My *_TOP TIPS_* (especially _Survival Mode_ )---> --> _Codsworth_ is available as a companion without first needing to free *Preston.* Simply enter _Concord_ far enough that Preston and the Raiders start fighting, return to Sanctuary, and he can be hired. Taking him along to free *Preston* can give some _affinity boosts._ _Codsworth_ will give you a Purified Water on a continual basis just by talking with him, making him a solid companion for _Survival Players._ --> *_Need Caps?_* Stop at nearby *Abernathy Farm,* under the Power Pylon. Grab the 9 Melons, then speak with the daughter _Lucy._ Keep picking the top dialogue choice about caps as currency. This will trigger an Easy speech check, and she will offer to buy Melons for 5 caps instead of 3. She can buy every Melon you have, _on an ongoing basis,_ which can be lucrative if you turn Sanctuary into a Melon farm. However, if you make the Farm a settlement, she *stops* buying them. --> *_Survival Players,_* besides planting *Tato,* *Mutfruit* and *Corn* for _Adhesive,_ plant *Razorgrain.* Cook *1 Razorgrain /1 Dirty Water* to make rad-free _Noodle Cups._ They lower thirst one level, hunger half a level, _yet weighs the same as Water!_ Check wandering vendor _Trashcan Carla_ and _Trudy at Drumlin Diner,_ South of Concord. Or find randomly as loot. --> *_Weapon and Armor modifications_* can be _stripped and swapped_ onto your better gear. You can _remove armor mods_ for free, but you will have to _build a new gun mod_ from components. Even without Gun Nut, you can build the base level gun mod, which will put the previously attached modification into your inventory, and put onto your new hotness. --> _Survival Players_ should build *15 more water supply than they have settlers,* minimum. This will _accumulate_ extra water from the Workshop *every day,* so take it out store it separately in another container. New Purified Water will be added every day *_if_* there’s little to no water already in the workshop. If you build a large enough water purification operation, a huge amount can get added daily. Use this for your travels, or stockpile, and sell the surplus. --> _Survival Mode_ features *Diseases,* acquired numerous ways. You can take *Antibiotics,* visit a *Doctor,* or *Wait* until they go away eventually. Each disease has _different durations,_ lasting from *2-7 days.* The most debilitating are _Weakness_ (receive +20% damage), and _Infection_ (take damage over time, though it won’t kill you, will leave you with a sliver of health). These two diseases take *2.5 days* to go away. Find something safe to do, like decorating Sanctuary, or sleep it off. Sleeping causes a _disease check,_ so you might get sick again, but anything is better than Weakness or Infection. *Early game,* when resources are tight, you might be better off saving Antibiotics just in case for the debilitating diseases, and living with the others until they go away. -->Want to play _Survival Mode,_ but aren’t sure what starting SPECIAL to use? I’ve found it’s worth going for strong combat skills first, and then flesh out your build. *Melee Builds,* get _Rooted_ (STR9) and _Blitz_ (AGI9) immediately. *9,1,4,3,1,9,1* _(Book END)._ *VATS Guns,* get _Penetrator_ (PER9) and _Concentrated Fire_ (PER10). *1,9,3,3,3,7,2* _(Book AGI)._ You’ll get the *Perception Bobblehead* when you free Preston, so have a point saved, and put into Concentrated Fire mid-rescue. --> _Survival Mode_ players should seriously consider _not_ using Power Armor. _Swimming_ is Survival’s Fast Travel. You’ll get around much faster and safer. *_Aquaboy/girl perk_* will save you a ton of time! Without spoiling, the game gives you a quick means of crossing the map as you do the main story, if you dabble with the *Brotherhood of Steel.* --> _New Players:_ *Idiot Savant* isn’t a good choice for first timers. Enemies scale with you. You need to have good gear to survive, and easy and fast XP can leave you without enough time to explore and find good gear before the bad guys start hitting even harder. *You’ll get plenty of levels, faster than you think, even at 1 INT.* Growing powerful isn’t only a matter of levels. *You’ll be stronger if you have great gear when you pop your next level.* Take it easy, don’t rush, go slow, and you’ll be better for it. --> _Pass every speech check_ with *11 CHR,* 100%! Low CHR builds, don’t fret: assemble a 3-piece _CHR set of clothes._ *Hat/glasses/suit,* for _+4._ Most *Alcohol* adds _+1._ Find *Daytripper* _+3._ Better yet, craft *Grape Mentats* at a Chemistry Station _+5._ There’s other ways, but with these, that’s a +13 buff already. *Bonus!* Your companion will come to your side and stay there if you crouch. And if *Dogmeat* only carries _25_ units, put a *bandana,* *welding goggles* or *dog armor,* and it’ll bump it up to _150!_
I always use robots as my supply liners. Its so cool to hear some gunfire and then see those red diamonds appear in the distance (I always give them recon mods) and realise that it’s your supply robot taking out the raiders ahead of you. Today I saw a whole bunch of red diamonds and discovered that two of my robots had crossed paths,teamed up and decimated a nest of super mutants! It really brings the city alive when there are far more travelling characters other than yourself.
@@recca-recca it should be, I’ve been playing survival for about 2 weeks now. Fun ash, I’m jus now downloading the dlc, hoping that’ll just add to the mayhem
@@Quickdrawoutlaw0544 Legendary spawns are more frequent, you cant spam meds/food because there is a whole health and hunger system with various mechanics, damage values are tweaked, can only save at beds by sleeping, to name a few. I play modded with save at beds enabled and 6x incoming damage/3x outgoing. The game is simply too buggy and unstable for me to enjoy without saving frequently but I think survival mode makes the game a lot better in general.
Speaking of storages, DON'T store your legendary weapons in settlements workshops! Your settlers will eventually pick up any gun that is more powerful than theirs to defend the settlement from attack (ijust find out about this and i play this game since launch... lol), specialy if they already have or find some ammo to use it after they kill any enemies (this is good for those who do not have patience to equip the settlers)! In the begining of the game you can use Sancturary Hills hiden cellar to store your weapons and later, you can purchase Diamond City Home Plate to use to store your legendary weapons! You can add 1 ammo to a settler and a corresponding weapon and the settler will have infinite amo! In fact you can add 1 of each kind of ammo to all your settlers! If they find a weapon better than the ones they have, they will pick it up to use! Don't leave a fusion core inside your power armor, because If the settlement is attacked, they will take the armor to fight the enemies! The same goes to settlers equiped with gattling lasers because the weapon is powered with fusion core and if the settlement is attacked they will jump inside any power armor in the proximity! You can farm legendary items if you use the siringe weapon, with ammo to spawn a bloat fly, if you play on hasdest dificulties! Just craft the ammo, shoot enemies before killing them and most of the time they will spawn legendary boat fly as they die (doesn't work with synths and robots)! You can use pillar glitch and rug glitch, to easily place walls and other objects inside other walls or objects or organize them the way you want during construction in settlements and use wifi power glitch to have power without the need of wires (check youtube for explanations of how these glitches works)! You can duplicate ammo, armor, weapons and resources (
@@Jamick98Geass No, in this case any kind of living enemies will do (the only doubt i have is whether a synthetic that looks human will generates the fly! lol). It randomly generates a legendary bloatfly, but in higher levels of dificulty it comes very, very fast!
@@DerekBennett-pk4nu In fact, what i meant about weapons is that in any settlement storage containers they will not be safe! That's why i recommended the hidden cellar in Sanctuary Hills or Home Plate in Diamond City! The other normal weapons you find, if you want to store them in the containers, it is very likely that your settlers will pick them up to use in case of an attack, if they find ammunition to use or if it is the same as the ones they have in their the weapons or inventary! For example, you can add 1 of each ammo to all your settlers! If they find a weapon better than the ones they have, they will pick it up to use!
@@hackjuniordf good warning about storing stuff in workshops, but I Think you're wrong about settlers getting into other storage containers. I built trunks (at sanctuary) and always dump my extra stuff in there, never noticed anything go missing. Cheers
at that point why not just use the cheat terminal to enable unlimited carry weight on the companions? its still a cool trick though, especially if youre going for acheivements
My best advice is to get the scrapper perk early on because if you do then once you cleared out an area with a weapons bench you can pick up everyone’s weapon waddle over to the bench, scrap it all you can usually get a few dozen screws as well as a good bit of extra ammo
Dropping weapons(armor/scrap) in a settlement and scrapping them will lower the build limit. This should not be done excessively. But can be very helpful for settlements with a low build limit.
An advice to the Supply lines. If you have the Automatron DLC, you not need to waste settlers and time to arm them, simply just make yourself some robot who'll do the supply lines. I personally love to see as all across the Wasteland my Sentry bots clear everything while connect all my settlements.
lol... Nice! I had never thought about that... I always hack the sentry bots to follow me because i think it's really cool to see them destroying enemies, but when i see a neutral NPC, i have to run to deactivate the bot so it doesn't attack the peaceful NPCs and turn them hostile!
@@hackjuniordf With the Automatron DLC you can build your own robots which act like followers, or settlers, if you give them roles in a settlement. With Sim Settlements 2 mod, it can be realy broken. I mean, you can build a few upgraded farming building, give them to some Protectron, and with a few robot you have the food supply of hundreds of settlers. In one of my playtrough with Sim Settlements 2 mod, 7 or 8 Protectron in Vault 88 produced around 300 food.
This is my preferred method of assigning to supply lines and naming them after the settlement they go to, so when wandering and encountering my bots I know which one it is
Haha! That’s exactly what I said, it’s really cool to see them beat the tar out of the gunners! Furthermore, I don’t have to feel guilty when I inadvertently kill my own people with mines or grenades while attacking enemies!
Use Atomitrons as supply line runners. A tricked out assault tron or sentry bot can move faster than a normal settler and is much more effective in combating raiders and wild animals. Investing the second point in Local Leader always you to make shops and crafting stations in any settlement. The shops specifically are helpful because not only do they give you another potential source of junk items, ammo, and healing items, but depending on the size of your settlement they’ll also passively give you caps income that you can pull out of the Misc tab of the work bench. My 5 shops with 33 settlers at Sanctuary regularly generate 8-11k caps every few hours. Your ability to increase the amount of settlers in any particular settlement is linked to your charisma stat. 10 + your Charisma stat. You can bypass this number with drugs and clothing also by maxing Charisma to 10 then acquiring the Charisma Bobblehead. So for example let’s say you’re maxed out on settlers at Sanctuary but you need more farmers. Go clear out another settlement and set up a radio beacon (Under power in the crafting menu) then go play the game for a few hours. Come back to the new settlement with your clothing (I use fancy glasses, Agatha’s dress, Militia hat, Wedding Ring) and grape Mentats + Day Tripper + Xcell + any beer/stout. You should now be able to send as many recruitable settlers to Sanctuary as you want. It makes having 30+ settlers in a place like Sanctuary an easy task. This might be obvious, but a lot of people don’t know about it. Hold B on controller to turn on the Pip-Boy light. It’s a free flashlight if you’re in a cave or just exploring at night.
Instead of using walls arroud you settlements, use the elevated walkways. You settlers can shoot threw it, but melee attackers can't enter. Include sentry posts as cover positioons within the wall.
Thank you for the video! Just a simple tip re ArcJet visit with Paladin Danse, (which is probably well-known to most players...): It's difficult to collect stuff while following Danse, so I wait till it's over , collect Righteous Authority from Danse and THEN loop back into the entrance door of ArcJet & scan thoroughly for stuff you could have left behind. A number of times I've done this, Paladin Danse is STILL waiting at the exit (for some reason... he should be @ Cambridge PD!!), but a fast travel to Cambridge & sure enough, everyone's there. Hope this helps & many thanks again!!😁
If you close any terminal you're trying to hack it will reset and can start over. It does give you different words to hack with but it's better than being locked out.
Pretty much everywhere has a weapon and armour station. So collect everything and scrap it while looting a new place. If you do max out your carrying just dump the weapon and armour in a cabinet and once you found a station go and collect it to scrap it. (Once scrapped it uses less carry weight) Leave nothing behind
Something I find vital to prolonged survival in combat is to targets enemies' legs, especially ferals and robots. If you don't kill them outright, it'll take them longer to get to you when they're crawling, and you can take them out at your leisure, or even ignore them while you target more immediate threats. I arrived at this revelation through one of the loading cards that said if you destroy a robot's arms (and therefore its ability to shoot you), it would launch a suicide run at you, which made me think the logical thing was to prevent it from running at all.
For storage. I put safes down on the ground in the concrete near the Sanctuary workshop. I have about 20 of them and I separate everything into its own safe. All alcohol in a safe, all Nuka softdrinks and water in another, all grenades and mines in another, radiated meat in one and cooked meat in another, etc. Yes 20 is a lot and it takes a while until you remember what is in each one but once you do it makes things so much easier. Start out with only three or four, whatever suits your play. There is so much stuff in the game it takes forever scrolling through the workshop to find something which is annoying.
I played this on PS4 back in the day, and just bought it again but for PC. The cool thing is that I don't remember very many details of the game, so it's almost like playing it for the first time (again).
When I went looking for the 44 revolver near the start of the game it wasn’t there. Turned out dog meat had spotted it and added it to their inventory! Good to check the trade option with dog meat now and again. And storing with companion can be a life saver if you’ve grabbed loads of good stuff you don’t want to drop but can run
Storing items practically anywhere is extremely useful. For example in fallout 3 I was SO over-encumbered at one point in the story but I wanted to bring everything home. Nothing I was willing to leave behind. Well, there was a dead super mutant at the location I was when I emerged from a dungeon. So I stored everything I couldn’t carry on it, and kept fast traveling back and forth like 12 times to bring everything home instead of walking slow across the map for an hour 😂
Two bits of advice to go along with what was in your video. First, don't store dirty water in your workshop. I can't say if the more recent updates ever fixed it but, when I played the game a few years ago, that would prevent the workshop from stocking purified water. To be safe, I just avoid putting anything drinkable in the workshop. Second, You don't need to individually scrap junk items. The game breaks it down into those components for you when you actually craft something that needs the materials contained in a junk item. You just need to regularly dump the junk items in one of your linked workshops (there's even a button for it when you're in the workshop's inventory screen.) I don't know if scrapping it yourself like you do in the video is beneficial after getting rank 3 of scrapper but for most of the game, it certainly isn't necessary. In regard to junk items, there's also an option to mark certain components to make it easier to identify the junk you need most in your travels. If you have a junk item with the component in it (like military grade duct tape for ballistic fiber) you can press a button while on the junk tab that switches your view to the individual components instead of showing you the junk items they're inside. While you're in that mode, you can press a button to "tag for search" that adds an hourglass next to the name of any junk item you look at that has that component in it. With rank 2 scrapper, this even gives the scrap items you've tagged a glow so you can tell at a glance what's worth looting in a room.
I created a spreadsheet of weapons and armor, and rename all items. General Terms (Prefix): GIVE = give to settler in exchange for their current items, STORE = prefix for weapons to drop on ground and store in Workbench, KEEP, Carry (C) = Items to have companion carry, Standard items = V (vanilla), MX = Item maxed out and cannot be upgraded further. Weapons: - The in-game naming convention is extremely long, and it can be hard to tell what are you current items, and what items you've picked up, unless you modify your current weapon names. Removing vowels and double consonants helps to keep the name short enough that it is actually editable. - For example, Night-Vision Recoil Compensated Pipe Bolt-Action Rifle = NV Rcl Cmpnstd BA PpR, Recon Suppressed 10mm Pistol = Rcn Sprsd 10mm P, Laser Pistol = LP, Automatic Laser Pistol = ALP, etc. Armor: - Similar process as weapons above, with one major exception: number prefixes for each body part. 1=RA (Right Arm), 2=LA (Left Arm), 3=LL (Left Leg), 4=(Right Leg), 5=Chst (Chest), 6=Hlmt (Helmet) - Armor Abbreviations: UL = Ultra-Light, AL = Asbestos Lined, DP = Deep Pockets, Plshd = Polished, SL = Studded Leather, Rbt = Robot, and so on... - Remove long names: Chest Piece = Chst, Combat Armor = Cmbt, - SPECIAL Modifiers: Smart, Safe, Luck, etc. - Legendary Items: For now, I tend to keep the full name, but shorten where possible. - With this system, the numbers denote the body position, so it is easy to find the right equipment for the moment. Ex. 1UL SL RA = Ultra-Light Studded Leather Right Arm 1CLdd Plshd RA = Lead-Lined Polished Right Arm - To be carried by companion due to weight 1CDP SL RA = Deep Pocketed Studded Leather Right Arm - To be carried by companion until I need deeper pockets 2UL SL LA = Ultra-Light Studded Leather Left Arm 2CLdd Plshd LA = Lead-Lined Polished Left Arm - To be carried by companion due to weight 2CDP SL LA = Deep Pocketed Studded Leather Left Arm - To be carried by companion until I need deeper pockets 2SAFE Rbt LA = Deep Pocketed Studded Leather Left Arm - Special item that makes it easier to open safes. and so on... Making Bank: - Melons --> Fertilizer + Plastic from junk --> Jet. Jet + Purified Water selling to vendors to purchase shipments of resources. Especially steel. Steel --> Poisoned Caltrops or Poisoned Bear Traps --> Sell back to vendors to recoup spent bottlecaps.
Container inventory does eventually repop. Just like interior cells and some exterior locations do. Visiting the location frequently is a good way to delay the repopulation, but unless it's intended to be a one-off encounter, like a settlement, it WILL eventually repopulate even the inventories of the containers, so keep that in mind.
My brother gifted me fallout 4 eight years ago and I never played it until I watched the tv show 😂 I’ve been sleeping on a certified banger. Great tips, I wish I knew about selling water sooner but i already got rich scrapping everything thing in the commonwealth 😭
When fighting individuals in Power Armor, aim for the power core. Not only will it explode causing damage to all enemies in the area, but there is a good chance that the pilot will exit the armor allowing you to steal the frame (if you have a power core, that is, since you merced the one in the suit).
I usually shoot through abernathy, greygarden and overland after i visit sanctuary the first time. You can get some mutfruit, corn and tatoes to plan. Makes the beginning easier
If you have the stats (7 intelligence) and are willing to dump 1 point into the Chemist perk, there's an early game option you can go with to make a little less caps per item from even easier to find materials. Poisoned caltrops also made in the chemistry station (under traps) have a value of 40 (vs jet's 50) and only costs steel. That being said, they weigh 5 times as much as jet per item and it'll cost you a decent portion of those caltrops just buying steel shipments to do it all over again (depending on your charisma/perks.) The benefit is you can get started on it almost immediately as you run into trashcan carla and drumlin dinner who both sell 250 steel shipments (not to mention all the steel you start with from sanctuary.)
If you complete some of the Diamond City Blues quest line (obtained from the bar in the stands of D City) and you can obtain 60 Jet. Bring it to Bobby Daluca in the reactor room of Vault 81. He offers 75 caps each and will buy them all. You have to start a conversation for each sale, and will give more than enough cash to buy Overseer's Guardian and bullets for days. Stay away from the vault until you are ready to sell all you want because this triggers an event and he won't buy from you afterwards.
Putting a rug or floor right up next to the water purifiers and holding the button to pick up the rug or floor allows you to move the water purifiers on to and making it possible to have even more water produced. Also putting them in buildings will give them extra protection.
@@barrymantelli8011 I started a new game and couldn't do it. In my previous game, I started in Survival Mode. In that mode, this seems to work. Then I switched to hard mode and it still worked. In my new game I started in hard mode, and it does not work.
IN SURVIVAL MODE. You can also fill up bottles in contaminated water like lakes and puddles, or at an old water fountain like in destroyed school buildings. You see the option appear when you are close enough to drink. Dirty water is used in some recipes and you can convert 3 to make 1 purified water and get XP for crafting.
One day I'll play a game with companions and not just Lone Wolf/Dogmeat. Today is not that day though, there is just something magical about lone wolf survival with my doggo
Loot ALL Weapons and Armor. Sell at Goodneighbor (2 vendors, 700 caps) and Diamond City (5 vendors, 1600 caps). I use the Stash Trunk mod, so I have access at both locations for selling. Trashcan Carla also buys. Don't know if Stash Trunk is available for console players. I have over 3400 hours in-game. never knew about the VAT not Hacking tips. Thanks
Strong back is an absolute must, maxed out, you can still walk at full speed at half the stamina drain, but most importantly allows you to fast travel while over encumbered
I'm constantly tapping the Vats button whe I'm exploring new areas. It may seem cheap, but I'm paranoid, and can say that it's saved me from a number of ambushes and land mines.
I do the same.i started doing it recently,as there many places that you find mines on the ground as you said,or even enemies or animals that you haven’t seen them yet far ahead
Best way to get a good economy going in your settlement is to invest in the local leader, strong back and cap collector perks. Build stores, assign settlers to those stores, invest extra 500 caps in your stores then pick up everything in a dungeon and bring it back to your settlement and sell it. Always buy the ammo types for the weapons you like to use to stock up on ammo and it will give vendors a good amount of caps to buy all that junk you picked up. Now explaining what each of those 3 perks do. The Local leader perk will allow you to build stores and establish supply lines between settlements sharing all of the resources of your main settlement, what i do is put all resources in the sanctuary hills work bench and send all supply line provisoners to sanctuary that way all resources are shared. The cap collector perk will allow you to invest 500 caps in a store raising its buying capacity and strong back will allow you to fast travel over encumbered. If you want a doctor at your settlement you will have to invest in the medic perk.
Yeah, I feel you on the hacking thing; I played through Fallout 3 and New Vegas completely, thinking that Hacking was merely a luck-based guessing game. I had no idea, until Fallout 4, that you could actually manipulate the Hacking interface like that.
When hacking I usually try my way first with the words, and when I have 1 try left, then I start working with removing duds, because 1 of them will reset all tries again.
I restart this this game so many times, none are finished. But still I found new things everytime, even in this video show me something new, never knew there's a duffle bag up there at the start of the video
The Mr. Handy torso lets you remove 2 of the eyes and replace them with arms from any other robot type. So you can have 5 limbs total and make a ranged and melee god. I recomend automatic lasers. The Protectctron basic ones work great until you can upgade them.
I had the same problem with random crashes, so I started playing offline and the game runs smooth, I don't know it's a RAM issue or if it's STEAM but this dose help.
I am new to fallout and jumped into fallout 4 not knowing anything. I learned about how to get levels in sanctuary by making a wall and placing signs on it and the dupe trick to get a ton of steel. Signs stack on each other and do not take up extra space. I can get over 2000 signs to stack on each other without taking up any extra space. When the limit of town size is reached i simply scrap the wall and all the signs go into storage. since there are so many different signs I can repeat the process with the next sign in the list. When I did this with 1 intelligence and 5 luck with idiot savant I got the bonus xp so often that after the town size was maxed and i scrapped the wall the bonus kept repeating for another 5 mins. (no more xp, just the sound and the little dude popping up showing that i got a bonus) Also while that was happening if I go into the PIP and sit there for a min then exit the PIP the bonus sounds during the time I was in the pip do not come until I exit and then the sounds of all that was bonus during my time in the PIP come all at once. Weird little thing
Scrap everything in sanctuary safes can be scraped also all containers etc you will end up with ton of scrap for crafting weapons first aid clothing etc
When you loot bodies and take their ammo, even if their gun is one you don't want grab it and drop it after. Most of the time you'll get the ammo it has loaded in it. Not always but I'd say I get ammo about 90% of the time when I grab it off an enemy. Idk if it's in the vid as I just started it.
Resources from other settlements cannot be accessed in the workbench. For example you can't pull the water from Sanctuary out of Hangman's Alley workbench to sell in Diamond City. Connected settlements have a shared crafting inventory
As a new fallout player I discovered the vats spotting by accident❤ and funny enough I was actually walking into a mine field 😅 I pressed it because I saw a dead animal on the ground but I wanted to make sure that it was dead but it ended up picking up the landmine first since it was a couple of meters in front of me.
In my experience, by the time you get your farm set up with the three vegetable types to make adhesive, you could have instead just put down like 10 water purifiers, and just bought all the adhesive you ever wanted. Although it IS expensive to buy as a shipment, you really don't use that much adhesive playing the game. Even if you are slowly leveling up Gun Nut, or Armorer, and upgrade all of your gear at each level, it's still just not that much adhesive.
Start the game by doing the Nuka-world dlc first before going to concord and meeting Preston Garvey. Preston will give you the open season quest and you can then kill all of the raiders after having taken over the commonwealth with the raiders. This way you will get all of the Nuka-world perks and still be able to build the minutemen
Best way to earn caps is to Find the abernathy farm to the south west of sanctuary. He will send you on a mission to find his daughters locket. Kill the boss there and loot the 5 mm ammo. And you can sell that. To my knowledge, I don't believe there is a faster way of making money. Because this can be done in less than ten minutes for fifteen hundred caps.
This applies to other very common ammo types like .38, .45 and 10mm are another ammo type you almost never run out of. I usually end up over a thousand .38 caliber in my inventory. If you have mods that give you ammunition workbenches or have Contraptions workship DLC that lets you build an ammunition plants, then you have a license to print money. It kinda makes you feel like playing Metro, where ammunition is used as a currency.
Easy bunk bed, use half size stairs, place bed on ground, sink half stairs down to same level as bed and connect it, group select half stairs and raise it which will raise height of bed, place another bed underneath and move the botton bed into position, then remove half stairs, no need for pillers and rugs and all that nonsense
I've been able to set one person to create a supply line between sanctuary hills and 2 other locations but I don't know how I did it. Can anyone tell me?
Somwthing i found last night and didnt know, there is armor for dogmeat. I was going to sagus ironworks and passed a guy standing by a pond with his dog. Hes a raider with his attack dog
Digest can equip Heavy Dog Armor, Light Dog Armor, Dog Helmet, Spiked Muzzle, Spiked Collar, Chain Collar, Dog Collar, any Handkerchief and Welding Goggles and Wrap Around Goggles. Strong the super mutant can be dressed up in super mutant armor also. You can buy guard dogs from a random encounter traveling the CW and a location in FH.
How come no one noticed that your companion will always take unlimited amounts of weight for you. All you need to do is go in blasting, kill everything, then pick up everything, then put all of the equipment and weapons that you picked up into a container, or a dead enemy, and tell your companion to pick it up, and they do.
This is wrong. The duds removed will likely include the 3 first tries. Making your efforts moot. Unless you luck out and get the right one in those 3 tries, but the amount of time wasted, when averaged out, is far greater than time saved.
Walling settlement on survior mode I had rwo waves hit my settlement Keep guns high cause super mutant use mine nuke on my settlement Water tanks dont need power however they much bigger Would be nice pump water into tank Miss my range finder gun Cause missed cause was over 200 meters
Best advice I can give everybody is don’t download any graphics mod ever since I unloaded all of my graphics mods I had zero crashes in my FPS has never been better running smoother than ever on the PS five
Honestly, caps have never been an issue. I currently have like half a mil and have invested in all the traders I have been able to, and am kind of out of things I want to buy
16 hours into the game, first time using this game and company thx for the tips i haven't crashed out yet but knock on wood, i got into the habit of saving frequently, i was playing red dead 2 before this, fuck those O'driscolls,im impressed with alot from this video game they put a lot of thought into it i like that in terms of value and immersion
I find it a little funny people still don’t understand how the terminal hacking works. There’s a video of DarksidePhil(DSP) and he is completely clueless. He still has extreme difficulty even after doing the remove duds. So congrats. You are as smart as DSP. 😅
Install Sim Settlements 2. No, really: it makes everything easier. Like the tagline says, it lets you become the sole survivor instead of the sole builder.
Yea that detective nick is ass as a side character but you need him for a lot of missions just equip that dude with a mini gun and he should pull it out to use it he will be a way more reliable companion after that
I like thrashing out salvaged weapons and armor, store the materials and use it. Pipe weapons stripped to nothing gives materials AND (as mentioned earlier) ammo.
My *_TOP TIPS_* (especially _Survival Mode_ )--->
--> _Codsworth_ is available as a companion without first needing to free *Preston.* Simply enter _Concord_ far enough that Preston and the Raiders start fighting, return to Sanctuary, and he can be hired. Taking him along to free *Preston* can give some _affinity boosts._ _Codsworth_ will give you a Purified Water on a continual basis just by talking with him, making him a solid companion for _Survival Players._
--> *_Need Caps?_* Stop at nearby *Abernathy Farm,* under the Power Pylon. Grab the 9 Melons, then speak with the daughter _Lucy._ Keep picking the top dialogue choice about caps as currency. This will trigger an Easy speech check, and she will offer to buy Melons for 5 caps instead of 3. She can buy every Melon you have, _on an ongoing basis,_ which can be lucrative if you turn Sanctuary into a Melon farm. However, if you make the Farm a settlement, she *stops* buying them.
--> *_Survival Players,_* besides planting *Tato,* *Mutfruit* and *Corn* for _Adhesive,_ plant *Razorgrain.* Cook *1 Razorgrain /1 Dirty Water* to make rad-free _Noodle Cups._ They lower thirst one level, hunger half a level, _yet weighs the same as Water!_ Check wandering vendor _Trashcan Carla_ and _Trudy at Drumlin Diner,_ South of Concord. Or find randomly as loot.
--> *_Weapon and Armor modifications_* can be _stripped and swapped_ onto your better gear. You can _remove armor mods_ for free, but you will have to _build a new gun mod_ from components. Even without Gun Nut, you can build the base level gun mod, which will put the previously attached modification into your inventory, and put onto your new hotness.
--> _Survival Players_ should build *15 more water supply than they have settlers,* minimum. This will _accumulate_ extra water from the Workshop *every day,* so take it out store it separately in another container. New Purified Water will be added every day *_if_* there’s little to no water already in the workshop. If you build a large enough water purification operation, a huge amount can get added daily. Use this for your travels, or stockpile, and sell the surplus.
--> _Survival Mode_ features *Diseases,* acquired numerous ways. You can take *Antibiotics,* visit a *Doctor,* or *Wait* until they go away eventually. Each disease has _different durations,_ lasting from *2-7 days.* The most debilitating are _Weakness_ (receive +20% damage), and _Infection_ (take damage over time, though it won’t kill you, will leave you with a sliver of health). These two diseases take *2.5 days* to go away. Find something safe to do, like decorating Sanctuary, or sleep it off. Sleeping causes a _disease check,_ so you might get sick again, but anything is better than Weakness or Infection. *Early game,* when resources are tight, you might be better off saving Antibiotics just in case for the debilitating diseases, and living with the others until they go away.
-->Want to play _Survival Mode,_ but aren’t sure what starting SPECIAL to use? I’ve found it’s worth going for strong combat skills first, and then flesh out your build.
*Melee Builds,* get _Rooted_ (STR9) and _Blitz_ (AGI9) immediately. *9,1,4,3,1,9,1* _(Book END)._
*VATS Guns,* get _Penetrator_ (PER9) and _Concentrated Fire_ (PER10). *1,9,3,3,3,7,2* _(Book AGI)._ You’ll get the *Perception Bobblehead* when you free Preston, so have a point saved, and put into Concentrated Fire mid-rescue.
--> _Survival Mode_ players should seriously consider _not_ using Power Armor. _Swimming_ is Survival’s Fast Travel. You’ll get around much faster and safer. *_Aquaboy/girl perk_* will save you a ton of time! Without spoiling, the game gives you a quick means of crossing the map as you do the main story, if you dabble with the *Brotherhood of Steel.*
--> _New Players:_ *Idiot Savant* isn’t a good choice for first timers. Enemies scale with you. You need to have good gear to survive, and easy and fast XP can leave you without enough time to explore and find good gear before the bad guys start hitting even harder. *You’ll get plenty of levels, faster than you think, even at 1 INT.* Growing powerful isn’t only a matter of levels. *You’ll be stronger if you have great gear when you pop your next level.* Take it easy, don’t rush, go slow, and you’ll be better for it.
--> _Pass every speech check_ with *11 CHR,* 100%! Low CHR builds, don’t fret: assemble a 3-piece _CHR set of clothes._ *Hat/glasses/suit,* for _+4._ Most *Alcohol* adds _+1._ Find *Daytripper* _+3._ Better yet, craft *Grape Mentats* at a Chemistry Station _+5._ There’s other ways, but with these, that’s a +13 buff already.
*Bonus!* Your companion will come to your side and stay there if you crouch. And if *Dogmeat* only carries _25_ units, put a *bandana,* *welding goggles* or *dog armor,* and it’ll bump it up to _150!_
Greatest comment of all time holy
A Interaction for the Interaction God, a Comment for the Comment Throne, for the Almighty Algorithm
I always use robots as my supply liners. Its so cool to hear some gunfire and then see those red diamonds appear in the distance (I always give them recon mods) and realise that it’s your supply robot taking out the raiders ahead of you. Today I saw a whole bunch of red diamonds and discovered that two of my robots had crossed paths,teamed up and decimated a nest of super mutants! It really brings the city alive when there are far more travelling characters other than yourself.
This all available in vanilla? I'm returning to the game in survival mode after a years long break.
@@recca-recca it should be, I’ve been playing survival for about 2 weeks now. Fun ash, I’m jus now downloading the dlc, hoping that’ll just add to the mayhem
What’s the difference between survival and normal? Is it harder? Or is it easier to loose stuff
@@Quickdrawoutlaw0544 Legendary spawns are more frequent, you cant spam meds/food because there is a whole health and hunger system with various mechanics, damage values are tweaked, can only save at beds by sleeping, to name a few. I play modded with save at beds enabled and 6x incoming damage/3x outgoing. The game is simply too buggy and unstable for me to enjoy without saving frequently but I think survival mode makes the game a lot better in general.
Damn that's a good idea.
Speaking of storages, DON'T store your legendary weapons in settlements workshops! Your settlers will eventually pick up any gun that is more powerful than theirs to defend the settlement from attack (ijust find out about this and i play this game since launch... lol), specialy if they already have or find some ammo to use it after they kill any enemies (this is good for those who do not have patience to equip the settlers)!
In the begining of the game you can use Sancturary Hills hiden cellar to store your weapons and later, you can purchase Diamond City Home Plate to use to store your legendary weapons!
You can add 1 ammo to a settler and a corresponding weapon and the settler will have infinite amo! In fact you can add 1 of each kind of ammo to all your settlers! If they find a weapon better than the ones they have, they will pick it up to use!
Don't leave a fusion core inside your power armor, because If the settlement is attacked, they will take the armor to fight the enemies! The same goes to settlers equiped with gattling lasers because the weapon is powered with fusion core and if the settlement is attacked they will jump inside any power armor in the proximity!
You can farm legendary items if you use the siringe weapon, with ammo to spawn a bloat fly, if you play on hasdest dificulties! Just craft the ammo, shoot enemies before killing them and most of the time they will spawn legendary boat fly as they die (doesn't work with synths and robots)!
You can use pillar glitch and rug glitch, to easily place walls and other objects inside other walls or objects or organize them the way you want during construction in settlements and use wifi power glitch to have power without the need of wires (check youtube for explanations of how these glitches works)!
You can duplicate ammo, armor, weapons and resources (
I just put a footlocker in my house in sanctuary to store my excess items
For the bloatfly trick, do the enemies shot with the Siringer have to also be legendary?
@@Jamick98Geass No, in this case any kind of living enemies will do (the only doubt i have is whether a synthetic that looks human will generates the fly! lol).
It randomly generates a legendary bloatfly, but in higher levels of dificulty it comes very, very fast!
@@DerekBennett-pk4nu In fact, what i meant about weapons is that in any settlement storage containers they will not be safe! That's why i recommended the hidden cellar in Sanctuary Hills or Home Plate in Diamond City!
The other normal weapons you find, if you want to store them in the containers, it is very likely that your settlers will pick them up to use in case of an attack, if they find ammunition to use or if it is the same as the ones they have in their the weapons or inventary!
For example, you can add 1 of each ammo to all your settlers! If they find a weapon better than the ones they have, they will pick it up to use!
@@hackjuniordf good warning about storing stuff in workshops, but I Think you're wrong about settlers getting into other storage containers. I built trunks (at sanctuary) and always dump my extra stuff in there, never noticed anything go missing. Cheers
Your companions can carry extra loot! And, if you place loot into a container, then command them to grab it, you can bypass their weight limits
This still works? damn
@@aksimtaioreunin5385 yep, still works
at that point why not just use the cheat terminal to enable unlimited carry weight on the companions?
its still a cool trick though, especially if youre going for acheivements
@@dosidicusgigas1376not everyone is playing on PC.
I'm on PS4, can i do that?@@dosidicusgigas1376
My best advice is to get the scrapper perk early on because if you do then once you cleared out an area with a weapons bench you can pick up everyone’s weapon waddle over to the bench, scrap it all you can usually get a few dozen screws as well as a good bit of extra ammo
I assume you meant "Scrapper" instead of crapper. Gave me a good laugh when I started reading your comment. Thank you for that!
@@Chromerator Yes! Yes I did! I’m glad I made you laugh
Dropping weapons(armor/scrap) in a settlement and scrapping them will lower the build limit. This should not be done excessively. But can be very helpful for settlements with a low build limit.
I saw on a video recently that if you drop them and just store them again you can achieve the same results without having to scrap.
@@koston2161 yep. Also, the more complicated the design the more it lowers the build limit. Plasma weapons are usually the best to use.
With the scrapper perk all those useless pipe guns start suppling screws.
Started dropping all my junk and weapons to break it all down into its crude form, and to get that ticker down
@@somebloke3869and nuclear materials for the big power generators
An advice to the Supply lines.
If you have the Automatron DLC, you not need to waste settlers and time to arm them, simply just make yourself some robot who'll do the supply lines.
I personally love to see as all across the Wasteland my Sentry bots clear everything while connect all my settlements.
lol... Nice!
I had never thought about that... I always hack the sentry bots to follow me because i think it's really cool to see them destroying enemies, but when i see a neutral NPC, i have to run to deactivate the bot so it doesn't attack the peaceful NPCs and turn them hostile!
@@hackjuniordf With the Automatron DLC you can build your own robots which act like followers, or settlers, if you give them roles in a settlement.
With Sim Settlements 2 mod, it can be realy broken.
I mean, you can build a few upgraded farming building, give them to some Protectron, and with a few robot you have the food supply of hundreds of settlers.
In one of my playtrough with Sim Settlements 2 mod, 7 or 8 Protectron in Vault 88 produced around 300 food.
This is my preferred method of assigning to supply lines and naming them after the settlement they go to, so when wandering and encountering my bots I know which one it is
Haha! That’s exactly what I said, it’s really cool to see them beat the tar out of the gunners! Furthermore, I don’t have to feel guilty when I inadvertently kill my own people with mines or grenades while attacking enemies!
Use Atomitrons as supply line runners. A tricked out assault tron or sentry bot can move faster than a normal settler and is much more effective in combating raiders and wild animals.
Investing the second point in Local Leader always you to make shops and crafting stations in any settlement. The shops specifically are helpful because not only do they give you another potential source of junk items, ammo, and healing items, but depending on the size of your settlement they’ll also passively give you caps income that you can pull out of the Misc tab of the work bench. My 5 shops with 33 settlers at Sanctuary regularly generate 8-11k caps every few hours.
Your ability to increase the amount of settlers in any particular settlement is linked to your charisma stat. 10 + your Charisma stat. You can bypass this number with drugs and clothing also by maxing Charisma to 10 then acquiring the Charisma Bobblehead.
So for example let’s say you’re maxed out on settlers at Sanctuary but you need more farmers. Go clear out another settlement and set up a radio beacon (Under power in the crafting menu) then go play the game for a few hours. Come back to the new settlement with your clothing (I use fancy glasses, Agatha’s dress, Militia hat, Wedding Ring) and grape Mentats + Day Tripper + Xcell + any beer/stout.
You should now be able to send as many recruitable settlers to Sanctuary as you want. It makes having 30+ settlers in a place like Sanctuary an easy task.
This might be obvious, but a lot of people don’t know about it. Hold B on controller to turn on the Pip-Boy light. It’s a free flashlight if you’re in a cave or just exploring at night.
Isn't the limit 22 without a mod affecting it?
@@miguelfigueroa5659 Not in my experience. I think some settlements have a cap, but it’s not the case for Sanctuary Hill.
Instead of using walls arroud you settlements, use the elevated walkways. You settlers can shoot threw it, but melee attackers can't enter. Include sentry posts as cover positioons within the wall.
Thank you for the video! Just a simple tip re ArcJet visit with Paladin Danse, (which is probably well-known to most players...): It's difficult to collect stuff while following Danse, so I wait till it's over , collect Righteous Authority from Danse and THEN loop back into the entrance door of ArcJet & scan thoroughly for stuff you could have left behind. A number of times I've done this, Paladin Danse is STILL waiting at the exit (for some reason... he should be @ Cambridge PD!!), but a fast travel to Cambridge & sure enough, everyone's there. Hope this helps & many thanks again!!😁
The one about ammo in guns was definitely worth knowing 😅
If you close any terminal you're trying to hack it will reset and can start over. It does give you different words to hack with but it's better than being locked out.
Pretty much everywhere has a weapon and armour station. So collect everything and scrap it while looting a new place.
If you do max out your carrying just dump the weapon and armour in a cabinet and once you found a station go and collect it to scrap it. (Once scrapped it uses less carry weight)
Leave nothing behind
Something I find vital to prolonged survival in combat is to targets enemies' legs, especially ferals and robots. If you don't kill them outright, it'll take them longer to get to you when they're crawling, and you can take them out at your leisure, or even ignore them while you target more immediate threats.
I arrived at this revelation through one of the loading cards that said if you destroy a robot's arms (and therefore its ability to shoot you), it would launch a suicide run at you, which made me think the logical thing was to prevent it from running at all.
Then incite the legless ghouls with Waistband Whispered for hilarious fighting action.
For storage. I put safes down on the ground in the concrete near the Sanctuary workshop. I have about 20 of them and I separate everything into its own safe. All alcohol in a safe, all Nuka softdrinks and water in another, all grenades and mines in another, radiated meat in one and cooked meat in another, etc. Yes 20 is a lot and it takes a while until you remember what is in each one but once you do it makes things so much easier. Start out with only three or four, whatever suits your play. There is so much stuff in the game it takes forever scrolling through the workshop to find something which is annoying.
I do the same
I played this on PS4 back in the day, and just bought it again but for PC. The cool thing is that I don't remember very many details of the game, so it's almost like playing it for the first time (again).
When I went looking for the 44 revolver near the start of the game it wasn’t there. Turned out dog meat had spotted it and added it to their inventory! Good to check the trade option with dog meat now and again. And storing with companion can be a life saver if you’ve grabbed loads of good stuff you don’t want to drop but can run
Storing items practically anywhere is extremely useful. For example in fallout 3 I was SO over-encumbered at one point in the story but I wanted to bring everything home. Nothing I was willing to leave behind. Well, there was a dead super mutant at the location I was when I emerged from a dungeon. So I stored everything I couldn’t carry on it, and kept fast traveling back and forth like 12 times to bring everything home instead of walking slow across the map for an hour 😂
Two bits of advice to go along with what was in your video. First, don't store dirty water in your workshop. I can't say if the more recent updates ever fixed it but, when I played the game a few years ago, that would prevent the workshop from stocking purified water. To be safe, I just avoid putting anything drinkable in the workshop.
Second, You don't need to individually scrap junk items. The game breaks it down into those components for you when you actually craft something that needs the materials contained in a junk item. You just need to regularly dump the junk items in one of your linked workshops (there's even a button for it when you're in the workshop's inventory screen.) I don't know if scrapping it yourself like you do in the video is beneficial after getting rank 3 of scrapper but for most of the game, it certainly isn't necessary.
In regard to junk items, there's also an option to mark certain components to make it easier to identify the junk you need most in your travels. If you have a junk item with the component in it (like military grade duct tape for ballistic fiber) you can press a button while on the junk tab that switches your view to the individual components instead of showing you the junk items they're inside. While you're in that mode, you can press a button to "tag for search" that adds an hourglass next to the name of any junk item you look at that has that component in it. With rank 2 scrapper, this even gives the scrap items you've tagged a glow so you can tell at a glance what's worth looting in a room.
I created a spreadsheet of weapons and armor, and rename all items.
General Terms (Prefix): GIVE = give to settler in exchange for their current items, STORE = prefix for weapons to drop on ground and store in Workbench, KEEP, Carry (C) = Items to have companion carry, Standard items = V (vanilla), MX = Item maxed out and cannot be upgraded further.
- The in-game naming convention is extremely long, and it can be hard to tell what are you current items, and what items you've picked up, unless you modify your current weapon names. Removing vowels and double consonants helps to keep the name short enough that it is actually editable.
- For example, Night-Vision Recoil Compensated Pipe Bolt-Action Rifle = NV Rcl Cmpnstd BA PpR, Recon Suppressed 10mm Pistol = Rcn Sprsd 10mm P, Laser Pistol = LP, Automatic Laser Pistol = ALP, etc.
- Similar process as weapons above, with one major exception: number prefixes for each body part. 1=RA (Right Arm), 2=LA (Left Arm), 3=LL (Left Leg), 4=(Right Leg), 5=Chst (Chest), 6=Hlmt (Helmet)
- Armor Abbreviations: UL = Ultra-Light, AL = Asbestos Lined, DP = Deep Pockets, Plshd = Polished, SL = Studded Leather, Rbt = Robot, and so on...
- Remove long names: Chest Piece = Chst, Combat Armor = Cmbt,
- SPECIAL Modifiers: Smart, Safe, Luck, etc.
- Legendary Items: For now, I tend to keep the full name, but shorten where possible.
- With this system, the numbers denote the body position, so it is easy to find the right equipment for the moment.
1UL SL RA = Ultra-Light Studded Leather Right Arm
1CLdd Plshd RA = Lead-Lined Polished Right Arm - To be carried by companion due to weight
1CDP SL RA = Deep Pocketed Studded Leather Right Arm - To be carried by companion until I need deeper pockets
2UL SL LA = Ultra-Light Studded Leather Left Arm
2CLdd Plshd LA = Lead-Lined Polished Left Arm - To be carried by companion due to weight
2CDP SL LA = Deep Pocketed Studded Leather Left Arm - To be carried by companion until I need deeper pockets
2SAFE Rbt LA = Deep Pocketed Studded Leather Left Arm - Special item that makes it easier to open safes.
and so on...
Making Bank:
- Melons --> Fertilizer + Plastic from junk --> Jet. Jet + Purified Water selling to vendors to purchase shipments of resources. Especially steel. Steel --> Poisoned Caltrops or Poisoned Bear Traps --> Sell back to vendors to recoup spent bottlecaps.
Container inventory does eventually repop. Just like interior cells and some exterior locations do. Visiting the location frequently is a good way to delay the repopulation, but unless it's intended to be a one-off encounter, like a settlement, it WILL eventually repopulate even the inventories of the containers, so keep that in mind.
My brother gifted me fallout 4 eight years ago and I never played it until I watched the tv show 😂 I’ve been sleeping on a certified banger. Great tips, I wish I knew about selling water sooner but i already got rich scrapping everything thing in the commonwealth 😭
Dude same shit happened with me! I've had it for years, but had to play it after watching the show.
When fighting individuals in Power Armor, aim for the power core. Not only will it explode causing damage to all enemies in the area, but there is a good chance that the pilot will exit the armor allowing you to steal the frame (if you have a power core, that is, since you merced the one in the suit).
you can also pickpocket fusion cores from power armors ☢😁
Perfect time to use a saved critical sneak attack.
The Tip with the Water purifier was incredible
Also tap your vats key as you travel since it will lock onto close by enemies you may not see.
Jet farms are even better than water farms.
Jet is 1 plastic and 2 fertilizer and sells for more. More of a mid-late game tip.
Yeah definitely, good shout!
I usually shoot through abernathy, greygarden and overland after i visit sanctuary the first time. You can get some mutfruit, corn and tatoes to plan. Makes the beginning easier
If you have the stats (7 intelligence) and are willing to dump 1 point into the Chemist perk, there's an early game option you can go with to make a little less caps per item from even easier to find materials. Poisoned caltrops also made in the chemistry station (under traps) have a value of 40 (vs jet's 50) and only costs steel. That being said, they weigh 5 times as much as jet per item and it'll cost you a decent portion of those caltrops just buying steel shipments to do it all over again (depending on your charisma/perks.) The benefit is you can get started on it almost immediately as you run into trashcan carla and drumlin dinner who both sell 250 steel shipments (not to mention all the steel you start with from sanctuary.)
If you complete some of the Diamond City Blues quest line (obtained from the bar in the stands of D City) and you can obtain 60 Jet. Bring it to Bobby Daluca in the reactor room of Vault 81. He offers 75 caps each and will buy them all. You have to start a conversation for each sale, and will give more than enough cash to buy Overseer's Guardian and bullets for days. Stay away from the vault until you are ready to sell all you want because this triggers an event and he won't buy from you afterwards.
@@cyborgt3601grab all the tin cans you can and process them into caltrops when you get to D City and sell them instantly. Easy money.
Putting a rug or floor right up next to the water purifiers and holding the button to pick up the rug or floor allows you to move the water purifiers on to and making it possible to have even more water produced. Also putting them in buildings will give them extra protection.
Take empty bottles to a water pump or purifier, to fill them and make Purified Water.
how does that work?
@@barrymantelli8011 I started a new game and couldn't do it.
In my previous game, I started in Survival Mode. In that mode, this seems to work.
Then I switched to hard mode and it still worked.
In my new game I started in hard mode, and it does not work.
IN SURVIVAL MODE. You can also fill up bottles in contaminated water like lakes and puddles, or at an old water fountain like in destroyed school buildings. You see the option appear when you are close enough to drink. Dirty water is used in some recipes and you can convert 3 to make 1 purified water and get XP for crafting.
Is this why i get no water made?! I have over 30 water plants and get no purified water.
@@johnquedu3148 it cpuld be
One day I'll play a game with companions and not just Lone Wolf/Dogmeat.
Today is not that day though, there is just something magical about lone wolf survival with my doggo
I think it’s stupid that dogmeat not being considered a companion still means you can’t bring along someone else too
U can get a mod for that btw
Loot ALL Weapons and Armor. Sell at Goodneighbor (2 vendors, 700 caps) and Diamond City (5 vendors, 1600 caps). I use the Stash Trunk mod, so I have access at both locations for selling. Trashcan Carla also buys. Don't know if Stash Trunk is available for console players.
I have over 3400 hours in-game. never knew about the VAT not Hacking tips. Thanks
Strong back is an absolute must, maxed out, you can still walk at full speed at half the stamina drain, but most importantly allows you to fast travel while over encumbered
I'm constantly tapping the Vats button whe I'm exploring new areas. It may seem cheap, but I'm paranoid, and can say that it's saved me from a number of ambushes and land mines.
I do the same.i started doing it recently,as there many places that you find mines on the ground as you said,or even enemies or animals that you haven’t seen them yet far ahead
Hehe i like using Vats to increase my landmine inventory 😅
Best way to get a good economy going in your settlement is to invest in the local leader, strong back and cap collector perks. Build stores, assign settlers to those stores, invest extra 500 caps in your stores then pick up everything in a dungeon and bring it back to your settlement and sell it. Always buy the ammo types for the weapons you like to use to stock up on ammo and it will give vendors a good amount of caps to buy all that junk you picked up. Now explaining what each of those 3 perks do. The Local leader perk will allow you to build stores and establish supply lines between settlements sharing all of the resources of your main settlement, what i do is put all resources in the sanctuary hills work bench and send all supply line provisoners to sanctuary that way all resources are shared. The cap collector perk will allow you to invest 500 caps in a store raising its buying capacity and strong back will allow you to fast travel over encumbered. If you want a doctor at your settlement you will have to invest in the medic perk.
Yeah, I feel you on the hacking thing; I played through Fallout 3 and New Vegas completely, thinking that Hacking was merely a luck-based guessing game. I had no idea, until Fallout 4, that you could actually manipulate the Hacking interface like that.
When hacking I usually try my way first with the words, and when I have 1 try left, then I start working with removing duds, because 1 of them will reset all tries again.
I restart this this game so many times, none are finished. But still I found new things everytime, even in this video show me something new, never knew there's a duffle bag up there at the start of the video
Place your turrets in elevated possitions. Out of range of melee atacks and with more line of sight.
The Mr. Handy torso lets you remove 2 of the eyes and replace them with arms from any other robot type. So you can have 5 limbs total and make a ranged and melee god. I recomend automatic lasers. The Protectctron basic ones work great until you can upgade them.
I had the same problem with random crashes, so I started playing offline and the game runs smooth, I don't know it's a RAM issue or if it's STEAM but this dose help.
Max pickpocket and steal fusion cores from BOS. Also free power armor as they will eject from their power armor lol 😂
I am new to fallout and jumped into fallout 4 not knowing anything. I learned about how to get levels in sanctuary by making a wall and placing signs on it and the dupe trick to get a ton of steel. Signs stack on each other and do not take up extra space. I can get over 2000 signs to stack on each other without taking up any extra space. When the limit of town size is reached i simply scrap the wall and all the signs go into storage. since there are so many different signs I can repeat the process with the next sign in the list. When I did this with 1 intelligence and 5 luck with idiot savant I got the bonus xp so often that after the town size was maxed and i scrapped the wall the bonus kept repeating for another 5 mins. (no more xp, just the sound and the little dude popping up showing that i got a bonus) Also while that was happening if I go into the PIP and sit there for a min then exit the PIP the bonus sounds during the time I was in the pip do not come until I exit and then the sounds of all that was bonus during my time in the PIP come all at once. Weird little thing
Scrap everything in sanctuary safes can be scraped also all containers etc you will end up with ton of scrap for crafting weapons first aid clothing etc
in sanctuary, I'll plant crops in the strips of land between the sidewalk and the street, makes for easier harvesting.
When you loot bodies and take their ammo, even if their gun is one you don't want grab it and drop it after. Most of the time you'll get the ammo it has loaded in it. Not always but I'd say I get ammo about 90% of the time when I grab it off an enemy. Idk if it's in the vid as I just started it.
A good tip for saving is set your timer (in options) to autosave every 5,10,or 15 minutes upon opening your pipboy
Resources from other settlements cannot be accessed in the workbench. For example you can't pull the water from Sanctuary out of Hangman's Alley workbench to sell in Diamond City. Connected settlements have a shared crafting inventory
Where do I find a good spot to farm dirty water in those milk cartons. I noticed some recipes use dirty water and they are hard to find. Great video.
Turn on Survival Mode and you can fill any empty bottle at any lake, river, puddle or dirty fountain.
speaking about crashing, ya that was a big issue until i deleted the game and reinstalled it without the next gen update. no more crashes.
As a new fallout player I discovered the vats spotting by accident❤ and funny enough I was actually walking into a mine field 😅 I pressed it because I saw a dead animal on the ground but I wanted to make sure that it was dead but it ended up picking up the landmine first since it was a couple of meters in front of me.
In my experience, by the time you get your farm set up with the three vegetable types to make adhesive, you could have instead just put down like 10 water purifiers, and just bought all the adhesive you ever wanted. Although it IS expensive to buy as a shipment, you really don't use that much adhesive playing the game. Even if you are slowly leveling up Gun Nut, or Armorer, and upgrade all of your gear at each level, it's still just not that much adhesive.
to make sure an item disapears forever, add it to a dead body when out and about. the inventory and it's contents will disappear along with the body.
Select a mission hold down the Vats button and it will show you which way to go with a line to get to the mission
Or disable any other selected quest and it should be the only mark on your radar.
That only works if you take the Vans Perk.
To continue with the hacking mini game- the amount of words on screen varies with your intelligence (more int = less words/options for correct word)
Start the game by doing the Nuka-world dlc first before going to concord and meeting Preston Garvey. Preston will give you the open season quest and you can then kill all of the raiders after having taken over the commonwealth with the raiders. This way you will get all of the Nuka-world perks and still be able to build the minutemen
Important note with water farming. You must remove the water from your workshop and store it in another container or it will not add new water.
If you hold the VATS button for a few seconds, it will give you free look in the VATS view.
Best way to earn caps is to Find the abernathy farm to the south west of sanctuary.
He will send you on a mission to find his daughters locket.
Kill the boss there and loot the 5 mm ammo. And you can sell that.
To my knowledge, I don't believe there is a faster way of making money. Because this can be done in less than ten minutes for fifteen hundred caps.
This applies to other very common ammo types like .38, .45 and 10mm are another ammo type you almost never run out of. I usually end up over a thousand .38 caliber in my inventory. If you have mods that give you ammunition workbenches or have Contraptions workship DLC that lets you build an ammunition plants, then you have a license to print money.
It kinda makes you feel like playing Metro, where ammunition is used as a currency.
Just found out you don't need the first stat maxed to start a higher one....
Easy bunk bed, use half size stairs, place bed on ground, sink half stairs down to same level as bed and connect it, group select half stairs and raise it which will raise height of bed, place another bed underneath and move the botton bed into position, then remove half stairs, no need for pillers and rugs and all that nonsense
Is everyone else playing again after the TV series release? I know I am
Never scrap Pre War Money. It weighs nothing, and works as good as caps.
the hacking terminals with brackets has been around since fallout 3
I've been able to set one person to create a supply line between sanctuary hills and 2 other locations but I don't know how I did it. Can anyone tell me?
Haven’t watched all the way through but super mutants with the nuke. Shoot the arm it’s in and watch it go boom
Somwthing i found last night and didnt know, there is armor for dogmeat. I was going to sagus ironworks and passed a guy standing by a pond with his dog. Hes a raider with his attack dog
Digest can equip Heavy Dog Armor, Light Dog Armor, Dog Helmet, Spiked Muzzle, Spiked Collar, Chain Collar, Dog Collar, any Handkerchief and Welding Goggles and Wrap Around Goggles. Strong the super mutant can be dressed up in super mutant armor also. You can buy guard dogs from a random encounter traveling the CW and a location in FH.
How come no one noticed that your companion will always take unlimited amounts of weight for you. All you need to do is go in blasting, kill everything, then pick up everything, then put all of the equipment and weapons that you picked up into a container, or a dead enemy, and tell your companion to pick it up, and they do.
Well done. 👌
Use extreme cation with cage i level 55 and just saw deathckaw with crossbones that over level 80
When hacking always try 3 times before looking for duds as you can find a tries reset.
Just eliminate all the duds with open/close brackets at first. You'll have enough tries to find the correct word after.
This is wrong. The duds removed will likely include the 3 first tries. Making your efforts moot. Unless you luck out and get the right one in those 3 tries, but the amount of time wasted, when averaged out, is far greater than time saved.
Walling settlement on survior mode
I had rwo waves hit my settlement
Keep guns high cause super mutant use mine nuke on my settlement
Water tanks dont need power however they much bigger
Would be nice pump water into tank
Miss my range finder gun
Cause missed cause was over 200 meters
Best advice I can give everybody is don’t download any graphics mod ever since I unloaded all of my graphics mods I had zero crashes in my FPS has never been better running smoother than ever on the PS five
Honestly, caps have never been an issue. I currently have like half a mil and have invested in all the traders I have been able to, and am kind of out of things I want to buy
16 hours into the game, first time using this game and company thx for the tips i haven't crashed out yet but knock on wood, i got into the habit of saving frequently, i was playing red dead 2 before this, fuck those O'driscolls,im impressed with alot from this video game they put a lot of thought into it i like that in terms of value and immersion
Take fusion cores out power armor
turn on autosave.
For suply lines I did robots lol
5:00 really? Is that verified?
you missed ballistic weave, omg
I could make another 3 videos like this to be fair with different tips 😂
I find it a little funny people still don’t understand how the terminal hacking works. There’s a video of DarksidePhil(DSP) and he is completely clueless. He still has extreme difficulty even after doing the remove duds. So congrats. You are as smart as DSP. 😅
TIPS for the most annoying part of Fallout (Settlements management and defense) 🙇👍
Install Sim Settlements 2.
No, really: it makes everything easier. Like the tagline says, it lets you become the sole survivor instead of the sole builder.
Does it work with these next gen updates ?
@@Ruosteinenknightsim settlements 1 better imo
Yea that detective nick is ass as a side character but you need him for a lot of missions just equip that dude with a mini gun and he should pull it out to use it he will be a way more reliable companion after that
How dare you! Nick is awesome lol
I like thrashing out salvaged weapons and armor, store the materials and use it. Pipe weapons stripped to nothing gives materials AND (as mentioned earlier) ammo.
Its said like "mute" fruit lol not "mutt" fruit