Nit at all. It's terrible actually. I returned mine within 6 hours of receiving it. For one, it's flimsy. I'm not convinced it's very flat eother. The hold-down brackets on the side are horrible. Using a honeycomb bed with magnets is superior in every way. Pieces fall in the slots and stick up so your laser head can hit it. Clean up isn't much faster either. I can clear my honeycomb bed for the next project just as fast. Save your money. Edit: Airflow isn't any better when you have your honeycomb bed raised about 5 mm. The smoke will flow underneath and out the sides.
Hi, dangerous8333; thank you for your comment and sharing your opinion. I am sorry to hear you had to return yours. Yes small items will definitely fall into the channels as I mentioned in the video and you lose the ability to use magnets to clamp your material. I expected small cuttings to fall in and that's why I did not even consider it for small items. Also the problem, in my opinion, is with the machines which require 3 or 5mm clearance and I recently see the trend to rise that clearance; recently I am using the longer ray 5 20w which has a clearance of 9mm and is better since it passes over the magnets I use with my honeycomb. The greatest thing for me with this bed is that you can lay flat any sheet without cropping and if you have space in the front of your machine you can load a long sheet as a pass-through without a leap. I usually buy plywood and ask the supplier to cut it into 400mm wide strips with the two honeycombs I have I need to cut it down to size and trim about 20mm on one side to fit the cropped areas offered by the honeycomb. Ciao
Nit at all. It's terrible actually. I returned mine within 6 hours of receiving it.
For one, it's flimsy. I'm not convinced it's very flat eother. The hold-down brackets on the side are horrible. Using a honeycomb bed with magnets is superior in every way. Pieces fall in the slots and stick up so your laser head can hit it.
Clean up isn't much faster either. I can clear my honeycomb bed for the next project just as fast.
Save your money.
Airflow isn't any better when you have your honeycomb bed raised about 5 mm. The smoke will flow underneath and out the sides.
Hi, dangerous8333; thank you for your comment and sharing your opinion.
I am sorry to hear you had to return yours.
Yes small items will definitely fall into the channels as I mentioned in the video and you lose the ability to use magnets to clamp your material.
I expected small cuttings to fall in and that's why I did not even consider it for small items.
Also the problem, in my opinion, is with the machines which require 3 or 5mm clearance and I recently see the trend to rise that clearance; recently I am using the longer ray 5 20w which has a clearance of 9mm and is better since it passes over the magnets I use with my honeycomb.
The greatest thing for me with this bed is that you can lay flat any sheet without cropping and if you have space in the front of your machine you can load a long sheet as a pass-through without a leap. I usually buy plywood and ask the supplier to cut it into 400mm wide strips with the two honeycombs I have I need to cut it down to size and trim about 20mm on one side to fit the cropped areas offered by the honeycomb.