally the perfect date (if you can stand being with her for a few hours). Quiet enough to talk, yet loud enough to avoid awkward silence
Mr. Narrator-Man: "And remember, Bill, once you've wined and dined her-and paid the tab, of course-she'll conclude the evening and go to the bar with her girlfriends. Once there, she will become inebriated and 'hook-up' with an exciting alpha male. Sorry, Bill, you will have to settle for Rosey Palm and her five sisters. You will eventually cry yourself to sleep, though..." Bill: "Thanks, Mr. Narrator-man!!!"
My girlfriend and I 'fight' over who pays the bill all the time. It's gotten to the point where its a bit of an inside joke. Sometimes she insists on paying, sometimes I pay. It depends on the woman, and what she wants and expects.
First off the movies are a great first date. Go to a movie FIRST then go out to eat. if the conversation gets stale you have the movie to talk about. Since im a film student movies are my language and comfort zone to easily transition into something else.
I'm just trying to figure out how it costs money to leave a toilet seat up. And frankly, the only heartache I've experienced with leaving a toilet seat up was that one time I accidentally fell in when I was really, really drunk.
Wow... not impressed. Women and men need each other. Maybe we each play a different role, but we compliment each other well. The problems come in when we don't treat each other as equals. I don't mean that we're the same, because the genders are completely different, but you cannot elevate one above the other. And believe me: there are still good women out there.
pilotwannabe235 How are we treating each other as "equals" when the man has to chance hurting his pride and ask for the date? Then pay for dinner.. open doors... bend down on one knee to propose... and give into her every wish while married... while she racks up the credit card and sits on her fat ass?
***** Okay, okay, I get what you're getting at. I guess I still hold to the traditional view of marriage as a partnership where both the man and the woman serve each other. And I've grown up in a culture where the women are stay-at-home mums who don't get jobs, and basically obey the husband's every wish. So, I've grown up with women being at the back end of the receiving line, where they are obedient and submissive to their husbands... whether or not their husbands treat them fairly or not. It sounds like you have seen the other side. Women can be selfish and sometimes take advantage of their man. But men can be selfish as well. You cannot generalize every person of a certain gender just because you've seen certain ones at their worst. Personally, I'm actually a woman (don't stop taking me seriously now), and when men open doors for me, or pay for me, I just feel like I'm being treated like I'm worth something to that person. And it makes me want to step up and do the same for them. (Kind of how when people are respected, earned or unearned, it often awakens in them a desire to act more honorably.) However, due to feminism now, you never can tell whether a women will slap you in the face if you open the door for her or thank you. So men really are in the worst position. My view? Treat others, men and women, like you want to be treated. Simple. And you don't have to go about it traditionally either.
There are alternatives. Go to a museum, for coffee, on a walk, to an interesting lecture.... I remember going out with a girl on a first date and taking her just for some ice cream and a stroll on the park. She had a great time. It´s all about the conversation.
I think that TheChelas69 said it perfectly. Maybe there is a place in your town that you take a girl on a cool hike. One the the best dates that I ever went on was a simple bike ride. If you can get into Costco, you can go try all the free samples for an afternoon. Hope this helps! :)
Pursuing a doctorate in physics, I got another decade in school :p I'll have to figure something out at some point. But Thanks for the advice, I agree with it.
I like the point on paying for the meal. I don't think paying is a requirement and no woman should go on a date requiring/expecting their meal be paid for, but it really is a nice gesture and if you're really interested in a woman shouldn't you want to do a nice gesture for her?
+Mr. White not wanting equal pay is showing men we care about them? I'm sorry to break it to you (not really), but wanting equal pay isn't a radical or ridiculous request, it's kind of a rational request (and it's not a personal attack against men either) And I don't see how this plays a part in dating. If you don't like the woman, simply don't pay for her meal. Easy as that. Or if you don't want to pay for her meal because it goes against your principles, simply don't pay for it. If she's the right woman for you, she'll be okay with it. If she's not okay with it then she isn't the girl you should be dating anyway. Again, easy as that. Not everything has to be a political statement/women wanting equal pay is not an attack on men.
Wawazzup It says to me that hypocrites like you only want "equality" when it's convenient. You're more than happy to accept traditional gender roles when it benefits you.
+Mr. White +Wawa Wawa, women have equal pay, women just have different lifestyle choices. Think about that. Mr. White, she didn't bring up equal pay first so chill.
K Shine Well, as Mister Narrator-man says, you're not really any worse off ... if anything, you're a bit better off since you know the answer, rather than rolling around in uncertainty. And you're doing it in the most vulnerable way possible ... which is also the most gutsy way possible.
Some great truths in this video... Do you use a certain type of sound editing program to get the old school voice over effect or is it a combination of the narrators voice and the program?
If you are on a date, always offer to pay for her meal or ticket. If she becomes too stubborn, then agree to split the costs evenly. There is no point in starting an argument if she doesn't want you to pay. Trust me, I have been on a few dates where the girl would say that she would rather have the costs evenly divided because her pride gets to her head.
this is the kind of woman you want. she values you, herself, and there's no sense of "deserving" this or that. if you keep footing the bill, you will feel resentment after a while. so expect her to pay for herself. don't ask.
I prefer that the man pays. If he is worried about money then take me for a coffee or an icecream. It is a masculine gesture to have a man pay and it will attract a more feminine women. If I had to pay for my date I would not want to go on a date with that person anymore. As a women I see him as not a generous person. My husband paid for all of our dates and we have been happily together for 14 years. "Equality" belongs in the workplace not in romantic relationships. Women love to feel taken care of and most men enjoy providing that. If you are not that type of guy you will need to find a more masculine woman.
Cool. Since you brought it up, it makes a woman very feminine if she performs fellatio on her date before he pays for the coffee. Seeing as how you're set on gender roles, you'd be fine with this...yes?
Contrary to your belief system, being feminine is not synonymous with being entitled to anything from a man. Lots of abusive men have paid for a date's coffee and lots of abusive and very masculine women have accepted. Equality applies everywhere, not just where you think it does. A woman paying for herself on a first date shows that she has a sense of personal responsibility and that she values a man for more than what he can provide. It also holds women accountable. A woman is going to be more discerning about who she goes out with if she knows she's going to be held accountable for her portion of it. If we as a society told women that men expected them to put out on the first date, we'd all be in an uproar. So guess what? I work hard for what I have and no amount of societal expectation is going to make me fork over any money until I am good and ready. If one woman does not like that, I will replace her with one who does. It's the fair way to go.
+FemBot btw- shaming someone into doing what you want isn't exactly a good way for women to start courting a guy. relationships are about open communication. any woman that would shame a man or who would not want to see him again bc he made her pay for herself...throws a red flag right off the bat. for guys, making her pay for herself is a test. we need a woman with no sense of entitlement and who values us beyond being an ATM.
For the average woman...probably. Me? No. I break the awkward quick, cause I'm a weirdo (punk-esque), like doing stupid cheap shit, and I actually do pay for my dates 90% of my life. But the text-ask out thing, I actually agree with. Call her. CALL her.
This is a very American attitude. In Western Europe there is no real dating scene. It consists of hanging out as friends, usually with a group, and later on realising you're into each other.
The "paid for" thing is situational. Eating out can be super expensive and I've had several different women tell me they absolutely hate it. It CAN give the impression that you're implying they NEED you to buy it for them, and it also adds this strange transactional aspect to things. For example, if she really doesn't enjoy your company, you buying her dinner can make things awkward as it would be "rude" for her to just ditch after you essentially just bought her a gift. And on the other hand, if you have a few dates in a week, covering someone else's meals could cost the equivalent of a day's wages. So it's situational - I would say this advice is great for very young men, or perhaps someone you've already had a few conversations with, or met in a social situation. I think the coffee thing is a great suggestion because you can just ask them what they'd like and pick it up - its just a coffee, after all.
"You would!" Drops phone
Wait...Bill...finish the phone call!!!
+ZombieMommy I also wonder why Mr. Narrator Man didn't react to that.
One step at a time.. :D
Don't worry guys, she may or may not have an older sister. Bad alternative, I know.
Probably because Mr. Narrator Man is secretly hoping to get with her instead lol
or hear a "hello billy you still there? billy?"
I wish I had a Mr. Narrator-Man to teach me what to do in situations that I suck at.
you mean life?
Even better!
Xeqcme it's your chance to become him lol. You can do it for other people who need help
I will teach you, its easy. Just don't give a shit, do whatever you want to do, because nobody knows what they are doing either. There is no guidebook to life, narrator man does not know any more than you do, he is just more confident than you are. If you act with confidence, it does not matter what kind of stupid and weird thing you do, everyone will think you have it figured out and they will start asking you for advice.
It's called "having a father" and feminism successfully destroyed that by telling women they can sleep around and have no reason to commit to one guy - "fun" fact: it destroys the women too, because it goes against their natural hardwiring (except maybe some borderline transsexual women who have semi-male brains due to high testosterone levels in their mother's womb, yes, that is a thing, it's pretty well researched).
Anyone feel like the narrator is about to tell me the Krabby Pattu Formula
Tage Energy ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli
Sounds like a lot of HOOPLAH
*[hooplah intensifies]*
Plot twist, she has an affair with mr.narrator man
If you watch until the end Mr. Narrator Man asks "does she have an older sister?"
+Julian Martinez cuz 2 is better than 1
+Angelo lmaooooooo
+Angelo - Calm down M. Night Shyamalan... But seriously lol :D
hi everyone ,if anyone else wants to learn about how do i how to flirt in texts try Tarbetti Instant Text Tutor (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? Ive heard some great things about it and my work buddy got excellent results with it.
"Why didn't you marry her?"
"She never asked!"
Bill, you're still on the line!
I thought the same thing. X-D
USpatriot741776 stupid bill!!
USpatriot741776 Oh, Bill!
USpatriot741776 Haaaaahhh
+USpatriot741776 Girl: Who the hell is Mr. Narrator Man?
"This is your chance to show courage in the face of risk."
I wish all of my competition were like this guy. I'd be a beast.
John Doe hello John Doe
John Doe lol
well many men are opting out of relationships to go MGTOW and that movement is growing
214truema what’s MGTOW?
It's not three Paired off, Planned, and Paid for. It's People Order Our Patties.
Garçon POOP
Or: People obliterate overcooked pancakes.
Oohh, POOP!
In high school, I hated it when a girl who was asked out by a dude went about and slandered the poor guy as if he was breaking some sort of code like "How dare a straight boy ask me out! He has quite the nerve!" She never talks to him again. That's what has since made it very hard for me to do it since I had the wrong idea about adults because high school is a strange time. So far, I've only had polite rejection. It is difficult, but I've come to learn that they never hated me for it and that has made me very glad. Even if we were barely acquaintances after that, we still got along fine.
I had a similar problem. I heard every kind of excuse not to date me and not one rejections was an honest answer. Not I'm terrified to ask anyone out and I can't even tell if someone likes me. I rarely get to even hang out with women. Most of them say they'll check their schedule and that's as far as it goes. It really sucks but I have gotten over my fear of being single forever and I really think that's probably what will happen. So I'll just continuer to learn on how to be the best man I can be and not worry about relationships. It doesn't make anyone a failure if they can't find love, it only makes them a failure if they let that failure define them.
actionLEGOs You described what I feel pretty accurately.
The bad thing is I have only been out since march of last year. The women in college are so much nicer, but I'm lucky just to talk to them. I don't get to hang out because they're busy doing some amazing things.
actionLEGOs I feel the same way. It feels like everyone else is doing something great and finding who they will be in their lives and I'm just a background character in their amazing story they will tell their children. My social life is pretty slim, so it's hard to get into established circles unless you already had one somehow like from High School or through family and find a significant other. I thought it was as easy as getting out more, but nobody is going to come to you with their arms open. Walking up to people, especially woman, and being friendly can only be done by certain people and does not work most of the time, at least for me, anyway.
I know. People keep telling me I'll find my perfect person, but I'm skeptical. Once I graduate college I doubt I'll go out much. I don't want to find someone who only likes me when she's drunk at a bar. So I'm hoping I find someone, but I'm fully prepared in case that never happens.
3:20 This is your chance to show courage in the face of risk. Well put.
There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity. Remember the the Brad Pitt rule. If she's interested, she'll let you know that it's safe to make a move.
@@malachi405 Maybe for you. I just approach the women I find attractive and see where it goes.
"You're no worse off than before you were rejected." Damn, that's so true.
"Oh Bill, gird up your loins and ask her out like a man." HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA Love the usage of biblical language for the art of manliness!
Jordan Jenkins gird up thy loins! he that findeth a wife findeth a good thing. hhahaha
I know haha
Is that Steven Crowder's brother? 😂
squirlamania was thinking the same thing
Believe it or not, it actually is
Wait, is it really?
@flmvdvsrg Holy frick
@@dawnbreaker508 Jordan Crowder
Talk about a stupid masochistic idea! Go build something in your shop instead!!
Allan Gianferante Not that I agree but I think you mean "misogynistic"
***** Mormons have dates with other Mormons at parties they hold at their house or church. The guys go away for a few years after high school though.
Dakota Neuman None of what you said is true. Best to know what you're talking about before posting.
Brenda B I know L.D.S . members, so yes they do have boy, girl church socials where some woman meet there husband. And "going for a few years" I meant missionary work/ temple stuff.
"Would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight"
"Yeah I'd like that"
"You Would?!!" Epic fail right there.
bro I got an ego to maintain. I can't handle rejection.
+Matthew Barnard lol same here the thing that hurts my ego i stop doing it
Worst thing she can say is no dude
Rejection's not so bad, it can be painful and mortifying at the time, but the more it happens the more you learn to take it on the chin
For fucks sake, 71 people upvoted this? What are yall even doing on this channel?!
I laughed so hard. Thank you.
"Paying for a date is like presenting a slaughtered mastodon at her feet... but, less bloody" I lost my shit
Oh, hey! It's Steven Crowder's brother
This is a fantastic instructional. One thing that truly distinguishes a man from a boy is his ability to ask women on dates. Coming up with creative and fun date ideas is one way to show a woman that to actually care about her. If she hates all of your ideas or rejects you, then you probably don't want that kind of woman long term anyway. Thanks Art of Manliness for posting. Fantastic vid!
"Does she have an older sister"? 😂
Thanks for all of the great advice. There ARE nice people online! And I did get up my courage and went there to pick up an RX. Her coworker helped me so I asked her if the woman in question had a boyfriend ( because she never wore a ring). Turns out she is married. I would have been more embarrassed but the coworker thought it was cute and sweet. I could tell she was excited to go and tell her the second I was gone. So I left with a little dignity. Now when I go there they all look at me with extra big smiles and eyes that say ( oh that's the poor guy who....whatever) . But that's ok. I faced my fear, and it didn't kill me. I'm a little proud of that.
This old film look and grainy audio confuses me when there is a macbook in the background and they're talking about video games.
"Don't modern dames like to go Dutch?" Dang it Bill get a grip
I first I asked myself "What am I doing here instead of sending my collage application?", but this channel actually made me understand men better.
+FreeThinker you're a special kind of stupid aren't you?
Gale Garcia
Tell me, what´s wrong with my observation? I´m not stating my opinion here.
Never understood why people like you prefer insulting over reasoning.
Ah, I'm not the only one. How many other people out there are not the target demographic but use it to understand that demographic? It need not be only this channel but other ones too.
A lot of this site's and channel's content, like survival skills, understanding how cars work, social skills, and good books to read are of value to both sexes, and I enjoy it for that.
@@FlamingCockatiel What's women's is women's and what's man's is women's too.
I love these 60's instructional videos! KEEP IT UP!
If you asked out, you pay. The end. I have learned the hard way that if I've asked someone out, set the date, and she asks if we should split it, she's just being nice. You decline and pay anyway, or you're probably never seeing her again.
Did you not hear that men take initiative? That means you're a free meal buddy. They won't ever pay because they won't ever ask you out because they are "women"
ironnemegon Not in Japan that is.
This is why that rule is bullshit. Men HAVE to ask her out so you're automatically obliged to pay, so much for equal rights?
True story
Pls bill...
"Do she have an older sister?" XD
HA he just left her on the phone with no explanation.
Eh, I'm on the fence with the paying portion. I've been on so many bland first dates where I just felt like I was a meal ticket for them and they weren't actually interested.
exactly. don't.
Invite them over and cook for them :)
Nope. Just go for coffee and go Dutch.
If u feel like she wasn´t interested in the 1st place, then don´t pay.
+A Google User so women who hold themselves accountable by paying for themselves are low quality?
Mr.narrator-man probably the most chivalry man this decade
I like how they were trying to point out the irony of feminism
Hooray! Bill and Mr. Narrator Man are back! Can we get more videos starring these two? They're incredibly entertaining and the information provided is extremely useful.
we need Bill and Mr.Narrator to return. the world needs them!
I'm so glad they mentioned the movies thing. I always tell my friends that's a bad first date. Also I think who ever asks should be the one to plan and offer to pay for the date, and it is perfectly acceptable for a woman to be the one to ask (I have. I think playing games is dumb).
"I think playing games is dumb" That maybe true for you, but it's certainly not so for 100% I've tried to flirt with. I think they revel in it.
David Ndiulor yea I know what you mean. Just personally that's how I am. I upset with both men and my fellow women for doing things like that
"You are no worse off getting rejected than you where before you asked."
Not true because now your wishes and desires are out in the open and can be ridiculed, looked down upon and judged. That is probably the reason why many men are anxious to pursue dates. In order to get a chance to find happiness and companionship you have to give up your quite dignity and that is very scary indeed.
Agreed. But, the point is you have to let go of your ego if you want to be satisfied with yourself. Your regret later in life is much more painful than the temporary rejection or ridicule that you face. You can't change the past, but you can make the future.
Noooo they don't Bill.. LOL, so true
That's how every one should end a conversation!
Just discovered this channel. This is pure gold
These are so well made. They're basic, sure, but the pacing and narration is fucking spot on 50's PSA style.
This is such a cool channel! I love the old timey feel it has. I'm gonna buy Brett's book!
lol "Does she have an older sister?" Perfect!
So simple, yet so difficult >_
Buzzcut Black 100% truth
3:30 "Think about it. You're no worse off getting rejected than before you asked."
...except you will have lost all of your self esteem and will to live.
"Does she have an older sister.." hahahaha
This is the freaking greatest channel on TH-cam.
Anita Sarkeesian has been here 34 times and counting
+Uncle Victor Sheesh, she managed to get 36 other brainwashed feminists to come. In one year. They're breaking records here!
"you want her to be attracted to you, right .... hunky provider" attraction by providing WTF
Ahhh... My favourite style of film from AoM and Bill.
"No, they don't Bill." lol 2:34
Baseball games! $10 a ticket and less than $10 for food. A lot of them have fireworks after the show. Perfect, cheap date!
Farmer Nate see, now that is some solid advice.
andrew Infante Literally the perfect date (if you can stand being with her for a few hours). Quiet enough to talk, yet loud enough to avoid awkward silence
I'd usually go for ice cream. But good back up if she's lactose intolerant
If she likes sports...
Agreed Baseball games are great you'll get 2-3 hours of one on one time.
Every time the narrator kicks in I just die of laughter haha
Mr. Narrator-Man: "And remember, Bill, once you've wined and dined her-and paid the tab, of course-she'll conclude the evening and go to the bar with her girlfriends. Once there, she will become inebriated and 'hook-up' with an exciting alpha male. Sorry, Bill, you will have to settle for Rosey Palm and her five sisters. You will eventually cry yourself to sleep, though..."
Bill: "Thanks, Mr. Narrator-man!!!"
i read somewhere that some combat veterans had less fear of death than asking a girl out on a date...
I just picked up on this channel today, but I love Mr. Narrator-Man and Bill
4:11 does she have an older sister? hahaha
+shishido7 good lord :D
Ha, the song in the background is Tea for Two.
Thank you for calling them woman cause who wants to date a girl.
flap cat spot on bra
Young people. It's the same fucking thing. Young say girl, old say woman.
flap cat Lmao says the one with a Spongebob thumbnail. Way to expose your own feelings buddy.
I think it's also worth mentioning to keep the mindset of: 'you're interested & you're getting to know the person better.'
"Does she have an older sister?" that killed me LOL
My girlfriend and I 'fight' over who pays the bill all the time. It's gotten to the point where its a bit of an inside joke. Sometimes she insists on paying, sometimes I pay. It depends on the woman, and what she wants and expects.
When do men mature?
The exact moment that women stop playing games.
Heime Schwartzbaum But all the girls i know love animal crossing 😭
First off the movies are a great first date. Go to a movie FIRST then go out to eat. if the conversation gets stale you have the movie to talk about. Since im a film student movies are my language and comfort zone to easily transition into something else.
Short, simple, and practical!
Asking on the phone or in person is so underrated. When I hear about my friends texting girls to 'hangout' then getting rejected, I cringe.
Save yourself the money the heartache and CONTINUE to leave your toilet seat up... Women need men MUCH more than men need women... NEVER forget that.
***** They can shop... and they can..... they can shop.
I'm just trying to figure out how it costs money to leave a toilet seat up. And frankly, the only heartache I've experienced with leaving a toilet seat up was that one time I accidentally fell in when I was really, really drunk.
Wow... not impressed. Women and men need each other. Maybe we each play a different role, but we compliment each other well. The problems come in when we don't treat each other as equals. I don't mean that we're the same, because the genders are completely different, but you cannot elevate one above the other. And believe me: there are still good women out there.
pilotwannabe235 How are we treating each other as "equals" when the man has to chance hurting his pride and ask for the date? Then pay for dinner.. open doors... bend down on one knee to propose... and give into her every wish while married... while she racks up the credit card and sits on her fat ass?
Okay, okay, I get what you're getting at. I guess I still hold to the traditional view of marriage as a partnership where both the man and the woman serve each other. And I've grown up in a culture where the women are stay-at-home mums who don't get jobs, and basically obey the husband's every wish. So, I've grown up with women being at the back end of the receiving line, where they are obedient and submissive to their husbands... whether or not their husbands treat them fairly or not. It sounds like you have seen the other side. Women can be selfish and sometimes take advantage of their man. But men can be selfish as well. You cannot generalize every person of a certain gender just because you've seen certain ones at their worst.
Personally, I'm actually a woman (don't stop taking me seriously now), and when men open doors for me, or pay for me, I just feel like I'm being treated like I'm worth something to that person. And it makes me want to step up and do the same for them. (Kind of how when people are respected, earned or unearned, it often awakens in them a desire to act more honorably.) However, due to feminism now, you never can tell whether a women will slap you in the face if you open the door for her or thank you. So men really are in the worst position. My view? Treat others, men and women, like you want to be treated. Simple. And you don't have to go about it traditionally either.
I like how she has a wedding ring
You guys of AoM, this Bill character has so much dramatic potential...
lmao, he said mypsace, im dead.
In university. Can't afford to date lol. So I don't.
There are alternatives. Go to a museum, for coffee, on a walk, to an interesting lecture....
I remember going out with a girl on a first date and taking her just for some ice cream and a stroll on the park. She had a great time. It´s all about the conversation.
I think that TheChelas69 said it perfectly. Maybe there is a place in your town that you take a girl on a cool hike. One the the best dates that I ever went on was a simple bike ride. If you can get into Costco, you can go try all the free samples for an afternoon. Hope this helps! :)
Stay in school, kid. Don't waste time or resources on women until you are properly grounded in a career, earning a fabulous living.
Pursuing a doctorate in physics, I got another decade in school :p I'll have to figure something out at some point. But Thanks for the advice, I agree with it.
Ahahahahhaha "does she have an older sister" fantastic
I like the point on paying for the meal. I don't think paying is a requirement and no woman should go on a date requiring/expecting their meal be paid for, but it really is a nice gesture and if you're really interested in a woman shouldn't you want to do a nice gesture for her?
Women should do a nice gesture towards men and stop whining about equal pay in the workplace. Show men how much you care for them and stuff like that.
+Mr. White not wanting equal pay is showing men we care about them? I'm sorry to break it to you (not really), but wanting equal pay isn't a radical or ridiculous request, it's kind of a rational request (and it's not a personal attack against men either) And I don't see how this plays a part in dating. If you don't like the woman, simply don't pay for her meal. Easy as that. Or if you don't want to pay for her meal because it goes against your principles, simply don't pay for it. If she's the right woman for you, she'll be okay with it. If she's not okay with it then she isn't the girl you should be dating anyway. Again, easy as that. Not everything has to be a political statement/women wanting equal pay is not an attack on men.
It says to me that hypocrites like you only want "equality" when it's convenient. You're more than happy to accept traditional gender roles when it benefits you.
+Mr. White +Wawa
Wawa, women have equal pay, women just have different lifestyle choices. Think about that.
Mr. White, she didn't bring up equal pay first so chill.
“You’re a hunky provider!” 😂😂😂
Great video! Perfect advice! You nailed it all! Thank you so much!
too bad I still ask girls out IN PERSON on regular dates but still get rejected every time
Keep doing what you're doing atleast you do it like a man face to face
you got this man keep it up. You're still way ahead of me at the moment
K Shine Well, as Mister Narrator-man says, you're not really any worse off ... if anything, you're a bit better off since you know the answer, rather than rolling around in uncertainty.
And you're doing it in the most vulnerable way possible ... which is also the most gutsy way possible.
Mr. Narrator-man is always so kind and willing to help. It's truly a shame he gets so many mean comments.
That line at the end. Oh you narrator.
The narrator's voice is magic.
Some great truths in this video... Do you use a certain type of sound editing program to get the old school voice over effect or is it a combination of the narrators voice and the program?
Thanks Mr. Narrator man!
If you are on a date, always offer to pay for her meal or ticket. If she becomes too stubborn, then agree to split the costs evenly. There is no point in starting an argument if she doesn't want you to pay. Trust me, I have been on a few dates where the girl would say that she would rather have the costs evenly divided because her pride gets to her head.
this is the kind of woman you want. she values you, herself, and there's no sense of "deserving" this or that.
if you keep footing the bill, you will feel resentment after a while.
so expect her to pay for herself. don't ask.
I prefer that the man pays. If he is worried about money then take me for a coffee or an icecream. It is a masculine gesture to have a man pay and it will attract a more feminine women. If I had to pay for my date I would not want to go on a date with that person anymore. As a women I see him as not a generous person. My husband paid for all of our dates and we have been happily together for 14 years. "Equality" belongs in the workplace not in romantic relationships. Women love to feel taken care of and most men enjoy providing that. If you are not that type of guy you will need to find a more masculine woman.
Since you brought it up, it makes a woman very feminine if she performs fellatio on her date before he pays for the coffee.
Seeing as how you're set on gender roles, you'd be fine with this...yes?
Contrary to your belief system, being feminine is not synonymous with being entitled to anything from a man.
Lots of abusive men have paid for a date's coffee and lots of abusive and very masculine women have accepted.
Equality applies everywhere, not just where you think it does.
A woman paying for herself on a first date shows that she has a sense of personal responsibility and that she values a man for more than what he can provide.
It also holds women accountable. A woman is going to be more discerning about who she goes out with if she knows she's going to be held accountable for her portion of it.
If we as a society told women that men expected them to put out on the first date, we'd all be in an uproar. So guess what?
I work hard for what I have and no amount of societal expectation is going to make me fork over any money until I am good and ready.
If one woman does not like that, I will replace her with one who does.
It's the fair way to go.
+FemBot btw- shaming someone into doing what you want isn't exactly a good way for women to start courting a guy. relationships are about open communication. any woman that would shame a man or who would not want to see him again bc he made her pay for herself...throws a red flag right off the bat.
for guys, making her pay for herself is a test. we need a woman with no sense of entitlement and who values us beyond being an ATM.
This video was great and very informational. I just subscribed to this channel.
As a woman, I can testify that I'd go on a date with a sea cucumber if they followed all of these things
I can't even get a girl to hang out with me :/
You're not missing anything really...just go out and make your own fun.
bro wtf you look exactly like the guy in the vid
"Does she have an older sister?"
Anyone moving to the US needs to know this. Definitely works different in other countries!
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD THANK YOU. i swear if i hear "hanging out" one more time....
Any women watching this?
Roxxy. is effective?
For the average woman...probably.
Me? No. I break the awkward quick, cause I'm a weirdo (punk-esque), like doing stupid cheap shit, and I actually do pay for my dates 90% of my life.
But the text-ask out thing, I actually agree with. Call her. CALL her.
This is a true chad helping others to become like him
You have my subscribe.
Nothing more manly and perfect than the good old style of the Old Times.
This is a very American attitude. In Western Europe there is no real dating scene. It consists of hanging out as friends, usually with a group, and later on realising you're into each other.
yes bring me slaughtered mastodon on our first date xD
What gets me is that Bill never hangs up. He just puts the phone down. 😅😂
The "paid for" thing is situational. Eating out can be super expensive and I've had several different women tell me they absolutely hate it. It CAN give the impression that you're implying they NEED you to buy it for them, and it also adds this strange transactional aspect to things. For example, if she really doesn't enjoy your company, you buying her dinner can make things awkward as it would be "rude" for her to just ditch after you essentially just bought her a gift. And on the other hand, if you have a few dates in a week, covering someone else's meals could cost the equivalent of a day's wages. So it's situational - I would say this advice is great for very young men, or perhaps someone you've already had a few conversations with, or met in a social situation. I think the coffee thing is a great suggestion because you can just ask them what they'd like and pick it up - its just a coffee, after all.
This is hilarious Ima pass this over too my friend he needs this lol.
aight dawg
For a kind of young boy this stuff is very helping
What an awesome style!
"Women like it when men take charge." -> TRIGGERED!
Instructions unclear, she didn't respond to my 50 google hangout messages