Thank you for keeping making interesting and really useful content about this game. I do not play as much, but I like knowing where my favorite stand in the meta in general.
While not specific to this video, I do think it's relevant to mention that 3 mythics is completely unnecessary unless you're gunning for rank 1. Gold thrones are easily achievable with just 2 mythics, and opening up a slot for an extra support in place of a mythic that may otherwise be dead weight can help tremendously with these matchups.
Hey, Fredeffect! I certainly care. I’m used to seeing your teams in my arena run. If you can, I’d hold off until Christmas to see what they do. I’m not saying they’ll right the ship, but we’re due for something interesting.
@FEH Joel, I do admire your love for this game. You are a perfect face/content creator for FEH. It is absolutely genuine. I will probably hang on until the end of the year, but it is tough to enjoy at the moment. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
I think the frustrating part is like you said, Celica ring is really what makes Felix a nightmare. Even if a unit comes out a stops Felix, the next nuke that can exploit Celica ring will be bad again.
Marni. Marni. Only Marni. Stronghold, Shield Fighter, D/R Twin N Save for flex even tho she has a defensive Special (Escutcheon + Marth Emblem), Fortress D/R 2 seal, BoL 4 support, REPO GAIT FOR FLEX!! (Important element of the build)! Get yourself a coffee and watch her tank all Brave Felixes and Emblem Sigurds, Duo Sharenas (Yes, she tanks Override ez). Tank the turn and destroy the enemy with you own Felix, Sigurd, Sharena (I got her on DSH yesterday, so much fun!) PS: I've seen Attuned Caeda is great aswell, also Attuned Timerra.
She’s getting +10’d as soon as the next update hits. Won’t immediately have her ideal fodder but close. That infinite miracle isn’t hard to loop with the amount of healing she can get between her weapon, Weaving Fighter, Twin Saves & BoL4 support.
My Marni is using Armored Blaze, Def/Res Fortress 3, Weaving Fighter, D/R Twin N Save and Special Fighter 3 Seal, and let me tell you something: If foe doesn't have Hush Spectrum, as long as she has someone with BoL4 in range, E!Sigurd dies in the first initiation, and B!Felix accomplishes nothing.
As for an Astra team that's almost a F2P option: I've been running an Astra season Omnitank team with Brave Alfonse. He's using the Obstruct seal with support from Veyle (the only premium unit here) and Ratatoskr. Veyle protects him from Emblem Ikes and most nukes, while Ratatoskr's Divine Vein Green protects the backline from Celica Ring AND activates Alfonse's DC. Alfonse's Great Talent lets him snowball in statgains as he tanks the enemy's extra actions or even over multiple turns, AND since Great Talent shares the stats with his team, it helps units like Veyle hit hard for cleaning up after, in contrast to some of the tanks in the video struggling with cleanup. Alfonse's Resistance tends to be too high to Scowl, so the big thing you have to watch out for is Hush Spectrum, which I imagine would be solved best by Attuned Micaiah. I've been using Elimine's False Start to stop Brave Robins (and Sigurds too), but sometimes the Defense team has Freyr, or sometimes they're using the Duo Kid Robin instead. That’s the main counter I struggle with, as even the stray Emblem Celica or Legendary Shez (whose warps have the Pass effect built in) can be handled by good positioning, just like Joel was showing in the video. All that to say: while y'all have been suffering in Astra, I've been instead suffering in Light season by trying to use a Galeforce team without a Brave Felix of my own 😭 I regret foddering off my Lumera, because then I could at least struggle less with the Ice Terrain.
@@xchan99 It surprised me too! I had other things I was gonna comment on, but I thought it would do more good to get the word out there on Brave Alfonse
During Astra I just put my Eikthyrnir there and everyone dies. Felix is problematic for him, but the Pavise+Emblem Marth build is extremely useful. I'd love to test that Sturdy Beast new special to see if it does help against Felix, but no orbs for that
Requiring an armor unit with a premium skill that only one unit has as a counter to one unit is way past ridiculous. Hopefully the Winter banner and Valentine banner solve this.
So far attuned eirika can stand up and maybe even ko him with the right support but the side effect is when he fights someone else if I don’t position correctly.
Whether it was by design or mistake, I feel like duo nifl was disrespected as a near save here. That unit has been my only shield fighter near save since the debut of the skill and there's been absolutely nothing that comes close to threatening her.
Yeah, exactly, it's just that it's seen as negatively, because Fjorm has a too many alts, and you know what's worse i feel the majority of people dosen't even try only sticking on comments because no work which means no money, like what happened? I am not mad, i just feel really disappointed that the FEH community was this negative.
I stuck with some of the less creative choices for this one. I’ve gone up against yours, and she’s definitely annoying. It’s amazing how dominant shield fighter is right now. Fjorm still struggles with AoE units like Sigurd, though.
I haven't had her die to sigurd/ felix on offense or defense, and her weapon doesn't have HP conditions so I just can't see it. She doesn't kill back, but that can be said for most of the units listed.
@Nqk27123456 Close defense 4, shield fighter, A/D near save, marth ring pavise. Sacred seal is pretty flexible since you could quadruple down on more defense/res or use a speed def/res variant to possibly get 1 or 2 more points of damage cut from the prf.
Even in this meta I still use mi fallen ike, hes refine at first didn't seem that good but with the adition of gust he can really shine and can win almost everytime againste felix and sigurd
I have no problems with Emblem Sigurd because my FEHvorites ate his attacks and finish him. However, before, Emblem Celica, Emblem Ike, Attuned Micaiah and Brave Felix are my worst nightmare enemy units vs. using my FEHvorites. But now, only Brave Felix remains. Why, I found ways to beat other Meta just by using my FEHvorites and not relying on new units. I just gotta be patient and wait for the right time to discover Brave Felix counter using only my fehvorites. I did it with the others - Brave Felix is no exception. Using FEHvorites really helped me stick to this game despite so much powercreep. My main's OG Linus, btw. He beat other units mentioned in this comment except for Brave Felix until now. But who cares, we will get to that point someday! Just enjoying playing the game. 😁
I wish I pulled a second D!Fjorm but that entire month was competing for my orbs between her, Emblem Sigurd, Attuned Timerra & Aided Reginn (which were funnily enough all blue). Otherwise my +7 R!Grima would absolutely be up to the job and be able to spread Shield Fighter around, especially with Halloween Askr support. Still hoping we get a new (non-dragon) armor with elite inheritance because I only have 3/4 more copies of R!Grima to spread the fodder around.
I’ve been running a galeforce team with Y!Elemine, E!Sigurd, R!Marianne, and D!Peony. Currently I can clear most AR-D setups with the warping effects that Y!Elemine provides. It can even be a turn 1 clear if the defence has a V!Myrr since her warp bubble procs on turn 1 for their defence. Unfortunately Gatekeeper still shuts it down, but the repositioning I can do with extra actions from R!Marianne helps a ton
I'm missing Gatrie in that tier list, especially since so many Fehtubers recommended him before. I suspect he'll probably be in t2 or so but still it would be nice to include him. Aside from that great analysis man!
The new Askr is an absolute menace 😢 i had a few jumpscares this week where, mid-clear, I suddenly found out I didn't have any units capable of surviving him (let alone killing him). What I really need is a tutorial on which units can get through the shield fighter saves and be a galeforce initiator
Ike walked so that Felix could run...literally. Speed based flat-DR is legitimately ridiculous, sometimes idk how he even lives some encounters. What were they thinking? Also while it's nice saves are a thing again, I kinda hate that... 1; their current usability is tied to whether or not you picked up Reopening (not optional on slow tanks), they're faster than felix with true dmg (to ensure kill), or you picked up shield fighter for them. 2; Aside from Attuned Micaiah and *maybe* Eikthrynir, you aren't cleansing the myriad of debuffs your AR-O team is going to be subject to on enemy phase. I'm technically fine because I have about all the units I could want to counter these threats on offense and defense, but at the same time, I *really* don't enjoy this meta. Especially because I've already kinda solved it and I want to use my favorites more.
I mainly use summer Alear with Aether, Fortifications, LF4, Even Res Wave D, and Guard Echo, and there isn’t much that can kill her, even at 0 merges. By the way, my Marni with Fireflood Boost 3, Weaving Fighter, A/D near save 3, and Guard Echo also survives Felix and Sigurd - maybe not as well as if she had Shield Fighter, but hey, survival is survival.
Idk what I fear more. The next Melee Nuke thats going to outdo Felix and Sigurd, or the next Omnitank thats going to be able to counter them effortlessly
Wintergard is my favorite unit, and the way I built her (galeforce/celica engage/very high atk, but no merges) basically can delete anything that's not a tank. Add in high-mobility dancers (aka any cav dancer, in my case Azura) and warping shenanigans and you can MOSTLY deal with him. Mostly.
You don't need A!Miccy to support A!Timerra. Using 2 SPD mythic(Nerthuz +Peony) and having M!Lumera+ Gatekeeper status drive support is enough to beat B!Felix. A!Timerra get hush spectrum and procs 0 damage on Felix flat DR from excel. The second hit she charges her special and Felix don't have the Flat DR. Same for E! Sigurd. Been doing this from weeks and haven't lost to these teams.
I've given up on ranged nukes due to Fjorm so im running the duo of Sigurd and Felix with Momentum HKarla to round out the triangle. Bonus Timerra gave me issues last week, even with BFeud, and i suspect bonus Askr will be similar next week
Shield Fighter is crazy, I got a perfect offense this season using mostly Duo Fjorm and R!Robin, I only had to use Felix force twice because of Embla. Embla stocks are up
Been waiting for someone to mention shield fighter Edelgard. It's really nice rn. But also I do think you're undervaluing Ike rn, with decent support from units plus warp bubble and stone terrain on your team or (Fortifications), he still eats up everything in the meta including Sigurd, Felix, Micaiah and Celica. Slap on Celica ring too and he's crazy good still.
The thing I hate is that she’s not in the main pool like A!Fjorm was. One thing they’ve been doing is following up with additional units with the powerful fodder (think Laguz friend 4). Let’s hope they do that this time.
EIkþyrnir can tank well. Mystic boost seal helps with Felix. Bol4 support will make him fine against Sigurd. I usually use him to just break the tanks like Nah, Nagi, Fjorm, Marni etc.
Hey I’ve gotten back into AR recently after not playing it for months (I had dropped to tier 11 lol, but the rate I’m going I’ll be back somewhere in the 20s shortly) and I happened to get Halloween askr on his banner. How necessary is laguz friend 4 on him? I’ve only got one spare fodder of it and can’t dupe it and I’m saving it for OG Guinivere once her refine comes out hopefully within a week as I’ve got her max invested, and I was wondering how H!askr does into these unit with just his base kit. I’d be happy to use him but I want to know if I need to save orbs for more laguz friend fodder for him or not.
I still don't understand how so many Fehtubers were saying Celica ring was "a strong, but fair" addition to the game even a month after it was added. There was just no way a warping effect of that caliber was going to do anything other than break the game once a powerful nuke that could utilize it was added. Felix is great on his own, but also more manageable if you take away his free warping from Celica ring. A big part of the headaches stem entirely from that ring imo.
People are underrating Halloween Nah's matchup vs Felix. The biggest reason Nah loses is that her A slot gives def but no res and Felix hits her weaker res. If you put mystic boost seal on Nah she can comfortably take on both Felix and Sigurd
A! Caeda has actually been doing great for me on those maps that Ike can't take on anymore. Just today I used her to take on both Felix and Sigurd in the same turn through Loki's exposure and off-season Heidrun's insta deep wounds. The good thing about her is that, unlike Ike, she doesn't really need to counter back 20 different counters every map, so she's easy to support. Just giving her stats, BoL and NFU is enough. You do need to have GLR pre-charged for the first hit, though, otherwise she takes too much damage from pretty much everything. EDIT: Full disclosure, I do have M! Lumera in my Light core. That most certainly helps. She's been making Light season free for me since the day she came out.
Might I ask what sort of support you run with her? I have a +5 (and copies to get her +10 once I have targets to use her fodder on) with GLR and I feel like she completely flops every time I try to use her. Felix's tempest nulling blue buffs decimates her DBD, and being force to run hardy bearing nowadays really hurts her stat stacking. Though my light mythics being Peony Freyja and Dagr aren't exactly the best suited for this. Having to bring bridal Emlba or something to precharge the GLR really limits my support options with the last slot needing to be a bonus unit.
@@Paiguy7 Nothing too out there, really. Gatekeeper giving her NFU + Stats, Peony giving her BoL, Lumera doing Lumera things and Mila doing Mila things. Last unit was F! Veyle, which is a mainstay in at least 1-2 of my team slots during light season, as much as F! Lumera is during anima. Though Veyle is far from mandatory, if you didn't have Mila as part of your mythic core and needed to bring a random bonus unit. The only things mandatory are NFU and BoL. I'm pre-charging GLR on Caeda with TP4, which is a problem if I run into someone with double Embla, since it cuts me off Peony. I'll make it a point to pull for TP Echo when Timerra comes back. Using NCD-E atm, but you don't need it on most maps, so I'll eventually run 2 different team slots, one with BoL on Peony and one with BoL on Caeda.
@@toney001 TP4 with a Marth ring? I feel like that's required or things will get dicey whenever she one shots back, and giving up the Ike ring hurts against ranged units. I run NCD echo as well but agree it doesn't feel needed right now. I'm really iffy about giving my one Timerra copy to her for a third echo skill though since I'd rather pass that off to a favorite pet project like Sanaki or Ilyana.
@@Paiguy7 Yes, TP4 + Marth ring for my own peace of mind. TP Echo would allow for either the Ike ring, which would make her matchup against B!F! Robin much safer, or BoL4 against Embla. That said, I'm not afraid to use ladders if I have to, and this week I had to use none at all. IIRC I used Caeda 3 times over the week and she did fine, as did Ike on the rest of the matches so I'm not really in a hurry to keep investing until I see that ladder count get to maybe 4-5 a couple weeks in a row, as I rather wait for the next big thing if I can keep getting away with what I have.
If you're just looking to survive, gatrie still does extremely well into both. I built mine so all Felix would ting (or single digit damage) on him and that was pre shield fighter (mine still doesn't have shield fighter). Adding in some healing support and cleansing from BoL attuned micaiah and post combat healing + stats from Hortensia (or any mythic that can do this and/or AoE DR) and even Sigurd isn't a problem unless I allow him to force the save outside of healing support range. As for turn 2 cleanup, micaiah nukes everything except Felix, but Hortensia surprisingly does a lot of damage to felix (if not outright kills him) and does so safely thanks to dazzling refine.
Well, this is just the video I needed to convince me to fodder my Shield Fighter and finish out my spark to get Hallo!Nah for my Brave Edelgard. I'm so glad she does halfway decent in the current meta ngl
I normally use Halloween Askr with F!Veyle and F!Lumera this way he tanks and kills 90% of units that attack him with exception of units that take away buffs
I gave shild fighter to W! Ephraim, my favorite save. It does take some support for the attack check, but he can kill felix in one fight (i dont even know if someone else can do this). Unlike V! Ephraim, W! Ephraim can use Hardy fighter and still get the brave attacks, im happy he isnt powercreept anymore😅
Ninja Zelgius does with shield fighter. Pretty much any near saves with shield fighter and high bulk does. But Zelgius in particular because of his busted special
I decided to give Ascended Amelia Armored Blaze and the near Near Save, and she does well enough against both Felix and Sigurd Unfortunately she's not fast enough to outspeed Felix sometimes but he also can't do much to her, but she protects everyone so at the least she can halt him in his tracks and then I take him out the next turn
Had abysmal luck on the Shield Fighter banner where I didn't get a single Ice Tribe Fjorm outside of spark. My Near Save HF Gatrie is my go-to frontliner, though I also feel tempted to try out Near Save I!Fjorm.
@10:32 - Sigurd not getting a second hit with his AoE is easier said than done. in the video you did not explain why Sigurd attacked from the spot he did. From how I understand it, if he attacked from above, he would have hit others with the AoE. Also; Wished you found near savers that survived Felix without Shield Fighter. Are there any that survive 1 or 2 rounds of combat with him? That's sometimes enough for SDS/R.
Sigurd needs to move at least two spaces to precharge his AoE. He moved to the side because the AI maximizes the damage dealt to Ike. I'm using hardy fighter Gatrie (including Marth ring) to save against Felix. Does not need Shield Fighter to survive in my experience.
Do you mean use just your Brave Felix to just defeat that Brave Felix because he always doubles with an Emblem Celica ring? I'm glad to see you, Oblivionknight. I missed you a lot.
You even used the symbol for starlight but didn’t talk about Gotoh at all. Gotoh and Lumera make Sigurd a hard sell on Dark/Light season. Love all of your content but you could have called this video “Get shield fighter.” Of course some units win/lose in a vacuum but what about the supports that can help flip matchups? More stuff like time stop with Seithr on Sigurd or Warp cancel against an engaged Felix with the likes of Ratatoskr or Gatekeeper. More using game mechanics and what you have lying around in your barracks versus “buy the new stuff.”
Oof. I tried really hard on this one. I focused mostly on Astra season because it’s the harder of the two right now. I showed some example of utilizing game mechanics, but it’s tough to promote those because of the complexity that we’re facing right now. The sheer range of Felix and Sigurd limits the value of warp inhibitors, and it’s difficult to get all the support you need. This is the problem with going through a power spike. There’s a clear delineating of before and after shield fighter. The cheap way right now is to summon a one off of the latest omnitank and be very careful with your placement.
@@FEHoh, wow you read my comment and replied? I’m a little embarrassed by what I said because I know you worked hard on it (I love your iconography and graphics you use), but I did not mean it to tear you down only to promote discussion. I like hearing you talk about the game and it’s different aspects because you are one of the few who sounds like they still enjoy and have fun with it still.
@ this channel is pretty analytical. Because of that, anything having to do with the analysis is fair game. You brought up something you didn’t like, and offered a solution that you did, all without making anything personal. No apologies necessary, and I always love comments. Keep them coming.
I don't have one, I try to nuke him with my Tea Ayra, Summer Byleth or Even Emblem Sigurd. Or try to place the unit beside him and dance again so he doesn't get bonus by moving.
Honestly my front-liner in Astra season tends to be the Auto-Dispatch button. I have Timerra but Heiorun just ruins the season. In Light, Bride Sharena can handle Felix (yes, even on her enemy phase) and my max Brave Tiki and Alfonse can wrap up nearly everything else (yes, LG4 Brave Tiki can take Sigurd, quite easily). The whole Near Save win/loss screen really is more about the B Skill than anything, huh? I'm a little insulted that Bride Tiki was stuck with High Dragon Wall. It's not any bulkier in combat than her pref B; that's really a support/Arena Score skill more than it is a combat skill. The biggest reason Astra is kind of trash right now is that two PREMIUM skills (Shield Fighter and Breatg Of Life 4) are all but required in a realm of complexity creep that is really going to make people hesitate to inherit those skills in the first place if they are unsure of what is actually happening. And if the "winnable" units aren't even their favorites anyway and they're only doing this to keep up with power creep? That's a losing battle. If I.S. wants Astra to not be garbage then I think they need to work on new offense structures rather than new units and skills; try to make the mode doable without being so high investment.
FEH needs to put up a ban list and put limits on them. It's ridiculous to have fight 3 Felix's and Sigurd emblem in a PVP. Though you could add a few more to that list.
What tank supports do you suggest other than Fallen Lumera? I haven't got her and run into some trouble with X!Caeda, but I do have F!Veyle and a few others.
Um, Female Brave Robin, I think it might just be me, but i think her ice block is great for countering Brave Felix. Although, yes, Brave Felix has an insane amount of movement for 2 turns at most, but i also try to give her an Emblem Ike ring to take 40% less damage, so that's my strategy on how to counter Brave Felix.
Love the content but would also appreciate some "lower cost" if not F2P friendly ideas. I've been theorycrafting a bit with what I have, but SF ain't in the barracks.
the unfortunate reality is that the powercreep has been so stupidly high lately that there basically isn't anything "low cost" that actually works well/consistently
Basically what paiguy said, there really aren't any good f2p options that are reliable due to how big of a jump Felix/Sigurd are compared to everything that came before them, especially when Celica ring is factored in. Depending on what you have in your barracks, gatrie can still do very well with refine, Marth ring pavise and attuned micaiah support, with the "cheaper" b skills being hardy fighter, weaving fighter (not cheap, but cheaper than shield fighter) or potentially reopening. Marnie can probably do well too, if you don't have gatrie. I know that none of those are exactly f2p, but most are older skills at least that some might have lying around.
@@birdlives829 the forthcoming Edelgard HoF along with the celestial stone shop restock is the f2p option. The other option is to to look into specialised player phase teams as tanking always tends to be a more fodder intensive endeavour
Thanks for all these thoughts. I like coming up with my own unique solutions to new meta challenges, but that just means that I often have garbage teams until I can catch up. I'm messing around with Lucia and I have a few green Nagis in my barracks, trying to find some weird Felix/Sigurd/Ike counterplay.
I love my +10 X!Caeda but damn can I not get her to function against my +10 Felix 😂 he just OHKOs her… big believer in Timera though, can usually still make Ike work, and now my fav to use -Melady +10- is surprisingly well equipped for this meta with her refine. I just put the PM1 preferred build on her and she tanks everything (even B!F!Robin when Embla disables my far save) thanks to her “you can’t outspeed me” mechanic! I’m lucky (read: whale) enough to have most ARO mythics +10, so I can usually afford a 2nd non-mythic support slot for Gatekeeper to make positioning less annoying for Celica ring Felixes. Havent been brave enough to use Eirika much even though she’s also highly merged, but hope to at some point. Great breakdown, Joel!
For the record, all brave Dimitri needs to handle felix is mystic boost sacred seal Turning off Felix's hexblade makes him no longer a problem for brave Dimitri
Are you sure? Because from what I experienced it was Brave Dimitri has fallen a lot, unless you give a great amount of good skills, you know he can't beat even Female Brave Robin, so I mean how does that work? I think that's only a beginners guide, not for experienced players.
@@nobunagaoda9277 brave female robin hits brave Dimitri's garbage res stat, which is the same reason felix beats Dimitri(new Levin sword has adaptive damage). Mystic boost(either as a b skill or sacred seal) disables adaptive damage, forcing brave felix to hit dimitri's def stat instead of his res I haven't calced with his base kit blue lion rule, but especially the laguz friend 4 build Joel was using demolishes felix with mystic boost seal
@@znerd3664 Nah I tried it but even Brave Dimitri can't kill Brave Female Robin, so I'm sorry but I feel like it's a beginners guide, not advanced guide, lol Editing, i mean Laguz Friend and it can boost your speical skills slot by 2, but Brave Felix does not die by that easily by Brave Dimitri.. Also don't Mystic Boost 3 only heals you about 7 hp? I don't think that's possible to defeat Brave Felix, He hits really strong from what I experienced it.
@@nobunagaoda9277 Mystic boost nullifies Felix's adaptive damage. In my experience the problem wasn't Dimitri dying though. It was Felix surviving then teleporting and killing the units behind Dimitri. Mine has Fortifications, Laguz Friend, and BOL4
With the right support and investment Timerra can survive and take out Sigurd and Felix. Attuned Micaiah along with dragon vein stone support and she's eating good
Ny! Seior can, V! Lyon can, N! Lucina can, only way u can’t is with a save teams with both there (still beat that even without them B! Alphonse help but L! Micaiah deals a lot of dmg too )
Probably use Arcane Hortensia to defeat Brave Felix easily for 200 Refining Stones, just make sure Brave Felix does not defeat your Arcane Hortensia, and you can try it with Female Brave Robin or use Duo Fjorm's Duo skill to block him, just make sure you're Hortensia is given skills like Life To Serve 3 and skills like Crystalline Water. Hopefully this helped.
@antoniodittman5820 Oh, I was saying that on the enemy phase, some Brave Felix does not double. I am just trying to give you help, that is all, nothing too serious.
I'm guessing no, even if you have a Red Fend 3 skill Teatime Ayra, can't defeat Brave Felix that easily, you will need a stronger teams and units like Female Brave Robin and Marni to defend it from Brave Felix. With a stronger skills like Shield Figher. But good question. I tried that with Legendary Nanna and she couldn't pierce Brave Felix even with Red Fend 3. But I can tell you this Emblem Sigurd has a low speed which means he has a decent amount of good chance to double your units, he can be defeated like Attuned Caeda, but with a Godlike Reflexes, and Emblem Ike ring to take less damage. But watch out for his AOE movement depending on terrain Emblem Sigurd can easily defeat your units very quickly.
Dude you literally know that Brave Felix can always double that Brave Felix, even if he has a Emblem Celica effect on it, the only reason why people don't get to defeat Brave Felix easily is because when your Brave Felix is attacking he doubled but on enemy phase some people do not have a equal amount of same skills like Emblem Celica ring effect on it, when you're Brave Felix is attacking he always doubles, but I'm saying not every Brave Felix has an equal. So I don't understand why Brave Felix is seen as so negatively, I mean sure everyone doesn't have a Brave Felix, but like my goodness whenever the major units came out it just doesn't seen as positively. Like it never happened once in the community. Also whenever there's something posted like this majority of that person does not seem to understand only be mad at someone and blaming onto me, because I know I said very rude, it was not me from the start!
FEH was a better game when more people ran themed PvP teams... how hard is it to be considerate of others playing experience? Idc about rewards or playing the modes anymore. The first team I'm faced with on daily basis has B!Felix usually with Celica ring and I just zone out and close the app. It was a decent run I suppose, as four out of five years I've played FEH were good but the experience has gotten exponentially worse since the last xmas banner.
Halloween Askr with fortifications and squad HAD. Replacing bonus doubler is very important as Felix hard counters d bonus doubler and bonus doubler. Pair him with a brave Soren and he has been eating Felix/sigurd nonstop in both SD and AR
BD4 and DBD both count bonuses on allies as well as yourself Felix counters the buffs you have on you but lull effects don't affect nearby allies so BD4 and DBD both work just fine
@@FEH I ran it with seal atk 4, and squad ace bx 3, near save d/r, distant counter, and breath life 4 support from heithrun if b! felix adaptive damage is a concern to you, you can run myst. boost in s slot to neutralize b! felix adaptive damage and tak on extra healing but yeah my refine kjelle's skill kit is pretty f2p friendly oh special is sol and can use it with just to get more hp back and can use b! corin support or medeus anti a.o.e. damage, but yeah when you do a video for kjelle both a f2p friendly build and a premium build would be appreciated.🤔🤨🧐
My +10 Brave Edelgard is the best investment I have made in this game. Paired with a Breath of Life unit she just never dies. I ran into an AR- D team that had 4 Brave Felix on it ( 1 +10 and 3 +1) Edelgard took all 8 rounds of combat and only ended up with 10 HP lost overall.
Ive been really loving A!Timerra!!! With BoL support shes been tinging some crazy units! She's absolutely disgusting against Felix with the right support, and her Sigurd % Sharaena matchups are 🤌
Its on Seteth, I've been playing around with different C Slots like Canto Curb on her, but im thinking about moving back to it on her because positioning can be hard and Seteth is made of wet cardboard
Thank you for keeping making interesting and really useful content about this game. I do not play as much, but I like knowing where my favorite stand in the meta in general.
While not specific to this video, I do think it's relevant to mention that 3 mythics is completely unnecessary unless you're gunning for rank 1. Gold thrones are easily achievable with just 2 mythics, and opening up a slot for an extra support in place of a mythic that may otherwise be dead weight can help tremendously with these matchups.
Those Arden results are really interesting, hopefully shield fighter becomes more accessible I need it 🙂.
Day 1 player here. Not that anyone cares, but Felix may be the reason I finally leave this game.
Hey, Fredeffect! I certainly care. I’m used to seeing your teams in my arena run. If you can, I’d hold off until Christmas to see what they do. I’m not saying they’ll right the ship, but we’re due for something interesting.
@FEH Joel, I do admire your love for this game. You are a perfect face/content creator for FEH. It is absolutely genuine. I will probably hang on until the end of the year, but it is tough to enjoy at the moment.
Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Lol, you're weak😂
@@FEHudanshi Is that u on the profile pic?
@@LPKai99 yes, so why?
Never thought I would hear that Ike players need to understand mechanics haha what a time to be alive
I think the frustrating part is like you said, Celica ring is really what makes Felix a nightmare. Even if a unit comes out a stops Felix, the next nuke that can exploit Celica ring will be bad again.
Marni. Marni. Only Marni. Stronghold, Shield Fighter, D/R Twin N Save for flex even tho she has a defensive Special (Escutcheon + Marth Emblem), Fortress D/R 2 seal, BoL 4 support, REPO GAIT FOR FLEX!! (Important element of the build)! Get yourself a coffee and watch her tank all Brave Felixes and Emblem Sigurds, Duo Sharenas (Yes, she tanks Override ez). Tank the turn and destroy the enemy with you own Felix, Sigurd, Sharena (I got her on DSH yesterday, so much fun!)
PS: I've seen Attuned Caeda is great aswell, also Attuned Timerra.
She’s getting +10’d as soon as the next update hits. Won’t immediately have her ideal fodder but close. That infinite miracle isn’t hard to loop with the amount of healing she can get between her weapon, Weaving Fighter, Twin Saves & BoL4 support.
@@ManuelKoegler Exactly. Sacced Fjorm to her immediately.
My Marni is using Armored Blaze, Def/Res Fortress 3, Weaving Fighter, D/R Twin N Save and Special Fighter 3 Seal, and let me tell you something: If foe doesn't have Hush Spectrum, as long as she has someone with BoL4 in range, E!Sigurd dies in the first initiation, and B!Felix accomplishes nothing.
Ive seen a weaving fighter build on a lot of marnis and she is also do8ng some serious damage back whike still surviving
Is there an alternative to this strategy I don’t like Marni 😭
I use Brave Corrin on AR-O for the role compression with Stones. She does VERY well for me.
Grats to you Inf. pulse for making her work so effectively even a year later!
Whats the build 👀
Does she have shield fighter? How can she live stuff in current year?
Build is Pavise + Marth ring, pref A, Shield Fighter, AS Near Save, AS Form.
As for an Astra team that's almost a F2P option:
I've been running an Astra season Omnitank team with Brave Alfonse. He's using the Obstruct seal with support from Veyle (the only premium unit here) and Ratatoskr. Veyle protects him from Emblem Ikes and most nukes, while Ratatoskr's Divine Vein Green protects the backline from Celica Ring AND activates Alfonse's DC. Alfonse's Great Talent lets him snowball in statgains as he tanks the enemy's extra actions or even over multiple turns, AND since Great Talent shares the stats with his team, it helps units like Veyle hit hard for cleaning up after, in contrast to some of the tanks in the video struggling with cleanup.
Alfonse's Resistance tends to be too high to Scowl, so the big thing you have to watch out for is Hush Spectrum, which I imagine would be solved best by Attuned Micaiah. I've been using Elimine's False Start to stop Brave Robins (and Sigurds too), but sometimes the Defense team has Freyr, or sometimes they're using the Duo Kid Robin instead. That’s the main counter I struggle with, as even the stray Emblem Celica or Legendary Shez (whose warps have the Pass effect built in) can be handled by good positioning, just like Joel was showing in the video.
All that to say: while y'all have been suffering in Astra, I've been instead suffering in Light season by trying to use a Galeforce team without a Brave Felix of my own 😭 I regret foddering off my Lumera, because then I could at least struggle less with the Ice Terrain.
The lack of BAlfonse in the analysis is surprising. His special is on par to Timerra's and Ike's.
@@xchan99 It surprised me too! I had other things I was gonna comment on, but I thought it would do more good to get the word out there on Brave Alfonse
During Astra I just put my Eikthyrnir there and everyone dies. Felix is problematic for him, but the Pavise+Emblem Marth build is extremely useful. I'd love to test that Sturdy Beast new special to see if it does help against Felix, but no orbs for that
Requiring an armor unit with a premium skill that only one unit has as a counter to one unit is way past ridiculous. Hopefully the Winter banner and Valentine banner solve this.
So far attuned eirika can stand up and maybe even ko him with the right support but the side effect is when he fights someone else if I don’t position correctly.
Thanks for the tutorial I was having trouble attacking lately but this really helped me thank you so much
Whether it was by design or mistake, I feel like duo nifl was disrespected as a near save here. That unit has been my only shield fighter near save since the debut of the skill and there's been absolutely nothing that comes close to threatening her.
Yeah, exactly, it's just that it's seen as negatively, because Fjorm has a too many alts, and you know what's worse i feel the majority of people dosen't even try only sticking on comments because no work which means no money, like what happened? I am not mad, i just feel really disappointed that the FEH community was this negative.
I stuck with some of the less creative choices for this one. I’ve gone up against yours, and she’s definitely annoying. It’s amazing how dominant shield fighter is right now. Fjorm still struggles with AoE units like Sigurd, though.
I haven't had her die to sigurd/ felix on offense or defense, and her weapon doesn't have HP conditions so I just can't see it. She doesn't kill back, but that can be said for most of the units listed.
@@cjsomebody2625 could you share your build?
@Nqk27123456 Close defense 4, shield fighter, A/D near save, marth ring pavise. Sacred seal is pretty flexible since you could quadruple down on more defense/res or use a speed def/res variant to possibly get 1 or 2 more points of damage cut from the prf.
Even in this meta I still use mi fallen ike, hes refine at first didn't seem that good but with the adition of gust he can really shine and can win almost everytime againste felix and sigurd
I have no problems with Emblem Sigurd because my FEHvorites ate his attacks and finish him. However, before, Emblem Celica, Emblem Ike, Attuned Micaiah and Brave Felix are my worst nightmare enemy units vs. using my FEHvorites. But now, only Brave Felix remains. Why, I found ways to beat other Meta just by using my FEHvorites and not relying on new units. I just gotta be patient and wait for the right time to discover Brave Felix counter using only my fehvorites. I did it with the others - Brave Felix is no exception. Using FEHvorites really helped me stick to this game despite so much powercreep.
My main's OG Linus, btw. He beat other units mentioned in this comment except for Brave Felix until now. But who cares, we will get to that point someday! Just enjoying playing the game. 😁
I wish I pulled a second D!Fjorm but that entire month was competing for my orbs between her, Emblem Sigurd, Attuned Timerra & Aided Reginn (which were funnily enough all blue).
Otherwise my +7 R!Grima would absolutely be up to the job and be able to spread Shield Fighter around, especially with Halloween Askr support.
Still hoping we get a new (non-dragon) armor with elite inheritance because I only have 3/4 more copies of R!Grima to spread the fodder around.
I’ve been running a galeforce team with Y!Elemine, E!Sigurd, R!Marianne, and D!Peony. Currently I can clear most AR-D setups with the warping effects that Y!Elemine provides. It can even be a turn 1 clear if the defence has a V!Myrr since her warp bubble procs on turn 1 for their defence.
Unfortunately Gatekeeper still shuts it down, but the repositioning I can do with extra actions from R!Marianne helps a ton
I'm missing Gatrie in that tier list, especially since so many Fehtubers recommended him before. I suspect he'll probably be in t2 or so but still it would be nice to include him.
Aside from that great analysis man!
The new Askr is an absolute menace 😢 i had a few jumpscares this week where, mid-clear, I suddenly found out I didn't have any units capable of surviving him (let alone killing him).
What I really need is a tutorial on which units can get through the shield fighter saves and be a galeforce initiator
Ike walked so that Felix could run...literally. Speed based flat-DR is legitimately ridiculous, sometimes idk how he even lives some encounters. What were they thinking?
Also while it's nice saves are a thing again, I kinda hate that... 1; their current usability is tied to whether or not you picked up Reopening (not optional on slow tanks), they're faster than felix with true dmg (to ensure kill), or you picked up shield fighter for them. 2; Aside from Attuned Micaiah and *maybe* Eikthrynir, you aren't cleansing the myriad of debuffs your AR-O team is going to be subject to on enemy phase.
I'm technically fine because I have about all the units I could want to counter these threats on offense and defense, but at the same time, I *really* don't enjoy this meta. Especially because I've already kinda solved it and I want to use my favorites more.
I mainly use summer Alear with Aether, Fortifications, LF4, Even Res Wave D, and Guard Echo, and there isn’t much that can kill her, even at 0 merges. By the way, my Marni with Fireflood Boost 3, Weaving Fighter, A/D near save 3, and Guard Echo also survives Felix and Sigurd - maybe not as well as if she had Shield Fighter, but hey, survival is survival.
I’m still waiting to see what they do with her Bond effect. It felt like something they were going to build off of.
@@FEH true. In the meantime, though, I’m getting great use out of her with this new kit.
Idk what I fear more.
The next Melee Nuke thats going to outdo Felix and Sigurd, or the next Omnitank thats going to be able to counter them effortlessly
Wintergard is my favorite unit, and the way I built her (galeforce/celica engage/very high atk, but no merges) basically can delete anything that's not a tank. Add in high-mobility dancers (aka any cav dancer, in my case Azura) and warping shenanigans and you can MOSTLY deal with him. Mostly.
You don't need A!Miccy to support A!Timerra. Using 2 SPD mythic(Nerthuz +Peony) and having M!Lumera+ Gatekeeper status drive support is enough to beat B!Felix.
A!Timerra get hush spectrum and procs 0 damage on Felix flat DR from excel. The second hit she charges her special and Felix don't have the Flat DR. Same for E! Sigurd.
Been doing this from weeks and haven't lost to these teams.
I only been gone a few months and the powercreep is insane like always 😂
I've given up on ranged nukes due to Fjorm so im running the duo of Sigurd and Felix with Momentum HKarla to round out the triangle.
Bonus Timerra gave me issues last week, even with BFeud, and i suspect bonus Askr will be similar next week
Karla is really being slept on. Momentum gave her a huuuuge boost.
Shield Fighter is crazy, I got a perfect offense this season using mostly Duo Fjorm and R!Robin, I only had to use Felix force twice because of Embla. Embla stocks are up
Been waiting for someone to mention shield fighter Edelgard. It's really nice rn. But also I do think you're undervaluing Ike rn, with decent support from units plus warp bubble and stone terrain on your team or (Fortifications), he still eats up everything in the meta including Sigurd, Felix, Micaiah and Celica. Slap on Celica ring too and he's crazy good still.
Since I don't have enough mythics to merit running 3, I can run Seteth as a support which helps a lot in reaching that speed benchmark against Felix.
I’ve been using Melady and her PRF one rounds Felix in combat with the Wyvern Rift/NQ build.
great video! i really wish i grabbed a duo fjorm for shield fighter. im struggling in AR
The thing I hate is that she’s not in the main pool like A!Fjorm was. One thing they’ve been doing is following up with additional units with the powerful fodder (think Laguz friend 4). Let’s hope they do that this time.
EIkþyrnir can tank well. Mystic boost seal helps with Felix. Bol4 support will make him fine against Sigurd. I usually use him to just break the tanks like Nah, Nagi, Fjorm, Marni etc.
Hey I’ve gotten back into AR recently after not playing it for months (I had dropped to tier 11 lol, but the rate I’m going I’ll be back somewhere in the 20s shortly) and I happened to get Halloween askr on his banner. How necessary is laguz friend 4 on him? I’ve only got one spare fodder of it and can’t dupe it and I’m saving it for OG Guinivere once her refine comes out hopefully within a week as I’ve got her max invested, and I was wondering how H!askr does into these unit with just his base kit. I’d be happy to use him but I want to know if I need to save orbs for more laguz friend fodder for him or not.
Honestly, I’d just jump in and start experimenting with him. Don’t spend fodder until you get a feel for the unit.
Awesome vid -
what's that full Askr build?
nice tip on Brave Edel
A unit that work very well for and beat both Felix and Sigurd is Spring Framme !
Fiora also work well too for me !
I still don't understand how so many Fehtubers were saying Celica ring was "a strong, but fair" addition to the game even a month after it was added. There was just no way a warping effect of that caliber was going to do anything other than break the game once a powerful nuke that could utilize it was added. Felix is great on his own, but also more manageable if you take away his free warping from Celica ring. A big part of the headaches stem entirely from that ring imo.
I guess more of a reason for Gatekeeper to see more use on AR-O nowadays
This gives me ideas to run Felix with some units and AOE and Celica ring if I had her
People are underrating Halloween Nah's matchup vs Felix. The biggest reason Nah loses is that her A slot gives def but no res and Felix hits her weaker res. If you put mystic boost seal on Nah she can comfortably take on both Felix and Sigurd
A! Caeda has actually been doing great for me on those maps that Ike can't take on anymore. Just today I used her to take on both Felix and Sigurd in the same turn through Loki's exposure and off-season Heidrun's insta deep wounds. The good thing about her is that, unlike Ike, she doesn't really need to counter back 20 different counters every map, so she's easy to support. Just giving her stats, BoL and NFU is enough. You do need to have GLR pre-charged for the first hit, though, otherwise she takes too much damage from pretty much everything. EDIT: Full disclosure, I do have M! Lumera in my Light core. That most certainly helps. She's been making Light season free for me since the day she came out.
Might I ask what sort of support you run with her? I have a +5 (and copies to get her +10 once I have targets to use her fodder on) with GLR and I feel like she completely flops every time I try to use her. Felix's tempest nulling blue buffs decimates her DBD, and being force to run hardy bearing nowadays really hurts her stat stacking.
Though my light mythics being Peony Freyja and Dagr aren't exactly the best suited for this. Having to bring bridal Emlba or something to precharge the GLR really limits my support options with the last slot needing to be a bonus unit.
@@Paiguy7 Nothing too out there, really. Gatekeeper giving her NFU + Stats, Peony giving her BoL, Lumera doing Lumera things and Mila doing Mila things. Last unit was F! Veyle, which is a mainstay in at least 1-2 of my team slots during light season, as much as F! Lumera is during anima. Though Veyle is far from mandatory, if you didn't have Mila as part of your mythic core and needed to bring a random bonus unit. The only things mandatory are NFU and BoL. I'm pre-charging GLR on Caeda with TP4, which is a problem if I run into someone with double Embla, since it cuts me off Peony. I'll make it a point to pull for TP Echo when Timerra comes back. Using NCD-E atm, but you don't need it on most maps, so I'll eventually run 2 different team slots, one with BoL on Peony and one with BoL on Caeda.
@@toney001 TP4 with a Marth ring? I feel like that's required or things will get dicey whenever she one shots back, and giving up the Ike ring hurts against ranged units.
I run NCD echo as well but agree it doesn't feel needed right now. I'm really iffy about giving my one Timerra copy to her for a third echo skill though since I'd rather pass that off to a favorite pet project like Sanaki or Ilyana.
@@Paiguy7 Yes, TP4 + Marth ring for my own peace of mind. TP Echo would allow for either the Ike ring, which would make her matchup against B!F! Robin much safer, or BoL4 against Embla. That said, I'm not afraid to use ladders if I have to, and this week I had to use none at all. IIRC I used Caeda 3 times over the week and she did fine, as did Ike on the rest of the matches so I'm not really in a hurry to keep investing until I see that ladder count get to maybe 4-5 a couple weeks in a row, as I rather wait for the next big thing if I can keep getting away with what I have.
If you're just looking to survive, gatrie still does extremely well into both.
I built mine so all Felix would ting (or single digit damage) on him and that was pre shield fighter (mine still doesn't have shield fighter).
Adding in some healing support and cleansing from BoL attuned micaiah and post combat healing + stats from Hortensia (or any mythic that can do this and/or AoE DR) and even Sigurd isn't a problem unless I allow him to force the save outside of healing support range.
As for turn 2 cleanup, micaiah nukes everything except Felix, but Hortensia surprisingly does a lot of damage to felix (if not outright kills him) and does so safely thanks to dazzling refine.
Well, this is just the video I needed to convince me to fodder my Shield Fighter and finish out my spark to get Hallo!Nah for my Brave Edelgard. I'm so glad she does halfway decent in the current meta ngl
I normally use Halloween Askr with F!Veyle and F!Lumera this way he tanks and kills 90% of units that attack him with exception of units that take away buffs
I gave shild fighter to W! Ephraim, my favorite save. It does take some support for the attack check, but he can kill felix in one fight (i dont even know if someone else can do this).
Unlike V! Ephraim, W! Ephraim can use Hardy fighter and still get the brave attacks, im happy he isnt powercreept anymore😅
Ninja Zelgius does with shield fighter. Pretty much any near saves with shield fighter and high bulk does. But Zelgius in particular because of his busted special
I decided to give Ascended Amelia Armored Blaze and the near Near Save, and she does well enough against both Felix and Sigurd
Unfortunately she's not fast enough to outspeed Felix sometimes but he also can't do much to her, but she protects everyone so at the least she can halt him in his tracks and then I take him out the next turn
I was just thinking of building Nagi. How would you about her skills besides Shield Fighter?
i use b!edelgard on ar defense and marni on offense. having breath of life 4 on someone helps quite a bunch
How does Eik do as a melee frontliner? Would be good for role compression if he works
Had abysmal luck on the Shield Fighter banner where I didn't get a single Ice Tribe Fjorm outside of spark. My Near Save HF Gatrie is my go-to frontliner, though I also feel tempted to try out Near Save I!Fjorm.
NS fjorm is surprisingly effective (especially against Felix), haven't seen her against Sigurd though, so the AoE could make things different.
@@turtle-bot3049 I've seen other folks' NS Fjorm tanking Sigurd, though that comes down to whether she has BoL support and perhaps stone terrain too.
Tbh that’s too much to ask to build up against units that are crazy out of the box. Waiting for antidotes before I put effort into the PVP modes.
@10:32 - Sigurd not getting a second hit with his AoE is easier said than done. in the video you did not explain why Sigurd attacked from the spot he did. From how I understand it, if he attacked from above, he would have hit others with the AoE.
Also; Wished you found near savers that survived Felix without Shield Fighter. Are there any that survive 1 or 2 rounds of combat with him? That's sometimes enough for SDS/R.
Sigurd needs to move at least two spaces to precharge his AoE. He moved to the side because the AI maximizes the damage dealt to Ike.
I'm using hardy fighter Gatrie (including Marth ring) to save against Felix. Does not need Shield Fighter to survive in my experience.
You don't counter Felix. You use the Felix
Do you mean use just your Brave Felix to just defeat that Brave Felix because he always doubles with an Emblem Celica ring? I'm glad to see you, Oblivionknight. I missed you a lot.
@@nobunagaoda9277 no it was just a joke I do use Felix to kill everything tho to be fair
Amazing video btw
Do you think caineghis could be in A tier? Since he has Aoe protection, DC and follow up attacks. Things that OG nagi and B edelgard have
You even used the symbol for starlight but didn’t talk about Gotoh at all. Gotoh and Lumera make Sigurd a hard sell on Dark/Light season. Love all of your content but you could have called this video “Get shield fighter.” Of course some units win/lose in a vacuum but what about the supports that can help flip matchups? More stuff like time stop with Seithr on Sigurd or Warp cancel against an engaged Felix with the likes of Ratatoskr or Gatekeeper. More using game mechanics and what you have lying around in your barracks versus “buy the new stuff.”
Oof. I tried really hard on this one. I focused mostly on Astra season because it’s the harder of the two right now. I showed some example of utilizing game mechanics, but it’s tough to promote those because of the complexity that we’re facing right now. The sheer range of Felix and Sigurd limits the value of warp inhibitors, and it’s difficult to get all the support you need.
This is the problem with going through a power spike. There’s a clear delineating of before and after shield fighter. The cheap way right now is to summon a one off of the latest omnitank and be very careful with your placement.
@@FEHoh, wow you read my comment and replied? I’m a little embarrassed by what I said because I know you worked hard on it (I love your iconography and graphics you use), but I did not mean it to tear you down only to promote discussion. I like hearing you talk about the game and it’s different aspects because you are one of the few who sounds like they still enjoy and have fun with it still.
@ this channel is pretty analytical. Because of that, anything having to do with the analysis is fair game. You brought up something you didn’t like, and offered a solution that you did, all without making anything personal.
No apologies necessary, and I always love comments. Keep them coming.
Incoming offensive armor special that guarantees doubling even through nfu
I don't have one, I try to nuke him with my Tea Ayra, Summer Byleth or Even Emblem Sigurd.
Or try to place the unit beside him and dance again so he doesn't get bonus by moving.
Honestly my front-liner in Astra season tends to be the Auto-Dispatch button. I have Timerra but Heiorun just ruins the season.
In Light, Bride Sharena can handle Felix (yes, even on her enemy phase) and my max Brave Tiki and Alfonse can wrap up nearly everything else (yes, LG4 Brave Tiki can take Sigurd, quite easily).
The whole Near Save win/loss screen really is more about the B Skill than anything, huh? I'm a little insulted that Bride Tiki was stuck with High Dragon Wall. It's not any bulkier in combat than her pref B; that's really a support/Arena Score skill more than it is a combat skill.
The biggest reason Astra is kind of trash right now is that two PREMIUM skills (Shield Fighter and Breatg Of Life 4) are all but required in a realm of complexity creep that is really going to make people hesitate to inherit those skills in the first place if they are unsure of what is actually happening. And if the "winnable" units aren't even their favorites anyway and they're only doing this to keep up with power creep? That's a losing battle. If I.S. wants Astra to not be garbage then I think they need to work on new offense structures rather than new units and skills; try to make the mode doable without being so high investment.
I have my Caeda paired with L! Robin with ATK/SPD bond 4
How do you know Edelgard will be a forma soon?
She was voted for the HoF revival. It should hit on Wednesday.
FEH needs to put up a ban list and put limits on them. It's ridiculous to have fight 3 Felix's and Sigurd emblem in a PVP. Though you could add a few more to that list.
What special did you use for laguz friend halloween askr?
Pavise, since this was purely for melee survival
What tank supports do you suggest other than Fallen Lumera? I haven't got her and run into some trouble with X!Caeda, but I do have F!Veyle and a few others.
Where did Gatrie end up on the tier list?
To be honest i still use my Winter Edelgard idk if she still works in the current meta but i just can't let go off her!
Gatrie + Stone Vein is so good, I use him and I dont need Shield Fighter, Hardy Figther is enough.
me rolling up with that low budget Emblem Ike
My Brave Alphonse seems to do okay against Brave Felix. Fight broken with broken, I guess.
Um, Female Brave Robin, I think it might just be me, but i think her ice block is great for countering Brave Felix. Although, yes, Brave Felix has an insane amount of movement for 2 turns at most, but i also try to give her an Emblem Ike ring to take 40% less damage, so that's my strategy on how to counter Brave Felix.
Love the content but would also appreciate some "lower cost" if not F2P friendly ideas. I've been theorycrafting a bit with what I have, but SF ain't in the barracks.
the unfortunate reality is that the powercreep has been so stupidly high lately that there basically isn't anything "low cost" that actually works well/consistently
Basically what paiguy said, there really aren't any good f2p options that are reliable due to how big of a jump Felix/Sigurd are compared to everything that came before them, especially when Celica ring is factored in.
Depending on what you have in your barracks, gatrie can still do very well with refine, Marth ring pavise and attuned micaiah support, with the "cheaper" b skills being hardy fighter, weaving fighter (not cheap, but cheaper than shield fighter) or potentially reopening. Marnie can probably do well too, if you don't have gatrie.
I know that none of those are exactly f2p, but most are older skills at least that some might have lying around.
@@birdlives829 the forthcoming Edelgard HoF along with the celestial stone shop restock is the f2p option.
The other option is to to look into specialised player phase teams as tanking always tends to be a more fodder intensive endeavour
Thanks for all these thoughts. I like coming up with my own unique solutions to new meta challenges, but that just means that I often have garbage teams until I can catch up. I'm messing around with Lucia and I have a few green Nagis in my barracks, trying to find some weird Felix/Sigurd/Ike counterplay.
If only I got more than one copy of Duo Fjorm. One skill to make or break armors, classic IS.
I love my +10 X!Caeda but damn can I not get her to function against my +10 Felix 😂 he just OHKOs her… big believer in Timera though, can usually still make Ike work, and now my fav to use -Melady +10- is surprisingly well equipped for this meta with her refine. I just put the PM1 preferred build on her and she tanks everything (even B!F!Robin when Embla disables my far save) thanks to her “you can’t outspeed me” mechanic! I’m lucky (read: whale) enough to have most ARO mythics +10, so I can usually afford a 2nd non-mythic support slot for Gatekeeper to make positioning less annoying for Celica ring Felixes. Havent been brave enough to use Eirika much even though she’s also highly merged, but hope to at some point. Great breakdown, Joel!
Caeda just needs more speed overall and she's able easily deal with Felix. Seteth being a big proponent of allowing it to happen.
What about Ninja Zelgius?
What about shield fighter formortiis
Since I was focusing on offense, I didn’t touch on him, but he’s very good. I even ran into a shield fighter Duma that did a great job.
tldr pick brave edel forma
You’re not wrong.
For the record, all brave Dimitri needs to handle felix is mystic boost sacred seal
Turning off Felix's hexblade makes him no longer a problem for brave Dimitri
Are you sure? Because from what I experienced it was Brave Dimitri has fallen a lot, unless you give a great amount of good skills, you know he can't beat even Female Brave Robin, so I mean how does that work? I think that's only a beginners guide, not for experienced players.
@@nobunagaoda9277 brave female robin hits brave Dimitri's garbage res stat, which is the same reason felix beats Dimitri(new Levin sword has adaptive damage). Mystic boost(either as a b skill or sacred seal) disables adaptive damage, forcing brave felix to hit dimitri's def stat instead of his res
I haven't calced with his base kit blue lion rule, but especially the laguz friend 4 build Joel was using demolishes felix with mystic boost seal
@@znerd3664 Nah I tried it but even Brave Dimitri can't kill Brave Female Robin, so I'm sorry but I feel like it's a beginners guide, not advanced guide, lol Editing, i mean Laguz Friend and it can boost your speical skills slot by 2, but Brave Felix does not die by that easily by Brave Dimitri.. Also don't Mystic Boost 3 only heals you about 7 hp? I don't think that's possible to defeat Brave Felix, He hits really strong from what I experienced it.
@@nobunagaoda9277 Mystic boost nullifies Felix's adaptive damage. In my experience the problem wasn't Dimitri dying though. It was Felix surviving then teleporting and killing the units behind Dimitri. Mine has Fortifications, Laguz Friend, and BOL4
With the right support and investment Timerra can survive and take out Sigurd and Felix. Attuned Micaiah along with dragon vein stone support and she's eating good
Ny! Seior can, V! Lyon can, N! Lucina can, only way u can’t is with a save teams with both there (still beat that even without them B! Alphonse help but L! Micaiah deals a lot of dmg too )
What do i do about felix? I kill him with a proactive defense, or i kill him with felix, sigurd, or bernie in a galeforce team
Probably use Arcane Hortensia to defeat Brave Felix easily for 200 Refining Stones, just make sure Brave Felix does not defeat your Arcane Hortensia, and you can try it with Female Brave Robin or use Duo Fjorm's Duo skill to block him, just make sure you're Hortensia is given skills like Life To Serve 3 and skills like Crystalline Water. Hopefully this helped.
@@nobunagaoda9277 i just player phase everything
@antoniodittman5820 Oh, I was saying that on the enemy phase, some Brave Felix does not double. I am just trying to give you help, that is all, nothing too serious.
@@nobunagaoda9277 haha i apreciate it, but i dont have problems with felix. Only thing ive struggled with is weaving fighter marni, recently.
Is there a bulwark omnitank that can win against Felix? So he doesn't get around the supports
Timerra and H!Askr
Bulwark will obstruct his normal movement but don't affect celica ring as that's counted as warping
Can you counter Brave Felix and Emblem Sigurd with Tea Ayra or Spring Chloé?
I'm guessing no, even if you have a Red Fend 3 skill Teatime Ayra, can't defeat Brave Felix that easily, you will need a stronger teams and units like Female Brave Robin and Marni to defend it from Brave Felix. With a stronger skills like Shield Figher. But good question. I tried that with Legendary Nanna and she couldn't pierce Brave Felix even with Red Fend 3. But I can tell you this Emblem Sigurd has a low speed which means he has a decent amount of good chance to double your units, he can be defeated like Attuned Caeda, but with a Godlike Reflexes, and Emblem Ike ring to take less damage. But watch out for his AOE movement depending on terrain Emblem Sigurd can easily defeat your units very quickly.
i just use near save grateful one Nah since she is my best counter to felix
"the only way to survive the meta is with this skill you can't get, have fun"
thanks IS
Dude you literally know that Brave Felix can always double that Brave Felix, even if he has a Emblem Celica effect on it, the only reason why people don't get to defeat Brave Felix easily is because when your Brave Felix is attacking he doubled but on enemy phase some people do not have a equal amount of same skills like Emblem Celica ring effect on it, when you're Brave Felix is attacking he always doubles, but I'm saying not every Brave Felix has an equal. So I don't understand why Brave Felix is seen as so negatively, I mean sure everyone doesn't have a Brave Felix, but like my goodness whenever the major units came out it just doesn't seen as positively. Like it never happened once in the community. Also whenever there's something posted like this majority of that person does not seem to understand only be mad at someone and blaming onto me, because I know I said very rude, it was not me from the start!
FEH was a better game when more people ran themed PvP teams... how hard is it to be considerate of others playing experience? Idc about rewards or playing the modes anymore. The first team I'm faced with on daily basis has B!Felix usually with Celica ring and I just zone out and close the app. It was a decent run I suppose, as four out of five years I've played FEH were good but the experience has gotten exponentially worse since the last xmas banner.
I been playing feh since launch the game has always just been whoever gets to who first wins and cheater felix and scammer sigurd do either
I uninstall game since 1 month , im very happy now
Halloween Askr with fortifications and squad HAD. Replacing bonus doubler is very important as Felix hard counters d bonus doubler and bonus doubler. Pair him with a brave Soren and he has been eating Felix/sigurd nonstop in both SD and AR
BD4 and DBD both count bonuses on allies as well as yourself
Felix counters the buffs you have on you but lull effects don't affect nearby allies so BD4 and DBD both work just fine
kjelle with refine and near save survives b! felix.🤔🤨🧐
I completely forgot to run her in the sims. I was taking a smaller sampling for this batch. I’ll have to see how she does.
@@FEH I ran it with seal atk 4, and squad ace bx 3, near save d/r, distant counter, and breath life 4 support from heithrun if b! felix adaptive damage is a concern to you, you can run myst. boost in s slot to neutralize b! felix adaptive damage and tak on extra healing but yeah my refine kjelle's skill kit is pretty f2p friendly oh special is sol and can use it with just to get more hp back and can use b! corin support or medeus anti a.o.e. damage, but yeah when you do a video for kjelle both a f2p friendly build and a premium build would be appreciated.🤔🤨🧐
@@FEH oh forgot it's +1 merged, max flowers, asset in hp, and def.🤔🤨🧐
@@FEH If refine kjelle is protecting refine nagi with bonus mythic unit and hiethrun on the field then refine kjelle can survive e! sigurd.🤔🤨🧐
I use Felix to counter Felix
My +10 Brave Edelgard is the best investment I have made in this game. Paired with a Breath of Life unit she just never dies. I ran into an AR- D team that had 4 Brave Felix on it ( 1 +10 and 3 +1) Edelgard took all 8 rounds of combat and only ended up with 10 HP lost overall.
The quality of your videos is absolutely absurd. If i had any money to spare you would be the #1 youtuber i would support with it :)
Ive been really loving A!Timerra!!! With BoL support shes been tinging some crazy units! She's absolutely disgusting against Felix with the right support, and her Sigurd % Sharaena matchups are 🤌
She comes with BoL 4, did you replace that on her?
Why did you remove her BoL T~T
Its on Seteth, I've been playing around with different C Slots like Canto Curb on her, but im thinking about moving back to it on her because positioning can be hard and Seteth is made of wet cardboard
I put Inf NFU4 on my Timerra so she can use Squad Seal for more HP and Status and outsourced BoL4.