Suboxone withdrawal is the worst ever! part 1

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 ก.ค. 2024
  • People complain that Suboxone withdrawal is uniquely horrible; is that really true? Part one.

ความคิดเห็น • 561

  • @qssneaky
    @qssneaky 10 ปีที่แล้ว +78

    Seems everyone who is withdrawing thinks that their drug is the worst to withdraw from. I've withdrawn from heroin, oxy, methadone and subs after long periods of time using each drug individually. Here is my experience with acute withdrawal.. (Your mileage may vary)
    #1. Heroin: Highest amount of pain. Unbearable. Peak day 3. After that, you will be over the hump so to say, and will start feeling much better.
    #2. Oxycodone: Basically the same as heroin. On the acute withdrawal pain scale, If heroin is a 10, then oxycodone is a 9. Peak day 3.
    #3. Methadone: Not a as painful as heroin but close during it's peak. Peak days 5-7 depending on your dosage. Low dosages (10 mg or less) may peak on day 3-4. Methadone withdrawal is scary because it slowly creeps up on you and you wonder when it will be over. I peaked on day 6 after going cold on 30mgs, and it took 2 weeks after that for it to go away. Drags on for what seems like forever but each day after days 6-8 you feel slightly better. Because of this long withdrawal process, many think methadone is the worst opiate to withdraw from. I agree in that sense. It took 3 weeks before I got 4 hours of sleep per night. Felt much better after the 30 day mark.
    #4. Suboxone: Similar to methadone, but not as painful. The peak withdrawal from subs is not as intense as the peak from methadone, and nothing compared to heroin acute withdrawal. Day 15 I could see the light and I felt much better. Still a living hell.
    #5 Vicodin: A breeze compared to the others. Almost a joke. Shitty for 3-4 days and then it's over. Maybe some lingering restless legs. The peak withdrawal from vicodin is tolerable (but maybe because I had withdrew from much stronger drugs in the past so I knew what acute withdrawal pain was). I was able to work the entire time during vicodin withdrawal and I came off 20+ 10/325's per day cold. If you are going through vicodin withdrawal, you have it easy compared to the rest... Don't go on subs or methadone for a vicodin problem. Just go cold turkey or ween down and then get support from NA or whatever.
    In the end, it was Suboxone that I used to get clean off heroin, and then after 2 years I tapered off the subs. Suboxone saved my life. To all those curled up in the fetal position in the bathtub, I know exactly what you are going through. It WILL get better, so hang in there- it can be done!! I'm now 6 years clean of all opiates.

    • @jaketomberlin8916
      @jaketomberlin8916 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      qssneaky I love it, man. Good Job. How are you today?

    • @chrysalis72
      @chrysalis72 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      qssneaky you just helped sooo many people with your post. thankyou so much for that as im transitioning from methidone to suboxone for a month taper detox, its the preipitated withdrawal im afraid of.

    • @RambosCollectibles
      @RambosCollectibles 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      heroin is a walk in the park compared to suboxone.
      most people that use suboxone don't stay on it for 10 years at a time. they use it when they dont have dope OR they use it for a week and get off. but thats different than 10 years of concurrent suboxone use only.

    • @jadedandelet5013
      @jadedandelet5013 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I agree ive came off it all also. Morphine k4 k8 methadaone was the worst but thats cuz i was on it 16 17 years at 120 mg a day n was put in jail. I wished it would of been over in a mounth. After 3 mounths i could go back to work but still only sleeping 4 hours a night. If i sleeped 6 i wasnt sleeping the next. 9 dam mounths of this not sleeping well crap n no energy. My family that was soooooo against methadone actually had a intervention telling me i wasn't me n needed to go back to clinic. Witch i got on bunavail. Its like suboxon. N after almost 2 years was thrown in jail for fighting. And i fucking laugh at ppl complaining about this withdrawl. It was almost nothing a lil discomfort n loos bowls. N a lil hard to sleep but shit that methadone the first 14 days n nights not a fucking wink of sleep. I also think it depends on how long you've been on opiods. Becouse 100% normal never comes back. U can tell something in your brain is missing. This doctor is dead on what hes saying.

    • @goodbyesuboxone4263
      @goodbyesuboxone4263 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      qssneaky Im on day 19 Sub detox after 7 years on it @ 4-6mg/day
      Doing much better. Sleep is scarce and energy is low. But spirits are high.

  • @meaganmariefrank
    @meaganmariefrank 9 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    From my expierence, I was on 8mlg of Suboxone for 8 years, and I believe NOBODY should be on suboxone for longer then a week... it should NOT be a maintanence thing.

    • @joepereira8346
      @joepereira8346 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      A week for heroin, oxy and short acting opiates and about a month for methadone. Trust me, i was on only 35 ml of methadone coming down from 100 and they gave me suboxone after 3 days withdrawal and then took me off 5 days later and 2 days later i went through major withdrawal's for 14 days, no sleep for 14 days and it got so bad that i broke out in hives and was sick for another 15 days at least.Methadone is a longer acting opiate, so you need to stay on suboxone for at least 3 weeks to a month before weaning off the suboxone.

    • @jaketomberlin8916
      @jaketomberlin8916 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Meagan Frank Hi Meagan, are you still on Suboxone?

    • @trafficjon400
      @trafficjon400 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I been on 24mg for 22 years now? How about that Brown Cow.Don't like it but not realy any options alternatives ecept we all die any way hoping for a ceator that does not match well.

  • @MrAnthonyML
    @MrAnthonyML 9 ปีที่แล้ว +42


    • @carpetmonk
      @carpetmonk 9 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @Elizabethmetevier
      @Elizabethmetevier 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's been proven that 10% or less that are only on suboxone for 2 weeks or less are actually successful in recovery. Though everyone is different, this medication is developed to be a maintenance medication.

    • @MrAnthonyML
      @MrAnthonyML 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Elizabeth Metevier well I can tell you that when I came off, it was clear to me that my immune system, digestive system, and hormones were all affected by this drug. It was a slow recovery mainly do to how bad my body was depleted of vitamins and minerals..and mind you I was down to .5 mgs for a couple months before I jumped off. An it still didn't matter. but ill tell u this, even tho the sub with drawl last longer, I still would rather go through that then an oxy with drawl.

    • @carpetmonk
      @carpetmonk 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      its clear to me, that it might have been designed for something else, but as for this application, its perfect for keeping people on it forever. the medicine guideline, for detox titration is nonsense. 37 hour half life and its the same detox as short acting meds. sick.

    • @Elizabethmetevier
      @Elizabethmetevier 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Anthony La Manna I agree with you... I was on methadone for over 5 years before I switched to suboxone 7 months ago at the advice of my doctor who said that tapering off suboxone is easier than methadone. I'm in the process of tapering off them right now. All I'm saying is that it's not intended as a short term medication.

  • @nicholasdionne4893
    @nicholasdionne4893 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I was on suboxone for 10 years and I jumped off after tapering down. I have never felt pain like I did when getting off subs. I wasn't able to function until around day 35. No sleep for weeks, horrible fever, constant vomiting, sneezing, restless legs etc etc. I'm on day 120 without subs and feel great. If I can get off then literally anyone can. However it is a poisonous disgusting drug and I wish I never got on it.

  • @carpetmonk
    @carpetmonk 9 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Im not biased, and can say suboxone is the worst opiate ive ever taken. it is not to be trifled with, it is advertised falsely, designed for a completely different use, and if im allowed a personal point.. I think its prescribed incorrectly.
    I can appreciate your point that "every come down" is the worst, but experiencing what I have.. I would not trade a week of acute withdrawal from full agonists, for the prolonged withdrawal of suboxone.
    unique symptoms for me on this medicine are, first and foremost length of withdrawal. dehydration, or the sense of dehydration, dried eyes, mouth, nose.. unable to be quenched no matter how much water is taken. possibly the second most important note, is that you have in addition to what ive written above, ALL of the same withdrawal symptoms of any opioid but multiplied for possibly months and some are exaggerated.
    I do not, want to be on this medication any longer. I remember back when I took illicit opiates, when circumstances out of my control (finances, location, incarceration etc.) would force me getting clean.. 1 maddening week, and then feeling human again. you are not afforded this, on this medication. we all know withdrawal is torturous.. how many weeks could you go with out sleep.. having to drink water incessantly until your nauseated at the site of it, but to be dried out within 15 minutes again.. for weeks. leg pain, gastric distress, blood pressure abnormality.
    id like to note, I am not taking any other medications.. not benzodiazepines, no muscle relaxants, ssri/maoi, no illegal substances. these are my experiences on buprenorphine alone.
    finally, im at the point where I feel like this drug is poison, as sure as if it were nothing but poison. this intense drive to fight, a real desire to change.. might have been just what I needed mentally, under the influence of less potent opiates.. this medicine will not let me out of its jaw.

    • @kelseyallen3067
      @kelseyallen3067 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ernie Stars I'm glad I read this. It is true. Suboxone dries every thing in and on my out. I thought it was just usual things wrong with me. I've been watching videos all night. I have been on it for 2 years. I wish I had known this before

    • @trafficjon400
      @trafficjon400 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Much worce withdrawll than what you went through. though on it for life and would surly die getting off it one way or other and My doc knows it and so do i. but eventually being on it all most feels like just an other Dam day becaouse of this F adderall for steroid in induced cushings syndrome cortisol adrenal cortisol immune deficiency just for poison ivy.Dteroids will mess you up. Dexameth- triamcinolone. 7 fn Y ago.

  • @melissahaug7403
    @melissahaug7403 8 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I am on day #21 off suboxone and i finally feel like myself again! I jumped off at 2mg a day and from my experience the detox wasn't that bad. the worst of it for me was the insomnia last week but if you can make it past that there is a light at the end of the tunnel! today I feel good..I slept well last night and woke up feeling refreshed. I forgot what it was like to be able to get moving without them!

    • @jordanw8894
      @jordanw8894 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Day 12 here still feeling weak and the insomnia sucks but each day seems better starting to work out been on subs for 6 years

    • @melissahaug7403
      @melissahaug7403 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Day #64 and I'm done with the withdrawals. I've actually been feeling good for about a month now. I feel like myself senses..even my complexion has changed. Suboxone is great if you use it correctly..unfortunately most abuse it (myself included). Congrats on day have made it this far keep pushing. You have about 6 days before you start to see the light at the end if the tunnel. If I could do it, anyone can!

    • @christopherfiorentino6552
      @christopherfiorentino6552 5 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @Timmyinthewoods
      @Timmyinthewoods 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Day 21 and just started feeling better. It's crazy the RLS , and how they come at night just when you think you are going to sleep

    • @discdoggie
      @discdoggie ปีที่แล้ว

      2 mg is still kinda high of a suboxone dose. I would expect someone who has been taking it for a while to be fairly uncomfortable jumping off at that dose.
      2 mg was only the halfway point for me. i was cutting a 4 mg strip into 8 pieces at the end, it took almost a year, and the first 48 hours of nothing, i took off work and pumped myself up with benzos

  • @charltonmcmillen7422
    @charltonmcmillen7422 10 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    I couldn't agree more. I am a highly anxiety ridden guy along with an un-healthy obsession with drugs. At 32 I met the love of my life. They wouldn't put up with the drugs but I knew I had to have something, we read up on suboxone and I knew it was my last life line. And, I have no problem saying that if ur an addict like myself, then u know it could be any minute u fall and with suboxone there's no falling. I don't even think about other drugs. It's kept me out of jail and gave me my life back.

    • @SuboxDoc
      @SuboxDoc  10 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      If addiction were any other illness, there would be no controversy. A medication that works, with no risks and almost no side effects (a little constipation is all)... a pretty good deal for a nasty condition like opioid dependence!

    • @qssneaky
      @qssneaky 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ***** Just like the Levadopa/carbadopa given to those with Parkinson's or the chemotherapy for people with cancer. Suboxone is truly a miracle medicine that once taken can start to put this terrible disease into remission within an hour. Thank you Sir for standing behind this life saving medicine, and fighting for all of us who have this horrific disease. Along with thousands of others, it absolutely saved my life without question. Yes, I had to do some legwork on my own (therapy etc), but without the suboxone, I would not be where I am today. Keep up the good fight!

    • @dopeynomo
      @dopeynomo 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +SuboxDoc is constipation the only long term effect, that you're aware of? I've heard of potential liver and kidney issues but I wouldn't credit my source as a professional

    • @hilliard55
      @hilliard55 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Brandon Drew Take Docusate Sodium. Stool softener.

    • @uberskank1424
      @uberskank1424 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      until Like me ATM, u want to get off...iv jumped of 16 mgs and it's killing me...

  • @T0XICxL3G3ND
    @T0XICxL3G3ND 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Much appreciation for you making this video without having to Doc. Also much respect for going through opiate addiction yourself and turning it around to help the addicted.

  • @katieparsons1629
    @katieparsons1629 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    @subdoc I am curious as now been on suboxone since 2003, how do you feel about the part where you say its easier to get off of box vs a real opioid antagonist?

  • @bobbybobberson3374
    @bobbybobberson3374 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Extremely well thought out and articulate way to look at this topic. Current misery always feels worse than previous misery because previous misery exists only as a memory.

  • @justinkelsey9218
    @justinkelsey9218 10 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    i quit everything and i am just fine

    • @hussanobamo8952
      @hussanobamo8952 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      keep it up. one day at at time

    • @silvana8246
      @silvana8246 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      i wish you well. i hope the same for my son whos been on it for 6 months and looking and feeling like hell

    • @haydynsenior8358
      @haydynsenior8358 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You are very lucky! Well done I had a fkn nightmare detox with it

    • @leecarcana1287
      @leecarcana1287 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@haydynsenior8358 i have those dreams all the time nightmares 😳 soo much pain in those dreams 😫

  • @dsprings510
    @dsprings510 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    For me Suboxone was a necessary ingredient in the recipe for my recovery. I say ingredient because it wasn't sole solution to my active addiction. I went to inpatient rehab for 60 days where I found a higher power, started Suboxone and was introduced to the program Alcoholics Anonymous. I moved away from where my active addiction took place, into a sober-living facility for 30 days. and finally moved in with cousin where I remained on Suboxone and became apart of a community of fellow addicts in NA. I built a life that is worth living and I fell that Suboxone attributed this life. For people like myself that lived a life of desperation and crime and caused so much pain to the people closest to me I needed Suboxone. I cared about one thing in my addiction and i was ruthless in my efforts to obtain opiates or the money to pay for them. I thought of only opiates day in and day out until I had nothing. No personal property, no family, no friends, barely the basic necessities and I was 23 yrs old. I traded one drug for another and I'm glad I did.
    I will admit though that Suboxone is a gift and a curse. While it played a role in saving my life, I am dependent on it to this day, four years later. I agree with other people that say, "Don't take Suboxone unless you absolutely have to." I agree with the SUBOXDOC in this video too. Addicts are defective, I am defective, and we'll always be defective. Therefore, we will always need something to cope with life. Only you, your higher power, and your physician know the best recipe for your recovery.
    Today I have my family back, I have a network of friends in recovery, and I have a steady job. I wanted to get a higher education in recovery and I'm currently an Accounting Major in my junior year. Find the recipe and achieve your goals. Good luck to you all.

    • @kencholles8945
      @kencholles8945 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      D Springs very well said. 👍

    • @rocknrollboise
      @rocknrollboise 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Switch to Kratom or Cannabis (or another effective natural replacement) and quit that AA/NA/SUB bullshit, or else you are a slave to their religion (Christianity), Big Pharm, and the government. 12-step programs harm at least 90% of us addicts more than they help. Google '12-step program success rates' and you'll get it.

  • @jessical.7804
    @jessical.7804 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    After 2 years of "Suboxone clean time" I have no choice but to begin an accelerated taper starting tomorrow. I am so glad there's videos like yours available online to ease my mind because it helps to know it can be done. Thank you for posting these!!

  • @gedney77090
    @gedney77090 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you Dr. Junig. I appreciated that you share your experience, Strength and hope with me. After 5 years I am considering jumping off with a long taper. Your information certainly helps and

    • @trafficjon400
      @trafficjon400 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Gets in to your bones and years on years to be removed and how.

  • @samanthaturrin3344
    @samanthaturrin3344 7 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    This video is kind of messed up. Me as Someone who has personally gone through the withdrawal of opiates and suboxone, suboxone was harder. But in a different sense. Withdrawal from opiates was much more intense but for a shorter period of time. Subs last so much longer and put you through mental hell (and physical), which is harder to deal with than bodily issues. I watched this video when i was one week clean off suboxone. I had hope and this doctor saying all this stuff at the time made me think there was no way out. But I'm commenting to tell you that there is always a way out and to have hope. You don't need subs or opiates. You just have to have hope that things will get better if you work towards it. It's sad that a doctor can put something like this out there. It really put a darker view on my recovery at the time. I am clean and have no desire to ever use again. So looking back at this video, while I was withdrawing, looking for someone to give me hope.. pisses me off now.

    • @jaketomberlin8916
      @jaketomberlin8916 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Samantha Turrin Hi Samantha, I am just starting the taper process. Are you still clean from Suboxone?

  • @raccooneyes2099
    @raccooneyes2099 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    My bf has been on Sub for six years.. he's on the lowest dosage (strips). He nibbles on one strip all day. He's been doing this for a couple years now to try to ween himself off. He tried going cold turkey and he couldnt sleep for two weeks and he was in constant. I want to help him but he said he can't do it. He says he can't afford to lose 3+ weeks of work just to deal with the withdraws. So what is a person to do about getting off this crap?

  • @lboyd550
    @lboyd550 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    when your on suboxone for a while do you continue to have that good uplifting feeling threw out your trials

  • @timbudur4438
    @timbudur4438 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    hey doctor how are you? i was on suboxone strips 8mg a day and now my ins switched over to zubsolv 5.7 mg whisch is the same as an 8mg sub and i anm a firm be leaver for sub/zunsolv maintance, i personally need to be on this medication because i am a raging herion addicit and doing it and trying to stay clean with out any meds its just way to hard for me and i cant stay clean. im on ZUBSOLV now and it works great!! i really like watxhing your videos and learning from what you have to stay, you make alot of sense!! thank you doctor

  • @ME3RZ11
    @ME3RZ11 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have a question for you if you dont mind taking the time to read and answer it. what if you were addicted to opiates for only 6 months to a year and then was put on suboxone and have been on it for more then 5 years now (started at 24mg now at 4mg) and had no trouble going from 24 to 4 mg. so my question is would I/we be coming off just the suboxone or dealing with the 6 months to a year of abuse also like u stated in your video? thank you for your time, if you need me to elaborate let me know

    @DONTWANZ 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm back on Suboxone. First time I finished my treatment and program.Tapered down and was not uncomfortable. Stayed clean for 3 years then relapsed and went back to Suboxone after 60 days.Once Again a great decision. Worked with the team at the Dr's office and tapered down and almost no withdrawal. Stayed clean for 5 years and while using Suboxone and after I can Honestly say I never craved anything. Last Summer a Hurricane called Irma destroyed my life in Florida. Moved to Tenessee and depressed and overwhelming changes and started casually using Hydro and Percs at then daily for 9 months. Thankfully I have a Suboxone treatment with a great Dr. And therapist and and started my recovery recently. I don't think meetings and groups are the solution. Nothing against the programs.Been there and it helps.It can be a great support system but works if you work it.
    Thanks to Suboxone my life and my attitude has already gotten so much better.I feel good and relieved and happy.Suboxone is a great tool for Opiate addiction. Anyway thanks for sharing and peace.

  • @josephinev.catlady5182
    @josephinev.catlady5182 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    OK I have a problem with my suboxone. I have been talking 1 mg a day for 2 months when I couldn't get my pills I only took a low dose because they we're not mine and I couldn't bare to be sick. Well I'm finally on my own I was prescribed 8mg 2×s a day. I have been on this for almost a month, after the first two weeks I started developing canker sores under my tongue. I switche sides with every dose I try putting it on my top gums and still seems to be eating away at my mouth now instead of just under my tongue it's every place I put my strip. when I was taking 1mg just so I wouldn't have the unbearable withdrawals I was fine but since I've been taking the right amount to cut out cravings boost my energy ect my mouth is being slowly destroyed. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME

  • @meganwright9763
    @meganwright9763 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    What about when people begin abusing and getting high off suboxone? If you don't recommend they get off of it, then what do they do? I know quite a few people who've done this (some intentionally, some by accident it just happened)

    • @isaacjacques3305
      @isaacjacques3305 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      The hell it don't! I was on it for almost 10 years and know all about suboxone. Now been off them for over two years. It gets you very high by itself. Like anything you just have to take enough. One tiny piece (not even a mill or half mill) will make you not just high but, super high! You will be back doing them again "hooked" so I don't recommend doing that.

    • @ryanmacdonald6084
      @ryanmacdonald6084 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@isaacjacques3305 it never ever got me high! Just took withdrawals away

  • @gracegrace1426
    @gracegrace1426 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Been on 24mg for almost 5 year's. I start having withdrawal symptoms after 12 hrs. The naloxone has really taken a toll. It gives me terrible migraines.

  • @glendakimbler4632
    @glendakimbler4632 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello I have been doing Suboxone for 5yrs now.But I have been coming off Suboxone now for 2months.I have chromes .You talk about being sick I am. Can anyone give me any ideas to help make it easier?

  • @alanstewartweir7317
    @alanstewartweir7317 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I stay in Scotland and have been offered a job in Spain can I get my subutexs over there how do I go about this

  • @ME3RZ11
    @ME3RZ11 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have also heard that 8mg of suboxone equals to about 80mg of OxyContin is this true? (not 'HIGH' wise but as in if u were tolerant to 80mg of OC would 8mg of suboxone do the trick?) only reason I am asking is because way back when I started the Dr. said that and I wanted to say "bullsh!t" but wasnt about to call someone out on something I thought was false when he was helping me at the time, so to get to the point, do you believe this to be true? or have a different opinion? thanks again

  • @biggernadz
    @biggernadz 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Sub withdrawal lasts for MONTHS. It may be more mild withdrawal compared to regular opiates but since you get sweats and diareaha and restlessness for months its much harder to quit. I was on subs for 3 years

  • @chemosis8259
    @chemosis8259 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    if anyone claims that sub withdrawl wasn't that bad, your first question should be how long they were on it

  • @acidmids
    @acidmids 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    guys im on 800 - 1000 mg of codeine a day, my doc wants me to go on suboxone 2mg 2 times a day... is it a good idea.. please help!!

  • @meg1038
    @meg1038 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    All the points you make are so spot on. Especially your last point about current pain always being the worst pain. Suboxone withdrawal (through the taper method) for me was much much milder than any other opiate withdrawal I'd ever had. Only thing I wish I'd known is not to be on such high doses. You can maintain perfectly fine on low doses. 4-6mgs is great. I was on 28mgs and I was so sick I could eat on it and I was super dizzy. Got down to 20 before I felt ok but the rest of my reduction I felt like I had chronic fatigue syndrome and since I ended up doing 3 reductions (failing the first two times) it ended up being a loooong fucking time of feeling too tired to even talk or lift an arm. My advice is when you first go on it don't be so quick to taper up. Wait a bit longer than usual between next doses you try. Try and find the lowest dose you can be comfortable on. And for gods sake wait for it to kick in first. Better you still feel a bit in withdrawal than you go a higher dose. You'll soon feel fine. Your next dose the next day will cover you and make sure you start to get comfortable at that dose. Another reason to avoid going on high doses is you spend like 6 months in a perpetual state of mild withdrawal while you taper. Or a year and a half if you're me and you fuck up twice before getting my life restart right. 😂
    Otherwise I have no complaints. And I agree there are so many misconceptions flying around about suboxone. You really helped clear up a lot of my doubts. Everything you say is verify able with hard facts.

    • @trafficjon400
      @trafficjon400 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      More are dying than ever today with out covid.every thing thats better and now more dying none covid related i mean.

  • @Jayfeatheryyburger
    @Jayfeatheryyburger 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for these videos. Very informative and non judgemental..Ive been on bupes for 4 years and its been a lifesaver.My doctor wants to taper me down and eventually take me off them completely because ive been doing so well. Its the only thing that has saved my life and my doctor doesn't understand this. It's all about the numbers and state insurance..Any suggestions? I will use if I am off these...I have been on 16mgs a day

  • @laiswikkid
    @laiswikkid 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    After 10yrs..I can no longer afford $100/month. I can't find a doctor that will accept my insurance (Medicare)
    I am in the middle of a taper. I was on 8mgs tid and now I'm on .45 once a day. I'm so anxious already...Not looking forward to going lower. I am using kratom and I hope it helps.

    • @samanthamaness2615
      @samanthamaness2615 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      childofYAH39 how are you feeling?

    • @SuboxDoc
      @SuboxDoc  7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Man.... you had me cheering for you until you mentioned Kratom. Kratom is just Vicodin in plant form. I wish you well, sincerely-- but the whole point of being on buprenorphine is to see one's self as someone who doesn't take non-prescribed opioids anymore.

    • @08quebee
      @08quebee 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry doc... There's no way opiate withdrawal is worse than suboxine...Have you experienced that claim...I've been in this as long you...Suboxine is a brutal detox...I've detoxed many times.. Opiates and benzos as well...I detoxed of both at the same time...It was bad..But..Suboxine is much worse...

    • @mattsmith819
      @mattsmith819 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      childofYAH39 don't listen to this dumbass kratom is natural he just don't like it because he can't make money off of it

    • @jotty2451
      @jotty2451 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Shane Gold kratom is exactly what Suboxdoc said it was. Using that to quit is very much putting out fire with a sprinkler of gasoline.. Opium is natural too. Why don’t people smoke that to quit?

  • @jevraets53015
    @jevraets53015 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've been on suboxone for almost 5 years now and throughout that time I've made a few stupid decisions to take myself off of it. I usually make it between 7 - 10 days before I come to my senses and go back on it. It took me a very long time to realize exactly what you said in this video even though my doctor said almost the same things to me. It really shouldn't matter if you're on it for the rest of you life as long as you're happy and able to live a normal life. However, it is hard to consider yourself as being "sober" when you have to take a daily maintenance medicine. I've now come to accept the fact that I probably will be on it for the rest of my life and I'm totally ok with that. I have a very supportive wife and 3 beautiful children that need me to be around for them so I'll do whatever I have to do to make sure I am.

    • @emonuteaux
      @emonuteaux 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Proud Boy I’ve been on Sub for 15 yrs. Ive been on between 1 to 2 mg for 10 of those years. About 5 yrs ago my obsession of the drug began to disappear gradually. I started to forget to take it before leaving for the day. I’d realize 1/2 way thru the day. But no more panic like years past. Calmly saying I’ll just take it when I get home. Once home I would forget again not realizing unit laying down for the evening.

  • @kihntagious
    @kihntagious 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Would you take a look at habilitat in Hawaii? They are using faster eft.

  • @ME3RZ11
    @ME3RZ11 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    thank you VERY much, now that you put it like that it makes me feel/know that it isnt going to be that big of an issue to finish getting off them, I seriously hate them, I hate pills in general, only took them because of my wisdom teeth and became addicted and they closed the door in my face when I asked for help. and seeing how I did more hydrocodone then anything (OC, Morphine, hydromorphone, ect) gives me a possitive feeling that it isnt going to be as hard as I make it out to be in my head

  • @jonquist9950
    @jonquist9950 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've withdrawn from heroin & Suboxone. Heroin withdrawal is MUCH more severe than Suboxone withdrawal. But Suboxone withdrawal takes a lot longer than heroin.
    When I would withdrawal from heroin I'd be writhing on the floor & disoriented, but it would be over within 5 days.
    Detoxing from Suboxone is pretty uncomfortable for the first 7ish days. I had that awful feeling under my skin that I assume is nerve pain, but I wasn't writhing & could still get a little sleep. I used music to distract myself from the pain. After the first week it got better but I still had stomach problems & achy legs at night. I was also exhausted all the time. Even reading a book outloud to my son made me breathe hard like I had been jogging. Then in the following weeks the achy legs, insomnia, fatigue, stomach problems & occasional nerve pain would get less & less. It wasn't like heroin where I'd just feel better one day. It goes away very slowly. Which is kind of a bummer because that day you finally feel better after heroin detox, is almost like a high of its own. You feel a bit of hope & you feel extreme relief that the detox is finally over. You don't get that feeling after detoxing from Suboxone because you never know if it's over. You could feel decent one day but then wake up at 4am the next day because the leg cramps are back. And the nerve pain (which I consider to be THE feeling of detox) occasionally comes back for a few hours at a time.
    So depending on if you prefer to have severe withdrawal for a few days, or mild withdrawal for a few weeks, that will determine what you think is "the worst".
    I honestly don't know which I think is worse.

  • @jamiesloan5902
    @jamiesloan5902 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    You say... Why are you wanting to go off of your Suboxone!!!???? I'll tell you why. I need to be 100% clean in order to make my CDL license. They WILL NOT accept people on Suboxone!!!!! Any other questions!!???? I'm on day 6 of jumping off of 16mg a day, for 3 years. It's excruciating, but it has to be done. I took a tiny little piece early this morning, to be able to get some sleep, to prepare myself for round 2. Three days with zero sleep finally caught up with me.

  • @johnburns9970
    @johnburns9970 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    what if there is no under lying addiction just sub's, ??!!can u please answer

  • @blync5003
    @blync5003 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    what about methadone? i've been on it for about 2-4 years and i want off!! dont really have alot of money but am VERY desperate to get off any suggestions? please help if you can. i cant!! do this anymore

  • @jbisntme
    @jbisntme 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m happy I’ve stumbled on to your video as I will testify that
    Suboxone has saved my life. It astonishes me how ignorant most
    of the medical community out there is on this medication. Opioids
    didn’t kill me but messed up my life pretty good. I’m just gonna keep
    this short. I’m on Suboxone for pain management at this point.
    It’s been working for years , helping to take the edge off.
    I’ll worry about withdrawal later , and when it comes to that.
    I have been through worse.

    • @SuboxDoc
      @SuboxDoc  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you. If/when you're ready:
      But it clearly is a very safe medication.

  • @j.gan.2801
    @j.gan.2801 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Doc, you do have some great info here. Taking the suboxone after being on OC for 10 years is to get past PAWS. But when you taper the suboxone do you have to get over the PAWS from the suboxone ? It would appear that suboxone doesn't reset damaged brain chemistry from the OC use. I think this is mostly because suboxone is mixed with naloxone - which really messes up the brain and the opioid receptors.

  • @valeriecarpenter4631
    @valeriecarpenter4631 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have been on suboxone for over 4 years now. I don't see an end to them i get the worst painful stomach cramps when i try to get off of them...I do think weaning down would be effective but as you said the relapse is still an issue also as you stated I also feel as if I'm clean and I really am annoyed when people allude to the idea that I'm not clean because I'm on Suboxone . for me suboxone just makes me feel normal there is no "high". I only take one a day. I love your channel and think what your doing is great. Keep it up. 👍

  • @flatlogicinheaven7291
    @flatlogicinheaven7291 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    When I quit Suboxone cold turkey because it was giving me more problems than it was helping me with I started having a lot of auditory hallucinations, I could hear people talking to me and I was answering them back and this has lasted way longer than any other opiate withdrawal I've ever been through. And I was having extreme anger outbursts I was getting very sick to my stomach and I was losing a lot of weight while I was on the Suboxone, it was doing something bad to my stomach

    • @SuboxDoc
      @SuboxDoc  ปีที่แล้ว

      Good points

  • @karqus9810
    @karqus9810 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm in a suboxone program right now. Few months they want to ween me off. I'm scared and believe it's not time. It helps with my pain also but I have severe health conditions that withdrawal will effect my health very badly. I'm fighting cancer, depression, anxiety, PTSD, insomnia, immune deficiency, facet disease and nerve damage. Even when I had to them before I got into program if I ran out I'd have bad panic attacks and anxiety and would end up deadly sick. Not sure what to do!

  • @johnburns9970
    @johnburns9970 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    great explanation on why its so bad for people, I try to preach it too people!!

  • @kellygrondin4655
    @kellygrondin4655 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree with you totally. My issue is a real problem. I am an addict who is also a Registered Nurse (Not Practicing right now). What is the chance that I can stay on this medication and work as a nurse...This really scares me because I was a practicing nurse for almost 15 years and than at the last 6 months got into an accident and became hooked. Its been 3 years now.
    Please Help.

    • @SuboxDoc
      @SuboxDoc  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry for the delay in responding. How are you doing now? Some states allow nurses to stay on buprenorphine; some don't. The idea of keeping you from working is CRAZY-- and I'm happy to write a letter to that effect if you want. Just comment back, and I'll watch for it!

  • @theghostofjohnmordauntdies2125
    @theghostofjohnmordauntdies2125 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    No it isn't!!! I am currently pregnant (unplanned - I would never have planned a baby whilst on this) and have reduced from 18mg down to 4 in my 3rd trimester. It has been an absolute doddle. I'd have loved to have gotten off it completely but am out of time for now. I was abstinent for over 10 years but I badly injured my back so this time round was morphine, but I digress... My point was that the withdrawal from this is waaay less than methadone or other opiates. Just take your time and all will be well! Much love ❤

    • @SuboxDoc
      @SuboxDoc  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Be careful out there! Current guidelines strongly recommend against ANY effort to lower tolerance during pregnancy. Have the baby, and THEN taper down.
      Good luck!

    • @lashawnablanton4649
      @lashawnablanton4649 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm on methadone and want to switch to suboxone then later try to taper off that. Do you think that would be better than staying on the methadone.

    • @christopherpooler5398
      @christopherpooler5398 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Get on Kratom

  • @jasonjukebox310
    @jasonjukebox310 8 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    People people people.....I was at a treatment center where they send Doctors and surgeons ...the bottom line is that Suboxone binds to the same exact receptors in the brain as any other opiate...and of fact...binds harder. This is coming from a Neurosurgeon. Are the withdrawals as intense as some other opiates like Heroin? No. Do they last longer? YES. Is the Post Acute withdrawal more intense? Surveys say yes. Personal experience says yes. Opinions of the majority of patients I was in treatment with? Yes. Suboxone is not an answer to opiates. The only thing it should be used for is initial withdrawals from Heroin or opiates....NOT AS A "Maintenance drug".....AND...there is scientific proof that if you are like the many other addicts out there who have Cross addictions...The suboxone keeps the neurological pathways in the addictive cycle...which makes relapse toward other drugs far more likely than if the patient was abstinent.

    • @NicolePoliskey
      @NicolePoliskey 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +jason jukebox
      Finally an honest group of facts. Thank you!

    • @NicolePoliskey
      @NicolePoliskey 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jay miller,
      Thank you for the info and I am so happy that you have been successful coming off and staying off. Try and stay safe and God Bless!

    • @dopeynomo
      @dopeynomo 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +jay miller how well does the clonodine help during the day. I'm prescribed 3 .3 mg a day but take them at night just to sleep. Do they help with the anxiety during the day. The Imodium is a good call as well. I get the flu-ish feeling aches and pains, sweats and chills, non stop runny eyes and nose and the non stop mind fuck that I can make this end at any time

    • @dopeynomo
      @dopeynomo 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Brandon Drew do saunas work or speed up the process for anyone?

    • @verccemat2051
      @verccemat2051 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +jason jukebox hello, thanks for this info. Would you mind sharing resource links to this info ( binding of suboxone) if you have it. Im interested to learn more, thank you.

  • @davidtatum8682
    @davidtatum8682 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was on sub for 5 yrs. Jumped off at 4mg. Longest month of my life. My biggest complaint was the insomnia. Literally would have killed for a few hrs of sleep.

  • @RepoManInIndy
    @RepoManInIndy 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Idk if this will make sense but have any other opiate addicts who are trying to get clean notice they didn't really stretch while using? I wake up now and it's one of the first things I do but it's like

    • @Starlight_Silver
      @Starlight_Silver 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, I've been on Sub for 10 years and I never yawn or stretch. I've wondered if it's why I'm so much dumber and less motivated than I used to be. Stretching and yawning probably helps move oxygen around your body and brain. There's obviously a reason people yawn and stretch, and since I never do either (unless I don't take my Sub in time, then I'll yawn, but still not stretch) I have to guess it's causing damage somehow.

    • @RepoManInIndy
      @RepoManInIndy 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Oh I'll yawn like crazy when I'm dope sick.. But I just started back on subs so I am trying to get over all that. I'm tired of living like I do.

    • @Starlight_Silver
      @Starlight_Silver 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks for the info, Gnome Hat. I really thought this would have been a common thing opiate-dependent people experience, but I guess it's not. I asked about it on the doc's forum and no one else had the same issue.

    • @Starlight_Silver
      @Starlight_Silver 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Gnome Hat Low testosterone could be a problem for me too - I have low energy and zero sex drive... Too bad I can't take a testosterone supplement like you can. That's great that you pushed to get your bloodwork done and it confirmed what you suspected. Hopefully you'll get to feeling better with treatment.
      I've love to try Tai-Chi, but I'm too lazy, tired, and unmotivated. I don't even walk my poor dog on pretty days. Commenting on TH-cam and FB is the most I do.

  • @30Jonathon
    @30Jonathon 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This bloke needs to be heard. I 100% agree.

  • @jjunig
    @jjunig 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    The experience of Vietnam vets is often cited as 'evidence' that opioid dependence can be 'temporary'. The example forgets that many of those who were addicted to heroin came back to lives destroyed by PTSD, alcoholism, and other chronic mental illness. Addiction takes many forms. There were also many other factors in play-- the drug use paired with an aversive condition (fear) that likely contributed to sobriety.

  • @katieparsons1629
    @katieparsons1629 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ok, so I just heard what you said about the before you took box? Good point, I was on 11 80mg a day OXYCONTIN, the ones no longer made. My addiction started in 1997 till today, I have tried idk how many times to stop box now and I am just NOT the same person! My life off it is much worse than on it but my Family mind you I am adopted so they have NEVER even took a darvecet in their life wants me off it completely! Well sure so do I but at this point is that even an option? I also have 21 mental disorders through the state of tn and that's all another issue, but I have managed somehow to stay out of jail, no problems with law etc and been blessed with that but I am thinking about going to inhouse rehabilitation next wed to give it a last try but I'm thinking why? After being told by numerous doctors I will need it for the rest of my life, why waste the money? I need mental help yes, but to try and conjure both at same time. ?? I just don't think I'm that strong anymore. Too old for this. I just want to find my soulmate and live humbly, peacefully, grateful and loving. Ugh. Life.. its absolutely a Novel for me to write

  • @teneiciamom-mimi6672
    @teneiciamom-mimi6672 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Will u feel the effects of Hydrocodone if your taking Subutex?

    • @haydynsenior8358
      @haydynsenior8358 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      The Naloxone is Narcaine so it's meant to block the affect of anything you take on top of it or put you in withdrawal I was told. Hope that's helpful

    • @Matthew-tn3dl
      @Matthew-tn3dl 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @RollerCodsterWFEW
    @RollerCodsterWFEW 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I disagree with most of your opinions. I was an opiate addict for 9 years, but i am now 4 years clean from everything. I do absolutely no drugs now, you have to want to quit. Also you have to get away from every part of that lifestyle. Lose all the people that where connected to that lifestyle, and everything else that connects you to that life. People can be cured, you dont need suboxone forever, that's a stupid idea. I don't go to meetings, and never did. I wanted to be clean, i didn't want to do any drugs. Most people, like myself are just continuing because of the withdrawals. You have to want to be clean, and you have to find happiness in your life whatever it is that makes you happy find that. If you don't truly want to be clean you never will be. I could go on forever, but those are my main points.

  • @dustinperez6577
    @dustinperez6577 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I detoxed off suboxone didn't sleep for 3 weeks. I was miserable. I hadn't done any other opiods but suboxone for 3 years. It was defiantly the suboxone I wish I was never tricked into doing it by doctors like yourself who advocate this drug. And it is just another drug but in my opinion it's just as but if not way worst. And what about the naloxon ? You didn't mention this you know it's hard for anybody to get bupeinorphine. It is usually prescribed as a bupe/nalaxone mix. Most doctors don't prescribe only bupe

  • @richardmcginnis5344
    @richardmcginnis5344 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    his opinion? i quit drinking 12 years ago without going to meetings without relapse because i never could convince myself i was an alcoholic i knew if i ever said to myself that rick your an alcoholic that it would be an excuse to be drunk all the time i never told myself that i was a heroin addict so when it was time to stop that i just stopped that i was sick but i stopped it it has been two years and no relapse no going to meetings it is all about self control do not let this drug dealer tell you that you cannot be clean because once you are past being sick 3 or 4 days you start to feel better after 6 months it is out of you and receptors they are there within a very short time

    • @mirreynasayeeda1639
      @mirreynasayeeda1639 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I pressed "Like" because although I do not 100% agree with you, I agree with much of what you said, and also with your can-do attitude. On that latter: Congratulations; I certainly have known some people who were able to stop using and not rely on other drugs in order to succeed. However, there are others who will require more help; maybe not other drugs but possibly hospitalization or somesuch. But two things in what you said with which I disagree: (1) I don't think he is a drug dealer, because I believe his motivation is to help others and that he is an empiricist, as he has genuine respect for science; (2) Willpower ALONE is not enough; because, in addition to willpower/self-control, recovering addicts need something else: the support and caring of other human beings. It is true, though, that without self-control, all the love in the world will not help a person with an addiction. So, from within a recovering addict needs self-control; from without, love and support.

    • @hadley101
      @hadley101 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      This method works one out of ten times and is no better than meetings, I congradulate you on getting clean. Many people cannot just do it like you did.
      Slow taper or Ibogaine would be a good answer for the rest of us.

    • @richardmcginnis5344
      @richardmcginnis5344 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      i was in bed for almost a week and i promised myself that i would never put myself in that position again and i haven't

    • @qssneaky
      @qssneaky 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      There is truth to this. For example, Vietnam Veterans who were using heroin and drinking daily during wartime and when they came back home, they just flat out stopped using. 12 steppers will tell you their way is the only way..They couldn't be further from the truth. Congrats on staying clean.

    • @richardmcginnis5344
      @richardmcginnis5344 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      thanks, does anyone want to hear the story?it may encourage some to try it

  • @joecoopermeister
    @joecoopermeister 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's been my last hope and my worst demon* thank you for saying things straight up yes and helps me I feel better ..and worse working with my doctor on lowering and so far so good 😊

  • @jeffs3594
    @jeffs3594 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've been on Suboxone for two weeks I'm off it now and waiting for the withdrawals and I'm scared to death with all this shit I'm hearing

  • @bethhughes4709
    @bethhughes4709 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have had withdrawals from a lot of pain meds.methadone was the worse of all I have come off of withdrawals lasting over a month that never got better and then going into methadone withdrawal psychosis just over the month mark.i had to be hospitalized to stabilize me and was sent inpatient where I was put on suboxone.i have been scared to even try coming off suboxone after the methadone.

  • @sierramcgrath1406
    @sierramcgrath1406 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Please I would love to talk with a doctor that understands. If you read your comments and your willing to talk

  • @antoniasims5637
    @antoniasims5637 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    keep up the excellent work doctor!!!!!

  • @withaze
    @withaze 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Bullshit! They had me on fentanyl for 3 years for a legit spine injury, made me stand straight again. I elected to get off of it because I think the mix of building a tolerance and it having so many deadly side effects, didn't know I couldn't sunbathe, almost died.
    So they put me on sub, I hated it, had already had to detox from fentanyl to start sub, and I only took it 8/2 for a month, was tapering everyday, now im 6 days off and I feel worse than any withdrawal or pain episode. There was no withdrawal supervision, told him I wanted to stop, he just shrugged his shoulders and said good. Not even warning me of what was to come. I think it's a crock, maybe its great for drug abusers, but I did not need it as my pain is fierce, severe spinal canal stenosis. Alao had to cancel a lipoma removal surgery because of the anesthesia, now its twice the size and hurts. I will never give that weinie my money again. So after day 3 I got real dizzy and spent the rest of the day doing my best exorcist impression. When will the "attacks" stop? Cant sleep, even with klon, and there's no relief. Dont docs sign an oath to do no harm? He assured us he'd keep me comfortable, to get his money, as it's all cash. My disability judge told me to go to California for any medical treatment, what does that say about Nevada, scary! I'm not a fan, just look online, these people are dead inside.

  • @ME3RZ11
    @ME3RZ11 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    thank you! I am down to 2mg as of yesterday and all I have noticed so far is I didnt sleep as well, but other then that I feel no difference, but then again its gunna take a day or 2 b4 my body goes "WTF wheres my subs?!" but like u said it shouldnt be hard at all, especially seeing how I havnt relapsed n want OFF the suboxone. n I cant blame my doctor, he is a family friend and I got myself into the mess, he is trying to get me back to life in a comfortable way.only 1 way 2 find out :D ty again

  • @bencampbell4366
    @bencampbell4366 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    what are you talking about PAWS , after 6 months of only suboxone use the only paws you might get is because of suboxone - explain plz ,

    • @SuboxDoc
      @SuboxDoc  7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Long-term activation of opioid receptors by any mu agent-- including buprenorphine-- causes tolerance. That tolerance takes time to reverse after opioids are removed. PAWS is a condition thought to occur late, after most of tolerance is gone, where the patient still has depression and fatigue. I have some question over the degree that PAWS is to blame, vs. other things. For example a person who struggles with depression before addiction will struggle with depression AFTER addiction. And the symptoms of PAWS occur in many people, including people who never used opioids. The best way to avoid symptoms of PAWS is to stay active, get exercise, and move forward in life in as many positive ways as possible.

  • @theKaufmanTapes
    @theKaufmanTapes 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Amen . . . Omg why didn’t I have this “truth” in my life so I could save my son . . Please keep your message available. I love suboxone . .

  • @karenchamberlain7954
    @karenchamberlain7954 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've been doing subs for about 7 years and it saved me I love in buffalo.ny where everyone is doing heroin and there's a od at least twice a day up here shots crazy....

  • @nickybee800
    @nickybee800 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    This has me crying. Thank you for helping me open my eyes to how beautiful my life has become with the help of medication that is saving my life... I don't feel so alone now.

    • @sitizenkanemusic
      @sitizenkanemusic 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Nicky Bee I came clean to my mom. I told her I need help. Of course she's going to help me. I'm going to start suboxone as soon as I have my appointment next week.

    • @trafficjon400
      @trafficjon400 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sitizenkanemusic Hows treatment six years later ?

  • @calebpowell7372
    @calebpowell7372 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm detoxing from subs now. Plz help.. Make a video of how to deal with this.. And how long it LAST?

    • @Ortega570
      @Ortega570 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      withdrawls from subs can last for years bro..even if your body is clean the subs and other opiates block the bodies natural pain killers to be made which your body needs to re-learn how to produce..thats why it takes so long. good luck bro!

    • @calebpowell7372
      @calebpowell7372 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      What about the beginning. I know the depression, bad restless legs ect. I know eventually it goes away. The mind set is always will be there and will always be an addict.

    • @tommygibs
      @tommygibs 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      caleb powell did you make it? its hell week followed by mental foggyness and de0pression insomnia for a bit after. it gets better!

  • @HellRaZarSR20det
    @HellRaZarSR20det 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    soooo.... he is still on it then ?

  • @sirvanesmaeily5358
    @sirvanesmaeily5358 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is it possible to wd from it and keep living drugfree?

    • @qssneaky
      @qssneaky 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      If you are withdrawing, it means you are living a drug free life...

    • @sirvanesmaeily5358
      @sirvanesmaeily5358 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Havnt done it yet thou

  • @jahthepackage
    @jahthepackage 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Suboxone has saved my life! I was on strong pain killers in ridiculous high amounts for 20 years! 320 mg of OxyContin a day. 400 mg of MsContin a day. 10-15 30 mg Roxy’s a day and other meds. I finally live a normal healthy life taking 4 mg of Subutex once a day over the last 16 months. My family and friends have all noticed a huge change in me and consider me clean, as do I consider myself clean!!!

  • @mirreynasayeeda1639
    @mirreynasayeeda1639 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have known some people who were able to stop taking drugs without help from another drugs; on the other hand, I have known some people who had to have assistance. I think there is a great deal in this that is of interest. As to whether I agree with everything in it; no, but quite a bit of it is true and has empirical value. One thing: some of my friends who fight with addiction do not wish to subscribe to the "once an addict, always an addict" POV. Defining themselves that way, they have told me, would not only defeat them, it would give them an excuse to go on using forever. To everyone who is struggling with addiction, good luck and don't give up.

  • @iamtherepairguy
    @iamtherepairguy 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank God for you, doctor. It's about saving lives.

  • @amandajackson7206
    @amandajackson7206 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have been on suboxone 6-8 yrs. orso. ben reading the comments on here. I know I am addicted/dependent on this and all that that implies. just want to mention the additional problem of the doctors office visit not covered by ins. evan if the meds are at the pharmacy you still got to pay. and pay big, anywhere btw. 150 -350 dollars per appt. big issue I haven't read anyone else mention. wtf?

  • @farleyboy6445
    @farleyboy6445 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have been on Subox. for 7 years now, When I first went on it it was because I had a 40 pill a day vicodin habit . The doctor kept me on subox because I have a neck injury that causes me chronic pain and I was already on he drug to get off the vicodin. I started on 16mg per day and I am now on 6mgs a day 3x2.5 strips. I went down to 1 mg trying to come off of it because my psy. doctor would not treat me if I was on it. It was impossible so I am not seeing the psy. anymore

  • @epicbehavior
    @epicbehavior 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Being on suboxone does not feel the same as being off of everything. Hormone levels are diminished, and senses are not as crystal clear as being completely sober. There is still a mild fog present.
    PAWS isn’t real if you exercise regularly, eat fantastic nutrition, and your hormone levels are optimized.

  • @shirleywc2242
    @shirleywc2242 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello thank you for the vid, now I have more tools to make a better choice about my recovery , thank you.

  • @mikecronin8280
    @mikecronin8280 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The people on here who say they were able to go to work and function through heroin withdrawals, are either superhuman, or only shot heroin for a couple weeks to a month straight,tops, and are used to hangovers of every kind before even touching heroin. Fortunately, and unfortunately, only a true opiate addict can appreciate suboxone, and that, in my opinion is who it was made for. I wouldn't wish this addiction on a Kardashian!

  • @rogermoore7541
    @rogermoore7541 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    I was on suboxone for 5 months. 2 months ago I asked to be switched to zubsolv. Zubsov is way better than suboxone. I feel more hooked on subs than opiates. I took my last dose yesterday morning and I dont plan on going for a refill. I hope I dont withdrawal.

    • @haruntuzcu6976
      @haruntuzcu6976 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Roger Moore for your information they are the same under diffrent names.

  • @kewlmark72
    @kewlmark72 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I cant function without the suboxon I cant work or sleep. I"M scared.

    • @TenaRoberto
      @TenaRoberto 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I am happy to stay on Suboxone for the rest of my life. I tried to get off several times because OTHER PEOPLE in 12 step programs said I was not sober which is NOT true. If Suboxone is working for you why are youSu getting off? In my experience accepting that Suboxone is a PART of my recovery, I am sober, and use a 12 step program and my life has NEVER been so good. I LOVE this blog and this Dr if the United States would make it easier to stay on Suboxone for people who want to and its working for. I don't want to not only die I WANT TO LIVE. Good luck to you!

    • @olivier-pierredebelmont.3630
      @olivier-pierredebelmont.3630 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      metal mark First,my friend,don't be scared.It's normal to fear this state of mind and body,hell.tapper down then stop.take your month,2,slowly,very slowly.normally if you can't sleep during tappering,you are too fast down.patience.i'm 62,40 years in asia with 3g/day of pure hero,tooks me a year to 0.2g/day.then it become bearable to go cold turkey.but only then.good works with opiates,it works with opioïds,time is the key.

  • @joehurt5029
    @joehurt5029 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for great information

  • @joepereira8346
    @joepereira8346 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    I just went on suboxone 3 days ago coming off 130 mls of methadone, which is illegal in our area,but there is a back story i won't get into to. i'm only on 8ml and without my benzo's i would have lost my mind coming off 130 mls of methadone.

    • @carmenannblake8126
      @carmenannblake8126 9 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @haruntuzcu6976
      @haruntuzcu6976 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Joe Pereira they say you have to come down to max 30ml of meta before you switch to subs,damn that must be tha hell. How are you now?

  • @user-vj1pq6uz8m
    @user-vj1pq6uz8m 10 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    methadone is worse, and meetings aa, or na, can be more harmful, get a life, get over it, It took me till 37, all my friends got to die, I was so jealous, but I grew up, I got off methadone, stopped dropping cigarettes on myself, and there IS A CURE... SUBSTAIN, DO THE RIGHT THING, F MEETINGS, BE YOU

    • @qssneaky
      @qssneaky 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I agree about the AA/NA meetings. What a fucking joke. If anything, it was a good place to score drugs. They are full of self centered know-it-all's that think their war story is the best. I've never seen a place so full of depressed bullshit in my life. When I got clean, I went to around 10 meetings and decided that the best thing was to stay far away from those jokers, or I would likely use again. Thankfully I did. I'm 6 years clean now, and live a wonderful life.

    • @user-vj1pq6uz8m
      @user-vj1pq6uz8m 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      qssneaky I agree, congradulations, I personally want to show people it is possible to get off of methadone and not to go there especially, to not be property, and with meetings, talking about drugs and alcohol every day of my life for 10 years left me very close minded - i don't want to talk about it anymore, or have anything to do with that shit or people that want to talk about that shit eveyr day, i mean, get over it, there's a whole life out there

    • @zdesigns2802
      @zdesigns2802 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Robert fucking A brother. that is some good shit, keep it up!

    • @rocknrollboise
      @rocknrollboise 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah there is a reason for their 5-10% success rates. Those AA meetings/people make me feel like shit.

    • @301BOYSWP
      @301BOYSWP 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      jesus, all my clothes have cigarette burns in them. its an embarassment haha at least I'm not the only one.

  • @pontificaterebal677
    @pontificaterebal677 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It may not be as intense- but the length of withdrawal makes it seem worse. Each day one may be getting better but they are one day more wore down. Also, sub's have a darker, more depressive detox mentally. 22 years on and off opiates, sub's and methadone. Presently on sub's for the third time..sick of relapsing even once or twice a year. Last relapse, fentanyl nearly killed me a few times. Would fall out only to wake up two or three hours later. Sub's knock off my mental sharpness some, but so does death.

    • @SuboxDoc
      @SuboxDoc  ปีที่แล้ว

      All opioids have the same withdrawal; the brain doesn't care what CAUSED the tolerance; it only cares about 1. the degree of tolerance, and to a lesser extent 2. how quick a med wears off. The second issue isn't as important because even the shortest-acting opioids cause withdrawal that lasts 1-3 months. Your different symptoms probably had to do with other issues in your life at the time, and your state of mind (optimistic, pessimistic, support from others, etc)

  • @badkarma7644
    @badkarma7644 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I was on Subutex for almost 5 years and this last year 2016 my Dr quit on me and left me with 1months worth of my Subutex then after I had to buy stuff off of the street. I never did nothing wrong such as not pass my drug screen he just decided it was time to quit he said he was going to visit and help out his mother. But I consider he abandon me on my meds and I have contacted an attorney and I need to call them back to see what I can do about this I feel it’s bull shit I paid him in cash $300 a month these Drs do not give a shit about you or your wellbeing it’s all money to them and there new cars status. I wish these Drs that do this make them go thru withdraws then they would not be a cash only Dr and would care about there patients not abandon them

  • @pimmelpaule5606
    @pimmelpaule5606 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    To me it has been not as intense as Heroin, but the length of 4 weeks is what makes it difficult

    • @SuboxDoc
      @SuboxDoc  ปีที่แล้ว

  • @tootzgreer1465
    @tootzgreer1465 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Amen!!!! Talking the truth! Suboxone saved my life, but when I did try and get off of it it was total simply because it was an everyday 24/7 sickness. It was physical and emotional. I was on 120 msg of oxycodone and I’d rather gone through that detox a thousand more times than be without my subs 👍

  • @Superflow66
    @Superflow66 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Someone that has never become physically addicted to a long term drug such as methadone or suboxone should not even be adding there opinion because they have no idea what someone in that position is dealing with. It's way more then just being strong enough to make a choice to not do a drug.Pysical dependence is real and depending on one's situation also determines how or even if it's possible to get off of some of theses long term treatments. In my opinion . I do respect anyone that has changed there lives but unless you have been on suboxone or methadone for 10.15 or 20 years you have no idea how ones body or mind will handle such a thing. Anyone that I know of that was able to get off some of these treatments after an extended time ended up going back on a year later because they suffered such severe depression.Were talking about chemical and mind altering drugs.Its way more then to just be strong and get off at a certain point. I can see if someone has been on them for a few months or a few years then yeah I believe ones brain may be able to rebuild itself but after multiple years most detox centers will not even detox you because it's a liability.

    • @claytonferch7452
      @claytonferch7452 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      THANK YOU!!! someone who understands.

    • @NicolePoliskey
      @NicolePoliskey 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +B Murphy
      Thank you! Telling it the way it is! I've tried once since 2004 and I was so suicidal, after three months I returned to them. My doctor has no idea and is still under the impression that there are no withdrawals at all? I really want off but don't know if I can do it again. I don't believe this doctor understands.

    • @goodbyesuboxone4263
      @goodbyesuboxone4263 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Been on 6mg/day for 7 years...On day 19 detox...Feeling much better...No question I made the right choice

  • @xDASSLERx
    @xDASSLERx 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    IF you taper properly, it really is bearable.. better w/d compared to banging 11 bags a day.

    • @haydynsenior8358
      @haydynsenior8358 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah cold turkey was a nightmare for me but brave and perhaps a little foolish.

  • @alecsimms9653
    @alecsimms9653 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    The thing is,the full agonist drugs withdrawral last maybe 10 days,while Suboxone can last over a year and it is brutal especially if your older.Oh and by the way there is a lot we don't even know about Suboxone.

    • @SuboxDoc
      @SuboxDoc  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Just wrong. Buprenorphine has been used for pain since the 1950's; it has been used in higher doses for addiction for over 13 years in the use, and for over 20 years in Europe. 'So much we don't know'? Like what? We know the structure, we know exactly where it acts, we know how it is metabolized, the breakdown products, the exact enzymes involved... we know it has no effects at the liver or kidneys; we know that it has no teratogenic effects on the fetus, we know it has no cancer-causing properites, and has no effect on lipid or glucose metabolism.
      We know more about buprenorphine than about meds that treat depression or bipolar disorder. We know more than we do about meds that lower cholesterol. We know more about buprenorphine than we do about aspirin or tylenol!!
      The withdrawal comments are simply nonsense. When stopping ANY opioid, the issue is getting tolerance down to zero. The drug that CAUSED the tolerance has no relation to the length or severity of withdrawal! Look at it this way.... if what you say is true, then people stopping Suboxone can just change to heroin for a week or two, and then stop that! Would that make sense, according to your logic?
      In reality, lowering tolerance down to baseline takes about 2-3 months, no matter what drug raised it. Your brain doesn't remember the drug you took, and make you suffer for a year because it was buprenorrphine!! The degree of tolerance is limited by the ceiling on buprenorphine... so the severity of withdrawal cannot be higher than that degree.

  • @alixemass2012
    @alixemass2012 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    as an IV heroin addict for 20 plus years suboxone has saved my life in every way possible..and it IS possible to come off with proper tapering. I have seen ppl taper and be successful. I am now on Subs 8yrs and no plans on coming off it..I have my life back and for the first time in many years happy!! the price tag is a small one compared to what I spent on my habit..will never complain about the price..lucky now that insurance pays but the first 5yrs I paid out of pocket..suboxone saves lives!!

  • @ME3RZ11
    @ME3RZ11 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    and it all started over me going undiagnosed with CPD (Chronic Panic Disorder, severe panic attacks that happen 5 days out of the week) so I took them for my wisdom teeth pain but also knew it was helping my CPD not knowing I had it at that time, then I went back to the dentist..... the asshole closed the door in my face and told me to get on methadone!!!! I was MAD cause I didnt go there for pills but for HELP getting off them!

  • @AECommonThread2137
    @AECommonThread2137 ปีที่แล้ว

    I got off 2x once 10 years ago from 2 8mg tabs per day CT - which lasted a yr and again 5 years ago from a taper. Ive been sober since and i personally am not the meetings kind of person. I dont like being sick and its not worth it.
    I do love suboxone though! It gave me my life back when i could have died.

  • @rufuszufall5753
    @rufuszufall5753 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nowere even close to a methadone withdrawal. Methadone withdrawal is so darn brutal.I puked like crazy.But suboxone I didnt puked once.

  • @SuperRowdyone
    @SuperRowdyone 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Took 2 Suboxone strips a day for 6 yrs., withdrawal was agonizing, not saying this will work for everybody as a helpful tool but Marijuana helped me tremendously through the process.I've been Suboxone free for 2 mos.I'm not a pothead, I use weed recreationally.During my 1st week of withdrawal when I was in agony I had no appetite, weed helped, when I was tossing and turning and couldn't relax or sleep weed helped. Because my diarrhea was so severe, and I had gastric distress I took Imodium which helps with issues related to opiate withdrawal.The most important thing is sticking to a routine, keep showing up for life and be productive, eat healthy, exercise even if it's only a 15min.walk.Surround yourself with sober people and most importantly keep fighting it does get better.People noticed a major change for the better in my attitude and personality in just a couple weeks.Nice to be able to feel again!!!!!

    • @SuboxDoc
      @SuboxDoc  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      I would challenge you on the feeling part; I've had patients feel great about accomplishing a taper, but they feel the same before and after they were on buprenorphine. Good job on getting through the withdrawal- and good advice on avoiding using people. Now the real work begins-- staying clean for years, including times when you are in a low place and a 'friend' offers you something to help. I with you well, sincerely.

  • @kaliboo60
    @kaliboo60 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    If u r a Dr. I can honestly applaud what u say because u do come from a place that u know, n know well. I hope that u r a Dr, due to the fact that as a physician u of all people can look at those people who never wanted to b here in the first place n in the second place u truly understand....that is something that is absent from all medical Dr's out there...U do not claim u r God like due to a certificate on ur wall u r saying , basically thet hey I have been where u r.How can I help u understand I knoew that ur journey was mine as well. Bravo for stepping up n not looking down ur nose at people with problems that ur colleagues have created. I am not talking about the people who were drug addicts by choice, I see it from the vantage point of those who suffer from injury....Thank u for ur candor! 16 yrs addicted I could not imagine...

  • @jeannineowenbrown492
    @jeannineowenbrown492 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    My insurance stopped paying for Suboxone after 6 years!!

  • @ME3RZ11
    @ME3RZ11 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    plus I think I am one of the only patients that are GLAD they dont make pill form anymore cause I have been using the strips for 2 reasons.... 1. PEOPLE CANT SNORT THEM so a lot less of a chance of ppl trying to steal them from me and 2. you never have to worry about breaking any in half or anything like that, all wrapped in their own package and are TRACKED so if u sell them or have them stolen they scan the bar code on the wrapper to see whos script it was to begin with,(here in VT at least)

  • @dopeynomo
    @dopeynomo 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    An on honest Doctor who's been there and done that. I'm currently 31 and have been an opiate addict since 17. I've been on Suboxone for the past 5 years and now have a doctor that is pushing me off of it. I don't feel I'm ready and but he's a doctor that feels it should be a temporary measure. I agree in that aspect but I'm a fully functioning addict and don't have the resources or possibly of a in-patient clinic to detox and rehab

    • @supdew7289
      @supdew7289 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Just go find a new doctor buddy. Most doctors will keep you on it for as long as you'd like. Sad but true!

    • @dopeynomo
      @dopeynomo 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Christopher Matson you are correct. I've had various doctors throughout my journey but my current is the head of pain management at a pretty big hospital. He's very legit and by the book. I've been to those doctors that treat their office like a meat market, and honestly, wish for that option again. My current doctor makes me take a sublingual drug test ever visit which is over $1,000 a pop. My insurance doesn't cover it because it's "not medically necessary". Well yes it is, otherwise I don't get my meds. So I am looking back at the meat markets where you pay cash and you're in and out

    • @johnkennedy9078
      @johnkennedy9078 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      take kratom. and take your life back