Merry Christmas (Little late) and Happy New Year (Little early) to all of you!! Apologies for the delay. I've been juggling a few video ideas but I know that lore videos are what you guys want. Bit of a different format but we're learning as we go. I'll do my best to be more consistent with uploads in the future so you guys aren't waiting a month for videos. Thank you all again
It is so unrealistic that the military’s response regarding carriers after a few days is to not train the fck out of them and weaponise them to help deal with infected
There's a saying in the public health and medical fields: "when you hear the clopping of hooves, think horses, not zebras." When symptoms manifest, start with the most likely explanation first and only move on to more out-there hypotheses when the common ones are ruled out. There's also the fact that it's not like CEDA examines every person who comes through a health clinic. They have to be warned by doctors or hospitals of something odd or potentially new going on before they even get involved. The fact that CEDA was able to identify the pathogen as new within only two days of first infection can only have one of three possible explanations: either CEDA is an extremely competent organization when it comes to its virology and pathology departments; that the symptoms of the first infection were so unique and/or extreme that it manifested unlike any other disease (implying that CEDA _had_ to know it wasn't really a flu); or, CEDA already studied or knew about the pathogen before the first infection (suggesting potentially nefarious origins). I personally prefer the first explanation, since I'm sick to death of stories about some evil and stupid corporation/government doing something evil and stupid, and I find it much more interesting and scary in stories when humanity tries its hardest and does its best and still gets overwhelmed by events. In any case, 14 days is simply too fast for any kind of coherent response to a completely new kind of disaster, especially one as complex and dangerous as the Green Flu. I fully believe that all of the actions taken by CEDA were at least reasonable when you take into account the speed of the collapse and the lack of information they had. Even the "wash your hands and wear a mask" posters. While we the audience know that such measures are not sufficient, it's also the best advice to give when the nature of a new pathogen is unknown but is spreading rapidly. Fomite exposure and airborne particles are among the most likely forms of transmission in that case. Again, horses instead of zebras. Honestly, the fact that CEDA reacted so quickly, was able to create so many evacuation zones spread all across the country, and established the saferoom system, all to me suggest that CEDA was a highly competent if flawed organization that tried its best in an impossible situation. These are not easy feats to pull off in such a short and chaotic time frame, and it's probably the best that anyone could expect from them.
As much as the evil and idiotic is a common trope I do fine valve has a habit of twisting things on its head. Heck the army base was holding while until on guy way below his rank decided he needed to due something.
Yea, I feel like historically people talking about L4D wouldn't see CEDA in such a bad light, but now a days all the videos about this game treat CEDA as incredibly incompetent or nefarious. In all honesty, while they may have made mistakes and those mistakes were at times very significant and not uncommon, the mistakes they did make were mostly reasonable. The situation was just so completely out of hand from the get go that only extreme over reaction could have had the slightest chance of containing things, and even then chances were slim. For example, the safe rooms critical to the survival of our protagonists are only so common because of CEDA's efforts. They managed to capture a boomer for testing and even had thought of a creative and effective way to make use of their bile, and had been seemingly manufacturing and distributing it in significant quantities, all within a few days of them appearing. And their opposition to firearms makes sense to some degree, they probably thought there was a meaningful chance to cure the infected and also clearly didn't want to end up with the uninfected killing off carriers and militias taking over. Also I think it used to be a common idea that the green flu did not initially cause people to turn into zombies, because the game says the "infection" started 2 weeks before the original L4D, but news paper reports of the green flu indicate airports were already being shut down due to the spread of green flu at least 3-4 weeks before the original L4D. If the green flu originally only caused normal viral symptoms and only later mutated to turn people into zombies, it would honestly make a lot of the posters and actions of CEDA make even more sense (such as the posters you mentioned).
@@skeletonracingandgaming3407 Ayo, we gotta give credit where credit is due, we eradicated a lot of viral diseases, they only start making resurgences because people stop listening to health authorities XD
Valve gameplay: easy to learn, difficult to master, and nothing but a fun time Valve lore: you're gonna need a drink after you learn how dark things are here
I love how the CEDA analog horror series actually made the L4D2 survivor work as specialists, with Nick being in Fairfield (Dead Air) and Coach training recruits in Switzerland.
It's like "Cleaners" from B4B but actually makes sense this time since "Carriers" would be "Lab Rats" or "Frontline Troops" (or both in some occasions).
If The Parish ended with the survivors on cruise ships, I could see that setting up that cancelled "L4D3" game set in Morocco. Like it's revealed to the L4D2 survivors that a Moroccan lab has been researching the virus for months, incentivizing them to go there for some reason. They could still run with that for a sequel set anywhere, but I'm sane enough not to expect that too
Back 4 Blood/World War Z but they have Mother Base and it is a cruise ship sailing the world in search of survivors/supplies/the cure/zombies to hunt. (Zoey would've signed on in a heartbeat judging from her dialogue in The Sacrifice campaign)
Why would a random Third world country randomly developing a Bio weapon bruh, That virus must came from nature like Ancient plague since theres some Immune people.
>Cruise ships I assume those boats were retrofitted for the Carrierfolk haphazardly as Military still operates Jets which means there are Airbases/Aircraft Carriers that still works and have logistical line to resupply and refuel the aircrafts.
I'm still disappointed that Comic Writers ignored the fact that Bill was a Nam Veteran. Even if Lt. Mora wouldn't have listened him out of his selfishness, Other soldiers would have begun asking questions about the moment they seen his attire (iirc some Vietnam Veterans reenlisted during Invasion of Iraq, and even if they were lower rank, their higher ups still treated them with utmost respect and even NCOs treated them as if they were their upper rank but I digress). Instead, writers chosen to ignore it altogether. Last but not least, I was expecting Bill to protest the way that Military treats Vietnam Veteran. If you ask me, Milhaven chapter could have been longer but it felt rushed.
I mean none of the much liked carriers and they had no link to the army after being cut off and having a mutiny. Bill said it himself, his experience helped with nothing. We can assume that carries over for the other things too
@AnonTDegenerate Two guards who are on Sentry duty asked what was it like being outside to Louis and Francis, and one Soldier suggested to use them as frontline troops so there were many opinions on Carriers rather than outright offing them. Despite that, both Lt. Mora and Major didn't see elephant in the room aka crucial information and experience Carriers have. Especially Bill, who could have told both conventional and unconventional warfare doesn't mean anything against zombies if Military only tried to listen. Only the ones who listened the L4D1 Survivors were 2 guardsmen and they get to survive.
Sorry, but nah, you're way off base. Veterans would be treated with courtesy but they wouldn't be able to dictate military operations to active personnel.
@@gooel Of course Veterans wouldn't able to dictate the command, but they sure have valuable experience that they could able to give crucial advice or so.
I think the way Bill and his group treated by Military was final blow that caused him to go full on "we take care of our own" mindset. My theory (and judging by non-canon DBD trailer) is that during the Nam, his CO/Squad Leader abandoned the stranded and wounded soldiers to "take care of our own", but Bill refused to listen and came back for them. After his one-man succesful operation, Air-force could have mistaken them for Vietcong because CO might have ordered a strike and told them area is clear of friendlies. Bill was the only survivor, and his rescue efforts left in vain. Then after that he got honorably discharged due to "knee injury" (also with likely chance of ridden with PTSD). After his discharge, he probably got spits on his face (due to anti-war sentiment at the time) that made him shut-in veteran without any social life who earns his money through dead-end and odd jobs.
You know, now that the TF2 comic is finally done. I wouldn't mind getting a comic like The Sacrifice, showing what happens with the L4D2 crew right after boarding the chopper. Anyway great video Conz!
Same. But Bill's time in the Nam could also have a potential and I wanna know why he didn't have any family or so. Maybe he was abandoned by his (hippie?) family with a spit on his face? Orphan and the Army was the only family he knew? Terrible luck with the ladies due to PTSD? I don't know, but I'm sure there's a veteran out there who could answer this question
@@hayro252I actually have been brainstorming a L4D2 fanfic of Bill’s past, starting from when he was a teenager and getting drafted to the end of Sacrifice where he laid down in the generator room. Still got a lot of research to do.
@@zaccorpseman7366 There are multiple theories that DBD was going to dive into the Bill time in Nam but got shut down by Valve. In my opinion, Valve might've thought what DBD devs writing was OOC for Overbeck (not to mention that Bill's modern military attire in his Vietnam Flashback at the trailer wasn't issued at the time). Also iirc after the war he did work dead-end and odd-jobs according to his bio, which kinda made sense since many Veterans having hard time to adjust into Civilian life.
Even tho back 4 blood was a failure of a game their idea of cleaners would fit perfectly for left 4 dead 3 the whole carriers being in the front line going on missions for the base supply runs, rescue ops and etc introducing new carriers and our og survivors to choose for these missions lore wise it would make sense after the events of the parish
Agreed, while it does take place in a different universe. I can definetly see it happening too if the Green FLU stays active in the Long Run, we talking Months to years. While Biologically the Green FLU as it is in L4D does not have the capabilities to last for Years. The infected are still waaay to Human to survive for months, they need to much of the basic human needs like Hydration and food. But we talking about a daily changing Virus, who knows what the Green FLU can cook up, can mutate so much that it can bypass a Carrier's Immune system i wonder. Carriers being the Frontline units like the Cleaners in B4B is so accurate.
@@Horatio-sj2es It was unfortunate how it turned out, but the idea made sense. If only they did not go with the gimmicky card sets and "leveling" idea. L4D games had survivors using any weapon available to fight through hordes of infected to a destination, it was a simple and fun model that happened to have a neat story attached to it. Even without all the details, just the gameplay alone is fun. B4B had survivors with weapons tied to some arbitrary system, fighting against things vaguely resembling humanoids on top of maps that get you from one spot to the next to gain rewards to unlock, upgrade or earn new things. No real cohesive story that I know of, though I only played three levels (the last being one where the specials glitched out and were killing everyone through walls) and the combat did not feel good. You are either killing something or being killed, there is no in between.
Man if Valve ever decides to do a L4D3 instead of just having a third group of survivors during the beginning of the outbreak they go with the "Cleaners" idea that B4B has Would be cooler and way fresher
Once again, there is graffiti about people deciding to storm the military barricades in the parish before you really see the carnage saying “they can’t stop us all” People literally broke quarantine in the most violent fashion and at that point the military has one order…
13:02 Just to add more info, you can hear military men talking to each other after the l4d2 crew confirms they are immune saying Papa gator: “Rescue 7 are equiped for Carriers?” Rescue 7: “affirmitve Papa Gator” they are prepared and specialised to house Carriers. also the Military in the sacifice comic has lost contact with Command for 6 six days, leaving them out in the dark of any new plans that may be happening.
Not to mention that Major was a stubborn Old Guard who refused to believe Zombies were mutating and didn't even bother to (order) interrogate the leader of group who is a Nam veteran. Had he taken action of some sort, Lt. Mora wouldn't have launched his foolish mutiny.
Papa Gator and Rescue 7 also briefly discuss whether the commotion at the start of the bridge is from "Whiskey Delta, or Friendly?" - Since they later clarify that "Whiskey Delta" refers to the infected (As per the voiceline stating "The bridge is crawling with Whiskey Delta"), this showcases that the military refers to all humans (Both carriers and non-carriers) as "friendly", meaning they are considered allies. This is also why I don't believe the military executed carriers purely because they were carriers. I've spoken to several US marines about the game, and each one of them insisted that they would never, under any circumstances, shoot at civilians. It's more realistic that the people who were shot were being disruptive, uncooperative, or otherwise an active threat that forced lethal action.
@@JAiZTH-cam yet we can clearly see in the Parish Campaign that Armed civilains opened fire at the Military, like even downing a few Helicopters. The Parish is a litteral warzone, while at face Value from our perspective as the l4d2 survivors, the only enemy we face are the infected. But clearly multiple factions formed under the Human population to fight the Military and other Carriers If the military did executions, it has to be in Self Defense...
@@JAiZTH-camif you believed those marines you're a fool. In a real life zombie apocalypse, marines would absolutely fire on civilians if necessary, such as a no-fail containment zone to protect mission critical pers/supplies. Sorry but that's just reality. They wouldn't say that to you though because nobody likes to admit it in peacetime.
What I love about the government in L4D is that for once they aren't the bad guys. Every time there's a game like this, they always make the government involved somehow. But in L4D they're genuinely trying to help. It's not that they're evil or incompetent, it's just that the disease is too much for anyone to do anything
@RepriseYT Yup, having a corporation like Umbrella create some horrifying BOW is scary, but to actually have everyone on board, and still fail is so much better for an "all hope is lost" type story.
@@therobustempyrean1436 I think it would be really boring, but because most scenarios depict the military as absolutely useless or outright malicious it is something special in the genre. I actually prefer the movie WWZ's portrayal of a zombie apocalypse the most. I don't think zombies would form towers to climb walls, but they'd be fast and agile. And it shows the incompetence of people overall instead of just the military.
What concerns me is how we never see any alive animals (aside from birds). So if we are to theorise, the ecosystem's balance is already out the window, and I don't need to tell you how heavy we rely on that balance as a species. History has proved this. So even if we managed to kill every single infected, which is already a hard task, how are we gonna recover? How is Earth itself gonna recover? For reference, Half-life. The Combine has drained most of Earth's oceans, nature is pretty much dead, Earth is infested with hostile alien life, humanity has been sterilised from giving birth. Humanity there is dead, with or without the Combine.
I think an ideal Left 4 Dead 3 setting would be 3 weeks since infection, in a secure base up in the NorthWest coast. They could have embraced the idea of securing Carriers mentioned at 12:45 and there could be excellent story beats about the tension between the Carriers that have to brave the danger of the hordes versus the uninfected that rely on them for survival.
They can also create a story based on one of the first survivors who wrote and drew the graffitis in the safe house walls. Imagine you're the first guys in the apocalypse but military and other survivors and other zombies want to kill you when they see you at the first place.
@@thepeskyone I wouldn't mind if Valve incorporate some rogue-like element to make each base special infected operate with different abilities and attribute. They had tried to incorporate randomize elements in maps in L4D2 but failed to meet the desired result. I would love them to try again since many games have already figured out more ways for replay-ability.
@Feel like by then the infection would be gone, given l4d zombies aren’t undead but still alive, being described as basically super rabies along with the fact speical infected show signs of wear and tear on their bodies already after a week, Smoker has more tumors to point it engulfs one of it eye, the Tank has more blisters and has it jaw now covered by it muscle. Hunter has heavily bruised skin around its legs and arm, and spitter tho no l4d1 counterpart to compare any massive change of Mutation over time, her body shows signs it can’t handle the acid she makes the Jaw being the most obvious example, with the acid likely being what will eventually kill her. if anything l4d infection is going be like orignal 21 days later ending where infection start dying off as they are still human and need food and water like anyone else
The darkest thing about this situation is coming to terms with humanity's future. The only hope for the non infected population is to isolate themselves and hide before the hoard comes. No matter what though, the notion that the carriers will be the future for humanity is the only hope that there is.
And worst case scenario, what if a Carrier Woman is pregnant? there is still a Low chance the baby could not be Immune. It could cause some intense internal Damage to the Mother to probably kill her from the inside. People all making jokes that Rochelle and Zoey gotta start repopulating the Earth, but the Risks might be to great to even start on it.
I think Carriers are like Special Type of Infected who are able to have symbiotic relationship with the virus. Most Carriers gains enhanced vitality and strength without having any sort of apparent bodily or psychological mutation, but their bodies are basically infection dispenser machine also. It's like Green Flu was actually a serum for a Super Soldier Program that managed to escape from the lab. I think then CEDA gotten wind of it quickly and had "YOU DID WHAT?" face to ones who responsible for "the oopsie"
8:27 i mean, it's already a life or death situation that can be determined in a matter of seconds in the game on versus mode already, the comic, if anything, portrayed correctly how lethal the special infected can be, specially when attacking together just like it happens on the game
it's interesting how Back 4 Blood tried to pick up where the story of Left 4 Dead 2 left off, where the Military has setup base on Cruise Ships, where they started using the Survivors as Exterminators and sent them to the mainland which is where the story of Left 4 Dead 2 seems to be heading but we all know the game wasn't executed as well as we hoped...
Cruise Ships! makes me wonder why no one has made a Custom Map entirely on a Cruise Ship! there's so much environmental variety on a cruise ship, from hotel rooms, bars, restaurants, casinos, video game arcades, theaters, swimming pools with slides, shopping malls, utility rooms, engine room, captain/navigation room etc., it'd be a great self-contained setting for a custom Left 4 Dead campaign or even a whole new Zombie game.
Ever since I learned the lore behind Left 4 Dead, I've thought it's a truly hopeless setting, the flu is terrifyingly viral, the special infected make survival almost impossible for regular people, and the carriers, humanity's only hope for survival, are slaughtered to a man by panicking military leaders facing the apocalypse.
@@diamondrtmlegobrickz9980 If they don't mutate. Even then, all it takes is one zombie somehow stumbling it's way into your camp and a dumb kid or something touching it to kill everyone with how infectious it is. Or a carries who doesn't know what they are visiting.
Speaking of Cruise Ships, I have a theory that Papa Gator is a Carrier Strike Group, organized remnants of Coast Guard and Navy, or dispatch from 2nd Fleet anchored at dozen miles away from the coast of New Orleans. F/A-18 hornets in the game are jets that can take the role of Carrier Based Aircraft, which kinda supports my theory imo.
Given that the air force is stationed on the mainland they would be more limited in its operations as not only are air force bases loud which could attract infected they also would be areas survivors would flee to if they were unable to get to the safe zones put up by ceda. How the air force personel deal with survivors is anyones guess but they would definently be short on manpower if they were isolated. At the same time my knowledge only comes from Swedish air force bases and id assume American air force bases are much more secure in comparison
@fishyfish6050 Aircrafts makes a lotta noise as you can guess (and noise attract zombies). However, Vulkan gun emplacements might do a short work on infected hordes given that air bases are equipped them with
@@hayro252 Yep, but also, Airbases often host crafts like AH-64s and MQ-9s. Honestly, a clever use of them would be to strap a speaker to an MQ-9, fly it far away from whatever AO they’re trying to secure, in the process luring most infected towards the thing, before either dropping munitions on them, or simply turning off the loudspeaker and flying the drone quietly away at Angels two, out of hearing range of the Infected. They literally have easily controllable, long-range pipe bombs in the form of those drones. Not to mention IFVs and APCs like M3 Bradleys having more than enough oomph to shred an entire horde of every type of infected with the Bushmaster. Frankly, the scariest thing about L4D is the Green Flu’s airborne nature itself. If the disease could only be spread through bodily fluids or fomites the military would have cleaned it up in 1 week flat once they’re given the authority to use lethal force.
@@NosFurRatTou Truth be told, Military could solve the problem via pulling Raccoon city on entire East Coast. It may not be pretty, but the radiation would probably kill any virus, bacteria, and fungi along with the infected within the blast radius. Guess they didn't pull that option yet because Army probably thinks Green Flu would die itself out if it can't infect any more humans. It's apperant that infected doesn't have much life expectancy as well since they don't eat or drink that requires body to function. Not to mention that their body gets so weaker that even they could be decapped with a guitar hit.
14:34 it might been Very Unlike but I kinda do wanna believe L4D3 would have similar plot as B4B of Carriers collecting Simples for the Military or CEDA
I remember mentioning this in both the Dark Carnival and The Passing (I think?) video; Due to the loss of control around various military branches, its likely that an abandoned fragment of the military was left to decide on their options, leading them to command an operation where the carriers could be used as pawns against the infection as they loot derelicts around overrun cities such as Savvanah to salvage what CEDA or The Military has left. This could also be proof as to why the Midnight Riders could've also "survived" in the Passing, but its still a speculation. The Band and other carriers were probably ordered to carry out equipment in and out of the city, since the placecwas riddled with guns, military presence, and of course; the supply boxes. (Oh and yea remember they kinda evacuated the band on a seperate vehicle away from the other civillians)
>Due to the loss of control around various military branches, its likely that an abandoned fragment of the military was left to decide on their options, leading them to command an operation where the carriers could be used as pawns against the infection as they loot derelicts around overrun cities such as Savvanah to salvage what CEDA or The Military has left. This implies chain of command have fallen completely, which also means that infection spread all the way through West Coast. Hell, that could have even mean NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Complex gone silent, and each Military Remnants had to draw their own battleplans and secure the logistics while trying to reestablish the chain of command again. Also for those who don't know, NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Complex is a Military Nuclear Shelter Inside the Mountain that tasked with taking the charge (mainly the Nuclear arsenal) if Military High Command and Civilian goverment gets evaporated in event of the Nuclear War. Still, you know things fucked up if Cheyenne takes the command, but you know things even more fucked up when there's a zombie apocalypse and Cheyenne isn't there to take the charge.
To add further credence to the l4d2 survivors (and other carriers) being put on cruise ships, in the ‘command center’ in the Vannah (2:07), we can actually see the route designations for New Orleans. New Orleans is circled and an arrow is pointing towards the ocean, presumably the Gulf of Mexico. It makes sense considering both the infected and special infected are unable to reach the survivors due to the ocean’s waters. Unless the cruise ships are near enough to get hit by a Tank’s rock or a Spitter’s acid, they are pretty safe. Moreover, it also keeps carriers from further spreading the Green flu to other non-infected survivors.
What confuses me is that after reading the comics for the sacrifice, they raised the bridge to get the sailboat across to the other side and were waiting for everything to calm back down and to bring louis back to the boat and leave, however if the boat is still there and they lower it again for L4D2 protagonists theyll have to raise it again which didn't go so smoothly the first time around. But then as you pointed out Elis invited them to join along for the military rescue op, at this point the L4D1 guys would have known they were carriers and naturally would have known the L4D2 guys are also but Francis doesn't tell them anything and how lowering the bridge would be a huge problem. I feel like if they literally just spent 10 minutes discussing how the military and CEDA have failed and will likely kill or perform experiments on carriers and to instead join them on the boat a lot of bs could have been avoided and helped everybody.
I just stumbled upon your channel today and i already like your videos on left 4 dead. I never imagined this, as a kid i used to play both left 4 dead and left 4 dead 2 mostly for the fun, i never really took it in mind how dark the story of the game actually is. Keep up, i can see the dedication you are putting in.
I knew I'd find a channel like this eventually, glad I did and not to to mention at such an opportune time. I'm making a pseudo-L4D3 through mods with the mild absurdity of military conspiracies where L4D1's crew was supposed to take on the role of a CEDA team called Barghest (inspired by Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty) which didn't happen due to their processing at Millhaven getting screwed. L4D2's survivors end up with that role instead, after the Parish when they arrive at Echo. I like thinking of CEDA as a subordinate dispatched by FEMA with the purpose of Barghest's role but were ordered to withdraw after the government made the mistake of underestimating CEDA's PETA level of passivity, explaining their absence
I absolutely love that idea. (really wanna try phantom liberty as well) Only now am I getting into the custom campaigns and the creativity and work that you guys put in is insane. I love how much this community is growing.
@@ImNotConz Right on! Thanks, man. I'm still yet to make my first campaign but I've made a couple Signalis music replacement mods to learn where the box is before I start to think outside of it. I've got a collection called Orrery of Aberration, though and it's lore-friendly, of course. BTW, Phantom Liberty's defo worth it 💯 Edit: Happy new year to you n yours!
I Don't dabble in the custom campaigns often, but I look I loom forward to playing yours. Phantom liberty is something I'm putting on the list. Thank you very much, and best of luck with the campaign
6:53 "armored APC" Yeah man I know the feeling, like when I forget my PIN number at the ATM machine. Or don't have compact CD disc to listen to. What I'm trying to say is that the A in APC already stands for armored, just FYI information 😅
as someone with a special interest in biology and genetics, it always bothered me that the military decided to start executing carriers when shit hit the fan. like you've got people who are immune to the virus that very quickly turns people into violent monsters. My dude, Carriers are the FUTURE! If you want the human species to survive in a post green-flu world, you need Carriers, normal humans aren't going to make it out there, it's just an obvious lost cause. Gunning down the carriers to protect the vulnerable is just dooming humanity to extinction.
The whole "carriers were haphazardly executed" theory is still something that doesn't make any sense, because not only are they an obviously valuable resource for multiple reasons (like you said), but a US soldier would never execute a US citizen under any circumstance. It would be reasonable for dissidents, rebels, or otherwise threatening individuals to be killed, but there's no logical reason for the military to kill compliant carriers, especially since they _were_ actively evacuating them to the best of their ability. There's way more evidence suggesting that the military was trying to save as many carriers as possible, and simple lacked the means to do it effectively, while also having to maintain control and fend off people launching rebel attacks on the evacuation outposts.
I think the gunning down of carriers makes sense because while it is true that carriers benefit humanity, they don’t benefit the people in command of the military since carriers pose an infection risk. Sure you could make carriers kill zombies but what if they turn on you or purposefully infect you in order to put themselves as the superior humans.
@sud1881 zombies would just get to the higher ups eventually anyways. Best call would be to train up the carriers to replace you to ensure your structure keeps going when you're inevitability infected.
@@JAiZTH-cam Even the Civilians hunting carriers hurts me, there's just no sense in that. though panicked people trapped in quarantine don't have a lot of sense to go around. and it is definitely something i could see people doing in a similar situation.
NEW HEADCANON: The reason why our Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 protagonists are so seemingly adept at absolutely slaughtering zombies compared to the literal mf military is because their "Carrier" disposition confuses and suppresses the ferocity of any infected zombies. Since carriers are not quite human, YET not quite zombies, it can only make sense that maybe something about them, whether it be by scent or something, distracts and confuses the zombies they fight against, almost like as if the infected are holding back bc they would be "technically" fighting against one of their own...
There is a fan video comic by ArtzDeeva known as "The Return", it is basically how the story would had continued after The Parish and The Sacrifice. And I am going to treat that as L4D3 canon.
I don’t know if anyone else noticed it but I just noticed the trailers that CEDA use are called “Disease Emergency Assessment Dispatch” and if you make it an anagram “D.E.A.D”
its such a shame everyone agreed to ostracise rochelle when she really is one of the most important characters to the lore. coach is a cheeseburger obsessed football coach, nick is a criminal, and ellis is a young mechanic. rochelle is much more active in world events and is very well spoken. nick's ability to use a gun, coach's usage of a healthkit, and ellis' knowledge of the city are beneficial, but rochelle may be the most intelligent of the four survivors. after listening many of these videos, it's very disappointing to hear her very relevant voice lines preceded with something along the lines of "though not the most liked character"
Its incredible disappointing and a unfortunately reminder of the demographic that these creators aim their content at. Comments like that just lead me a fan of both games since 2009 and playing it to this day on my pc to feel a way about it.
Unfortunately it has a lot to do with Valve cutting out many of Rochelle’s voice lines that flesh out her character, develop her personality beyond being a plucky reporter and give her more depth as a survivor as well. Valve never struggles to write interesting characters no matter who they are or what the look like/what gender they are, but their cutting room floor is the place where most of Rochelle’s character fell short
I never meant to throw any shade at Rochelles' character, so apologies if you saw it that way. Ro to me is just overshadowed by more likable characters. Again, not that she's boring because she's not. She has a lot of great and funny voice lines in the passing, especially. But when your sharing a crew with Nick and Ellis especially, you're gonna be a bit overshadowed . (Idk If there is an official poll, but I'm willing to bet that Nick and Ellis are most people's favorite character)
@ i didnt interpret it that way at all ! i understand you were speaking for the community and not on your own opinion,, that’s why it’s especially upsetting as far as L4D lore goes
It never dawned on me that the military would realize that carriers are their trump card. Carriers like the L4D2 survivors being used as soldiers makes complete sense too because they have seen the infection firsthand and survived it all. So if a cure isn’t possible, then preserving carriers for the future is the next option and it confirms that the L4D2 survivors will continue to live
The fact that military can still fly jets about and have international resources tells me they are far from defeated. For regular joe Flying jet foesnt mean much. Anyone who knows the logistics and resources needed to not only have those birds up but also coordinated to perfection tells me they have a handle on it hell they have wisened up on carriers being a thing over radio during parish.
I don't think Mora's plan was to alert the infected. He likely did not know the infected were attracted to sound. Also as some others have said, it's unlikely the military was purely executing carriers in N'Orleans. The military on the bridge refer to all humans (carrier and not) as "friendly", considering them as allies. This makes it seem more likely that the people executed were people being unruly and forcing the military to use lethal force. The sign at the beginning says "Lethal force has been authorized" after all, not "carriers will be shot". As for the graffiti, it's most likely a result of the confusion and chaos that set in when carriers keep getting shipped out first when people have been waiting. Like that one guy says, "I've been waiting here for 2 weeks and they're shipping out people that just got here", "Those are carriers". The military may not have hated carriers, but local militias very much could have, especially if they got perceived "special treatment" from the military.
i feel like Mora's knows that sound attracts the infected because after he did start the alarm, Everly was so perplexed by this action that it feels too deliberate that he wants the base to fall, and making sure that all the infected swarm the place is a good excuse on how to do it.
Another advantage with carriers being used as frontline soldiers would also be that they would likely get more protective equipment such as helmets and vests making them overall more likely to survive getting debris thrown at them as an example. While a helmet and vest may not fully protect you its still better than running around with a t-shirt
Honestly this virus is probably one of the strongest zombie viruses in the zombie genre. It can be airborne or not as it switches. It mutates DAILY, and millions upon millions would get infected easily as Tanks and other special zombies can easily take over military defenses.
I love this dude how he explains the l4d story I'm glad I found this channel I always want to know the story about behind l4d 2 and 1 I played that game since I'm in 5th grade then I grow older I get curious about what happened what started the zombies apocalypse I'm thankful this guy make this vids hehehe u finally fill my curiousity thank u merry Christmas and a happy new year too all l4d 2 fans dear❤❤
"It definitely lays the ground work for left 4 dead 3 THAT IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN" Everytime i play left 4 dead 2 im always reminded by it to this day
I mean there's no way to really prepare for the infected part, I'd assume that they realized it was a lot more severe than they thought when hospitals and makeshift clinics full of recently infected people suddenly started rampaging and tearing through everyone
13:35 that’s my theory for L4D3. Customized CEDA disease trucks? Hundreds of similar hazmat suits? The military KNEW something was coming; why else would you prepare for the “IMPOSSIBLE”
Likely another grand conspiracy of population control via a mutated strain of the virus, but either escaped before tweaking or as sabotage gone horribly wrong. At least it wouldn't be as absurd as Dead Island 2's plot twist or anything.
All the information about CEDA here is so cool, CEDA not knowing how to haddle the green flue is such a "human" thing to happen in the universe hahaha, even more realistic than the infected haha. And the conclusion about how this could lead into a L4D 3 ideia with survivors acting like a military team would indeed be very interesting.
I'm not really sure if this matters or if you are gonna see this comment at all, but I wanted to point out that there is another L4D content creator from the Hispanic community that is copying word for word your "The Story Behind X". I find it kinda funny. The gameplay and editing is a bit different, but he is saying word for word your scrip, just translated to Spanish, lol. I'm not sure if I should say the name of his channel tho. I know that what he's saying is the same that you say because Spanish is my first language, I just speak English a little bit, but enough to understand and compare both videos xd I share this because I think it's not fair that you spend a good part of your time to make these videos, and then another dude just says the same months later but in another language. On the other side, if someone else wants to talk about any campaign, there's not much to say that hasn't been said already 🤷♂. Also, I know this is really common in yt, but, meh, I wanted tho share this. btw, happy new year, y'all :D
I have been aware of this Mr Paranoise for a while now and I may just do a video on the gentlemen to make a point. Especially if he's taking his plagiarism to these extremes Ty for the heads up.
Hey Conz Those years ive played L4D2 i already found myself pieces of lore in both games but i understood many people can miss them super easily now about CEDA i read too many posters and i thought "can you use your brains for once? You are getting no where only a failure you are!" hardly enough its dark story that is and in army i dont get it why higher and mid ranks couldnt put their heads together and form a plan that could work but i guess the infected overrunned multiple bases in blink of an eye so they couldnt stabilize the situacion and they could take some measures into they hands Well thats my view on L4D2 lore i may gets some points on lore or not Btw i watched all "story behind" sorry i didnt commented any of them but i was impressed by yours affereds you did a super impresive job about it
I think Turtle Rock tried to duplicate the initial draft of L4D3 storyline for B4B but they failed miserably. Characters in this game are bland as fuck. Irony is that Valve created characters that they could relate to and want to play as. You wanna go full Tony Montana during Zombie Apocalypse? Then choose Nick. Wanna play as old Veteran who lowkey happy that zombie apocalypse happened because he hated his Civilian life? Bill. And many more. Valve put their hearts and efforts into the game that it seems people are just recently begun realizing what they actually accomplished.
Merry Christmas (Little late) and Happy New Year (Little early) to all of you!!
Apologies for the delay. I've been juggling a few video ideas but I know that lore videos are what you guys want. Bit of a different format but we're learning as we go.
I'll do my best to be more consistent with uploads in the future so you guys aren't waiting a month for videos.
Thank you all again
Merry Christmas and thank you for the awesome video
It is so unrealistic that the military’s response regarding carriers after a few days is to not train the fck out of them and weaponise them to help deal with infected
Merry year and New christmas too, Conz! I really love your videos
Tell the survivor background and history
Considering you're excellent at viewing the game lore.
No problem dude at least u continue doing what you love
There's a saying in the public health and medical fields: "when you hear the clopping of hooves, think horses, not zebras." When symptoms manifest, start with the most likely explanation first and only move on to more out-there hypotheses when the common ones are ruled out. There's also the fact that it's not like CEDA examines every person who comes through a health clinic. They have to be warned by doctors or hospitals of something odd or potentially new going on before they even get involved. The fact that CEDA was able to identify the pathogen as new within only two days of first infection can only have one of three possible explanations: either CEDA is an extremely competent organization when it comes to its virology and pathology departments; that the symptoms of the first infection were so unique and/or extreme that it manifested unlike any other disease (implying that CEDA _had_ to know it wasn't really a flu); or, CEDA already studied or knew about the pathogen before the first infection (suggesting potentially nefarious origins). I personally prefer the first explanation, since I'm sick to death of stories about some evil and stupid corporation/government doing something evil and stupid, and I find it much more interesting and scary in stories when humanity tries its hardest and does its best and still gets overwhelmed by events.
In any case, 14 days is simply too fast for any kind of coherent response to a completely new kind of disaster, especially one as complex and dangerous as the Green Flu. I fully believe that all of the actions taken by CEDA were at least reasonable when you take into account the speed of the collapse and the lack of information they had. Even the "wash your hands and wear a mask" posters. While we the audience know that such measures are not sufficient, it's also the best advice to give when the nature of a new pathogen is unknown but is spreading rapidly. Fomite exposure and airborne particles are among the most likely forms of transmission in that case. Again, horses instead of zebras. Honestly, the fact that CEDA reacted so quickly, was able to create so many evacuation zones spread all across the country, and established the saferoom system, all to me suggest that CEDA was a highly competent if flawed organization that tried its best in an impossible situation. These are not easy feats to pull off in such a short and chaotic time frame, and it's probably the best that anyone could expect from them.
As much as the evil and idiotic is a common trope I do fine valve has a habit of twisting things on its head.
Heck the army base was holding while until on guy way below his rank decided he needed to due something.
Good take (:
Yea, I feel like historically people talking about L4D wouldn't see CEDA in such a bad light, but now a days all the videos about this game treat CEDA as incredibly incompetent or nefarious. In all honesty, while they may have made mistakes and those mistakes were at times very significant and not uncommon, the mistakes they did make were mostly reasonable. The situation was just so completely out of hand from the get go that only extreme over reaction could have had the slightest chance of containing things, and even then chances were slim.
For example, the safe rooms critical to the survival of our protagonists are only so common because of CEDA's efforts. They managed to capture a boomer for testing and even had thought of a creative and effective way to make use of their bile, and had been seemingly manufacturing and distributing it in significant quantities, all within a few days of them appearing. And their opposition to firearms makes sense to some degree, they probably thought there was a meaningful chance to cure the infected and also clearly didn't want to end up with the uninfected killing off carriers and militias taking over.
Also I think it used to be a common idea that the green flu did not initially cause people to turn into zombies, because the game says the "infection" started 2 weeks before the original L4D, but news paper reports of the green flu indicate airports were already being shut down due to the spread of green flu at least 3-4 weeks before the original L4D. If the green flu originally only caused normal viral symptoms and only later mutated to turn people into zombies, it would honestly make a lot of the posters and actions of CEDA make even more sense (such as the posters you mentioned).
This comment needs to be pinned. Like seriously if the WHO and CDC acted this effectively a lot of diseases would be eradicated
@@skeletonracingandgaming3407 Ayo, we gotta give credit where credit is due, we eradicated a lot of viral diseases, they only start making resurgences because people stop listening to health authorities XD
Valve gameplay: easy to learn, difficult to master, and nothing but a fun time
Valve lore: you're gonna need a drink after you learn how dark things are here
it's funny how the most light hearted is TF2 (In my opinion) And that game has the mercs sending their enemy's boss straight to hell.
And the Administrator, PERIOD. THAT LAST COMIC THO
Atleast it isnt dark souls were napping is the only way to win the game 😂
@@dolan3623 That wholesome also.. you dont want your vengeful boss to h a u n t you 😂
@@dolan3623 and they do that every halloween
I love how the CEDA analog horror series actually made the L4D2 survivor work as specialists, with Nick being in Fairfield (Dead Air) and Coach training recruits in Switzerland.
It's like "Cleaners" from B4B but actually makes sense this time since "Carriers" would be "Lab Rats" or "Frontline Troops" (or both in some occasions).
@@hayro252 Yeah, they became the angels of death
Wait, that was a thing?
@@Violent_WolfenIt’s a fan series
Very quick correction, Fairfield was no mercy + crash course.
Dead Air is set in newburg
If The Parish ended with the survivors on cruise ships, I could see that setting up that cancelled "L4D3" game set in Morocco. Like it's revealed to the L4D2 survivors that a Moroccan lab has been researching the virus for months, incentivizing them to go there for some reason. They could still run with that for a sequel set anywhere, but I'm sane enough not to expect that too
Back 4 Blood/World War Z but they have Mother Base and it is a cruise ship sailing the world in search of survivors/supplies/the cure/zombies to hunt. (Zoey would've signed on in a heartbeat judging from her dialogue in The Sacrifice campaign)
@@CaptPatrick01 please do not bring crap like back 4 blood or world war z in the discussion about left 4 dead
Why would a random Third world country randomly developing a Bio weapon bruh, That virus must came from nature like Ancient plague since theres some Immune people.
>Cruise ships
I assume those boats were retrofitted for the Carrierfolk haphazardly as Military still operates Jets which means there are Airbases/Aircraft Carriers that still works and have logistical line to resupply and refuel the aircrafts.
@dukeofgumby Where was this detail of a Moroccan lab mentioned? I recall the detail of cruise ships in an interview but not that lab info.
Babe wake up, Conz posted new lore video 🗣🗣
Strangely enough this is my reality ☠️
Im awake im awake
Im sorry im late i was cooking popcorn
My bad, I was buying some cold ones
I'm still disappointed that Comic Writers ignored the fact that Bill was a Nam Veteran. Even if Lt. Mora wouldn't have listened him out of his selfishness, Other soldiers would have begun asking questions about the moment they seen his attire (iirc some Vietnam Veterans reenlisted during Invasion of Iraq, and even if they were lower rank, their higher ups still treated them with utmost respect and even NCOs treated them as if they were their upper rank but I digress). Instead, writers chosen to ignore it altogether.
Last but not least, I was expecting Bill to protest the way that Military treats Vietnam Veteran. If you ask me, Milhaven chapter could have been longer but it felt rushed.
I mean none of the much liked carriers and they had no link to the army after being cut off and having a mutiny.
Bill said it himself, his experience helped with nothing. We can assume that carries over for the other things too
@AnonTDegenerate Two guards who are on Sentry duty asked what was it like being outside to Louis and Francis, and one Soldier suggested to use them as frontline troops so there were many opinions on Carriers rather than outright offing them. Despite that, both Lt. Mora and Major didn't see elephant in the room aka crucial information and experience Carriers have. Especially Bill, who could have told both conventional and unconventional warfare doesn't mean anything against zombies if Military only tried to listen. Only the ones who listened the L4D1 Survivors were 2 guardsmen and they get to survive.
Sorry, but nah, you're way off base. Veterans would be treated with courtesy but they wouldn't be able to dictate military operations to active personnel.
@@gooel Of course Veterans wouldn't able to dictate the command, but they sure have valuable experience that they could able to give crucial advice or so.
I think the way Bill and his group treated by Military was final blow that caused him to go full on "we take care of our own" mindset.
My theory (and judging by non-canon DBD trailer) is that during the Nam, his CO/Squad Leader abandoned the stranded and wounded soldiers to "take care of our own", but Bill refused to listen and came back for them. After his one-man succesful operation, Air-force could have mistaken them for Vietcong because CO might have ordered a strike and told them area is clear of friendlies. Bill was the only survivor, and his rescue efforts left in vain. Then after that he got honorably discharged due to "knee injury" (also with likely chance of ridden with PTSD). After his discharge, he probably got spits on his face (due to anti-war sentiment at the time) that made him shut-in veteran without any social life who earns his money through dead-end and odd jobs.
1:00 worth noting that Rochelle's definitely gotten a bit more popular since they restored some of her dialogue. She actually has a personality now!
She was my go to character personally.
You know, now that the TF2 comic is finally done. I wouldn't mind getting a comic like The Sacrifice, showing what happens with the L4D2 crew right after boarding the chopper.
Anyway great video Conz!
But Bill's time in the Nam could also have a potential and I wanna know why he didn't have any family or so. Maybe he was abandoned by his (hippie?) family with a spit on his face? Orphan and the Army was the only family he knew? Terrible luck with the ladies due to PTSD?
I don't know, but I'm sure there's a veteran out there who could answer this question
@@hayro252I actually have been brainstorming a L4D2 fanfic of Bill’s past, starting from when he was a teenager and getting drafted to the end of Sacrifice where he laid down in the generator room. Still got a lot of research to do.
@@hayro252Maybe his wife dead idk, A man like him wouldn't search other women if his are gone. Eternal love they said.
@@zaccorpseman7366 There are multiple theories that DBD was going to dive into the Bill time in Nam but got shut down by Valve. In my opinion, Valve might've thought what DBD devs writing was OOC for Overbeck (not to mention that Bill's modern military attire in his Vietnam Flashback at the trailer wasn't issued at the time).
Also iirc after the war he did work dead-end and odd-jobs according to his bio, which kinda made sense since many Veterans having hard time to adjust into Civilian life.
@@hayro252 DBD's "lore" for Bill is completely non-canon to L4D. In fact, most of it completely contradicts L4D's story.
Even tho back 4 blood was a failure of a game their idea of cleaners would fit perfectly for left 4 dead 3 the whole carriers being in the front line going on missions for the base supply runs, rescue ops and etc introducing new carriers and our og survivors to choose for these missions lore wise it would make sense after the events of the parish
Since it was made by people connected to valve, it would make sense they took the frame for a potential 3 and ran with it.
Agreed, while it does take place in a different universe. I can definetly see it happening too if the Green FLU stays active in the Long Run, we talking Months to years. While Biologically the Green FLU as it is in L4D does not have the capabilities to last for Years. The infected are still waaay to Human to survive for months, they need to much of the basic human needs like Hydration and food.
But we talking about a daily changing Virus, who knows what the Green FLU can cook up, can mutate so much that it can bypass a Carrier's Immune system i wonder.
Carriers being the Frontline units like the Cleaners in B4B is so accurate.
@@Horatio-sj2es It was unfortunate how it turned out, but the idea made sense. If only they did not go with the gimmicky card sets and "leveling" idea. L4D games had survivors using any weapon available to fight through hordes of infected to a destination, it was a simple and fun model that happened to have a neat story attached to it. Even without all the details, just the gameplay alone is fun. B4B had survivors with weapons tied to some arbitrary system, fighting against things vaguely resembling humanoids on top of maps that get you from one spot to the next to gain rewards to unlock, upgrade or earn new things. No real cohesive story that I know of, though I only played three levels (the last being one where the specials glitched out and were killing everyone through walls) and the combat did not feel good. You are either killing something or being killed, there is no in between.
@@Horatio-sj2es Pretty sure out of the entire dev studio less then like 10 people worked on both L4D and B4B
Man if Valve ever decides to do a L4D3 instead of just having a third group of survivors during the beginning of the outbreak they go with the "Cleaners" idea that B4B has
Would be cooler and way fresher
Once again, there is graffiti about people deciding to storm the military barricades in the parish before you really see the carnage saying “they can’t stop us all”
People literally broke quarantine in the most violent fashion and at that point the military has one order…
Good, contain, by any means necessary. Civilians are always so haste to act without thinking.
@labased2539 number one bootlicker
@@flopsblasbeibcvu how original, congratulations. *Yawn*
@@flopsblasbeibcvu nah he spitting. Why did they think storming the army when surrounded by zombies who are attracted by noise would be a good thing?
13:02 Just to add more info, you can hear military men talking to each other after the l4d2 crew confirms they are immune saying
Papa gator: “Rescue 7 are equiped for Carriers?”
Rescue 7: “affirmitve Papa Gator”
they are prepared and specialised to house Carriers. also the Military in the sacifice comic has lost contact with Command for 6 six days, leaving them out in the dark of any new plans that may be happening.
They must accepted the Idea of Sending Immune people to The front line.
Not to mention that Major was a stubborn Old Guard who refused to believe Zombies were mutating and didn't even bother to (order) interrogate the leader of group who is a Nam veteran.
Had he taken action of some sort, Lt. Mora wouldn't have launched his foolish mutiny.
Papa Gator and Rescue 7 also briefly discuss whether the commotion at the start of the bridge is from "Whiskey Delta, or Friendly?" - Since they later clarify that "Whiskey Delta" refers to the infected (As per the voiceline stating "The bridge is crawling with Whiskey Delta"), this showcases that the military refers to all humans (Both carriers and non-carriers) as "friendly", meaning they are considered allies.
This is also why I don't believe the military executed carriers purely because they were carriers. I've spoken to several US marines about the game, and each one of them insisted that they would never, under any circumstances, shoot at civilians. It's more realistic that the people who were shot were being disruptive, uncooperative, or otherwise an active threat that forced lethal action.
@@JAiZTH-cam yet we can clearly see in the Parish Campaign that Armed civilains opened fire at the Military, like even downing a few Helicopters.
The Parish is a litteral warzone, while at face Value from our perspective as the l4d2 survivors, the only enemy we face are the infected. But clearly multiple factions formed under the Human population to fight the Military and other Carriers
If the military did executions, it has to be in Self Defense...
@@JAiZTH-camif you believed those marines you're a fool. In a real life zombie apocalypse, marines would absolutely fire on civilians if necessary, such as a no-fail containment zone to protect mission critical pers/supplies. Sorry but that's just reality. They wouldn't say that to you though because nobody likes to admit it in peacetime.
What I love about the government in L4D is that for once they aren't the bad guys. Every time there's a game like this, they always make the government involved somehow. But in L4D they're genuinely trying to help. It's not that they're evil or incompetent, it's just that the disease is too much for anyone to do anything
This is a huge part of why L4D is a really scary zombie apocalypse, people act intelligently
@RepriseYT Yup, having a corporation like Umbrella create some horrifying BOW is scary, but to actually have everyone on board, and still fail is so much better for an "all hope is lost" type story.
@@therobustempyrean1436 I think it would be really boring, but because most scenarios depict the military as absolutely useless or outright malicious it is something special in the genre.
I actually prefer the movie WWZ's portrayal of a zombie apocalypse the most. I don't think zombies would form towers to climb walls, but they'd be fast and agile. And it shows the incompetence of people overall instead of just the military.
What concerns me is how we never see any alive animals (aside from birds). So if we are to theorise, the ecosystem's balance is already out the window, and I don't need to tell you how heavy we rely on that balance as a species. History has proved this. So even if we managed to kill every single infected, which is already a hard task, how are we gonna recover? How is Earth itself gonna recover?
For reference, Half-life. The Combine has drained most of Earth's oceans, nature is pretty much dead, Earth is infested with hostile alien life, humanity has been sterilised from giving birth. Humanity there is dead, with or without the Combine.
I think an ideal Left 4 Dead 3 setting would be 3 weeks since infection, in a secure base up in the NorthWest coast. They could have embraced the idea of securing Carriers mentioned at 12:45 and there could be excellent story beats about the tension between the Carriers that have to brave the danger of the hordes versus the uninfected that rely on them for survival.
Left 4 Dead 2 is already 3 weeks since first infection
They can also create a story based on one of the first survivors who wrote and drew the graffitis in the safe house walls. Imagine you're the first guys in the apocalypse but military and other survivors and other zombies want to kill you when they see you at the first place.
I feel like 3 months in would be good for its setting and new infected. If special infected started appearing around 2 weeks, imagine 3 months.
@@thepeskyone I wouldn't mind if Valve incorporate some rogue-like element to make each base special infected operate with different abilities and attribute. They had tried to incorporate randomize elements in maps in L4D2 but failed to meet the desired result. I would love them to try again since many games have already figured out more ways for replay-ability.
@Feel like by then the infection would be gone, given l4d zombies aren’t undead but still alive, being described as basically super rabies along with the fact speical infected show signs of wear and tear on their bodies already after a week, Smoker has more tumors to point it engulfs one of it eye, the Tank has more blisters and has it jaw now covered by it muscle. Hunter has heavily bruised skin around its legs and arm, and spitter tho no l4d1 counterpart to compare any massive change of Mutation over time, her body shows signs it can’t handle the acid she makes the Jaw being the most obvious example, with the acid likely being what will eventually kill her.
if anything l4d infection is going be like orignal 21 days later ending where infection start dying off as they are still human and need food and water like anyone else
The darkest thing about this situation is coming to terms with humanity's future. The only hope for the non infected population is to isolate themselves and hide before the hoard comes.
No matter what though, the notion that the carriers will be the future for humanity is the only hope that there is.
Which makes the idea of executing carriers really stupid, if they're the guaranteed last hope for humanity.
And worst case scenario, what if a Carrier Woman is pregnant? there is still a Low chance the baby could not be Immune. It could cause some intense internal Damage to the Mother to probably kill her from the inside. People all making jokes that Rochelle and Zoey gotta start repopulating the Earth, but the Risks might be to great to even start on it.
I think Carriers are like Special Type of Infected who are able to have symbiotic relationship with the virus. Most Carriers gains enhanced vitality and strength without having any sort of apparent bodily or psychological mutation, but their bodies are basically infection dispenser machine also. It's like Green Flu was actually a serum for a Super Soldier Program that managed to escape from the lab. I think then CEDA gotten wind of it quickly and had "YOU DID WHAT?" face to ones who responsible for "the oopsie"
@@galacticfirefly the carrier gene is just dormant. if both parents are carriers it's a 100% guarantee the child is also a carrier
8:27 i mean, it's already a life or death situation that can be determined in a matter of seconds in the game on versus mode already, the comic, if anything, portrayed correctly how lethal the special infected can be, specially when attacking together just like it happens on the game
it's interesting how Back 4 Blood tried to pick up where the story of Left 4 Dead 2 left off, where the Military has setup base on Cruise Ships, where they started using the Survivors as Exterminators and sent them to the mainland which is where the story of Left 4 Dead 2 seems to be heading but we all know the game wasn't executed as well as we hoped...
Cruise Ships! makes me wonder why no one has made a Custom Map entirely on a Cruise Ship! there's so much environmental variety on a cruise ship, from hotel rooms, bars, restaurants, casinos, video game arcades, theaters, swimming pools with slides, shopping malls, utility rooms, engine room, captain/navigation room etc., it'd be a great self-contained setting for a custom Left 4 Dead campaign or even a whole new Zombie game.
I vividly remember a custom cruise ship map with my friends. It exists, forgot its name though.
They do exist. If you would have looked it up you would see.
There's a custom map set on the Titanic! And I've played a cruise ship too. There's one out there.
"We have been left to die"
Say that again...
“Everyone in this center is dead”
“We’ve been left to die…too…”
@@D4_Isnt_Real We were left three dead as well
@@binaryboopsva say that again…
"Yeah this carnival sure looks dark"
Ever since I learned the lore behind Left 4 Dead, I've thought it's a truly hopeless setting, the flu is terrifyingly viral, the special infected make survival almost impossible for regular people, and the carriers, humanity's only hope for survival, are slaughtered to a man by panicking military leaders facing the apocalypse.
If you live in Alaska in the left 4 dead universe you should be fine
@diamondrtmlegobrickz9980 I honestly doubt it.
@@axios4702 no it’s too cold and they would probably be weakened by the cold and it will be pretty easy for them to die
@@diamondrtmlegobrickz9980 If they don't mutate. Even then, all it takes is one zombie somehow stumbling it's way into your camp and a dumb kid or something touching it to kill everyone with how infectious it is. Or a carries who doesn't know what they are visiting.
@@diamondrtmlegobrickz9980 until food runs out.
0:26 You can see on the right side where it says "Disease Emergency Assessment Dispatch" it spells out DEAD. 😵
I thought most of us knew this?
@Hugh_Mannn I just noticed it immediately from the start of the video. I guess I'm just a symbologist like that fr uwu
So I was blind to see that after all this year? Now it makes a huge sense. What the heck is CEDA doing?
Speaking of Cruise Ships, I have a theory that Papa Gator is a Carrier Strike Group, organized remnants of Coast Guard and Navy, or dispatch from 2nd Fleet anchored at dozen miles away from the coast of New Orleans.
F/A-18 hornets in the game are jets that can take the role of Carrier Based Aircraft, which kinda supports my theory imo.
Given that the air force is stationed on the mainland they would be more limited in its operations as not only are air force bases loud which could attract infected they also would be areas survivors would flee to if they were unable to get to the safe zones put up by ceda. How the air force personel deal with survivors is anyones guess but they would definently be short on manpower if they were isolated. At the same time my knowledge only comes from Swedish air force bases and id assume American air force bases are much more secure in comparison
@fishyfish6050 Aircrafts makes a lotta noise as you can guess (and noise attract zombies). However, Vulkan gun emplacements might do a short work on infected hordes given that air bases are equipped them with
@@hayro252 Yep, but also, Airbases often host crafts like AH-64s and MQ-9s.
Honestly, a clever use of them would be to strap a speaker to an MQ-9, fly it far away from whatever AO they’re trying to secure, in the process luring most infected towards the thing, before either dropping munitions on them, or simply turning off the loudspeaker and flying the drone quietly away at Angels two, out of hearing range of the Infected. They literally have easily controllable, long-range pipe bombs in the form of those drones. Not to mention IFVs and APCs like M3 Bradleys having more than enough oomph to shred an entire horde of every type of infected with the Bushmaster.
Frankly, the scariest thing about L4D is the Green Flu’s airborne nature itself. If the disease could only be spread through bodily fluids or fomites the military would have cleaned it up in 1 week flat once they’re given the authority to use lethal force.
@@NosFurRatTou Truth be told, Military could solve the problem via pulling Raccoon city on entire East Coast. It may not be pretty, but the radiation would probably kill any virus, bacteria, and fungi along with the infected within the blast radius.
Guess they didn't pull that option yet because Army probably thinks Green Flu would die itself out if it can't infect any more humans. It's apperant that infected doesn't have much life expectancy as well since they don't eat or drink that requires body to function. Not to mention that their body gets so weaker that even they could be decapped with a guitar hit.
14:34 it might been Very Unlike but I kinda do wanna believe L4D3 would have similar plot as B4B of Carriers collecting Simples for the Military or CEDA
L4d3 was set to be open world so that would have been the idea probably 🤔
I remember mentioning this in both the Dark Carnival and The Passing (I think?) video;
Due to the loss of control around various military branches, its likely that an abandoned fragment of the military was left to decide on their options, leading them to command an operation where the carriers could be used as pawns against the infection as they loot derelicts around overrun cities such as Savvanah to salvage what CEDA or The Military has left.
This could also be proof as to why the Midnight Riders could've also "survived" in the Passing, but its still a speculation. The Band and other carriers were probably ordered to carry out equipment in and out of the city, since the placecwas riddled with guns, military presence, and of course; the supply boxes. (Oh and yea remember they kinda evacuated the band on a seperate vehicle away from the other civillians)
>Due to the loss of control around various military branches, its likely that an abandoned fragment of the military was left to decide on their options, leading them to command an operation where the carriers could be used as pawns against the infection as they loot derelicts around overrun cities such as Savvanah to salvage what CEDA or The Military has left.
This implies chain of command have fallen completely, which also means that infection spread all the way through West Coast. Hell, that could have even mean NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Complex gone silent, and each Military Remnants had to draw their own battleplans and secure the logistics while trying to reestablish the chain of command again.
Also for those who don't know, NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Complex is a Military Nuclear Shelter Inside the Mountain that tasked with taking the charge (mainly the Nuclear arsenal) if Military High Command and Civilian goverment gets evaporated in event of the Nuclear War. Still, you know things fucked up if Cheyenne takes the command, but you know things even more fucked up when there's a zombie apocalypse and Cheyenne isn't there to take the charge.
4:40 The only importance is if the Midnight Raiders tour was cancelled.
To add further credence to the l4d2 survivors (and other carriers) being put on cruise ships, in the ‘command center’ in the Vannah (2:07), we can actually see the route designations for New Orleans. New Orleans is circled and an arrow is pointing towards the ocean, presumably the Gulf of Mexico.
It makes sense considering both the infected and special infected are unable to reach the survivors due to the ocean’s waters. Unless the cruise ships are near enough to get hit by a Tank’s rock or a Spitter’s acid, they are pretty safe. Moreover, it also keeps carriers from further spreading the Green flu to other non-infected survivors.
What confuses me is that after reading the comics for the sacrifice, they raised the bridge to get the sailboat across to the other side and were waiting for everything to calm back down and to bring louis back to the boat and leave, however if the boat is still there and they lower it again for L4D2 protagonists theyll have to raise it again which didn't go so smoothly the first time around.
But then as you pointed out Elis invited them to join along for the military rescue op, at this point the L4D1 guys would have known they were carriers and naturally would have known the L4D2 guys are also but Francis doesn't tell them anything and how lowering the bridge would be a huge problem.
I feel like if they literally just spent 10 minutes discussing how the military and CEDA have failed and will likely kill or perform experiments on carriers and to instead join them on the boat a lot of bs could have been avoided and helped everybody.
I just stumbled upon your channel today and i already like your videos on left 4 dead. I never imagined this, as a kid i used to play both left 4 dead and left 4 dead 2 mostly for the fun, i never really took it in mind how dark the story of the game actually is. Keep up, i can see the dedication you are putting in.
At 03:37 the Ceda sign with the tagline Disease Emergency Assessment Dispatch (DEAD) lolololol
I knew I'd find a channel like this eventually, glad I did and not to to mention at such an opportune time. I'm making a pseudo-L4D3 through mods with the mild absurdity of military conspiracies where L4D1's crew was supposed to take on the role of a CEDA team called Barghest (inspired by Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty) which didn't happen due to their processing at Millhaven getting screwed. L4D2's survivors end up with that role instead, after the Parish when they arrive at Echo. I like thinking of CEDA as a subordinate dispatched by FEMA with the purpose of Barghest's role but were ordered to withdraw after the government made the mistake of underestimating CEDA's PETA level of passivity, explaining their absence
I absolutely love that idea. (really wanna try phantom liberty as well)
Only now am I getting into the custom campaigns and the creativity and work that you guys put in is insane. I love how much this community is growing.
@@ImNotConz Right on! Thanks, man. I'm still yet to make my first campaign but I've made a couple Signalis music replacement mods to learn where the box is before I start to think outside of it. I've got a collection called Orrery of Aberration, though and it's lore-friendly, of course. BTW, Phantom Liberty's defo worth it 💯
Edit: Happy new year to you n yours!
I Don't dabble in the custom campaigns often, but I look I loom forward to playing yours. Phantom liberty is something I'm putting on the list.
Thank you very much, and best of luck with the campaign
6:53 "armored APC"
Yeah man I know the feeling, like when I forget my PIN number at the ATM machine. Or don't have compact CD disc to listen to. What I'm trying to say is that the A in APC already stands for armored, just FYI information 😅
I love chai tea
@@ahagayuqhqvCHAI TEA!? Do you say you like sugar sugar in your coffee coffee?
(Pretty sure I butchered it)
The APC is _extra_ armored.
@@jackychang9148 love that movie
Assuming the APC was modified to evacuate carriers, that statement is somewhat valid
as someone with a special interest in biology and genetics, it always bothered me that the military decided to start executing carriers when shit hit the fan.
like you've got people who are immune to the virus that very quickly turns people into violent monsters. My dude, Carriers are the FUTURE! If you want the human species to survive in a post green-flu world, you need Carriers, normal humans aren't going to make it out there, it's just an obvious lost cause.
Gunning down the carriers to protect the vulnerable is just dooming humanity to extinction.
The whole "carriers were haphazardly executed" theory is still something that doesn't make any sense, because not only are they an obviously valuable resource for multiple reasons (like you said), but a US soldier would never execute a US citizen under any circumstance.
It would be reasonable for dissidents, rebels, or otherwise threatening individuals to be killed, but there's no logical reason for the military to kill compliant carriers, especially since they _were_ actively evacuating them to the best of their ability.
There's way more evidence suggesting that the military was trying to save as many carriers as possible, and simple lacked the means to do it effectively, while also having to maintain control and fend off people launching rebel attacks on the evacuation outposts.
I think the gunning down of carriers makes sense because while it is true that carriers benefit humanity, they don’t benefit the people in command of the military since carriers pose an infection risk. Sure you could make carriers kill zombies but what if they turn on you or purposefully infect you in order to put themselves as the superior humans.
@sud1881 That's what quarantines are for.
@sud1881 zombies would just get to the higher ups eventually anyways. Best call would be to train up the carriers to replace you to ensure your structure keeps going when you're inevitability infected.
@@JAiZTH-cam Even the Civilians hunting carriers hurts me, there's just no sense in that.
though panicked people trapped in quarantine don't have a lot of sense to go around. and it is definitely something i could see people doing in a similar situation.
The reason why our Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 protagonists are so seemingly adept at absolutely slaughtering zombies compared to the literal mf military is because their "Carrier" disposition confuses and suppresses the ferocity of any infected zombies.
Since carriers are not quite human, YET not quite zombies, it can only make sense that maybe something about them, whether it be by scent or something, distracts and confuses the zombies they fight against, almost like as if the infected are holding back bc they would be "technically" fighting against one of their own...
never stop the flow of l4d2 vids
Man I love the videos this man makes, they are entertaining and fun to watch + I get to learn even more about L4D2 and other things related to it
Your lore vids are awesome man! Keep up the good work.
There is a fan video comic by ArtzDeeva known as "The Return", it is basically how the story would had continued after The Parish and The Sacrifice. And I am going to treat that as L4D3 canon.
I don’t know if anyone else noticed it but I just noticed the trailers that CEDA use are called “Disease Emergency Assessment Dispatch” and if you make it an anagram “D.E.A.D”
its such a shame everyone agreed to ostracise rochelle when she really is one of the most important characters to the lore. coach is a cheeseburger obsessed football coach, nick is a criminal, and ellis is a young mechanic. rochelle is much more active in world events and is very well spoken. nick's ability to use a gun, coach's usage of a healthkit, and ellis' knowledge of the city are beneficial, but rochelle may be the most intelligent of the four survivors. after listening many of these videos, it's very disappointing to hear her very relevant voice lines preceded with something along the lines of "though not the most liked character"
Its incredible disappointing and a unfortunately reminder of the demographic that these creators aim their content at. Comments like that just lead me a fan of both games since 2009 and playing it to this day on my pc to feel a way about it.
Unfortunately it has a lot to do with Valve cutting out many of Rochelle’s voice lines that flesh out her character, develop her personality beyond being a plucky reporter and give her more depth as a survivor as well. Valve never struggles to write interesting characters no matter who they are or what the look like/what gender they are, but their cutting room floor is the place where most of Rochelle’s character fell short
@@neonlights8012the fk are you smoking? 😂😂
I never meant to throw any shade at Rochelles' character, so apologies if you saw it that way.
Ro to me is just overshadowed by more likable characters. Again, not that she's boring because she's not. She has a lot of great and funny voice lines in the passing, especially. But when your sharing a crew with Nick and Ellis especially, you're gonna be a bit overshadowed .
(Idk If there is an official poll, but I'm willing to bet that Nick and Ellis are most people's favorite character)
@ i didnt interpret it that way at all ! i understand you were speaking for the community and not on your own opinion,, that’s why it’s especially upsetting as far as L4D lore goes
Man, i wish this kind of video will never end, sadly Valve didn't update futher content anymore
It never dawned on me that the military would realize that carriers are their trump card. Carriers like the L4D2 survivors being used as soldiers makes complete sense too because they have seen the infection firsthand and survived it all. So if a cure isn’t possible, then preserving carriers for the future is the next option and it confirms that the L4D2 survivors will continue to live
The Carriers are wild cards. Where they go, more chances for non-infected people to be zombies.
The fact that military can still fly jets about and have international resources tells me they are far from defeated. For regular joe Flying jet foesnt mean much. Anyone who knows the logistics and resources needed to not only have those birds up but also coordinated to perfection tells me they have a handle on it hell they have wisened up on carriers being a thing over radio during parish.
I don't think Mora's plan was to alert the infected. He likely did not know the infected were attracted to sound.
Also as some others have said, it's unlikely the military was purely executing carriers in N'Orleans. The military on the bridge refer to all humans (carrier and not) as "friendly", considering them as allies. This makes it seem more likely that the people executed were people being unruly and forcing the military to use lethal force. The sign at the beginning says "Lethal force has been authorized" after all, not "carriers will be shot".
As for the graffiti, it's most likely a result of the confusion and chaos that set in when carriers keep getting shipped out first when people have been waiting. Like that one guy says, "I've been waiting here for 2 weeks and they're shipping out people that just got here", "Those are carriers". The military may not have hated carriers, but local militias very much could have, especially if they got perceived "special treatment" from the military.
i feel like Mora's knows that sound attracts the infected because after he did start the alarm, Everly was so perplexed by this action that it feels too deliberate that he wants the base to fall, and making sure that all the infected swarm the place is a good excuse on how to do it.
From what I've noticed, I'm happy to see people show the love that Rochelle deserves nowadays.
Another advantage with carriers being used as frontline soldiers would also be that they would likely get more protective equipment such as helmets and vests making them overall more likely to survive getting debris thrown at them as an example. While a helmet and vest may not fully protect you its still better than running around with a t-shirt
I need my man here to get these videos onto Spotify as audio need to take these classics on the road
Honestly this virus is probably one of the strongest zombie viruses in the zombie genre. It can be airborne or not as it switches. It mutates DAILY, and millions upon millions would get infected easily as Tanks and other special zombies can easily take over military defenses.
i just love how small detail they put in just like the acronym for D.E.A.D next to CEDA Logo
I just got off work now I got something to listen to in the car😎
My Saturday just got better
I love this dude how he explains the l4d story I'm glad I found this channel I always want to know the story about behind l4d 2 and 1 I played that game since I'm in 5th grade then I grow older I get curious about what happened what started the zombies apocalypse I'm thankful this guy make this vids hehehe u finally fill my curiousity thank u merry Christmas and a happy new year too all l4d 2 fans dear❤❤
4:54 Is that Heavy!?
A figure of Heavy
Is tf2 working with l4d2?
8:40 It's unfortunate that he's also been left for dead too by the military 😔
Hold on... Say that again...
Merry Christmas everyone. Conz after you're done unrivalling the lore of left 4 dead please make a compilation of this left 4 dead lore videos.
Just what i wanted, MORE L4D CONTENT!!
Golden find. Keep uploading left 4 dead holy shit
*these lores from left 4 dead series is unbelievable.*
Live on Midnight Riders 🤘🎸
Another Peak Vid of yours
I stopped everything I was doing to watch this.
"It definitely lays the ground work for left 4 dead 3 THAT IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN"
Everytime i play left 4 dead 2 im always reminded by it to this day
Leaving a comment to help your algorithm ♥️ And happy new year!!!🌟
Happy New Year and thank you
great video keep up with the great work as always 💗💗💗💗💗💗and happy new year as well
id love lfd3 characters to be military personnel
I'll never get tired of watching L4D2 lore videos
I love the video and all your research to make it happen
I mean there's no way to really prepare for the infected part, I'd assume that they realized it was a lot more severe than they thought when hospitals and makeshift clinics full of recently infected people suddenly started rampaging and tearing through everyone
13:35 that’s my theory for L4D3. Customized CEDA disease trucks? Hundreds of similar hazmat suits? The military KNEW something was coming; why else would you prepare for the “IMPOSSIBLE”
Likely another grand conspiracy of population control via a mutated strain of the virus, but either escaped before tweaking or as sabotage gone horribly wrong. At least it wouldn't be as absurd as Dead Island 2's plot twist or anything.
Y'know, you'd think that with enough zombie media there'd be something else to use other than a loud ass alarm
2:19 I believe its ceda defenders who were armed. Officials except the bio hazard suit ones probably sucessfully left in the helos imo
Another Conz Left4Dead upload let's gooooooooooo
Another day another W CONZ VID😆😆😭😭😭🙏🙏
0:25 D.E.A.D = Disease Emergency Assessment Dispatch
All the information about CEDA here is so cool, CEDA not knowing how to haddle the green flue is such a "human" thing to happen in the universe hahaha, even more realistic than the infected haha. And the conclusion about how this could lead into a L4D 3 ideia with survivors acting like a military team would indeed be very interesting.
bro imagine they come out with Left 4 Dead 3 but instead of only 4 survivors, it's a whole platoon of Carrier soldiers fighting against the infected
If you listen to the radio before you begin the finale in the parish the soldier does ask the chopper pilot if he is equipped for carriers
Another awesome video
Happy new early new year
watching this whilst eating we love it
Thanks, this video really helped get through my vicious hemmeroid.
I'm glad it helped and hope you're doing better.
I'm not really sure if this matters or if you are gonna see this comment at all, but I wanted to point out that there is another L4D content creator from the Hispanic community that is copying word for word your "The Story Behind X". I find it kinda funny. The gameplay and editing is a bit different, but he is saying word for word your scrip, just translated to Spanish, lol.
I'm not sure if I should say the name of his channel tho. I know that what he's saying is the same that you say because Spanish is my first language, I just speak English a little bit, but enough to understand and compare both videos xd
I share this because I think it's not fair that you spend a good part of your time to make these videos, and then another dude just says the same months later but in another language. On the other side, if someone else wants to talk about any campaign, there's not much to say that hasn't been said already 🤷♂. Also, I know this is really common in yt, but, meh, I wanted tho share this.
btw, happy new year, y'all :D
I have been aware of this Mr Paranoise for a while now and I may just do a video on the gentlemen to make a point.
Especially if he's taking his plagiarism to these extremes
Ty for the heads up.
Hey Conz
Those years ive played L4D2 i already found myself pieces of lore in both games but i understood many people can miss them super easily now about CEDA i read too many posters and i thought "can you use your brains for once? You are getting no where only a failure you are!" hardly enough its dark story that is and in army i dont get it why higher and mid ranks couldnt put their heads together and form a plan that could work but i guess the infected overrunned multiple bases in blink of an eye so they couldnt stabilize the situacion and they could take some measures into they hands
Well thats my view on L4D2 lore i may gets some points on lore or not
Btw i watched all "story behind" sorry i didnt commented any of them but i was impressed by yours affereds you did a super impresive job about it
Keep up the great work ow whats your thoughts on the L4D analog horror series
You know shit has hit the fan, and it's probably too late when the news tell you to arm up and fight back yourself
civillians:YOU LEFT US 4 DEAD
Man i love your videos
The posters are obviously to calm people down and make them think its not that serious, preventing panic saves more lives than people know
I bet the Green Flu is caused by a Plague. INC player, would explain the constant mutations
But still didn't have enough DNA to have zombies swim to the Caribbean, literally every zombie scenario's last safe haven.
It's always Greenland.
Now I think about it, Savannah Georgia is like the area for zombies in games/shows. Left for Dead, the walking dead video game, etc
I'm embarrassed to admit that, after learning the narrative, I've come to appreciate Rochelle, despite my initial dislike of her loud voice lines.
The rescued survivors if couldn't act as frontline units would still be valuable for advise in dealing with the mutated infected
Cool video. It's always fun to speculate.
Recruiting carriers to fight off the Infected with proper military training and gear sounds like Back 4 Blood for me.
I think Turtle Rock tried to duplicate the initial draft of L4D3 storyline for B4B but they failed miserably.
Characters in this game are bland as fuck. Irony is that Valve created characters that they could relate to and want to play as.
You wanna go full Tony Montana during Zombie Apocalypse? Then choose Nick.
Wanna play as old Veteran who lowkey happy that zombie apocalypse happened because he hated his Civilian life? Bill.
And many more.
Valve put their hearts and efforts into the game that it seems people are just recently begun realizing what they actually accomplished.
I agree 100% There isn't enough Lore for B4B.
The gameplay is really just a copy cat of World War Z.
These videos are great!
You should add a wee map, ive no idea where any of the locations mentioned are.
I thought you're done, Happy new year and merry xmas
Ceda files did something similar with the using carriers as soldiers really cool
Thank you again conz