Thank you for another nice video, Bahador. I always enjoy them. This one was particularly fun. I have never studied Italian or Catalan but I understood almost everything both participants were saying, although I had to look at the subtitles a few times with Catalan.One or two expressions were guessable because of context . Catalan is very elegant sounding, and Italian is quite easy on the ears, very melodic. The colloquial forms are probably another matter entirely, and much less intelligible. That stated I don't recall having much trouble understanding Italian whenever I've heard it, although a good friend who spoke both languages told me that Spanish and Italian are really similar, except when they're not! Thank you again. Your channel is one of the best I've seen on youtube for languages.
As a French speaker that also speaks some Spanish, I understood most of both languages, although some words were unknown to me. Also, I recognized the word "gaudit" from Austrian/Bavarian German. There is "Eine Gaudi haben", which means "To have fun". I didn't know this word had a latin origin!
It's well known that there's a link between Italian and Spanish, speakers from one to a certain extent are able to quickly pick up the other without too much trouble. See it all the time with the candidates I screen (working in recruitment) Catalan, even though not exactly the same as Spanish sits in the same corner.
If Catalonia becomes independent it would contain Barcelona and Ibiza, which means really the party centres of Spain would be part of Catalonia and not Spain.
Actually Ibiza would stay as a part of Spain since Spanish nation-state did not shape the borders of Catalonia autonomous region by taking into account historical Catalan homeland. So if they ever take another independence referendum this would be inside the border of this region. And since surprisingly not all Catalan native speakers are identifing Catalan they do not support the Catalan national movement. Catalonia has beautiful mountainous lands, beaches, forests and architecture and because of that many rich or not outsiders settle in the region and they mostly do not support ethnic Catalans on their seek for independence.
I sort of learned Catalan "on the street" when I lived in Alicante province in Spain. (I was a foreigner living there in the 80s and 90s). So most of what she says is pretty much familiar to me. I am fluent in Spanish so this was pretty easy even after decades of being away from there. The Italian part throws me off by words I don't know, but if I was ever to try to learn Italian I think it would go quickly with no major obstacles.
Fun fact... Looking at the false friend "dinar" around 11:10, which actually means "lunch", did you know that here in the north-west of England, we actually use the word dinner to refer to the midday meal?
Soy Catalan y no tiene nada que ver aunque a ti como Anglofono te sorprenda como tantas palabras suenan parecidas e incluso no es el caso ni eso tan siquiera se escriben parecido en muchos idiomas ; dinner es cena y dinar es almuerzo si supieras las palabras por ser de origen lenguas romances la enorme cantidad de palabras iguales en escritura e incluso muchas en diccion entre el Catalan y Español te sorprenderias.
Es que es pariente del provenzal. Una vez escuché el piamontés y era sorprendente la claridad al pertenecer al mismo tronco. En el bachillerato estudiábamos occitano y provenzal y su historia (a rasgos generales, no a fondo) dentro de las asignaturas de historia de la lengua catalana. Son primos nuestros. La lengua de corte medieval en Cataluña era el occitano. Un tipo se me acercó en una parada de tranvía en Roma. Estábamos en la cola, hablando catalán un amigo y yo. El señor escuchaba atentamente hastaque nos preguntó intrigado que qué "dialecto" hablábamos, pensando que éramos italianos. Se quedó sorprendido cuando le dijimos que hablábamos catalán y que éramos españoles. Nos respondió que lo estaba entendiendo casi todo porque era muy similar a su dialecto. Nuestras lenguas romances son un tesoro y fuente de divertimento continuo.
I understood 97% of the Catalan and 99% of the Italian. "Samarreta" was new to me; Wiktionary has conflicting etymologies: either it's from Basque, or it's from Persian through Arabic. "Camiseta" would be perfectly clear to me. Due uove al burro!
For an average English speaker, with only casual exposure to Romance languages through movies and tourism, Italian is so much easier to understand. Catalan is beautiful but I feel you need to have some grounding in French to untangle it, and many nouns sound like Spanish words with the ends cut off which is confusing.
Speaking English, Catalan and Spanish, I think that Catalan (of course, speaking generally, particular cases may vary) is much closer to English vocabulary from the fact that it belongs to the bigger Gallo-Romance language family including (Old) French from which English took a lot of its current vocabulary. The similarities between Cat. and Old Fr. makes for an unexpected bridge in lexic: - "exit" and "eixir" (Spanish "salir"), - "port" and "port" (Sp. "puerto"), - "closed" and "clòs" (Sp. "cerrado"), - "address" and "adreça" (Sp. "dirección"), - "force" and "força" (Sp. "fuerza"), - "blue" and "blau" (Sp. "azul") and many more. Note also how Old French was phonetically closer to Modern Catalan than Modern French. The reason why there might be a better understanding from some English speakers with Spanish is because of lots of exposure, having studied it in high school, motivation, etc.
Why do I feel that when I watch these videos, if your initial fluency is in Italian, you have a better chance in piecing together the meaning of other Romance languages, rather than the other way around.
En España todos hablan español. Luego depende de la región también puedes encontrar otros idiomas autóctonos hablados, como el gallego, euskera, aranés, catalán, valenciano, etc. En Ibiza se habla español y un dialecto del catalán conocido como "eivissenc".
@@ivanovichdelfin8797 Literalmente toda la primera parte de tu comentario suena a nacionalista Español ardido😂solo hacía falta decir: "Sí, en ibiza se habla Catalán." y listo colegui. Por cierto, el Valenciano y el Catalán son la misma lengua, atentamente, un Valenciano.
@@Jordi_Llopis_i_Torregrosa96 Lo digo para aclarar, ya que la gente podría empezar a creer que los que viven en Mallorca no hablan español o que no nos entendemos entre nosotros. Hay muchas preguntas como ¿Tengo que aprender catalán para visitar Cataluña o puedo hablar español?
@@ivanovichdelfin8797para visitar Catalunya no te hace falta aprender catalan en absoluto. Para quedarte a vivir és recomendable. Siempre és recomendable aprender la lengua del sitio dónde uno decide vivir.
In the 13th century, a military dispute arose between the bishop of Urgell and the count of Foix as aftermath of the Cathar Crusade. The conflict was resolved in 1278 with the mediation of the king of Aragon, Peter III, between the bishop and the count, by the signing of the first paréage, which provided that Andorra's sovereignty be shared between the count of Foix[42] (whose title would ultimately transfer to the French head of state) and the bishop of Urgell, in Catalonia. This gave the principality its territory and political form.
Es actualmente un coprincipado. El actual copríncipe fue profesor mío. Siempre es el obispo dela Seo de Urgel. Andorra ya tiene estatus propio desde Carlomagno. Es una curiosidad jurídica que ha logrado sobrevivir a todo (como San Marino,por ejemplo) Su catalanidad es evidente, pero por libre y por derecho propio.
Ha sigut prou interessant veure la similitut entre les dues llengues. No parle italiá però ja porte uns 30 anys vivint a un poble al sud de la provincia de València malgrat soc alemany i parle alemany, francés, anglés, castellá i catalá en variant valenciá.
Aquet canal es Canadenc si el Espanyol les pareix Marcia moltes vegades imagina't el Catala- Valencia- Gallec--Euskera etc..🤣 quina meravella es ,🇪🇦❤️👍
Yo hablo español y entendí tu comentario en portugués 😮. aún así el vídeo también entendí el italiano y catalán con las frases que dijeron ellos , quedé sorprendido 😳
Mi Italian is very basic, spanish even less and catalan i heard once or twice. The meaning of the written text is understandable. Catalan should be close to Provençal /Occitan.. 😊🇫🇷
In my dialect (North Italy), the sentence about the birthday is: "Ancò l'è al me aniversare e so tant felice. La me faméa e i me amis i m'ha facc an sac da regali. I m'ha regalat an lebre, 'na maglieta e 'na tassa con 'na nostra foto. I m'ha apò preparat an pastes da ciculada e i m'ha cantat la cansù "Per tanti agn". Dopo s'em 'nacc a 'disnà an risturant e g'hem pasat 'na buna giurnada (o bun temp). l'è stat an de molto speciale e ma so diertit." The double cc sounds as a "sweet c"(like ch in spanish) and "gn" sounds like ny in Catalan. The rest of the words is italian like pronunciation. From a phonetcs point of view sounds quiet similar to Catalan (even more then the standard italian), but people, in general, thinks that Lombards dialect is closer to French.....I don't know why 😂
However Catalan very similar with Italian than French Spanish or portuguese. Italian and Catalan have lexical similar is 87% Catalan and Spanish French portuguese 85% Italian and Spanish lexical similar is 82%
Lombard, like Catalan, is a language, not a dialect. The House of Savoy degraded the various languages of Italy to “dialects” in order to establish its claims to all of Italy.
Crec que el coneixent que tots dos tenen d'alttes llegües romàniques ha ajudat a la comprensió, per exemple quan el parlant d'italià realize: " tinc" like Spanish "tengo".
Yes. As it is similar to italian and portuguese. Phonetics are really different as catalan have many sounds spanish dosn't have and 7 wovels: a, è, é, i, ò, ó, u. Or 8, if we consider a special "a", who is almost like an "e". Vocabulary can also be closer to italian or french. There are many examples of it but I will show you some of them: Cat. Fr. It. Taula table tavola Finestra fenetre finestra Parlar parler parlare Demà demain domani Estiu eté estate Trobar trouver trobare Nit nuit notte Sucre sucre zucchero Cosí cousin cugino Cuina cuisine cucina Avantatge avantage avvantagio And so many!👍
Sí, pero está más cerca del tronco provenzal y occitano. Aunque algunos lo discuten. Todas las lenguas romances tienen algún tronco común e influencias diversas entre sí.
ADVERTÈNCIA! El català que hom parla en aquest vídio és molt influenciat pel castellà. No pronuncia genuïnament les eles velars i el lèxic és molt castellanitzat (ex: estrelles --> és estels, en realitat). Cerqueu registres de més qualitat, aquest és força pobre
Además está también endemà= endemà n. m. El dia que segueix immediatament aquell de què es parla:ens trobarem l'endemà de Sant Joan. El dia que segueix immediatament l'endemà:l'endemà passat de començar la feina s'ha posat malalt = l'indomani /in·do·mà·ni/ avverbio e sostantivo maschile Il giorno successivo (sempre preceduto dall'art.). "tornò l'i. di buon'ora"
the sound of the Catalan woman is very bad - difficult to hear. Can people have soft furnishings in the room, put a pillow of jumper in front of them etc. Maybe she needs to wear headphones? Onto the language, I remember my Welsh-speaking Catalan friend started learning Italian but after a while gave up because, as he told me (in Welsh) "mae'n rhy hawdd" - it's too easy. He hadn't realised how close Catalan and Italian were.
Sono italiano e devo correggere il ragazzo italiano di Milano. Non si dice Opere d'arte, ma Opere d'arti con la i finale, perché sta parlando al plurale. Inoltre non si dice spèsso con la è aperta, ma spésso con la é chiusa. Sono due errori che da un universitario ma non mi aspetto.
si dice opere d'arte e la é è aperta o chiusa giusta non la si può pretendere da una persona comune che non abbia studiato dizione il 99% degli italiani parla un italiano regionale , morale : commento del tutto sbaglito
@@blokflotnbrass Arte, qui è intesa come "compendio di tutte le arti". Sono opere artistiche in generale. Quindi, "opere d'arte" è giustissimo. Per il resto, il ragazzo è su YT e non al TG statale (dove, peraltro, si sentono spesso accenti siciliani e romani), quindi può parlare con l'accento della propria regione, come fa la maggioranza dei cittadini, a parte alcuni amanti dell'italiano standard, che sono liberi di coltivarlo.
Il catalano e'un mix tra spagnolo francese e italiano, ma la pronuncia la trovo molto asettica, ma più simile al castigliano. L'italiano invece è molto dolce e melodioso.
Esto es porque el acento de esta señora está bastante castellanizado. Cerca els videos en català de "couch polyglot" i sentiràs un vertader accent català d'una dona que ve de Taradell. No te semblarà pas un accent tant castellanitzat.
ترک خالص چشم بادومی قزاق و قرقیز و ترکمن صحرا تاتار اویغور شبیه چینی هان ترک آذری زبونشون عوض شده الان دهاتهای خلخال یکی در نیان تاتی فارسی حرف میزنند آذری یا ترک : تو تهران وکرج که لهجه ندارن نمیشه فهمید کی فارسه کرده ترکه لره.. همه ی نژادند ولی اگه یه ترک ترکمنی قزاق قرقیز ترکمن تاتار اویغور شبیه چینی هان بیاد میشه فهمید ترکه الان هم تو دهاتهای آذربایجان هنوز فارسي تاتی حرف میزنند مثل دهاتهای خلخال و ... مدرک اول مدرک دو مدرک سوم مدرک چهارم مدرک چهارم کتاب خود احمد کسروی که تبریزی بود به نام آذری
@@tannazmehrdadi8774 ایرانیها اگه اهل به زور گسترش دادن دینشون بودن الان نصف دنیا زرتشتی بود حیف موفقیت عرب فقط در زور هست مثلا در افغانستان یا خراسان با چوب مجبور میکردن مردم خراسان نماز بخونند خودم تو تاریخ بیهقی خوندم در ضمن هرب خالص فقط شبه جزیره بقیه به خاطر اسلام عرب شدند مثال یک عراق یعنی ایران عرب شده چون مردم که آب نشدند عرب زبون شدند مصر القبطی مثال بعد تونس که کارتاژی اند مراکش و سودان آفریقایی تبارند....
@@tannazmehrdadi8774 باورنکردنیه درکتاب مقدس ما ایرانیها اوستا آیاتی هست در حد قرآن با اندیشیدن به خدا وگامنهادن در راه پارسایی(عمل صالح و متقی و پرهیزگاری ) است که روانآدمی میتواند به خدا نزدیکشود بشود که ما نیز با ستایش و کردار پارسایی به تو نزدیکشویم ( قرب الی الله از راه تفکر وعمل صالح) گات ها بند ۴ هات ۲۹ بی گمان خدا بهتر از همه آگاه است که دروغگویان و هوا خواهان دروغ بنام خدایان خیالی (پنداری ) خود در گذشته چه کردند و آگاه است که در آینده چه خواهند کرد اهورا خود داور است، پس همان شود که خدا (اهورا مزدا )خواهد.(الله عالم ماترید .... الله یرید من یشا) هات ۲۹ بند ۵ پس من و روان جهان بارور هردو با دستهای برافراشته خدا (اهورامزدا ) را ستایش گرده و از او خواستاریم که آرزوی ما را چنین برآورده سازد : هرگز به نیکوکاران و پارسایان و رهبری آمان گزندی نرسد . هرگز به کسب جهان را میپروراند آسیبی مرساد. (ربنا آتنا فی الدنیا حسنه و.... )
Do not say lie all islands in persia golf 🤨 These islands belong to iran (persia)for more than 3000 years and even Bahrain and most persian golf countries belong to iran read history
@@levaltshuler1315 Iranian nationalists are literally one of the most delusional people on Earth, and the funny part is no one takes them seriously lol
Best religious is zoroasterian Islam and Christianity Jewish is for Semitic race but zoroasterian is for arian race old persian prophiet and there is no slavery in zoroasterian like Islam Jewish Christians
I'm getting headaches, You can't beat the Semitic influence around the globe, Trump and Putin are fighting right now on our behalf against the woke culture and the liberals let alone bringing non-Abrahamic religion
@mattzz4365 good knews we are not racist pure arab and pure persian are haplogroup of j1 j2 similar just north of iran is like European and its in before Islam
Excellent comparison! Catalan is also spoken in Italy, in the city of Alghero in the northwest of Sardinia.
But not the rest of the island?
@@umar4655 No. It is called Algherese and it is spoken in the city of Alghero.
@@VeryClearLanguages So they refert to the same language by a different name?
@@umar4655 Yes. It is a variety of Catalan.
Visca alguerès 😊
Love this a lot. I learned some Catalan phrases in Barcelona and I did not know that Catalan was the official language of Andora. I found this out.
Catalaaan!! 🥹💖
I sang in Catalan, very beautiful language ✨🫶
Both participants are very smart. This was really good and educational for me leaning Italian
Déu n’hi do! 😍
Thank you for another nice video, Bahador. I always enjoy them. This one was particularly fun. I have never studied Italian or Catalan but I understood almost everything both participants were saying, although I had to look at the subtitles a few times with Catalan.One or two expressions were guessable because of context . Catalan is very elegant sounding, and Italian is quite easy on the ears, very melodic. The colloquial forms are probably another matter entirely, and much less intelligible. That stated I don't recall having much trouble understanding Italian whenever I've heard it, although a good friend who spoke both languages told me that Spanish and Italian are really similar, except when they're not! Thank you again. Your channel is one of the best I've seen on youtube for languages.
Thank you so much. I'm very happy to hear that and appreciate it a lot.
An excellent video as usual Bahador, thank you for posting.
As a French speaker that also speaks some Spanish, I understood most of both languages, although some words were unknown to me.
Also, I recognized the word "gaudit" from Austrian/Bavarian German. There is "Eine Gaudi haben", which means "To have fun". I didn't know this word had a latin origin!
It's related to "joie" and "jouir" in French !
@@oliveranderson7264 Joia, en catalán, que significa también alegría.
Both are beautiful languages! Loved the video and the participants. Thank you ❤❤
Ás vezes entendo italiano melhor que catalão ou vice-versa...
quando os 2 idiomas estão escritos em linguagem técnica... entendo quase tudo !
It's well known that there's a link between Italian and Spanish, speakers from one to a certain extent are able to quickly pick up the other without too much trouble.
See it all the time with the candidates I screen (working in recruitment)
Catalan, even though not exactly the same as Spanish sits in the same corner.
Gone on forth!!! Nicely done!!
I enjoyed this one. I understood more Catalan than I thought I would. I have studied most of the Romance languages.
What's your mother tongue?
@@gloriamccarthy480 English
@@jahanas22 great job then 😁
If Catalonia becomes independent it would contain Barcelona and Ibiza, which means really the party centres of Spain would be part of Catalonia and not Spain.
Actually Ibiza would stay as a part of Spain since Spanish nation-state did not shape the borders of Catalonia autonomous region by taking into account historical Catalan homeland. So if they ever take another independence referendum this would be inside the border of this region. And since surprisingly not all Catalan native speakers are identifing Catalan they do not support the Catalan national movement. Catalonia has beautiful mountainous lands, beaches, forests and architecture and because of that many rich or not outsiders settle in the region and they mostly do not support ethnic Catalans on their seek for independence.
How would it contain Ibiza? Ibiza is not a part of Catalonia.
Ibiza is not Catalunya! 😂😂😂
Y donde dejamos Lleida Girona y mi provincia Tarragona que sí forman Catalunya junto a Barcelona??? 🤦@@Kurdedunaysiri
Good luck Eva with Arabic learning. I hope you become very proficient and I know you will because you're very clever and smart 😊😊
I sort of learned Catalan "on the street" when I lived in Alicante province in Spain. (I was a foreigner living there in the 80s and 90s). So most of what she says is pretty much familiar to me. I am fluent in Spanish so this was pretty easy even after decades of being away from there. The Italian part throws me off by words I don't know, but if I was ever to try to learn Italian I think it would go quickly with no major obstacles.
I love this similarity
Fun fact... Looking at the false friend "dinar" around 11:10, which actually means "lunch", did you know that here in the north-west of England, we actually use the word dinner to refer to the midday meal?
Really? Wow! I heard some people in Massachusetts do this!! Now it makes sense
Soy Catalan y no tiene nada que ver aunque a ti como Anglofono te sorprenda como tantas palabras suenan parecidas e incluso no es el caso ni eso tan siquiera se escriben parecido en muchos idiomas ; dinner es cena y dinar es almuerzo si supieras las palabras por ser de origen lenguas romances la enorme cantidad de palabras iguales en escritura e incluso muchas en diccion entre el Catalan y Español te sorprenderias.
@@Lacteagalaxiapuntúalo para que se entienda.
In Italian there is also the verb "desinare", it means to dine.
estate (ita) = eté (fra) = estiu (cat). em português existe a palavra "estio" (verão seco) que gerou a palavra estiagem
Verão vem do latim "veranum tempus" significa "tempo primaveril" ou "primaveral".
estío en castellano
Verano es la palabra común pero se utiliza estival como adjetivo para de verano.
Efectivamente, estío en castellano y estival.
@@robertomartinezalazar4095 verdade
Pleaaaaase do Gallego vs Portugues and/or Català vs Occitaine 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😇
At last, Alast!
Interesting that she is learning Arabic and Persian, and he is learning Turkish
I just discovered this channel, I watched Sicilian vs Arabic. I wanted to ask Venetian vs Spanish (Catalan)
Error: en castellano también tenemos estío para decir verano. Sólo que está un poco en desuso o como recurso literario. De ahí estival, etc.
More than italian Catalan shares a lot with Ligurian related, Nissard, Piemontese..
Es que es pariente del provenzal. Una vez escuché el piamontés y era sorprendente la claridad al pertenecer al mismo tronco. En el bachillerato estudiábamos occitano y provenzal y su historia (a rasgos generales, no a fondo) dentro de las asignaturas de historia de la lengua catalana. Son primos nuestros. La lengua de corte medieval en Cataluña era el occitano. Un tipo se me acercó en una parada de tranvía en Roma. Estábamos en la cola, hablando catalán un amigo y yo. El señor escuchaba atentamente hastaque nos preguntó intrigado que qué "dialecto" hablábamos, pensando que éramos italianos. Se quedó sorprendido cuando le dijimos que hablábamos catalán y que éramos españoles. Nos respondió que lo estaba entendiendo casi todo porque era muy similar a su dialecto. Nuestras lenguas romances son un tesoro y fuente de divertimento continuo.
'hora' means 'meeting' - in the sense that you have previously established "at which time" you have to go.
Do we have Alberto instagram? I live in Milan too and I love languages
Sure. Here you go:
Nice. Hospitate I think translates to "hosted" in English.
The word for business, in italian, is "affari", not business.
I understood 97% of the Catalan and 99% of the Italian. "Samarreta" was new to me; Wiktionary has conflicting etymologies: either it's from Basque, or it's from Persian through Arabic. "Camiseta" would be perfectly clear to me.
Due uove al burro!
For an average English speaker, with only casual exposure to Romance languages through movies and tourism, Italian is so much easier to understand. Catalan is beautiful but I feel you need to have some grounding in French to untangle it, and many nouns sound like Spanish words with the ends cut off which is confusing.
You need some grounding in catalan to learn catalan.
Speaking English, Catalan and Spanish, I think that Catalan (of course, speaking generally, particular cases may vary) is much closer to English vocabulary from the fact that it belongs to the bigger Gallo-Romance language family including (Old) French from which English took a lot of its current vocabulary. The similarities between Cat. and Old Fr. makes for an unexpected bridge in lexic:
- "exit" and "eixir" (Spanish "salir"),
- "port" and "port" (Sp. "puerto"),
- "closed" and "clòs" (Sp. "cerrado"),
- "address" and "adreça" (Sp. "dirección"),
- "force" and "força" (Sp. "fuerza"),
- "blue" and "blau" (Sp. "azul")
and many more.
Note also how Old French was phonetically closer to Modern Catalan than Modern French.
The reason why there might be a better understanding from some English speakers with Spanish is because of lots of exposure, having studied it in high school, motivation, etc.
Why do I feel that when I watch these videos, if your initial fluency is in Italian, you have a better chance in piecing together the meaning of other Romance languages, rather than the other way around.
Existe estio em português... significa verão seco
yo hasta hace poco sabía muy poco catalán pero la mayoría del italiano lo entendía muy bien sin haberlo estudiado.
Yo tambien yo me di cuenta de que yo entiendo muy bien el italiano como si fuera mi idioma nativo
In Ibiza they speak Catalan?
En España todos hablan español. Luego depende de la región también puedes encontrar otros idiomas autóctonos hablados, como el gallego, euskera, aranés, catalán, valenciano, etc. En Ibiza se habla español y un dialecto del catalán conocido como "eivissenc".
Yes. Various types of catalan are the original language of all four balearic islands.
@@ivanovichdelfin8797 Literalmente toda la primera parte de tu comentario suena a nacionalista Español ardido😂solo hacía falta decir: "Sí, en ibiza se habla Catalán." y listo colegui. Por cierto, el Valenciano y el Catalán son la misma lengua, atentamente, un Valenciano.
@@Jordi_Llopis_i_Torregrosa96 Lo digo para aclarar, ya que la gente podría empezar a creer que los que viven en Mallorca no hablan español o que no nos entendemos entre nosotros.
Hay muchas preguntas como ¿Tengo que aprender catalán para visitar Cataluña o puedo hablar español?
@@ivanovichdelfin8797para visitar Catalunya no te hace falta aprender catalan en absoluto. Para quedarte a vivir és recomendable. Siempre és recomendable aprender la lengua del sitio dónde uno decide vivir.
So cool, but what are their Instagrams? Lol
Is the reason a small country like Andorra exists sandwhiched between Spain and France because of the Catalan language?
In the 13th century, a military dispute arose between the bishop of Urgell and the count of Foix as aftermath of the Cathar Crusade. The conflict was resolved in 1278 with the mediation of the king of Aragon, Peter III, between the bishop and the count, by the signing of the first paréage, which provided that Andorra's sovereignty be shared between the count of Foix[42] (whose title would ultimately transfer to the French head of state) and the bishop of Urgell, in Catalonia. This gave the principality its territory and political form.
Short answer: Andorra exists so that Spanish and French don’t have to go to the Caribbean to do money laundering.
Es actualmente un coprincipado. El actual copríncipe fue profesor mío. Siempre es el obispo dela Seo de Urgel. Andorra ya tiene estatus propio desde Carlomagno. Es una curiosidad jurídica que ha logrado sobrevivir a todo (como San Marino,por ejemplo) Su catalanidad es evidente, pero por libre y por derecho propio.
Os italianos compreendem isso em catalão ? menjar, trobar, arribar, taula, forquilla, dona, demà, così, parlar, fa fred, tallar
Mangiare, trovare, arrivare, forchetta?, Donna, Domani, così?!, parlare, fa freddo, tagliare
@@almaximos1 sim !
Of course!!
@@almaximos1Yes, except “cosí” means “cugino”.
Ha sigut prou interessant veure la similitut entre les dues llengues. No parle italiá però ja porte uns 30 anys vivint a un poble al sud de la provincia de València malgrat soc alemany i parle alemany, francés, anglés, castellá i catalá en variant valenciá.
Omg Alberto is 🔥 🔥 🔥
But he didn't say which country he's traveling to in Asia. There are so many Asian countries.
Aquet canal es Canadenc si el Espanyol les pareix Marcia moltes vegades imagina't el Catala- Valencia- Gallec--Euskera etc..🤣 quina meravella es ,🇪🇦❤️👍
O catalão parece uma fusão de espanhol, francês e italiano... mas tem palavras similares ao português e romeno também
Yo hablo español y entendí tu comentario en portugués 😮. aún así el vídeo también entendí el italiano y catalán con las frases que dijeron ellos , quedé sorprendido 😳
Certo che sono tutte lingue simili. Sono lingue neolatine, l'origine è comune, il latino
demà é similar a "demain" (fra)
Yes. And its pronounced very similar, too.
Mi Italian is very basic, spanish even less and catalan i heard once or twice. The meaning of the written text is understandable. Catalan should be close to Provençal /Occitan.. 😊🇫🇷
Catalan and Occitan dialects are so similar they could be considered different dialects of the same language
Catalan for me is no more a secret language. 😀
I speak ukrainian and learned Italian for two years, understanding Catatan was easy peasy😊
In my dialect (North Italy), the sentence about the birthday is: "Ancò l'è al me aniversare e so tant felice. La me faméa e i me amis i m'ha facc an sac da regali. I m'ha regalat an lebre, 'na maglieta e 'na tassa con 'na nostra foto. I m'ha apò preparat an pastes da ciculada e i m'ha cantat la cansù "Per tanti agn". Dopo s'em 'nacc a 'disnà an risturant e g'hem pasat 'na buna giurnada (o bun temp). l'è stat an de molto speciale e ma so diertit."
The double cc sounds as a "sweet c"(like ch in spanish) and "gn" sounds like ny in Catalan. The rest of the words is italian like pronunciation.
From a phonetcs point of view sounds quiet similar to Catalan (even more then the standard italian), but people, in general, thinks that Lombards dialect is closer to French.....I don't know why 😂
However Catalan very similar with Italian than French Spanish or portuguese. Italian and Catalan have lexical similar is 87%
Catalan and Spanish French portuguese 85%
Italian and Spanish lexical similar is 82%
Lombard, like Catalan, is a language, not a dialect.
The House of Savoy degraded the various languages of Italy to “dialects” in order to establish its claims to all of Italy.
molto bene
Crec que el coneixent que tots dos tenen d'alttes llegües romàniques ha ajudat a la comprensió, per exemple quan el parlant d'italià realize: " tinc" like Spanish "tengo".
Tbh it would be more interesting to see someone who also doesn’t speak Spanish and only Italian
metge (Catalan) + medico (Italian) < medicus (Latin)
*Is Catalan language similar to Spanish?*
Yes. As it is similar to italian and portuguese. Phonetics are really different as catalan have many sounds spanish dosn't have and 7 wovels: a, è, é, i, ò, ó, u. Or 8, if we consider a special "a", who is almost like an "e".
Vocabulary can also be closer to italian or french. There are many examples of it but I will show you some of them:
Cat. Fr. It.
Taula table tavola
Finestra fenetre finestra
Parlar parler parlare
Demà demain domani
Estiu eté estate
Trobar trouver trobare
Nit nuit notte
Sucre sucre zucchero
Cosí cousin cugino
Cuina cuisine cucina
Avantatge avantage avvantagio
And so many!👍
Catalan and Spanish : 85%
Catalan and Italian : 87%
Sí, pero está más cerca del tronco provenzal y occitano. Aunque algunos lo discuten. Todas las lenguas romances tienen algún tronco común e influencias diversas entre sí.
@@antoniboixadosbisbal137 thank you so much for information bro
@@AfricanMale30 😉
ADVERTÈNCIA! El català que hom parla en aquest vídio és molt influenciat pel castellà. No pronuncia genuïnament les eles velars i el lèxic és molt castellanitzat (ex: estrelles --> és estels, en realitat). Cerqueu registres de més qualitat, aquest és força pobre
Can Fanga, pot ser...
il verbo aggradare è italiano e deriva dal provenzano
"Provenzale". Provenzano era il cognome del capo della mafia.
Dema = domani
French = Demain
Además está también endemà= endemà n. m. El dia que segueix immediatament aquell de què es parla:ens trobarem l'endemà de Sant Joan. El dia que segueix immediatament l'endemà:l'endemà passat de començar la feina s'ha posat malalt = l'indomani
avverbio e sostantivo maschile
Il giorno successivo (sempre preceduto dall'art.).
"tornò l'i. di buon'ora"
El catalá sera mes senzill per a un italiá que ja parla castellá i alguns dialects italians estan molt prop del catalá. Potser no el de aquest noi.
No creo que el hable un dialecto. Mas facil que hable un italiano anglicizado.
the sound of the Catalan woman is very bad - difficult to hear. Can people have soft furnishings in the room, put a pillow of jumper in front of them etc. Maybe she needs to wear headphones? Onto the language, I remember my Welsh-speaking Catalan friend started learning Italian but after a while gave up because, as he told me (in Welsh) "mae'n rhy hawdd" - it's too easy. He hadn't realised how close Catalan and Italian were.
Sono italiano e devo correggere il ragazzo italiano di Milano. Non si dice Opere d'arte, ma Opere d'arti con la i finale, perché sta parlando al plurale. Inoltre non si dice spèsso con la è aperta, ma spésso con la é chiusa. Sono due errori che da un universitario ma non mi aspetto.
si dice opere d'arte e la é è aperta o chiusa giusta non la si può pretendere da una persona comune che non abbia studiato dizione il 99% degli italiani parla un italiano regionale , morale : commento del tutto sbaglito
@@blokflotnbrass Arte, qui è intesa come "compendio di tutte le arti". Sono opere artistiche in generale. Quindi, "opere d'arte" è giustissimo. Per il resto, il ragazzo è su YT e non al TG statale (dove, peraltro, si sentono spesso accenti siciliani e romani), quindi può parlare con l'accento della propria regione, come fa la maggioranza dei cittadini, a parte alcuni amanti dell'italiano standard, che sono liberi di coltivarlo.
Sono le opere che sono plurali. Come dire: due bottiglie di vino, non: "due bottiglie di vini", anche se i vini possono essere diversi.
Aqiet estiu fare un viatge a Asia
Mi piace = Em plau.
Es castellano existe el "me place", aunque un tanto clásico y retórico. Y "dar el placet" etc.
Is Andorra part of Catalunya?
@@user-zh7yr1up8g No its independent but they speak Catalán
@@CinCee- would they like to be together as one?
@@user-zh7yr1up8g Nahh I think Andorra likes being independent
@@CinCee- that makes sense. Are you from Catalunya?
aggradare non è un dialetto, Alberto, ma proprio italiano. (Mi aggrada X)
Parece que últimamente la enseñanza en Italia flaquea Kim. ;)
Entenc millor el català que el castellà, el castellà té massa dialectes, el català s'acosta més a l'italià, l'occità i està més centrat
Lo mateix en passa a mi sent Catala ; entic millor el Frances que el Italia
Senti l'occitano centrale, perché ormai è francesizzato. Hanno acquistato la - n - nasale e la - r - parigina.
Also others spamish people resemble to italians
Il catalano e'un mix tra spagnolo francese e italiano, ma la pronuncia la trovo molto asettica, ma più simile al castigliano. L'italiano invece è molto dolce e melodioso.
Esto es porque el acento de esta señora está bastante castellanizado. Cerca els videos en català de "couch polyglot" i sentiràs un vertader accent català d'una dona que ve de Taradell. No te semblarà pas un accent tant castellanitzat.
Questa signora non è il piu buon essempio di catalano, veramente. La sua fonetica è molto influenziata dal castiglano.
ترک خالص چشم بادومی قزاق و قرقیز و ترکمن صحرا تاتار اویغور شبیه چینی هان ترک آذری زبونشون عوض شده الان دهاتهای خلخال یکی در نیان تاتی فارسی حرف میزنند آذری یا ترک : تو تهران وکرج که لهجه ندارن نمیشه فهمید کی فارسه کرده ترکه لره.. همه ی نژادند ولی اگه یه ترک ترکمنی قزاق قرقیز ترکمن تاتار اویغور شبیه چینی هان بیاد میشه فهمید ترکه الان هم تو دهاتهای آذربایجان هنوز فارسي تاتی حرف میزنند مثل دهاتهای خلخال و ...
مدرک اول
مدرک دو
مدرک سوم
مدرک چهارم
مدرک چهارم کتاب خود احمد کسروی که تبریزی بود به نام آذری
che rabti dare?
@@tannazmehrdadi8774 اتفاقا ربط داره اینجا بحث زبون و.. هست
@@tannazmehrdadi8774 ایرانیها اگه اهل به زور گسترش دادن دینشون بودن الان نصف دنیا زرتشتی بود حیف موفقیت عرب فقط در زور هست مثلا در افغانستان یا خراسان با چوب مجبور میکردن مردم خراسان نماز بخونند خودم تو تاریخ بیهقی خوندم در ضمن هرب خالص فقط شبه جزیره بقیه به خاطر اسلام عرب شدند مثال یک عراق یعنی ایران عرب شده چون مردم که آب نشدند عرب زبون شدند مصر القبطی مثال بعد تونس که کارتاژی اند مراکش و سودان آفریقایی تبارند....
@@tannazmehrdadi8774 باورنکردنیه درکتاب مقدس ما ایرانیها اوستا آیاتی هست در حد قرآن
با اندیشیدن به خدا وگامنهادن در راه پارسایی(عمل صالح و متقی و پرهیزگاری ) است که روانآدمی میتواند به خدا نزدیکشود بشود که ما نیز با ستایش و کردار پارسایی به تو نزدیکشویم
( قرب الی الله از راه تفکر وعمل صالح)
گات ها بند ۴ هات ۲۹
بی گمان خدا بهتر از همه آگاه است که دروغگویان و هوا خواهان دروغ بنام خدایان خیالی (پنداری ) خود در گذشته چه کردند و آگاه است که در آینده چه خواهند کرد اهورا خود داور است، پس همان شود که خدا (اهورا مزدا )خواهد.(الله عالم ماترید .... الله یرید من یشا)
هات ۲۹ بند ۵
پس من و روان جهان بارور هردو با دستهای برافراشته خدا (اهورامزدا ) را ستایش گرده و از او خواستاریم که آرزوی ما را چنین برآورده سازد :
هرگز به نیکوکاران و پارسایان و رهبری آمان گزندی نرسد . هرگز به کسب جهان را میپروراند آسیبی مرساد. (ربنا آتنا فی الدنیا حسنه و.... )
What it has to do with this video, insecurities?!!!
Do not say lie all islands in persia golf 🤨 These islands belong to iran (persia)for more than 3000 years and even Bahrain and most persian golf countries belong to iran read history
The Balearic Islands are in the Mediteranean between Spain and Italy, how do they belong to Iran?
Iranian nationalists are literally one of the most delusional people on Earth, and the funny part is no one takes them seriously lol
@@levaltshuler1315 must be a joke
@levaltshuler1315 no I mean tonb bozorg in persian golf misunderstand 😁
But that's not related to anything said here @@s.keikhosro_5555
Catalan sounds exactly like Spanish to me, just a bit less musical.
But Catalans are against imperialism
I can't agree. Even if it is sounds similar I can always distuingish it from Spanish.
Her accent is not very Catalan, actually. A good Catalan is milder and richer
In fact it’s awfully different
Completely different from castiglian 😂😂😂
Best religious is zoroasterian Islam and Christianity Jewish is for Semitic race but zoroasterian is for arian race old persian prophiet and there is no slavery in zoroasterian like Islam Jewish Christians
sure but what does that have to do with this video? they did not discuss anything about religions
I'm getting headaches, You can't beat the Semitic influence around the globe, Trump and Putin are fighting right now on our behalf against the woke culture and the liberals let alone bringing non-Abrahamic religion
@mattzz4365 ashur is ahura this Islamic joke and nothing is zoroasrtrian 😁
@mattzz4365 good knews we are not racist pure arab and pure persian are haplogroup of j1 j2 similar just north of iran is like European and its in before Islam
@mattzz4365 Abraham's is story iread ghoran enjil Bible but avesta is better there is slavery....
Finestra=finestra, formaggio=formatge, cane=ca (in Insole Baleari), ancora=encara, schiena=esquena, anatra=annera (in Insole Baleari), asciutto=eixut, bollire=bollir, brodo=brou, capello=capell, carciofo=carxofa, cercar=cercar (Insole Baleari), cervello=cervell, chiave=clau, cognato=cunyat, collo=coll, colomaba=colom(a), coscia=cuixa, cugino=cosí, dire=dir, dito=dit, donna=dona, forno=forn, formica=formiga, freddo=fret, fuggire=fugir, genero=gendre, ginocchio=genoll, grasso=gras, lattuga=lletuga, lenzuolo=llençol, mai=mai, malatto=malalt, mangiare=menjar, materasso=matalàs, nasso=nas, pancia=panxa, parlare=parlar, piovere=ploure, porco=porc, spalla=espatlla, stretto=estret, succo=suc, unghia=ungla, uomo=home, verità=veritat, volere=voler...
Perque l inglés? Aqui