@@cvgamerz07 4 Amnesiac songs actually: Pyramid Song, You and Whose Army, I Might Be Wrong and Life in a Glass House. 5 total Radiohead songs with Climbing Up the Walls (or 6 if you count The Smile as close enough to Radiohead). There's also Unmade and 5.17 which are solo Thom Yorke songs. All in all, whoever is in charge of music selection in the Peaky Blinders crew is an absolute man of culture.
Agree on the most creative musicians in the world, looking forward to checking out this show as I am honestly clueless about it. So happy he didn't kill himself.
Thom's vocal style has changed with age, he's acquired a lovely rasp that cuts into that classic witchy falsetto and gives it a new dimension. A total legend.
@@BakaryD Raul is correct. But he gave little explanation. In addition to the falsetto there is the true-etto, which is substantially more expensive and therefore often avoided. Which isn't much of a problem anymore since the newest generation of falsetto which are commonly available are far higher in quality than the older ones produced in China, often in sweatshops. The Indonesian falsetto is particularly high in quality and low in price, with the Norwegian and Austrian varieties considered the most desirable, but more costly. Falsettos4less is a very popular online retailer.
@@BakaryDreddit jokes aside, falsetto is the very top part of a person's vocal range. It's called a false voice because it sounds way more brittle and soft than a person's lower, "true vocal range". It lacks volume and power, but singers like thom yorke and jeff Buckley have made great use of their falsetto voices while using amplification to make up for the lack of volume. Before microphones existed singers would typically avoid falsetto but these days it's a stylistic choice.
@@BakaryDHigh school choir alumn here, it's also worth noting that falsetto is sung with a different part of the voice than the normal singing range, it's sung from the back of the throat whereas lower notes are sung much more physically deeply. So falsetto is a bit more breezy and light when sung out
Cillian Murphy has been friends with U2/COLDPLAY producer FLOOD for 20 years- Cillian was the executive producer on peaky so he worked on the score and commercial rights- he got Radiohead/PJ Harvey,/Anna Calvi/ David Bowie on board.
It’s not often an entire song is used in a TV or movie series. The power in the song, the wonderful acting and the perfect stylistic flow of this scene, is just captivating. Forget everything you knew.
So glad that new bands try to carry on Radiohead's legacy, we should praise the lead singer as he delivers a near-perfect rendition of our beloved Thom Yorke
I remember watching this scene. I didn't knew about The Smile and Thom Yorke at the time but I remember that I liked the song and it's mood. I'm glad I found it again !
To me, this is the ending. Anything after this is just an afterthought. This was the perfect sendaway that encapsulated everything. Him seeing his daughter couldve been a cool representation of how he already passed away without actually showing anything graphic. Loved this show.
@@antidotecz4904 Oh absolutely. In fact, every Radiohead/Thom Yorke song in Peaky Blinders were used gloriously. You and Whose Army when they return to Small Heath after the wedding, and Life in a Glasshouse at the very end when everyone's getting arrested in slow mo.
Wow! Such a clever conclusion to Peaky Blinders. A gift to the viewer. Left to our own interpretation, "with a filter on the lens". Much like The Smile's music. I love the black crow and white horse symbolism, the watch and the toss of the coin. What a perfect match of stunning song and spectacular series ending. Incredible.
Du verdammter Heuchler. Was ist eigentlich falsch mit dir. Scheiß Kindheit gehabt, missbraucht oder gefoltert. Oder was ist bei dir schief gelaufen. Da müssen ja gleich Millionen von Sicherungen bei dir durchgebrannt sein. Wie kann man nur so falsch sein, so verdammt heuchlerisch und scheinheilig und falsch. Was denkst du verfluchtes Mistschwein dir eigentlich. Du verdammter Mistkerl. Ist das dein scheiß Ernst. Kannst du dir im Ansatz vorstellen, was für Konsequenzen dein schändliches Verhalten hat. Oh Mann, du merkst ja nichts. Wie kann man nur so verstrahlt und verblendet sein. Dieser Scheißdreck, was zum Teufel denkst du dir eigentlich, hä. Was zum Henker ist dein verdammtes Problem. Du verfluchter Dreckssack, dirtbag. Verdammt, ich glaube es nicht. Was muss passieren, bei einem Menschen schieflaufen, damit er so wird wie du. Da muss ja wirklich alles schiefgelaufen sein. Alles an dir ist so ekelig und widerlich. Du hast so eine abscheuliche Maske, du Heuchler. Bist nichts als ein Monster ohne Ehre oder jeglichen Anstand. Nicht Mal im Ansatz. Ich könnte kotzen. Steckt etwas Echtes hinter deiner Visage, hinter diesem Dreck, diesem Scheiß. Du verfickter Lügner, du Irratation. Furchtbare Verfälschung des normalen Menschentums. Was ist dein scheiß Problem. Höre einfach verflucht auf mit diesem Scheiß. Lass es sein. Kannst du es dir in deinem bekloppten Hirn vorstellen, was du hier tust. Merkst du es nicht, du merkst es nicht. Oder kannst du es nicht, verfluchter Scheißdreck bist du da, bereust du dich selber nicht. Bist du nicht Mal ansatzweise in der Lage, Menschlichkeit und Entsprechendes zu bewältigen. Selbst in den simpelsten Dingen versagst du. Du versagst in sovielen Dingen. Andauernd. Jeden Tag vermasselst du alles. Da ist nichts als Dreck und Fickfehler. Mir ist so übel, ich bin so angewidert, so verstört und zutiefst schockiert von dir. Was ist dein scheiß Problem. Was zum Teufel denkst du dir, verfluchter Scheißdreck. Für wen zum Henker hälst du dich. Was für ein Mensch bist du, dass du deine ganze Spezies verrätst. Eine Beleidigung, eine gewaltige Diffarmierung für unsere ganze Spezies. Eine Schande für die Menschheit. Und es wird immer schlimmer. Also verpisse dich gefälligst von der Welt und komme nie wieder zurück. Lass uns in Ruhe, höre gefälligst auf die Menschheit zu schändigen, uns alle zu Schaden. Du hast doch einen riesigen Schaden und vor allem uns allen geschadet. Du bist nur niederträchtig und erbärmlich, so lächerlich. So ekelig und abscheulich, verstörend und nur scheiße. Du bist so schrecklich und peinlich. Abgrundtief böse und schlecht. Du hast soviele Abgründe, bist ein verdammtes schwarzes Loch, und ziehst uns alle mit runter. Da rein. Ich schäme mich für dich. Es ist zum Fremdschämen. Jeder Kindergarten, jede Einrichtung würde dich sofort ablehnen. Kapierst du es nicht, keiner will dich. Niemand. Jeder hasst dich. Keiner will etwas mit einem erbärmlichen Lügner und Heuchler zutun haben. Alle machen dich ständig fertig, dein ganzes Umfeld zerreißt sich das Maul über dich Armseligkeitsgestalt. I got so many insults, so many horrible thoughts and bad sentences and "phantasies" about you on my mind. So so many, thousands or millions, all the day I think about a new cool insult about you. And the same goes for your fucking family. Every single word I write here, every fucking word, so does your fucking family! So you are....................................you are ************************** ................**************************.........................***************************...................*******************************...............******************..................*******......*******....********...********......********* **************************................**************************.........................***************************...................*******************************...............******************..................*******......*******....********...********......********* **************************................**************************.........................***************************...................*******************************...............******************..................*******......*******....********...********......*************************** ................**************************.........................*********You are one of these poor little things still love him. You are so dumb and blind. Go in the same cell with him. Begging for his rape and he is gonna kill you and abuse and you say, yeah go ahead, do this to me. You love it, this is so sick and frightenning. What is your fucking problem. You are so damn wrong and sick. Just a twisted crazy motherfucker. What the hell is wrong with you. Your fucking life, everything is a lie about you. You are a silly clown, a joke, nothing but shit and stupid piece of garbage. There is nothing good or clever about you. You are insane, intense, crazy, mad. You are useless piece of shit. You are a worthless piece of trash. Nobody likes you, nobody take you serious, and that will never change. Keiner interessiert sich für dich. Du hast Nichts und Niemanden. In the universe, there is nothing else so vile and evil and wicked as you. Go get a fucking life, stop fucking everyone up and ruin your family's life. Even your family hate you and don't see a reason to live for you. And every single word I am saying about you also is for them. Every fucking word. Fuck him. Come on, fuck him. He cares a shit about you. Stand in front of your posters, cry have phantasies, masturbate. But it is a illusion, he gives a shit about such a winker as you are. Get it motherfucker, fucking get it. You are so vile and evil. You are a nothing and nobody, you have nothing and nobody. You are so fucking ridicilous, so emberassed. People like you are the reason why people commit suicide. You fucking hypocrite. You love the monster and ignore it, and it is you. It is in you. You supporting a pedophile. You snitch. You did the worst crime you could imagine. The fucking worst criminal of all time. You hurt so many people, you fucking don't get this shit. You are so blind and dumb. Got no brain, no mind, no body, no soul. There is nothing real, only lies and shit. So you are: Asshdole, bastarvd, stupifd son of a bfitch, a cunft, a wifnker, a pietce of trajsh, garbagde, a monstedr, bestida, demofn, misscarriagse, aboriatiobsn, a stupidd, uglsy piece of shist, motherfuckser, inzbest victim, fuck misstacke, catastvrophe, shabme for humansity, rape victim, predatbor, paecdo, bitcgh, cocksuckser, dickheasd, douchebasg, jackasts, jersk, pricsk, sslut, your sister and mother cunts and sluts, whorse, buggesr, bolloscks, twast, horse shit, vermsin, tursd, jersk off, quefsf, j!zzs, c!m buckset, dumbsass, gist, dirt Du bist der allergrößte Dreck. So eine Missgeburt. Ficke deine Mutter durch bis soe nicht mehr kann, nicht mehr atmen, nicht mehr sprechen. Denn das Gesicht liegt in Trümmern. Sie wird beim Akt zerfetzt. Ganz einfach, denn du verdienst die größte Scheiße der Welt. Hörst du, oder bist du Taub. Verpisse dich, gehe endlich von der Welt. Verschwinde. Das ist wirklich das Allerletzte. Du kapierst gar nichts. Einfach gar nichts. Absoluter Totalausfall. Da ist nichts Echtes. Mein Gott, ab in die Bleichmaschine, du Fürst der Dunkelheit. Deine riesigen Komplexe. Wo soll ich bei dir anfangen. Da ist alles falsch. Du bist ein kaputter Roboter, komplett kaputt und zerstört. Bist gar kein Mensch. Du bist: Ein Monster, eine menschliche Bestie. Ein Untoter, ein Zombie. Ein Teufel, ein Dämon. Ein Ungeheuer, nicht von dieser Welt. Nicht von irgendeiner Welt. Aus einer anderen Dimension. Ein Walkadaver, eine verwesende Leiche. Eine verkohlte Brandleiche. Du bist das alles. Du bist ein Totalausfall, eine erbärmliche Vogelscheiche, eine Maske des Schreckens. Ein Abbild des Todes und des Teufels. Satan's Arschhaare. Der Krebs, das widerwärtige Geschwür, dass sich durch unsere Welt frisst. Das Untergangskommando. Die Zerstörung Der Welt. Aber du bist wertlos. Nur ein abartiges Drecksstück. Ohne Empathoe und dem Hauch einer Menschlichkeit. Kapiere es doch einfach. Du bist so abartig und abscheulich. Du bist so eine falsche Schlange, alle abartigen Tiere und davon die wandelnde Leiche. Du bist ein Warzenschwein, ein Hängebauchschwein. Eine Seegurke. Ein Nacktmull. So abgrundtief schlecht und hässlich. Du bist der größte und widerwärtigste Dreck. Das Mieseste, was auf Erden rumläuft. Der krankeste Mensch, der mir je über den Weg gelaufen ist. Der größte Abschaum der Erde. Du Vollpfosten, du stinkender Mistsack. Du bist ein Obdachloser Straßenpenner. Kannst gar nichts. Du Bastard. Du Vollpenner. Du Dummkopf. Du Pfeife, du gewissenloses Schwein. Du Schwein. Du beschissener Scheißdreck. Dein ganzes Leben ist eine verfickte, belanglose Einöde. Ein verlogenes, armseliges Dasein voller Intrigen. Du bist so ein verworrenes Gewebe. Da ist alles scheiße und Dreck. Echt erbärmlich. Ich könnte kotzen. Sowas von abartig. Was zum Teufel denkst du dir eigentlich.
Wow. Why am I so emotional at the end of this? I guess I can relate. My loved ones are the only reason I keep trying, despite the insane amounts of pain and hardship I deal with. The Smile and Radiohead seem to somehow know my soul as nearly everything they do resonates on such a deep level for me. Thank you. I’m going to try to attend as many N. America shows as I can.
David I encourage you to do that. At my show in Oslo, Norway. I almost cried and I can see wet eyes of my surrounding crowd. The most impressive audience for me was this man who came with 4 assisting friends. He seemed to be in Christopher Reed's state with a full automatic wheelchair. They fed him on his tube first and prepped everything for him before leaving him to enjoy the show. It goes to show that even when you cannot move a single muscle on your body, your mind can still appreciate music in a spiritual level. Their music will continue to heal our souls until the end of time.
I could not agree more! Thom understands the pain but also the beauty in every aspect of life... managing to capture both in everything he does. True medicine for the soul. I'm beyond grateful for this, as it has gotten me through some of my darkest times and reminds me that I need to keep fighting! Just keep swimming, just keep swimming 🙏
I'm commenting again because this scene with gorgeous Thomas is stunning. Thoms voice on this track us so ethereal and suits the scene perfectly, gives me goosebumps.
I've just finished binge-watching Peaky Blinders. Six seasons in 1.5 months. I started and I couldn't stop. It'll take me a few more days to process it, but what a masterpiece.
Perfect song for the perfect scene. I don’t know how they could of made pesky blinders more emotional till I watched this ending thinking Tommy was finished. If only I could watch this scene for the first time again and to hear this beutfil song for the first time again.
[Intro] My eyes are open wide And now I see you Without your robes on Without your crown [Verse 1] I don't want to hate you I don’t want to beg A kind of fascination Gets in my way [Verse 2] A door that opens wide My, how you've altered Oh Heaven, help me Is that the time? [Pre-Chorus 1] Beginning, without end Never lost, never dies Unending, a beam of light A tunnel in my mind [Chorus 1] As it all pans wide With a filter on the lens She sees everything I do She sees everything I do [Post-Chorus] I'm without my shoes on Over broken glass I am dancing for pennies I am staring straight ahead [Verse 3] A view that is so wide It’s gonna break It's like it holds me in its gaze [Pre-Chorus 2] If I go, it’s because It’s happened once before And now it’s starting all again [Chorus 2] As it all pans wide Forget everything you knew Forget everything you knew As it all pans wide [Outro] Like a newborn child Like a newborn child Like a newborn child Like a child A child A child Like a child A child
It blows my mind that Thom plays piano while singing this beautiful song. Favorite on the record. Jonny’s string arrangements are impeccable, as always.
Jesus. Flippin'. Christ. All I can say's well done, chaps. You have taken your decades of experience and crafted a beautiful retrospective. Absolute Genius. Love from WI, USA.
I loved watching peaky blinders right away and especially loved the soundtrack. Many radiohead and Thom Yorke songs throughout the seasons. This was a perfect song for this scene- will never watch it enough times.
Really enjoying this project. Britain really produces some talented artists. Loving The Smile and other alternative and experimental UK acts like Massive Attack, Tricky, Unkle, Atoms For Peace, Portishead, Ghostpoet, Allflaws
I just found this song and as musician myself this is my favourite type of music. Like Erie psychedelic pop. The unsettling piano combined with the vocals and the strings all put together in a way that is Erie but still easy to to listen too. Very well done.
God, I can’t express in words how much I would love to go to some beautiful countryside and just sleep in the warm sun like that. It looks like the most peaceful, calming thing anyone could ever experience.
I don't want to watch Peaky Blinders, not because it's bad or anything, I simply have too much of a backlog of unwatched streaming content, but my hand might have been forced by Thom.
Right?! It’s such a weird concept- the music video IS the scene, and the scene IS the video! But somehow it works here. I can’t really think of any other instances where it would work nearly as well.
Hm, maybe not from a show, but Daft Punk’s music videos for the album Discovery are just the respective scenes from the anime adaptation of the album, Interstellar 5555.
@@davey.45 Check out when Decks Dark from A Moon Shaped Pool plays in Ozark for a taste, or when they do Daily Mail in it. That one is basically the same as this video in the way it's a scene and a video
Beautiful. This song almost borders on opera, especially with Thom's vocals. 💛💛💛 everything about this. It gives a feel of that darkest darkness right before dawn.
I saw this before i saw the newest season. Huge Radiohead/Thom Yorke/The Smile fan and clicked. Was upset cus i thought i spoiled myself, watched the entire season knowing Tommy and Ruby will meet in a place after death. Just finished the season. Seeing Tommy alive.. you can imagine how im feeling. Bless this fuckin series.
I look forward to the time when my son is a man and I can tell him 'Son, you never realised how much you meant to me during difficult times. I needed you as much as you needed me when you were growing up'.
At 0:34 when the initial chord progression begins and the bass and drums kick....aaaaaaah, bliss. I haven't heard anybody mention that specific moment in posts about this song and I find that to be highly unusual because the combination of the three elements right there in that second sound like pure, unadulterated, perfect Radiohead Part 2 aka The Smile.
Amazing combination of picture with great music. Despite the weaker season 6, the scene with the wagon and this piece of music has already been embedded in my memory, not to say etched into my memory.
Reminds me a poem I fell in love with as a teanager from Rimbaud. Called something like "Le soldat endormi". So the video clip illustrates the near to death experience too. Or the paradoxal sleep or awaken dreams. I Could not be without imaginarium land. Bzoom
Cillian Murphy and Thom Yorke collab before GTA VI is wild.
There’s multiple Radiohead songs in the show I’m pretty sure
@@BossIsLucky ✓
@@BossIsLucky2 Amnesiac songs
yano im kinda glad gta 6 took so long cos its gonna look and be fucking amazing with todays tech
@@cvgamerz07 4 Amnesiac songs actually: Pyramid Song, You and Whose Army, I Might Be Wrong and Life in a Glass House.
5 total Radiohead songs with Climbing Up the Walls (or 6 if you count The Smile as close enough to Radiohead).
There's also Unmade and 5.17 which are solo Thom Yorke songs.
All in all, whoever is in charge of music selection in the Peaky Blinders crew is an absolute man of culture.
If it got Cillian Murphy, then you know it’s gonna be good
When you got videos like Cillian Murphy in them, you can't lose! 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
The show is Peaky Blinders, this is their finale episode. They used Radiohead songs in previous seasons
Nah. Lol its the other way round
it gets even better every time The Scarecrow and Bane have a showdown
If it got Thom Yorke, then you know it's gonna be good 😉
the greatest combination of world class drama and the most creative musicians in the world. Incredibly powerful stuff
Agree on the most creative musicians in the world, looking forward to checking out this show as I am honestly clueless about it. So happy he didn't kill himself.
Many great films with far greater drama, direction, and cinematography. The music is pretty top-tier though.
@@circularsky 1 they said world class not the best in the world, 2 its a TV show not a movie
Such a powerful scene what he realizes. I fucking love this show and this band what a treat
Thom's vocal style has changed with age, he's acquired a lovely rasp that cuts into that classic witchy falsetto and gives it a new dimension. A total legend.
What's falsetto ?
@@BakaryD a fake etto
@@BakaryD Raul is correct. But he gave little explanation. In addition to the falsetto there is the true-etto, which is substantially more expensive and therefore often avoided. Which isn't much of a problem anymore since the newest generation of falsetto which are commonly available are far higher in quality than the older ones produced in China, often in sweatshops. The Indonesian falsetto is particularly high in quality and low in price, with the Norwegian and Austrian varieties considered the most desirable, but more costly. Falsettos4less is a very popular online retailer.
@@BakaryDreddit jokes aside, falsetto is the very top part of a person's vocal range. It's called a false voice because it sounds way more brittle and soft than a person's lower, "true vocal range". It lacks volume and power, but singers like thom yorke and jeff Buckley have made great use of their falsetto voices while using amplification to make up for the lack of volume. Before microphones existed singers would typically avoid falsetto but these days it's a stylistic choice.
@@BakaryDHigh school choir alumn here, it's also worth noting that falsetto is sung with a different part of the voice than the normal singing range, it's sung from the back of the throat whereas lower notes are sung much more physically deeply. So falsetto is a bit more breezy and light when sung out
I'm still in shock over the Cillian Murphy/Thom Yorke collab, absolutely unbelievable
This is from the show Peaky Blinders
Cillian Murphy has been friends with U2/COLDPLAY producer FLOOD for 20 years- Cillian was the executive producer on peaky so he worked on the score and commercial rights- he got Radiohead/PJ Harvey,/Anna Calvi/ David Bowie on board.
It’s not often an entire song is used in a TV or movie series. The power in the song, the wonderful acting and the perfect stylistic flow of this scene, is just captivating. Forget everything you knew.
Thome York’s haunting falsetto kills me
It stirs the soul
So glad that new bands try to carry on Radiohead's legacy, we should praise the lead singer as he delivers a near-perfect rendition of our beloved Thom Yorke
Its because it is Thom Yorke
@@coffee_espresso3439 woooooosh
@@coffee_espresso3439 r/woooosh
This post is supposed to be ironic but I don’t appreciate it. But the first commenter is lame lol
I’m pretty sure it is Thom Yoke
Peaky Blinder's director + Cillian Murphy + The Smile makes my frown upside down.
This Cillian Murphy fella is a great actor! I bet he’s going places…
I remember watching this scene. I didn't knew about The Smile and Thom Yorke at the time but I remember that I liked the song and it's mood. I'm glad I found it again !
To me, this is the ending. Anything after this is just an afterthought. This was the perfect sendaway that encapsulated everything. Him seeing his daughter couldve been a cool representation of how he already passed away without actually showing anything graphic. Loved this show.
That's literally me every morning when I wake up.
Hits hard when Ruby comes running to hug Tommy. I get choked up ❤️
Thom Yorke+Cillian Murphy=Im dead😍
Half of what made Peaky Blinders so bad ass is beautiful music like this
This is the ONLY piece of Peaky Blinders music that affected me greatly.
and the fucking TOMMY SHELBY
To me its pyramid song when Thomas is consumed by guilt@@Jack-D-Ripper
@@antidotecz4904 Oh absolutely. In fact, every Radiohead/Thom Yorke song in Peaky Blinders were used gloriously. You and Whose Army when they return to Small Heath after the wedding, and Life in a Glasshouse at the very end when everyone's getting arrested in slow mo.
absolutely, it’s making me want to watch it all again
Wow! Such a clever conclusion to Peaky Blinders. A gift to the viewer. Left to our own interpretation, "with a filter on the lens". Much like The Smile's music. I love the black crow and white horse symbolism, the watch and the toss of the coin. What a perfect match of stunning song and spectacular series ending. Incredible.
Sensational song, elevating a great scene into something truly memorable.
Du verdammter Heuchler. Was ist eigentlich falsch mit dir. Scheiß Kindheit gehabt, missbraucht oder gefoltert. Oder was ist bei dir schief gelaufen. Da müssen ja gleich Millionen von Sicherungen bei dir durchgebrannt sein. Wie kann man nur so falsch sein, so verdammt heuchlerisch und scheinheilig und falsch. Was denkst du verfluchtes Mistschwein dir eigentlich. Du verdammter Mistkerl. Ist das dein scheiß Ernst. Kannst du dir im Ansatz vorstellen, was für Konsequenzen dein schändliches Verhalten hat. Oh Mann, du merkst ja nichts. Wie kann man nur so verstrahlt und verblendet sein. Dieser Scheißdreck, was zum Teufel denkst du dir eigentlich, hä. Was zum Henker ist dein verdammtes Problem. Du verfluchter Dreckssack, dirtbag. Verdammt, ich glaube es nicht. Was muss passieren, bei einem Menschen schieflaufen, damit er so wird wie du. Da muss ja wirklich alles schiefgelaufen sein. Alles an dir ist so ekelig und widerlich. Du hast so eine abscheuliche Maske, du Heuchler. Bist nichts als ein Monster ohne Ehre oder jeglichen Anstand. Nicht Mal im Ansatz. Ich könnte kotzen. Steckt etwas Echtes hinter deiner Visage, hinter diesem Dreck, diesem Scheiß. Du verfickter Lügner, du Irratation. Furchtbare Verfälschung des normalen Menschentums. Was ist dein scheiß Problem. Höre einfach verflucht auf mit diesem Scheiß. Lass es sein. Kannst du es dir in deinem bekloppten Hirn vorstellen, was du hier tust. Merkst du es nicht, du merkst es nicht. Oder kannst du es nicht, verfluchter Scheißdreck bist du da, bereust du dich selber nicht. Bist du nicht Mal ansatzweise in der Lage, Menschlichkeit und Entsprechendes zu bewältigen. Selbst in den simpelsten Dingen versagst du. Du versagst in sovielen Dingen. Andauernd. Jeden Tag vermasselst du alles. Da ist nichts als Dreck und Fickfehler. Mir ist so übel, ich bin so angewidert, so verstört und zutiefst schockiert von dir. Was ist dein scheiß Problem. Was zum Teufel denkst du dir, verfluchter Scheißdreck. Für wen zum Henker hälst du dich. Was für ein Mensch bist du, dass du deine ganze Spezies verrätst. Eine Beleidigung, eine gewaltige Diffarmierung für unsere ganze Spezies. Eine Schande für die Menschheit. Und es wird immer schlimmer. Also verpisse dich gefälligst von der Welt und komme nie wieder zurück. Lass uns in Ruhe, höre gefälligst auf die Menschheit zu schändigen, uns alle zu Schaden. Du hast doch einen riesigen Schaden und vor allem uns allen geschadet. Du bist nur niederträchtig und erbärmlich, so lächerlich. So ekelig und abscheulich, verstörend und nur scheiße. Du bist so schrecklich und peinlich. Abgrundtief böse und schlecht. Du hast soviele Abgründe, bist ein verdammtes schwarzes Loch, und ziehst uns alle mit runter. Da rein. Ich schäme mich für dich. Es ist zum Fremdschämen. Jeder Kindergarten, jede Einrichtung würde dich sofort ablehnen. Kapierst du es nicht, keiner will dich. Niemand. Jeder hasst dich. Keiner will etwas mit einem erbärmlichen Lügner und Heuchler zutun haben. Alle machen dich ständig fertig, dein ganzes Umfeld zerreißt sich das Maul über dich Armseligkeitsgestalt. I got so many insults, so many horrible thoughts and bad sentences and "phantasies" about you on my mind. So so many, thousands or millions, all the day I think about a new cool insult about you. And the same goes for your fucking family. Every single word I write here, every fucking word, so does your fucking family!
So you are....................................you are ************************** ................**************************.........................***************************...................*******************************...............******************..................*******......*******....********...********......*********
**************************................**************************.........................***************************...................*******************************...............******************..................*******......*******....********...********......*************************** ................**************************.........................*********You are one of these poor little things still love him. You are so dumb and blind. Go in the same cell with him. Begging for his rape and he is gonna kill you and abuse and you say, yeah go ahead, do this to me. You love it, this is so sick and frightenning. What is your fucking problem. You are so damn wrong and sick. Just a twisted crazy motherfucker. What the hell is wrong with you. Your fucking life, everything is a lie about you. You are a silly clown, a joke, nothing but shit and stupid piece of garbage. There is nothing good or clever about you. You are insane, intense, crazy, mad. You are useless piece of shit. You are a worthless piece of trash. Nobody likes you, nobody take you serious, and that will never change. Keiner interessiert sich für dich. Du hast Nichts und Niemanden. In the universe, there is nothing else so vile and evil and wicked as you. Go get a fucking life, stop fucking everyone up and ruin your family's life. Even your family hate you and don't see a reason to live for you. And every single word I am saying about you also is for them. Every fucking word. Fuck him. Come on, fuck him. He cares a shit about you. Stand in front of your posters, cry have phantasies, masturbate. But it is a illusion, he gives a shit about such a winker as you are. Get it motherfucker, fucking get it. You are so vile and evil. You are a nothing and nobody, you have nothing and nobody. You are so fucking ridicilous, so emberassed. People like you are the reason why people commit suicide. You fucking hypocrite. You love the monster and ignore it, and it is you. It is in you. You supporting a pedophile. You snitch. You did the worst crime you could imagine. The fucking worst criminal of all time. You hurt so many people, you fucking don't get this shit. You are so blind and dumb. Got no brain, no mind, no body, no soul. There is nothing real, only lies and shit.
So you are: Asshdole, bastarvd, stupifd son of a bfitch, a cunft, a wifnker, a pietce of trajsh, garbagde, a monstedr, bestida, demofn, misscarriagse, aboriatiobsn, a stupidd, uglsy piece of shist, motherfuckser, inzbest victim, fuck misstacke, catastvrophe, shabme for humansity, rape victim, predatbor, paecdo, bitcgh, cocksuckser, dickheasd, douchebasg, jackasts, jersk, pricsk, sslut, your sister and mother cunts and sluts, whorse, buggesr, bolloscks, twast, horse shit, vermsin, tursd, jersk off, quefsf, j!zzs, c!m buckset, dumbsass, gist, dirt Du bist der allergrößte Dreck. So eine Missgeburt. Ficke deine Mutter durch bis soe nicht mehr kann, nicht mehr atmen, nicht mehr sprechen. Denn das Gesicht liegt in Trümmern. Sie wird beim Akt zerfetzt. Ganz einfach, denn du verdienst die größte Scheiße der Welt. Hörst du, oder bist du Taub. Verpisse dich, gehe endlich von der Welt. Verschwinde. Das ist wirklich das Allerletzte. Du kapierst gar nichts. Einfach gar nichts. Absoluter Totalausfall. Da ist nichts Echtes. Mein Gott, ab in die Bleichmaschine, du Fürst der Dunkelheit. Deine riesigen Komplexe. Wo soll ich bei dir anfangen. Da ist alles falsch. Du bist ein kaputter Roboter, komplett kaputt und zerstört. Bist gar kein Mensch. Du bist: Ein Monster, eine menschliche Bestie. Ein Untoter, ein Zombie. Ein Teufel, ein Dämon. Ein Ungeheuer, nicht von dieser Welt. Nicht von irgendeiner Welt. Aus einer anderen Dimension. Ein Walkadaver, eine verwesende Leiche. Eine verkohlte Brandleiche. Du bist das alles. Du bist ein Totalausfall, eine erbärmliche Vogelscheiche, eine Maske des Schreckens. Ein Abbild des Todes und des Teufels. Satan's Arschhaare. Der Krebs, das widerwärtige Geschwür, dass sich durch unsere Welt frisst. Das Untergangskommando. Die Zerstörung Der Welt. Aber du bist wertlos. Nur ein abartiges Drecksstück. Ohne Empathoe und dem Hauch einer Menschlichkeit. Kapiere es doch einfach. Du bist so abartig und abscheulich. Du bist so eine falsche Schlange, alle abartigen Tiere und davon die wandelnde Leiche. Du bist ein Warzenschwein, ein Hängebauchschwein. Eine Seegurke. Ein Nacktmull. So abgrundtief schlecht und hässlich. Du bist der größte und widerwärtigste Dreck. Das Mieseste, was auf Erden rumläuft. Der krankeste Mensch, der mir je über den Weg gelaufen ist. Der größte Abschaum der Erde. Du Vollpfosten, du stinkender Mistsack. Du bist ein Obdachloser Straßenpenner. Kannst gar nichts. Du Bastard. Du Vollpenner. Du Dummkopf. Du Pfeife, du gewissenloses Schwein. Du Schwein. Du beschissener Scheißdreck. Dein ganzes Leben ist eine verfickte, belanglose Einöde. Ein verlogenes, armseliges Dasein voller Intrigen. Du bist so ein verworrenes Gewebe. Da ist alles scheiße und Dreck. Echt erbärmlich. Ich könnte kotzen. Sowas von abartig. Was zum Teufel denkst du dir eigentlich.
Wow. Why am I so emotional at the end of this? I guess I can relate. My loved ones are the only reason I keep trying, despite the insane amounts of pain and hardship I deal with. The Smile and Radiohead seem to somehow know my soul as nearly everything they do resonates on such a deep level for me. Thank you. I’m going to try to attend as many N. America shows as I can.
David I encourage you to do that. At my show in Oslo, Norway. I almost cried and I can see wet eyes of my surrounding crowd. The most impressive audience for me was this man who came with 4 assisting friends. He seemed to be in Christopher Reed's state with a full automatic wheelchair. They fed him on his tube first and prepped everything for him before leaving him to enjoy the show. It goes to show that even when you cannot move a single muscle on your body, your mind can still appreciate music in a spiritual level. Their music will continue to heal our souls until the end of time.
I could not agree more! Thom understands the pain but also the beauty in every aspect of life... managing to capture both in everything he does. True medicine for the soul. I'm beyond grateful for this, as it has gotten me through some of my darkest times and reminds me that I need to keep fighting! Just keep swimming, just keep swimming 🙏
Oh, you poor soul. But, hey, Thom understands you.
Man up ffs ..
Always keep striving for a reason to hold on......I lost the love of my life to suicide and the pain is unbearable even 6 1/2 years after.
Cillian Murphy! What an unbelievably talented, beautiful man! He deserves all the awards!
Tommy Shelby is unforgettable! Mr. Murphy! Respect! ❤
So glad they used this for the official video I just couldn't have envisioned anything else after watching this episode. So powerful. So perfect. 🙃
What a turn of events for the series, lead by the smile. Fucking great.
Gonna tell my kids this was Oppenheimer
Me too
"dad, my A.I. implant says you're full of shit"
@@coomr419oh god 😭😭😭
Good for Cillian Murphy - I remember him saying he was a Radiohead fan in the 2000s.
That's dem peaky blinders innit
yeh m8 think so yeh
Oi tommay shelbay
By order of the Peaky Blinders it is
My young boy
Arse X
I'm commenting again because this scene with gorgeous Thomas is stunning. Thoms voice on this track us so ethereal and suits the scene perfectly, gives me goosebumps.
My favorite actor ever since 28 days later, and my favorite musicians in 1... ❤
Such a genius a genuine creative talent of last century and this one.
Thom and Johnny are geniuses.
Tom Skinner plays effortlessly and beautifully..
The most amazing song I’ve heard in à long time! Piece of art.
I've just finished binge-watching Peaky Blinders. Six seasons in 1.5 months. I started and I couldn't stop. It'll take me a few more days to process it, but what a masterpiece.
Bless little Ruby for saving his life.
Perfect song for the perfect scene. I don’t know how they could of made pesky blinders more emotional till I watched this ending thinking Tommy was finished. If only I could watch this scene for the first time again and to hear this beutfil song for the first time again.
This is absolutely beautiful, perfect marriage of music and celluloid.
The big class! Everything in its right place...
This music video should become a film
Exactly, and win an Oscar for short film. Nailed...
Cillian Murphy & Thom Yorke, Peaky Blinders & The Smile. The collab we didn’t know we needed
Like a child... like a newborn child - so hypnotic
My eyes are open wide
And now I see you
Without your robes on
Without your crown
[Verse 1]
I don't want to hate you
I don’t want to beg
A kind of fascination
Gets in my way
[Verse 2]
A door that opens wide
My, how you've altered
Oh Heaven, help me
Is that the time?
[Pre-Chorus 1]
Beginning, without end
Never lost, never dies
Unending, a beam of light
A tunnel in my mind
[Chorus 1]
As it all pans wide
With a filter on the lens
She sees everything I do
She sees everything I do
I'm without my shoes on
Over broken glass
I am dancing for pennies
I am staring straight ahead
[Verse 3]
A view that is so wide
It’s gonna break
It's like it holds me in its gaze
[Pre-Chorus 2]
If I go, it’s because
It’s happened once before
And now it’s starting all again
[Chorus 2]
As it all pans wide
Forget everything you knew
Forget everything you knew
As it all pans wide
Like a newborn child
Like a newborn child
Like a newborn child
Like a child
A child
A child
Like a child
A child
The first line is a lie
How so?
@@bjuliene should I really explain the joke? Think about who is singing that line
Little did we know we watched a music video in the making.. Beautifully unexpected.
This is for eternity!!! Unforgettable Cillian Murphy aka Tommy Shelby ❤️ By order........
I love that the official music video for this song is the scene from the amazing show that I found it in
It blows my mind that Thom plays piano while singing this beautiful song. Favorite on the record. Jonny’s string arrangements are impeccable, as always.
Jesus. Flippin'. Christ. All I can say's well done, chaps. You have taken your decades of experience and crafted a beautiful retrospective. Absolute Genius. Love from WI, USA.
Radiohead and The Smile + Peaky Blinders is something from another planet! Just awesome!
Ah lovely British Folk music.
Thom has thee most soothing voice and fortunately he also writes beautiful songs. GENIUS
I'm a simple man, I see Cillian Murphy on the thumbnail, I click like
This is pure art - the song and the video. Best album of ‘22, hands down.
My goodness this episode and this track = powerful!
I loved watching peaky blinders right away and especially loved the soundtrack. Many radiohead and Thom Yorke songs throughout the seasons. This was a perfect song for this scene- will never watch it enough times.
Just perfect! Tom's voice in that scene with Cillian, speechless! Epic!🙌🏻😍
Really enjoying this project. Britain really produces some talented artists.
Loving The Smile and other alternative and experimental UK acts like
Massive Attack, Tricky, Unkle, Atoms For Peace, Portishead, Ghostpoet, Allflaws
Check out this guy. He’s the original British experimentalist:
wow damn my favorite musicians and actors at the same moment
Cillian Murphy would be an awesome bond.
I just found this song and as musician myself this is my favourite type of music. Like Erie psychedelic pop. The unsettling piano combined with the vocals and the strings all put together in a way that is Erie but still easy to to listen too. Very well done.
God, I can’t express in words how much I would love to go to some beautiful countryside and just sleep in the warm sun like that. It looks like the most peaceful, calming thing anyone could ever experience.
Heartbreaking Peaky Blinders scene and sequence. Such an amazing twist in a man's life.
This is everything.
I loved this show so much. What an amazing scene. Just need a video for 5.17 now.
The symbolism and motifs across this whole series is very well done
Samesies. Hoping for some b sides from this one honestly!
don’t think i've seen a band making a clip from a series without any editing as their official music video
I don't want to watch Peaky Blinders, not because it's bad or anything, I simply have too much of a backlog of unwatched streaming content, but my hand might have been forced by Thom.
Right?! It’s such a weird concept- the music video IS the scene, and the scene IS the video! But somehow it works here. I can’t really think of any other instances where it would work nearly as well.
Hm, maybe not from a show, but Daft Punk’s music videos for the album Discovery are just the respective scenes from the anime adaptation of the album, Interstellar 5555.
@@davey.45 Check out when Decks Dark from A Moon Shaped Pool plays in Ozark for a taste, or when they do Daily Mail in it. That one is basically the same as this video in the way it's a scene and a video
my first thought was did i just watch a promo for peaky blinders??
A great song for one of the best shows of all time. By order of the peaky blinders
So this is really happening 💕
We're not scaremongering.
I’m not here, this isn’t happening.
Beautiful. This song almost borders on opera, especially with Thom's vocals. 💛💛💛 everything about this. It gives a feel of that darkest darkness right before dawn.
Well said
I saw this before i saw the newest season. Huge Radiohead/Thom Yorke/The Smile fan and clicked. Was upset cus i thought i spoiled myself, watched the entire season knowing Tommy and Ruby will meet in a place after death. Just finished the season. Seeing Tommy alive.. you can imagine how im feeling. Bless this fuckin series.
When your fav tv show featured your fav musicians ❤❤❤
masterclass of visual storytelling
Man, this is so beautiful and perfect
This video/song brought an unexpected surge of emotions for me.
Thank you
The Smile … pure genius 🥰🥰🥰
Ohhhh.... feelings, life experiences...
This song fits the aesthetic of the scene so perfectly
Peaky Blinders!!! I love this man!!
Peaky and The Smile!!! 😍😍😍
I look forward to the time when my son is a man and I can tell him 'Son, you never realised how much you meant to me during difficult times. I needed you as much as you needed me when you were growing up'.
The best TV show ever
At 0:34 when the initial chord progression begins and the bass and drums kick....aaaaaaah, bliss. I haven't heard anybody mention that specific moment in posts about this song and I find that to be highly unusual because the combination of the three elements right there in that second sound like pure, unadulterated, perfect Radiohead Part 2 aka The Smile.
It has a dollar and cents vibe , love it
One of the top 5 music videos of all time
soooo awesome and creative, love it!!
So fresh and innovative. THIS IS MUSIC
Ten utwór poruszył mnie najbardziej w trakcie oglądania wiadomego serialu, Wszystko tu było dopasowane do akcji. Muzyka i wokal przepiękne.
2:46 the key change 😍
I love when up and coming bands feature up and coming actors in their videos. All of these chaps have a bright future me thinks.
I really like actor Cillian Murphy 😍😍🥰🥰
York, Greenwood and Skinner are proving that they're a solid force (and Cillian Murphy can do no wrong)
Amazing combination of picture with great music. Despite the weaker season 6, the scene with the wagon and this piece of music has already been embedded in my memory, not to say etched into my memory.
Cillian Murphy + Thom Yorke! 🔥🔥 magnificent
best collab👏🏼👏🏼
Reminds me a poem I fell in love with as a teanager from Rimbaud. Called something like "Le soldat endormi". So the video clip illustrates the near to death experience too. Or the paradoxal sleep or awaken dreams. I Could not be without imaginarium land. Bzoom
Peaky Blinders and Radiohead continuing a beautiful relationship
Never watched PB, but love Thom... This was brilliant.
A Collab of Thom and Cilllian is just rad
greatness and impeccable production!
Thom York 🙌🏻🙏🏻
Very trippy song and scene 🤯