The problem was that she did not approach the jump correctly and the horse started jumping from a further distance that needed. The solution would have been to make sure the horse made a small stride before jumping.
Yes! The horse's head kept dipping down when landing. I expected a tumble at every jump. Horse and rider did not seem in sync at all. Definitely not the grasses fault. 100% the rider.
The whole ride looked out of control by rider. Nothing was in sync. Horse was struggling and rider was off balance for most of the ride. Glad everything turned out well.
To me the horse looks pretty tired... Struggling more and more with each fence... I hope they're both ok though especially after rolling over on one of the poles... 😢
agree, I don't know the horse on any other performance. However, he didn't seem to be having his best day at work. seemed a bit off through the whole course, could be a rider issue.
The horse looked tired and unfocused through out. Sour from competition. The fall was completely the rider's fault. Sometimes it's best not to push to the limits
I hate how she didnt stop earlier. The horse was clearly uncomfortable and she just immediately put the bridle back on when the horse nearly broke its neck
You guys know nothing about horses probably. Like if the horse doesn’t want to do the activity it will show signs of it and if the rider is nice then it will know straight away not to push them
This horse was struggling long before that fall. Not sure if it was a case of being tired, off day, or maybe the horse isn't even up to this level yet.
It's all gone too far , pushing horses so far past what they would naturally do , harming legs , necks and backs in the name of sport . The animals are well insured and therefore treated ad disposable
Erm. If you say this is abuse THEN NO did ya know some horses *like* doing this sorta thing? Did you know……? I mean yes thre rider and horse aren’t in sync so obviously the performance was not to plan. BUT THIS GENERALLY DONT HURT THE HORSE
Yeah, and putting the focus on the height of the jumps detracts from the aspects of dealing with a show jumping course that reflect responsiveness, flexibility, judgement, communication between rider & horse etc
@@famouskate9071 lol, he needed more speed for the spread, and he tried to tell the rider...and yes, I've seen horses take worse falls in the pasture...these guys are pros and they will be back
Horse looks absolutely exhausted☹️ I’m so fricken tired of seeing people with big egos cause their horses pain…enough already. This fall was entirely her fault. Also the fact the announcer says “yup it’s grass it can be unpredictable and slippery” ok then why tf are the competitions being held on grass???
Ich kann es nur immer wieder sagen Pferde sind Fluchttiere dieses Ganze Turniere sind Geldmacherei auf Kosten der Tiere 😢das gehört total abgeschafft .....Es sei denn die Tiere laufen ohne Sattel und Geschirr im Maul freiwillig Mit Ihrem Reiter ,,,,,Das WÜRDE KÖNNEN DER REITER BEDEUTEN WAS JA AUGENSEINLICH NICHT VORHANDEN IST ..
Horse lands on face, nearly breaks neck, the rider shows zero concern, offers zero comfort, has zero interest in the pain and distress the horse is enduring. Horse, nearly breaks neck. Rider "Woops i made you land on your face, now stand still and cope with the pain while i slap this bridle back on." I have heard that one explanation as to the horrific treatment horses in "Sport" receive is that professional equestrians dispute that horses can actually feel pain. Seems daft, but looking at the grotesque things dressage, jumping and race horses are subjected to, it seems plausible. Its just abuse.
It probably took a while for the rider to just comprehend what just happened and she was probably hurt too (coming from an equestrian) Plus if u look closely the rider came up to the horse as soon as she fell but the horse immediately bolted
@@famouskate9071 Man shut up you know nothing. when this happened she landed on the ground as well as the horse I mean have you fallen down? And can you get up in 2 seconds? So shut the fuck up if you actually watch the video you can see as soon as she gets up she Stumbles towards her horse you have no idea what it's like to crash a horse do you? So shut the fuck up.
@@famouskate9071 Just shut up before you speak actually look into the video instead of saying YeS 100% cOrReCt. Like seriously let me ask you a question. Have you fell over and could you get up in 2 seconds? Nobody can as soon as she caught her breath she immediately checked on her horse but the horse stood up and ran so don't say 100% CoRrEcT when you don't even watch the video.
@@Thehack309_Fortnitetambién lo noté. Ella se callo de un caballo, dió vueltas y después del shock lo primero que hizo fue ver a su caballo y correr a él. Y pues si, se ve que el caballo está estresado y se necesitó que más gente le ayude a calmarlo. Yo tengo animales y cuando se estresan necesitas de más personas para poder calmarlos.
@@mrswoodbrookeDie Wortwahl ist egal. Dem Pferd ging's nicht gut und es ist nicht raus, ob es sich innere Verletzungen zugezogen hat. Das Pferd leidet, nicht diese verwöhnte reiche Göre. Springreiten gehört verboten!
Horrible horse fail??? More like terrible rider fail! She by no means should have been riding that horse. It was obvious at the first fence that she was not able to handle him.
What is the purpose of jumping horses over such high fences. This cannot be good for them. Sorry but just because you can doesn’t mean you should . Seams pretty cruel actually. What for a ribbon and some prize money. I dont agree at all that this sort of sport should be allowed. The horse is such a kind animal to even allow us to do this. I will never get this
When you work with horses accidents happen, accidents are pretty rare, and I totally agree with you when you said they are so kind to allow us to do this stuff to them! Their so friendly and I’m sure the riders would never want this to happen to their horse. I think the whole reason why the horse slipped was because the grass was slippery, there are specific breeds of horses that have been bred to favour in this discipline, Jumping is a sport and is an test of fitness and training and a partnership between horse and rider. It is an all round test of horse and rider. 😊❤
I do agree with you, but it’s not for, “some prize money”. Other than racing, show jumpers compete for the most money; the purses are thousands of dollars. Where there’s money, there will be abuse.
@@sherinnovak729 I do horse riding because I love working with horses and I one day would love to compete at a high level, in sports there’s most definitely people in their for the money, but show jumping isn’t like racing, unlike people who own race horses (most of the time they’ve never even ridden a horse) show jumpers spend countless hours of training and thousands of dollars just to do a sport, and I’m not saying some of these people aren’t abusive, the equestrian community is full of terrible people, but this was a total accident :)❤️
glad that the Horse didnt brak hios neck poor Thing trh Horse looks wearypoor Horse Horse jumping this high isnt okay for Horses I would never let my horse jump over such high obstacles. I would be too afraid of it getting injured like in the video. This is no Sport this is about Money nothing else
Well for one the horse was shaking his head and that’s one sign of discomfort so there could of been issues with the bit and two rider did not let the horse have his neck enough or have enough speed to go over the jump and before I get hate on my comments I’ve been riding for 18 years and show jumping for 15 so Ik what I’m saying also hope the horse was ok
Just because you've been riding for 18 years doesn't mean you're always right. This horse was tense, probably not trained right. The tension cause lack of performance and it went downhill.
Не самый удачный заход на очень сложный барьер. Это тройник, высотно-широтное препятствие - одно из самых сложных. При подходе к ним нельзя ошибаться, они выглядят даже немного угрожающе всегда, тк требует самого мощного прыжка и вверх и в длину! Я бы не сказала что очень сильно виноват всадник, тк лошадь сама Рано снялась, увидев препятствие. Но всадник должна была на подготовке к старту запомнить, что к тройнику нужно больше внимания при заходе и нужно было побольше сделать заезд перед ним. После предыдущего препятствия чуть правее заехать, чтобы лошадь издалека увидела барьер и успела правильно рассчитать шаги. Не забывайте, что лошади также считают и прицеливаются, при заходе на препятствие. Задача всадника - правильно показать следующий барьер.☝️☝️ Всадница должна была немного сбавить темп после предыдущего препятствия и более серьезно подойти к тройнику, а не просто по ходу движения скакать.
It actually is quite unnatural for horses to jump because they would never expose their bellies in the wild as they are precocial species not predators
Das finde ich auch. Ich hasse Reitsport in jeglicher Art, egal ob Springen, Dressur oder Vielseitigkeit. Das ist pure Tierquälerei. Gehört verboten!!! 👍👍😢😠
For the people who don't know she was riding the horse and the horse tripped over the pool and they both fell but just to let you know the horse is okay and she is okay too
I found the angle of the horse's fall over its neck disturbing but after looking it up, both horse and rider are still competing. This is Emma Emanuelson on the mare Canbella Blu. They competed in February in Gothenburg at a CSI 5*
This is why I ride western and don’t force my horse to do stuff when its tired I feel like some English riders abuse there horses so do western I don’t but I feel like jumping can be abuse sometimes
Pilot Error: This horse is "back-off" because it doesn't trust the rider's judgement. This rider has put this horse either too deep or too long on most of these fences. With confidence in the rider, this horse would be going forward with impulsion and clearing the fences with a margin. This horse has significant "scope" and capable of handling a large course. You also have to give some lack of credit to the rider's trainer also. If you ride at this level, you must do so from experience and confidence, which the horse picks up on immediately. The fact this horse jumped when asked is a testament to the horse.
Pferde sind nun mal keine Springtiere. Natürlich können sie kleine Hindernisse überspringen, aber nicht solche hohen. Vergleicht mal den Körperbau eines Pferdes mit dem einer Katze (egal ob Hauskatze, Tiger, Löwe, Gepard u.a.). Im Gegensatz zur Katze (langer, biegsamer Rücken, vergleichsweise kurze Beine) hat das Pferd einen kurzen Rücken und lange Beine, es ist ein Lauftier, jedoch kein Springtier. Ein Pferd zum Überspringen solch hoher Hürden zu zwingen ist Tierquälerei. Leider verletzen sich dabei die Pferde öfter als die Reiter, die es eigentlich verdient hätten!
I mean at least the horse and rider were ok after that and neither died, when I saw the short vid of it I thaught the horse broke its neck from landing on it
Guys it might be “sweet” but if you saw the way she was holding the rains so tight the horse was trying to get away because it hurt 😞 look at the video the horse is trying to run away from her
How many animals die or are injured each year in the insane competitions? They want to please the rider, but I don't see any horse at liberty doing this for fun. We're supposed to protect them from our stupidity.
That poor horse 🐎 hope it's ok. The horse's stride was off the entire time. You could see he was struggling to make and land the jumps. He wasn't being set up properly before the jumps. That is the riders responsibility, to calculate the number of strides, and either rein the the horse in, or encourage it to speed up. There was no chemistry or connection between horse and rider.
This is so sad. The rider wasn’t ready, the horse was struggling, I questioned if this was some hunter combo because that horse looked tired and slow. The rider flew up and slammed down before and after the jump, and was off balance causing discomfort in the horse. Hope their both okay.
Just to make this clear before ppl start going on every horse that competes are fully trained and I notice lots say abuse in racing well if u watch the horses ears are usally forward enjoying themselves I understand some ppl don’t like these things but look at the horses body language and for this incident I would say that corner was very tight and she couldn’t line the horse up properly and couldn’t turn in time or it could have been worse than what this incident was keep this in mind people x
Before he even reached the first fence I felt like he wasn't doing great. Something about his movement looks like he was either unwell/sick/hurt or absolutely exhausted but didn't want to disappoint the rider.
This poor horse looked petrified the whole time. I would feel awful if this happens to an animal when I was on it. It wasn’t her fault but this sport is cruel because clearly they don’t want to do this.
OK seriously why did they literally make the horse jump after just fell down which probably could catch probably some scratches like that’s horrible like, why would you let it recover or get back on his feet for like maybe an hour but I get it. It’s a horse show these people only care about themselves
Die können überhaupt nicht mit den Pferden umgehen. Die Pferde tun mir so leid,müssen über so hohe Hindernise springen. Das ist in meinen Augen Tierquälerei.😢
Think of the poor horses that like jumping. My friend rides horses and they enjoy jumping. It can’t be banned just like that. Pretty brutal if it was banned cause some people actually use money to do this. It would be pretty much millions gone to waste if show jumping was banned
I strongly disagree. Horses are trained and ridden specifically for sport most of the time. They would not be worth your money if you just kept them as pasture horses and having them do nothing. They wouldn't get the exercise they need if they were not trained and why would you train them if they are not going to do sport. You just don't understand the point so I suggest checking your facts before leaving a comment like this.
Not me thinking that ppl not notice that this is not good what they’re doing that horse needs to be free they’re like riding that horse like the horses are nothing i know riding horse is a hard sport but this is going to far i don’t know that im right bc i think this is not good for them they’re falling they’re jumping but what ppl not know is that horses maybe don’t want to do this… ppl who think that ppl need to see more what horses think or give them a little bit of freedom 👇
He nearly broke his neck. I hope they are going to get a vet and chiropractor to check for injuries. He did not trust his rider. But obviously loves his groom.
I like how the announcer was saying “ohh the grass is unpredictable “ when it’s very obvious it’s just a big jump and it’s unnatural for a horse to jump like that, there’s so many people in this kind of sport that abuse their horses,
@@CatHobbyHorsingit’s not the accident what it is is pushing these horses over jumps that they would never naturally do a horse would never do a jump that big or that long with out a rider it’s ok to jump horses until your make them go over jumps this huge.
@@CatHobbyHorsing and that’s going farther with making horses go over jumps that are huge compared to them there is a horse at the barn I ride at and his joints are busted from jumping he’s retired but his joints are permanently damaged in fact jumping stresses tendons leaving to tendon ruptures later horses are not meant to jump like that
Well after all other comments I read say all what I think..... Just hope the horse is fine. All I ask is, is the vet bills and chiropractor etc bills worth all this? I'd think not. Horses are meant to be treasured and for enjoyment not for this!!!
Obviously the horse DID NOT want the bridle back on. Why are you trying to shove it back on? Give the poor horse a moment, let it chill, reset, then slip on a halter. It worked through it once the halter was on as he was stress relieving with snorts.
I understand everyone thinks jumping is abuse, but really it’s a practice and some horses actually love jumping. It completely depends on the rider and horse. Please don’t shame an entire sport because of one mistake, and besides the horse didn’t look too exhausted, he was just in a bit of a hurry and she pulled a bit too much. It wasn’t their fault it was just a misunderstanding of communication. Also if you think it’s abuse search up the highest jump in riding history, you can clearly see how excited that horse was for that jump.
The problem was that she did not approach the jump correctly and the horse started jumping from a further distance that needed. The solution would have been to make sure the horse made a small stride before jumping.
Yes! The horse's head kept dipping down when landing. I expected a tumble at every jump. Horse and rider did not seem in sync at all. Definitely not the grasses fault. 100% the rider.
Yes that is what I see in the video also ! c'est bien ce que je vois aussi!
Oui elle a fait une erreur dans le nombre de foulées
The horse thought it was an oxer
The whole ride looked out of control by rider. Nothing was in sync. Horse was struggling and rider was off balance for most of the ride. Glad everything turned out well.
This horse looked tired from the get go . Even it's breathing sounded off . Glad they're okay .
It jumped to early and yes, it could be tired but the jumps are tiring
Tired horses don’t pull to the jumps
Didn't the horse die
Obviously not if it got up and ran off soundly
To me the horse looks pretty tired... Struggling more and more with each fence... I hope they're both ok though especially after rolling over on one of the poles... 😢
agree, I don't know the horse on any other performance. However, he didn't seem to be having his best day at work. seemed a bit off through the whole course, could be a rider issue.
Did the horse get hurt when he knocked down that rail? Know one knows because no one checked the horse.
@@janethill4365The announcer said they were getting veterinary care at the end of the vid.
As someone who rides I agree on this, poor guy. But thanks God they're both ok, looked real bad at first but he was fine
I agree. Seemed taxed pretty good half way through 😮
It looked to me as though the rider was jumping fences slightly beyond her ability to safely navigate over them.
It looked to you😂
Are you dumb ? The horse thought it was an oxer and not a SPA it's obvious... jesus
The rider didn't do their job.
The horse looked tired and unfocused through out. Sour from competition. The fall was completely the rider's fault.
Sometimes it's best not to push to the limits
I completely agree with you….
A 100% true what you say
He was blowing and farting. Looked very sluggish. Those big old fences are making him sick of jumping.
Agreed. The hotse wasn't happy from the start. Always the riders fault, the horse does not ask to be made to jump. She fucked up.
yea that horse looks like it doesnt want to be there-
After the horse fell and bend That scared me a bit because I know that's how horses can get killed.
Are you dumb ? The horse thought it was an oxer and not a SPA it's obvious... jesus
The rider didn't do their job.
I hate how she didnt stop earlier. The horse was clearly uncomfortable and she just immediately put the bridle back on when the horse nearly broke its neck
Unmöglich. Das Pferd hat von Anfang Unbehagen angezeigt...höher weiter schneller auf Kosten der Tiere. Sowas muss endlich aufhören
Absolut richtig! TIERQUÄLEREI! Wie viele Opfer muss es noch geben, damit das verboten wird???
Poor her and the horse, they didn't want that, no, how sad ☹️
You guys know nothing about horses probably. Like if the horse doesn’t want to do the activity it will show signs of it and if the rider is nice then it will know straight away not to push them
@@Mr_Uranus7 The reality is they ARE pushed! Thats why accidents happen again and again... This horse clearly showed it wasnt happy to do it!
@@winonaloversYou're damn right
This horse was struggling long before that fall. Not sure if it was a case of being tired, off day, or maybe the horse isn't even up to this level yet.
It's all gone too far , pushing horses so far past what they would naturally do , harming legs , necks and backs in the name of sport . The animals are well insured and therefore treated ad disposable
You spelled "ego" wrong.
Erm. If you say this is abuse THEN NO did ya know some horses *like* doing this sorta thing? Did you know……? I mean yes thre rider and horse aren’t in sync so obviously the performance was not to plan. BUT THIS GENERALLY DONT HURT THE HORSE
Then go get another horse!!
Yeah, and putting the focus on the height of the jumps detracts from the aspects of dealing with a show jumping course that reflect responsiveness, flexibility, judgement, communication between rider & horse etc
Exactly,they are doing the same thing in Dressage,turning into spectacle rather than a test of horsemanship.
Very sad indeed.
Why do people think the horses are unicorns with wings? Poor thing?
Ouch, glad they are both ok--but they both need a chiro now. best of luck on their return to the jumping ring, what a great team!
They are NOT OK. And you want to return that poor stressed, abused horse to the jumping ring? Wow. No words.
@@famouskate9071 lol, he needed more speed for the spread, and he tried to tell the rider...and yes, I've seen horses take worse falls in the pasture...these guys are pros and they will be back
Wow..those are huge spreads. That horse is very brave ❤.. he was unhappy the whole way fighting for his head.
The way he or she got up and went to her horse without even carring about her self ❤❤❤
Horse looks absolutely exhausted☹️ I’m so fricken tired of seeing people with big egos cause their horses pain…enough already. This fall was entirely her fault. Also the fact the announcer says “yup it’s grass it can be unpredictable and slippery” ok then why tf are the competitions being held on grass???
Ich kann es nur immer wieder sagen Pferde sind Fluchttiere dieses Ganze Turniere sind Geldmacherei auf Kosten der Tiere 😢das gehört total abgeschafft .....Es sei denn die Tiere laufen ohne Sattel und Geschirr im Maul freiwillig Mit Ihrem Reiter ,,,,,Das WÜRDE KÖNNEN DER REITER BEDEUTEN WAS JA AUGENSEINLICH NICHT VORHANDEN IST ..
Quand on saute sur l'herbe et que ça glisse on met des crampons aux fers des chevaux
She’s one lucky girl. She and that horse are not a match they ere fighting each other all the way.
Horse lands on face, nearly breaks neck, the rider shows zero concern, offers zero comfort, has zero interest in the pain and distress the horse is enduring. Horse, nearly breaks neck. Rider "Woops i made you land on your face, now stand still and cope with the pain while i slap this bridle back on." I have heard that one explanation as to the horrific treatment horses in "Sport" receive is that professional equestrians dispute that horses can actually feel pain. Seems daft, but looking at the grotesque things dressage, jumping and race horses are subjected to, it seems plausible. Its just abuse.
It probably took a while for the rider to just comprehend what just happened and she was probably hurt too (coming from an equestrian)
Plus if u look closely the rider came up to the horse as soon as she fell but the horse immediately bolted
You are 100% correct. Thank you for pointing out the obvious, as it appears many people can't see it.
@@famouskate9071 Man shut up you know nothing. when this happened she landed on the ground as well as the horse I mean have you fallen down? And can you get up in 2 seconds? So shut the fuck up if you actually watch the video you can see as soon as she gets up she Stumbles towards her horse you have no idea what it's like to crash a horse do you? So shut the fuck up.
@@famouskate9071 Just shut up before you speak actually look into the video instead of saying YeS 100% cOrReCt. Like seriously let me ask you a question. Have you fell over and could you get up in 2 seconds? Nobody can as soon as she caught her breath she immediately checked on her horse but the horse stood up and ran so don't say 100% CoRrEcT when you don't even watch the video.
@@Thehack309_Fortnitetambién lo noté. Ella se callo de un caballo, dió vueltas y después del shock lo primero que hizo fue ver a su caballo y correr a él. Y pues si, se ve que el caballo está estresado y se necesitó que más gente le ayude a calmarlo. Yo tengo animales y cuando se estresan necesitas de más personas para poder calmarlos.
I'm not an expert, but I see a very tired horse.
I'm not very interested in equestrianism anymore and I agree. The horse seemed unhappy the whole way through the competition.
@@joythesylveon496 Tense, not unhappy.
@@mrswoodbrookeDie Wortwahl ist egal. Dem Pferd ging's nicht gut und es ist nicht raus, ob es sich innere Verletzungen zugezogen hat. Das Pferd leidet, nicht diese verwöhnte reiche Göre. Springreiten gehört verboten!
Horrible horse fail??? More like terrible rider fail! She by no means should have been riding that horse. It was obvious at the first fence that she was not able to handle him.
She rode the horse perfectly, so stop thinking you know anything about the rider
@@mathmester1457perfectly? Apparently you do not know the meaning of perfectly.
Did y'all see the way the horses neck went 😰
What is the purpose of jumping horses over such high fences. This cannot be good for them. Sorry but just because you can doesn’t mean you should . Seams pretty cruel actually. What for a ribbon and some prize money. I dont agree at all that this sort of sport should be allowed. The horse is such a kind animal to even allow us to do this. I will never get this
When you work with horses accidents happen, accidents are pretty rare, and I totally agree with you when you said they are so kind to allow us to do this stuff to them! Their so friendly and I’m sure the riders would never want this to happen to their horse. I think the whole reason why the horse slipped was because the grass was slippery, there are specific breeds of horses that have been bred to favour in this discipline, Jumping is a sport and is an test of fitness and training and a partnership between horse and rider. It is an all round test of horse and rider. 😊❤
Yes, its too dangerous for them. And for the rider. But the horse is most in danger. Yes, is a sport but sometimes we need to say STOP...
I do agree with you, but it’s not for, “some prize money”. Other than racing, show jumpers compete for the most money; the purses are thousands of dollars. Where there’s money, there will be abuse.
@@sherinnovak729 I do horse riding because I love working with horses and I one day would love to compete at a high level, in sports there’s most definitely people in their for the money, but show jumping isn’t like racing, unlike people who own race horses (most of the time they’ve never even ridden a horse) show jumpers spend countless hours of training and thousands of dollars just to do a sport, and I’m not saying some of these people aren’t abusive, the equestrian community is full of terrible people, but this was a total accident :)❤️
Its not just jumping also flat racing its horrible
Glad they are both ok, look ok. Hate seeing animals get hurt..
Man hat es schon bei den vorherigen sprüngen gesehen das das Pferd zögerlich und unpassend kam. ich hoffe ihm ist nichts passiert😢
Ja genau. Die vorherigen Hindernisse zeigten diese Unsicherheit beim Auftreten.
Hoffentlich ist es nicht traumatisiert.
glad that the Horse didnt brak hios neck poor Thing trh Horse looks wearypoor Horse Horse jumping this high isnt okay for Horses I would never let my horse jump over such high obstacles. I would be too afraid of it getting injured like in the video. This is no Sport this is about Money nothing else
Well for one the horse was shaking his head and that’s one sign of discomfort so there could of been issues with the bit and two rider did not let the horse have his neck enough or have enough speed to go over the jump and before I get hate on my comments I’ve been riding for 18 years and show jumping for 15 so Ik what I’m saying also hope the horse was ok
Just because you've been riding for 18 years doesn't mean you're always right. This horse was tense, probably not trained right. The tension cause lack of performance and it went downhill.
You are correct. Ignore those who disagree. They don't know any better,
@@mrswoodbrooke right or not they IGNORED the horses signs in general
@@scarlettrinity2077 Or didn't notice them?
Не самый удачный заход на очень сложный барьер. Это тройник, высотно-широтное препятствие - одно из самых сложных. При подходе к ним нельзя ошибаться, они выглядят даже немного угрожающе всегда, тк требует самого мощного прыжка и вверх и в длину! Я бы не сказала что очень сильно виноват всадник, тк лошадь сама Рано снялась, увидев препятствие. Но всадник должна была на подготовке к старту запомнить, что к тройнику нужно больше внимания при заходе и нужно было побольше сделать заезд перед ним. После предыдущего препятствия чуть правее заехать, чтобы лошадь издалека увидела барьер и успела правильно рассчитать шаги. Не забывайте, что лошади также считают и прицеливаются, при заходе на препятствие. Задача всадника - правильно показать следующий барьер.☝️☝️
Всадница должна была немного сбавить темп после предыдущего препятствия и более серьезно подойти к тройнику, а не просто по ходу движения скакать.
OMG this actually makes me cry I love just any kind of animal sooo that made me almost cry 😢😢😢😢I felt so bad
I hope both recover ok. Best choice to put the headstall/halter on after that than trying to put the bridle back on. Goodluck when u return xo
It actually is quite unnatural for horses to jump because they would never expose their bellies in the wild as they are precocial species not predators
Das arme Pferd!!!
Das finde ich auch. Ich hasse Reitsport in jeglicher Art, egal ob Springen, Dressur oder Vielseitigkeit. Das ist pure Tierquälerei. Gehört verboten!!! 👍👍😢😠
Hope thay are both ALL RIGHT, And take care.
Poor horse!🥲
For the people who don't know she was riding the horse and the horse tripped over the pool and they both fell but just to let you know the horse is okay and she is okay too
That horse was struggling
I found the angle of the horse's fall over its neck disturbing but after looking it up, both horse and rider are still competing. This is Emma Emanuelson on the mare Canbella Blu. They competed in February in Gothenburg at a CSI 5*
Not only was the striding bad, but her hands got up in his face big time and he just looked tired as well
This was a scary accident. Hope everyone is okay.
This is why I ride western and don’t force my horse to do stuff when its tired I feel like some English riders abuse there horses so do western I don’t but I feel like jumping can be abuse sometimes
My heart stopped when the horse’s legs went stiff for a second. Glad theyre both okay
its disgusting how far and high they make horses jump, this could of ended with a dead horse in this instance
Pilot Error: This horse is "back-off" because it doesn't trust the rider's judgement. This rider has put this horse either too deep or too long on most of these fences. With confidence in the rider, this horse would be going forward with impulsion and clearing the fences with a margin. This horse has significant "scope" and capable of handling a large course. You also have to give some lack of credit to the rider's trainer also. If you ride at this level, you must do so from experience and confidence, which the horse picks up on immediately. The fact this horse jumped when asked is a testament to the horse.
Le cheval renaclait des le départ. La cavalière n'a pas eu un geste envers son cheval pour l'apaiser après sa chute...
Très juste, c’est pitoyable ! Cela montre vraiment comment elle considère son cheval.
C'est entièrement de sa faute la chute. Elle n'a aucun sentiments pour son cheval😢
Pov: you’re Swedish 🇸🇪
furchtbar! was für ein grauenvoller Sport, in dem man Pferde so hoch springen lässt… ist ein no Go!
Sollen die Reiter doch selbst über Hindernisse hopsen, wenn sie das so toll finden
Und die armen Pferde in Ruhe lassen
Offff that looks like a bad fall
Pferde sind nun mal keine Springtiere. Natürlich können sie kleine Hindernisse überspringen, aber nicht solche hohen. Vergleicht mal den Körperbau eines Pferdes mit dem einer Katze (egal ob Hauskatze, Tiger, Löwe, Gepard u.a.). Im Gegensatz zur Katze (langer, biegsamer Rücken, vergleichsweise kurze Beine) hat das Pferd einen kurzen Rücken und lange Beine, es ist ein Lauftier, jedoch kein Springtier. Ein Pferd zum Überspringen solch hoher Hürden zu zwingen ist Tierquälerei. Leider verletzen sich dabei die Pferde öfter als die Reiter, die es eigentlich verdient hätten!
Все говорят о том, как наездница побежала к лошади, но никто не говорит о том, в каком опасном положении упала лошадь...
very big jumps i could never hope both horse and rider are ok
I am so sorry I hope you and the horse are ok! I have a horse. ❤
Compleet de schuld van de ruiter ze hield het paard super erg in 😢😢😢
I mean at least the horse and rider were ok after that and neither died, when I saw the short vid of it I thaught the horse broke its neck from landing on it
tysm i’ve been looking for this! i’m so glad they’re okay!!!
Guys it might be “sweet” but if you saw the way she was holding the rains so tight the horse was trying to get away because it hurt 😞 look at the video the horse is trying to run away from her
So sorry ! But glad both were alright 😊❤️
How many animals die or are injured each year in the insane competitions? They want to please the rider, but I don't see any horse at liberty doing this for fun. We're supposed to protect them from our stupidity.
Tell me your a bad rider without telling your a bad rider.
I’m so glad your both ok 😢❤
That poor horse 🐎 hope it's ok.
The horse's stride was off the entire time. You could see he was struggling to make and land the jumps. He wasn't being set up properly before the jumps. That is the riders responsibility, to calculate the number of strides, and either rein the the horse in, or encourage it to speed up. There was no chemistry or connection between horse and rider.
the horse was tossing his head, shaking it and clearly distressed as he approached that jump, he knew he couldnt do it so wide
This is so sad. The rider wasn’t ready, the horse was struggling, I questioned if this was some hunter combo because that horse looked tired and slow. The rider flew up and slammed down before and after the jump, and was off balance causing discomfort in the horse. Hope their both okay.
Just to make this clear before ppl start going on every horse that competes are fully trained and I notice lots say abuse in racing well if u watch the horses ears are usally forward enjoying themselves I understand some ppl don’t like these things but look at the horses body language and for this incident I would say that corner was very tight and she couldn’t line the horse up properly and couldn’t turn in time or it could have been worse than what this incident was keep this in mind people x
GREED AND PRIDE $$$$$$ no thought to the horse OR they wouldn’t do it. It IS VERY ! CRUEL AS ARE MANY OTHER HORSE DISCIPLINES.
Why this kinda sports competition even exists? So dangerous. Should be banned
Before he even reached the first fence I felt like he wasn't doing great. Something about his movement looks like he was either unwell/sick/hurt or absolutely exhausted but didn't want to disappoint the rider.
This poor horse looked petrified the whole time. I would feel awful if this happens to an animal when I was on it. It wasn’t her fault but this sport is cruel because clearly they don’t want to do this.
This horse abuse has to stop. NO HORSE would choose to do this. NO HORSE should have to suffer this. Horses die from this.
OK seriously why did they literally make the horse jump after just fell down which probably could catch probably some scratches like that’s horrible like, why would you let it recover or get back on his feet for like maybe an hour but I get it. It’s a horse show these people only care about themselves
Abolish show jumping. It is cruel and only for the glory of the rider
You are so uneducated its hilarious
Poor horsey😢😢❤❤
Also wirkl so eine breite Hürde, geht gar nicht und sollte verboten werden.. Das ist wirkl Tierschutzrelevant.. Das arme Tier.. 😢
Poor thing was flagging and those jumps were massive. At least they walked away from that and the safety mechanisms on the fence worked as intended
❤das Pferd tut mir leid😢!!!!
Die können überhaupt nicht mit den Pferden umgehen. Die Pferde tun mir so leid,müssen über so hohe Hindernise springen. Das ist in meinen Augen Tierquälerei.😢
The poor animal i think jumping is not relly ok bc you put in risk you and your animal😢
Aww what a bummer. You could tell the horse was a bit tired or sore from the beginning. I hope both of them are okay
Tense, not tired
1:42 was I the only one to notice the hat rolling ??
That jump was too much. I get that it’s supposed to be a challenge, but that jump was too much.
Show jumping should be banned! You shouldn't make money with animals, they are not sport equipment...
Sadly, if horse sports were banned, there would really no reason to have horses around. They are far too expensive to keep as just pasture ornaments.
Think of the poor horses that like jumping. My friend rides horses and they enjoy jumping. It can’t be banned just like that. Pretty brutal if it was banned cause some people actually use money to do this. It would be pretty much millions gone to waste if show jumping was banned
I strongly disagree. Horses are trained and ridden specifically for sport most of the time. They would not be worth your money if you just kept them as pasture horses and having them do nothing. They wouldn't get the exercise they need if they were not trained and why would you train them if they are not going to do sport. You just don't understand the point so I suggest checking your facts before leaving a comment like this.
If the people would just let the horses jump nd not pull there head so hard then maybe that wouldn’t happen
Not me thinking that ppl not notice that this is not good what they’re doing that horse needs to be free they’re like riding that horse like the horses are nothing i know riding horse is a hard sport but this is going to far i don’t know that im right bc i think this is not good for them they’re falling they’re jumping but what ppl not know is that horses maybe don’t want to do this… ppl who think that ppl need to see more what horses think or give them a little bit of freedom
Not a horse fail. It is a rider fail. Change the title of your video.
He nearly broke his neck. I hope they are going to get a vet and chiropractor to check for injuries. He did not trust his rider. But obviously loves his groom.
I like how the announcer was saying “ohh the grass is unpredictable “ when it’s very obvious it’s just a big jump and it’s unnatural for a horse to jump like that, there’s so many people in this kind of sport that abuse their horses,
That was way to much for a horse have to jump !!
@Bebeandbanjo thanks for that great information!!
@Bebeandbanjo ??
@Bebeandbanjo ok I just learned something!! lol
It doesn't take a horse expert to tell that horse was tired from the get-go! That horse was NOT OK after the landing!!
The way it fell on its face it very nasty
Obviously fail because of the rider.
She ran to check on her horse is the best but I'm just glad the horse is alright and I did watch the vid to
It’s amazing how she ran right to the horse before she checked if she was okay that’s a real equestrian:)❤❤❤
That was a bad fall glad the horse was okay, but what is the full video called if there is one?❤😢😢😢😢
These people are psychopaths putting a horse through this abuse. This is all about imposing ones will on a docile horse and winning at all cost.
This is not abuse! Did you hear of accidents?
@@CatHobbyHorsingit’s not the accident what it is is pushing these horses over jumps that they would never naturally do a horse would never do a jump that big or that long with out a rider it’s ok to jump horses until your make them go over jumps this huge.
@@Sageblue-editing there are some horses who jumped MORE then that
@@CatHobbyHorsing and that’s going farther with making horses go over jumps that are huge compared to them there is a horse at the barn I ride at and his joints are busted from jumping he’s retired but his joints are permanently damaged in fact jumping stresses tendons leaving to tendon ruptures later horses are not meant to jump like that
@@Sageblue-editing some horses are meant for jumping some are not
Well after all other comments I read say all what I think..... Just hope the horse is fine. All I ask is, is the vet bills and chiropractor etc bills worth all this? I'd think not. Horses are meant to be treasured and for enjoyment not for this!!!
Obviously the horse DID NOT want the bridle back on. Why are you trying to shove it back on? Give the poor horse a moment, let it chill, reset, then slip on a halter. It worked through it once the halter was on as he was stress relieving with snorts.
Why is this horse running?? He’s tired, stop the race, no one stepped in. Shocking.
My anxiety watching this video:📈📈📈📈📈📈
I hope the horse is okay
I understand everyone thinks jumping is abuse, but really it’s a practice and some horses actually love jumping. It completely depends on the rider and horse. Please don’t shame an entire sport because of one mistake, and besides the horse didn’t look too exhausted, he was just in a bit of a hurry and she pulled a bit too much. It wasn’t their fault it was just a misunderstanding of communication. Also if you think it’s abuse search up the highest jump in riding history, you can clearly see how excited that horse was for that jump.
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