After some searching turned up nothing, I gave up on it for a bit. Decided to revisit, determined to figure it out, and happened on your video. Ordered the parts, they arrived today and swapped them out - no more power on delay! I timed it recently before this and it came alive at 28 seconds! I think the engineer who designed these power switches also did the ones for the old CompaQ Proliant 3000 Servers; knowing exactly how long one will wait before making a physical effort to approach and start checking everything... Thanks again!!
Thanks Dane! My HJS just started this last jam right after bringing a Freidman BE-100 dlx into the house. I'm relieved to find out it is just a power switch and not a jealous Marshall thing LOL.
I'm getting power, but getting no sound. How do I know if it's a fuse ? I checked the tubes...and they seem to be ok. No cloudiness or anything. Assuming it's a fuse?
Excellent video. This is the exact issue I'm having. Now I can see how east it is to fix.
Thanks! 👽✌️
After some searching turned up nothing, I gave up on it for a bit. Decided to revisit, determined to figure it out, and happened on your video. Ordered the parts, they arrived today and swapped them out - no more power on delay!
I timed it recently before this and it came alive at 28 seconds! I think the engineer who designed these power switches also did the ones for the old CompaQ Proliant 3000 Servers; knowing exactly how long one will wait before making a physical effort to approach and start checking everything...
Thanks again!!
Great news. Glad it worked for you.
Thanks Dane! My HJS just started this last jam right after bringing a Freidman BE-100 dlx into the house. I'm relieved to find out it is just a power switch and not a jealous Marshall thing LOL.
Thanks for making this video - nice to see my JVM repair will be no more than a minor inconvenience!
Yup. Having the exact same issue with the same model. Thanks for the great video!
Super helpful, perfect video, thank you for the part number too.
Thanks for the info
thats the problem i have with a TSL60 ill try the switches thanks! really helpful!
Awesome. Hope it works for you.
I have exact same issue. Last night it was approx 25 second delay, at a live gig! Almost had a heart attack. I gott try this
I'm getting power, but getting no sound. How do I know if it's a fuse ? I checked the tubes...and they seem to be ok. No cloudiness or anything. Assuming it's a fuse?
I found another way to fix this issue. You can disassemble the power button and polish burned contacts with fine sandpaper
Cool. Yup. I bet that could work too.
It’s a complex amp. Think mine needs new tubes
I’m due for some new tubes too. Lol
@@umustdv81 I took mine to Marshall. It’s good as new. Amazing amp